
Condos: Market is hot in Manchester / pago 3 Lead: Giants and I Twins just a game Dwarf: New apple tree offers hope / page 5 away / page 11


aurbrstrr) Manrheslnr A City nl Villagt; Charm Hrralb

30 Cents I C yr never lost hope Floyd aims t for liver B< ig for Florida gu wl By Bruce Motzkln c dil Herald Reporter ■e it MIAMI (AP) — Hurricane suspended international flights cli COVENTRY - Former resi­ Floyd’s leading edge lashed South would be resumed tonight and dent Kathy Cyr knows what it is Florida with powerful thunder­ flights to Mexico would resume so like to live with death. storms today, prompting some »50 Tuesday. All schools were to be IIK After giving birth to her tourists and residents to flee inland open today. Radio Reloj said. daughter, Una. in 1982, she while others stocked up on staples gu Tornadoes touched down early mi underwent tests to determine and prepared to wait out the storm. today at Key Largo and in extreme T why she was bleeding much Torrential rain flooded some southern Dade County. No injuries more than she should have been. roads and hampered the morning were reported. The tests revelaed that Cyr had a rush hour. There were long lines at The storm brought southern liver disease called alfa 1 anti- gas stations and on highways as Florida "spiral bands of thunder­ trypsen deficiency, which pre­ people fled inland, and grocery storms,” said Stan Right of the vented normal liver function. store shelves were stripped bare of National Weather Service. Torna­ c Doctors told her that she would batteries, bread and other supplies. does were reported early today at need a liver transplant, and The approaching storm cut Key Largo and in extreme southern S without It, she would die in two to power lines along the southwest Dade County. No injuries were five years. coast a nd schools were closed today reported. C y r was placed on a list for a in many areas. Water 2-3 feet deep today caused liver transplant, and for the next Floyd went from a tropical storm several cars to stall on the Florida five years, she and herhusband. to a minimal hurricane when its Turnpike near Joe Robbie Stadium, 0 - T h e Normand, lived with the fear of wind reached 75 mph, just beyond the new home of the Miami linals rallied the 74 mph threshold, by 8 a.m., the inevitable. Herald photo by Kool Dolphins. ’enth Inning, “ I used to get depressed at then increased to 80 mph by 10 a.m. Tropical storm watches were in m an's tie- tim es." said C yr, 25. who was In 1982, former Coventry resident Kathy Wind gusting to 60 mph whipped effect for Bimini and Grand Ba­ lurt the San visiting this weekend at the years to live. Cyr, 25, Is alive today to Cyr, right, learned she had alfa 1 seas around the Fort Jefferson hama Island in the Bahamas and rriday night home of her mother-in-law. spend time with her husband, Normand, National Monument, forcing boat­ along Florida’s east coast to 90 onal League Elizabeth M. C yr of ISO Ross ^ anti-trypsen deficiency, a disease that and her 5-year-old daughter, Lina, ers and rangers to seek shelter in miles north of Miami and on the Ave., along with her husband. prevents the liver from working prop­ because of a liver transplant she the Civil War-era battlements 65 west coast to Tarpon Springs about ing a patch- Normand, and daughter. "I was erly, and was told she had two to five received in August in Pittsburgh, Pa. miles west of Key West. 25 miles northeast of Tampa. if injuries to always tired, and it got worse The storm "turned a little ear­ Hurribane warnings galvanized Jack Clark, and worse.” lier” than expected, meaning It residents of Florida’s Keys, a likely would hit on the southwest tip ^ t singles in "W e were ready to accept the formed the eight-hour operation. his father in East Hartford for service. delicate string of low-lying barrier of Florida this afternoon, said itarter Atlee worst,” her husband said. Normand Cyr, who was noti­ the next two years. C Y R SAID the years since islands linked to the mainland by a levers Don "Some of the doctors I met gave fied at the Cyrs’ home in Fort Then,' in October 1984. Nor­ National Hurricane Center forecas­ narrow series of bridges on U,S. 1. ' doctors told her about her ter Ken Gross. efferts for a me the attitude that they might Dix. N.J.. arrived in Pittsburgh mand Cyr joined the U S. Army, Officials had not called for an condition have changed her. Its center was estimated 15 miles not find a donor. A lot of people as his wife was getting out of and went to Fort Dix for training. evacuation by early today, but Since her ffansplant. she said, northwest of Key West at 10 a.m. at don't believe In donating surgery. He was stationed there after warned residents in Monroe ndeman had she "looks at things a lot better latitude 24.7 north and longitude organs.” " I was worried, because she completing training, and his wife now.” County, which includes the Keys, to ! of scoreless 82.0 west and moving northeast at was hooked up to all of these and daughter joined him In June secure their homes and boats and to }-run homer, ” It's a whole new experience 15 mph. Gusts of about 50 mph were A F T E R F IV E Y E A R S , said machines.” he said. But when he 1985t In 1986, C yr was supposed being a person needing a trans­ store supplies. meback that reported at Boca Chica Naval Air Cyr, her hopes began to fade. "It realized that she was going to be to go overseas to Germany, but plant. and going through what I "We got an early start, which is I N L playoff Station. was getting to a point where I all right, relief wasenormous. "I got the order delayed, since did.” she said. ” I ’1I be able to do good for everybody,” said county ‘ when New "The people of Key West are not didn’t think I was ever going to thought. ‘It’s about time.’” he Kathy was unable to travel. a lot more now, like spending sheriff’s spokeswoman Annabel sficit against upset, but they take storms pretty get a liver,” she said. said. Normand C yr was scheduled more lime with my daughter, Brooks-Clark. But on Aug. 27, four days after After the surgery, she had to well,” said Kathy Woodman of the The Florida Highway Patrol 2 to leave the A rm y on Friday, but and traveling. And I don’t feel Key West Police Department. ” I ’ve mM Worrell, entering Pittsburgh Presbyter­ remain in the hospital for three re-enlisted when he found out reported heavy traffic leaving the KIc like taking naps all the time.” lived here 32 years, and I should n San Fran- ian Hospital for her annual tests weeks, and was then placed in a Kathy was going to be all right island chain late Sunday. Cyr said that throughout her have gone to the grocery store N E the final five to monitor her condition, the Pittsburgh apartment for ” I would have had a tough time ordeal, despite not knowing "W e’ve had fender-benders and yesterday. But I saw there were Fox, le victory in hospital located a donor. another three weeks. Her hus­ getting back in once I left.” he the gas lines are long, but that’s it. when time would run out. she and lines and no place to park and so I , who started • “ They told me there was a band stayed with her. said. " I would have gone back The roads are fine. They’re not “ F a n her husband did not give up hope. said to heck with it.” itill bothered possible donor, and that it was into roofing, and then joined the flooded,” said Officer Bridget to ki They credit Dr. Steven Leach of Tides 3 to 5 feet above normal obinson took just a matter of getting permis- C Y R HAS T O G O to a doctor National Guard in about two Willimantic with keeping them Stewart In Marathon. garet sion from the fam ily,” C j^ said. twice a week for a month. After years. were predicted near the point of Business boomed at grocery " E l from giving up. landfall. nch homer to T was really glad, butj/wasn’t that, she will have to go once a Now, he said, he will train next stores in Key West. save; “ He tried to keep us hoping.” Earlier, Floyd skirted the west­ m outs in the getting my hopes-up too high, month for the rest of her life. year in Alabama for the military “ We were wiped out between 6:15 enrol her husband said. “ He became ern edge of Cuba with 60-mph winds :hell Died to because sometimes when they “ But it’s worth it,” she said. police, after which he expects to and 7 p.m. (Sunday), right after the progr more than a doctor, He became a and torrential rains, forcing 100,000 e. tell you they have a donor, they After her diagnosis in 1982, C yr be assigned to go to Germany friend.” first advisory,” said Jack "Taylor, The Cubans to flee their homes'in the starters out- end up telling you the donor liver said her doctor told her to quit again. Kathy said that with her who works at Seven Days Food maga Cyr has some simple advice western province of Pinar del Rio, 31 during the is bad.” her job at General Dynamics in newly found health, she is much for others In the same situation Store. "No bread, some water and stopp< Cuba’s Radio ReloJ reported. Civil no batteries.” took an early But this one wasn’t bad. and so Groton, where her husband also stronger and will be able to she was in. and V C yr was rushed into surgery, defense officials also moved more Nancy Slaughter, desk manager frey Leonard worked. Normand quit In Oc­ travel, making It possible forher ” I would just tell someone to while lird straight where doctors successfully per- than 40,000 head of cattle, the of Key West’s Pier House, esti­ tober 1982, and did roofing with husband to remain in the keep hoping, and keep praying.” T ra c j >r-U in the station said. mated 25 percent of the hotel’s York incisco a 4-0 No storm-related injuries were guests had checked out Sunday Fox was hit by a reported by the station which said night. isnextat-bat. smoki rdinals, who graph runner past sayini nings, began Iraqis blast Panama tanker as U.S. convoy proceeds how |i le sixth when with one out MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — Iraqi ered. Linde- 60 miles south of the Iranian port of second-largest city. saying that at noon warplanes Other Iraqi warplanes, the Tehran’s Islamic Republic News je t fighters today hit a As ig the season, Bushehr, the executives said. They The attacks came as U.S. Navy raided a "large naval target off the agency said, blasted a power plant Agency said Iraqi Jets struck at Panamanian-registered tanker- in place of spoke on condition of anonymity. warships were escorting four re­ Iran coast.” The term is used by in the northwestern Iranian city of several targets in Lorestan pro­ with an Exocet missile, setting the The nationality of the dead ined his left flagged Kuwaiti tankers through official Iraqi media when referring Tabriz, an oil pumping station in vince. It said six workers were vessel ablaze and killing two crew crewmen was not immediately the gulf, and followed weekend lursday. to attacks on tankers ferrying TankI Feni, in southwestern Iran, killed or wounded In one raid. members, Persian Gulf-based ma­ confirmed, but they were believed strikes that devastated one Iranian- th, St. Louis Iranian oil. oil installations in Khoramabad IR N A, which also is monitored In rine salvage executives reported. to be Greek, the executives said. chartered supertanker and left an me night at The agency said the targets and a communications center In Cyprus, said the Iraqi warplanes The tanker was identified as the Iraq said today its warplanes also je Oquendo’s unexploded Exocet missile in a struck on the Iranian mainland Ham. bombed a school in Khoramabad, 21,166-tbn Marianthi M., m'anaged raided five oil and industrial second. ed Magrane included a power plant and oil Khoramabad and Ham are in the but that all the students and by the Greek shipping company centers across Iran, and reported The official Iraqi News Agency d a single to refineries in Esfahan, some 250 western province of Lorestan, near teachers escaped injury because Anastassiou. It was attacked about that Iran was shelling Basra, Iraq’s ir-2S this year quoted a military spokesman as miles east of the border. the Iran-Iraq border. they had fled to bomb shelters. ird base for 9 n Driessen Biologist at MIT wins Nobel TODAY single that d missed fora I in, Coleman Hope for Bridgeport V e middle that Developer John F. O ’Connell and chased for discovery on antibodies gained respect as a builder for his projects In fiew Jersey, Florida, excer Arizona and New York, but people Life STO C K H O LM , Sweden (AP) - among three molecular biologists several teams to identify the genes laughed at him when he set his spons Susumu Tonegawa of the Massa­ to share the Albert Lasker medical responsible for what are called sights on Bridgeport. Ten years tour chusetts Institute of Technology research award. In 1986 he was T-cell receptors. later, he has sunk in more than $30 H e ra today won the 1987 Nobel Prize in named a recipient of the $50,000 T-cells are white blood cells that million into the city and has plans to medicine for^scovering how the Bristol-Myers Award for Distin­ perform a variety of immune spend millions more in what is now body is able to produce thousands of guished Achievement in Cancer system tasks. On the outside of the his hometown. Story on page 9. different f„antibodies to fight Research. cell are the "receptors” where Co diseasef’’^ Today’s announcement was other immune system substances Cloudy and cold In its citation, the Nobel Assem­ made by the Nobel Assembly at the can plug into the T-cells and trigger bly said Tonegawa had shown in a Karolinska Institute, a hospital and them to go into action. Mostly cloudy and cold tonight. 7 Morning clouds, then partly sunny pioneering set of experiments how research facility. Understanding of those receptors Tuesday. Details on page 2. the body’s immune cells reshuffle Tonegawa, bom in Nagoya, Ja­ is crucial to understanding the role their genetic material to recognize pan, is a professor at the Center for of T-cells in the body’s defenses. and attack invading organisms that Cancer Research and the Biology Tonegawa’s research on the Index the body has never seen before. Department at M IT, In Cambridge, immune system could one day help I 20 pagas, 2 aectlona The assembly said the 48-year- Mass. doctors understand how the im ­ old Tonegawa wrote an influential Much of his pioneering work was mune system fails in patients with A dvice. Obituaries_____ 10 scientific paper in 1976 on "the done while he was a membeTof the acquired immune deficiency syn­ Business______9 O pinion______6 genetic principal for generation of Basel Institute for Immunology in drome, said Hans Wigzell, a profes­ AP photo Classified _ 17-20 People______2 antibody diversity,” and had domi­ Switzerland, from 1971 until 1981, sor of immunology at the Karo­ Nobel Prize winner ousumu Tonegawa holos his son, C o m ic s ______8 S p o rts ____ 11-16 nated research in the field for the when he moved to M IT. linska Institute. But, he said, "it’s Connecticut _4-5 Television_____ 16 next two years. More recently, Tonegawa’s re­ Hidde, as his wife, Mayumi, talks to reporters early this Local news-3. 10 U.STWorld _7, 10 Last month, Tonegawa was search group at MIT was one of Please turn to page 10 morning., Lottery______2 Weather______2-‘ t - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, Oct. 12.19«7

MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 12. 1987 — 3 THE WEATHER REGIONAL WEATHER Th>Aocw-1WM*wr*«OW)C«t ter»AM,TMwol>6r13 Acco-W©attier^fofecast for Tuesday Buyers hunt for conversion units 40 A 30 ManchesterfArea Daytime Conditions and High Tempeiatures Am erica’s Where they’re T Immigrants coming from Thes6 condos are the only choice many couples have Towns In Brief By Nancy Concelman Construction may cause water loss Herald Reporter 5 ~ ~ w p r ’ performing work along V ^ o n Street, will connect a water main on Wednesday so First-time buyers and former homeowners looking for condom­ company plans to take a water main inium units in Manchester had service. Residents along Vernon Street will experience a better keep their eyes open. loss of water pressure. Residents east of Hamilton Drive, Kennedy Road and north of Richmond Drive also will experience South Korea Condominiums are hot these a loss of pressure from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. days and they don’t stay on the .T'-TrilCTB market long, local real estate Customers on Vernon Street between Lydall Street and Cuba brokers say. Klchmond Road will have no water service from 9 a.m. to 3 p m. If other customers lose water during the tie-in, the town water A M »iU c And hottest of all are apart­ O c e a n West Indies and sewer division office should be contacted at 647-3115. T-STOWMS^ ments that have been converted into condominiums. WMiltnBlanlWl Dominican I Emissions inspectors to visit “Most of the units in Manches­ m m Cold Repubtic ■e 1967 Aocw-W«

I O H it n a r ie s r% SPORTS

Norma O. Johnston Regina (Attenello) O’Sullivan of grandchildren and 37 great- Coventry. ' Nonna O. (Lennon) Johniton, M, grandcbildren. of Rookvllle, formerly Coventry, Re was bom in Hartford and lived The funeral was Monday at the died Friday at Hartford HoqHtal. in Coventry for the last 10 years. He Holmes Funeral Home. 400 Main She was the widow of Cheater F. was a 1986 graduate of East St., with a mass of Cbristian buripl Johnston Jr. Catholic High School and was in St. Maurice CSiurch, Hebron , Twins game away from Series She was bom in Fort Fairfield, employed by Hamilton Standard of Road, Bolton. Burial followed In Windsor Locks. Maine, on Jan. 19,19SS, and lived in Mount St. Benedict Cemetery, (Coventry for 17 years before Besides Mg parents, he is sur­ Bloomfleld. returning to Maine and moving to vived by a sister, Kelly O’Sullivan Memorial donations may be Rockville this past April. of Coventry; his maternal grand­ made to the Alzheimer’s Disease Power, speed, pitching Puckett, Gagne power She is survived by her father, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Association, 800 Cottage Grove Joseph Lennon of Skowhegan, Attenello of Newington; his pater­ Road, Bloomfield 06002. Maine; two sons, Douglas N. nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. give Giants 3-2 buige Minnesota to 3-1 lead Johnston of Coventry and Robert J. F.E. O’Sullivan of East Hartford; Johnston of San Antonio, Texas; and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Brian 8. Linde By Harry Atkins scheduled to go for Minnesota. two daughters, Nancy L. Johnston By St6V6 Wllftein but I don’t tbink I pitched any The Assaclated Press Puckett, who had only a double in of Rockville and Donna M. Ashe, The funeral is Wednesday at Brian S. Linde, 29, of 63 Montclair The Associated Press bigger games.” 10:15 a.m. from the Callahan Drive, died Saturday after suffer­ Price’s dream game — he had six 13 at-bats for a .077 average in the with whom she lived in Rockville; DETROIT — Kirby Puckett and first three games, had two hits. four brothers, Ronald Lennon of Funeral Home, 1602 Main St., East ing a heart attack. He was the son of SAN FRANCISCO - They taught strikeouts and one walk — held Hartford, followed by a mass of Donald W. and Marilyn (Soi^gio) the thieves a lesson inbase-stealing more significance for him because Greg Gagne, like Twin fuses on Including a home run, in five at-bats Dixmont, Maine, Daryle Lennon of Minnesota’s ticking time bomb, and scored two runs Sunday. Waterville, Maine, Fred Lennon of Christian burial at 11 a.m. in St. Unde. and outdinked the “ dink ball” it martied the climax of his Isaac Jogues Church, East Hart­ Bora in Hartford, he lived most of champions. comeback from elbow surgery, a were due to explode. Gagne, who had a solo homer In 10 Skowhegan, Maine, and Joseph Puckett and Gagne, who had been at-bats, had another homer in Lennon Jr. of San Antonio, Texas; ford. Burial will be In St. Mary’s his life in Manchester. He ws The San Francisco Giants, one path fllled with pain, frustration Cemetery, East Hartford. Calling employeed at Lydall 4 Foulds Co., victory from their first National and doubt. held in check by Detroit through the Game 4 while going 2-for-4 and two sisters, Mussia Ckirbin of first three games of the American scoring two runs. Skowhegan, Maine, and Connie hours are Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m. Manchester, and previously had League pennant in 25 years, put on “ I had a very sharp pain with and 7 to 9 p.m. League playoffs, helped power the "My teammates know it’s Just a Turcotte of Uwiston, Maine; and worked at K B Automotive. He was another show of power and pitching everything I threw,” Price recalled Memorial donations may be a 1977 graduate of Manchester High Sunday while also beating the St. of his days before surgery two Twins to a 5-3 victory In Game 4 matter of time,” Puckett said of his 0 three grandchildren. She was made to Tough Love, Manchester School and was a memter of the Louis Cardinals at their own game. years ago. “ If I tried to throw the Sunday night. slow start for the AL West cham­ predeceased by her mother, a sister That put the Twins up 3-1 In the pions. "I Just play hard and let the and two brothers. Memorial Hospital, 71 Haynes St., Camara (Hub of Conneoicut. He The Giants set a playoff home run ball hard it was like somebody Manchester 06040. best-of-seven series with the AL chips fall where they may." A graveside service will be was also a volunteer for the record, swiped three bases, strung sticking a knife in my elbow." Multiple Sclerosis Society and the together some singles and secured Chunks of calcium were removed East champions, who found them­ As fate would have It, a two-out Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Village selves In a must-win situation in throwing error by Gagne at short­ ^ / r C^emetery, Pittsfield, Maine. There Easter Seal Society. a 6-3 victory with reborn relief from the Joint, and Price resolved 7 Besides his parents, he is sur­ pitcher Joe l i c e ’s brilliant one-hit not to quit. Game 5. which was scheduled for stop allowed Lou Whitaker to score are no calling hours. Holmes Haiel Anderson 3:07 p.m. today. Detroit’s first run as the Tigers took Funeral Home, 400 Main St., has vived by a brother, Donald J. Linde, pitching over the last five innings. “ I feel like people who work hard Hazel (Taylor) Anderson, 82, of and two sisters, Kimberly G. Linde “ They looked like the Gashouse and are honest have a litle bit of an It marks the third successive a 1-0 first-inning lead. charge of arrangements. Missionary Road, Cromwell, for­ year since the playoffs went to a But Puckett, who hit 28 home runs Memorial donations may be and Kelly J. Unde, all of Manches­ Gang today and we looked like a edge," he said. “ Because you Just C merly of Wetherall Street. Man­ ter; his maternal grandmother, bunch of leadfoots," said St. Louis don’t give up. You bust your butt. best-of-seven format,ip 1985 that a during the regular season, got that made to the American Cancer chester, died Saturday at a Crom­ team has fallen behind 3-1. back in the third when he slammed c Society. 