Henlein Greets H itler






P$rk As World Series Is , Ps., Oct 6. — REASON (A P)—Anton Mftnn and two sona entered the accident word of a lUNO GUSTAV SENDS kgnii; Lee Faces RoiF- hcMpltol In one-two-three otxler— OUABD HE,\D TIE CLASP nil within 24 hours. Paul, .13, O A lH S tO O Not Uoexped* completed the cycle ‘ when he Philadelphia, OcL 8._(AP)-^ tog In A P hdung DneL stepped on a rusty nail, 'rii* father waa treated for a frao- Ctapt. William Long of the Fair- od; Socceeded Maiarykg tur^ ankle and, the other oon, AS O B S T ^ nwunt park guards placed among 4 Jack, for a fracturwl arm. hta souvenirs today a royal gift b c l l e t i n : —a monogrammed Ue clasp from Founder Of RepiABQ The YaakMe keM,n 3-1 o i o c c m n o N King Gustav of SwMen. The over the CMba ae the rivals en- King Wrote that it was “in ap­ 4"nd tfen foortb faming of the preciation of your, services in Four-Power Agreenie4 «nlng game of the WorM ronnectlon with the visit of their 4T Aeriee. The eham|tlons scered << LABOR COURSE Cerman Ffnancial Experts Royal Highness, Oown Prince Comfdete Faflore Of For*, tM-lee to the eeeomi when Geh­ imd Crown Princess and Prince rig walked, Oiekey elagM, Bertll’’ to Pennsylvania last H ennea m eeiei ap SeiktriTe SAYS RAIL PAY Drayrmg Up Bill For Injoa- summer. eign P o ^; Syrovy Ad- grounder ikid Gordon riagled. A'

A nifty dooMe play stopped the Konrad Henlein, Inflicted By Cxedm mg President Of RepoUkr oattiarsL The Oibe tallied fat CHARTS WRONG ler, when the thlzd ea hlte hy Hack and Third Reich. 1. OriUns. On Sudetens Since 1918. SIMON URGES Prague, Oct 8—(AP)— r«rig» naUon ot Praoident Eduard Banaa ot Wrlgley Firid, Chicago, Oct. &— ^QiNSikHis m-Fomided By LOUIS F. LOGBNBR CkechoSIoTakla was officially ■». (AP>—Cheered on by a near-ca- peclty crowd of more tbsn 40,000, Testimaiiy ; Of Witness THREE CITIES (Copyricht.mi by AssoelsUd PrsM) RUSSIANS JOIN nounesd today. the New York Yankeea and Chicago HURLEY ASKS FEDERAL Berlin, OcL 8.—(A P)—German realgnatloa of too ebtaf of m te, who had held hta Uttta ro* CuIm met today in the flrat game of claims tor ’’reparations tor injue- For Roads Wage ffigh INGUARANTEE liubUc together as kmg aa poMtbto the 1B3S world eeiies. WOULD CHANGE Ucee Inflicted by toe Csechs on toe mmer prenure of tremendoo* The weather waa cbol with the SUPERVISION ON TIMBER Sudetena since 1918" loomed today •vents, waa not unaxpactad altoougB- sky oomewhat overcoat, although Compared To Other Lines as a formidable obetacle to comple- the aim broke through Intermittent­ aVIL SERVICE Uon.of a peaceful eettiement Of Ger- British Chancellor Of Ex­ V ? ly. K briak wind blew across tbe roMy’a quarrel with Ckechoalovakta. diamond,, from the .left field comer. Washington, Oct 6.—(AP)— Massachnsetts Govenior Ob-! CQ IJf |) ST A R T German financial experta were > Both managers stood pat on their understood to be buey already draw­ chequer Urges Action On previously announced pitching oeleo- Railroad tabor counsel questioned Charter Amendments ^ in g today da Ill-founded the tesUmony jecte To Forest Senrice ^ ing up a bill for such damogea, and Uons and lineups. Louloiaiia Bill Informed observers believed Reiche- Czech Boundaries By So­ r * 23-game winner and hero of the of a witness for the railroads that Prepared To Cliange Sta . fuehrer Hitler would press toe Cuba’ last-month drive to the Na- the wages they pay are high In cbm Proposal; Wants To Pre- WORK ^’eperaUone demands ae InetatenUy ■ Uonal League, pennant, atarted for •e hie previous ones. viet With Other Powers. Chlcaga Big Charley (Red) Ruf­ parieon xrith other industries. Hay, mpreaenting* 18 tus In Hartford, Water­ A Foreign Office spokesman aald fing, also n right-bander, who paced rent Lmnber Prices CnL YEAR this question waa one at several dlf- the Yanks’ pitching otoff to the ^therhoods asked an eniM ^i^ Americnn Lengue champUmohip, «U»card a pile bary And New Haven. fleultlea confronUng toe interna­ London, Oct. 8.—(AP)—Sir John tional commission for supervtalon ot Simon declared before tha Houaa of hurled for New York. Augie Galon’s leg injury, suffered carriers in an effort to Justify a nro- Boston,O c(. 8.—(A P)— Federal ir Department Eoipneers toe cession ot Sudetenland, which Ctommona today that Britain had no a week ago, forced Manaiger Hart­ Po;^ 15 per ceht wage iSScii,S supervision of timber salvage in resumed iU deliberations at toe desire to shut toe Soviet Union out Hartford, Oct. 8—(AP) — cniar- of -and future settlement of BU- nett to use the outfieM which tbe The board was Biimed by Presl New England’s hunicane-twlsted Foreign Office today. rope.’’ ^t^Rzwsevelt in an attempt tc ter amendments to provide for toe Others were delKnitaUon' of the Cubs wound up the season. This woodlands was proposed to Preat^ Already Have Made Sur­ The chancellor of toe exchequer, a shifted Frsnk Demarce from right ^ railroad merit ayetem to the cl'vll service of fifth Bone of German occupation and member of the ’Timer Cabinet’’ to cover Galon’a left field p o e i ^ men in protest againat the cut dent Roosevelt today by (3nnecUcut asked toe President to mMu Works withdrawing from toe lost *tem- •rtf* toe Cgechoalorakta that ta to usual pre-game conference. H m ■tudtae for tbe carriers. Meritt SystemSyetom ’AaMclaUon waa told ha toft after dtomembannanL crowd stood ae the bend played tbe The Brotherhood attorney con. Progresa employes amutahto' to night ' State Ooneervation Departments to Washington, Get 8.—(AP)—War (OeMtaosS e« F ig a TWelva.) Shnoo opoka In toe third day of Star Spangled Banner, and tbeigam g e t^ e d that nag had fafled^to la- Representatives of city chapters debate on toe "peace of Munich" and got under way. clear 40-foot stripe ahmg highways Department engineers estimated to­ chide thouaande of part-time work- outlined toe progresa of the move­ and out fire lanes. ' formally asked for a vota of oonfl The starting ilneiipe: em to hie charts. These charts show­ day that less than a year would be denco In Ouunbertaln’B steps tc (t had been daaiad savarsi HmertjL New Yerk ging *a rour-powerfour-power pact among Brit- four big power* compalUng Gordon, 2b. 'JUrges, ea oalovakta to cade toe SudeteakuM Rutriag, p. Lee, p. voters at toe city election a year ago Boed oa Paga Two.) < ^ p t James C. Marshall, flood I inV eSU gB lO r I S lU DlCS COffl- Mf’ 0«rmany and Italy led up to toe expoaure of widespread control expert who helped draft toe which would diareitaregard other______states to Germany, repraaantad a comnlat* Umpires: Moran (N.'L.) at the MO VE TO SPEED 1938 ac^ aald spectflcatlona for each I and “Impoae its plate; KoUs (A. L.) at first; Sears ifraft to the city government, has I adu on Xhirope." (N. L.) at second; Hubbard (A. L.) >een revised along the llnea of project could be drawn up within 13 mittee ConventioD Plaii- Cbarchin Attacks Pact which B o o m had boc& cloM ly oMo* a t third. Bridgeport’s act and Is now before months after money became avail Winston (^urchUl, veteran <^n- clatad alhee toe foundinx o t Dm INQUIRY IS LOST the Legislative Council. Three taw. Np#DEAL PLAYS . able. state 20 yaara ago. No ApproprtaUon Made m X S EAB1.T :rera donated their sendees for thes oed Secret EstabBslmieot (Continued Oa Paga Twelve) Prenaars Blow Ta H o m s task, be reported. CTongreas made no approprlaUon T ha praamra of Britain and Wrlgley Field, Chicago, Oct 8 — when it approved the projects and (AP) — Scenes reminiscent at the Along Simitar Unes FOR HIGH STAKES France to compel Banaa and hi* golden era days of baaeball were re- Pam ydfuin Sapreme Coirt Hartford's amendment Is being recommended an initial expenditure Washington. OcL 8 — (AP) — A government to-accept submtaalon to patterned along similar lines, Laur­ of 3375,000,000 to get them under House committee InvesUgator tcoU- the terms of Adotf Hitler prov«| * ence C. Smith, executive secretary "’*y. It la probable the first appro- FRENCH GRANT (Ooattoned on Pign Twelve.) priaUon will be made early next fled today that toe Oerman-Amerl- tremendous blow to hta bopaa. Refntes To Permit liiiine- of toe State Association reported, can bund'at its 1937 national con- Ihfiormed peraons felt that Banaa’ uytog that quick and favorable ac- New York And Pennsylvania year. The act autoorixes the War De­ yenUon in New York arranged ae- departure from office— and peaaiUy Ooo by toe Hartford chapter could cneUy to eatobllsh sbooUng ranges DECREE POWERS from toe. country— might remove & te Retnm Of R ecord be expected' in about two weeks. partment to launch the program ^ Electoral Yotes\Nay during the ifext five years aa money for all its storm troopers. the current acute .sttuattOB and The council delegated Charles O The investigator, - John C. Met- Morria of New Haveh, chairman of becomes available. It Usto 150 lo­ wltaboratlon with Germaap LATE NEWS cal projects and JOO reservoirs and calfe, told toe Dies oommittee in­ PIttoburgh, Oct. 8.—(A P)_ Du- the L«gal Committee,- to ask per- & ct President In 1940. vestigating un-American acUvlUea Dahdier’t Cabniet To Gov­ Benea had been tha telnet fo r bit­ trict Attorney Carl B. Shelley lost mJaelon of the Supreme Court to dams which vould cost in excess of appear oa amicus curiae at a hear- a billion dollars to complete. that target ranges had been eatob- ter attacks by HlUer and other Ger- today to a mova to speed up a pro­ tog involving interpretation of the Ctaptoin Marshall said work on all Uahed by local units in Pblladelphia, ern Country Until OcL 15; man leaders and for a ecatolng ~ t"-' FLASHES! posed Grand Jury inquiry of cam- Washington, OcL 8—(A P)—High except local projects ’’certainly Buffalo, Reading, Pa, and DetrolL palgn denuaclatlon in the German Bridgeport merit syrtem act with press. pal^ ^ rg m agatoat Gov. George r^ard to status of teachers promot­ stakes are bound up in the political Ha added that toe troopers drilled » E^le end 18 high sUte oflMata game the administration Is playing (ConUaued Oh Page Two) and engaged in targdt practice at It wo* understood that BEtmOANOCATION APPROVED ed to adipjntatrative posts. Vote Almost Unanimons. nito DemocraUc party leadera. A proposed Amendment to toe in New York and Pennsylvania. night during toe summer. Jnn Syrovy, the soldier-premlaf. New Haven. Oct A,—(AP)—The The two states have 83 electoral Metcalfe is a former storm troop-1 would be acting president utttn an Conaecticat PnbBc UtUHleo I Court, which state act, defining forbidden political jaet M o ^ y opened the way for tbe activities of cla^fled aervlqe em- votes, which may determine the ete^tion could be arranged to choose 1940 presidential election. 