Price £1 Issue 105 August 2008 Killin News

Deadlines Editorial Issue 106 Advertising Congratulations to all those traders who have taken a stand 5th Sept on plastic bags by charging for them and to the School Eco Group who have delivered a cotton bag to every household Copy in the village. These are small steps that acknowledges 12th Sept some of the difficulties besetting our environment. Sourcing local produce, supporting local businesses and reducing car usage can all help to 'save the planet'. We will all have to Editorial Policy Statement learn new and frugal ways not like those of our forebears but modern equivalents. Magic discoveries to allow us to The Killin News is a free community newspaper continue to plunder and distribute the worlds resources produced and distributed every two months by unhindered will not be found in the foreseeable future and volunteers to households and businesses in Killin until then belt tightening will be in fashion. and district. The aim of those involved is to produce an informative, accurate and entertaining Japanese knotweed has spoiled many development sites. journal for those who live, work and visit in this Because of its tendency to spread from very small area. Letters and articles published in the fragments and its ability to disrupt foundations it needs to newspaper do not necessarily reflect the views of be cleared before building takes place. The law concerning the Production Committee and they reserve the the transport and destruction of Japanese knotweed is right to shorten, edit or not publish any item. comprehensive. I wonder if a Village Officer with intimate Contributions will be attributed to the author. Vested interests will be declared where applicable. knowledge of Killin could have saved a vast amount of Articles should be between 200 and 300 words, money and delay by resolving the problem at an early photos in high quality and the content should be stage. He could perhaps have warned the Council before original work relevant to Killin and environs. All the excavations and new pavements were constructed on personal emails are acknowledged by a reply. If Manse Road. Meanwhile other patches continue to flourish you do not receive a reply please contact us by around Killin, some reaching at least six feet in height. phone or drop the article in the office letterbox. The Killin and Ardeonaig Community Development Trust Production Committee (KAT) needs your support. By becoming a member you can Gina Angus, Willie Angus, Jim Beattie influence who runs KAT when the new Directors are elected Allan Chisholm, Judy Forster at the AGM on 24th September and can help direct its Dani Grant, David Hunt, Angus Inglis activities. Everyone involved in charitable activities could Margaret MacIver benefit from being involved. Join now. Forms can be Kay Riddell, Liz Stevens obtained at the Library. To advertise in the Killin News Advertising Rates from £12 Volunteers at the Killin News need to know about events if Contact Tel: 01567 820298 they are to be covered. The Killin News belongs to the Adverts are accepted in good faith and we cannot village and needs support. If your club or group could be held responsible for the goods and services benefit from publicity for events or fundraising activities advertised please let us know in good time. If you would like to be reminded of deadline dates we can put you on an email list. Web sites: and Photographs of at least three events would not have reached these pages without the help of outside volunteers who acted unbidden on our behalf. Finally we thank the e-mail:[at] advertisers for their support. Without them and you, the editorial[at] adverts[at] readers, the paper would not exist. WA Address: Main Street, Killin FK21 8UW Office Phone : 01567 820014

What’s on Offer at Killin Library DVDs Hire 3 DVDs for the price of 2 2 day hire and Weekend 3 day hire Children’s weekly Internet Access Free NEW COLOUR PHOTOCOPIER Opening Hours: Mon. : 10 - 1 & 2 - 5 ; Tue. & Fri: 10 - 1 & 3 - 7; Wed: 2 - 5; Thur: Closed Flexible learning - including computing - Thur. afternoon Tel: 01567 820 571 E-Mail:

2 INDEX Mobile Youth Space One too many 100th Birthday Party 32 Stirling Council Youth Services has - or not enough? Ads Index 43 taken to the road with its Mobile Artemis Kindrochit Quadrathlon 22 Youth Space - a fantastic new Ben Lawers Walks and Talks 18 In July my nephew and his family Big Shed 4 resource, particularly for those living were on holiday in Killin and one Bob MacGregor Trial 39 in rural areas without access to day, while he took their daughter Broadband for Ardeonaig 12 many youth work opportunities. out in a canoe, his partner took their Bus Turning Circle 4 The MYS is kitted out with 2 PS3's, 9 year old son up Sron a Clachain. Clanscape 18 2 XBOX 360's, games, widescreen On their way down again, she Computer Corner 15 TV and DVD player, hair slipped, hurt her leg and was unable Crossword 42 straighteners and makeup, sports Dochart Bridge 26 to walk any further. Her mobile equipment and art supplies, and is Dr Who 28 phone battery was low but a passing Editorial 2 staffed by at least two youth walker let her make a call to 999, Retirement Home 33 workers each night. We also hope the Killin Mountain Rescue came to Farming Matters 9 to have mobile internet access in the her rescue and she was stretchered Fire Cadets 5 future. down to the Park. First Iron Age Olympics 35 This is just the beginning. In (Killin is very proud of its Mountain Frost Report 14 consultation with young people, we Rescue Team and it was interesting Garages in Killin 13 want to provide more - but we need Glenogle Road Safety 7 to hear first hand of a rescue. I’m your ideas! So come along and see Golfing Warriors 17 sure we would all like to know more Have You still got Your Vote 40 for yourself what we have to offer about their exploits and how often Head of the Loch Volunteers 19 and let us know what else you want. they are called out, even if they Killin & Ardeonaig Parish Church 30 We can't promise everything, but we cannot tell us identifiable details Killin and Ardeonaig Trust 5 will do our best to make it happen. about particular cases.) Killin Community Council 20 At the moment, the bus calls at When the casualty reached the park, Killin Heritage Society Walk 18 Crianlarich and Tyndrum on a two ambulances were waiting – one Killin Medical Practice 5 Monday, and Killin, Lochearnhead Killin Primary School 6 from Callander, which was single and Strathyre on a Wednesday. Killin PTA 30 manned and therefore could not Letters 34 take her to hospital, and the other LLTNP new Appointment 11 SUMMER TIMES: from Stirling, which duly took her Local Planning Applications 41 Monday Crianlarich 12.45pm & away for a diagnosis of badly Local Vehicle Workshop 12 Tyndrum 2pm stretched ligaments in her foot. The McLaren Hall Upgrade 3 Wednesday Killin 3pm patient successfully got to hospital - Mervyn's Weather 21 Lochearnhead 4.15pm & but tying up two ambulances for a Mobile Library 7 Strathyre 6pm Mobile Youth Space 3 relatively minor incident could have New Arrivals 36 meant a less successful outcome for One Too many 3 TERM TIMES: any emergency occurring at the Park Planning Survey 11 Monday Tyndrum 6.45pm & same time. How often does this Perth & Kinross Family History 42 Crianlarich 8pm happen due to single manning? The Scottish Book Trust 5 Wednesday Killin 6pm Killin Community Council is trying to Sport 23 Lochearnhead 7.15pm & find out. MM Strathfillan by the Way 16 Strathyre 8.30pm Tai Chi in Killin 40 Look forward to seeing you there! The Arts 27 Think About It 30 Tourism News 40 Sarah Winstone McLaren Hall Upgrade Tractor Run 11 Community Worker Tyndrum Visitor 38 The McLaren Hall is currently having Wartime Tribute Ben Lui 28 a makeover. The old and tired Weddings 37 Front page heating system will be replaced with What's On 43 Maasai Warriors at a modern version. The kitchen has Where Are they Now? 31 Killin Golf Club - see page 17 been totally refitted to comply with Where Did the Bench Go? 6 Which Bin 43 current regulations. It has to be remembered that, while the kitchen area is passed for most requirements, it is not classified as a commercial kitchen. Anyone who New Telephone Book wishes to use the kitchen for weddings and the like will be If you missed the deadline for entry into the required to hire in or use their own specialist equipment. The new Killin Telephone Book management committee have raised over £55,000 for this project you have a final chance to be included through various grant aid and funding bodies. The overall cost is if you deliver your entry to of the project will be in the region of the Killin News Office or email it to us on £65,000. If you wish to donate to this upgrade, please do so through [email protected] the Killin newsagents or the local Killin branch of the Bank of Scotland. Many thanks. by Friday 22nd August Colin J McRae

3 Lottery Lift off for Loch Tayside's Big Shed Build Plans to build a new community- community spaces available on and knowledge in a wide variety of owned and managed facility for local flexible terms to local organisations. environmental and creative groups and businesses scattered The building will provide 300 square workshops ranging from arts and along the banks of have metres of mixed-use space including crafts to small business been given a welcome boost, thanks a mechanical workshop, kitchen, development. to a grant of £385,505 announced brewery, bakery, three offices, a Chair of the Board of Directors, Sue in June by the Big Lottery Fund studio and a craft workshop. Manning, said: "Being awarded this (BIG). Local tradespeople and volunteers grant from the Big Lottery Fund just The award from BIG's Growing will be at the very heart of Big Shed shows what small communities can Community Assets scheme will project, helping to build the facility achieve with a little bit of enable the Loch Tayside Community using a range of eco-materials and determination and a lot of hard Interest Company to begin the techniques. The design will use work. We call our project the Big building works on The Big Shed. locally sourced timber, wool Shed as, while it may not be large in Once completed, this will be a insulation, clay plaster walls, a physical sense, the difference it unique facility that will be an woodfuel heating and re-used and will make to this community is example of ecological design and re-cycled materials. The Big Shed massive". build and will provide a range of will also be used as a central base Dolan Betney high quality business and for local people to gain new skills Bus Turning Circle It is some time since the alterations to the roadway took place at the lower end of Manse Road. We noted at the time that an area containing Japanese Knotweed had been removed. Later in the year Japanese Knotweed was seen to be growing in the council dumping ground by Station Road, the area destined to be made into a bus turning circle. We now hear that the council will not proceed with the proposed bus turning circle because of the Japanese Knotweed, which is very invasive and can undermine building developments. One contaminated cubic metre costs approximately £27,000 to dispose of at a licensed landfill site. Meanwhile the original area of Kotweed by Manse Road (picture right) and other areas of Knotweed in the Killin area still thrive. WA John Morris Safety Ltd John Morris Dip2OSH CMIOSH MIIRSM MinstLM MaPS AMIQA Chartered Health and Safety Practitioner REHIS Health & Safety Certificate - 1 day £55 per person REHIS Food Hygiene Certificate - 1 day £55 per person Source of Competent Safety Advice, Fire Safety Training, Emergency First Aid Training, Manual Handling Training, Risk Assessments, Safety Inspections or Audits “Helping you to meet your legal requirements” If you would like more information, please contact: Craignavie Farmhouse, Killin, , FK21 8SJ Tel: 01567 820787 mobile: 07866 514033 email: [email protected]

4 Fire Cadet of the Year Killin and Ardeonaig Trust AGM The Trust continues to explore potential ways to develop to achieve the aims set out in the Killin Action Plan. As the Trust represents Killin it needs people to add their ideas and points of view so that all interests can be incorporated into developments that ensue. You can do this by joining the growing number of members. Forms are available in the library. Change is inevitable and the Trust would like to ensure the change that takes place is in line with local needs. The first Trust AGM will be held on Wednesday 24th September, a date for your diary, and will be advertised nearer the time. The interim Directors will stand down and a new Board of Directors will be Cadet of the Year 2007-2008 was awarded to Harry elected by the membership. The future of the Trust is McRobbie. After an eventful year with lots of fun the in your hands. Any member wishing to become a year end was marked by a barbecue and a director should contact the Secretary. When presentation to Harry by Alan and Paul who, as well developing local facilities and navigating through the as being retained Firefighters, are volunteer minefields of bureaucracy, being backed by public instructors with the Cadets. The cadet scheme in opinion can make a great difference. We need you. Killin is now in its 3rd year and many of the originals What are we fighting for? Our main aims at present still attend. We reopen on the 1st September and if are to establish a village owned thrift shop able to you are over 10 you are welcome to join us. What recycle and generate income for local charities, a have we to look forward too? Apart from next year's resource centre to house facilities for all ages and summer camp to Germany and the usual Christmas groups and industrial units to facilitate the start up of outing, we hope to get more involved with other new business and employment. If you believe in Killin services including the Police, Ambulance service and we would like you to come on board. the Mountain Rescue and in some fundraising Will we see you on the 24th September? events. The Cadets and instructors would like to WA thank Iain, Gill, Julie and Lucy for their continued support. Paul Norris

