7/” I957


of N C State College —7



: Journal of Forestry $35.27 N. C. State College * “ Raleigh, North Carolina Contents

Faculty and School ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,, ,, 13 Students , , 7 v, V ,, at) Student Activities ,, V ,,,, l!) Alumni _, ,, . ,, . ,V 73 lmlvx m :\(l\‘crtiscrs ______,, ,,,,,,,, Ill-l A¢knnwlcdgcmcms 10:3 FOREWORD This has been a year of progress and change in the Forestry School. .-\s we. the Seniors. look back upon our short stay here. the changes. especially in us. become ever more evident. It is with these changes in mind that we publish the l’INl-i'I‘UXl-Lllflt it may stand not only as a reminder of the friends we made and the experiences we shared, but also as a reminder of the many changes that have occurred around us as we worked. Here. then, is the WT)? l’l.\'leTt',\r—\Ve hope you enjoy it.

EDELZL'CL‘LHOIL 90 m. Jazz/J; 4. 219m, 931451301 of 9015i Econonzici, w/go gag t/gouf/lzt of [£61 stu- dent; a: fillow [awaken uml f’u’smli, Li'ZLZ (LY/£0 [£41 causal many 0/ u: to loo/e) mo'za :Eu'ouslf/ to H175 fufu'uz, we aspect/[ally Jalicafa M5 7957 93015tum. m>nc_.._.< >20 mnIOOr Foe: 5159.: u E THEM, Too ~" {ZN ‘ . Aamvpm ”are . .‘.

w rnr‘s THIS son? 05 Tu“: COFFEE BREAK ? Secrefo ries Top: Miss Il'dlk'l \dumx. Mrs. l‘t'ggy llmuk, .\lr\. Mary 'I. 1.11110. Mrs. me‘os Lilcs‘. Bottom: Miss .\I;I)h(’ll(’ 11010]: FACULTY

DR. R. J- PRESTON Dean of the School of Forestry. N. C. State (Inllcg‘e. RS. MS. PILD. Uni- versiy of Mithigan.

DR. _]. S. Bl-ZTHFI. I’I‘nl'cssnr ul \\'nu(l 'l‘(-( 11‘ nolngy. BS. University of \\';lsh~ ingmn: ”3.. DJ“. Dulu- University.

DR. R. (I. BRYANT Pml'csmr of Forest lico- nomics. H.S.. ALI“. Yule Univer- sity: l’lLI). Duke Uni- \‘crsity. :\. (I. BAklai-‘(m'r Asxistunt Professor of \Vnml ’l'et lnmlogy. B.S., MS. N. C. State College.

R. M. CARTER Head of W'oml Tech- nology :1 n (I Lumber Products R‘Iert‘hnmlising‘ Curricula. BS. University of Min- nesota: MS. Michigan State.

(I. ;\. HART Assistant Professor \'\’00(l Technology. BS. \r’.l’.l.: MS. N. State College.

"IO R. (L Hl'l'cmxos .\s~i~t:ml Professor of Pulp and Paper TL-(h- 1101053,}, Sy‘uulw.

UK. .I. V. HUI-MANN l’rnl‘t-ssm‘ E m c 1‘ i I u s. School of Forestry.

(I. E. Llnln' Robertson Prnl'rssor of Pulp and Paper Tcrh- nulogy. B52. (lh.E. Uniwrsily 0f Muinv.

H DR. T. li. l\I.-\RI (IARI. .\L\\'|.\ SCHl-ZNCK Professor of Forext Mun- :lgcment :Iml Rm-zn‘rh. 13.8.. 31.8.. PILD. l'ni- versity ol Minnt-souu.

DR. \\'. l). )1”.er Awniult Professor of Sih icullurc. B..\. Rt'L-(l (IolIL-gc: M.F.. PILD. Yuk- Uni- \crsity.

