18 January 2008 Edition 1

Australian Notices to Mariners are the authority for correcting Australian Charts and Publications AUSTRALIAN NOTICES TO MARINERS

© Commonwealth of Australia 2008 - Copyright restrictions apply to Notices to Mariners

Notices 28 - 83

Published fortnightly by the Australian Hydrographic Service

Captain R. NAIRN RAN Hydrographer of Australia

SECTIONS. I. Australian Notices to Mariners, including blocks and notes. II. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals, Vol K III. Navigational Warnings. IV. Hydrographic Reports. V. Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals (NP 281(2), 282, 283(2), 285, 286(4)) VI. Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions (NP 9, 13, 14, 15, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 44, 51, 60, 61, 62, 100, 136)

British Admiralty Notices to Mariners New Zealand Notices to Mariners

The substance of these notices should be inserted on the charts affected.

Bearings are referred to the true compass and are reckoned clockwise from North; those relating to lights are given as seen by an observer from seaward. Positions quoted in permanent notices relate to the horizontal datum for the chart(s). When preliminary or temporary notices affect multiple charts, positions will be provided in relation to only one horizontal datum and that datum will be specified. When the multiple charts do not have a common horizontal datum, mariners will be required to adjust the position(s) for those charts not on the specified datum. The range quoted for a light is its nominal range. Depths are with reference to the chart datum of each chart. Heights are above mean high water springs or mean higher high water, as appropriate.

The capital letter (P) or (T) after the number of any notice denotes a preliminary or temporary notice respectively, which are contained separately at the end of the permanent notices. A star (*) adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information.

Mariners are particularly requested to notify the AUSTRALIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE, Locked Bag 8801 Wollongong, NSW 2500 (Fax 02-4221 8599, e-mail [email protected] or, alternatively by filling in and submitting the Hydrographic Notes forms located on the web site – www.hydro.gov.au), immediately on the discovery of new dangers or suspected dangers to navigation. For changes or defects in aids to navigation notify AusSAR (Fax 02-6230 6868 or email [email protected]).

Copies of these notices can be obtained from the AUSTRALIAN HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, 8 Station Street, Wollongong; Distributors for the sale of Australian Navigational Products; AHS website www.hydro.gov.au or register for eNotices at www.hydro.gov.au/enotices/enotices.htm.

The Notices may be copied for the purpose of inserting their substance on official charts and other publications. However, any copies of the notices may not be sold for profit.

IMPORTANT NOTICE This edition of Notices to Mariners includes all significant information affecting AHS products which the AHS has become aware of since the last edition. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, including third party information, on which these updates are based. The AHS regards third parties from which it receives information as reliable, however the AHS cannot verify all such information and errors may therefore exist. The AHS does not accept liability for errors in third party information.

AHP 18

© Commonwealth of Australia 2008

This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, adapted, communicated or commercially exploited without prior written permission from The Commonwealth represented by the Australian Hydrographic Service. Copyright in some of the material in this publication may be owned by another party and permission for the reproduction of that material must be obtained from the owner.


Edition No 1 18 January 2008 Notices Aus Chart 28...... Aus 395, 509, 548, AX 0193S, 66022, 60377, AU317140, 317141, 312125, 313125, 313126, 313127 29...... Aus 208 30...... Aus 244, 245 31...... Aus 828 32...... Aus 502 33...... Aus 381, 510, 513, 518 34...... Aus 519, 520 35...... Aus 521 36...... Aus 523, 654 37...... Aus 676 38...... Aus 554 39...... Aus 399, 684, 4622, INT 622 40...... Aus 461, 676 41...... Aus 386, 397, 4622, INT 622 42...... Aus 387 43...... Aus 387, 388 44...... Aus 389 45...... Aus 310, 4721, INT 721 46...... Aus 26, AX 72026 47...... Aus 320, 730 48...... Aus 327 49...... Aus 112, 113, 117, 333, 751, 753 50...... Aus 136 51...... Aus 167 52...... Aus 158 53...... Aus 143, 158 54(T) ...... Aus 207, 208 55(T) ...... Aus 220 56(T) ...... Aus 235, 236, 237 57(T) ...... Aus 237 58(T) ...... Aus 237 59(T) ...... Aus 238 60(T) ...... Aus 238 61(T) ...... Aus 367, 822 62(T) ...... Aus 251, 252 63(P) ...... Aus 253 64(T) ...... Aus 253, 268 65(T) ...... Aus 256, 257 66(T) ...... Aus 257 67(T) ...... Aus 256, 257 68(T) ...... Aus 262 69(T) ...... Aus 830 70(T) ...... Aus 379, 505 71(T) ...... Aus 399, 461, 683, 684, 4060, 4604, 4622, INT 60, 604, 622 72(T) ...... Aus 547, 677 73(T) ...... Aus 701 74(T) ...... Aus 52, 53, 739, 740 75(T) ...... Aus 57, 741, 742 76(T) ...... Aus 109 77(T) ...... Aus 136 78(T) ...... Aus 346, 347 79(T) ...... Aus 141 80(T) ...... Aus 143, 144, 158 81(T) ...... Aus 154 82(T) ...... Aus 154 83(T) ...... Temporary and Preliminary Notices in force


Aus Chart Notices Aus Chart Notices Aus 26...... 46 Aus 741...... 75(T) Aus 52...... 74(T) Aus 742...... 75(T) Aus 53...... 74(T) Aus 751...... 49 Aus 57...... 75(T) Aus 753...... 49 Aus 109...... 76(T) Aus 822...... 61(T) Aus 112...... 49 Aus 828...... 31 Aus 113...... 49 Aus 830...... 69(T) Aus 117...... 49 Aus 4060...... 71(T) Aus 136...... 50, 77(T) Aus 4604...... 71(T) Aus 141...... 79(T) Aus 4622...... 39, 41, 71(T) Aus 143...... 53, 80(T) Aus 4721...... 45 Aus 144...... 80(T) AX 0193S...... 28 Aus 154...... 81(T), 82(T) AX 66022 ...... 28 Aus 158...... 52, 53, 80(T) AX 60377 ...... 28 Aus 167...... 51 AX 72026 ...... 46 Aus 207...... 54(T) Aus 208...... 29, 54(T) Aus 220...... 55(T) Aus 235...... 56(T) Aus 236...... 56(T) Aus 237...... 56(T), 57(T), 58(T) INT Chart Notices Aus 238...... 59(T), 60(T) Aus 244...... 30 INT 60 ...... 71(T) Aus 245...... 30 INT 604 ...... 71(T) Aus 251...... 62(T) INT 622 ...... 39, 41, 71(T) Aus 252...... 62(T) INT 721 ...... 45 Aus 253...... 63(P), 64(T) Aus 256...... 65(T), 67(T) Aus 257...... 65(T), 66(T), 67(T) Aus 262...... 68(T) Aus 268...... 64(T) Aus 310...... 45 Aus 320...... 47 ENC Cell Notices Aus 327...... 48 Aus 333...... 49 AU317140 ...... 28 Aus 346...... 78(T) AU317141 ...... 28 Aus 347...... 78(T) AU312125 ...... 28 Aus 367...... 61(T) AU313125 ...... 28 Aus 379...... 70(T) AU313126 ...... 28 Aus 381...... 33 AU313127 ...... 28 Aus 386...... 41 Aus 387...... 42, 43 Aus 388...... 43 Aus 389...... 44 Aus 395...... 28 Aus 397...... 41 Aus 399...... 39, 71(T) Aus 461...... 40, 71(T) Aus 502...... 32 Aus 505...... 70(T) Aus 509...... 28 Aus 510...... 33 Aus 513...... 33 Aus 518...... 33 Aus 519...... 34 Aus 520...... 34 Aus 521...... 35 Aus 523...... 36 Aus 547...... 72(T) Aus 548...... 28 Aus 554...... 38 Aus 654...... 36 Aus 676...... 37, 40 Aus 677...... 72(T) Aus 683...... 71(T) Aus 684...... 39, 71(T) Aus 701...... 73(T) Aus 730...... 47 Aus 739...... 74(T) Aus 740...... 74(T)

(18 January 2008) 2 I 28 AUSTRALIA - Products Australian Hydrographic Service (AA292535)

New Chart

Chart Published Title, limits and description of amendments Scale Folio Index Chart Price Aus 509 26/10/2007 Papua New Guinea - North East Coast - 1:150 000 10 Aus 65000 $29.50 Long Reef to Normandy Island 11°30′ 15″ S - 10° 06′ 45″ S 151º 02′ 24″ E - 151º 55′ 48″ E New chart with improved coverage of Long Reef to Normandy Island

Aus 548 26/10/2007 Papua New Guinea - New Britain - North 1:150 000 10 Aus 65000 $29.50 Coast -Eleonora Bay to Cape Gloucester 5º 38′ 42″ S - 4º 45′ 09″ S 148º 19′ 30″ E - 149º 43′ 57″ E New chart with improved coverage of Eleonora Bay to Cape Gloucester

New Miscellaneous Chart Chart Published Title Scale Remarks AX 0193S 16/11/2007 Australia - East Coast - New South 1:37 500 Fleet use only. Wales – Approaches to Jervis Bay

AX 66022 5/11/2007 Australia - West Coast - Western Fleet use only. Australia - Plans of Submarine Bottoming Areas Plans: North SBA 1:25 000 South SBA 1:25 000 SMASHEX SBA 1:25 000

AX 60377 12/11/2007 Australia - Papua New Guinea - Torres Fleet use only. Strait - Bligh Entrance to Eastern Fields 1:300 000

New Electronic Navigation Chart (Seafarer ENC) Cell Name Released Title AU317140 Dec 2007 Gulf of Carpentaria - Cell 6 AU317141 Dec 2007 Gulf of Carpentaria - Staaten River to Point Burrowes AU312125 Dec 2007 Timor Sea - Sahul Banks - South AU313125 Dec 2007 Timor Sea - Cell 7 AU313126 Dec 2007 Timor Sea - Van Cloon Shoal AU313127 Dec 2007 Timor Sea - Cell 3

For further details refer to the AHS website at www.hydro.gov.au for new edition and new chart stock arrival information.

When placing orders with a chart agent, mariners should advise whether their order pertains to the current edition or the new edition.