Scottish Book Trust Competition Killin Medical Practice This is to let you know about Days Like This, an exciting nationwide project run by Scottish Book Trust and BBC Radio Scotland. Following the recent Government Days Like This will give people across Scotland the chance to be part of the introduction of a National Direct nation's history by writing about a special day in their life which made a strong Enhanced Service to improve access for impression on them. The project aims to gather patients to GP practices, Killin Medical thousands of extraordinary tales, from born-and-bred Scots to newly-arrived Practice is now offering an evening immigrants, from Moffat to Orkney. surgery once a fortnight. These To take part in Days Like This, all people need to do is write about a day in appointments are for patients who cannot their life that was a bit extraordinary: It could be the day they didn't get manage along within the normal working married, or the day they got lost in a supermarket. It could be a childhood day due to work commitments. memory or something that happened yesterday. If the story is true and The appointments are for chronic disease centres on a single day, we want to hear it! management and must be booked at Anyone can send a story - content is what matters! Stories should be no least 1 week in advance. The surgery will longer than 1,000 words and can be about anything as long as it's true! All not be open for collection of prescriptions stories will appear on the BBC website for everyone to read. The celebrity or for making appointments. Only panel will choose their favourites to be recorded and discussed in a series of patients that have booked appointments radio programmes and published in a book in 2009. The deadline is: 1 will be seen. November 2008 For more details or contact Fiona Buchanan Clare Rodgers, Programme Assistant, Direct Line: 0131 524 0166 or Practice Manager [email protected] T o w n & Co u n t r y Hairdressing C a t e r i n g a n d Stitt Brothers H osp i t a l i t y at Home Building Contractors Reasonable Rates Painters and Every Monday and Thursday Decorators Outside caterer for all events private or corporate, large or small Established 1952 Don’t delay, Give us a call. Carlotta Fraser Station Road, Killin, FK21 8UH Phone Bruce 01567 820999 Telephone: (01567) 820344 or 07712 435465 (mobile) 01877 331212 Fax: (01567) 820944 Ardlochay Lodge, Killin

5 Killin Primary School

Primary 7 Leavers Antonia Dowling Robert Lafferty Adele Melia Gordon Petrie Finn Rhys Cameron Shearer Ailsa Taylor

Gaelic Choir Back row Luke Hibbert Max Menzies Euan Watson Killin News Feb 2002 Anna Holden Ellie Thompson Front row And where did Aarron Hibbert Alaya Christie Olivia Ridgewell this bench go? Robbie Player Hazel Lafferty Annie MacNaughton


LLoocchh TTaayy HHiigghhllaanndd LLooddggee PPaarrkk Loch Tay Highland Lodge Park Milton Morenish Killin Perthshire FK21 8TY Tel : 01567 820 323 Fax : 01567 820 581 E.Mail; info@lochtay Website Restaurant Tel : 01567 820853 Restaurant E.Mail [email protected] Loch Tay Highland Lodge Park consists of forty luxury pine lodges set in a stunning location on a private estate. Peaceful, south-facing seclusion located on the shores of beautiful Loch Tay with access to superb salmon, trout and pike fishing in newly refurbished pebble boats with cuddy. Excellent catches recorded. We even have a ghillie available to help guide you bring that ‘Big One’ home! Visit the onsite Boathouse Restaurant and Bar located at the marina. Here you will find something to suit your tastes. Short breaks and fishing deals available. Please visit our website at

6 Glen Ogle Road Safety As everyone in this area knows, the arrived for a meeting in Balquhidder. Mobile Library stretch of the A85 between In the second case, a car driving Lochearnhead and Lix Toll is north at breakneck speed overtook a notoriously dangerous. It is not the long line of traffic moving up the road itself, of course, but the drivers glen behind two slow-moving lorries, Tyndrum/Crianlarich who drive dangerously. There have round two completely blind corners. Fortnightly Fridays been about 6 fatalities in the last 10 It is only by sheer good fortune that years and other serious accidents yet further fatalities did not occur. Aug 8, 22 involving personal injury and yet the When will the madness stop? When Sept 5, 19 authorities do nothing about it. The will the authorities act? Oct 3 Balquhidder, Lochearnhead and One way you can help is to report Tyndrum Strathyre Community Council has EVERY case of reckless driving you Station Road 10.50 – 11.10 repeatedly drawn police attention to encounter, even if there is no this road but all we get are reasons accident and you are the only Clifton 11.15 – 11.40 for NOT doing anything - the road is witness (it needs two witnesses for Mansefield 11.45 – 12.00 too narrow for double white lines, a a prosecution). The letters should speed limit is impractical because it flood the desk of Hector Nicholson, Crianlarich would need more policing, the Road Safety Officer, Central Scotland ground is too poor to put in more Police, Randolphfield, Stirling FK8 Willow Square crash barriers, and so on. The 2HD. Alternatively, you can email 12.05 – 12.35 latest letter, dated 4th June, me the details and I will ensure that Police Station & School imploring the police to take active a letter is sent. It goes without 1.40 – 2.30 leadership in improving the road saying that you should included as Benmore 2.35 – 2.55 safety, has not even been much detail as possible, including acknowledged. A copy went to the date, time, exact location and full Suie Lodge 3.05 – 3.25 local MSP who has written to the details of the incident including Minister for Transport, but will direction of travel and weather /Ardeonaig anything happen? conditions. A registration number Fortnightly Mondays Recently we were informed of two would be ideal, but if that is not incidents of breathtakingly reckless possible, the colour of vehicle and Aug 4, 18 driving on this road but, as no number of occupants is useful. Sept 1, 15, 29 accidents occurred, the matters PLEASE help to kick the authorities Glenlochay 10.50 – 12.30 went unreported. In one case, the into action. Alan Clarke Ardeonaig 2.00 – 2.45 driver who was so narrowly missed Secretary, BLS Community Council was in a state of shock when she [email protected] A.C.E. Roofing & Building Services

Slating - Tiling - Flat Roofs - Summer Opening Hours Guttering - Lead Work - Open Seven Days Rough Casting - Plastering & Breakfast and Coffee /Tea from 10am Roof Line Cladding Lunch served until 4pm Insurance work & free Bistro menu from 6pm estimates Food orders taken up until 9pm All aspects of high pressure Take away and Children’s menu always available cleaning Booking advisable For a free no obligation quote Call us on 01567 820619 please contact us on 0800 4584637 or 07879 211748


The Outdoor Store: (Tel: 01301 702089) We have everything for the walker: Blister kits, Thor-Lo socks, quality waterproofs, trekking poles, a wide range of accessories and footwear is our speciality. Restaurant: (Tel: 01301 702083) Our self-service restaurant has won national acclaim over the years. We offer an excellent range of freshly cooked food, both hot and cold, served in generous portions at reasonable prices. TYNDRUM The Snack Stop: (Tel: 01301 702087) If you are short of time, a selection of takeaway items are available which PERTHSHIRE include drinks, sandwiches, snacks, home made butter fudge and Nardini’s SCOTLAND ice cream. FK20 8RY Filling Station: (Tel: 01301 702088) Tel: 01838 400271 Camping accessories, groceries, chemist items, beers, wines, spirits, Fax : 01838 400330 phone cards, batteries and other essential supplies are available. e-mail: [email protected] Whisky Galore: (Tel: 01301 702084) A superb range of single malt whisky. We also carry wine, spirits, Scottish ales and liqueurs. OPEN ALL YEAR The Perfect Present: (Tel: 01301 702086) 7 days a week Beautifully displayed gifts to suit all tastes and pockets. Highland Stoneware - April - October an example of handmade Scottish pottery, cashmere capes, Stuart Crystal 8.30am to 5.30pm and a selection of gifts in the style of Charles Rennie MacIntosh. November - March 8.30am to 5.00pm Goodies and Gifts: (Tel: 01301 702085) Food from Scotland’s larder includes locally smoked salmon, cheese venison, Filling Station haggis and other Scottish preserves. Gifts include cards, toys May - September t-shirts, Scottish videos, CD’s, tapes and books. 7am - 10pm October - April All major Credit and Debit Cards accepted 8am - 9pm Tax free shopping for overseas visitors The perfect spot for a Bureau De Change and cash machine services halfway stop!

8 Farming Matters

More Details Page 10

Sheep clipping at Auchlyne

Ewan Wilson, Carie

Ploughing at Kinnell Ian Hancock Ian Ian Hancock Ian Hancock Tractor Run to Glen Lyon Donald Macaskill

9 Aberfeldy and District Junior Bridge End Mill Agricultural Club

Aberfeldy Young Farmers covers Highland Perthshire including, Pitlochry, Blair Atholl, Rannoch, Glenlyon, Killin and beyond! We are one of the largest clubs in Perthshire, with nearly 50 active members - not including our younger supporters who are keen to get involved when ever Now under new ownership possible. We have a varied syllabus over both summer and winter We stock a vast selection of Scottish Souvenirs & which includes stockjudging, valuations, mock auctions, general gifts - including Yankee Candles, Kipling speechmaking, trampolining, cricket, rounders, high ropes, arts and crafts, car treasure hunt and many more fun bags, Radley bags & Small Leathers, the very activities. Throughout the year we take part in many popular Willow Tree range of ornaments, Disney different competitions including, tug of war, arts and Figurines, Jewellery, Jamie Oliver & Laurance crafts, hockey, rugby,football, and speechmaking. This year we have both a girls and a boys tug of war team Llewellyn Bowen Mugs , Photo Frames. which are both doing very well. Great choice of Border Fine Arts & Country On 9th August, we will be at the Aberfeldy Show with our Artists Ornaments at 1/2 marked price. stand, holding different competitions for all ages then at night running a dance for all in conjunction with the local Also children’s pocket money toys.There is radio station, Heartland FM. something for everyone. We are very grateful for all the help and support we get As an introductory offer when calling in from the public, our President - Bridget - and our Vice Presidents throughout the year and would like to thank mention Killin News & receive 10% discount them all. on any purchase We are always keen to welcome new members to our Astrid & Jim look forward to meeting you. meetings so if anyone is interested in coming along to a meeting, even just to see what we are about, look out for Falls of Dochart , Killin our round up in the Courier on a Monday or e-mail us on, [email protected] Perthshire , FK21 8XE We are looking forward to welcoming lots of new members Tel : 01567 820508 over the coming months. Kirsty Walker Aberfeldy & District JAC

Killin and District Agricultural Society Forthcoming Events

Ploughing Sheep shearing Tuesday 5th August The annual ploughing match was The annual sheep shearing Valuation, Barhaul held on Saturday 17th July at competition was held on Friday 27th Tuesday 19th August Kinnell Estate by kind permission June at Auchlyne Farm by kind Stockjudging, Balbeg of the Dowling family. permission of the Christie family. Friday 29th August Results: Results:- Car Treasure Hunt and Dance, Conventional Machine Section Open venue to be decided. Stewart Christie Mark Armstrong Tuesday 2nd September Neil Campbell Donald MacKenzie Active Kids Toys, Stanley Ian Hancock Calum Shaw If you require any more information, Best Start Local call Neil Campbell Mark Armstrong Leanne 07789 702 668 Straightest Donald MacKenzie or Karen 07725 851324 Stewart Christie Willie Taylor Reversible 21 and Under Robert Waugh Calum Shaw Donald McAskill Jimmy Wright Fraser Wilson Sandy McKellor Best Start Hand Section Open Finlay McAskill Donald McColl Straightest Tom McKellor Donald McAskill Peter Kennedy Overall Champion winning the Local Alastair Hunter Trophy Dick Stevens Robert Waugh Peter McDiarmid Use your Local Post Office Best in opposite class to Angus Webster Post Cards - Greetings Cards Champion - Gilbert Christie Best Pen Stamps - Books - Stationery Quaich Mark Armsrong and Tom McKellor Stewart Christie K Taylor & Sons Prize for best in Batteries - Films Youngest Competitor bothsections Banking Services David Macaskill Tom McKellor Paul and Dee Melia Tel: 01567 820201

10 Tractor Run Park launches Planning Survey On Saturday 31st May twenty The Planning system in Scotland is undergoing the most significant vintage and classic tractors took modernisation in sixty years and the Park Authority is keen to know what part in a road run. Once again they people think of the service we provide. The feedback we get will be used to gathered at Kinnell by kind make further improvements to the way we work. I would encourage anyone permission of the Dowling family. who has been involved in a planning application or enforcement action to The route measured forty eight get in touch. Details of how to access the survey online can be found on miles and took us over into Glen the National Park website Copies are Lyon and round Loch Lyon by available on request by calling 01389 722600. The survey runs until the permission of the Auch Estates. The end of August 2008, and all completed forms, both paper and online, will be weather was fantastic and the entered into a prize draw to win a framed National Park poster. tractors bounced all the way to the Online survey link: Mike Hyde top of the loch for lunch in the 01389 722620 clipping shed. Then it was all the way back to Kinnell to round off a very enjoyable day. The magnificent LLTNP New Appointment sum of £715 was raised for the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust. She is excited about the fact that This beat last year’s effort. Well the National Park communities make done everyone who took part and a real difference to the local area donated money. Donald Macaskill and economy and aims to ensure local people and the local economy continue to be at the forefront of all Park activity. Fiona has a strong corporate marketing background in major blue chip industry including IBM and Unilever. She also brings a clear passion for environmental sustainability to the role having worked for Greenpeace in New Zealand. Fiona Logan, the new Chief Our hope is that she and the Executive of Loch Lomond and The National Park Authority will support Trossachs National Park Authority local needs as outlined in the Killin states that “this is not a wild place”. Community Action Plan and help the village achieve its targets. WA

Members of Cooksafe Awards 2005 & Visit Scotland 2008

Open Thursday through to Monday, Closed Tuesday and Wednesday Open Daily from 11am, Sundays from 12.30pm Fully licenced Lite Bites, Bar Meals, Sandwiches / Baguettes, Scones (not available on Sunday) Lunches from 12.30pm, Dinners from 6pm Bookings for restaurant advisable If you are looking for freshly cooked food and freshly prepared vegeatables along with homebaking then look no further.

