In The Mix A Short Story Written by Sefu Khalfani & Mlezi Khalfani Illustrated by Andrew Chavers Jr. Edited/Manuscripted by Sefu Khalfani Dedicated

To the Ballers out here play the game with your heart and be a student of the game. Lastly always remember that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Apply yourself and don’t be afraid to make a mistake things happen. Characters


Lorenzo Wright, 17

Eddie Payne, 15

Lorenzo Sr, 48

Lucinda Wright, 40

Hueby Salam,41

Coach Brown,50

Robin Miller,18

Lexi Smith,18

Location: New York

Time 11:11 AM

Year: Present Day

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


4 There are about 10,000 kids playing in high school but only 3 will make it to the pros. But, this doesn’t guarantee them a job or that there going to stay in the pros for more than 5 seconds. Neither does this mean they’re going to get a sneaker deal and be in a Pepsi commercial. This simply means they’ll get drafted.

The NBA only drafts 2 players per team per year that’s about 60 players a year out of the probable 3600 “pool” of available college players a year. Then subtract foreign players drafted (less than 10 AFAIK in any year to date but often 5+ in recent years), but add back in the very uncommon case of someone that is NOT drafted making it onto a NBA team (perhaps 1 per year), and the cases of a player that is drafted never making it onto the team that drafts them or any other team (fairly low, probably single digit per year). I’d estimate 1.5 percent ballpark.

There are many outlets to get to your destination. Never just settle for one. In your decision never make the mistake of judging a book by its cover… Because their are more pages to be read within the book…,

Author:Mlezi Ukweli Khalfani


Mr. Wright…. Mr. Wright wake up…

Lorenzo immediately sprung up from his desk nearly knocking over his world history text book that he was sleeping on top of just a minute ago. Now as he wiped away the spit that was plastered on his cheek. Lorenzo looked around for a minute nearly forgetting where he was until Ms. McDonald’s voice came blistering through his ears now reminding him where exactly he was.

Ms. McDonald: Mr. Wright this is the third consecutive week that you have been sleeping inside of my class is there something going on with you?

Ms. McDonald stood in front of Lorenzo’s desk with her arms crossed over her stomach while she tapped her foot on the ground as she waited on a response from Lorenzo.

Lorenzo cleared his throat before he spoke…

Lorenzo: I’m…I’m sorry Ms. McDonald I’ve been trying to raise my grades in some of my other classes so I’ve been staying up late completing some of the extra credit assignments from Mrs. Steel’s class and some of my algebra assignments from Mr. Fishers class…

Lorenzo tried his best to look sincere but he could tell that Ms. McDonald was not believing a word that came from his mouth as she now had one eyebrow up looking at him through her tilted glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose. She then took a deep breath and begin to speak.

Ms. McDonald: Lorenzo if you don’t change your behavior you will be falling behind in my class as well and I don’t think that is the case… Lorenzo if your grade drops one more letter grade or if you fail one more of my test’s I will be forced to have to tell your parents or worse I will be forced to let Coach Brown know about this…

Lorenzo nearly jumped out from his seat. Lorenzo wasn’t too concerned about his parents finding out all he would get was a lecture from his Mom and another lecture from his Dad and maybe a couple of threats coming from his Dad. But what he was more concerned about was if Coach Brown found out. Coach Brown had a zero tolerance on Athletes who didn’t understand the importance of being a Student first then an athlete second in which he would constantly preach at the end of practice as Lorenzo heard Coach Browns voice echo inside of his head. Lorenzo who was a Senior couldn’t afford to be suspended or kicked off the team due to grades he had to earn himself a basketball scholarship although time was ticking he knew it was still possible even though just this season he lost his starting spot to his freshman cousin Eddie Payne which was the most embarrassing thing that happened to him sense he was at München High.

Ms. McDonald: Lorenzo are you listening to me?

Ms. McDonald asked now causing Lorenzo to come back into reality. Lorenzo shook his head wiping away his flash back thoughts of reliving the moment when Coach Brown made the announcement that Eddie Payne would be the new starting Shooting guard leaving Lorenzo on the bench.

!6 Lorenzo: Yes, ma’am I hear you loud and clear this won’t happen again I promise. Lorenzo said nervously as sweat trickled down his forehead now running down the side of his cheek.

Ms. McDonald inspected him by looking at him for a brief moment then saying…

Ms. McDonald: Ok Lorenzo I’ll take your word on this but remember this is your final warning and let me give you some advice basketball can be taken away from you at any moment but a degree can never be taken away…remember you need this class to graduate and if you are expecting a scholarship from sports from a university the coaches always come by and speak to the teachers first before they speak to you… Don’t give me a reason to say something negative about you that will affect your chances of earning a scholarship got it?

Ms. McDonald said as she placed her long salt and pepper dreadlocks in a ponytail.

Lorenzo: Yes, ma’am I understand.

Lorenzo said as he now noticed all of the students were gone and he was the only student still there feeling embarrassed he looked around then asked Ms. McDonald…

Lorenzo: May I be dismissed?

Ms. McDonald shook her head signaling yes as Lorenzo quickly and swiftly grabbed his backpack and his world history book and exited her class room.

When Lorenzo got into the hallway, he was surprised to see that the hallway was empty. The students at München High were all in their respected area but it was Lorenzo’s lunch as he looked up from looking at his watch the time read 11: 11 Am. An extremely tall figure stood near a locker right outside of Ms. McDonald class room. Lorenzo instantly recognized who it was it was his younger cousin Eddie Payne who if you didn’t know him you would think he was probably an adult or a parent waiting on their child. As Eddie leaned his Six-foot-Seven frame onto the locker with a mischievous smile on his face he then spoke by saying…

Eddie Payne: Was up Cuz!

Eddie said as he now removed himself from the locker and now stood next to Lorenzo towering over him and placing his arms around Lorenzo’ shoulder.

Lorenzo instantly removed Eddie’s arm from his shoulder as he looked at Eddie with a serious expression on his face then he said…

Lorenzo: What’s up… Shouldn’t you be in class?

Lorenzo asked now walking towards the lunch room as Eddie followed him.

Eddie Payne: What does it matter to you…you should be worried about staying awake in your classes and having Ms. McDonald not tell Coach that you're slacking in your classes.

Lorenzo: You’re the one to talk…? Last time I checked you were flunking two of your classes.

Eddie laughed then said…

Eddie Payne: But I’m still on the team and I’m still starting what about you?

!7 Lorenzo felt as if that was a low blow for the last couple of months Lorenzo had been depressed after his starting spot was taken by his younger cousin. Last year Lorenzo felt as if he was the go-to guy on the team. Lorenzo was the guy who everybody counted on to make the perfect pass and take the last shot… But now he was just a sixth man that barely got playing time. Last year Lorenzo averaged fifteen points per game this year he was averaging only four. So, any jokes about basketball or playing time Lorenzo took it very personal. College was just a few months away and he had to get a scholarship to a good college or else these last four years would’ve been all a waste. Lorenzo then replied.

Lorenzo: It’s because you’re the tallest person on the team but still you have no mid-range game and your shooting looks like Shaq the only thing you can do is dunk the ball but even after you dunk a few times your all gassed out.

Eddie still had the same smile on his face then he said…

Eddie Payne: Why are you so jealous of me?

Eddie began to laugh then he continued…

Eddie Payne: Sike nah I didn’t come here to argue with you I have to tell you something.

Lorenzo and Eddie now entered the Cafeteria and Lorenzo placed his backpack and textbook on the table as he took a seat. Eddie followed him taking a seat right next to Lorenzo.

Lorenzo: What is it you got to tell me and if it’s lying to Coach about you being sick and not wanting to come to practice today, I can’t do that you aint about to get me caught up with your lies.

Eddie Payne: Damn Zo you can’t have your cousins back? But nah it’s not even that I have to tell you something else.

Now Eddie smile turned into a smirk the same smirk Eddie would make before he was about to get into something that he had no business getting into. Two months ago, Eddie was almost expelled from school and charged as an adult for a fight that left one kid with his jaw broken and the other kid with a concussion in an apparent iPhone jacking that went wrong. When Lorenzo asked Eddie, what happened weeks later once he was released from juvenile Eddie shook his head than he said he was hanging out with Bruce Morton and Louis Hayes. Guys who Eddie had no business hanging out with. Bruce Morton was a twenty five year old neighborhood hustler and Louis Hayes was trying to follow in his footsteps but Louis Hayes was still a student at München High but never came to school Louis and Lorenzo where the same age and used to play basketball together for the same AAU team but Louis was too caught up in the streets.

Lorenzo: What is it then…?

Lorenzo asked now feeling a bit inpatient

Eddie Payne: Zo we should run with Hueby Salam’s winter league team? I spoke to him yesterday when I was on my way home.

Lorenzo’s heart instantly began to race. The name Hueby Salam scared him a bit after hearing so many crazy stories about him. Lorenzo even remembers when he was still in Jr. High and he would go to The Rucker on Saturday afternoons with his pops to watch the games Hueby Salam would be there with his team. Lorenzo fathers voice still echoed in his head as he remembered what his Dad would say about Hueby.

Lorenzo Sr.: Son one day you will be one of the top players on the East coast I want you to stay on the right path and don’t get tempted by foolishness…you hear me son?

8 Lorenzo shook his head signaling that he understood.

Lorenzo Sr.: You see that man over there?

Lorenzo turned his head to see a tall skinny man who was wearing a Nike jump suit and who was sporting a Cesar fade haircut.

Lorenzo Sr.: Whatever you do stay away from that man he is no good and he tries to manipulate young men like you by having them dropping out of school and following his program which is making promises to young men like you that he knows he can’t keep it may seem tempting but stay focused and don’t be tempted you hear me Zo?

Lorenzo: Yes, Pops I hear you.

Eddie Payne: Zo are you listening to me man…why do you look as if you just seen a ghost?

Lorenzo shook his head from his flashback memory and was now back into the present day.

Lorenzo: Yeah, I hear you… What did he say to you?