'The party Parta, Oct. 8—(AP)—The Senate Bertes’ successor. m n d Jurv inquiry, refused to per- ployea and banning noUcitaUon or He quqted Henry Lage, leader at today voted to grant Premier the ptaa far nrtrganlielliii ncMooed Immediate return of toe winning the eUtes this fall will ELECTION RESULTS the San Francisco Bund post, as The election will be cooducted by by the OnuMctleat eerapeny, etot^ •eseaament of funds from such em- Edouard Datadler's cabinet powers «*«wi Jury records to the Dauphin ployu and a further amendment consider that-it has enhanced Its saying a number of west coast posts the Nattonal Assembly, composed eff w^troney and bos Ito e ^ i^ op- county court beenuse of court mles 1940 chances. to govern France by decree until >rovldtog definite penaltlee tor vlo- held shooting oonteato "to help train Nov. 16. powers already approved the Qiamber of Deputies and toe d|r™ 'F •• • enbelltary at thn New and toe attorney general’s an­ aUon ot toe act were reported in For this reason, as well as a de- SATISFY HARWOOD our men In toe uae of guns.” Senate sitting together. ^■erk, New Haven and Hartford nouncement tost he would seek a sice for another support for admin­ by toe Chamber of Deputies. , To Broadcast Tonight .M ilread. Tbh approval waa e e a t^ toe hands of toe Legislative Council. The witness declared also that The Senate’s vote was 288 to 4. ivargument of toe case. A legia- Weald Hire Investtgaton istration measures from New York toe American bund bad been at­ Benes prepared to broi^cast hta ’w to a memoraadom Sled by tbe taUm Inquiry of toe chargee ta al­ and Pennsylvania congressmen, the The Chamber had voM the decree farewell address to the world to -, roiwnileelua with tbe clerk at' the ready under wny, President Taft told of toe pro- tempting to consolldato all Nazi- powers by 331 to 78, with M* ab­ irr^ of toe campaign to raioe auf- campaigns in the tyro, states may be State Chairman Says Connec­ Fascist elements in this country n ig h t .Federal Distriet Ceort. Seeka Earner Beleaee. Icitot, funds to provide tor an Inves- expected to draw toe close attention stentions, after a stormy all-night Some sources said that Benes' • • • of p r u d e n t Roosevelt and Ills keen .^Into one great movement which he In which toe premier met The court normally retains toe ^ t o r on the AnooctaUon’a staff to said •a “HlUer-inspired’’ Bund was resignation followed renepred - Q er- COBaOTTBD FOB UFE of its declaloiM for 10 days. Edition to the expense of organta- ig|L political aides. ticut Pointing Toi Repub­ to lead. muto more opposition than In the ■ man pressure based oq Hitler's par S p r ia g J ^ Maaa.. O et 8.—(AP) Sheilqr extended that toe eUtute Jn .Pennsylvania, much of. toe poli­ previous debate on approval of toe sonal ahtagontam to toe Caecboalo- Bffle M etder, of -Chicopee, umltattoiui appijrlof to oertotn *"^.?"‘l.**“®***“"** work, including tical talk now is of what action toe Oroaps Fsr OonMldatloii four-power pact of Munich. publJ^Uon of the AsMctation’s Among the groups the Bund In- vak presidenL ' ■ tmanrittod to tbe NeS- •owirt n«^" to the IhvestlgmUon monthly msgaxine. The Merit Man. President m ^ take personally lican Victory In November The'^Chamber approved that ac- It was reliably reported that ­ **»•• besaltal far Mfd by rtiMM or ta about to expire” and He ut^ml extra effort to counteract there. One polltlctan spread toe re­ ler had indicated he would be mote Snpertor Ceort dodge Vlneeat Bteg- sought an eariier release of toe t«c- port toxt Mr. Rooaevelt would apeak (Uoatlaned On Page Taro)- (OoaUaaed en Page Twelve.) ord. toe diversion of attention by the in toe state before toe - campaign generous in hta negotiations with • Jwy nnqaitted her ef *‘“*T“****- MetropoUtan By ASSOCIATED PRESS the new Czech state if a piesldeat A representaUve of Attorney Gen­ H a r t n ^ s quota waa put at 37,000, ends. Aiiotoer said he had no word Republican State Chairman Ben^ more aceeptabla to Germany fsjJErjTsrSir eral Guy K. Bard, who was dlaqual- New Haven'a a t 38,000, Waterbury’s of such plans but that several mem­ Jamln E. Harwood, gratified with named. killed hy. Wnndailli which bers of toe cabinet would come. (Ooatinaed On Paga Twei^) the showing niade in the sUte's Meanwhile, toe new cabinet mov­ rttaattaaod On Pago Two) Awidts Action On Charges '’small town" electioiia. was on Quite a few said they toottght Mr. Arctic Explorer Settles ed swiftly in an attempt to solve Roosevelt would hold himself out of record today aa saying "Connecticut .minority problanM stUl toreatenlng CROBa BEUBF OA3IE is pointing to a Republican victory toe repaibllc's existence. Get. g.—(AP) the campaign until be aiees what ac­ in November.” tion comes from toe various charges Mystery of Crocker Land At its first meeting it decided no that are flying about toe ears of He was echoed by Raymond E. Caech officiata ohould be appointed Catechetical Delegates state officials. The charges, aired Baldwin, toe party's gubernatorial in Ruthenia without toa approval before a legtalative Investigating nominee, with ’’a general advance Newark, N. J„ OcL 3 .-(A P )—^Crocker Land. I flew over there to of Ivan Parkany. mintater without waa made ail along the line.” Ammander Isaac Schloasbach, Arc- clean it up and I think I did • portfolio, who ta a native of Ru- gJ»gJ._»l.e.SM .M 8S - f e r committee, are to be token before a Return To Their Homes grand Jury. Much will be aald about The post of U. S. senator, six <3on- tic explorer, believed today be had! Northland .. .. Mirages Frequevit i thenia, Czechoslovakta’a hi atarm- i(reaaional offices, a complete state a e t^ once and for aU toe mystery | Capt. aifford J, Mae Grexorwho i aecUon. ._-..*****^ Gravde them in toe campaign, whatever ac­ ' Icket and other places now held ex­ ^ j ieeed tion may be token. of Crocker Land. I headed toe exi>edmon aald* n o rth -1 Repreaeatettvaa Ni fcn sold at 816 clusively within the commonwealth

•tMdtog Toom at $8 a per- Itates to toe four-day Ctatachetlcal O f; Great The President and his top political by Democrats. wUl be at stake In Three ^adea- aga. Robert E. land nUragea. were very fr^uent. ! Government repreeentetiva* alao Falls, Mont. strategist. Postmaster General Peary told of an Island he saw in He told of seeing a' glacier that' were named for two rnmnilaaliiiis. Congress dispersed to their homes the fail election. toe vaat Polar wastes some 700 today bent upon carrying Cathoiic- Bhhep SfcAallffe James A. Farley, took a definite "The results of yesterday's elec­ ‘*’?*?*^_®**^y 'Ihe an island and ' detalta of tha Poitali AT A 42^C E B t a ^ O’H ^ praising toe Moat hand in shaping toe New York state miles from the North Pole. j said frontier controvany. and tha othar New Yerk, Oet tL—(AP)— lam Into evary viltaga and hamlet tions were very graUfylng to the Peary may have made tbi - w »l thousand of them attend­ itov. lUurice McAuUffe for toe or- Democratic UckeL Long days of candidates on toe state ticket, to tbe Commander Bchloesbacb return­ same error,- We all suffered these to seek a raaolution of HqngBilan , Stocks—Streag: “*• Congress and sup- perauaaion were needed to convince ing yesterday from a 18-monto I toayear. ed tte solemn benedictioa of the party workers at headquarters and optical lUuaions and he doubtieee demands. '■ ; Bleatod Sacrament In SL Joaenh’a ^venlences for delegatee (Sovernor and Mrs. Lehman that toe to toa wbrkers throughout toe atate meteorological expedition to toe' experienced toe same thing.” At toa asms time toa CabhMt be­ ^ _ -ti NkiMi Plato la- Mtoedral last ^ t which a ^ that toe lqttar*a invttaUon, had governor should run for reelectlon. Arctic cm toe three-masted auxl- o t Mwa la apeetaeolar riasL who responded Imrally to the appeal Mac Gregor said one .of the ex- gan conaideratioa a coocrete plaa ‘ toe fourth aueb conctave—a record t ” >?y members of toe Both were ready to move out of Al­ to get out a good Republican vote,’ Itary Bchonner General Adolphus W. to solve toe Slovak appeal for an Chth bopravad; d e i» a ^ hierarchy from nearly ,aU bany. To obtain their consent, the P*<*(tlon’e main accotnpUahmenta breaking evanL (Jtalrman Harwood said. ’The geifc- Greely, said he made 20 airplane waa toe determination that the "Where toe extatenoe of a persaaiai ^ toe atatas of toe unloo and in p ern o r had a virtually free hand flighta over the area named Crocker FoialgB Canada from Calgary to Nora Sco- in choosing others on tbs state era! result indicates that Ctonnecfl- Aurora Boreaita bad * definite ef­ (OoatiaiMi Page Twalaa.) <*4ntod." toe Most Rf T j^ pointing to a Republican vic­ tatand.. fect on radio reception. B. P atery bishop of Mandmater. UckeL Tbe husband of one of. Mra. tory in November.” •There simply tant any Oockar 1-.^ ragtoUred Lrtm an’s cloaa friends w as.put on He aald Mao .that weather over a TREASUBY BALANCE ^ t aathnataa ptocad toe antlra at- A t Reaatt 1-and/’ was toe verdict of toe Brad­ Ihfge area ta made in Greenland u ‘y i o w oO g n ^ y pleased at ley BMuh. N. J , naval offlcar''who Washington, OcL tamlance a t 30J)00. he thought hta axpeditkm’a-findtags streaaed In result at toa riecUona Monday,’ acted as navigator and pOot on tha poaltloo of ^ ***^-<*wy toa ragtatration the talks odth tbs govaraca, among Judge Baldwtn should coovtnea tha UhRed Btatea “ ------M S oth an that ■■ OS." •>w. ■ARCRBSTEK EveNINO BmiALO, MANCHESTER. CONN. WBDNESDAT, OCTOBER B, INS

Commandar; David / O, Tboipaa. unior vies' Cbinmandar; Donald JIsmlngway, AdJutast; Evaratt Kan- Expect Passenger Trains ^ LAST OPPORTUNITY GO idy, blstorlaa: Otto Ballar, Cbap- CHURCHMEN GET COPIES tain; Arthur Butler, Bargbaat-at- jkrms; Almarda HolUataf, walfaia chairman. Here Within Two Days FOR REGISTRATION LC.B!^IEY,IN Crges Cpmpaaaatlao OF GOSPEL REVISION CELEBRATING 39 YEARS OP HtiENDLY SERVICE IN SUPPLYING MANCHESTER'S NEEDS IN HOMEFURNISHINGS. Dapartmant Commandar Kruaar f declared in a brief talk to tba newly It la peasibla that paaaaagar tralaM tha Sfigliia brokal TbU waa repaired ■ t . installed officers that the atraogtn will ha east through Maachaatar by ntaa froia tha Bast Hartford E?eiuQg Sdiool Office To k Odmr OCicen Of MwortlH within the next two daya. Tastar- yards. - of the Legion is In the knowledge of day there wara 20 freight tratas. all THREE ( M S "Striking Changes Made. By Legion policy and objecttva plus the ^ This naoralag up to U o’clock going west, that went through the there wara 10 fraigbta going weet. Open This Efeniiig; Tjp- cooperation of officers and mambara town and the only freight that came ConwD Pott And Its Anx- In carrying those factors along to Tha Icoal freight was alao la the 'but of Hartford bn the eaat bound Bfanehaatar yards, cutting off cara kh Anniw>a»»r Sale Starts Tomohoiv icceam i complstloB. track waa the local freight It was for tha Mancncater aad South Maa- mg, SteOognpliy Uad. WOULD CHANI2 ^ huj SeatM At CeroiiMh immander Krusar unrad the No Changes In Catholic of the post to ^ y around held up for two WUUam'a cbeatar yarda aad taking tba ra> tbalr 'h ^ Commander to go along crossing beeauaa a driving rod ae mainlag cars through to -Roekvilla. am SERVICE ■ e t At Masonic Temple. to greater aooompliahmanta In all faidlcatlona arc that the ^ Dogma Ha?e B ^ Made? featuring phases of pMt activity. local avaning school wiu bo con­ One roombnt of aljanca w a r ob­ fined to olaaiM ia typing aad atea- (OoBttnned tram Pag* Om ) ograpby during tba eomltm year AtWtatlnf tiM lueoew of tbo served by the BMambly at the close Hartford, Oct 0.