3rd March 2017 STANDING OUT


Cover: Legacy 110 Award

6th December 2019 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT

We Can Change The World... This week at the Academy we have been supporting our Year 11 students during their Mock exams. It is a key part in a busy year of consolidating learning and getting them ready for the year ahead, and beyond. Whilst we go through this process it is important to remember that success is not just about passing a test. It is also about enabling our students to be aware of and acknowledge their own needs and passions, learning how to adapt to challenging situations in order to achieve their goals with a positive and determined approach.

It can be hard sometimes to have the courage to persevere and trust in doing what is right, truthful and fair in a social and political climate which doesn’t always promote these essential values. We use our weekly Tutor and Crew sessions to allow open and honest discussions which advocate individual and wider responsibilities.

Next week we are looking forward to discussing the politics of the day, with our very own Question Time. On the panel will be a range of staff who will be answering questions from students about Party opinions for the forthcoming General Election. I will be on the look out for the next budding Andrew Neil! On Thursday we will host our own Mounts Bay Election where students will get to choose who they think would be the best party to run the country.

We appreciate this time of year can bring many challenges for those who are not in a position to easily access or enjoy what most people can or take for granted.

More than ever we are determined to raise the profile of the many projects we engage with and support, not only as an Academy, but also as a community. Our students are passionate about helping those who don’t have somewhere to live, struggle to provide food or heating for their family, lack access to a support network or feel isolated.

We have supported many local and international projects through student directed fundraising events and enjoyed many delicious cake bakes. We are proud of our students, who give up their time to make suggestions, organise events and promote ethical and responsible ways of living which we know bring hope and comfort to many.

Please join us in supporting our students who believe they can succeed in everything they put their minds to, and share positive and hopeful ways of thinking with those around us who need our support.

Best wishes

It’s Your Time To Change The World.. Les Hall Academy Principal Hot Chocolate Friday BE INSPIRED

National Award for MBA Anthology of Student Writing In October 2018, I journeyed to the World War 1 battlefields of Belgium with two MBA students. The trip was organised and funded by the Battlefields Tours Programme led by the University of London.

The tour focused on literature written in the face of the carnage of The Somme and other major sites of conflict. Blake, Bronnen and myself visited trenches, museums, graveyards alongside representatives of many other schools form the South-West of England. The trip was particularly poignant as it coincided with the 100th anniversary of the end of the war.

We located grave sites of local soldiers and memorably read aloud to a large gathering, Wilfred Owen’s poem ‘Exposure’ in the field in which he was tragically killed weeks before the end of hostilities.

Some of you will remember (or have copies of) an anthology of student writing published in November last year based on two famous First World War paintings. This was the result of the English Department engaging all students at MBA in the project, leaving me the difficult task of selecting twenty four pieces of writing for publication!

With the selections made, Tony Bird and Rachel Fisher (the creative hub of MBA News) provided design ideas and expertise that incorporated the artwork of Sarah Taylor (Art and English Teacher).

The booklet carried a suggested donation price of £1 and found its way from MBA into a number of British Legion Clubs, Churches and front of house at a production of Hireth that was performed for a week in St Just.

The booklets proved very successful with over 400 being printed and bought locally with all of the proceeds being donated to the Royal British Legion. It was particularly pleasing to get a lot of feedback from older members of our community praising the work of our youngsters. BE INSPIRED

National Award for MBA Anthology of Student Writing

That was all a year ago, but in mid-October I received news that our anthology had been selected as one of only six projects from all over the UK to be awarded ‘Legacy 110’ recognition. To say it was a surprise is an understatement, but nevertheless a fantastic honour based on the creativity of our students.

On Thursday 28 November I travelled up to the Tower of London with two members of our Student Leadership Team: Jacca and Beth. The day started with the 5.05am train and returning to just short of midnight. It was a prestigious event, attended by numerous dignitaries. Both read work by our students Sienna and Patrick, before I nervously and proudly explained to the crowd in the New Armouries Banqueting Suite the nature of our project.

Lots of people requested a copy of the booklet, and luckily we had a number with us. Our MBA young writers are now being read over the UK.

After the awards we were treated to lunch and a guided tour of the Tower of London, before further sightseeing and the long journey home.

