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Study Program in Biophysical Science Twenty July- Sixteen August 1958 Boulder Colorado

Study Program in Biophysical Science Twenty July- Sixteen August 1958 Boulder Colorado



1 July 1958

Abelson, P. H. Goldman, D. E. Platt, J. R. Alberty, R. A. Goldstein, M. H., Jr. Podol sky, R. Altshuler, B. Gray, I. Pollard, E. C. Astbury, ·w. T. Gross, P.R. Puck, T. T. Augenstine, L. G. Hardy, J.D. Putnam, F. W. Baldwin, R. L. Hart, R. G. Ribi, E. Baruch, J. J. Hartline, H. K. Rice, S. A. Beams, J. W. Hearon, J. Z. Rich, A. Becker, E. D. Henkin, R. I. Roberts, R. B. Bennett, H. S. Hill, T. Rosenberg, M.D.. Berliner, R. W. Hodge, A. J. Rosenblith, W. A. Bernhard, S. A. Rogness, D. S. Schmitt, F. 0. Blois, M. S., Jr. Hornig, D. F. Schmitt, 0. H. Bloom, W. Hutner, S. H. Shannon, C. E. Bolt, R. H. Inou~. S. Shulman, S. Brill, A. S. Kaplan, H. S. Singer, S. J. Bullock, T. H. Kaplan, N. 0. Sinsheimer, R. L. Callen, H. B. Kasha, M. Sizer, I. W. Calvin, M. Katz, B. Sjostrand, F. S. Carlson, F. D. Kauzmann, W. Smith, H. W. Carroll, W. R. Kegeles, G. Sober, H. A. Chance, B. Kendrew, J. C. Stetten, DeW., Jr. Condon, E. U. Kirkwood, J. G. Stetten, M. R. Connelly, C. M. Klein, E. Stockmayer, W. H. Consolazio, W. V. Kornberg, A. Sutherland, G. B. B. M. David son, N. R. Kraut, J. Svensson, S. H. Davies, D. R. Lehninger, A. L. Szilard, L. Doty, P. Lennox, E. S. Taylor, E. W. Edds, M. V ., Jr. Levinthal, C. Thompson, T. E. Edelsack, E. A. Liddel, U. Tinoco, I., Jr. Eden, M. Lindsley, D. B. Tobias, C. A. Elias, P. Lorand, L. Townes, C. H. Engstrom, A. V. MacNichol, E. F., Jr. Townsend, J. Fern~ndez-Mor~n. H. V. Meister, A. Uttley, A. M. Ferry, J.D. Meselson, M.S. Vallee, B. L. Fluke, D. J. Morales, M. F. Waugh, D. F. Friedman, F. L. Morrison, P. Weiss, P. Frishkopf, L. S. Mullins, L. J. Williams, R. C. Fuhr, I. Neurath, H. Wood, T. H. von Gierke, H. E. Oncley, J. L. Young, A. C. Glaser, D. A. Orgel, L. E. Zimm, B. H. Glimcher, M. J. Pattee, H. H., Jr. Zirkle, R. E.

This list is !'3ubject to revision.

BBC Study Section, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts. G U D E B 0 0 K for participants



Boulder, Colorado 20 July - 16 August

I 9 5 8 Friday- 8 August 1958 LECTURES 3L51. Quantitative Studies on Mammalian Cells In Vitro. T. T. Puck . 3L52. Interactions between Cells. P. Weiss.

Monday- 11 August 1958 LECTURES 4L 10. Continuity. Staff. 4L 11. Nerve Structure: The Nerve Cell, Fibre, and Endings. f _ 0 . Schmitt. 4L 12. The Nature of the Nerve Impulse. B. Katz. 4L 13. Recovery Processes and Metabolism of Nerve. C. M. Connelly.

Tuesday- 12 August 1958 LECTURES 4L21. Sensory Performance of Organisms. W. A . Rosenblith . 4L22. Biological Transducers and Coding. 0 . H. Schmitt. 4L23. Initiation of Nerve Impulses in Receptor and Central Neurons. T. H. Bullock. WORKSHOPS 4W2. Nerve Structure and Function. C. M. Connelly, M. V . Edds, Jr ., H. Fernandez-Maran, B. Katz. Banquet. EVENING ADDRESS

Wednesday- 13 August 1958 LECTURES 4L31. Receptor Fields and Neural Interactions. H. K. Hartline . 4L32. Synaptic Mechanisms. B. Katz. 4L33. Electrical Activity of Higher Neural Centers in Response to Sensory Signals. W. A . Rosenblith. WORKSHOPS 4W3. Sensory Reception and Signal Processing. T. H. Bullock, H. K. Hartline, W. A. Rosenblith, 0 . H. Schmitt.

Thursday - 14 August 1958 LECTURES 4L41. Chemical Specificity in Biological Systems. W. Kauzmann. 4L42. Homeostatic Feedback Mechanisms. D. F_ Waugh . 4L43. Hormone Regulation. DeW. Steffen, Jr . WORKSHOPS 4W4. Homeostasis. R. W. Berliner, H. W. Smith, DeW. Steffen, Jr., A. C. Young. EVENING ADDRESS

Friday- 15 August 1958 SYMPOSIA- to be announced. CLOSING SESSION. Staff. Farewell Dinner.

7 Abelson, Philip H. (27 April 1913, Tacoma, Augenstine, Leroy G. (5 March 1928, Decatur, Washington) Geophysical Laboratory, Carne gie Illinois) Brookhaven Notional Laboratory, De · Institution of Washi ngton, 2801 Upton Stree t, porlment of Biology, Associated Universities, Washington 8, D. C. Nuclear ; radio­ Inc., Upton, L. 1., New York . Irradiation of mono· active tracers; fission products of uranium; molecular films and dilute aqueous solutions of characteristic x-roys emitted by radioactive sub­ to study their dructure and function; stances; co-discove ry of Neptunium; separation applications of information theory to biology; of uranium isotopes. B.S., State College, information processing by humans. B.S ., Chicago, Washington, 1933; M.S., State College, Wash­ 1949; M.S., Illinois, 1952; Ph .D. (physico-chemica ington, 1935; Ph.D . (nuclear physics), California, biology). Illinois, 1956. Associate Biophysicist, 1939. Distinguished Civilian Service, 1945. Deportment of Biology, Brookhaven Notional Director of Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Laboratory. Wife - Elizabeth. Institution of Washington. Wife - Neva; Baldwin, Robert L. (30 September 1927, Children - Ellen 11. Madison, Wisconsin) University of Wisconsin, Deportment of , College of Agri­ Alberty, Robert A. (21 June 1921 , Winfield, culture, Madison 6 , Wisconsin. Protein physical Kansas) University of Wisconsin, Deportment . B.A., Wisconsin, 1950; D.Phil. (physi­ of Chemistry, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Kinetics, cal chemistry), Oxford, 1954. Rhodes Scholar especially enzymatic reactions; nuclear magnetic 1950-53; Guggenheim Fellow 1958-59. Assistant resonance; electrophoresis. , Professor of Biochemistry, University of with Daniels, Wiley, 1955; Experimental Physi­ Wisconsin. cal Chemistry, with Daniels, Matthews, Williams, and Bender, McGraw-Hill, 1956. B.S ., Nebraska, Baruch, Jordan J . (21 August 1923, New York) 1943; M.S. , Nebraska, 1944; Ph .D. (physical Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 50 Moulton chemistry), Wisconsin, 1947. Eli Lilly Award in Street, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts. Acoustics; Biochemistry, 1956. Professor of Chemistry, instrumentation. S.B., M.I.T., 1948; S.M., M.I.T., University of Wisconsin. Wife Lillian; 1948; Sc.D. (instrumentation). M.I.T., 1950. Eta Children - Nancy 12, Steve 11, Cathy 6. Kappa Nu Award - ··outstanding Young Elec · trical Engineer for 1956." Vice-President of Research, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Com· Altshuler, Bernard (22 June 1919, Newark, bridge, Massachusetts; Lecturer, Department of New Jersey) Institute of Industrial Medicine, Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of New York University Medical Center, 550 First Technology. Wife- Rhoda; Children - Roberta Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. Mathematics; pul­ Sora 9, Marjorie Jean 7, lawrence Kim 3. monary ventilation, B.S., Lehigh University, 1940; Ph.D. (physics). N. Y. U., 1953. Associate Beams, Jesse W. (25 December 1898) University Professor of Industrial Medicine, New York of Virginia, Department of Physics, McCormick University. Wife - Lillian; Children - Bruce Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Ultracentrifuging; Altshuler 9, Nathaniel Gurin 10. separating of isotopes and ather substances by centrifuging; methods of acceleration of ; production and use of high centrifugal fields; Astbury, W. T. (25 February 1898, Longton, solid-state and low-temperature physics. A.B., Stoke-on-Trent, England) University of Leeds, Fairmont (Wichita), 1921; M.A., Wisconsin, 1922; Deportment of Biomoleculor Structure, Leeds 2, Ph .D. (physics), Virginia, 1925; Han. Sc.D., England. ; structure of fibres William and Mary, 1941; Han. Sc.D., North and biological macromolecules and tissues . Carolina, 1946; Han . Sc.D., Washington and lee, Fundamentals of Fibre Structure, Oxford, 1933; 1946. Potts Medal, Franklin Institute, 1942; Textile Fibres Under the X-Rays, Imperial Chern· Naval Ordnance Development Award, 1946; icol Industries, Ltd., 1943; scientific papers on Thomas Jefferson Award, 1956; John Scott crystal structure, fibres, and proteins. Sc.D. Medal, 1957; lewis Prize, American Philosoph· (physics), Cambridge, 1937; D. (H.C.). Strosbourg, ical Society, 1958. General Advisory Committee, 1946. Gold Medal of Company of Dyers, 1934; Atomic Energy Commission; President, Amer­ Silvanus Thompson Medal of British Institute ican Physical Society. Chairman, Department of of Radiology, 1948; Medal of University of Physics, University of Virginia. Wife - Maxine. Lille, 1933; Worner Memorial Medal of Textile Institute, 1935; Actonion Prize of Royal Institute Becker, Edwin D. (3 May 1930, Columbia, of Great Britain, 1935; Medal of University of Pennsylvania) National Institutes of Health, Brussels, 1949; International Scientific Relations laboratory of Physical Biology, National Institute Medal of the American Society of European of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, Bethesda , 1953; Fellow of the Royal Society, 14, Maryland. Molecular structure and spectro­ 1940; Foreign Member of the Swedish Royal scopy. B.S ., Rochester, 1952; Ph.D. (chemistry), Academy of Sciences, 1957; Honorary Life California, 1955. Physical , National Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Institutes of Health . Wife - Ellen; Children - 1950; Member of the Royal Society of Sciences lynn 2. of Uppsolo, 1946; Corresponding Member of the lstituto Lombardo di Scie nze e Le tte re, Bennett, H. Stanley (22 December 1910, Tattari, 1951. Professor of Biomoleculor Structure and Japan) University of Washington School of Honorary Reader in Textile Physics, University Medicine, Deportment of Anatomy, Seattle 5, of Leeds. Wife- Frances; Childre n - Maureen Washington. Histology; submicroscopic cytology; Margaret, William Francis. cellular fine structure; optical instrumentation;