—(AP) — High 39 ’ V , uBlaso a large number o f elections ’88,300. The state objective ia 820f of the cxerclaaaNn honor of those CatboUo churchmen attending the who made tbe simreme sacHflce. BOARD RECOMMENDS are raealvad for otbar subjaets to­ 000. CASH PR1CES--39 WEEKS TO PAY National Catechetical Congreaa of- flao eooporsUon given Ura by Ui« Varlona Committoea night. whan tha offiea at Suparin- Harry W. Marab, state personaal P i abm U p. W. Henry Wolr, r*' tendent Arthur H. nung In tbe main director, said that bla departm.ent the Confraternity of Chriauan Doc- - PoUowing are the poat and auxil­ trine received copies of tentative re­ K Cosuawder of DUtvorth-Cbr^ iary committee chairmanships for high school building wBl ba open had acoomphabed much In Its first Weeks Following oor eatabllshed costom we celebrate oar Annivenury by C O ^ SUPPLY AWARDS visions of the Gospel of St. John and 102, Aaertena Loglon, ths year: from 7 to 9 o’clock to raoeiva i^ - year of admlnlatering the new atate of tba Baltimore Catachlam Now 3 giving onr castomers the LOWEST CASH PRICES, whether on u OKoaUMt nrport of unit i Auxiliary Chalrmanshlpa: latratlona. merit system law, conaldaring the ■ ig. ■mall appropriation provided, but just before the Congreaa adjourned. ttvItlM btfore banding over I Amaricantam, Elala Danlela; Child rathar than attempt to saw tha Examination of tbe revlaion of the A ^ E R T IS E D SPECIALS or ANYTHING E2I.SE gBvel to the new Commander, Leon Welfare, Ida Woodbouaa; Commu­ Selecfanen Open Bids, D iridet tlmbara Itaalf with tha Idea o f aav- latration before- evMdng actaool waa hampered by tbe multiplicity of To Oospal of St John reveals atriking C. Bradlay at the aniwal joint IB- nity Sarvloe. Hilda Kannady; Conatl- lag tha lumber aawed for municipal opens next Monday night._ min­ detaile for ita small staff. Ha praised THROUGHOUT OUR STORE, allowing for payment. imum of twenty eleottons la neces- tbe 100 or more experts In various changes from tha Doual-Rhelma var- ' aUIlatloa certaMnlaa bald laat Btgbt tution and By-Lawa, Mary Dsnna- uae. While some might be saved for ■loo of the New Testament Tbe re- in Maaonlc Tampla her; EdueaUoo of War Orphxna. Bosinest Among' Local that purpose, It was oonsKUrtd that aary la any oho aubjact la ordar lines who had volunteered their aer- ONE WEEK for EVERY YEAR we have been in Jo ooaduet a elaaa but Chaster L. vlccs In helping to prepare examina­ vtaton la the work of 21 scriptural^ OoBUBandar w alr waa compU Mary Broanan; Fidae, Frances Mo- tba bast course Would be to dispose ■cbolara, and will be followed by re­ Pay! I)m"V bosineas. THIS YEAR YOU HAVE 39 tions for appIlcAnta for employment itad by Dapartmant Commandar Evltt; Legislation, Jana Dolsen; of the trees for a fair puce. RoUasoo, priadpaL said today that a Finns; Consider Timber tha aaeaaaary number had bean ro- in technical fieUU. visions of the other 28 books of the I— William C Kruaar of TorrlngtoB Membership, Marjorie Bradlay; Mu- Tha Board voted that baroaftar, New Testament and by revlaion of WEEKS IN WHICH TO PAY FOR tot tba aplandld poat raoord in con< Chairman, Dapartmant Adjutant ale and Unlforma, Dorothy Baldber; on Ito masting nights, it will ob- calyad only In typing and aborthand, wharo forty parsons are enrolled. tbe Old Testament YOUR PURCHASE — AT SPOT oraatty aBlerprlaM during bta term. William Murray, Paat Dapartmant National Dafanaa, Agnaa Hasa; Disposal Bridge Costs. serve aa 11. p.m. Language Modernized Mlnlraam Terms Poppy, Oliva CharUar; Publicity, Two persona have aarollad for ELECTION RESULTS Mia. Baatriea Tbomaa and bar Vice Commandar Edward Dion and wUl adjourn at that timo. Pravl- No changes in dogma have' been CASH PRICES! No Interest of 81,00 Week Paat Commander John O. Mahoney Halan Griffin; Rehabilitation, Chris­ ■awing, flva tor acoaomlcs, flva for •taH at oSIcara of tba unit auxiliary ously, tha Board has drawn out ita bookkaaplng, two tor French, two made, but tbe language' baa been Apply On Small wara InataUad in offiea prevloua to o f Manebaetar. tine Olenney: Sick Call and Relief, meeting to, the early morning hours MODERN ’•P Carrying Charges, If , . Mary Cole; Unit ActlvlUcs. MoUla aooa aa tha Board o f Salect-, tor oooUng aad oaa for chemistry.' SATISFY HARWOOD ■impllfied and modernized. Thla ia tba poat oaraamny, Mra. Margaret During the auxiliary Inatallatlon at times. It was sUtod that a naw noticeable In the partial elia Purchaaee Under ebalra o f oSlcera were oc&upiad by Btevenaon; Junior Girts, Grace P it­ man can gain approval of tha School Cluaea in thaaa subjects canaot be . paid within that time. 889.00 ' P ali^ of Salt Hartford, Paat Ha> bridge for Parker street might cost ■tartad unless theht are twenty per- of archaic forma, such as X' the following paat prealdenta of the kin; Radio, Clara Hemingway; Gold Board to recommandatlona voUd (OOBtlnoed from Page One.) LIVINfi ROOM tlqaal Oomraittewoman of tba La-, Star Mothers, LetlUa Rady; Tro- 830,000, and a new spaa for Birch aolna signed up for each subject "thee'', "thou" and such words At Sale Prices unit: ’’believetb.” In. place of them . flo o AoxlUary waa aaMatad by Mra. phya and Awarda, . Emma Harrta; yaaterday afUmpon. by tbe Select­ Mountain road might run to $10,000. A Soper Sale Special! Mri. Oertrude Baueola, Mra. Mary which wers added to tbe Republican modem pronouns are used and the Hm iI Lord, Paat Dapartmant Bar- Hoatasaaa, Kathalean Sweet; Dls- men, It la axpectad that blda for. Both bridgas ware washed out two / Danahar,' Mra. Mae McVeigh, Mra. column are among the larger towns, modem present tense verbs are gaant-at-Arma, Paat Praatdant Mra. Ungulshed Guest, Mae McVeigh; weeks ago. Mary Broanan, Mra. Cbrlatlna Glen- aupplyiag tha town with varloua ■hd a substantial Increase In the Re­ used. : . Joaa Cannal o f Eaat Hartford and Memorials, NIcoIena Anderson; Im p6ctlop Upholstered furniture prices are at an all time low—or were thla anmmaa ney, Mra. Olive Cbartler and Mra. publican vote was ahown. A general . Notable among the changea in tbe nraaldant Mra. Irene Undqulat of Grave Registrations, Lydia Wigren. gradea of coal for the winter aea- " Following the meeting, Waddell COULD START wh^en we bought these suites. We chose this solid, square-cut, modem design the Rau-Locka Auxiliary, Hartford, Lydia Wigren.'' son will be awarded. It waa stated and Salectman Lawrence Converse advance was made all along the Gospel of St John is the substitu­ With Automatic Committee Chairman. line, which gives added confidence f Kmaar'a Aaalataoto Olfta Praaentod made an inapectlod of' roSd and tion of tbe word "wine” for vinegar roJJ £ 2 ! ®“8bions, as the outstanding value for Sur Anniv??’ Qlfta wara pfeaented following the Memberahlp, Charlea W. Hollla- today by Town Treasurer George H. that the Republicans will carry the in Chap.' 19 Verse 29, describing tbe Dapartmant Commander Kruaar ter; finance. Robert E. Hathaway; bridge repairing being done on auxiliary Inatallatlon to Mra. Lord Waddell. 'The approval of the edu­ FLOOD WORK state In November. .1 congratulate death of Christ on tbe cross. The old Station Selector araa aaalatcd In the poat inatallalloB legal. Christie F. McCormick; pub­ Parker. Lyda;i, Lake. Finlay and and Mra Helan OrUTtn, Inatalling cation authoritieii la sought as a the local Republican organizations version read: "Now there waa k ves­ by Tbomaa Pottw. Dapartmant Ex- licity, Clifford Dolsen; service, re­ large part of tbe supply of coal la Carter streets. Birch Mountain road on tbe grand showing that they aeuUva Commlttaaman, Harry Sargaant-at'Arma and unit traaa- sel set there full of vinegar. And urer, Kapactlvely. Mra. OriSIn ra- habilitation, re-employroent, Almer- for school use, and must meet cer­ was also vlewad. Carter street la made." they, putting a sponge full of vine­ •awidara Department Amerleaniam on L. Hollister; visiting,. Otto Heller; W m V E A R calved a badge with flva^yaar bar for tain atandarda of efficiency as aet entirely Impassable, with large • Other political doings about tbe gar about hyssop, put It to ,hl* $ 19-95 Americanism, eitlzenahip, ^ tl-o u b - This Superb Simmons her long unit aarvlca and Mra. Mar­ up by the school board. Ten deal­ holes more than fonr feet deep state last night included the resig­ mouth. Jesua, therefore, when He vsrsivs, adult education, Herbert (OoBtlnoed from Fags One.) jorie Bradley a badge and two-year ers wera Invited to bid on the ap­ gouged out of tbe center of tbe road nation of First Selectman John T. bad taken tbe vinegar said: It la bar -for her aarvloa aa aecretary. Mllbury; athletics, Carl Prlssa; jun­ proximately 2,800' tone of soft and by drainage waters. Hanrahan (D.). Incumbent for 10 ior baseball, Felix McEvItt; Bona could be gotten under way in lest eonaummated. And bowing His The days of high-priced radios are gone. Bouqueta of roaea were preiented of years, in Stamford, scene of a Re­ head: “ Now there was set there a the Legion; Jamea T. King; mili­ hard coal which' the town uses an­ than a year.” You may still pay $49. for fancy gadgets, to Mra. Tbomaa, the new preaidant nually. Five d efers, all local vend­ publican sweep In tbe "small town" vessel full o f 'wlne and having © kmerspring Mattress and Mra. Orace Pitkin, the retiring tary affalra, Philip Cheney; naval Naw Eoglaad Only Benafita balloting Tuesday. but you II get no more satisfaction than ors, submitted bids. Publicly ad­ Efforts to finance projects in tbe wrapped a sponge soaked with the preaidant.. Mra. Pitkin waa also affalra, Hayden L. Oriawold; C. M. AVERS BUND HAD Hanrahan resigned after decilning irom this power package— selected strictly T. C., Jamea F. McVeigh; R. O. T. vertised more than a week ago, the 1988 art through the Public Works wine round a stalk of hyssop, they given a ja a t praaldant'a jewel by the call required that sealed bids be to serve as third selectman following put It to hia mouth. When, there­ on performance— at only $19.95. u n it. The unit alao preaented Mra C„ Dr. John F. Barry; aeronautica, Admlnlatratlon, tbe Works Progress defeat at the polls by Republlean Chaatar L. Roblnaon; markaman- submitted to the Board of Salect- SHOOTING RANGES Administration or other agendas fore, Jesua had taken the wine, be Palmer with a gift from tba mem- men by 2 p.m. yaaterday, and at Osorgs T. Barrett. ■aid, 'It la consiunmated.’ And bow­ oara. ahlp, Mareal D on n ; foreign rela- failed except In New England. Prtsi- Edward M. Greaney (D.), defeat­ tba organisation meeting of the dent Rooaevelt allotted 811,000,000 ing Hla bead. He gave up Hla PAY ONLY $1.00 WEEK * Other auxiliary offlcera Installed tlona, Tbomaa J. Rogsra; leglalaUve, ed by Paul Pavla, second selectman, William J. Thornton; blood donora, Board, held at that time, the blda (OonUnned from Page One.) for fiood control In that area. Spirit'' laat night besldas President, Mra. wera opened, with submitting deal­ was mentioned to fill the third Another important change In {..Vi Baatrloa Tbomaa ware: Mra. Mar­ Carl Prleas; foreatry, CTlfford Che­ A number of aenatora and Houas ■electman'i office. ney: aafety, Charles L. Wigren; ers absent. tended to line up, Metcalfe said, members urged tbe President to rec­ phraseology la made In Chap. 11, A" Speedier, 'i;o 4A '.. Modem Bedroom jorie Bradlay, first vice president: were the Italian Black Shirts, the Legal Opinion Asked Verse 20, which is read at moat fu­ Mrs. Evelyn Oregan, second vlca Boy Scouts, Hayden L~ Griswold; Chit Coet ommend uae of PWA funds In other Barrett has asked town counsel Cleaner, More E con om ic (J K 4H club, Loula C. Bunca; war orphan A slaeable coat reduction waa Russian National League of Amer­ ■ectlona, but Saoretafy Ickes con­ nerals. The Doual version reads: prasldant; Mra Helen Griffin, sacre- ica, tha Ukrainian Brown Shirts for a . legal opinion on the situation. "Jesua said to Her, I am tha resur­ education, John L. Jennev; commu­ noted In nearly all of the bids that tended that waa not tbe Intent of The appointee would be named by tary; Mra. Kathleen Sweet treas­ nity aervlce, Elmer A. Weden; dla- and the Ku Klux Klan. rection and tbe life; be that bellev- GLENWOOD DUPLEX Y«u save at laaat 1-3 In urer; Mra. Mollia Stevenson, finan­ were submitted, prices per ton on Congress, which customarily au­ majority members of tbe board. SPiaeea aster relief, ICdward P. Qulsh; At the same time, Metcalfe aa^ thorises such program one irear and etb In Me, although he be dead, aball buying a mattress of this cial sacraUry; Mra. Minnie Holl, bU- tbe various types of wuU ranging State Senator William C. Fox of APf With Tear graves registration, Francia E. aerted, Newton Janktna of Chicago appropriates funds the next. Uve; and everyone that Uveth, and -I-., i torlan; Mrs. Hlcholana Anderson, from 10 to 48 cents under the cost New London wma renominated there believetb In Me, ahall not die for­ .4 5 OM Range quality at $17.95. 