237E. Center St., Manches­ Julia D. Sorgio of Manchester; and Manager Whitey Herzog. “ We It’s something I've enjoyed doing AP photo well convalescent home. She was his paternal grandmother, Marion couldn’t get them out with a and I’d be a fool to give it up just In both of those cases, the team the first pitch from Frank Tanana ter 06040. Into the left field seats. Seven-year-old B^tie Levy shows her the widow of Gustaf A. Anderson. McVictor in Florida. cannon.” because of an Injury. If I could facing elimination — the 1985 prototype for the board game, sold It to a Bora in South Windsor, she lived The funeral will be Tuesday at The victory gave the Giants a 5-2 possibly come back, I was going Kansas City Royals and the 1986 "The pressure was on the Tig­ "Here Comes the Bride" game at her manufacturer, and promoted It on TV Raymond A. DInallo most of her life in Manchester. 9; 15 a.m. at the John F. Tierney lead in the best-of-seven playoffs to.” Boston Red Sox — rebounded to win ers,” Puckett said. "Nobody ex­ pected us to do anything anyway ” home In Bethesda, Md. Bettle made a and at trade shows. Raymond A. Dinallo, 67, of 00 Before retirement, she was em­ Funral Home, 219 W. Center St., with Game 6 on Tuesday night in St. Price worked hard and learned the next three games and advance Detroit compiled the best record Greenwood Drive, died Sunday at ployed as a baker by the Manches­ followed by a mass of Chrisitian Louis. The Giants wilfrond Dave patlETice the way other Injured to the World Series. "We haven’t played good and in baseball, winning 98 games In Manchester Memorial Hospital. He ter Board of Education at Bennet burial at 10 a.m. in St. Bridget’s Dravecky against John^Tudor. The Giants have. Jeffrey Leonard, who Junior High School. She was a they’ve outplayed us,” said Detroit 1987. Their victory Sunday night T was the husband of Olga (Jacobs) Church. Burial will be in St. James two met in the second game when hit homers In each of the first four T slugger Kirk Gibson, a .176 hitter was only the 10th road victory since member of the Trinity Covenant Cemetery. Calling hours are today Dravecky threw a two-hitter in a 5-0 games of the playoffs before going Dinallo. The couple had celebrated the All-Star game (or the Twins. 7-year-old makes big splash Church, and the Manchester from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to Oup.m. victory. O-for-4 in Game 5, came back from through the first (our games. their 47th wedding anniversary on Gagne put the Twins ahead to Oct. 5. Grange, serving as the grange’s Price became the latest surgi­ wrist surgery last year. Atlee y "That’s part of the game. You’ve got to suck it up. We’ve got nothing stay when he hit Tanana’s 1-1 pitch He was bom July 10. 1020, in first woman master. She was also a cally repaired hero for the Giants, a Hammaker, who started Game 3, to hang our heads over.” into the left field seats in the fourth. member of Chapman Court 10, team to make medical science had five operations in four years. AP photo Hackensack. N.J., and lived in "The first pitch he threw me was In children’s game marketing Order of the Amaranth. Charles E. Ballard * ^ c e , 30, said several teams Doyle Alexander, who suffered Manchester for the past 46 years. proud. a fastball, so I kind of anticipated She is survived by a daughter, “ It’s every ballplayer’s dream," were interested in him after his San Francisco’s Jose Uribe celebrates after hitting his his first loss In a Tiger uniform in Before retiring in 1982, he had been INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Charles the next pitch; be ready for the BETHESDA, Md. (AP) — All children make up Edith Snyder of Putney, Vt.; a release last year by (^ncinnati, but Game 1, was scheduled to start (or were distributed last month to toy stores nationwide employed by the KawieTool Supply E. "Chad” Ballard, who acciden­ Price said of his first playoff two-run double In the fourth Inning against the Cardinals fastball, but adjust If he throws a games, but 7-year-old Settle Levy went a few steps sister, Marian Beer of Rockville; victory, calling it the most impor­ he chose San Francisco because his Detroit. Bert Blyleven, who handed and became available through the J.C. Penney Co. Co. in East Hartford for 19 years. tally killed his wife as he tried to Sunday in game five of the NLCS at Candlestick Park. Jack Morris his first loss ever In the further. She made a prototype game about wedding catalogue. He was a parishioner of St. two granchildren and four great­ tant game in his eight-year career. grandchildren. commit suicide in’1982, died Fri­ The Giants won, 6-3, to take the lead in the series. Twin Cities In Game 2, was Please turn to page It brides to be, sold it to a manufacturer and has With her first royalty check, Bettie bought a video Bartholomew Church. day. He was 73. “ I may have pitched better games Please turn to page 12 The funeral will be Tuesday at 11 promoted it on television and at trade shows. game, but she says the rest of the money will Besides his wife, he is survived by His father, Charles Edward Bal­ a.m. at the Holmes Funeral Home. Perhaps the nation’s youngest commercially probably go for college. a daughter and son-in-law, Diane lard, who owned casinos, farmland 400 Main St. Burial will be in East successful game creator, Bettle was Just trying to and John Calve of Manchester; and several circuses, was shot to “ It would be nice If it made money for her,” Levy Cemetery. Calling hours are today help her dad when she came up with the idea for three brothers, Russell Dinallo and death in a dispute with a business "Here Comes the Bride." said of the game, which retails for $10 to $13. “ But from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. The the experience is something that money can’t buy. ’’ Albert Dinallo, both of Windsor, associate in 1936. He had owned the "He ;aid he wanted a game for girls,” said the and Herbert Dinallo of Durham; Manchester Grange will have a Easf wishbone breaks down Xavier defense Levy and his wife call themselves "imagineers” plush West Baden Springs Hotel, a only child of game and toy inventors Richard and three sisters. Audrey Bersano of memorial service at the funeral and for the last 10 years have made a career of home at 7:30 p.m. one-time meeting place for such Sheryl Levy, "And I butted In and said, how about Arlington. Va., Grace Markham of notorious figures as gangster At inventing toys, gifts and games for children. Memorial donations may be By Len Auster defense because we didn’t stop Xavier, though didn’t (old. ‘Here Comes the Bride'?” Manchester and Violet Burbeck of Capone. The hotel later was do­ To that, her father said, "Good Idea, but we need "Bettie’s always been part of the team,” Levy made to Trinity Covenant Church, Sparts Editor them. They’re strong and they ate “ That’s a tribute to them. They said. South Windsor; and three nated by the elder Ballard to the us up front,” added Jaskot, who never give up and feel they can more.” grandsons. Hackmatack Street. Manchester 06040. Society of Jesus for use as a MADISON - "0-72” is a call you saw his club lose its ACC opener. It move the ball,” Kelly said, respect­ Bettle suggested a three-layer wedding cake and "She’s seen our successes and our rejections,” The funeral is Wednesday at 9:15 seminary. hearts around a game board. might hear at the weekly bingo was the fifth straight East win over fully. The Falcons, aided by three Mrs. Levy said. "There are a lot of ideas that die” a.m. at the Holmes Funeral Home. The younger Bailard, who had game. East penalties for 35 yards, scored "The ideas just came spilling out. ” her father said Xavier. Both of Bettie’s parents were astounded at the 400 Main St., followed by a mass of been ailing since suffering a stroke If you look back at Saturday Xavier did the best of any team on a 16yard DeRita naked bootleg. during a recent interview at the family's home in speed at which her game was picked up and John Qamells Christian burial at 10 a m. at St. in 1979, shot Alicia Chimiak Ballard night’s football matchup between against East’s wishbone a year ago Chris Barnum added the first of his Bethesda, a Washington, D.C.. suburb. distributed by a manufacturer. Bartholomew Church. Burial will John (Janis) Garnelis. 50. of 895 to death in an April 1982 suicide Under Bettie’s guidance, the family used two of the top ten teams in the state with the Eagles escaping with a 167 two PAT boots. be In East Cemetery. Calling hours Center St., died Friday as the result attempt. — East Catholic and Xavier — it Alibrio fumbled the ensuing cardboard, heart stickers and pictures of bridal "Toy companies have seen it all, " Levy said. victory. This night, ^ough, the are Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 of injuries sustained in an indus­ Ballard pleaded guilty to reckless had a different meaning (or Coach East line of David DIGiacomo, Josh kickoff and Xavier, taking over at accessories to produce a prototype which then was "Here Comes the Bride” can be played by two to to 9 p.m. trial accident in Tolland. He was homicide. In addition to a five-year Jude Kelly’s Eagles. Scalora, Erik Bader, Paul Chabot the East 18, scored again on a taken last November to Ungame Inc. four players and is designed for girls ages five the husband of Lucy (Langa) through 10. Memorial donations may be suspended sentence and a $10,000 Three times the Eagles started and John Egazarian — which 2-yard pass from DeRita to a wide The manufacturer liked the idea, tested it and made to the American Heart Garnelis. fine, a judge ordered Ballard to out on their own 28-yard line and averages 215 pounds — and tight open Matt Moravek. Barnum’s unveiled It at the American International Toy Fair Players move stand-up cutouts of brides around Association. 310 Collins St.. Hart­ Born in Ilukste. Latvia. Nov. 30, write a book about his family’s second boot brought It to 20-14 with in New York last February. three times they wound up in they end Doug Rizzuto, came off the ball the board trying to accumulate bridal accessories — ford 06105. 1936, he had been a resident of past. end zone as fIthey t A U bulldozedK i i IIH a v A ^ 9the h A khost n o t crisply antfland 4kAthe G*Aa4East koAbacks ire g4lMdid 4their k A i i * 1; 34 left in the third quarter. "It received a wonderful response,” Levy said. dress, shoes, bouquet and ring. The first one todoso, Manchester for the past 21 years. "The Ballards in Indiana” was a Falcons, 34-22, in an All'COnnecticut share. East began the next series from 2 2 Ungame quickly produced 75,000, copies which avoiding the pitfalls along the way, wins. ^Emll J. Potz He was employed as a carpenter tribute to the elder Ballard’s (Conference clash at Strong Field. “ The offensive line came off the its 28 and, you guessed it, scored. It with the Latvis Construction Co. He charitable works, the author said. The East win, coupled with Notre ball, but we had some hard running took 14 plays with Shaun Robinson, Emil J. Potz. 85. of 105 Bluefield was a member of the Emanuel Dame’s ' 18-0 upset loss to St. from Talbot and from Beaulieu in getting a nice block on the corner Drive, died Saturday at Manches­ Lutheran Church. Joseph’s, leaves the Eagles In sole the second half at fullback. He from split end Eric Lazarin, taking ter Mmeorial Hospital. He was the Besides his wife, he is survived by possession of first place In the ACC showed some good quickness," the pitch and g o ^ in from 14 yards husband of Madeline C. (Osella) a daughter, Linda Garnelis of In Memoriam at 2-0, 4-0 overall. out with 6:47 lefCT^lbot’s two-point Bids sought on hall Work Potz. Kelly said. Manchester; a son and daughter-in- In memory of Albert (Jeff) East’s high-powered wishbone East plowed its way to a 260 conversion made il 2614. Born in New Britain, he lived law, Robert and Diane Garnelis of Koelsch, who passed away Oct. 12, was averaging 337 yards per game advantage before some of its own "Xavier had all the momentum. most of his life in Manchester. Bids for the first major stage of In preparation for the interior Manchester; two brothers, George 1982. on the ground going into the game. mistakes allowed Xavier to make a For our kids to eat up that much of southeast corner of the building will Before retiring, he worked for 47 interioru'enovations to Cheney Hall renovation. Exterior renovation is be removed. Later it will be J. Garnelis of Ellington and Ernest That earned the Eagles the No. 4 comeback in this one. East’s first the clock and reach down as they will be opened Oct. 29. complete. years at the Underwood Typewriter Garnelis in Germany; and a Although five years have passed, replaced. The stage will also be we love and remember you ranking in the state coaches’ poll. possession — started at the 28 — did Isa tribute to them," Kelly said. Co. In Hartford. He was a U.S. Navy grandson. Xavier’s stout but young defense lasted nine plays with Alibrio going “ That’s a very good offense,” The bid opening is set for 8 p.m. in removed. The proscenium arch in veteran of World War I. and an avid always. Edward Breen, architect for the front of the stage will be removed The funeral will be Thursday at 11 was coming in off two consecutive in qasily from 2 yards out. Jaskot said. “ We had nine, some­ the gold room of Lincoln Center and fisherman. a.m. at the Emanuel Lutheran the bids will be received by Alan project, said the bid specifications carefully. Later it will be replaced Wife, daughters and family shutouts and had surrendered Just The Falcons missed a golden times 10 men on the line of call for installing a new main Besides his wife, he is survived by Church, 60 Church St. Burial will be 10 points, that in a 12-10 season­ opportunity on their third posses­ scrimmage the second half. We Lamson, chairman of the building in a position farther forward when three brothers, Gus Potz of Rocky electrical service box and remov­ the stage is enlarged. in the East Cemetery. Calling hours opening win over Maloney High of sion. They took over at the East couldn’t do much else to stop them. committee of the Cheney Hall Hill, Harry Potz of Hartford and ing old pipes and ducts. Under the are at the Hpimes Funeral Home, In Memoriam Meriden. That earned them the No. 24-yard line following a botched We played most of the second half in Foundation, which has been over­ Bidders can get plans and specifi­ George Potz of New Britain; a 400 Main St., Manchester, Wednes­ seeing the restoration. contract, most of the plaster will be cations for the work from the 7 ranking in the same poll. Eagle fake punt.' East’s defense our goal-line defense and still never removed from the walls, which will sister, Alicia Castle of Venice, Fla.; day from 7 to 9 p.m. In loving memory of Verna East didn’t do anything to hurt its yielded one first down before stopped them. And I think we’re a offices of the architect, Malmfeldt and two nieces The current phase is mostly be Insulated and resurfaced at a Associates, 41 C New London Hublard, who passed away average Saturday night. The Ea­ stiffening, with Talbot applying a pretty good defensive team. That removal of materials from the hall later stage. A stairway in the The funeral is Tuesday at 11 a.m. October 9, 1984. gles, behind the precision blocking crunching tackle on Xavier quar­ shows you the type of offense they Turnpike, Glastonbury. at the John F. Tierney Funeral Yvonne Lachapelle They say time heals all sorrow. up front and the tenacity of its terback Dave DeRita at the 8, four have." Home. 219 W. OnterSt. Burial Is in runners who broke tackles and yards shy of a first down on a The clubs traded late TDs with East Cemetery. Calling hours are Yvonne (LaFrance) Lachapelle, And helps us to forget 86, of Wheeler Village. Southington, But time has only proven. refused to go down, added 368 yards 4th-and-12. DeRita was helped to Rich Repich scoring on a 6yard run today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. to its season total on 44 carries. the sideline but was able to shake for Xavier and Mangiafico going in Biologist at MIT wins Nobel Memorial donations may be formerly of Windsor and Hartford, How much we miss you yet. Horald photo by fliHo Aaron Alibrio had 162 yards on 14 the cobwebs out and continue. from 27 yards out to clinch it for made to the American Diabetes died Friday at an area convales­ Dad, Sisters and Brother carries and three touchdowns on East took over, and marched the East with 1:02 left. Association, 19 Oakwcod Ave.. cent home. She was the widow of Continued from page I The other prize winners will be committee appointed by the Norwe­ runs of 2, 15 and 33 yards. He had length of the field. Talbc^ripped off DeRita was 16for-18 for 96 yards. directed the Eagles to 375 yards in total West Hartford 06119. Rodolphe U. Lachapelle and the East Catholic quarterback Marc Mangi­ announced this month. gian Parliament will announce on plenty of support from Jason Talbot 55 big yards and Atibrio\chewed up Mike Muraca was held in check by offense in their 34-22 win Saturday night too simple to say the prize has mother of Therese Bolduc of afico (12) lugs the pigskin in a recent Last year’s winners of the Nobel Tuesday the winner of the Nobel Ellington, formerly of Bolton. (9 carries, 85 yards). Junior ful­ another 20. Four plays later, Alibrio the East defense. He was limitd to Immediate bearing on AIDS.” Prize for medicine were Stanley Peace Prize, perhaps the world’s In Memoriam Eagle game at Mount Nebo. Mangiafico over Xavier. Pauline Woytowick Born in Fall River, Mass., she lback Scott Beaulieu (10 carries, 59 ducked under tacklers and scooted 36 yards on 17 carries. Tdnegawa was 144th Nobel lau­ Cohen of the United States and Rita most coveted award. yards) and quarterback Marc 20 yards (or his second score. East’s next outing is a non­ Pauline (Yarosh) Woytowick, 90, was a Southington resident for the Yards passing 96 reate in medicine or physiology, Levi-Montalcini of Italy, for discov­ The recipient of the economic In loving memory of my wife, Mangiafico (9 carries, 43 yards). The 6 9 ,176pound Alibrio capped conference affair Saturday against EC— Allbrio 33-yd run (Mangiafico falltd) 7 formerly of Hartford, died Satur­ past 15 years. Before retiring in Total yards 182 and the first in the category from eries of “ growth factors” in human science prize will be announced Mildred Jarvis, who left me 0ks back at Saturday’s nard was already out. The Indians Chip Driggs, Glen MacDonald, among the world’s richest and most The Royal Swedish Academy of the third quarter on a 46yard pass 8 about $31.5 million at the time of his Memorial donations may be Rodolphe Lachapelle Jr. of Wilkes- While lie within me all the while. contest with Hartford Public, the also lost their fifth linebacker in two Chris Thompson and center Chris prestigious. Each is worth 2,175,000 Sciences will na me red pients of the death. Nobel is credited with made to the Poquonock Community Barre, Pa.; a brother, Emil La­ fifth-year Manchester High head from quarterback Eric Shorter to "We could have had four more scores. When Swedish kroner, about $340,000. If Sadly missed by your loving weeks as junior Ray Angle was Friday. The Indians totaled 201 chemistry and physics prizes on inventing dynamite, a cornerstone Church. 1817 Poquonock Ave., France of San Diego, Calif.; six Eldgardo Rivera. The PAT try more than one person wins a football coach will see a bunch of you have opportunities like we had, It hurts injured. yards On offense against 231 for Wednesday. of his business empire. Poquonock 06064. husband, (ailed leaving it deadlocked. category, the money is shared. sisters. Angelina Corurier-of Tiver­ missed opportunities. "Out of a squad of 46, 10 players Public. In Oslo, Norway, a five-man ton. R.I., Lillian Boulay of War­ Oliver JaiMs , Manchester had a bundle of especially when you’re 0-3 and trying to got By the end of 1986, the Nobel Opportunities that his Indians were out (against Public),’’ Cour­ Senior quarterback Kelly Dubois, wick, R.I., Antoinette Martel of opportunities to break the tie, only Foundation’s endowment was $67 Sean D. O’Sullivan failed to cash In on in a 6-6 deadlock over the hump." noyer cited. "If youhoveopportunl- who was speared In the back last Wllliston, Mass., Jeanette Horan of with the host Owls in Central to come up empty handed each and million. The foundation reported an Sean D. O’Sullivan. 19. of 282 tles to score and don't, it hurts even week against South Windsor, alter­ Police think crash victim operating profit of $4 million last Fall River. Mass., Aline Kcard of President Juan Peron of Argen­ Connecticut Conference East Div­ every occasion. Maybe the Indians’ Mark Drive, Coventry, died Fri­ Cambridge, Mass., and Rose Fo- more (than If you didn't) because nated at the -caller slot with year. tina was ousted in 1955 after a revolt ision play. best missed shot was with three — Ron Cournoyer day. He was the son of Danile P and rand of Worcester. Mass.; 44 by the Argentine army and navy. with our Injures, a win would have McLaughlin until he was speared 7 minutes left when they had the ball 7 had suffered heart attack “ We could have had four more been big (or us mentally. But our again and forced out of the lineup. scores,” said (^uraoyer, who saw at the Owl 6yard line. But Garrepy, kids never, never quit," he added. Cournoyer calls him probable for Authorities are continuing their his Indians go to 61-1 in the CCC «^ o had plenty of running room as Public almost pulled this one out Saturday’s Homecoming Day cause of death as a cardiac arrest, the offensive line opened a huge Investigaton into the Saturday said Andrew A. Beck, hospital E vangelistic S e r v i c e s East and 661 overall with the late In the game as Aaron Fisher game with Rockville High at deadlock. “ When you have oppor­ hole according to Cournoyer, was death of a 29-year-old Manchester spokesman. ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. you look for.” he added. ripped off a 46yard run but Russell Memorial Field at 1:30 p.m. "Our tunities like we had, it hurts stripped of the pigskin and Public reached the Owl 6yard line and man who was apparently the victim Linde was driving his 1974 Oct. 14th thru 18th Robert J. Smith, Ii k : came up empty and later on made it made a game-saving tackle at the Injuries are mounting, we’re run­ of a heart attack, police said. Mustang west on Scott Drive when INSlRANS.MrrHSl esp ^ ally when you’re 63 and recovered. Indian 25 and the Indian defense ning out of cards," (jouraoyer said, 7 o'clock each evening KimSIllTHSSIH That was one of three fumbles to the Owl 15 before a 26yard field Compounding the deadlock was Brian S. Linde of 63 Montclair he went through a stop sign at the trying to get over the hump” the mounting number of Injuries then stiffened and took over on adding he hopes to have some of his Drive was pronounced dead at The Indians’ lone score was a lost by the Indians, who were also goal try by Todd Wemmell fell intersection of Scott Drive and Manchester suffered. Running downs. "Other than Uie46yardrun, Injured players back for this Manchester Memorial Hospital DR. CHUCK MILLHUFF 1914 second-quarter 4-yard run by Chris intercepted twice for a total of five short. Later on, Russell had hauled Colonial Road, police said. He in an aerial from McLaughlin but back was injured in the they (Public) were In their own weekend’s aAion Saturday after an automobile acci­ continued to drive straight for Internationally Known Evangelist - Gairepy to cap a 66yard match. turnovers. “ We’re losing on of­ was hit and fumbled the ball at the second quarter leaving VInnIe backyard all game," said Cour­ M an chM tg r 0 6 0 6 - 6 dent. police said. Officials are about 500 feet before hitting an Big play in this drive was a 46yard fense, not defense. Our offense has 0 0 6 0-6 Special matic with tolot, choir and gospel music. Owl 6yard line. Moore, just off the injury list. In the noyer, lauding the play of his Hartford Public investigating the possibility that embankment on the property of the completion from senior quarter­ not been consistent enough to win," Scoring "This was not a good tie," backfield with very little practice defensive line of Dave Golas, John M — O arropy 4-vd run (p o m ( a llt^ Linde died of a heart attack before Lydall Inc.. 1 Colonial Drive, police Church of the Nazarene 649-5241 back Rob McLaughlin to David O>urnoyer said. Cournoyer said. "However our time under his bisIt. That, said Dougan. Fran Jurewicz, Greg HP— RIvtro 46vd POM from Sborft the acclde.,;. p-'iirM* said. said. Linde was emploved at the 65 E. Center Street Russell. The Indians’ two-point Two first-half scoring bids went (Idck falltd) 236 Main Street • Manchester ■ 646-8599 Ck)urnoyer, wasn’t (air to Moore but Buceivicius and Garrepy. 1 ’— death certificate lists the company. Manchester, Ct. attempt (ailed leaving It 60 at by the boards, too. Manchester defense played better which Is what It - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday Oct. 12. 1987 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 12. 1987 — 13 1 4 -1 NFL talks break again; player reps meet By Doyld GIntburo tive director of the Management Philadelphia Sept. 2S-2S, ended passe OB the union’s insistence on from another club, the original Tht AneclotMl PrM« devised with the wage scale in Council, said Sunday. "W e're at a when management refused to con­ unrestricted free agency, Upshaw team could match the contract or mind. roadblock." sider the union’s plan for unres­ said the major stumMing blocks let the player go and receive TYSONS CORNER, Va. - After "The owners are using Anee No new talks were scheduled as tricted free agency. Sunday,) Don­ were management’s demands fora compensation, which would be six days of negotiations and a agency as a smokescreen on the the strike entered lu 21st day and lan said the sides were still far six-year contract and its plan to determined by the i-iayer’s old second Sunday of replacement union chief Gene Upshaw was to apart on the same Issue. change the 20-year-old pension salary. real issues, which are pension, games, the N FL strike situation is guaranteed contracts and player meet in Chicago today with the 2t In fact, the two sides seemed as system. "In my opinion, it maintains the back where it was a week ago; no player representatives to evaluate far apart as. ever. Six days o f. In an effort to adhere to the labels we currently have, but does rep protection and a whole list of things,” Upshaw said. bargaining sessions scheduled and the situation. bargaining yielded agreement on current NFL system, the union away with the compensation," player representatives headed fora In a similar meeting last Mon­ only seven minor issues. greatly altered its stance on free Donlan said. “ What they’re doing is meeting in Chicago. He said it was management, not day, the N F L Players Association “Since Thursday we have gone agency. taking the heart out of our system. ” The talks broke off Sunday and the union, that is intent upon declared that it would not let one through the items on a fairly According to its latest proposal, He then pointed out that, based on once again, free agency appeared altering the system. Management’s single issue stand in the way of an regular basis without any resolu­ at the end of a player’s contract the management’s demand for a wage MMn to be the central issue. plan for a six-year contract. Up­ agreement. It was that vow that led tions,” Donlan said. "We get close club could make a qualifying offer scale, a team signing a two-year shaw said, goes against tradition "I think they have overcommit­ to the latest round of talks, which on a lot of them, butwegetcloseand to retain the fdayer by guarantee­ veteran would not be requir^ to ted or overreached on any number because the previous pacts had got under way ‘Tuesday. Just get stagnant.” ing 120 percent of the contract. compensate a player’s old team. been signed to coincide with the (Mr4 of positions," Jack Donlan, execu­ The previous session of talks, in While Donlan blamed the im- If the player received an offer 'Tbe union says the plan was not league’s television contract. Mlrai Giants feeling helpless (AlMM as regulars remain out 0 0 M. L Son I By Barry Wllner Htrald photof by Kool goal in the final quarter. St. L The Associated Press Dolphint 42, Chl«fs 0 NFL Roandnp Manchester High's (from left) Shaun Brophy, Sean Toland and Todd crosses the finish line in third place in the girls' seeded race while Son Replacement football suits the ’The first regular-season game at Sonl Houston Oilers, Indianapolis Colts 74,993-seat Joe Robbie Stadium Liscomb are at the midway point in the boys’ championship race at the Manchester's Craig Hempstead (right photo) paced the Indians In the and San Diego Chargers Just fine. drew 25,867 fans. They’ll remember seventh annual Wickham Park Invitational in left photo. East Catholic's championship race with a 14th place finish. The MHS boys were a Oliert IS, Browns 10 the strong Miami defense, some­ 8on As for the Minnesota Vikings and Nancy Byrne (second photo from left) heads across the finish line in the disappointing third in the championship race while the East giris were Louis) New York Jets, the 20-day strike Houston, which had lost six thing the regular Dolphins, who girls' championship race in 17th place. Manchester High’s Kim Jarvis fourth in their race. c has been 20 days too long. straight to Cleveland, got 121 yards were 26th in N F L defense last year, c 8on Then there’s the curious case of rushing from Herman Hunter and didn’t have. the Super Bowl champion New is off to its best start since 1970. Robbie will recall the fans York Giants, to whom the strike The Oilers defense held Cleve­ chanting "Stay op strike, stay on doesn't seem to matter. They lost land to 50 yards rushing and 169 strike," to the regulars picketing At A two games before the strike and total yards. Cleveland had rushed outside, and the rain-drenched fans KIttredge satisfied; MHS sub-par at Wickham At A they’ve lost two during the strike. for 217 yards last week at New turning to his private box and At 8 ’‘We can't stop the run and we England. cheering when the score reached T can’t pressure the quarterback and 35-0. Bv Jim Tierney Eighteen teams were in this race. 84 points while Darien was second "She’s running very well," Man­ was 147th and Pete LaPatka was won the boys’ seeded division with T At 8 Colts 6, Jots 0 we don’t cover too well,” Giants Cardinals 24, Balnto 19 Herald Sports Writer with 118 and Notre Dame of "Overall, we ran very poorly,” chester Coach Phil Blanchette said 173rd. 139 points. Doug Whitely of Ellis AtN Coach Bill Parcells said. ” So that’s Indianapolis has used varying Massachusetts was third with 145 Our Lady of Providence (R.l.) St. Louis made up for a 368-143 Manchester Coach George Suitor of Jarvis. "She’s improved so Tech was the Individual winner. a pretty helpless feeling.” styles for Its two victories during S As scholastic boys’ and girls’ points. much. She’s more consistent than deficit in total yardage by returning said. " It was our poorest race of the If NFL players stay on strike the strike. Last week, the Colts cross country teams from Connecti­ AtA two fumbles for touchdowns in a season." " I ’m really pleased.” East Coach last year.” Seniors Merry Ch^zle- much longer, league doormats routed Buffalo 47-0 as veteran cut and four other states reached Kathy Kittredge said. “ I wanted to wicz and Christine Nielson pliaced game featuring 30 veterans, 18 for Junior Craig Hempstead turned could walk all over the established quarterback Gary Hogeboom the halfway point of their respec­ come in the top five.” 49th and 66th. respectively' Senior At / the winners. Mark Jackson ran in a fine performance for Manches­ powers and right into the playoffs. threw for five touchdowns. tive seasons, they gathered at Jessica Marshall and sophomore Jacob overall winner yards with a fumbled snap and Pro ter and was its top man in 14th place Freshman Nancy Byrne led the ’The Oilers, Colts and Chargers are This time, the Colts got their first Wickham Park on Saturday for a Diana Pappas took 74th and 75th, Bowl safety Leonard Smith went 29 with a time of 16; 59 for the 3.1 mile -= Eagle contingent with a 17th-place heading in that direction with 2-0 shutout since moving from Balti­ key mid-term examination. respectively. Senior Jennifer TuccI NLCI yards for another score with a course. Junior Todd Liscomb and finish. Byrne’s time was 15:18 for records during the walkout. more, where they last turned the was 77th and senior Tina VIsco was fumble. The seventh annual Wickham senior Shaun Brophy secured 18th the 2.5 mile course. Seniors Dawn at TAC Championships ’The Vikings and Jets both got off trick in 1976 against the Jets. They 147th. Only 11,795 fans attended in St. Park Cross Country Invitational and 23rd, respectively. Senior Dana McCauley, Julie Ray. and junior Slanti to 2-0 starts but have seen those held New York to 66 yards rushing Noel Feehan took 32nd, 3Sth, and Louis. drew over 100 teams, over 1,000 Dieterle was 31st while senior Mike Springfield Catholic (Mass.) won bright times fade as their replace­ and 145'passing and forced five 36th, respectively. Junior Betsy It was a seven-second victory for open division inasnhuch as Jacob STUN runners, with representatives from Sears took 44th. Senior Sean Toland the seeded divison with 120 points ment squads faltered. turnovers. Lions 19, Packers 16, OT Dickinson was 40th while Sarah Wayne Jacob of the Ontral Mass was not registered with Connecti­ New York, Massachusetts. Rhode finished 72nd and Junior Rick Eaton while Katie McGovern of Newtown Colom Some of the strong are surviving. Steve Jordan kicked field goals of Detroit’s first victory of the Thlery was 78th and junior Jennifer Striders at Saturday’s Onnecticut cut TAC while Paula Brunette AP photo Island, and New Hampshire. was 81st. took individual honors. Thirty SmHhi ’The Chicago Bears easily won their 35 and 25 yards and rookie Bryant DeMarco was 88th. TAC 5K Cross Country Champion­ representing the Litchfield Track Hm t 2 season came when Mike Prindle The two highlighted events on the teams were In the seeded division. two pre-strike games. And they’ve Jones made two of the three Colts "Hempstead ran well,” Suitor There were 19 teams in the girls’ ships at Wickham Park. Club was the women’s open division Orlosti kicked a 31-yard field goal with 2; 34 innesota’8 Kirby Puckett watches his their series Sunday at Tiger Stadium. 12-race card were the boys’ and ’’They’ve all improved,’’ Undm dominated during the strike, p a r^ v ^ s ® Interceptions in front of 34,927 said. " I still think we can beat those championship race. Cheshire’s winner in 18; 20. Mary Jo Henderson left in overtlmebefore 35,779. It was hTt ejear the ieft fieid fence for a solo girls’ championship races which Blanchette said. "They weren’t Meow ticularly on defense with 20 sacks In The Twins won, 5-3, to take a 3-1 lead in teams (Staples and X avier).” Margaret Barbour was an easy Jacob was the overall winner of the Willimantic Athletic Club .hargerv 17, Buc« 13 the fourth field goal for Prindle. locally featured the Manchester spread out. They just have to close two victories — the regulars had 13 homer against the Tigers in Game 4 of the ALCS. Manchester will have to wait until winner in the championship race with a time of 15:24, followed by was runner-up to Brunetto in 19; 36. AAorrIi A crowd of 23,873 ignored the rain who had missed a 42-yarder with 10 High boys’ squad and the East in on Kim.” Porset in their wins. the Gass L L state meet on Oct. 31 to with a time of 14:11. " I didn’t really Mike Cobb of the Hartford Track Joseph Burleson of the Hartfoitl and collected N F L hats and souven­ minutes to go In overtime. Catholic girls’ contingent. "Nine sacks today and ll last face Staples and Xavier again. know what to expect,” Kittredge The East Catholic boys had a poor Club. David Raunig of Kelly’s Pace Track Club won the men’s masters’ Utwl« irs in a Bucs’ promotion. Then Green Bay’s Max Zendejas week," Bears Coach Mike Ditka The Indians, ranked No. 2 in the Xavier’s J.T. Burke, the defend­ said. " I was happy with Dawn. showing in the boys’ seeded race was third followed by Paul Bollck, division In 17:54 while Janit Ro- Neuhelsel came In and sparked the kicked a 45-yard field goal as time noticed. "That will get you in the expired to tie the game 16-16. unofficial state poll behind Xavier ing State Open champion, was the Julie, and Noel.” Both St. Ber­ and wound up with a whopping 574 Stephen Gates and Russell Blatt, mayko of the Silk City Striders took Pordr Chargers to victory. Puckett, Gagne Twins Oousn Guinness Book of Records, High of Middletown, failed to show individual winner with a time of nard’s and Darien are in Class MM points. "W e ran pretty bad,” Eagle the latter running for the Silk City the women’s masters’ division In Nuehelsel replaced Mike Kelley Patriots 14, Bills 7 its previous form and finished third Coach Paul Haggerty said. Junior Striders. Greg Best of the Striders 24; 58 somewhere.” 15; 53. as is East. Toms midway through the second quarter The Patriots have benefited from In the championship race with 130 Tom Carlson was East’s top fin­ was nth while David Kittredge. Kelly’s Pace won the team 'There were 130 veterans in Continued from page II son said, " I thought it was the The East Catholic girls, ranked The Manchester High girls’ team and hit 18 of 22 passes. He threw a an improved running game during ola. pitching oh three days of rest points. Staples High of Westport isher in 67th place. His senior former East Catholic High stan­ championship with a combined fltaol uniform Sunday, 44 more than last turning point of the game. No third In the state poll, finished placed sixth in the girl’s seeded 19-yard touchdown pass to Tim the strike. New England’s regulars for only the fourth time this season, was an upset winner over Xavier, brother, Steve, came in 86th while dout. representing the East Hart­ time of 82:46 followed by the Silk icMN week. Some of them had profound changeup or a curvebali,” said q u e s ts about it.” fourth in the girls’ championship division with 267 points. Senior Kim Ocwi Moffett two minutes into the fourth had the worst running attack in the worked the first five innings and which placed second. Staples to­ sophomore Danny Feehan placed ford Track Club was 13th. City Striders 85:49 and the East effects on their teams — Joe Gagne, who hit 10 home runs during ’Two’pltches later, on a 2-0 count, race with 160 points. St. Bernard’s Jarvis ran a fine race in finishing quarter. Jeff Gaffney’s 27-yard league last season. But. led by was relieved after Chet Lemon and taled 66 points while Xavier had 86. of Uncasville took top honors with 108th. Freshman Brendan Connolly Cobb was the winner of the men’s Hartford Track Club 86:51. Montana, Charles White and Leo­ the regular season. “ He threw it in Berenguer, the former Tiger, threw third with a time of 15; 05. field goal and Martin Sartin’s LeBlanc’s 146 yards, the Patriots Evans opened the sixth with Front nard Smith all were Instrumental in a zone and i was able to get a good a wild pitch which would have two-yard touchdown run provided marched for 212 yards on the singles. victories. part of the bat on it. allowed Evans to trot home easily Sa-T the other points. ground. LeBlanc became the first Viola, 17-10 during the regular 8F-t^ But several teams without any' "It was pretty exciting. I had with the tying run — had he still season, gave up three runs — two veterans — Chicago. Washington 49er* 25, Falcons 17 Patriot to rush for more than 100 some fun out there. There’s a few been on third. yards since Craig James gained 142 earned — ifon five hits to earn his and San Diego — won Sunday. If ’The smallest crowd in Falcons’ smiles.” " I saw (first baseman) Kent first playoff win. Fate isn’t with Connecticut as Duke triumphs StU you are looking for a pattern here, against Cincinnati on Dec. 22,1985. Despite the offensive punch by 2 2 Hrbek move back,” Evans said. " I MOtlM history saw Montana, Roger Crajg ’’Throwing the baii accurately “I wasn’t really tired,” Viola forget it. and Joe Cribbs — three of San Puckett and Gagne and some saw that and reacted. I was being ForsC while being harassed is a very said. “I felt I threw better tonight Bv Jim Tierney proved their mark to 10-2. caught flat-footed just 17 seconds John Rennie said. “ We had gone didn’t quit. We realized we had shot hit Dodd square in the chest. "There Is a difference in the level Francisco’s 12 strike-breaking superb work by four Minnesota too aggressive. It happened too ^advanced skill and it takes a than in the fi rst game of the series. ’’ Herald Sports Writer With the score tied, 0-0, the later when Duke’s Robert Probst from figuring we were going to win enough ability to come back and Foley had a fine game with nine Dovis of play,” Bengals veteran line­ veterans — spearhead the 49ers’ pitchers, however, the game turned quick. ^tremendous amount of work and Viola threw 33 pitches in the first dramatic point of the match came dribbled past midfield and rocketed to figuring we were going to lose in a win. I was lucky enough to be In the saves while Dodd had three. backer Reggie Williams said. ” I ’m second straight victory in a re­ on an unthinkable mistake by ” I was looking for that kind of a Rouse experience.” Patriots Coach Ray­ inning,- but once he found himself, STORRS — Fate was not on the in the secopd half after Duke’s Joey a 30-yarder which dipped under the heartbeat. The timing of the goal right place at the right time.” Frie# looking forward to buckling up my placement contest. Detroit veteran Darrell Evans. play, too, because the pitch was the left-hander retired 12 in a row mond Berry said. ” I Just felt like side of the University of Connecti­ Valenti hit the right post on a crossbar and the match was was as important as the goal " I ’m certainly pleased with our chin 'Strap with the regulars when Montana guided the team to two With one run in. cutting the Twins low. I read It. IsawLaudner start to between Lemon reaching on an HB they return.” running would give us the best cut men’s soccer team Sunday. penalty kick following Todd D’AIes- knotted at 1-all. It was the first itself.” Duke forced the action In the effort.” Morrone said. "They’re an Roust touchdowns and a field goal on his lead to 4-3 in the sixth, the Tigers move right away, but I wasn’t quick error in the first and a walk to chance of winning.” After I5th-ranked UConn took a sandro’s takedown of Brian Don­ career goal for Probst. a UConn sophomore goalie Tom second half while UConn was on the excellent team.” Urn No one has any idea when that only five possessions of the day. had Evans on third and Dave enough. I wish I could take it back. Whitaker in the fifth. New England won in the rain 1-0 lead in the second half, the nelly in the area. Irony Inflicted its sophomore. Foley was stunned by the quick defensive virtually the entire 45 enoti will be. For now. replacement Craig rushed for 91 yards. Cribbs Bergman on second with one out. It’s a lonely feeling.” Mtonk before the smaliest home crowd in "I felt better than I have all visiting eth-ranked Duke Blue spell on Duke when 3>A minutes The shocking turn of events Duke goal. ” It was like the door minutes. “ Particularly in the se­ eric ( football Is all there Is. had 67. But on Juan Berenguer’s first It was an uncharacteristic mis­ HUSKY NOTES - Duke leads 26 years. 11,878. season,” Viola said. " I ’ve never Devils, the defending national later, UConn sophomore Steve Instantly subdued the UConn shut in your face.” he said. “ I guess cond half. I thought we played very the series with UConn, 3-1. . .In Its T— "Some of these guys playing now “ I ’m sure it could have been a pitch to Lou Whitaker, catcher’Tim take by the 40-year-old Evans, who champions, stormed back (or two Rammel was tripped in the Blue faithful. it wasn’t in the cards.” well,” Rennie said. Just missed making teams by an Laudner snapped a perfect throw to had become the symbol of the broken so many bats.” five previous outings, Duke shutout much higher score, but I don’t think Bear* 27, Vikings 7 goals in the final 20 minutes to Devils’ penalty area by Keith “ It has shown that five minutes The game-winner for Duke came inch," Patriots running back Mike third baseman Gary Gaetti, picking Tigers’ fighting spirit this season. After scoreless relief by Keith all five of its opponents and scored that’s what Bill had in mind.” register a 2-1 come-from-behind Wiseman and the Huskies were after each goal that there’s a with 11:30 left in the match when The first half was evenly ALC LeBlanc said. "W e feel we have the Chicago took a two-game lead in off Evans, who had strayed too far "H e’s the most inspirational Atherton and Berenguer, Jeff Rear­ 17 goals. . It was UConn’s first loss receiver Dwight Clark said of victory over the Huskies before a awarded a penalty kick at 25; 03. letdown in concentration.” UConn Wiseman’s shot caromed off the matched. UConn missed a golden ability if given a chance. We can the N^C Central as the defense up the line. player I’ve ever played with,” don, who was the winner in Game 1, at home this year. . .Duke outshot Coach Bill Walsh. rain-drenched crowd of 3,265 at the Senior Kanto Lulaj made no Coach Joe Morrone said. "The guy crossbar'-and Jason Welghter scoring opportunity at 34:45. An play football also.” overpowered Minnesota., Mike Ho- "The pickoff play certainly was Gibson said. "There’s l^en nobody worked the ninth inning and earned UConn, 20-8. . .In the media soccer Twii Connecticut Soccer Stadium. mistake on the penalty kick try and (Probst) got a great shot.” Despite headed the rebound past a fallen apparent off-sides call on UConn 'Iliey also can draw fans, appar­ Rams 31, Stealers 21 hensee passed for one touchdown large, certainly was a big play,” who has inspired me more than that a save. game Sunday morning, the Elec­ and set up another before a crowd of It was UConn’S first loss since rifled a shot into the upper right still being tied, the match saw Foley. wasn’t whlstled^TVhich froze the tronic team defeated the Print MINI ently. Attendance was up overall, Laudner said. "G ary and I have a man. I guess he’s sort of my hero. Berenguer, who angered Ander­ So did Los Angeles veterans 32,113. Originally. 