Many thanks to the work of the Battlefields Tour Programme who continue to provide opportunities for young people to have life changing experiences: (www.centenarybattlefieldtours.org). Report by: Mr Whiteman BE CURIOUS

Science Club This week in Science Club we made mini fire extinguishers. Students used aluminium potassium sulfate and sodium hydrogen carbonate mixed with water and a bit of washing up liquid. It produced a close resemblance to how a real fire extinguisher would work. They then changed the ratio of the chemicals used to see if it would have an effect on the strength of the foam stream. They found out that at a certain point, adding anymore washing up liquid did not increase the amount of foam produced. To end the day I demonstrated

elephant’s toothpaste. Finally, we took a CO2 fire extinguisher outside to see how a real fire extinguisher works. They were all very surprised at the noise the extinguisher made.

Report by: Mrs Wheeler

Sink or Swim

This week Year 7 have been looking at floating and sinking as part of their “how can science get me out of here...?” topic. They did this by making and testing plasticine boats.


MixXjam On Tuesday 3rd December, over 40 Year 9, 10 and 11 students were involved in our MixXjam performance at The Acorn Theatre. This musical extravaganza happens twice a year, and is designed to give all our musicians and bands a taste of the professional live music world.

First on the scene were our Silver Arts Award students, Kitto, Sid, Marco and Ziji, who were coordinating the event as part of their Leadership Unit. Accompanied by our Year 9 sound and lighting team, they unpacked the instruments, and set up the stage under close supervision from Steve Warhurst, The Acorn’s own professional technician. Steve provided invaluable feedback on what the professional venue expects from event management and sound and lighting engineers. BE CREATIVEBE CREATIVE


At 6pm all the bands arrived to ‘sound check’ on the stage, making sure that all their instruments and amps were set up to satisfy their own standards, but also working with Steve to get the ‘front of house’ sound great for the audience.

By 7pm The Acorn was full to the rafters, including the extra seating in the balcony. At 7.10pm the first half was started with a stunning performance from Year 9 student Zehava, followed by over an hour of amazing acoustic performances ranging from covers through to original songs from last year’s school album, and new songs written for this year’s album.

During the interval there was a brilliant digital dance set from mystery performer Generation Alpha, who even had some students dancing on the stage. This was followed by the second half featuring performances from six of our school bands, including the record label ‘house band’ supporting Georgia, Beth and Adam, Georgia, Yes Chinchilla Yes, and an amazing performance from State of the Nation to finish the night.

A massive thank you to The Acorn Theatre, and we are already looking forward to the next event.


Food - What has my child been studying?

Food is a vital part of our daily lives and is essential for life. As our students become adults and have busy lives, it is easy to choose food which has been ready prepared. However, it is more nutritious and often cheaper to cook simple, delicious food.

At students will develop their knowledge and understanding of nutrition, healthy eating, food preparation, hygiene, safety, cooking techniques, and sensory characteristics. (Excellence)

We aim to:

Give our students vital life skills that enable them to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life. (Endurance)

Encourage the development of high skills and resilience in a safe environment, allowing students to demonstrate commitment and act on feedback. (Evolution)

Empower students to enable them to follow a recipe and substitute ingredients and cooking methods as appropriate, demonstrating an understanding of food choices e.g. veganism, allergies and healthy eating. (Endurance)

Develop understanding that will allow students to become discriminating consumers of food products, enabling them to participate in society in an active, and informed manner. (Ethical)

Engage with students to encourage them to understand the environmental factors which affect the inequalities in food distribution on a global scale and give them an understanding of the need to minimise ‘food waste’ starting with their own practise. (Environment)

Allow students to explore a number of multicultural perspectives concerning food. Students will enhance their understanding, appreciation and acceptance of people from a variety of cultural backgrounds through the preparation of food from different countries. (Empathy)

Encourage our students to develop an awareness and acceptance of diversity within our community. (Equity) BE CREATIVEBE CREATIVE

What does homework look like in Food? In general we are setting two types of homework:

Preparing for practical - students will get a reasonable amount of time to prepare for class based cookery practicals, choice will be given so that students can adapt recipes based on their families tastes and dietary preferences. Coursework/theory tasks What does assessment look like in Food?

Key Stage 3 - Assessment is made up of a combination of practical cookery, quizzes and theory based tasks. Key Stage 4 - 60% coursework (practical and coursework based) 40% written examination.

What does feedback look like in Food?

In Key Stage 3 students will be expected to gain feedback on their products from families, and use these in their analysis of their products. Smaller groups will cook during practical sessions, giving the teacher time to give quality verbal feedback.

Books are marked.

In Key Stage 4 we are not allowed to give the students individual feedforward on how to improve their work. Work is collected in and then common misconceptions are found and acted upon. We also use a lot of verbal feedback to help students know how they are making progress in their Food lessons. Students are then able to write this verbal feedback down and refer back to it.

How can I support my child with their Food work?

