Weekly Field Report

Week of 10 July – 16 July 2017 families were reportedly damaged or destroyed. Flooding of the affected 315 people. Refugees and Returnees A total of 2,177 undocumented Afghans arrived in Afghanistan from from 9 to 15 July, and 7,238 undocumented Afghans arrived from Iran. Returns from Pakistan marked a 5 per cent increase compared to the previous week. In total, almost 73,800 and 178,500 undocumented Afghans returned from Pakistan and Iran respectively in 2017, according to IOM. From 9 to 15 July, 2,702 registered refugees returned from Pakistan and 38 from Iran. Since January, nearly 37,900 refugees have returned to Afghanistan, according to UNHCR.

Ongoing Response Activities (please also see page 2) Central: SI provided cash to 2,785 people in Wardak Province. Countrywide Conflict Displacement WFP distributed food to 1,617 refugees in Paktika. IOM provided emergency household items to 357 natural disaster This year, more than 163,300 people were driven from their affected individuals in Khost and . homes due to conflict across the country. This is 19 per cent less in comparison to the same period in the previous year, in which North/North Eastern: ACTED, DACAAR and WFP distributed 199,500 people were displaced in Afghanistan. unconditional cash, WASH items or food to nearly 1,800 displaced people in Kunduz city and to 1,022 people in Baghlan. Central: Armed conflict in Kapisa, Nuristan, Laghman, and In , 371 IDPs received unconditional cash, emergency district, , have displaced nearly 1,200 household items or food from NRC, SCI and WFP. In people to Parwan and 420 individuals to . Based , 868 people received cash from ACTED. on assessments, a total of 10,850 people have been displaced in the Central Region since January, nearly 7 per cent of the total Eastern: In , nearly 2,000 displaced people displacement country-wide. received cash for food, emergency household items or food from ANDMA, UNICEF/RRD, UNHCR and NRC. ORCD Northern/North Eastern: Fighting around Kunduz has reportedly provided health services to 659 undocumented returnees and displaced over 6,500 people to Kunduz centre, notably from host community members and SVA distributed food and NFIs villages surrounding the city and . Assessments to 1,050 people. At Point Zero, IOM Transit Center and UNHCR have confirmed 2,471 out of 8,050 as vulnerable conflict IDPs in Encashment Center, UNICEF, AADA, IOM and UNHCR Kunduz city. 301 people have been displaced in Badakhsan. provided Vitamin-A-supplements to 487 children, gave Since January, nearly 66,500 displaced people have been deworming tablets to 344 children and screened 477 children assessed in the North and North-eastern Region. They account for acute malnutrition. UNFPA through AADA provided for 41 per cent of the total displacements country-wide this year. emergency health services at Torkham. IMC distributed NFIs Eastern: Cross border shelling from Pakistan continued, with 82 to 21 people impacted by natural disasters in . mortar rounds reported in three days. Initial reports estimate Western: In , Ghor, ACF provided cash and 1,700 people displaced within Muhmandara and Lalpura districts, UNHCR distributed emergency household items and hygiene Nangarhar. Assessments in Kunar and Nangarhar confirmed kits. In Quala-e-Naw, Badghis, NRC provided cash, UNICEF 10,600 out of 15,000 people in need of immediate humanitarian distributed emergency household items and IRC provided assistance. Since January, 23,600 displaced people have been hygiene chlorine and conducted hygiene promotions. assessed in the Eastern Region. They account for 14 per cent of the total displacements country-wide this year. Access Constraints and Security Incidents Southern: Assessments are planned for some 6,100 people Overall: Some 174 access related incidents were recorded from reportedly displaced in Kandarhar/Dand since January and for January to June 2017 compared to 109 for the same reporting some 840 people newly displaced in Shajoy district, Zabul. Since period in 2016. The principal access constraints were violence January, nearly 37,500 displaced people have been assessed in against humanitarian personnel/assets/facilities registering 41 southern and southeastern provinces, 23 per cent of the total per cent and interference in the implementation of humanitarian displacements in Afghanistan since January. activities registering 34 per cent. The top four provinces were Nangarhar, Uruzgan, Hilmand and Badghis; while the top three Western: In Qala-e-Naw, Baghis, some 341 displaced people districts were Tirinkot, , Lashkargah and Balamurghab. were verified from Badghis, Hirat and Logar provinces who had arrived in June. In Chaghcharan, Ghor, some 338 displaced Northern/North Eastern : Access to the conflict area in Darzab, people were verified from Badghis and Ghor who had arrived in Jawjan is proving problematic given the complex conflict June. This year, over 14,700 people have been displaced in the between ANSF, TB and Qari Hekmat. Western Region, based on assessments. They account for 9 per cent of the total of displaced people in Afghanistan since January. Key dates & meetings CR: Logar OCT, 18 July, Kabul ICCT’ 18 July Natural disasters and disease outbreaks WR: Badghis OCT, 20 July A flash flood in Shaki district, Badakhshan, killed three people NR: Protection Mainstreaming Training for OCT Balkh, Mazar and injured 15, according to initial reports. The houses of 20 SR: Kandahar OCT, 19 July (TBC), Protection Cluster meeting