Eddie Payne: Hueby said that if we play for him, he would give us six hundred dollars each game. Plus, he’s buying us new gear for his team and he said that he can get us looks from big time universities and he has connects to overseas professional leagues.

Lorenzo: What! He’s going to pay us to play… man I don’t know about this man my pops told me to stay away from him a couple years ago…

Eddie’s facial expression changes as now he looks as if he is about to cry then he says…

Eddie Payne: Come on Cuz what does your pops know he is old school Hueby Salam is a cool dude who just wants to help.

Lorenzo: Help? He just wants to take advantage of you this is exactly what my pops was warning me about.

Eddie Payne: Man, your pops doesn’t know him he just assumes that whoever has more money than him is bad.

Lorenzo: I’m pretty sure my pops knows him better then you… See that’s your problem Eddie you think you know everything remember when you were still in diapers my pops was out here patrolling the neighborhood.

Eddie grunted and then spoke...

Eddie Payne: Look I need the money and if he is offering me bread just to play ball, I’m going to do it. I don’t have a pops like you who can buy me stuff… Bruh look at my pants these pants are so old and beat up I feel embarrassed even coming to school.

Lorenzo now looked at Eddie pants as he noticed his pants looked as if he had them for years it had holes in them and the blue jeans where so faded that his jeans looked baby blue and as he sat down his pants rose so high it looked as if he was wearing capris.

Eddie Payne: I got nothing man nothing! So, I need the money…

9 Tears now strolled from Eddie’s eyes hitting the wooden cafeteria table. Lorenzo. Felt bad it was true Eddie did come from nothing and he really didn’t have much but the same three outfits that he repeated weekly. His shoes were so busted that you could practically see his big toe and his shirt always seemed as if it was two sizes too short.

Lorenzo: I got you cuz let’s do it but we can’t tell nobody what we are doing … If Coach Brown finds out then were ….

Eddie quickly cut him off now excited as his eyes lit up with joy.

Eddie: Thank you cuz! I won’t tell a soul I promise.

Seconds later Robin Miller appeared with a cheerleader named Lexi Smith. Robin who was Lorenzo’s crush ever sense he was in junior High walked over towards the in which Lorenzo and Eddie were sitting having their conversation Robin had a smile on her face as she approached.

Robin Miller: Hay Eddie I was wondering if you would like to come to Lexi’s eighteenth Birthday party This Saturday?

Lorenzo who was shocked that Robin acknowledged Eddie before she spoke to him turned his head to the left feeling embarrassed.

Eddie smiled from ear to ear now looking as if he was thirteen years old than spoke.

Eddie: Yeah why not… Can my cousin Zo come? Eddie asked pointing at Lorenzo

Robin: Oh, yeah defiantly… Hay Lorenzo…I like your braids.

Lorenzo who had just gotten his hair braided last night by his mom who braided it in a unique style going across his head resembled the former basketball hall of famer . But he was so embarrassed now that he almost didn’t hear the compliment not knowing what to do, he wished that he could disappear away from the scene as he turned to Robin and Lexi and placed a fake smile on his face then he nodded and said…

Lorenzo: Thanks...

Robin then said…

Robin: Yall know my friend Lexi, right?

She introduced her as if it was there first-time meeting although Lexi had been around plenty of times and was also a cheerleader for München High the reason why Lorenzo wasn’t too fond of her was because of an incident that happen last year when Lorenzo was trying to ask Robin to Homecoming. He overheard Lexi talking about how ugly he was near the stair case. Lexi joked that Lorenzo reminded her of the rapper meek mill when he was younger. She even said that his braids were so nappy that it looked as if he had dreadlocks.

Lexi’s comments might have affected his chance on going to homecoming with Robin because a few days later when Lorenzo built up enough confidence to ask her if she was still interested in going to prom with him Robin Miller denied politely saying she was going with Cedric Hall Star quarterback at München High.

Lexi smiled innocently her tall slender frame was attractive Lorenzo thought to himself as he looked at her for a moment and nodded his head but Lexi’s attentions where solely on Eddie who stared back at her seeming interested.

10 Lexi: Hi Eddie I’m happy you can come to my party.

Lexi spoke while stroking her hair.

Eddie who was now confident said…

Eddie Payne: No problem but make sure you paint my number on your cheek this Friday and don’t forget to cheer for me.

Eddie joked as Lexi light brown skin began to blush.

Robin then said something that shocked Lorenzo.

Robin: Lorenzo you can be my date so come early so we can ride in Lexi’s limo together. Before Lorenzo could respond to the offer Eddie spoke

Eddie: So, what about me? Eddie sounded like a little kid pouting because he wasn’t invited.

Robin then turned to Eddie, Eddie was now standing up towering over Robin and Lexi as Robin’s eyes fluttered a bit as she looked up at Eddie she then said…

Robin: Eddie that’s why we came over here my friend Lexi wants you to be her date?

Eddie now smiled happily as he then after agreed to Robin question.

Moments later a voice from the intercom at München High came echoing through the lunch room.

“Eddie Payne you are needed in the front office I repeat Eddie Payne if you are in the facility you are needed in the front office!”

Eddie Payne: Dang Mr. Fulk must have snitched on me! Eddie now rushed past the girl’s moment later he spun around saying…

Eddie Payne: Yo, Cuz I’ll see you at practice.

Eddie said to Lorenzo as Lorenzo now removed himself from his seat getting ready to enter the long sub line.

Robin: Lorenzo I’ll see you later ok good luck this Friday I will have your number on my face.

Robin then smiled and made a number three hand gesture as her and Lexi disappeared in the hallway.

The day felt as if it was going by slow as Lorenzo stood on the wall in his last block class which was P.E. Coach Willis the varsity football coached was in Lorenzo’s ear asking him does he has any offers?

Coach Willis: Zo what’s up son do you have any idea what College you are going to next year? Lorenzo shook his head signaling no but to Coach Willis that was an insult.

Coach Willis: No? See I told your behind to come out for the football team with a body structure like yours six one, one hundred and eight pounds you would’ve been a great wide receiver! You would’ve had offers by now check this out just last week Notre Dame, Penn State The university of Miami, Georgia tech and George Town coaches were all here you could’ve had an offer by now… That Coach Brown is no good… He hasn’t sent not one of his players to a big-time school.

11 Lorenzo shook his head agreeing with Coach Willis as Coach Willis continued.

Coach Willis: But that cousin of your is something else he got the talents the height and the looks to be a star! Let’s just hope Coach Brown doesn’t messed this up… Hay Lorenzo talk to your cousin about joining the football team a guy like him we could really use.

Lorenzo shook his head but not really listening to what Coach Willis had to say. Lorenzo was tired and frustrated ever sense Eddie arrived at München High it was all eyes on him it was like the whole school and Coach Brown forgot that last year Lorenzo almost took a team that for the last two years were on a losing streak to coming one game away from going to States. The bell finally rung and Lorenzo walked inside the locker to get changed for practice.


Minutes later Lorenzo heard chants as he turned his head around to see Eddie walking into the locker room with a bunch of freshman’s trailing behind him overly excited to be next to him. Although Eddie was a freshman himself his star power transcended him into almost like a living legend. Finally, the group of freshmen’s left as Eddie placed his back into the locker that was right beside Lorenzo’s then Eddie spoke

Eddie Payne: Yo, Zo after practice we’re going to meet up with Hueby…

Lorenzo heart now raced he wasn’t sure what to expect or say to Hueby he didn’t want Hueby Salam to trick him into signing a contract or have him agreeing to anything that he was not sure of.

Lorenzo: Why today?

Lorenzo asked nervously

Eddie Payne: Because Hueby wants to meet you today he texted me and told me.

Eddie then pulled out a new Iphone X plus out of his pocket shocking Lorenzo

Lorenzo: Yo How did you get that phone?

Eddie smiled and showed Lorenzo the text message as Lorenzo read it, he seen Hueby’s message and that read

“That cousin of yours with the braids bring him to.”

Lorenzo shook his head then asked his question again…

Lorenzo: Yo how did you get that phone.

Eddie Payne: Damn last time I checked my Daddy was dead… Lorenzo quickly shot back…

Lorenzo: That’s your problem right there you already accepting things before you know what the man wants from you.

12 Eddie Payne: No that’s your problem right there your always scared always worrying about something… Hueby gave it to me saying a guy like me needs a phone what if my momma needs to contact me or a honey? Plus, he said we will be making him more money than anything he gives us.

Eddie removed his shirt showing his six pack abs as he threw on his practice jersey. Lorenzo who was already changed and ready for practice said nothing as he shook his head in disappointment. Eddie’s Phone began to ring as he answered it

Eddie Payne: Yo…What’s up girl I’m getting ready to go to practice I’ll call you when I’m done Lexi… A’ight you to talk to you soon.

Eddie hung up the and smiled at Lorenzo then said…

Eddie Payne: Man, that girl Lexi is already pressed on me and I didn’t even kiss her yet.

Eddie now began to laugh as he continued.

Eddie Payne: But who I really want is Robin she is so sexy!

Lorenzo felt a bit jealous wanting to say stay away from my girl but nothing was ever confirmed between Robin and him so he said nothing trying not to show his anger with his cousin.

Lorenzo: Yo I’m heading to practice I’ll see you out there.

Lorenzo said as he got up from the bench and now made his way to the gymnasium. An hour later practice was winding down. Lorenzo and Eddie were on the same team in their practice scrimmage the score was 55 to 53 with the red team up while Eddie, Lorenzo’s team which was called the blue team due to their blue jerseys were trailing by three with one-minute left on the clock. Tyrell Savage inbounded the ball to Eddie who walked his way up the court. Lorenzo found his spot on the baseline behind the three- line this was Lorenzo’s hot spot his defender was so worried about what Eddie was about to do next that he practically left Lorenzo wide open. Eddie’s eyes opened wide when he noticed Lorenzo wide open on the baseline behind the three-point line.