We are proud to use our local purveyor for all our fresh fruit and vegetables, and all of our fresh meats are supplied from one of Scotlands top butchers

Andrew and Lynnette look forward to welcoming you this season for a meal or a drink for any old reason

11 Broadband Local Vehicle Workshop for Farming, fishing, forestry and virtually all aspects of rural life depends on Ardeonaig vehicle and machinery maintenance. Killin has a long history of garages and workshops. James & Duncan MacGregor built the long tin shed in 1925, the top portion, by the road, was the office and shop and the lower Avanti Communications will supply portion the store and garage from where cars and Ferguson tractors were broadband services in out-of-reach sold and repaired. areas in Scotland to every eligible James MacGregor died in 1955 and his son, Hamish, erected the petrol household or business which pumps and later built a garage close to the road. The tin shed continued to registered a demand with the be used as a store and workshop for the garage. Duncan, who developed Government and wishes to take the the Haulage business, an undertaker's business and an ambulance service, service. worked from a building further down the slope towards the Dochart that Rollout will commence in July and can be seen in the black and white photograph. will be completed throughout Hamish ran the garage until 1986. It was sold in 1987 to John Webster and Scotland on an area-by-area basis, continued as a garage into the early 1990s. The old tin shed continued to within a year. Although we are be used as a workshop where Stuart Webster and later Peter Farquharson currently unable to say exactly when repaired engines and other essential items on a part time basis. broadband will be available in your Losing the petrol pumps was a sad event for the village and a full time area, during the coming weeks workshop service now is a very welcome facility. We wish Peter, good Avanti Communications will write to fortune and lots of custom for the future. all registrants in your area to WA provide further information about the project. Subsequently they will write to offer the opportunity for all We would like to thank all who /scotland and our own website to order a service prior to rollout of provided the Government with (which also includes a list of services. detailed information about local commonly asked questions and The broadband technology used will broadband demand and hope that answers) at the following link: depend on a number of factors, you will continue to support the including the local topography and project and encourage people who eople/BroadbandforScotland/SEBroa the number of users who sign up for registered in your area to take-up dbandInitiatives/LatestNewsAnnounc the service in any particular the service when it is available. ements location. The technologies will If you have any further questions Helen Foster include satellite and wireless about the broadband project, please Contract Manager broadband. Further information can consult Avanti Communications' Broadband Reach Project be found on our website. website:

Violin & Piano TOM MURPHY Lessons experienced teacher FENCING CONTRACTOR just moved to the area has a few spaces so phone 20 years of experience and knowledge in all now. types of fencing, from farming to domestic. Beginners welcome Conforming to British standards & quality assured. tel: 01567 820141 Telephone 01567 820308 / 0776 6566935

12 Garage in Killin - Then and Now


Killin Heritage Killin Society Heritage Garage 1961 The Long Tin Shed

Late 1980s Killin Heritage Killin Society Heritage Peter Farquharson

13 Frost Report

Frosty Nights owl, which is not heard as owls hairs on the back of your neck During May and June keepers are have silent flight, but appeared as a tingling. One of us almost fell off a busy trying to control fox numbers. ghostly white shape in the rock face with fright as a fox Quite often this entails a stake out darkness. Even in the darkest suddenly appeared and screamed on the hill during part or all of the part of the night you may hear very close by. Everyone who night. Luckily for me, there are hinds calling and their calves watches Midsomer Murders will other Frost keepers around plus answering. know how scary that can be! other family members who are We had to spend three nights at On the subject of scary things: happy to do this from time to time. one particular place before seeing recently two government bodies, This means that we can take it in the fox. His larder was well The Deer Commission for Scotland turn to keep watch and share the stocked with a variety of ready and Scottish Natural Heritage, have night on the hill together. In many meals including voles, frogs, several amalgamated. There is ways it is a great experience and lambs and one of our Glen Lochay apprehension about how this is you see and hear what the wild is barn owls. going to affect the future really like at night. It is also noticeable in the darkness management of rural areas. It has As darkness falls you can hear the how many satellites are moving also recently been announced that various sounds of different birds across the sky. We are lucky to there is to be a review of The preparing for the coming darkness. have this dark sky. In many cities National Park Authorities and there Grouse cackle to each other, there is so much artificial light that are plans for their extension, mountain blackbirds or ring ouzels even stars are invisible. possibly for the Cairngorms and give their distinctive tack,tack,tack All this plus the snoring of Loch Lomond to meet. You can call and the golden plovers give whichever Frosty is not on lookout complete a questionnaire on their liquid and mournful cry as at the time. Even with a couple of they fly past on their nocturnal alert lookouts you can often get a Environment/Countryside/16131. if journeys. If we are high enough up surprise. Somehow a fox can you haven’t lost the will to live by (above 2000 feet) you may also suddenly materialise 40 or 50 yards the time you’ve typed that in. hear the ptarmigan croak. away like a character in Brigadoon. Tim Frost After darkness others take over and It’s the shock of a sudden fox one night we were visited by a barn scream very close by which sets the CruachanCruachan RRee ee dd RestaurantRestaurant CC oonnssttrruuccttiioonn All your building ne e ds in one c omp a ny Open for New Build / Extensions Homebaking Timb er Fra mes / Roofing Snacks Ta ping / Tiling Lunches UPVC Windows / Doors & Evening Meals Painting / De c orating Joinery a nd Brickwork Parties Welcome Tel D alm ally 01838 0156701567 820302820302 200503 Mobile 07917 665103

14 C o m p u t e r do have a lot of information in emails, with other internet users and, by Protecting o then I recommend using a backup definition, they are accessing your Emails application to save these data (and computer to get hold of the data. Many of us other information on your computer) Some less reputable organisations r use Microsoft to an external device – maybe a use this as a means of distributing Outlook, memory stick, or an external hard viruses, spyware and other unsavoury Outlook disc, or even a DVD/CD (although information. Antivirus software and n Express, or these are now deemed to be old firewalls sometimes can be immune Mozilla technologies). Many of these tools to this form of attack, since you have e Thunderbird to read and run automatically without the need willingly opened up your machine to manage our emails. These for any input, except for some initial be accessed by third parties, so the applications and similar configuration. For the average home firewall permits these applications to r products are excellent tools user, you will only need to spend access your machine. If you for reading, sending and around a hundred pounds for total download music, videos or TV storing emails. But, whichever security and piece of mind. programmes from unreputable sites, system you use, it is important that then there is a high chance that your you are aware of how to save emails Peer to Peer networks and machine is infected. and back up the messages and the risks attachments, so that you can protect The internet is now rife with websites Broadband Update your data against hardware failure. I that are offering you downloads of The Scottish Executive have now have seen people upset after their last night’s TV, some film, music or awarded the contract for provision of computer crashes and they have lost other form of large data. Many of broadband solutions to the rural important communications from loved these sites are using what is called community to Avanti Communications. ones, or family photos sent via email. “Peer to Peer” technology. This is More details can be found at We all are now aware of the need to where you actually download the htttp:// back up our data, our documents and information not from a central place, As an aside, BT are now claiming that photographs and we all should know but from the hard discs of other they might be able to deploy phone how to do this. Unfortunately, internet users who have previously line broadband in some of our backing up emails is not necessarily a downloaded the same information. outlying areas – yet I still have not simple process. Email applications BBC iPlayer uses this technology, actually witnessed a successful store your emails and attachments in along with other reputable installation. However there is hope. a folder on your machine that is not organisations. Mark Lincoln easily accessible. Typically, the I believe it is important that you 0778 6633877 folders where emails are stored are understand the risks involved in using 01567 820369 “hidden” from view by Windows and these Peer to Peer networks – this makes it harder to find. If you basically you are sharing the data Y O U R C O M P U T E R M A N A G E R For all of your home and business needs including: * SPECIALIST IN SUPPORTING RURAL BUSINESSES * Supply of leading brand hardware and software * Monthly Support Contracts * MOTs of equipment * Fixing hardware and software problems * Data backup and recovery * Removal of viruses * Broadband and Wireless network services * Commissioning new computers Don’t Fret – Help is at hand SPECIAL OFFERS on LAPTOPS and DESKTOPS Including ACER, DELL, Fujitsu, HP, Lenovo & Sony

Mark Lincoln – over 20 years professional computing expertise Telephone: 0778 6633877 or 01567 820369


15 Strathfillan - Strathfillan 5th from 10am until 5pm each day. phones would be too costly. This Community I hope the great success of our first could be restrictive not just for the Development local exhibition last year will be an firefighters but also their families Trust inspiration to all aspiring artists out and could make recruitment difficult. there to submit your work this year. The CC will recommend the status For more information call Dave Hunt quo for volunteers. BVLC Internet Learning Café on 01567 820 990 or Joyce on The community felt that it did not The Internet Café is open for 01838 400 545 or 01838 300 220. have the expertise to question a business each Tuesday and Friday Saplings Summer Activities strategic reserve plan for use at from 11am-4pm in Tyndrum Village Programme major incidents and trusts that the Hall – a bargain at £2 per hour and To date everything is going really Service will produce the best and £1 for juniors. Heather will be on well – even the weather has been the safest. hand to give advice and help and with us! To everyone who has The proposal to relocate one fire the coffee’s great too! contributed their time and expertise appliance from the existing Stirling If there is something you’d like to so far we send a huge thank you. station to provide enhanced fire learn or do on line please let us The young people taking part will cover to the city was thought know – we aim to please. have a display showing their inappropriate because it would be Woodland Craft Fair summer adventures at the Woodland soul destroying sitting in a vehicle and Car Boot Sale event in August. A full report on the for hours awaiting a call-out. The event will be held on summer programme will be in the Wednesday August 13th in the next issue of the Killin News. For National Park Tyndrum Tourist Information Centre further information – 01838 400 545 A small group would complete The car park, starting at midday. If you ([email protected]) National Parks Review survey would like to demonstrate and/or Joyce Russell questionnaire. sell your crafts, please call and book Development Officer a place. It’s also a great CC Vacancy opportunity to de-clutter the house, Election procedures will be from clear out the garden shed and make October 8th to 5th December. a few pounds at the car boot sale. Strathfillan CC Meeting Art Exhibition 14th July Crianlarich By-Pass Tyndrum Village Hall will again Fire Service Bruce Crawford MSP recently carried become a venue showing the work The 'Your Service-Your Say' draft out a survey regarding the proposed of local artists, this year as part of consultation from Central Scotland by-pass. The response was an art trail in galleries and studios Fire Brigade, which includes the overwhelmingly in favour of a by- from Perth through Killin and up to issue of allocation of funds and the pass and a copy of his findings will Tyndrum. The exhibition will run safety of the service plus the be sent to the CC. He met from September 27th until October proposal to change the Retained and informally with the Minister for Volunteer duty system, was Transport, Infrastructure and H e l p i n g R u r a l discussed. At present volunteers Climate Change in order to discuss are on call for 24 hours a day, 52 his objections to the route being so B u s i n e s s e s weeks a year apart from holidays. close to the houses in Crianlarich. One station is never called out He hopes to meet the CC in August without the other and there is a to discuss the best solution. special dispensation that allows the Strathclyde and Central Scotland vehicle to go out with 2 members police have been asked for statistics instead of 3 as together there will of fatalities and accidents within our B u s i n e s s s t a r t-u p s u p p o r t be at least 4 firefighters at the area to find out which route is the - Pre-start advice incident. busiest. The by-pass might achieve - Start-up training course The changes propose that volunteers the needs/vision of the Crianlarich - Help with preparing a business plan be asked to commit to 120 hours a community. week and to contact HQ by text Stirling Tenants Assembly [STA] E x i s t i n g B u s i n e s s S u p p o r t whenever they are not available STA reported the dangerous state of - Business review & action plan using their own mobiles as providing - Sourcing appropriate support & advice Crianlarich Store L e a r n i n g Licensed General Store - High quality training seminars AVON REP & Post Office - Impartial advice on IT & E-commerce Skin so Soft products STEP’s mobile training facility allows IT (no midge bites ) Best Value Locally! training to be delivered in your location. Sun Cream, Makeup F R E E P H O N E Project Part-Financed Come and see our range of 0 8 0 0 3 8 9 3 0 5 0 by the European Union Brochures to order from and special offers. Europe and Scotland products in stock open 8am - 6pm 7 days! Making it work Together Phone Karen on John Player Building, Stirling FK7 7RP Tel: 01786 463416 Fax: 01786 479611 01567 820854 Bryan & Isla Craig E-mail: [email protected] Tel 01838 300245 fax 01838 300371 or 07766 426804 email [email protected] 16 Golfing Warriers “By The Way” A Maasai Warrior Dance Troupe were the path at the front of Strathmore SC say the damp in unusual visitors to Killin Golf Club in Terrace and the unsuitability of the houses is caused June. Before their performance they cobbles by the front doors of by condensation and were taken up the 9th fairway and, pensioners' houses. The overgrowth that the new air- after a brief lesson, they hit balls of trees/plants from neighbouring source heating will cure it. Moira down the the fairway,pitched them gardens blocking the path was also suggested that the cause was likely onto the green, and were shown discussed. to be water from the hills covering how to putt. They had a good eye The Strathfillan Housing Group [CC] damp courses. She also reported for the ball and one managed a very reported that the paving at the back the hole by the damp course at No. long putt. They then presented their of the houses in Strathmore Terrace 3 had not been made safe. John traditional narrated dances. We needs widening to accommodate a MacMillan and Jimmy Foot will visit were a bit concerned when they said zimmer trolley. The damp in 4 the site. that they were going to show us Strathmore Terrace, and to a lesser The tenant at No. 1 has not moved how they hunted and killed lion on extent in 1& 3 was discussed. The in and the grass in the garden is the putting green but to our relief it path, cobbles and paving are being overgrown. was an imaginary lion - phew! How attended to. would we explain that one to the green keeper! Their dances were amazing, so full of energy. At one point they started to do their jumping from a standing position - one of the men was jumping about a meter into the air from stand still. Some of the audience - from the very young to the more mature members (Elizabeth Ingram) - were encouraged to jump with them. After the dancing they sold their handcrafted jewellery, wood carved animals and other items to support their community in Kenya. It was a fantastic evening. Watch out for them on their next visit to Scotland. LS Strathfillan Lunch Club Ben Lawers Hotel

