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February 2020 E-MAIL: Info@Lambdascifi.Org Lambda Sci-Fi DC Area Gaylaxians (202) 232-3141 – Issue # 359 – February 2020 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.lambdascifi.org The LSF Book Minutes of the January 2020 Discussion Group LSF Meeting minutes taken by Scott If you’re interested in lively T-shirts on display today: Dan discussions of F&SF books (with an em- wore a T-shirt of rainbow D&D dice in the narok - until now.”) Daybreak is a zombie phasis on elements of interest to the LGBT shape of a sword; Peter wore a Discon III outbreak TV show where kids take over community), we invite you to join the LSF T-shirt; Carl wore a Dr. Pepper T-shirt (“I parts of the town, Mad Max-style. Book Discussion Group. Each month, we like Dr. Pepper and maybe 3 people.”); Movie News: Dan mentioned the conduct fascinating round-table discus- and David wore a T-shirt with a map of preview for Lock and Key, based upon a sions of works by significant F&SF au- various D&D adventures. comic book. MCU report from Rob: Wan- thors. TV News: Peter and Rob en- da Vision has been moved up in the The LSF Book Discussion Group joyed the two Doctor Who “Spyfall” schedule; Hawkeye film may be on hold usually meets on the 4th Thursday of every episodes. Peter did not like the third (and now. month, starting at 7:00 PM, at Peter & final) episode of BBC’s/Netflix’s Drac- Other News: Peter mentioned Rob’s home: 1425 “S” St., NW – for ula. Picard starts up soon. Peter is watch- that the annual Gallifrey Dr. Who con in directions or more details, call 202-483- ing For All Mankind series on Apple TV California may not continue much long- 6369. The next book discussion will be – an alternative history of the early days er. The con chair has run this con for 30 held on February 27th. of the space race – the Russians land on years. Carl passed around his holiday Here are the details for the next the moon first, ERA passes and there are card from George Takei & his husband several discussions: lesbians. Peter and Rob gave up on Dark Brad. Peter solicited feedback on poten- Feb. 27, 2020 – Wonder Woman: The Gol- Crystal: Age of Resistance: nice puppetry, tial Dramatic Presentation Hugo nomi- den Age, Vol. 2 (moderator: Claire). but a slow plot development. The Man- nations for 2019; he read off a long list of March 26, 2020 – The Night Circus by delorian has finished its first season. Rob genre TV shows and movies and asked for Erin Morgenstern (moderator: Zena). loves Season 3 of The Expanse, because opinions. He also said that he received a April 23, 2020 – Lovecraft Country by of its high production values. Parts IV & letter from Awesome Con asking if LSF Matt Ruff (moderator: Carl). V of the CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths would like to host a panel at the con. He are up soon. The Magicians starts up this and Rob did not express high interest, and week. Good Place has started its last run. neither did anyone else. It is noted that Rob watched a preview of Ragnarok – the Awesome Con has good queer represent- Norse gods appear in the kids of a small tation. town in Scandinavia. (“No one has taken (continued on page 3) up the fight against the Giants since Rag- < < < < < < February 2020 LSF Meeting > > > > > > What’s Inside? The next LSF meeting will be held on Sunday, February 9th, at Peter and Rob’s Page 2: Mike Resnick (obituary). home, 1425 “S” Street NW, Washington, DC. The meeting will begin at 1:30 PM. Page 3: Gahan Wilson (obituary). The “group watch” will begin about 3:00 PM. Hope to see you there! Page 4: Information About Lambda Sci-Fi: DC Area Gaylaxians and Con Calendar. with Battlestar Galactic 5: Galactica Dis- of them). Resnick was Guest of Honor at covers Earth (1980, with Glen A. Larson). about 42 science fiction conventions and Many of Resnick’s novels, stor- Toastmaster at about a dozen more. He ies, and series take place in his “Birthright also wrote a number of non-fiction books Universe”, a sprawling space-operatic set- dealing with his experiences as a fan and ting where humanity (and other non- as an F&SF author, including: I Have This human races) comprise a fabulous inter- Nifty Idea (2001), Once a Fan… (2002), galactic civilization and anything can (and The Science Fiction Professional (2002), does) happen. Some of my favorites are Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches his “Widowmaker” novels (the adven- (2007), …Always a Fan (2009), and Q&A tures of a famous intergalactic bounty for Science Fiction Writers (2018). He hunter), his “Galactic Midway” novels (a was also a regular contributor to the rip-roarin’ circus traveling the interstellar SFWA Bulletin. reaches), and