8 electron microscopy. A.B., Oberlin, 1932; M.D ., April, 1944; Sanies, with T. F. Huetcr, Wiley, Harvard, 1936. Professor of Anatomy and Head 1955. A.B. (architecture), California, 1933; M.A., of the Deportme nt of Anatomy, University of Californ ia, 1937; Ph .D. (physics), California, Washington. Wife - Alice; Children - Edith 1939. Biennial Award, Acoustical Society of 20, Anno 18, Henry J. 16, Patience 14. Am e rica, 1942; Medical Advisory Panel, Assist­ ant Secretory of Defense for R. and E.; Govern­ ing Board, American In stitute of Physics. Pro­ Robert W. (10 March 1915, New York , Berliner, fessor of Acoustics, Massachusetts Institute of of Health, Notional N. Y.) Notional Institutes Techn ology (on leave); Chairman of the Boord, 14, Maryland. Re nal Heart Institute, Bethesda Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Cambridge, electrolyte transport. B.S., Yale, physiology and Massachusetts; Principal Consultant, Director 1936; M.D ., Columbia , 1939. Associate and Biophysical Chemistry Study Section, No­ Heart Institute, in Charge of Research, National tional In sti tutes of Health . Wife - Katherine; Wife - Leo ; Notional Institutes of Health. Children- Beatrice 19, Richard 15, Debbie 13. Chi ldren - Robert W., Jr. 13, Alice 11, Henry 8, Nancy 4. Bri ll, Arthur S. (11 June 1927, Philadelphia, Pe nnsylvania) The Eldredge Reeves Johnson Huntington, Bernhard, Sidney A. (14 July 1927, Foundation for Research in Medical Physics. es of Health, Notional N. Y.) National Institut The University of Pe nnsylvania School of thesda 14, Mary­ Institute of Mental Health, Be Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Magnetic ecular specificity; land. kinetics and mol studies of the reactions of metollo-proteins. Kinetics," The physical biochemistry. " Enzyme A.B., California, 1949; Ph .D. (biophysics), Penn­ Myrbach, Eds .), Enzymes (Boyer, Lordy, and sylvania, 1956. Predoctorol Research Fellow of chapter in Techniques ol Academic, 1958; Notional Institutes of Health, 1950-55; Post­ , W e isbe rger, Ed ., Inter­ doctoral Res earch Fellow, National Research 1948; M.S., Penn. science, 1958. B.S., Brooklyn, Council, Donner, start September 1958. Fellow Columbia, State, 1949; Ph.D . (physical chemistry), in Medical Physics, The Unive rsity of Penn­ Notional Research Council Fellow, 1951- 1951. sylvania. Wife- Patricio. 54; Weizmonn Institute Senior Fellow, 1958-59; Phi Beta Kappa, 1948. Chief, Section on Physical Chemistry, Notional Institute of Me ntal Bullock, Theodore H. (16 May 1915, Nanking, Health, Notional Institutes of Health. Wife - Chino) University of California at Los Angeles, Elgo. Deportment of Zoology, Los Angeles 24, Cali­ fornia. Comparative neurophysiology and neuro­ ecological physiology. 1957, Blois, Marsden S., Jr. (5 January 1919, Son anatomy; marine (Editor) American Phys­ Antonia, Texas) Biophysics Laboratory and De­ "Physiological Triggers" A.B., California, 1936; Ph.D. partment of Physics, W. W. Hansen Laboratories iological Society; Fellow, American of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Cali­ (zoology), California, 1940. and Sciences, 1958. Professor fornia. Thin metallic films; magnetic properties Academy of Arts of California at Los of matter; biophysics; application of magnetic of Zoology, University - Christine methods; biological free radicals. B.S ., U. S. Angeles. Wife - Martha; Children Naval Academy, 1941 ; M.S., Stanford, 1950; 11 , Stephen 9. Ph .D. (physics), Stanford, 1952. Research Asso­ of Physics, Biophysics ciate in Department Collen, Herbert B. (1 July 1919, Philadelphia, Stanford University. Wife - Jean; Laboratory, Pennsylvania) The University of Pe nnsylvania, n - Marsde n 13, Byron 9, Stephen 8, Childre Deportment of Physics, Philadelphia 4, Penn­ Philip 5. sylvania. Theory of solids and of irreversible processes. B.S., Temple, 1941; A.M., Temple, Bloom, William (15 Septe mber 1899, Baltimore, 1942; Ph .D. (physics), M.I.T., 1947. Professor of Maryland) Th e Unive rsity of Chicago, Committee Physics, Th e Un iversity of Pennsylvania. Wile on Biophysics, 5640 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, - Sara; Childre n -Jill 12, Jed 9. Illinois. Tissue culture; histology; histophysiology of bone; radiobiology; mitosis. Textbook of Paul, Min­ Histology, with A. Moximow, 7th Ed ., Sounders, Colvin, Melvin (8 April 1911, St. , Deportment of 1957; Editor, Histopathology ol Irradiation from nesota) Un iversity of California , External and Internal Sources, McGraw-Hill, Ch e mistry and Chemical Engineering, Berkeley neous 1948. A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1919; M.D., Johns California. Structure of ; hete roge Hopkins, 1923. Professor of Anatomy and and homoge neous ca talysis; theoretical organic Member of th e Committee on Biophysics, Th e che mi stry; mechanism of organic reactions; University of Ch icago. Wife - Margaret. photosynthesis and biochemistry. The Theory ol Organic Chemistry, with G. E. K. Branch, Prentice-Hall, 1941; Isotopic Carbon, with C. Bolt, Richard H. (22 April 1911 , Peking, Chino) Heidelberger, J. C. Reid, B. M. Tolbert, and Deportment of Electrical Engineering, Massachu­ P. E. Yonkwich, Wiley, 1949; The Chemistry setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, ol the Metal Chelate Compounds, with A. E. Massachusetts. Th eoretical and experimen tal Mortell, Pre ntice-Hall, 1952; The Path ol Carbon studies of sound distribution in enclosures; in Photosynthesis, with J. A. Bassham, Prentice­ architectural acoustics; effect s and control of Hall, 1957. B.S., Michigan, 1 931; Ph .D. noise. "Sound Waves in Room s," with Philip (ch emistry), _Minnesota, 1935; Hon. D.Sc., Mich­ M. Morse, Reviews of Modern Physics, XVI, igan Mining and Technology, 1955; Hon . D.Sc.,

9 Nottingham, 1958. Flintoff Medal and Prize, Condon, Edward U. (2 March 1902, Alamogordo, British Chemical Society, 1953 (accepted in New Me xico) Washington University, Deportment 1955); T. W. Ri ch ards Medal, Northeastern of Physics, St. Louis 5, Missouri. Theoretical Section, American Che mical Society, 1956; physics. The Theory of Atomic Spectra, with Stephen Hales Award, Am e rican Society of G. H. Shortley, Cambridge, 1935. A.B. , Cali­ Plant Physiologists, 1956; American Chemical fornia, 1924; Ph .D. (theoretical physics), Cali­ Society Award far Nucleor Applications in fornia, 1926. Presid e nt, American Physical Chemistry, 1957; Nichols Medal, New York Soc iety, 1946; President American Association Section, American Chemical Society, 1958; for lhe Advancement of Science, 1953; Editor, Member National Academy of Sciences. Joint Rcviaw of Mode rn Physics. Heod, Deportment Commission on Applied Radioactivity (repre­ of Physics, Washington Unive rsity (St . Louis). sentative of International Union of Biological Wife - Emili e; Children - Caroline, Paul, Sciences, through IUPAP); in charge of Sub­ Joseph. committee on Photosynthesis for living Cell Class, International Science Exhibition, Brussels Fair, 1958. Professor of Che mistry, and Director, Connelly, Clarence M. (4 November 1916, Bio-Organic Chemistry Group, Radiation Labor- Jamestown, New York) The Rockefeller Institute atory, University of California. Wife for Medical Research, 66th Street and York Genevieve; Children - Elin 12, Karole 10, Avenue, New York 21 , N. Y. Nerve physiology; Noel 5. nuclear physics; radar. A.B., Cornell, 1938; Ph.D. (biophysics), Pennsylvania, 1949, Associate, Carlson, Francis D. (29 June 1921, Syracuse, The Rockefeller Institute far Medical Research. New York). The Johns Hopkins University, Wife - Rita; Children -Megan 8. Thomas C. Jenkins De partment of Biophysics, Baltimore, Maryland. Acoustics; communications; propagation of sound in moving fluids; electro­ Consolazio, William V. (12 October 1910, physiology; nerve metabolism; muscular contrac­ Brockton, Massachusetts). National Science tion . Articles on nerve metabolism and muscular Foundation, 1520 H. Street, NW, Washington, contraction. A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1942; Ph.D. D. C. Ch e mical methodology; environmental (biophysics), Pennsylvania, 1949. Associate Pro­ physiology; research administration. B.S ., Tufts, fessor and Chairman of the De portment of 1933; Harvard, 1933-34. Secretary of the Navy Biophysics, The Johns Hopkins University. Wife Commendation. Program Director, Molecular - Carolyn; Children - Nils 5, Christopher 3, Biology, Notional Science Foundation. Wife Kirk 3 months. Hellana; Children - William Bruce 19.