HOUSING ASSOCIATION Do you need a new home in any of these areas? Lochearnhead Killin Callander Tyndrum Strathyre Balfron Aberfoyle Drymen Buchlyvie Kippen Gartmore Deanston If so, Rural Stirling Housing Association may be Delicious Lunches Open All Day able to help. Every Day and Cosy Bar Evening Meals The Association’s aim is to support rural Tea, Come and Join us communities in north and west Stirling by providing Fresh Coffee Try our Traditional and managing affordable good quality homes for Scottish Hospitality people in housing need. Close to Loch Tay, Ben Lawers and the Tarmachan ridge the hotel provides an ideal centre from which to We currently have 450 homes for rent throughout explore this picturesque and historic part of Perthshire. the Stirling Council area Ideal for exploring, climbing, walking and cycling holdays. A friendly welcome If you would like more details and an application Excellent food using locally sourced fresh produce form contact A log fire awaits you Rural Stirling Housing Association Five en-suite rooms Stirling Road, Doune Families and well-behaved dogs welcome Tel: (01786) 841101 Tel: 01567 820463 E-Mail: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web: Registered as a Scottish Charity No SC037849

17 Ben Lawers National Nature Reserve Guided walks

Close Encounters: in advance. Tel 01567 820397 a children’s walk. For a fifth year running All walks depart from the Ben Every Tuesday until August 26th: Lawers Mountain Visitor Centre car Clanscape returns to Killin on 10.30am-12.30pm. Enjoy getting to park. Sunday 10th August in the know some of the animals and Breadalbane Park from 12 noon plants of Ben Lawers. Wellies and to 4pm. waterproofs recommended. Adults Ben Lawers NNR talks This free fun-packed day is £2, children £5. Adults must be suitable for all the family and is accompanied by a child (and vice Illustrated talks by NTS Countryside sponsored by Loch Lomond and versa). Numbers are limited so staff and guests, NTS Lynedoch, the Trossachs National Park. please book in advance. The Hills are Alive! Wednesday 13th August, 8pm The event is organised by the Every Wednesday until August 27th: Enjoying Moths. Professor John Breadalbane Area Ranger Team 1.30pm-4.00pm. Experience some Knowler shows us why these insects with assistance from a number of the varied plant and animal life deserve more recognition. of local groups. Come along and on the lower slopes of this famous Wednesday 3rd September, 8pm enjoy the variety of activities reserve. Walking boots, warm, Wildlife of the Wild West. and displays on offer. Have a go waterproof and windproof clothing Rob Dewar, Ranger Naturalist on the at archery, soap making, willow are essential. Adults £5, children £2. Trust’s Inverewe estate, gives us a glimpse of west coast wildlife. working, carving, natural dyeing, Numbers are limited so please book fly-casting, green wood-working and much, much more. Check Members of out a Highland encampment, the Killin listen to tall tales and small Heritage stories, soothing music, step Society inside a yurt, learn more about enjoying a guided walk bee keeping, brewing and herbal through the lore. Discover a more Tyndrum sustainable life! Community Gavin Skipper Woodland led by John Tel 01389 722040 Holland [email protected]

Shutters Restaurant and Coffee Shop

For embroidered:- sweatshirts, polo shirts, rugby shirts, bags, aprons etc Club badges or your own design Coffees & Homebaking All Types of Electrical Installation Homemade Soup No minimum quantity Intruder & Fire Detection Systems Snack Lunches Contact Maggie Hibbert Pennycross, Manse Rd. Main Meals 01567 820422 Killin, Perthshire Open Daily - 10am to 8 pm Telephone: (01567) 820374 Email: [email protected] Fax: (01567) 820782 Tel: 01567 820314 Plastering All Plasterwork Artex Removal Coving Wall & Floor Tiling No Job too small Free Estimates

Callander Plastering Services Free Estimates 01877 330421 Mobile 07895 473642

18 Head of the Loch - Volunteers required - 6th & 7th September

Anyone who enjoys walking in and bank erosion, where the river by Transerv who maintain the trunk around Killin must have noticed the Lochay and the river Dochart meet, roads. They are providing a bank erosion and the disappearing the landowner has given permission quantity of road chippings generated for the fence line from their road maintenance and to be moved. The resurfacing work. maintenance To make this venture a success all squad attached to we need now is some extra bodies Stirling Council to help with the various tasks during should be the first weekend in September. We undertaking this will be meeting at 10am in the task prior to the Council car park (Old Station Yard) volunteer on the Saturday and Sunday weekend. morning. Feel free to turn up at Over the weekend anytime during this weekend but in we are hoping to install two short sections of Flanders Moss boardwalk along Boardwalk the new path line to cover the major footpath on the Head of the Loch wet and boggy areas. The materials route. Maybe you have struggled for the boardwalk, provided by through the muddy puddles on the Stirling Council, are made from old railway line. Well now there is recycled plastics. This type of Recycled plastic an opportunity for you to make a boardwalk is already in use at board walk material difference. Please join us on the Flanders Moss National Nature weekend of 6th & 7th September to Reserve. The other major task order to help with the logistics it help out with a number of tasks where many hands will make light would be good to know the number aimed at improving this popular work is based on the old railway of helpers in advance. route. line. We are intending to improve To find out more information or to The National Park, Stirling Council the drainage and the surfacing at have a chat about this project and members of EAK have drawn up key locations, so hopefully the please contact a plan to improve the access at muddy puddles will be a thing of the Gavin Skipper specific locations along the route. past. The materials for the NP Breadlabane area office At the point where there is serious surfacing work are being provided Tel 01389 722041 [email protected] Plants for the Garden G a t e h o u s e N u r s e r y Bulbs for Spring Rob Roy Large Selection of Shrubs and Herbaceous Perennials Ornamental Fruit Trees HOMES Firewood-Seasoned Hardwood Logs in Bags or Trailer Load Specialists in the supply, design and manufacture of Gatehouse Nursery is situated 2 miles south of Aberfeldy on the Crieff road (A826) Tel: 01887 820472 timber frame homes and We Now Sell and Redeem National Garden Gift Vouchers commercial buildings

THE FABRIC STUDIO Rob Roy Homes Specialists in Design & Make Up of Curtains Comrie Blinds, Upholstery & all Soft Furnishings Perthshire Huge Range of Modern & Traditional Fabrics Complete Curtain Service, including Free Measuring & Quotes Fabrics Brought to Your Home Tel: (01764) 670424 Friendly Staff, delighted to help & advise Fax: (01764) 670419 Drummond St, Comrie 01764 670921 Email: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 9.30 - 5.00 Sat 9.30 - 1.00 [email protected]

19 Killin Community Council Meeting 8th July Public Toilets Skip level of cover and questions have been A request to have both Visitor Centre A request to be made to have this facility asked about crewing levels. and Council Car Park toilets upgraded open one day during the week as well as Ambulance depot the weekend. and open all year is to be made to the A letter about the weeds outside the Zebra crossing Council. ambulance depot has been sent to the Cemetery The Police have sent photos showing the ambulance service. In reply to a letter of complaint about position of the crossing to the road National Park weeds, lack of gravel and the difficulty safety department. The boundaries of the two National opening the main gates, the Council said Youth project Parks Loch Lomond & the Trossachs this would be dealt with in the Autumn. A 7 aside one day football tournament and the Cairngorms are under review. Village officer is to be arranged at the end of the Kenmore would like to join one or There is no money this financial year. school holidays. other. Comments can be made with Dog warden Roads the Parks via their websites. The Council has been asked to send a Lyon Road to be resurfaced at the end Dog Warden to Killin. Campers of July. Council Car Park upgrade Rough campers in Glenlochay have Village sign Japanese knotweed has stopped the been chopping down trees. It is very A small sign has been placed at the work. New plans with only bus parking difficult to police Glenlochay with Bridge of Lochay but the CC would like and turning and no car parking spaces current Police resources. Glenlochay is the original or a proper replacement. have been made. An explanation will be outside the National park so does not Give way sign at Station Road requested. qualify for the increased policing which This has been removed. Road maintenance has targeted the Park problem areas The system for reporting pot holes and Playpark which now show a marked defects is to phone the Roads The fence has been repaired. improvement. Department detailing the defect. Record KAT Highland Games Equipment the person logging the call and the The launch was very successful with A possible location in the park for a reference number which will speed up over 70 members joining. container for the Games equipment any further queries if a second call is Planning from 1st Aug is being looked at. made. No new decisions Transerve Carpark Man Hole Cover War Memorial maintenance Anthony Dowling has been approached A badly fitting lid on the manhole across This may be required and grants may from Shutters Restaurant to be reported by Transerve with a request to use be available. to the Council. some of his land to create a car park Sewage works Complaints about a Glebe bushes on the other side of the railway line foul smell during May and June have Shrubs obstructing the pavement by The behind the Public Toilets. The been made. Glebe still require cutting. The Council is Community Council members all Health Service dealing with the problem. agreed that planning should be applied A letter has been sent to the Chief Rubbish for. executive of the Ambulance Service Black Bags on the Ardeonaig Road have Next meeting Tues 9th September not been picked up by the Refuse truck. with copies to Nicola Sturgeon and Killin Primary School 7.30pm The Council is to be asked why. Bruce Crawford concerning the unsafe MACFARLANE Mr STEAM GRAY Est, in Killin 1987 Specialist Cleaning & Support Services. Pressure washing and steam cleaning, Insurance Services Chartered Accountants transport, plant and agricultural Financial Services cleaning services All on-site and fully mobile Macfarlane Gray House, Disinfection services Castlecraig Business Park, Graffiti and paint removal Springbank Road, Stirling, Supplier of a full range of fine detergents FK7 7WT (t) 01786 451745 and cleaning agents for the catering, Ancaster Business Centre, Callander, hospitality and leisure sectors FK17 8EA (t) 01877 331700 Pressure washer spares/repairs, hoses, connections, consumables etc 11 Shillinghill, Alloa, Clackmannanshire, FK10 and much more 1JT (t) 01259 217000 Tel 01567 820624 Email [email protected] E.mail [email protected] MacFarlane Gray Financial Services is a member of IFA Network Ltd Willie Dunn DEM ,MBICs , MASEE regulated by the Financial Services Authority Personal Number 07778310955

20 M e r v y n’s W e a t he r The old adage that “Before June They then ascended seven Nationwide the weather sequence is 21st (the Summer Solstice) one “Munros” – Meall Ghruaidh, Meall becoming dangerously akin to that prays for rain, after that date one Garbh, An Stuc, Ben Lawers of Summer 2007. After a dry does not need to!” has held true in (3984ft), Ben Glas, then across The Spring and early Summer, the 2008. The semi-drought which Lairig (pass) to the Tarmachan procession of depressions seems to obtained during May and the first ridge (2 Munros), before they be taking a markedly southern three weeks of June were pleasant returned to the shores of Loch Tay route and homing-in on the UK, enough, though chilly at times, and and canoed circa seven miles back giving rough conditions in England grass growth was latterly much to Kindrochit, where they jumped and Wales, while we in Highlands retarded. Now grazing and on their bikes and cycled round the are, so far, escaping the worst. hay/silage crops are responding to loch via Killin and Kenmore, a Mervyn K. Browne improved conditions, one hopes distance of 34 miles. Having Ardtalnaig however that the present unsettled completed all this, these heroes cool spell will not overstay its and heroines were faced with other welcome and that there will be a activities such as archery, “spearing return to drier and warmer weather. the redcoat”, and axe throwing Among those who hoped fervently before eventually being rewarded for an ideal couple of days, 12th by a spit roast, dancing and and 13th July, are those who are fireworks, plus being treated to a organised “The Kindrochit massage by a highly qualified team Quadrathlon”. This event, the of masseurs and masseuses. A brainchild of David Fox-Pitt, has pipe band was in attendance. taken place each July since 1999 – This year the event took place on with two entrants – now in 2008 this farm, Milton of Ardtalnaig, on a with two hundred and twenty two! level field known as “The Pier Park”, Instrumental in fund raising for though at one time it was called various charities, the participants “The Ballie” or “The Baileyland” commenced by swimming across where justice was meted out in the Loch Tay, just under two miles. past.