66,030 tickets Sept. 13 when it bowed to San comer of the net and UConn led, 1-0. emotions shift at the wink of an eye. ” I think we were outplaying them Duke fullbacks. LulajNeasily out­ team, 7-4. . UConn’s next game Is with 325,545 fans attending Sunday, predetermined signal. If he feels he " I take offense to people who will son with his enthusiastic arm- Okid( an average of just over 25.000 a White. Mike Lansford. Nolan Crom­ were sold for the game, leaving Francisco, 1-0. The Huskies slip to Apparently still in the midst of their “ The timing on our (first) goal at the time,” Welghter said. “ I flanked the defenders aM-broke in Wednesday at home against well and Steve Dils. who contrib­ can get him out, he puts it on. that play on him. For all he’s waving in Game 2, again shutdown game and more than 104, igher more than 33.000 tickets turned 8-3-2 while the Blue Devils im­ celebration, the Huskies were was unbelievable.” Duke Coach think what was Important was we on Duke goalie Mark Dodd,1>ut.■bytl his Massachusetts. Lorfci uted to all the Rams’ scoring. "The ball was down and in. It kept done for us. he doesn’t deserve the Tigers before turning the ball Lmbi than last Sunday’s total Ith the back or unused. White rushed for 166 yards and me square to third base.” that.” over to Reardon, the ’Twins’ desig­ Fuck Monday night game beti een the Detroit Manager Sparky Ander­ 0 0 0 8 scored one touchdown in his best Redskins 38, QIants 12 Minnesota left-hander Frank Vi­ nated closer. fi( Raiders and Broncos st to Ro Brun The largest turnout Was 40.622 at N FL outing ever. Dlls hit 13 of 19 Lionel Vital, who was cut by the Texas Stadium tor^we Cowboys’ passes for 148 yards and two Giants last year, became the first Ooor touchdowns. Cromwell, a four-time player In almost two years to rush Bruins hand puzzled Whalers third straight loss first home game-lnis season. The lowest, attendance was 8,684 at All-Pro safety, blocked a punt and for 100 yards against New York. He Ki rby Jackson fell on the ball in the had 109 on 17 carries In the first half Giants flash power, speed Atlanta. Giveaways and promo­ Total tions may have helped boost the end zone. Lansford capped the and his 22-yard touchdown run By Dave O'Hara and putskated them In the third ” We played two good periods and figures. Rams' scaring with a 39-yard field highlighted a 21-point second quar­ The Associated Press period. I thought we were the better it was tied 2-2 starting the third," ter. Vital finished with 128 yards team on the Ice tonight.” Evans said. "It concerns me that and Ted Wilson returned seven to take lead on Cardinals BOSTON - Coach Terry O’Reilly Boston goalie Doug Keans, mak­ my scorers ore not scoring.” punts for 142 yards. had his Boston Bruins groaning ing his first start of the season, gave "W e’re getting scoring from a lot The game drew the Giants’ Continued from page 11 with two and occasionally three up two firsT{ieriod goals to Paul of different sources,” O’Reilly said. Ooor smallest crowd ever at Giants made only one pinch-hitting ap­ daily practice sessions in preseason MacDermId, then shut down the Ooot "Burridge, (Steve) Kasper and Stadium, 9,123 on a chilly, rainy pearance In Game 3 and Is doubtful training. Whalers the rest of the way. agent told him he could trust Giants for the rest of the series. (Nevin) Markwart were like little day. President and General Manager A1 But the hard work is paying off The Bruins tied the score on Cam ■ A: The Cardinals, who also lost buzzsaws out there." VIek " I t ’s pretty tough to take this kind for the Bruins at the start of (he Neely’s third and fourth goals, then 9 Rosen to be fair. Terry Pendleton and Danny Cox for 9 Alho of losing.” Parcells said. " I t ’s kind 1987-88 NHL season. went ahead on Burridge’s first 47 Geoff Courtnall got into the Price, who hadn’t pitched in the one game each, have to regroup in a of enibarrassing. what with 40 minors since I960, reluctantly "Our team Is in really good shape seconds into the third period. scoring act between Burridge’s points/a game. ... But no one likes hurry to stop the Giants. out there and It’s showing in the late "The training camp we had was a goals on rebounds of shots by Ray agreed to start the season with the St. Louis scored flrst in Game 5 Tom their butts kicked every week.” Giants’ AAA Phoenix club. Rosen periods,” Randy Burridge said real hard-skating camp.” said Bourque In the third period. Court­ when Vince Coleman started the Sunday night after he scored two of Burridge. "So far, I think as the nall celebrated his 200th NHLgame Cowboys 41, Eaglos 22 told Price to take his time getting game with a double, advanced on a his arm in shape and promised to three third-period goals that lifted game goes on we get stronger and with his first goal of the season. Replacement Kelvin Edwards bunt and scored on bring him up as soon as he was the Bruins to a 5-2 victory over the the other team gets a little tired. had a 62-yard touchdown run on the Tommy Herr’s sacrifice fly — a ready. Hartford Whalers. We’ re coming on and taking control first play for Dallas, then Alvin typical Cardinal run. of the game. We’re all good hitters, Price went 6-0 and was recalled Rebounding from a 6-5 overtime Blount scored on runs of eight and But the Giants gave them a dose loss in Quebec Saturday night, the hustlers, you know. And we can all on July 5. JarvlB Mtraak one yard. Luis Zendejas kicked two of their own medicine in the bottom Bruins appeared to wear down put the puck In the net.” " I never doubted that he would field goals and Cornell Burbage of the Inning. Robby Thompson Hartford’s 1986-87 Adams Division contribute once he got his arm "W e felt last year we were dying caught a 77-yard scoring pass from walked and stole second almost by champions, piling up a whopping ends 8f 964 strength back,” Rosen said. Kevin Sweeney in the opening 10 the time catcher Tony Pena caught 19-5 shots-on-goal advantage In the in the third period." said Reans. BOSTON (AP) — Hartford "That’s what I told him in the who had 25 saves, 12 fewer than minutes. Cowboys stars Tony Dor- Mathews’ pitch. Kevin Mitchell third period, Whalers center Doug Jarvishad spring. He’s got a lot of heart. He’s Hartford goalies Mike Liut and sett and Danny White received then singled, scoring Thompson, "In three games, we've given up his record consecutive-game Just one of those guys who’s really a Steve Weeks. "That’s when you some harsh treatment from the and stole second with Just as much a lot of goals In the third period, streak halted at 964 when he tough competitor.” fans — both were booed often. ease. something like 13-0,” Hartford should be taking over. didn’t dress for Sunday night’s Price was 2-2 with one save The Giants didn’t score again Coach Jack Evans said after the National Hockey League game 7 during the regular season and he * ^ "We worked hard in training 7 Bsngals 17, Ssshawks 10 ° until Mitchell’s homer in the third, Whalers’ third straight loss. The camp and so far it’s paid off. Any against the Boston Bruins. quietly led the club with a 2.57 Joe Price delivers a pitch for the team’s ninth homer in the Whalers, who lost all of nine home The 32-year-old Jarvis, a Cincinnati overcame its own earned run average. With all the big time you can dominate in the third the Giants against the Cards playoffs against one for the Cards. games last year, lost their second period like we’ve done In three veteran of 13 NHL seasons, self-destructive tendencies — trades for pitchers Rick Reuschel, Sunday in San Francisco. The solo shot also gave the Giants a straight Saturday night, bowing 6-2 played In Hartford’s first two Don Robinson and Dravecky, games In four nights you’ll win a lot seven fumbles, three of them National League playoff record of to the New York Rangers. games. However, he was left Sotui hardly anyone noticed Price. Price shut down the Cards of games Lori recovered by Seattle; eight penal­ home runs in five straight games. "It seems we’re fine until the unprotected in the recent pre­ " I think I'm really lucky because ties for 80 yards — scoring all Its over the final five Innings. But they resumed dink ball and other team goes ahead,” Evans "W e had a couple of breakdowns season draft and wasn’t claimed Lete I ’m one of the few guys who didn’t points in the second quarter, on a base-stealing In tbe fourth inning, / said. "Then We start gambling and early. That's why I gotta be ready. by another team. five-yard run by Marc Logan, a get traded away, so I must be doing Busch stadium and their roaring, scoring four runs to overcome a 3-2 breaking down. The breaks start We don’t like to dig a hole In the first Jarvis claimed the one-yard run by David McCluskey something right,” said Price, who red-clad fans will blunt the attack of deBcit. going against us and they start period, but you’d sooner see it consecutive-game streak last In and a 28-yard field goal by Massimo throttled the Cardinals with fast- the pennant-hungry Giants. Chili Davis singled on tbe first piling up the goals against -js in the happen In the first than late in the season when he played in his Russ AP photo Manca. balls and curves. AP photo Greg Mathews, who started Sun­ pitch from reliever Bob Forach, third period.” game. 915th game, breaking the record "We overcame some tremendous "H e came in and looked like (Hall Miss day but had to leave after three and Will Gark singled on the next "W e played a good solid game,” esUblished by Gary Unger, odds,” Bengals Coach Sam Wyche of Famer) Rube Waddell," Herzog night at Boston Garden. The Urulns fouri Randy White (54) of the Cowboys throws Eagles' innings. Joined the Cardinals’ in­ pitch. Bob Brenly then walked to Hartford'S Sylvain Cote (right) checks Boston Coach Terry O’Reilly said. " I f you have a bad first period then with the Atlanta Flames, in SOVOI said. "There were a lot of penalties said. quarterback Scott Tinsley for a loss in their game Sunday jury brigade with a pulled quad- load the bases, and former Cardinal Boston's Allen Pedersen to the Ice In the handed the Whalers their third straight "It was a good skating game. We there’s always two periods for you 1979. JOSSi and mistakes on our part and some Meanwhile, the Cardinals are racep muscle. Jack Gark, whose Titi t at Texas Stadium. Jose Uribe drove in two runs with first period of their NHL game Sunday loss, 5-2. skated with them for two periods to catch up.” took key plays were called back." limping along, hoping a return to sprained ankle still hasn’t healed another single. rti U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 12, IHT MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, Oct. 12, 1987 — 15 SCOREBOARD UConn football ‘self destructs’ In losing to BU By Tlw Assoclottd Prtss 450 and Woford beat Southern to Jim Cashman with 41 seconds left bringing his team 80 yards to beat Stewart, who had earlier scored Connecticut 15S. In the half for Villanova’s first William 4i M ary 4934. w in, lose & DREW ______j U touchdowns running and receiving, N w l l f t M l l l i l i l l l P l M l v i i i n , E. NitaoiB n Tbe University of Connecticut In Boston, Randy Pettus helped State Roaiidap score. Villanova’ rattled G f a took a pitch from Ryan and rolled B M c b d l H o c k e y iWMMn83on,Nta.O foottali team may have looked BU crush UConn, running for 96 school-record 48 straight points in In both of Yale's victories this left for a 5yard option pass to ■AST ' 116 KdCfiMy W. B impressive a week ago when it yards and two touchdowns, while season Ryan has orchestrated Ni36Dellanee7 the second half. tightend Dean Athanasia and the Air Porco SX N ow 13 wiwmfiBmi Sit ftjvfionov / downed Richmond, but it hit a iow . comerback Mark Seals returned B U , 2-9, broke a three-game game-ending drives — the previous ~ V, N.Y. A POfWiam W W l6 -iw Oobg SI.""LWa-StavenePl.X Wl6-Sle Val# 40, Wtlflam « Mary 94: Yale winning score. M 7, LeBonen VOI. 3 Wl6-U0roeee m SadtagwIrwwvai. 1 St. 17 id its recent ioss to Boston one of his three interceptions for a losing streak while UConn, 53, quarterback Kelly Ryan had the one two weeks ago in a 3927 win Im binpliyifl^ltkiri NHL ttmdlngt r m j l . LdwrencoTS iWta9QN3vlBblzwE.-Btoi______i.-Btoil(X University. score to lead to the win. suffered its first league loes. opposition JuG where he wanted over Connecticut — that were ) ASMddMurvM Wb.-Rta. PgRen. Wls,-Oehkeeh M Tbe HusUea were defeated Sl-7 in anything but frantic. “ In that drive, that last drive, BtogmEMra 1A awYnev 0 KWIz-Wlitlewaler A W M u p e r le r 15 Pettus had touchdown runs of 8 VMeneve Bt, OenL ConneGteG 90: them with 2:27 remaining. there were a lot of calm faces in the ■ CNAM nONSHIP W R i n WAUSSCCNFERBNCR Boelen CeWeBe S , Army S4 W NlwiM n n . Morfelta X A xton Saturday. yards and 10 yards in the second Quarterback Kirk Schulz com­ Never mind that William It Aliwc— LM|M In Saturday's drive, Ryan com­ huddle.;Maybe it’s hard to believe Boelen u . SI. Oennecncut 7 Wfoegler A , ' Oarrelin '“The offense was laying like it quarter before being relegated to pleted a school-record 28 of 98 M ary’s Steve Christie had Just W L T fta OROA BoeeSobidlTMIeM pleted three of six passes for 51 because we don't have that many MiMMMta A Detroit S N Y l•lanG 90 959 Wash. St Jeff. SS, Bdhony.W.Va. 13 bench, delay of gome, 20:00; Lot Angelee PuGs 6 8 198 Wovneeburg 1A Froelburg St. 7 W. Oregon 4Z Unfleld X 1981. 16; No. 8 Auburn 48, Vanderbilt 19; by Northwestern from 107582. over Michigan. scored two touchdowns for Ne­ , c a r r i^ a Pitt-record 42 times for bench, defciv of gome, 30:00. Fumbtee-l.eG 4-2 52 WesttleM » . 33, Fromlnohm St. 7 WoshlngtM 77, Arizona X . 14 Sondov, Oct. 35 Weber St. X , N. Arizona 17 "Th is is the darkest day In Ohio No. 6 Florida State 61. Southern Dave Schnell threw two touch­ "This definitely is m y biggest braska in the Big Eight Conference 132 yards — his sixth Q^raight At American League, 3:25 p.m. EST, If Third Period— 10, Edmonton, Locombe PenaGee-Yordt 559 979 WMener 2A Lycoming 17 Bruins 5, Whsisrs 2 1 (Tlkkonen, Huddy), 4:14 (pp). 11, Tima G PottetGon 8 : 8 7 6:V Wilkes 31, upsota 13 Willamette 17, WhHworRi 7 State football since I have been Mississippi 10; No. 7 Louisiana down passes and Anthony Thom p­ game since I ’ve been here,” White opener for both schools at Lincoln.' 109yard game. necettorv Edmonton, Andereon 3 (Meteler, Wm. Paterson 34, Wesley 0 Wyoming 79, Brigham Young 27 Miner), 15:23. PenoHlee— Miner, Edm INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Worcester St. 31, Brdgwoter,Moee. 21 3 3 3 -9 (elathlng), :37; Duchetne, LA (hooking), RUSHING— Waehlngtan, VHal 37-123, Yale 40, William 3. (Mary 34 NLC8 rnuH Batten 1 i 3 - 5 3:54; Huddy, Edm (holding), 7:M; R n t Period— 1, Hartford, MacDermId 1 W.WIIeon IM A Jeeele1-14, Rubbert 5-Z New SOUTH How top twoflty farad (Lodouceur, Fronde), 6:35. Z Boeton, Ennie, Edm (croee-checklng), 10:36; York, Wllliame 133A Lovetady 1-3, Pork4-A Appalachian St. 34, Liberty 6 Slsnti 6. Cinllnili 3 Neelv 3,15:31. 3, Hartford, MocDermld 3 Beukeboom, Edm (tripping), 15:43;MeSor- Covlnotanl-(mlnue3). Auburn 4Z VanderMH 15 (Petereon, Tippett), 16:03. Penaltlee— ley, Edm (delav of game), 19:53; Welle, PASSING— Washington, Rubbert 11-234)- AusHn Peoy 30, Moreheod St. 13 By T b e ______LA (deim of gome),19:33; Kennedy.LA, 176. New York, Busch 1441-1-133. Cent. Rortda 3A Savannah St. 36 How the Assocloted Press Top Twenty AAocDermld, Her (tripping), :49; Llnee- mieconduct, 19:53. STLOUI3 SAN PRAN mon, Boe (holding), 1:16: Bobych, Har RECEIVING— woehington, Allen 451, Clemeon 33, Virginia 21 OOlifOV...... fOOIDQIf TtlVflf IQTVO I this ebrbM e irbM (td ^ln g ), 3:31; Crowder, Boe (holding), T.WHeon Z76, W.WIIeon M A VHol 1-13, Delta St. 17, Tenn.-6torHn 14 and schedule tor Oct. 17: SCOREBOARD Coleman If 4 130 T1imptn3b 2 111 Shote on god— Edmonton W-14-16— 40. McEwan 1-13rALS— Woshlneton, FoyeHevllle St. 70, Bowie St. 70, tie 7th); Chrlstlns Werzyn-Sth. Bsom; prIztmonovoWtfSundov’sfInolroundoftht 70697972-ni Sanlortgoldicorn Drteeen lb 3000 Maldndrf 4 0 10 Evoeon, Har (holding), 3:23; Pedereen, Boe No. 19 Oktahomo Stato. Shsllo RlnoWoom-lst; Carrie Kouich- $700000 Pensacola Open, plovsd on tht p g Trevor DodG, S3,in 6767-X-76— 211 Charles SIfford 3,333 Lindmn lb 1000 Davit cf 3 110 Goollee— Edmonton, Fuhr (33 ehote-36 Arirl 47. RorWo 6A Fullerton St. 0 No. 3 Miami, Flo. (490) beat Maryland Roland Stafford 2637 (Intereferencej, 7:30; Klelnendoret, Har tovee), Reough (13:13 third, 7-7). Lot 2nd; KGIs German and MsIIs m Govln- X , 7,l56vard Ptrdhto Bov Rtsort count; Tonv Xlls, SZ175 79797469-2S2 McOeecf 403 0 Milner cf 1000 (roughing), 10:41; Lineeman, Boe (hlgh- Rortda St. 61, S. Mieeleelwl 10 4916; Is Idle. Gvniuwtic:* 3rd; Stsphonls Dsnts^lr; Amy Brad Crstr, 82,175 76657469-2S2 ROSWELL, Go.— Final scoresandprlit Mike FGchIck 2637 PendHnlb 4 110 WCIark 1b 3 110 Angelet, 6Aelanton (34-17), Heolv (0:00 Rirmon 2A E. Tennessee St. 13 No. 4 Noire Oome (510) lost to PlHsburgh etlcklng), 10:41; Bourque, Boe, double Hilrd, 16-14). Brssclono-Sth; MIkkit Alslondro and Doup Tmwii, SS44)ao RoPtrf Wrtnn, SZ175 X6975X-2S2 money Sunday from fht S2SOJIOO Senior Bob Erickson 2637 Morrierf 3000 Brenivc 1 1 0 0 minor (hlghellcklng), 11:34; Oavin, Gardner-Webb 56, Lenolr-Rhvne 5 39X; at Air Force. Tamara Nslion-(tlt (or 6(h); ChrIGInt Danny EdworG, $70/400 67-67-M-79272 Oftp TWIgps, 02,175 69756972— 2U Cholltnot golf tournament, ployed on BoP ToskI 2637 Pereebp 0000 Uribe M 4 113 Her (croee-checklng), 14:03. Georgia Southern 1A Beihune-Cookmn No. SAuburn (401) bool VanderblH451S; Wsrzvn-Xh; Cofhsrlns Mulllean-9th. Phil BkicfcmG, 126,400 47-696670-272 Don Halktorson, 12,175 69746972-W Iht par-7Z 6,7Q5vard Horseshoe Bend Dan Moreon ZI57 0000 Reutchelp 1000 Colts 6,J8ttO 13 at (Jeorgki Tech. Floor; Kofis Oormon-lsf; Corrls DavM Ogrin, S1Z200 75X-4666-275 Jotv Xndtiar, SZ175 6974-X— 65-2Kt Country Club course: Bobby Nichols 2,157 300 0 Aldretepb 0 00 1 Third Period— 5, Burrldge 1 (Bourque, Georgia Tech 33, Indiana St. 0 No. 6 Florida Stato (510) boot Soulhorn WInIngir’i Mark McCumbtr, GZ200 77400007-m Jim NGford, t1,736.X 75797560-2B Lorry Mowrv S373X) 796766— 203 Jim Kino Z1S7 (kombllno St. 51, Tennssess St. 9 Kausch-2nd; Sfsphonls Dsnlt-3rd; 3 110 Price p 10 00 Morkwort), :47. 6, Boeton, Courtnoll 1 F o o tb a D N.Y. Jets Mississippi 61-10; vs. Loulsvillo. Shsllo Rlnebloom-4(h; Amy Brtsclane- Clartnet Rost, G O ,^ X-197065— 2M Frank Conner, S1,736.X 75X-69X— » Gene Llffler X JOO X6966-20S Frsd Hawkins 2,157 10 10 3 3 3 Jackson St. 41, Alabama St. 17 No. 7 Louisiana State (501) beat No. 16 Th« Wininosr's gymnottlcs' teanri Jim carter, 91,736.25 Bruce Crompton MJOO 736969—207 Joe JImlnez 2,157 (Bouroue, Neelv). 4:56. 7. Boeton. 3 3 1 compGsd In Its first C.O.A. Closs IV 5(h: ChrIGInt W t r z y n ^ ; MtlltM Jtff Xuman, $ W ,A 67-X-6565-276 G.X-7974— 26) Pordrf 0000 B u rrim 3 (Koeper, Morkwort), 10:15. James Modlsen G , Richmond 3 (Seorgla 7073i vs. Ksntucky. (Savin and Mikki Alslondro ((It tor David Conlpt, S94IOO 7567-6966-277 AkI Ohnrachl, S1,736.X X696974— 2S3 Bob Chortes 16JOO 746967— 209 BUI Byors 2,157 Oauendrf 3000 Kentucky 35, Mississippi 6 No. SClemson (500) boolVlrpInloaX; msG G tht sooson SGurdav. Tht Penaltlee— Lodouceur, Har (hlgh- Ind— FG Jordan 35,13:03 7th),• CothGlnt Mullgon-Oth; Tamara John MohofTtv. $9000 66697569-277 Jim DtG, GJ21.I8 75X-X69-284 Arnold FGmer 10,500 6667-X— 210 Ken Still 2,157 O o y ^ p 0000 Kentucky Weslyn 34, HAi k Murray 21 vs. Duko. Wtnlngsr's rMults are os (ellosn; 69696971— 278 Nick Prlct, t1,3X.I0 7974-756S-2M Miller Borber 10,500 69X-X— XO Peter Thomson 1637 etlcklng), 1:40; Courtnoll, Boe (high- Mpl itinrilnot Third Quarter Knoxville 3S,vTenn. Wesleyon 7 Rtsults: Ntlten-9lh. All around: Carrit Koutc5 MIkt RGd, S7AOO 333 73 Tetah 16 7 6 etiefcing), 1:40; Tippett, Hor (holding), No.OOhloStoto (51-1) los1tolndlorKi3l-10; MIkt Hulbtrt. S7A0O X-7B6672-27I Nolan Htnkt, tIJSI.IS X-7975X-2M BUI Collins 6400 79X-7D-211 Oeorpe Lonning 1637 Ind— FG Jordan 25. 7:32 LSU 36, r ■la 23 at Purdue ' 9 opg oPRar — Vault; K G t Fsclnta- 1st: Shsllo Rlnobloom-2nd; Stsphonls 5:37; Sweeney, Boe (Interference), 10:46. A— 34,937. Dtnls-3rd; KGIs 6arman-5th; MsIIi m Bract LIGzkt, S6300 65796573— 279 John McComsh, G .SS 79756973— 2S4 Dave Hill 7JN3 67-X-74— X2 James Borbsr 1637 StLeole 131 W 3 lira Lane 19 No.W Tennessee (401) Is Idle; vs. No. 15 3rd; T g o Tonkln-6th. Bars; Andre 69756968-279 BUI Sondtr, G4X.IS 75X6973— 284 Gory Plover 7093 726575-212 DrvUle Moody 1637 AMERICAN CONPRRBNCB Uvlneston, St j T w . Georgia M Lspor51G; Msgon WsG-2nd; Tore Govln-Tth; Amv BrstclonoGh. Sttvt Jontt, S6JOO igp m 131 431 Shote on oool— Hartford 11-11-5-27. Ataboma G Birmingham, Ato. Tom Bvrum, I6J00 X656674— 279 Mark WIttw, G 4 X JS X-X-7972— 284 Butch Baird 7097 X6972— 212 Gordon Jonss 1,330 Oome-Wlnnlng RBI — Uribe (1). N Y J tad Louisianaulslana TeA-7,Te McNeese St. 3 No.11 UCLA (4-1-0) Is Mlo; vs. Oregon. Tenkln-3rd. Bsom; AnGoo Lopordand Dan Fortmcvi, S4,690 73657567— 280 Mac O'Grodv. 81,321.01 X-7567-74— 284 Don Massenoote 5650 757970— 213 Dow Rnsterwold 1,330 Boeton 10-13-19^. W ? T Pet. PP PA Rret downs 16 14 Marshall 36 Louisville 31 Toro Tonkin (tie ter second); Kate B— Reutcbel. O P -S t. Louit 1, Son Power-ploy Opportunitlee— Hartford 0 of No.13 MIchtaim (550) l i ^ ta Mlctripon Bract Soultbv. M450 7979797D-2n PG McGowan, t1,321.n X — 284 Gov Brewer 5650 757569-213 Doug Ford 1.3n Indianapolis 2 3 0 .500 34 52 Ruehee-yorde 3»66 33-174 Memphis SI. 13, Ataboma 10 Stats 17-11; vs. Iowa. Fsclnta-4th. Floor: Andrea Lopord-IG; Prondeco 1. LOB— St. Louie 4, Son 6; Botton 0 of 5. Miami 3 2 0 JOO 106 62 Passing John Adams, MA50 796979X— 210 Scott Hoch, IS67 _:7575-265 Billy Casper 4600 X-X-75-214 Howard Brown 1630 Proncleco 5. 3B— Coleman. 3B— 1 « 96 Miami, Flo. 46, Maryland 16 No.13 Arizona Stota (550) lost to KGs Ftcinta and Toro Tonkin (tie (or G o lf DIefc MoG, $4M0 657567-70-280 Xm Norris, SI67 75) Dote Douplass 4600 757466— 214 Buck Adorns )6 n Goollee— Hartford, Llut (33 ihote-25 New England 3 3 0 .500 76 91 Return Yards 14 S6 Middle Tenn. 33, Mississippi Val. 7 eecond); Megon West-3rd. All-around: Pendleton, Tbompton. HR— Mitchell (1). eaves). Weeks (3:03, 3rd period, 14-13). Washington 27-14; vs. Woshlnotm State. KtHh Citarwator, $4630 X-757O67-2I0 Ltonord Thompson, S067 75797569-285 'Bob Brut 4600 757579-214 OulGon Gray 1,1X N.Y. Jeta 3 2 0 .500 93 96 Comp-Alt-Int 17-354) 15-31-1 Mlllsaps 2Z Cent. Methodist 6 Andrea Lepord-lst; Kate Feclnta and Jim Cochran 1,1X SB-Thompeon (3), Mitchell (1). S-Smith. Boston, Keane (27-35). Buffalo 1 3 0 .250 75 122 Sacked-Yards Lost Ktnnv Knox, S4,4n 70696973-200 Brian Cloar, IS67 7575X-70— 285 Lee Elder 4,175 757973— 2)5 S F -H e rr, Smith, Aldrete. 