Present: Councillors N J Ball (Chair), Dr L Jones, M Woodward, C Smith, G Rogers, A L Bellringer, H Bunt, Mrs M Merrett-Jones and B Pollard

Sue Blaxley (Parish Clerk) Graham Sargent, Martin Eddy, Caroline Richards and John Body.

The Chair opened the meeting at 7:30pm.

Public Participation

Martin Eddy explained that he had purchased 30m of bunting for the celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday and asked if the parish council would consider making a contribution towards this cost. He said that St Neot PCC had contributed £50 towards the celebrations. He explained that the bonfire which was to be lit as part of the celebrations will be lit at a later date as there are birds nesting in the material that is to be burnt. He said the old peoples party held at Lantewey had been very successful.

Graham Sargent thanked the parish council for supporting the construction and planting of the flower boxes on Bush Hill and he thanked Councillor Mrs D Watson for being instrumental in allowing it to happen. He also thanked those who had contributed materials and machinery.

Caroline Richards asked if the parish council has a policy on Chinese lanterns. The Chairman said that the parish council does not have a policy and suggested that Caroline contacts the Fire Officer, and local farmers’ associations.

1. Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors R Berrett, Mrs P Greenwood and Cornwall Councillor Mrs D Watson.

2. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2016, having previously been circulated, were agreed as an accurate record.

3. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda


4. To receive a report on any matters arising from the previous meeting

The Chairman reported that he had adjusted the flapper flush in the public toilet in order to allow more water to be discharged when the flush is pressed. Councillor H Bunt said the carnival will now take place on 26th June and that if the parish council wanted to enter a float, the Carnival Committee would be very appreciative. Councillor Dr L Jones asked if the Enforcement Officer had responded to the complaint regarding the erection of a building at Trevenna. The Clerk said that she had not received any correspondence regarding the matter.

5. To receive the Chairman’s Communications

The Chairman said that he had received a complaint that a large building is being erected in Lewarne Woods next to North Lodge without the benefit of planning permission. It was proposed by Councillor N J Ball and seconded by Councillor Dr L Jones that the Clerk reports the matter to the Enforcement Officer at Cornwall Council. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

The Chairman also reported that he had been notified that the side of the electricity substation in St Neot playing field had been “kicked in” today or last evening. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the head teacher at St Neot primary school and ask her to ask the children if they saw anything suspicious as well as inserting an item in the next edition of St Neot News asking for information and also pointing out that this is a very dangerous act of vandalism which could result in serious injury or death.

The Chairman also reported that he had been notified that some crude graffiti had been sprayed in a white adhesive onto the rubber matting beneath the swings. Councillor A L Bellringer said he would clean the area with a suitable solvent. He also said that all the matters identified by the Playsafety inspection report for the play equipment had now been addressed.

The Clerk said that she had spoken to Sarah Dance regarding the fact that grass cuttings were left when she last cut the grass in the playing field and Doorstep Green and that Sarah had apologized for this. She reported that Sarah will be cutting the grass again before the picnic on Sunday and will remove all the grass cuttings.

The Chairman also reported that an additional gate has been installed at Loveny Close meadows on the PROW. It was noted that the gate is openable and has been erected to keep the horses in the field.

6. To answer any questions from Councillors, previously notified to the Clerk

Councillor C Smith said that parishioners are concerned about black bags of

rubbish being left out overnight prior to the rubbish collection day. He said this results in cats tearing open the bags and rubbish being strewn everywhere. Some discussion took place regarding this matter with Councillor Dr L Jones commenting that the advice from LHYSP is that if rubbish is left out overnight, it should be placed in a bin with a lid. Councillor M Woodward commented that parishioners will not purchase dustbins and Councillor Mrs M Merrett-Jones said that some gardens are not spacious enough to accommodate bins. Councillor H Bunt said that Cornwall Council sells vermin proof bags. It was agreed that the Clerk inserts an item in the next edition of St Neot News requesting that rubbish that is left out overnight be put in a bin with a lid, covered over with old sheets or blankets or is put in vermin proof bags.

7. To receive a report from the Clerk


8. Councillor Surgery at Local Produce Market

To receive feedback from the Councillor surgery on Saturday 4th June 2016 and to appoint a volunteer for the next surgery on Saturday 2nd July 2016

The Chairman said that he had attended the market. He said that he had received complaints about the speed of traffic on Goonzion Downs particularly at the crossroads with the top of Tripp Hill and the road from the A30/A38. It was noted that there have been two accidents at this crossroads in the last two years and both have involved cars turning over. It was agreed that the crossroads is dangerous to drivers who do not know the junction. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Rebecca Dickson at Cornwall Council regarding the lack of suitable signage at this junction. The Chairman reported that he had also received comments at the market about the potholes in the roads, the gate which has been installed at Loveny meadows, the flower beds at Bush Hill and the proposed bonfire for the Queen’s birthday celebrations. Councillor H Bunt said he would attend the market on 2nd July 2016.