BBQ Come Sundays 2-6 Killin Hotel and see the weather new depending Village Pub Large Promoting Function Room High Quality Ideal for Modern Weddings Scottish Food Parties, etc in our Relaxed Free Wi-Fi and Friendly Broadband Restaurant Internet Access, Food, Sky TV Bar Meals Pool, Music Served all Day and Games in the Village Pub Riverside 30 En-suite Location with Rooms - Beer Garden Standard and Open All Year Superior For details of our special breaks for families and guests : Visit our web-site or telephone us at 01567 820296

21 Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon

Drew Pooplanpoo (Blake) in navy and Davie Fettes in red finished 22nd in a stunning time of 12 hours 22 minutes. It might have been 8th if those who kept them chatting in the village while on their cycle section had not delayed them. They raised an estimated £3,000, £700 for Mercy Corps and the rest for Killin Mountain Rescue. David Syme finished 83rd in a time of 17 hours 20 mins. Fiona Buchanan, Michael MacLaren and Chris Holden also took part. The Medical Team raised an estimated £1200 for Mercy Corps.

The Coach House Hotel

Mon - Thurs 11am-midnight

Fri & Sat 11am-1am

Sun 12.30pm- midnight

Lochay Road Killin Perthshire Tel: 01567 820349 Fax: 01567 820958 Home cooked meals (served all day until 8pm) Accommodation Bar with pool table Real Ales Live Music Friday & Saturday from 9pm A Warm Friendly Welcome Awaits You

22 Alex Cameron Trophy Tennis Competition

Page 25 Page 25 Killin Golf Club Results

Above Left to Right: Patricia Parkhouse, Donny Nicholson and Sheena Chisholm, Douglas and Susan McRobbie Left: Claire Thompson and Maureen Gauld Full competition results page 24

Junior Flag Left: ages 10 to 11 Bottom Left: ages 6 to 9 Right: ages 12 and over

23 Killin Golf Club Ladies Open 7th June Magic Twos Mixed Open 31st May Scratch Liz Stevens (Killin) Silver Division Sweep Handicap – MacRobert Thistle Cup 1 Patricia Parkhouse (Lothianburn) 79 Scratch 1 D Nicholson (Helensburgh) & 2 Linda Cullerton (Carrickvale) 81 Donna Copland (Crieff) Sheena Chisholm (Killin) 62 3 Alicia Wilson (Clober) 84) Handicap 2 Douglas McRobbie & Susan Bronze Division June Sutherland (Dalmally) McRobbie (Killin) 63 1 Susan Randal (Carrickvale) 90 CSS 67 3 A Hill & Eileen Hill (Dalmally) 64.5 2 Alice MacCalman (Taynuilt) 93 BIH Junior Flag 3 Anna McComb (Clober) 93 Best Killin (Bill Mitchell Salver) Handicap Age 6-9 Douglas & Susan McRobbie 63 Girls Silver Division 1 Emma Aiken 1 Karen Michie (Strathtay) 67 Scratch 2 Ellie Thomson 2 Shona McAviney (Dalziel Park) 68 1 John Chisholm (Killin) & 3 Julia Beutikofr 3 Carolyn Choudhary (Callander) 69 Caroline Dunbar (Aberfeldy) 77 Boys Bronze Division 2 Gordon Aitken (Killin) & Patricia 1 Euan English 1 Irene Dixon (Clober) 64 Parkhouse (Lothianburn)79 BIH 2 Robbie Player 2 Jackie Crossan (Dalziel Park) 68 3 L Crichton & I Crichton (Alyth) 79 3 Jack Forsyth 3 Maureen Arnott (Comrie) 70 Age 10-11 Nearest Pin Killin Cup (Best overall Handicap) Girls Ladies (14th) Ruth Campbell Irene Dixon (Clober) 64 1 Sophie Thomson Bridge of Lochay Salver Boys (Taymouth) 47 ¾” (Best Local Handicap) 1 Aaron Duffy Gents (17th) Jim Hepburn Maureen Gauld 73 BIH 2 James Ronald (Comrie) 23’ 7” Dochart Trophy 3 Lewis McCaffrey (Best overall Scratch) Age 12+ Magic Twos Patricia Parkhouse (Lothianburn) 79 Girls G & A Marshall (Rye Hill) Nearest the Pin 1 Emily Cheshire L & I Crichton (Alyth) June Sutherland (Dalmally) 2 Laura Aitken John Chisholm (Killin) & Longest Drive Silver 3 Jinny Dowling Caroline Dunbar (Aberfeldy) Linda Cullerton (Carrickvale) Boys N Burns (Deer Park) & Susan Longest Drive Bronze 1 Neal Ramsay Randal (Carrickvale) LS Liz Stevens (Killin) 2 Oliver Dowling 3 Jonathan Devlin

Psychotherapy and counselling are primarily the listening to, talking with and giving needed confidential support and understanding. Many things in life can cause stress, anxiety, low self esteem, self worth and depression. My aim is to work together in a comfortable, safe and confidential environment, towards a desired goal of happiness. To build confidence, self worth and free the mind from negative thought patterns. I am based at ‘’ Rahoy ‘’ in Killin where I have a therapy room but I am also happy to come to you if preferred. Please feel free to call with no obligation and make the first step to a happier and fulfilling life ! Please call 01567 820061 or 07974 392840 E.mail [email protected] All calls are completely confidential

24 Sports Bowls restaurants and shops that helped us raise money by donating Champion On Sunday 6th July, rain threatened strawberries, rolls, drinks and raffle to disrupt the afternoon as 10 prizes. This money will go towards Gymnast again Carpet Bowlers arrived to play their buying some new junior racquets for Outdoor counterparts at the Sports the club. I would also like to thank and Leisure Club in Part 1 of the everyone who worked hard in the Alex Cameron Trophy. However the background (cooking on the BBQ, downpour stopped just as the battle serving Pimms & strawberries, was about to commence. Although selling raffle tickets etc.) to make the green was on the heavy side, this event such a success. Much of the competition was as fierce as the enthusiasm for this event came always and was accompanied by from Louise Braidwood, our fantastic some excellent banter. At the end tennis coach from Crieff. Thank you of a very successful afternoon, the Louise. Green Bowlers emerged winners by Please come down to the Sports 39 shots to 30. Thanks went to the Pavilion over the summer to make Green Keeper, Jim Beattie, for all his use of these great facilities. The efforts in looking after the Bowling kiosk will be open from 12pm-5pm Green. Part 2 in October is eagerly every day and you can pay for awaited. Jill Higgins activities on an hourly basis. An (Green Bowler) annual family season ticket is £50 Tennis Competition and gives your whole family access to the tennis, bowling and the 29th June putting green at any time. The tennis courts in Killin have not We hope to have a few more lessons Adele Melia (11) has had a tough witnessed so much activity for many from Louise at the end of the year in gymnastics competing with years. 21 teams entered a doubles summer but no dates have been 12-13 year olds but has much to competition - each match in the fixed yet. If you are interested smile about. Her highly Round Robin competition being please let me know. commendable scores on beam, bars, played for 7 mins exactly. It was a Julie Rhys floor and vault won her the Level 5 fun day with many competitive PS - A HUGE Thank You to everyone Auchterarder Championship Cup for parents making their tennis debut! for my beautiful new tennis racquet. the second year running. Well The tennis was only a distraction I didn't think it was possible to keep done Adele! though to the main events of 'eating a secret in such a small place as strawberries' and 'sampling Pimms'! Killin. The Junior competition was won by Anthony & Glen - just narrowly beating Emma & Lesley. In the seniors it was Laura and Gill who saw off competition from both the Crow & Ronald family teams. I would like to thank all the local

25 Dochart B ridge 1793 Killin Heritage The Studio D. Gourlay Butchers High Class Family Butchers & Deep Freeze Suppliers 15-17 EAST HIGH STREET, CRIEFF, PH7 3AF VAT Reg No 269028050 Telephone: 01764 652707 Mobile : 07808472395 MEAT you at the DOOR with our Mobile Butchers Shop Main Street, Killin Tel. 01567 820820 We will be in the Killin area on We have Fine Arts and Crafts including original Tuesday & Friday afternoons works by Daniel Campbell and Ian Shanlin and between 3 and 5.30pm Wood Turning by Mike Pool. We offer a Quality Picture Framing Service Telephone orders ready for collection and supply Glass. or delivery There is a selection of affordable gifts and Locally selected beef, lamb, pork, Scottish Hand Crafted Jewellery, and much more. Please come and visit Ron and Sheila and be chicken & bacon assured of a warm welcome. Have you tried our homemade steak pies?

26 The Arts Call for Artists Affordable Arts and If you are an established artist or published very soon, keep an eye on Crafts Fair one of the many closet creatives or Fearnan Art Club is once again working in painting, drawing, contact Dave Hunt 01567 820990 holding its popular Arts and Crafts photography, pottery, sculpture or Ron at The Studio, Killin Fair over the late August Bank other similar art media then an or for Tyndrum, Joyce Russell Holiday weekend 22nd to 25th event at the end of September may 01838 400545 August 2008 10am-5pm in the be just your thing. The Breadalbane McLean Hall, Fearnan. Arts week is an initiative born last Artists from Art Clubs throughout year and has been chasing funding Fortingall Breadalbane (Tyndrum, Killin, to hold a week long art fair in Killin Art Exhibition Fearnan, Aberfeldy and Ballinluig) and Tyndrum to represent will be showing their work as will professional and amateur artists Fortingall Art is a co-operative group local photographers. working or living in the Breadalbane of artists and patrons, formed Demonstrations of crafts will run area, an event to exhibit and originally to stage a one-off show throughout the show and affordable hopefully sell their work. which proved such a hit that it has arts and crafts will be on sale. Light This year it will run for 9 days from become an annual event, now in its refreshments will be available. Sept 27th to Oct 5th. In Killin it will fifth year. The group's major annual Ian McGregor Tel: 01887830219 be hosted at The Studio in Main exhibition has maintained a high email: [email protected] Street run by Ron and Sheila Allner standard since its inception. Each and in Strathfillan in the Tyndrum successive year has seen the Village Hall run by Joyce Russell Balquhidder Summer Music introduction of new artists and from the SCDT. different concepts. The original 7 pm Sunday 3rd August So, if you live or work in the area core-group of 25 members has now Balquhidder Church, SLIDE EFFECT, and wish to exhibit please let us grown to 38 and includes some well- Scotland's only professional know. All work must be presented known names, including wildlife trombone quartet. A worthy finale ready to display at the Studio in artist Keith Brockie, photographer to the Balquhidder 2008 season. time for mid September but we need Jamie Grant, landscape painter Balquhidder Summer Music is to know well in advance who wishes Richard Alred and surrealist Eric supported by Enterprise Music to participate to enable us to plan Timms. Scotland, Stirling & District Arts the gallery exhibition. All events will Opened on 1st August by John Forum, The Gannochy Trust, Clan be well advertised over the coming Swinney, the 2008 Exhibition at the MacLaren, and local Patrons, and is months to help make this Open Molteno Hall, Fortingall, is open daily part of The Association of Friends of Studio event a success. from 10am-6pm up to and including Balquhidder Church, Scottish Charity Full details of all events will be 10th August. SC008569. H o m e H a i rst y l i n g b y M a r g a r e t Have your hair styled by a professional in the convenience of your own home Evening Appointments Tel 01877 330397 Chartered Physiotherapist Ally Baird Ltd Doreen MacKinnon-Taylor M.C.S.P., H.T. BUILDING & ROOFING SERVICES Manipulation ---- Massage Roofs / Extensions/ Maintenance / Renovations General Physiotherapy All Trades Supplied No job too small, free estimates Daytime or Evening Appointments St. Blanes, all work fully guaranteed Lochearnhead, Perthshire. Tel: 01567-830-205 Tel: 01877 330389 FK19 8NS Mobile: 07833 312346 E-Mail: [email protected] 27 D oc to r W ho? Wartime Why are GPs called Doctors With MB, ChBs, The bottom line in academe, Just Bachelor degrees? Hamish MacGregor, John Paton Now dentists are called Doctors, (engine driver) Forsaking surgery, Tommy Bickerton In contrast to male surgeons, Called Mister by decree. (painter) Dochy (the coalman), But dentists are not doctors Johnny MacFarlane But surgeons through and through, (slater), So why demean their status Tommy Bugless And title them anew? (plumber) and Fred Simpson And what about our nurses This group of And paramedics too? Firemen were the Do they not practice medicine And do what doctors do? crew who attended the plane crash on It used to be they couldn't, Ben Lui. For that was just their fate, But now that they're upgraded, They're doctors' surrogate. On 15th April 1941 an RAF Lockheed The family was delighted with all the The same is true of chemists - Hudson (Serial No: T9432), a twin- assistance and personal stories that Not those in ICI - engine bomber of 223 Sqn with a people provided. They managed to But druggists who help doctors crew of four, was returning to its piece together the "jigsaw" of events To wave more work goodbye! base at RAF Aldergrove, in Northern that led up to the incident and the Ireland, from patrol over the North parts played by local people at the And then there are the PhDs, Atlantic. Unfortunately, Belfast was time. These included the residents A motley crew indeed, being bombed at this time, so it is of Cononish Farm and relatives of Who demonstrate their expertise thought the returning flight was the local constabulary. Tragedy In every cult and creed. diverted to Scotland. Tragically the struck the family again in November aircraft crashed on Ben Lui near 1941 when another brother was But certainly don't ask them Tyndrum and all four members of killed, one of 862 men lost in the For treatment for your ills the crew were killed. They were: sinking of HMS Barham in the Unless they are physicians Pilot - Flt Sgt Douglas Green, aged Mediterranean. With PhDs in pills! 20, Co-pilot - Sgt Fredrick Lown, aged 21, Navigator - Sgt Leonard Their research into the Ben Lui crash Now who should be called Doctor Aylott, aged 32 and Wireless culminated in the four family According to the word? Operator - Sgt Wilfred Rooks, aged members from West Sussex coming None other than our teachers, 28. up to the Killin area over the As Latin does record. weekend of 17 May 2008 when they Chris, Colin and Pete Eldridge, had arranged with Bill Rose to visit But just as language reflects life nephews of the pilot, Flt Sgt Doug the crash site and lay a memorial And new words get a hearing, Green, and Gavin Eldridge, a great brass plate bearing the names of the So etymology gives way nephew, started researching the four young crew members. To social engineering! wartime crash in November 2007. They contacted Killin News for help The family, accompanied by Bill and Pondocharty in gathering local information and five members of the Killin Mountain this led them to Bill Rose, Secretary Rescue Team, climbed the steep of the Killin Mountain Rescue Team. flanks of Ben Lui to the tangled