For us the most important thing is organisation and motivation to extend their learning outside the classroom. Encouragement from home can massively help the student to become organised and this helps tremendously to keep on top of things. Watching cookery programmes, discussing recipes, talking about food trends, trying new things to eat, and cooking at home will all help embed a foodie culture. Report by: Mr Bromfield BE CURIOUS


On Friday the Year 10 and 11 boys had an assembly from the Oddballs charity about self awareness of testicular cancer. Jake from Oddballs explained how to self check and also how to raise awareness generally. Pictured are the boys who answered correctly some of the questions and received some free stash!

Report by: Mr Veal

Astronomy Event

The recent astronomy event held at MBA for 120 local Brownies and Beavers by Stacey Wheeler has been featured on the Ogden Trust website.

The event was made possible by a grant awarded by the trust to hold the extra- curricular, community astronomy event.

Click on the link to see more: https:// www.ogdentrust.com/about-us/news/reach- for-the-stars-4 BE COMPETITIVE

Primary High Performance Athletes


Jago Wes Logan Ben Eddie Kayan Hanul Adam Recently the Year 11 boys’ hockey team travelled to to Harvey play hockey. They were one of five teams in a round-robin Finley tournament. They began by playing , where they Sam sadly lost 3-0. They then went on to play Launceston (who Luther came 1st), and lost 4-0. After that they played an intense match against Penair. Both teams scored two goals each before Penair scored a final goal in the last minute. The game finished 3-2. Finally, they played Richard Lander and drew 1-1. The tournament ended with Mounts Bay coming 4th. Penair and Report by: Ben Launceston are through to the regionals. Well played boys.

Primary High Performance Athletes

On Tuesday 20 primary school pupils attended a high performance workshop with some of MBA’s High Performance Athletes. This was the first in a series of sessions working with a 2020 Olympic theme. They shared the qualities of Olympic athletes, then took part in a core conditioning session. The pupils then discussed what qualities they had as young sporting athletes, we looked at how these are the same as the Olympic athletes. To finish off the session pupils took part in a team rowing relay race. Well done to all the primary pupils and the MBA students for supporting, we are looking forward to the next session in the new year. Report by: Mr N Eddy BE COMPETITIVE

Cornwall U16 Football

Recently I travelled to Dorset to represent U16s in our second fixture of the season. We had travelled to Oakhampton the prior Monday for a fixture against Plymouth U16s for a much needed friendly and this proved vital in our match as we were able to showcase all we had learnt earlier in the week. We controlled the match from start to finish, winning the match 3-0, which really could have been a lot more with many misses and great goal keeper saves. It’s two out of two wins now for Cornwall U16s, our next fixture is December 8th, where we are home against Devon. Report by: James Penwith Girls Football Festival

With the weather and the 3G pitch under a little water the Penwith Girls friendly festival took place in the sports hall. It was the first match for a few of the girls taking part, all teams played four games that were kindly referred by MBA Year 10's. The girls improved throughout the games and we look forward to hosting them again in the new year. Report by: Mr N Eddy BE COMPETITIVE

U12 West Cornwall Champions

On Thursday 5th of December the MBA Year 7 rugby team travelled to Truro College to play against the best five teams in the West.

Our first game was against Falmouth and we drew 0:0. No-one played to their best ability as we drew.

The second game was against School who we recently beat 2:1. Yesterday we beat them 2:0, with Ben and Cadan both scoring goals. Our best play was Tama and Val’s tackle which pushed them back and made them drop the ball allowing Cadan to score.

Next we played Penryn, and we won 2:0 with Jake and James scoring.

After that we played . We won 4:0 getting the winning bonus point with Callum, Evan and Cadan scoring. The best play was when Callum intercepted their pass and scored.

Our last game was against Tretherras and we won 2:0. Cadan and Callum scored but everyone played well.

At the end we were chuffed as we won. We are now through to the East vs West final against Truro School. Report by: Tama, Callum and James BE COMPETITIVE


This week over 80 MBA students across Years 7-10, have played Handball in the Penwith Qualifying round for the Cornwall School Games. This event, and the standard of play, has grown considerably over the last four years. There is a real buzz of excitement around the sport and it has been great to get more students than ever from MBA involved in the competition. MBA will be represented at the Cornwall School Games next week by KS4 boys and girls teams and the KS3 girls team.