9. To receive reports from -

a) Have Your Say Panel

Councillor Dr L Jones said that the Police Commander had attended the meeting and had reported that the neighbourhood team is being reduced by two officers as a result of the 7% reduction in the budget over the next 5 years. Councillor Dr L Jones commented that, in terms of the funding formula, Devon and Cornwall had come off badly but that it is hoped that a review of the funding formula for rural areas will take place. She said that the Police Commander had also reported that there has been an increase in armed officers due to the threat of terrorism and that some policing is not obvious to the public, such as the 20

officers in Cornwall who are dedicated to cybercrime. Councillor Dr L Jones said that crimes related to mental health issues take up a lot of police time. She said that the fire, police and ambulance services are being amalgamated into one building in Liskeard. She also said that owing to the reduction in police staff numbers, crimes on Moor will not be a priority. These include crimes relating to livestock or shooting outside the designated areas. She said there was concern about the bank holiday raves as these raves often involve criminal gangs with drugs and there are serious health and safety concerns about such raves.

Councillor Dr L Jones reported that SW Lakes Trust are trying to fence around to keep the sheep and horses out. She said that if more than 5 trees are felled in any one area, the Woodland Officer at the Forestry Commission needs to be informed. She said that Colliford Lake now has a voluntary warden. She also reported that the highway signs requested by the parish council have now been ordered but will take at least 3 months before they are in situ. She said that cutting of the hedges on A and B roads has now begun but this will only be undertaken once a year on other roads. In addition, junction lines will be repainted on the roads but not the white lines in the middle of roads. She also said that surface dressing of roads will begin soon.

Councillor Dr L Jones said Julie Dowton had reported that many ponies had been removed from East Moor and that she is working with the National Equine Officer. She said that flytipping has reduced, larger gates have been installed at Havanna and that the police caught someone felling trees behind Trgao Mills in order to install a bike track. She concluded by saying that there had been one crime this month which involved someone accidentally setting fire to a plastic urinal cartridge. b) Cornwall Councillor Mrs D Watson

None c) Goonzion Commoners

None d) Parishes Group

Councillor Mrs M Merrett-Jones reported that the meeting which had been held in May was poorly attended. She said that a speaker had attended who gave a presentation on Airband which is apparently cheaper and quicker than other alternatives. She said that the issue of the Dark Sky for Bodmin Moor was also discussed as well as the possibility of not having street lights in the villages. She reported that Bodmin Moor Statutory council had not met, 101 ponies had been removed from the moor, attempts are being made to reduce the speed limit on

unfenced moorland roads to 40mph and that road maintenance on rural roads is generally poor.

10. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, including –

Julie Ball (Toilet cleaning – June) - £138.67 Sarah Dance (Grass cutting) - £160.00 Mrs S Blaxley (3 month’s salary and expenses) - £2042.07 Mrs S Blaxley (Extension lead/Stationery) - £24.21 Liskeard Signs and Trophies (sign for Doorstep Green) - £24.00 Town Council (Internal Audit Fee) - £75.00 Sarah Dance (Grass cutting) - £160.00 Richards Builders Merchants (post for new sign) - £10.76 EDF Energy (Parish Lighting) - £272.97 St Neot Social Club (cleaning materials for toilets) - £21.59 Graham Sargent (materials for flower boxes on Bush Hill) - £237.60 Christian Smith (weed killer) - £55.86 Sarah Dance (grass cutting) - £160.00 Metro Rod (drain cleaning and survey) - £153.00

It was proposed by Councillor N J Ball and seconded by Councillor Dr L Jones that all of the above orders for payment be authorized. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

11. To receive correspondence from -

a) Cornwall Council


b) Others


12. Finance Report

To receive a current financial statement of the accounts

The Clerk reported that this month we have received income of £2,543.18 from Pertemps for the rent for Cott Yard, £426.05 RHI payment, £115.50 for the rental of the pavilion as a post office and £31.49 interest. The accounts balance at £64,944.42. The Chairman signed the cash book.

