Appendix 2 City Council’s Sustainability Objectives 1. To create cohesive, inclusive and safe communities with appropriate levels of social and community facilities. 2. To reduce the fear of crime and actual crime 3. To ensure the provision of appropriate housing types to meet homeless, affordable, intermediary, overcrowding and family unit demands. 4. To promote and improve health and well being. 5. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support climate change adaptation. 6. To require the application of sustainable design and construction in all new developments and refurbishment of existing buildings. 7. To minimise flood risk, promote sustainable urban drainage and protect surface and ground water quality. 8. To protect, enhance and create environments that encourage and support biodiversity. 9. To improve air quality 10. To reduce the impact of noise. 11. To reduce the need to travel and use of private motorised vehicular transport as well as encouraging walking, cycling and the use of public transport. 12. To reduce waste production and increase recycling and recovery of all waste. 13. To protect and enhance the historic environment and architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage. 14. To enhance the public realm and street environment. 15. To protect, enhance and seek opportunities to increase open space throughout the city. 16. To ensure equality of opportunity and improve opportunities for education, training and employment. 17. To maintain economic diversity, increase local opportunity and support sustainable economic growth.

Source: Local Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document. Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal August 2007.

Appendix 3 Proposals Sites – Schedule of Sites in Appendix 1 of the Submission Draft Core Strategy March 2010 And - Map PO1d Core Strategy Preferred Options July 2008

City of Westminster Core Strategy November 2009 Proposals Sites

Strategic Sites for Opportunity Area Ref Site Preferred Area Majority Notes . Uses Ownership (ha) No.

1 Paddington Transport 5.90 Network Grade I listed station. Crossrail Station, and infrastructure Rail site. Subject to Planning Brief Environs Supplementary Planning (including Document. Paddington

Mail Centre, W2) 2 St Mary’s Teaching 4.41 NHS / Contains 2 listed buildings. Hospital, Praed hospital. Also Imperial Principal existing uses are St Street, W2 residential, College Mary’s Hospital, Imperial Medical leisure, offices College of Science, Technology and retail use. and Medicine. Subject to Planning Brief Supplementary Planning Document. 3 North Priority to 1.5 Subject to Planning Brief Westminster social and Supplementary Planning Community community. Document. School site, Residential North Wharf also likely. Road, W2 4 55-67 North Offices, 0.43 Derwent Subject to planning permission Wharf Road, residential. Valley granted, subject to the completion W2 of a s106 legal agreement, for a mixed use development including offices, residential and retail (10th January 2008). 5 Dudley House, Residential, 0.35 City of Subject to Planning Brief North Wharf community use Westminste Supplementary Planning Road and 139- and open r Document. Community Build site. 147 Harrow space/ play

Road, W2 space.

Strategic Sites for Victoria Opportunity Area Ref Site Preferred Area Majority Notes . Uses Ownership (ha) No.

6 Victoria Transport and 4.53 Network Subject to Planning Brief Railway Rail Supplementary Planning commercial Station, SW1 Document. Within Flood Zone 3. uses. 7 Site bounded Office, retail, 1.8 Land Subject to Planning Brief by Victoria theatre, café, Securities Supplementary Planning Street, restaurant, Document. Within Flood Zone 3. Buckingham public house, Palace Road hotel, and residential and Bressenden social and Place, SW1 community 8 Terminus Offices, retail, 0.73 Transport Subject to Planning Brief Place, Wilton transport. for London Supplementary Planning Road/ Victoria Document. Within Flood Zone 3. Street, SW1 9 Kingsgate Mixed use. 0.5 Land Subject to Planning Brief House, Securities Supplementary Planning

Westminster Document. Within Flood Zone 3. City Hall,

Selborne House, Victoria Street, SW1

Strategic Sites for Tottenham Court Road Opportunity Area Ref Site Preferred Area Majority Notes . Uses Ownership (ha) No.

10/ Tottenham Transport use, 0.32 Crossrail site. Subject to Planning 11 Court Road Brief Supplementary Planning retail, offices, Station Document. (Eastern Ticket residential

Hall): Site and theatre. bounded by 1- 23 Oxford St, 1-6 Falconberg Mixed use Court, including development, the Astoria retail, Theatre – the employment Astoria site, uses and 157-165 residential. Charing Cross Road, Sutton Row and Falconberg Mews, WC2. 12 Tottenham Crossrail 0.24 Crossrail site. Subject to Planning Court Road Brief Supplementary Planning infrastructure, Station Document. (Western retail, office

Ticket Hall): and Site bounded residential. by 91-101 Oxford Street, 93-102 Dean Street, 1-12 Great Chapel Street and Diadem Court, W1. 13 135-155 Retail, Offices 0.17 Crossrail site. Subject to Planning Charing Cross Brief Supplementary Planning and Road and 12 Document. residential. Sutton Row –

the Goslett Theatre/ Yard site, WC2 performance venue. 14 4 -48 Oxford Mixed land 0.59 Planning Brief Supplementary Street, 1-5 uses such as Planning Document to be prepared

Tottenham retail and small (Local Development Scheme Court Road, office 2008-11 Reference 48). W1 floorspace. 15 35-50 Mixed use with 0.41 Car park within Crossrail 2 Rathbone residential safeguarding area. Place, Royal Mail West End Delivery / Sorting Office and car park

Strategic Sites for West End Special Retail Policy Area Ref Site Preferred Area Majority Notes . Uses Ownership (ha) No.

16 354-358 Oxford Retail, 0.35 Crossrail site. Subject to Planning Street, W1 residential. Brief Supplementary Planning

Document. 17 18-19 Hanover Transport use, 0.21 Great Crossrail site. Subject to Planning Square, W1 Brief Supplementary Planning office, Portland Document. residential, Estates


18 65 Davies Transport use, 0.17 Grosvenor Crossrail site. Subject to Planning Street, W1 office, Brief Supplementary Planning Estate residential. Document.

Strategic Sites for North Westminster Economic Development Area Ref Site Preferred Area Majority Notes . Uses Ownership (ha) No.

19 Paddington Transport 6.98 National Crossrail site. Subject to Planning New Yard, W9 Infrastructure Rail Brief Supplementary Planning Document. 20 The Travis Residential, 2.73 Subject to Planning Brief Perkins commercial Supplementary Planning Building, 149- and Document. 157 Harrow community

Road. uses, open space. 21 Edgware Road Transport, 0.86 Transport Subject to Planning Brief. Principal Station, Chapel infrastructure, for London existing use: London Underground Street, NW1 and station station. Planning Brief improvements, Supplementary Planning housing, retail Document to be prepared (to be included in Local Development Scheme). 22 Prince of Mixed use 0.57 Fernhead Planning Brief Supplementary Wales social and Road Planning Document to be prepared

Junction/Maida community Properties (Local Development Scheme Hill, W9 with retail, owned by 2008-11 Reference 49). small business the council. premises and residential. 23 Land bounded Retail, 0.56 West End Subject to planning permission for by 129-147 residential. supermarket, over 200 residential Green Church Street, units, over 150 holiday let units

283-317 Properties (21/04/2004). Edgware Road, Planning Brief Supplementary 11-13 Planning Document to be prepared Paddington (Local Development Scheme Green and 2008-11 Reference 54). Newcastle Place, (West End Green) W2 24 Site bounded School or mix 0.21 by Shroton of residential Street, Cosway and Street, Bell commercial Street, and uses if the Stalbridge school can be Street. provided elsewhere 25 Canal Terrace Retail, small 0.19 Planning Brief Supplementary 431 – 487 business Planning Document to be prepared

Harrow Road, premises, with (Local Development Scheme W9 residential 2008-11 Reference 37). above.

Strategic Sites within Flood Zone 3 Ref Site Preferred Area Majority Notes . Uses Ownership (ha) No.

26 Chelsea Residential, 5.15 Qatari Diar Subject to Planning Brief Barracks, community use Supplementary Planning

Chelsea Bridge and green Document. Road, SW1 open space for

play. 27 Queen Residential, 1.0 Trustees of Existing use for administrative and Alexandra cultural and Tate Gallery storage purposes for . Military office use,

Hospital, John green open Islip Street, play space. SW1

Strategic Housing Sites (outside the 3 Opportunity Areas, North Westminster Economic Development Area, and Flood Zone 3) Ref Site Preferred Area Majority Notes . Uses Ownership (ha) No.

28 St. John’s Residential 2.13 Proposed/estimated 140 Wood with residential units. Barracks, NW8 community uses. 29 Arundel Great Offices, 1.2 Proposed/estimated 151 Court, Strand, residential, residential units. WC2 hotel, retail 30 38-44 Lodge Residential 0.73 Proposed/estimated 120 Road NW8 residential units.

Appendix 4 Proposals Sites – Requirement for Flood Risk Assessment in line with PPS25: Site Site Flood Risk Site FRA ref Zone area required? nbr ha 1 Paddington Station, and 1 - 5.9 Yes Environs (including Paddington Mail Centre, W2) 2 St Mary’s Hospital, Praed 1 - 4.41 Yes Street, W2 3 North Westminster 1 - 3.26 Yes Community School site, North Wharf Road, W2 4 55-67 North Wharf Road, 1 - 0.43 No W2 5 Dudley House, North 1 - 0.35 No Wharf Road and 139- 147 Harrow Road, W2 6 Victoria Railway Station, 3 Flood 4.53 Yes SW1 zone 3 only 7 Site bounded by Victoria 3 Flood 1.8 Yes Street, Buckingham zone 3 Palace Road and only Bressenden Place, SW1 8 Terminus Place, Wilton 3 Flood 0.73 Yes Road/ Victoria Street, zone 3 SW1 only 9 Kingsgate House, 3 Flood 0.5 Yes Westminster City Hall, zone 3 Selborne House, Victoria only Street, SW1 11 Tottenham Court Road 1 - 0.32 No Station (Eastern Ticket Hall): Site bounded by 1- 23 Oxford St, 1-6 Falconberg Court, including the Astoria Theatre – the Astoria site, 157-165 Charing Cross Road, Sutton Row and Falconberg Mews, WC2. 12 Tottenham Court Road 1 - 0.24 No Station (Western Ticket Hall): Site bounded by 91- 101 Oxford Street, 93-102 Dean Street, 1- 12 Great Chapel Street and Diadem Court, W1.