Eddie passed the ball to the center Oliver Stretch then Oliver Stretch passed the ball immediately back to Eddie who looked back at Lorenzo who was still wide open on the baseline Eddie than faked a pass to Lorenzo causing his defender to run towards Lorenzo now leaving a lane for Eddie to attack the basket. But when Eddie’s defender noticed that Eddie never passed the ball, he tried to run back but he was to late Eddie took two steps and now he was in the air slamming the ball down with a monstrous slam posturizing Malik Rose a point guard who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Seconds later Coach Browns whistle blew signaling the end of practice. Lorenzo’s teammates where still chanting their Ohh’s and Ahh’s! After what Eddie had just done. But Lorenzo was furious with Eddie after the showtime dunk they still lost if Eddie would have just passed the ball to Lorenzo, they would have won if Lorenzo had the opportunity to take the last shot. Lorenzo always knew this about his cousin but now it was obvious that Eddie didn’t care about what was best for the team all he cared about was himself and rather or not he looked good while playing.

13 Coach Brown: Fellas gather in…What a great practice today we are just a few days away from the biggest test of all season. We are facing Lincoln High this week… They have a lot of talented players but I know we are the better team. To my starters I will be expecting a lot from you all. Eddie You have the green light this week I want you to take every opportunity you get… See it score it… score the same way you attacked the basket today in practice is what I expect Friday night got it?

Eddie Payne: Yes, Coach I hear you loud and clear!

Eddie spoke with a smirk on his face.

Coach Brown: Malik, and Oliver I need you two to be on your P’s and Q’s. Malik, I need crisp passes and Oliver I need you to dominate down low… and lastly to my bench players Lorenzo I need you to bring a spark off the bench with your IQ and your ability to make the right decisions.

Lorenzo nodded feeling relieved to have Coach Brown notice something positive about his game. Now before you all are dismissed; I need Eddie Malik Lorenzo and Oliver behind the free- throw line. Lorenzo and Eddie are team one in which they will be shooting free throws Malik and Oliver is team two and they will be shooting their free-throws on the other side whichever team makes 10 free-throws in a row is free to go but the team who loses has some running to do. Men I will start your count off team one head down to the other side of the court. Team two stay on this side Eddie and Lorenzo’s team is team one and Oliver and Malik’s team is team two got it?...

Coach brown counted off as players scattered to their respected area a few minutes later Lorenzo was behind the free-throw line doing his ritual three dribbles then he would kiss the tip of his fingers and then proceed to aim it towards the basket like how Jason Kid would shoot his free- throws a few minutes later Lorenzo had completed his objective after sinking all five free throws back to back it was now Eddie’s turn. There opponents who were strongly outmatched struggled on the other side of the court as Oliver Stretch missed his seventh free throw causing Malik Rose to shout out in frustration…

Malik Rose: Come on Man focus!

Eddie now walked up to the free throw line and dribbled a few times taking a deep breath and placing the ball in his left hand and now resting the ball on his hip as he shrugged his shoulders then he spun the ball around in the palms of his hands before aiming the brown leather basketball at the rim and missing the entire basket. Air ball… Jerrell Wiser grabbed Eddie’s as he tried not to laugh. Eddies second attempt ended in the same results once again Air Ball! Eddie attempted three more free throws this time hitting the rim as the ball spun out. This time Lorenzo decided to give his cousin some advice as he turned his head towards Oliver and Malik’s team to see Oliver sinking his last free throw before Malik took his place behind the free throw line.

Lorenzo: Eddie put some arc in your free throw shot and look at the square on the backboard.

Eddie scrunched his nose as if he smelled something bad at Lorenzo’s comment then continued to dribble this time Eddie sank one of his free-throws. Lorenzo smiled knowing Eddie’s hard headed self-had listened to his advice. Minutes later the whistle blew as Coach Brown signaled for team two to get behind the baseline. Eddie and Lorenzo’s team were free to go after Eddie had sank all five three throws back to back. Team two moaned and wined as they got behind the base line and began to run there gashers. Eddie walked over to Lorenzo and placed his arm around Lorenzo then said…

Eddie Payne: Thanks, cuz for the advice… But we have to hurry up and get on the bus we have to meet Hueby today.

Lorenzo heart began to race and once again he felt uneasy…

14 Lorenzo: Today… I don’t know my pops might want me to watch my little brother Tre tonight he has to work late and my mom don’t get off until 12 am.

Eddie immediately cut Lorenzo off before he could finish…

Eddie Payne: Zo if your pops wanted you to watch Tre, he would have told you a day before…I know your pops he pre plans everything… I bet he already set a schedule on when he will take his next bathroom break. Eddie began to laugh at his own joke then continued…

Eddie Payne: Let’s just get dressed and go meet with Heuby for an hour and if he wants us to stay longer, we will just tell him we have to get back because you have to watch your little brother cool?

Lorenzo shook his head agreeing but deep down he had a bad feeling about this.

A half hour later the bus stopped and a sign that read welcome to Coney Island appeared as Eddie and Lorenzo exited from off of the bus. But immediately after when Eddie and Lorenzo made their way up the side walk onto the main road side walk an all red Mercedes truck appeared beeping its horn. Lorenzo snapped his neck around to see who it was he to Lorenzo Surprise it was Hueby Salam. Hueby drove and parked right next to them as he rolled his windows down his dark pair of shades reflected Lorenzo and Eddie like a mirror as Hueby spoke up.

Hueby Salam: Yall boys hop in!

Moments later Eddie and Lorenzo were inside of Hueby Salam’s Mercedes truck as Lorenzo tried not to look at Hueby through his review mirror.

Eddie who sat in the front passenger seat spoke with Hueby as if that was his best friend Lorenzo couldn’t help but to think.

Hueby Salam: So, what are you about to do to Lincoln Friday you better score 40 Nigga I got a lot of my money on this game.

Eddie instantly shot back…

Eddie Payne: I might drop 50 that’s if I feel like it… Eddie began to laugh then continued.

Eddie Payne: You know coach gave me the green light on Friday he told me to just score.

Hueby Salam: Shoot about time Albert don’t know how to coach yall young boys he still calling those 1988 pick and rolls I bet he got you practicing hook shots like Kareem Abdul Jabar.

Hueby Salam began to laugh as Eddie asked a question

Eddie Payne: Who’s Albert?

Hueby Salam: Coach Brown I mean Albert and I go way back before he even started coaching.

Eddie shook his head signaling that he understood then Hueby quickly changed the conversation now asking….

Hueby Salam: Yall hungry?

Eddie shook his head signaling yes then turning his back over to Lorenzo.

15 Eddie Payne: You hungry cuz?

Lorenzo wanted to say yes, he was starving but he didn’t want to be around Hueby for long because Lorenzo for some odd reason had a funny feeling about Hueby Salam that he just couldn’t shake. So, Lorenzo shook his head signaling no lying to himself and his stomach.

Hueby Salam and Lorenzo made eye contact for a brief moment through Hueby’s rearview mirror. Then Hueby spoke.

Heuby Salam: Zo you have a lot of talent on that court I used to be at your games last season when you almost led your team to states. Psh but it’s a shame what Coach Brown did to you benching you like you weren’t the face of the team last year. You got any college offers? Hueby asked waiting for a response…

Lorenzo cleared his throat and spoke.

Lorenzo: Nah I don’t have any offers yet…

Hueby Salam: Yet?...

Hueby then began to laugh as he continued.

Hueby Salam: Son if you don’t have any offers yet then that means you aint about to get none.

Lorenzo felt his stomach twist and his arm pits begin to sweat feeling embarrassed.

Hueby continued to speak…

Hueby Salam: Your game is perfect you have a perfect jumper and you are a dog on defense and you have the basketball IQ to play at the next level if you had your cousin size you would be a five-star recruit.

Lorenzo hated when people said that even his father made the same remarks just a few weeks ago when he was comparing Lorenzo’s game to Eddie’s.

Hueby Salam: It’s all good though you running with me now I can guarantee I can get you something better than a college offer…

The car then stopped a few minutes later in front of an old looking brown stone house.

Heuby Salam: Come on I have to check on one of my guys yall can come with me.

The three of them exited the car and walked up to the front door of the brown stone as Hueby rang the doorbell a few seconds later the door opened and a tall dark dude who looked so familiar to Jordan Mitchell stuck his head out from the doorway looking who it was that was knocking on his door. Seconds later his eyes lit up with joy as he noticed it was Hueby Salam. Lorenzo now remembered who this familiar guy that was towering over all of them even Eddie who stood at six foot seven.

Jordan Mitchell! Lorenzo almost shouted in excitement. Jordan Mitchell was one of the top-rated centers in the East coast four years ago but after it was announced that Jordan Mitchell was bounced back from going to Duke university because of his poor grades no one after that seemed to be able to locate him. Lorenzo heard stories about Jordan going to a Juco to get his grades up but the hype swirling around Jordan Mitchell died off.

16 Jordan Mitchell made way for the three of them to enter the house. When they entered the house, they walked inside and sat down inside of the living room as Hueby directed them to. Hueby then walked over to the closet and opened it now pulling out a huge box and then placing it down on the floor in front of them. Heuby then spoke.

Hueby Salam: This is Jordan Mitchell a couple of years ago he was the number one player in the East coast he was committed to Duke University but his GPA and grades were so bad that he wasn’t able to get into Duke. So he went to a Juco college got in some trouble and was sent home a year later I meet this kid and I take him underground now he is the owner of this house his credit score is at 740 and he is going overseas to start his pro career and after he completes his fulfillments Jordan Mitchell here has an open try out with the phoenix suns next year.

Jordan Mitchell smiled proudly as he crossed his arms around his belly as Hueby then continued…

Hueby Salam: If you two trust the process and believe in the program I can promise you a pro career in which you will be getting paid and I can promise you a NBA tryout’s in the next three years but I need to know if I can trust you two?

Lorenzo now had a whole new outlook on Hueby Salam people gave Hueby Salam a bad rap but in actuality he was just trying to help kids who were getting cheated by coaches and the system.

Lorenzo now looked at Hueby Salam with admiration and Lorenzo felt his spirit lift just a few hours ago he was worrying about a scholarship and rather or not basketball was meant for him now he was getting promised a pro career overseas and in three years an NBA tryout this was like a dream come true.

