SNACK from pg 1 From the Files of gone. give you a credit on your student Tantagiorgio: There is one way to maximally account in several months. So even minimize one’s costs for Progres- this strategy will probably not be African Beef This recipe was given to me by a Thursday, March 5, 2014 Vol. II, Issue I. sive Snack. That one way is to win. a practical solution to the Price of The Phoenix Peace Corps friend who first used it Using the prize money to cover items Progressive Snack. on beef and other cuts of tough meat un-reimbursed is a strategy that can Ultimately, Language House students in Cameroon-a onetime German actually bring one close to meeting will continue to pay for Progressive Voltaire: 'Le travail éloigne de nous ces trois maux: le vice, l’ennui et le besoin' 'Work saves us from following three ills : vice, boredom and want’ and French Colony. You will need: the Price of Progressive Snack with- Snack. For those of us with jobs, 6-8lbs of Eye of Round Beef Roast. out ponying up some pretty pennies. parents, and financial breathing room, Chile: The Slang Make sure there is a substantially But even this strategy will encounter this really comes down to a silly sum fatty side., 1/2cup ground ginger, Capital of the Span- obstacles and difficulties. First, win- not worth mentioning, and is a small 1 1/2cups Kosher Salt, 4 cloves of ish-Speaking World ning can be difficult; it will almost price to pay for the fun experience of garlic. A bag of charcoal briquets to By Niko Schultz definitely involve not only expertise, getting to wander all over the House. create a pit fire. Guest Writer but also the buying of larger amounts In fact, reimbursements may just be a Over winter break, I spent three of richer, more expensive ingredients, courtesy provided by the University 1. Do not remove the fatty side. weeks in Chile as part of a short-term and this is the price of the gamble. that we ought to be humbly grateful Pierce the entire roast with a sharp study abroad course. I have been The second obstacle comes in the for. If that be the case, then I say: knife, inserting pieces of garlic studying Spanish since I was five form of the prize money. You read give us the money up front. Give us everywhere. years old, and although the course that correctly; the problem is with the cash. Because given the form and was taught in English, I thought that the form of the prize money. Because time frame of the current reimburse- 2. Combine ginger and garlic in a it would be a good opportunity to guess what: the deal is the same. You ment apparatus, it is next to useless. flat pan and mix well. practice my Spanish. Photo Credit: Anastasiaya Fillopova dish out the hard cash now, we will I was delighted to discover that SLANG from page 1 3. Roll the roast until totally cov- I understood people in Chile when was riddled with words like bacán dictionaries of Chilean expressions. ered by ginger/salt mixture. they spoke to me. I would spend The Price of Progressive Snack and weón. I could not even begin I understood why I had been unable hours conversing with my Chilean By Hariton Wilson I do not believe there is a single to recognize what the slang words to comprehend Chileno; it really was 4. Refrigerate overnight to absorb professor and the various people I Staff Writer apartment that has spent less than were, let alone understand what they an entirely different language. the flavors of garlic, ginger, salt. met while in Chile. When they spoke In order for the Language House thirty dollars on Progressive Snack. meant. When my friends asked me Chile’s unique slang is one inter- to each other, however, it was a dif- to hold its Progressive Snack every Actually, on second note, I do know to translate what young people were esting aspect of its unique culture. I 5. Roast will have a triangular ferent story. The men at our hostel semester, certain Language House of one; an Apartment Leader spent saying to one another, I would sim- highly recommend visiting Chile to shape, the fat side being the base. would speak animatedly with one students must pay. They must pay exactly thirty dollars in addition to ply laugh, shake my head, and say, anyone who has the chance, regard- Place the roast, fat side facing another, and I would listen intently for the ingredients as well as the using up all of her own flour, olive “No hablo Chileno.” less of their Spanish ability. There down, directly on the coals . and nod along and then realize that materials required to provide about oil, and sugar. In this respect, the When I returned to the United were plenty of students in our pro- I had not understood a word of what one hundred samples of their dish, price of Progressive Snack was paid Cook 30 minutes States, I looked online and discov- gram that did not speak a word of they had said. which roughly equivocates to a min- partially in food. Either way, even if ered that Chile was known for its ex- Spanish, and they had an amazing Turn roast to another side of the “Did you understand?” they iature feast. They must pay out of there is an apartment out there that is tensive assortment of unique words time. To those that do speak Spanish, triangle. Cook for 20 minutes.Turn would ask me, and when I shook their own pockets, and most of the resourceful enough to keep costs un- and phrases. Chilean slang terms are however, prepare to feel a little lost again to the third side and cook 10 my head no, they would laugh and money they spend will be un-reim- der twenty five, whoever bought the known as chilenismos, and there are when people start speaking Chileno! minutes.Brush off coals. Be careful say, “Of course not! We’re speaking bursed. Why must this be the case? ingredients is still in the hole. That so many of them that there are entire of course not to burn your hands.I Chileno.” Because twenty- five dollars is not hard earned cash that they shelled have served African Beef with: As- This so-called Chileno seemed to nearly enough to provide the ingre- out to buy tahini sauce will come The Phoenix Staff paragus Riccardo, Gnocchi Giovan- be an impossible language to learn. dients and materials for the 100 por- back in the form of a student account Editor: Shachar Gannot Staff Writer: Hariton Wilson ni, Ensalada Giorgio Splendido. It was almost completely slang, none tions the Language House requires credit not to be received for several Culture Editor: Ronit Zelivinski Cuisine Editor: George Pelham Montepulciano D’abruzzo compli- of which I knew. Every sentence of every apartment. months. In other words, as good as SLANG see pg 4 SNACK see pg 4 World Editor: Shiri Brodsky ments the meal