Tämän julkaisun tuottanut Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry (Eetti). Eetti on kansalaisjärjestö, joka edistää oikeuden- mukaista maailmankauppaa, kestäviä tuotantotapoja ja vastuullista kuluttamista.

Yhteystiedot: Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7. krs 00530 [email protected] www.eetti.fi

© Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry

Aineistoa käytettäessä lähde on mainittava.

Julkaistu maaliskuussa 2021.

Kirjoittajat: Minja Orava Työryhmän jäsenet: Eerika Heinonen, Elli Laurinen, Maija Lumme ja Emmi Nevalainen Taitto: Titta Lindström Kansi: Felipe Gasnier

Selvitys on rahoitettu joukkorahoituksella. Eetti kiittää lämpimästi kaikkia tukijoita. Sisältö

Kokonaistulos ...... 4 Näin arviointi tehtiin ...... 5 Tulokset ja pisteytys ...... 5 Ilmasto ...... 5 Ympäristö ...... 6 Ihmisoikeudet ...... 7 Suositukset ...... 8 Liitteet ...... 9 Kysymykset ...... 9 Tulostaulukot ...... 10 ...... 10 Asics ...... 13 (omistaja Nike) ...... 17 DC ...... 20 Ethletic ...... 22 ...... 25 ...... 27 ...... 29 Nike ...... 32 ...... 35 (omistaja Adidas) ...... 38 ...... 41 ...... 44 ...... 47 Veja ...... 50

3 Kenkäbrändit eivät menestyneet vastuullisuusvertailussa

Vastuullisuudesta on tullut yhä isompi trendi ja yri- tai lupauksia ei arvioida. Arvioinnissa myös katsotaan tykset käyttävät sitä hyväkseen myös markkinoinnissa, kokonaiskuvaa eikä esimerkiksi yksittäisen kenkäparin joskus viherpesuksi asti. Erityisesti vaatteiden osalta tai malliston raaka-aineita tai päästövähennyksiä. kansalaisjärjestöjen ja kuluttajien painostus on saanut Eetti kannustaa yrityksiä tuomaan tiedot vastuulli- aikaan positiivista muutosta ja brändit ovat lisänneet suustyöstään kaikkien saataville, ymmärrettävästi ja läpinäkyvyyttään vastuullisuustyönsä osalta. vertailukelpoisesti. Kriittiset kuluttajat, joita on yhä Eetti on julkaissut aiemmin kaksi suomalaisten vaa- enenevissä määrin, osaavat kaivata täsmällistä tietoa tebrändien Ränkkää brändi -vertailua (2019, 2020), ympäripyöreiden lupausten sijaan. Vertailussa käytet- joista jälkimmäisessä todettiin usean yrityksen selkeyt- tyjä kysymyksiä voi käyttää työkaluna myös muiden täneen raportointiaan huomattavasti. Samalla kenkäte- kenkämerkkien tarjoaman tiedon arvioimiseen. ollisuus on jäänyt vähemmälle huomiolle. Vertailussa keskityttiin erityisesti laajasti saatavilla Mutta myös kenkäteollisuudessa on kohonnut riski oleviin, suuren yleisön suosikkeihin, joista osa on ollut työ- ja ihmisoikeusloukkauksiin. Ylipitkät työpäivät, kansalaisyhteiskunnan kampanjoinnin kohteena jo vuo- vaaralliset työolot ja alhaiset palkat ovat arkipäivää sikymmeniä. Kuten raportin tuloksista käy ilmi, kenkä- kenkätehtaissa ja kenkien raaka-aineiden tuotannossa. brändien vastuullisuustyössä riittää petrattavaa. Kolmas- Kuten vaateteollisuudessakin, myös kengissä suurim- osa arvioiduista brändeistä ei saanut vertailussa yhtään mat ympäristö- ja ihmisoikeusriskit kätkeytyvät syvälle pistettä. Kaikki yritykset jäivät kahteen huonoimpaan arvoketjuun. Päästöjä aiheutuu erityisesti materiaalien D- ja E-kategoriaan. tuotannosta ja tuotteiden valmistuksesta. Kengät ovat tuotteena usein vaatteita monimutkai- sempia valmistaa ja pitävät sisällään useampia työvai- A: Osta pois 16-18 heita. Lisäksi kengiltä vaaditaan erilaisia ominaisuuksia kuin vaikkapa puuvillaiselta t-paidalta, mikä näkyy eri- B: Suunta on oikea 12-15 laisten kemikaalien, kuten säänkestävien pinnoitteiden ja liimojen käytössä. Tämä tekee vastuullisuuden arvi- C: Kohtuullinen, vielä on petrattavaa 8-11 oimisesta kuluttajalle hankalaa. Ränkkää brändi-vertailulla tehdään näkyväksi yri- D: Ensiaskeleet otettu, pitää tehdä enemmän 4-7 tysten vastuullisuusviestinnän epäselvyyttä. Vastuulli- suustyötä arvioidaan konkreettisten lukujen ja toimin- E: Pidä lompakko vielä taskussa 0-3 nan raportoinnin pohjalta - mielikuvia, suunnitelmia

9 brändiä

Ethletic 3

Vans 2

6 brändiä New Balance 2

Adidas 6 Under Armour 1

Reebok 6 Veja 0

Nike 6 Fila 0

Puma 6 Saucony 0 Converse 5 DC Shoes 0 0 brändiä 0 brändiä 0 brändiä Asics 4 Karhu 0 A B C D E Kokonaistulos

4 Näin arviointi tehtiin

Arvioinnissa brändit jaetaan vastuullisuustyöstään saa- yritysten sähköpostitse tai puhelimitse kertomia lisä- miensa pisteiden mukaan viiteen kategoriaan (A-E). tietoja, mikäli yritys ei ole valmis kertomaan niitä jul- Kriteeristöä on tätä raporttia varten tiivistetty 18 kysy- kisesti. mykseen (s. 9). Esimerkiksi eettisestä ohjeistuksesta Arvioinnissa tarkastellaan brändejä kokonaisten yri- (Code of Conduct) saatavat pisteet on poistettu arvi- tysten sijaan. Mikäli brändin sivuilla ei ole tarjolla vas- oinnista, sillä pelkkä ohjeistus ei takaa vastuullisuu- tuullisuustietoja, tarkastetaan myös omistajayrityksen den toteutumista. Lisäksi muita kysymyksiä on liitetty julkiset lähteet. Eri brändejä omistavilla yrityksillä on yhteen toiston välttämiseksi. usein vain yksi vastuullisuusraportti, johon on nipu- Arviointiin valittiin liikevaihdoltaan merkittävim- tettu tiedot koko yrityksen osalta. mät ja globaalisti tunnetuimmat brändit sekä liuta pienempiä Eetin someseuraajien toiveiden pohjalta. Yhteensä arvioitiin 15 brändiä urheilu- ja vapaa-ajan- Tulokset ja pisteytys kenkiä valmistavilta yrityksiltä. Vertailuun ei valittu mukaan esimerkiksi talvi- tai nahkakenkiä niiden ja Brändit saivat pisteitä kolmessa kategoriassa. Vastauk- lenkkarien keskinäisen vertailun vaikeuden vuoksi. set on pisteytetty seuraavalla tavalla: kysymykseen löy- Talvella 2021 Eetin neljä kokenutta vapaaehtoista tyy selkeä myönteinen vastaus = 1 piste (merkitty tau- kävivät läpi Eetin vastuullisuusasiantuntijan tuella lukkoon “Yes”). Jos vastaus on epäselvä, puutteellinen arviointiin valittujen merkkien verkkosivut sekä julki- tai selkeästi kielteinen = 0 pistettä (merkitty taulukkoon sesti saatavilla olevat vastuullisuusraportit ja -katsauk- kysymysmerkillä tai “No”). Tulokset lähdelinkkeineen set. Kunkin merkin osalta täytettiin arviointitaulukot, löytyvät tämän raportin lopusta. jotka lähetettiin yrityksille tarkistettavaksi helmikuun lopulla. Yrityksille tarjottiin kolme viikkoa aikaa tarkis- taa tietonsa, kysyä lisätietoja käytetystä kriteeristöstä ja Yrityksen ilmastotoimet päivittää tietoa nettisivuilleen. Adidas, Karhu, Puma ja (maks. 5 pistettä) Saucony vastasivat tarkistuspyyntöön. Arvioinnin lähtökohtana on, että tiedon pitäisi olla Ilmasto-osiossa huomioidaan yrityksen hiilijalanjälki: helposti tarjolla kiinnostuneelle kuluttajalle ja muille yrityksen suorat päästöt, muualta ostettu sähkö sekä sidosryhmille. Ränkkää brändissä ei oteta huomioon muut epäsuorat päästöt. Puma, Adidas (sekä sen omis-

9 brändiä

Vans 1

Ethletic 0

6 brändiä New Balance 0

Puma 3 Under Armour 0

Reebok 2 Veja 0

Asics 2 Fila 0

Adidas 2 Saucony 0 Nike 1 DC Shoes 0 0 brändiä 0 brändiä 0 brändiä Converse 1 Karhu 0 A B C D E Ilmasto

5 tama Reebok) ja Asics olivat pienentäneet oman toi- rannasta, pakkausmateriaaleista, ja toimista kenkien mintansa (Scope 1 ja 2) hiilijalanjälkeä edellisestä rapor- elinkaaren pidentämiseksi tai kierrätyksen parantami- tointivuodesta. Edellä mainitut brändit sekä Nike (ja seksi. sen omistama brändi Converse) olivat lisäksi selvittä- Osa brändeistä kertoo käyttävänsä vastuullisesti tuo- neet hiilijalanjälkensä myös tuotantoketjun toiminnasta tettuja raaka-aineita, mutta ei kerro niiden osuutta kai- (Scope 3), jossa suurin osa päästöistä yleensä syntyy. kista käytetyistä raaka-aineista. Pisteiden saamisen Yksikään brändi ei ollut onnistunut vielä vähentämään edellytyksenä on avoimuus vastuullisten raaka-ainei- tuotantoketjun päästöjä suhteessa edellisvuoteen. den osuudesta koko tuotannosta (pisteitä saa porraste- Osiossa kysytään myös yrityksen käyttämästä säh- tusti sen mukaan onko vastuullisia raaka-aineita vähin- köstä ja pisteitä saa uusiutuvan energian käytöstä. Tieto tään 25 %, 50 % tai 90 %). siitä, että yrityksen käyttämä sähkö on kokonaan uusiu- Kysymyksen pisteytyksessä otetaan huomioon yri- tuvaa energiaa, ei sellaisenaan riitä. Saadakseen pisteitä tyksen kokonaishankinnat. Esimerkiksi Nike ja Adidas uusiutuvan energian käytöstä, yrityksen pitäisi pro- käyttävät jo nyt tuotannossaan pelkästään vastuullisem- senttiosuuksien lisäksi kertoa sähkön lähteet. Uusiutu- paa tai kierrätettyä puuvillaa. Ne eivät kuitenkaan kerro viin energianlähteisiin lasketaan aurinko- ja tuulivoi- mikä osuus materiaalihankintojen kokonaismäärästä on man lisäksi esimerkiksi ekosertifioitu vesivoima, jossa puuvillaa, oli se sitten kierrätettyä, Reilua kauppaa tai huomioidaan kalankulku, vesien virtaama ja jokien eli- BCI-puuvillaa (Better Cotton Initiative). nympäristöt. Joidenkin yritysten julkaisema sähköntoi- Kemikaaleihin liittyvän raportoinnin osalta pisteitä mittajan tarjoama alkuperätakuu (Guarantee of Origin) saivat yritykset, joilla on voimassaoleva tuotannossa takaa energian uusiutuvuuden, mutta ei sen ympäris- kiellettyjen kemikaalien lista (MRSL) ja jotka kertovat töarvoja. Vesivoiman osalta edellytetään ympäristö- jätevesien käsittelyyn ja testaukseen liittyvistä proses- merkkiä kuten kansainvälistä EKOenergiaa tai vas- seistaan. Pelkkä kieltolista (RSL - restricted substance taavaa. Ainoana pisteitä sai Puma, jonka kuluttamasta list) ei riitä varmistamaan koko tuotantoketjun läpäi- sähköstä 79 % on aurinko- ja tuulivoimaa. Lukuun sisäl- sevää valvontaa ja suojelemaan ympäristöä sekä työn- tyvät myös ensimmäisen portaan alihankkijat. tekijöitä. EU:n REACH-lainsäädäntöön tai kuluttajien tuoteturvallisuuteen viittaaminen ei riitä, sillä arvioin- tikriteeristö edellyttää myös kemikaalien valvontaa tuo- Yrityksen ympäristötoimet tannon osalta nk. riskimaissa. (maks. 7 pistettä) Huomionarvoista on, että yksikään yritys ei raportoi- nut päässeensä täysin eroon kieltämistään kemikaaleista Tässä osiossa brändeille on tarjolla pisteitä vastuullisesti tuotantolaitoksissaan, vedoten usein muiden yritysten tuotetuista raaka-aineista (esim. kierrätysmateriaalit, tuotantoon samoilla alihankkijoilla. Tavoite edellyttää, luomupuuvilla, -hamppu ja -pellava, Tencel, Lyocell), että kaikki samaa tehdasta käyttävät yritykset kieltävät haitallisten kemikaalien käyttökiellosta ja kiellon seu- haitallisten kemikaalien käytön.

