Accessing Content: The ECC Connection Sue Sullivan POSB - March 2019

Why a presentation on Math Games? • A fun way to develop lots of math skills, especially number sense and problem- solving • Great way to review previously learned skills • Gives an opportunity to allow students to feel successful • Lowers the stress level of students • Makes learning math even more fun • Allows for social interaction • ECC skills: recreation and leisure, self-determination

What is a game?

A 'game' needs to have two or more players, who take turns, each competing to achieve a 'winning' situation of some kind, with an element of chance to level the playing field. • just right level • enjoyable to play • promotes interaction and dialogue

What works for me! • Anything called a game! • 3 - 4 students • Simple & short • Just right level • Lots of math

What doesn’t! • Games based on speed • Games with math that is brand new or too challenging • Games where pieces travel around a board

Benefits of playing games in the classroom • Lowers stress and opens up the students for learning • Makes learning fun • Students learn academic content through another application • Encourages communication • Promotes positive peer interactions • Allows for opportunities for peer modeling or “teaching to learn” • Provides recreation and leisure activities to eventually play on their own

But there’s not enough time in the day! • In small groups (part of class)


Accessing Content: The ECC Connection Sue Sullivan POSB - March 2019

• One on one tutoring sessions • Classroom teacher is out and there is a substitute • As a behavior incentive • First 10 minutes of class - helps the student transition in • Last 10 minutes of class - as a reward or to fill up the end of class • Day before vacation week, end of the school year • Last class of the day • Summer school, indoor recess

Keep in mind... ▪ Games are most meaningful when they are attached to a lesson or review a skill ▪ Keep games simple and short ▪ Use repeatable basic game structures so students become familiar with the rules ▪ Create “winnable moments” ▪ Invite students to create their own games or variations of known games ▪ Get families involved - Send an established game home with a child for homework ▪ Differentiation - in a group of students playing a game, one student might be encountering a concept for the first time, another may be developing his/her understanding of the concept, a third consolidating ▪ Assessment - informal assessment in a non-threatening situation ▪ Home and school - games provide 'hands-on' interactive tasks for both school and home

Math Games

Games give students opportunities to explore fundamental number concepts, such as the counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and computation strategies.

Engaging mathematical games can also encourage students to explore number combinations, place value, patterns, and other important mathematical concepts.

Card Games Elementary Middle High School War Integer War Blackjack Skip Bo Rummy 500 Top It 99 Game Cribbage Place Value Uno/

Integer War: Using a standard deck of cards, or the cards from 1 (ace) to 10, cards are dealt to each student. Each student turns over a card. For integers, the given color code will


Accessing Content: The ECC Connection Sue Sullivan POSB - March 2019

be black is positive and red is negative. The student with the highest total wins. After all the cards are played, the student who has the most cards wins the game.

Top It: A player shuffles the cards and places the deck number-side down on the playing surface. Each player turns over two cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum wins the round and takes all the cards. In the case of a tie, each player turns over two more cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum then takes all the cards from both plays. The play ends when not enough cards are left for each player to have another turn. The player with the most cards wins.

99 Game: Bust/dp/B00179XV0O OBJECTIVE: Played in two short rounds involving simple . Think fast, because if your score goes higher than 99, you bust! Any player who cannot keep the count at, or below 99, loses the round.

Place Value : Give each player paper and a pencil. Each player should draw five blank lines on his piece of paper, representing each of the values up to the ten thousands place.

1. If your child isn't quite comfortable yet with numbers of this size, you can start off with numbers up to the thousands place (four blank lines instead of five) and gradually work your way up. 2. Assuming you'd like to start with values up to the ten thousands place, though, here's how it would look:

PLAYER 1 ______

PLAYER 2 ______

1. Spend a few minutes sorting through the deck of cards. Remove any face cards and jokers. Using only the number cards and aces (which in this game, count as ones), shuffle the deck and turn all the cards face down in a pile. Take turns drawing cards from the pile. Each time a player gets a new number, she should write it in one of her digit positions. The goal is to make the five-digit number as big as possible. 2. Continue drawing cards until all five place values have been filled in. Then, have each player read her number aloud. The winner of the game is the player who creates the


Accessing Content: The ECC Connection Sue Sullivan POSB - March 2019

largest number. 3. After your child has reached a point of comfort and confidence, discuss game strategy. What place value position is the most critical in creating the largest (or smallest) number? Which are the best numbers to record in the ten thousands place? In the ones place?

** Can also be played with decimals

Pi day card game:

Card game ideas -

Dice Games Any card game can be adapted




Pig is a game for 2 to 6 players. Players take turns rolling a die as many times as they like. If a roll is a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, the player adds that many points to their score for the turn. A player may choose to end their turn at any time and “bank” their points. If a player rolls a 1, they lose all their unbanked points and their turn is over. Beginner’s Game: The first player to score 50 or more points wins. Advanced Game: The first player to score 100 or more points wins.

Jeopardy Create the categories and have fun!

Other ideas APH Hundreds Board - Factors and Multiples This is a game for two players. The first player chooses a positive even number that is less than 100, and takes the number off the board. The second player chooses a number to take off the board. The number must be a


Accessing Content: The ECC Connection Sue Sullivan POSB - March 2019 factor or multiple of the first number. Players continue to take it in turns to take numbers off, at each stage choosing a number that is a factor or multiple of the number taken off by the other player. The first person who is unable to take off a number loses.

4 Way CountDown - 23976968

RackO - ** Can also be played with homemade cards containing decimals

Mobi -

Guess my Number -

Monopoly Junior - Board/dp/B00EDBY7X8

Tic Tac Toe with math problems

Ew! That’s Gross! Game - content/uploads/2015/03/Ew-Thats-Gross-a-Doubles-Game-with-Multiplication.pdf

Flashcards for or multiplication war -

Dollars and Dice: 1508179

3D Dice:

Math Puzzles Which One Doesn’t Belong?

24 Game


Accessing Content: The ECC Connection Sue Sullivan POSB - March 2019

Four Fours

Alberts Insomnia