210 rp- $ 6 9 - ^ 3 9 Bray; popplet, Lewis T. Milligan; of last winter's coal supply accord­ was attempting to unite “national­ <167 Chaplain; Mrs. Emma Harris, Bar- laat night by a vote qf 14 to 7 over ever.” sUiant coR springs, cushion­ Flaln, auhataetlal modern atylea entertainment. Oacar G. Anderaon; ing to Town Treaaurar Waddell. ist" groups in a third party mova- Most modem, more oven room, more gaant-at-Arms; Mrs. Helan Monaat, uniform, Harold B. Olds; use of the ment. W. Joseph Brx4y, at the Democratic Archaic Worfia (Tianrnfi ed with deep felted cotton, -rwlthout uaeleae enibelliahmenU assistant Bargaant-at-Arms. Taking a saving of 20 cents per ■enatorlxl convention for tbe 18th In the revision the arrtiale words ■peed for baking or top cooking In thla manual, Leon C. Bradley; auditing. ton as an average. It la eatlmated Jenkins, tha Inveattgator addad, NEW DEAL PLAYS latest Glenwood, at a new low prkw. and covered in heavy woven -r|ei)d themaelvee weU to the mod­ Mra. Ida Woodhouse, Past Presi­ Elmar F. Rica; drum corps, Leon C. district. are changed and quotation marks Weeks dent of tba unit, served as organist that the aavlng to tbe town on the publiihed a newspaper called In Wtlllmantlc, State Senator $1 .00 W eek stripe ticking—with a Sim­ em pecketbook. We give you here Bradley. “American Nationaliem,'* In the are placed about Jesiu' statement 39 Weeks To Pay! during the joint unit InsUIlatlon coal Item this year may be 8500, FOR UGH STAKES Plerra J. Laramee was renominated ■o that the new version reads: mons Label. a bedroom auUe that haa CLASS first Issue of which he.stated that caramofilaa possibly iinore. The total fuel ex­ by acclalmatlon at the Democratic “Jesus said to her, *I am tbe resur­ In every detail except the pries tag. Band Belaotlons pense of the town la Iq. tbe neigh' he hoped to stir up "thought along ■enatorial conclave. rection and the llf^* be who bellevee Beid, dreaaer and cheat at SaSAO. Before and during tba tnataUatlon LOCAL YOUTH AWARDED twrhood o f 820,000. tha lines o f a real. mlUtant nation­ (Oonttnaad from Page One.) In Me, even If he rte, shall Uve; and I oaramoolao the DSworth-ComsIl Tbe bids, submitted yesterday, alist movement In the United whoever Uvee and beUavea la Me, Vanity alao available at $ t»M . Drum and Bugle Corps rendered aa- carried quotations on coal supplies States." Metcalfe deecrlbed Jen­ them the atratetle Importance to ■ball never die.’ " ( lacUona under tba direction of Band WESLEYAN SCHOLARSHIP delivered at the various points of kins as a "perennial hopeful polit­ the Democratic party nationally of Y.M. C.A, Notes In Chap. 18, Verse 80, wherein M ^ r Joseph Prantica. use about town. Lathrop and Staye, ical candidate." bolding control of the atato. Christ la before Pilate, tbe word B9 Weeks To Pkyf Besides Commandar Bradlay, poat with differentials on delivery The same first tosue, which ap­ Fight For Mastery "malefactor" la changed to "crim­ Lockhart B. Rogera Of Cantor It Is a l^ t for maatery In both Today: Installed last night were; chargee, were high in all eaaet, and peared In July, 1887. Metcalfe aald, 0:80-7:00—Meeting o f the Cuba inal” , and “ deUvered” becomes A Simmoiu W. Hollister, senior vice Street Honored At Universi­ had for Its laadlug artlcla an an­ states. Tba party that wins ''will “banded over.” Tbe Doual veraldn did hot sbara In the recommenda­ hava tha nsxt two yaara to tighten and Pirates In the club room. tions of the Selectman. nouncement of the formation of the is: "They answered,' and said to ty’s Convocation Today. American National Political Action up the organization which will halp 7:00—Y.M.C.A. SoftbaU League Share Business banquet. Him, if he were not a malefactor we Innerspriog Studio Couch clubs. Jenkins, tha witness de­ Its 1940 preaidantlal candidate ^uld not have delivered Him to Lorkhart B. Rogers' of f^ontcr O f , ths remaining dealers who clared, accepted direction of the mightily In the wrestle for those 83 8:80—Wednesday Evening Bowl­ For Service and Quality street, thb town, son'of Mrs. Mabel ing League wUl start. three." The revised verse: "They bid, W. O: Olenney, Manchester A, N. P. A. C. In a statemant say­ electoral 'votaa. We have couches from $19.95 up. SHOE REPAlRINfi SEE B. Regers, was on# of twelve stud­ Lumber company. O. E. WllUa, and ing: ^ TomonoW : said to him In answer, ‘If He were Ths Democrats ara almost com­ not a crimlnrt we would not have ents of Wesleyan University honor­ L. Pols will share la ths buolfless Time To Call Halt plete power in Pennsylvania. They 2:80— Orford Pariah Chapter, D. But the best VA^UE — the most SAM YU LYFS ed with scholarships today at. the of the town under recommendation A.R. will meet In the first fioor handed Him over to thee.” ■It la high time for the American control both brapehea of the state Gommeatary Accompanies Sevlaloa comfort, and beauty for the price— annual convocation In recognition of the Selectmen. people to call a halt on the planned social room. Mrs. H. W. Robb will SHOE REPAIR SERVICE leglalature, bold tbe govemontilp Accompanying tba ' propoaed re-' of acbolarshlp. It waa recommended that the four confusion Into which the nation has and virtually aU of tbe important preside and Mra. Herbert B. Houae Is this Simmons innerspring couch, 701 Main Street Lockhart '••as awarded one of the wUl be hostess. It will be a "bobby" vision la a 72-page commentary firms share In allotments of orders been plunged. Our Churches have state officec. They have one of the with solid metal back support and 1200 Dsnnlaon scholarships. been permeated with strange doc- program. " written by the Rev. WilUam L. New­ for chestnut coal, delivered to char­ United States Senate acata. The ton. D. D., aecretary o f tbe BibUcal Dr. Henry N. McCracken, preV- ity cases In one ton lots trines. Our colleges nave been In­ other, held by Senator Jamea J. A few changea have been made In modem styled arms, at only $29.95. deni of Vasssr College addressed Uie vaded by Irresponsible Individuals the T.M.C.A. Dancing School sche­ Association of America, who with The contract for soft coal for Davla, one time secretary of labor, other revisors ia completing com- etudent body at the convocailoc who practice their twisted, eorewy la a prize of the coming election. ~ dule os follows; schools goes to W. G. Olenney, who 3:80— The Beginners class will re­ mentariea on other revlaed books of alao shares the order for stove coal Ideas upon our children. Many of In New York, the Republicans our newspapers and magazines have main tbe same, with tap, social and the New Testament. with O. E. WllUs. Pea coal will be have clung to control of the State “ RELIEF S n r P R O J E a gravitated Into Improper hands." ((Character dancing combination. The Baltimore Catechism No. 3. supplied by Manchester Lumber Assembly. They' have mayors In which Is used In the Instruction of $ 29-95 Pay Only $1 Week Metcalfe als9 quoted the publica­ 4:1V-The Intermediate cloaa will and L. Pola, while Wlllla wUl furn­ soma of tha upatate d tlea Tbe CathoUc youth about 12 years old tion as describing Adolf Hitler aa a Democrats bold the govemorsblp, be known aa a tap class. Any pupils AnACK IS SURPRISE ish buckwheat coal. It was report­ "great atatasmsn" and asaertlng (with the exception of beginners! has been enlarged and the language ed today that tba school board tbe state offices, control of tha state BlmpUfied. In the old Catechism that "the World la indebted to Mua- Senate aad hava had both of the wishing to bake tap will enroll In would probably accept, the recom- iollnl." thla second class. there were 431 questions and an­ Hartford. Ort. 8— (API—Surprise United States Saaale aeata. Both mendaUona of the Selectmen. Jenkins, Metcalfe testified, de­ 4;45—The advanced class will be swers, while the revised version con­ that a should attack the of these are Involved in tbe Novem­ tains 493. Two other testa of the Blda nied to him laat July that he had ber voting. The term of Senator known aa the Social Dancing class. loyallat Spain "relief ship", project Tbe following were the bids’ as any connection with the Oerman- At the request of quite a number of Catechism' are proposed, one for AMERICA’S NEWEST today waa expresaed by the commit­ Wagner has expired. Senator Cope­ younger children and onotfaef for submitted; American Bund, but added that ha land died a few months ago. children we have changed thla to tee arranging a vtalt of the Span­ W. G. Olenney, bltumlnus 87.4D, saw nothing wrong with the bund or ■octal dancing only. and girls those older than tbe group that W ASH^ SENSATION ish ambassador here O ct IS. stove, and chestnut 8U.65, pea Its leadera. On another o e ca ^ n , ara both welcome. uses Catechism No. 3. John F. P. Tucker, chairman of 110 00. buckwheat 18.50, and char­ however, Metcalfe said Jenkins told tha comrhittee. Issued the atste- ity chestnut 812.00. him he waa in favor o f a dictator­ HOSPITAL NOTES mont, which r^erred to remarks of L. Pola, no bid on bltumlnus, ship for the United Stotee. SHORTAGE OF MAPLE ^ TWVnn* wmAerm Msgr. Michael J; Ready, executive Metcalfe quoted Jenkins m fol­ cba.ity chestnut 812.00, pea, 89.90. lows; mm, eecretary o f the National Catholic. stove 811.78 and buekwhaat 88.00. I n i n r U A mmmottfcpmm. ‘T think that HtUar and MuasoUnl Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Raa Welfara Oouacll at a meeting of ths Mancbaatar Lumber company, SUdAR CROP FORECAST Catechetical Congreaa. have the right Idea. W e need that Schwager^ 318 Autumn street, Mrs. bltumlnus 87.00, stove |n.70, pea Ida Slater, Glastonbury. S fA Y l Monalgnor Ready bad attacked sort o f nationallBtlo government 89.90, buckwheat 88 00 and charity Concord, N. H-. O ct 5.— (A P )— plan for bringing Senor Dr. Don over here. But let me make clear Dtaebarged yesterday: David Cole, THURS..JRS..FR] FRL AND SAT. chestnut 812.00. that I think the world ‘dtetatorahip’ 99 Norman street, Stephen Hlggina. A ehortage in New Hamp^tre’s Fernando De Los Rios, Spanish am­ O. E. Wtllls, bttumtnua delivered maple sugar crop for years to come bassador to this country, to Bushnell U greaUy misused. In Germany and Olaatonbuiy, Paul Hildebrand, 80 Tep 87.52, at siding 80.88, stove, and Italy there Is not jyot one roan run­ Linden atr^ Alfred Fraser, 80 waa forecast today as farmers re- Memorial for a meeting aponaored chestnut 8116S, pea $10.00, buck­ rted on losaea from tbe recent i D K f i ning things, aa tha papers would Bank street, Arnold Hammerllnd, eeeWiwI wlUi Ifvleg by the American Relief Ship Com­ wheat 88.08, and charity chestnut have you oelleve. Hitler and Mua- South Coventry, Tbomaa Blanchard, buurrteane. mittee. . AMrica^ la^ k 112.00. solini ara merely symbols of thalr M ML Nsbo Place, BMward Bruce. Tbe Farm Bureau Federation and respective great nations." Putnam, Mrs. Howard Haatinge and Agricultural Department officials Lathrop and Sta>*e, no bids on 1 During tha first months of Ufa bltumlnus, stove 25 tons at South InfanJ aon o f 831 Mala street. reported that about 75 per cent of there are around 30 deaths per thou­ school 812.24, at Keeney school 20 Biro: Yesterday, a aon to Mr. sugar maple trees feU duri^ the sand Uvs births; during tbs first tons 312.50, at water department aad Mrs. T bom af O'Neill. 