413 3-19 Mississippi Col. 15, Jacksonville St. 13 No.14PennStote(5lO)bsatRutgers35X; Tara Tonkin (tie for second); Megan Stsvt Pato, n ,1 » 79757267— »1 Ed Douohertv. M67 7469X-X— 285 Dick Howell 4,175 757579-215 Chorlts Coodv 1,1X- Central Punts 339 7-35 Morris Brown 21, Morehouse 3 <6 No. 17 Syracuse. PmsMOlaOpintearat George Boyer 925 Houston 3 1 0 .750 105 70 Fumbles-Lost Bob Twov, a ,IX 75696970-2G Griff Rudolph, 1867 X697573-2S5 Walter Zembritkl 3,000 75X-73— 216 8sbrss6,Cspltsls5 5-2 M N. Alabama 16, Alabama A3M 14 No.15 AtabonMi (420) lost to Memphis 10 mO i l — Vault: Aldl Lenovel-2nd; PENSACOLA, Ro. — RnG icorts and Chip Btck, a , i » X 6 9 X -X — 201 Stevt ElkInGon, SS67 75X-7973— 285 Art Well 36SJ 7574-X— 217 Charles Owens 925 IP H R BR BB SO ClndnnoH 3 3 0 .500 75 63 PenoHlse-Yards 365 7-70 N. Carolina ASiT 19, J.C. SmHh 3 Stoie 15W; vs. No. 10 Tsrmssseo G Sunny Hwane-4th; 5th-Kerrv Mango- Cleveland 3 3 0 JDO 35 63 Time of Possession 30:00 »:00 N.C. Central 31, St. Paul's 3 nGlo; Heather Tonkln-7th; Allison StLoute Pltleburgh 3 3 0 .500 39 94 Mrmlnohom,Ala. 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Woehington 3 1 1— s Newberry 3A Corson-Newmon 31 No.16 GsorGo (450) loG to No. 7 Amanclo-8th; Wlllyann DeCormlGSIh. Portch L, 1-1 0 3 4 4 1 0 Buftale 4 1 1—6 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS NIcholls S». 37, Southern U. 21 Louisiana Stato34X;GVcmdsrt>m. Bars: HeGher Tonkin-lst; Sunny 3 3 0 0 0 3 Rret Period— 1, Woshlrwton, Gollev 1 L A. Raiders 3 0 0 1.000 32 24 RUSHING— New York, Bllgen 13-35, E. Presbyterian 31, CataMm 3 No.17 Syrocusa (500) Is Idle; vs. No. 14 Hwong-4th; Wlllyann DeCormlG-9Hi; (Murphy), 3:53 (pp). 3, Buffalo, Houtley 3 Son Diego 3 1 0 .750 63 66 Hunter 13-37, Chirico 34, Norrie 14). Rhodes 34, Sewonee 21 Allison Amonclo-lOth. Beam; Sunny MUFFLER, BRAKE OR SHOCK Dovlev 3 0 0 0 3 3 Seattle 3 2 >0 .500 94 91 Ptnn Stato. Sm ftgndtce (Tucker, Johonteon), 7:33 (pp). 3, Indianapolis, Bonks 25-159, Brown 4-1A S. Carolina 40, Vlrglnta Tech K) No.1l Ftortdo (450) boG Fullerton Hwong-IG; HeGher Tonkln-3rd; Aldl Reutchel 4 6 3 3 0 1 Woehington, Christian 3, 9:39. 4, Buffalo, Denver 1 1 1 .500 67 74 HogeboomZI, Kiel l-(mlnusl). S. Carolina St. 41, Morgan St. 14 Stato 650; vs. Ttmpit. Lengvel-8th. Roor; HeGher Tonkin- Price W, 1-0 5 1 0 0 1 6 Andreychuk 1 (Turgeon), 11:06.5, Washing­ Kansas Cjty 1 3 0 .250 51 133 PASSING— New York, Norrie 17-353- SW Louisiana 1Z NW Loulslona 3 No.19 Oklahoma Stato (500) beG Colo­ let; Wlllyann DeCormlG-4th; Kerry Porech plicbed to 4 botlert In the 4lh. ton, Ridley 1 (Chrlttlan),Guslafuon, 14:10 NATI09UL CONPRRCNCE 163. Indianapolis, Hogeboom 15-231-115. Towson St. 70, Howard U. 14 rado 4517; vs. No. 2 Nobraska. Manganello-5th; Aldl Leng^Gl-lOth. All- (pp). 6, Buffalo, Tucker 3 (Andreychuk), ■oet K M 034H). Troy St. 44, Valdosta St. 7 oreund: HeGher Tonkin-lst; Sunny HBP— TKompton bv Dovlev. WP— Dallas 3 1 0 .750 103 34 No.X Arkansas (410) bsG Toxos Tech Reuechel. 14:24. 7, Buiffalo, Amlel 3 (Krupp, Smith) RECEIVING-New York, Harper 35A Tuskegee 70, Albany, Go. 7 310; vs. Texas G LHHe Rock, Ark. Hwono-Srd; Wlllyan DeCormler-71h; Umpiree Home, Jim Quick: PIrtt, Bob 13:53. Penaltlee— Ruuttu, But (hold Washington 3 1 0 .750 120 73 S.Hunter4l9,Holman32ZBlleen3X,Rlley VMI 7, CHodel 3 Aldl Lenovel-IOtfi. mmmums? Bngel; Sm n d , John Kibler; Third, Ed Ing), 3:13; Longway, Wot (holding), 6:55; St. Louie 2 3 0 .500 93 33 M9, Sweet 1-17. Indianapolis, Bomes S-77, W. Carolina G , Mars Hill 0 It giMI ever — Stephanie Denis-IG; Smith, Wot, motor (fighting), 3:03; , Phllodiphia 1 3 0 .250 76 137 Murray 45Z Noble 311, Keorse 1-X, W. K e n ta ^ 70, Th.-Chattanoogo 17 Catherine Mulllpan-Snd; Tam ara Montague; Left, Oove Polione: Right, N Y. Giants 0 4 0 .000 66 129 Eric Oregg. But, molor (fighting), 3:03; (Jllllet, Buf McLsmore 1-5, Brondes 1-5. Woke Forsst 2Z N. Carolina 14 Nelson-3rd; Sheila Rlnpbloom-Sth; T— 3:43. A— 59,363. (slothing), 3:03; Hunter, Was (hooking), Central MISSED FIELD GOALS— New York, Wingate 5Z Davidson 27 MIkkIe Alelandro and Christine WGZvn 3:30; Cvr, Buf (tripping), 13;32; Chicago 4 0 0 1.000 116 33 Roguso 46, 33. Indianapolis, Jordon 47,42. W o f f ^ W, S. ConnecHcut 3 (tie ( G 7th); Katie Gorman and Melissa Guetofeton, Wot (h olding ), 16:17; Minnesota 3 3 0 .500 73 35 Youngstown St. 13, Tennessee Tech IS B o w U n g Govln (tie (or 7lh); Amy Bresclano-8t(i. FronceecheHl, Was (Interference), Tampa Bay 3 3 0 .500 95 74 Bars: Carrie Kausch-lst; Shello ALC8 rnult 19:34; Washington bench, served by G rten Bay 1 3 1 .375 56 73 Rlnobloom-4(h; Mellsso (Savin and PIvonko, (not reporting to penalty box), Detroit 1 3 0 .250 73 103 MIDWBST CothGlne Mullloan (defer 6th); T g o - 19:34. Adrian 2Z Olivet 3 ara Nelson and Steohanie Denls-(fle (or Twins 5,Tlosri3 Second Period— 3, Buffalo, Ruuttu 3 San Fmceco 3 1 0 .750 110 94 a a r i 25. Falcons 17 Allegheny 46 Ohio Weslyn 6 U.8. Mixad (Johansson, Housley), 1:07 (pp). 9, Wa- New Orleone 3 3 0 .500 101 33 Ahno G , Kotamazoo 7 ehlngton, Gartner 6 (Covalllnl, Rld- AHonta 1 3 0 .250 60 131 Ashland 27, Georgetown, Ky. TO Fran Moseley 177, Cindy Hurley MINNBSOTA DETROIT dtey),3:33. Penaltlee— Glllee, Buf (hook­ L.A. Rome 1 3 0 .250 73 99 Son Rondece 6 14 3 Auouifana,lll. A Illinois Weslyn 3 105-499, Linda Skoglund 179, Bob Sko- obrhM ObrhM ing), 3:19; Fronceschettl, Woe Atlanta 3 3 13' 7— 17 Augustana,S.D7x, S. Dakota St. 17 Gund 229X1-604, Dale PockG 179199 (Madden l( 3000 Whitakr 2b 2 2 0 0 (roughing), 4:43; Dyketro, Buf (rough­ St. Louie 34, New Orleans 19 Aurora W, Olivet Nazarene 3 506, Vida Bartlett 1 11-^, Anne Poole Chargers NewmnS) 2000 Morrtndh 4 0 10 ing), 4:43; Koetellc, was (hooking), 5:55; Dallas 41, Philadelphia 23 SF— Craig 1 run (kick tailed), 3:33 Baker TO, William Jewell 14 IX , Sharon Madoro 1S9209S40, Olone 1000 Chicago 37, MInneeota 7 Brennan 194-1991t5577, Don Cota X I, THE MIDAS MUFFLER Larkin ph 10 11 Nokeeph Hunler, Woe (roughing), 6:01; Cyr, Buf BaMwln-Wallaee X , Mu^lneum 13 Lmbrdz2b 10 11 OibMhir 4 0 11 (roughing),6:01; Longway, Woe (cross­ Son Diego 17, Tampa Bov 13 SF— Clark 6 pass from Montano (Brock- Ball SI. 74, Kent St. X ShGlo Price 4S9, Ernie WhiMie X2, Puckett G 5 2 2 1 Tromml u 3 0 10 checking), 6:30; Maguire, Buf (elbow­ DetroH 19, Green Bay 16, OT hous kick), 6:13 Benedlcnne,lll. 31, Loras 7 Jack Hughes X I, Suzanne Feltmonn unbeaten Oat(B3b 4 0 0 1 Herndon r( 3 0 0 0 ing), 12:36; Galley, Was (roughing), 14:33; New England 14, Buffalo 7 SF— Greer 5 pass from Gogllano Benedlcflne,Kan. X , Panhandle St. 3 194, Marge DeLlsle 116, Dave Fenn BoylGdh 4 0 10 LentonG 4 1 1 0 Atagulre, Buf, double minor (roughing, Houston 15, Clevelond 10 (Brockhous kick), 14:« Bethany, Kan. X , McPherson 13 217-204S«. CHALLENGE Indianapolis A New York Jets 0 T1ilf0 Quoffsr Brvnekyrt 3 0 0 0 Evoni1b 4 0 10 elbowing), 14:33; Dyketro, Buf, miscon­ Block Hills St. X , Dakota St. 0 AGion in the Manchester Midget Hrbeklb 5000 Broken 3b 2 0 0 0 duct, 14:33; Ruff,Buf(holdlng),16:99. Miami 4Z Kansas City 0 AH— Bodonlek 3 run (Dovls kick), 6:34 Bowling Green X , Ohio U. 7 Bring Midas anyone's written estimate Ooone ti 4 2 2 1 Bmgmn lb 2 0 11 Washington 33, New York Glonte 12 AH— FG Davis 4Z 14:13 Butter 16 M. Joseph, tad. 3 Football League last Friday night Loudrwre 2 1 0 0 iteGhc 2 00 0 Third Period— 10, Buffalo, Glllee 1 ancInnoH 17, SeoHle W Capital 7, ONerbeln 6 at Mount Nebo saw the unbeaten for installing a muffler and we’ll m eet it Grubb ph 10 10 (Amlel), :13. 11, Washington, Covalllnl 1, Son Frondeco 25, Attanta 17 SF— FO Brockhous TO, 3:M Corteton 37, St. Otaf X Calcniliair Sherldn pr 0 0 0 0 6:W. Penaltlee— Smith, Woe (holding), Loe Angelee Rome 31, Rtteburgh 31 SF— Safety, Fuller tackled Kramer In Carroll. Wl6 3A North Pork 0 Chargers challenged before hold­ TPlPle X 5 7 5 Telalt »371 3:00; Cavolllnl, Was (roughing), 13:01; end zone, 3:34 Cose Western 2Z ObeHin » ing off the Eagles, 166, while the or beat it. No ifs, ands or buts. Going Cvr, Buf (roughing), 13:01; Cloutier, Buf, Los Angelee Raiders at Denver, 9 p.m. AH— Komono 4 pass irom Kramer Cent. Mlditaan 1A E. Mlchtgon 6 Giants and Jets played to an 58 jAlmwGGto •G lit G 9 -6 served by Creighton, mlnor-molor (hlgh- 3undpy, Oct. 13 (Dovls kick), 13:29 CMrt. S4., Ohio 30i Hampton U. 13 TODAY someplace else could cost you. Indtanopolle at PlttebuM, 1 p.m. A— 3634. deadlock. N8 G1 X 9 -4 etlcklng), 19:39; Ramsey, Buf, gome Chloapohlcggo 16 Laswenoe 13 Bov*' Soccer Oome-Wlnnlng RBI — Gagne (1). misconduct, 19:39; Hunter, Woe, double Seoffle at DetroH, 1 p.nT Coe GTorlnnell 7 The Chargers are atop the Miami at New York Jets, 1 p.m. E— Gagne, Herndon, Evans 3. DP— minor (slashing,hlghetlcklne),19:39. SP AB Concordia, III. a Concordia, Wis. 3 , East Catholic G St. Bernard's, 11 o.m. standings at 50 followed by the Jets Minnesota 1. LOB— MInneeota 11, Detroltz Shots on gooLBjWcifhlngton 3-1Z7— 37. New Enidond at Houston, 1 p.m. Rret downs X X Concordia, Moor, a AAocolesler 11 Bills Soccer 3B— Gagne, l^ k ln . HR— Puckett (1), Buffalo 1M1-13-35. Cleveland at Clndnnotl, 1 p.m. Rushee-yords 43-239 X -X Dayton a DoPauwX EoG Catholic G M g c v , 2 p.m. at 2-1-1, the Eagles at 1-3 and Giants Gagne (3). S Newmon, Heath. SF— Power-play Opportunitlee— Washington Philadelphia at (Sreen Boy, 1 p.m. Passing IX IX Dickinson X . a Jamestown 0 at 951. Play resumes this Friday BRAKES$69^ New Orleans at Chicago, 1 p.m. Return Yorde OoeHI. 2 of 9; Buttalo3of 7. 46 X Ooone a Ceneerdto, Nob. 0 TVBSDAV with the Eagles against the Jets in PER AXLE MOST CARS Undefeated MIKE Goollee— Washington, Peetere (35 ehote- Minnesota at Tampa Boy, 1 p.m. Comp-AH-Int 913-1 19453 Drake 4Z QGnev 14 BaysSoccor IP H R RR BB SO 39 eaves). Buffalo, Cloutier (37-23). Loe Angelee Rome at Atlanta, 1 p.m. S^ed-Yords Lost 9 X 649 Dubuque 46 Upper Iowa X Windham G 66ancha» tor, 3 :X tbe opener and the Chargers Our Brake Job Includes; ^ New York Giants at Buffolo, 4 p.m. Punts 533 534 Eailbam 17, Cerdro X Chonoy Toch G CromwtII, 3 :X ajgainst the Giants in the nightcap. Son Diego at Loe Angelee Raiders, 4 Fumblee-Loet 00 00 * NewGiman(eed Bnke 9 Vlota W,1-0 5 5 3 3 4 3 Eknhurs) X , Wheaton 14 Bolton G VInal Toch, 3 :X A 1-yard run by quarterback Aric Atherton 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Bliekliawki6.Flyart3 p.m. Penoittee-Yords W-X 7-X Ewiporta X . a Mo. SoGhern 7 Coventry G EoG Hampton, 3 :X PadsorSioes 9 3 3-3 0 0 0 3 1 Denver at Koneoe CHy, 4 p.m. Time of Possession X:17 X :G Eurako 9, PrkwJpio 3 Alibrio gave the Eagles the early (Sem-metalKc psds extia J I S,1 1 1 0 0 0 3 St. Louis at Son Frondsco, 4 p.m. Rndtay 71, THRn 6 Monchestar G Windham, 3 :X lead. The Chargers came back on a 3 1 S -3 Mendey, Oct. 19 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS * Recondition Dnans or Rotors CtHCOB0 1 1 ^^0 Friends 16 BsRwl, Kan. 3 Covontrv G EGton, 3:X Tonono LA I 51-3 6 4 3 4 1 Washington at Oolloe, 9 p.m. RUSHING)— Rgndsco, Craig 17-91, R . Hoys X . 79. Wayne, Neb. 74 Cross Cooplrv 12-yard pass from quarterback Jim * IfupectCsIipets Rret Period— 1 , Chicago, D. Wilson Z Cribbs 9-67, Rodgers 7-37, Monroe 1-17, Jackson to Vincent DeJesus. The Petry 31-3 1 1 0 0 1 13:43 (pp). PenolHes— D, Wilson, Chi ' . Grand V G Iw X . X , Ferris X . 5 Monchester/SoGh Windsor G Wlnd- * Inspect W h ^ Qrlinders Thurmond 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Sydney 411, Slevens 59, Voralon 57. Oustov Adolphus 3Z X . John's, Minn. hom (boys and girls), 3 :X Chargers’ winning score came in TYSON VS BKG 552SSV HJ!' flFL rnuHs Atlanta, Bodonlek 154Z Kramer 1-11, * Inspect Brake ware Vlota pNched to 3 boNere In the 6H1. (fighting), 15:37; D. Sutter, Chi, mlnor- 31 •Iris tsGmmlpg 1 WBA-Ranked Contender HBP— Gladden 3 by Tonono, BoHor by Meintoeh 57, Williams 1-0) Taylor HamHno a Augsburg 14 Manchester G Windsor, 3:45 the fourth quarter on a 49yard run •RoedTest WBA WBC IBF Heavyweight Champ molor (roughing, fighting), 15:37; R. Sutter, 1-lmlnus 13). 8 Tonona WP— Tonono, Berenguer, Petry. Hanover 46■, iUnion, Kv.'X AAoloney vs. East Catholic (G Mon- on a fumble recovery by DeJesus. Umpiree— Home, Al Cigm; Rret, Mike Phi, double minor (hooking, uneportemon- PASSING— Son Rponclsco, Montano 5 9 Hillsdale a Wayne, Mich. 6 chsstar H le h ).3 :X Addkionsl psrts end scniccs msy be like conduct), 13:12. Pitrlott14.Bllli7 96Z Gogllano 4 9 L X , Stevens 9590; DeJesus picked up the ball after required which etc ne( incluOed in Uiit price. 8 Reilly; Second, Jliq^ScKidhrThlid, Joe Second Period— 3, Phlladelphio, Mel- Hope X, AMen X (linkm an; Left, “ Attanta, Kramer 13351-176 Von Raophorst Huron W, 6 Dakota Tech 7 WBONBSOAV Jackson was hit and fumbled. See wstTsnty term M your locsl Hides ilcsicr. 8 S w Coble. _ tanby 1 (DataneauH), 3:19. 3, C h icm , 5151-61. Indtano X , Ohio X . 10 RavtSoccor Jackson and DeJesus combined on lyson won the crown—but can he keep it? . Larmer 1 (Sovord), 9:54. PenoHIm— D. 3 3 3 7— 7 RECEIVING— Son Rrondsco, Greer Northwest Catholic G Eost Catholic, T -4 :S 1 A-91,939. Wilson, Chi (holdino), Z43; R. Sutter, Phi IndtanapoHs 36 Franklin 14 the two-point conversion. 7 3 7 » - M 555. dark 5 X , Rodgers L X , Francis V17, Iowa X , Wlscoiwln 10 3 :X (CC) (hooking), 13:05; Valve, Chi (hooktag), Craig 1 -a Heller 1-7, Syctaey 1-Z Attanta, Iowa X . X , N. Iowa X VoltoybGI Conrad LaPointe, Steve Hanson, 13:05; MiGIII, Chi (hooking), 16:23. NE— Woods 4 run (Franklin kick), 3:34 Taylor 494, Byrd 4 A Komona 519, Koneos Weehm a Starling 14 Windham G Manchester, 1 :X Sean Jackson, Chris Girard, Chris Third Period— 4, Philadelphia, Craven 3 Third Beprter Oonzolee 5 X , Granger 1-36 Meintoeh 1-Z Kenvpn 16 Dinleon 12 EoG Catholic G St. Joseph, 3:45 (Propp, Zezel), 3:13.1 Chicago, Volve3(T. NE— Bleler 1 run (Franklin kick), 6:36 Bodonlek 1-(mlnus 3). Knox a (tornGI, Iowa X Post and Isaac DeJesus played well FBI. OCT. 16 ASurroy), 4:1Z A Chiceoo, T. Murray 1 MISSED R E L D GOALS-Son Rron- LakGond a NE HHnGs 6 TNURSOAV for the Chargers. Mike Wrobel, (Oincmite, B. Murray), 17:25. 7, Chicago, Buf— M cFodden 13 pose from Totten dsco, Brockhous 8Z 4S. Atlanta, Dovls 46 Md Am Naw ena a Orocilond X Carlos Caldwell, Andrew Demer- mtDAS* 10 PM EDI Valve A 17:3Z Z Phllodelphia, Smith 1 (Schlopv kick), 3:03 ■Mami, OMo 17, W. MIcMoon 0 Rocky Hill G Bolton, 3 :X (M ellon^, R. Sutter), 13:05. Penalties— A— 11676 MtaMoan X . 17, Michigan 11 aski, Andy Lawrence, Mike McGill, Chi (Interference), 9:31; Smith, M M tanda NeProsko wesivn 7 PBIOAV Dickens and Sherman Rucker 7 Phi (trippino), 13:17. BG NB 3Mnn.-Dululh a Minn.-Monis 3 Bovs Soccor played well for the Eagles. Shots on goal— Philadelphia 13-13-10-36 Rret downs 14 15 ------»— am mm 7 liniwt vm cMiNry IWUlWIOTOiQ ^9 IVDfrUWmVfTi 9 EnflGd G Monchostor, 3 :X Chicago SA13-33. Ruthw-vordt 37-W7 55X3 Mtsaouri a Korm s X . X VIrwl Tech G Cheney Tech, 3:X The Giants and Jets did their The Bonnot Junior High bovf end Power-ploy Opportunities — Pottlna 61 47 Transactioiia MlSieort VG. a CGvarBlockten 3 CremwGI G Covantry, 3:X scoring in tbe flnrt quarter. Frank Mrle' croee country teomi ^ k p«>rt In PhlladelphtaO otS; Chicago 1 of Z a GET IT RIGHT THE HRSTTIME Return Yorde 3 MenmouBi, HI. 46 IHInals CG. 0 •M s Soccer Woodbury scored on a 5yard run e iB B rajBterad Bervicamt oi MidBB InfcnHOonfll Corp Comp-Alt-int 9X-2 6151 Moortwad X . a MkMpon Toch 14 MoncheGor G Enfleld, 3 :X Goollee Phllodelphia, LoPoreetrest j/(33 ( I Socked-Yards LoG 5 8 90 WWIWII MnonO no MWDInnQ BOliflff 14 EoG CottiGIc G HeGnGiBn, 3 :X for the Jets with Woodbury adding Lori Lollbeile paced Bennet enth o ehole-37 eaves). Chicago, Moeon (3 PuGs 660 9 8 660UG union a Itoldstoerp X Coventry G Old Lyme, 1:X the conversion. Sawn Price tallied .'" a \0*'^ LiW ' \ eecond-place finith ^itorlanne ‘Hi- FumbiM-LoG 93 54). N. Dakolo a Mankato X . M on a 12-yard Jaunt for the Giants Consult your local white pages L^oond AdoreLlmberger^l^ PenoWlee-Yords 560 5 8 staitaiMBSSxSfAeeectallep N. Dakota X . a X . Cloud X. 3 MonchoslSr'G WlndhamT 3:4S / and fifth, reep^lvelv. Dee Dee Pivnn X m « G Posteeslon 8:40 X ; 8 CLEVELA h St c a VALIERS—Signed N. mmols G , Toiada 5 St. Joseph vs. EoG Catholic (G with Jason Lang adding the conver­ WM elKth ondWendv Porkonv t^ r e d Kevin Johneon. guard, to a laur^war N. MkMoon a Norlhwd, Mich. 7 MonchoGer H l^), 3:X sion. Both teams put up goal-line for one of our 36 conveniently C8K / INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS J** NE MisaauH a NW NUseowi X . 0 . VGlPVbGI stands in the second half to CcDcCoble f *Su / liTtlte bovf Wh grade race, Dove R a d io , T V RUSHING Buftalo, Byrum 19-59, King “ n E w *YORK KNiCKS-ReleaeedElmw NsbnGra S6 Karim 7 ; Mercy G EoG CothGIc, 3:X I c * 419, PartrMpe m Totten 79, Shepherd Andereon. guard;. RKhgrd MudZ for: NsbroGw Omaha X , N.OoleradoO preserve the deadlock. located MIDAS shops. ) CreotefHoftford , 54, wnttame 1-3. New Engtand. LeBianc word; Brad W r W , eentar, and Howard NorRi OsGrG 47, CarRwgi U SATUBDAV \ ' 3514A Ikmsen 13-4Z Woods 530i McSwoln Aaron Delaney. Steve Tine, Ja­ j Triche, NorRwrn X .4 .0 . 9 , BornWR X . 12 son House. E d Moyies. Tony Manchester 646-6400 3-Z Bleler 31 ______,ND TRAIL etAZERS-Gtarad OhleNoflhsrn a X. Ronds, Po.'3i Rockville G Manchester, 1:Xp.m. feurth-ploco tinleh. Joon BonwH vmt ^S^pm. - ALCS: Twine at Tigers, PASSINO-Buftalo, ToHen 331-336 Reteile Murphy, guard, and NBilta WNson EoG CothGIc GHIIIhouse, 1:Xp.m. Anderle and Mike McGrath played New England, Bleler 413-1-4Z and Otwleejtaiwfchj^ Eovt Soccer Most major credit cards joetlco Lowrencewoe 34th, In thebew CFL: Edmonton ot Wln- RECEIVING-Buftale, Brown 346 ST.SyU L'gl?''” ’' well for the Giants while Tim R l t o ^ X . a Mo. Wostorn 9 EoG CothGIc G Xovtor, noon Hurry! Offer Ends Oct. 31, 1987 7th and Sih grade n c * . ■»?<, *9*8L"!!S Gaines 319, MePoddsn L IZ Beta 1-7, CBA— Named Mike Storen commls- CoalnchawfG Battonj 1:X p m . Taylor, Joh WiliGte, Jarod Guay, *'*?*p.'m.*^ Soccer: Duke o|l UConn Purdut 9, IIHnels 3 accepted. took Individual King 1-Z Shepherd 1-Z Byrum Vlnrinue 4). sloner.e(»scHveJen.1.PlnedR>eMlselselppl Wpon H EotoRT Crois CaosRry Pat Jones, E ric Daring and Ceasar ; m i Heme Bei Olllci, lec. Ml riikU retG«e<. n Serdee mirk ei Heme Bei OWIce, lec. Shelton come In ninth while Keith Pnott New (Sngtand, Unrte 33Z FToln 1-11. Jets 356000 for rulee vtotaHons con- EoG CothGIc/Manchastor G Brown wot 17th ond Juan Rodriguez wot 19th. **9 pm.— Routers at Broncos, Chonnel MISSED FIELD GOALS-None. RoswHubtxn a TOvtar t RoaGtto played well for the Jets. oerntag gome-lhroedng. Z Oakoto a Mornbigside 7 m vtiG ioixl 3 * ■' ------" f H - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 12. 19»7 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, Oct. 12, 1987 — 17 E C soccer, Advice Sportm in Brinf Couple wed 75 years Billy MatM on U.8. basaball team loses sixth NORWICH (AP) — "Don’tgetmad,don’thollerateachother," Manchester native Billy Masse will be a member of the United ..-I'-v - When a team Is having trouble Snuff habit leaves wife with bad taste is the advice 91-year-old Constance Juszczak has for those States amateur baseball team which will face Cuba Friday, Oct. scoring goals — such as the case la looking for longevity in marriage. n , In Havana, Cuba. The game will be broadcast live on the USA with the East CathoUe High boys’ On Sunday, five generations of Jusezaks joined Constance and network beginning at 8 p.m. EST. Masse transferred to Wake ID E A R and say nothing. Now I will tell you soccer team — falling behind early with no kisses! ’’ ) Your husband is her husband Pafnuty, 97, at the Sheraton Hotel to celebrate the Forest University from Davidson University for his senior year. ABBY: After what not to do. Don’t complain to is not reconunended. But that’s selfish to the point of being cruel; Willimantic couple's 75th wedding anniversary. Masse, a 1084 East Catholic High graduate, batted .SSOdurlng bis reading the let­ your son about his wife’s bad what happened to the Eatfes ter from the he’s punishing both of you because The couple came separately to the United States in the early Junior year at Davidson and led the team in runs scored (84), manners. If he can put up with her Saturday morning as they sur- n)an who hasn’t he ‘(enjoys’’ his addiction too much 1900s from an area that now is within Poland’s border near the doubles (18) and stolen bases (22). Masse only struck out four on a steady basis, you can tolerate rended a quick one to visiting kfssed his wife Dear Abby to try to overcome it. her twice a year. Soviet Union, but at that time was part of the Austro-Hungarian times In 188 at-bats. He was named to the All-Southern Xavier High with the Falcons going in 10 years be- empire. Conference first team and to the Atlantic Region All-Star team. Abigail Van Buren on to take a 3-1 verdict In ACC chuse she was a DEAR ABBY: My son and his DEAR ABBY: I felt compelled to They were married on Oct. 18,1912. They operated a diner for Masse also was named to the Atlantic Region All-America second action at East’s field. heavy smoker family visit us twice a year. I enjoy write after reading the letter in most of their working days, although they also owned a shoe store team. East is now 1-6 for the season and and he couldn’t setting what I consider to be an your column about how many and a tavern at times. was back In action today with a stand the taste attractive table for ' breakfast, people had lost their cats in clothes Today, the Juszczaks still live by themselves In an apartment. makeup game at 11 a.m. against 8t. apd smell, I had lunch and dinner. My daughter-in- dryers. “ We have a happy, happy life with the marriage,” said Mrs. McEnroe wins AT& T Challenge Bernard’s in Uncasville. The win to write. Myhus- law. judging by our occasional Last week, Adam, our 2 ‘A-year moves Xavier to 6-3 (or the season. Juszczak as she took her husband’s face between her hands and bhnd chews tobacco — specifically, mouth, but it’s not enough to make visits to her home, goes to very little old son. crawled into our clothes kissed him on Sunday. ATLAN TA — John McEnroe defeated Paul Annacone 8-4,7-5 on Xavier struck quickly with Jeff he dips snuff, which is why I haven’t trouble at mealtime, and we rarely dryer and pulled the door shut. I Sunday to win the ATAT Challenge exhibition tennis tournament. Moqre tallying at the 8:06 nnark. me divorce him. He doesn’t drink, kissed him in 10 years! gamble or chase other women. I have matching glasses and dishes. was in the next room and could hear McEnroe collected $180,000, Annacone $100,000. "Xavier came out very aggres­ His teeth are brown, his tongue is When my daughter-in-law visits him playing contentedly, then I 'T m pretty happy with the way I played today," McEnroe sively and we weren’t ready (or It in find myself looking at other men cracked and his mouth tastes so bad me. she has the annoying habit of heard the dryer door slam shut. said. "Paul wasn’t serving real well, and I was able to get on top the first five minutes," East (3oach and fantasizing about what it would ntiy tongue and mouth "bum ” when removing the floral centerpiece Soon I heard his muffled cries for and force the play." Tom Malin said. "Because of our be like to spend a night just kissing! Congress considers he tries to kiss me. It’s a real from the table, stating that we need help. Abby, that dryer is airtight, McEnroe, who is on suspension from official tournament play, shortage in goal scoring, we can’t Am I wrong