Hueby then turned to Jordan Mitchell and whipped out a stack of cash and counted a few hundred-dollar bills then placing it in the hand of Jordan Mitchell afterwards saying…

Hueby Salam: Get whatever you need before you leave…

Jordan Mitchell smiled then said…

Jordan Mitchell: Hueby you just gave me some cash yesterday!

Hueby laughed then said…

Hueby Salam: Well take more!

Jordan Mitchell shook his head then grabbed the cash and payed his respects. Afterwards he stuck his fist out and gave Eddie and Lorenzo a pound before exiting the house.

Hueby Salam turned his attention back to Eddie and Lorenzo then said.

Hueby Salam: So, are you two in or out? if you’re in then there aint no going back I’m a type of guy who doesn’t believe in contracts or putting things on paper that’s how you get in some trouble I believe in a man’s word and in a hand shake. What I will need from you two is to play for my underground league… I have a team called Power Salam and there is a lot of money in this league. A lot of cats have put their best players on their teams trying to win the championship this year but I know I got the best team especially with the two of yall… We are going to do some real damage out on that court. We play every Saturday and Sundays the season ends in March. I’ll be paying you both 500 dollars a game.

17 Lorenzo eyes nearly shot from his eye socket like off the cartoons. Lorenzo did the math in his head that was one thousand dollars he would be making in two days! Moments later Hueby stood up and put his hand out as Eddie shook his hand first with a huge smile on his face. But Lorenzo hesitated then took a deep breath letting go of the fear that his father placed onto him about Hueby Salam years ago as he locked hands with Hueby.

Hueby smiled then said…

Hueby Salam: Yall choose what jersey number yall want to wear.

Eddie and Lorenzo got up from the couch and reached inside of the box as Eddie chose number One and Lorenzo chose number Three. Hueby smiled then said…

Hueby Salam: Now Let’s get something to eat before I take yall back home…. Oh, did I forget to mention don’t cross me or think I’m dumb if you two do decide to not show up or go against your word I’ll kill you…

Hueby had a dark cold look on his face his eyes narrowed in and Lorenzo new this guy was not playing around seconds later Hueby laughed loudly and said…

Hueby Salam I’m just messing with yall! Let’s go.

Lorenzo looked at Eddie nervously Eddie looked a bit nervous as well but he kept his cool smirk on his face as if he was unbothered by Hueby Salam’s comment.

18 Friday Night

München High Vs. Lincoln High

@ Lincoln High 8:30 pm. The stands were filled inside of Abraham Lincoln High’s gymnasium as Lorenzo stared at the spectators waiting to see a clash between two rival high school teams. As the layup lines formed Eddie who was in full showmen mode tossing the basketball off the backboard as he jumped in the air and caught it with his left hand and then slammed the ball down. The people in the stance went crazy as München High football team sat in the front row now taunting the Lincoln high players. The star Running back at München High Dwayne Casey yelled while pointing at Eddie

“You see that? He will be doing that all game I promise!”

Lorenzo felt a bit off as he tried to focus his attention back to the game when it was his turn to lay the ball up Lorenzo missed his layup Lorenzo shook his head in disappointment as he jogged his way back in line. Robin Miller who was sitting near München high Star quarterback Cedrick Hall cheered for Lorenzo screamed. Let’s go number three! When Lorenzo noticed her, he was shocked to see his jersey number on the side of her cheek. Number three was painted neatly on the right side of her face. Lorenzo couldn’t help but to smile but he was still wondering why she was sitting next to Cedrick Hall if she liked him. Lexi was right next to Robin as she stared at Eddie’s every move. Lorenzo then heard a familiar voice from the crowd.

Let’s Go Zo make them respect your game get focused!

Lorenzo whipped his head around to see his father and his mother Lucinda and his little brother Tre waving at him. Lorenzo’s parents had on matching München high jerseys. His mother wore Lorenzo’s jersey number three. While his father wore Eddie’s number, number one. Lorenzo waved but quickly turned his focus back on the game. Lorenzo’s second layup attempt he missed again now Lorenzo was feeling nervous knowing that he could possibly choke on his biggest night still Hueby’s words echoed inside of his head but still it was always a dream for Lorenzo to get a scholarship and go play basketball at a top tier college like Duke, Kentucky, Kansas or Louisville. Moments later Hueby Salam walked in with about ten guys walking next to him making him look like a superstar. Hueby Salam was accompanied by The Chicago Bulls star Shooting Guard Stack Davidson who wore about thirty chains around his kneck. The people inside of Lincoln high gymnasium went crazy when they seen Stack Davidson walk in with Heuby Salam. As people continued to cheer MVP! The Lincoln High announcers now made an announcement saying

Announcer: Abraham Lincoln High is proud to have our own and NBA super star Stack Davidson in the house!

The people in the stance screamed in excitement a few moments afterwards the final horn blew. Lorenzo took his final jump shot this time hitting nothing but net Swish! Lorenzo knew he was now warmed up as he jogged his way into the huddle to hear Coach Brown give one of his most passionate speeches.

Coach Brown: Tonight, fellas this is your chance…this is your chance to prove what you are made of This is the biggest test that we have face all season I want to know is there any dogs in the house!?

Roof! Roof! Roof!

The team barked as Coach Brown repeated himself this time getting louder.

Coach Brown: I want to know is there any Dogs in the house!? Once again, the team barked.

20 Coach Brown: We know what we have to do so let’s do it! Eddie tonight you have the green so light it up… Malik Rose and Oliver Stretch we need you two on you’re A game when we take out Eddie. Lastly Lorenzo we need that spark off the bench do you understand me? This team has never faced a team with so many weapons like what we have gentlemen let’s give’em hell!

A few minutes later the game began with München high winning the tipoff as Oliver stretch used his abnormal long arms and hit the ball to point guard Malik Rose. Malik rose dribbled the ball slowly he took two steps forward and started to dribble very fast as his eyes widen as he seen Eddie lose his defender. Malik suddenly through the ball as high as he could Lorenzo shook his head as he knew this would be a turnover but Eddie Payne did something that maybe the world has never seen before. Eddie Jumped in the air as high as he could stretching his right arm out and taking his left hand and grabbing the rim propelling himself up a bit higher as his head was literally over the rim Eddie then used his right hand to catch the alley oop thrown by Malik Rose and throwing it down with a thud.

Wham! For a moment there was silence in the gymnasium. Lorenzo looked around shocked the same as the three hundred plus people in the gymnasium he didn’t know what he had just seen his little cousin who just a few months ago was shorter than he was, was now a man child and a freak of an athlete. Eddie pumped his hands in the air and yelled as his voice cracked. Seconds later the München high side of the gymnasium went crazy as they began to chant Eddie’s initials. EP! EP! EP!

A Lincoln high player who wore number fifty-five quickly inbounded the ball to their short and speedy point guard Eddie who now walked over to Malik Rose and pushed him out of his way decided to defend the point guard. As the speedy point guard slashed his way through his defender he tried to trick Eddie by going to his left then throwing the ball behind his back to his right side but Eddie timed his move perfect as Eddie plucked the ball from him and ran down the court with nobody around him Eddie leaped in the Air and twirled his arms around like a wind mill as he slammed the ball down with ease.

Once again, the crowd erupted. The dunk was so spectacular that even the Lincoln high crowd applauded. Eddies performance in the first two minutes of play had already earned him a couple of Division 1 scholarship offers… Lorenzo knew it himself as he watched big time college coaches stare at Eddie as if they were staring at God himself as they quickly jotted down notes on their iPad as if they were taking notes inside of a classroom.

The game was back on. As Lincoln High’s center inbounded the ball to the same point guard who lost it just a few minutes ago slowly walked the ball up court Eddie now picked up the center on defense. The point guard who thought the center would have his way on Eddie quickly dished the ball off to the center who caught the ball and immediately posted up Eddie driving Eddie backwards seconds later the center faked to his left then turned around trying a jump shot. But before he could get the ball off Eddie had jumped up so high in the air blocking the shot while nearly catching the blocked shot as he gained control of the ball it was now a fast break but instead of Eddie passing the ball to a driving teammate who filled his lanes correctly Eddie jogged slowly then pointing at a spot on the hardwood floor well behind the three-point line and spotted up drilling a three pointer.

21 Swish! nothing but net. Lincoln high’s coach called for a timeout now furious as München high bench cleared and players ran up to Eddie giving him high fives and pounds Lorenzo was happy for his little cousin but he was eager to get into the game and leave his mark. After the time out Lorenzo watched as München high continued to dominate with Oliver Stretch blocking three shot attempts back to back followed by Malik Rose nailing a three and Eddie setting a München high record with eighteen points in just the first quarter. Although München high was balling like the 2018 Golden State Warriors Lincoln high came to play with the end of the first quarter and the score being a high scoring but close match up with both teams having a strong offensives game but also having a weak defensives game. The second quarter began with Lorenzo still on the bench but a few minutes later after Eddie had fouled one of the Lincoln high players Coach Brown called Lorenzo from off the bench to check in for Eddie who seemed now fatigued after a highlight real first half.


The horn blew and the referee waved for Lorenzo to enter the game. The score was now München High 33 Lincoln high 25

“Let’s go Zo show’em what you got!”

Lorenzo heard his father now yell from the stands as nerves began to travel from his stomach to his legs now making his legs shake while he began to run down the court.

A few seconds later the game was on and the sounds of shoes being scuffed on the wooden floor squeaked as players cut from all directions Lorenzo juked his opponent then made his way behind the three point line Rashard Jackson who was dribbling the ball seen Lorenzo free himself up and with a fancy no look pass dished the ball to Lorenzo who caught it and squared his shoulders and let a three pointer fly.

Air Ball! Air ball! Air Ball!

The Lincoln high fans cheered after the shot that Lorenzo had taken had hit nothing not even the back board or the rim. This was a shot that if it was any other day Lorenzo knew he could knock down but tonight Lorenzo’s nerves where getting the best of him.

