* BALLET THEATERS * OPERA NIGHT LIFE * CONCERTS RESTAURANTS To REMEMBER ENTERTAINMENT * Assignment TV NOVEMBER 24, 1965 PRESS-HERALD D-3 (vanlena Native Wins First iNK DALEY By TERREN'CE OTLAHEKTY Civic Art Award in Contest "Gardena Scene 1950." The most interesting battle At other times such a short- a Town Hardware Store and painting of the new television season is age of older talent would be a depicting the area her mother was a teacher in ow being fought backstage bonanza for young performers around Artcsia Boulevard Garrtena Soap Opera? Merely and Normandie Avenue in Mrs Cole began painting The opposing forces are Ed hoping for that big break. Un- Therapy the early 1950s, Sullivan. Andy Williams, fortunately many of the has won first in 1960. working first in prize . Steve Lawrence, young people who might have in'thc first annual Civic water colors. She studied un­ Danny Kaye, and the Holly- developed some recognizable ; Award competition sponsored der les Macklen at the Gar- Whew! This ii a »igh of raining in our garage, i n.ean have the TV on :by the wood Palace. artistry have frittered away I'm waiting Gardena Valley Art dona Adult School. __ relief because I just learned the water from the leaking for the United Association They are battling for that their beginning years on rock Nations ses­ that McCall's has given dishwasher in the floor above sion to go on 1 wouldn't The winning thin strip of mutually-held "' roll which makes no de- its painting, by is seeping through the ceiling dream of missing Constance SEAFOOD territory known as Guest Tal- mands on talent John David- stamp of approval for women t: Thant." Cole, will be like Rangoon during the In placed Lut M.ttnt Lobilerr ent TVs biggest musical va- so" "s "< «"»!> unknown" I to watch television soap the meantime. I have in the Gardena City rainy seasn one car cocked Slr.iki - Primi Ribs - Gttf riety shows are discovering can recall to became a star operas. Indeed, the author of towards the Hall It was one of 60 entries And let's face i». is Walter set. trying by something the public knew a Iast season, who is still in his the piece, the highly-intellec­ to pick up stray some 35 artists ir the l.ippmann worried about the bits of dialogue first annual contest Art Shew by lone while ago: there just parl >' twenties and can sing, tual Marya Marines, admits And. be­ that possibility of our floors lieve, me. it's quite a feat to A native of Gardena. Mrs Th« Arti»an» isn't enough good performing she, too, is hooked along »AT AND SUN ' * * caving in"1 carry on a telephone conver­ Cole served as the town pho­ talent to go around! THE TALENT shortage «ith 20 million American housewives on "The Guiding But don I think that I'm sation while you're straining tographer from 1947 until The moat frantic of the lot doesn't apply solely to musi- Light." "The Secret Storm." NOT going to use McCalls to hear whether the doctors 195.1 Her father owned the is likely to be Sullivan. The cal-variety shows lofty excuse There are and the grand-daddy of 'em to justify my will tell Neal he is going other hosts can always play dozens of new situation romo- watching soap opera.s. AT MARINFt all. "As the World Turns." "I've blind. And am 1 going to FOR CLASSIFIED AND |js Vegas or sing to a Ham- dies in the planning stage for, worried about Viet Nam miss finding 377 7«77 According to the magazine. out who gets CALL DA 5-6060 mond organ in a dimly lit bar l%6. Hrfi7. and 1908 which' enough for one day!" I plan custody of little Tommy "Soap operas are helpful be­ In nut of town. Sullivan is a have had to he shelved for to reply to my husband the Lisa and Bob's court cause they provide house­ battle? Pointer exclusively. At the lack of suitable performers, next time he criticizes my And what's happening wives with a short rerpitr tn present time he has two big Today television is bemc choice of TV fare Ellen, in love each day from worrying with Donald problems: He has turned his carried on