191 Oak ■tormv It takes from 88 to 40 IP9 Yean Ahead year of life there are abound 58 HURLEY ASKS FEDERAL •treat years to produce a maple sugar tree deaths per thousand live births. Olcott etreet 8 tons 812.70, at police station 28 tons 812.50, at almshouse . Dtaebarged today: Mlaa Alma of bearing age, offlclala said. in Desigrn and in TouTl be delighted with the 15 tons 812.33. Pea coal at Bunce Smith, Andover, Betty Murphy, 477 TIP mvely room ensembles made pos­ niustrated SUPERVISION ON TDIBER North Main street, Mrs. Bernard Efficiency. school 18 tons 811.25, at almahouse sible at a moderate price by Val- Prices run according to 8 tons 811.25. at municipal building Hayden and tnfint daughter, Eaat THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Hartford, Charlea Riordan, South a l u x s c a entine-Seaver’s new “ Valugsea” cover selected, from the 75 tons 810.30 and charity chastnut (Oonttnoad from Paga Oaa) figure quoted, up. At BENSON’S orders 813.00. Windsor, Robert Rudms, 55 Clinton series, now offered for the first street In each case of type of coaL the alon set up to chock tha foreet fire time. Marvelous 18th Century Service -Model Census: Fifty sight patients. We are extremely fortunate In ABOVE: Selectmen recommended acceptance menaca, Included the auggestloo tba designs, unlimited choice of love­ Whirlpool Washer of the lowest bid, and In' tba case Federal Surplus Commodities Cor­ getting a limited supply, in 9x12 Drexel Sofa . . . $74.50 poration a timber aalvaga ly fabrics—and Valentine-Sea- tVhIto Porcelain of tie bids, the business waa voted size only, of these high grade CEXTURY ver’s well known quality con­ Revere Chair- 6-Pound Tub With Pump division with logging and marketing to be divided equally. Prlcaa sub­ dlvlaiona Wiltons to offer at a price which struction. deft) ...... $41.50 Was $67.5.0 mitted were per ton ptlces. Wants Drive Barouted. may never be dupUeated. Hard Barton Chair— Standard spedfications must be Now $49.95 At Newport. R. I., tbe Spouting The laat word In elee- surfaced aU wool face, best ^ From our assortment of eight {right) .....$41.50 met In tha case o f all of the fuel, Rock Beach Asaoelatioa. which ooo- Wc washer design apd REPRODUCTION CALL 8538 and frequent checks will be made to dyes in lovely conventional pat­ I - sofa styles and sixteen chairs trola Bailey's beach, famed society aiBclency. Washes faster terns. It’a a Wilton for wear , BELOW: see to It that tbe standard set Is summer resort. Informed tbe New­ you. can now make up a period BENSON being maintained. — cleaner — and coats every time. Paxton Chair . .$36.50 FURNITURE & RADIO port council it would rebuild tf the living room of custom built fur­ Huxley Sofa . . . $59.50 U m ber Olepoeal oounell would reroute Oeaan Drive ^ Ralpb BELLAMY leas. Compare it with for the first tine 711*718 Mala 8L. Johaaea Block The Board of Selectmen consid­ niture at a cost heretofore im­ It no longer would separata ths »*0------* known nukes.' L a m $9 Wee|aiToPayl possible. ered, but did hot d e cl^ the qusation beach and Ita pariring space. family size, with white 39 Weeks tp Pay o f diapoeal o f timber on town lands, The American Thread company, at New Low Prices knocked down by the hurricane. It which employed 400 workera^b /D D N THE porcelain tub. TwinHex ------REPUBUCAN CAUCUS was reported by Town Treamirer Westerly and Pawcatuek, . agitator gives double water action, yet easy George- H. W^dell that several announced It waa cloalng Ha tw«i« U ' SHOW: on clothea Lovell wringer, with safety of the storm OmmagfC It Tha RapubllcanR a^bl alecton o f the thousand large trunks are down, release. Powerful life-time oiled motor. Town of Coventiy ara reqvluaaUd to and that thooe might bring aa mueh will continue production at Hotyoka, moat In caucua la the 2nd Dlatrlct aa 85 .per thousand board feet If the '"asa., and W till mantle. Conn. Coventry, Tueeday, Ort. JL at B P. logs would bo made ready for taw­ Roatoration of some damaged M„ for the purpose of nominating ing. WaddeU stated, however, that btMtes along tha Naw Tork-Borton Candida tea for Rapreaentativae in examination would have to be made, shore Uae of the New Haven rell- the General Aaeembly aad Juetioee as some of the trees have road parmlttad tha road to cut Ita i? of the Peace. twisted aad oraeked aad are not A M O V g: 4JUI2 SHOW 3 9 W e e k . By eeder of the Town Ooaualttee. fit for lumber. AXEL A- O. OLSEN, Ckalnnen. It waa ioggaatad, howavor, tkat e n d s TONIGHT: D ^ at Omatry. Oct. 8. I Mrvear ba laada, aad that Dm AnMetote >«ATBWAT* PLUB . , -un ------T o P < ^ ! e v e n i n g BKRALO. MANCHESTER. OUNN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5.193$ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, COJW h^^WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8,198$ ,

of the ihereassff Aumbfr at famOlee Oet 5, SeoUaad.Oraage: ThuTsday, present Are hasaid As AAsr- needing help. Oet 6. Pntaom Earni Butata. FARM RESPONSE HAWES REQUESTS i**rt.“ ** DlvUtoa. 20,000 FAMILIES A ebkck for 8100 far the rkHaf at Hartford eonBty: O et 8^ Boqoieii- He said only atx o f tbs statAli 10 It said odatalstrottv* < campe were Mtuated In tb* parel- AU of the emergency'workers ore RADIO the New EngtAsd diMater aaOcrors oek town ban oad BnWald town SERVICE lodged In town. RtATE FARMERS GET elusiva o f those of }(>;& „ was received today In memory or haU; Oet. 4, Old Enilsid town haU cane sohes and that .tour A dd rtw a l former eommltteaa, - totoM PROVES PUZZLING and ScaaUc pariah house;' Oct 7, MORE CCC CAMPS camps were needed urgostly. RchnUdiag Clreulta WUNUOAV, •076MII • *u»d»r< Ttm*-rM.) INKiEEDOFflELP Mlaa I. Mallnde Havey. Red Cross News From Manchester's Neffihbors $19399 AAA PAYMENTS 184,703; PubUc Health Nursing dlrActor. who Blast Hartford town offiea buUdlhg Hla FAqueat taeiuded A reeomsMB- 85 P.C RESTORE) From now on the remaining eer- tckm tm m and old Olastonbury town halt dstloB that ConaaeUeut boya bow rice restoration will be slow due to The payments by stats*-taclodsd^' died a month ago. ^ n ^ c u t 819394; Mata% 444,. If AKfnanMM •• m * mM mi«« etaiM w (''■'t*J**'**' The Miohlgaa SUte NurasA* Aam - Middlesex oouatyt Oct 6, Iflddls- worblng la Oolorsdo ba brought crew* ora now Woihtagton, Oct. 8.— (A P )—Tbo 063; Moasochusatts ^OJttS: New I; iSitciwnoMilaatcaalloaa igdiHMlaafiata au a»iiaa^ atatioaa. town Fonn Bnrsoa; Oet 7, Essex to this StStS. 3 tMkllng the secUons where th* Nt^^KAP tRKOl NirWONR _,a wabb WIIW waw aaaj wau Red Crott Offidil Reports eutlob, Lasabig, wroU: Oiij Dozen Apply For Fed­ State Forester Says Ad£* Agricultural Adjustment Admtals- HaapriUr. 813,779; t o r t T ' M b agio adab Wnw m m t»-__ "Encloaed U A check for glOO sent municipal holkUnB. The flrat job wouM bo tha opsa- Ll“ ««' (D ); Regls- Additioiial Workers From storm did the most damage. Follow- reported today It disbursed 8l3 Caali «M f mm* mtH mju MOUMr,-k>ar kli M kw kayo afM New Haven eounty: O ct 6, New Ing of rOads so that Art AgaUng WAPPING trar^^f Votera Benjamin Lord (R) Ing the temporary restorsUon of oil 863,140,808 In benefit payments to vaak '^r* eOAbT-anni kain hot krgf >vt kifg by the Michigan SUto Nurses Aaao- FARM BUREAU NAMES ^b Tra^Akaui -taaay number' of famlllea In the New Cng-1 many friends here." LONG HIKE JlETWEEN J M B Aanuol Meeting Thera were 1023 v o tS cast during tripie «81 M A IN SK. , Mrs. Hyman,Gutterman and chil­ needed. ^ «ra«ra Ma■ Mitl lagar K Ouaal PragraAi FOR MASONIC OUTING He said that more msnpoarer was y» Fort Yukon to chop wood, sad as niuU election of officers will take Troy ( p f were chosen os Selectmen Fa., joining the other Pennsylvania • T a . '»a Niwai caunl Aaiia Ora.^ norted today to Chairman Nonnaii us much pleasure and bapplaeos to Farm Security Adminiatratloo In of Education Is Lloyd Heven these, and for the paUence shown by iS l—L» ^ Oriaaa Aaan A. Kara Oribaa - laar. needed to clear out faUea Umber m Summer approached hiked to Fair­ Woolen City. place and plana will be msde for crews in cleaning up the remaining «<«*r: „ Darts. know that we can be of Aome ae- Windsor. o ^ o r three years and Jlbrafy dl- BOLTON Its patrons, the company ts very ■■ tn Jaaa'i Saiaa-niil Paul wniiamin—wail rijmaljmal state and prlvAt* forosta If LhA banks tn search Mr other arorlt the new year. All woman of the repairs In the dtatrict. grateful. /•m CraMira af— Or#aa 0r| MiO^ire^Hal Kama A -OribaiOribaaira \Mr. Kleser had Jiiat returned from alatance." Even those who attended the ictor for thrfes year Mrs.’ Frances MRS. R. X JUNES ______MUtaiai____ CUtri'i_ , ttiflllttir IliaO—i|:i^-Aian Orar ana Oribaatri A MM day survey, of every area In VBriooB BodltB Of ThB Order church ore cqnsidared members of All of the company and emer­ OUNSf i m A little uidy wboas baadwriaag meeting wei« at a loss to explain this society and a large attendon V. Boasen. 8908, .Manchester arm i N Piriii NBC-WJt (BLUI) NITWORK wblekxthe diaastcr struck. To Gmthtr At Th# VDIb Rockville, O ct 5 — (Special) — gency workers ore supplied'their 22 CALIBRE ; a Aa An'aauncia )ll tn.) was stiU In the prInUng stage, the abaenee of others. Is urged. The New Zealand govemmeot has 0RB80ENT aikir III tin. iiriil AAgiC' — laiii wta wbi-wbaa wbai "WwJg I had never In my 28 years , LoaiBB -SatnidBY A ftein ooB . Mlaa S. rielen Roberts, of the Tol- An Ekionomic Forum will be held meals In the Masonic 'Temple with 8 P R n r o n n o 7i«A-AmM •«• Ally—oiit: T| wrote: "Dear Amerlcaa Red Croea County Agent William L. Harris, D. Kingsley Birdsall of New York, approved construction of a railway wban> hdka wiri wjtn airr wmal nfll disaster experience witnessed i I am tending one dollar for Mme lOBj C?ounty Farm Bureau haa oa- ever Thursday night at 8 o'clock meals cooked under the direction of AaMwMM-wnt •abr wibr eraf whk wmfr wami vian Jr, who arranged similar maetlngs during October at the Wapping tunnel. 3 i^mlles through the Rlmu- RIFLE aawin C. Hill CimmMit wiM wliu. Mldwaati winr wli bull aoli more eomptete demolition of homes | little girt that waa In the New York throughout the county ' this week, spent the week with his sister Mrs. Mrs. Marion E. Rowe, home econo- SHOT GUN SHOT 6 UH rai Niviiin llwirui — AU p l ^ havA hAsn eoa^atsd tor Bqimced the following schedule of Community House. The Forum will Uka Range at a cost of 84.937,300. SPSINCFIELD •alltnini Orth.—nitwerk wrin wmt kao «>uwn kmo wetn: baulbi and-public worka, yet there wars' Aood. Yours truly, C ath m Conn- seat a letter to all farmers on bU Mark Carpenter. SINGLE BARREL Deeble Sorrel wrtd wmpi wjbn wdiu wigi naan one or two comMnMting factors." th# outing OB Bsturdsy, Octebor S, Range and Fuel Oil meetings to be held during tbia ANDOVER disciM these current economic Model Nail' Oir taiai Cinuri kiyi. Maunlalni kle kvod. Paalbai bgo any, .liS Maple avenue, wlaMiriaMtka, mailing Hat asking them to notify Xngsley Carpenter, and Lewie BOLT ACTION ta" BARREL HAMMERLBSA biw Mai'i aimiir-«'imii»-a to Ia kfid kimi kii kga bwa kir Mr. Fleaer sald.