9 brändiä

Ethletic 3

Vans 0

6 brändiä New Balance 0

Puma 2 Under Armour 0

Nike 2 Veja 0

Asics 1 Fila 0

Adidas 1 Saucony 0 Reebok 1 DC Shoes 0 0 brändiä 0 brändiä 0 brändiä Converse 1 Karhu 0 A B C D E Ympäristö

6 Osiossa kysytään myös yrityksen käyttämistä pak- nön ja viranomaisvalvonnan puitteissa. Riskimaissa kausmateriaaleista, sekä yrityksen toimista jalkineiden tuottavalta yritykseltä edellytetään erityistä huolelli- elinkaaren pidentämiseksi tai kiertotalouden edistämi- suutta ja läpinäkyvyyttä. seksi (kerääminen, kierrättäminen, korjaaminen). Käy- Hyvien tuotanto-olojen toteutumista voidaan valvoa tettyjen kenkien kerääminen hyväntekeväisyyteen ei esimerkiksi eri sidosryhmiä osallistavan yritysvastuu- oikeuta saamaan pisteitä. järjestelmän ja sen auditointien kautta. Useat brändeistä ovat sosiaalisen vastuun valvontajärjestelmä Fair Labor Associationin (FLA) akkreditoimia. Pelkkä FLA:n jäse- Työelämä- ja ihmisoikeudet nyys ei kuitenkaan riitä varmistamaan esimerkiksi vali- (maks. 6 pistettä) tusmekanismin toimivuutta. Yhdenkään yrityksen raportoinnista tai FLA:n teke- Kolmanteen osioon sisältyy muun muassa tuotanto- mästä raportista ei käy ilmi, että kriteeristön vaati- ketjun läpinäkyvyys eli tehdaslistojen julkaiseminen, mukset valitusmekanismille toteutuisivat. Kriteeristö valitusmekanismin olemassaolo, koulutus ja seuranta, edellyttää, että työntekijöille tulisi tarjota koulutusta sekä oikeus elämiseen riittävään palkkaan ja vastuulli- valituskanavien käyttöön, ja ohjeistus tulisi olla saata- set ostokäytännöt (alihankintasuhteiden keskittäminen villa paikallisella kielellä. Lisäksi yritysten tulisi julki- ja niiden pituus). Kauppasuhteiden pituudella on mer- sesti raportoida valituskanavien kautta esille tulleista kitystä pitkäjänteisen kehittämistyön kannalta, ja niitä ongelmista ja niiden käsittelemisestä. pidetään yhtenä elämiseen riittävien palkkojen mahdol- Yksikään yrityksistä ei ole sitoutunut maksamaan listajana. tuotteitaan valmistaville työntekijöille elämiseen riittä- Arvioiduista brändeistä kahdeksan julkaisee vähin- viä palkkoja. Tämä on kenkä- ja vaateteollisuuden kes- tään ensimmäisen portaan tuottajansa eli kenkien keisimpiä kipukohtia, sillä tuotteet tehdään enimmäk- kokoonpanotehtaat. Nike ja Adidas julkaisevat myös seen riskimaissa, jossa minimipalkka on usein kaukana kaikki materiaalitoimittajansa sekä valmistajia, joiden elämiseen riittävästä palkasta. tehtaissa tehdään vesi-intensiivisimmät tuotannon vai- heet, kuten värjäykset ja valkaisut. Yksikään brändi ei tuota kenkiään ainoastaan matalan riskin maissa, joissa ihmis- ja työoikeudet toteutuvat paremmin lainsäädän-

9 brändiä

New Balance 1

Vans 1

6 brändiä Under Armour 1

Converse 3 Ethletic 0

Nike 3 Veja 0

Reebok 3 Fila 0

Adidas 3 Saucony 0 Asics 1 DC Shoes 0 0 brändiä 0 brändiä 0 brändiä Puma 1 Karhu 0 A B C D E Ihmisoikeudet

7 Suositukset

Yritysten tulee • tehdä kattavaa ihmisoikeusvaikutusten arviointia • varmistaa, että Suomi jatkaa kunnianhimoisen yri- YK:n liike-elämää ja ihmisoikeuksia koskevien ohjaa- tysvastuulainsäädännön edistämistä EU:ssa ja globaa- vien periaatteiden mukaisesti sekä raportoida havai- listi. tuista riskeistä ja toimista niiden minimoimiseksi. • luoda kannustimia hiilineutraaliudelle. • julkaista tehdaslistansa Transparency Pledgen mukaan. Kuluttajana ja kansalaisena • sitoutua julkisesti elämiseen riittävään palkkaan, luoda toimintamalleja tämän saavuttamiseksi ja • pyydä yrityksiä kertomaan täsmällisesti vastuulli- raportoida edistyksestä avoimesti. suustyöstään ja kenkien tuotanto-oloista. • asettaa tavoitteet omien ilmasto- ja ympäristövaiku- • harkitse huolellisesti ennen kuin ostat uusia kenkiä ja tustensa minimoimiseksi ja raportoida edistyksestä osta vain tarpeeseen. läpinäkyvästi. • suosi ostaessasi konkreettisesti ja läpinäkyvästi vas- • tehdä yhteistyötä samoja alihankkijoita käyttävien tuullisuustyöstään kertovia yrityksiä. brändien kanssa haitallisten kemikaalien eliminoimi- • tutustu yritysten vastuullisuustyöhön. seksi. • kysy kansanedustajilta ja europarlamentaarikoilta, • tehdä yhteistyötä kansalaisjärjestöjen, ammattiliitto- mitä he tekevät yritysvastuun edistämiseksi ja ilmaise jen ja muiden yritysten kanssa. tukesi yritysvastuulainsäädännölle. • tue yritysten vastuullisuutta puolueettomasti Päättäjien tulee arvioivia kansalaisjärjestöjä. • edistää yrityksiä sitovaa ihmisoikeuksia koskevaa yri- tysvastuulakia Suomessa. LIITTEET LIITTEET


Climate / Carbon Emissions

1. Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual absolute its consumer packaging materials are renewable or climate footprint of its ’own operations’, and has it made from recycled materials, and does the brand accomplished an overall absolute climate footprint implement best practices or concrete policies which reduction compared to the result of the previous have reduced the environmental impact of their reporting year? packaging materials? 2. Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual absolute 12. Does the brand encourage the longevity of products climate footprint of its supply chain that is ’beyond by offering a lifetime guarantee, repair services or own operations’? supporting the return or re-use of shoes? 3. Has the brand (owner) accomplished a reduction of this annual absolute climate footprint ’beyond own operations’ compared to the result of the previous Labor conditions / reporting year? Human rights 4. Is at least 50% of the electricity used by the brand (owner) generated from renewable resources, such 13. Has the brand (owner) published a specific list of as wind or solar energy? direct suppliers (according to the Transparency 5. Is all the electricity used by the brand (owner) gen- Pledge) that have collectively contributed to more erated from renewable resources, such as wind or than 90% of the purchase volume? solar energy? 14. Is the list of direct suppliers extended with suppliers further down the supply chain, with a minimum of 40% of suppliers? Environment 15. Does the brand (owner) have a policy to make sure there is an accessible grievance mechanism in place 6. Does the brand (owner) use environmentally ’pre- for factory workers and are at least 25% of workers ferred’ raw materials for more than 25% of its vol- informed about their rights regarding this mecha- ume? nism (e.g. through training)? Does the brand report 7. Does the brand (owner) use environmentally ’pre- on the grievances, publish corrective action plans ferred’ raw materials for more than 50% of its vol- and progress reports? ume? 16. Does the brand (owner) publicly commit to a living 8. Does the brand (owner) use environmentally ’pre- wage benchmark with defined wages per produc- ferred’ raw materials for more than 90% of its vol- tion region or factory? ume? 17. Does the brand (owner) set a target to establish the 9. Does the brand (owner) report on the implementa- payment of living wages at its apparel manufactur- tion of its environmental policy related to the ‘wet ers, and is the brand on track to achieve this target processes’ within the production cycle, like bleach- by having realised payment of living wages for at ing and dyeing of fabrics? least 10% of its production volume? 10. Has the brand (owner) eliminated at least three 18. Does the brand (owner) adhere to buying prac- suspect chemical groups, such as Phthalates or Per tices that enable living wages and good labour con- fluorinated chemicals from its entire garment pro- ditions, such as long-term relations with factories, duction? and concentrating production at a limited number 11. Does the brand (owner) report what percentage of of factories?

9 Brand Owner Adidas AG Office Location Germany Brand Adidas

Brand Website www.adidas.com CSR Report Link https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sustainability/managing-sustainability/general-approach/

Result: 6 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) dis- Yes Adidas publishes the climate foot- https://www.cdp.net/en/ closed the annual absolute cli- print of its own operations for 2019 responses/21380 mate footprint of its ’own oper- and 2020, and has reduced its abso- ations’, and has it accomplished lute climate footprint from 63 812 an overall absolute climate foot- tons of CO2e to 60 384 tons of CO2e print reduction compared to the (Scope 2 reported using location result of the previous reporting based data). Scope 1 and 2 accord- year? ing to market based data were 44700 tons CO2e for year 2019 and 28309 tons CO2e for 2020.

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed Yes Adidas publishes the climate foot- https://www.cdp.net/en/ the annual absolute climate print of its supply chain for 2020, responses/21380 footprint of its supply chain that reporting an emissions figure of is ’beyond own operations’? 15204012 tons of CO2.

3 Has the brand (owner) accom- ? Adidas publishes the climate foot- https://www.cdp.net/en/ plished a reduction of this print its supply chain from 2018 to responses/21380 annual absolute climate foot- 2019. However, the climate footprint print ’beyond own operations’ reported from 2018 clearly incom- compared to the result of the plete, missing stages in the supply previous reporting year? chain.

4 Is at least 50% of the electric- ? Brand reports it uses more than 50% https://www.cdp.net/en/ ity used by the brand (com- of energy from renewable sources; responses/21380 pany) generated from renewa- however, it can be questioned for ble resources, such as wind or additionality as some GO’s devalu- solar energy? ation takes place via various hydro- power projects in Sweden, and no information about certifications is shared.

5 Is all the electricity used by the no See remark for Q4. brand (company) generated from renewable resources, such as wind or solar energy?

10 Environment

6 Does the brand (company) use ? Adidas has defined a sustainable https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sus- environmentally ’preferred’ raw fiber strategy. However, the overall tainability/products/materials/#/recyce- materials for more than 25% of proportion of environmentally pre- ltes-nylon/ its volume? ferred raw materials is not commu- nicated. https://www.adidas-group.com/ en/media/news-archive/press-re- leases/2020/adidas-2021-first-time- more-60-percent-all-products-will-be- made/

https://report.adidas-group. com/2019/en/group-management-re- port-our-company/sustainability/ our-progress/materials-and-processes. html

7 Does the brand (company) use ? See remark for Q6. environmentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than 50% of its volume?

8 Does the brand (company) use ? See remark for Q6. environmentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than 90% of its volume?

9 Does the brand (company) Yes Adidas has rules for wastewa- https://www.adidas-group.com/en/ report on the implementation of ter treatment in the production of sustainability/managing-sustainabil- its environmental policy related all their products, as well as pub- ity/environmental-approach/#/unser- to the ‘wet processes’ within the licly available restricted substance ansatz/unser-ansatz/ production cycle, like bleaching list that meets or goes beyond and dyeing of fabrics? local legislation and that is regu- https://www.adidas-group.com/en/ larly updated, as well as measures sustainability/managing-sustainabil- to increase water use efficiency. ity/environmental-approach/chemi- cal-footprint/#/archive-progress-re- ports/

https://www.adidas-group.com/media/ filer_public/ac/b1/acb125e2-3eeb-49ff- aa58-e06a124a4829/april_2019_pro- gress_report_on_chemical_manage- ment.pdf

10 Has the brand (company) elim- ? It remains uncertain whether or not https://www.adidas-group.com/en/ inated at least three suspect at least three of the above men- sustainability/managing-sustainabil- chemical group, such as Phtha- tioned chemical groups can be con- ity/environmental-approach/#/unser- lates or Per fluorinated chemi- sidered as completely eliminated ansatz/unser-ansatz/ cals from its entire garment pro- from the brands garment produc- duction? tion. https://www.adidas-group.com/en/ sustainability/managing-sustainabil- ity/environmental-approach/chemi- cal-footprint/#/archive-progress-re- ports/

https://www.adidas-group.com/media/ filer_public/ac/b1/acb125e2-3eeb-49ff- aa58-e06a124a4829/april_2019_pro- gress_report_on_chemical_manage- ment.pdf

11 11 Does the brand (owner) report ? The company / brand publishes what percentage of its con- neither the percentage of recy- sumer packaging materials are cled input materials for packaging renewable or made from recy- nor the amount of renewables and cled materials, and does the non-renewables for packaging. brand implement best prac- tices or concrete policies which have reduced the environmen- tal impact of their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the ? It remains uncertain whether or not https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sus- longevity of products by offering the brand has in place any kind of tainability/products/end-of-life/ a lifetime guarantee, repair ser- concept to stimulate the re-use or vices or supporting the return or return of garments by its customers. re-use of shoes?