to refuse to kiss him turn-off when making love, and yet more room on the table, which is and if the radio or dishwasher had was able to compete in the AT&T Challenge because it is an fall behind quickly. It makes it during lovemaking? Or would a he insists that I kiss him. " I t ’s not extra-large! She evidently thinks been on, Adam might have suffo­ exhibition. • doubly difficult for us to come AP photo,; good wife submit to whatever her that bad," he says. Ha! Cancer runs that the center of the table should be cated before I found him. As it was. back," he ad d ^. husband wants, just to satisfy him ? health-care measure Kings* goalie Roland Melanson (31) hits scramble for the puck Sunday night at in his family, yet he’s into total occupied by a bowl of spaghetti or a he suffered only a big scare. ’Tim Foley made it 2-0 at 11:51 for KISSED OFF denial of all the statistics. carton of milk rather than some­ I hope you feel that this warning The United Xavier, before Dan Callahan tallied the ice as he and Jarri KurrI (17) and the Forum. The Oilers won, 9-2, For years he has been promising DEAR KISSED OFF: Your hus­ thing decorative. is worthy of space In your column. States Congress an unassisted goal for East at 18:09. Mike Kruahelnyaki (26) of the Oilers Tewell wins Pensacola Open me he would quit. Now he an­ band is clearly addicted. He made a What should I do? ELAINE WALLACE, is about to act on It kras Callahan’s team-leading nounced that he has changed his choice between you and tobacco. BURNED UP IN MOUNTAINTOP, PA. S. 1127, a catas­ PENSACOLA, Fla. — Things were going so bad for Doug third goal of the season. mind — he ’’enjoys’ ’ dipping snuff You lost. And no, you are not wrong EVANSTON, ILL. trophic health­ Tewell that he exiled himself from the PGA Tour for a month. East has scored only six goals in DEAR ELAINE; I do. And AARP too much to give it up. I still find to refuse to kiss him during care bill, the His hiatus paid off Sunday with the $84,000 winner’s share of the its seven games. DEAR BURNED UP; Accept thanks for shouting it from the him repulsive with that tobacco lovemaking. ("A fine romance — mountaintop! House of Repre­ Pensacola Open’s $800,000 purse. Todd Plourde closed out the Oiler power play in gear your daughler-in-Iaw’s limitations Roundup sentatives has "You go home, you rest, you know it’s good for you and scoring for Xavier at 10:27 of the already passed second huf. Ambrose Diehl sometimes you don’t come out and play very good,” Tewell said a similar bill after posting the fourth victory of his career. FuHb^k Dave Rusczyk along By Ken Rappoport scored seven seconds apart wIUl The Associated Press that provides He carded a 3-under-par 68, Including his third eagle of the with Cmlahan and freshman Scott less than three minutes to play to Some more likely to get strep throat major benefits tournament, to post a 18-under-par 269 total on the Perdido Bay Flood at midfield played well for NHL Romdnp break the game open. Valve’s not included in East. The Eagles were outshot, The Edmonton (NIers have their second goal came right after the Resort’ s 7,184-yard, par-71 course. D E A R D R . the Senate bill. 17-10. power play in high gear already, fg t^ ff. c repeated infections. people who try to force others to fit Tewell beat Phil Blackmar and 1988 Pensacola Open winner ’The five power-play goals tied a GOTT: Why do The cost of outpatient prescrip­ meets the second Wednesday of the “ We’ve been playing well, but we thanks in large measure to some Valve’s third goal of the year- DEAR DR. GOTT: I had a very a preconceived mold or notion, Danny Edwards by three strokes. Each shot 70 Sunday. club record set on Nov. 26, 1980 some people get tions is almost always a severe month at 1:30 p.m. The program on just can’t score. And it’s the same \ warmups in the Canada Cup. broke a ^-2 tie and came after. painful hip joint and went to a rather than altering the circum­ when they had that many in a 10-3 strep throat ev- burden when added to the expenses Wednesday will feature Scott old story in that we made crucial "W e worked hard on the power- Murray had picked off an errant. medical clinic that accepts Medi­ stances to allow for individual victory over the Chicago dhy winter? of hospital treatment. The pharma­ Mather, a personal financial mental mistakes,” Malin said. play and came off a real high from Philadelphia pass and gave tli* care assignment. I was given an variation. Mowry beats Palmer In Seniors Blackhawks. What causes it? ceutical industry has been resisting planner from IDS Financial Servi­ Malin added the approach to each tli^ Canada Cup, so we threw the Blackhawks their first victory after, Dr. Gott injection in the joint, but a copy of ’The Kings, meanwhile, tied a Does it help to Doctors often — and with good the inclusion of the pharmaceutical ces, Inc. He will present a seminar ROSWELL, Ga. — Larry Mowry’s dream turned into a and every remaining game Is puck around pretty good,” Wayne two losses. the Medicare payment to the doctor club record by allowing the five have your ton­ Peter Gott, M.D. reason — play a Procrustean game provision in the Senate bill and has on Medicare/Medicald coverage as nightmare for Arnold Palmer, who had an opportunity to break a "w e’re looking for improvement." Gretzky said after literally helping Philadelphia, 1-1-1, had not lost t » showed the injection had been power-play goals In seven Oiler sils taken out? with Medicare, Medicaid and pri­ been waging a major lobbying they apply to long-term convales­ Xovisr 3 1—3 tqf power the Oilers to a 9-2 NHL (3iicago since March 25,1985 at the billed as “ office surgery” for victory drought dating back to 1988 but fell far short. chances. vate insurers. We have to adapt the campaign against it. cence and what other steps can be Emt Catholic 1 0—1 victory over the Los AngelM Kings Chicago Stadium. $27.50. Should I report the clinic fp patient’s diagnosis and treatment Palmer, the winner of 61 PGA Tour events and another nine on Scorino: X— Meoro, Foloy, Ploui^; "Our penalty killing was non­ The House bill safegurds against taken to assure sufficient coverage Sunday night. “ I was expecting a low shot from Medicare? to the rules promulgated by bu­ the Senior Tour, could not hold a four-shot lead entering Sunday’s EC— Callahan; Savss: EC— Oava existent,” Los Angeles Coach Mike DEAR spousal impoverishment when an while conserving estates. This final round and watched Mowry blow past him to capture the Leonard and Cartton Fritz 14, X— Chrit With Gretzky and linemates Vai ve. but somehow Itcameuphlgic reaucracies. In order to receive elderly man or woman enters a should be of Interest to all of us. Thomo* 9. Murphy said. “ I was happy with it READER: For DEAR READER: Infol((mythL $280,000 Senior Challenge by two strokes and with it the winner’s Mark Messier and Glenn Anderson and was going past my mitt when:! payment, the doctor coded his nursing home. The high cost of care Trips before, but we weren’t real sharp. Unknown rea- ogy, Procrustes was a cruel high-\ in top form, the Oilers recorded a saw it,” Flyers goaltender Mark> procedure to agree with Medicare can easily wipe out long time Oct. 22 to 24 — Entertainment In check of $37,800. When you give a lot of chances, you sons, some people are more sus­ appear to carry the strep germs wayman who forced his victims to club-record five power play goals at LaForest said. guidelines. Although you didn’t lifesavings as well jeopardize the the Greater Annapolis area, Anna­ Mowry, in his first full year on the over-80 tour, shot a give a lot of goals.” ceptible than others to streptococ­ and not know it: therefore, they lie on a bed. If they were too short MCC beaten the Forum. ’Fh^ Oilers’ top line was truly nave "office surgery.” you retention of sheltering property. polis, Md. The bus will leave the 6-under-par 66 Sunday (or a 84-hole total of 203 over the par-72, cal throat infection, strep germs may feel well but can infect for the bed. Procrustes stretched in on three of them, with Messier SabrM 6, Capttal* 5 did, in fact, have It because the The passage of a comprehensive church parking lot Oct. 22 at 7 a.m. 6,702-yard Horseshoe Bend Country Club course. Palm er skied to spread from one person to another; susceptible /individuals. Finally, them: if they were too long, he cut Despite the heroics of goalkeeper scoring twice and Gretzky collect­ Clark Gillies scored with 12 doctor stuck something in you and catastrophic health-care bill could and will return about Oct. 24 6:30 a 77 — Including a triple bogey 8 on the 18th hole— and was at 210, hence, infections are more common strep infectims do seem to be more off their legs. The term “ Procrus­ Joe Lauberth and its hard-working ing three of his four assists while seconds gone in the third period to the procedure was billed in 'a well be the most beneficial legisla­ p.m. tied for fifth. Tate champ in close social situations, such as common in patients with tonsils; tean bed'’ has survived into modern defense, the Manchester Ckimmun- the Oilers had the man advantage. help Buffalo beat Washington. language that Is understood by tion to affect the well-being of the schools. Certain healthy people removing the tonsils may prevent times as a metaphor for those ity College soccer team was M ted Gretzky also scored the 844th goal Gillies’ goal, off a great feed from government workers who s|iend very elderly, and the elderly can LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP) ManchetteiLOreen by visiting Southern Connecticut of his NHL career to tie Maurice Scott Amiel, gave the Sabres a 6-4 their lives dealing with this kind of probably be the most effective Rahal takes Spark Plug 300 Michael OlaJIde Jr. had a couple of. State University’s Junior varsity, “ Rocket” Richard for seventh lead and proved to be the eventual thing. If you had been charged $275 influence in assuring the passage of Chapter 2399 strikes against him even before his 5-0, Saturday at Cougar Field. place on the all-time scoring list. winning goal. you would have an obligation to such legislation. Meets the second Thursday of MONTEREY, Calif. — Bobby Rahal Just waited for things to middleweight title fight againA Thongli.ts Freshman Anthony Coleman had “ It’s a special feeling of accomp­ ’The first period was wide open complain, but $27.50 seems reaso­ Each of us. by sending a short each month at 1:30 p.m. at the happen and hoped for the best. Frank Tate began. . — three of the five goals for Southern, lishment anytime you tie or break with Buffalo holding a 4-3 lead at the nable to me for a shot. Welcome to note, telling our senators to just Community Baptist Church on East ’The best is what he got on Sunday in the Chanipion Spark Plug Olajide, who was bom in Eng­ now 4-2 for the season. an established record like Ri­ end of the first 20 minutes. In the the strange land of Procrustes. give S. 1127 their urgent attention, Center Street at the green. 800-kllometer race at Laguna Seca Raceway. land, grew up in Canada. Tate A secular perspective of life tends Lauberth had four saves and the chard’s, which has stood for so second period, Christian Ruuttu qualities will only garner empti­ all my work, and this was the can be very helpful. ’The address of The Thanksgiving Time Gala When Mario Andretti’s engine failed and Michael Andretti’s fights out of Houston, but he is a.' to lead us in avenues of despair and Cougar defense kept five other long,” Gretzky said. gave Buffalo a 8-3 lead on a ness in such affairs. reward for all my labor. Yet when I U.S. Sens. Lowell P. Weicker and Party at Chez Joseph In Agawam. car developed electrical problems, the patient Rahal found native of Detroit. • futility. The endeavors of this world shots out of the net before Coleman In other NHL action, it was power-play goal before Washing­ Perhaps, the earthly perspective surveyed all that my hands had Christopher J. Dodd Is; U.S. Mass., will be Nov. 19. The coat Is himself the winner of the race for the fourth year in a row and the "Detroit (the baseball Tigers)' are but a shadow of the reality a and Tony Carlos broke through to Boston 5, Hartford 2; Buffalo 6, ton's Mike Gartner scored his sixUi will seem edifying for a time but done and what I had toiled to If you’ re having an operation, you Senate. Washington, D.C. 20510 $29. Reservations may be sent to CART-PPG Indy-car driving champion for the second beat the Toronto Blue Jays, ailtf spiritual lifestye produces. Our score back-to-back goals late In the Washington 8, and Chicago 5, goal of the season on a breakaway. that will fade as the morning dew. achieve, everything was meaning­ should know all you can about it. These fellows pay attention, and Ruth Lloyd. 218 Lydall St. (649- consecutive season. Frank Tate beat another Cana^ lives revolve around the spiritual first half. MCC only had one shot In Philadelphia 3. Buffalo goalie Jacques (Houtier Fleeting pleasures have never less. a chasing after the wind, Dr. Gott’s new Health Report, an they will surely respond favorably 6527) dian,” Tate said after winning tli^ dj^spite our efforts to crowd it out. the half on Southern goalie Chris Edmonton led 4-2 before the faced 27 shots while Peeters faced brought complete fulfillment to life. nothing was gained under the sun." Informed Approach To Surgery, If they know the need. Bermuda in the Spring — International Boxing Federation Whether it be our commitments in O’Connor. Oilers got goals from Anderson. 35. Whenever such pleasures are seen Ecclesiastes 2; 10-II covers everything from second Members are being notified of a Elliott wins Oakwood Homes 500 MCC did manage eight shots in Jari Kurri and rookie Jim Ennis in middleweight title Indoors Saturn the home, on the job or in our as the sum of life’s quest then we opinions to outpatient surgery. For luxury cruise to Bermuda April 23 the final 6‘A minutes of the second Blackhawks 5, Flyert 3 day at Caesars Palace. relationships with friends, the will end up with nothing. Solomon your copy, send $1 and your name Chapter 1275 CONCORD, N.C. - Bill Elliott didn’t mind fighting a war of the second half but couldn’t dent the to 30. The $M9 cost Is all-inclusive. period to break the game.open. Rick Vaive unleashed a 45-footer Tate, the 1984 Olympic UgfiV sjpiritual bond is a must if the wrote, “ I denied myself nothing my and address to P.O. Box 91369, Meets at South United Metho­ attrition at Charlotte Motor Speedway, as long as he won the twine. Coleman had two goals and Reservations should be made be­ George Gomez one for Southern Anderson collect^ his 18th ca­ early in the final period to break a middleweight champion, wKhk commitments are to survive. eyes desired: I refused m y heart no Gareth Flanary Cleveland, OH 44101-3369. Be sure dist Church on Hartford Road end fore Oct. 19. Call Alice Dearinglon race. after Intermission. reer hat trick with a shorthanded tie and goalie Bob Mason turned weighed the class limit of 166 Purely secular and humanistic pleasure. My heart took delight in Church of Christ lo mention the title. South Main Street. This group for (J^etalts. (649-7626.) " I ’d rather be lucky than good any day of the week," Elliott MCC, now 1-6. returns to action goal in the first period, a power- back all five Philadelphia power- pounds, now has a 21-0 record, with 2 said Sunday after beating Bobby Allison to the checkered flag by Wednesday at home at 2 p.m. play goal in the second period, and play opportunities as Chicago beat 12 knockouts. Olajide, who residei* 2.22 seconds to win the Oakwood Homes 800 NASCAR race. against Greenfield Community an even-strength goal in the final the Flyers. in New York, now is 23-1, with College. period. Troy Murray and Vaive then knockouts. m


5:00PM (8D MOVIE; The Living Oe mont High* Teenagers struggle with inde­ on fame and fortune Meri O Marshall, [ESPN ] SportsCenter tert' Winston Hihlor norralps this Aco YO U D O N 'T pendence, sexuality and success Sean April Stewart. Mary Kohnert 1986 Rated domy Award winning uKpImntion of thn Penn. Phoebe Cates. Ray Walston. 1982 R. 11:35PM CD Entertainment Tonight* Notices Emj HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED CDHELP WANTED HELP WANTED grimt American dosuM A ‘ Wondprful LO O K 200 Rated R Geraldo Rivera reports on recreationai'-- HELP WANTED EH CD CD World of Dism’v " prcsfintaimn 1953 10:00PM (X) S i Newa games that allegedly lead to violence (Part [USA] Benny Hill Show (60 min.) (3® Kojak 1 of 2). (In Stereo) As o condltl^n^recedenf to & Education 5:30PM (D IS I The Honaom of Red "runny. You tOe placement of any adver­ HELP wanted for Eost REGIONAL Classified PART Time custodian 8:30PM CD Kate & Allie (CC) Forme COPIER Technician TELEPHONE Operotor- Chief T wo inupl cun men liy lo mako Don’t Look 200," (S ) Hea)th Century T)re first episode of 1 2:00AM (X) Taxi tising In the) Manchester He­ Hartford based heating ads reach nearly needed tor entry level evenings, 5-8:30 pm. SALES /Tvplst. Seekino a full aomn (nst monoy hy Kidnapping a hiiln football star Bob Barsky re-enters Allie': this series profiling medical science company. Experience airing NOHDAY, life when he moves to New York. (XI ® ) News rald, Ad^rtlser hereby 3,(xn,0(X) homes. One position Infost growing Flexible 5 days per time telephone opera­ boy Based on thn story by O Honry pioneers examines infectious diseases. agrees toi protect, Indemnify and licensed people classified ad placed company. In house set week. Apply South PEOPLE tor. Must posess effec­ O C T . 13 on ABC, Is CD Entertainment Tonight Geraldo Riv (60 min.) (X) Entertainment Tonight Quincy Jones-■ and holdqormless the Mon- 6:00PM CID (D ( S i ) .(40) News HELP WANTED only. Please coll and with the Manchester up and repair on Sharp, Windsor Board of Edu­ tive telephone skills, a comic tribute era reports on recreational games’that al GD Noticlero Univislon and Siedah Garrett; violence in recreational chester Herald, Its officers with or without ex- games (Part 2 of 2). (In Stereo) w leave message on 569- Herald will be placed In cation Facilities Servi­ typing 35-50wpm, apti­ GD Three's Company to the U.S. Consti­ legedly lead to violence (Part 1 of 2). (Ii and employees against any DRIVER. Port time for Mlnoltd and MIta copi­ parlencB. We have Stereo) ( @ Soapbox W ith To m Cottle Four teen­ 3395 or 568-7395. over 200 newspapers ers. Must be mechani­ ces, 1737 Main Street, tude for figures and CD Magnum. P.l tution. Quest agers who have attempted suicide discuss GD ; * and all liability, loss or Manchester Herald openings full or port (S ) ( ® Valerie's Family (C C ) (In Stereo expense. Including attor­ CLERICAL. Full time of­ throughout New Eng­ cally Inclined with South Windsor. 528- basic office skills to Benton stars Henry Winkler why they sought death as an answer to Gi) Uncle Floyd route. Coventry area. land for one low price. 9711 ext. 40EOE. time for you with [DIS] Here's Boomer their problems. neys' t t it , arising from fice position, 40 hours a good aptitude In basic perform o variety of ^ G|) Simon & Simon (I.) and Whoopi 8 Shoppers Network claims of unfair trode practi­ Short hours. Good pay. week, Monday - Fri­ Coll Classified 643-2711 electronics. Full train­ room for advance­ clerical duties. Free ^ [ESPN ] NFL Monday Night Magazine GD Hill Street Blues Coll 742-8867. 9-12om, 7 PART Time Facilities (29^ Jeffersons Qoldbergjoln host ( 9 Alfred Hitchcock Presents ces, Infringement of trade­ day. 8am to 4:30pm. and ask for detalls.o ing and benefits pack­ Custodial Assistant. ment. All we ask li parking. Benefits. [CNN] CNN News marks, trade names or pat­ to lOpm.D______(S4) Doctor Whn ^ Richard Drey- 9:00PM IX) Nawhart (C C ) Mic)iae GD Gene Scott Reliability and accu­ age Including paid sick 9;30am-1pm, 5 days per that you be bright, Apply In person, steals a program idea from a student in hit ents, ylolotlon of rights of experienced SIdIno (H) T.J. Hooker ftiss in the special, 10:30PM ( ^ Alfred Hitchcock [CN N ] Newsnight racy Important. Expe­ days and holidays. Call week. Apply South and aggressive and Mondov-Frldoy, 8:30 television production class prlyocy and Infringement of Installer wanted. Stort­ ® $1) Family Ties s (S ) i n n New s [E S P N ] NFL Theatre Golden Era of Pro copyright and proprietary rience using adding Don Culver of 563-1717. Windsor Board of Edu­ In return we will pay to 4:30. Prague Shoe N FL Football; M ay be pre ing salary $8 per hour. CHECK IISTINGS CD (S) (9) Honeymooners Football. (60 min ) (R) • • rights, unfair competition machine, typing skills BUS CLEANING company cation Facilities Servi­ you an hourly rate, Company, 200 Pitkin GIO Reporter 41 empted. Los Angeles Raiders at Denvei 643-9633 or 742-5406. [TM C] MOVIE: Class Of Nuke 'Em" and libel and slander, which helpful. Apply In per­ needs working assist­ ces, 1737 Main Street, overtime available, St., East Hartford. $7) MacNeil / Lehrer Newshour FO« EXACT TIME Broncos (C C ) (3 hrs.) (Live) (3D Show da Rolando Barral High' Honor students are turned into ran- play result from the publica­ BOLTON PUBLIC NOTICB son Prague Shoe Com­ ant to owner. Also gen­ South Windsor. 526- plus commission TELEPHONE Enumera­ CD Morton Downey Premiere GD Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy tion of any pdvertlsment In PERSONS [DIS] MOVIE: A Dog of Flanders' A paging punks following exposure to loxip,^ The Bolton Zoning Board of pany, 200 Pitkin St., eral cleaning hefp. Ev- 9711 ext. 40 EOE. with Income poten­ tors needed to update ■yoiirxj boy and bis grandfidhor find a badly (3D MOVIE: The Sophisticated Gents 1 1 :00PM ( D ^ m News waste. Janelle Brady. Gilbert Brenton. the Manchester Herald by Appeals held a public heor- Eost Horttord.______Manchester city direc­ boainn dog and rnstorn ii in health David odyertlser. Including adver­ enlngs and or DRIVER Needed to drive tial $15Kto $35K.We Nine members of an athletic-social clut CD Late Show (R) (In Stereo) Robert Prichard. 1986 Rated R Ing on September 34, 1M7 at weekends. Leave mes­ tory. Work at home. Ladd. Donald Crisp. Thnodure Bikel 1959 reunite after 25 years to pay thbute to then tisements In any free distri­ 7:00 p.m. at the Community TR A V E L Agency East of starting al child to school dally will give you a full CD Simon & Simon [U SA ] Dragnet .0 sage 643-5747. Send name address and [ESPN] SponsLook former coach and mentor Robert Hooks bution publications pub­ Hall and acted on the follow­ the River needs assist­ and afternoons. Coll benefit package, (67) Nightly Business Rdport Gporge Nader 1955 Paul Winfield 1981 Part 1 of 2. (3D IN N New s 1 2:05AM CD Magnum, P.l. lished by the Manchester ing: ance typing and tele­ •B“ /hr. BOOKKEEPER. Part otter 6pm. 649-0349. paid vacation and telephone number to : [HBO] MOVIE: The Beniker Gang’ A Herald. Penny Sletferf, Johnson Directory, At­ 01) Three's Company Too (29) MOVIE: 'Mommia Dearest' Joan IS ) (S ) M O ViE: -Right to Oia' (C C ) Whei Gi) Untouchables Appeal of Southern New En­ phone etiquette re­ tlme/fuM time. Rapidly CLERICAL position du­ pleasant working family of orphant’d chitdien embark on a 12:15AM CD NightHne (CC) Publisher. quired. Will train. growing Manchester tention Manchester, P. cross country joiirnny that takes them lo [C N N ] Monaylina Crawford's real life role is revealed as seen a woman contracts a progressive degener (8 ) Honeymooners gland Telephone Company, Contact ties to Include; typing, conditions. We have Hawaii in search of a new life Andrew through the eyes of her daughter Faye ative illness and can no longer breailv 12:30AM (D w k r p in Cincinnati 40 Brolnord Rood, Hartford, Respond to Box GG, office seeks full charge O. Box 763, Cheshire, (ESPN ] SportsCantei (S) Currents Mrs. Barbara Smith telephone and some openings In several Ct. 06410.