Simon Mayo | 432 pages | 25 Oct 2012 | Random House Children's Publishers UK | 9780552565509 | English | London, United Kingdom What Are the Common Causes and Treatments for Itching?

Cause: Sexually transmitted parasite Symptoms: Burning, itching; a green, frothy discharge Treatment: Antibiotics. Cause: An imbalance in the "good" and "bad" bacteria of the vagina caused by unknown factors smoking, douching, and having a new sex partner are all thought to increase your risk Symptoms: Bad, sometimes fishy odor; yellow or grayish discharge; may cause burning or itching Treatment: Antibiotics. Cause: Irritation from ingredients in spermicide, scented products like tampons and pads, or laundry detergent Symptoms: Burning, itching; non-smelly discharge Treatment: Identifying and stopping use of the allergen. Cause: Thinning and inflammation of the vaginal tissues due to a drop in estrogen during menopause and sometimes breast-feeding Symptoms: Burning, itching; pain during sex Treatment: OTC or prescription vaginal moisturizers. Replay gallery. Pinterest Facebook. Up Next Cancel. Share the Gallery Pinterest Facebook. Skip slide summaries Everything in This Slideshow. Close View All 1 of 6 Gyno problems, spotted. All rights reserved. But while seven years is a median marker for marriages in the United States, researchers have noted that a significant number of marriages in this country dissolve after just two, three or four years. A study found that couples who had been married less than three years were significantly happier than the ones that had been married between four and six years [source: Roberts ]. In , researcher Lawrence Kurdek found that there were two major declines in a year marriage -- one at seven or eight years, which appeared to be further proof of a seven-year itch, but another one at year four [source: Berger ]. Year four, Kurdek hypothesized, might be the point at which the honeymoon effect had waned, giving way to boredom with the relationship. Anthropologist Helen Fisher has a different theory as to why the four-year mark is significant. Historically, she claims, humans gave birth every four years. We were driven, therefore, to couple up for four years -- enough time to have a child and raise it through infancy. After that, according to Fisher, men and women might have a biological drive to get bored with a relationship and seek a new partner for childbearing. By having children with more than one person, parents could increase the genetic diversity in their offspring, which increased the chances that at least one of their children would survive [source: Fisher ]. Fisher also notes that marrying for romance is a relatively new phenomenon, and that we live much longer today than we used to. Perhaps, as she and other researchers have speculated, we simply aren't meant to be together for this long a lifetime. But even the researchers who have produced the most dismal statistics about marital happiness say there's a positive takeaway: If you know that boredom is a downfall of relationships at various points, then you can take the steps necessary to keep romance alive and marital dullness away. Trying new things and exploring new places with your sweetheart may be the key to ensuring that there's no itch to scratch. In , Bavarian politician Gabriele Pauli garnered headlines by suggesting that German marriages should expire after seven years. If couples wanted to renew the marriage for another seven years, they could. Pauli argued that allowing marriages to expire would be better for the country than a high divorce rate [source: Boyes ]. A Four-year Itch? Lots More Information. Related Articles Do men and women cheat for different reasons? Berger, Alisha. Limit marriage to seven years. June 20, July 16, Make It Four! July 23, What's That Itch Down There? |