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published Yes Adidas has published a list of all https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sus- a specific list of direct suppli- active direct suppliers, including the tainability/managing-sustainability/ ers (according to the Transpar- full addresses / products that were human-rights/supply-chain-structure/ ency Pledge ) that have collec- made in each factory. tively contributed to more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers Yes Adidas has published a list of direct https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sus- extended with suppliers further suppliers which most likely cover tainability/managing-sustainability/ down the supply chain, with a more than 40% of its suppliers fur- human-rights/supply-chain-structure/ minimum of 40% of suppliers? ther down the supply chain and producers in Tier 3, where majority of wet processes are carried out.

15 Does the brand (owner) have a ? Adidas is a member of Fair Labor https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sus- policy to make sure there is an Association which requires a com- tainability/sustainability-contact/ accessible grievance mecha- plaints mechanism to be active nism in place for factory work- within factories. However, it is not ers and are at least 25% of work- clear if at least 25% of employees are ers informed about their rights informed about their rights regard- regarding this mechanism (e.g. ing mechanism (e.g. through train- through training)? Does the ing) and progress reports about brand report on the grievances, grievances are published. publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly ? Adidas does not provide concrete https://cleanclothes.org/file-repository/ commit to a living wage bench- information about policy measures adidas.pdf/view mark with defined wages per to establish the payment of living production region or factory? wages at its apparel manufacturers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a ? Adidas does not provide concrete https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sus- target to establish the payment information about policy measures tainability/people/factory-workers/#/ of living wages at its apparel to establish the payment of living our-approach/ manufacturers, and is the brand wages at its apparel manufacturers. on track to achieve this target by having realised payment of liv- ing wages for at least 10% of its production volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere Yes 86% of Adidas and branded https://report.adidas-group.com/2019/ to buying practices that enable apparel is made by factory groups en/servicepages/downloads/files/adi- living wages and good labour that the brand has worked with for das_annual_report_2019.pdf, p.64 conditions, such as long-term over 10 years. relations with factories, and con- centrating production at a lim- ited number of factories?

12 Brand Owner ASICS Corporation Head Office Location Japan Brand Asics

Brand Website www..com CSR Report Link https://assets.asics.com/page_types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainability%20Report%202019%20online%20Original_ original.pdf

Result: 5 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the Yes Asics Corporation publishes the https://www.cdp.net/ annual absolute climate footprint climate footprint of its own oper- en/responses/1046 of its ’own operations’, and has it ations for 2018 and 2019 and has p. 13, 31 accomplished an overall absolute cli- reduced its absolute climate mate footprint reduction compared footprint from 4064 tons CO2e to https://assets.asics.com/page_ to the result of the previous report- 3874 of CO2e. types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- ing year? ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- 1586508566.1611413859&_ gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the Yes Asics Corporation publishes p. 27 https://assets.asics.com/page_ annual absolute climate footprint of the climate footprint of its sup- types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- its supply chain that is ’beyond own ply chain for 2019, reporting an ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 operations’? emissions figure of 769,504 tons Original_original.pdf of CO2.

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished No Asics has only achieved a reduc- p. 27 https://assets.asics.com/page_ a reduction of this annual absolute tion compared to the baseline in types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- climate footprint ’beyond own oper- 2015. ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 ations’ compared to the result of the Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ previous reporting year? ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- 1586508566.1611413859&_ gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used No Asics reports it sources 16.4% of p. 25 https://assets.asics.com/page_ by the brand (company) generated its electricity from renewable types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- from renewable resources, such as sources for its own operations. ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 wind or solar energy? Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- 1586508566.1611413859&_ gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

13 5 Is all the electricity used by the brand No See remark for climate question p. 25 https://assets.asics.com/page_ (company) generated from renewa- 4. types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- ble resources, such as wind or solar ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 energy? Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- 1586508566.1611413859&_ gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE


6 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? Asics Corporation collabo- p. 19, 22 https://assets.asics.com/page_ ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials rates with Better Cotton Initia- types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- for more than 25% of its volume? tive (BCI), Cotton made in Africa ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 (CmiA) and Fairtrade, and uses Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ environmentally preferred fibres ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- such as recycled cotton, recycled 1586508566.1611413859&_ polyester, organic cotton, but it gac=1.262457214.1611413859. is not clear what percentage of CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- the total annual volume this rep- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- resents. FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

7 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for environment p. 19, 22 https://assets.asics.com/page_ ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials Question 6. types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- for more than 50% of its volume? ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- 1586508566.1611413859&_ gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

8 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for environment p. 19, 22 https://assets.asics.com/page_ ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials Question 6. types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- for more than 90% of its volume? ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- 1586508566.1611413859&_ gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

9 Does the brand (company) report on ? Asics does not communicate p. 22 https://assets.asics.com/page_ the implementation of its environ- enough information on an envi- types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- mental policy related to the ‘wet pro- ronmental policy (e.g. MRSL and ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 cesses’ within the production cycle, wastewater management rules) Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ like bleaching and dyeing of fabrics? related to the ‘wet processes’ ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- within the production cycle on 1586508566.1611413859&_ its website. gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

14 10 Has the brand (company) elimi- ? It remains uncertain whether or p. 21, 22 https://assets.asics.com/page_ nated at least three suspect chemi- not at least three of the afore- types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- cal group, such as Phthalates or Per mentioned chemical groups ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 fluorinated chemicals from its entire can be considered as completely Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ garment production? eliminated from the brands gar- ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- ment production. 1586508566.1611413859&_ gac=1.262457214.1611413859. CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

11 Does the brand (owner) report what ? Asics corporation does not report p. 28 https://assets.asics.com/page_ percentage of its consumer packag- the percentage of recycled or types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- ing materials are renewable or made renewable materials used for its ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 from recycled materials, and does consumer packaging, nor any Original_original.pdf?1593140929&_ the brand implement best prac- annual reductions or best prac- ga=2.21105907.912069658.1611413859- tices or concrete policies which have tices regarding its packaging 1586508566.1611413859&_ reduced the environmental impact materials. gac=1.262457214.1611413859. of their packaging materials? CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfflX- r1cq6h4qyofrM8diCIiGUudEEcr96h- FvusgIpGfdVd9h2IUxzBoCF0EQAvD_ BwE

12 Does the brand encourage the lon- Yes The company clearly reports p. 20 https://assets.asics.com/page_ gevity of products by offering a life- on approaches to encour- types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- time guarantee, repair services or age the return of used foot- ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 supporting the return or re-use of wear by its customers, to be Original_original.pdf; https://www. garments? either re-sold or repurposed. asics.com/us/en-us/mk/ico

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) pub- Yes Asics Corporation has published https://assets.asics.com/page_ lished a specific list of direct sup- a factory list including the full types/3838/files/ASICS_Corporation_ pliers (according to the Transpar- addresses / products that were Primary_Supplier_List_2020_original. ency Pledge standards) that have made in each factory, which pdf collectively contributed to more most likely covers 90% of the cor- than 90% of the purchase volume? poration’s total production.

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended ? Asics Corporation has published https://assets.asics.com/page_ with suppliers further down the sup- a factory list including the full types/3838/files/ASICS_Corporation_ ply chain, with a minimum of 40% of addresses / products that were Primary_Supplier_List_2020_original. suppliers? made in each factory, that likely pdf does not cover 40% of the corpo- ration’s total production.

15 Does the brand (owner) have a pol- ? Asics Corporation is not part of p. 37 https://assets.asics.com/page_ icy to make sure there is an acces- any eligible initiative. They report types/4377/files/ASICS%20Sustainabil- sible grievance mechanism in place having a grievance mechanism ity%20Report%202019%20online%20 for factory workers and are at least for migrant workers for factories Original_original.pdf 25% of workers informed about their in Thailand and Japan, but this is rights regarding this mechanism not considered sufficient. (e.g. through training)? Does the brand report on the grievances, pub- lish corrective action plans and pro- gress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly ? Asics Corporation does not pro- https://fashionchecker.org/brand-pro- commit to a living wage benchmark vide concrete information about file.html?q=170564 with defined wages per production policy measures to establish the region or factory? payment of living wages at its apparel manufacturers.

15 17 Does the brand (owner) set a target ? Asics Corporation does not pro- https://fashionchecker.org/brand-pro- to establish the payment of living vide concrete information about file.html?q=170564 wages at its apparel manufacturers, policy measures to establish the and is the brand on track to achieve payment of living wages at its this target by having realised pay- apparel manufacturers. ment of living wages for at least 10% of its production volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to ? Asics Corporation does not report buying practices that enable living on the duration of business rela- wages and good labour conditions, tionships with suppliers, nor on a such as long-term relations with fac- strategy to concentrate produc- tories, and concentrating production tion at a limited number of sup- at a limited number of factories? pliers. Asics Corporation further does not mention owning any factories nor tell the numbers of factories.

16 Brand Owner Nike Inc. Head Office Location Brand Converse

Brand Website www.nike.com CSR Report Link https://purpose.nike.com/fy19-nike-impact-report

Result: 4 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) dis- No According to CDP, Nike Inc publishes https://www.cdp.net/en/ closed the annual absolute the climate footprint of its own opera- responses/13279 climate footprint of its ’own tions for 2018 and 2019. However, Nike operations’, and has it accom- reports no reduction in its absolute cli- plished an overall absolute mate footprint. climate footprint reduction compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

2 Has the brand (owner) dis- Yes Nike Inc publishes the climate foot- https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ closed the annual absolute print of its supply chain for 2019, purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ climate footprint of its sup- reporting an emissions figure of uploads/2020/04/10224126/Nike-Inc.- ply chain that is ’beyond own 15700000 tons of CO2. FY19-Impact-Report_Data_Master.xlsx operations’?

3 Has the brand (owner) No Nike Inc reports that the absolute https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ accomplished a reduction annual climate footprint of its supply purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ of this annual absolute cli- chain beyond its own operations has uploads/2020/04/10224126/Nike-Inc.- mate footprint ’beyond own increased from 3 140 143 tons of CO2e FY19-Impact-Report_Data_Master.xlsx operations’ compared to the to 3 250 744 tons of CO2e. result of the previous report- ing year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electric- No Nike Inc reports for 2019 to have used https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ ity used by the brand (com- only 12% renewable energy on total purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ pany) generated from renew- electricity consumption (Tier 1 & 2). uploads/2020/04/10224126/Nike-Inc.- able resources, such as wind FY19-Impact-Report_Data_Master.xlsx or solar energy? https://www.cdp.net/en/ responses/13279

5 Is all the electricity used by No See remark for Q4. the brand (company) gen- erated from renewable resources, such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) ? Nike Inc has defined a sustainable https://purpose.nike.com/fy19-nike-im- use environmentally ’pre- fiber strategy, yet it does not specify pact-report; https://s3-us-west-2.ama- ferred’ raw materials for more which materials are in use for the Con- zonaws.com/purpose-cms-preprod01/ than 25% of its volume? verse brand. The overall proportion of wp-content/uploads/2020/04/10224126/ environmentally preferred raw mate- Nike-Inc.-FY19-Impact-Report_Data_ rials is not communicated. Master.xlsx

7 Does the brand (company) ? See remark for Q6. use environmentally ’pre- ferred’ raw materials for more than 50% of its volume?

17 8 Does the brand (company) ? See remark for Q6. use environmentally ’pre- ferred’ raw materials for more than 90% of its volume?

9 Does the brand (company) Yes Nike Inc has rules for wastewater https://about.nike.com/pages/chemis- report on the implemen- treatment in the production of all their try-better-practices; https://about.nike. tation of its environmen- products, as well as publicly available com/pages/chemistry-playbook tal policy related to the ‘wet restricted substance list that meets or processes’ within the produc- goes beyond local legislation and that https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ tion cycle, like bleaching and is regularly updated as well as meas- purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ dying of fabrics? ures to increase water use efficiency uploads/2020/04/10225416/FY19-Nike- Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf

10 Has the brand (company) ? It remains uncertain whether or not https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ eliminated at least three sus- at least three of the suspect chemi- purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ pect chemical group, such as cal groups can be considered as com- uploads/2020/04/10225416/FY19-Nike- Phthalates or Per fluorinated pletely eliminated from the brands Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf chemicals from its entire gar- garment production. ment production?