Carroll, William R. (9 June 1916, Logan, Utah) Davidson, Norman R. (5 April 1916, Chicago, National Institutes of Health, Laboratory of Illinois) California Institute of Technology, Physical Biology, Notional Institute of Arthritis Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineer and Metabolic Diseases, Bethesda 14, Maryland. ­ ing, Pasadena, California. Chemical Influence of estrogen an the metabolism of kinetics; shock waves; flash lamps and fast reactors; in­ the uterus; enzyme reactions; metabolism of organic chemistry. B.S., Chicago, 1937; amino acids; effects of x-rays on proteins; B.Sc., Oxford, 1939; Ph.D. (chemistry), Chicago, physical chemistry of proteins. A.B., Swarthmore, 1941. Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of 1938; A.M ., Harvard, 1940; Ph.D. (physiology), Technology. Wife - Annemorie; Children Harvard, 1942. Biochemist, Public Health Service Terry 13, Laureen 10, Jeffrey 8, Brion 4. Commission Corps., National Institutes of Health. Wife - Harriet; Children - Dana 14, Bruce 11, Catherine 9 , Alan 6. Davies, David R. (22 February, 1927, Cor­ morthen, South Wales) Chance, Britton (24 July 1913, Wilkes Barre, Notional Institutes of Health, Section on Physical Chemistry, Notional Pennsylvania) The University of Pennsylvania, Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda 14, Mary­ Eldredge Reeves Johnson Foundation far Re ­ land. X-ray diffraction. B.A search in Medical Physics, School of Medicine, ., Oxford, 1948; D.Phil. (chemical ), Oxford, 612 Maloney Building, Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ 1952. Visiting , National Institutes of vania. Automatic ship steering; photoelectric Health. Wife - Cynthia M.; Children control units; radar timing and computing de­ - Helen 2, Sally 1. vices; sensitive spectra-photometers; mechanisms of enzyme reactions. Volumes XVIX, XX, Radia­ tion Laboratory Series; McGraw-Hill. B.S., Penn­ Doty, Paul (1 June 1920, Charleston, West sylvania, 1935; M.S., Pennsylvania, 1936; Ph .D. Virginia) Harvard University, Department of (physical chemistry), Pennsylvania, 1940; Ph.D. Chemistry, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Light (biology), Cambridge, 1952; D.Sc., Cambridge, scattering; physical chemistry of polymers; poly­ 1952. Presid e ntial Certificate of Merit, 1950; electrolytes, macromolecules, proteins and nu ­ Paul Lewis Award in Enzyme Chemistry, 1952. cleic acid. B.S ., Pennsylvania State, 1941; M.A., Professor and Director of the Eldridge Reeves Columbia, 1943; Ph .D. (chemistry), Columbia, Johnson Foundation far Research in Medical 1944. American Chemical Society Award in Physics, The University of Pennsylvania. Wife - Pure Chemistry, 1956; National Academy of Lilian; Children - Eleanor 19, Britton, Jr. 17, Sciences, 1957. Professor of Chemistry, Harvard Jan 11, Ann 9, Jerry 8, Peter 8, Brooke 6, University. Wife - Helga; Children - Gordon William 3, Margaret 7 months. 9, Marcia 2.

10 Edds, Moe V., Jr. (25 March 1917, Newark, Buenos Aires, Santiago, lima; Honorary M em ber, New Jersey) Brown University, Department of American Academy of Neurology, 1955; Fe llow, Biology, Providence 12, Rhocle Island. Experi­ Societies of Surgery, Buenos Aires, Santiago, mental embryology of amphibia and mommolio; Chile, Porto Alegre, limo. Associate Biophysicist, nerve regeneration in mammals; embryonic de­ Massachusetts General Hospital; Visiting l ecturer, velopment of collagen. Publications about am­ Department of Biology, Massachusetts In stitute phibian embryology, growth and regeneration of Technology. Wife - Anna; Children - of the nervous system; em bryan ic development Brigida 4, Veronica 3. of collagen. B.A., Amherst, 1938; M.A., Amherst, Ferry, John D. (4 May 1912, Dawson, Yukon 1940; Ph.D. (embryology), Yale 1943. Former Territory, Canada) University of Wisconsin, Secretory, Growth Society, In charge of Woods Department of Chemistry, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Hole Embryology Course, Morine Biological Physical chemistry of macromolecules. A.B., laboratories, 1958; Professor of Biology, Brown Stanford, 1932; Ph.D. (chemistry). Stanford, University. Wife - louise; Chi~dren - Nancy 1935. lilly Award, American Chemical Society, 16, Kenneth 13, Carol 10. 1946; Bingham Medal, Society of Rh eology, 1953. Professor of Chemistry, University of Edelsock, Edgar A. (14 June 1924, New York, Wisconsin. Wife Barbara; Children N. Y.) Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Phyllis 13, John 9. Research, Branch Office, 1000 Geary St., San Francisco 9, California. Radiological physics. Fluke, Donald J. (17 February 1923, Nankin, B.S., Southern California, 1948. Physicist, Office Ohio) Duke University, Department of Zoology, of Naval Research. Wife - lillian; Children - Durham, North Carolina. U. V. action spectro­ lean 3. scopy of virus; radiation on virus, enzyme. B.A., Wooster 1947; M.S., Yale, 1948; Ph .D. Eden, Murray (17 August 1920, Brooklyn, New (physics), Yale, 1950. Associate Professor, De­ York) National Institutes of Health, laboratory partment of Zoology, Duke University. Wile - of Technical Development, National Heart In­ Margaret; Children - John 3. stitute, Bethesda 14, Maryland pH standards; thermodynamics; instrumentation; physiological friedman, Francis l. (5 September 1918, measurements in vivo. B.S., City College, 1939; New York, N. Y.) Massachusetts Institute of M.S., Maryland, 1944; Ph .D. (physical chemistry). Technology, Department of Physics, Cambridge Maryland, 1951. Biophysicist, Notional Heart 39, Massachusetts. Nuclear and theoreticol Institute, National Institutes of Health. physics. A.B., Harvard, 1939; M.A., Harvard, 1940; Ph.D. (phy>ics). M.I.T., 1949. Professor Elias, Peter (26 November 1923, New Brunswick, of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. New Jersey) Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ Wife - Betty; Children - Gweneth 12, Karen nology, Department of Electrical Engineering, 11, Seth 8. Cambridge 39, Massachusetts. Information Theory. S.B., M.I.T., 1944; M.A., Harvard, 1948; Frishkopf, lawrence 5. (26 June 1930, Phila­ M.Eng.Sci., Harvard, 1949; Ph.D. (engineering delphia, Pennsylvania) The Rockefeller Institute science and applied physics). Harvard, 1950. for Medical Research, 66th Street and York Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Avenue, New York 21, N. Y. Neurophysiology. Ph.D. (physics), M.I.T., Massachusetts Institute of Techno~ogy; Visiting A.B., Pennsylvania, 1951; lecturer, University of California, 1958. Wife 1956. Visiting Investigator, Th e Rock efeller -Marjorie; Children- Ellen 6, Paul 2, Denny l. Institute for Medical Research (Public Health Service Research Fellowship). Engstrom, Arne V. (15 May 1920, Stockholm, Fuhr, Irvin (16 January 1913, Sharon, Pennsyl­ Sweden) Karolinska Institute!, lnstitutionen for van ia) National Institutes of Health, Division of Medicinsk Fysik, Stockholm, 60, Sweden. Bio­ Research Grants, Bethesda 14, Maryland_ Toxi­ logical Ultrastructure, with J. B. Finean, Aca­ cology of drugs and chemical warfare agents; demic, 1958; Bone and Radiostrontium, Wiley. vitamin and mineral metabolism; anemia and Disp., Karolinska, 1946; Doc., Karalinska, 1947; rickets; development of experim en tal diets and Med. lie., Karolinska, 1950; Med. Dr., Karolinska, chemical methods; biochemistry. B.S., Wisconsin, 1951. Professor of Medical Physics, Karolinsko 1937; M.S., Wisconsin, 1939; Ph.D. (biochem­ Institute!. Wife - Anna lisa; Children - istry), Wisconsin, 1942; Executive Secretary, Vilhelm. Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry Study Section; Project Review Officer, Division of Fernandez-Moren, Humberto V. (18 February Research Grants, National In stitutes of Health, 1924, Maracaibo, Venezuela) Massachusetts Public Health Service. Wile - Ruby; Children Mixter laboratories for Elec­ General Hospital, - Jeffrey 11, Martin 9. tron Microscopy, Warren Building, Boston, Mas­ sachusetts. Electron microscopyi biophysics of von Gierke, Henning E. (22 May 1917, Karlsruhe, nervous system. The Submicroscopic Orgoniza· Germany) Aero Medical laboratory, WClDN, tion of Nerve Fibres as Revealed by Electron Wright Air Development Center, Wright-Potterson Microscopy, Almqvist and Wiksell, 1952. A.B., Air Forc e Bos e, Ohio. Bioacoustics; aviation bio­ Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf, Germany, 1940; physics; reception of mechanical energy by M.D ., Munich, 1944; M.D., Caracas, 1945; body tissue and its effect. Twa chapters in Ph.D. (Biophysics), Stockholm, 1952. Member, Handbook of Noise Control (Ed . C. M. Harris), Academia Ciencias Fisicos y Motem6ticas, Ca­ McGraw-Hill, 1957; papers on physical and racas, 1953; Member, Societies of Neurology, physiological acoustics, on the physics of vibra-