Fisher also notes that marrying for romance is a relatively new phenomenon, and that we live much longer today than we used to. Perhaps, as she and other researchers have speculated, we simply aren't meant to be together for this long a lifetime. But even the researchers who have produced the most dismal statistics about marital happiness say there's a positive takeaway: If you know that boredom is a downfall of relationships at various points, then you can take the steps necessary to keep romance alive and marital dullness away. Trying new things and exploring new places with your sweetheart may be the key to ensuring that there's no itch to scratch. In , Bavarian politician Gabriele Pauli garnered headlines by suggesting that German marriages should expire after seven years. If couples wanted to renew the marriage for another seven years, they could. Pauli argued that allowing marriages to expire would be better for the country than a high divorce rate [source: Boyes ]. A Four-year Itch? Lots More Information. Related Articles Do men and women cheat for different reasons? Berger, Alisha. Limit marriage to seven years. June 20, July 16, Make It Four! July 23, Reader Question: I feel itchy all over, but I don't have a rash and my skin doesn't look or feel dry. What could be causing this? Just because your skin doesn't look or feel dry doesn't mean that it isn't. You might also want to try an OTC non-sedating antihistamine, like Claritin. If that doesn't help, see your doctor. When your scalp , it can be difficult to think about anything else. Everyone gets an itch once in a while. However, if an itch lasts for more than 6 weeks, it is considered a chronic itch. To help soothe itchy skin, follow these tips from dermatologists. See what else may be causing your itch and what can bring relief. Groin: 8 reasons your groin itches and how to get relief An itch in your groin area can be difficult to discuss with anyone, including your doctor. Scalp: 10 reasons your scalp itches and how to get relief When your scalp itches, it can be difficult to think about anything else. Skin overall: How to relieve itchy skin Everyone gets an itch once in a while. Search for a dermatologist by location Search. All-Over Itching - WD Vault

Yes, water seems to bring on the itching. No, water doesn't bring on the itching. A new medication or topical exposure can cause itching that does not always cause a rash, so that may be the cause of your itching. Avoiding this new medication or topical treatment may cure the itch. If your doctor prescribed the treatment, call the doctor's office for advice. Okay, that's useful to know. It makes a condition called "aquagenic pruritus" which means water-induced itching unlikely. You could have a condition called "aquagenic pruritus" which means water-induced itching. People with this often describe symptoms as a very unpleasant prickly, intense itching sensation that may develop with any exposure to water, including humid air or sweat. Occasionally it accompanies a blood disease called or P. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor for evaluation and treatment. Well, that may explain your itching. Dry skin is a particularly common cause of itching without a rash, especially as we get older. Sometimes people have dry skin due to an underlying medical condition, such as an underactive thyroid hypothyroidism or Sjogren's syndrome a disease that typically causes arthritis, dry eyes, and dry mouth. It's important we ask because pregnancy is often accompanied by itching, especially as the skin over the expanding abdomen stretches. Yes, I have been anemic or needed iron. No, I'm not anemic or iron deficient. The reason we ask about this is that pregnancy is often accompanied by itching, especially as the skin over the expanding abdomen stretches. In addition, pregnant women occasionally develop a liver problem called cholestasis that's associated with itching. If this is the case, tell your obstetrician about your symptoms right away. We ask because iron-deficiency anemia is sometimes accompanied by itching without a rash. You could be anemic without knowing it, so if your itching continues, see your doctor for evaluation. A simple blood test can determine if you are iron deficient. Yes, one or more of those is true for me. It's possible that iron-deficiency anemia is causing your itching. We ask because those symptoms and itching may be experienced by people with thyroid disease. Do you sometimes scratch out of habit or when you are under stress or feeling anxious? Thyroid disease could be the cause of your itching. The thyroid is a gland located just in front of the throat above the collar bone; it makes a hormone involved in the regulation of your metabolism. Although not everyone with those symptoms has thyroid problems, an overactive or underactive thyroid may be associated with one or more of those. For example, people with an underactive thyroid often complain of feeling cold all the time. For reasons that aren't clear, itching may also accompany thyroid trouble. The good news is that thyroid disease is readily diagnosed by a simple blood test, and treatment is usually straightforward. We ask because stress, anxiety, or habit can cause a vicious cycle of itching and scratching. You could have "psychogenic pruritus," a disorder in which psychological distress or tension is relieved by scratching. Trying new things and exploring new places with your sweetheart may be the key to ensuring that there's no itch to scratch. In , Bavarian politician Gabriele Pauli garnered headlines by suggesting that German marriages should expire after seven years. If couples wanted to renew the marriage for another seven years, they could. Pauli argued that allowing marriages to expire would be better for the country than a high divorce rate [source: Boyes ]. A Four-year Itch? Lots More Information. Related Articles Do men and women cheat for different reasons? Berger, Alisha. Limit marriage to seven years. June 20, July 16, Make It Four! July 23, March 6. Your marriage has expired. July 1, Regardless of the presence or absence of a rash, itching can be debilitating, especially at night when a person is trying to sleep. Itching and pain are closely-related sensations because the same nerves transmit both signals to the brain. When the area of skin is scratched, that same area may become even itchier, leading to more scratching. This is called the itch-scratch cycle. In general, itching can be related to a problem with the skin or another underlying disease of the body systemic disease. When itching is localized to a particular area of skin, a systemic disease usually does not cause it. The causes of itching can be divided into localized and generalized. Areas of itching that are localized on one part of the body are more likely caused by a problem of the skin. The area of the body that itches may give a clue as to the cause of the itch. For example, itching of the scalp is most likely due to seborrheic , , , psoriasis, or head lice. Generalized itching may be due to various skin diseases, as well as a systemic disease. Skin diseases that cause itching all over the body include , atopic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis. Itching may also be caused by medications such as narcotics and other pain medications , infections such as parasitic infections of the intestines , iron deficiency, liver disease, kidney disease, high or low thyroid function, as well as certain cancers. There are three common allergic skin diseases that cause itching. These include atopic dermatitis eczema , hives urticaria , and contact dermatitis. If the cause of the itching can be identified and avoided or corrected, then the itching can be cured. However, this is not always possible. Treatment of the itching certainly depends on the cause, although some general measures would apply to most cases of itching. Treatment of dry skin as the cause of itching : Many people with dry skin have a difficult time finding relief. Various skin treatments, including over-the-counter moisturizers and prescription steroid creams, may not be effective alone. A technique called "soak and slather" has long been used successfully to treat dry skin.