11 Does the brand (owner) ? Nike Inc requires its suppliers to use https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ report what percentage of its minimum 50% recycled materials for purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ consumer packaging mate- cardboard packaging but does not uploads/2020/04/10225416/FY19-Nike- rials are renewable or made report annual reductions nor best Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf from recycled materials, and practices regarding its packaging does the brand implement materials. https://purpose.nike.com/corrugat- best practices or concrete ed-cardboard policies which have reduced the environmental impact of https://s3.amazonaws.com/nikeinc/ their packaging materials? assets/95940/PDR_1.0_2020_. pdf?1590692448

12 Does the brand encourage ? Nike Inc has programs in place that p.62, https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws. the longevity of products by encoure reuse and return of footwear. com/purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-con- offering a lifetime guarantee, However, it remains unclear if these tent/uploads/2020/04/10225416/FY19- repair services or supporting measures also cover the Converse Nike-Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf the return or re-use of gar- brand. ments?

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) pub- yes Nike Inc has signed the transparency https://www.fairlabor.org/sites/default/ lished a specific list of direct pledge in 2017 and publishes a spe- files/documents/reports/nike_reaccred- suppliers (according to the cific list of its direct suppliers, that itation_report_final.pdf; Transparency Pledge stand- most likely covers more than 90% of ards) that have collectively its suppliers. http://manufacturingmap.nikeinc.com/ contributed to more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers yes Nike Inc has published its strategic https://www.fairlabor.org/sites/default/ extended with suppliers fur- Tier 2 suppliers, which most likely files/documents/reports/nike_reaccred- ther down the supply chain, cover more than 40% of its suppliers itation_report_final.pdf; with a minimum of 40% of further down the supply chain. suppliers? http://manufacturingmap.nikeinc.com/

15 Does the brand (owner) have ? Nike Inc is a member of Fair Labor https://www.fairlabor.org/sites/default/ a policy to make sure there Association which requires a com- files/documents/reports/nike_reaccred- is an accessible grievance plaints mechanism to be active within itation_report_final.pdf mechanism in place for fac- factories. However, it is not clear if at tory workers and are at least least 25% of employees are informed 25% of workers informed about their rights regarding mecha- about their rights regarding nism (e.g. through training) and pro- this mechanism (e.g. through gress reports about grievances are training)? Does the brand published. report on the grievances, publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

18 16 Does the brand (owner) pub- ? Nike Inc does not provide concrete https://fashionchecker.org/brand-pro- licly commit to a living wage information about policy measures to file.html?q=5800 benchmark with defined establish the payment of living wages wages per production region at its apparel manufacturers. or factory?

17 Does the brand (owner) set ? Nike Inc does not provide concrete https://fashionchecker.org/brand-pro- a target to establish the pay- information about policy measures to file.html?q=5800 ment of living wages at its establish the payment of living wages apparel manufacturers, and is at its apparel manufacturers. the brand on track to achieve this target by having realised payment of living wages for at least 10% of its production volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) Yes Over 90% of Nike Inc footwear and http://manufacturingmap.nikeinc.com/ adhere to buying practices branded apparel is made by factory that enable living wages and groups that the brand has worked https://purpose.nike.com/human-rights good labour conditions, such with for over 15 years. Nike does not as long-term relations with own any of the factories. https://purpose.nike.com/supplier-rela- factories, and concentrating tionships production at a limited num- ber of factories?

19 Brand Owner Boardriders, Inc. Head Office Location United States Brand DC Shoes

Brand Website www.dcshoes.com

Result: 0 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual No. Boardriders Inc, brand owner of brand DC absolute climate footprint of its ’own oper- Shoes has not published any climate foot- ations’, and has it accomplished an overall print of its own operations from 2018 to absolute climate footprint reduction com- 2020. pared to the result of the previous report- ing year?

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual No. Boardriders Inc, owner of brand DC Shoes absolute climate footprint of its supply chain has not published any climate footprint that is ’beyond own operations’? from 2018 to 2020.

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished a ? Boardriders Inc, owner of brand DC Shoes reduction of this annual absolute climate has not published any climate footprint footprint ’beyond own operations’ com- from 2018 to 2020. pared to the result of the previous report- ing year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used by the ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not com- brand (company) generated from renewa- municate its renewable energy policy. ble resources, such as wind or solar energy?

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand (com- ? Boardriders Inc/ DC Shoes does not com- pany) generated from renewable resources, municate its renewable energy policy. such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not com- tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than municate any environmental policy on its 25% of its volume? website

7 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not com- tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than municate any environmental policy on its 50% of its volume? website

8 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not com- tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than municate any environmental policy on its 90% of its volume? website

9 Does the brand (company) report on the ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not com- implementation of its environmental pol- municate any environmental policy on its icy related to the ‘wet processes’ within the website production cycle, like bleaching and dyeing of fabrics?

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated at ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not com- least three suspect chemical group, such municate any environmental policy on its as Phthalates or Per fluorinated chemicals website from its entire garment production?

20 11 Does the brand (owner) report what per- ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not com- centage of its consumer packaging mate- municate any environmental policy on its rials are renewable or made from recycled website materials, and does the brand implement best practices or concrete policies which have reduced the environmental impact of their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the longevity of ? DC Shoes does not report whether or not it products by offering a lifetime guarantee, has in place any kind of concept to stimu- repair services or supporting the return or late the re-use or return of garments by its re-use of garments? customers.

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a spe- ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not provide cific list of direct suppliers (according to the a list of direct suppliers. Transparency Pledge standards) that have collectively contributed to more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended with ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not provide suppliers further down the supply chain, a list of suppliers down the supply chain. with a minimum of 40% of suppliers?

15 Does the brand (owner) have a policy to ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not report make sure there is an accessible grievance on a grievance mechanism mechanism in place for factory workers and are at least 25% of workers informed about their rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. through training)? Does the brand report on the grievances, publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly commit ? Boardriders Inc/DC Shoes does not provide to a living wage benchmark with defined concrete information about policy meas- wages per production region or factory? ures to establish the payment of living wages at its apparel manufacturers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? DC Shoes does not provide concrete infor- establish the payment of living wages at its mation about policy measures to establish apparel manufacturers, and is the brand on the payment of living wages at its apparel track to achieve this target by having real- manufacturers. ised payment of living wages for at least 10% of its production volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to buying ? DC Shoes does not report on the duration practices that enable living wages and good of business relationships with suppliers, nor labour conditions, such as long-term rela- on a strategy to concentrate production at tions with factories, and concentrating pro- a limited number of suppliers. duction at a limited number of factories?

21 Brand Owner Fair Deal Trading GmbH Head Office Location Germany Brand Ethletic

Brand Website www.ethletic.com

Result: 3 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed No Ethletic has clearly not published the https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- the annual absolute climate foot- absolute climate footprint for its Scope 1 bility_en/ print of its ’own operations’, and and 2 greenhouse gas emissions. has it accomplished an overall absolute climate footprint reduc- tion compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed No Ethletic has not published any climate https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- the annual absolute climate foot- footprint of its supply chain from 2019 to bility_en// print of its supply chain that is 2021. ’beyond own operations’?

3 Has the brand (owner) accom- No See remark for Question 2. https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- plished a reduction of this annual bility_en/ absolute climate footprint ’beyond own operations’ compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity ? Ethletic does not communicate its https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- used by the brand (company) gen- renewable energy policy. bility_en/ erated from renewable resources, such as wind or solar energy?

5 Is all the electricity used by the ? See the remark for Question 4. https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- brand (company) generated from bility_en/ renewable resources, such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use Yes In 2020, around 100 % of Ethletic’s entire https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- environmentally ’preferred’ raw collection, was made of organic cotton - bility_en/ materials for more than 25% of its certified to Fairtrade, FSC-certified and volume? PETA approved Vegan materials. https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- vice/

7 Does the brand (company) use Yes See the remark for Question 6. https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- environmentally ’preferred’ raw bility_en/ materials for more than 50% of its volume? https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- vice/

8 Does the brand (company) use Yes See the remark for Question 6. https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- environmentally ’preferred’ raw bility_en/ materials for more than 90% of its volume? https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- vice/

22 9 Does the brand (company) report ? Ethletic does not communicate clear https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- on the implementation of its envi- information on an environmental policy bility_en/ ronmental policy related to the related to the ‘wet processes’ within the ‘wet processes’ within the produc- production cycle on its website. https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- tion cycle, like bleaching and dye- vice/ ing of fabrics?

10 Has the brand (company) elim- ? Ethletic indicates that manufacturing https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- inated at least three suspect of its garments is partly GOTS certified, bility_en/ chemical group, such as Phtha- which means that the use of the rele- lates or Per fluorinated chemicals vant chemical groups is prohibited, but https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- from its entire garment produc- it is not clear if these chemicals are used vice/ tion? in the all parts of the production.

11 Does the brand (owner) report ? Ethletic does not report the percent- https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- what percentage of its consumer age of recycled or renewable materials bility_en/ packaging materials are renewa- used for its consumer packaging, nor ble or made from recycled mate- any annual reductions or best practices https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- rials, and does the brand imple- regarding its packaging materials. vice// ment best practices or concrete policies which have reduced the environmental impact of their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the ? Ethletic is in the process of developing a https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- longevity of products by offering a deposit system for reused products, but vice/ lifetime guarantee, repair services it does not have the process ready yet. or supporting the return or re-use of garments?

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published No Ethletic does not provide a significant https://ethletic.com/en/ a specific list of direct suppliers list of direct suppliers. (according to the Transparency https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- Pledge standards) that have col- bility_en/ lectively contributed to more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers No See remark for Question 13. https://ethletic.com/en/ extended with suppliers further down the supply chain, with a https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- minimum of 40% of suppliers? bility_en/

15 Does the brand (owner) have a ? Ethletic does not report on a grievance https://ethletic.com/en/ policy to make sure there is an mechanism. accessible grievance mecha- https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- nism in place for factory work- bility_en/ ers and are at least 25% of work- ers informed about their rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. through training)? Does the brand report on the grievances, publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly ? Ethletic commits to pay fair and proper https://shop.ethletic.com/en/ser- commit to a living wage bench- wages for its workers but does not pro- vice/ mark with defined wages per pro- vide any concrete information about the duction region or factory? bencmarks or certificates which it uses.

23 17 Does the brand (owner) set a tar- ? See remark for Question 16. https://ethletic.com/en/ get to establish the payment of living wages at its apparel man- https://ethletic.com/en/sustaina- ufacturers, and is the brand on bility_en/ track to achieve this target by having realised payment of living wages for at least 10% of its pro- duction volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to ? Ethletic does not report on the duration https://ethletic.com/en/about_en/ buying practices that enable liv- of business relationships with suppliers, ing wages and good labour condi- nor on a strategy to concentrate produc- https://ethletic.com/en/ethlet- tions, such as long-term relations tion at a limited number of suppliers. ic-story-en-2/ with factories, and concentrating production at a limited number of factories?

24 Brand Owner FILA Holdings Corporation. Head Office Location South Korea Brand FILA

Brand Website https://www.fila.de/ CSR Report Link http://www.filaholdings.com/resource/file/en/FILA%20REPORT%202019%20(ENG).pdf?v=2020

Result: 0 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual ? FILA has disclosed the annual abso- p.24, http://www. absolute climate footprint of its ’own oper- lute climate footprint for year 2019 at filaholdings.com/ ations’, and has it accomplished an overall 3576,5 tons CO2e. There are no reports resource/file/en/ absolute climate footprint reduction com- on emissions for the previous year. FILA%20REPORT%20 pared to the result of the previous reporting 2019%20(ENG). year? pdf?v=2020

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual No. FILA has clearly not published the absolute climate footprint of its supply chain absolute climate footprint for the that is ’beyond own operations’? greenhouse gas emissions of its sup- ply chain.

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished a reduc- ? FILA has not published the absolute tion of this annual absolute climate footprint climate footprint for the greenhouse ’beyond own operations’ compared to the gas emissions of its supply chain. result of the previous reporting year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used by the ? FILA does not communicate its brand (company) generated from renewable renewable energy policy. resources, such as wind or solar energy?

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand (com- ? FILA does not communicate its pany) generated from renewable resources, renewable energy policy. such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? FILA does not communicate any envi- tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than ronmental policy on its website 25% of its volume?

7 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? FILA does not communicate any envi- tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than ronmental policy on its website 50% of its volume?

8 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? FILA does not communicate any envi- tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than ronmental policy on its website 90% of its volume?

9 Does the brand (company) report on the ? FILA does not communicate any infor- implementation of its environmental policy mation on an environmental policy related to the ‘wet processes’ within the pro- related to the ‘wet processes’ within duction cycle, like bleaching and dying of fab- the production cycle on its website. rics?

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated at least ? FILA does not communicate any three suspect chemical group, such as Phtha- information on phasing out harmful lates or Per fluorinated chemicals from its chemicals. entire garment production?

25 11 Does the brand (owner) report what percent- ? FILA does not report the percentage age of its consumer packaging materials are of recycled or renewable materials renewable or made from recycled materials, used for its consumer packaging, nor and does the brand implement best prac- any annual reductions or best prac- tices or concrete policies which have reduced tices regarding its packaging mate- the environmental impact of their packaging rials. materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the longevity of ? The company does not report whether products by offering a lifetime guarantee, or not it has in place any kind of con- repair services or supporting the return or cept to stimulate the re-use or return re-use of garments? of garments by its customers.