II lion in tissues. Dipl. lng., Tech. U. Karlsruhe, logical ultrastructure; biopolyme rs; cell division. 1942; Dr. lng. (communications in engineering; A.B., Penn sylvan io, 1950; Ph .D. (physiology), acoustics). Tech. U. Karlsruhe, 1944. National Pe nn sylvania, 1954. George lieb Harrison Fellow­ Research Council C.H.A.B.A. Committee; Vi ce­ ship, 1952-53; National Science Foundation Chairman, American Standards Association Com­ Fellowship, 1953-54; Lalor Fellowships, 1955, mittee on Bioacoustics; Committee on Physical 1956; Electe d Fellow of New York Academy of Acoustics. Chief, Bioacoustics Branch, Aero Sciences, 1956. Assistant Professor of Biology, Medical laboratory, Wright Air De velopment University Colle ge and Graduate School of Arts Center. Wife - Hanlo; Children - Karin 9 mos. and Sciences, New York University. Wife Mona lee; Children - Wendy 5 , Aline 3. Glaser, Donald A. (21 September 1926, Cleve­ land, Ohio) Harrison M. Randall laboratory of Hardy, James D. (11 August 1904, Georgetown, Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Texas) The University of Pennsylvania, Depart­ Michigan. High-ene rgy nuclear physics. B.S., me nt of Physiology, School of Medicine, Phila­ Case, 1946; Ph.D. (physics). C.I.T., 1950. Charles delphia, Pennsylvania. Heat loss in humans; Vernon Boys Prize (london Physical Society). temperature and pain sensation; analgesic Professor of Physics, University of Michigan. action of drugs; infrared . A.B. , Glimcher, Melvin J. (2 June 1952, Brookline , Mi ssissippi, 1924; M.A., Mississippi, 1925; Ph.D. Massachusetts) Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ (physics), Johns Hopkins, 1930. Professor of nology, Deportment of Biology, Cambridge 39, Physiology, School of Medicine, The University Massachusetts. Orthopedic surgery; biophysics; of Pennsylvania. Wife - Augusta. biophysical chemistry. lower limb Orthopedic Brace Research, M.I.T. , 1950; "Macromolecular Hart, Roger G. (3 September 1928, St. Paul, Aggregation States in Relation to Mineraliza­ Minnesota) The University of Cambridge, MRC tion, The Collagen-Hydroxyapatite System as Unit, Cavendish laboratory, Cambridge, Studied In Vitro," Prac. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1957. England. Biophysics, mainly virus structural work. B.S. (Mech. Eng.), Purdue, 1945; B.S. (physics), B.A., Minnesota, 1948; Ph .D. (biophysics). Cali­ Purdue, 1946; M.D., Harvard, 1950. Soma Weiss fornia, 1955. Associate Professor of Zoology, Prize (Harvard), 1950; Border Research Award Washington University, St. louis. Wife in Medicine, 1950. Research Associate in Biology Dorothy; Children - Roger 1. and Fellow of the School for Advanced Study, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Assistant Hartline, H. K. (22 December 1903, Bloomsburg, in Orthopedic Surgery, Massachusetts General Pennsylvania) The Rockefeller Institute for Med· Hospital. Wife - Geraldine; Children - Susan ical Research, 66th Street and York Avenue, B, laurie 7, Nancy 6. New York 21, N. Y. Physiology of sense re­ ceptors; neuro-physiology of vision; physiology Goldman, David E., Cmdr., U. S. Navy (II of photoreception; electric responses of verte­ August 1910, Baston, Massachusetts) Naval brate and arthropod eyes. B.S., lafayette, 1923; Medical Research Institute, Biophysics Division, M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1927. Warren medal, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda 14, 1948; Howell Award, 1927. Member of the Maryland. Biophysics; electrophysiology; avia­ Council, The Biophysical Society, Member, The tion physiology; bioacoustics. A.B., Harvard, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Wife 1931; Ph.D. (physiology), Columbia, 1943. Head, - Elizabeth; Children - Daniel 18, Peter 16, Biophysics Division, Naval Medical Research Frederick 13. Institute. Wife- Jeanne; Children -James 11. Hearon, John Z. (17 February Goldstein, Moise H., Jr. (26 December 1926, 1920, Sumpter, South Carolina) National Institutes New Orleans, louisiana), Massachusetts Insti­ of Health, National Institute of Arthritis tute of Technology, Department of Electrical and Metabolic Diseases, Bethesda Engineering, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts. 14, Maryland. Application of kinetics and thermodynamics Communications engineering; biophysics. B.S., to biology; rate behavior of metabolic Tulane, 1949; S.M., M.I.T. , 1951; Sc.D. (electrical syster:~s; mathematics as applied to biology. B.S., engineering), M.I.T., 1957. Assistant Professor The Citadel, 1941; M.S., Michigan, 1942; of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Ph.D. (biochemistry). Michigan, of Technology. Wife -Janet. 1944; Ph.D. (mathematical biology), Chicago, 1949. Chief, Office of Mathematical Research, Gray, Irving, Lt. Col., U.S. Army (27 April 1920, National Institutes of Health. Wife - Marion; Boston, Massachusetts} Quartermaster Corps., Children - Kayce 7. Research and Development Command, Natick, Massachusetts. Physiology of mammalian erythro­ Henkin, Robert I. (5 October 1930, los Angeles, cytes; rate of synthesis of antibody protein; bio­ California) University of California at los chemistry of stress. B.S., Virginia Polytech, 1941; Angeles, School of Medicine, las Angeles, Ph.D. (biochemistry). M.I.T. Scientific Director, California. Neuro-endocrinology. "The Predic­ Quartermaster Research and Engineering Center tion of Behavior Response Patterns to Music," laboratories, Natick, Massachusetts. Wife - Jour. Psycho!., 1957, Vol. 44; " A Factorial Study Mildred; Children - Cecily 9, lisa 5. of the Components of Music," Jour. Psycho/., 1955, Vol. 39. A.B., Southern California, 1951; Gross, Paul R. (25 November 1928, Philadelphia, M.A., U.C.l.A., 1953; Ph.D. (psychology of Pennsylvania) New York University, Department music). U.C.l.A., 1955. Summer Fellow in Bio­ of Biology, University Heights, New York 53, physics, 1957; Atwater-Kent Fellow, U.C.l.A., N. Y. Cellular physiology; cytochemistry; bio- 1954-55, Phi Beta Kappa, 1951. Fourth-year

12 medical student, U.C.l.A.; researcher in neuro· Physiology of Protozoa (co-ed. with H. Seymour; en docrinology, Department of Anatomy, Uni. author some chapters), Academic, 1955. B.S., versity of California at los Angeles, School of City College, 1931; Ph.D. (microbiology), Cornell, Medicine. 1937. Co -c onvener, Conference on Growth of Protozoa, N ew York Academy of Sci ences, 1953. Hill, Terrell (19 December 1917, Oakland, Editorial Board, Journal of Protozoology; Staff California) Univers ity of Oregon, Department of Microbiologist, Hoskins laboratories. Wife - Chemistry, College of liberal Arts, Eug ene, Margarita; Children - Reed 13. Oregon. Th ermodynamics; sta tistical mechanics; surface and colloid chemistry; physical bio­ Inoue, Shinya (5 January 1921 , london, England) chemistry. Statistical Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, University of Roch ester, Biological l aboratories, 1956. A.B., California, 1938; Ph .D. (ch emistry), College of Arts and Sci enc es, River Campus California, 1942; Harvard, 1940-41. Guggenheim Station, Roch es ter 20, N ew York. Submicrosco pic Fellow 1952-53; Arthur S. Flemming Award, structure in relat to cell function; expe ri ­ 1955; Washington Academy of Sciences Award, mental cy tology; biophysics; optics. M.A., Prince­ 1956; Navy Distinguished Civil ian Service ton , 1950; Ph .D. (biology), Princeton 1951. Award, I 956. Professor of Chemistry, Univers ity Associa te Prof essor o f Biology, University of of Oregon. Wife laura; Children - Julie Roch es ter. Wife - Sy lvia; Children - Heather 12 , l ynn 9, Ernest 2. , Hill 9, Jonathan 4, Christopher 2, Stephen 1.

Hodge, Alan J. (20 January 1926, Singapore, Kaplan, Henry S. (24 April 1918, Chicago, Malaya) Massac husetts I ns titute of Tec hnology, Illinois) Stanford Univers ity School of M edicine, Department of Bi ology, Cambridge 39, Massa­ Department of Radiology, Stanford University chu se tts . El ectron mi croscopy and physical Hospitals, Clay and Webster Street s, San che mistry of fibrous prote in and lamellar sys­ Francisco, California. Carcinogenesis by ir­ te ms. B.Sc. (Honors), W es tern Austral ia, 1946; radiation, especially leuk emia induction by Ph .D. (biophysic s), M.I .T., 1952. Rennie M e morial x-radiation of mi ce; biological eff ects of radio· Medal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, lion on experim ental tumors. B.S., Chicago 1938; 1955. Research Associate Biology, Massachu­ M.D., Ru sh, 1940; M.S., Minnesota, 1944. Pro ­ se tts Institute of Tec hnology. Wife - El sa; fessor of Radiology and Execu tive Head, Depart­ Children - Barbara 5, Peter and David 3, ment of Radiology, Stanford University School of Richard 1. Medicine. Wife - l ea h; Children - Ann 6, Paul 5. Hogness, David S. (17 November 1925, Oak­ land, California) Washington Universi ty, Depart­ Kaplan, Nathan 0 . (25 June 1917, N ew York, ment of Microbiology, Euclid Avenue and N . Y.) Brandeis University, Graduate Department Kingshighway, St. louis 10, Missouri. Micro­ of Bioche mistry, Waltham 54, Ma ss achuse tts. bial genetics and bioche mi stry. " Th e «-galac­ Re lationship of vitam i ns to metabolism; micro· tosidase of Aerobacter aerogenes; its character­ bioi metaboli sm; influ ence of hormon es on i stics and induced sy nthesis," with E. H. Sattley, metabolism; action of antimetabolites; mecha­ Fed. Proc. 16, 1 (1957); " Studies on th e induced nism of en zyme action. Methods in Enzymology, synthes is of ~· gala c to s ida se in Escherichia coli : co-ed. wi th S. P. Colowick, Academic, 1956-8; th e kinetics and mec hanism of sulfur incorpora­ publication s in enzym ology, coenzyme action. tion," with M . Cohn and J. Monad, Biochem. A. B., U.C. l.A., 1939; Ph .D. (bioche mi stry), Cali­ Biophys. Acta, 16, 99 (1955). B.S., C.I.T., 1949; fornia, 1943. Shared Nutrition Awa rd , 1949; Ph .D. (chemistry; biochemical genetics), C.I.T., shared Sugar Res earch Award, 1946; National 1952. Assistant Professo r of Microbiology, Science Foundation Travel Award, 1952; lilly Washington University (St. l ouis). Wife -­ Award, American Chemical Society, 1953; Judith; Children - Peter 2, Christopher 2 mos. Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Chairman, National Research Council Hornig, Donald F. (17 March 1920, Milwaukee, Committee on Coenzymes ; Special Consultant, Wisconsin) Princeton University, De portment of National Cance r In sti tute; Member, American Chemistry, Prin ceton, N ew Je rs ey, Molec u:ar Cancer Society Advisory Committee on th e spectroscopy; sprecta of crystals; sh ock and Idealogy of Cancer; M e mbe r, Notional Sci ence detonaticn waves; fast reaction s; theoreti cal Foundation Committee on Metabolic Biology, che mi stry. B.S., Harvard, 1940; Ph .D. (physica l Profess or of Biochemistry and Chairman of the che mi stry), Harvard 1943. Guggenheim and Deportment, Brandeis Univers ity. Wife Fulbright Fe llowships, 1954-55; National Goldie; Children - Jerold 5. Academy of Sci ence, 1957. Chairman , Depart­ ment of Ch e mi stry, Prin ceton Univer::.i •y. Wife Lilli; Children Joanna 11 , Ell en 7, Kasha, Michael (6 Dec ember 1920, Elizabeth, Christoph er 5 , l es lie l. New Jersey) Florida State Unive rsity, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, Tallahassee, Florida. Mole­ cular electronic spec troscopy; th eoretical photo­ Hutner, Seymour If. (28 October 19 11 , Brooklyn, che mi stry; e nergy transfer. Mo lecular Excitation N ew York) Ho sk in s l aboratories, 305 Ea >l 43 (in preparation). B.S., Michigan, 1943; Ph.D . Street, New York 17, N. Y. Nutrition of bacteria, (physical chem istry), California, 1945. Professor algae, and protozoa. " Micr obiological Assays, ·• of Ch emistry, Florida State Un iversity. Wife - Anal. Chem., April 1958; Bioch e mistry and Lilli; Children - Nicholas 2.