A few minutes later Lorenzo was guarding a player from Lincoln high as the player who wore number nine yelled ISO! Lorenzo knew this guy obviously thought Lorenzo was a sorry player so now this motivated Lorenzo to tighten up on his defense! The Lincoln high crowd began to make noise now clapping and chatting

Set It Off! Set ... Set It Off!

The dude who was wearing number nine faked to the left then right but Lorenzo was quick enough to cut him off. Now Lorenzo felt locked in as he guarded the Lincoln high player tightly. This time the player faked left throwing the ball forward then catching the ball with his right hand

Sham God!

Lorenzo had never seen this move before so he bit hard to his left and when the Lincoln player snatched the ball with his right-hand Lorenzo felt his ankle roll suddenly, he found himself crashing onto the ground now hearing Ohhh’s & Ahhh’s the gymnasium erupted as laughter came roaring from the inside. When Lorenzo looked up he seen the Lincoln high player still with the ball in his hand still dribbling then he waved his hand at Lorenzo to comeback for more without hesitation Lorenzo sprung up from his position on the ground and tried to get back on defense but the Lincoln high guard was to quick he darted full speed towards the basket by taking only two steps as Lorenzo chased him Lorenzo felt his ankle give out on him again now once again crashing down to the hardwood floor. 22 The Lincoln player hit a crucial step back that reminded Lorenzo of NBA Star James Harden and sank a three pointer now both Lincoln high and München high stands where going crazy. Lorenzo looked at his mother and father. Lorenzo’s father held his hand over his head while Lorenzo’s mother covered her mouth, they looked embarrassed. Lorenzo couldn’t help but to think to himself. After nailing the shot the Lincoln high player extended his hand out as if he wanted to help Lorenzo up to his feet. Lorenzo knew he should of never fell for the trick because when Lorenzo reached for his hand the player from Lincoln high pulled back his hand and acted as if he was now combing his hair backwards…

Another burst of laughter came this time from Lincoln High’s bench.

“You cold Micah you cold for that one!” A player from Lincoln high said to Micah as they exchanged fist bumps.

Suddenly a whistle blew it was Coach Brown calling for a time out. Lorenzo slowly picked himself up from off the ground while keeping his head down as he jogged slowly to the bench where his teammates were waiting for him.

Coach Brown: Eddie! You’re going back in for Zo.

Lorenzo: What coach I just got in!

Coach brown: Son take a breather we have a whole entire game left you’re going to get back in there but for now take a break.

Lorenzo without joining the team in the huddle walked over to the farthest side of the bench and took a seat throwing a towel over his head. Now Lorenzo looked around as he spotted Robin Miller still looking beautiful as ever with a smile on her face as she led the cheerleaders in a chant. That ignited the München High crowd. Hueby Salam awkwardly stared at Lorenzo from his seat on the bench nodding his head as if he was impressed. But Lorenzo knew he wasn’t he was probably thinking about cutting Lorenzo from his team that he had recruited Eddie and Lorenzo on.

The horn blew and the game resumed Rashard Jackson took the ball up court slowly as Eddie ran to the base line Rashard dished him the ball Eddie quickly hit a pump fake leaving the Lincoln High defender stuck in the air as he drove the ball swiftly passed him a forward from Lincoln stepped in between Eddie and the basket but before he could jump Eddie had already taken off leaping over the 6 foot forward and now slamming the ball down with a thud Wham!

The backboard cracked the gymnasium erupted once again but this time people from the stands now where up from their seats. Some students even rushed the court as security guards raced onto to the court trying to stop them.

23 EP EP EP! The crowd chanted as Lorenzo watched with jealousy and a bit of relief that with what just happened hopefully people would forget about him getting crossed up and falling twice.

Lorenzo watched as his parents jumped from their seats holding one another! Lorenzo even heard his father yell that’s my Boy!! Making Lorenzo want to just disappear from his position on the bench. Hueby Salam was now speaking to a recruiter while pointing at Eddie then pointing to himself.

Lorenzo was the only person who was not excited about what Eddie had just done. Even Robin Miller held her hands to her face as she stared at Eddie as if that was her childhood crush Lorenzo again wish that he could just literally disappear and go home!

The game was resumed a few minutes afterwards but Eddie was warned to not dunk again by a referee. During halftime Lorenzo soaked his way back into the locker room sitting by himself and now listening to all the players rant and rave about Eddie

Rashard Jackson: Bro you don’t even have to play no more for the next three years what you did today will make you a D1 recruit no lie...

Rashard said as he tied his shoe laces. Another player from the team named Jordan McCall spoke up still overly excited…

Jordan McCall: Yo, you see how Eddie got up on dude....

Jordan began imitating Eddie when he was dunking.

Jordan McCall: Eddie had his tongue out like he was Jordan !!

The team began to laugh as Coach Brown walked in placing his dry erase board on the bench as he began to speak.

Coach brown: Fellas settle down we still have two more quarters left. I am proud of you all for how well you are playing but this game is not over. Eddie what a way to play I like the way your attacking the basket. Jordan you are grabbing solid boards keep that up. Malik your court vision is up to par keep on dishing that ball. Rashard I like the fire off the bench. To everyman in the locker room you will get a chance to run this score up! The game is not over although we are up by 20 let’s push and embarrass this team so that the whole entire state, also the reporters and everyone knows who is the best team in New York and that is München High!

The team now yelled in excitement Lorenzo remained in his position on the locker rooms bench. After the team broke up from the huddle Eddie approached Lorenzo.

Eddie Payne: Yo Zo keep ya head up cuz it happens… But you’re going to get another chance! The scouts haven’t seen nothing yet let’s dominate together!

Lorenzo tried to ignore Eddie but Eddie was good with words and his boyish look on his face reminded Lorenzo of when they were younger and Eddie would ask Lorenzo to buy him ice cream from the ice cream truck…Eddie always had an innocent baby face and that never changed now that he grew into his adult body.

Lorenzo: A’ight cuz let’s do this.

Lorenzo said as they connected fist Eddie than helped Lorenzo up from his seat and now out of the locker room.

24 Forty minutes later the game was over as Lorenzo watched Eddie get interviewed by the local news station Lorenzo looked up at the score board to see it read.

98 Guest Home 75.

Lorenzo couldn’t believe that he didn’t get another chance to show what he had. Coach Brown had lied to him and Lorenzo felt embarrassed that he couldn’t avenge himself from his embarrassment. Lorenzo just wanted to grab his stuff and head home but when he was walking past Eddie who was being interviewed Eddie called for him.

Eddie Payne: Zo Come here!

Eddie called out as the reporter got quiet for a moment Lorenzo wanted to dash into the locker room but he didn’t instead he shuffled his way towards Eddie while keeping his head down.

Eddie Who was still being interviewed said to the reporter

Eddie Payne: This is my cousin Lorenzo Wright without him teaching me the game I wouldn’t be standing in front of you right now. Just a couple days ago in practice he taught me how to be comfortable while shooting free throws and tonight I was 8 for 8 at the free throw line.

Eddie then placed his arm around Lorenzo shoulders as he towered over Lorenzo and the camera crew and the reporter.

Reporter: So Eddie are you giving credit to your cousin here Lorenzin for your God given abilities?

Lorenzo quickly repeated his name correctly

Lorenzo: Lorenzo!

Reporter: Oh, I’m sorry I meant Lorenzo… So, Eddie are you giving him credit for turning you into a relentless scorer? Tonight you had 38 points 10 assists 10 rebounds with 6 blocked shots maybe Lorenzo needs to make his way into coaching after high school ball would you agree?

Eddie Payne: Ummm no Lorenzo is a great player and I think he has a future in college and maybe at the next level he is more than a coach he is a very talented player and I honestly look up to him why do you think I wear one and he wears number 3? This is my first cousin and he is three years older than me and I look up to him always will and always have.

The reporter smiled and then turned his direction back to the camera then concluded his segment. As Eddie and Lorenzo turned away to walk into the locker room Lorenzo heard a familiar voice

Zo,Eddie! When they turned around, they seen Lorenzo’s parents and little brother. Lorenzo’s Dad spoke excitedly.

Lorenzo Sr: Boy you are something else you know that I remember growing up with your father and he had a similar game like yours but you are a freak of nature son I got that dunk on video and your jump shot has improved the way you were hitting those turn around jump shots you were looking like the black mamba himself son!

Eddie smiled then said…

Eddie Payne: Thanks Uncle Lorenzo


Lorenzo’s Mom smiled and gave Eddie a hug then she said…

Lucinda Wright: I’m so proud of you! Boy you’re going to be a star!

Eddie smiled while scratching his head.

Lorenzo Sr: Now Zo what was going on with you tonight? You can’t be rushing shots like that and your defense you have to relax son or else things like that will happen again

Lorenzo kept his head down feeling embarrassed and just wanting to disappear his mom Lucinda Wright reached over to him grabbing him and giving him a big hug as his little brother Tre joined

Lucinda Wright: You did so good hunny !

Lorenzo: How? I didn’t score no points I didn’t even play like that.

Lorenzo uttered out.

Lucinda Wright: Well in my eyes I seen a young man who looked determined this isn’t your last game hunny.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes as he released his grip from his mom then turned to Eddie and said.

Lorenzo: Eddie lets go and get changed.

Lorenzo Sr: Do you fellas need a ride home?

Lorenzo: Nah we going to grab a bite to eat with the fellas.

Lorenzo lied just wanting to get away from his parents.

Lorenzo Sr: Ok well Zo don’t be out all night you hear me son?

Lorenzo : Yeah pops I hear you.

Lucinda Wright: Oh yeah Eddie your mother is out of town for the next couple of days she asked if we could watch you while she is gone so you will be staying with us. So just ride home with Lorenzo ok !

Eddie Payne : Ok Aunty thank you… but did my momma tell you where she was going?

Lorenzo’s mom shook her head signaling no a few minutes later Lorenzo’s parents and his younger brother were gone as Lorenzo and Eddie made their way inside the locker room. Coach Brown immediately handed Eddie the game ball after giving a ten minute speech Coach Brown concluded by saying…

Coach Brown: you all have fifteen minutes to get changed so grab your things and get on the bus.

