Chanyeol has been in a relationship with Kyungsoo for four years and maybe he’s too in love with the whole idea that Kyungsoo is the perfect match for him that he fails to recognize what his heart has been telling him all these years.

Jung Daehyun never believes in love. Love is stupid, as he usually says, so he spends all his time breaking hearts. He’s too drowned with the idea that he’ll never fall in love that he fails to realize that he already fell a long time ago.

Baekhyun is oblivious and treasures friendships more than anything in the world. Maybe he’s too pre occupied with his studies that he has no time for love or maybe because a couple of years ago, he already put a lock on his heart and threw away the key and maybe, just maybe, a certain giant has the key but really, can he unlock it while his heart is currently chained to another?

Youngjae has been in love with a person who doesn’t love him back. What a cliché. But still, it’s happening. He has been blinded by the smiles and their past story but what happens when he opens his eyes and let his heart realize everything? Will he continue to fall helplessly or will he leave all the memories behind?

“It isn’t important how perfect a person is or how perfect you look together because it’s the imperfections and flaws that make love perfect.”

Once again, delivers one of the best essays. He always does and he kills it by delivering the last final blow, that’s why the ever strict Mr. Choi favors him more than any other student in the whole university. And maybe that’s one of the reasons why Baekhyun is one of the popular ones. He may be popular because of his face and his angelic voice.

Baekhyun ends his speech for their Humanity class which earns him a thumbs up and a “You did well again Mr. Byun” from Mr. Choi – the super strict college professor. Claps and wolf whistles can be heard as Baekhyun makes his way to his seat, just beside his best friend of fifteen years, Park Chanyeol.

“Good job, again.” Chanyeol putting a noticeable emphasis on the last word and a teasing grin plastered on his face. Baekhyun responds with a shrug. It’s all he can offer and because he’s not in the mood right now. Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol squirm on their seats when the next person is called to deliver his essay. Baekhyun is throwing daggers at him as he passed by the aisle going to the platform. He hates him. Chanyeol does too.

Who wouldn’t? “I love you. Mahal Kita. Saranghae. Wo Ai Ni. Te Amo… These are words used to express a four letter word but over 4 billion meanings…”

Jung Daehyun, once again, gets an A for his essay. And Baekhyun hates it not because Daehyun’s essays are always better; not because Daehyun, just like him gets an A; and it is not because Daehyun is his competition. No, Baekhyun doesn’t care if Jung Daehyun will get an A+++ in all his subjects or even beat Baekhyun over anything; Baekhyun hates Daehyun because Daehyun never writes essays, Daehyun never does his homeworks, Daehyun never makes his projects but every time, every single fucking time Daehyun gets an A for a grade he doesn’t deserve and for using Youngjae in almost everything.

And somehow, Baekhyun hates Youngjae too, his other best friend, for being too in love with Daehyun that he always does things for the bastard. The core problem is that Youngjae always does everything but only gets a Thank you Jae in return. Sometimes, Youngjae doesn’t get any aside from a smile.

The class ends and the shuffling of the books, the stomping of the feet are evident as the students hurry on their way out of the room. Chanyeol is in a hurry too and he bids goodbye to Baekhyun because he needs to pick up Kyungsoo from the other side of the university.

Baekhyun is about to go out when he hears an extra annoying familiar voice calling his name, he pauses but doesn’t turn around.

“Where’s Youngjae?”

He doesn’t know if he heard it right because this is the first time since he met Daehyun that the asshole is concerned about his friend, so he turns around and asks, “Excuse me, what?”

“I asked you, where’s Youngjae?”

Seriously, Baekhyun can’t believe it because why the sudden interest but maybe Youngjae will smile when he tells him that Daehyun out of the blue is concern.

“I almost didn’t get this essay on time.” There’s an evident irritation on Daehyun’s voice and Baekhyun can feel his own blood boiling. “I told him to print me a copy and bring it here ten minutes before the time.” Daehyun pauses for a couple of seconds, “If this happens again, tell Youngjae I don’t want to see even his shadow anymore.”

Baekhyun is speechless but he wants to scream, the veins on his neck are visible indicating the sudden rush of emotion and he feels like he’s having a headache because what the fucking fuck did Jung fucking Daehyun fucking say? It takes a while after he composes himself only to realize he’s the only one left in the room, Daehyun is nowhere in sight.

He screams to let out his frustration.

Part of Baekhyun breaks because how did his beyond perfect best friend fell in love a bastard?

“Yoo Youngjae!”

About forty two students under Mrs. Sy all turn their heads around all curious to who was the person who suddenly shouted Youngjae’s name.

Youngjae face palms himself as he sees a familiar figure waving at the back of the classroom. He can feel Mrs. Sy’s eyes on him, he hopes that his professor will not take out her anger on his grades.

“I think your friend needs you.”

Youngjae stands up and bows down muttering a soft apology directed at his professor. He passes by Daehyun but his mind is too occupied he doesn’t even glance at him. Shock is an understatement as Daehyun’s eyes almost bulge out of their sockets.

Baekhyun is surprised too how Youngjae could just ignore Daehyun like that

It happens to quickly, like a flash.

Chanyeol finds his hands framing Baekhyun’s face and he’s kissing him, chapped lips against soft ones. He can totally tell that Baekhyun ordered the Double Cookie frappucino he always drinks, without a miss, every after Physics class. He can taste the chocolate, it’s sweet. Chanyeol likes it.

And then the sweetness is gone because Baekhyun had pulled away.

“What are you doing?”

Chanyeol feels something tugging at his heartstrings and there are no butterflies or any insects roaming in his stomach but instead he wants to puke. Because he just kissed Baekhyun, his best friend. And it hurts because he can tell the way Baekhyun is looking at him right now, the brunette isn’t happy. Isn’t close to being happy.


Chanyeol wants to explain but he doesn’t know where to start because he’s also questioning himself. And he can’t quite put his finger onto it. Why?