G. K. Srocl \v Professor of Forestry. 8.8.. MS. N. (1. State College.

12 Dr. Bruce Zobel By CHARLES W. SELDEN, 111 Dr: BI'IHC Zobel. ol' \\'atson\ille. (lalil'ornia. has joined our l'aeulty this year as .\sso('iate l’rolessor of Forest Gent-tits in the new Forest 'l‘ree lrn- ln‘ovenlent Program. In 111113 Dr. [obel I‘t'(('l\'(‘(l his BS. in Forestry lirom the University of (Ialil'ornia at Berkeley. He then worked for the Pacific Lumber Company in engineering until becoming a Forestry Ollieer in the U. S. Marine (lorps in 19-15. .\lter this he went batk to the University ol' (Ialilornia where he reteired his i\1.F. in Silvienlture in 19-19 and his l’h.I). in Forest Gent-tits in 19:31. From that time until his coming to State (lollege he worked in forest geneties with the Texas Forest SerVit‘e. l)r. lobe] is a member of the (Ialilornia Botanital Sotiet). Smiety o1 .\n|eri(an . (Ionnnittee on Forest Genetics. and the Southern Forest 'I‘ree lmprm'ement (lonnnittee. He is also a member of Xi Sigma Pi. Sigma Xi. and Phi Beta Kappa. gulllllllII'llIllIllIIIIllIllllIIIIlIlllIIIIIllIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIllIIIllllIIIIIIIlIIlIIllIIlIlIlllIlIIllIllIllllIlIIIllIIIIllIlllIllllllIllllll" C O U N C I L Forestry Planting and Fire Suppression SWATTERS—LW-IZ FIRE RAKES—BUSH HOOKS— PLANTING BARS—SPECIAL TOOLS THE COUNCIL CO., INC. Fine Edge Tools Since 1886 WANANISH, NORTH CAROLINA ~\IIIInuIum:uIInuIIunin-nmnunnnnunum.‘mmm-uuuuumnunnmmmmunInunnunumnnnummmmmuumnIn:Imumnmnnnmmmmmummuunn‘IIlllIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlulllllllllllllllu‘I. '13 Mr. Hilliard D. Cook By CHARLES SELDEN, 111 ‘1“ ‘ Mr. Ililliartl I). (look. :1 nt-w incinht-r ol' the stall. is serving the Forestry St’hool as a l('(llll‘(‘l‘ and consultant in Pulp and Paper 'l‘t'thnology. llt' I‘(‘('t‘l\’(‘(l his BS. in (lhcnlital lil1gi11t-vri11g l'roni Masszuhnst'tta lnstitntt' ol 1111111111on in “HI. [It worked his wa_\ 11p through tllt‘ tanks with the S. l). \\‘:11‘1‘c11 (211.. Dill X‘ (Iollins. antl S\\'('L‘l Bros. l’apt-r Ml}; (£11.. lllt. ”C 1 'ngllt‘d as (;(-nt‘ral Managt-r ol' lllt‘ Swu-t l):t[)t‘l‘ (Iorp. in lilfil. Botwct‘n that time and ltix (inning with 512111- (20110340 llt' workvtl ax a (onsnltant out ol l’hot-nix. N. Y. .\I1‘. (look ix l’ast (Ihairnlan N. Y. (lan. I)i\'. .\1n. l’nlp 1\" Paper Suptfs .\ssn.: l’ast (Ihairinan linlpirt' Slatt- Salion. 'l‘.\l’l’l: l’ast l’l‘t'sldt'lll I’hot'nlx Kiwanis (Ilnl): l’ast l’rt-sitlt-nt. Board ol' 1".(111tatioir l’hocnix (It-ntral Sthool Distrit't: and Past (lhairnian (It-ntral Dislritt Empire State 'l‘.\l’l’l. ”1' i\ also a lilt'llllX‘I‘ ol lllt,‘ honorar) l()1‘('sl1‘) l’ratt'rnity. Xi Sigma Pi.

Mr. Robert L. McElwee By CHARLES W. SELDEN, Ill .\[l'. Robert 11. .\I('lilwcc i\ out of tllt‘ l1(‘\\' stall int-inht'rs who is (‘ontcrnt‘tl with [llt‘ nt'w lorcst ll‘t‘t‘ inipro\'t-1nt-nt program. llt‘ is lllt‘ sthool's liaison gt-nctitist. [11 this position lH' works with thc ('l('\'('ll pulp and paper (‘<)lll~ panic.» and the .\gritnlt11ral lixlt‘nsion St-rritc \\'lll(l] sponsor the program, 14 Mr. Mdihvee (:ills lilkins, \Vesi Virginia. his home and re(ei\'e(l his BS. in Forestry lrom \\'esl Virginiu Unirersily in 195]. Before mining to Stale (lollege he worked as l’ine Silvieullurist l'nr Gaylord (Ionminer (lompnny euepi for :1 semester (luringl Wilifil he (ii(i graduate study work here at State (lollege. He is :11 present working on his mnsler'x degree. Mr. M(iil\~'ee is :i member ()1. the honorary forestry fraternity. Xi Sigma H. the smiul lrulernily. ‘l‘uu kappa Epsilon, and the Aim-rim“ Legion. \u'Illlllll”IIllIlllIlIIlVIIlIllllllllll{I"iflII!“IlllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllflllltlllHIIlII!”Illullll[IllllllllllIIllllIllKllllllIllllIllllI‘" Compliments of

CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Raleigh, N. C. fl.lllllIllllIIIt:lKlIIIIIK:IIIIIH:lllnllilllllllllllllll. llIIIIIIIIIllllIlllHIIn!7:1!lIlllllllIIIIlllIllllHIIIlllIll”lllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlllIlllIIIIIIIIIlltlIllHHIIIIIIHIllllIIIIIIIIIlIlIIlIlIIII’l'1III!lllllllllllllllllIllHlIHIIllIll!lllllllllllllllllxn‘ 3IIllIllIllIIllllIlIllIllllHIIIllIlIIIllKlllIIIlllIllllllllllllllllrlllllllllllllIllllllllllXlIIlXllEXlIlIlllIlllllllIlIIlllIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllli'b

’I‘HE MEAD CflflPflflATlflN 1919-1957 Sylva Division Sylva North Carolina

Manufacturers of .009 Corrugating Board u:“in.umnumnunumnuuunumummumnummmumnuuunununununu-nuumuuumu. lIIIIIIIIIlllIllllllllIllIIIIIIIIlIllIIllIIllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHHI‘llIII}IIillI“I”IllIlllIllllHIII’llIIIII””IIIIIIIIlllIllIIllIlllllllltl“IIllIIIIIllIIlllHIlIllll"IIIlIIIllIlIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIlIllllIIllIllIIIIHlllIIIlIIllIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIH 15 IIflII AN INDUSTRY YOU CAN BE'I' YOUR LIFE 0“ When you plan your future, aren’t these important guideposts? You want to tie in with an industry whose products fill many needs. The industry should be growing and have prospects for much more growth. The Paper Industry has all the qualifications for a foundation on which you can build a career. Whether you go directly into manufacturing paper products or into supplying of forest or chemical raw materials, you will be participating in this Vital business. " OLIN MATHIESON CHEMICAL CORPORATION INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS DIVISION 0 BALTIMORE 3. MD. MATHIESOI 4646 supplying basic chemicals to the paper industry — 16 THE SCHOOL Progress Report For 1956-57 By R. J. PRESTON, Dean The School has continued to progress during the current year and several important advances have been achieved. The strength of a School is measured by the caliber of its faculty. and while we lost one valued stall member. 1.eu Wyman. by retirement, the new ntembers ol' the faculty are men ol~ recog— nized ability and leadership. Assistant Professor .\. (I. Barefoot has replaced Len in the teaching program: previously “.\.(I." was listed as a technologist 111 the wood utilization research program. Assistant l’rol'essor (l. .v\. Hart has been added to the stall to assist Dr. Bethe] in Wood research: “Red" came to us from V. 1’. l. and has completed his 1’h.1). program. “Doc" (1. 1). (look has joined the stall in Pulp and Paper 'l‘echnology after many years 01' experience as a consulting engineer in the paper lield. Dr. Bruce lobe] came to our staff from Texas A it M (Iollege to head up our graduate and research program in Forest Genetics and he is ably assisted by “Bob" McElwee as Liaison Geneticist, who joined our stall alter several years with Gaylord Container Corporation. Mr. Everett 1\‘lorgan has been employed lull time to maintain and install equipment in our rapidly expanding laboratories. One other faculty change will please our alumni. 111 recognition 01. years of inspiring teaching and high quality research. the Administration was pleased to grant our request that George K. Slocum be promoted to the rank of lull professor. This promotion became ellectiye July 1. 1956. .-\ highly significant cooperative research program in forest tree improve- ment was launched this year with eleven pulp and paper companies con— tributing 316.500 annually and the .-\gricultural Experiment Station cou- tributing 310.000 annually. .\s mentioned. 1)r. lobel is heading up this program with the assistance ol~ Bob Mclilwee. l‘inrollment continues to grow with the School of Forestry making the greatest per cent growth in the College. .\t the beginning ol‘ the fall semester 2‘18 students were enrolled, including EH freshmen. 8t) sophomores. 52 juniors :37 seniors. 16 graduates at the Master's level. :11th {our l’h.l). candidates. l'wenty-lour states and three foreign countries are represented in the student body. The following table compares enrollment for the past live years. Enrollment at 19.52% 1953.4 1951-5 1953-6 1956-7 Sept. registration 16-1 181 203 232 208 Total enrollment for year 192 197 223 2:31 31:") _]o|)s continue to far outstrip graduatessand at no time in the last three or four years hate jobs been unavailable. \(tually there are about ten job openings pet graduate and there is a great need lot many ntore ctpable young "19“ [U CHIC] our profession. OPKIIlIl‘Ll' S.ll.lllCS (()nlll]ll(‘ 10 TISC and 17 are now competitive with other top professions. ranging from about $1200- 55000 for graduates in forest management up to a high of over $6000 in pulp and paper. Young men have never had as many fine opportunities as await them today and we hope our alumni will help us bring these oppor- tunities to the attention of qualified high school students. Our new pulp and paper laboratory is busy this year with our first regular senior class in that curricuhnn. \Vhile far from completely equipped, great progress has been made attd we are hopeful for approval of funds from the current legislature to complete the equipment. \Ve also hope for approval for funds to construct a new building to house the \\'ood Products Labora- tory and a new Genetics Greenhouse. ()ur graduate and research programs in management and utilization con» tinue to grow both in sire and prestige. These programs are a part of the .v\gricultural Experiment Station program. The total research budget this year just exceeded $100,000 with roughly half coming from zq>propriated funds and hall from contributions or contractual programs. The major part of our contractual program is with the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station iii the field of utilization and this support has been of great help. “'e are pleased that “Mike" 'l'aras of the Station stall is now housed with us and actively working on this program. Director E. 1.. Demmon of the Southeastern l’orest Experiment Station retired this year. \Ve were most pleased when friends of Dr. Dennnon (le- cided to set up an Elwood 1.. Deminon Research .