Eddie was now looking at his cell phone screen then he said to Coach Brown

Eddie Payne : Coach Brown Lorenzo’s parents is taking us home.

Coach Brown: Ok sounds good with me but for the rest of y’all hurry on up!

26 Lorenzo looked at Eddie wondering why he was lying but when Eddie walked over to Lorenzo he quickly explained by showing Lorenzo his cracked cell phone screen that had Hueby Salam name underneath it read. You and your cousin meet me in the parking lot I’ll give y’all a ride Home.

A few moments later Eddie and Lorenzo were inside of Hueby Salam yellow hummer. Lorenzo listened to Hueby go on and on about his cousin’s game.

Hueby Salam: Eddie you should have seen them scouts faces they were all blown away by you tonight.

Hueby cleared his throat as he continued…

Hueby Salam: Even Stack Davidson was impressed by your play tonight. You know what Stack said after the one when you caught the Alley OOP…He turned to me and said that boy could play in the league right now!

Eddie smiled as he scratched his head while Lorenzo stared at him from his seat in the back.

Hueby Salam: Now Zo what was going on with you tonight? You looked as if you were being forced to fight Mike Tyson or something.

Lorenzo said nothing as he turned his attention out of the window now looking at the sign that read Marty’s Liquor Store open 24 hours.

Hueby Salam: Hay Zo you got heart though and that’s all that matters you hear me? What happened tonight cool you made it on someone’s highlight tape but that doesn’t make you… What makes you is how you bounce back these college scouts don’t care about stupid kiddy things like that falling on defense. But what these scouts want to see is how do you bounce back from adversity? Zo you got heart don’t forget it play with your heart and stop playing with your head.

A few moments later the car had stopped at an expensive looking restaurant that Lorenzo had never seen before. The big black and gold sign that read as it lit up the night sky Pierre Bey’Suh Seafood Restaurant was illuminating the dark night sky.

Hueby Salam: Come on fellas we are about to get a bite to eat and discuss some things before our first game tomorrow.

When the three of them all finally exited the car, a man appeared who wore a shirt that read Pierre Valet parking but before he could take another step towards the three of them Hueby Salam tossed his keys to him then he said warning him.

Hueby Salam: There better not be a scratched on my whip when I get back or else it will be me and you… Do you hear me?

The valet worker shook his head signaling that he understood as the look of fear struck his face. Eddie Payne laughed now looking a bit more comfortable Lorenzo had noticed as he trailed behind them.

When the three of them walked inside of the Restaurant it was surprisingly empty but a waitress who seemed just a few years older than Lorenzo greeted them.

Waitress: Hello Mr. Salam your party is waiting for you at the very far back. The dark-skinned complexion girl said with a smile showing off her perfect row of teeth.

27 Hueby Salam turned to the boys and said.

Hueby Salam: If I was a few years younger I would have made her come home with me tonight.

He said while and nudging Eddie.

When the three of them reached the back there was a table filled with guys but the one who was sitting in the middle like the painting of the last supper when they had Jesus sitting in the middle was NBA player Stack Davidson. Lorenzo was surprised to see him here.

Hueby Salam. “Stack!

Hueby Salam said as he approached the table these our they guys you will be running with.”

Stack Davidson: Was stuffing his face down in crab cakes as he then wiped his mouth off and stood up and shouted.

Stack Davidson: Man, Child that’s what I’m going to call you…! Eddie P!

He said as Eddie looked a bit shocked that Stack Davison knew his name by heart.

Stack Davison: You have a lot to learn about the game for example you don’t have to do so damn much dribbling just to score a basket you see Kobe and MJ? They didn’t do all that dribbling there IQ of the game and there footwork always made them one step ahead of everyone.

Eddie Payne shook his head with eyes wide open like a kid in a candy shop. As he soaked up knowledge from an NBA great.

Stack Davidson then turned to Lorenzo and said…

Stack Davidson: Now you on the other hand need a lot of work. Tomorrow when we playing, I just want you to pass the ball to us got that? Lorenzo felt as if he had been hit by a train the embarrass feeling began to ooze out of him. Maybe Stack Davidson thought Lorenzo was a bum after his performance tonight but Lorenzo knew that once stack got on the court with him, he would realize how talented he was and wish that he had never made that statement.

Lorenzo shook his head agreeing as the three of them found their seats at a table across from the loud bunch. An hour later the dinner was over and now Hueby was speaking in a low-pitched voice.

Hueby Salam: Tomorrow is going to be a big day I’m going to need yall to take this game serious as if you two were playing for your school team there is a lot of money on the line and I’m going to be real with yall I don’t take losing lightly.

I will pay you both five hundred dollars a game but if we win that’s a thousand a game if we lose yall get nothing. Hueby Salam took a drink of his dark colored wine as he set it back on the table gently then he continued…

Hueby Salam: So, you two have the opportunity to make two bands in two days.

Lorenzo again looked over at his cousin Eddie who had a look of awe on his face. This was the most money that they both had ever had the opportunity to earn. But Lorenzo had a bad feeling about this especially every time he would look into Hueby Salam’s eyes he noticed that Hueby Salam had a cold careless look in his eyes and that did not settle right with Lorenzo.

Hueby Salam: So, Boys we have a deal, right?

28 Hueby extended his long arms across the table and connected hands with Eddie who was eagerly waiting to shake his hand to agree. Next Hueby connected hands with Lorenzo.

Hueby Salam: “My man!” He says in a cool and a calm manor…Let’s get ready to get out of here.

An hour later Lorenzo and Eddie were inside of his bedroom with his younger brother sleeping inside of his parents’ room due to Eddie staying over for the weekend, the time read 12 Am When the sun raised, they would wake up early going to the courts near Lorenzo’s apartment to get some shots up before they had to be at their game with Hueby Salams crew at 1 pm sharp.

Eddie Payne: You ready for tomorrow cuz? Eddie asked as he removed his jersey and now threw on one of Lorenzo old training t-shirts.

Lorenzo: Yea I’m ready to get this over with Lorenzo responded honestly.

Eddie Payne: Yea me to but I just keep thinking … yo what is the first thing that you going to buy when you we get this money tomorrow?

Lorenzo now who is laying down on the top bunk responds ‘ Lorenzo: I don’t know I may just save it.

Eddie Payne looks at Lorenzo as if he is crazy then he says…

Eddie Payne: Save…. Hahaha. I know what I’m going to buy…I’m a buy myself all the new pair of Jordan’s and some clothes so I can be fresh and get all the girls.

Lorenzo and Eddie both laughed as Lorenzo says…

Lorenzo: You already got them!

Eddie Payne: I want more!

They both laugh again as Eddie reminds Lorenzo about Lexi’s party which is in a few hours

Eddie Payne: We still going right like after our game?

Lorenzo: Yea we still going.

Lorenzo confirms happy that Eddie remembered.

29 GAMEDAY Saturday

Salam’s Crew Vs Coney Island RUFF RYDERS The cloudy afternoon sky seemed as if it was about to rain as Lorenzo and Eddie exited the train and now made their way to the location where Hueby Salam directed them to meet him. As Eddie bopped his head from the music that was pumping out of his head phones Lorenzo began to daydream about the game. Hopefully they picked up the W today Lorenzo already had a list of things that he was going to order from amazon. Suddenly the sound of a horn honking startled Lorenzo a bit. Beep!

When Lorenzo looked towards the direction of the horn, he noticed it was NBA player Stack Davidson in a red Range Rover with wheels similar to the monster trucks that you would see on tv.

Stack Davidson: Yall boys hop in!

Stack yelled from the driver side window. A few moments later Eddie and Lorenzo where inside of the car as the smell of fresh leathered engulfed Lorenzo’s nose. Eddie looked around the inside the SUV as if he was in Disneyland before saying.

Eddie Payne: Are those real diamonds? He asked pointing up at the ceiling inside the car.

Stack Davidson smiled in a cocky type of way before saying…

Stack Davidson: You keep balling like you did the other night you will have 10 of these you hear me?

Eddie shook his head now making himself more comfortable in his seat.

Stack Davidson: Yall ready?

Stack Davidson asked as he looked at Lorenzo through his review mirror.

Eddie quickly answered before Lorenzo could…

Eddie Payne: Hell yeah!... I’m ready to dunk on some fools!

Stack Davidson eyes grew open wide before saying to Eddie.

Stack Davidson: I hope you don’t think this going to be some walk in the park Lil man. Although Eddie was a few inches taller than Stack he still referred to Eddie as Lil man as he continued.

Stack Davidson: There are some Pro’s that play in this league also. One of the baddest dudes that didn’t make it to the league Shabazz Drew plays here and he will bust your ass if your defense is not on point so please don’t sleep Lil homie… I’m confident that we gonna win because I’m playing… but without me Shabazz would drop 40 on yall for fun!

Eddie Said nothing now looking a bit nervous.

Stack Davidson: So, what about you Water Boy is you ready?

Lorenzo wanted to cuss at Stack Davidson and say… Punk I have a name and its Lorenzo Wright. But he didn’t he shook his head signaling yes as the car continued to head up the freeway.

31 Stack Davison: Water Boy All we need from you today is to pass the ball don’t take no jump shot if you see me open pass it don’t waste time got it?

This time Lorenzo had enough before he could say something that would obviously effect Lorenzo’s and Stacks relationship. Stack Davison’s phone rang through his Bluetooth speaker. Stack immediately answered.

Stack Davidson: Yo!

Where in the hell are yall the game is about to start in 20 minutes?

Heuby Salams raspy voice came echoing from the speaker.

Stack Davidson: We pulling up in any moment said Stack Davidson before hanging up the phone. A few minutes later the range rover was stopping at a house that looked as if it were a museum.

Eddie Payne: Yo is this where we ballin?

Eddie asked sounding as shocked as he looked.

Stack nodded his head signaling yes as he pulled the SUV the back of the house and around a circle like driveway and now stopping at a fence with basketball courts that resembled Hines Park playground the playground that was right across the street from Lorenzo’s apartment.