Well done to all who took part. There was an excellent sense of teamwork, collaboration and respect between players. Report by: Mr Strong BE CREATIVEBUSINESS BOOK SHELF

In the fast paced world of Business it is important to stop and reflect on the successes of others in order to motivate and help us grow. In the Business Department we encourage innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship through influence and inspiration. Each week we will focus on a particular piece of literature linked to Business, Finance and Economics, ranging from Level 3 Textbooks for College to Alan Sugar's Autobiography. Where do you want to go and who do you want to be? Business Book of the Week.

From a small shop in West London, Cath has grown a simple idea into an iconic British brand with stores all over the UK and as far away as Japan and Thailand. Her story is that of an entrepreneur. The questions she is most frequently asked relate to how she started out and how she's managed to grow a business in challenging times.

As the company celebrates its twentieth birthday, Cath Kidston shares the story of how her idea for modern vintage came about, how the business was born and the journey she and the company have taken over the past two decades. She tells of her experiences, both good and bad, and gives an insight into what it takes to build a brand. Something that Year 11 are doing themselves at the moment!

"How important is it for us to recognise and celebrate our heroes and she-reoes."

- Maya Angelou.

Report by: Miss Walters Tassomai Top 20

The Tassomai App has been used by our Year 11 students as part of their revision in preparation for their Science GCSEs.

Feedback from previous year groups has been overwhelmingly positive and statistics have shown that if students complete more than 80% of the Tassomai course, then they could achieve one grade above their target! Keep up the good work!

Top 20 for Tassomai this week:

Keep up the good work!

Kacey Eleanor Ellie James Lewis Leah Edith Maddie Emmy Joseph Lois Caitlin Ella Kai Maisie Isabelle Elsa Bryony Eddie Daisy

These were based on the number of questions answered correctly, with Kacey answering a staggering 1,254 questions correctly and Joe having the highest accuracy of 79%. Fabulous effort!

This week's winner from the random name generator is... drum roll... Joe!

Report by Miss Weightman BE A WINNER

This week’s word is: Frost

Definition: A deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing.

Etymology: Old English frost, forst, of Germainic origin; related to Dutch vorst and German Frost, also to freeze.


Last week’s winner was Jamie. Well done!

To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word frost. Send in your sentence using the link below.

Click here to enter the competition

Mounts Bay Shoe Box Appeal

Do you want to make a child happy this Christmas?

Additional Information

Bring in a shoebox full of goodies Please do NOT bring any perishables such as food This is a house competition Wrap the box in the colour of the house that you are in (please make sure that we can still get inside the box) The winning house will win house points! If you can bring in more than one box If it is possible try to do mixed age and gender boxes however if you have put something such as sanitary products in the box simply write on the top that it needs to go to a girl Attention all parents! Download the ParentMail App for the best way to pick up school messages

FREE DOWNLOAD “Nice simple little App but such a great, effective way of accessing important school information”

More great feedback for the ParentMail App

“Great communications tool - makes life a bit more organised”

“Brilliant! I don't have to go back to all my emails to check up what's going on at my children’s school, 10 out of 10”

Search “ParentMail” in your App store...

Please note: If you are not already registered, you will need to register online on the ParentMail website before trying to access the App. Please ask the school office to send you a registration message Conductor Jenny Rapson Soloists Simone Hellier Sue Lancaster Ben Hoadley Simeon Royle

Saturday st December .pm at St Mary’s Church Chapel Street, Penzance Madron Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan

Your Community - Let’s Hear Your Voice! Dear Parishioner You may be concerned about the future of our parish and how any future development may afect it. So let’s make our voices heard!

We can do that with a Neighbourhood Plan (NP).

A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding the future development, growth and conservation of an area. It’s written by the community and refects the wishes of the community (while conforming to National Policies and the Cornwall Local Plan). The completed plan must pass an independent examination and gain community support through a referendum of residents.

The plan would then be adopted as a formal planning policy by . This statutory status gives Neighbourhood Plan’s far more weight in planning decisions and can set out local level planning policies for the area, shaping the future development of Madron Parish. There will be events and surveys occurring in the parish from now on so please join in.

For further information contact Madron Parish Clerk on 07855774357, Email: [email protected] Produced by Madron Parish Council, www.madron.org

Madron Pa rish

Neighbourhood Development Plan [email protected] 2019 J Davies © Steve & photography Design MONDAY 9TH DECEMBER Year 11 Pre-Public Exams @MBA All Week County Table Tennis Competition @ 9am-3pm



THURSDAY 12TH DECEMBER Rolling Tones Singing Group’s Christmas Music Tour @Various venues U13 Indoor Cricket @MBA Mounts Bay General Elections @MBA various times throughout the day

FRIDAY 13TH DECEMBER Cornwall School Games @Truro various teams @ 8am-3pm