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a spe- ? FILA does not provide a significant list cific list of direct suppliers (accord- of direct suppliers. ing to the Transparency Pledge stand- ards) that have collectively contributed to more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended with ? FILA does not provide a significant suppliers further down the supply chain, with list of direct suppliers down the sup- a minimum of 40% of suppliers? ply chain.

15 Does the brand (owner) have a policy to ? FILA does not report on a grievance make sure there is an accessible grievance mechanism. mechanism in place for factory workers and are at least 25% of workers informed about their rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. through training)? Does the brand report on the grievances, publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly commit to a No. FILA does not provide concrete infor- living wage benchmark with defined wages mation about policy measures to per production region or factory? establish the payment of living wages at its apparel manufacturers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to estab- ? FILA does not provide concrete infor- lish the payment of living wages at its apparel mation about policy measures to manufacturers, and is the brand on track to establish the payment of living wages achieve this target by having realised pay- at its apparel manufacturers. ment of living wages for at least 10% of its pro- duction volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to buying ? FILA does not report on the duration practices that enable living wages and good of business relationships with suppli- labour conditions, such as long-term rela- ers, nor on a strategy to concentrate tions with factories, and concentrating pro- production at a limited number of duction at a limited number of factories? suppliers.

26 Brand Owner Karhu Holding b.v. Head Office Location Netherlands Brand Karhu

Brand Website www.karhu.com

Result: 0 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual No. Karhu/Karhu Holding BV has not published absolute climate footprint of its ’own oper- any climate footprint of its own operations ations’, and has it accomplished an overall from 2018 to 2020. absolute climate footprint reduction com- pared to the result of the previous report- ing year?

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual No. Karhu/Karhu Holding BV has not published absolute climate footprint of its supply any climate footprint from 2018 to 2020. chain that is ’beyond own operations’?

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished a ? Karhu/Karhu Holding has not published any reduction of this annual absolute climate climate footprint from 2018 to 2020. footprint ’beyond own operations’ com- pared to the result of the previous report- ing year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used by the ? Karhu does not communicate its renewable brand (company) generated from renewa- energy policy. ble resources, such as wind or solar energy?

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand (com- ? Karhu does not communicate its renewable pany) generated from renewable resources, energy policy. such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? Karhu does not communicate any environ- mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more mental policy on its website than 25% of its volume?

7 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? Karhu does not communicate any environ- mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more mental policy on its website than 50% of its volume?

8 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? Karhu does not communicate any environ- mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more mental policy on its website than 90% of its volume?

9 Does the brand (company) report on the ? Karhu does not communicate any environ- implementation of its environmental pol- mental policy on its website icy related to the ‘wet processes’ within the production cycle, like bleaching and dyeing of fabrics?

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated at ? Karhu does not communicate any environ- least three suspect chemical group, such mental policy on its website as Phthalates or Per fluorinated chemicals from its entire garment production?

27 11 Does the brand (owner) report what per- ? Karhu does not communicate any environ- centage of its consumer packaging mate- mental policy on its website rials are renewable or made from recycled materials, and does the brand implement best practices or concrete policies which have reduced the environmental impact of their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the longevity of ? Karhu does not report whether or not it has products by offering a lifetime guarantee, in place any kind of concept to stimulate the repair services or supporting the return or re-use or return of garments by its customers. re-use of garments?

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a spe- ? Karhu does not provide a list of direct suppli- cific list of direct suppliers (according to the ers. Transparency Pledge standards) that have collectively contributed to more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended with ? Karhu does not provide a list of suppliers suppliers further down the supply chain, down the supply chain. with a minimum of 40% of suppliers?

15 Does the brand (owner) have a policy to ? Karhu does not report on a grievance mech- make sure there is an accessible grievance anism mechanism in place for factory workers and are at least 25% of workers informed about their rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. through training)? Does the brand report on the grievances, publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly commit ? Karhu does not provide concrete information to a living wage benchmark with defined about policy measures to establish the pay- wages per production region or factory? ment of living wages at its apparel manufac- turers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? Karhu does not provide concrete information establish the payment of living wages at its about policy measures to establish the pay- apparel manufacturers, and is the brand on ment of living wages at its apparel manufac- track to achieve this target by having real- turers. ised payment of living wages for at least 10% of its production volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to buy- ? Karhu does not report on the duration of ing practices that enable living wages and business relationships with suppliers, nor on good labour conditions, such as long-term a strategy to concentrate production at a lim- relations with factories, and concentrating ited number of suppliers. production at a limited number of facto- ries?

28 Brand Owner New Balance Athletic Shoes (UK) Ltd Head Office Location United Kingdom Brand New Balance

Brand Website https://www.newbalance.com CSR Report Link https://www.newbalance.com/responsible-leadership.html

Result: 2 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the No New Balance has not published any https://www.newbalance. annual absolute climate footprint of climate footprint of its own opera- com/responsible-leadership/ its ’own operations’, and has it accom- tions from 2019 to 2021. However, environment.html plished an overall absolute climate according to the website it is in the footprint reduction compared to the process of completing its first carbon result of the previous reporting year? footprint.

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the No New Balance has not published any https://www.newbalance. annual absolute climate footprint of climate footprint of its supply chain com/responsible-leadership/ its supply chain that is ’beyond own from 2019 to 2021. environment.html operations’?

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished No See remark for Question 3. https://www.newbalance. a reduction of this annual absolute com/responsible-leadership/ climate footprint ’beyond own oper- environment.html ations’ compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used ? New Balance does not clearly com- https://www.newbalance. by the brand (company) generated municate its renewable energy pol- com/responsible-leadership/ from renewable resources, such as icy. Sustainability information should environment.html wind or solar energy? be easily accessible for consumers to make responsible choices.

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand ? See remark for Q5. https://www.newbalance. (company) generated from renew- com/responsible-leadership/ able resources, such as wind or solar environment.html energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? New Balance does not communicate https://www.newbalance. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials concrete results on the use of envi- com/responsible-leadership/ for more than 25% of its volume? ronmentally preferred raw materials, product.html#md such as organic cotton or recycled polyester.

7 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for Q 6. https://www.newbalance. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials com/responsible-leadership/ for more than 50% of its volume? product.html#md

8 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for Q 6. https://www.newbalance. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials com/responsible-leadership/ for more than 90% of its volume? product.html#md

29 9 Does the brand (company) report on Yes New Balance has rules for waste- https://www.newbalance. the implementation of its environ- water treatment in the production com/responsible-leadership/ mental policy related to the ‘wet pro- of all their products, as well as pub- product.html#rs cesses’ within the production cycle, licly available restricted substance list like bleaching and dyeing of fabrics? that meets or goes beyond local leg- islation and that is regularly updated.

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated ? It remains uncertain whether or not https://www.newbalance. at least three suspect chemical group, at least three of the above mentioned com/responsible-leadership/ such as Phthalates or Per fluorinated chemical groups can be considered product.html#rs chemicals from its entire garment as completely eliminated from the production? brands garment production.

11 Does the brand (owner) report what ? New Balance reports that its core https://www.newbalance. percentage of its consumer packag- shoeboxes are made from recycled com/responsible-leadership/ ing materials are renewable or made paperboard and that it gained a 130 product.html#ppu from recycled materials, and does the ton reduction in its paper usage in brand implement best practices or 2018. However, it publishes neither concrete policies which have reduced the percentage of recycled input the environmental impact of their materials for packaging nor the packaging materials? amount of renewables and non-re- newables for packaging.

12 Does the brand encourage the lon- ? The company does not report https://www.newbalance. gevity of products by offering a life- whether or not it has in place any com/responsible-leadership/ time guarantee, repair services or kind of concept to stimulate the product.html#md supporting the return or re-use of gar- re-use or return of garments by its ments? customers.

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a Yes New Balance has aligned with Trans- https://www.newbalance. specific list of direct suppliers (accord- parency Pledge and provides a spe- com/on/demandware.static/-/ ing to the Transparency Pledge stand- cific list of direct suppliers. Sites-newbalance_us2-Li- ards) that have collectively con- brary/default/dw1069e730/ tributed to more than 90% of the pdf/NB_Tier_1_Supplier_ purchase volume? List_2019.xlsx

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended ? The list includes suppliers further https://www.newbalance. with suppliers further down the sup- down the supply chain, but it remains com/on/demandware.static/-/ ply chain, with a minimum of 40% of unclear weather this covers 40% of all Sites-newbalance_us2-Li- suppliers? suppliers in Tier 2. brary/default/dw1069e730/ pdf/NB_Tier_1_Supplier_ List_2019.xlsx

15 Does the brand (owner) have a pol- ? New Balance is a member of Fair https://www.newbalance. icy to make sure there is an accessi- Labor Association which requires a com/responsible-leadership/ ble grievance mechanism in place complaints mechanism to be active human-rights.html for factory workers and are at least within factories. However, it is not 25% of workers informed about their clear if at least 25% of employees are rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. informed about their rights regard- through training)? Does the brand ing mechanism (e.g. through train- report on the grievances, publish ing) and progress reports about corrective action plans and progress grievances are published. reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly com- ? New Balance reports that it is commit- https://www.newbalance. mit to a living wage benchmark with ted to advance living wages for work- com/responsible-leadership/ defined wages per production region ers in its supply chain but has not pub- human-rights.html#fc or factory? lished any eligible commitment to a living wage benchmark.

30 17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? New Balance does not provide con- https://www.newbalance. establish the payment of living wages crete information about policy meas- com/responsible-leadership/ at its apparel manufacturers, and is ures to establish the payment of human-rights.html#fc the brand on track to achieve this tar- living wages at its apparel manufac- get y having realised payment of liv- turers. ing wages for at least 10% of its pro- duction volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to ? New Balance does not report on the https://www.newbalance. buying practices that enable living duration of business relationships com/responsible-leadership/ wages and good labour conditions, with suppliers, nor on a strategy to owned-manufacturing.htm- such as long-term relations with fac- concentrate production at a limited l#ov --- tories, and concentrating production number of suppliers. at a limited number of factories? https://www.newbalance. com/responsible-leadership/ human-rights.html

31 Brand Owner Nike Inc. Head Office Location United States Brand Nike

Brand Website www.nike.com CSR Report Link https://purpose.nike.com/fy19-nike-impact-report

Result: 6 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed No According to CDP, Nike pub- https://www.cdp.net/en/responses/13279 the annual absolute climate foot- lishes the climate footprint of print of its ’own operations’, and its own operations for 2018 and has it accomplished an overall 2019. However, Nike reports no absolute climate footprint reduc- reduction in its absolute climate tion compared to the result of footprint. the previous reporting year?

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed Yes Nike publishes the climate foot- https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ the annual absolute climate foot- print of its supply chain for 2019, purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ print of its supply chain that is reporting an emissions figure of uploads/2020/04/10224126/Nike-Inc.- ’beyond own operations’? 15700000 tons of CO2. FY19-Impact-Report_Data_Master.xlsx

3 Has the brand (owner) accom- No Nike reports that the absolute https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ plished a reduction of this annual annual climate footprint of its purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ absolute climate footprint supply chain beyond its own uploads/2020/04/10224126/Nike-Inc.- ’beyond own operations’ com- operations has increased from FY19-Impact-Report_Data_Master.xlsx pared to the result of the previ- 3 140 143 tons of CO2e to 3 250 ous reporting year? 744 tons of CO2e.

4 Is at least 50% of the electric- No Nike reports for 2019 to have https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ ity used by the brand (com- used only 12% renewable energy purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ pany) generated from renewable on total electricity consumption uploads/2020/04/10224126/Nike-Inc.- resources, such as wind or solar (Tier 1 & 2). FY19-Impact-Report_Data_Master.xlsx energy? https://www.cdp.net/en/responses/13279

5 Is all the electricity used by the No See remark for Q4. brand (company) generated from renewable resources, such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use ? Nike has defined a sustaina- https://purpose.nike.com/fy19-nike-im- environmentally ’preferred’ raw ble fiber strategy. However, the pact-report materials for more than 25% of overall proportion of environ- its volume? mentally preferred raw materi- https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ als is not communicated. purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ uploads/2020/04/10224126/Nike-Inc.- FY19-Impact-Report_Data_Master.xlsx

7 Does the brand (company) use ? See remark for Q6. environmentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than 50% of its volume?

8 Does the brand (company) use ? See remark for Q6. environmentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than 90% of its volume?

32 9 Does the brand (company) Yes Nike has rules for wastewater https://about.nike.com/pages/chemis- report on the implementation of treatment in the production try-better-practices its environmental policy related of all their products, as well as to the ‘wet processes’ within the publicly available restricted sub- https://about.nike.com/pages/chemis- production cycle, like bleaching stance list that meets or goes try-playbook; https://s3-us-west-2.ama- and dying of fabrics? beyond local legislation and zonaws.com/purpose-cms-preprod01/ that is regularly updated as well wp-content/uploads/2020/04/10225416/ as measures to increase water FY19-Nike-Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf use efficiency

10 Has the brand (company) elim- ? It remains uncertain whether or https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ inated at least three suspect not at least three of the suspect purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ chemical group, such as Phtha- chemical groups can be consid- uploads/2020/04/10225416/FY19-Nike- lates or Per fluorinated chemi- ered as completely eliminated Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf cals from its entire garment pro- from the brands footwear pro- duction? duction.

