Re-envisioning : A new language for clinical practice

Our language should reflect that psychosis exists on a continuum

“I haven’t wanted to call it psychosis yet…” “I’m not sure if this is psychosis or neurosis.” “I wonder if there’s a psychotic process underneath all of this?” “Psychotherapy won’t help psychosis.”

n our experience as practitioners in an early psy- chosis program, the above statements are common I among mental health care providers. In our opin- ion, they are examples of vestiges of an archaic, overly simplistic clinical language that is not representative of current conceptions of psychosis as being on a con- tinuum with normal experience.1,2 The above quotes speak of psychosis as an all-or- none distinction: a “switch,” something fundamen- tally different from other psychological processes. In © MATT FOSTER/CORBIS© MATT this article, we highlight common “all-or-none” myths about psychosis and argue for a more fluid, normal- Demian Rose, MD, PhD ized psychosis language, where impairment is defined Assistant professor not by the absolute presence or absence of “weirdness” Barbara Stuart, PhD but instead by distress, conviction, preoccupation, and Staff psychologist behavioral disturbance. We challenge the notion that Kate Hardy, ClinPsychD the presence of psychosis mandates a “fast track” diag- Postdoctoral fellow nosis that ignores the complexity of human experience. Rachel Loewy, PhD Assistant professor • • • • Power of language Department of psychiatry The word “psychosis” has enormous power for pa- University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, CA tients, families, clinicians, and the public. It often is used interchangeably with “craziness,” “insanity,” or “madness.” Mental health clinicians use psychosis to Current Psychiatry describe many phenomena, including: Vol. 9, No. 10 23 • breaks with reality testing and oversimplification of persons who • odd or delusional beliefs have psychotic symptoms. We argue that • abnormal sensations such all-or-none thinking reifies 2 clinical • catatonia “myths” about what psychosis represents: • bizarre behaviors • Psychosis represents a fundamentally • so-called formal thought disorders. different type of cognitive process. It is likely one of the most heteroge- • Psychosis is so different from normal Language neous symptom terms in psychiatry. human experience that mood and anxiety of psychosis DSM-IV-TR notes “the term psychotic has symptoms become “subsumed” by it and historically received a number of different treated as “secondary.” definitions, none of which has achieved Our goal is not to redefine psychosis universal acceptance.”3 or present an argument for diagnostically recategorizing , schizoaffec- Psychosis myths. In addition to its phe- tive disorder, and , which nomenological usage, the word psychosis others have already done well.7-10 Instead also has various theoretical interpretations we want to reinforce the evidence-based Clinical Point and often is used to demonstrate a funda- and clinically relevant concept that psy- ‘All-or-none’ views of mental pivot point for making qualitative chosis exists on a definable continuum of psychosis could lead distinctions. For example, clinicians and human experience and to offer practitio- theorists have used “psychotic” to assume ners a clinical language of psychosis for to oversimplification that someone experiencing psychosis: assessing and treating psychotic symp- of persons who have • is operating on a core or primitive toms that avoids unsupported all-or-none psychotic symptoms mode of thought, the so-called “primary distinctions. process”4 • has a belief that is beyond under- standing, one for which empathy is mean- Defining ‘the schizophrenic’ ingless and misplaced5 In our experience, an unintended conse- • has clear convictions that violate so- quence of assuming psychosis is an all- cial norms and refuses to accept society’s or-none state is the clinician’s perpetual “proper” rules for logic and emotion6 search for “real psychosis” as separate • is in a state of “brain toxicity” with an from “psychosis for which I have a good “organic” cause (this comes from discuss- explanation.” Although this distinction is ing psychosis with other clinicians, not reminiscent of earlier arguments regarding from the literature). “neurotic” vs “endogenous” depression, Such seemingly disparate definitions we feel that in this case “real or not” acts share the assumption that psychosis repre- at a more basic level: the characterization sents a shift in categorical status, whether of person types. the category is developmental (advanced We assume that every clinician—our- vs primitive), interpersonal judgment (able selves included—who has worked with to be empathized with or not), sociopoliti- seriously mentally ill patients has heard an cal status (conformist or not), or functional individual with schizophrenia referred to brain state (organic or non-organic). as “a schizophrenic.” Although the prob- Even the etymological basis for schizo- lem of defining a person as an illness is not phrenia (its Greek roots signify “split unique to psychosis, we think that you will ONLINE mind,” which arguably spawned the long- agree that the phrases “a depressive,” “a ONLY held erroneous view that schizophrenia is a bipolar,” or “a generalized anxiotic” [sic] Discuss this article at “split personality”) exemplifies this stance are rare. http://CurrentPsychiatry. and reinforces the notion of discrete “all- DSM-IV-TR specifically avoids using or-none” categories of experience. In our expressions such as “a schizophrenic…and view, such assumptions do not adequately [instead uses]…an individual with schizo- reflect the reality of psychosis as a contin- phrenia.”11 But we believe that DSM-IV-TR uum of human experience, and could lead accidentally encourages the distinction Current Psychiatry 24 October 2010 to serious, if unintended, stigmatization of a “psychotic person type” by making Table 1 The ‘logic’ of applied to anxiety and OCD