Lorenzo jaw nearly dropped when he nearly counted ten different types of sports cars Lamborghini’s, Porches, Ferrari’s. There was a fleet of cars parked near what it seemed to be a parking garage for guest. There was even a Bugatti that was matte color black with crimson red stripes parked on the side of the outdoor basketball court.

Where are we? Lorenzo wanted to say out loud this reminded him of a video game that he used to play called NBA Ballers in which the players would play basketball games at an extremely nice and expensive looking location.

Hueby Salam who was leaning on a red Mercedes CLK was smoking a cigarette and holding a big dawg that he called Rocko. When he spotted Stacks SUV a big smile flashed over his face as the age lines from his eyes appeared, he walked over to the SUV swiftly but smoothly afterwards saying…

Hueby Salam: Let’s make this money... while extending his fist out for Eddie to give him a pound as Eddie exited to the SUV next. Hueby waited for Lorenzo to return the gesture when Lorenzo fist connected with Hueby… Hueby looked at Lorenzo directly in his eyes and said

Hueby Salam: You better not mess this up you hear! Don’t play like no damn sissy boy!

Lorenzo shook his head now feeling those same embarrassed emotions he felt yesterday after he had fell after his opponent had placed a crossover move on him. There was fire in Lorenzo eyes who ever came in Lorenzo’s way today was going to get the ugly wrath of what he had been holding in.

As Eddie waited for Lorenzo to catch up to him, he had a smile on his face afterwards saying…

Eddie Payne: Yo after this game I’m going to the pawn shop and buying me a chain with a basketball medallion on it.

Eddie said as he looked at a tall dark dude who resembled former NBA star Kevin Garnett.

32 Lorenzo shook his head on how easily influenced his cousin Eddie could be then he thought himself now imagining what he would do with the money that they could make if they had won todays match. Maybe he would buy some fresher looking clothes and buy Robin his crush a ring. Lorenzo mind quickly got back focus when he noticed how big the guys were that he was about to play against.

One guy literally resembled Shaquille O’Neal so much you think that this was his clone or his son or something. As he palm the ball with his left hand and through the ball off of the glass like it was a football he leaped up and caught the ball but before slamming it down to add insult to injury he put the ball between his legs and slammed it down as the crowd cheered him on. Who were these people? Lorenzo thought to himself as his nerves grew. There was just the same amount of people here then at their game yesterday. This was its own world as the abbreviation of the leagues initials was plastered on a banner before entering the court. DBA Dinero Basketball Association.

Lorenzo stared at the guys on the opposing team. All of them look like NBA rejects but there was another player who stood out who was the shortest guy on the court but yet he was the quickest most skilled it seemed.With a baby face but a jaw that made him resemble a pit bull he chewed more gum then his mouth could take causing him to have to keep his mouth open. He stood well behind the three-point line and drained three 3’s back to back next he caught the ball and did a layup that exposed his extreme body control.

Jay Z’s hard knock life song came pumping throughout the Bose speakers as the two-team warmed up.

Heuby Salam team other than Stack Davidson and Eddie and Lorenzo and another guy who they called Warner looked as if they could actually ball and compete with these guys the rest looked as if they were former high school stars in their respected areas but their high school glory days where long gone. Lorenzo couldn’t help but to stare at the famous rappers and actors and athletes who were in attendants sitting in the front row now Lorenzo really understood why the League was called the DBA Dinero Basketball Associations. Everyone here seemed to be rich or maybe Lorenzo was so used to not having much that those who had more than him seemed like a lot. A few minutes later after Lorenzo and Eddie and the rest of Hueby Salams crew wrapped up taking a couple of jump shots the horn blew and the match was about to begin.

Eddie wrapped his long arms around Lorenzo as Lorenzo looked at him a bit nervous Eddie spoke in a confident voice with a look of determination in his eyes and said.

Eddie Payne: Let’s get this money Cuz.

While he extended his right fist so Lorenzo could give him a pound. But before Lorenzo could Eddie then said…

Eddie Payne: Lets show’em what them München high boys can do!

Lorenzo: Let’s do it cuz… I got your back look out for them Oops.

Lorenzo and Eddie fist pounded as they made their way to the huddle in which Heuby Salam looked just as nervous as Lorenzo did just a few minutes ago saying…

Hueby Salam: Fellas this is bread on the line I don’t care what happens don’t lose hear me! Let’s make these boys pay up. Eddie, Stack, Big Warner, Maverick, Gillie you are the starters the rest you all be ready because at any moment you can get called in.

33 Lorenzo expected this he knew that he would get passed over but he had a feeling that deep down he was going to get his chance to prove himself rather it was today or when he got back on the courts of München high he knew that soon people would remember him as he took a seat and watched the beginning of the tip off.

The dude who resembled Shaquille O’Neal who later Lorenzo became familiar with his name won the tip off immediately passing the ball to Shabazz Drew. The moment when Shabazz Drew touched the ball the crowd erupted making you think you were at an NBA game rather than someone’s backyard. Shabazz dribbled between his legs as he smiled at his mitch match defender Gillie. Shabazz faked to his left then right then left before putting the ball between his legs twice and catching the ball with two hands and taking a step back behind the three-point line.

Swoosh! Was the sound as the ball went through the net. Shabazz Drew did a move that James harden patented so well in the NBA Lorenzo thought to himself as he stared at Shabbazz Drew in amazement.

The announcer who was very animated yelled for about a minute after the play calling Shabazz Drew The Prophets Lamb. Quickly Warner inbounded the ball to Stack Davison who looked up and found aa cutting Eddie who was already running down to the basket and now losing his defender immediately Stack Davison threw the ball up as Eddie jumped as high as he could to get the basketball he stuck his left hand up and caught the basketball slamming it down with a thud. The dunk was so spectacular that the announcer instantly made up a nickname for Eddie. Man Child. The announcer yelled into the microphone as the crowd continued to cheer. Shabbazz Drew again sinked a deep range three making Lorenzo wonder why he was not in the NBA because the boy could seriously ball!

The next possession Stack Davidson tried to slice his way between two defenders but ended up colliding his knee with one of the defenders.

Stack Davidson Ouch!

Stack Davison yelled as he rolled around in pain.

Hueby Salam held his hands around his hips and whispered a curse word out loud. Then he turned to Lorenzo and yelled.

Hueby Salam: Zo get ready!

Lorenzo instantly sprung up from his seat on the bench and quickly removed his warm up jacket and pants. Stack Davidson was now being carried off the court by two guys who looked as if they were former NFL offensive linemen.

Stack Davidson: I blew my knee!

He yelled in tears

Heuby Salam looked nervous as if he had just gotten a phone call that one of his family members where gone. The whistle blew now snapping Lorenzo mind back to attention. Eddie was inbounding the ball found an open Gillie who had just pushed off of Shabazz Drew to free himself up that he could receive the pass. As soon as he caught the ball Shabazz Drew swiped at the ball knocking the ball lose from Gillie’s hand and now Shabazz had the ball now throwing the ball off the glass finding a trailing Big Deiseal Who caught the ball in the air and slamming it down with two hands as Gillie became a victim to a posterize dunk.

After Gillie removed himself from the ground he looked defeated as if he didn’t want to play anymore. Eddie who could see the same thing that Lorenzo could see so he faked the ball to Gillie catching an overly anxious Shabbazz Drew trying to the ball he turned and locked eyes with Lorenzo who defender was all the way up the court already. 34

Eddie tossed the ball to Lorenzo who caught it but for a split-second nerve had taken over Lorenzo as he forgot how to dribble for a second but moments later, he quickly remembered now going Coast to Coast with the basketball right into the heart of the defense. Big Diesel stood in the paint like a crossing guard blocking traffic his six-foot eleven frame was so intimidating that Lorenzo stopped right in his tracks when he reached the paint pump faking making Diesel jump as high as he could thinking he was going to block Lorenzo’s shot. Lorenzo then went around him with the ball then making a simple finger roll off the backboard layup.

The announcer now said into the Microphone…

Announcer: I was about to call him Meek Mill because of his nappy braids but I think I’ma call him slick Owww because that was a nice move young man.

Shabazz Drew then now bumped into Lorenzo chest as he made his way to get the ball from Big Diesel but before pushing Lorenzo out of his way he said.

Shabazz Drew: Man, that shit was weak I’m locking you up all game I bet you won’t score again.

The referee whistle blew as a couple guys held Lorenzo back as if he was about to do something. Lorenzo had no idea what had just happen all he knew was Shabazz seemed angry at him and Lorenzo wasn’t about to back down there was money on the line. After the whole commotion Shabbazz Received the ball as Gillie yelled to Lorenzo switch. Lorenzo could not believe that GillIe was afraid of Shabbazz as teammates would say at München High Gillie wanted no smoke.

Quickly Gillie and Lorenzo switched defenders. Shabazz smiled confidently as he just knew he was going to have his way with Lorenzo. Eddie yelled

Eddie Payne: Yo strap up Lorenzo!

Shabazz now walked the ball up the court slowly then he yelled

Shabazz Drew: Iso! Iso!

Lorenzo took a quick look back to see the paint part up like when Moses parted the red sea. Shabazz took a quick dribble to his right then spun around to his left thinking he lost Lorenzo he drove to the basket and slowed up and instead of just laying the ball up Shabazz wanted to make a point he cuffed the ball first then raising it with his left hand he switched the ball to his right before throwing the ball up in what it seemed to be a flawless finish. But little did Shabazz know Lorenzo was trailing behind him gathering his steps preparing for lift off. Lorenzo had jumped up so high that he nearly jumped over The Five foot five Shabbazz Drew and pinned the ball on the backboard. Before the audience could yell or the announcer could make a comment Lorenzo had retrieved the ball and was taking it up the court.