11 Does the brand (owner) report ? Nike requires its suppliers to use https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ what percentage of its consumer minimum 50% recycled materi- purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-content/ packaging materials are renewa- als for cardboard packaging but uploads/2020/04/10225416/FY19-Nike- ble or made from recycled mate- does not report annual reduc- Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf rials, and does the brand imple- tions nor best practices regard- ment best practices or concrete ing its packaging materials. https://purpose.nike.com/corrugat- policies which have reduced the ed-cardboard environmental impact of their packaging materials? https://s3.amazonaws.com/nikeinc/ assets/95940/PDR_1.0_2020_. pdf?1590692448

12 Does the brand encourage the Yes repurposes indus- p.62, https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws. longevity of products by offering trial and post-consumer waste com/purpose-cms-preprod01/wp-con- a lifetime guarantee, repair ser- for e.g. sports tracks. Nike tent/uploads/2020/04/10225416/FY19-Ni- vices or supporting the return or Adventure Club offers a ”sub- ke-Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf re-use of garments? scription” of kids shoes. Reuse- a- collection bins in USA, Italy and Spain.

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published Yes Nike has signed the transpar- https://www.fairlabor.org/sites/default/ a specific list of direct suppliers ency pledge in 2017 and pub- files/documents/reports/nike_reaccredi- (according to the Transparency lishes a specific list of its direct tation_report_final.pdf Pledge standards) that have col- suppliers, that most likely cov- lectively contributed to more than ers more than 90% of its sup- http://manufacturingmap.nikeinc.com/ 90% of the purchase volume? pliers.

14 Is the list of direct suppliers Yes Nike has published its strate- https://www.fairlabor.org/sites/default/ extended with suppliers further gic Tier 2 suppliers, which most files/documents/reports/nike_reaccredi- down the supply chain, with a likely cover more than 40% of its tation_report_final.pdf minimum of 40% of suppliers? suppliers further down the sup- ply chain. http://manufacturingmap.nikeinc.com/

15 Does the brand (owner) have a ? Nike is a member of Fair Labor https://www.fairlabor.org/sites/default/ policy to make sure there is an Association which requires a files/documents/reports/nike_reaccredi- accessible grievance mecha- complaints mechanism to be tation_report_final.pdf nism in place for factory work- active within factories. However, ers and are at least 25% of work- it is not clear if at least 25% of ers informed about their rights employees are informed about regarding this mechanism (e.g. their rights regarding mecha- through training)? Does the nism (e.g. through training) and brand report on the grievances, progress reports about griev- publish corrective action plans ances are published. and progress reports?

33 16 Does the brand (owner) publicly ? Nike does not provide concrete https://fashionchecker.org/brand-pro- commit to a living wage bench- information about policy meas- file.html?q=5800 mark with defined wages per ures to establish the payment of production region or factory? living wages at its apparel man- ufacturers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a tar- ? Nike does not provide concrete https://fashionchecker.org/brand-pro- get to establish the payment of information about policy meas- file.html?q=5800 living wages at its apparel man- ures to establish the payment of ufacturers, and is the brand on living wages at its apparel man- track to achieve this target by ufacturers. having realised payment of living wages for at least 10% of its pro- duction volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere Yes Over 90% of Nike footwear and http://manufacturingmap.nikeinc.com/ to buying practices that enable branded apparel is made by fac- living wages and good labour tory groups that the brand has https://purpose.nike.com/human-rights conditions, such as long-term worked with for over 15 years. relations with factories, and con- Nike does not own any of the https://purpose.nike.com/supplier-rela- centrating production at a lim- factories. tionships ited number of factories?

34 Brand Owner Artémis (29%), Kering (16%) Head Office Location Germany Brand Puma

Brand Website https://about.puma.com/ CSR Report Link https://annual-report-2019.puma.com/en/sustainability/puma-sustainability-strategy.html

Result: 6 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the Yes Puma publishes the climate https://annual-report-2019.puma. annual absolute climate footprint of footprint of its own operations for com/en/sustainability/environ- its ’own operations’, and has it accom- 2018 and 2019, and has reduced ment.html plished an overall absolute climate its absolute climate footprint footprint reduction compared to the from 50,284 tons of CO2e to result of the previous reporting year? 47,312 tons of CO2e.

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the Yes Puma publishes the climate foot- https://annual-report-2019.puma. annual absolute climate footprint of print of its supply chain for 2019 com/en/sustainability/environ- its supply chain that is ’beyond own on the CDP website, reporting an ment.html operations’? emissions figure of 3178889 tons of CO2. https://www.cdp.net/en/ responses/15345

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished No Puma reports that the abso- https://annual-report-2019.puma. a reduction of this annual absolute lute annual climate footprint of com/en/sustainability/environ- climate footprint ’beyond own oper- its supply chain beyond its own ment.html ations’ compared to the result of the operations has increased from previous reporting year? 222,315 tons of CO2e to 272,540 tons of CO2e.

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used Yes Puma reports for 2019 to have https://annual-report-2019.puma. by the brand (company) generated used 79 % renewable energy on com/en/sustainability/environ- from renewable resources, such as total electricity consumption ment.html wind or solar energy? from wind power RECs and solar power via green tariffs.

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand No See remark for Q4. https://annual-report-2019.puma. (company) generated from renewa- com/en/sustainability/environ- ble resources, such as wind or solar ment.html energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? Puma reports it is using from https://annual-report-2019.puma. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials environmentally preferred fibres com/en/sustainability/environ- for more than 25% of its volume? such as recycled cotton, bluesign ment.html certified polyester, organic -cot ton, but it is not clear what per- centage of the total annual vol- ume this represents.

7 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for question 6. https://annual-report-2019.puma. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials com/en/sustainability/environ- for more than 50% of its volume? ment.html

8 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for question 6. https://annual-report-2019.puma. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials com/en/sustainability/environ- for more than 90% of its volume? ment.htmll

35 9 Does the brand (company) report on Yes Puma’s reports it uses the https://annual-report-2019.puma. the implementation of its environ- ZDHC MRSL as well as its waste- com/en/sustainability/environ- mental policy related to the ‘wet pro- water treatment guidelines. ment.html cesses’ within the production cycle, like bleaching and dying of fabrics?

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated ? Puma clearly reports on its https://annual-report-2019.puma. at least three suspect chemical group, measures and targets to elimi- com/en/sustainability/environ- such as Phthalates or Per fluorinated nate suspect chemical groups by ment.html chemicals from its entire garment 2020. Whether at least three sus- production? pect chemical groups, such as can be considered as fully elim- inated from its entire production remains unclear.

11 Does the brand (owner) report what Yes Puma mentions that 100 % of it’s https://annual-report-2019.puma. percentage of its consumer packag- footwear’s packaging is FSC® com/en/sustainability/environ- ing materials are renewable or made certified and/or recycled Paper&- ment.html from recycled materials, and does the Cardboard and also reports a 17% brand implement best practices or reduction in cardboard waste https://about.puma.com/en/sus- concrete policies which have reduced from previous reporting year, tainability/product the environmental impact of their 34% reduction from baseline in packaging materials? 2015.

12 Does the brand encourage the lon- ? The company has a limited pilot https://about.puma.com/en/sus- gevity of products by offering a life- program for return of footwear, tainability/our-targets time guarantee, repair services or but has plans to increase its supporting the return or re-use of reach. garments?

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) pub- ? Puma has published a factory https://about.puma.com/en/sus- lished a specific list of direct sup- list including the full addresses tainability/social -> from this page pliers (according to the Transpar- / product category that were can be downloaded the list of 80% ency Pledge standards) that have made in each factory of Tier 1 of Puma’s suppliers factories collectively contributed to more and Tier 2 factories, but that likely than 90% of the purchase volume? does not cover 90% of the corpo- ration’s total production.

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended ? Puma has published a factory https://about.puma.com/en/sus- with suppliers further down the sup- list including the full addresses tainability/social -> from this page ply chain, with a minimum of 40% of / product category of Tier 1 and can be downloaded the list of 80% suppliers? Tier 2 factories but it is not clear, of Puma’s suppliers factories what percentage of the suppliers further down the supply chain is covered.

15 Does the brand (owner) have a pol- ? Puma is a member of Fair Labor https://about.puma.com/en/sus- icy to make sure there is an accessi- Association which requires a tainability/codes-and-handbooks ble grievance mechanism in place complaints mechanism to be for factory workers and are at least active within factories. However, 25% of workers informed about their it is not clear if at least 25% of rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. employees are informed about through training)? Does the brand their rights regarding mecha- report on the grievances, publish nism (e.g. through training) and corrective action plans and progress progress reports about griev- reports? ances are published.

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly com- ? Puma does not provide concrete https://about.puma.com/en/sus- mit to a living wage benchmark with information about policy meas- tainability/our-targets defined wages per production region ures to establish the payment of or factory? living wages at its apparel man- https://annual-report-2019.puma. ufacturers. com/en/sustainability/social-as- pects.html

https://cleanclothes.org/file-reposi- tory/puma.pdf/view

36 17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? Puma does not provide concrete https://about.puma.com/en/sus- establish the payment of living wages information about the target to tainability/our-targets at its apparel manufacturers, and is establish the payment of living the brand on track to achieve this tar- wages at its apparel manufac- get by having realised payment of liv- turers. ing wages for at least 10% of its pro- duction volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to Yes Puma reports it has maintained https://about.puma.com/en/sus- buying practices that enable living relationships that have spanned tainability/social -> from this page wages and good labour conditions, 10 years or more with 70% of its can be downloaded the list of 80% such as long-term relations with fac- suppliers. of Puma’s suppliers factories tories, and concentrating production at a limited number of factories?

37 Brand Owner Adidas AG Head Office Location Germany Brand Reebok

Brand Website www.reebok.com CSR Report Link https://www.reebok.com/us/sustainability_home

Result: 6 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the Yes Brand owner Adidas publishes https://www.cdp.net/en/ annual absolute climate footprint of the climate footprint of its own responses/21380 its ’own operations’, and has it accom- operations for 2019 and 2020, plished an overall absolute climate and has reduced its absolute cli- footprint reduction compared to the mate footprint from 63 812 tons result of the previous reporting year? of CO2e to 60 384 tons of CO2e (Scope 2 reported using location based data).

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the Yes Adidas publishes the climate https://www.cdp.net/en/ annual absolute climate footprint of footprint of its supply chain for responses/21380 its supply chain that is ’beyond own 2020, reporting an emissions fig- operations’? ure of 15204012 tons of CO2.

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished ? The published climate footprint https://www.cdp.net/en/ a reduction of this annual absolute is incomplete: some parts of the responses/21380 climate footprint ’beyond own oper- supply chain are excluded. ations’ compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used ? Adidas reports using solar and https://www.cdp.net/en/ by the brand (company) generated wind, but it also uses uncerti- responses/21380 from renewable resources, such as fied hydroelectricity from Swe- wind or solar energy? den, which is not eligible in the criteria.

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand No See remark for Q4. (company) generated from renewa- ble resources, such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? Reebok uses renewable mate- https://www.adidas-group.com/ ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials rials such as recycled polyester. en/sustainability/products/materi- for more than 25% of its volume? However, the overall proportion als/#/recyceltes-nylon/ of environmentally preferred raw materials used in is not commu- https://www.adidas-group.com/ nicated. en/media/news-archive/press-re- leases/2020/adidas-2021-first- time-more-60-percent-all-prod- ucts-will-be-made/

https://report.adidas-group. com/2019/en/group-manage- ment-report-our-company/sus- tainability/our-progress/materi- als-and-processes.html

38 7 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for Q6. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than 50% of its volume?

8 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? See remark for Q6. ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than 90% of its volume?