\ward in the School of l’orestry. The establishment of the (Jail .\lwin Schenck Memorial Forest together with the lliltlnore Scholarship Fund. the (larl .\lwin Schenck Distinguished Professorship and the Biltmore Library (lollection is another highlight of the year which is described in greater detail elsewhere. ()ne essential factor in our recent progress has been the unprecedented support we have secured from industry. govermnent. and other groups. This support has continued to expand. l have mentioned the cooperative program in genetics, the contractual research progratn in utilization research and the support of the lliltmore .\lumui. In addition the valued help of our advisory connnittees. the remarkable growth of our Pulp and Paper Foundation, the help received from the Forestry Foundation. the Scholarship funds from individuals and companies have all had a most important bearing on our growth and increasing excellence. t\felnbership in our Pulp and Paper Foundation now includes some 70 companies who have approved a budget of $50000 for the coming year. most of this money going into scholarships or salary supplements. In all some ~ll students in the school are receiving sotne sort of scholarship this year. “’1‘ on the staff are pleased with the support we are receiving and the progress We are making. We hope our students and alumni also believe that we are moving ahead on a sound basis. Much remains that needs doing or improving and working together I am convinced we can achieve a program of which we can all be justly proud. 18 The Hofmonn Forest Report By J. V. HOFMANN, Manager, North Carolina Forestry Foundation The past year has been an active one in various prourams on the forest. llnee drag lines llIlH' been clinging maiot canals: that is canals about 10 to 18 feet wide at the top and .1 feet wide at the bottom and 6 feet deep. One c.a11al from the (lollins road past the sand ridges and through the experi- mental pasttnes to jacks (labin Bianch has been completed and another one from Gie;1t Branch to the end of the forest nearest to lrenton to empty in l’otosin Branch,1s now under way. ()thtr canals south of the Quaketbtidge road have been completed to serve as local roads and drainage and two draglines are continuing to work in this area. 'l'he fourth dragline will begin operations soon to develop roads and canals in Block 10. Block 10, including the headquarters and fire tower on Highway No. 17, the area south of the railroad. and the slaslt pine and Ioblolly plantations, is not included in the Halifax l’aper (lompany timber lease. Intensive projects on growth. site. drainage and other problems are under way and will be ex- panded in this area. The plantations established in 1936 are producing information as to the practical possibilities of timber production and pointing the way for management. .-\11 area of about two acres of the Ioblolly plan- tation was cut for the purpose of enlarging the headquarters. The stand was 20 years old when cut in 1956 and yielded 213.3 cords of pttlpwood per acre. The plantations need thinning because supprossed and intermediate trees are dying. 'l'hinnings have not been undertaken earlier in order to obtain all possible si7e for a commercial operation: however. the number of trees dying and dropping ottt of the stand has reached the point of dimin- ishing returns. For these reasons thinnings will begin immediately. During the Spring Camp the Senior class established permanent plots to serve as a continuous inventory. The plots consisted of five divisions to be analyzed on a comparative basis in order to determine the size and shape of plot that will best serve the purpose of the inventory. .=\ll records are recorded on l.B.i\tl. cards including: 'l‘ype—Size class s—,»\ge—amount of organic matter in soil—permeability of s11bsoil-site—grou11d cover—height- density—past treatment—reproduction density. 'l‘ree species including D.B.H. -—pulpwood bolts—logs—vigor—soundness: also note superior trees. if any. A large wood yard has been established outside of Maysville, by the Halifax Paper (lompany, and the production of pulpwood has continued and increased during the past year. The cut over areas are restocking in varying degrees from excellent to poor, although on the whole it is satisfactory. As soon as control conditions are completed studies will be undertaken to determine successful methods for establishing regeneration. 'l‘hese studies will no doubt include controlled burning. Limited tests of planting pond pine, Ioblolly pine and slash pine on the banks of fire plow furrows and in the edge of furrows are being tnade in the large pocosin area along the Quakerbridge Road. The past two years have been successful in survival and growth. The slash pine seedlings appear 19 grcvm‘r than liIL‘ nthct‘s. whith indimtvs that slush pim- may :liiZlIH itwll' In this silo. Sumt- Imumlnr) :uljuslmcnh huu- hvcn (()1lll)l('l('(i (luring litt' 1)(|\l unit and thv hnztl :ll‘(':l5 :ll'k‘ ill tlw [mums ()l t‘vuthitig :tgru-tm-nlx :tt tlw l)l't‘\L‘IH lilllt‘. I‘ht- (-ntirt- hmuttlury should he (t)I]ll)i('l('(i :tt nit (willy (lulu (imm- h2t> nut hu-n 21.x plt‘ntilul us in l)l‘('\‘i(tll\ )mt‘x: hum-wt. holmut» untl Imus SCk‘lIl In [H‘ ill(l‘k‘:l5illg in numlu-rs.