24/7 CARS Bed and Breakfast CRIANLARICH / TYNDRUM TAXIS AND MINI BUS HIRE Kiltyrie For information and or bookings Farmhouse please contact Ian or Caroline on :- stunning views of Loch Tay and the hills TELE / FAX 01838 300307 New Owner: Jane Watts Freshly laid eggs available [email protected] tel: 01567 820141 / 0776 6566935 4 miles from Killin

28 e tribute on Ben Lui

Eldridge Family with the Ben Lui Hudson Crash Memorial Plate at the Crash Site Killin Mountain Rescue Stuart Inglis and RAF Hudson Team at the Crash Site Wreckage on Ben Lui.

Memorial Plate erected by the family of Douglas Green.

remains of the aircraft, which at put the icing on Chris Eldridge's as today's mountain rescue 3,000 feet was partially covered in cake, his football team, Portsmouth techniques, training and team spirit snow, and paid their respects to FC, beat Cardiff City in the FA Cup are directly descended from the RAF their late Uncle and his crew. What Final on the afternoon we went up Mountain Rescue Service, which was may have seemed like a solemn task Ben Lui - he missed the final to formed in response to the increased was in fact a great day on the hills. come to Scotland. number of aircraft crashes during The humour and camaraderie would The Eldriges kindly made a much- World War 2. have been recognized and appreciated donation to the understood by the four airmen that Mountain Rescue Team who were John Morris we were there to remember. Just to particularly interested in this story, Killin Mountain Rescue Team

Window Cleaning Rural Accommodation Service Offers full or part management for yourholiday home(s) Simon Raw Full Booking Service Licensed Changeover Commercial Key Service Midweek clean & Beginning / End of Season Clean Residential Decorating Window Laundry, Gardening Cleaner General Maintenance Killin 0782 464 2344 House Sitting Packages to suit individual needs [email protected] Tel: 01877 384331

29 T h i n k a bo u t i t From the Parish Church of Killin and Ardeonaig There is a story of an eccentric old Summer Reads both musical and athletic. Due to a man who carried an oil can with him Just a few days ago I received a generous donation I was able to everywhere he went. If he passed phone call from the Scottish Bible give a Bible to each of those leaving through a squeaky door or a stiff Society who offered to send a this year. Someone mentioned that gate, he applied oil to the hinges. speaker to the church in Killin. I the Bible they'd been given at school His practice of lubricating made life told them I hoped to take them up was still the one they read and easier for those who came after him. on the offer next year. No, I wasn't treasured. Perhaps we should all Nearly every day we encounter putting them off! Next year marks open up our copy - and make it part people whose live creak and grate the 200th anniversary of the society of our "Summer Read". harshly with problems. In such which for much of its existence was Rev John Lincoln situations we face a choice - either known as the National Bible Society to aggravate their problems with a of Scotland. Anyone familiar with spirit of criticism or to lubricate their the history of Killin will know we Moderator of the lives in the Spirit of Christ. have strong connections with the Some people we meet carry Presbytery of Stirling Bible. The Stewart monument John Lincoln has been appointed as unbearable burdens and long for the outside the church bears witness to oil of a sympathetic word. Others the next moderator of the that. The Bible is part of our presbytery of Stirling and will be are defeated and feel like giving up. heritage, even our national poet Just one drop of encouragement installed on Thursday 11th makes allusions to it in his poems. September when presbytery will could restore their hope. For the church it is our supreme If we are prepared to pour out God's meet in Killin. Although a standard for faith and life. On the demanding role it is an honour and oil of helpfulness every day and same day I received that phone call everywhere we may minister Christ's a privilege for John. This is an open from the Bible Society, I was at the service and anyone is welcome to oil of joy to many hurting people. end of term celebrations at the Perhaps the old man with the oil can atterd. Please be prompt as space Primary School. The children gave a will be limited. was not so eccentric after all!. marvellous display of their talents, Ladd Fagerson Killin PTA Killin Primary School PTA would like to thank the Wilburn Trust for their very kind donation received in June. We will be purchasing a printer for Networking within the school. Our next aim is to buy a PC and to help raise funds for this and other IT equipment, we will be holding a Table Top Sale in the school playground on Saturday 30th August at 11.00am. To reserve a table please contact Norma Lang on 01567 820646. Our AGM will be held on Thursday 11th September at 7.30pm. Please come along and support the work we do for all the children in Killin Primary School. Light refreshments will be served. Norma Lang Chairperson

30 Where are they Now?

countries along the way. One of his stops was to do the "Death Road" cycle at La Paz in Bolivia, a 64km ride descending 4,000m down a mountain road at breakneck speed with few barriers to stop you going over the edge and certain death as the drops were 150m, as he put it in his blog "scary stuff". He spent a month back home getting his visa for India, then off to Asia he headed on 7th Sep 2007. He spent 8 months covering most of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. He then headed for Nepal and an 8 day trek into the mountains giving him the chance to get some fantastic After living and working in views of the Himalayas. For the Edinburgh for 17 years Ian Riddell last 8 weeks he has been working decided to upsticks, sell his flat and as a volunteer teaching English at travel the world (something he'd a school connected to an about his travels can log onto wanted to do for a long time). orphanage in Kathmandu. His September 2006 - August 2007 saw stay in Nepal is coming to an end KR him spending time in the USA, and he intends to visit Tibet now Vancouver and then travelling the that the border is open again to Ian is the eldest son of Ian and Kay whole of South America mainly by foreigners, then head for China, Riddell bus from Mexico right down Vietnam and Burma. Argentina, stopping off at all the Anyone interested in reading Back Pain & PHJPHJ PlumbingPlumbing Physiotherapy Clinic andand HeatingHeating Comrie For the treatment of Back Pain, ServicesServices Neck & Shoulder Pain, Sports Injuries TREVOR A GRIFFITHS Competitive Rates MCSP LCSP (Phys) BTAA Professional, Friendly Service Chartered Physiotherapist Private & Commercial Work Registered Bowen Therapist & Instructor Contact Lynne on 47 Tay Avenue, Comrie, PH6 2PF 01887 830890 tel: 01764 670567 07726 759503 mobile: 0788 759 7455 email: [email protected] [email protected]


Piping the cakes

Dorothy Kinloch, Dora Young with her family Deputy Lieutenant of Stirling & Falkirk Temporary presenting a card residents in from HM the Queen the porch of the home watched the celebrations

Pictures by Dora Young Ron Allner of The Studio and Mandy Hay

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32 Falls of Dochart Retirement Home 100 Years Old - but still Young cakes, carried by Jenny and Mairi looked so smart and cheery with all Martin, were piped in by Kenny Lang her extended family and friends There was great activity at the Falls of and Jim Cushley proposed toast. The around her. Dochart Home when, for the first time family thanked the Home not only for A most enjoyable 'open day' was held in the Home's history, one of the the party but also for the excellent in July, attended by residents, residents celebrated a 100th birthday. care which had enabled Dora to reach relatives, friends and members of the Staff, including some off duty, decked her century. It was a really happy community. the rooms and tables with special afternoon and when it was over Dora The Trust Board continue to be both 100th decorations and balloons, relaxed with a large glass of Bailey's! amazed and humbled by the support delicious food was prepared for a MM shown to them by the community as a special party for Dora Young on 8th whole. Monetary donations and useful June. Dora, widow of Arnold Young, Report from the Chairman items regularly arrive from near and has lived in Killin for nearly 40 years far, and that, together with knowing and has been at the home for seven The Board of Directors of Killin Care that the residents are receiving the years. Although now unable to see or Trust is pleased to report that, six highest standard of care, is a great to move unaided, she had definite years after it was purchased, the Falls encouragement to the Board and ideas about what should happen at the of Dochart Retirement Home continues makes it all feel very worthwhile. party and asked for champagne, a to provide 24 hour care for the elderly We would again like to express our Christmas type cake, a sponge cake, in the community. Thanks to the staff, thanks to all who have made Highland Dancing from the children to a team of sixteen full and part time donations, many anonymously and entertain the guests and someone to employees, led by a manager and some at a time of sadness in their own play the piano. three senior carers, it continues to families. This generosity has assisted It was quite a party. The residents, provide a safe, comfortable and with the ever increasing cost of Dora's family and many local friends friendly environment for both residents providing a high standard of care and attended and there were flowers and and staff. The Care Commission carry safety for residents and staff, plus cards everywhere. John MacPherson out inspections at the Home from time decoration and gardening, as well as was MC, Frances Cushley played to time, often unannounced and their providing outings and other comforts keyboard, there was Highland dancing reports have been good. Staff take for the residents. and three of Dora's five great many and varied mandatory courses We are also grateful to the local grandchildren played short pieces of to ensure they are up to date with all Doctors and Nurses for their good music on keyboard, flugelhorn, cornet the regulations now required and most working relationship, and to the and viola. Dora was presented with a of these have to be funded by the members of the community who assist card from the Queen and a bottle of Home. willingly to carry out various duties in sherry by Deputy Lieutenant of A day to remember took place at the and around the Home when the need Stirling, Dorothy Kinloch and flowers Home on the 8th June, to celebrate arises, also for the attention given by by the Provost of Stirling, Fergus the 100th birthday of Mrs Dora Young, local tradesmen when their services Woods. Mandy Hay and Audrey our oldest resident. It was a real are required, even out of hours. Weaver gave her flowers from the staff privilege, thrill and tonic for us all to John McPherson and the Killin Care Trust. The two be part of the celebration. Dora

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River View and Log Fire Please call Myra on 01567 820355 for futher details and information

33 Le t t e rs Car Rally me since coming home. I now feel I We are the drivers of this years am really on the road to recovery. Scottish entry to the 2008 Z BallVain Thank you all very much. to Florence and back. Bunty MacGregor This year we are raising funds for Strathcarron Hospice near Falkirk as Good Wishes part of the Z Ball Rally's Wishing PFK Performance every commitment to the local community success! in which we live and work. We will Lucy Paulin, Alistair, be driving the 250 miles south for Richard and Jack the start of the Z Ball Rally on August 9th at Trentham Gardens 100th Birthday which will run through England, Dora Young and her family would through the tunnel into France, Euro Encyclopaedia like to thank everyone who gave her across Belgium then over the Alps In the June issue I was very flowers, cards and gifts for her and on to Monte Carlo before the interested to read Sophie Thomson's 100th birthday or who contributed run home. entry in the School News. I do hope to a gift from friends and family to The name of the rally "Z Ball" comes the Euro Encyclopaedia will be the Falls of Dochart Retirement from the cars as we all have to available for the public to purchase Home to mark the occasion. £360 enter a Nissan 300zx, Z31. Our car in aid of a charity of the pupil's was given to the Home and this has this year has been sponsored by, choosing as I feel quite sure I am been used towards a table and amongst others, Lix Toll garage. not alone in being unable to answer chairs for the garden. We would like to thank Lix Toll for all the questions she poses. Also very many thanks to the Killin their kind generosity and if any Muriel V. Mustard Care Trust and to all the staff who other local business or any private look after her so well. We are very individual would like to sponsor the Thank You lucky to have such an excellent car they can get in touch with us via I would like to thank most sincerely establishment in Killin. the web or Lix Toll. everyone who sent flowers, gifts and The MacIvers, The web site cards while I was in hospital and Clarks and Mathiesons also has loads of great pics of since coming home. The attention I previous rallies and this year's fund got in Edinburgh and Stirling was British Heart Foundation Everest raising events. Thanks for your first class. The staff in both Base Camp Trek support. hospitals couldn't do enough for me I would like to thank all those who Anton & Sarah Stephenson and I appreciated it greatly. My donated money to the British Heart Sarah is the daughter of Linda Mather who grateful thanks to Dr de Laat and Foundation appeal. In April of this works at Lix Toll the district nurses for looking after year thirty-six individuals from