the backs of varie And now I'll be able to Hughes, about the dismal hut betrothed to an­ studio audience into a nest of ty performers who were mid- «Ute of admit that I'm in the middle other world affairs." man. Dr. David Stew- teen-age female screamers die-aged when TV started 15 of watching "As the World art, the foster father of her nd he is completely out- year ago In the not-too-dis- I hatr to prove to be a Turns" when somebody illegitimate son. Danny. whom classed by "The Hollywood tant future when the arteries big disappointment to Me- phones and asks if they're she hopes to win hark? Or Palace." which has b e 11 e r On the old reliables have hard- ('airs, but there are days in keeping me from anything have I lost you hy now? this production, better color, and ened and Gcritol has replaced household when I forget il need the therapy.) Come to think of It. may­ a better rounded program. To m a r t i n i s at their cocktail that Red China or the Do­ Previously. 1 hive always be I'd be better off worrying buck the competition Sullivan,hours, television viewers will minican Republic even exist. lied. "Oh. I'm not doing about world affairs to get my invaded Hollywood for five be left with no one but Frank How can I be expected to get much. Just thumbing through mind off worrying about the shows this season. Sinatra Jr.. Joey Heatherton. all worked up about our the Atlantic Monthly. I find dismal state of most of the Tuesday Weld. . foreign policy along with It so stimulating. Oh. the characters In television soap "THE HOLLYWOOD Pal- and approximately 100 corn- Walter t.ippmann when it's noise in the background? I operas. ace" has a glassier look to it. binations of long-haired Bri- THUNDERBIRD EARLY DINNERS due largely to the talents of>tishers strumming their Rui- Daily: 4 'til 6:30 $2.75 Art Director Jim Trittippo tars, looking quite middle- '? who has provided the per- aged, and croaking about Sunday: 1 1 30 »m to « p. m . ") * formers with backgrounds their lost youth. Dial sparkle. They are particu- _ - - larly splashy in color. Its per­ forming stars can match Sulli­ INDIAN VILLAS van's any week. Ask Delav./ J VBC is depending a lot on RESTAURANT Dean Martin's personal con­ ROW WOW ROOMS-FIREWATER tacts to keep his show loadrri In Change Op«» Dn.l r f..» II )0 o ~ T.ltploix 371 «3*1 with the big names It needs 4020 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY TORRANCI Andy Williams has already been quoted as being a little Of Reserve touchy when it comes to possl- Supervisor Kenneth Hahn ble rivalry with Martin for tal-'has asked President Lyndon SWEDISH CORNER ent. Steve Lawrence Is in the B. Johnson to withhold any ' °f '" !«c'ion '" the present SWEDISH SMORGASBORD LUNCH 51.14 DINNERS 51.84 and be- the natlon1 '» re«dy reserve 6 HOT DISHES, 16 SAU cause they're doing fewer un'ts until Congress recon-j shows but for the programs vener. ' they do they will face the Hahn is chairman of the! 2501 PAC. COAST HWY.. TORRANCE 32S-2MI OPtN T DATt 11 '10 AM TO « P.M. CATIIIN* IANOUITS ducinjt staff was trying to ,'" a lele>- «° the President. keep Phyllis Dlller's appear "ann said l-°* Ang»les « ance on "the Uwrence show P*rvisors are on record in from happening the same *uPP°rt of the present strut- week as theirs lure of a s|roni Arm.v re- . . . serve and a strong National AT FIRST the t a 1 e n t Guard $1.85 drought would appear to be "' "nd 't hard to under- a lucky break for those per- sland Secretary of Defense EXOTIC POLYNESIAN COCKTAILS formers who make their liv- RolM>rl S. MacNamar.Vs tntciUmment Thur tn. & Sit. Nights posi- in th« eockUil loung* ing off these shows entirely tion nf wanting to eliminate nut it is not Many of them,*c"'tra' ncd m»Wary person- PNONI m**70 fear overexposure more than inel ln reserve units while at FOOD TO OO under-exposure and with good! the same time stepping up M IM . )•«••<• ii »n N. .1 P...I., c.,,1 M., mi cause. Not all of them are 'he draft call to train new worth