13 135-155 Charing Cross 1 - 0.17 No Road and 12 Sutton Row – the Goslett Yard site, WC2 14 4 -48 Oxford Street, 1-5 1 - 0.59 No Tottenham Court Road, W1 15 35-50 Rathbone Place, 1 - 0.41 No Royal Mail West End Delivery / Sorting Office and car park 16 354-358 Oxford Street, 1 - 0.35 No W1 17 18-19 Hanover Square, 1 - 0.21 No W1 18 65 Davies Street, W1 1 - 0.17 No 19 Paddington New Yard, 1 - 6.98 Yes W9 20 The Travis Perkins 1 - 2.73 Yes Building, 149-157 Harrow Road. 21 Edgware Road Station, 1 - 0.86 No Chapel Street, NW1 22 Prince of Wales Junction, 1 - 0.57 No W9 23 Land bounded by 129- 1 - 0.56 No 147 Church Street, 283- 317 Edgware Road, 11- 13 Paddington Green and Newcastle Place, (West End Green) W2 24 Site bounded by Shroton 1 - 0.21 No Street, Cosway Street, Bell Street, and Stalbridge Street. 25 Canal Terrace 431 – 487 1 - 0.19 No Harrow Road, W9 26 Chelsea Barracks, 3 Flood 5.15 Yes Road, zone 3 SW1 only 27 Queen Alexandra Military 3 Rapid 1.0 Yes Hospital, John Islip Street, inundation SW1 zone 28 St. John’s Wood 1 - 2.13 Yes Barracks, NW8 29 Arundel Great Court, 1 - 1.2 Yes Strand, WC2 30 38-44 Lodge Road NW8 1 - 0.73 No

Proposals Sites in Flood Zone 3

Site Site Preferred Vulnerability Exception Within Exception ref Use Classification test residual tests a*, b* nbr required risk area and c 6 Victoria Transport PPS25 Table If transport No A Flood Risk Railway D2 does not uses are Assessment Station, SW1 provide deemed should detailed either consider guidance on essential mitigation transport uses infrastructure measures (nb or more and and vulnerable section 6, commercial less uses then para 6.8 and uses vulnerable the section 7). exception test is required 7 Site bounded Office, Less Yes No A Flood Risk by Victoria retail, vulnerable Assessment Street, theatre, and more should Buckingham café, vulnerable consider Palace Road restaurant, mitigation and public measures (nb Bressenden house, Place, SW1 hotel, section 6, residential para 6.8 and and social section 7). and community 8 Terminus Offices, Less If transport No A Flood Risk Place, Wilton retail, vulnerable uses are Assessment Road/ deemed should Victoria and either consider Street, SW1 transport PPS25 Table essential mitigation D2 does not infrastructure measures (nb provide or more detailed vulnerable section 6, guidance on uses then para 6.8 and transport uses the section 7). exception test is required 9 Kingsgate Mixed use Less No No House, (office and vulnerable Westminster retail) City Hall, Selborne House, Victoria Street, SW1 26 Chelsea Residential, More Yes No A Flood Risk Barracks, community vulnerable Assessment Chelsea use and should

Bridge Road, green open consider SW1 space for mitigation play measures (nb section 6, para 6.8 and section 7).

27 Queen Residential, More Yes Yes A Flood Risk Alexandra cultural and vulnerable Rapid Assessment Military office use, and less inundation should Hospital, green open vulnerable zone consider John Islip play space mitigation Street, SW1 measures (nb Section 5, paras 5.54- 5.58 and section 6, para 6.8 and section 7).

* test a – proposals sites sustainably appraised at Preferred Options Core Strategy ** test b – given the existing densely built form of Westminster all sites that are appropriate for development in Westminster are found on previously developed land

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— n

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2 „


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— r d

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˜ n —

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— t

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h ‡



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v s v

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‡ v

g fexu g „g f s gentre will˜—nk



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d g r



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— R R QFTm „ry‚xi ‰2ƒ „‚i i„


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o g

f m

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r 2


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ƒ w

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s „



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g i ƒ„‚

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„ I



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o € ƒ„‚ii„

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n P o I s

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R m e „ I o


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n 2 ™ w u s

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g I Q U



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i P

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ƒ„‚ii„ F — v l

i g Q V o o ‚ e s


t o R 2 Q q h e

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r 2I s

2 2ƒ„‚ii„ o

ƒt h o w o u

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x 2t y ‚ r e

f r i 2 r

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T ew€e‰xi d  h „ t— e

U I P e — ƒ e

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l — V t e u k u

l V 2 ƒ i e

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y r u i d r

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r i e n ‡

i 2 y i P H r 2 y r

€ n g p 2 W I g g P d

e r v — o 2 €l—tes r o l o

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h s „ U —

r gr g





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„he2‚egen™y P

r IQ


e i €imli™o

t H— PH


n e


g H

d I

m ˜ 2 P

t o

o IR t 2I I „g f s

s R ˜ v V I

e e 2t —

o e W s

Q g I fi rshi 2P ‡

VT IR 2 S 2 R

— u l o ffi™es o

t r — IU

2 ver nme nt V

t T r I W dge pƒ FIm — y y 2

I H r 2 FSm

Q u y R i™ t o H T

o 2 2 Q I Q I e

t o o l H ‚ † P

qo T s Q 2

ƒipi‚ I 2g i

H ety I Q

IV ‡

W er yd2vo o

we xƒ

x„2ƒ e‚i x9ƒ2€l iv†i‚„ y qveƒ

Appendix 5

Schedule of deliverable housing in Westminster December 2008

5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery Grosvenor Waterside Erection of two buildings: Building A - part five/part six/part seven/part ten storeys for use as 164 Development. Depot, Planning 06/07097/FU residential units, two retail/restaurant (Class A1/A3) units and a street sweepers depot; Building B - 5 South Gatliff Road, London 323 323 267 0.92 23/07/2007 Under construction 42 application LL rising in stages from six storeys to fourteen storeys with tower feature for use as a 159 residential SW1W 8QN (Blocks A & units (including 71 affordable units) and a retail/restaurant (Class A1/A3) unit. B)

Unimplemented. Planning permission granted on appeal dated Oct 2005. Was the subject of Development Site At 285 - Redevelopment to provide buildings of between five and seven and 22 storeys including a retail Applicant has begun to submit Planning 03/03463/FU legal challenge 5 North 329 Edgware Road, 307 307 107 0.83 10/10/2005 supermarket, two retail shops, 307 residential units of which 107 are affordable, 156 holiday let units applications to discharge and alter a 7 application LL and Inspector's London, W2 1DH and associated car parking and landscaping. (Option A). number of the planning conditions decision to grant permission and Conservation area consent upheld by Court of Appeal in 2007

Grosvenor Waterside Under construction development. Western Erection of part ten/part twelve storey building comprising 299 residential units including 196 Planning 06/07098/FU - likely to be 5 South Pumping Station (Block 299 299 196 0.72 23/07/2007 affordable units, restaurant, health and fitness centre and basement car parking (Building C, part of 43 application LL finished in the next C), 124 Grosvenor Road, Grosvenor Waterside Development). 6 months London, SW1V 4BE

Partial demolition and redevelopment for ten storey buildings for mixed use purposes comprising 261 This scheme is residential units (Class C3), office (Class B1), retail (Class A1), financial and professional services unlikely to Middlesex Hospital Planning 07/01120/FU (Class A2), restaurant (Class A3) and community/health uses; creation of new public open space; proceed. A new 5 Central Mortimer Street, London, 261 261 79 1.28 19/10/2007 48 application LL new vehicular and pedestrian accesses; works to the public highway; basement car and cycle scheme will W1W 7EY parking; associated works including landscaping, servicing areas and plant; retention and repair of probably be existing chapel, No.10 Mortimer Street and Nassau Street facades. sought.

Submission of reserved matters pursuant to outline permission dated 23 April 2001 (RN 97/0A591): Planning 03/00780/RE 23-31 North Wharf Road, 5 North 213 213 31 0.53 04/08/2004 namely, the erection of residential buildings comprising 213 units with ground floor Class A1 (retail) Under construction 6 application SMAT London, W2 1LA and A3 (food and drink) units and a health club in the basement.

Redevelopment by the erection of a 16-storey residential building, comprising 196 residential units, with ground floor Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 units, ancillary basement parking, ground floor Class B1 Planning 06/00944/FU Land At Harbet Road, 5 North 196 196 44 0.33 18/03/2008 small office suites, estate management office, Business Opportunities Centre highways works, new Under construction 36 application LL London, W2 1JU vehicular and pedestrian accesses, new bridge and associated works to Paddington Basin and associated hard and soft landscaping (Building D).

Demolition of all existing buildings (fronting Strand, Arundel Street, Temple Place and Surrey Street) and redevelopment to provide new buildings of two basements, lower ground, ground and 9 upper Application 0 (provided floors to northern part of site (fronting Strand), and two basements, ground and part10/part 14/part 12 submitted. To Planning 08/08518/FU earlier with upper floors to southern part of site (fronting Temple Place) to provide offices (Class B1). 151 committee 5 South Arundel Great Court 151 151 1.2 _ 72 application LL credits at residential dwellings (Class C3); 98-bed hotel and 18 serviced suites (Class C1); and/or retail, Feb/March '09. Wilton Plaza) financial and professional services, restaurant, café, bar, and hot food takeaway uses (Class Deliverable in 5 A1/A2/A3/A4/A5) at ground floor level; car parking for 108 cars; servicing area; and new access, years in theory public courtyard, landscaping, engineering and other associated works.