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34 around the country gathered to trek First to Everest Base Camp. Unfortunately for those involved, six participants failed to make their goal with two Iron Age having to undergo emergency evacuation by helicopter. For the Olympics remainder however the trip was a fantastic success. Two days into the trek the expedition doctor became ill The Iron Age team at the Scottish Crannog Centre by Kenmore are and took the decision to return launching their own Olympic Games this summer in search of local home. At that point I was instantly champions. Activities will run from 12-3pm on Wednesday 6th promoted to official expedition August and feature categories for ages 7-10, 11-13, 14-18, and over doctor with responsibility for my 18's. thirty-five fellow walkers and over There will be a range of about 10 events including spear-throwing, two hundred expedition staff. archery, fire-making, tug of war (after making the ropes!), water Thanks to the fantastic generosity of races, fish-throwing, log balancing, stone-throwing and skimming and our local residents and businesses I tossing bracken bundles. No experience is necessary but entrants managed should bring wellies and a spare T-shirt. to raise The Iron Age Olympics are inspired by a range of daily activities that £4,655 the Crannog Celts would have carried out, as well as some games individually they could have played to entertain their children. and the Tickets £5 per entrant and all winners and runners-up will be group as a awarded hand-crafted medals and prizes. Pre-booking is advised by whole telephoning the Centre on 01887 830583 or via email at raised a [email protected]. massive £144k for the BHF. This will Following on from the Games, the Crannog Crew are hosting another go a long way to helping combat new event - their first Archery Tournament using simple longbows. heart disease in the UK. Well done The competition will feature a range of conventional and stuffed to you all. targets to simulate a hunt. Suitable for ages 7+, the tournament will The BHF have a range of world take place from 11-4pm on Sunday 7th September. Tickets £5 per experiences available each year and entrant should be booked in advance from the Crannog Centre. anyone tempted to try something a For further information about other events and what's new, please little different would be highly visit the website at recommended to have a look. Dr Holden

G+J G L A ZIERS Aberfeldy .. 01887 822611 Mobile .. 07891 441706 Co m petitive Rates We offer ... All types of glass (cut to any shape or size) Single glass repairs Double glazing repairs (foggy or misted windows) Greenhouse glass, picture frame glass, Table tops, Shelves, Splashbacks, Safety glass (toughened , laminated) Glass roofs Decorative glass Mirror Wardrobes Fire rated glass Mirrors ...... and much much more. We can reduce heat in conservatories (brochure supplied) only in polycarbonate roofs with less hassle and money than blinds. Over 30 years Experience i n the Glazi ng In d ustry

35 New Arrivals Gillian (nee Noble) and Dave Jardine proudly announce the safe arrival of Harris William on 29th April weighing 8lb 8oz.

Erin Skye Smith born 7th June to Lesley and Martin weighing 5lbs 2 oz with big brother Lewis

Jessica Fenna 7lbs 1oz, born on 6th June in Edinburgh to proud parents Claire and James and delighted grandparents Margaret and Lyn Fenna.

36 Weddings

John Burton of Cononish Farm married Deirdre Mackenzie at Bridge of Orchy Church. They are pictured with granddaughters Carys Burton and Marta Mackenzie. The reception was held in Bridge of Orchy hotel.

Christine McDonald and Euan Cameron were married in Kinloch Rannoch. Christine is the grand-daughter of the late George and Effie McDonald, Lyon Road and of Jessie and the late Bob Ferguson, Horwood's Garage. Janet McDonald (mother of the bride)

THE BRIDGE OF LOCHAY HOTEL Beautiful gardens, excellent service and friendly staff to serve you a delicious range of modern, classic dishes using fine locally sourced produce in The Lochay Restaurant and Bar Lounge

Phone for bookings on Open 7 days a week 01567 820 272 Coffee and Tea all day or Lunch 12 noon until 2pm visit our website Dinner 6pm until 8.45pm

37 Tyndrum’s Eastern European Visitor

“Did you know there’s been a bird. His reply contained some of and bemused tourists are Common Rosefinch at the chip shop the words most feared by birders, “it exceptional. So this particular bird in Tyndrum for the last two weeks?” was here earlier, but it’s not about has been very popular with the asked my brother from Southampton at the moment”. It turned out that British birding community, many of who is a keen birder. How was it the birder, from Birmingham, had whom arrive carrying binoculars, that I didn’t know this bird had left home the night before, arrived cameras and telescopes and most turned up on my local patch? How at 4am and had been watching the leaving Tyndrum happy. I’ve been had it managed to end up in west bird on and off and was now waiting up to see it lots of times obligingly Perthshire, normally a blackhole in for the café to open so he could singing away on the tops of various terms of rare migrants? And what have breakfast. He had some trees in the village and regularly on earth was it doing at the chip fantastic footage on his camera. visiting the feeders at the café. Its shop? Had the reputation of the After half an hour a bird flew on to a singing has been unsurprisingly Real Food Café’s premium quality conifer tree by the side of the café fruitless in wooing a female (the bird seed and peanuts spread as far and started to sing. There it was, a nearest might be 500 miles away) as Eastern Europe? stunning male Common Rosefinch so it has spent most of its time The phone rang again - Sarah from with its distinctive red head and harassing the local greenfinches. I the Real Food Café. Would I come breast, softly whistling its rhythmic don’t know how long it will stay in and take a picture of the Rosefinch song. Tyndrum or whether it will make it for the Killin News. My skills at digi- These birds are normally summer back to India in the autumn, but I scoping (taking digital photos visitors to Russia and Eastern hope it does. through a telescope) leave a lot to Europe where they nest in scrub and My attempts at photographing the be desired, so I suggested that she overgrown bushy areas often along Rosefinch have only produced asked one of her customers who had lakeshores and watercourses. pictures of a fuzzy red and brown already emailed her an excellent Unusually for a European summer blob in front of an in-focus spruce picture, if we could use that. migrant they winter in India rather branch. Not quite the standard I had arranged to meet my parents, than Africa. Every year a few required for the Killin News. I think who were on holiday, at the Café at migrating Rosefinches turn up in I’ll stick to taking photos of plants! 10am but couldn’t wait and was at Britain, usually for a short time in John Holland Tyndrum soon after eight. Opposite Shetland, Fair Isle or Orkney. the Café there was a birder with a Rosefinches in the centre of The rosefinch on the peanut feeder telescope with an attached video Scotland are very rare and singing features on the Real Food Café camera. I headed straight towards males staying for weeks providing advertisement opposite him, said hello and asked about the wonderful views to visiting twitchers 38 Bob MacGregor Memorial Two Day Trial

Bobby Lafferty with Robert at the event

Andrew Anderson negotiates a difficult section

Jonathan Devlin crossing a burn

Local Success for Killin Youngsters This is the second Killin trial event held in Bob MacGregor’s memory and based at Kinnell. Local entrants Andrew Anderson and Jonathan Devlin achieved a first and second in Group B. Robert Lafferty came first in Group C. Michael Farquharson also participated. The prizes were again presented by Bob MacGregor’s daughter Sheila Cattell. Bobby Lafferty is responsible for bringing the event to Killin and training the youngsters.

39 Tourism News Have you still Tai Chi in Killin got your vote? Leaflets A reminder to all businesses in the Every autumn voter registration After my Physio suggested that Breadalbane area of the Loch forms are sent to every address practising Tai Chi might be beneficial Lomond and Trossachs National Park and, if forms are not returned, in the management of my MS and that Breadalbane leaflets (and flat electors are removed from the speaking to other people in the copies to be used as posters) and Register of Electors when the ERO village who were interested, I Killin Walks leaflets are available cannot verify that they are still determined to find someone who from the area office at resident. If you move address you would teach us the basics. I have Lochearnhead. need to complete a new form to been lucky to find John Connelly, an Contact Gavin Skipper – Tel: 01389 register to vote and electors who Instructor with the Tai Chi Union of 722040 or email change their names also need to re- Great Britain and a member of the gavin.skipper@lochlomond- register. Martial Arts and Fitness Coach UK Organisation, who is happy to travel The Killin leaflet has been updated You may not realise that, if you fail to Killin to instruct. John explains and reprinted. Bundles of these may to register, not only will you lose Tai Chi as: "an ancient Chinese form be collected from the Breadalbane your vote in any election or of co-ordinated body movements Folklore Centre, 01567 820254 referendum, but your credit rating focusing on the cultivation of will be reduced by 10% and you internal energy or "chi". Its aim is to Treasure Trail may have credit reference problems harmonise the mind, body and as all major credit reference spirit, promoting both mental and The Breadalbane Tourism group has agencies use the register to help physical well-being through softness commissioned a “Treasure Trail” verify residence and its duration. It and relaxation. The Sun style is package covering the area from is a legal requirement to return characterised by agile steps with Tyndrum to Strathyre. Visitors will registration forms when requested high stances. It contains much have to follow clues and visit places and a maximum fine of £1000 can Qigong, which is especially effective throughout the area to find the be imposed by the Procurator Fiscal. for healing and relaxation. The answers. The booklet will include forms are compact, not requiring a additional information about walks Electors have the option to apply to large practice area, and have so and other things to see and do that vote by post rather than in person much depth they hold the students will encourage visitors to stay longer at their polling station and can interest". Having now attended 4 and/or return to complete the trail. chose to withhold their name from sessions, I am finding it both The Treasure Trail package will be the Edited Register of Electors, a enjoyable and relaxing. John available from early August and version of the register which is sold emphasises that we should only retail at £5. All local retail to anyone who wishes to purchase move as far as feels comfortable businesses and accommodation it. and can do some of the moves providers will be able to purchase whilst seated - so even those of us the Breadalbane Treasure Trail Forms for registering or changing who are less able can participate packages at cost price by registration details can be and gain from it. We are a mixture contacting: downloaded from of beginners and people who have Tyndrum & Crianlarich area or collected practised before, so everyone is Jim Kinnell, By the Way Hostel, from local libraries. To check if you most welcome. Unfortunately we Tyndrum Tel: 01838 400333 or are currently registered to vote or have not yet been able to set a email [email protected] for further information contact the regular day for sessions, so if you Killin area ERO think you would like to try Tai Chi Gillean Ford, Invertay House, Killin Tel 01786-892289 for the first time or to join us Tel: 01567 820492 or email Fax 01786-892255 because you already know how good [email protected] [email protected] it is, please contact me and I will Lochearnhead to Strathyre area keep you informed of dates. Mal Dingle, Rosebank House, Suzanne Player Strathyre Tel: 820946 Tel: 01877 384208 or email email: [email protected] [email protected]