9 Does the brand (company) report on Yes Adidas has rules for wastewater https://www.adidas-group.com/ the implementation of its environ- treatment in the production of all en/sustainability/managing-sus- mental policy related to the ‘wet pro- their products, as well as publicly tainability/environmental-ap- cesses’ within the production cycle, available restricted substance list proach/#/unser-ansatz/unser- like bleaching and dyeing of fabrics? that meets or goes beyond local ansatz/ legislation and that is regularly updated, as well as measures https://www.adidas-group.com/ to increase water use efficiency. en/sustainability/managing-sus- tainability/environmental-ap- proach/chemical-footprint/#/ archive-progress-reports/

https://www.adidas-group.com/ media/filer_public/ac/b1/acb125e2- 3eeb-49ff-aa58-e06a124a4829/ april_2019_progress_report_on_ chemical_management.pdf

10 Has the brand (company) elimi- ? It remains uncertain whether or https://www.adidas-group.com/ nated at least three suspect chemi- not at least three of the above en/sustainability/managing-sus- cal group, such as Phthalates or Per mentioned chemical groups tainability/environmental-ap- fluorinated chemicals from its entire can be considered as completely proach/#/unser-ansatz/unser- garment production? eliminated from the brands gar- ansatz/ ment production. https://www.adidas-group.com/ en/sustainability/managing-sus- tainability/environmental-ap- proach/chemical-footprint/#/ archive-progress-reports/

https://www.adidas-group.com/ media/filer_public/ac/b1/acb125e2- 3eeb-49ff-aa58-e06a124a4829/ april_2019_progress_report_on_ chemical_management.pdf

11 Does the brand (owner) report what ? The company / brand publishes percentage of its consumer packag- neither the percentage of recy- ing materials are renewable or made cled input materials for packag- from recycled materials, and does the ing nor the amount of renew- brand implement best practices or ables and non-renewables for concrete policies which have reduced packaging. the environmental impact of their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the lon- ? The company does not report https://www.adidas-group.com/ gevity of products by offering a life- whether or not it has in place any en/sustainability/products/end-of- time guarantee, repair services or kind of concept to stimulate the life/ supporting the return or re-use of re-use or return of garments by shoes? its customers.

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a Yes Brand owner Adidas has pub- specific list of direct suppliers (accord- lished a list of all active direct ing to the Transparency Pledge ) that suppliers, including the full have collectively contributed to more addresses / products that were than 90% of the purchase volume? made in each factory.

39 14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended Yes Adidas has published a list of with suppliers further down the sup- direct suppliers which most likely ply chain, with a minimum of 40% of cover more than 40% of its sup- suppliers? pliers further down the supply chain and producers in Tier 3, where majority of wet processes are carried out.

15 Does the brand (owner) have a pol- ? Adidas is a member of Fair Labor https://www.adidas-group.com/ icy to make sure there is an acces- Association which requires a en/sustainability/sustainabili- sible grievance mechanism in place complaints mechanism to be ty-contact/ for factory workers and are at least active within factories. However, 25% of workers informed about their it is not clear if at least 25% of rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. employees are informed about through training)? Does the brand their rights regarding mecha- report on the grievances, publish nism (e.g. through training) and corrective action plans and progress progress reports about griev- reports? ances are published.

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly com- ? Adidas does not provide concrete https://cleanclothes.org/file-repos- mit to a living wage benchmark with information about policy meas- itory/adidas.pdf/view defined wages per production region ures to establish the payment of or factory? living wages at its apparel man- ufacturers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? Adidas does not provide concrete https://www.adidas-group.com/ establish the payment of living wages information about policy meas- en/sustainability/people/facto- at its apparel manufacturers, and is ures to establish the payment of ry-workers/#/our-approach/ the brand on track to achieve this tar- living wages at its apparel man- get by having realised payment of liv- ufacturers. ing wages for at least 10% of its pro- duction volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to Yes 86% of Adidas footwear and https://report.adidas-group. buying practices that enable living branded apparel is made by fac- com/2019/en/servicepages/ wages and good labour conditions, tory groups that the brand has downloads/files/adidas_annual_ such as long-term relations with fac- worked with for over 10 years. report_2019.pdf, p.64 tories, and concentrating production at a limited number of factories?

40 Brand Owner Wolverine Worldwide Head Office Location United States Brand Saucony®

Brand Website www.saucony.com CSR Report Link https://www.wolverineworldwide.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/18IR.V13.Final_.pdf

Result: 0 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the No. Wolverine Worldwide has not pub- annual absolute climate footprint of lished any climate footprint of its its ’own operations’, and has it accom- own operations from 2018 to 2020 plished an overall absolute climate footprint reduction compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the No Wolverine Worldwide has not annual absolute climate footprint of its published any climate footprint supply chain that is ’beyond own oper- beyond its own operations from ations’? 2018 to 2020

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished ? See remark for question 2. a reduction of this annual absolute cli- mate footprint ’beyond own opera- tions’ compared to the result of the pre- vious reporting year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used by ? Saucony does not communicate its the brand (company) generated from renewable energy policy. renewable resources, such as wind or solar energy?

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand ? Saucony does not communicate its (company) generated from renewa- renewable energy policy. ble resources, such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? Neither Saucony nor Wolverine mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for Worldwide communicate concrete more than 25% of its volume? results on the total use of preferred raw materials, such as organic cot- ton or recycled polyester.

7 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? Neither Saucony nor Wolverine mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for Worldwide communicate concrete more than 50% of its volume? results on the total use of preferred raw materials, such as organic cot- ton or recycled polyester.

8 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? Neither Saucony nor Wolverine mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for Worldwide communicate concrete more than 90% of its volume? results on the total use of preferred raw materials, such as organic cot- ton or recycled polyester.

41 9 Does the brand (company) report on ? Saucony does not communicate the implementation of its environ- any information on an environ- mental policy related to the ‘wet pro- mental policy related to the ‘wet cesses’ within the production cycle, like processes’ within the production bleaching and dyeing of fabrics? cycle on its website.

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated ? Saucony does not communicate at least three suspect chemical group, any information on phasing out such as Phthalates or Per fluorinated harmful chemicals. chemicals from its entire garment pro- duction?

11 Does the brand (owner) report what ? Saucony reports that 90-95% of https://www.wolverine- percentage of its consumer packaging its packaging materials are made worldwide.com/wp-content/ materials are renewable or made from from recycled materials, but does uploads/2020/08/18IR.V13.Final_. recycled materials, and does the brand not report annual reductions nor pdf implement best practices or concrete best practices regarding its pack- policies which have reduced the envi- aging materials. ronmental impact of their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the longev- ? The company does not report ity of products by offering a lifetime whether or not it has in place any guarantee, repair services or support- kind of concept to stimulate the ing the return or re-use of garments? re-use or return of garments by its customers

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a spe- No. Saucony/Wolverine WW has pub- cific list of direct suppliers (according lished an overview of sourcing to the Transparency Pledge standards) countries, but does not provide a that have collectively contributed to significant list of direct suppliers. more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended ? Saucony/Wolverine WW has pub- with suppliers further down the supply lished an overview of sourcing chain, with a minimum of 40% of sup- countries, but does not provide a pliers? list of suppliers further down the supply chain.

15 Does the brand (owner) have a policy to ? Saucony does not report being part https://app.convercent.com/ make sure there is an accessible griev- of any initiative and has its own en-us/LandingPage/aeb63a02- ance mechanism in place for factory grievance mechanism. It remains 14e7-ea11-a974-000d3ab9f296# workers and are at least 25% of work- unclear if 25% of employees receive ers informed about their rights regard- training about the mechanism and https://www.wolverine- ing this mechanism (e.g. through train- if brand publishes reports on the worldwide.com/wp-content/ ing)? Does the brand report on the grievances. uploads/2020/08/18IR.V13.Final_. grievances, publish corrective action pdf plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly com- ? Saucony does not provide concrete mit to a living wage benchmark with information about policy measures defined wages per production region to establish the payment of living or factory? wages at its apparel manufactur- ers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? Saucony does not provide concrete establish the payment of living wages information about policy measures at its apparel manufacturers, and is to establish the payment of living the brand on track to achieve this tar- wages at its apparel manufactur- get by having realised payment of liv- ers. ing wages for at least 10% of its produc- tion volume?

42 18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to buy- ? Saucony does not report on the ing practices that enable living wages duration of business relationships and good labour conditions, such as with suppliers, nor on a strategy to long-term relations with factories, and concentrate production at a lim- concentrating production at a limited ited number of suppliers. number of factories?

43 Brand Owner Under Armour Head Office Location United States Brand Under Armour

Brand Website https://about.underarmour.com/about CSR Report Link https://about.underarmour.com/sites/default/files/2018-12/2017%20Sustainability%20Report.pdf

Result: 1 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed No. Under Armour has not published any https://about.underarmour.com/ the annual absolute climate foot- climate footprint of its own opera- community/sustainability/environ- print of its ’own operations’, and has tions from2018 to 2020 ment/our-operations it accomplished an overall absolute climate footprint reduction com- pared to the result of the previous reporting year?

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the No. Under Armour has not published any https://about.underarmour.com/ annual absolute climate footprint of climate footprint of its supply chain community/sustainability/environ- its supply chain that is ’beyond own from 2018 to 2020 ment/our-operations operations’?

3 Has the brand (owner) accom- ? Under Armour has not published any https://about.underarmour.com/ plished a reduction of this annual climate footprint of its supply chain community/sustainability/environ- absolute climate footprint ’beyond from 2018 to 2020 ment/manufacturing own operations’ compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used ? Under Armour does not communi- https://about.underarmour.com/ by the brand (company) generated cate its renewable energy policy. community/sustainability/environ- from renewable resources, such as ment wind or solar energy?

5 Is all the electricity used by the ? Under Armour does not communi- https://about.underarmour.com/ brand (company) generated from cate its renewable energy policy. community/sustainability/environ- renewable resources, such as wind ment or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? Under Armour does not communi- ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materi- cate concrete results on the use of als for more than 25% of its volume? environmentally preferred raw mate- rials, such as organic cotton or recy- cled polyester.

7 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? Under Armour does not communi- ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materi- cate concrete results on the use of als for more than 50% of its volume? environmentally preferred raw mate- rials, such as organic cotton or recy- cled polyester.

8 Does the brand (company) use envi- ? Under Armour does not communi- ronmentally ’preferred’ raw materi- cate concrete results on the use of als for more than 90% of its volume? environmentally preferred raw mate- rials, such as organic cotton or recy- cled polyester.

44 9 Does the brand (company) report ? Under Armour does not communi- on the implementation of its envi- cate any information on an environ- ronmental policy related to the ‘wet mental policy related to the ‘wet pro- processes’ within the production cesses’ within the production cycle cycle, like bleaching and dyeing of on its website. fabrics?

10 Has the brand (company) elimi- ? Under Armour does not communi- nated at least three suspect chem- cate any information on an environ- ical group, such as Phthalates or Per mental policy related to the ‘wet pro- fluorinated chemicals from its entire cesses’ within the production cycle garment production? on its website.

11 Does the brand (owner) report what ? The company / brand publishes https://about.underarmour.com/ percentage of its consumer pack- neither the percentage of recy- community/sustainability/environ- aging materials are renewable or cled input materials for packaging ment made from recycled materials, and nor the amount of renewables and does the brand implement best non-renewables for packaging. practices or concrete policies which have reduced the environmental impact of their packaging materi- als?

12 Does the brand encourage the lon- ? The company does not report gevity of products by offering a life- whether or not it has in place any time guarantee, repair services or kind of concept to stimulate the supporting the return or re-use of re-use or return of garments by its garments? customers.

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) pub- Yes. Under Armour has published a fac- https://about.underarmour.com/ lished a specific list of direct sup- tory list including the full addresses community/sustainability/trans- pliers (according to the Transpar- / products that were made in each parency ency Pledge standards) that have factory, which most likely covers 90% collectively contributed to more of total production. than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers No. Under Armour does not provide a extended with suppliers further significant list of suppliers further down the supply chain, with a mini- down the supply chain. mum of 40% of suppliers?

15 Does the brand (owner) have a pol- ? Under Armour is a member of Fair https://www.fairlabor.org/sites/ icy to make sure there is an acces- Labor Association which requires a default/files/documents/reports/ sible grievance mechanism in place complaints mechanism to be active under_armour_accreditation_ for factory workers and are at least within factories. However, it is not report_final_public.pdf 25% of workers informed about clear if at least 25% of employees are their rights regarding this mecha- informed about their rights regard- nism (e.g. through training)? Does ing mechanism and progress reports the brand report on the grievances, about grievances are published. publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly ? Under Armour does not provide https://cleanclothes.org/file-reposi- commit to a living wage benchmark concrete information about policy tory/under-armour.pdf/view with defined wages per production measures to establish the payment region or factory? of living wages at its apparel manu- facturers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target ? Under Armour does not provide https://cleanclothes.org/file-reposi- to establish the payment of living concrete information about policy tory/under-armour.pdf/view wages at its apparel manufacturers, measures to establish the payment and is the brand on track to achieve of living wages at its apparel manu- this target by having realised pay- facturers. ment of living wages for at least 10% of its production volume?

45 18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to ? Under Armour does not report on buying practices that enable living the duration of business relation- wages and good labour conditions, ships with suppliers, nor on a strat- such as long-term relations with egy to concentrate production at a factories, and concentrating pro- limited number of suppliers. duction at a limited number of fac- tories?