Planning brief Dudley House is a City Council owned housing block in poor condition which the council wishes to Dudley House, North prepared 2002. Opportunity redevelop. Community Build scheme. City West Homes have briefed their architects to achieve a 5 North OP14 Wharf Road & 138-147 150 150 _ 0.35 _ New planning brief None yet 92 Site total of 240 units on the site however this is consider to be unrealistic and there has been no Harrow Road, W2 being prepared discussion with planning. Therefore a conservative estimate is 150 units now.

Demolition of the Magistrates Court and redevelopment to provide a building of two basements, Application Off site at ground and part eight/part nine upper floors to Horseferry Road frontage and stepping down to part submitted. Seymour Planning 07/01574/FU Magistrates Court, 70 five/part seven upper floors to Romney Street frontage, with central courtyard, balconies and Application due to 5 South 144 144 Place- see 0.27 _ 52 application LL Horseferry Road terraces, to provide 144 residential units (7 studios, 33 x 1-bed, 55 x 2-bed and 49 x 3-bed); 146 car go to committee in 07/01571/FUL parking spaces at basement level in automated car park accessed from Romney Street and 190 Jan '09 for L) cycle spaces. possible refusal

Partial redevelopment to include retention of clock tower and provide a new building of two Abbey House, 215 - 229 Planning 04/01556/FU basements, ground and nine upper floors for use as 132 residential flats and basement parking, 5 North Baker Street, London, 132 132 36 0.22 13/01/2005 Under construction 14 application LL including the provision of affordable housing in a new five storey building on the site of the Abbey NW1 6XL annex in Siddons Lane. 5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery

Redevelopment behind retained (part) façade to provide main building comprising basement, ground and six upper floors and corner building of basement, ground and four upper floors with Planning 04/07943/FU 9 Howick Place, London, pedestrianised street between main and corner building. Buildings to provide five retail units (Class 5 South 122 122 37 0.37 17/08/2005 Under construction 18 application LL SW1P 1AA A1/A3) and community safety office at ground and mezzanine floor, 122 residential units including 37 affordable units on upper floors and 125 car parking spaces, bike park and refuse storage at basement level.

Redevelopment involving demolition of existing buildings and erection of new buildings comprising ground and 10 upper floors fronting Wilton Road and ground and eight upper floors fronting Gillingham Street and projecting rearward into site, for use as retail (Class A1) and/or restaurant/cafe Site At 18-36 Gillingham 15 key worker, (Class A3) at ground floor level, 74 affordable residential units (25 x 1-bed, 21 x 2-bed, 21 x 3-bed Planning 05/06537/FU Street, 1-6 Gillingham 5 South 111 111 59 social 0.35 15/03/2006 and 7 x 4-bed) and 37 market residential units (8 x 1-bed, 20 x 2-bed, 9 x 3-bed) at first to tenth floor Under construction 27 application LL Mews And 119-128 Wilton rented level, student accommodation comprising 157 student bed spaces and facilities at first to eighth floor Road London SW1V 1LL level, 61 car parking spaces, cycle parking and servicing area at ground floor level, plant at roof level including solar thermal panels, public art, soft and hard landscaping including a children's play area and creation of new vehicular access from Gillingham Street.

Trenchard House (Berwick 77 key worker Planning Pre-application 5 Central _ Street Planning Brief), 103 103 and 6-7 off 1.06 1/03/2007 Owned by English Partnerships, pre-application discussions with First Base. 99 Brief discussions W1F 0DF site

Citibank House 336-337 Demolition and redevelopment of existing office buildings, behind retained façades to former Marconi Planning 04/06798/FU 0 (financial 5 South Strand, London, WC2R 92 92 0.32 15/04/2005 House to provide a building of basement (three levels) plus ten storeys; for use as hotel, restaurant Under construction 16 application LL contribution) 1HB (Class A3) and 92 self contained flats (on upper floors of Marconi House).

Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide a building comprising four interlinked blocks above a double height 'podium' rising from ground plus eight storeys to ground plus 12 storeys to include 86 residential units and three retail units (within either Class A1 or A2). Three basement Bowater House, 68 Planning 05/07487/FU levels comprising residential leisure facilities, storage, servicing, parking and cycle bay provision, 5 South , London, 86 86 0 (off site) 1.28 09/06/2006 Under construction 28 application LL together with parking, leisure and servicing facilities for adjacent hotel. Relocation of Edinburgh Gate SW1X 7LT and realignment of Knightsbridge; associated highways works and the stopping up of existing public highways. Reorientation of the Knightsbridge underground staircase/entrance (north side) and all necessary enabling works.

Alterations during the course of construction to scheme granted planning permission (RN: 07/01336), namely reduction of the number of flats in Nos. 80-83 Lancaster Gate by five units and external work Planning 08/02348/FU 75 - 89 Lancaster Gate, to Road and Lancaster Gate elevations of buildings between 80-89 Lancaster Gate 5 North 85 85 11 0.61 18/06/2008 Under construction 65 application LL London,W2 3NN including alterations to fenestration, installation of glazed roof to lightwell, amendments to external staircases in lightwells and replacement of chimney stacks and parapets at main roof level. All previous planning obligations and parking secured on earlier permission to remain the same.

Redevelopment by means of demolition of buildings to rear of site; retention and refurbishment of the buildings fronting Regency Street and Causton Street; extension to rear of retained buildings Planning 06/02730/FU Peel House 105 Regency 5 South 70 70 70 0.19 _ comprising basement, ground and four upper floors. Erection of four single family dwellings Under construction 38 application LL Street London SW1P 4AN comprising ground, first and second floors to rear of site; all in association with the provision of 70 affordable residential dwellings with ancillary storage and 33 basement level car parking spaces.

Unimplemented. Development Site At 1 Planning Applicant is seeking confirmation Planning 02/06302/FU Queens Grove And 12-22 Demolition of existing buildings and erection of residential building of 6-8 storeys comprising 66 permission from the City Council that works 5 North 66 57 17 0.27 02/11/2003 5 application LL Finchley Road, London, apartments including 17 affordable units and provision of 64 parking spaces in two basements. granted 2nd Nov have commenced before the expiry NW8 6EB 2003 (with a legal of the 5 year time limit agreement)

Application submitted. Still under Demolition of buildings at 171 and 175 Seymour Place and redevelopment involving the erection of a determination, part 5, part 6 storey building to accommodate 64 residential flats (comprising 23 x 1bedroom, 26 x 2 likely to be Planning 07/01571/FU 171 Seymour Place 5 North 64 64 64 0.19 _ bedroom and 15 x 3 bedroom units), excavation of basement car park with car lift access from presented to 51 application LL London W1H 4PN Shillibeer Place to provide 36 car parking spaces and 64 cycle spaces and creation rear landscaped committee early communal residents garden and play space. Jan '09 (likely to be refused and appeal) All affordable units 177 -185 Opportunity 5 North OP3 Road/165-177, Seymour 60 60 _ 0.09 _ 177-185 Marylebone Road was formerly the Magistrates Court. 94 Site Place, W1 5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery

Within the NWWSPA and therefore expect no more than 50% of the floorspace to be for residential. Brief approved for Planning Amberley Adult Education 5 North _ 60 60 _ 0.31 _ On a scheme showed to us in April, which assumes a 50%:50% floorspace split between residential adoption October 78 Brief Centre, W9 and other uses in accordance with NWWSPA policies, it shows a total of 60 units. 2008

Application Demolition of existing building and construction of a new building over basement, ground and 9 upper submitted. Planning 08/09077/FU Wellington House, 67-73 0 (financial floors comprising car parking, cycle spaces and plant at basement level, retail (Class A1) and 5 South 59 59 0.14 _ Application due to 74 application LL Buckingham Gate contribution) residential entrance at ground floor level and 59 residential units at all upper floors and a terrace at be considered roof level. Feb/March '09 Redevelopment of office block, multi-storey car park and petrol filling station to provide a nine storey Emanuel House And Car Planning 05/00566/CO building plus basement comprising retail and office uses (Class A1, A2 and B1) at ground floor level 5 South Park 8-36 Rochester Row 56 56 17 0.08 _ Under construction 26 application FUL with 56 residential units on the upper floors and 40 car parking spaces at basement level. (Council's London SW1P 1JU Own Development). Demolition of Blocks X, Z, existing garages, pram sheds to the south section of the site and boiler house. Erection of new building comprising ground and five upper floors for use as 55 residential Unimplemented units (19x1 bedroom, 19x2 bedroom, 17x3 bedroom) incorporating a new community centre and City Planning 08/00199/FU but definitely 5 South X Block, Peabody Avenue 55 23 55 1.6 10/04/2008 Guardian's office; new landscaping and children's play facilities and use of the existing City 64 application LL deliverable in next Guardian's office as a 1x3 bedroom single family dwelling. Installation of new steps between Lupus 5 years Street and Turpentine Lane. Removal of seven trees to enable construction of new building; all necessary enabling works.

Application submitted. Redevelopment to provide four new buildings for use as offices (Class B1), 53 residential units Site Bounded By 5-10 Approved but still including affordable housing, retail (Class A1), restaurant/ancillary bar (Class A3) and underground Denman Street, 35-36 subject to parking for residential and commercial uses, modifications to Ham Yard, creation of amenity space Planning 08/03018/FU Great Windmill Street, 14- completion on No further discussions beyond Uncertain as to when it will be 5 Central 53 53 21 0.32 _ and landscaping and new pedestrian route from Denman Street to Great Windmill Street - variation of 67 application LL 18 Ham Yard And 1-7 S106. Resolution dealing with planning application. delivered. scheme approved 22 December 2003 (RN: 01/07266); namely, omission of underground public car Smith's Court, London, to grant - subject park (but retained parking for proposed uses) with consequential alterations to the servicing and W1D 7DW to a legal residential parking areas. agreement- not signed yet

Marshall Street Leisure Internal and external alterations to the Marshall Street Leisure Centre (including demolition of smaller Works recently Centre, Dufours Place pool and depot building with upper floors at rear) and extensions to provide: enhanced leisure centre commenced. Will Planning 07/03088/FU Cleansing Depot, Poland facilities (Class D2), with enclosed plant area on pool roof; a new replacement Council street No further discussions beyond 5 Central 52 52 15 0.19 12/07/2007 not be completed Works on-site. 54 application LL and Broadwick Street Car cleansing depot; use of part of the public car park (retaining 222 spaces) as commercial offices dealing with planning application. until after April Parks, Fouberts Place, (Class B1) and residential with extensions to provide 52 new residential units. Temporary permission 2009. W1F 7EW for use of Broadwick Street Car Park as the Council street cleansing depot during construction.