______McCarthy. Chadie Fi«>tds. Jennie Dundas Dunaway. Steve Forrest. Diana Scarwid without assistance, her family and a com CD Truth or Consequences •OLTON PUBLIC NOTICK Conn, for a 13 foot side line C/0 The Manchester Bookkeeper. Hours ore direct contact with cus­ (USA) Alrwolf 1981 passionate nurse fight for her right to enc vorlonce and o 24 set bock va­ stores across the 1985 Rated G (8) Teles of the Unexpected ( 9 8 Late Night with David Letterman On Wednesday, September Herald. 11:30-4:30 with some MECHANICS helper-gos her life Raquel Welch. Michael Gross (Ir riance to Install on 00 Type tomers. Good wages states. (MAX] M OVIE: SpnceCamp' (C C ) Five 7:30PM (X) FM Magarina Tillany & (22) (S) Alf (C C ) AH joins a monastery after ( 9 M*A*S*H (R) (In Stereo) '14, 1M7 the Bolton Zoning Community Service Cabinet flexibility. Good start­ and full company paid ottentont. Must be de­ Stereo) Commission held d Public 643-0511 9 9 learning that his parents were married be­ BOLTON PUBLIC NOTICE pendable and willing to teen ugers spending a summer at a camp C o ’s 150lh anniversary, a woman who at 194 Hebron Rood. ing pay for the right GD PELICULA; 'La Guera Rodriguez' La ( 9 Alfred Hltch«>ck Presents Hearing on the following: benefits.sneflts. Csll 647647-9137. for future astronauts are accidenlty thrust ■claims she's Elvis Presley's daughter fore he was born - - a disgrace on the planet (2$ (B ) Oil The growth of Shell and Briiisl historia veridica de una mujer que gracias a GRANTED. On Soptombor 3, 1907, tho candidate of this small 667-2323 learn automotive re­ into space when an okperiinontal robot Melmac (In Stereo) Petroleurgifis examined against the back 8 NightHne (CC) RIchord Votteron's proposed hENCED Book­ for an Interview, pair. Must hove valid (! ) Currant Affair su belleza. se convirtio en expena en intri- Appeol of W. Donald Cowles Bolton Zoning Board of SHADY GLEN non-smoking 3 person keeper. Apply In per­ tampers with thi? test firing of a space (2$ America By Design (C C ) A history of drop of two World Wars (60 mm ) Pan 4 gas y conspiraciones y hasta Hego a parti- [U S A ] Edge of Night "M int Moll" on Rte. 44. Plan of 320 Lake Street tor a 9 toot Appeals hold a public htar- ■os Conn, drivers license. (X ) (S ) Jaopardyt (CCI of office. Coll Mary to son. Salary negotiable. thultlo Kale Capshaw. Lea Thompson. transportation's development and the 8 cipar en la organizacion de grandes batal-^ accepted with the Commis­ sidt lino varlonct to con­ Ing and hoard tho following: 360 Weat Middle Tpke. arrange for your per­ Full time. Mondov- Kelly Preston 1986 Rated PG (In Stereo) 12:40AM 8 MOVIE; 'Dangerous' sion reservlno the right of Marlow's Inc., 867 (X) (3i Barney Milter street's role in shaping America (60 m*n ) GD Novels: Senda da Gloria las Fanny Cano. Fernando Allende Friend' A hip young man leads a group of struct o gorago. GRANTED. Roquest of Raymond and at the sonal Interview. 646- Frldoy. 7a.m.-3p.m. Part 3 of final approval on parking Main Street, TELEPHONE-Take [USA] Cartoons (Q) INN News 8 [CNN] Larry King Liva (H) s c t v teenagers into a world of drugs, promiscu­ spoces and building design. JOHN H. ROBERTS, (irola Cyr of 10 Elizabeth Parkade Shopping 2450.______mestoges-no soles. Solarv negotiable. 646- (S) M O VIE: 'Doubla Trouble* Mistaken ity and murder. Robert F. Lyons. Richard CHAIRMAN Rood tor o 30,000 toot tron- Center Manchester. 3444 Joy or Wayne. 6:30PM CD Family Ties CJI) (S ) Carson's Comedy Classics [DIS] MOVIE: 'Treasure of Matec [CNN] Moneytine PHILIP G. DOOLEY, BOLTON ZONING BOARD tag# variance and a 7S foot PART Time companion Flexible schedule, paid identity has a young man and a girl en­ umbe' Five people with a thirst for adven Thomas. Gloria Grahame 1971. CHAIRMAN PART Timeorrice worker CD GI9) A B C News (CC) (j® M*A*S*H meshed in a smuggler's plot and at­ [DIS] Missing Adventures of Ozzie and OP APPEALS frontogo variance to con­ for bedridden tody. training, professional DARK Room Technician. ture travel from Kentucky to the Florida Harriet 1 2:45AM ( D Getting in Touch struct an In-law oportmont for Manchester Real CfS Jeffersons (CC) ® Newlywed Qama tempted murder. Elvis Presley. Annette 033-10 034-10 Light housekeeping. office atmosphere. Port time AM. X-Roy Keys on a treasure hunt. Robert Foxworth over thior gorapo. Vorlonco CARPENTER-RetIred, Estate office. Typing Convenient location 8 8 Day. John Wilhams 1967 [ESPN] Auto Racing; CART Laguna 12:50AM (MAX] MOVIE: Foxn' 0® Win. Lose or Draw Joan Hackett, Peter Ustinov 1976. Cooking, etc. 5 days office. Will train. 649- ^19) Gim m e a Break Four teenage girls grow up in a world of 'was granted. part time, small family otndbookkeeplno expe- ® MOVIE: 'The Conversation' A surv Seca 300 From Laguna Seca. Calif (R) INVITATION T6 Xi D weekly. 643-5356. neor West Hertford (8 ) (90) N BC News a s World of Survival [ESPN] Triathlon: Bermuda Imema drugs and sexual promiscuity Jodie Fos­ JOHN H. ROBERTS, operation, no pressure. rle n ^ helpful. 646-4655. •979. alliance expert makes the mistake of be­ MOVIE; About Ust Night...' town line. 523-2777. tional Championship (2 hrs ) (Taped) [HBO] ter, Scott Baio, Sally Ketlerman. 1980. CHAIRMAN (H ) Nightly Business Report #5 Family Ties coming involved with a murder Gene (C C ) A pair of young people struggle to Sealed proposals for Proporotlons for Stogo 11 Intorlor Rts- Will accomodote sche­ [HBO] MOVIE; 'A Chorus Une' (CC Rated R. ' torotlon and Ronovotlon to Chonov Hall, 177 Hartford Rood, BOLTON ZONING BOARD dule and personal con­ BANK TELLERS A$$M$nl CUSTODIAL opening. (H) Jeffersons (C N N ] Crossfire Hackman. Harrison Ford. John Carole fomi a lasting relationship after an initial Monchostor, Connoctlcut, will bo rtcolvod by Mr. Alan Lorn- XoF,:APPEALS 1974 Young dancers auditioning for a musical one-night stand. Rob Lowe, Demi Moore. siderations. Andover 8acr$lanf/B$vd Clark Full time S hours a day. MEDICAL 9D Noticlero Univision [ESPN ] NFL Monday Night Mamories 12:55AM [HBO] m ovie: 'Buihm' son, Chairman, Building Commlttoe, Chonov Hall Founda­ United Bank seek fame and stardom Michael Douglas James Bekisbt 1986 Rated R. (in Stereo) OIS-IO 742-7869, weekdays af­ Full time positlorl Flexible nights. Apply (HBO] Fraggte Rock (CCI (In Stereo) GD Novela. Pobra S#fK>rtta Limantour (C C ) Hoping to improve the quality of his tion, Rrst n o o r Gold Room, Lincoln Cantor, 949 Main hat teller poaltions Love Connection Audrey Landers. Alyson Reed 1985 family's life, a big-city executive moves his ter 7pm, anytime available (37.5 Hours to South Windsor OFFICE Conclusion Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) [MAX] M O VIE; Soul M an' (C C ) An in­ Stroet, Monchostor, Connecticut, 04040, at 0:00 P.M., E.S.T., [CNN] Showbif Today 7:40PM (O IS] Mousatarpieca Thaa genious teen cons his way into Harvard family to a smaH country town where the^ October 29,1907, at which time and place bids will be publicly LIQUOR PERMIT ' weekends. ^______available in the Vernon per week) Some tlaxl- Board of Education Fa­ ( ^ Nalura: Whara Eagles Fly (CC) The [TMC] MOVIE; 'Far from the Madding unfortunately discover that evil does not opened and read aloud. NOTICB OP APPLICATION MANAGER [ESPN] Scuba tar life cycle of Bntaih's golden eagle ts'stu­ Law School when his father refuses to pay HEAD teacher'part time Circle, Dart Hill Road bllity with hours and cilities Services, 1737 Crow d' The story of a young woman wh< his tuition. C. Thomas Howell. Rae Dawn dwell in the concrete forest alone. Janet Bids rocelved otter this time will not bt accepted. Main Street, South for busy Manches­ ITMC) MOVIE: 'Return of the Jedi' 8:00PM (X) Frank's Place Frank const died in Its natural habitat, the Highlands of ' toys with the affections of three men Lame (jreen. Dehl Berti, Stephen Huntej; This Is to give notice that l, or full time. Expe­ and Northeast offices. work schedule — ex­ Scotland,, (60 mm ) (R) (In Stereo) Chong. 1986. Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) BOUNPHIENG PHOUNS- ter practice. Physi­ 7 7 ?CC| Third installment gf George Luces' ders Oiaii Oryar's invitation to visit an elite A satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and surotlos Windsor. 528-9711 ext. based on Thomas Hardy's novel Jirtk 1986 Rated R ,,, rienced with degree in cellent fringe benefits. "Star W ars'' trilogy reunites Luke Sky- New Oftaans club [USA] Alrwolf In an amount oqual to S% of tho total bid or a cortlflod chock OURV of 107SSILVER LANE, ' Previous teller or cash­ 40 EOE. cian office experi­ GD MOVIE: ‘Without a Trac#' When a Christie. Alan Bates. Peter Finch. 1967 EAST HARTFORD, CT 04111 early childhood educa­ 2 svenings meeting per walker and his comrades for a final battle :00AM (X) Wortd Vtekjo ‘ equivalent to 5% of the total bid shall be submlttod with Mch ence essential os Is CD MOVIE: 'Thraa Tough Guys' An ex small boy doesn't return home from Rated PG 11:30PM GD Honeymooners 1 hove filed on opMIcotlon plo- tion, for small daycare ier experience neces­ month. Sidery *7.32 per with the evil Galactic Empire Mark Hamill, Md. The successful Mdder will bo required to tum lsl^orior- ability to manage cop. an ax'Con pfiast and a hood |om school, his mother and a compassionate MOVIE: 'Tenspeed otkI Browr C D Joe Franklin COrded SEPTEM BER 31,1997 In Manchester. Call sary. Good communl- Harrison Ford. Carrie Fisher 1983 Rated [USA] ( 8 Hunter An interfering T V news re­ manco ond Payment Bon«te In tho full omount of Ifio Con­ hour depending on ex­ forces to find a miilton dollars in stolen loot cop embark on a seemingly hopeless Shoe' A fast-talking con man and a day with th# D9portm#nt of Ll- people and deal PQ (In Stereo) porter blocks Hunter’s investigation of a GD TwiHght Zone tract. 647-0788 or 649-9226. cationa and customer perience. Require­ and a murderer Lino Ventura. Fred W il­ search Judd Hirsch. Kate Nelligan. Stock- dreaming stockbroker tesm up to becom< guor Control a RESTAU­ with public. Chal­ cose involving an arsonist with a penchant 8 Maude Tho Building Committog, LTM /CHARM , rosorvos Ihq right HOUSEKEEPING Coor­ ments; Speed writing PART Time Evenings. 7:00PM GD To Be AnrKHinced liamson. 1974 ard Channmg 1983 two of the wildest and funniest private R ANT W INE B BEER for tho service akilla a must. lenging and reward­ for abandoned buildings (70 min ) 8 Ask Dr. Ruth to roloct any or all bids end to waive any technical Ity Inblds, sale of alcoholic liquor on tho dinator. Recreotlon- or short hand. Contact; Clerks. Notional News­ CD News CD ® Funny, You Don't Look 200 (CC) [CNN] PrimeNews eyes L A. hat ever seen Ben Vereen. JeF whan such action Is doomod to bo In tho best Intorost of tho Apply at ' ing position, llberol Goldblum 1980 ( 9 ( 8 Best of Carson (R) (In Stereo) premitot S30 CENTER /Conference center In paper Concern has Im- (I) (21) Whael of Fortune (CCI Host Richard Dreyfuss presents this birth­ [D IS] My Friend Flicka [C N N ] Crossfire Boord. STREET, MANCHESTER, Dr. NbUibii Chesler benefits, salary day salute to the American Constitution IS) Crook and Chase Hebron seeks full time medlote openings In NFL Monday Night Matchup Country Music Associa­ [ESPN] NFL's Greatest Moments (M Plans and Sooclflcotlons can bo obtolpod upon deposit of C T 04040. The bufinosi will bo tuperbHendent of (1)8100.000 Pyramid which inckidas appearances by Richard [ESPN] 9:30PM CD experienced em­ UnHed Bank Manchester. Perfect commensurate with tion Awards Live from the Grand Ole Opry 8 Hogan's Heroes mm.) “■ tSO.00 par sot at tho offlcoal tho Architect, Tho Molmfoldt As- ownod by M EKONG. INC. of •eiiools Qj) (34) Cheeri Beljer Ermlio Esievei. Barbra Streisand [H BO ] Aids: Everything You and Your ployee. Supervisory Vernon Circle Office for students. Moon­ experience. Replil House, the 21st annual awards ceremony (B ) New s [U S A ] Search for Tom orrow * /sodotos, 41C New London Turnpikt, Olastanbury. Connoc­ 520 CENTER STREET, MAN­ and Whoopi Goldberg (60 min ) Family Naed to Know. . . But Ware Af­ Coventry Public stating education (3 ) Bast of Saturday Night honors the best m country mus c Among tlcut, 04033, en or oftor October IX 1937. CHESTER, C T 04040 and will and "HandsOn" (Light lighter. If you hove 4 raid to Ask (CC) An examination of AIDS, [CNN] Sports Tonight Anchors Fred 1:05AM CD Love Boet bo conducted by BOUNP­ UnHBd tohools ' d S M * A 'S * H CD Bosom Buddies those nommeted The Judds. Randy No Md may bo withdrawn for a porlod of sixty (40) days si*- and heavy housekeep­ Baak hours from 5pm-9pm and experience to: based on the ftridmgs of Surgeon General Hickman. Nick Charles HIENG PHOUNSOURY ot ing) duties Involved. /Rt. 83 Dart Hill Office 7B Ripley Hill Road and wont to torn great (B) MocNail / Lahrar Newahour ^ Hill Street Blues C Everett Koop. to answer the most com­ Travis and Hank Williams Jr. Host; Kenny 1 :1 SAM (X) A * Or. Roth (C Q ’* soquont to tho oponlno of Mdt without tho written consent of permitteo. P.O. Box 1442 Rogers (90 mm.) (Live) [DIS] M O VIE: Turtle Diary' The drab tho Chonov Board of Commlttlonart. Competitive salary Coventry, C T 0B23B pay... Coll todoyl (3i Bwnay Millar G i MOVIE: Six Bridges to Cross' A monly asked questions about the disease hves of two adults are changed by a shared 1 ;30AM Qj) INI« Nmm Bounphlong Phountoury or Rt. 30, Manchester, CT loser gets deeper and deeper mto a life of (60 mm ) [MAX] M O VIE: 'Valet Girts' They park interest in sea turlles Ben Kingsley. LTM/CHARM and full benefits. Coll Don’t delay. 647-9946. (|9l ($0 Hollywood Squares 99) Dating Qame ^ MIKE ZIZKA, PRESIDENT Doted October 1,1907 Northeast Office CtoHina S S a ^Uober 2S 06040 crime, masterminding a really big caper a cars for a kviog. but these attractive GkBmda Jackson. Rosemary Leach 1986 014-10 Mr. Larson at 228-9496. After 6pm. 1-228-5196.^ 0 0 Novate: Victoria Brink s robt>ery. Tony Curtis. Julie Adams. [M AX] MOVIE; Fast Timas at Ridga would-be rock stars have their sights set Rated PG [CN N ] Newsnight 030-10 U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Pet. 12. IW7 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. H. I9«7 — H KIT‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wrisht NOSED I HOMES H ELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED F0N8ALE APARTMENTS FOR SALE FOR RENT Merchandise ICECriPIRD Nurse Aide, SUBSTITUTE Teachers MECHANIC. A ll benefits, IMMACULATE 7 room EXTRA Nice. Manches­ FOR Sole. Fully furnished ELD ERLY housing now C L A S S IF IE D A D S 643-: immediate openinos full dormered Cape. 3 ter. Wall maintalnad 3 1b Torn and Aides needed for must hove own tools. Mobile home, Vero taking oppllcotlons for all shifts, full or part developmentally dis­ 649-2071. M S.M Service br 4 bedrooms, hard­ bedroom Cope with Beech, Florida. 1 bed­ 2 b*droom apartments. 5H^.t€FT time posittofls. Every abled students at Rock­ Stotlon. wood floors through­ open stairway to living room, Ftorldo Room, Storting 8560. Coll 528- ^ U/oRY- N oticts •ufiness Property 7S EnttftolnmGfit...... S3 Form S«iOPliM ond Eoulpmtnt .. . 60 out, baths, fireplace, Pesort property 74 BookktcDino/incomt Tox...... S4 Offlct/Rtloll Eoulpmont ...... 61 M T a i r I M H a n : W cm ts par lliw par day. other weekend re­ ville High School and PART Time Clerical posl- 2 room and nice sized screened porch. $9,000. 6522. COFFEE table and end Lott/FoufXJ 01 ta If datra; canlt par llna par day. quired. For mere Infor­ country kitchen, com­ dining room. 14 x 24 4444)263 or 444-7420. Ptfionols } Mortoopes 77 CorpEntry/RtmodEilno...... 55 Rtcrtotionol Eoulpmtnt...... n T n Central Rood School. tton for small office of MANCHESTER. 2 bed- table (together or se­ 0 Wonted to Buy 21 PoIntIno/PODtrIno ...... 54 DooH ond AAorInt Eovtpmtnt .. . 63 l i la IS days: I f canti par llna par doy. mation please coll. Di­ Pleas* coll Karen 872- pletely redecorated. first floor family room. parate),one Individual Announctmfnfs 03 Rooflnw/Sldlnp ...... 57 Musicol Ittmt...... 64 SS or mera days: SO cant* par llna par doy. local food broker. LOOKING FOR o second room townhouse, fully A u c tio n s ... OS rector of Nursing, •193. CREC Is on EOE. Move In condition. 2 flreplocaa. 1 W baths, R en tals Flooring_ ' ...... SI Comtrot ond Photo Eoulomtnt. . ts Mlalmaai cdoraa: 4 lino*. Hours 8:30-5pm, Mon­ cor tor your family? oppltonced kitchen, gloss topped coffee ta­ Finonciei..... OS Electricoi...... Sf Pttt ond SuppllM...... 64 Crostfleld Convolscont M/F.______8144,900. P rin cip le s patio, tool shed, morel parking tor 2 cars. $695 ble. Call 742-5910 Booms for Rent...... 11 day and Tuesday. only. For sal* by $154,900. D.W. Fish Don't miss the many offer­ Apprfments for Penf.... Htotlng/Plumblng...... 40 MitetMontout for Solo...... •7 OCADLINeS: for dofilflad odyanhamants to Home, 545 Vernon WANTED. Hairdresser Heavy phones, light per month, heat and evenlngs.o Employment A Education 12 Mlictllontous Sorvicot ...... 41 Tog SotM...... 6S ba puWMiad Tua*doy Ifirouoti ioturdoy. th* Street, Manchester. owner. Coll 446-5058. R^lty. 443-1991.0 ings In today's classified Condominiums for Rent.. 11 Sorvicoi Wonttd ...... 47 Wonttd to Buv/Trodt ...... ff part time. Experience typing and tiling. 86 hot water Included ,no WATERBED king size. Hole Won too 11 Homes for Rent...... 14 daodllna I* noon on ttM day Oatora oubUcotlon. 443-8151. PRICE ReducedI This Isa SUPER Ranch. Monches- columns. Situolton Wentod 13 Stort/Offlce Spoce...... IS ro r odvartKamant* to ba publltbad Mondoy, preferred. Call 447-8714 hourly. Coll Marlene pets. Security deposit Complete pockog* ex­ ftvsinoss Opoortunitlot 13 Resort Property...... 14 Merchandise tha daodllna I* 1:30 p.m. on Friday. |m a £ h i n i s t /Tooi or 447-9385. 646-5100.______beautiful Contempor­ ter. 4 bedroom Ranch and 1 year lease. 649- cluding headboard. inttrudion . . 1 4 Industrlol Property...... 17 Autom otive maker. 3-5 years min­ ary located In a sought In prestigious area. 0795.______Asking 8100. Call 74^ Emplovmont Sorvices IS Hoildoy/Sootonol...... 71 tEACHER Aide posl- DELI Help. Full and port Marble flreplaced liv­ Coropes ond Storope.... 31 Antloutt ond Colltctibles 77 Cor* for Solt...... fl ■ b a d VOUR AO. Clotilflad odvartlMmants ora imum axpei;lence. In­ tlons. Speech and lon- time positions availa­ otter area. Features 3 MANCHESTER. 1 bed­ 5918 evenlngs.o ■ Roommotes Wonfed..... If Clothing...... 73 Trucki/Vont for Solt...... f2 tokan by talapbona o* o convanlanca. Tha terested In making bedrooms. Master bed­ ing room, dining room Wonted fo Renf...... 40 74 Comotrt/ TroMtr*...... Monchattar Harold I* raioontibla lor only ana euape aides, 15 hours ble. No experience nec­ room, appliances. No M APLE Colonial Hutch. Real Estate Furniturt...... fl tools and fixtures. room Is In opposite end and completely fin­ pets, no water beds, TV/StErto/Aopllonctf...... 75 Metofcyclts/Mootds ...... 94 .Incorract Intartlon and than only ter tha ilia ot per week, to work with cessary. Apply In per­ ished lower level with Excellent condition. ■ M i , Homes for Soir Mochintry ond Tools . . 74 Auto Strvictt...... 95 tha orlplnol Insartlon. Error* wMch do not Must be oM* to work speech clinicians In son to. Dell Manager, of the house from other NO PAYMENTS lease. $450, 8900 secur­ Asking $350. Phone 446- Services lauan tha volua ot th* odvartlaamanl will not. bedrooms. baths. fireplace. Potlo deck, Condominiums for Sole town ond Cordon ...... 77 Auto* for Rtnt/Lto*t...... 94 from blueprints. Voco- preschool and primary Highland Pork Market, 2 Up to i veers. Kiss your fl- ity. 289-7191 or 643-4792. 0 0 6 0 .______Lots/Lend for Sole Child Core. . .. 51 Good Things to Eot...... 7S MIsctHontou* Autometivt..... 97 b* corractad by on additional Intartlon. tlon/Medlcal benefits. Cathedral ceilings. Intercom system, 7V» Invtstmenf Prooerfv Citoninp Services S7 Fuoi Oli/Cooi/Firowood .. 7f Wonttd to Suy/Trodt ...... fS classrooms. Call Cov­ 317 Highland Street, Walk In closets. Nicely baths, 2 car garoe* and nondol ditnculNes eeedbve. EAST HARTFORD 1 bed- FOR Solo. Naugahide Moving In December to entry Public Schools Monchester.______Avoid toredesure. Catch up room, $405. plus utili­ /»'/» our new building In landscaped. Backyard a lawn complete with on late payments such osPrst recllner. Dork Brown. 742-8913 for oppllco- INSPECTOR-Entry level. Is private. This home Is putting green. Much ties. On busline. 3 positions, perfect Andover. Please coll tlon. E.O.E.______or second morteoea or ovon 568-1054. ______Bill Thurston 449-2343 Individual capable of b e in g offered of more. $239,900. D.W. outstanding credit cord Mils. condition. 8100. Living am, 742-S491pm. SCHOOL Nurse substi- dimensional Inspection 8225,000. An excellent F lih Realty. 443-1991.0 Keep your home free end FOR Rent. 2 bedroom room couch, 3 cu­ e IWr kyNEA. k« tutes. RN tor Coventry utilizing standard In­ buyl Let us show you NEW to market. This d e a r without lions. Bod apartment close to bus­ shions, Green Tweed, VETERINARY Hospital Public Schools. Coll spection tools and crodit or lot# payment his­ line. Monthly rent $535. perfect condition. 8150. has Immediate opening why I Realty World- home Is a cream putt. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 742-8913 for applica­ gouges. Must be capa­ Frechette-Benolt Beautifully remodeled tory It neto proMem. Kindly Coll 649-9256.______Coll otter 6pm. 520-2006 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED for R*ceptlonlst/As- tion. E.O.E. ble of reading opera­ Asooclotes. 444-7709.0 coll: slstant. Full or part full dormered Cape COVENTRY New 5 room DIVAN Corner cabinet, P n z z l e s tion sheets and blue MANCHESTER. Spec- with 3 bedrooms, 2 full Thg Swiss Duplex. New applian­ Ook rocker, Excellent time. Excellent salary prints. We offer com­ condition. Call 228- CHRISTMAS Cosh now. PART Time 25 hours per FULL and port time Shift MAINTENANCE Service with benefits. Please MEBKAL tocular, new Victorian boths, flreplaced living Conttrvotlvg Group ces, wall to wall, sky­ ASSISTANT Manager/ petitive wages and be­ Farmhouse with fan­ room with Boy win­ light, fireplace, gar­ 1431. Som-lpm, t:30pm- Soles people needed to week. 12 noon to 5pm. Supervisor for drug and Installation per­ Manager trolneer send resume to: TRARSCRiniONIST nefits, Including paid MS4'4404 gr SHADY GLEN An eetabllshed and ox- tastic front porch; dow, spacious eat In age. Easy access to 184. n :30pm.