13. Pavillion

To consider the internal cleanliness and general appearance of the Pavillion

Caroline Richards and John Body had been invited to the meeting to speak regarding this item. The Chairman said that the pavilion is a village asset and that the parish council want to ensure that the building is clean and properly maintained. Caroline Richards said that the volunteers do hoover and clean after the Thursday sessions but their time is limited. She said that crafts do have to be left out to dry. Councillor C Smith said that he visited the pavilion to repair a light and that the internal appearance of the building was very poor with dirty cups left in the kitchen, the bin was over spilling, the work tops were strewn with items and there were items on the floor as well as the toilet area being unclean and untidy. He commented that when he returned two weeks later, the internal appearance was pristine and has remained as such although he acknowledged that the building needs a good clean and some redecorating. He said that it is a building which is rented to other members of the public as well as being used by the scouts, beavers and cubs. Councillor N J Ball said the post office users do not tidy their tables away when they leave. Councillor Dr L Jones said that the parish council rents out the pavilion to raise income to try and keep the precept as low as possible. She said that the parish council could consider employing a cleaner on a weekly basis and possibly provide some additional storage. John Body said that in 2001, the scouts spent £1,200 to make the building useable and he appreciates that the building is used by other people other than the scouts. However, he said that the scouts do a lot for the community and at 9pm, volunteers cannot be forced to tidy and clean. He said that some funding is needed for a new carpet, some cleaning materials and some cleaning equipment. It was acknowledged that everyone needs to work together to get the building to an acceptable standard both inside and out and to retain it that way. It was proposed by Councillor N J Ball and seconded by Councillor Dr L Jones that standing orders be suspended to allow Martin Eddy to clarify the terms under which the scouts were allowed to use the building. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal. Martin Eddy explained that the building was given to the scouts on the understanding that they would maintain the inside and that the parish council would maintain the outside. He said the building was not for the scouts’ exclusive use. Standing orders were reinstated. It was agreed that Councillors C Smith, N J Ball and Dr L Jones would meet Caroline Richards and John Body at the pavilion on Thursday 30th June 2016 at 7:30pm to discuss the work that needs to be done to bring the building to an acceptable standard and that the matter would be discussed again at the July meeting of the parish council.

14. Queen’s Birthday Celebrations

To receive and consider a request for a financial contribution towards the Queen’s birthday celebrations

Councillor M Woodward commented that Cornwall Council has banned Carnival Committee from using bunting unless they obtain a licence from Cornwall Council and permission from homeowners to whose homes the bunting would be attached as it is deemed to be dangerous. Councillor B Pollard commented that the bunting already purchased is for use in Doorstep Green. It was noted that the total cost of it was £50.99. It was proposed by Councillor A L Bellringer and seconded by Councillor G Rogers that a donation of £50 be made towards the celebrations for the Queen’s birthday. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

15. Kerb Stones on Bush Hill

To consider the installation of kerb stones on Bush Hill

The Chairman thanked everyone who had been involved in installing the flower boxes on Bush Hill. He said that CORMAC would install 30m of kerbing adjacent to the grass verge and tarmac up to the kerbing for £750 - £1,000. It was proposed by Councillor Dr L Jones and seconded by Councillor G Rogers that the Chairman organizes for this work to be done up to the value of £1,000. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

16. Goonzion Downs

To consider the restoration/replacement of signs on Goonzion Downs

The Clerk said she had requested new signs from Cornwall Council and that it would appear that they have been ordered.

17. Handrail

To consider the provision of a handrail adjacent to the steps leading to Lukes Yeat

The Chairman said that he had made attempts to confirm that Cornwall Council own the alleyway in question but had not yet received a response. Some discussion took place regarding this matter. The Chairman said that if it is public land, the rail supports would have to be drilled into the footpath. Councillor B Pollard said he could fix some brackets and a handrail to John O’Neill’s wall with his permission. Councillor C Smith said that it would have to meet health and safety standards. It was agreed that the matter would be discussed again at the next meeting of the parish council.

18. Toilets and Car Park in St Neot

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to the toilets and car park in St Neot


19. Doorstep Green

To consider the installation of a litter bin in Doorstep Green

Councillor Mrs M Merrett-Jones said there is no bin in Doorstep Green and this results in litter being strewn around. Councillor H Bunt said the Carnival Committee will purchase one. It was noted that Bevil Bunt empties the bin in the playing field.

To receive and consider a report on any other matters arising relating to Doorstep Green


20. St Neot Orchard

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to St Neot Orchard

Councillor C Smith reported that he had strimmed the orchard and that it had taken about 1.5 hours. He said that ideally the tree guards need to be removed to make strimming easier. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask Cray Kent and Sarah Dance to provide quotations to strim the orchard in March, May, July and September and report to the next meeting.

21. Cott Yard

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to Cott Yard

Councillor M Woodward reported that he had cleaned out the floor guttering. Councillor G Rogers reported that he had undertaken the weed spraying in Cott Yard.

22. Review of Accounts

To review the end of year accounts for 2015/16

It was noted that everyone had received a copy of the Analysis of Receipts and Payments with their agenda. The Clerk explained the payments and receipts and invited questions on the figures presented. She explained that the figures from the Analysis of Receipts and Payments have been transferred to the Annual Return which will be sent to the external auditor. It was proposed by Councillor Dr L Jones and seconded by Councillor A L Bellringer that the accounts be approved for submission to the external auditor. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

23. Date of next meeting

To agree the date of the next meeting on Wednesday 13th July 2016.

The next meeting of the parish council will be on Wednesday 13th July 2016 commencing at 7:30pm.

The meeting was closed at 9:15pm.

Signed……………………………………………… Dated……………………