Given City West Homes pre- Warwick Day Nursery, 17 City West Part of Community Build Scheme and located within the NWWSPA, housing should not exceed 50% application advice that 100+ 5 North _ Cirencester Street, W2 & 50 50 _ 0.25+ _ 10 Homes Site of build. residential units is an Warwick Community Hall overdevelopment of the site Demolition of existing building and redevelopment to provide an eight storey building (including Planning 04/10210/FU 427-429 Harrow Road basement) comprising 35 residential units and 12 live/work units with terraces and balconies; retail, 5 North 47 47 11 0.13 _ Under construction 21 application LL London W10 4RE restaurant and office uses (Class A1, A2, A3 and B1) at ground and first floor level and underground car parking for 40 cars. Site At Arundel Street And Redevelopment of land and buildings to provide a part 8/part 9 storey commercial building with 2 Milford Lane And basements for uses within Class B1 and Class A1 with ancillary plant, servicing and basement Planning 05/03228/FU 5 South Maltravers Street And 44 44 17 0.65 16/05/2007 parking, 2 residential buildings of 6 and 8 storeys with self-contained parking, works of hard and soft Unimplemented 23 application LL Strand London WC2R landscaping, alterations to existing vehicular and pedestrian access and highways layout together 1DX with other associated enabling works. Murray House, 3 - 5 Redevelopment of Murray House to provide a building comprising basement, ground and six upper Planning 07/06154/FU 5 South Vandon Street, London, 41 41 17 0.1 04/10/2007 storeys for use as business/gymnasium (Class B1/D2) at basement and ground floor level (in part) Under construction 61 application LL SW1H 0AL with 41 residential (Class C3) units above. Demolition of existing former hostel building and redevelopment together with adjoining open tennis Brabazon House, 5 Planning 05/01933/CO court site to provide a new building of lower basement, basement ground and five upper floors to 5 South Moreton Street, London, 40 40 13 0.12 19/12/2005 Under construction 22 application FUL provide 40 residential flats (including 13 affordable units) and 40 car parking spaces in at basement SW1V 2PW and lower basement levels. Estimates based on the earlier Block n3 at Carlton Gate, Vacant site which has a nursing hostel use by virtue of 1988 outline consent- now surplus to health 5 North _ _ 40 40 _ 0.17 _ consent for 79 W9 3TX authority needs. Located within the NWWSPA. medical staff hostel use

Development Site At Planning 04/02732/FU Demolition of existing building and construction of seven storey residential block consisting of 36 flats 5 North Cornwall Mansions, Allsop 36 9 0 0.05 01/07/2004 Under construction 15 application LL and 12 car parking spaces. Place, London, NW1 5LH 5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery

Development Site At Land Bounded By Leicester Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a two screen cinema (Class Unimplemented Planning 08/03016/FU Square, Panton Street, D2), a 245 bedroom hotel (Class C1), 33 residential units (Class C3), four restaurants at ground floor but likely to take 5 South 33 28 0 0.19 31/10/2008 66 application LL Whitcomb Street, Orange and one at ninth floor level (Class A3), with associated access and servicing and hard/soft place in the next 5 Street And St. Martin's landscaping. Application includes an Environmental Impact Assessment. years Street

Demolition of the existing buildings on the site bounded by Howick Place and Francis Street, followed by redevelopment to provide a new building comprising basement, ground and eight upper floors Application comprising dual/alternative retail (Class A1) or office (Class B1) use at part ground floor level, retail submitted. Going Planning 08/05789/FU (Class A1) on part ground floor office (Class B1) use at part basement to part sixth floor level 5 South 1-7 Howick Place 33 33 10 3341? _ to committee in 68 application LL (inclusive), residential (Class C3) use at part basement to part sixth floor level and seventh and Dec '08 for likely eighth floor level (inclusive) consisting of 23 private units (7 x 1 bed, 8 x 2 bed and 8 x 3 bed) and 10 approval affordable units (3 x 1 bed, 4 x 2 bed and 3 x 3 bed). Seven car parking spaces at basement level and refuse storage areas. Service Yard at rear on Spencer Place.

The site is identified under Policy ENV 11: Waste Management, which states that loss of street cleansing depots will be resisted or their replacement will be required on development. This therefore does not necessarily Developers are currently in mean the sites can't be Council Cleansing Depot Outline application (siting & access) for redevelopment including 11-15 Regency Street to provide 32 discussions with one of our RSL developed. It depends on the Planning 02/04963/CO 5 South 50 Page Street London 32 32 10 0.17 03/10/2002 flats, 30 basement car spaces, an A2/A1 retail unit, new Cleansing Depot; extension of existing flats Unimplemented partners on agreeing terms with market and the ability of 3 application OUT SW1P 4DE at 1st and 2nd floors, 17-19 Regency Street. respect to the 10 /11 affordable developers to get funding. units proposed here Money was paid down but the deal fell through due to the adverse market. It is hoped that the market will change within the next eighteen to twenty four months, if it does then hopefully it will deliver the residential within the next 5 years.

Demolition of existing office building and redevelopment to provide a building comprising two Planning 05/08771/FU 1 Vincent Square London basements, ground and six upper floors to provide 27 residential units (7 x 1 bed, 10 x 2 bed and 10 5 South 27 27 8 0.06 _ Under construction 30 application LL SW1P 2PN x 3 bed) including eight affordable units; 26 off street car parking spaces and 27 cycle spaces within new basement car park accessed from Rutherford Street. Demolition of existing building (25 flats and caretakers flat) and single storey garages at the rear and Planning 05/09315/FU Embassy Court Wellington 0 (financial redevelopment of the site to provide a new residential building of 25 units and ancillary car parking 5 North 25 0 0.22 _ Under construction 31 application LL Road London NW8 9SX contribution) and storage in a new eight and part nine storey building with raised ground floor landscaped area at rear. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new building of eight storeys (plus five sub Masterpark car park, basements) to provide 24 residential units, car parking in the basement and City Council street Application Planning 08/07120/FU 0 (financial 5 Central South Audley Street, W1K 24 24 0.14 _ cleaning depot, access from Waverton Street, creation of roof terraces, green roof, solar collectors submitted - Unknown 71 application LL contribution) 1DS and landscaping on Audley Square to provide public space. (Site includes 49 Hill Street and 5-7 pending decision Waverton Street). Unimplemented Planning 07/00315/FU 14 Eccleston Place but likely to take 5 South 23 7 0 0.03 23/03/2007 Internal reconfiguration of existing building to create 23 self-contained residential flats. 47 application LL London SW1W 9NE place in the next 5 years Development Charlwood House, Planning 06/10149/FU Conversion of existing residential care home to provide 22 affordable housing units (2 x 1-bed, 10 x 2- started, due for 5 South Road, 22 22 22 0.23 21/03/2007 46 application LL bed, 6 x 3-bed, 3 x 4-bed and 1 x 5-bed) and external alterations to fenestration and entrance doors. completion Jan London, SW1V 2SY 2010

5 - 17 Baker Street And 51 Redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use development comprising offices (Class B1); 22 Under Planning 06/06330/FU - 65 George Street And 26 0 (financial 5 Central 22 6 0.25 13/11/2007 residential units (Class C3); either retail, professional service, restaurant or extra office space (Class construction, 40 application LL - 31, Portman Close, contribution) A1, A2, A3 or B1); 18 car parking spaces and other associated works. nearing completion London, W1U 8LT

Use of 13-25 Villiers Street, 31 John Adam Street and 9 Buckingham Street as residential Planning 07/05508/FU No further discussions beyond 5 Central 21 - 23 Villiers Street 20 20 6 0.06 28/08/2008 accommodation (Class C3), and ground floor units on Villiers Street and John Adam Street frontages Unimplemented Unknown 60 application LL dealing with planning application. for retail and restaurant uses (Class A1and A3). Installation of new shopfronts. 5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery

University College of the Site now sold, assuming a successful sale, a new development should come forward in next five Opportunity Arts, Central St Martins Application No pre-application discussions 5 South OP20 19 _ _ 0.15 _ years (19 units possible). There is potential for a residential development on this site, but to date 93 Area 107-109 Charing Cross expected soon as yet there haven't been any concrete proposals . Road, WC2H 0DU

Planning 99/03337/FU Davis House 129 Wilton 0 (financial Demolition and redevelopment to provide a nine storey building with basement comprising Class B1 5 South 17 17 16/02/2001 Under construction 77 application LL Road London SW1V 1LD contribution) offices, Class A1 retail, 17 flats and basement parking.

Refurbishment, alteration, part demolition and extension at 3-10 Grosvenor Crescent including erection of dormers to rear mansard roof slopes and rebuilding of rear mews facades, in connection Planning 05/09741/FU 3-10 Grosvenor Crescent, 0 (financial 5 South 17 17 0.18 28/06/2006 with use as 17 residential flats (1 x studio, 2 x 1-bed, 5 x 2-bed, 5 x 3-bed and 4 x 4-bed) including Under construction 32 application LL London, SW1X 7EE contribution) one residential unit fronting Wilton Row, and basement car park for 22 cars accessed from Wilton Row. Reconfiguration and conversion of existing self-contained flats, studios and bedsits (House in Planning 06/07221/FU 61 - 62 Lancaster Gate 0 (financial 5 North 16 11 0.04 _ Multiple Occupation) to 16 self-contained flats and rear extensions at third and fourth floor together Under construction 44 application LL London W2 3NA contribution) with other external and internal alterations.