Is there such a thing as the seven-year itch? | HowStuffWorks

Treatment of dry skin as the cause of itching : Many people with dry skin have a difficult time finding relief. Various skin treatments, including over- the-counter moisturizers and prescription steroid creams, may not be effective alone. A technique called "soak and slather" has long been used successfully to treat dry skin. This technique involves nightly soaking in a warm, plain water bath followed immediately by the application of a topical corticosteroid ointment to moist skin for a two-week period of time. Skincare is then maintained with the use of a daily moisturizer after bathing. Creams for the treatment of itching : Topical steroids are anti-inflammatory medications used to treat various skin conditions. Certain creams should not be used for itching. These include topical anesthetics , which can cause itchy rashes themselves, and therefore are not recommended. Facial creams for itching : Only certain types of anti-itch creams can be used on the face. The skin on the face is particularly susceptible to the side effects of topical steroids, and getting these medications into the eyes can result in glaucoma or cataract formation. Therefore, only the lowest-potency topical steroid that is required to treat symptoms should be used on the face and only for the shortest amount of time possible. Antihistamines for the treatment of itching : Certain forms of itching, particularly hives, may respond to treatment with oral antihistamines. There are many choices of antihistamines, including prescription-only forms and over-the-counter types. Some antihistamines will benefit itching only through their sedation side effects, which can be useful at night. Sign up for our Health Tip of the Day newsletter, and receive daily tips that will help you live your healthiest life. Eczema atopic dermatitis. Updated April 19, Urticaria and angioedema. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. Contact Dermatitis. In: StatPearls. Updated October 27, Pruritus: an updated look at an old problem. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. More in Allergies. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Sign Up. What are your concerns? Article Sources. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Reader Question: I feel itchy all over, but I don't have a rash and my skin doesn't look or feel dry. What could be causing this? Just because your skin doesn't look or feel dry doesn't mean that it isn't. You might also want to try an OTC non-sedating antihistamine, like Claritin. If that doesn't help, see your doctor. Pruritus the medical term for itching can sometimes be a sign of an internal problem involving the liver and bile flow, so it's best to get checked out. I want to hear from you, so e-mail me your questions at dailywd womansday. Communication with Dr.

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