13 Katz, Bernhard (26 March 1911, Leipzig, Ger­ underwater sou·nd; spark spectru m of gallium many) University College London, De part ment in air and hydrogen . B.S., Valparaiso, 1911 ; of Biophysics, Fa cu lt y of Medical Sci e nces, B.C.E., Valparaiso , 1912; Ph.D . (physics). Yal e, Gower Street, London, W. C. 1, England. 1921. Rho-( Rubber Award, U. S. Navy, 1932; Mechanism of excitable tissues. Electric Excita ­ Distinguished Civilian Service Award, U. S. tion of Nerve, Oxford, 1939; papers on nerve Navy, 1945; D.O.D. Award, 1957. Consu ltant, and muscle physiology in Jour. of Physiol., Naval Research Laboratory; Special Consultant Proc. Roy . Soc. M.D., Leipzig, 1934; Ph .D. in Biophysics for Office of Naval Research. (physiology). Landon, 1938; D.Sc., London, 1943. Wife - Bertha; Children - Marcia, David. Fellow, Royal Socie ty, 1952. Professor and He ad of De partment of Biophysics, University College London . Wife Marguerite; Children Kornberg, Arthur (3 March 1918, Brooklyn, N.Y.) David 11, Jonathan 8. Washington University School of Medicine, De­ partment of Microbiology, Euclid Avenue and Kingshighwoy, St. Louis 10, Missouri. Enzymatic Kauzmann, Walter J . (18 August 1916, Mount action of interme diary metabolism. B.S., City Vernon, New York) Princeton Unive rsity, Depart­ College, 1937; M.D. , Ro cheste r, 1941 . Professor ment of Chemistry, Princeton , New Je rsey. and Head of th e De partme nt of Microbiology, Theory of optical rotatory power; plastic prop­ Washington Uni versity School of Me dicine (St. erties of matter; mec hanism of protein d e natur­ Louis). Wife - Sylvy; Childre n - Rog e r 11 , ation . , Academic, 1957. Thomas 9, Kenneth 8 . B.A. , Cornell, 1937; Ph .D. (physical chemistry). Princeton, 1940. Associate Professor of Chem­ istry, Prince ton Unive rsity. Wife - Elizabeth; Kraut, Joseph (5 December 1926, New York , Children - Peter 5, Eric 3, Lise 1. N.Y.) University of Washington School of Medicine, De partme nt of Bioche mistry, Seattle 5, Washington. Physical biochemistry and x-ray Kegeles, Gerson (23 April 1917, New Haven, diffraction. B.S ., Bucknell, 1950; Ph .D. (physical Connecticut) Clark University, Ch e mical Labora­ chemistry), C.I.T. , 1954. Investigator of Howard tories, Worcester, Massachuse tt s. Thermody- Hughes Me dical Institute; Assistant Professor of namics; electrolyte solutions; refractometric Biochemistry, University of Washington School optical methods for studying inhomoge neous of Medicine. Wife - Jean. media; sedimentation; electrophoresis; chroma ­ tography; diffusion. B.S., Yale, 1937; Ph .D. (physical chemistry), Yale, 1940. Professor of Lehninger, Albert L. (17 February 1917, Bridge­ Chemistry, Clark University. Wife Bertha; part, Connecticut) The Johns Hopkins Unive rsity, Children - Winifred 13, Lawre nce 11 , Stanley Department of Physiological Che mistry, Balti­ 10, Gloria 9 , Joyce 7. more, Maryland. Intermediary metabolism; bio­ logical oxidations and phosphorylations. B.A. , Wesleyan, 1939; M.S., Wisconsin, 1940; Ph.D. Kendrew, John C. (24 March 1917, Oxford, (biochemistry), Wisconsin, 1942; Han. D.Sc. , England) Cavendish Laboratory, The University Wesleyan, 1954. Paul Lewi s Award, 1948. of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. Biophysics Profe ssor and Director of th e Department of and molecular biology; application of th e tech­ Physiological Ch e mistry, Th e Johns Hopkins niques of x-ray crystallography to th e elucida­ University. Wife - Jane t; Childre n - James tion of the structures of globular proteins; 12, Erika 11. structure of myoblobin. Various papers on the structure of protein s in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Acta Crystallographica, Nature. Lennox, Edwin S. (9 June 1920, Savannah, B.A., Trinity, 1939; M.A., Trinity, 1942; Ph.D . Georgia) University of Illinois, William Albert (x -ray studies, proteins). Tr inity, 1949. Fe llow Noyes Laboratory, Deportment of Che mi stry of Pe terhouse, Cambridge. Deputy Director of and Ch emical Enginee ring, Urbana, Illinois. th e Me dical Research Council Unit for Molecular Microbiology; immunology. B.S. , Vanderbilt, Biology, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 1942; Ph .D. (physics). Cornell, 1940. Assistant England. Professor of Bioch emistry, University of Illinois. Wife - He le n; Childre n - Virginia 17, Caroline 14, N icolai 9, Carlo 3. Kirkwood, John G. (30 May 1907, Gotebo, Oklahoma) Yal e University, Departme nt of Chemistry, N ew Hove n, Connecticut. Die lectric Levinthal, Cyrus (2 May 1922, Philade lphia, polarization and loss in gases, liquid s, and Penn sylvania) Massachusetts In stitute of Tech· high polymers; quantum th eory of intermolecular nology, De portm e nt of Biology, Cambridge 39, forc es and th e equation of state of gases. S.B., Ma ssachuse tts . Nucle ar physics; photonucleor Chicago, 1926; Ph .D. (ch e mistry). M.I.T. , 1929; re actions; biophysics; virus multiplica tion; virus Han. Sc.D., Chicago, 1954. American Academy, g e netic s; g eneti c control of enzymes. B.A., Riclla rds Medal, 1950, Lewis Me dal, 1953. swarthmore, 1943; Ph.D. (physics), California, Sterling Professor and Chairman of Departme nt 1950. Me mber of th e Council, The Biophysical of Chemistry, Yale University. Wife - Platonic. Society. Professor of Biophysics, De portme nt of Klein, Elias (11 January 1890, Wilno, Poland) Biology, Massachuse tts Institute of Technology. Naval Resea-;cl, Laboratory, Washington 25, D.C. Wife - Je ane; Childre n - Sarah 5, David 3, Acoustics; ultrasonics; shock and vibration; Adam 6 mos.