Resolution to grant Alterations including the creation of terraces within lightwell at first floor level and dual use of the first No further discussions beyond Planning 07/02955/FU 204A Great Portland - subject to a legal 5 Central 15 9 0 0.05 _ and part second floor either as showrooms, stockrooms and workrooms with ancillary offices (sui dealing with the planning Unknown. 53 application LL Street London W1W 5NP agreement- not generis) or as four self-contained flats (2 x 2 bed and 2 x 3 bed). application. signed yet

Demolition of Nos. 79-93 and 95-97 Wigmore Street and 23 Duke Street (Waldegrave Hall) and 79 To 95 Wigmore Street erection of a new building of basement, ground and seven upper floors with roof top plant for use as Pre-commencement conditions not 21 To 23 And 25 Duke retail (Class A1) and office (Class B1) purposes. Use of basement and ground floors of 21 Duke Planning 07/06245/FU yet discharged. Unknown when 5 Central Street 3 To 4 Pickton 15 15 2 0.25 14/02/2008 Street as a retail unit (Class A1). Use of first to third floors of Nos. 21 and 25 Duke Street as four Unimplemented 62 application LL works on site are likely to Place 37 James Street residential flats. Roof top alterations to 3-4 Picton Place in connection with use as 11 residential flats. commence. Marylebone Alterations to escape staircase to 37 James Street, plus alterations to access and car parking layout at Gray's Yard.

Application submitted and awaiting revisions - Demolition of rear vacant warehouse in connection with the redevelopment to create a four storey offering financial Planning 08/06072/FU 10-11 Salem Road, W2 building with part basement underground car parking to create 15 residential units with 13 car 5 North 15 15 0 0.13 _ contribution in lieu 69 application LL 4DL parking spaces underground and two surface spaces. Conversion of the front part of the former of 2 affordable auctioneers to Class B1 office use. units. Sub committee in Jan/Feb '09

Alterations and extensions, including replacement windows, timber garage doors to the ground floor Planning 07/04116/FU 46 Princes Gardens, mews frontage, rear extensions and terraces at first and second floor levels of 46-48 Princes 5 South 15 8 0 0.08 18/10/2007 Under construction 56 application LL London, SW7 2PE Gardens; use of buildings as 15 self-contained residential units with parking for eight cars in the mews buildings; introduction of plant area at roof level. Planning 06/07007/FU 38 Elgin Avenue, London, Demolition of existing surgery and construction of new five storey building with medical surgery 5 North 15 15 15 0.03 08/02/2007 Under construction 41 application LL W9 3QT premises at ground floor level and 15 flats above. Under Development Site At 4 To construction, Planning 05/09766/FU 5 Peter Street And Blore Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a new building comprising retail (Class A1) at ground 5 Central 15 1 0 0.05 _ unlikely to be 33 application LL Court And 1 - 5 Berwick and basement floors and fifteen residential units (Class C3) at first, second, third and fourth floors. delivered prior to Street London W1F 0AD April '09 Unimplemented. Unknown when work is likely to Planning 02/02199/CO 21-23 Farm Street, Demolition of Council street cleaning depot and construction of 8 x 2 (bed) flats and 6 x 3 (bed) flats 5 Central 14 10 0 0.05 12/05/2004 start as the 2 application FUL London, W1J 5RG with roof terrace and basement parking. scheme is linked to the Middlesex Hospital Site

Pre-commencement Planning 04/08971/FU 40 - 44 Newman Street, Use of first, second, third, fourth and fifth floors as 14 residential units (Class C3) consisting of 7x1 No further discussions beyond conditions not yet discharged. 5 Central 14 14 0 0.05 02/08/2005 Unimplemented 19 application LL London, W1T 1QD bed flats, 4x2 bed flats and 3x3 bed flats. dealing with planning application. Unknown when works on site are likely to commence.

Development Site At 13 Partial demolition behind retained façade of disused electricity generating hall and erection of building Planning 04/00665/FU Bull Inn Court And 12 comprising basement, lower ground, ground and five upper storeys to form a creative/light industrial Planning permission expected 5 South 14 14 0 0.05 14/09/2004 Unimplemented 11 application LL Maiden Lane, London, unit at basement and lower ground floors, retention of Class A3 use at ground floor and creation of in 2009 WC2E 7NA 14 residential apartments on upper floors. 5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery Demolition and redevelopment of the site of 6 St James's Square (including 10 and 11 Babmaes Development site at 5-6 St Street) and annexe of 5 St James's Square to provide building comprising sub-basement, lower Unimplemented, Planning 07/01534/FU James's Square and 10-11 0 (financial 5 South 14 14 0.35 14/12/2007 ground, ground and six upper floors for use as offices (Class B1), with art gallery and 14 residential work on site 50 application LL Babmaes Street, London, contribution) flats (Class C3) over ground and seven upper floors. Continued use of 5 St James's Square as expected 2009 SW1Y 4LD offices (Class B1).

Demolition of existing public house and redevelopment to provide a building of basement, ground No works on site Planning 07/05190/FU 75 Page Street, London, 0 (financial and eight upper floors to Marsham Street and part six/part eight upper floors to Page Street yet but potentially 5 South 14 14 0.03 16-Apr-08 59 application LL SW1P 4LT contribution) comprising restaurant (Class A3) at basement and ground floor level and 14 residential units (3 x 1- deliverable in the bed, 7x 2-bed and 4 x 3-bed) on the upper floors. next 5 years

Under construction Planning 06/10129/FU 151 Park Road London 0 (financial Redevelopment to provide a new building of ground and six upper floors, comprising ground floor 5 North 14 14 0.05 04/05/2007 - existing buildings 45 application LL NW8 7JB contribution) showroom and 14 residential flats. demolished.

New application for conversion of hotel into 7 houses and 7 flats. No 0 (no mention Use as seven dwelling houses (No.s 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16) and seven self contained flats (2x1 affordable units Planning 08/08862/FU of AH in bed, 3x2 bed and 2x3 bed) in No.s 12 and 13, with associated external and internal alterations being offered- 5 North 8-16 Princes Square, W2 14 14 0.10 _ 73 application LL planning including first floor rear extensions to No.s 8-14, creation of second floor rear roof terraces and financial documents) creation of flat roofs and access hatches at roof level. contribution instead. No sub committee date yet as invalid application

Alterations and extensions to the buildings and use of basement and ground floor for (Class A1) retail purposes, dual/alternative use of first floor as either (Class A1) retail or (Class B1) office and 14 Planning 07/04543/FU 7 - 13 Mercer Street, 5 South 14 0 0.11 16/08/2007 residential units at second, third and fourth floors (Class C3). Dual/alternative use (Class B1 or C3) Under construction 58 application LL London, WC2H 9QJ at first, second and third floors at 8 Shelton Street. Ancillary plant, service and parking facilities at ground floor level 8 Shelton Street. New pedestrian route from to rear to Mercer Street.

Demolition of buildings and erection of three-storey terrace to provide four retail units (Class A1), a Site At 1-9a And 17 Planning 02/05045/FU Class A3 unit and 14 residential units (Class C3); closure of entrance to Halkin Arcade, Kinnerton 5 South Kinnerton Street London 14 9 0 0.06 _ Under construction 4 application LL Street and creation of new entrance into the Class A3 unit at 1 Kinnerton Street adjoining the listed SW1X 8EA properties at 11 Motcomb Street.

Unimplemented. Permission Development At 112-130 granted subject to Edgware Road, 136-138 Demolition of 136-138 George Street, erection of extensions to all frontages to create eight storey legal agreement. Planning 01/00961/FU No recent contact with the 5 North George Street And 24 14 14 0 0.12 10/07/2003 building providing 14 additional residential units and office accommodation, external alterations No affordable 1 application LL developers Nutford Place, London, including recladding and provision of plant. housing as W1H 5YQ permitted under the old 15 unit threshold

Demolition and rebuilding of rear section of 1 Lygon Place comprising basement to third floor level in connection with use as two dwelling houses; erection of extensions within rear lightwells at ground to second floor level and mansard roof extensions to rear of 2-7 Lygon Place in connection with use as 1 - 3 And 17 Grosvenor six dwelling houses; demolition and rebuilding of rear section of 8 Lygon Place comprising Planning 06/03628/FU Gardens Mews North basement, ground and part two/part four upper floors in connection with use as two dwelling houses; 5 South 13 7 0 0.35 14/12/2006 Under construction 39 application LL Belgrave Yard And 1 - 8 and excavation to rear of 1-7 Lygon Place to form basement car park for 15 cars. Redevelopment Lygon Place, London behind retained facades of 1 and 17 Grosvenor Gardens Mews North to provide two dwelling houses comprising ground, first and second (mansard) floor; and demolition and reconstruction of 3 Grosvenor Gardens Mews North to provide one dwelling house comprising ground, first and second (mansard) floor with frontage also to Belgrave Yard.

Alterations to the permission dated 13 January 2004 (02/07668) for the complete demolition of side Baptist Church And Planning 05/03755/FU villas to the existing church and their rebuilding, refurbishment of existing church and hostel and the 5 North School, 16A Abbey Road, 13 13 0 0.17 22/08/2005 Under construction 24 application LL provision of 13 flats with 10 car parking spaces, reinstatement of bell towers; namely reducing height London, NW8 9BD of approved side extension to church from 2 storeys to 1storey and associated alterations.