Chart permanently withdrawn Chart On publication New Chart/Edition Aus 395 Independently withdrawn

29* AUSTRALIA - NEW SOUTH WALES - Newcastle - Lee Wharf - Depths Newcastle Port Corp (DHDB 777203)

Aus 208 [1003/2007] Insert accompanying block 32º 55′.5 S 151º 46′.1 E

30* AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Gladstone - Scientific instruments Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 832/2007 (AA300486)

Aus 244 (plan, Entrance to North Channel) [807/2007] Insert special spar light buoy, Fl.Y.4s, without topmark 23º 46′.075 S 151º 18′.201 E

Aus 245 [1052/2007] Insert special spar light buoy, Fl.Y.4s, without topmark 23º 48′.562 S 151º 12′.872 E special spar light buoy, Fl.Y.4s, without topmark 23º 45′.569 S 151º 09′.410 E special spar light buoy, Fl.Y.4s, without topmark 23º 46′.075 S 151º 18′.201 E

(18 January 2008) 3 I 31* AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Arc Reef - Nomenclature Australian Hydrographic Service (AA300415)

Aus 828 [674/2007] Amend name to Arc Reef 18º 29′.8 S 147º 27′.4 E

32* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Cape Blackwood to Kerema Bay - ZOC diagram Australian Hydrographic Service (AA302051)

Aus 502 [212/2002] Substitute accompanying ZOC diagram for RD 7º 46′.0 S 145º 46′.0 E

33* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Long Reef to Normandy Island - Chart limits Australian Hydrographic Service (AA292535)

Aus 381 [1059/2007] Insert magenta limits, with legend Aus 509 in NE corner, between 11º 30′.4 S 151º 02′.5 E 11º 30′.4 S 151º 55′.9 E 10º 06′.9 S 151º 55′.9 E 10º 06′.9 S 151º 02′.5 E 11º 30′.4 S 151º 02′.5 E

Aus 510 [NE 2/2/2007] Insert magenta legend, Adjoining Chart Aus 509, in W border 11º 07′.5 S 151º 49′.5 E

Aus 513 [520/2007] Insert magenta legend, Adjoining Chart Aus 509, in S border 10º 16′.0 S 151º 27′.5 E

Aus 518 [955/2007] Insert magenta legend, Adjoining Chart Aus 509, in S border 10º 08′.5 S 151º 04′.0 E

34* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Cape Nelson - Navaids PNG NMSA Notice 130/2007 (AA301032)

Aus 519 [955/2007] Insert accompanying block 9º 13′.0 S 149º 28′.0 E

Aus 520 [595/2007] Insert accompanying block 9º 13′.0 S 149º 28′.0 E

35* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Raymonde Shoal - Navaid PNG NMSA Notice 130/2007 (AA301032)

Aus 521 [639/2007] Move light 8º 13′.1 S 148º 17′.5 E to 8º 13′.22 S 148º 17′.39 E danger circle 8º 13′.1 S 148º 17′.5 E to 8º 13′.22 S 148º 17′.39 E

36* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Dreger Harbour to Cape Bredbow - Navaids PNG NMSA Notice 130/2007 (AA301032)

Aus 523 [323/2005] Insert light beacon, Fl.R.4s 3M 6º 32′.58 S 147º 50′.60 E light, Fl(4)15s 5M 6º 32′.87 S 147º 50′.87 E

Aus 654 (plan, Dreger and Schneider Harbours) [594/2007] Insert light beacon, Fl(4)R.16s 23ft 3M 6º 38′.914 S 147º 52′.215 E

Aus 654 (plan, Langemak Bay and Finsch Harbour) Insert light beacon, Fl.R.4s 23ft 3M 6º 32′.840 S 147º 51′.192 E light, Fl(4)15s 23ft 5M 6º 33′.130 S 147º 51′.461 E

(18 January 2008) 4 I 37* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - New Britain - Linden Harbour - Depths HMAS Shepparton (AA296999)

Aus 676 (plan, Linden Harbour) [1108/2007] Insert accompanying block 6º 18′.0 S 150º 30′.0 E

38* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - New Ireland - Cape St George - Light amended PNG NMSA (AA300065)

Aus 554 [816/2007] Amend light to Fl.5s 101m 10M 4º 50′.84 S 152º 52′.54 E

39* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Bougainville Island - Buka Passage - Navaids PNG NMSA Notice 132/2007 (AA302517)

Aus 399 [765/2005] Insert light, Fl.2·5s 10M 5º 24′.39 S 154º 42′.69 E

Aus 684 (plan, Buka Passage) [744/2006] Insert light, Fl.4s 5º 26′.365 S 154º 40′.097 E light beacon, Fl.2·5s 7m 10M 5º 24′.394 S 154º 42′.689 E light beacon, Fl.R.6s 8m 7M, with port lateral topmark 5º 25′.145 S 154º 41′.365 E light beacon, Fl.G.6s 8m 7M, with starboard lateral topmark 5º 25′.099 S 154º 41′.101 E

Delete depth 21m 5º 25′.15 S 154º 41′.32 E

Aus 4622 (INT 622) [1112/2007] Insert light, Fl.10M 5º 24′.4 S 154º 42′.7 E

40* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Tabar Islands - Simberi Island - Depths; infrastructure Allied Gold (AA302175, AA302176, AA302177, AA302178, AA302179)

Aus 461 [725/2007] Insert magenta legend, (see Aus 676) 2º 40′.0 S 152º 05′.0 E

Aus 676 [37/2008] Insert accompanying plan in NW corner 2º 38′.0 S 152º 01′.0 E

41* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - New Britain - Cape Lambert to Cape Gloucester - Chart limits Australian Hydrographic Service (AA292535)

Aus 386 [428/2007] Insert magenta limits, with legend Aus 548 in NW corner, between 5º 38′.7 S 149º 10′.8 E 5º 38′.7 S 148º 19′.5 E 4º 45′.2 S 148º 19′.5 E 4º 45′.2 S 149º 10′.8 E

Delete legend, Adjoining Chart Aus 395, in E border 5º 17′.5 S 149º 10′.8 E

Aus 397 [911/2007] Delete legend, Adjoining Chart Aus 395, in W border 4º 42′.5 S 150º 54′.8 E

Aus 4622 (INT 622) [39/2008] Insert accompanying block 4º 30′.0 S 150º 25′.0 E

42* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Vitiaz Strait to Whirlwind Reefs - Depth; heights UKHO (AA302056)

Aus 387 [NE 28/9/2007] Insert legend (46) 5º 54′.3 S 147º 56′.4 E legend (61) 5º 57′.4 S 148º 04′.5 E accompanying block 4º 47′.0 S 148º 10′.0 E

′. ′. Substitute depth, 1m, for depth 14m5º 561 S 148º 13 2 E

(18 January 2008) 5 I 43* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Palas Point - Depths UKHO (AA302056)

Aus 387 [42/2008] ′. ′. Substitute depth, 149m, for depth 81m4º 377 S 145º 34 7 E ′. ′. depth, 149m, for depth 81m4º 399 S 145º 36 6 E

Aus 388 [1112/2007] ′. ′. Substitute depth, 149m, for depth 81m4º 377 S 145º 34 7 E ′. ′. depth, 149m, for depth 81m4º 399 S 145º 36 6 E

44* PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Wutung - Light amended PNG NMSA Notice 130/2007 (AA301032)

Aus 389 [632/2006] Amend light to Fl(2)10s 49ft 10M 2º 36′.5 S 141º 00′.0 E

45* AUSTRALIA - NORTHERN TERRITORY - Lynedoch Bank to Flinders Shoal - Depths Conoco Phillips (AA302608, AA302099)

Aus 310 [763/2007] Insert depth, 98m, enclosed by contour 10º 14′.02 S 129º 55′.45 E depth, 113m 10º 04′.99 S 129º 54′.33 E

Substitute depth, 179m, for depth 181m 9º 54′.89 S 129º 55′.44 E

Delete depth 72m and enclosing contour 10º 01′.7 S 129º 59′.1 E depth 295m and enclosing contour 9º 38′.2 S 130º 19′.6 E depth 147m 10º 04′.8 S 129º 55′.9 E

Aus 4721 (INT 721) [1010/2007] Delete depth 72m and enclosing contour 10º 01′.7 S 129º 59′.1 E

46* AUSTRALIA - NORTHERN TERRITORY - Darwin - Depths; wrecks Darwin Port Corp (AA229149)

Aus 26 [1116/2007] Insert accompanying block 12º 28′.8 S 130º 50′.0 E

AX 72026 [1116/2007] Insert accompanying block 12º 28′.8 S 130º 50′.0 E

47* AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Prince Frederick Harbour - Depths HMAS Paluma and Mermaid (AA301985)

Aus 320 [958/2007] ′. ′. Insert depth, 05m, enclosed by contour 15º 00 15 S 125º 05 83 E ′. ′. depth, 12m, enclosed by contour 15º 00 85 S 125º 06 38 E ′. ′. depth, 92m, enclosed by contour 15º 03 33 S 125º 13 90 E ′. ′. depth, 34m, enclosed by contour 15º 02 88 S 125º 17 64 E ′. ′. depth, 01m, enclosed by contour 14º 59 09 S 125º 11 19 E ′. ′. depth, 46m, enclosed by contour 15º 00 47 S 125º 13 39 E

Substitute rock which covers and uncovers, enclosed by danger ′. ′. circle, for depth 05m 15º 00 6 S 125º 15 1 E ′. ′. depth, 44m, for depth 125m 15º 04 8 S 125º 16 5 E ′. ′. Delete depth 51m 14º 59 9 S 125º 05 7 E ′. ′. depth 64m 15º 00 9 S 125º 06 5 E ′. ′. depth 192m and enclosing contour 15º 03 3 S 125º 14 0 E ′. ′. depth 12m and enclosing contour 15º 02 5 S 125º 17 5 E ′. ′. depth 48m 14º 59 3 S 125º 11 8 E rock enclosed by danger circle 15º 02′.7 S 125º 12′.9 E ′. ′. depth 167m and enclosing contour 15º 00 6 S 125º 13 6 E