the “Velvet Comet” novels Resnick was first on the Locus Mike Resnick (the most famous and notorious bordello list of all-time award winners for short 1942-2020 in the galaxy). Some reviewers have fiction, and 4th on the list of science called them all “Westerns in space” fiction’s all-time top award winners in all If you sensed “a disturbance in (somewhat like Firefly); but that’s not all fiction categories. In 1995, Mike Resnick the Force” on January 9th, there’s a good that goes on in Resnick’s “Birthright Uni- was awarded the Skylark Award (or the possibility that it signaled the death of verse”. “E.E. Smith Memorial Award for Im- Mike Resnick. Resnick was a long-time Resnick had long been interested aginative Fiction”) for Lifetime Achieve- Big-Name F&SF author; and he’s been a in Africa, its history and its civilizations; ment in Science Fiction. particular favorite of mine for a very, and this lifelong interest is featured in a very long time. Over the course of his number of his works. A favorite of mine long F&SF writing career, he authored is his “Galactic Comedy” series (think of about 80 novels, (mostly F&SF), some- Dante’s “Divine Comedy”). In three thing like 280 short stories, and 10 non- novels (Paradise, Purgatory, Inferno), he fiction books. He won five Hugo Awards depicts the exploratory, colonial, and (with a record 37 nominations), a Nebula post-colonial experiences of humans with Award (with 11 nominations), and more the ecologies and indigenous races of other awards (both here and abroad) than three different planets. The novels present there’s space for on this page). thinly-disguised histories of Kenya, Zim- Resnick was born in Chicago babwe, and Uganda. Then there are Res- and attended the University of Chicago, nick’s “Tales of Kirinyaga”, a series of where he met his wife Carol. He worked stories and novels set on an artificial as a file clerk in Chicago until 1965, planetoid that the Kikuyu tribe have cre- when he began to focus on writing and ated as a method of preserving their editing. traditional culture and ecology. All of the Resnick’s F&SF writing career Kirinyaga stories are thought-provoking, began (as Michael Resnick) with the some are controversial, and some are novella “The Forgotten Sea of Mars” heart-breaking. His 1998 novel Ivory: A (1965), the novels The Goddess of Gany- Legend of Past and Future follows the mede (1967) and Pursuit on Ganymede “travels” across time and space of a pair (1968) – all Burroughs pastiches – and of huge African elephant tusks; the linked Redbeard (1969), a barbarian-among- stories describe how various individuals the-mutants swashbuckler. He then step- and organizations came to possess the ped away from F&SF. During the 1960s tusks via purchase, war, theft, etc. Finally, and 1970s, he edited men’s magazines there’s his novella “Seven Views of Oldu- and tabloid newspapers and wrote a vai Gorge” (winner of both a Hugo and a weekly column about horse racing and a Nebula Award), which describes an alien monthly column about purebred collies. archaeological expedition to Earth after (He and his wife bred and showed pure- the extinction of humanity. bred collies and ran a kennel.) He is also Throughout his life, Resnick and reputed to have written over 200 “adult” his wife were heavily involved with F&SF novels (erotica and Gothic, under various fandom. They appeared in five Worldcon pseudonyms). Resnick returned to F&SF masquerades in the 1970s (winning four Minutes of the Jan. 2020 LSF Meeting continued from page 1 Then it was time for the Annual LSF Book Exchange: - From Karl to Scott: Doctor Who 4th Series DVD collection. - From Dan & Teresa to Carl: 7 collected graphic novels from weekly British sci- fi magazines (such as Strontium Dog). - From Carl to Karl: The Chronicles of Amber Volume 1, Four for Tomorrow, and Creatures of Light and Darkness, Gahan Wilson all by Roger Zelazny. 1930 – 2019 - From Scott to Dan & Teresa: Blackout by Connie Willis. I was saddened to learn that Ga- - From Rob to David: Barbarella DVD. han Wilson, one of my favorite cartoonists - From David to Rob: Firefly and Quan and an icon of F/SF/H, passed away in No- -tum Leap DVDs. vember 2019 from complications due to Finally, we watched a preview advanced dementia. His style was unique “Now that you’ve come of age, of The New Mutants and a Star Trek Short and unmistakable. I’m pretty sure you’ve son, I think it’s time your old dad Trek (with a Picard Easter egg), followed seen his work somewhere, at some time – let you in on our little family by the first episode of The Witcher series, usually appearing as a single panel with a curse.” starring Henry Cavill.
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