Use of the Metropole Buildings as 297 bed hotel with restaurant and ancillary facilities and one On site Planning 08/06832/FU Metropole Buildings, 0 (financial independent restaurant (Class A3). Use of No. 10 Whitehall Place as 13 residential units (Class C3) 5 South 13 13 0.5 31/10/2008 preparatory works 70 application LL Northumberland Avenue contribution) and health spa (Class D2). Associated external alterations, car parking at basement level (accessed now commenced from Great Scotland Yard); hard landscaping and installation of mechanical plant. 5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery

This site has been the subject of an application for a much larger site that includes the buildings up to 122 (08/04631/FULL, 08/4632/CAC mix of hotel, retail and 9 residential Erection of new building comprising a retail (Class A1) unit at ground floor level, 13 residential units Unimplemented. units). This scheme was considered Planning 05/08673/FU 117-118 Bayswater Road, (3x1 bed, 6x2 bed and 4x3 bed) at first to fifth floor and 13 parking spaces for the residential units at 5 North 13 13 0 0.03 26/10/2006 Permission by sub committee on 6/11/08 and 29 application LL London, W2 3JH basement level together with the build out of the pavement on the junction of Bayswater Road and granted resolved to grant planning the west side of Inverness Terrace. permission and conservation area consent with S106 benefits if the applicant agrees to increase public art to £60,000. No affordable housing.

Demolition of former electricity sub-station and demolition and redevelopment behind retained facade of 60-61 St Martin's Lane to provide a building comprising two basement levels, ground and five Development Site At 60 - upper floors for mixed office (Class B1), retail (Class A1) and residential use (2 x 1 bed and 2 x 3 bed Planning 05/10430/FU 62 St Martin's Lane And 5 South 12 6 0 0.1 01/05/2007 flats), installation of plant at fifth floor level and photovoltaic cells and solar hot water collectors at roof Under construction 35 application LL 23 - 26 New Row, London, level. Alterations to facade of 62 St Martin's Lane and use for residential purposes (1 x studio and 1 WC2N 4LN x 3 bed); internal and external alterations to 23-26 New Row and use for retail purposes at basement and ground floors with six residential flats (3 x 1 bed and 3 x 2 bed) at upper levels.

Under Development Site At 43 - construction, Planning 05/04298/FU Redevelopment of Nos. 44-48 for office, retail and residential purposes (2 flats) together with 5 Central 48 Dover Street, London, 12 2 0 0.08 08/09/2006 unlikely to be 25 application LL alterations to the building at No. 43 and use of the upper floors to residential (10 flats). W1S 4NX delivered prior to April '09

Replacement of roof extension with double height roof extension, erection of rear extensions at ground to (new) sixth floor level to provide 12 new residential units and ground floor office extension. Under 10 Weymouth Street And Demolition of Nos. 10-12 Bridford Mews and erection of single storey building, external alterations to construction, Planning 07/10842/FU 8 Bridford Mews And 10 - No. 8 Bridford Mews, alterations to ramp of service yard at rear of No. 10 Weymouth Street and new 5 Central 12 2 0 0.11 28/02/2008 unknown when 63 application LL 12 Bridford Mews, London, entrance door to No. 10 Weymouth Street. (Amendment to permission granted 1 May 2007 (RN: likely to be W1W 5BU 06/08910), namely, alterations to terraces and layout at fifth and sixth floors, alterations to design of complete Nos. 10-12 Bridford Mews, lift access to No. 10 Weymouth Street, cladding, office amenity space and alterations to parking layout).

Site At 2 - 8 Trebeck Under Formation of new first floor courtyard in central lightwell to first floor level, shopfront alterations and Street, 2 - 5 Hertford construction, Planning 04/00937/FU other alterations to form 12 self-contained dwellings (five existing, seven proposed); use of the 5 Central Street, 35 Shepherd 12 7 0 0.05 13/12/2007 unknown when 12 application LL basement as a private members club and ground floor as a restaurant and bar; retail unit on ground Market And 20 Shepherd likely to be floor of No. 8 Trebeck Street, plus roof plant within an enclosure. (Site known as 'Tiddy Dols'). Street, London, W1J 7JQ complete

Redevelopment of site around the escape shaft from Underground Station to provide Planning 03/05154/FU 11-15 Arlington Street 5 South 12 12 0 0.03 _ building comprising basement, ground and six upper floors for use as 12 self-contained flats with Under construction 8 application LL London SW1A 1RD office space at basement level.

Erection of mansard roof extension over Regency Street frontage, installation of dormer windows on Planning 04/09533/FU 112 Regency Street rear elevation of Douglas Street frontage, fronting Anchor Court, installation of two new windows at 5 South 12 12 0 0.03 _ Under construction 20 application LL London SW1P 4AX second floor level on flank elevation, in connection with conversion of existing office building to create 12 self-contained residential flats (2 x studio units, 4 x 1-bed, 5 x 2-bed and 1 x 3-bed).

Unimplemented. Demolition of existing single storey restaurant and erection of a residential building comprising Ongoing Planning 04/07050/FU 135 Grosvenor Road, 5 South 12 12 0 0.05 30/08/2005 basement, lower ground, upper ground and four upper floors to provide 12 self-contained flats, discussions. Some 17 application LL London, SW1V 3JY including basement car parking for 12 vehicles. Installation of 12 air conditioning units at roof level. conditions discharged Westbourne House, 14-16 Conversion of fourth, fifth and sixth floors to form 12 residential units, including alterations to Planning 05/09830/FU 5 North Westbourne Grove, 12 12 0 0.16 02/03/2006 fenestration, the erection of extensions at sixth floor level and installation of glazed screens to fifth Unimplemented 34 application LL London, W2 5RH and sixth floors. Development Site At 2 - 12 Conversion of existing offices into 11 residential dwellings, alterations to create seven garages and Planning 07/01175/FU 0 (financial 5 North Cornwall Terrace, London, 11 11 0.21 26/04/2007 balconettes on rear elevation, roof terraces and conservatories at roof level, installation of plant and Under construction 49 application LL contribution) NW1 4QP associated alterations. 5 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2009/10 - 2013/14 December 2008

Proposed/ Details Timescal Area Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Map Source Address Estimated e (years) Team Number Units units (ha) Permitted ref Units Description of Scheme Planning status Discussions with developers Uncertainties as to delivery

Under constrution - Alterations, including demolition of 16-19 Gresse Street and redevelopment to create building of but approval is Development Site At 7 To basement, ground and six upper storeys for office (Class B1) use. Refurbishment of 7-8 Rathbone subject to JR. Planning 04/00554/FU 9 Rathbone Place And 16 - 0 (financial 5 Central 11 11 0.2 30/08/2007 Place in connection with use of basement and upper floors for residential (Class C3) purposes (6 x 1 Unknown when 9 application LL 19 Gresse Street, London, contribution) bed flats, 2 x 2 bed flats, 3 x 3 bed flats), provision of associated plant, and refurbishment of Evelyn residential element W1T 1QL Yard, including removal of tree. likely to be complete.

Scheme unlikely to be Use of building as 11 self-contained residential flats. Associated internal and external alterations implemented in its current Planning 07/03223/FU 4 - 5 Arlington Street 0 (financial 5 South 11 11 0.04 13/07/2007 including erection of extensions at roof level to create a sixth floor with roof terrace and plant room at Unimplemented form due to legal issues with 55 application LL London SW1A 1RA contribution) fifth floor. leases. Alternative application to be submitted Not yet on site but Demolition of existing building and redevelopment to provide a new building comprising basement, no reason to Planning 07/04254/FU 1 Bear Street, London, 0 (financial ground and six upper floors. Use of ground floor and basement for restaurant (Class A3) purposes, 5 South 11 11 0.01 27/09/2007 believe it won't be No further discussions 57 application LL WC2H 7AR contribution) with ticket booth (Class A1) at ground floor level to Cranbourn Street. Use of upper floors as 11 self- on site in the next contained residential flats. (Site includes 1-4 Bear Street and 47-48 Cranbourn Street). 5 years Redevelopment and construction of new building to provide an 11 storey building with two basement On site but no further discussions Planning 06/01329/FU Swiss Centre, 10 Wardour 0 (financial Demolition 5 Central 10 10 0.16 29/08/2007 levels, consisting of retail (Class A1), hotel (Class C1), casino (Class D2) and 10 residential units at beyond dealing with the planning 37 application LL Street, London, W1D 6QF contribution) underway Nos. 10-12 Wardour Street. application. Development Site At 371 - Erection of rear ground and first floor extension, installation of front dormers and rear mansard at roof Planning 04/01167/FU 5 North 375 Harrow Road, 10 3 0 0.04 22/04/2004 level in connection with the enlargement of the ground floor retail shops and conversion of the upper Under construction 13 application LL London, W9 3NA floors into 10 self-contained flats. TOTAL PROPOSED/ESTIMATED UNITS 4440 4192 1356 6 - 10 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2014/15 - 2018/19 December 2008

Details Timesca Proposed/ Area Current Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Discussions Map le Source Address Estimated Uncertainties Explanation Team Status Number Units units (ha) Permitted Description of Scheme Planning status with ref (years) Units as to delivery of time frame developers

Demolition of existing former barracks buildings and redevelopment for mixed use purposes (in buildings of between 5 and 13 storeys) comprising 638 residential units (to include 319 Uncertain units of affordable housing), hotel (Class C1), sports centre scheme. Application Planning 08/02889/FU Chelsea Barracks, Chelsea (Class D2), community hall (Class D1), flexible retail (Class Pending decision - 2013 at Delivery for 6-10 South 638 638 319 5.15 _ 80 submitted application LL Bridge Road, SW1 A1/A2/A3) and/or (Class D1), restaurant (Class A3). Hard and the earliest occupation in soft landscaping including the creation of public open space, new next 5 years is vehicular and pedestrian access and works to the public highway. doubtful Provision of basement level parking, servicing and plant areas. Application includes an Environmental Impact Assessment.

North Westminster Housing is likely but not certain as planning policy gives first Planning 6-10 North _ PB5 Community School Site, 500 500 _ 3.25 _ priority to an alternative social & community use. Draft planning 91 Brief North Wharf Road, W2 1XN brief is approved for consultation.