(18 January 2008) 6 I Aus 730 [958/2007] ′. ′. Insert depth, 139m, enclosed by contour 15º 00 94 S 125º 09 15 E ′. ′. depth, 05m, enclosed by contour 15º 00 07 S 125º 05 89 E ′. ′. depth, 12m, enclosed by contour 15º 00 77 S 125º 06 44 E ′. ′. depth, 92m, enclosed by contour 15º 03 25 S 125º 13 96 E ′. ′. depth, 51m, and extend contour SW to enclose 15º 02 51 S 125º 17 52 E ′. ′. depth, 05m, enclosed by contour 14º 58 40 S 125º 11 07 E ′. ′. rock which covers and uncovers, with legend (09) 14º 58 61 S 125º 12 07 E ′. ′. depth, 01m, enclosed by contour 14º 59 01 S 125º 11 25 E ′. ′. depth, 165m, enclosed by contour 14º 58 10 S 125º 09 78 E ′. ′. depth, 46m, enclosed by contour 15º 00 39 S 125º 13 45 E ′. ′. Substitute depth, 44m, enclosed by contour, for depth 125m 15º 04 7 S 125º 16 6 E ′. ′. depth, 104m, for depth 128m 15º 03 5 S 125º 12 9 E ′. ′. depth, 21m, for depth 48m 14º 59 1 S 125º 11 9 E rock which covers and uncovers, enclosed by danger circle, ′. ′. with legend (11), for depth 05m 15º 00 5 S 125º 15 1 E rock which covers and uncovers, enclosed by danger circle, ′. ′. with legend (63), for rock which covers and uncovers 15º 02 8 S 125º 13 5 E

Delete rock enclosed by danger circle 15º 02′.6 S 125º 13′.0 E ′. ′. depth, 64m 15º 00 8 S 125º 06 6 E ′. ′. depth, 192m, enclosed by contour 15º 03 2 S 125º 14 1 E ′. ′. depth, 125m 15º 04 8 S 125º 16 5 E ′. ′. depth, 12m 15º 02 4 S 125º 17 6 E ′. ′. depth, 179m 14º 58 6 S 125º 11 2 E ′. ′. depth 51m 14º 59 8 S 125º 05 8 E

48* AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Cape Preston - Depths and coastline R Wallace (AA302520)

Aus 327 [354/2007] Insert accompanying block 20º 53′.0 S 116º 07′.5 E

49* AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Geraldton to Fremantle - Chart note amended Australian Hydrographic Service (AA301994)

Aus 112 [394/2007] Substitute accompanying note, for note NON TIDAL CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL, centred on 31º 55′.4 S 115º 47′.0 E

Aus 113 [915/2007] Substitute accompanying note, for note NON TIDAL CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL, centred on 32º 03′.9 S 115º 45′.2 E

Aus 117 [357/2007] Substitute accompanying note, for note NON TIDAL CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL, centred on 32º 11′.9 S 115º 37′.5 E

Aus 333 [436/2007] Delete note NON TIDAL CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL 29º 06′.5 S 115º 10′.5 E

Aus 751 [436/2007] Substitute accompanying note, for note NON TIDAL CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL, centred on 28º 25′.0 S 114º 32′.5 E

Aus 753 [800/2006] Substitute accompanying note, for note NON TIDAL CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL, centred on 30º 18′.0 S 115º 15′.0 E

50* AUSTRALIA - SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Whyalla - Chart note revoked Australian Hydrographic Service (AA301997)

Aus 136 (plan, Whyalla) [1120/2007] Delete chart note, Exclusion Zone (EZ), centred on 33º 00′.0 S 137º 35′.2 E legend, EZ (see Note), centred on 33º 02′.7 S 137º 37′.7 E

(18 January 2008) 7 I 51* AUSTRALIA - TASMANIA - Tamar River - Point Effingham - Submarine cable MAST Notice 84/2007 (AA277364)

Aus 167 [923/2007] Insert accompanying block 41º 08′.3 S 146º 49′.6 E

Aus 167 (plan, Bell Bay) Insert accompanying block 41º 08′.25 S 146º 49′.56 E

52* AUSTRALIA - - - The Rip - Depths Port Corp (AA282608)

Aus 158 [689/2007] Insert accompanying block 38º 18′.5 S 144º 38′.0 E

53* AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA - Port Phillip - Middle Ground - Light buoy Victoria Notice 152/2007 (AA300469)

Aus 143 [1067/2007] Insert special cylindrical light buoy, Fl.Y.4s , with topmark 38º 18′.88 S 144º 52′.04 E

Aus 158 [52/2008] Insert special cylindrical light buoy, Fl.Y.4s , with topmark 38º 18′.879 S 144º 52′.040 E

(18 January 2008) 8 I 54(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - NEW SOUTH WALES - Newcastle - Hunter River - Obstructions Hatch (AA305183)

Turbidity curtains exist between the river bank and positions 32° 53′.173 S 151° 44′.874 E and 32° 52′.743 S 151° 44′.887 E; they are marked by special cylindrical light buoys, Fl.1·5s.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 207 - Aus 208

55(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - NEW SOUTH WALES - Clarence River - Yamba - Dredging operations completed Former Notice - 362(T)/2007 is cancelled NSW Maritime

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 220

56(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Moreton Bay - Spitfire Channel to Lytton Reach - Dredging operations Date - Until 31 March 2008 Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 876(T)/2007 (AA305333)

The dredge Volvox Asia, is conducting dredging operations in the Spitfire Channel Bypass. The dredge will monitor VHF Ch 12 and coordinate with traffic operations. It will display the appropriate lights and signals.

The dredge material will be discharged at the Lytton Reach pumpout (27° 35′ S 153° 34′ E.)

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 235 - Aus 236 - Aus 237

57(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Brisbane River - Pelican Banks - Light buoy established Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 856(T)/2007 (AA305159)

A port lateral light buoy, Q.R, has been established in position, 27° 23′.377 S 153° 09′.367 E.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 237

58(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Brisbane River - Lytton Rocks Reach - Harbour works completed Former Notice - 197(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 237

59(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Brisbane River - Lytton Reach - Harbour works completed Former Notice - 929(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 238

60(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Brisbane River - Eagle Farm Flats Reach - Drilling operations completed Former Notice - 829(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 238

(18 January 2008) 9 I 61(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Shoalwater Bay - Live firing Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 875(T)/2007 (AA305331)

Live firing activities will be conducted in the Shoalwater Bay training area during the period 1 to 11 February 2008.

A marine danger area extends to all waters south of the line defined by the following positions (WGS84 datum): Oyster Creek 22° 30′.73 S 150° 26′.34 E East Creek 22° 30′.20 S 150° 33′.89 E

All waters, creeks, beaches and other areas within the declared marine danger area are not available for access.

There will be safe anchorages available at Supply Bay, Island Head Creek, Pearl Bay and Port Clinton during this closure.

Mariners are advised to keep clear of this area throughout the above times.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 367 - Aus 822

62(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Cape Hillsborough to Cape Conway - Scientific instruments recovered Former Notice - 280(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 864/2007 (AA305152)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 251 - Aus 252

63(P)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Shute Harbour - Navaids Date - On or about 31 March 2008 Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 846(T)/2007 (AA302047)

Buoys marking the southern extremity of the Shute Harbour marina development exist in positions; 20° 17′.604 S 148° 46′.500 E 20° 17′.698 S 148° 46′.531 E 20° 17′.698 S 148° 47′.024 E

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart which will be affected - Aus 253

64(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Pioneer Bay - Muddy Bay - Scientific instruments recovered Former Notice - 321(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 253 - Aus 268

(18 January 2008) 10 I 65(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Townsville - Depth information Former Notice - 1080(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 848(T)/2007 (AA302038)

Available depths as at 7 December 2007: Metres Remarks Sea Channel 11.7 Platypus Channel 11.7 Outer Harbour: Arrival Channel 8.1 West of a line from dolphin across end of berth pocket to edge of arrival channel Departure Channel 11.6 Inner Harbour: Harbour 11.7 Berths: * No 1 12.0 No 2 12.8 * No 3 12.6 No 4 9.9 * No 7 11.2 * No 8 10.2 Seaward of 10 metre mark No 9 11.8 * No 10 9.4 To seaward dolphin * No 11 11.8 CB Marine 1.9 Between No 7 and No 8 10.4 Seaward of zero mark at No 7 * Between No 9 and No 10 10.1 Seaward of zero mark at No 10 Ross River Channel 2.0 Ross River and Ross Creek - No declared depth *Indicates revised entry.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 256 - Aus 257

66(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Townsville - Scientific instruments recovered Former Notice - 1196(T)/2006 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 257

67(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Townsville - Ross River - Offshore drilling completed Former Notice - 1029(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 256 - Aus 257

68(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Yorkeys Knob - Dredging operations Date - Until 1 June 2008 Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 865(T)/2007 (AA305107)

Dredging is in progress at Marina and Yorkeys Knob (16° 48′.1S 145° 43′.0E)

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 262

69(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Double Island - Scientific instrument. Former Notice - 113(T)/2007 is cancelled Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 857(T)/2007 (AA305151)

A special light buoy, Fl(5)Y.20s, exists in position: Position (WGS 84 datum) Depth 16° 43′.98 S 145° 42′.66 E 12m Mariners are not to use this buoy as a mooring.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 830

(18 January 2008) 11 I 70(T)/2008 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Idihi Island - Light unlit PNG NMSA Notice 134/2007 (AA305230)

The light K3464 (9° 25′. 438S 146° 52′. 541E) is unlit.

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 379 - Aus 505

71(T)/2008 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Bougainville Island - Lights relit Former Notice - 893(T)/2004 is cancelled PNG NMSA Notice 132/2007 (AA302517)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 399 - Aus 461 - Aus 683 - Aus 684 - Aus 4060 (INT 60) - Aus 4604 (INT 604) - Aus 4622 (INT 622)

72(T)/2008 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Bialla - Light relit Former Notice - 889(T)/2007 is cancelled PNG NMSA Notice 136/2007 (AA305184)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 547 - Aus 677

73(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Port Musgrave - Scientific instruments Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 867(T)/2007 (AA305141)

Lit scientific instruments have been established in Port Musgrave, Wenlock and Ducie Rivers, in the following positions: 11° 57′. 55 S 141° 56′. 19 E 11° 57′. 59 S 141° 56′. 31 E 11° 56′. 92 S 141° 52′. 95 E 12° 02′. 85 S 142° 01′. 30 E 12° 00′. 17 S 142° 06′. 74 E 11° 57′. 39 S 141° 56′. 06 E 12° 04′. 31 S 141° 55′. 63 E 12° 11′. 29 S 141° 53′. 79 E 11° 57′. 14 S 141° 54′. 73 E 11° 57′. 58 S 141° 55′. 79 E 12° 03′. 06 S 142° 01′. 63 E 11° 57′. 68 S 141° 54′. 48 E 12° 16′. 35 S 141° 59′. 29 E 11° 57′. 53 S 141° 55′. 42 E 12° 15′. 04 S 141° 55′. 60 E 12° 04′. 21 S 141° 55′. 24 E 11° 58′. 84 S 141° 56′. 96 E 12° 15′. 60 S 141° 54′. 84 E 12° 16′. 69 S 141° 58′. 00 E The buoys are not to be used for mooring

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 701

74(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Port Hedland - Scientific instruments MetOcean (AA305263, AA305264)

Scientific instruments exist as follows: Position (WGS 84 datum) Remarks 20° 08′. 02 S 118° 24′. 09 E Fl(5)Y.20s 20° 08′. 05 S 118° 24′. 15 E 5 floats 20° 07′. 88 S 118° 23′. 89 E 5 floats 20° 13′. 59 S 118° 30′. 63 E 5 floats

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 52 - Aus 53 - Aus 739 - Aus 740

75(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Rosemary Island - Scientific instruments Former Notice - 1033(T)/2007 is cancelled MetOcean (AA305263, AA305264)

Scientific instruments exist as follows: Position (WGS 84 datum) Remarks 20° 22′.65 S 116° 24′.93 E Fl(5)Y.20s 20° 22′.60 S 116° 25′.02 E 5 floats 20° 22′.64S 116° 25′.21E 20° 22′.68S 116° 25′.12E

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 57 - Aus 741 - Aus 742

(18 January 2008) 12 I 76(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Albany - Mooring buoy Date - Until 31 March 2008 Port of Albany Notice 1/2007 (AA305179)

A lit yellow mooring buoy, Q.Y exists in position, 35° 02′.77 S 117° 53′.95 E (WGS84).