14 Liddel, Urner (3 September 1905, Butler, Morrison , Philip (7 Nove mber 1915, Somerville, Missouri) Notional Institutes of Health , labora­ New J e rsey) Cornell University, De portment of tory of Physical Biology, Notional Institute of Physics, Ithaca, New York. Th eory of nuclei; Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, Bethesda 14 , applications of nuclear physics in astronomy, Maryland. ; nuclear physics. geology, microbiology. B.S., C.I.T., 1936; Ph .D. A.B., Central College (Mo), 1926; Ph.D. (ch e m­ (theoretical physics), Californ ia, 1940. Professor istry), George Washington, 1941 . Biophysicist, of Physics, Cornell University. Wife Emi ly. Notional Institutes of Health. Wife - Ev e lyn; Children - Bruce 4. Mullins, L. J . (23 Septe mber 1917, Son Fran ­ cisco, California) Purdue University, Biophysical laboratory, l afayette, Indiana. Permeability of Lorond, La sz lo (23 March 1923, Gyor, Hungary) cells to ions and molec ule s; applications of Northwes tern University, Deportment of Chern· radioisotopes to biological proble ms. B.S ., istry, College of liberal Arts, Evanston, Illinoi s. California, 1937; Ph .D. (biophysics), California, Prote in s of blood and mu sc le. Physiological 1940. Associate Professor of Biophysics, Purdue Reviews, 1954. Absolutorium (m e dicine). Medical Universi ty. Wife - Rowena; Children -- Corio School, Budapest, 1948; Ph .D. (biomoleculor 3, Andrew 9 mon ths. structu re). l eeds, 195 1. Be it Me morial Fe llo w­ sh ip, 1952. Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ne uroth, Hans (29 October 1909, Vienna, Northweste rn University. W if e- Joyce; Children Austria) University of Washington School of - Mi chele 3. Medicine, Deportm e nt of Biochemistry, Seattle 5, Washington. Chemistry of proteins and enzymes; proteolyti c enzyme immunochemistry; MocNichol, Edward F., Jr. (24 October 1918, surface and colloid che mi st ry; diffusion; e lec tro­ foledo, Ohio) The John s Hopkins University, phoresis; immunoche mistry. Th e Prot e ins (w ith fhe Thomas C. Jenkins De portment of Bio­ Bailey, Eds.). Vols. I, II , Acade mic, 1954. Ph .D. physic., Baltimore, Maryland. Physiology of (colloid chemistry). Vienna, 1933. Me mber, se nse organs, especially retina; instrumen ta ti on Editorial Boord, Journal of Biological Chemistry; for biologica l research . A.B., Prince ton , 1941; M e mber, International Commission on Prot eins. Ph .D. (biophysics). Johns Hopkins, 1952. Assist­ Professor of Bio chem istry and Chairman of th e ant Professor of Biophysics, Th e Johns Hopkin s Deportment, Un iversity of Washington School of University. Wife - Anne; Children - Edward Me d ic ine. Wife - Hild e; Children - Peter 1 S. 16, Anne 14. Oncley, John L. (14 February 1910, Wheaton, Ill inoi s) Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Meister, Alton (1 June 1922, Ne w York , N.Y.) Street, Boston, Massachuse tts. Di e lectri c prope r· Tufts Unive rsi ty School of M edicine, Depa rtm e nt ties of gases, liquids, and proteins; physical of Bioch e mi stry, Boston , Massachusetts. Bio­ and colloid chemistry, especia lly related to chemistry. Bi oche mistry of th e Amino Acids, protein sys tems; fractionation an d interactions Acade mic, 1957. B.S., Harvard, 1942; M.D ., of proteins and lipopro te in s. A.B., Southwester, Cornell, 1945. Paul l ewis Award in Enzyme (Kans.). 1920; Ph.D. (physical chemistry), Wis­ Chemistry, 1954. Professor and Chairman of consin, 1932; Han . M.A., Harvard, 1946; Han. th e Departm ent of Bio che mi st ry, Tufts Un iversity D.Sc., South western, 1954. Chemical Socie ty School of Medicin e. Wife - l eonora; Children Award, 1942. Pres id ent, Commission on Protein s - Jonathon 9, Ken neth 6. I.U .P.A.C. Professor of Biological Chemistry: Harvard Medical School. Wife - Genevieve; Children - louise, Nancy. Meselson, Matthew S. (24 May 1930, Denver, Colorado) California Institute of Technology, Orgel, Leslie (1 2 January 1927, london, England) Divi sion of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, fh e University of Cambridge, Deportm e nt of Pa sadena, California. Molecular biology. Ph.B. , Th eoretical Chemistry, Cambridge, England. Chicago, 1951; Ph.D. (), Theoretical che mistry. Researc h pap ers in chem­ C.I.T., 1957. Research fellow, Division of ical iournols. B.A., Magdale n (Oxford). 1949; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Ph .D. (chemistry), Magdalen (Oxford), 195 1; In stitute of Technology. A. A. Noyes Fe llo w, C. I.T., 1953. Harrison Prize, 1956-57. Assistant Directo r of Research, Deport­ ment of Th eoretical Chemistry, The University Morales, Manue l F. (23 July 19 19, Son Pe dro, of Cambridge. Wife - Alice; Children - Honduras) Dartmouth Medical School, Deport­ V ivienn e 3, Ri chard l . ment of Biochemistry, Hanover, New Hampshire. Bioch e mica l th ermody namics and kinetics; phys­ Pattee, Howard H., Jr. (5 October · 1926, ical chemi stry of muscle action. A .B., Colifornicz, Pa sade na, California) Stanford University, De­ 1939; A.M., Ha rvard, 1941 ; Ph .D (phys iology). portme nt of Physics, Stanford, California. X-ray California, 1942. Phys ical Society Trave l Award, microscopy; biophysics. '' X- ray Microscopy," 1950; U.S. Federa l Service Fl em ming Award, w ith P. Kirkpatrick, in Hondbuch der Physik, 1956. Editorial Boards, American Jo urnal of Springe r, 1957; "Approaches to X-ray Micros­ Physiology, Journal of Applied Physio logy. copy," with P. Kirkpatrick, in Advances in Professor of Bioche mi stry, Dartmouth M edica l Biological and Medical Physics, Academic, 1953. School. Wife - J ean. B.S., Stanford, 1948; Ph .D. (physics), Stanford,

15 1953. Sigma Xi Research Award, 1953. Acting ciety of Biological Che mists; Editor, Archives of Director, X-ray laboratory, Deportment of Biochemistry and Biophysics; Member, Notional Physics, Stanford University; Research Associate, Sci enc e Foundati on Divi si onal Committee on Bio · Biophysics laboratory, W. W. Hansen labora­ logical and Me d ical Sciences. Professor of tories of Physics. Wife - Mary Ellen ; Children Bioche mistry and Chairman of the De portme nt, - Richard 3, Alan 1. University of Florida Medical School. Wife - Dorothy; Children - Fron k, Jr. 11, Beverly Susan 7. Platt, John Rader (29 June 1918, Jacksonville, Florida) The University of Chicago, Deportment of Physics, Chicago 37, Illinois. For ultraviolet Ribi, Edgar (5 Se pte mber 1920, Zu rich, Switzer­ spectra; properties of hydrocarbons; design of land) Notional Institutes of Health , Rocky infrared voice communication syst ems; theory Mountain laboratory, Hamilton, Montano. Physico­ of chemical spectra and chemical bonds; ampli­ chemica studies on viruses and bacteria; fication and organization in photodetector physical chemistry of natural and synthetic networks. " The " in Handbuch fibres. Ph .D. (chemistry, physics, and miner­ der Physik, Springer, 1958. B.S., Northweste rn, alogy), Berne, 1948. Biophysicist, Rocky Moun · 1936; M.S., Northwestern, 1937; Ph .D. (physics). lain laboratory, Notional Institutes of Health. Michigan, 1941. Guggenheim Fellow, 1952-3. Wife - Karin; Childre n - Nils 3, Hans 6 mos. Professor of Physics, The University of Chicago. _Rice Stuart A (~January 1932, New York, N.Y.) Wife Ann ; Childre n - Terry 14, Christo­ The University of Ch icago, Institute for th e pher 12. Study of Metals, 5640 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, Ill inois. Physical chemistry. B.S., Brooklyn, 1952; Podolsky, Richard (20 August 1923, Chicago, A.M. Harvard, 1954; Ph .D. (physical chemistry), Illinois) Naval Medical Research Institute, No ­ Harvard, 1955. A. Cressy Morrison Prize of th e tional Naval Medical Center, Bethesda 14, New York Academy of Sciences, 1955; Society Maryland. Muscle contraction; pe rmeability; of Fellows, Harvard University, 1955-7. Pro­ electrolyte theory. Ph .D. (biophysics). Chicago, fessor of Chemistry, De portme nt of Chemistry 1952. Biophysicist, Naval Medical Research and Institute for the Study of Me tals, The Institute. University of Chicago. Wife - Marion Ruth ; Children -Barbara Ellen 1.

Pollard, Ernest C. (16 April 1906, Yunnan, Chino) Yale University, Deportment of Bio­ Rich, Alexander (15 Nove mber 1924, Hartford, physics, J . W. Gibbs laboratory, New Hoven, Connecticut) Massachusetts Institute of Te ch ­ Connecticut. Nuclear physics; biophysics; radar; nology, Department of Biology, Cambridge 39, transmutation of light nuclei; scattering of light Massachusetts. Molecular structure of biological particles by light nuclei; energy levels of nuclei systems; structure of nucleic acids, fibrous pro­ by observations of proton groups; physics of teins, steroids; x-ray crystallography. Publications viruses; biological action of ionizing radiations. about structure of collagen, ribonucleic acids, B.A., Cambridge, 192B; Ph .D. (physics), Com­ physical chemistry of proteins; crystallographic bridge, 1932. Member of the Council and of studies of helical molecules; abnormal hemo­ Executive Boord, The Biophysical Society. Pro­ globins. A.B., Harvard, 1947; M.D., Harvard, fessor of Biophysics and Chairman of the 1949. Member, Scientific Advisory Board Deportment, Yale University. Wife - Elizabeth; (Molecular Biology), U. S. Air Force Office of Children - Ann 21 , Coral 18, Stephe n 16. Scientific Research; Membe r of the Council, Puck, Theodore T 4 September 1916, Chicago, Th e Biophysical Society. Associate Professor of I inois n1versity of Colorado Medical Ce nter, Biophysics, Deportme nt of Biology, Massachu­ Deportment of Biophysics, 4200 Ea st Ninth setts In stitute of Technology. Wife - June; Avenue, Denver 20, Colorado. ; Children - Benjamin 1. aerosols; air-borne infection; bacterial and virus metabolis m; cell physiology and g e netics. Articles in Journal of Experimental Medicine, Roberts, Richard Brooke (7 December 1910, Journal of . B.S ., Chicago, 1937; Titusville, Pennsylvania) Carnegie Institution of Ph .D. (physical chemistry). Chicago, 1940. Pro­ Washington, Departme nt of Te rrestrial Mag­ fessor of Biophysics and Head of the Deport­ netism, 5241 Brood Branch Rood, Washington ment, University of Colorado Medical Center 15, D.C. Nuclear physics; e lectronics; micro­ (Denver). Wife - Mary; Children - Stirling biology. Studies of in Escherichia 10, Jennifer 8, laurel 5. coli, Carne gie Institution, 1955. A.B., Prince ton , 1932; A.M., Princeton, 1933; Ph .D. (physics), Princeton, 1937. Medal of Merit, 1947. Me mber Putnam, Frank W. (3 August 1917, New Br itain, of th e Council, The Biophysical Society. Stoff Connecticut) Unive rs ity of Florida Medical Me mber and Chairman of the Biophysics School, De portment of Bioch e mistry, Gainesville, Section, De portment of Terrestrial Magnetism, Florida. Bioch e mi stry; biophysical chemis try; Carne gie In stitution of Washi ngton. Wife - proteins and viruses. Reviews on protein d e­ Irena; Children- Ric hard 18, Julie 17, Tommy 8. naturation, virus reproduction, modification of Ro senberg, Murr!UL.Q..l? January 1925, Boston, protein. B.A., Wesleyan, 1939; M.A., Wesleyan, • Massachusetts) Biophysics and Biophysical Chem­ 1940; Ph .D. (biochemistry), Min nesota, 1942. istry Study Section, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Markle Scholar in Med ical Sciences, Un iversity Cambridge 39, Ma ssachusetts. Medical and of Chicago, 1950-55. Secretory, American So- biological physics; ultrasonics and cavitation.