Demolition of the existing buildings on site and the comprehensive redevelopment of the site including new public Developer wants a 15 year Development Site Including realm and pedestrian routes and a mixed use development planning application. Land Bounded By Victoria comprising three new buildings up to 13, 14 and 19 storeys in Delivery uncertain but they Application Planning 08/08205/FU 108 key 6-10 South Street, 170 108 1.78 _ height providing 65,653sqm of offices (Class B1), 11,497sqm of want to start Buckingham 100 submitted application LL worker Road, Bressenden Place retail (Class A1-A5), and 31,006sqm (up to 170 units) of Palace Road part in 2010 And Allington Street residential development (Class C3) with underground parking and so residential potentially servicing and associated highways, utilities and other ancillary complete by 2013 works. Inside CAZ, Thames Policy Area and conservation area. LHCS Within the Priority Area for Additional Green Open Space for 10499/ Queen Alexander Military Pre-application discussions 6-10 South _ _ 150 _ _ 1.67 _ Play. Proposals for residential, cultural and office use. Principal 97 Opportunity Hospital, John Islip Street taken place existing uses: administrative and storage purposes for Tate Site 7 Britain.

Pre- Confidential 6-10 _ application _ Confidential Site 150 _ _ _ _ Site discussions

Application 6-10 North withdrawn _ _ 38-44 Lodge Road, NW8 120 _ _ 0.73 _ Possible redevelopment of the site. 75 early 2008

Site is Council owned and for sale. As the site is outside CAZ, the advice given to potential purchasers is that the development must Chiltern Street Car Park, Application has yet to be No recent 6-10 Central _ _ _ 100 _ _ 0.14 _ be primarily residential. However, given changes to the CAZ 81 W1U 5AA submitted. discussions boundary in the London Plan it may be that it will ultimately be a mixed use development.

Brief approved Planning Moxon Street Car Park Site, Application has yet to be 6-10 Central for adoption _ 50 50 _ 0.34 _ Preferred uses housing and commercial. No figures available. 90 Brief W1U submitted. October 2008.

Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide a Site At Park House 116 single building comprising two basements, ground and eight Unimpleme Planning 07/07739/FU Park Street And 47 North 0 (financial 6-10 North 39 39 0.53 01/05/2008 upper storeys for use as 39 residential units, offices, retail, 95 nted application LL Row And 453-497 Oxford contribution) ancillary floorspace, car parking spaces and cycle spaces at Street London W1C 2PY second and first basement levels and servicing from North Row. 6 - 10 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2014/15 - 2018/19 December 2008

Details Timesca Proposed/ Area Current Reference Net Affordable Site Area Date Discussions Map le Source Address Estimated Uncertainties Explanation Team Status Number Units units (ha) Permitted Description of Scheme Planning status with ref (years) Units as to delivery of time frame developers

Demolition of existing buildings on site and construction of two new buildings up to 6 and 12 storeys in height providing Development Site Including 2,829sqm of office (Class B1), 935sqm of retail (Class A1-A5), Application Planning 08/08206/FU 120-124 Victoria Street, 3- Uncertain. Going to 6-10 South 35 35 35 0.52 _ 127sqm of flexible library/retail (Class D1/A1-A5), 1,525sqm of 72 submitted application LL 11 And 10-12 Bressenden committee in 2009 flexible library/office space (Class D1/B1), 4,228sqm (up to 35 Place, London, SW1E 5LA units) of affordable housing (Class C3) and associated highways, utilities and other ancillary works.

Further Selborne House scheme is entirely commercial but in order to City Hall Planning Brief review Planning comply with COM 2 they are due to submit a 2nd application for 6-10 South _ (City Hall, Selbourne House 0 0 0 0.50 _ 82 scheduled Brief the redevelopment of Wellington House, Buckingham Gate which & Kingsgate) Dec '08 and will provide approx. 62 residential units.

Brief approved Opportunity 6-10 South for adoption _ Ebury AES, SW1V 4LH _ _ _ 0.06 _ Likely to be predominately residential with some community uses. 88 Site October 2008.

96-98 Bishops Bridge Road, Former TGI's restaurant now vacant and has the potential for a 6-10 North ______0.09 _ 76 W2 mixed redevelopment that could contain residential. TOTAL PROPOSED/ESTIMATED UNITS 1952 1370 462 11-15 year Housing Land Supply Assessment April 2019/20 - 2023/24 December 2008

Details Proposed/ Afforda Site Date Timescale Area Reference Net Explanation Map Current Status Source Address Estimated ble Area Permitt Planning Uncertainties (years) Team Number Units Description of Scheme Discussions with developers of time ref Units units (ha) ed status as to delivery frame Opportunity St. John's Wood 11-15 North _ _ 140 140 _ 2.13 _ Possible residential development. 98 Site Barracks

Hanover Square: In pre-application discussions presently. Application Pre-app discussions still ongoing. Very uncertain with 2 scenarios; (i) replacement of commercial No known Developers has yet to be Likely scenario with off-site housing at 83 floorspace with no residential (ii) less than 10 units on site and uncertainties time-frame submitted. Great Portland St/Riding House St Crossrail is likely more than 10 off site. Housing likely but mainly offsite. to be constructed Crossrail sites; 65 by 2018, any Davies Street & 354- residential Tottenham Ct Road East: Derwent Valley preparing plans. Pre- Application Developers expect to be on-site in Oct 358 Oxford Street, 18- Developers development Planning application discussions, housing likely but offsite (on the has yet to be 09 despite an application being 86 11-15 Central _ 19 Hanover Square, _ _ _ 1.51 _ time-frame would not Brief Western TCR site or elsewhere) No figures available. submitted. submitted Tottenham Court Road commence until sites (Eastern and Crossrail Draft planning Pre-app discussions for a possible 10 No known Developers Western ticket halls). 354 Oxford Street 84 construction is brief flats uncertainties time-frame complete. Tottenham Ct Road West: No firm plans. Very early stages Application Developers expect to be on-site in Oct Developers and very uncertain. Fragmented ownership of site. Existing has yet to be 09 despite an application being 87 time-frame residential expected to be replaced. submitted. submitted

Opportunity Lords Cricket Ground 11-15 North ______Possible mixed cricket, hotel and residential development 89 Site Masterplan Site bounded by Shroton Street, Cosway Planning 11-15 North _ PB6 Street, Bell Street and ___0.21 _ 96 Brief Stalbridge Street, NW1 6TH TOTAL PROPOSED/ESTIMATED UNITS 140 140 0

Appendix 6 Flood Risk Assessment Checklist

Source PPS25 Development and Flood Risk Practice Guide (Appendix B) 2009


Flood Risk Assessment Checklist

SITE SPECIFIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT B1. This checklist may be used as a guide for developers or others involved in the preparation of a planning application for development, including changes of use, for which a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is required. Guidance notes are provided at the end of the checklist below. B2. FRAs should always be proportionate to the degree of flood risk in each case and appropriate to the scale, nature and location of the proposed development or change of use. The local planning authority and the Environment Agency will be able to advise you on the detailed scope of the FRA required for your development proposal. The degree of detail to be provided will depend on the level of FRA required – see chapter 3 of this practice guide. As a minimum, it is suggested that developers/applicants should use this checklist to help them undertake a basic, level 1 FRA (screening study), as described in Figure 3.5 of this Guide. This is likely to involve answering questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2c, 3a, and 3b in the checklist. B3. If as a result of this screening study, it appears that the development site does not lie within an area at risk of flooding, and that the proposed development will not increase flood risk to neighbouring land and property, or elsewhere, the information you have provided in answer to the screening study questions should provide the basis for your FRA, though the local planning authority may still require you to provide some additional information as part of the FRA to be submitted with your planning application. B4. If however, your screening study indicates that the development site may lie within an area at risk of flooding, or that the proposed development may increase flood risk through increased surface water run-off, you will need to undertake a level 2 and possibly a level 3 FRA (see Figure 3.5). In these instances, in undertaking the FRA, you (or anyone undertaking it on your behalf) will need to address the other more detailed questions set out in this checklist. PLANNING POLICY SSTATEMENTTATEMENT 25 PRACTICE GUIDE | Flood Risk Assessment Checklist

1 Development description and location 1a. What type of development is proposed and where will it be located? Include whether it is new development, an extension to existing development or change of use etc.

1b. What is its vulnerability classification?

1c. Is the proposed development consistent with the Local Development Documents (LDD)? (Seek advice from the local planning authority if you are unsure about this)

1d. Provide evidence that the Sequential Test and where necessary the Exception Test has been applied in the selection of this site for this development type. (See annex D to PP25 for further advice).

1e. [Particularly relevant to minor developments (alterations & extensions) & changes of use] Will your proposal increase overall the number of occupants and/or users of the building/land; or the nature or times of occupation or use, such that it may affect the degree of flood risk to these people?

2. Definition of the flood hazard 2a. What sources of flooding could affect the site? (see annex C PPS25).

2b. For each identified source, describe how flooding would occur, with reference to any historic records wherever these are available.

2c. What are the existing surface water drainage arrangements for the site? PLANNING POLICY STATEMENT 25 PRACTICE GUIDE | Flood Risk Assessment Checklist

3. Probability 3a. Which flood zone is the site within? (Check with the Environment Agency).

3b. If there is a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) covering this site, what does it show?

3c. What is the probability of the site flooding, taking account of the contents of the SFRA and of any further site-specific assessment?

3d. What are the existing rates and volumes of run-off generated by the site?

4. Climate change 4. How is flood risk at the site likely to be affected by climate change?

5. Detailed development proposals 5. Where appropriate, are you able to demonstrate how land uses most sensitive to flood damage have been placed in areas within the site that are at least risk of flooding, including providing details of the development layout?