-^T^er one thing tne I At Um VIUa LoulsA In Bolton, undtr month: MRS. JOHN HJ/TOJHINSON problems: 1st Should Oovemnaent Pall Clieke art •aiiHa OimrMr Qriaaatra N orii All wtAP-Nio tor r banal In Vermont the Sood and wind de­ hunting. And we can supply wma waaa wraa waim wrdw wagi llilb -liilf—Painl^Paui iaarniabln A OrabaatraOn stroyed many maple sugar trees, Thi sale came to light In the Repreaented at Meeting T*topubllcan, second and School vacations for the coming Haley and George MIDWMT — wmbd Mail wikw kfll tfilO-KillO—Arakina Hawking Orabaa. toi^ clerk's office yesterday with The Frank Ba4Buiebner Poat and John Gasper. Jr., Democrat, third. year are slated for Friday, October Chesterfield any style, gauge and boring. Uiua entallinx heavy loss of rswiniie Altng of deeds ai^ w aa conArmed to their owners. In Connecticut, 'AuxUlory, V. wlU be repre­ Tba results for the remainder of the 88, which Is Teachers Convention F^ed Dreger, Joseph Neero Double barrels, repeetere. later by college autnortUoa. ^ William Skinner. Rlchart Moonan' Winter many tobacco farmers lost tbair sented at thp^ dedication exerrisee Aiiun‘ Auditors ^ y , November 11, ArmIsUce Day 7:44—Newa BenricA. Hospital authorltUkX^o aald the ^ len H. He] mar. Democrat, and Myron Lee and Samuel Woodbrldge: single shots—we have them bams and their crops, which ware and presamdUon of the new colors from noon of November 23 to No­ 8:00—Bhoppera SpedAl. tale cloaed negotlatlonav extending St the S ^ le y Roberts Post No. 574 ^ Wright, Republican: vember 26. February 21 to February re^ traix of votera, Pearl Broil Md for ell shooting. Come in end 8:00—Richard Maxwell. aa yat unsold. In New Hampsiitre, over aeveral' months, p laced to Margaret M. Rich; Board of Educa- there waa a heavy timber loss, with of PlolB^le which will be held on Jurors. Arnold Hyatt, (R). 27, April 6 to April 17 and May 30 see us about Uie Wincfaceter B.: 16—Montana 811m. erect a 100-room wing on thkcollege Memorial Day. /n One eonMquent unemployment to mill S a tu ^ y evening, Oct. 8th at eight B C a^'nton Shotgun you went 0:36—Newa Bacylca. sita to alleviate crowded eondUlona RECOVERY Menitt, (R ). John Veoraans

they know nothing about lobMaa prlvUaga of rapalrlag thdr badly fOrmara la tbs abow this ooimm./ and d o s t tntend to leatn; that in' ftoaiagad propsrtlas but rsqulra that SERIAL- STORY ■ ■ <•' That Lups VaMB-Ubhy Holaiaa i P I T Y l E A M m ataad tlwy ars going direct to tha any striicturaa mraetod than ba o f tomperament-ttosla which occupied Clashing faints Follow €mtltt0 Bm tl5 people ot tha country, through the fireproof, sad flood proof dsstga aad a great deal^-q^ce in tha draaaa HISTORIC CHURGH one aganey that they do undar^ cobstruetloa; whUa tha baaltb aad columns, prior to the opening o f MURDER TO MUSIC State Conducting _ u r -T ta t______Cnie Porter’s "You Naver Know,' TO FREE PRISONER ______to o o m ta m t, m e. firs aiithorltlas could pnvaat any stand, newspaper advertising, and eras Just ao much pubUelly pap— _____ . BY HARD JONES A it Defense Maneuvers' It wwii niMt present thalr case to the (olka who occupancy o f buUdlnga In a state o f IS 90 YEARS OLD HmmIm m m , 0»B». ^ -I tha two glrla dlnad togethor ragu- 64th ANNIVERSARY. SALE O f Recreational Bust woMAS raiuHnoiiX f i r s Oengraaamen and unmake disrepair. larly eVary nlgtat after rehaaraala. I OAST OF CHABAOnEBS f . Fort Bragg, N . "6., Oct. 8.— (A P )S o f candle power on two sduadrona 0«MbM U IMI them. I t would aeem aa though New B f^ A pOMBBT-heroiM. Wife taara nodded. "Bo long, T a lt l.y e r ’t A BMaaee*M ____ •___ ..... saeWI^W A.^ca__..e w m ___a. . . Jolty flnaartalma —The Army’a tooet extensive air which followed. Flashing lights on o f uu* pM t ssaaon’s * toward brtnglag a Tba newspapers are thoroughly London, In tha event o f a battik be­ a f the senaatlonal awing bami lead- taking care of Mrs. Exactly How Bridal Jradi- am The Casa Manana, one ot Broad' raid daftnsa manauvars produced ths huge mspa at general' headquar­ recreatlonM6Cr6MllOnMl andMPI/I VAAAAI vacation bustnaaa am.. * I S eliZ^A eatarM at lha well accustomed to being used-—or tween tl]w cottage owners aad the into tha State naat aaaacftj way’s moat laugh-laden retreata, A fl® B B T T A IT hero. Nessapaper The ramarii nattlad T ilt Ha Bart After Release Of Ctaahtag; dlalms today from Air ters demonstrated graphically-how throughodt Connecticut has baen The taiqatry MatyRy m Ih M Maaabaatar. Oaaa.. aa city ovcf the proposed redemption tha beams ouUtatd! their aerial Inaugurated by the Stete Publicity Claaa lUU HMtar. tflii^ttamp^ to uaa tham—by all has been completely, teugbt out fo r PtotograpbT -d etectlva wondMsd, a Uttla angrily; tt Har- I Corps attackers and Coast ArUUery bon Grew Up* Or How toe tourist catering ' ' •V ria Rogara ______targets. Successive batteries or t^Olnmlaaion. sorts of propagandists who flood of .the Beach, would hold aO tha one night In October by the Ameri­ IX8TEB-^>4ffyms^ doaekt fait that to job of dafandera' o f tba Fort Bragg base. changes in toe gross . can Funeral Dlrsctora' Aasoelatibn. managing Tha BwlBgataors wont Tooth dialled Widi Theft artillery opened up, other beams The campaign got undarway with toe summer months aad them with apaebU interest stuff In oa to managing Lud Oombi^a I clear nlghU the na- went on and still othsr batteries Many Married Not Known letters which were not sent to mora Bally Rand’s. New Toik addreas DANNOS .FEBLKY.—officer aa-. tota a po#K(ul military mate differaadaa la tha guise ot news and expect to le a walk-up, one flight over a aervk- aIgMd to biveettgato Ludden Doro- widow.- Ho didn’t oars for thoi . theoretically Bred. than 400 botela, in ^ raatourants, pnmrtatary air Rogara had shown; *-a«a«ton. N. C.. Oct. B—(AP>— toartiUlghbi have faUfU at times to automobUaa aa comparad have It printed gratis while they are AN EFFECTIVE MOVE yourseU beanery on W est 4kth Actually tha guns were silent. camps and Individuals oonnacted 1987 season. ;; and, abort an, ha didn’t Uka the Lula BeUo IGmel, 23, a JaUer'a convargs tpslr baama on bombera After the batteriea signalled the in­ with tha tourist trada tn the atate. OF THB ASaOCIATaO spending vast, sums In thalr Wash­ street ^JMcrdayj M [m a dhanpeara im- flytag two (« three mUea high. New York, Oct 8—(AP) — The Aa regards fUrthar rnrilrt im ington lobbying. But this inhova- One of the. most hopeful signs of Moas Hart and Gaorga B. Kauf­ m ^taty after Ocoabey m ahol aad a w Rogers bad aat Faelay on daughter, waa behind tho barn today vaders were out of range, squadrons historic little church around the Commission oSIclalt expect tba tba recreational Incoma to thi) Ik a Aaaealatad Fraaa la aaat^va^. man ara the dcapalr of the local 2 Pce Custbm Made r«aBaaa aha amst ba (eaad er "Blue" defenders hava aoored In of pursuit planss from two nearby corner, where thousands of couplet response to the questionnaire will tlon of hiring advartlalng space on a real coming to Ufa by the Repub­ “■ 'l^ u a e aba took pity on a youth •to gama o f bide and saak when toe commlastoa eaoouragat baberdaahera—tha former * bgan’t the pellca wtO laairliliia her. fields gave chase. have knelt at "ths bride'a altar" was prove an Invaluable medium for buatneas to write In a Ug scale, throughout tha country, lican party that thla yaar'a polities But t ^ was Uttla tlma to I war ptanaa o f tha Invading "Btacks" bought a bonnet slnoe he pefiped ’ CHAPTER m Other Side Of Pietore In lU 91st year today without know­ calculating tha trends 6f Connecti­ landing to fiiitb er ati tor tha prsasntatlon of tha corpora­ has developed It the action of the "Once In a LlfaUma," and Kauf- Reaeblng tha antraflce of tbe fores from Langlay Ftrid. , L t Col. Douglas H. OUIette, Army ing exactly how ito bridal tradlUon cut’s vacation vtrade with a view karala. moment Talt was out of sight of ?SShVj*l S* wars tmable to escape from the line grew up or how many couples It has vtaltora to Ootmaetieut. AH i1«kU M rapakUaatloDa at tion's aide ot tha case la almost Republican state oonventlon in man'a suits have that Bmithsoolan Golden Bowl, Bob Talt found the engineer expert, ahowsd the other SLIP COVERS of fire of anti-aircraft wsapons or Bide of tho picture today. blessed. ipaatal tiaaaiekaa karala ara alae ra* breath taking in Its novelty. In l^ MaaaaehuaatU with relation to tha flavor. t e i d ^ elosMl tight. ApMralatent ..taocU...... nm g •''••ejeeaee^ecoojured wup w Mtha4W gred W U gface of •van spot guns in the ring around ’’•■'‘’•Broom of 1938 leit ao-callad ‘Tosmsead movamant Tha Maude Adams' return to the In a clump of pines in the heart bave a relative who was married Howard atatoa RMmas self It would ba nearly enough to New York stage Is sat for Daoen;- with zippers DatooUva Officer Michael Dunphy. — ----- ^ a»4vWory. Fort Bragg. of the dafendlnc area bo pointed to with his bride through the grassy there, and many o f the church's Fan aaralaaaliaat at N. ft A. earr* on the handle at a taxi door. Oonosrned with flndtaf answers when a wonuni was atu «a n a Qonvtnca any Sj^tor of the booesty convention placed la Its platform bar. when aha aknumaa the gulaa o f J ^ lo . Mike," Tsit greetedMm coped Monday from tha Dartdson a rude farm house and' directed churchyard, after askings the churph baptlsma ara for chUdren e f lU mar- "H ow's ehaneea to get to ? " "Caaramoot Apartmanta," ha or-o to aoma 300 tactical queatlons, the secreUty with a emU#,""what mi'm- riityes. Gladys Durtuun aad then o f tha case prssantsd. yesterday a plank declaring that tha lecturer at the Town Hall, with a dared. "And Tm in a raS rush." JaU- Several houra after "look closely." for toe lattar daring a trtal ___^kar Aaiarleaa Nawapapar F»k« “to You’re the'flrat one their got-aaray, poUce began racelv- Army high command Is awarding her am1 .IT . " uakara Aaaoelatlaa But there Is, baalde, so much Of Tosmsend plan "has aaraad the eno hour monologue on tha stato of Ho hoped that Mika Dunphy A casual examination ahowed the Miss Mar The "UWa chuteh" long baa been which the waa flnadTio. ^ t e been wanting to get in. The 1^ roporta of highway robbety and compaUUva aooring. ’Tha dsbate be------ary C. Hanlon, secretary landmark to out-of-town visitors. r^rht to oonaidaratloa by the Oon- thaatries today.. ***• stand, c b i ^ houae, a well, woodpile, customary for over 20 years, had to Idok But that’a not tha wbola FkMiakara RapraaaeUllraa: lHa candor, so much o f tha obvious In Unhapplast mala la town: Haary $O»7.50 rest have been wanting to get holdups. One man, Donald Moaa o f twaen pilots and gun- outbuUdlngs, ln cta d li« a pig pen, It was the Boeae of O. Henry's fun _____IJiMaa...... Malka#a tpaalal ' A»aaap—Kaw but.” Reluctantly, D u ^ y shifted through the records to tell him for The woman sttaelud was tha argument o f tha A.' A P.. ~ so wUhout further delay." FaUan, kaapar of tho graaaaward tag for tbia Clarsmoat Apart- insra haa not baan aettlad by ths aad clothes banging from a line, in- e ^ and that of Edwin Booth. wife. rark. Cklaaga. Oalroli aat ■eatea. h l^ u g e bulk to adaolt‘tT h lL from to ear. Bpanlsb war and Is not Uhaly to ba the church never has thought much Shakespearean actor. much that must bo apparent to the Tba party disavowed any oom- at tha Polo Grounds, patlaaUy mmtft And If MUM ran trwito — PoUea S _ argt •Ida tba bouse was a Uires-incb In terms o f numbers. MftMSUI AODIT eOMAO OF "rbe great Bowl was empty now W. ------Rldga, — o f High Point saidlld *ttM daeldcd oonclualvely hart,’ officeni The late Mrs. WUllam Astor. head of tha-avarags kind of Ameri­ m ltm ^ to the marits of the plan, awaiting the football board to rip 2 7 fora*’ ^ t waa wbara ha was. antt-alroraft rifla of tha most lethal It was estimated recenUy that omOOLATIUNa save a comparatlvaly small knot "*?