The Elwood L. Demmon Research Award .‘\ new (l\\'1|1‘(i has hm-n (l'(';|l(‘(i ltH' :Itmttul [)1‘(‘\('Hl(lli<)l1 by lil(' Sthtml. ’l‘hc lilmmtl 1.. Demmon RL‘\(‘:II'(|I .\\\':II‘(| um wt up hy ll‘it'lltis 0| l)t'. li. It. Demmon. t‘t'tirrd (lit'mtm' nl liH' Souxht-ztslm'tt Forest ifxpL-t'itm'nt SluliuiL This award will In- mmh‘ (‘lllil war In zm uluh‘t'grmluutt' ur graduate who has made illl muslatndilig :IthiL'u-nu'ttt in 1011‘s! l‘t‘Nl‘llHil. \ hamlmmt', hnmlr (mu-(i ])i;l(]ll(‘ 0| tht-i‘i'} mmtl will 1):;11' (‘thil ruipit'llt's nzumx l)r. Drnmmn t‘t‘lit'ul :lx Din-(mr ml the Sullliltihlk‘l‘ll Stilliml this unit. Hv was t-xtt’vtm-h hrlplul in lilk‘ pt'ngiL-xs MI ”W chtml ul Fort-slit. and in 1955‘ Dr. l)('lnnmtl's :uhimmm-ntx in l‘m‘cxli} \wn- rmoglli/ul |i_\‘ Stutv (Inlh-gt- with the (milk-trutlw upon him ()I' I'M“ hnnm'nr) (legit-<- ul hmtru ()ll Mix-mt. xI(J.-Il)lft\ll{, ll.i.\l1 zltlticnt \(html whore morality :Iiul philmolih) \vvt‘t- taught. xHL-IIHCAIY, IL—(I'mtll \(udcntr) \ ninth-m \(illlfll WIH'H' ltmtlmll is tuttghL 2O LAB f - LOUNGE Pulp and Paper Lab Now In Use 'l‘lu- (lrvzum ul llu- S(lmul [pr :1 Pulp zuul l’npvr Laboratory :u’c mm :1 rcnlil)‘. 'I'lu- new Pulp and l’upn‘ Lulmraum‘y opt-nod its doors to full tllIK‘ (l:l\\ :uul lulmrulur) wm'k lust lull \\'lu-n 5(l1()()l sun‘u-(l. ’l'lw building is the first at an) (-(quuionul institution south of lllC Mason-Dixon u) by (lcuucd cmlusiu-l} In [In- [ruining ol ('ullvgt nu'u lnr tlu- pulp and pupi'r industry. The building lies along \\'('sl<'rn Blvd. Iu-ul' Dun i\llcu Drive. ,\ (‘nmplcu' (lt'si‘ripliun ul llu- entire lulmrulru)‘ and its lsu’ililics (2m l)L' louml in past l’lxlc'l‘l'us. and neul llUl ln‘ l‘(‘ll('l‘1|l('(l ll(‘l‘(' shut it is still the smut. 'I‘lu' lixlnnrm nl llll\ lnl) llt‘l'i' at N. (I, SHIIL' in our School of Forestry unn'ks :umllu'r lllll(‘\ll)ll(‘ in [he pmgn'sa :uul (lmngc cvm‘ywlu‘rc cvidvnl in lllL‘ South. Sunv (Zollvgt- (Llll ln- proud lu Zl(l(l :Inollu-r “first" 10 its alrczuly long. list. QIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIllHllllIlI||I|llIlllllllllIIIIIllIIllllllnIIIIlIlIIllIlllllIlllIllIIlllllllllllllllIIIIlllllIIIKlIIlllllllllIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHU"