Chart temporarily affected - Aus 109

77(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Port Pirie - Light restored Former Notice - 991(T)/2007 is cancelled DTEI SA Notice 49/2007 (AA292565)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 136

78(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Kangaroo Island - Live firing completed Former Notice - 995(T)/2007 is cancelled RAAF (AA292498)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 346 - Aus 347

79(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA - - Harbour works completed Former Notice - 943(T)/2007 is cancelled Victorian Notice 115(T)/2007 (AA289562)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 141

80(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA - Port Phillip - Entrance Deep - Underwater survey work completed Former Notice - 706(T)/2007 is cancelled Port Melbourne Corp (AA305188)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 143 - Aus 144 - Aus 158

81(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA - Port Phillip - Port Melbourne Channel - Station Pier - Shoaling Former Notice - 421(T)/2006 is cancelled Victorian Notice 124(T)/2007 (AA292404), Note: Notice 997(T)/2007 refers

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 154

82(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA - Port Phillip - Port Melbourne - Construction works completed Former Notice - 747(T)/2007 is cancelled Port Melbourne Corp (AA305186)

Cancel this notice on receipt.

Chart formerly affected - Aus 154

(18 January 2008) 13 I 83(T)/2008 AUSTRALIA - TEMPORARY AND PRELIMINARY NOTICES Former Notice - 899(T)/2007 is cancelled Australian Hydrographic Service (AA292822)

Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject

BASS STRAIT 75/2007 Aus 357A...... Light buoy off station. 1042/2007 Aus 422-487 ...... Seismic survey

CORAL SEA Lihou Reef 653/2001 Aus 614...... Shoals

Willis Islets 663/2006 Aus 617-4620-4621 ...... Light unlit

NEW SOUTH WALES Batemans Bay 317/2006 Aus 191...... Shoaling; buoy

Beecroft Peninsula 968/2007 Aus 193-AX60193-70193...... Light buoy to be established

Brisbane Water 813/2006 Aus 216...... Point Clare- Scientific instrument eastwards

Broken Bay 483/2007 Aus 361-809 ...... Fish aggregating devices eastwards 610/2007 Aus 204-216-AX67215...... Shoaling; light buoys

Green Cape to Lennox Head 522/2006 Aus 197-806-807-808-809-... Scientific instruments 810-811-812-813- AX70197-70808

Harrington Inlet 523/2006 Aus 810...... Obstruction

Jervis Bay 930/2006 Aus 193-AX60193-70193...... Light buoy off station

Newcastle 974/2007 Aus 207-208 ...... Depth information 54/2008 Aus 207-208 ...... Obstructions

Port Jackson 1043/2005 Aus 202-203 ...... White Bay- Light buoys 454/2006 Aus 202...... Gore Cove- Shoaling 47/2007 Aus 200-201-AX63200...... West Channel- Light beacon destroyed; light buoy. 649/2007 Aus 200-202 ...... Balls Head Bay- Obstruction; light buoys 650/2007 Aus 200-203 ...... Homebush Bay- Scientific instruments

Port Kembla 739/2005 Aus 195...... Depth information

NORTHERN TERRITORY Darwin 1062/2006 Aus 26-28 ...... Shoaling 242/2007 Aus 26-28-AX72026...... Middle Arm- Obstruction; light buoys 662/2007 Aus 28...... Depth information

Groote Eylandt 672/2006 Aus 4720...... Scientific instrument eastwards

Melville Island 882/2006 Aus 20-309-722-AX70722-.... Reef delineation 72722

Troubadour Shoals 950/2004 Aus 309-311-315 ...... Scientific instruments

(18 January 2008) 14 I

83(T)/2008 (Continued) Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject QUEENSLAND Agnes Water 54/2007 Aus 818...... Wreck southeastwards.

Albatross Bay 240/2007 Aus 4...... Scientific instrument

Arkwright Point 108/2007 Aus 365...... Scientific instrument.

Arlington Reef 470/2006 Aus 830...... Buoy westwards withdrawn

Bowen 1079/2007 Aus 268...... Wreck

Brisbane River 816/2006 Aus 236-237 ...... Fisherman Islands- Harbour works 1090/2006 Aus 238...... Quarries Reach- Lights altered 403/2007 Aus 238...... Hamilton Reach-Wreck 445/2007 Aus 238...... Quarries Reach to Parker Island Reach- Harbour works; light buoys 697/2007 Aus 238...... Comslie Boat Ramp- Obstruction 736/2007 Aus 236-237 ...... Fishermans Island- Dredging operations 830/2007 Aus 238...... Cameron Rocks- Light unlit 928/2007 Aus 237-238 ...... Depth information 1131/2007 Aus 237...... Floating pipeline 1132/2007 Aus 237-238 ...... Lytton Reach- Mooring blocks; pipeline 57/2008 Aus 237...... Pelican Banks- Light buoy established

Bundaberg 271/2006 Aus 242-243 ...... Depth information

Cairns 233/2006 Aus 263-264 ...... Wreck; light buoy 1083/2007 Aus 263-264 ...... Dredging operations 1137/2007 Aus 262-263-264-830- ...... Depth information AX63262

Caloundra 572/2007 Aus 235...... Obstruction

Cape Bowling Green 373/2007 Aus 371-826-827 ...... Light buoy off station

Cape Cleveland 281/2007 Aus 371-827 ...... Wreck northeastward

Cape Weymouth 494/2007 Aus 834-835-836 ...... Wreck northwards

Chicken Reef and Pith Reef 659/2006 Aus 372-828 ...... Scientific instruments

Cleveland Bay 888/2007 Aus 256...... Scientific instrument

Cooktown 878/2006 Aus 270...... Shoaling 162/2007 Aus 270...... Light beacon destroyed; light buoy. 785/2007 Aus 270...... Depth information

Daintree River 657/2007 Aus 831...... Wreck

Double Island 69/2008 Aus 830...... Scientific instrument.

(18 January 2008) 15 I

83(T)/2008 (Continued) Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject Gladstone 654/2007 Aus 244-245-246 ...... Depth information 778/2007 Aus 244-245 ...... Harbour works 884/2007 Aus 244-245 ...... Drilling operations

Gold Coast Seaway 773/2007 Aus 814...... Shoaling

Goold Island 784/2007 Aus 828...... Wreck; light buoy

Halifax Bay 1166/2006 Aus 827-828 ...... Wreck

Hay Point 448/2007 Aus 250...... Declared navigation depth 493/2007 Aus 249-250 ...... Harbour works 780/2007 Aus 249-250 ...... Harbour works 1027/2007 Aus 249-250 ...... Depth information

Hay Point to Bailey Islet 1136/2007 Aus 249-250-251 ...... Scientific Instruments

Heron Island 1293/2006 Aus 366-426-819 ...... Scientific instruments.

Hook Island 979/2007 Aus 252...... Light beacon destroyed

Hook Reef 930/2007 Aus 254-825 ...... Beacon destroyed

Horn Island 1139/2007 Aus 292-376 ...... Outfall

Hovell Rock 1030/2007 Aus 293-299 ...... Light buoy off station

Karumba 582/2007 Aus 6...... Depth information 661/2007 Aus 6...... Beacon withdrawn 937/2007 Aus 6...... Obstruction; buoy

Keppel Bay 765/2006 Aus 247...... Wreck

Keppel Isles 818/2006 Aus 366-367-820 ...... Wreck eastwards

Kirra Point 1130/2007 Aus 813-814 ...... Offshore works

LADS Passage 1138/2007 Aus 281-834 ...... Light buoys

Laguna Quays 1052/2006 Aus 252...... Reduced depth

Lisa Jane Shoals 1135/2007 Aus 247...... Scientific instrument

Low Islets 833/2007 Aus 373-830-831 ...... Sector light trial extended

Mackay 146/2006 Aus 250...... Depth information 239/2007 Aus 249-250 ...... Harbour works

Magnetic Island 1082/2007 Aus 256...... Light beacon destroyed; light buoy

(18 January 2008) 16 I

83(T)/2008 (Continued) Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject Moreton Bay 1162/2006 Aus 236...... Woody Point- Light buoy established 102/2007 Aus 235-236 ...... Spitfire Channel- Light sector partially undefined. 103/2007 Aus 236...... North Stradbroke Island- Dunwich- Lead unlit. 366/2007 Aus 236...... Middle Banks- Obstruction 402/2007 Aus 236...... Victoria Point- Obstruction; buoy 531/2007 Aus 236...... Russell Island- Harbour works 571/2007 Aus 236...... North Stradbroke Island- Dunwich- Shoaling 694/2007 Aus 235-236 ...... Brisbane River- Depth information and keel clearances 695/2007 Aus 236...... Raby Bay- Light beacon destroyed; light buoy 733/2007 Aus 236...... Tangalooma Point- Wreck: buoy 738/2007 Aus 236...... Redcliffe- Scientific instrument. 774/2007 Aus 236...... Scarborough- Shoaling 927/2007 Aus 235-236 ...... Spitfire Channel- Light buoys 975/2007 Aus 236...... Woody Point- Harbour works 1069/2007 Aus 235-236 ...... Skirmish Passage- Wreck; light buoy 56/2008 Aus 235-236-237 ...... Spitfire Channel to Lytton Reach- Dredging operations

Mourilyan 541/2007 Aus 258...... Depth information

Pioneer Bay 1244/2006 Aus 268...... Harbour works; light buoys.