16 'A.B., Harvard, 1947 (1946); M.A., Harvard, Schmitt, Otto H. (6 April 1913, St. louis, 1948; M.E.S., Harvard, 1950; Ph .D. (applied Missouri) University of Minnesota, Department physics). Harvard, 1952; M.D., Harvard, 1956. of Physics, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota. Bio­ Special Consultant, Biophysics and Biophysical physical mechanism of the nerve excitory Chemistry Study Section, National Institutes of process; vector electrocardiography; biological Health. Wife - Pearl; Children - Carl 7, transfer functions; space biology; three­ lois 2. dimensional cathode-ray oscillography; elec­ tronic circuitry; antenna radiation pattern measurements; electronic circuitry; geomagnet­ Rosenblith, Walter A. (21 September 1913, ometry. A.B., Washington (St. louis), 1934; Vienna, Austria) Massachusetts Institute of Ph.D. (physics, zoology), Washington (St. louis), Technology, Department of Electrical Engineer­ 1937. Member of the Council and of the ing, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts. Sensory Executive Board, and Vice-President, The Bio­ communication processes; hearing; electrophys­ physical Society. Professor of Zoology and iology of nervous system; effects of noise. Physics (Biophysics), University of Minnesota. A Bibliography in Audition, with G. A. Miller, Wife - Viola. R. Galambos, I. J . Hirsh, and S. Hirsh, Vols. I, II, Harvard, 1950; Chapter 27, Handbook of Shulman, Sidney (22 August 1923, Baltimore, Experimental Psychology, Wiley, 1951; "Noise Maryland) University of Buffalo School of and Man," Vol. II , Handbook of Acoustic Noise Medicine, Deportment of Bacteriology and Im ­ Control, with K. N. Stevens, et a/. , WADC TR munology, Buffalo, New York . Physical chemistry 52-204, 1953; "Responses to Successive Auditory of proteins; blood clotting; tissue proteins; blood Stimuli at the Cochlea and at the Auditory and spinal fluid proteins; immunochemistry; Cortex," with M. R. Rosenzweig, Psych. Mono­ viruses. B.S., George Washington, 1944; Ph . D. graphs, 1953; "Relation between Auditory (chemistry), Wisconsin, 1949; Senior Research Psychophysics and Auditory Electrophysiology," Fellowship with N.I.H. Assistant Professor of Transactions of the New York Academy of Immunochemistry, Department of Bacteriology Sciences, 1957. lng. Rod., Bordeaux, 1936; lng. and Immunology, University of Buffalo. Wife Rod. E.S.E., Ecole Superieure d'Eiectricite, 1937. - Phyllis; Children - Katharine 7, Michael 5, Member, New York Academy of Sciences; Mem­ Stephen 1. ber of the Council and of the Executive Board, The Biophysical Society; Fellow, American Singer, S. Jonathan (23 May 1924, New Academy of Arts and Sciences; Fellow, The York, N.Y.) Yale University, Sterling Chemistry Acoustical Society of America; Member, Editorial lab­ oratory, 225 Prospect Street, New Boord, Information and Control. Chairman of Haven, Connecticut. Physical chemistry of Working Groups 22 (Criteria for Hazardous proteins and high polymers; immunology and immunochem­ Noise Exposure) and 32 (Criteria for Impulse istry. A.B., Columbia, 1943; A.M., Noise), C.H.A.B.A.; Chairman, Committee Z24-X20 Columbia, 1945; Ph.D. (chemistry), Brooklyn (Community Problems of Noise). American Polytech., 1947. Associate Professor of Physical Standards Association; Consultant and Research Chemistry, Yale University. Wife- Ruth. Advisor, American Academy of Opthalmology and Otolaryngology. Professor of Communica­ tions Biophysics, Deportment of Electrical Engi­ Sinsheimer, Robert L. (5 February 1920, neering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Washington, D.C.) California Institute of Tech­ Wife-Judy; Children-Sondra 13, Ronald 12. nology, Division of Biology, Pasadena, Califor­ nia. Physical and chemical properties of nucleic acids; biological effects of ultraviolet radiation; biological Schmitt, Francis 0. (23 November 1903, applications of ultraviolet and infra­ St. louis, Missouri) Massachusetts Institute of red spectroscopy. S.B., M.I .T., 1941; S.M., M.I.T., Technology, Deportment of Biology, Cambridge 1942; Ph.D. (biophysics), M.I.T., 1948. Professor of 39, Massachusetts. Investigations of tissue; ultra­ Biophysics, Division of Biology, California structure by polarization optics and electron Institute of Technology. Wife - Joan; Children - microscopy, and interpretation of tissue function , lois 9, Kathy 7, Roger 3. especially nerve, muscle, and connective tissue. A.B., Washington (St. louis). 1924; Ph.D. Sizer, Irwin W. (4 April 1910, Bridgewater, (physiology), Washington (St. louis), 1927; Massachusetts) Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ Han. Sc.D ., Johns Hopkins, 1950; Han. Sc.D., nology, Department of Biology, Cambridge 39, Washington, 1952; Han. Sc.D., Chicago, 1957. Massachusetts. Chemical stimulation of animals; Alsop Award American leather Chemical Asso­ spectroscopy of biological materials; enzyme ciation, 1947; lasker Award, Public Health kinetics; action of oxidases on proteins; amino Service, 1956. Fellow, American Academy of acid oxidation and tronsemination. A .B., Brown, Arts and Sciences; Fellow, American Association 1931; Ph.D. (physiological biochemistry), Rutgers, for the Advancement of Science; Member, 1935. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and National Academy of Sciences; Member, Amer­ Sciences; President, M.I.T. Chapter, Sigma Xi . ican Philosophical Society; Member, Societe Professor of Biology and Head of the Depart­ Philomatique de Paris. Member of the Council, ment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Biophysical Society. Institute Professor and Wife - Helen; Children - Meredith 12. Professor of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Sjostrond, Fritiof S. (5 November 1912, Stock­ Technology. Wife Barbara; Children holm, Swe

17 Microscopy. Electron Microscopy of Cells and Stockmoyer, Walter H. (7 April 1914, Ruther­ Tissues, Academic, 1956. Med. lie., Korolinsko, ford, New Jersey) Massachusetts Institute of 1941; Med. Dr., Korolinsko, 1945. Associate Technology, Deportment of Chemistry, Com­ Professor of Anatomy, Korolir.sko lnstitutet. bridge 39, Massachusetts. Compressibility of Wife - Ebbo; Children - Ebbo 13, Rutger 12, gases; intermolecular forces; thermodynarnics of Johon 1. polymers. S.B., M.I.T., 1935; B.Sc., Oxford, 1937; ?h.D. (chemistry), M.I.T., 1940. Member, Notional Smith, Homer W. (2 January 1895, Denver, Academy of Sciences. Professor of Physical Colorado) New York University - Bellevue Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Medical Center, Deportment of Physiology, Wife - Sylvia; Children - Rolph 15, Hugh 13. 550 First Avenue, New York 16, N.Y. Physiology. Sutherland, Gordon B. B. M. (8 April 1907, The Kidney, Structure and Function in Health Wollen, Caithness, Scotland) Notional Physical and Disease, Oxford, 1951; Principles of Renal laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, England. Physiology, Oxford, 1956; Komongo, Viking, Molecular structure by infrared analysis. Infra­ 1932; Man and His Gods, little Brown, 1952; Red and Ramon Spectra, Methuen, 1935; papers From Fish to Philosopher, little Brown, 1953. on DNA and proteins in Proceedings of th e B.A., Denver, 1917; Sc.D. (physiology), Johns Royal Society, Advances in Protein Chemistry. Hopkins, 1921; Hon. M.S., Yale, 1937. lasker M.A., St. Andrews, 1928; B.Sc., St. Andrews, Award 1948; Presidential Medal for Merit, 1929; Ph.D. (physics), Cambridge, 1933; Sc.D., 1948; Possono Award, 1954. President, Mount Cambridge, 1948; LL.D., St. Andrews, 1958. Desert Island Biological laboratory, Salisbury Fellow of the Royal Society. Director, Notional Cove, Maine; Trustee, Bermuda Station for Physical laboratory. Wife - Gunborg; Children Biological Research; Professor of Physiology, New York University- Bell evue Medical Center. - Ann, Kertsin, Mary. Wife -Margaret; Children - Homer (Hudi) 7. Svensson, Svonte Harry (17 July 1913, Goteborg, Sweden) LKB - Pradukter Fabrik­ Sober, Herbert A. (24 February 1918, New York, saktiebolag, P.O. Box 12220, Stockholm 12, N.Y.) Notional Institutes of Health, Notional Sweden. Electrophoresis; ionophoresis; refracto­ Cancer Institute, Room 122, Building 6, Bethesda metric analysis; optics; biophysica l chemistry. 14, Maryland. Enzymes; adsorption, chromolog­ "Fractiona tion of Serum with Ammonium Sulfate rophy of proteins and nucleic acids; biophysical and Water Dialysis, studied by El ectrophoresis," chemistry. B.S., City College, 1938; M.S., Wis­ J. Bioi. Chern., 1941 (Treatise for the licenciat); consin, 1940; Ph.D. (biochemistry), Wisconsin, " Electrophoresis by the Moving Boundary 1942. Scientific Director and Head of th e Phys­ Method. A Theoretical and Experimental Study," ical Chemistry and Section, Ark. Kem. Mineral. Geol., 1946 (Fill. dr. Thesis); laboratory of Bioch emistry, Notional Cancer "Zone Electrophoresis in a Density Gradient, Institute, Notional Institutes of Health. Wife - Stability Conditions and Separation of Serum Eva; Children - lillian Sora 11, Ba rbaro Jane 7. Proteins," with l. Hagdahl, and K.-D. Lerner, Science Tools, 1957. Fil. kand., Uppsola, 1936; Sletten, DeWitt, Jr. (31 May 1909, New York, Fil. lie. , Uppsola, 1942; Fil. dr. (physical chem­ N.Y.) Notional Institutes of Health, Notional istry), Uppsala, 1946. Director of Research, LKB Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, -- Produkter Fabriksaktiebolag. Bethesda 14, Maryland . Intermediary metabolism , of fats and carbohydrates; experimental dia­ Szilard, Leo (11 February 1898, Budapest betes; evaluation of rates of chemical process Hungary) The University of Chicago, Department Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, in the intact animal; metabolic defects in gout; of Biophysics, 5640 muscular dystrophy. Principles of Biochemistry, Illinois. Nuclear physics; growth, mutations, and with White, Handler, and Smith, McGraw-Hill, genetics of ba cteria and bacterial viruses. 1954. A.B., Harvard, 1930; M.D., Columbia, Dr.Phil. (physics), Berlin , 1928. Fe llow, Physical 1934; Ph .D. (biochemistry), Columbia 1940. Society. Professor of Biophysics, Th e University Joseph Mother Smith Prize, 1943; Alvarenga of Chicago. Prize Award, 1954; Horace Mann Award for Taylor, Edwin W. (8 June 1929, Toronto, Outstanding Alumnus of the Year, 1957; Banting Ontario, Canada) Massachusetts Institute of Medal, American Diabetes Association, 1957. Technology, Department of Biology, Cambridge Associate Director in Charge of Res earch, 39, Massachusetts. Biophysics. B.A., Toronto, of Arthritis and Metabolic Notional Institute 1952; M.Sc., McMaster (Hamilton), 1955; Ph .D. Diseases, Notional Institutes of Health. Wife - (biophysics), Chicago, 1957. Research Associate Marjorie; Children - Gail 13, Nancy 12, Mary in Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ 8, George 4. nology. Wife - Heather; Children - Michael 7 mos. Sletten, Marjorie R. (13 July 1915, New York, N.Y.) Notional Institutes of Health, Notional Thompson, Thomas E. (15 March 1926, Cincin­ Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, nati, Ohio) The Johns Hopkins School of Med­ Bethesda 14, Maryland. Intermediary metabolism icine, Department of Physiological Chemistry, of amino acids and carbohydrates. B.S. , Rutgers, Baltimore 5, Maryland. Physical biochemistry. 1937; Ph.D. (biochemistry), Columbia, 1944. B.A ., Kalamazoo, 1949; Ph .D. (medical sciences), Biochemist, Notional Institutes of Health. Hus­ Harvard, 1955. Assistant Professor of Physio­ band - DeWitt, Jr.; Children - Gail 13, logical Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins School of Nancy 12, Mary 8, George 4. Medicine. Wife- Mario-Michaela.