6. Flood risk management measures 6. How will the site be protected from flooding, including the potential impacts of climate change, over the development’s lifetime? PLANNING POLICY STATEMENT 25 PRACTICE GUIDE | Flood Risk Assessment Checklist

7. Off site impacts 7a. How will you ensure that your proposed development and the measures to protect your site from flooding will not increase flood risk elsewhere?

7b. How will you prevent run-off from the completed development causing an impact elsewhere?

8. Residual risks 8a. What flood-related risks will remain after you have implemented the measures to protect the site from flooding?

8b. How, and by whom, will these risks be managed over the lifetime of the development?

Notes and Guidance

1 Development description and location a A location plan at an appropriate scale should be provided with the FRA, or cross referenced to the main application when it is submitted. b Vulnerability classifications are provided in table D.2, annex D of PPS25. c Where the site is allocated in an existing LDD the allocation should be referred to. Your Local Planning Authority planning officer should be able to provide site-specific guidance on this issue. d Evidence is required that the Sequential Test has been used in allocating the proposed land use proposed for the site, and that reference has been made to the relevant Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) in selecting development type and design (See paragraphs 16-20 and annex D of PPS25). Where use of the Exception Test is required, evidence should be provided that all three elements of this test have been considered (see paragraph 20 and annex D of PPS25). Your Local Planning Authority planning officer should be able to provide site-specific guidance on this issue. PLANNINGPLANNING POLICY POLICY STA TEMENTSTATEMENT 25 PRACTICE 25 PRACTICE GUIDE GUIDE | Flood | Flood Risk Risk Assessment Assessment Checklist Checklist

2 Definition of the flood hazard a This may include hazards such as the sea, reservoirs or canals, which are remote from the site itself, but which have the potential to affect flood risk (see chapter 3 of the practice guide). b An appraisal of each identified source, the mechanisms that could lead to a flood occurring and the pathways that flood water would take to, and across, the site. Inundation plans, and textural commentary, for historic flood events showing any information available on the mechanisms responsible for flooding, the depth to which the site was inundated, the velocity of the flood water, the routes taken by the flood water and the rate at which flooding occurred. c Details of any existing surface water management measures already in place, such as sewers and drains and their capacity. 3 Probability a,b The flood zones are defined in table D.1 of annex D PPS25. The planning authority can advise on the existence and status of the SFRA. c This may need to include: • a description of how any existing flood risk management measures affect the probability of a flood occurring at the site • supporting evidence and calculations for the derivation of flood levels for events with a range of annual probability • inundation plans of, and cross sections through the existing site showing flood extents and levels associated with events with a range of annual probability • a plan and description of any structures which may influence the probability of a flood occurring at the site. This may include bridges, pipes/ducts crossing a watercourse, culverts, screens, embankments or walls, overgrown or collapsing channels and their likelihood to choke with debris • details of any modelling studies completed to define the exiting degree of flood risk (see chapter 3 of the practice guide) d This should generally be accompanied by calculations of run-off rates and volumes from the existing site for a range of annual probability events (see chapter 4 of the practice guide). 4 Climate change Annex B of PPS25 and chapters 3 and 6 of the practice guide provide guidance on how to assess the impacts of climate change. PLANNING POLICY STATEMENT 25 PRACTICE GUIDE | Flood Risk Assessment Checklist

5 The Development Proposals Reference should be made to table D.2 of PPS25. Chapter 4 of the practice guide provides guidance on how the sequential approach can be used to inform the lay-out of new development sites. 6 Flood Risk Management Measures This should show that the flood risk management hierarchy has been followed and that flood defences are a necessary solution. This should include details of any proposed flood defences, access/egress arrangements, site drainage systems (including what consideration has been given to the use of sustainable drainage systems) and how these will be accessed, inspected, operated and maintained over the lifetime of the development. This may need to include details of any modelling work undertaken in order to derive design flood levels for the development, taking into account the presence of any new infrastructure proposed. 7 Off site impacts and proposed mitigation measures a This should be over the lifetime of the development, taking the relevant climate change allowances into account. The assessment may need to include: • Details of the design basis for any mitigation measures (for example, compensatory flood storage works and measures to improve flood conveyance). A description of how the design quality of these measures will be assured and of how the access, operation, inspection and maintenance issues will be managed over the lifetime of the development. • Evidence that the mitigation measures will work, generally in the form of a hydrological and hydraulic modelling report. • An assessment of the potential impact of the development on the river, estuary or sea environment and fluvial/coastal geomorphology. A description of how any impacts will be mitigated and of the likely longer-term sustainability of the proposals. b Evidence should be provided that drainage of the site will not result in an increase in the peak rate or in the volumes of run-off generated by the site prior to the development proceeding. 8 Management of residual risks a Designing for event exceedance on site drainage systems is covered in chapter 5 of the practice guide. Guidance on other residual risks is provided in chapter 7. b Reference should be made to flood warning and evacuation procedures, where appropriate, and to likely above ground flow routes should sewers or other conveyance systems become blocked or overloaded. This may need to include a description of the potential economic, social and environmental consequences of a flood event occurring which exceeds the design standard of the flood risk management infrastructure proposed, and of how the design has sought to minimise these – including an appraisal of health and safety issues.

Sources of Information

Level of Plan/Document Source of information Author format Date strategy/data National Planning Policy Statement 12 ODPM Paper 2008 – Local Spatial Planning

National Planning Policy Statement 25 ODPM Paper 2010 – Development and Flood Risk National EA standing advice on EA Website March 07 development and flood risk in England Regional Mayor’s London Plan GLA Paper 2008

Regional SFRA Thames Region North EA Paper Nov 2006 East Area Interim Guidance

Regional London Regional Flood Risk GLA Paper October Appraisal 2009 Local Westminster UDP WCC Paper Jan 07

Local Westminster Flood Zone EA GIS Mar 07 Maps (zones 1,2 and 3) Local Historic Floodplain Map EA GIS – Mar 07 CD Local Unfiltered & Filtered LIDAR EA CD 2007 Data Local Westminster GPS stations EA CD May 2007 (excel/word) Local Westminster GPS EA CD May 2007 benchmarks

Local Flood Zones – mapped EA CD – June 2007 extents GIS Local Flood Defences EA CD – June 2007 GIS

Local Areas benefiting from flood EA CD- GIS June 2007 defences


Annual Exceedence Probability The probability associated with the flood return period. Climate Change Long- term variations in global temperatures and weather patterns, both natural and as a result of human activity. Combined sewer Sewers which receive both foul water and water from roofs, hard standing and highways Core Strategy The Development Plan Document within the Council’s Local Development Framework which sets the long term spatial vision and objectives for the area. Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Development To carry out building, engineering, or other operations, in, over, or under land or the making of any material change in use of any building or other land. Development Planning A spatial planning document within the Council’s Local Document Development Framework which sets out policies for development and the use of land. Together with the Regional Spatial Strategy they form the development plan for the area. They are subject to independent examination. EA Environment Agency Extreme Flood Outline Flood ‘zone’ maps released by the EA in June 2004 (updated April 2008) depict anticipated 0.1% (1 in 1000 year) flood extents in a consistent manner thought out the UK. Flood risk assessment Specific flood risk investigation usually undertaken by developer at planning application stage. A study to assess the risk to an area or site from flooding, now and in the future, and to assess the impact that any changes or development on the site and elsewhere Flood defences Flood defence infrastructure, such as flood walls and embankments, intended to protect an area against flooding to a specified standard of protection. Flood Zone Map A Map produced by the Environment Agency providing an indication of the likelihood of flooding within all areas of England and Wales, assuming there are no flood defences. Only covers river and sea flooding. Floodplain Area of land that borders a watercourse, an estuary or the sea, over which water flows in time of flood, or would flow but for the presence of flood defences where they exist. Local Development Framework The LDF along with the regional spatial strategy (LDF) provides the framework for planning in the Local Authority’s area. Major Development • In respect of residential development, a development where the number of new dwellings to be provided is 10 or more , or the site area is 0.5 hectares or more; or • In respect of non-residential development, a development where the new floorspace to be provided is 1,000 square metres or more, or the site area is 1 hectares or more;

Minor Development • Minor non residential extensions: Industrial/Commercial/Leisure etc. Extensions with a footprint of less than 250m2; • Alterations; development that does not increase the size of the building E.g. Alterations to external appearance; • ‘Householder’ development e.g. sheds games rooms etc within the curtilage of the existing dwelling itself. This definition EXCLUDES any proposed development that would create a separate dwelling within the curtilege of the existing dwelling e.g. sub- division of houses into flats. Modelled tidal Flood Extents See Residual Risk Planning Policy Statement A statement of policy issued by central Government to (PPS) replace Planning Policy Guidance notes. Previously-developed land Land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage or the development land and any associated fixed surface water infrastructure. Residual Risk The risks which remain after all risk avoidance, reduction and mitigation measures have been implemented. Residual Risk Area This is the area Mapped by Halcrow to show the extent of the area which would be flooded if there was a breach in the embankment wall. This area is also refereed to in the document as Tidal Breach Flood Extent or Tidal Flood Extent It is not the same as Flood Zone 3. Resilience Constructing the building in such a way that although flood waters may enter the building, its impact is minimised, structural integrity is maintained and repair, drying and cleaning are facilitated. Strategic Environmental The SEA is an assessment of the potential impacts of Assessment policies and proposals on the environment, to include proposals for mitigation of impacts, required by European Directive. Sustainability Appraisal An appraisal of the impacts of policies and proposals for economic, social and environmental issues- incorporates Strategic Environmental Assessment Sustainable Urban Drainage Current ‘best practice’ for new urban development that Systems (SUDs) seeks to minimise the impact upon the localised drainage regime. Tidal Breach Flood Extent See Residual Risk Area Windfall sites Sites which become available for development unexpectedly and are therefore not included as allocated land in a planning authority’s development plan.

Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP Planning helpline: 020 7641 2513

draft flood risk cover.indd 2 29/09/2008 15:44:16