Coordination Saves Lives The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. http://afg.humanitarianresponse.info/

Weekly Field Report- Afghanistan | 2

Humanitarian Response for Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in June and July 2017 n

Region Cluster Response Type People assisted in June and July Partners Newly Identified IDPs 2017 (People in need) Jun - Jul 2017 2017

Capital Cash 522 DRC, CARE 3,309 10,850 ESNFI Family kits 749 DRC NFI Kits (Complete) 322 UNHCR Cash for food 485 DRC FSAC Food Package 917 WFP Health Other 191 DRC Other Unconditional cash 140 DRC Central Highland 28 Eastern Cash 4,882 DRC, IRC, NRC, SCI 14,008 33,675 ESNFI NFI Kits (Complete) 8,112 ANDMA, APA, Other, SCI, UNHCR, UNICEF Cash for food 3,678 DRC, NRC, WFP FSAC Food Package 9,316 ANDMA, WFP North Eastern Blankets 364 ACTED 9,149 46,717 Cash 9296 ACTED, NRC ESNFI NFI Kits (Complete) 2954 SCI, UNHCR Tents 364 ACTED FSAC Food Package 8204 WFP WASH Hygiene kits 9296 DACAAR Northern ESNFI 19,900 Souther Eastern ESNFI NFI Kits (Complete) 560 UNICEF 574 6,118 FSAC Food Package 560 ANDMA Other Unconditional cash 3,696 CARE, SI Southern Cash 2,034 NRC 31,329 ESNFI NFI Kits (Complete) 3,076 UNHCR Tents 7 UNHCR FSAC Food Package 2,902 WFP Chlorine 2,856 UNICEF Emergency latrines 192 DACAAR WASH Hygiene kits 2,632 SCI, UNICEF Other 368 UNICEF Western Blankets 258 UNHCR 2,389 14,756 Cash 2,462 DRC, NRC ESNFI NFI Kits (Complete) 2,428 CRDSA, UNHCR, UNICEF Plastic Sheets 258 UNHCR Cash for food 2,070 DRC, ACF, NRC FSAC Food Package 835 WFP Health Other 467 ACF, NRC Other Unconditional cash 1,793 DRC, ACF, NRC Chlorine 1,001 DACAAR, IRC Emergency latrines 165 ACF Female hygiene kits 799 UNHCR WASH Hygiene education 1,876 DACAAR, IRC Hygiene kits 2,229 DACAAR, CRDSA, UNHCR, UNICEF Water treatment tablet 302 IRC

Acronyms: AADA, Agency for Assistance and Development of Afghanistan | ACF, Action Against Hunger | AA, Afghan Aid | AFN, Afghan afghani | ANDMA, Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority | ANSF, Afghan National Security Forces | ARCS, Afghan Red Crescent Society | CRDSA, Coordination Of Rehabilitation & Development Services For Afghanistan | CWSA, Community World Service Asia | DAC, District Administrative Centre | DACAAR, Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees | DoRR, Directorate of Refugees and Repatriation | DoWA, Directorate of Women Affairs | DRA, Dutch Relief Alliance | DRC-DDG, Danish Refugee Council - Danish Demining Group | DRR, Disaster Risk Reduction | IMC, International Medical Corps | IOM, International Organization for Migration | IR, Islamic Relief | IRC, International Rescue Committee | NFIs, Non-food items | NRC, Norwegian Refugee Council | NSAG, Non-State Armed Group | OCT, Operational Coordination Team| OHW, Organization of Human Welfare | PIN, People In Need | SCI, Save the Children International | SHPOUL, Sound Humanitarian, Participatory & Organizational Uplift | SI, Solidarités International | SVA, Shanti Volunteer Association | UNHCR, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees| UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund | WASH, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene | WFP, World Food Programme |

Data source: OCHA Displacement Tracking System (Please note: data available as of 16 J u ly 2017, numbers are expected to change as more information becomes available). To calculate the number of people per family, the national average of seven family members is used.

Coordination Saves Lives The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. http://afg.humanitarianresponse.info/