Point Danger to Point Lookout 693/2007 Aus 814...... Scientific instruments

Pompey Reef 886/2007 Aus 823...... Wreck southwards

Port Alma 767/2006 Aus 247...... Leading light; light buoys 235/2007 Aus 247...... Depth information

Port Douglas 64/2007 Aus 270...... Depth information.

Port Musgrave 73/2008 Aus 701...... Scientific instruments

Red Island Point 853/2003 Aus 294...... Shoaling

Round Hill Head 201/2007 Aus 366-818 ...... Wreck northeastwards

Separation Banks to Donovan Shoal 538/2007 Aus 260-822-AX60260...... Scientific instruments

Shoalwater Bay 61/2008 Aus 367-822 ...... Live firing

Shute Harbour 63/2008 Aus 253...... Navaids

Skardon River 671/2006 Aus 701...... Shoaling 890/2007 Aus 701...... Shoaling

Surprise Rock 887/2007 Aus 252-253-371-824...... Light unlit

Thursday Island 687/2001 Aus 293-299 ...... Depth information

Townsville 281/2006 Aus 256-257 ...... Wreck 931/2007 Aus 257...... Horizontal datum anomaly 65/2008 Aus 256-257 ...... Depth information

(18 January 2008) 17 I

83(T)/2008 (Continued) Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject Weipa 581/2007 Aus 4...... Depth information 936/2007 Aus 4...... Light beacon destroyed

Yorkeys Knob 574/2007 Aus 262-830-AX63262...... Light buoy established 68/2008 Aus 262...... Dredging operations

SOUTH AUSTRALIA Barker Inlet 484/2006 Aus 780-781 ...... Shoaling

Glenelg 490/2002 Aus 125-781 ...... Restricted areas; light buoys

Kangaroo Island 994/2007 Aus 343-346 ...... Scientific instrument southwestwards

Margaret Brock Reef 452/2002 Aus 127...... Structure

Port Adelaide 239/2006 Aus 137...... Depth information 240/2006 Aus 137...... Shoaling 992/2007 Aus 137...... Bridge construction; exclusion zones; temporary light buoys 1085/2007 Aus 138...... Light beacon destroyed

Rapid Bay 993/2007 Aus 345-347-780 ...... Harbour works

Thevenard 1170/2006 Aus 120...... Light beacon destroyed, temporary light

Wallaroo 1172/2006 Aus 777...... Depth information

TASMANIA Bruny Island 545/2007 Aus 173...... Wreck

Burnie 781/2006 Aus 163...... Depth infromation

D’Entrecaseaux Channel to Norfolk Bay 1087/2007 Aus 169-171-173-174...... Scientific instruments

D’Entrecasteaux Channel 905/2004 Aus 173...... Spat collection; light buoys

Devonport 780/2006 Aus 164...... Depth information

Furneaux Group 922/2005 Aus 179-800 ...... Shoaling

Georges Bay 1204/2006 Aus 169...... Shoaling.

Hobart 1126/2005 Aus 172...... Depth information 501/2007 Aus 172...... Harbour works 841/2007 Aus 172...... New Town Bay- Obstructions

Launceston 746/2007 Aus 168...... Harbour works

Marion Narrows 1129/2005 Aus 169-171 ...... Beacon destroyed 1308/2006 Aus 169-171 ...... Light beacon altered.

(18 January 2008) 18 I

83(T)/2008 (Continued) Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject Norfolk Bay 906/2004 Aus 171...... Spat collection; light buoys

Port Davey 270/2005 Aus 176...... Horizontal datum anomaly

Spring Bay 264/2002 Aus 170...... Depth information

Tamar River 896/2007 Aus 168...... Reduced clearance

The Lanterns to Deep Glen Bay 892/2006 Aus 795...... Scientific instruments

TIMOR SEA Sahul Banks 476/2006 Aus 312...... Scientific instruments

VICTORIA Barry Beach 1002/2004 Aus 181-182 ...... Shoaling 1001/2007 Aus 181-182 ...... Light unlit

Barwon River 1036/2007 Aus 143-144 ...... Lights trial

Bass Strait 1148/2007 Aus 357a-422-487 ...... Drill rig

Corner Inlet 667/2007 Aus 181...... Light destroyed

Lakes Entrance 799/2007 Aus 357a...... Scientific instrument

Ninety Mile Beach 458/2007 Aus 357a...... Obstructions

Port Albert 457/2007 Aus 181-182 ...... Harbour works

Port Phillip 957/2004 Aus 143-144-158 ...... Nepean Bank- Shoal 966/2004 Aus 144-158 ...... Sorrento Channel- Beacon destroyed; buoy 351/2005 Aus 143-144-158 ...... South Channel- Shoaling 1090/2005 Aus 143-157 ...... - Light beacon; light buoy 952/2006 Aus 157...... Geelong- Depth information; shoal 1013/2006 Aus 143-144-158 ...... Sorrento Channel- Light beacon destroyed; light buoy 378/2007 Aus 154...... Port Melbourne-Swanson Dock- Harbour works 415/2007 Aus 143...... Daveys Bay- Harbour works 794/2007 Aus 143-155 ...... Altona Bay- Shoaling 796/2007 Aus 143-158 ...... South channel- Obstruction 797/2007 Aus 143-158 ...... South Channel- Obstruction 897/2007 Aus 154...... Port Melbourne- Shoaling 898/2007 Aus 144-155 ...... Sandringham- Shoaling; light buoys 996/2007 Aus 143-157 ...... Geelong- Navaid replacement completed 997/2007 Aus 154...... Station Pier- Shoaling 1038/2007 Aus 143-157 ...... Portarlington- Harbour works 1040/2007 Aus 143-144-154-155-157-158 Scientific instruments 1088/2007 Aus 154...... Depth information 1147/2007 Aus 143-155 ...... St Kilda- Harbour works

Port Welshpool 72/2006 Aus 181-182 ...... Lewis Channel- Beacon destroyed 1000/2007 Aus 181-182-357A...... Dredging operations

Western Port 228/2005 Aus 150-151 ...... Beacon destroyed 253/2007 Aus 150...... Newhaven- Harbour works; navaid relocation 547/2007 Aus 150...... Light beacons; obstruction

(18 January 2008) 19 I

83(T)/2008 (Continued) Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject WESTERN AUSTRALIA Albany 729/2006 Aus 109...... Light beacon; light buoy 76/2008 Aus 109...... Mooring buoy

Broome 893/2007 Aus 50...... Wreck

Browse Island 836/2007 Aus 319...... Scientific instruments

Cockburn Sound 1089/2005 Aus 111...... Obstruction

Dampier 438/2005 Aus 58-59 ...... Light temporarily discontinued 791/2007 Aus 57-58-59 ...... Withnell Bay - Shoal depth 840/2007 Aus 57-58-59 ...... Dredging operations 1034/2007 Aus 57-58-59 ...... Depth information

Dampier Archipelago 523/2004 Aus 327-415 ...... Scientific instruments northwestwards

Esperance 779/2006 Aus 119...... Scientific instrument

Fremantle 175/2007 Aus 112-113-AX63112...... Obstruction; submarine pipeline; light buoys. 295/2007 Aus 113...... Light buoy repositioned 619/2007 Aus 113...... Depth information 745/2007 Aus 114...... Scientific instruments 895/2007 Aus 112-AX63112...... Test light buoy

Geographe Bay 1260/2006 Aus 755-756 ...... Scientific instrument.

Geraldton 174/2007 Aus 81...... Harbour works.

Glomar Shoal 1032/2007 Aus 327-741 ...... Scientific instruments northwards

Glomar shoal 989/2007 Aus 327-415-741 ...... Production platform; pipeline

Mandurah 103/2006 Aus 116-755 ...... Light beacon to be established; light buoy

Maret Islands 938/2007 Aus 320-729 ...... Scientific instruments

Mary Anne Island 1306/2006 Aus 63-328-743 ...... Light re-established; characteristics altered.

North West Cape 543/2007 Aus 328-329-744 ...... Wells northward 942/2007 Aus 328-329-744 ...... Wells

Oakagee River 1104/2006 Aus 751...... Scientific instruments westward

Perth 1084/2007 Aus 112-334-417-754...... Protection zones to be established

Port Hedland 1065/2006 Aus 54...... Light buoys temporarily withdrawn 1103/2006 Aus 54...... Lights altered 375/2007 Aus 54...... Depth information 452/2007 Aus 54...... Harbour works; restricted areas 74/2008 Aus 52-53-739-740...... Scientific instruments

(18 January 2008) 20 I

83(T)/2008 (Continued) Notice Charts affected Locality and Subject Rankin Bank 990/2007 Aus 327-328-415 ...... Production wells; pipeline

Rosemary Island 75/2008 Aus 57-741-742 ...... Scientific instruments

Scott Reef to Wildcat Reefs 892/2007 Aus 43-320-322 ...... Scientific instruments

Wilson Point 1255/2006 Aus 320-323-730-732...... Scientific instruments.

EAST TIMOR Dili 727/2006 Aus 901...... Light unlit

Pulau Jaco 309/2005 Aus 311-312-313-4721...... Light unlit

INDIAN OCEAN 1135/2006 Aus 4071...... Scientific instruments 800/2005 Aus 607...... Light beacon

Sumatera 68/2007 Aus 4070-4071 ...... Scientific instruments westward.

PACIFIC OCEAN 1133/2006 Aus 4060-4604 ...... Scientific instruments

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 660/2007 Aus 399-4604-4622 ...... Scientific instruments northeastwards 325/2007 Aus 397-461-545-554-680 .... Light unlit

Cape Tavui 116/2007 Aus 397-461-680-4622...... Light unlit.