nicely. Arabic: Egypt has appointed a new Jewish Film Festival in D.C. prime minister with ties to Mubarak, Election in El Sal- By Ronit Zelivinski Gigolo” is another big one starring Ibrahim Mahlab, the day after the vador: Ex-Patriots Staff Writer none other than Woody Allen, and Egyptian cabinet resigned. Washington D.C. welcomed the is a comedic hit revolving around Chinese: The Chinese President Xi Voting for First 24th annual Washington Jewish Film a ridiculous scheme to start a new Jinping has taken over a new gov- Time Festival this past Thursday, Febru- business in the Big Apple. Anoth- ernment body that will oversee Chi- By Moriah Rochlinski ary 27th which will continue until er lighthearted film is titled “Cup- na’s cybersecurity in order to turn Spanish Cluster Sunday, March 9th. This celebration cakes,” about an unlikely group of China into a “cyber power.” Right now, in Central America, of Jewish cinematography includes Israeli singers thrust into the world French: Peugeot has agreed to a there is an important event that may films from all around the world, of pop music. The Film Festival is plan that will issue around 3 bil- change the history of the region: El from India to Argentina; genres in- entertainingly a competition for best lion euros by selling a portion of Salvador’s new presidential elections clude cartoons, documentaries, com- Feature, Short, and Documentary as the company’s shares to the French are in progress. In El Salvador, they Fitness Club went Ice-Skating this past Friday, February 28th, in Herbert edies, dramas, shorts among others. well; all of which will be announced government and Chinese automaker elect a new president every 5 years Wells Ice Rink! Some of the big hits include a film at the closing reception- complete Dongfeng Motor. and there are two rounds, much titled “The Wonderers” about a bar- with, yes, Cupcakes! For more info German: Germany’s heavy depen- like in the United States. The first Japanese tender who also doubles as a graffiti and tickets online please visit: http:// dency on coal is threatening the exis- round of elections, similar to our By Natasha Brown and Raushan artist living in Jerusalem. “Fading tence of villages such as Atterwasch preliminary round, already took Alleyne In contrast, amid the controver- that lay above coal deposits. place. In the preliminary round, five Japanese Cluster sy of the male side of figure skating, Hebrew: Ultra-Orthodox Jews parties ran but only two advanced to The world of Japanese sports with ’s star ’s Hello from Spain: Meet Rachel demonstrated in Jerusalem against the next round. It is almost always the has been in a frenzy over the scin- sudden retirement and other dramat- impending draft law strongest left party and the strongest tillating performances of their two ic events, ’s young and talent- Italian: New Italian Premier, Mat- right party that advance. When the young figure skating stars, Mao ed Hanyu pulled through to win the teo Renzi, encourages lawmakers to El Salvadorian ambassador to the Asada and . The gold medal. Much like Asada, Hanyu make radical changes in order to re- USA, Rubén Zamora, visited UMD former not medaling in this Olym- marred his free skate routine by fall- vive the economy in his first speech. on the 18th of February, he said that pics, while the latter becoming the ing on his first jump and fell yet again Japanese: In Fukushima, 100 tons there has been some corruption on first Asian male to win such a ti- later on a triple flip. Nevertheless, the of highly radioactive water spilled the side of the right. tle. Asada gave a strong showing results came in and his long program’s from the destroyed Fukushima nu- This is the first election that at the recently concluded world-record breaking score of 101.45 clear plant, causing one of the worst people who have citizenship, but and while points gave him enough of a lead to spills in the last half year. are living abroad, can vote. They not able to medal as she had in the win the coveted position of first place. Persian: Iran and six other world can now send their ballots by mail, 2010 Vancouver Winter Olym- The nineteen year old has become powers have agreed on an outline for and therefore do not have to travel pics (for Silver right after Korea’s something of a symbol of hope for the negotiating a comprehensive agree- back in order to make a difference. “Queen” Kim Yu Na), redeemed people of the Tohoku region affected ment on Iran’s nuclear program. I think it is really important that this herself in a different light. For Jap- by the March 11, 2011 disaster. With Hey Language House! I’m Rachel re-open around 4 or 5. People go home Russian: President Putin has prom- option exists, because now families anese viewers nationwide, Asa- an air of maturity that belies his age, from the Spanish cluster, and I’m and have lunch with their families, and ised not to interfere with Ukraine’s who had to leave for one reason or da’s free skate and long program Hanyu’s success appears to serve as studying in Sevilla, Spain, through the unlike the United States, lunch is the big political crisis, but is deeply caught another can make a difference in routines provided a riveting expe- an inspiration for the millions of peo- Maryland-in-Sevilla program. Spain meal of the day. People here are much within it El Salvador. Whatever the outcome rience. In her Long Program she ple in the area, like his hometown of has some distinct customs, the most more relaxed and less hurried, maybe Spanish: Anti-government protes- of the election, it is bound to be overcame a regrettable fall in her , and the rest of Japan as well. notable of which are meal times and si- because of siesta! If you’re interested tors continue to demand that the important in the history of their Short Program, which understand- Indeed, the future of Japanese figure esta times. I live in a homestay, and my in the Maryland-in-Sevilla program or Venezuelan President Nicolas Mad- country, because of the participation ably took away her chance at med- skating is looking quite bright with host mother serves lunch at 2:30 pm in studying in Spain, please email me at uro resign as the country is plagued of ex-patriots can now have a say in aling. Persevering until the end, athletes such as Asada and Hanyu, as and dinner at 10 pm. Most shops shut [email protected]. by very high inflation and murder the lives of those still living there, and bursting into joyful tears of well as others placing in the top ten down starting at around 2 for siesta and rates. especially the lives of their families. relief, Asada finished sixth place. as well.