*£! attributed to Godwin believe. social arbiter of ths "400’‘. waa can family, that Wa flrmly expect up the inflold which ho bka nuraed cfpa^a down near the orches­ toped eomathtag alas, too— and WUaon. type. In SO aaoonds, tha gun crew more than 100,000 weddings hava but adopted the principle for which aM («^ U y. It waa that he’d Not Found By Saarehllgiitf communicant, as wars John Draw Tka ftaraM Frtattaa Oaaipa» all summer. tra plattorm. Talt reoognlaad the Godwin waa being held on a said, the roof could be tbsmd aside been held ta 90 years in the rambling aad Richard Maaaflsld. m t o C O L M ' taUI raapoaalbllitp this approach to tha solution of a this newspaper baa long stood— Draas up old ptocaa ot fu in ltu n . . protect a tw anas . . The flrat of thraa waves of rald- tar Ippaiprapkieal artata aaaaarlap M bMk of Detective Officer Dannie -b* *to apartmant dagi?e burglary in and tha gun could be firing every church now surrounded by tall offlCs _ Among ths bridss who knslt on bad situation to ba sucoasaful in that tha statefman aad poUtldans and at tha sama time add a summary touch to winter Thera d ba ptaoty to explain to ara roarad In last night from Lang­ two seconds. Hugs nets festooned buildings. , aiaartlaaaMau M tka WuMkaatat Feelay, the most nerstotont of tbe tha forcible entering'of hla aged lay Flsld, 180 mllas distant, ^leeded toe mulbsny cushions were Irens t h r i m i ftraalM ftaralft raising a storm-of protest from one of tha country should eaaas at- rooms with thaaa ga ily colored sUp covara. Mads to t o w (ram down a t haadquartara. toteto with coatee bangings ahlelded other In too year that the lats detot order. ?1(ht oq your places, from dustlto fabrics. Chotoa thoro. And I f ako wns $2? tha •‘btob two months ago. dlraetly through tba haaviaat anu- guns from aerial observers Jtesph Jefferson first called the U tadat Arst-oOTHb and o f the country to tha other tempting to dlamlka the subject of TVhera’ra all the rest of the dsrbUL daughter o f Brig; <3en. and W ashington of plum, graan. blue or brown baekgnunda la floral da- laob, MUm T" wanted to talk to hSr__„tote W S? todly baatn alreraft fprtlfloatlons tha A n ^ bks Church o f the Tranaflguratlpn "the this qflsMsNaal mail- WIDNK80AT. OCTOBER 5 against the Patman bill. "Tboaa o f us who knew juat Mrs. Oornalfua Vaadsrbjlt liberal old aga paaiSem with Jibes slgikB with plain materials to match. Bofa and club "Ito’t worry," said Mli before Dunphy and Feeley arilv^ ever aet up—a t least In the con- where they ware loceted could not little church around the corner," It catiaafi)rthenesa«M to badgor her Into saj ’ ' ^per throat—b g Thera can hardly be any Mad of and sneers aad begin u y ^ to learn chair (4 euuloas): with slppara, BST4MX u . ^ "P*nnle has watebad laUer'Loeks Up D ai^i Unsntal United SUtea—«n d than ot some of these guns from the had only 35 waddlnga. i t waa a Daybook aha didn’t maan..^ wars out of sight without being U>VB-HONO»--,fBOTBOT f im n t nmny FJ>JL A8 GOAT question thgt tha attempt of Rap- aomethlag about the proppaala and that TbqyYa upstalra, tba woman toUo*"MIer Y.T. C. KlraelKlmal tookeJtodied uup Lula r," OoL G illette aald. " It la doubt quarter-cantury mora befora tha B rttto m Grmi to CBS rbem aqd tba men. la an- hi- ” to told found by tbe aearriillght beams. Sful air corps photograpba will be w^dlnga began to approximate I,- MF. FthaMtiaataiii, j(r , Bdao, Harr rsoanUtlva Patman to tax the poaalble Ataraatlvea. ThaV la cer­ }*^^toelf. T ought to keep out of ?L^*toy and wrote a letter 000 a year. Swte Ana, CaUf.—PoUceman H. bthar, aad 'thqy'ra belag (riskad to Sheriff Bowers asking that he be Tha lights focused thalr millions tray them either." Helnjca la under auapeBsloB chain atoraa out ef axlstenoe would tainly tha right place, to stall, Washington—Bo much oral and to r Busplclbua baloMtags. The Hany of the couples who cams to Vicks HUlar' a lot ot foUn oror on tba But he kaew that he reUeved o f t o . duties "pendlnr a fuU •rtto "gfoaa lin of add very materially to tha living No one Is llke^ to believe that written critlelam has baan haapod o f It la, about 60 or T8 got I’t and complete Investigation by your toe churob to he married ia y they duty?' The report Chief F. oOm t M o-ara flvloc Hr. Rooaa- o «t going to keep out of It ot W. ooota o t mlllloBS o f American fam- tha Maaaachufietts Republican laad- on Orest Britain, France, and oven of boro right after It hap- w ca. the county authoriUea and baby boy at tha aalt a grant daal o< **crodlt” (Or Pned.” Tba 'dotooUro (To Be OantteMi) the co u rt" lAnsing Cawley lUao. Their highly organlasd ays- tha United States for falling to go­ alghad FUG HINSTED HIGH homa tha Munich eoafOranoo ara adopted thla position on the J^Mily. "Wa don’t know wbare ” I am humiliated and grieved be­ tama e f buying and dlstrlbuUon, la- aU "helped" a t hla birth. by aomo,na4« Townsend plan solely out of their to hat at ones tor Oiecboslovakla yond control and havo locked my Make Quick Test vohrtag aa they do the eaah and who they ara. A fine TO RECORD COW’S FEAT OkTrley, • PW A night watchman, M g* o ( ithat they baro aaM, (Or tatarast In a great sociological that It aaemad pertinent to aak what CONFERENCE inUZS daughter In Jail in order that cama homa from work yesterday carry aystam, beyond shadow of held them back. to«tloa_ may find its oourae," Klmel for Itchy Pimples ■ahtng tt^poaalbla * queetlon; because whatyprinelpaUy . *Yalt aaawerad good- wrote t o superior. aad dtaoovarad ha waa alMut to be­ tftefftUMftCftVfttftRqtM . ______, ______doubt^hava made the ooasumer*s Influenced them waa the f a ^ that the Flrat t^ff, w e went to a carefuUy h u yradly, "there’s aotblag Uke New York,. Oct 5.—(AP) — A come a fStoar fo r toe 18th tlm a He "For o r so years Patorsoa’a Ointment Ono may not know that thla la observant Englishman, and second 13 NEW JUDGESHIPS Bowera quoted Lula Belle as say- has I S a w Y m i DaNara j A I wMilhfIvatal dollar go further than It could poa- ’Townsenders’ candidate fo ^ g o v e r- gattiag la a lot of probable aua- bright flag with 7 red-and-whlto from the houae Jn aearob of not atmoot ombarraaaiagly pUaatng to an American who baa bean the tag that she rriaoaad Godwin "after stripes, a shield bearing 8 Ilona and albly go if there ware no such or- Pbtolr you’re golag to coflunlt a ha b a d ^ tto n ^ffUglon and promised md appealed to a patrolman, r£E"*^qrkgf«sEctema - quickly! - Whm to Mr. KooaaValt right now, bUt nor In the primariks polled confidante o f f|ve Presidents. Buroir* a goMen cow’s haad was holatcd r who put In a hurry ca ll to haad- ckternal oauaea. Otto trial ganlsatlona. And after an tha con­ Y^toljyton. 0 «. 8--(AP)-oan- to go atralgbt" and because she dU OM may Imaglna that within a (aw votoa. The Republican candidate Tba following reflects thalr asU- "Yeah. l saw a movie onco high over grim y 38rd street yeeter- quartera. When thta aoothtag ShLSbS-Lto toc him "go to the gaa day. sumer la tha Mggaat elamanl In may greatly need those votee on mate o f Chamberlkln'a postUon: committed create thirteen additional Two other patrolmen, meanwhile, in*? *• Itching atOM Mdfoomi to She MqgnV issas r sild Hsaisdl Kadta Cfty memtim, whan tha world baglna to It was pointed out that man at a football gaoM." Federal The dtaglay was by way of cala- *"krtliig diaappekrs, your tba whole economic pleturs. election day, ahd upon the adoption Judgeahipa Laft gaU Together had come along, learned about toe raaliio how that Munich maattng usually have two oplnlona of a sit­ ^ than this, aay- brattag the (eat of 8 ^ T ^a •ItuaUon and hurried for a doctor. totter, look tety Tha word "monopoly” cannot poa- of the plank ths Townsend candi­ Bowm ^ te d the" young woman Lorna 9 9 6 ^ in producing 1,030A ter. Peterson’s Ointment ta won­ playad into Rltlar'a Imnda how it uation, one dictated by the heart as aaylag tnat Godwin retaaaed W ll- They returned Juat aa the poUee slbly enter Into tha chain store date wltMrew. Nevertheleaa the pounds o f butter fa t tn 10 montoa. derful, too, for itchlM of fast, cracks aaaad tha bacon (Or him whan ha and one by the bead. But leaders that they left toTjSl delegaUon, with their own physl- between toes. ______problem for there are far too many, of nations are permitted Only Jrdg- "Waa I Lorna win bo seven yaara old, elan, oonvergod oa the home. 3Bc aU druggists, aad H o m „ waa (koa to (aoe with hla flnlah and effect o f /the recognition that the OnaphyJ BRISTO |eoma 8 t fVatanttaa’s day aad be- C k J* 1*UBhted or moasi; W est 4Srii Strftftt o f tha chains and tha competition Townsend idea Is worthy o f serioua ment o f the head. JodgmenV o f the and hla w tfs wars abaant at Oawl^ and lUs wife are Ijoth 88. AdvL wa> * tha world waa eloaar to actual paaea heart urges: ruah In to help under­ Genuine Mahogany longa to L. A. Huriburt Inde- a.aua.1 N I W Y O R than It had baan In mora than flro between them la far too keen for study hy Oongreaa Is bound,to ba a pendence. Ore., breeder. Her record dog Csechoalovakla. Jud^ant of The bast deck value In the country, we beUeve! Genu­ Sanaa. Hand kevaoth Orculte. lu reeom- IV to. yaara, Mr. Rooaevelt may wish that any such consideration to enter In­ strengthening of the Republican undarstand a word th haa been oartlfled by the O r a M the head must consider other things- ine mahogany throughout. . . solid frame, veneered " ptaMsa mendatloiw wUI be sent to Oon- P**'- tt was conomtrmt- State Ooltaga of Agriculture. tfca Naw Bhigland hurricane had hit to the situation. pgrty not mly In Massachusetts Hera are some of the “other froate, ends and top! K g alae, too . . S4 Inehea over ed In the vlculty o f Oartoage, Moore t^wiartite*^irSt’’with tt ^ TOun^i^ere ffvee the yduag The American Jersey Cattle Qub Waablngton and blown that Hitler W e do not believe there la a com­ hut wherever It has sense enough thlnga." Militarily apeaktng, Hit­ all t .tha most popular modeL Locks on aU'four large •••Gw ralasd hla voice to mimic brake out Its banher to celebrate. ler had England and Franca across drawers; four hell-aad-claw feet. I Judgeships .wars vot- Godwim She was taken with him 2 f.oA note ot hla clean out ot tha White munity of any sIm In the country to follow the Massachuaetts exam­ tha clarteet p lM . - i x^tvor saw [•d by Oemgraai last ssaalon. chlafly two months ago when ba waa an. I4>rns abaUeted not dhiy tha Jar a barrel at the time ha was boat to toa' tomes, faslta’ batter,’ this eey record but. toe club boasted, Rouia and htmaetf clean out o ( the a m ajority o f whose people would. ple. on racommandatlon ot tba Oonfar- Brs o's WITH CbamberUln. Ha waa wall prepar­ Mtttaguy tens Dannla ‘Ha was TOoa, which la compoaad e f santor capturedturad ^ Uie aU-btead...... tltta, aa waU. European attuatlon. If consulted, consent to the sUintna- The weakness of the Townsend ed for Immediate war; and they flrat degree burglary charge and tonight He waa J'*dfaa of the circuit courts and tumei^oyw to har fam lljte^re. O NI 8T0 N8 Becauae that chicken la going to Uon by law e f tha chain store. It and allied movements has been that were poorly prepared. amntng It out ot toe agony pipe ? toa JuaUcc Da- ‘ ••d word COBBO home to rooat. The drat thing has a definite and moat uaeffil place their promotion has been largely Doable Trouble Now Uka nobody's basin see * Thava tns PJJrtmant Most hava not yet been tost^Ooiwln waa headed toward POUCE BRING DOCTORS wa know a reiy atataatnan In Europe In American fife, it cannot die- emotional. I f the Bay Slate Repub- Both my Informants were frank­ #laca tte special aarvloe stores, with Ilcana can Initiate serlbua Congrea- ly critical of England. France and TMt tau g^ *That’c tha laa-l ^ confstenea proposed that two vras charged with ald- la going to deelara that tha Munich to a degree of tha United BUtea, taB W W ra to escape Jail, a «ta- TO AH) AT BOY’S BIRTH tiagady, Uke tba Veraalllaa bhmdar, their lalephonad orders and dallv- elaoal atudy of the objectlvee of fo r perm itting • steady aecumulS' waa wholly the' (kult of tba Unitifd arfca. nor to any grapt extant tha thoae movemeato. In open mind. It tlon of troublo through a nulod of Camden. N . J , O c t 8 — (A P ) — sman nlghborbood atorss; It Is ex­ may possibly be fotmd that mathe- years. ' Tern phymelans. thiea patnlm ea For Instanoa, I f the Loagua o f can tibmn Mr. Rooaevelt Juat ian’t amart tremely unBksly jihat tha chain matlca aa weD aa emotions can be X such* Duaphys— ip l^ a blnq, • _ v a ^ northam district of O oiw o. arid the crews o f tores p ^ e a aare, Nations had gradually eased the \ ooisorn dtatrlct of Miacouri, south- FIREIIEN EXTINGinSH a patrol wagon and an ambulance aaowgh (Or the ganm o t Internatlon* store will aver distribute as much aligned on the side of a great social \ w lderidcaad. cB ad . "Wan.