Lorenzo looked back to See his cousin Eddie Payne trailing behind him so Lorenzo through the ball up as high as he could and made sure to get out of Eddies way as Eddie jumped in the sky flying like a bird he caught the basketball but before slamming it down he did something that erupted the whole audience he propelled his arms around like a windmill and slammed the ball so hard down that the rim nails came flying off and the rim came crashing down., People raced onto the court lifting Eddie and Lorenzo as if the game was over. There was still a lot more game to be played Lorenzo couldn’t help but to think. A few moments later whistles where being blown and the people where back to their respected areas. Hueby Salam’s crew waited on their side of the bench for the rim to be fixed while the Ruff Ryders waited on there side. Hueby who spoke as if he was fill Jackson coaching game seven of the NBA finals said with sweat glaring from his forehead and spit flying from his mouth.

35 Hueby Salam: They lookin real weak right now!... Lorenzo you see Shabazz game? He is just quick but he is not disciplined. Lorenzo get into his head lock him up. Eddie they can’t handle you! Warner, I need you to play yard ball and get physical on Diesel or else he will just keep bullying you in the paint. Gillie you’re an embarrassment you know that! I swear to Allah if you weren’t my sisters child I would have been cut your scary… Hueby Salam paused and then wiped his mouth as he continued.

Hueby Salam: Yall keep yall foot on they neck! Hear me? We have three more quarters.

Eddie and Lorenzo said nothing as they looked at each other knowing that if they kept this up they would be 1000 dollars rich. As the game went on until the end Lorenzo and Eddie combined for 60 points as they both scored thirty. Lorenzo jump shot was on fire as he made Shabazz Drew look like a regular player and it didn’t help that Shabazz Drew could not play defense. Eddie played as if he was the one in the NBA as he did things that Lorenzo had never seen. before as he got to the basket at easy and with doing less like Stack Davidson suggested. Lorenzo had notice everyone playing seemed as if they had some type of money but Lorenzo and Eddie came from nothing so they played like this was the only opportunity they had. After the game Lorenzo tried to give Shabazz a hand shake telling him good game but he left Lorenzo hanging then giving him a cold look as if saying you touch me, I’ll kill you. Hueby Salam smiled as they made their way inside of his Mercedes truck

Hueby Salam: You two are like Jordan and Pippen Shaq and Kobe. Lebron and Davis! Twenty minutes later after a car ride full of praises from an overly excited Hueby he parked outside of Lorenzo’s Apartment building and began to count out loud a wad of cash as he gave Eddie his portion then Lorenzo.

Heuby Salam: That’s well deserved here is a thousand a piece.

Eddie who couldn’t hold back his excitement began to smile now turning back at Lorenzo then saying

Eddie| Payne: I told you!

Lorenzo held the money to his chest now looking outside the apartment this is the most money that he had ever had in his life.

Hueby Salam: Yall spend that bread don’t hold on to it because there will be a lot more coming as long as yall keep winning.

Eddie and Lorenzo both shook their head signaling that they understood.

Hueby Salam: I’ll be out here tomorrow at 1:30 pm yall be ready!

As Lorenzo and Eddie prepared to exit the car Hueby Salam said one last thing.

Hueby Salam: I want yall to spend that bread but lay low tonight there is some angry dudes who lost some money so they might be out here looking to get it back.

Lorenzo wanted to say what do you mean get it? Back but the excitement of him and his cousin having enough money to do whatever they wanted to do over took him.

Eddie spoke up saying to Hueby Salam that they understood and that they would lay low tonight.

Moments later Hueby Salam was speeding away in his dark red Mercedes SUV. Eddie and Lorenzo raced up Lorenzo’s apartment stairs to the third floor where Lorenzo’s Apartment was located.

When Lorenzo opened the door, the apartment seemed quiet his Mom and Dad and his little brother Tre seemed to be gone. There was a note on the table that read… ‘ 36 Your Dad and I took Tre to visit his uncle in Virginia we will be back in the morning there is food in the fridge for you and Eddie. Love Mom.

Lorenzo turned to Eddie and said …

Lorenzo: Yo, my parents left for the day and won’t be back until tomorrow. Eddies eyes lit up with excitement as he said.

Eddie Payne: Lets order some pizza and call Robin and Lexi and see if they want to chill before her party. We got the money Eddie whipped out his cash and began to count it. Lorenzo smiled as he whipped out his cell phone and began calling Robin Miller.

37 Lay Low Final Chapter A few hours had passed as the time read 6:30 pm the moon was already visible as the temperature began to drop now making it really feel like winter although it was the beginning of November. Robin Millers’ Gray Toyota Camry came to a halt as the sound of outdated breaks came screeching afterwards. Eddie and Lorenzo smiled at one another as Lexi rolled the passenger side window down now saying…

Lexi: Where are we going? She said smiling from ear to ear.

Eddie Payne who was good with his words shot back…

Eddie Payne: Dang girl can we get in the car first!

Robin laughed as she unlocked the back-seat doors then saying…

Robin: Yall ready to party?

Lorenzo shook his head then he said…

Lorenzo: But first I’m ready to eat let’s go to the mall.

Robin looked at Lorenzo through the rear-view mirror.

Eddie now remembering that it was Lexi’s Birthday said…

Eddie Payne: Yeah let’s go to the mall so I can get the birthday girl something nice.

Lexi began to smile as her hand covered her face.

Lexi: Awww Really.

Twenty minutes later the four them were inside of East Cumberland Mall. Eddie’s tall stature led the way with Lexi who held Eddie by his waist as he draped his arm around her. Lorenzo and Robin followed behind them holding hands.Lorenzo then turned to Robin saying…

Lorenzo: I know it’s not your birthday but I want to get you something nice.

Robin smiled then she said

Robin: That’s sweet Zo but you don’t have to get me anything you being here is enough.

The both of them smiled as Eddie and Lacey made their way into a jewelry store called Malted Stones. Lexi who was overly excited looked on amazed by how Eddie seemed to know what he wanted. Eddie without hesitation walked near the first necklace that he seen a medallion that had a silver and pink rose on it.

The lady who worked there looked at Eddie a bit confused until Eddie being the showman that he is took out a wad a cash and started to count it in front of her. Robin and Lexi smiled but Lorenzo thought Eddie was being a bit extra. He didn’t have to take out his whole stash and count his money like that…

Lorenzo shook his head as he turned his directions away from Eddie and now into the crowed mall hallway. Suddenly Lorenzo made eye contact with a familiar looking person but Lorenzo just couldn’t remember how he knew this person who wore a jean jacket with a hoodie and a dark pair of Loc shades.

39 Shabazz Drew? Lorenzo wanted to shout out but held it in. What is he doing here? Lorenzo couldn’t help but to think to himself before Robins touch snapped Lorenzo attention back to Eddie buying Lexi her birthday necklace.

Lexi: Oh My God! I Love It Eddie Thank You! Lexi couldn’t help to shout out…Lexi then hugged and kissed Eddie.

Robin then said while holding Lorenzo’s hand…

Robin: This is so cute babe!

Lorenzo who was once feeling a bit uneasy after seeing Shabazz Drew now brushed the sighting off as maybe it was just a coincidence as he now played back Robins words did, she just call him Babe? Lorenzo thought to himself as a feeling of relief and happiness filled throughout his body.

Eddie Payne: Lets go get something to eat before we head to your party!

Robin, Lexi and Lorenzo all agree as they now head to the food court inside of Cumberland mall. As they walk Lexi and Robin are ahead of Lorenzo and Eddie chatting it up as if they were not best friends who practically did everything together. Lorenzo now remembered what he had to tell Eddie just a few minutes ago when suddenly a figure brushed past the two

Bam! Bam! Bam!

When Lorenzo awoke his parents and his brother Tre, Robin, Lexi and Eddie where standing near his bed. Lorenzo scratched his head confused then saying…

Lorenzo: Lexi Did I miss your party?

Lorenzo asked confused trying to remove himself from the bed but when he tried to move He noticed he couldn’t feel his legs.

Lorenzo: What … What Happened to me?

Lorenzo asked with terror in his eyes.

Lorenzo Sr. Immediately spoke saying…

Lorenzo Sr.: Son let’s just be happy that your alive.

Lorenzo Sr. Spoke with tears in his eyes.

Lorenzo’s mom held a tissue to her face as she rested her hand on Lorenzo’s chest.

Lorenzo again confused scared and nervous now said…

Lorenzo: What happen and Why can’t I feel my legs?

Eddie now spoke…

Eddie Payne: Yo cuz some guy tried to shoot me but you pushed me out the way and he shot you Cuz I’m sorry…

Eddie. now began to cry as Lexi and Robin followed as well crying and looking as if they had seen a miracle just take place…

40 Lorenzo mind now spun…Could it have been Shabaaz Drew who was the trigger man? Lorenzo remembered seeing him inside of the mall that same day…

Lorenzo Sr. Again, Spoke up…

Lorenzo Sr.: My partners down at the station says that they captured the suspected shooter… Son we have a lot to talk about for now we are just thankful to have you alive.

Lorenzo: Ok but why can’t I feel my legs…

Lorenzo Sr. Son you were shot in the back your spinal cords has suffered a lot of trama…Doctors are saying you may be able to walk again in a few years but contact sports is out of the question… son this is real life and the choices that you and Eddie made you have to live with it son.

Lorenzo’s world felt as if it was crushed. Basketball was over… All of his dreams the hard work the blood sweat and tears was all over. His dreams of going to the NBA was over… Now he would have to fight for the next couple years just to walk again… Lorenzo cried as if he had lost someone that he had loved.

Eddie now came close to Lorenzo and looked Lorenzo dead in his eyes and said…

Eddie Payne: Cuz I swear I’m going to take this balling and school thing serious… I’m going to make it and I will make sure you get a chance once you get better, I swear Cuz you saved my life…

The two cousins embraced each other as they hugged as the sun went down as the time read 8:00pm. No one knew how true that promise would be until six years later.



A picture of the 6 -foot -9 two hundred and ten pound Forward getting up from his seat wearing an All white suit followed by him hugging and kissing a familiar face Lexi and now hugging Lorenzo’s parents and now pushing Lorenzo on his wheel chair to the stage so that he could receive his jersey.


In The Mix.