Saint Mary, Chettisham otherwise Chettesham Her present'Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend bthenvise Churcham, in the parish of Ely Trinity and enlarge the powers and provisions of the Act or Ely Saint Mary, Downham, Byall Fen, Manea relating to the Eastern Counties Railway;" and! otherwise Maaea .cum Coveney otherwise Coveney also of an Act passed in the session of Parliament cum Manea,. Wimblington in the parish of Dodding- held in the fourth year of the reign of Her said. tdn, March in the parish of Doddington, Doddington, Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend and enlarge Whittlesea Saint Mary, 'and Whitttesea Saint some of the provisions of the Acts relating to the Andrew, or. some Q£ them, all in the said county of Eastern Counties Railway, and to authorize the- Cambridge. And in the said Bill or Bills, powers Company to raise .a further sum of money for the will be inserted to deviate in the construction of the purposes of the sajd undertaking;" and also of an, said railway from the line or situation thereof as Act passed ia the session of Parliament held in laid down on the plans deposited! as hereinafter the seventh and eighth years of the .reign of Her- mentioned, to the exteat shewn or denned on the said Majesty, intituled "An Act to authorize «>aid plans, and to alter or divert all such turnpike the letting on lease to the Eastern Counties Rail- r^oads, parish roads and other highways, canals, way Company of the Railways and Works of the navigations and railways, pivers, brooks, streams, Northern aad Eastern Railway Company, and to and watercourses, within the parishes, townships, give effect to certain arrangements entered into by hamlets, townlan^s OF- exta-parochial and other- the said Companies, and to, ame&d, and enlarge- places, aforesaid, as may be required to be diver- some of the provisions of the Acts relating to the ted or altered for tke purposes of $u#h railway.. first-named Company;** and also of an Act passed in the session of Parliament held in the seventh, And notice is hereby also given, that duplicate afwl eighth years of the reign of Her said Majesty, plans and sections of the said proposed works, intituled " An Act to enable the Eastern Counties with a book of'reference thereto, w-fll, on OP before Railway Company to make a Railway from, the thirtieth day of November instant, be deposited the Northern a#d Extern Railway at Newport with the Clerk.of the Peace for the said county of by Cambridge to, Ely, and irom thence eastward Cambridge, at his office at Cambridge, hi the same to Brandon, and westward to Peterborough;" and county; and with the Clerk of the Peace for the also of an Act passed in the session of Parliament, Isle of Ely, at his office in "Wisbeach, in the said held in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of" Isle of Ely; and that on or before the thirty-fu»st King William th)> Fourth, intituled " An Act for* day of December next, a copy of so much of the making a Railway to form a communication be- said plans and sections as relates to each parish tvyeea and Cambridge, with a view to its, hi or through -which such works or- any pa*t pf being extended hereafter to the Northern and them are intended to %te made, together with a Eastern. Counties of England^" and also of two* book of reference thereto, will be. deposited with Acts severally passed in t&e session of Parliament the Parish Clerk of each such parish^ at the held in the second and third years of the reign of' respective places, of abode- ofs&ch Parish Clerks. Her present Majesty, the one intituled " An And notice is hereby further given, that it is Act to amend and extend the powers of the intended to obtain powers for the compulsory pur- Northern and Eastern Railway Act;" and the, chase of lands and' house?,, and* fbr levying tolls, other intitule^ " An Act to enable the Northern» Sates and duties upon or in respect of such pro- and Eastew* Railway Company to alter the-, posed railway and works,, and to vary-o^-extinguish line of theJ* Railway by forming a junction: all rights or privileges in any manner connected with the Eastern Counties Railway, and to with the lands and houses intended to be taken, provide a station and other wosk& at Shore* and to confer others.. diteh, and to amend the Act relating to the- Northern and Eastern Railway;*" also of an Act. Pated this twelfth day- of November 1844. passed in the session of Pa?liame&t held in tkft Qrmt^der and Maynard, Solicitors, third year of the reign of. Her said Majesty* 57, Coleman-street, London. intituled " An Act to anable the Northern and Eastern Railway Company to abandon a portion of the line originally authorized to be made, and Hertford1 and* Bigglestvade Railway* to alter and amend several of tfce |as«?ers and pro-^ OTICE is hereby given, that application is visions of the Acts relating to the said Railway;* N intended to be made to Parliament in the and also of an Act passed in the sessioa- of Pais »ext session, fbr ooe OP more Bill1 on Bills fos liament held in the fourth year of the reign of" altering, amending, extending, and enlarging the HOP- said Majesty, intituled " AMI Aet to enable powers and provisions of the following- Aets* er the Nostheun and Eastern Railway Company to some or one of them (that fa to say"), of 'aa Act make certain deviations in the line of their Rail- passed in the session of'Parliament heW i» the way, and to aJ^cB and amend the several Acts sixth and seventh years of the'reign of King Wil- Delating- to the'Soi'd Railway;" and also of an Act Kam the Fourth, intituled* " An Act for making a passed in- the session of Parliament held in the Railway from London to and Yarmouth fourth and fifth years of the reign of Her sai$ by- , , Colchester, and , Majesty, intituled " An Act to enable the Northern* to be called the Eastern Counties'Railway;" and and Eastern Railway. Company to make a branch* 'also of an Act passed in the session of Parliament line of railway,; and to alter and amend the severa^ Xt the first, juxd second; yeajjs of the.reign of Acts Jcelal3p|^to..$$ said. .KaUway^" a^d.ahjQ oi^