John Kelly's Wrath

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John Kelly's Wrath JOCKEY exbiomoa la tbe Crimea Cup of 1850. It la . band modoi* is a very promislcg horse, by Host Boy, dam ¦altered >7 tbe revulsion* la boat mm and taai MM AMERICAN CLUB.. ¦ireuadv, mouuied us grapenboi, anil «»i presented bjr by Kdward Everett. pr«>iuri of ib« times aivtrdf, but lit* rata a( taza* V old Marabai Ptlltssier 10 be run for the burden of tiuu 011 thoir estate* I* not so to-day. on OUR by Mr. William La« ol Mr. nearly high NEW JOHN ¦ LANDS. uli 01 i'ercunou WRATH. low mt distant Vigelius KELLY'S H otticrra ibe allied armies in tbe Crimea, April IS, purcbaaed valuation. Is In u*ubborti.g and THE CI OKIXG DAT OF THE SPRING MEETING AT liafl. It was woo by Colooel Gooulake's The Toj, aiid a mate (or bis chestnut mure Hauush Moon. The can « throughout toe United Sulci «ia ritideu Colonel ol Hide Tbo made -auuor If a direct IB- JEKOME PACK. by Bluuuell, tbe brigade. team are young, well matched and cau bit clitrni- by Woodin There were twenty-two siartors for the raco. wbieb speod puunoo upon lb* credit ul 1 lie city ol New V ork and The This will be the clo«iug dsy of the spring njeouu;', was over a two tuile nod a bail course, aod it could uot of Senator Woodin u libel 01 "Iba yreat metropolis of iba Weaiern Great Yellowstone Valley.Its and such a bill of tars u it offered has a I low or b»ve ialloo lulo more popular buoda than th<>«e of YACHTING NOTEb. Arraignment by world." Coloi wbo waa at thai time It Is nut tra* thai ooe-ibrd of never been before ou ai (iooulalte, only m^or, nearly of Iba lax levy IBM or in? oiber race courae In nor bad He beeu decorated wub iba Victoria Croai. A the is lor tbe Mlurlea or officer* Tbe in* Ukuald "Boss." ciiy Tributaries and Extent. America. The a porta lb la nlicrdoon will bsgin Icatui > ot' the aliow it supplied Id ibe cupe won by Ibe following yachts passed Telegraph Tammany's Tin- appropriations for 1878 amounted to promptly oi three o'clock with the ri'reutly delunct Ely, comprising tbe Brighton, Good- Blatloo at Wbiica(ooe, L. L, yesterday: . 934,U04,iS'.<tf t>4 Tbe items of appropriation lor State York. Bath aud Aavoi ol IbAft. Ibo luioreai oa tbe and Fire dr. FOR wouj, trophies Veeta. K.Y.y.C., Mr. Mills, Irom New York, cruising taxea, city debt, Police MATCH HACK $10,000. equeatrmn llgure 01 "Joan of Arc," woicb waa tbe p<irt>u*nia, Board ul Kducation aud iba Judiciary between Mr. K. A. Clabaucb's cheatuut colt Clovar- ItiU at Aa«ot when tbe little bor*e beat Ueueral Feel eastward; Mela, A.Y.C., Mr. William Waytaud. return- ulooe amounted to over $27,000 000 un "Till AT LAST BRIMS ALL THINGS EVEN." TUseo brooK, by Vauxbult, el a in and Mr. P. LoriU ¦titer a uead beut, la a magnificent trophy, una its lag Irom ruUrn eruiss lor New York; Mali, sloop, appropriation* are imposed by law. Ttia HOMES FOE THOUSANDS OF FARMERS. Maudina, on muat have called to tbe mind ol autboriiifn ol New York cannot or curtail lb* tard a dam presence Saturday A.Y.C., Mr. Arnold. Irom Brooklyn Tor Newport; modify bay gelding Bull, by Melbourne, Jr., Custanoe tbe memorable struggle. Tbe jookey nauied State taxoa and luiereat on city dobt, nor loucb tbe Nellie Gray, both three years old, Cloverbrook carry¬ wab among tbe visitor* ou Saturday, aa was tbe elJtr Willie, sloop, Williamsburg Y.C., Mr. Hugbes, Irom taiartes ol tba Judiciary, Iba Police aad Kire dapart- ing 118 lba. and Baxil US lba., the dis¬ Archer, wbo took tbe Stewards' cup at Uoodweed ou Mew York for New Koebelie, and returned; Ul?a, uieuta and ttie Board or Kducatiun. Tbe great bulk Iruppist two years ago. ibis price is ou one of tbe What Mr. Kelly Says of the Auburn States¬ of tbe expenses lor the support ol tbeaa lour depart¬ tance one mile and a quarter. Tbe Vauxball sloop, B.Y.C., Mr. Lord, Irom Huntington lor New ol tu* Climate, Soil, Products and atie.ves, where ao attraction will be lound in some old York. ments oily government la tor salaries. aad colt was tbe favorite on Saturday ntgbt Hicbmynd (Yorkshire) caps won by Dainty Davy. They man's Career at Albany. dnring toe lam session of tbe Legislature persislent Yield. buve bi-ou lout by His liraro tbe Duke ol Cleveland, nud Tbe Restless, Couimouore & N. effort* were made 10 exclude irom bill* relating 10 a and probably will have the call In tne betting to-day' N.V.Y.O., Kane, ol comprise tbe cup* run for ou tbe Ult Moor in 1724 