Expansion at Riegel Paper Corporation’s Carolina Division Here we manufacture the finest quality bleached pulps. Our new paper mill will be in production in mid-1958. \‘lllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,l...... um..."...... m....u.mm...... x...... u~ 21 Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement TED HILBOURNE, ’58 and BOB McELWEE In the United States. our timber lands have always been our one replen- ishable natural resource. All too often iii the past trees have beett harvested thoughtlessly. Trees of high quality were removed from the stands and those of low quality were left to reproduce our forests witlt undesirable trees. Large areas were often clear-cut. leaving no trees at all. but only great bare expanses of land subject to devastation by the eletnettts. Such practices have not only reduced timber volume in the United States. but what is more important they have in many cases elimated or reduced the better, superior trees as reproductive sources. Fortunately. as silvicultttral knowledge has increased. so has good silvi- cultural practice. But. with the increasing consumption and economic value of timber requiring constantly increasittg production of high quality wood, good management may be aided by forest genetics as a silvicttltural tool. Such use of forest genetics in silviculture is called forest tree improve- tnettt. Forest genetics is biological science that deals with heredity and variation in forest trees. Forest tree improvement is the application of techniques to forest stands which increase both the quality attd quantity of products produced by those stands. ln forest tree improvement. the application of genetic: principles will have effects similar to those on agricultural crops and livestock. For example, the development of superior hybrid corn strains has resulted in an increase in both yield and quality over notrhybrid crops. in a similar manner. the forest geneticist can increase production of forests by selecting superior strains. noting the conditions under which they grow. harvesting their seed crop. and then planting and observing their off- spring. The two major phases of genetics are selection and hybridilation. In selection. superior trees are located, tested, and the growth attd quality of their offspring observed. \Vhen desirable qualities are found it) both tree attd offspring the strain is preserved. and reproduced itt quantity. and recommended for general use in prescribed areas. Hybridilation is the more cmnplicated of the two. Trees having desirable characteristics must first be selected. then they must be crossed to obtain offspring. new trees. with sonte characteristics of each parent. Thus it is possible to develop a new variety. or strain. with characteristics of form. growth. and wood quality different frotn either parent. For getting trees out of the research stage and into the production stage selection is much faster than hybridization. On the other hand. hybridiyation offers potentially great improvement for the longtange future. Seed control and selective cutting are also important factors in tree im- provement. Both practices may be used to improve the genetic quality of stands during the interim until orchards of selected superior trees will produce seed itt appreciable quantity. Selective cutting entails the removal of undesirable trees from the stand and leaving the best trees to reproduce 22 the stands. Seed control consists of careful selection of local seed source trees for planting and nursery stock. It is important to note that trees which produce a large cone crop are not always trees of good quality and also that seed of local origin generally gives better growth results than not- local seed. Research results to date support the value of genetic applications to forestry. liuropean investigations. particularly in Scandanavian countries have stimulated interests in forest genetics in our country. liarly work on the genetics of pine was done at the lnstitute of Forest Genetics in l’lacerville. (lalil'ornia. t\'ow projects are being carried on by State. Federal and private agenies throughout the country: and investiga- tions vary from selection of rttst resistant species in the W‘est to studies of inheritance of characters such as form and oleoresin yield in southern pines. r\t North (Zarolina State (Dollege an industrial tree improvement pro gram has been established. Financed by H pulp and paper companies in :3 states the progratn is under the direction of Dr. Bruce ] Zobel assisted by Robert 1.. Mclilwee and two graduate assistants: Erynd ’l‘horbjoreuson. working for his PhD., and Earl Haught, working for his M.F.. State College was chosen as the base for the program because of the numerous advantages it had to offer. The school is centrally located to the supporting industries. lts forests, research facilities. and staff make it particularly useful in an attack on problems of forest tree improvement. The program has three pri- mary objectives: the location and cataloging of desirable selections from wild populations: studying the heritability of wood characteristics: and training graduate students. To accomplish the first objective, industrial forests lands of this area are being combed and trees which tend to possess desirable internal characteristics for quality paper manufacture will be selected for furtlter study. 