K illin K utz MAUREEN H. GAULD Hair by Pamela & The Killin Gallery Ladies stylist W id e R a n g e o f and gentleman’s barber. A n t iq ues, Creative styling Fin e A r t & C u r io s L’Oreal colour specialist o n Disp l a y Free consultation Craiglea, Main Street, Killin Main S treet, K illin Tel: (01567) 820 475 - Shop Tel: 820920 820605 - House 40 Local Planning Applications National Park FK21 8RF water treatment works including new Week 18 ending 5th May Applicant: Dr Alistair Lee, submerged aerated filter (SAF) plant, Proposal: Siting of caravan Application Type: Detailed Consent sludge holding tank and control kiosk Location: The Lodge Crianlarich Proposal: Alteration of existing consent Location: Sewage Works Crianlarich Applicant: C.Orr And J. Cassidy, LT/2006/0347/DET to erect a new Applicant: Scottish Water, Application Type: Certificate of Lawfulness dormer window on the south elevation Application Type: Detailed Consent Week 19 ending 12th May 2008 and erection of detached garage Decision: Approve with Conditions Proposal: Alteration of existing consent Location: Land Rear Of Pink Cottage Main Proposal: Excavation/infilling of LT/2006/0347/DET to erect a new Street Killin riverbank and construction of raw water dormer window on the north elevation Applicant: Andrew Blake, intake structure and erection of detached garage Application Type: Household Location: River Cononish/Crom Alt Location: Station House Main Street Killin Alteration/Extension Tyndrum Applicant: Andrew Blake Decision: Approve with Conditions Applicant: Scottish Water, Application Type: Household Week 23 ending 9th Application Type: Detailed Consent Alteration/Extension Proposal: Siting of Caravan for use as Decision: Approve with Conditions Week 20 ending 19th May Proposal: holiday letting accommodation Week 26 ending 30th June Change of use from retail shop (class 1) Location: The Lodge Crianlarich Proposal: Change of use from and redevelopment of site to incorporate Applicant: C.Orr And J. Cassidy, agricultural land to wildlife/nature 15 flatted dwellings and 1 additional Application Type: Certificate of reserve for community and education small retail shop unit Lawfulness purposes, including erection of a bird Location: The Garage Main Street Killin Decision: Certificate Issued hide, interpretation feature, wildlife Applicant: Lyndhurst Holdings Ltd Week 24 ending 16th June pond and camping/picnic area and other Application Type: Detailed Consent Proposal: Demolition of existing diminimus developments. Proposal: Change of use of redundant dwellinghouse and erection of Location: Leskine Farm Crianlarich Killin agricultural building to form two private replacement dwellinghouse, extension to Applicants: Mark Pearson, The Colin Burt dwellings cottages. existing garage to form double garage, Reserve For Wildlife Conservation, Fife Location: The Stables,Lodge Hotel and temporary siting of residential Air Cadets Conservation Group Crianlarich caravan to provide accommodation Application Type: Detailed Consent Applicant: Mrs Barbara Salisbury, during rebuilding contract. Week 27 ending 7th July Application Type: Detailed Consent Location: Duinish Crianlarich Proposal: Erection of new holiday Proposal: Erection of dwellinghouse Applicant: Mr And Mrs G Gaughan, accommodation chalet. Location: Tayview Main Street Killin Application Type: Detailed Consent Location: Craigard Hotel Killin Applicant: Mr And Mrs C McRae, Decision: Approve with Conditions Applicant: Walker Caledonian Ltd Application Type: Detailed Consent Proposal: Construction of Run-of-River Application Type: Detailed Consent Decision: Approve with Conditions Hydro scheme (650kw) Decision: Refuse Site: Land at the Old Mart, Lyon Road, Location: Inverhaggernie Farm Proposal: Application for a Certificate of Killin Crianlarich Crianlarich Lawfulness for an existing use or Appeal: Amenity Notice Applicant: Lochdochart Estate (Peter operation or activity in breach of a On 14th February 2008 an Amenity Christie), planning condition. Notice was served under The Town and Application Type: Detailed Consent Location: Pine Trees Leisure Park Station Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, Decision: Approve with Conditions Road Lower Tyndrum s179, on the owner of land at the Old Week 25 ending 23rd June Applicant: Josephine Lyle, Mart, Lyons Road, Killin. Proposal: Proposed one and a half Application Type: Certificate of Lawfulness The owner has made an appeal against storey extension to dwellinghouse with Perth & Kinross Council the above notice to the Scottish associated 6 No.dormer extensions and Government, Directorate for Planning replacement of existing garage with one 19/05/2008 and Environmental Appeals. The appeal and a half storey garage with upstairs Proposal: Erection of a dwellinghouse will be dealt with on the basis of written area. Location: High Creagan Killin submissions. Location: Millmore Main Street Killin Applicant: Alastair Kennedy Proposal: Use of dwelling as Guest Applicant: Mr And Mrs Duncan Application Type: Full Application House (Class 7) Application Type: Household Decision: Pending Consideration Location: West Highland Lodge Alteration/Extension Stirling Council Inverhervie Crianlarich Proposal: Proposed extension to 30/05/2008 Applicant: Mr And Mrs P Lilly, dwellinghouse and change of use of Proposal: Extension to dwelling house Application Type: Certificate of Lawfulness adjacent open land to form additional Location: Benula, Killin Decision: Certificate Issued garden ground and proposed boundary Applicant: Mr & Mrs Patterson Week 22 ending 2nd June treatment alterations. Application Type: Household Proposal: Proposed restoration of 2 No. Location: Strathview Crianlarich Alteration/Extension derelict buildings to form one Applicant: Mr And Mrs Beattie, Decision: Pending Consideration dwellinghouse Application Type: Detailed Consent Proposal: Upgrading of existing waste Location: 1 And 2 Railway Cottages Killin Almond Decorators CENTRAL SCOTLAND RAPE CRISIS Interior & Exterior & SEXUAL ABUSE CENTRE We exist to provide a free and confidential service of emotional support and practical information on legal and medical issues to survivors who have experienced Rape, Sexual Assault or Child Sexual Abuse, throughout Central Scotland. Our telephone helpline is staffed by trained volunteers and offers long or short-term support by e-mail, letter, telephone or face-to-face counselling. We also deliver training, talks and presentations on all aspects of sexual violation, to professionals and other interested bodies. Telephone Helpline 01786 471771 Painting, Paper Hanging, Tues/Weds 11am - 1pm Thursday 7 - 9 pm Sunday 1 - 3 pm or write Ames Taping to P.O. Box 48, Stirling FK8 1YG or to P.O. Box 28, Falkirk, FK1 1AA Home: 01738 587809 Email - [email protected] Mobile: 07979 405662 Web site -

41 Crossword by Scorpio

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Down 1 Level of responsibility or command (7) 8 2 Pincers for multiple royalty (7) 3 Former name of Iran (6) 9 5 Right on time (2,3,3) 6 Very cool head gear for Polar region (6) 10 7 Is Tell a Saggitarian? (6) 13 Keen saws create infirmity (8) 11 14 Colourful flowering shrubs (7) 15 Father dared to exercise in military 12 13 fashion (7) 16 Old coin and leather worker (6) 14 15 17 Night vision vegetable (6) 19 Original calculator (6) 16 17 18 19 Solution 104 20 Across 1 carer 4 demure 9 freedom 10 enter 11 Iran 21 12 Gambian 13 rye 14 isle 16 Riga 18 ace 20 furious 21 shoo 24 enema 25 expired 22 26 dulcet 27 linen Down 23 1 coffin 2 rheia 3 rode 5 evermore 6 untying 7 errant 8 image 13 renovate 15 surreal 24 17 offend 18 asset 19 cordon 22 heron 23 opal

Across 4 Sounds like time for prayer and is time of pleasure (7) 18 A Tzarina produced a form of knitwear (8) 8 Foot complaint and French musical instrument (6) 20 Upset, ask dam for linen (6) 9 Elastic property (7) 21 Flower of the tuber family (6) 10 He enters awkwardly (6) 22 One ranger becomes more furious (7) 11 Deceased in senior journalist made very happy (6) 23 Eastern Bantu appear oddly in natural gas (6) 12 Past wonder 500 become subdued (8) 24 European islanders (7)

Perth and Kinross Family History Day Saturday 23rd August is the date for the Registrars, Perth Museum, the all the details. Keep watching this the next Perth & Kinross Family Black Watch Museum and Wellshill space. History Day. cemetery. The bus will be travelling Come along to the Library and find around the venues every hour and Sara Ann Kelly out how to trace your Family History there is no obligation to visit every Local Studies Librarian in both the Archives and the Local stop. Over the five venues a range Tel 01738 477062 Studies Departments before hopping of demonstrations, talks and on the free vintage bus service exhibitions will be provided and a courtesy of Stagecoach and visiting leaflet will be available soon to give

No job too Big No job too Small Call Arthur he does them all JASON CAMPBELL Gardening and grasscutting Monemore Killin Tree Pruning PLUMBING REPAIRS Exterior Painting Chimney Sweeping NEW INSTALLATIONS Gutters TILING Removals and House Cleaners Rubbish Uplifted Tel: 01567 820413 Handy Man Mobile: 07810 600636 Scrap Cars - Uplifted free Free estimates [email protected] Distance Tel: 01567 829068 no object Mob: 07789383329 Go on and make that call

42 What’s On in Killin and District August Art Class 3 Balquhidder Music (Classical concert) Balquhidder Church 7pm Tuesdays 5 Ben Lawers Children’s walk 10.30am - 12.30pm meet Ben Lawers Visitor’s Centre Church Hall 6 Killin Church Sale of Work Killin & Ardeonaig Church and Community Rooms 4pm- 6pm 6 SCDT Saplings Summer programme event Children’s display 6 Ben Lawers guided walk 1.30pm - 4pm meet Ben Lawers Visitors Centre BVLC Internet Cafe 7 Killin Drama Club AGM Lesser McLaren Hall 7.30pm Thursdays 10 Clanscape Breadalbane Park Library 12 Ben Lawers Children’s walk 10.30am - 12.30pm meet Ben Lawers Visitor’s Centre 10am - 4pm 13 Woodland Craft Event Strathfillan Saplings Summer programme Car Boot Sale TIC Tyndrum 13 Ben Lawers guided walk 1.30pm - 4pm meet Ben Lawers Visitors Centre 13 NNR talk “Enjoying Moths” Lynedoch 8pm 15 Killin Show Handcrafts, Homecrafts, Baking, Produce and Horticultural Competition McLaren Hall 16 Killin Show Breadalbane Park 17 Killin Gun Club Open Sporting Competition Luib 19 Ben Lawers Children’s walk 10.30am - 12.30pm meet Ben Lawers Visitors Centre Sunday Worship Church of Scotland 10am 20 Ben Lawers guided walk 1.30pm - 4pm meet Ben Lawers Visitors Centre St Fillan’s Episcopal Church 26 Ben Lawers Children’s walk 10.30am - 12.30pm meet Ben Lawers Visitors Centre 10.30am 27 Ben Lawers guided walk 1.30pm - 4pm meet Ben Lawers Visitors Centre Roman Catholic Mass 30 Table Top Sale Killin School Playground 11am St Fillan’s Church 2.30pm September 3 NNR talk “Wildlife of the Wild West” Lynedoch 8pm 6,7 Head of the Loch volunteer weekend. Meet Council car park 10am both days (see article page 19) 7 Alloa Pipe Band Killin Main Street from 2pm 9 Killin Community Council meeting Killin School 7.30pm 11 Killin School PTA AGM 7.30pm 13 Strathfillan Gold Tyndrum 11am - 4pm National Park event booking essential Tel 01389 722040 21 Killin Gun Club Shoot Luib 24 KAT AGM Lesser Hall 7.30pm Fire Cadets 27 Start of Breadalbane Arts Week The Studio Killin and Tyndrum Village Hall Mondays 27 Cancer Committee 50th Birthday Fancy Dress Ceilidh McLaren Hall Fire Station 6.45pm Bowling starting 1st September Mondays and Fridays 2.15pm-4.30pm Wednesdays 6.15pm - 8.30pm

Ads Index

24/7 Cars 28 Green Welly Stop 8 Rural Stirling Housing 17 A&B Services 32 Hairdressing at Home 5 SEPA 36 AHC Computer Solutions 33 Home Hair Styling 27 Shutters 18 Aberfeldy Opticians 35 Hunt, Dave 25 STEP 16 ACE Roofing & Building 7 Indian Champissage 24 Stitt Bros 5 Anderson Dentistry 38 Jasmine Beauty 29 Studio, The 26 Ally Baird Ltd. 27 John Morris Safety Ltd. 4 Town & Country Catering 5 Almond Decorators 41 Killin Hotel 21 Violin and Piano Lessons 12 Andrew Anderson & Sons 4 Killin Kutz 40 Watermill, The 11 Avon 16 Killin Library 2 Window Cleaning 29 Back Pain Clinic Trevor Griffiths 31 Kiltyrie Farmhouse B & B 28 Your Computer Manager 15 Ben Lawers Hotel 17 Lilac Stitches 18 Booth Plant Hire 34 Lix Toll Garage 36 Bridge End Mill 10 LochTayH.Lodges 6 Bridge of Lochay Hotel 37 Loch Tay Pottery 21 Callander Plastering Services Ltd. 18 McAllister, Eric 40 Campbell, Jason 42 McBean, Marieke 42 Which bin Capercaillie Restaurant 33 Macfarlane Gray 20 Care Dental 22 Mackenzie Strickland 30 which week? Central Scotland Rape Crisis 41 McRobbie, Douglas 18 Week beginning Coach House Hotel 22 Menzies, Jo-Ann 24 4 Aug Grey/Green Crianlarich Store 16 Moor, Pete 11 Cruachan Restaurant 14 Mr. Steam 20 11 Aug Brown Dewar's World of Whisky 44 Murphy, Tom 12 18 Aug Grey/Green Fabric Studio 19 News First 12 25 Aug Brown Forster Electrical 25 Old Flax Mill 11 Fraser, A.C. 18 Old Smiddy, The 7 1 Sept Grey/Green GA Services 42 PKF Performance Centre 13 8 Sept Brown G&J Glaziers 35 PHJ Plumbing & Heating Services 31 Gatehouse Nursery 19 Physiotherapist 27 15 Sept Grey Green Gauld, Maureen 40 Post Office 10 22 Sept Brown Gaulds of Crieff 27 RTA Plant Hire 25 29 Sept Grey|Green Gourlay, D, Butchers 26 Real Food Cafe 39 Grant, Charles 12 Reed Construction 14 Grant & Welsh 2 Rob Roy Homes 19 Grants Laundry 12 Rural Accommodation Service 29