Idihi Island 70/2008 Aus 379-505 ...... Light unlit

Isulailai Point 1140/2007 Aus 381-625-629-567...... Light unlit

Kimbe Island 374/2007 Aus 395-547-4622 ...... Light unlit

Lae 964/2005 Aus 523-4622 ...... Light unlit 471/2006 Aus 523...... Wreck

Madang 967/2005 Aus 646...... Horizontal datum anomaly

Manus Island 935/2007 Aus 576-654-662 ...... Nahuchie Point- Light unlit

Nuakata Passage 788/2007 Aus 628...... Light unlit

Port Moresby 665/2006 Aus 379-380-505-4620...... Fish aggregation device southwards

Vutte Island 1141/2007 Aus 666...... Light unlit

Ward Hunt Strait to Cape Ward Hunt 580/2007 Aus 519-520-521-4620-4621- Lights unlit 4622

MISCELLANEOUS 842/2007 ...... Summer time

(18 January 2008) 21 II AMENDMENTS TO ADMIRALTY LIST OF LIGHT AND FOG SIGNALS VOLUME K 2007/08 Edition No 1 dated 18 January 2008 Last Amendment: Edition No 25 dated 21 December 2007

▼ K1012·8 P Seniur 2 50·90 S Q(6)+LFl W 15s 12 10 ▼ on black beacon, (fl 0·3, ec 0·7) x 6, fl 2, ec 7 (I) 106 46·41 E yellow top ** *

K1068 - Sunda Kelapa (Sundakelapa) 6 07·29 S Fl(2)W 12·5s 21 11 Beacon fl 0·5, ec 2, fl 0·5, ec 9·5 (I) 106 48·54 E 19 ***

K1549·05 Pulau Maloang. Reef. W 4 38·69 S Fl W 5s 12 12 White pipe fl 0·5 (I) 122 14·84 E 10 ** ***** *

K1549·28 Sapamataha. Reef. W 4 58·16 S Fl W 5s 12 12 White pipe fl 0·5 (I) 122 02·82 E 10 ** ***** *

K1662·3 - Entrance Point. Ldg Lts 18 00·41 S F W 307·1°. Front 122 12·58 E ** ***** *

K1662·31 - Entrance Point. Ldg Lts 18 00·40 S F Bu 307·1°. Rear 122 12·56 E ** ***** *

K1711 North West Cape. Point Murat. 21 49·28 S 2 F Bu Ldg Lts 268·5° 114 10·88 E ** ***** *

K1899 Lucky Bay. Ldg Lts 307·1° 33 42·41 S 2 F Bu 137 02·10 E ** ***** *

K1951 - Yatala Harbour 32 44·03 S Fl G 2s . . . . Green ▲ on green 137 53·88 E beacon ** ***** *

K1979·5 - 33 55·52 S Q(4) G 6s . . . . Green beacon 137 37·40 E ** ***** *

K1979·55 - 33 55·54 S Q(4) R 6s . . . . Red beacon 137 37·46 E ** ***** *

K2055·05 - No 3 34 47·12 S Fl G 2s ...... Destroyed (T) 2007 138 23·86 E *

K2074·754 - 34 48·82 S Fl G 4s . . . . Beacon 138 30·72 E ** ***** *

K2074·755 - 34 48·84 S Fl W 4s . . . . Beacon 138 30·73 E ** ***** *

K2074·77 - 34 49·01 S Fl G 4s . . . . Beacon 138 30·70 E ** ***** *

(18 January 2008) 22 II Volume K continued

K2074·775 - 34 49·05 S Fl W 4s . . . . Beacon 138 30·69 E ** ***** *

K2193·2 Barwon River. Ldg Lts 317°. 38 16·97 S Fl W 4s ...... On trial (T) 2007 Front 144 29·97 E ** ***** *

K2193·21 Barwon River. Ldg Lts 317°. 38 16·95 S F Bu ...... On trial (T) 2007 Rear 144 29·94 E ** ***** *

K2582 - Ldg Lts 279·7°. Front 35 43·15 S F Bu 7 4 Blue ▲ LED 150 11·79 E 7 ** ***** *

K2582·1 - Ldg Lts 279·7°. Rear. 275m 35 43·14 S F Bu 10 4 Blue ▼ LED from front 150 11·77 E 10 ** ***** *

K2658 Remove from list

K2863·535 Bribie Island. Pumicestone 27 02·69 S Fl G 2·5s . . . . Green ▲ on beacon Channel 153 07·73 E *

K2873 - Dir Lt 061·8°. No 9 27 26·32 S Dir WRG 153 06·99 E - - - . . Q Bu ** ***** *

K2873·01 Remove from list

K2902·1 Macleay Island. E of Potts Point 27 35·08 S Fl R 4s . . . . Red ■ on red beacon 153 22·19 E *

K3067·35 Remove from list

K3116·6 - Magnetic Island. Nelly Bay. 19 09·63 S Fl G 4s . . . . Green ▲ on beacon Destroyed; starboard lateral light No 5 146 51·36 E buoy Fl G 4s in situ (T) 2007 *

K3456·7 - West Reef. E end 10 21·06 S Fl(3) W 15s 22 10 White framework tower 148 41·46 E 22 ** *

K3722·9 - KIOREROA REACH. K2 35 46·70 S Q R 5 2 Red ■ on pile Withdrawn (T) 2007 174 21·80 E *

K3723·2 - KIOREROA REACH. K4 35 46·70 S Q R 5 2 Red ■ on pile Withdrawn (T) 2007 174 21·50 E *

K3723·6 - KIOREROA REACH. K6 35 46·50 S Q R 5 2 Red ■ on pile Withdrawn (T) 2007 174 21·30 E *

K3724·6 - KIOREROA REACH. K10 35 46·20 S Q R 5 2 Red ■ on pile Withdrawn (T) 2007 174 21·10 E *

(18 January 2008) 23 II Volume K continued

K3725·2 - KIOREROA REACH. K13 35 45·80 S Q G 5 1 Green ▲ on pile Withdrawn (T) 2007 174 21·10 E *

K3879·7 Coromandel Harbour. Waipapa 36 48·27 S F Y 4 1 Wooden pole Bay. Te Kouma Boat Ramp 175 28·40 E 4 ** ***** *

▼ K4971·65 - Pointe Oporo. W 16 43·70 S VQ(9) W 10s 4 4 ▲ on yellow beacon, TE 2007 (F) 151 28·97 W black band 6 **

K4974 - Pointe du Lotus. NE Head 16 41·10 S Fl(2) G 6s 4 5 Green ▲ on green fl 1, ec 1, fl 1, ec 3. (F) 151 29·60 W beacon TE 2007 7 * *

(18 January 2008) 24 III NAVIGATION WARNINGS

The following radio messages have been received during the period to 4 January 2008. Signal copies of these messages may be destroyed. It is recommended that the reprint of Navigational Warnings should be kept in a file or a book divided into areas. Cancellation should be made on receipt of signals and reprints.

Rigs on location other than those listed in the latest Section III summary are the subject of Radio Navigational Warnings. Rigs in transit will not be the subject of Warnings.


2007 332 Drill rig Wilcraft in position 12º 32′.75 S 124º 26′.75 E. 2.5M clearance requested. 333 Drill rig Atwood Eagle in position 14º 38′.33 S 120º 25′.01 E. 2.5M clearance requested. 334 Cancelled. 335 Cancelled. 336 Cancelled. 337 Cancelled. 338 Drill rig Songa Mercur in position 20º 00′.17 S 115º 11′.48 E. 2.5M clearance requested. 339 Cancelled. 340 Cancelled. 341 Cancelled. 342 Special purpose vessel Orient Explorer conducting seismic survey towing 4x3M cables in area 19º 19′.0 S to 19º 47′.0 S and 115º 21′.0 E to 115º 52′.0 E. 5M clearance requested. 343 Cancelled. 344 Drill rig Ocean Bounty in position 19º 58′.33 S 115º 11′.04 E. 2.5M clearance requested. 345 Cancelled. 346 Cancelled. 347 Cancelled. 348 Cancelled. 349 Special purpose vessel geo Atlantic conducting seismic survey in area 14º 02′.0 S to 14º 37′.1 S and 121º 47′.0 E to 122º 28′.3 E. 5M clearance requested. 350 Cancelled. 351 Cancelled. 352 Cancelled. 353 Drill rig Stena Clyde in position 21º 23′.90 S 114º 05′.10 E. 2.5M clearance requested. 354 Drill rig Nan Hai 6 in position 21º 26′.00 S 114º 01′.90 E. 2.5M clearance requested. 355 Cancelled. 2008 001 Special purpose vessel Pacific Explorer conducting seismic survey in area 39º 39′.0 S to 40º 08′.0 S and 144º 56′.0 E to 145º 14′.0 E. 5M clearance requested. 002 Special purpose vessel Veritas Voyager conducting seismic survey towing 4x3M cables in area 19º 40′.0 S to 19º 53′.0 S and 115º 45′.0 E to 116º 00′.0 E. 5M clearance requested.

NAVAREA X WARNINGS 2007 016 Cancelled.

Navigational warnings in force as at 040001UTC JAN 08. Auscoast 2007 235 280 320 321 325 326 330 332 333 338 342 344 349 353 354. 2008 001 002

Navarea X 2007 008.

Summary of mobile drilling rigs as at 040001UTC JAN 08.

Name Position West Atlas 10º 25′.20 S 128º 56′.30 E Songa Venus 12º 15′.30 S 124º 31′.20 E Wilcraft 12º 32′.75 S 124º 26′.75 E Sedco 703 12º 57′.32 S 124º 26′.50 E Ocean Epoch 13º 47′.02 S 123º 24′.37 E Atwood Eagle 14º 38′.33 S 120º 25′.01 E Ocean Bounty 19º 58′.33 S 115º 11′.04 E Jack Bates 19º 40′.47 S 114º 55′.29 E Songa Mercur 20º 00′.17 S 115º 11′.48 E Ensco 106 20º 33′.43 S 115º 02′.31 E Stena Clyde 21º 23′.90 S 114º 05′.10 E Nan Hai VI 21º 26′.00 S 114º 01′.90 E Atwood Eagle 21º 28′.50 S 113º 49′.50 E

(18 January 2008) 25 III NAVAREA XIV WARNINGS

Nil received.

Navarea XIV warnings in force as at 040001UTC JAN 08. 2007 010 026.