Symptom course ‘Primary’ feature ‘Secondary’ feature Diagnosis 2 weeks of ≥2 psychotic 2 weeks of 2 weeks of low mood or Schizoaffective symptoms outside of a major psychotic and anhedonia or 1 week of disorder mood episode plus a manic or negative symptoms elevated or expansive depressed episode mood 1 month of social anxiety and 1 month of social 2 weeks of low mood or ‘Socio-anxious- avoidance outside of a major anxiety and anhedonia or 1 week of affective disorder’* mood episode plus a manic or avoidance elevated or expansive depressed episode mood 1 month of obsessions and 1 month of 2 weeks of low mood or ‘Obsesso- compulsions outside of a major obsessions and anhedonia or 1 week of compulso-affective mood episode plus a manic or compulsions elevated or expansive disorder’* depressed episode mood OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder *These diagnoses are hypothetical disorders used to illustrate how the criteria used to define schizoaffective disorder subsume other types of symptoms Clinical Point Psychotic-like experiences are schizoaffective disorder—a disorder that ly reflect that psychotic-like experiences suggests a continuum—use Criterion A are quite common13-19 and easily induced common and easily for schizophrenia as its defining feature. in otherwise healthy people.20 Psychotic induced in otherwise The implicit assumption is that “some- symptoms are widely described as being healthy people thing categorical”—in this case defined genetically linked to normally distributed by Criterion A—identifies a “psychotic personality traits.21-24 Finally, research on person type,” as opposed to a person who risk for developing chronic psychosis has simply has psychotic symptoms. If we see identified that most patients who develop evidence of Criterion A, then the person is attenuated psychotic symptoms do not naturally moved into the realm of “schizo- experience them chronically.25-28 Together, phrenia and other psychotic disorders.” In these data argue strongly for a concept of other words, Criterion A subsumes other psychosis as common and continuously types of symptoms. In contrast, the pres- distributed across large groups. ence of 1 month of social anxiety or obses- sions and compulsions does not subsume A psychosis screen can be much more other symptoms into primary anxiety dis- than ‘+/- AH/VH/PI.’ We reject the idea that orders. To make this example explicit, we psychotic phenomena are fundamentally have developed a set of criteria for hypo- different from “normal” occurrences such thetical disorders that overlap major cat- as imagined or inner speech, perceptual egories of DSM-IV-TR (Table 1). fluctuations, distorted or rigid beliefs, or inability to accurately express one’s emo- tional state. Yet abnormal perception, affect A continuum approach flattening, and delusions often are viewed As a way out of this inductive logic trap, as “really weird,” which suggests most we suggest the following statements as ev- people never experience these phenomena, idence-based and clinically realistic ways only “affected” people. This easily can lead of approaching psychosis assessment. to cognitive errors that associate psychosis as a state of mind that is fundamentally ‘Normal sadness’ and ‘normal psycho- different from non-psychosis. In fact, DSM- sis’ are equivalent. The DSM-IV-TR de- IV-TR categorizes the presence of persistent scription of major depressive disorder, psychotic symptoms as evidence of disor- states that “periods of sadness are inher- der until proven otherwise.3 ent aspects of the human experience.”12 We feel that this simplistic language Current Psychiatry However, descriptions of psychosis rare- describing psychosis as inherently patho- Vol. 9, No. 10 25 Table 2 Revising the clinical language of psychosis to separate presence from pathology Pathological Attenuated experience Psychotherapeutic Symptom Continuum experience (‘disorder’) intervention Paranoid Schematization • referential thinking • frequent • encourage curiosity Language ideation/ and testing • suspiciousness • preoccupying about beliefs, evidence of psychosis delusions of environmental • negative attitudes • leads to gathering, and information of others maladaptive alternative hypothesis • confusion about behaviors testing accuracy of thoughts • design new and • feelings of special adaptive safety purpose or meaning behaviors • loss of control over • develop individual own thoughts formulation of experience Hallucination Higher order • perceptual changes • frequent • discuss phenomenon Clinical Point sensory • increased sensitivity • intrusive as exaggeration of processing to light and sound • distressing normal brain function Approaching and self/other • senses ‘playing • conviction • focus on socially psychotic symptoms discrimination tricks’ about external appropriate coping source skills (eg, talking into as expressions on a • leads to cell phone to have a maladaptive ‘conversation’) continuum allows for behaviors • develop individual a therapeutic alliance formulation of experience that focuses on patient Disorganized Social • difficulty ‘getting • little insight • emphasize social recovery speech/ pragmatics point across’ • little appropriateness ‘thought and conceptual attentional of linearity and disorder’ linking control tangentiality • encourage circumstantial thinking as a creative outlet Source: For a bibliography, see this article at

logical ignores the clinical richness of psy- our view, this allows for a therapeutic al- chotic experience. In our experience, many liance that focuses on patient recovery, as individuals who have been diagnosed with opposed to seeing psychotic symptoms as chronic psychosis have never been asked: the only treatment targets. By moving be- • about the timing, intensity, and char- yond all-or-none myths and approaching acter of their abnormal sensory expe- psychosis as a continuum with normal ex- riences29 perience, we believe that patient recovery • how their beliefs and schemas affect can become a realistic goal. day-to-day behavior and choices • if their psychotic symptoms are both- ersome or troubling. Re-envisioning psychosis ONLINE We worry that a person experiencing im- We conclude with a reiteration of recovery ONLY pairing psychotic symptoms could become in the language of the US Surgeon General Visit this article at overshadowed by all-or-none assumptions almost 10 years ago: “…hope and restora- CurrentPsychiatry. com for a bibliography about the symptoms themselves. tion of a meaningful life are possible, de- of psychotherapeutic We propose Table 2 as a guideline for spite serious mental illness… Instead of interventions for persons approaching psychotic symptoms as ex- focusing primarily on symptom relief…re- with psychosis pressions along a continuum of experi- covery casts a much wider spotlight on res- ence, one that shares much in common toration of self-esteem and identity and on with recent well-developed biopsychoso- attaining meaningful roles in society.”31 We Current Psychiatry 26 October 2010 cial models of psychotic phenomena.30 In see no reason why people cannot live mean- continued on page 28 continued from page 26 11. 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Current Psychiatry Vol. 9, No. 10 A