46 Brand Owner VF Corporation Head Office Location United States Brand Vans

Brand Website https://www.vans.co.uk/ CSR Report Link https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloudfront.net/vfc/files/documents/Sustainability/Resources/VF+2018+Made+for+Change+- report.pdf

Result: 2 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the No VF Corporation has published the p. 35 https://d1io3yog0oux5. annual absolute climate footprint of climate footprint of own opera- cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- its ’own operations’, and has it accom- tions, from 2019 to 2018; however, uments/Sustainability/ plished an overall absolute climate foot- the company reports no reduction Resources/VF+2018+Made+- print reduction compared to the result in its absolute climate footprint. for+Change+report.pdf of the previous reporting year? https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloud- front.net/vfc/files/documents/ Sustainability/Resources/ VF+Corporation+2020+CDP+- Climate+Change+Response. pdf

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the Yes VF Corporation publishes the cli- p. 35 https://d1io3yog0oux5. annual absolute climate footprint of its mate footprint of its supply chain cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- supply chain that is ’beyond own oper- for 2019, reporting an emissions uments/Sustainability/ ations’? figure of 6836650 tons of CO2e. Resources/VF+2018+Made+- for+Change+report.pdf

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished No VF Corporation has not reduced p. 35 https://d1io3yog0oux5. a reduction of this annual absolute cli- its climate footprint for the green- cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- mate footprint ’beyond own operations’ house gas emissions of its supply uments/Sustainability/ compared to the result of the previous chain compared to the previous Resources/VF+2018+Made+- reporting year? year. for+Change+report.pdf

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used by No VF Corporation reports for 2018 p.36 https://d1io3yog0oux5. the brand (company) generated from to have used only 14 % renewa- cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- renewable resources, such as wind or ble energy on total electricity con- uments/Sustainability/ solar energy? sumption. Resources/VF+2018+Made+- for+Change+report.pdf

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand No See remark for Climate Question 4. p.36 https://d1io3yog0oux5. (company) generated from renewable cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- resources, such as wind or solar energy? uments/Sustainability/ Resources/VF+2018+Made+- for+Change+report.pdf


6 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? VF Corporation collaborates with p. 43-44 https://d1io3yo- mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), Cot- g0oux5.cloudfront.net/vfc/ more than 25% of its volume? ton made in Africa (CmiA) and files/documents/Sustainability/ organic cotton initiatives, and Resources/VF+2018+Made+- mentions the total volume of for+Change+report.pdf environmentally preferred fibres used, such as recycled nylon, recy- p.1 https://d1io3yog0oux5. cled polyester (11 % out of the cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- total amount of these fibres) and uments/Sustainability/ organic cotton. However, it is not Resources/VF+2018+SASB+In- clear what percentage of the total dex.pdf#page=1 annual volume this represents.

47 7 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? See remark for Environment Ques- p. 43-44 https://d1io3yo- mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for tion 6. g0oux5.cloudfront.net/vfc/ more than 50% of its volume? files/documents/Sustainability/ Resources/VF+2018+Made+- for+Change+report.pdf

8 Does the brand (company) use environ- ? See remark for Environment Ques- p. 43-44 https://d1io3yo- mentally ’preferred’ raw materials for tion 6. g0oux5.cloudfront.net/vfc/ more than 90% of its volume? files/documents/Sustainability/ Resources/VF+2018+Made+- for+Change+report.pdf

9 Does the brand (company) report on ? VF Corporation has rules for waste- p. 40, 47 https://d1io3yo- the implementation of its environmen- water treatment in the produc- g0oux5.cloudfront.net/vfc/ tal policy related to the ‘wet processes’ tion of all their products, as well as files/documents/Sustainability/ within the production cycle, like bleach- a publicly available manufactur- Resources/VF+2018+Made+- ing and dyeing of fabrics? ing restricted substance list that for+Change+report.pdf meets or goes beyond local legis- lation and is regularly updated. https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloud- front.net/vfc/files/doc- uments/Sustainability/ Resources/VF+Global+Waste- water+Standards.pdf https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloud- front.net/vfc/files/pages/ vfc/db/436/description/ VF+2021+RSL%5B1%5D.pdf

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated ? VF Corporation refers to the pro- p. 86 https://d1io3yog0oux5. at least three suspect chemical group, cess of eliminating suspect chem- cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- such as Phthalates or Per fluorinated ical groups. However, it remains uments/Sustainability/ chemicals from its entire garment pro- unclear whether the target chem- Resources/VF+2018+Made+- duction? ical groups can be considered as for+Change+report.pdf entirely eliminated from the pro- duction of VF Corporation’s entire https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloud- garment production. front.net/vfc/files/pages/ vfc/db/436/description/ VF+2021+RSL%5B1%5D.pdf

11 Does the brand (owner) report what ? VF Corporation does not report the p. 42 https://d1io3yog0oux5. percentage of its consumer packaging percentage of recycled or renewa- cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- materials are renewable or made from ble materials used for its consumer uments/Sustainability/ recycled materials, and does the brand packaging, nor any annual reduc- Resources/VF+2018+Made+- implement best practices or concrete tions or best practices regarding its for+Change+report.pdf policies which have reduced the envi- packaging materials ronmental impact of their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the longevity ? VF Corporation communicates to p. 27 https://d1io3yog0oux5. of products by offering a lifetime guar- run a campaign Clothes the Loop cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- antee, repair services or supporting the and Second Chance to encour- uments/Sustainability/ return or re-use of garments? age consumers to recycle clothes Resources/VF+2018+Made+- to bring worn clothes back into the for+Change+report.pdf store.

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a spe- Yes VF Corporation has published a https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloud- cific list of direct suppliers (according list of direct and indirect suppliers front.net/vfc/files/doc- to the Transparency Pledge standards) that are likely to cover 90% of its uments/Sustainability/ that have collectively contributed to total production, effective by 2019, Resources/2020Q4+Factory+- more than 90% of the purchase volume? including the full addresses / prod- Disclosure+List.xlsx ucts that were made in each fac- tory. https://www.vfc.com/sus- tainability-and-respon- sibility/traceability-maps + traceability mapping data

48 14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended ? VF Corporation has published a list https://www.vfc.com/sus- with suppliers further down the supply of direct further down the supply tainability-and-respon- chain, with a minimum of 40% of sup- chain that are likely to cover 40% sibility/traceability-maps pliers? of its total production, effective by + traceability mapping data 2019, including the full addresses / products that were made in each factory. They are not clear about the total amount of suppliers.

15 Does the brand (owner) have a policy to ? VF Corporation is a member of p. 54 https://d1io3yog0oux5. make sure there is an accessible griev- LABS Initiative which requires cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- ance mechanism in place for factory a complaints mechanism to be uments/Sustainability/ workers and are at least 25% of workers active within factories. However, Resources/VF+2018+Made+- informed about their rights regarding it remains unclear if this mecha- for+Change+report.pdf this mechanism (e.g. through training)? nism allows for third party com- Does the brand report on the griev- plaints, if at least 25% of employ- ances, publish corrective action plans ees are informed about their rights and progress reports? regarding mechanism and if pro- gress reports about grievances are published.

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly com- ? VF Corporation has not committed p. 55 https://d1io3yog0oux5. mit to a living wage benchmark with publicly to establish living wages. cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- defined wages per production region or uments/Sustainability/ factory? Resources/VF+2018+Made+- for+Change+report.pdf

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? VF Corporation does not provide p. 55 https://d1io3yog0oux5. establish the payment of living wages concrete information about pol- cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- at its apparel manufacturers, and is the icy measures to establish the pay- uments/Sustainability/ brand on track to achieve this target by ment of living wages at its apparel Resources/VF+2018+Made+- having realised payment of living wages manufacturers. for+Change+report.pdf for at least 10% of its production volume?

18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to buy- ? VF Corporation does not report on p. 6 https://d1io3yog0oux5. ing practices that enable living wages the duration of business relation- cloudfront.net/vfc/files/doc- and good labour conditions, such as ships with suppliers, nor on a strat- uments/Sustainability/ long-term relations with factories, and egy to concentrate production at a Resources/VF+2018+Made+- concentrating production at a limited limited number of suppliers. They for+Change+report.pdf number of factories? own 19 manufacturing facilities out of nearly 700 mentioned on the factory list.

49 Brand Owner Veja Fair Trade Head Office Location France Brand Veja

Brand Website https://www.veja-store.com/en_eu/ CSR Report Link https://project.veja-store.com/en/intro/

Result: 0 out of 18

Climate/ Carbon Emissions Answer Remark Hyperlink

1 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual No Veja has not published any climate absolute climate footprint of its ’own oper- footprint of its own operations from ations’, and has it accomplished an overall 2019 to 2021. absolute climate footprint reduction com- pared to the result of the previous report- ing year?

2 Has the brand (owner) disclosed the annual No Veja has not published any climate absolute climate footprint of its supply chain footprint of its supply chain from that is ’beyond own operations’? 2019 to 2021.

3 Has the brand (owner) accomplished a No See remark for Climate / Carbon reduction of this annual absolute climate emissions Policy Question 2. footprint ’beyond own operations’ compared to the result of the previous reporting year?

4 Is at least 50% of the electricity used by the ? Veja reports for 2019 to have used 95 https://project.veja-store. brand (company) generated from renewa- % renewable energy on its own oper- com/en/single/growing ble resources, such as wind or solar energy? ations in France (two offices and four shops) and 65 % hydropower in its two Brazilian offices. But, sources, types and additionality of supply are not specified clearly enough. Hydro- power needs to be certified to be eli- gible.

5 Is all the electricity used by the brand (com- ? See remark for Climate / Carbon https://project.veja-store. pany) generated from renewable resources, emissions Policy Question 4. com/en/single/growing such as wind or solar energy?


6 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? Veja uses environmentally preferred https://project.veja-store. tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than fibres, such as recyled PET bottles, com/en/single/coton 25% of its volume? organic cotton and recycled cot- ton. However, the overall proportion https://project.veja-store. of environmentally preferred raw com/en/single/leather materials is not communicated. https://project.veja-store. com/en/single/rubber

https://project.veja-store. com/en/single/upcycling

https://project.veja-store. com/en/single/limits

7 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? See remark for Environment Policy tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than Question 6. 50% of its volume?

50 8 Does the brand (company) use environmen- ? See remark for Environment Policy tally ’preferred’ raw materials for more than Question 6. 90% of its volume?

9 Does the brand (company) report on the ? Veja communicates that cotton https://project.veja-store. implementation of its environmental policy coming from Peru is GOTS certified, com/en/single/coton related to the ‘wet processes’ within the pro- but otherwise it refers to REACH duction cycle, like bleaching and dyeing of standard, which does not thor- https://project.veja-store. fabrics? oughly meet our criteria. Veja does com/en/single/transpar- not publish an MRSL or rules for ency wastewater treatment, nor is it part any joint initiative.

10 Has the brand (company) eliminated at ? Veja indicates that manufacturing of https://project.veja-store. least three suspect chemical group, such as its garments is partly GOTS certified, com/en/single/coton Phthalates or Perfluorinated chemicals from which means that the use of the rel- its entire garment production? evant chemical groups is prohibited, https://project.veja-store. but it is not clear if these chemicals com/en/single/transpar- are used in the remaining part of the ency production.

11 Does the brand (owner) report what per- ? Veja reports that 100 % of its con- https://project.veja-store. centage of its consumer packaging mate- sumer packaging materials are com/en/single/produc- rials are renewable or made from recycled made from recycled cardboard, tion materials, and does the brand implement but does not report annual reduc- best practices or concrete policies which tions nor best practices regarding have reduced the environmental impact of its packaging materials. their packaging materials?

12 Does the brand encourage the longevity of ? Veja does not report whether the products by offering a lifetime guarantee, return or re-use of garments by its repair services or supporting the return or customers is encouraged. re-use of garments?

Labor conditions / Human rights

13 Has the brand (owner) published a spe- ? Veja does not provide a significant https://project.veja-store. cific list of direct suppliers (according to the list of direct suppliers. com/en/single/produc- Transparency Pledge standards) that have tion collectively contributed to more than 90% of the purchase volume?

14 Is the list of direct suppliers extended with ? Veja does not provide a significant https://project.veja-store. suppliers further down the supply chain, list of suppliers further down the com/en/single/transpar- with a minimum of 40% of suppliers? supply chain. ency

15 Does the brand (owner) have a policy to ? Veja does not report on a grievance make sure there is an accessible grievance mechanism. mechanism in place for factory workers and are at least 25% of workers informed about their rights regarding this mechanism (e.g. through training)? Does the brand report on the grievances, publish corrective action plans and progress reports?

16 Does the brand (owner) publicly commit to a ? Veja does not provide concrete https://project.veja-store. living wage benchmark with defined wages information about policy measures com/en/single/produc- per production region or factory? to establish the payment of living tion wages at its apparel manufacturers.

17 Does the brand (owner) set a target to ? See remark for Labour conditions / https://project.veja-store. establish the payment of living wages at its Human rights Policy Question 16. com/en/single/produc- apparel manufacturers, and is the brand on tion track to achieve this target y having realised payment of living wages for at least 10% of its production volume?

51 18 Does the brand (owner) adhere to buying ? Brand does not report clearly on the https://project.veja-store. practices that enable living wages and good duration of business relationships com/en/single/produc- labour conditions, such as long-term rela- with suppliers, nor on a strategy to tion tions with factories, and concentrating pro- concentrate production at a limited duction at a limited number of factories? number of suppliers.

52 53