(18 January 2008) 26 IV


Nil Reports


Edition No 1 dated 18 January 2008

VOLUME 1, PART 2, NP 281(2), 2007/08 Published BA Wk 28/07 (Last Amendments: Edition No 25 dated 21 December 2007)


Page 52, AUSTRALIA, TOWNSVILLE (GLOBAL LINK NETWORK), Data Service (HF) table. Delete table and replace by:

VZG420_4 4217 4179·5 H24 VZG420 6324 6273 VZG420_1 8434·5 8394·5 VZG420_2 12649 12547 H24H24 VZG420_3 16901 16783

Global Link Network Ad51/07

Page 229, PHILIPPINES, MANILA (DZO), Data Service (HF) table. Delete table and replace by: qc qc DZO24 4211·5 4211·5 DZO26 6222 6222 DZO28 8514·4 8514·4 DZO38 8716 8716 HH2424 DZO23 12422 12422 DZO33 13078·5 13078·5 DZO27 16982·9 16982·9 DZO37 17198·5 17198·5 DZO25 22567·5 22567·5

Global Link Network Ad51/07

Page 233, RUSSIA (Pacific Coast), PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKIY MRSC, Contacts table, row 2. Delete row and replace by:

+7 4152 412880 +7 4152 412397

MRCC Kaliningrad Ad50/07

Page 260, UNITED STATES (Pacific Coast), KKL RADIO - VASHON ISLAND [1150], Contacts table. Delete table and replace by:

47q22c˜25N 122q29c˜27W Diagram page 258

+1 408 3489735 +1 206 2005551 (Mobile) +1 240 2353655 E-MAIL: [email protected] [email protected] www.gln--network.net Services by prior arrangement -- contact KKL www.kklradio.com

KKL Radio Ad51/07

(18 January 2008) 28 V Pages 269 to 277, VIETNAM. Delete all entries in Vietnam section and replace by the following pages:

Delete page 269 and replace by this page:


TELEMEDICAL MARITIME ADVICE SERVICES (TMAS) (MEDICO) Diagrams pages Usual name of centre Vietnam National Institute of Maritime Medicine (Ministry of Health) Hai Phong City 270 & 271 Communications Maritime Radio Stations operated by Vietnam Shipping Communications and Electronics Company (VISHIPEL).

+84(0)31 3519687 +84(0)31 3519687 E-MAIL: [email protected] Associated MRCC or Vietnam MRCC (VMRCC Ha noi) JRCC associated MRCC locations: ŒaNang, Hai Phong and Vung Tau Consultation Languages Vietnamese & English Provides telemedical advice and assists with the treatment of accidents and sickness on board all Vietnamese ships operating throughout the Remarks world and foreign ships within Vietnamese waters.


09q41c˜20N 106q34c˜53E MMSI 005743040 DSC VHF Diagram page 271

+84(0)74 839087

VHF Ch 16 H24


20q08c˜00N 107q44c˜00E MMSI 005741050 DSC VHF Diagram page 270 VHF Ch 16 25 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 25: 0030 0230 0630 0830 1230


18q30c˜95N 105q42c˜35E MMSI 005741070 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 270

+84(0)38 3951577 +84(0)38 3951577 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 7951 7951 TRAFFIC LISTS: 7951 kHz: 0148 0748 1548 1748

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 29 V Delete page 270 and replace by this diagram VI V1(2)VIETNORTH 105° °601 °701 °801 CHINA Cua Ong (XVC) Mong Cai (XVM) DSC VHF MF MMSI 005741020 DSC VHF MF MMSI 005741010 VHF Ch 16 VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) RT (HF)

Hôn Gai (XVQ) DSC VHF MF MMSI 005741030 VHF Ch 16 RT (HF)

Hanoi 21° 21° Hai Phong MRCC +84 31 3822617

Hai Phong (XVG) DSC VHF MF HF MMSI 005741040 VHF Ch 16 RT (HF)

20° 20°

Bach Long Vi DSC VHF MMSI 005741050 VHF Ch 16

Thanh Hóa DSC VHF MMSI 005741060 GULF VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) 19° 19° OF

Ben Thuy (XVB) DSC VHF MF MMSI 005741070 VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) TONKIN

Hon La 18° DSC VHF MMSI 005741080 18° VIETNAM VHF Ch 16


Huê (XVD) Vietnam MRCC DSC VHF MF MMSI 005742020 +84 4 7683050 VHF Ch 16 E-mail: [email protected] RT (HF)

Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Band DSC Voice SITOR Œa Nang (XVT) VHF Ch 70 Ch 16 DSC VHF MF HF 6 & 8 MHz MMSI 005742030 MF 2187·5 kHz 2182 kHz 2174·5 kHz VHF Ch 16 HF4 4207·5 kHz 4125 kHz 4177·5 kHz RT (HF) HF6 6312·0 kHz 6215 kHz 6268 kHz Œa Nang MRCC 16° 16° HF8 8414·5 kHz 8291 kHz 8376·5 kHz +84 511 892146 HF12 12577·0 kHz 12290 kHz 12520 kHz HF16 16804·5 kHz 16420 kHz 16695 kHz

105° °601 °701 108°

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 30 V

Delete page 271 and replace by this diagram V1(2)VIETSOUTH °501 °601 °701 °801 °901


14° 14° MARITIME RADIO STATIONS Quy Nhon (XVI) MRCC & MRSC VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Band DSC Voice SITOR VHF Ch 70 Ch 16 VIETNAM MF 2187·5 kHz 2182 kHz 2174·5 kHz HF4 4207·5 kHz 4125 kHz 4177·5 kHz HF6 6312·0 kHz 6215 kHz 6268 kHz Phú Yên (XVY) HF8 8414·5 kHz 8291 kHz 8376·5 kHz DSC VHF MF MMSI 005742070 13° 13° HF12 12577·0 kHz 12290 kHz 12520 kHz VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) HF16 16804·5 kHz 16420 kHz 16695 kHz

Nha Trang (XVN) DSC VHF MF HF 6 MHz MMSI 005742080 KÂMPU CÉA VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) (CAMBODIA) Cam Ranh 12° 12° DSC VHF MMSI 005742090 VHF Ch 16 RT (HF)

Phan Rang (XVN) DSC VHF MF MMSI 005742100 Ho Chi Minh Ville (XVS) VHF Ch 16 DSC VHF MF HF MMSI 005743030 RT (HF) VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) 11° 11°

Phan Thiêt (XVP) DSC VHF MF MMSI 005743010 Cân Tho (XVU) VHF Ch 16 DSC VHF MF MMSI 005743050 RT (HF) VHF Ch 16 RT (HF)


e v i 10° R 10° Vung Tau (XVR) g n DSC VHF MFHF 6 MHz MMSI 005743020 SOUTH Kien Giang (XVK) o k VHF Ch 16 DSC VHF MF MMSI 005743080 e RT (HF) M VHF Ch 16 e RT (HF) h Vung Tau MRCC t f +84 64 850950 o Bac Liêu s h VHF t DSC MMSI 005743040 u CHINA o VHF Ch 16 M 9° 9° Ca Mau (XVA) DSC VHF MF MMSI 005743070 Côn Œao VHF Ch 16 RT (HF) DSC VHF MMSI 005743060 SEA VHF Ch 16 °501 °601 °701 °801 °901

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 31 V

Delete page 272 and replace by this page:


09q12c˜02N 105q10c˜80E MMSI 005743070 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 271

+84(0)780 811507 +84(0)780 590455 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF)

7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 7969 7969 TRAFFIC LISTS: 7969 kHz: 0248 0848 1648 1848


12q04c˜83N 109q10c˜90E MMSI 005742090 DSC VHF Diagram page 271

+84(0)58 989148 & 989181

VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24


10q02c˜00N 105q47c˜00E MMSI 005743050 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 271

+84(0)71 841240 +84(0)71 841240 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 6513 (Ch 605) 6212 7903 7903 H24 8170 8170 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8170 kHz: 0239 0839 1639 1839

CÔN ŒAO 08q39c˜83N 106q46c˜60E MMSI 005743060 DSC VHF Diagram page 271

+84(0)64 630468

VHF Ch 16 H24

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 32 V

Delete page 273 and replace by this page:


21q01c˜20N 107q24c˜02E MMSI 005741020 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 270

+84(0)33 865513 & 734785 +84(0)33 865513 & 734785 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 25 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 25: 0030 0330 0830

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 8143 8143 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8143 kHz: 0139 0739 1539 1739


16q55c˜00N 107q12c˜00E MMSI 005742010 DSC VHF Diagram page 270

+84(0)53 824292 +84(0)53 824294

VHF Ch 16 H24

DA NBNG (XVT) DSC VHF MF HF 16q03c˜53N 108q12c˜53E MMSI 005742030 Diagram page 270 (6 & 8 MHz)

+84(0)511 655960 & 650264 +84(0)511 650177 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 27 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 27: every odd H+00

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF)

7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 7972 7972 8125 8125 8294 8294 8755 (Ch 813) 8231 12359 12359 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: 7906 kHz: 0035 1235


15q28c˜62N 108q41c˜50E MMSI 005742040 DSC VHF

+84(0)510 872501

VHF Ch 16 H24

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 33 V

Delete page 274 and replace by this page:


10q08c˜45N 104q36c˜08E MMSI 005743090 DSC VHF

+84(0)77 854601

VHF Ch 16 H24


20q50c˜92N 106q41c˜32E MMSI 005741040 DSC VHF MF HF Diagram page 270

+84(0)31 3842066 +84(0)31 3842979

TELEX: +805 311282 XVG VT E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 25 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 25: 0030 0230 0630 0830 1230

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 8149 8149 8294 8294 12356 12356 12359 12359 H24 13161 (Ch 1229) 12314 13170 (Ch 1232) 12323 13185 (Ch 1237) 12338 13191 (Ch 1239) 12344 17377 (Ch 1646) 16495 18843 18843 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8294 kHz: 0733 1533 2333 12359 kHz: 0133 0733 0933 1533 1733 2333

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 34 V

Delete page 275 and replace by this page:


10q42c˜06N 106q43c˜97E MMSI 005743030 DSC VHF MF HF Diagram page 271

+84(0)8 9404148 & 9404581 +84(0)8 9404581

TELEX: +805 821659 COAST VT E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 26 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 26: 0030 0830 1430

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 6510 (Ch 604) 6209 7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 8104 8104 8294 8294 12359 12359 H24 13083 (Ch 1203) 12236 13158 (Ch 1228) 12311 13164 (Ch 1230) 12317 18834 18834 TRAFFIC LISTS: 12359 & 13083 kHz: 0033 0233 0833 1033 1633 1833


20q57c˜25N 107q04c˜37E MMSI 005741030 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 270

+84(0)33 826268 +84(0)33 828600 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 27 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 27: 0100 0300 0700 1300

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 8173 8173 12353 12353 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8173 kHz: 0142 0742 1542 1742


18q06c˜00N 106q23c˜00E MMSI 005741080 DSC VHF Diagram page 270 VHF Ch 16 H24

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 35 V

Delete page 276 and replace by this page:


16q32c˜63N 107q38c˜40E MMSI 005742020 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 270

+84(0)54 217999 & 856801 +84(0)54 217999 & 856802 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 8122 8122 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8122 kHz: 0209 0809 1609 1809


9q59c˜00N 105q06c˜00E MMSI 005743080 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 271