or wblob lay at auchor off tba Hsuald station reduction salaries aud cxpauacs rverr provision Tbe reason for thia undoubtedly la on aocouni 01 bio 178U, aud those ol 1759, '60, *01 and 'ttt Sir Jobn telegraph touching the Police anil fire departments and iba 0D went on a abort cru'no tbe ol being a winner ol two important stakes tbta year.tbe Aslloy baa sent Hopbloom's At rot Hunt Cup, and on It Saturday night, through To tin Kwto* or tii* Au*iit* Nkws:. Board Kducaiion. while the bill introduced bp Preakness Stake* at balumore lu and tbe feci- tbe re la an macriptiou to tbe aflect tbat tbe borae waa Sound during the day, and returned to Wbiustoae, Senator Woodin relating to ib« Judiciary «h Dot May, pur. hiisril lor £.140 and sold lor £2.1100. Sir tt'alkiu My attention b is been called to ibe xuoecbot made prcsaed or passed. A special act was p.s«ed, how- A Full of the Gre?t One who Has ai Park a whence sbe proceeded lor Mayport Description Yaliey by moat Stakes Jerome lastSaturday week ago; VVynu bad loanou some old lasbioned trophies wou at by Senator Woodiu nut| hU trionds at a puoiic recep- ever, cunlcrring eitmordiuary aad daugerou* powers but Cloverbrook did not llntab kindly in either ol tlie abauuonoil Holywell meeting, wbile tbn I'riuca The sloop yucht Slur, Joseph K. Willi unson, and ibe upon the Board ol Education, not ouly to u« iba tion g<ven bitn by the cillxeu* of Auburn, on* bit re- but to Ridden All Cier It Three Times. Ibeae and be swerved Irum tbo in both In- Imperial has lent tbe handsome gold and gem pre»ema- sloop yaobt Queuu, Peter JacoUsuu, have boeu mulched salaries, expend moneys without tiny power or raocs, whip tiou inlistaud bim ibe lames ol chiSiouurat turn born* from Albany at the oloso of the Legliblure, litniiatlon or auperviHion bv the aad given by to aall a race lor $600 a slJe. on Jane Itt. city authorities, aianeea when It bad to be need. Me can run very ou attaining his eighteenth birthday. Tbe prixes won Tuosday, and should havo been uoticed *oouer, but preulng authorising tbe Board ol Kducailou to Ua Iba atuouol The course will be irom the club at to be in fast, but probably not faster than Basil, and ui tbo by Kllaud in 18(1(1 and the following year are Sir Rloh- bouso, Stapleton, busine** bus It a little will ol ilie appropriation put the lax Wry. oaviaou ha* public prevented delay The amount ol the dubt ou Decern - M. June 1877. distance In tbia race was made to suit tbe latter horse ard SuttoD'a coutributlona, and Captain 8. 1., to and around Sandy Hook lightship and return city ouuuuuing Boskxajr, T., 0, sent eight cups wou in regimental races. Lord I.on- uot make tbo aubject any lea* Interesting. ber 31, 1870, incurred under authority or lawa enacted It is that tbe before tbo start to starting uolul. The yacbts will start ut elevon a. M. Tbe settlement of the Yellowstone Valley, an ub)oct very probable betting uesbui'oogn, the Murqula ol Alleaburv, Captain Koaa, If the exeroiae* of tb# evening, no gushingly do* aiuce Senator Woodin entered the latgialalure, was Lord Tbo ol ilia ia*uea or bonds ddk sought and looked forward to by tbe people ol the will be In Uaxll's favor. It will be, provided tbe track Mr. ti. ti. Kvub, Mr. K Flaher, Mr. Cbuplin aod scribed iu Iho Auburn Stii,000,000. greater part wro alao the tii« ia>t named AiJvrrtuer, bad been conbaoij this ludebledneiw wero uuder is to be realised. TbU ol Itself !. ts in Dno condition, as it is said Basil is not lonu ol a Gotland aiu»Dg exhibitors, BASEBALL. lorminj; mandatory pro- AT est, about valley noblemau sending the Doncaatcr Cup, wou by VaiU- to "tbe enjoyable selection* by tbo Korty.ninth regi- visouk ol law. some of wblco are sull iu force aud re¬ 101 only tbe largest la the United State*, but us trlb- heavy course. geur iu 1853. la th« contest tor tbo league championship I ha Boa uiental band," tbo "spontuhcoua outburst* of tumul¬ quire the city authorities to lucrcaae Iba debt by lur- itanes are enormous. Tbo Yellowstone proper is 4V0 Tin- second rsce will be a dash of a mile tor three- luer issues ol boud*. For tbe liiUTaat on Ibese bonus, tons still nrs In the lead, but are only so tbiouab tbo tuous applause" and "the expression of tbe n.luctiou which tortus so large an Item ol taxes, senator Woodin ulles lu lVom tbe National Purk to yoar-olds tbat have uot won a race tbia for a purso THE MIDDLE PA11K BALE.
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