'l‘rees will be tested for such characters as long. thin fibers. high density. low lignin and high cellulose percentage, and good growth and form. ()utstancling trees will be reproduced vegetatively to build-up a supply of individuals genetically like the originals. By testing these vegetatively propagated trees. the geneticist can determine whether the desirable qualities of the selected individuals were of genetic or environmental origin. If the selected trees prove to produce desirable offspring. plants vegetatively propagated from them will be planted in seed orchards on the industrial lands. ln the seed orchard, trees will be managed for their cone crop in a manner similar to the management of commercial fruit orchards. thus providing seed which will produce timber superior in quality to that of the present-(lay wild stand or plantation. Not only will this seed be genetically superior. but. because the source trees are ccmcentrated. collection will be cheaper. At present. primary selections are being made and test areas are being set-up. Seed orchards will be established in the next year and one-half. producing economically valuable seed crops in ten to twelve years. Internal characteristics of wood are being studied to determine the mode of inheritance of those characteristics which are desirable for the manu- facture of specific products. These internal factors include density. cell- ulose content, and percent lignin. 'I‘hese trees which include the charac- teristics desirable to particular industries for tlte manufacture of their 23 products will be included in the seed orchards. Seedlings from these seed orchards will develop into trees containing these desirable features. The third objective of the program is geared to train men on both the Masters and l’h.l). level in forest genetics and tree improvement, This is necessary to supply the ever—increasing demand for trained men in both the basic and applied phases of tree improvement. The returns to be gained by tree improvement will help to meet the anticipated need of the future as well as contribute to an increased economy for the entire South. , Forest Nursery Management Integrated into the forest management electives ‘of our school has been the establishment of an option in Forest Nursery t\fanagement. The in- troduction of this elective program provides more evidence of the “new look" which the North (Iarolina State School of Forestry has assumed re- cently. The development of the Forest Nursery Management program in- dicates the progression toward a more technical and scientific selection of our forest trees. Designed primarily for advanced students of higher scho- lastic ability. the courses are representative of the preparation necessary for successful business and scientific management of forest nurseries. Business-wise. individuals entering forest nursey management must be welfinformed and experienced in administrative policies and the super vision of labor and materials. The importance of this aspect has already been realized by some students in forest management who have received training in economics and business courses at State (Iollege. As it is expected. logically the first step in the actual development of a forest nursery entails the selection of a suitable site. To gain a more com- plete understanding of the site selection, its development, and its main- terance. studies of soils and their relation to plant growth are necessary. \Vith this as a basis from which to work, carefully chosen courses have been included in the option. Additional knowledge of soils. soil organisms. and control of weeds on the nursery sites will be obtained by students taking the elective program. Study and practice in irrigation. drainage. and terracing techniques are also included. The consideration of cultural methods in forest nursery work is next in line. The culmination of cultural methods will be reached when the “best." of everything is obtained: methods of seed selection. seed processing. and correspondingly the development of superior trees. ’I‘beoretical and practical courses in genetics. plant breeding. and plant propog‘ation are included in the option. Advanced plant physiology and forest entomology are also studied. The requirements of the forest management curriculum supplemented by the forest nursery management electives prepares students for a highly specialized type of work. However. these graduates are not “single-tracked" technicians. 'l’ltey have a well-rounded background and are thoroughly familiar with the work and field applications performed by forest man- agers. 24 It is through elective programs such as the one in Forest Nursery Manage— ment that Smu- (’lnllugc will [ruin mun l‘or l't‘SL'uH'll um] spurizlli/utinn in forestry. It must l)C rciLcruu-(l [11:11 [limo men will he truv lm‘cslcrs thorough- ly [ruined in lorvst Illilllilgk'lnclll, but slx-(iully prcpurL-(l to (lismvcr and add knowledge In llic profession. Chris labor ’5‘)