+84(0)77 812603 +84(0)77 812604 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 6224 6224 7903 7903 H24 8158 8158 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8158 kHz: 0242 0842 1642 1842


15q14c˜90N 108q56c˜42E MMSI 005742050 DSC VHF

+84(0)55 626469

VHF Ch 16 H24


21q31c˜63N 107q58c˜32E MMSI 005741010 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 270

+84(0)33 886280 +84(0)33 886280 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 27 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 27: 0030 0730 1030

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 8155 8155 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8155 kHz: 0136 0736 1536 1736

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 36 V

Delete page 277 and replace by this page:

NHA TRANG (XVN) DSC VHF MF HF 12q15c˜00N 109q12c˜00E MMSI 005742080 Diagram page 271 (6 MHz)

+84(0)58 590099 +84(0)58 590098 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 71 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 71: 0030 0830 1330

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 6227 6227 7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 7975 7975 8146 8146 8167 8167 12365 12365 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8146 kHz: 0206 0806 1606 1806


11q35c˜38N 109q00c˜53E MMSI 005742100 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 271

+84(0)68 839027 & 839028 +84(0)68 839028 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 7912 7912 TRAFFIC LISTS: 7912 kHz: 0218 0818 1618 1818


10q54c˜92N 108q06c˜18E MMSI 005743010 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 271

+84(0)62 833085 & 833092 +84(0)62 833085 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 7990 7990 TRAFFIC LISTS: 7990 kHz: 0245 0845 1645 1845

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 37 V

After page 277 add the following 2 new pages:


10q00c˜73N 104q00c˜37E MMSI 005743110 DSC VHF VHF Ch 16 H24


12q53c˜66N 109q27c˜20E MMSI 005742070 DSC VHF MF Diagram page 271

+84(0)57 842681 +84(0)57 842680 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 7921 7921 7966 7966 TRAFFIC LISTS: 7966 kHz: 0215 0815 1615 1815


13q47c˜00N 109q14c˜00E Diagram page 271

+84(0)56 891333 & 891334 +84(0)56 891333 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 8785 (Ch 823) 8261 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8785 kHz: 0212 0812 1612 1812


19q18c˜33N 105q49c˜13E MMSI 005741060 DSC VHF Diagram page 270

+84(0)37 862584 +84(0)37 862584 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF Ch 16 H24

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 7903 7903 H24 7933 7933 TRAFFIC LISTS: 7933 kHz: 0145 0745 1545 1745

(Continued on next page) (18 January 2008) 38 V


10q22c˜00N 104q26c˜08E MMSI 005743100 DSC VHF VHF Ch 16 H24


21q01cN105q51cE Diagram pages 270

VMRCC (HA NOI) +84 4 7683050 VMRCC (HA NOI) +84 4 7683048

Da Nang MRCC: +84(0)511 892146 & 823172 Da Nang MRCC: +84(0)511 820372 Hai Phong MRCC: +84(0)31 3822617 Hai Phong MRCC: +84(0)31 3822944 Vung Tau MRCC: +84(0)64 850950 & 510285 Vung Tau MRCC: +84(0)64 810353 E-MAIL: (VMRCC) [email protected] The Vietnam National Maritime Bureau (VINAMARINE HA NOI) is responsible for coordinating SAR operations supplemented by three MRCC. Maritime Radio Stations operated by the Vietnam Shipping Communications and Electronics Company (VISHIPEL) maintain a continuous listening watch on international distress frequencies.

VUNG TAU (XVR) DSC VHF MF HF 10q24c˜25N 107q09c˜17E MMSI 005743020 Diagram page 271 (6 MHz)

+84(0)64 852890 +84(0)64 811596 E-MAIL: [email protected] VHF 10q21c˜98N 107q04c˜00E Ch 16 74 H24 TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 74: 0100 0700 1300

Transmits Receives Hours of Watch RT (HF) 6230 6230 7903 7903 H24 7906 7906 8137 8137 8806 (Ch 830) 8282 TRAFFIC LISTS: 8137 kHz: 0236 0836 1636 1836

ITU Supplement 3/07 Ad50/07

(18 January 2008) 39 V VOLUME 2, NP 282, 2007/08 Published BA Wk 13/07 (Last Amendments: Edition No 25 dated 21 December 2007)

RADAR BEACONS Page 90, CHINA section. Page 114, NOUVELLE CALÉDONIE (France) section. 81935 Changjiang Kou Lt Buoy No 74. Insert: Delete position and replace by: 31°28′·64N 121°26′·17E Passe de Dumbea Bn Racon 22q20c˜90S 166q14c˜90E 88535 Chinese Notice 44/1364/07 Ad51/07 (3 & 10 cm) 360q 6 n miles D

Chinese Notices 47/07 Ad51/07

VOLUME 3, PART 2, NP 283(2), 2007/08 Published BA Wk 3/07 (Last Amendments: Edition No 23 dated 23 November 2007)


Page 4, NAVAREA X (Australia). Delete and replace by:

NAVAREA X (Australia) Australia, Coral Sea, Southern Ocean (80°E–160/170°E) Senior Search and Rescue Officer (maritime) RCC Australia Emergency Response Division Australian Maritime Safety Authority GPO Box 2181 Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia Telephone: +61 2 62306811 Fax: +61 2 62306868 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.amsa.gov.au/search_and_rescue/distress_ and_safety_communications/maritime_safety_information.asp

(former amendment Ad13/07) AMSA Ad51/07

VOLUME 5, NP 285, 2007/08 Published BA Wk 25/07 (Last Amendments: Edition No 25 dated 21 December 2007)


Page 214, NAVAREA X (Australia). Delete lines 1 to 11 and replace by: Australia, Coral Sea, Southern Ocean (80°E–160/170°E) Senior Search and Rescue Officer (maritime) RCC Australia Emergency Response Division Australian Maritime Safety Authority GPO Box 2181 Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia 24 Hour Contact: Telephone: +61 2 62306811 Fax: +61 2 62306868 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.amsa.gov.au/search_and_rescue/distress_and_safety_communications/maritime_safety_information.asp

AMSA Ad51/07


Page 318, ANGOLA. Delete entry and replace by:

ANGOLA See diagram R10

National SAR Agency: Departamento de Seguranca Maritima Address: Av. Rainha Girga 74--4th Floor, Luanda, Angola Tel: +244 2 22394478 , 2 22396478 Fax: +244 2 22339848 Telex: +991 3352 Luanda (D3E) maintains a continuous listening watch on 2182 and 4125 kHz and VHF Ch 16 for distress calls and is also the location of MRCC ANGOLA. Telephone +244 Fax +244 Others LUANDA (D3E) (MRCC ANGOLA) 2 22391399 2 22330430 Telex +991 3021 2 22336338 2 22391688

UKHO Ad50/07

PAGE 322, BENIN. Delete entry and replace by: BENIN SeediagramsR4&R10

National SAR Agency: Direction de la Marine Marchande Address: B.P. 1234 Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 21314669 Fax: +229 21315845 Telex: +972 5225 & 5230 The Autonomous Port of Cotonou is responsible for co-ordinating Search and Rescue operations. Telephone +229 Fax +229 Others COTONOU AIRPORT 21 307635 (H24) 21 300839 AFTN DBBBZPZX (06:00 -- 14:00) 21 304119 E--mail [email protected] (Cospas--Sarsat SPOC) 21 301413 MRCC COTONOU 21 314033 21 312891 COTONOU RADIO 21 304551 21 312042 Telex +972 5055 21 306501 STATION TERRIENE D’ABOME 21 312210 CALAVIEN INT TELECOMMUNICATIONS 21 315898 21 310727 DIRECTOR

UKHO and Cospas-Sarsat Ad50/07

PAGE 328, CONGO Delete entry and replace by: CONGO See diagram R10

National SAR Agency: Direction Generale de la Marine Marchande (DIGEMAR) Address: B.P. 1107, Pointe Noire, Congo Tel: +242 294 2326 & 294 0107 Fax: +242 294 4832 Telex: +981 8278 KG The Direction Generale de la Marine Marchande (DIGEMAR) is the National Search and Rescue Agency of the Congo. The Congolese Navy are responsible for co-ordinating Search and Rescue operations. Telephone +242 Fax +242 Others ACC BRAZZAVILLE 2811010 Ext. 1517 AFTN FCCCZRZX (Cospas--Sarsat SPOC) RCC NAVY 2941344 2940180

Cospas-Sarsat and UKHO Ad51/07

(18 January 2008) 41 V Page 363, SENEGAL Delete entry and replace by: SENEGAL SeediagramsR4&R9

National SAR Agency: Address: Tel: Fax: An RCC exists at Dakar. Dakar (6VA) maintains listening watch on VHF Ch 16 for distress calls. Telephone +221 Fax +221 Others MRCC DAKAR 338 232104 338 603326 Telex +906 51630 (Cospas--Sarsat SPOC) 338 237140 Telex +906 51260 338 204697 AFTN GOOVYCYX DAKAR (6VA) 338 342980 Telex +906 941 DAKAR--TSF 338 347783

UKHO Ad51/07

VOLUME 6, PART 4, NP 286(4), 2007/08 Published BA Wk 35/07 (Last Amendments: Edition No 25 dated 21 December 2007)

Page 42, AUSTRALIA, PORT KEMBLA, N.S.W., Pilots, PROCEDURE. Page 217, JAPAN, KAMAISHI, Honshu. Delete section (4) and replace by: Delete Pilots section and replace by:

(4) Pilot boards in the following positions: (a) Pilot Boarding Ground “Inner A”: 34°25′·15S 150°56′·85E (b) Pilot Boarding Ground “Outer B”: 34°24′·23S 150°57′·62E (Compulsory for all vessels with a LOA of 226m and greater)

Australian Notice 24/1048/07 Ad51/07

Page 80, CHINA, before CHENGSHAN JAˇ IO entry. Insert new entry:

Japanese Notice 46(1517)/07 Ad50/07

Penavico Shantou Ad51/07

(18 January 2008) 42 V Page 461, THAILAND (East Coast), after BONGKOT TERMINAL entry. Insert new entry:

Sorapong Tairahuri, Bualuang Oilfield Ad51/07


NP 61 Pacific Islands Pilot Volume II (2006 Edition)

Nouvelle Calédonie --Anse de Poindimié — Submarine cable

137 After Paragraph 4.170 1 line 8 Add: Submarine cable lies generally NNE, E and SE from 20q56c˜0S 165q19c˜2E.

French Notice 43/66/07 [Ad 51/07]

(18 January 2008) 44