18 ' Tinoco, Ignacio, Jr. (22 November 1930, El Pa so, Vallee, Bert l. (l June 1919, Hern er, Westphalia) Texas) Unive rs ity of California, De portment of Peter Bent Brigham Ho spital, Biophysics Research Che mi stry, Berk e ley 4, California. Physical laboratory of the De portm e nt of Me dicine, chemistry. " Optical Activity of He li ces," 720 Huntington Avenue, Boston , Massachusetts. Journal of the American Chemistry Society, Function of trac e metals in biological systems; Journal of Physical Che mistry. B.S ., New M exico, physics of spectrographic sources; clinical in ­ 1951; Ph.D. (physical chemistry), Wisconsin , vestigations. B.S ., Berne, 1938; M.D., N.Y.U ., 1954. Assistant Professor of Ch e mistry, Uni­ 1943. Director, Biophysics Research laboratory, versity of California. Wife - Joan; Children - Harvard M edica l School, Pe ter Bent Brigham Kathy 3. Hospital; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Har­ vard Medical School; Research Associate in Tobias, Cornelius A. (28 May 1918, Budapest, Biology, Massachusetts In stitute of Te chnology. Hungary) University of California, Donn e r Wife - Natalie. laboratory, Berkeley 4 , Californ ia . Radiobiology; biophysics; biological effects of radiation; nu­ clear physics; aviation medicin e. M .A., Coliforn ia, Waugh, David F. (6 January 1915, Kirkwood, 1940; Ph.D. (nuclear physics). California, 1942. Missouri) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Editor, Advances in Biological Medical Physics, De partme nt of Biology, Cambridge 39, Massa­ Acad e mic; Me mber of the Council, The Bio ­ ch usetts. Surface chemistry; physical chemistry phys ical Society. Professor of Medical Phys ics of proteins and th e ir inte ractions. A.B., Wash­ and Radiation laboratory. Wife- Ida; Children ington (St. louis). 1935; Ph.D. (physiology), - Ev e 13, Martin 11. Washington (St. louis). 1940. Professor of Biophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Townes, Charles H. (28 July 1915, Greenville, Wife - Molly; Children - Lindo 16, He le n 13, South Carolina) Columbia University, Columbia Sandra 8. Radiation laboratory, 538 West 120 Street, New York 27, N.Y . Microwave spectroscopy, hyperfin e e ffects; nuclear moments and structure; Weiss, Paul (21 March 1898, Vienna, Austria) molecular structure; atomic time standards; The Rockefeller In stitute for Medical Research, electronic devices, masers, radio astronomy. 66th Street and York Avenue, Ne w York 21, N.Y. Microwave Spectroscopy, McGraw-Hill , 1955. Biology. Principles of Development, Holt, 1939, B.A. and B.S., furman, 1935; M.A., Duk e, 1937; Ph .D. (biology), Vienna, 1922; Hon. M.D., Frank­ Ph .D. (physics), C.I.T., 1939. Research Cor­ furt, 1949; Han. Sc.D., Giessen, 1957. Army­ poration Award, 1958; Page One Award, 1958. Navy Citation of Merit, 1947. Me mbe r, National Member, Notional Academy of Scie nces; Scien­ Academy of Sciences, Am e rican Philosophical tific Advisory Boord for U. S. Air Force. Pro­ Society, Royal Swedish Academy of Science. fessor of Physics, Columbia University. Wife - Member, Science Advisory Board of the Pres­ Frances; Childre n - linda 15, Ell en 11 , Carlo 9, ide nt of the U. S.; Past Chairman, Division of Holly 6. Biological Agriculture, National Research Council. Member and Professor, The Rockefeller Institute Townsend, Jonathon (17 July 1922, Durango, for Medical Research; Head, laboratory of Colorado) Washington University, Deportment Developmental Biology. Wife - Maria Helen. of Physics, St. louis 5, Missouri. Nuclear and paramagnetic resonance; nuclear physics. B.S., Denver, 1943; M.A., Washington (St. louis), Williams, Robley C. (13 October 1908, Santa 1948; Ph .D. (physics). Washington (St. louis), Rosa, California) University of California, Virus 1951. Atomic Energy Commission Predoctorol laboratory, Berkeley 4 , California. Electron Fellow, 1949-50. Associate Professor of Physics, microscopy of viruses and of virus-i nfe cted cells. Washington University (St . louis). Wife - A.B., Cornell, 1931 ; Ph .D. (physics), Cornell, Patricio; Children - Victoria 2. 1935. Longstre th Medal, Franklin Institute, 1939; Scott Award, 1954. Consultant, Evaporated Uttley, Albert M. (14 August 1906, london, Metal Films Corporation, U. S. Army Chemical England) Notional Physical laboratory, Tedding­ Corps, U. S. Public Health Service. Membe r ton , Middlesex, England. Computer d esign; of the Council and of Executive Board, and automatic control; theories of neural organize· President, The Biophysical Society. Professor lion . Probability of Neural Connexions, Proc. of Biophysics and Research and Biophysicist, Roy. Soc., 1955; papers in Automata Studies, Universit y of California. Wife - Marge ry; An Mattis. Studies, P.U.P., 1956; B.Sc., 1 sf Children - Robley, Jr. 17, Grace 16. Hans. (Math e matics), Kings (london), 1926; Ph .D. (psychology), Kings (london) 1940. Kelvin Premium I.E .E., 1946; Simms Gold Medal R.A e.S., Wood, Thomas H. (22 June 1923, Atlanta, 1950. A.F.R.Ae.S. Fellow of Institute of Navz; Georgia) Th e University of Pe nnsylvania, Depart­ One-time Council Member of Society of th e ment of Physics, Ph iladelphia, Pe nnsylvania. Institute of Technology; Me mbe r, Editorial Effects of rad iations on microorganism s; influence Committee, Quarterly Journal of Experimental of temperature and protective age nts. B.S ., Psychology. Superintende nt, Control Mechanisms Florida, 1946; Ph .D. (biophysics), Chicago, 1953. and Electronics Divi si on , National Phy sic al Associate Professor of Physics, Th e Un iversity laboratory. Wife - Gwendoline lucy; Childre n of Pennsylvania. Wife - Mary: Children - - Jane Carolyn 14, Su san Primrose 11. David 6, Robert 5, Scott 3.

19 Young, Allan C. (23 May 1911, Canada) 1944. Baekland Award, American Chemical University of Washington School of Medicine, Society, 1957. Vice-Chairman, Division of High­ Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Seattle Polymer Physics, American Physical Society. 5, Washington. El ectricity; magnetism; industrial Research Associate, General Electric Research physics; nerve and muscle physiology; respire· laboratory. Wife - Georgienne; Children - tion. B.A., British Columbia, 1930; M.A., British louis 6, Carl 4. Columbia, 1932; Ph.D. (physics), Toronto, 1934. Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, Un i­ Zirkle, Raymond E. (9 January 1902, Spring­ versity of Washington. Wife Barbara; field, Illinois) The University of Chicago, Com­ Children- Carolyn 10, Chris 7. mittee on Biophysics, 5640 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Comparative biological Zimm, Bruno H. (31 October 1920, Woodstock, effects of ultraviolet and various ionizing radi · N.Y.) General Electric Research laboratory, ations; mechanisms of mitosis. A.B., Missouri, Physical Chemistry Section, P.O. Box 1088, 1928; Ph.D. (botany), Missouri, 1932. Member Schenectady, New York Thermodynamics of of the Council, The Biophysical Society. Chair­ crystals and solutions; properties and structure man, Committee on Biophysics, The University of high polymers. A.B., Columbia, 1941; M.S., of Chicago. Wife Mary; Children Columbia, 1943; Ph.D. (chemistry), Columbia, Raymond, Jr., Thomas E.