watching too frequent- *°ld>ers." Hahn said ly, to say the least. The vi­ He said the 63rd infantry TO CONVKNTION . . . Prenidrnl-elerl Charlei Pr- of Real K»Uie Boards Convention. I'rrora allrndrd EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY cious tax brackets keep many Division, which Includes more ror« of the Torr«nrr-LoniU« Board of Realtor* and number of rvvnlt planned for thr nation'* Kmllnr% nf »he hest in semi retirement .' than 7,500 officers and men Mr*. Perora are known « they prepared to fly lo lo lncr*»%* (heir knowledge of modern Ircndi in rr«l FROM 8 TO 12 P.M. from the lx>s Angeles area, Chicago tail \vrck lo ftltrnd the National A»«orl«lion relate. is Muiic, Dancing, one of Snacki, Soft Drinkt the units which would Your Los Angeles County TONRANCf IK- eliminated. Approximately Heart Association has avail­ IT'S sio Annual FRIDAY, NOV. 26 per cent of the CSrd's Fish Reading at Chapel able two booklets containing men would be np t r THE PALMS "washed out" ~ * diets designed to lower blood THE FUGITIVES or put into a pool and would cholesterol. These booklets not SATURDAY, NOV 27 have a unit with which are available to patients on COCKTAIL! to train. Hahn added. FrSav°Meet Theatre Next Week CHARCOAL a physician's prescription THE BAYMEN MOILID "Present tense world con­ The Harbor Aquarium So- A new phase of activity will 7 30 p m , Monday kTEAKt ditions would not seem to and Tues­ PRIME NII ciety will meet Friday at 8, begin at Chapel warrant reduction of the Theatre in day, Nov 29 and 30 Roles re pm. In the Recreation Hall Torrance when number of capabilities of our readings will quired include a 12 or 13-year NOW 1975 W. Carton at McMasters Park, Artesiaj be iraih ivM'i\r tun ( ' he held for an entirely differ old girl for "This Pioperty is Teen Scene OPEN FA 8-2424 and Yukon Avenues !ent type of production. Cha- Condemned" and six people Guest speaker will be l)on'P*l will present "An Evening for "The Pot Boiler" which is 1930 PAC. CST. HWY. l.und of the Los AngelesjWith Tony Baynes" with a hilarious comedy about a LOMITA (B«lw«*n W»*ttm A Ntrbonnt) Viuarium Society, who will I Baynes starring and driecting zany director trying to pro­ DANCING-ENTERTAINMENT present a slide-tape program three one-act plays to be pre- duce a melodrama all doing on Ml. C'l CMATIOOM the subject of annual fish 'wnted on weekdays at Cha- the worst goofs possible on­ Air Conditioned Show fish of the month will I*1!'* rehearsal hall. stage Fi«o Parking b,. all live bearing fish Corner E. 223rd & Avalon I , Baynes, who directed the Further information may be Pac. C»». Hwy. at Cranthaw The door prize will be a .current production, "Some- obtained by calling Box Of- five gallon aquarium with ., one Waiting," now showing at fice at 372-9830 375-4232 hood All fish fanciers are the playhouse, was winner of welcome. 'Chapel's best director award Open Daily 6:45 p.m. last season He announced ONCE N iv 24. n. J*. 2! Fri. 5:45 p.m. AGAIN OUR FAMOUS FAMILY JOHN BIRCH FILM DIE that actors Involved in pro "Th« 3rd Day" A film on the life of John duct ion will automatically be Sat. - Sun. 12:45 p.m. THANKSGIVING DAY Birch will be shown by the a part of the first Actors' PlU» John Birch Society't Wil- workshop project at Chapel o "Dingaka" DINNER iningtun Chapter on Dec 7 at Readings will be held at the CHARLTON HESTON H pm at the Bethel baptist'theater, 4164 Pacific Coast THURSDAY, NOVEMBER JSrh church, Neptune and I. St. ! Hwy, behind Smith Bros In "Ulie* Of tun dian Village restaurant, at fh» Fitld" 'WAR LORD' —PIUI— *3.45 "Tht World of Plot (Children Under 1] - $1 95) FILIPPONE'S Henry Orient" IWAP Mtri PHONf FOR RESfRVATIONS NOW! W.d. Thur., lit.. »un. CHUCKWAGOH 1:00 A.M. J.16 P.M. GARY GRANT Damon Lane DA 4-JA64 FR 0-4577 DRIVE-IN THEATRE APPfARING WEDNESDAYS THROUC -I SATURDAYS u 1515 HAWTHORNE BLVD. SOUTHWEST BOWL flondn ich B! 'CHARADE' SOUTH BAY 11633 SO WIST PR 8-2777 4525 CALli MAYOR, TORRANCE M SHOPPING CENTER REDONOO BEACH I