______Antvirer to Previoul Pu nie hove few selling Aus­ General office duties store In Manchester son. Must be mechani­ 818,000 to start. Gram- Animat Medical Clinic, group health Insuron- 1-4S4-13S4 37 Former large rooms, W baths, kitchen with sliders to 8800per month. Availa­ ACROSS trian Crystal lewelrv DAIRY STORES Including doto entry, area. Experience pre­ cally Inclined. Tepco py't Corner Store has 200 Sheldon Road, pandlng medical ce,o pension plan and 2 nuclear □□□D □□□□ nnn open floor pipn, cor 18 X 14 deck, skylights ble November 1. Coll 1 Sw M t and gifts tor the Crystalx typing and filing. Cox ferred but not necces- Air Pollution Control. Manchester. transcription company 2 ■t ILAWNANO agency WAITRESSES OR on Immediate openintf paid holidays. Inter­ potPtoei □□□Q □□□□ □□□ garage. $253,900. Cen­ plus new thermo win­ 742-7247.______(ebbr.) shop at Sears In Man-{ Coble Greater Hart­ sary. We will train. 282-1001. tor an Assistant Man--* has openings for home views con be arranged ''ISAROEN 5 Church leet □□□BQDDQC] □□□ WAITERS tury 21-Epsteln Realty. dows. Attractively Rentals MANCHESTER. 4 room, 38 Laugh Chester. Salary, bonus ford. Call Cox Cable Flexible hours. Salary oger/Manoger trainee. « or office transcription. by contacting C. Tyler BB o m U of □a 647-0895.0 landscaped with syllable and commission. Con­ Daytime and Rep. 64A-M06. S5.5D-I6 per hour de­ HELP WANTED FOUNTAIN PERSON Applicants must have 2 bedrooms, stove, re­ burden Insurance, paid vaca- * or M. Gomoche ot 443- roomy bock yard. Con- 36 Organs of tact Jeff at 742-7184 Weekdays, full time. MANCHESTER. South- frigerator. $475 plus 12 Look At evenings pending on experience. niUYME/PWYYIME tion, profit sharing orV Z at leaat 3 years exparl- 1531. EOE.______amell □ □ Good wages plus tips. venlent location. utilities. Immediate oc­ 13 Bpewn before 2pm. Benefits and vacation soma of the benefits •• enca In discharge field Green, Deluxe 6 FOR AU YOUR LAWN 41 Dolores EDDDDdC] E3C1QQE1B SIRVICI f t K M n RETIRED persons take $154,900. Sentry Real APARTMENTS 14 Arebien Apply to 840 East package available to *NETAN.* 8taady employment. room Townhouse that cupancy. Allbrio — Rk) □□□□□□ aDQDBB a n iN D A m a available. Apply dT I aummarles on opera­ note: Ideal port time Estate. 443-4060.O m CARE NEEOt.. CALL region auallfled employees. Due to holiday expan- Grompy's Corner - Apply affords comfortable FOR RENT Realty. 649-0917. 42 Vegas tive notes. All equip­ work. Inspect and C □□□□ □□□□ □□□ Middle Tpke. micnamcsiiilnr C 15 A sM m worm EXPERIENCED Send resume to: P.O. ■ lon, growing Store, 706 Main Street* « price. 3 bedrooms, kit­ MANCHESTER. Brand MANCHESTER. De­ PHIL’S LAWN CARE 43 Damaged ment la furnished plus Cleon shopping center 16 Oreduete of □ □ □ D B D Q 649-4245 wm trein the right person. Box 994, Rocky HIM, company now Inter­ Howard Johnson chen and family room new and ready tor your MANCHESTER. No- cember 1st. Modern Annepolis 46 Oat Manchester. • pick-up and delivery. parking lot area. Flexi­ 6 □□□□□IlD □□□□□ Profit and Loss Apply In person. CT, 06067 viewing Individuals In­ 394 Tolland Tpke. area, 3 baths, central personal decorator venber 1st. Newer 2 room Duplex, 3 bed­ Fall Claan Up, Hadga (ebbr.) 60 Biblical BdD noQDQianDa Call; 947-7843 ble hours. Approxi­ prophat 360 West Middle Tpke. terested In a new excit­ ~ Manchester olr, sun deck, cor port, touch, this Raised family. 4 room. 3 bed­ rooms, colonial de­ Trimming, Mowing, 17 Bird of prey □DO QOnB □□□□ Collector. 252 Spencer St. PHOTO PRINTER mately 25 hours per 1B,premmerien's 51 Author ing career or second Exit S3 1-84 tennis courts, pool, and Ranch features 3 bed­ rooms, carpeting, cors, ottlc/bosement Fertilizing. Call today □□□ □□□□ □□□□ 643-0511 Msnchester Full time. Will train. Z on week. Excellent pay. much more. Minutes rooms, full baths, Flaming Send resume to CAKCR OPPORfUNITY Income. *9.35 to atart Coll 4444)131. 2 2 stove and refrigerator, storage. 8725 plus utili­ (or Free Estimate. 20 TWnotled 53 Type of Apply INVENTORY Control. from Hartford. cor garage, deck over­ children o.k. $750 plus 9 Among 35 Joyful Manchester MO^aaVYMHly with advancement po- SdbTHERN New Eng^ ties. Allbrio Realty. f a m (dpmp. fabric Box KK Fast paced material $142,000. U & R Realty. looking scenic 3 acres utilities. AMbrIo 10 What — exclamation ASSISTANT Manager 649-0917. 742-7476 wd.| X 3 64 Enters the Parkade Leading Jew^ry manu­ tentlal. Days or NASSIFF CAMERA Jpnd clossltleld ods Did c/o Manchester full time for drug store control department 643-2692.0 plus babbling brook. Reolty. 4494)917. 22 Word to cell contest 39 Snatch facturer, 30 year* In in­ evenina. 688-8188, cell 839 Main St., .reach nearly 800,000 seeks self-motivated Coll tor further details. 2 bedroom apartment In 3 attention 11 Large knife Herald In Manchester area. MANCHESTER. De- 55 Compass 40 Stable dustry seeks repre- 12 to 5 p.m. Manchester Domes In Connecticut Individual with good Real Eatate BING Bong Boom I Sud­ family house on 7 T 23 Highway 19 Roman Experience preferred $149,900. Sentry Real point worker and Rhode Island. The cember 1. Single family Teg OeM lereeeeO le e * bronze •entatlve to Introduce moth aptitude. Needs denly bock on the Estote. 443-4060.O acres. No pets. Adults curve 56 Therefore but not neccessary. We price tor a basic 25 home. 3 bedrooms, liv­ Any amount (MNarad. Alae. hX. 24 Beiebell 21 Oineien: 41 Feminine ^ outstanding proven WELDER/Fobrlcoton to be able to Interface market and sellers preferred. 8600. Coll 57 Companion will train. S6.25-S7 per INSURANCE Customer MANCHESTER new list­ ing room, dining room. gnival, alone and bartt, mutoh. teem i "Out of garment LEGAL SECRETARY/LEG4L ASSISTANT Must have 2 years ex­ word ad Is only 890 and well with people and would like o quick sole I John ot 871-7206. of odds hour depending on ex­ line for first time In Service Assistant. HDME8 ing. 3 family 4-4-41 good $725 plus utilities. All- BobooL baohlto* a loadarienW. 27 Football Africa" 42 Solitary T K > perience In blueprints will appear In 75 news­ 56 Needlefish 0 24 perience. Benefits and Manchester. No direct Manchester agency handle work load with PON SALE Impeccable condition condition. Good Invest­ brlo Reolty. 449-0917. m 6 b Il e Home. Working ooeoh ^ author and layout. Company papers. For more In­ 59 Actor person Aggressive fast paced growing law firm moving vocation package telling. 713-883-9393. seeking mature person minimal supervision. 1 throughout. 7 plus ment. $224,900. Coll single mole adult pre­ DAmCONtYmiCYMM Pcrteghian 24 California paid uniforms and be> formation coll Classi­ MANCHESTER. Lovely 4 O'Neal 43 Changt to help account repre­ Previous distribution room full dormered now 449-1147 Klernon ferred. Lease, secur­ 872-1400/650-0656 26 Ceuitio win# vatlay to luxurloua new officea has Immediate openinga available to qualified neftts. East Hartford fied, 443-2711 and ask All real estate advertised In room, 2 bedroom Flat iubetence DOWN position sentatives by provid­ and computer expe­ Cope on lovely treed lot Real Estate. ity. No pets. 643-2000. 25 Two words for experienced legal aecretarlea/legal aaalat- employees. Send re­ W e ld in g . 289-2323.' for detolls.o the Manchester Herald Is on 2nd floor. No ap­ 31 Light _ - 44 "A " _ _ ing technical adminis­ rience o plus. We otter In Redwood Forms. 3 1 St. Laurant of undar- sume to: P.O. Box 994, EOE.______sublect to the Fair Housing NEW Listing. $119,900. pliances. Available Im­ feather "appla" anta. Personal Injury experience preferred, but FU LL Time night owl on excellent benefit bedrooms, fireplace, 2 Breazy standing Rocky Hill, CT 0M7. trative and clerical JACK ot oil trades I Act of 19M, which mokes It FUaOL/COAL/ 32 Yellow of an glorious Florida room. Impeccable 3 bedroom mediately. $550 per 26 Anti-drug 46 Oboe, e g. not required. Transcription and good typing positions available In support. Requirements DENTAL Assistant. Busy Bright, energetic Indi­ package Including Illegal to advertise any pref­ 1 YEAR OLD •BD 3 Chicken Tastefully decorated. Ranch. Beautifully month plus heat. Ex­ chow officer ■ 47 Eagle's nest Ellington group home. Include: strong oroonl- Vernon office. Full vidual able to perform medical, dental and life erence, limitation or discrim ­ For Annual Lease 33 Motorists' skills required. Opportunity to work .Indepen­ CASNIIR A SNACK SHOP ination boted on race, color, Mint condition. decorated and main­ cellent location. No 4 Wrap 27 Firit rate (2 Join 0 newand growing zot^ol and communi­ time, 5 days, no Satur.^ general maintenance Insurance. Please con­ aeen. 48 Woman's AYYINDANY religion, sex or notional tained. Hardwood pets. Jackson 8, Jack- 2 Story Duplox 5 College wdt.) dently. Excellent benefits. YOUR SKILLS WILL Connecticut Agency cation skills. Excellent days or evenings. No n several apartment tact Llso Pierce at $209,000. Jackson & 34 "P" In name 0 origin, or on Intention to floors, carpeting, nice son. 447-8400. In Coventry on 2.7 "MPH" preiident (il.) 28 Workrooms Day & Night Shift Avallble. tor developmentollv experience nesccessrv, 649-4415. Jockson. 647-8400.O 49 Rush hour at BE APPRECIATED BY EMPLOYER. Call or write ivironment In a non­ buildings. Must be able moke ony such preference, panelled recreation FIREWOOD SALE 36 Of chebiii, 6 Long time 29 ConnMticut Good pay to atart. Apply In disabled adults. Send smoking office. Forop- will train. 875-5664. - to perform minor PART Time Clerical. BRAND New listing. MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ acres of beautiful *88 par eo(d. • IL langllt*, university tha dinar Doris Lueijen 525-0866. 750 Main Street, Hart­ limitation or discrimination. room and much, much etc. 7 Wind person. letter ot Interest and ^polntment coll Harriet plumbing, electrical, Past growing distribu­ The Herald will not know­ Long time live In owner room apartment In 2 woodad alta. 11 mllaa gresn. dallyarad. 8 card direction 30 Food (II.) 52 Collection of SECRETARY. Shorthand more. The price Is un­ 36 Sandwich ford, CT 06103. All replys hold In strict confl- resume to House Man­ Johnson, Independent carpentry, etc. Good tor seeks part time ingly occept any advertise­ has decided to relo­ family house located In Irom downtown Man- minimum. MO/VIBA type (ebbf.) 6 Ox harneiset 32 Submiaiive facts 252 Spencar $t., required. One man 2 beatable. Blanchard . dence. ager, P.O. J8ox 361, Insurance Center Inc. Manchester Low ot- starting salary and tiling clerks. Must be ment which Is In v io latio n of cate. 4 and 3 room nice area. $550 plus chaatar. Closa to ahop- Northirn FtriwoiO Manchaatar the low. and Rossetto, "We're utilities. 2 months se­ 1 4 Coventry, CT '^238. 644.6050. Tlce. 644-2425.______paid vocation. Call 443- able to work with mln- Ranch style Duplex. plng and lakaa. OMrlfenlire 2 1 9 e 7 9 1 0 11 gOUTHE RN Wew~Ehg- Selling Houses". 646- curity. Available No- 3659. Imal supervision. Owners side Includes o 2482.0______CARPENTER-Fromer. 3 Mothers welcome. For lond ctosslfletd ods den with o wood stove vemberl. Coll 449-2071. Call Helan at m-aoifl 1 2 1 1 ^ H i 4 years experience pre­ SALES more Information reach nearly 800,000 oft the kitchen. Ap­ NEW Listing. $160's. The MANCHESTER. 6 .room 643-2487 or NOW HIRING! ferred. Call 484-2392. " homes In Connecticut 10' X 35' family room 16 1 6 ^ H i 7 pleose qontoct Llso pliances Included on Duplex. F u ll ottlc- FOR ENTRY-LEVEL POSITIONG *1,000 p e r Pierce ot 649-4415. and Rhode Island. The both sides. Easy main­ addition creates o feel­ /bosement. Forking 646-1339 price tor a basic 25 tenance. Vinyl siding, 1 ing of spaciousness un­ centrally located. $550 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 - w e e k -f- NURSES Aides. Training available In most Man­ No experience nerassary. clast storting toon. word od Is only 890 and bedroom each. plus utilities and ap­ *1,000 or more per will appear In 75 news­ $137,500. Jackson , chester Copes. 2 full pliances. No pets. 2 2 2 1 CASHIERS You will be paid while 8 FRANKLIN ontlgut up- Excellent benefits with a . Fall * Part tiaia — ek delivering dls- papers. For more In­ Jackson. 647-8400.O baths, great new kit­ Available November 1. STORE AND ys to retail stores. It you learn, plus receive chen and o huge first rlghl panic and atool. 2 4 2 6 2 6 2 7 formation coll Classi­ . 241-8042 otter 5. OFFICE SPACE 2 6 2 6 1 0 *67Hr. S tree meals. Taking ap­ floor master bedroom Must sail. Asking $130. growing company. Please apply rsqulrea an aggressive fied, 643-2711 and ask MANCHESTER. Extra MANCHESTCR central ALL SHIFTS plications for full or for detolls.o nice. Well maintained 3 suite. 2 other bedrooms 649-4235. 1 1 1 2 1 1 AVAILABLE. MORNING, aMitude, professional port time certified location, lorge yard, 5 SOUTH Windsor Otfica Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. aHpearanca, and wll- bedroom Cope with with full dormer, living spocaT1300 squora faet. DAYS, NIGHTS AND Nurses Aides tor oil GOVERNMENT Homes room, deck, treed lot room 2 bedroom newly 1 4 1 6 1 6 WEEKENDS.. llngneas to travel the, jshltts. Earn o high rote from $1 (U repair). open stairway to living renovated oportment. Prime location. Rout* Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 noon room and nice sized and o oarage. Must be 5. Ready to go. Cleon OTHER POSITIONS stats of CT. of pay plus bonus Delinquent Tax prop­ seen. Blanchard 8, Ros­ 84M. plus utilities. Ref­ 1 7 1 6 1 6 4 0 AVAILALBE PDsk-up, van, or lar^o' hours. For more Infor­ erty. Repossessions. dining room. 16 x 24,1st erences and security. and Immediately avail­ PETS AND MAL TOOL APPLY TO PERSONNEL floor family room. 2 setto, "We're selling able. Must be seen. car neccessary. Must mation please coll: Di­ Coll 805<607-6000 exten­ Houses", 444-2482.0 No pets. Coll 443-0783. SUPPLES 4 1 4 2 1 AT: b i available to begin rector ot Nurses, Mrs. sion GH 9965. fireplaces, Vh baths, Contact Sol Julian. 282- A potlo, tool shed and COVENTRY. Nestled In MANCHESTER central 0784.______B.J. WHOLESALE CLUB work Immediately. For A. Plante, Cresttleld MANCHESTER. 1st time location 4 room 2 bed- AKC. Labrador Retrelvor 4 1 4 4 4 6 4 6 1 4 7 4 8 4 9 more. $154,900. D.W. the pines. 44 foot Ranch Thot\s Right ENGINEERING Co. INC. local Interview ap­ Convolscent Home- ottered. Immaculate 7 room apartment. MANCHESTER. Excel­ puppies. All Block. 288 REV. MOODY Fish Realty. 443-1591.a being built on corner lent East Center Street Mol* and Female. 2 pointment call Thomas /Fenwood Manor at room Colonial, 3 bed­ Newly renovated 8725. 2 6 0 6 1 6 ^ ^ H 6 1 OVERPASS lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 EAST Hartford. B-1 Zone, location. 4 room suite. Whelped 9/22/07. E im We Sell Excitement! 140 Bolton Road HARTFORD, CT. Morse, 10 AM - 4 PM 643-5151, Monday room, family room, eat boths,$154,900. Exclu­ plus utilities. No pets. Monday-Thursday. through Friday, 9om to In kitchen, screened 15 rooms. Perfect tor References required. Good visibility and and hips cleared. 172- 6 4 8 6 Vernon, C t 06066' 101 retail or office space. sive agents, Klernon parking. 8650 plus utili­ 1 5 2 7 . ______Central Connecticuts most progressive 3pm. porch, hardwood 2 Realty. 449-1147. Coll 443-0783. toiM/r : Toll Free floors and much more. full and 2 holt baths. 2 ties. Allbrio Realty. FREE cot female, sp o i^ 6 7 166 turnonces, multiple ac­ MANCHESTER. Good lo- Pontiac-Toyota Dealership is in need of 1-(800)-251-7430 Convenient location. cotlon. 2 bedroom 649-0917. and shots. 1 year old. DISHWASHER $159,900. U & R Realty cess to building. On and opartment-2nd floor, COII6444I046 career minded people to join our sales team. Compony. 643-2692.0 oft street parking. Root LOTS/IANO OmCCSFMK Weekends. to be replaced. Unique wall to wall carpeting, BMI MsHlNilv 10 Free klitens. Varlely of DELIVERY Person. Ron MANCHESTER For Sole FOR SALE appliances. No pets. colors and ages. Call THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME \ sates background is helpful, but not Brug store deliveries Steady employment. property. Shows Modem OftlceeTln- A by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee by owner. 4 bedroom Security and lease. oludlng utilities. Long 742-5761. dolly Mondoy- Good wages. Apply Raised Ranch, Includes nicely. Must be seen to BRAND New Listing! necessary. We are now offering a be appreciated. Planned commercial $485. Coll 443-1595. or short term. Unscramble these four Jumbles, Soturdoy. Must use living room, dining too square feet *00 per one letter to each square, to form NEED MONEY? own cor, hove Insu­ $299,900. Strono Real zonal Main Street, El­ MANCHESTER 3nd.tloor Howard Johnson room, W baths, family four ordinary words con'.prehensive training program, a 1 Estate. 647-7653.0 of 2 family. Nice resl- month. 200 square (eat rance, o good driving 394 Tolland Tpke. room with fireplace. 2 lington. Approxi­ MISGELLANHNW record and must know GREAT Starter. Man­ mately 2 acres In hot denttoKoreo. 4 room,2 *16S per month. guaranteed salary during training and one of Manchester cor garage, deck and porch^, garage, klt- (fo r SALE JYKER 1 We’re looking Manchester area. Only pool. Great neighbor­ chester. Victorian growing area. Ideol for CaNSeiSaeDsFaeNt about 3-5 hours o day os Exit 63 Off 1-84 Cope In hard to find bonks, restaurants, of­ chen'oppllonces. Base­ ^ a s b leg the most liberal benefit plans in the business' hood. 117 Brlorwood ment washer and dryer TEE ShlrnransfersTA? for neccessary. $185 based Drive, Asking $192,000. price range. 2 or 3 fices, retail, etc. Coll 4MW . CealsrM on 4 days tor the ser­ bedrooms, lorge pan- fo r more details. hook-ups. No pets. B4MI2B proxlmotely 3000. also Please call Gary Bergeron for appointment - CLERICAL Assistant In Coll Bob of 643-0358. $625. plus heat and 50 to took numoralsond six (6) part vice. Appit In person, Between 8:30-5. After 5 tried kitchen with cell­ 8310,000. Jackson 8, . Arthur Drug, 942 Main accounting. A rapidly ing ton. Nicely remo­ Jackson, 447-8400. □ electricity. Security letters for shirts, caps, HEMTY growing wire and coble coll 649-2276. and references re­ 8ANA6ES etc. Bast offer. 44P3642 646-4321 time phone Street, Manchester, distributor seeks on deled living and dining ANDOVER. View the quired. 443-8422. CT. 643-1505. Attn: Mr. BRAND New listing. rooms. Front porch beautiful Foil foliage AN0ST0NA8E otter S:30pm.o energetic, organized Cleon and neat 6 room SMALL and largo isoncA clerks to work tCoros. ______and dedicated Individ­ and new 12 x 27 deck. 1 from these wooded 2.2 STUDIO type. Portly fur- Cope Cod on Bowers cor garage. $123,900. acres, 108 foot frontage nlshed. Working single WINTER Storage (or sows. Best otter. Phene FULL Time Coshler- ual to ossist accounti ng school district. New cars, vans or boots. 742-7426. Noon or JPhormacv Technl- department with tiling, 1 D.W. Fish Realty. 643- on pond. $75,000. Kler- mole preferred. No In the evenings. ^ therm^toke out win­ 1591.0 non Realty, 449-1147. pets. Lease. 443-2880. Evenings 875-5074. evenings. r - cion, to do light typing and gen­ dows, naovy Insula­ AAUeiC t h a t Cashiering,ordering eral office duties. We I/ s SOB5 WELL WITH REVISED HIRING RATE tion, hordwood'ffoors, Salary +Wonus end answering the otter competitive aluminum siding. CARS CARS ICARS THEl^ WORK. bhone. Dolly hours, 5 wage, excellent benef­ CARS CARS OF *4.25/H0UR Tasteful country de­ FOR SALE FOR SALE FOSSALE FOR SALE GERBID NO EXPERIENCE day week. Experience its and advancement cor. Sprawling 149 x FOR SALE Now arrange the circled letters to It'* time...to move lorward. N*w challenga*. New axcitemant. breterrM but not nec- opportunities In o con­ 200' lot $164,900. Jack- form the surprise answer, as sug­ eessory. Excellent genial modern atmos­ gested by the atx)ve cartoon. Naw opportijMtlea. NECESSARY son & Jackson. 647- wages based on expe­ phere. Please coll Wil­ 8400.O At Bradleaa. rience. Apply In per­ liam S. Henderson, Print answer here: Call Mr. Rogers son, Arthur Drug, 942 Controller, IMS inc., Hare'* your chance to ahare In the spirit and support of our (Answers tomorrow) Main Street, Monches- 340 Progress Drive, special company. At Bradlee*. all of our staff work together to ter, CT. 643-1505. Attn: HELP WANTED Jumbles FLAKE GROIN HAGGLE THIRTY Manchester, CT 06040. Saturday's do the beet job. 647-9946 M r Karos. 649-4415. ED Answer That bore at the party who thought he was MODEL END CLEARANCE a wit was this— HALF RIGHT The following position* are now avallabi* for all shifts:

Jumble Book No. S3 I* sveliabla lot S2.90, which Includes poiteg* sntf handlinf, Item Jumble, cto this newtseper, F.O. tea 4398. Ortenee. FL 39903-4399 Inelwde trout name, a d d re ti end tip cede end m ake trout ch eck peyebl* to N*«8psp*t^ R9kt. THE PROFESSIONALS O 9 9 FULL & PART TIME NEW 1987 & SUNDAY CREWS We Need Holiday Help! MANCHESTER HONDA CELEBRITY CIPHER CWabrIty CIptMr cryptogrwn. w* crMtwJ from Quotation* by fwnou. e CASHIERS MERCIUNMSE CLERKS AUTOMOBILES CAVALIERS and pooola. pa.1 wrd praMnl. Eacti lottw m th* dptwt *t*nd* tor e RECEIVINO CLERKS wrothar. Today*. ckJa; B apuae A. You Need Holiday | • Ceaipstltlas Wages • Ylaie a A HaH For Saeday Our Service Department 'UKQA YE AKZ MONTE CARLOSI • He Exferleacs Necessary • Cataplels YralalB PrefraBi is seeking an experienced N Y O a Z BZDWZ VZAUZZD • FrlaaMy AtaMaghsie Lets Get Together! 12 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM... • MaeegeaMBt Career Paths Automobile Technician. • ham^at* Eaipleye* MsceBats a AGLYNZBOYEA GDN • IS year sMs welceaM G AGL WHRRZWAHB7 Hourly wage plus bonus. Uniforms OVER FACTORY INVOICE Eicalleat salary pragraai that |Mys far exfarleaca provided, excellent beirteflts. For (invoices shown on request) AKZ AGLYNZBOYEA □ Cashiers □ Warehouse Eaigley** Refarral Pragram Interview call Torn Dell, 8 am to 4 pm, AOIZE HDRT TH8B Please apply In person at: □ Clerks Help Monday thru Friday. Itam vCD rilF V R A L E T ’S For the peat 51 years, Carter Chevrolet has been dealing honsetly and fairly wim 7 7 E I Y D . ’ *- O G B I BRAOLEES tfiin I K n vnKw itw hK i ** motoring pubfle. No hidden chargee, no extras, no Qlmmicka. Just good doala Apply in Parson to Store AAanogdr PLEDGE TO YOU: backed by *n outstanding service department. We believe (or your beet deal as* »A U G Y D . RMM* Yapk. S Bread S t S49 SRitrar Laaa Carter Chevrolet now during thla spectacular salell ______PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Hard work rrever kHled Maachaster, CY E. Nartfard, CY anybody. But tltert again, resting is responsible lor very MANOfSTBRHONDX tew cesualtlea.” — George Qobel. I^ M One *4 Tb* S(«9 9 %K— ce m » e n ie s THE PROFESSIONALS 24 ADAMS STREET REMOVE GREASE and BECAUSE YOU never rust from outdoor metal know when someone will MANCHESTER. CT 06040 .ARTER— furniture the eosv way. be searching for the Item B M M i t o l M f Just dip a cloth In turpen­ you hove for sole. It's There is always something new at T0B7 tine and rub the 'metal better to run your wont od 6 4 6 * ' 3 5 2 0 until spots disappear. To for se' erol days... cancel­ „ Bradlees. Now It can be youl cSiEVROLET sell Idle Items the easy ing It os soon os you get MlddlBlown EnIMd Haincl«n WotoilMiry M o n c h f t B r wavi use o low-cost ad In results. An Equoi Ooportuviy Imoiover M/r 1229 MMN STREET > TEL 646-6464 » MANCHESTER classified.