______I bo^ thf aatota___ difficulties of some of the minoriUea ^g aaaryaw a ns! Whara \hay talk Uka have a'persouU "it«|In rtjn tha iMw, al poKtiea aa it la played in Europe. as half of tha product of the farms and economic discovery. Or, If the and had adjusted repmtlons Qwt a n mstrlet of Oklahoma aad tbe dis­ BUZDIG POUCE FlOATi But o f eourao no one could tell him and ranehaa. But It la n part o f oppoalte be the case, a disquieting through modification of the Var- 97'' Tailored Net torbogs'ls right!" trict of *"■ th a t Bo' ha had to meddle In the tha naUon’a. sysUm of distribution source of discontent bn the part of MtUea treatlea, and— •Don’t tat ItI g e t yon dowa,’^ If European statesmen (Includ­ Telt advised. "Remember you AbUcac, Tax., Oct 8__(A P )—Thai Rltlar>Caecb ciialA And, now every thkt could not bo dispensed with many worthy people may be defi­ PoUce Dapartmeat called tbe S ? without a definite lowering of the ing Chamberlain) bad raallaad thay torongh tbe jass age." acarad politician In (our countrlea nitely disposed of. could not bottla up aeonomlealty CURTAINS ^1.98 ^ that I _ lUGHT LOOSEN CREDIT ^ £r**^V**'*^^* "uaTortunat? la Joining the expedition to lay the standard of living of countless end poUUcally 70.000,000 virile Ger­ tt tawy hart to whan they tltousanda o f Americans. mans,— Ttarkgr But I wasn’t •’™ "’ “ I misbegotten Munich baby on his Just unMcked . . And a BensAtionAl AnnivArw ON DEBT DEFADL1ERS All in all It IS highly probable Or, If England and France had s I2.3o J lt to t ^ ." ^ Dunphy . lookad •Dnfortuaate," aald toe poUce he- dooratep—which happens to be the sAry value. AmericAn-made net curtaina in o t hls_oohort questioning that-Mr. Patman’s bill la already aa In NIew York reMlxed Germany’s recant rapid toute their eUborate aafity ii«It doorstep or the United States. A smart checked deiUgn . . 92 Inches wide to iM Washington. O c t 6.— (A P ) — « ^ t fire ia the midst of tte pa- By Oaprga Rosa rearmament and their own weak- marrtod It Is doubtful whether the rood* good as beaten as a result of the Genuine Mahogany thepairl 2 ^ yards long; 1 inch side hems; appaned neaa, and had beaten her to the iffipped out ■uggested am world has ever witnessed such Hartfords' determmatlon to lay draw— 2 inch bottom hem ; headed top ready to lumg. looks today that Cosigreaa might agree to flr i^ 2 I* toJotaed thel New Tork. Oct. fi-^CaeusI Infor­ Aflother exciting Anniversary VahMl m ^ q u w firemen, because they were able to a tremendous revulsion of feehng as their cards on the table of fiewsps- ’Then, the aituatlon ' might have •oosen credit rcctrictioos X on wmr mation; Zorina, current toast of the Occasional a ln Chippendale Pembroke Eggshell color. Regular |2.60 grade. __ _ pratandad not dWMnatrate their effleleney u>“ la almost certain to develop, among per publicity. been different. table of genuine mahogany. Top ■umtoted toward tha debt defaulters If this wrAdd pro­ targe crowd. ' town in " I Married an Anyel,” has But these “iffy” difficulties bad IfTOup, mote the sale o f agricultural aur- tha populations o f Europe and 2flHx33 Inches. fa n llstonlng to the The flremen, also usurped Lee Shubert’s private not been eliminated aad Chamber- Daanta F c A y was abroad. America, oi.’er the Mimlch “settle­ street, Shubert Alley, which rufis cual U chUdren f r e m ^ ^ f l S . 'S CITY HAS THE ACES lain faced them aU. together with ™bo|ra laths band "If It can ba demonstrated that ttaguWmd the blaa, ment” within a quite brief time. between 4ith and 4Bth street Her uncertainty aa to what aid might vtoualy broken, i f their there ta any practical way of dls- A Hartford atorney h.ia announc­ auto Is the only petrol wagon In ■gain—ml In'throe I e When Mr. Roosevelt has to shoulder come from America or Ruaata. aloas and ^ voices could ba IpoMng o f agricultural aurpiua to find a half mlnutoa |^p|l!Sl. |i ed, as might have been expect­ town allowed to park on the prem­ torslgn goveramenta. I would favor the blame for the consequences of BrlUah Tied To French ed, that Ocean Beach property own­ ises with the exception of producer Further, Chamberlain waa at the — itavllng tha Johnson A c t " Borah A-' ^ that aetllement for which the for- Shubert's own glitterin g gaaoUnc ers represented by him will put up mercy ot the French. If the French toltava that this •aid. He added, however, that thWa This stds . sign diplomats are even new ar­ conveyance. was n n e t. V ffo n d Uttla rwuon to beUeva a f l ^ t against the proposed taking brought w ar upon themselvas, Eng­ JAPANE^ OCCUPY LOU Thlssldo ranging. he Is going to be extreme­ Every signboard ' fronting the land would be forced to Join In. aqjd Fsatay. tbsa. debtor nations could establlah various East River bridge entrances Heats my ly unhappy. over by tha d ty o f New London o f Yet, faced with the poaslbUlty B oon home now. eredlta hr thta country. i Cooks iastsr that part o f the land at the beach to the World’s Fair has already beeb that war would come, with London TTI to wanting yoa. Don't AFTER FURIOUS A T fA p il purchased for next season’s fantasy fbr|^that’'_ L " which, up to the time of the hurri­ hopeleaely expoaed to air attack and on thp Flushing flatlands. heard tba amooth, waU- Bakes better A NOVEL CAMPAIGN cane, waa occupied by a crowded Strangest sight o f the month; with the powerful Siegfried Ltnp toqdulatod voloa of Harris Romrs. steadily cloalng out tha princlt>ai t ot Harrta Rc l o t a u s t s RECAFITIRE S o T s s m s jumble of highly Inflammable "sum­ Maurice Schwarts, the Yiddish The­ T Q be glad to stay, Offlom- Mawspapers so seldom have any­ avenue for attacking Germany by oar ttaa- Broils dsU- to yot ater’s Clark Gable, striding down ig; ^ y»yB T cf t^ bsuid aid th a ftirloua attack by SPECIAL! thing to gain directly from the Issue mer cottages" which In many caaes land,. Cbambertaln had a haplaas lo st Lowers myr agai w fo r an Second Avenue with one of those Ttombay*a parsoaal affalra EBRO POSITIONS they ocenptod Loki. 88 raiiM dously help. o f any kind o f political controversy, were nothing more than' perilousty African pith helmeta shielding him Job. M i ^ t b w e s t €g Julchsng, j I A BIG ROLL TOP rat# save as their wen being depends on unsafe and unaanltary summer from the non-existent lower East Too, our BriM^ Informant a tloaafha be^ coulA' Japansaa elalmad ^ maasuver plained, once attSitatn degree ot H «^ y a France—(At tha’ Spaa- Kssps myldi- the prosperity of the country, that tenement houses. Side sun. •nough for now,” FeMoy « f the cauneM German axpaasloB.U pemlttad, bar aald. q u e m ^ I want ka , Helps prsTsnt It is a new and Just a Uttle embar­ The attorney has protoated to When the« society news-photog­ disn elsan raphers snapVlcturbs o f the deb- heed for further expuaton aa wa|l • v jjr ^ r t ^ t now la why Dora Wtttmghouse col^ rassing thing to comment on a Con­ •Secretary Ickes against the use of as her capsMlty to expand will de- heyta brand-new w lfo Isn’t hero. • blea stroUlcg\ along. Park Avenue, Uaa this smart Duncan and com- gressional measure that is bringing federal money for this purpose and they always 'Up their chapeaux ’The farther the German none e f Phyfe chair fo r your daak, Talt saw Rogers niaay poattlona lost duringtoe paat I thr**l5p* mouatataa on some advertising patronage to promises that condemnation will be Never saw a vtsltlng Ambassador la tha haU, as a dinette few daya ^ tonk of tha Yangtae, forlabis get the same courtesy salute. Influence extends, tha weaker her urn. W asha them. We can almost hear the criti­ resisted In the courts. chair, or In the bedroom! answer that ona 1 baltava I saw larargnita admitted oounUr-at- ** Hankow, 'There are more women living on influence becomea. Made o f solid PhUlpplne 2 Pc Lawson Suite tacks la (Oroa but claimed ooMm-l — 1_£_ cism from certain quarters; "Oh, It does not seem to bo likely that u them tegather Juat after tt hap- put o 118th street, between . Mornlngtlde Taagullle mahogany with o f atx additional govem n Tt 8'Poniid Tab that I sure, the .newspapers w ill back the any oppotltlon to a real rehabilita­ Drive and Amsterdam Avenue, than bona e ^ r s d leatherette poMOona TMngtao. Qct 8—(AP)—Largo «'taftad- “Hello. Bob. Is out di chain stores when the chains run tion o f Ocean Beach would be e f­ In any other, single city block In the seat Regular STJiO grada in Needletex Frieze ***tlag eentorod among hlUal Infantry, 40-Poond Heavy Doty the w nation. ^•y^^ • ••• M*ft advertisements asking for back­ fectual. The lot owners concerned uotations— One of New England’s moat popular tho Oandasa-MonDa Ebro ^ amviag Do ee Long ago the street was dubbed taBho^. PoMtioaa hava bS «»tertor, resting and WrlBgar ing.” do not, if our Impreaslon Is correct, Q two-pleca groups la this Lasvsoa V “Tea. I was at tbe table with fuUy "Hairpin Alley." •totaHoB haada lapaatodly withi Ut-Ut. unannounced destine- kinds Regardless of which criticism we Model becauae It fits Into most any her friend— and Rogers Uona, by transport Self Euptylag Ponp own to the, water’s edge, as In } a Tou as teachars must declda acheme o f deeorattoa . . mahogany. tta effect oa tha ganeral front shall nevertheless express our con- good many aucb placcA because the Teaae-ban StUl Oa whether education Mtould continue maple, or modern!It This Aanlveraaiy .' Rumors siy they itia going to I sidared opinion that the advertising beach proper, tndudlng, the lud Oommiasloner Paul Most, who to idcMe an old world or whetbar special would ordinarily cost 8128.00 wanted to know. formoaa to prsparo ftn: a mlUtary Plus placed the blight on bqrleaque’a It ahould create a new one. 2 P ic c c s TIU IN RUNS EBBANOB campaign ta south rauw ' ALL- GAS campaign o f tha I^artfoid brothers, that waa occupied by the board In the rich Needletex Frleas eovara In T took her to the ladtea* lounga strip-tease bait last season, doesn’t —B . O. Wella. aflflreeelag toe wltlcb It la avallabto. Choice ot colors. pre^ ^ hit. natonOly. FOB MOUNTAIN FOLK. i Year's Supply of heads o f the Great AtlanUc and Pa- walk and extending to mean high forget so soon. Margie Hart, one Aaaerican • aiag Britlah Amoetm- ’ •"■ *««•'> • Anne Boone, N. C.—^Tha mounUto folk RANGE mfle Tea Company—so widely water mark. Is the property of the of tha better ralmant-peeleis, tried thme for the AdvaaeesDsnt et B^tor her. I Imagine tear hy TWaatata," a Uttla nar­ COMBINATION known as the A. A P.—against the city and the lot owners have to revive her