The ’s Life Scck not also nor would] nor WlllKN. Nor liumum In zulrm- lllL‘L': Bill. the lritmlsliil) ml the hills. And the trail liclorc tllcc. Sec-k not idle mcrrinwnl. l’umc nor pruisc nor glory: But, (I will to \\'lll(ll is l)(’ll[ ’l'usks that lie below that _.[ .\. Lnrsvn llll'lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII uImmmnnnnuunmnno:


QuillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:IllllllllllllllIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll|lllll|ll",‘.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIIIIlIlIIIllllllllllllllllllIIIIllIlllllllIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllIllllIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ 25 KARCH, OTTAWA

III HENRY 9? CARL ’iLWIN SCHLIKK 1368 - 1955 ‘IillS mflbml 10115118 'JfiJICA‘IEB I9 210302 1 63111 nun! m 'Iih‘! 30031111! 0} 311.1119” m3! 3611091I. ; I112 ”RSI 3mm 83' WT?! DI m 3“ WORLD INS $33!?) M73 32!] 5611112111”- fllRl AH.“ III was 11 ”'31 ' iif , _.. 26 The Carl Alwin Schenck Memorial Forest On Friday, .\pril 20. |El57. the forested area held by the school, known as the Richlands (Ireek Forest. was formally dedicated as the (larl .\lwin Schenck Memorial Forest. The 250 acre pine forest located four miles west of Raleigh constitutes a memorial area fitting for the great pioneer it was established to honor. Presently the forest is used continuously by students and faculty for instruction and research. The memorial area is located in the midst of a 92 acre plantation of loblolly pine planted in 1938. Here beneath a huge white oak which dominates the whole area. is the bronze dedicatory plague. on a massive granite rock. ln hand with the creation of this forest to honor l)r. Schenck. several other presentations occurred along with the dedication of the forest. all of which were established by the school working in conjunction with Biltmore alumni. The Carl Alwin Schenck Distinguished Professorship of Forest Man- agement. the Biltmore Scholarship Fund. and the Biltmore Room and Library (Iollection. have all been created to go along with the idea of mak» ing the School of Forestry at North Carolina State (Zollege a continuation of the pioneering Biltmore Forest School. The (Earl Alwin Scltentk Distinguished Professorship of Forest Manage- ment was established itt 195:"), the title now being held by Dr. T. E. Maki. The professorship perpetuates the name and philosophies of the great teacher of the forest to provide his example and insight for the students of today and tt’nnorrow. The Biltmore Scholarship was established by alumni and friends of the lliltmore Forest School to make possible a forestry education for deserving and needy young men. This permanent memorial will assure that each year the Biltmore spirit and name will live on in those selected students who should be among the future leaders in the forestry profession. The stholar~ ship will be worth about $500 annually. The Library (lollection was started when Dr. Schenck bestowed his personal library to North (Iarolina State (Zollege. The bestowal started a collection which has developed into a further tie between Biltmore and State (Iollege that has grown to impressive proportions. .\dded to the col- lection has been the file of Schenck papers frotn the Forest History Founda- tion in Minnesota. .\lumi have also turned in their Biltmore records. so that a comprehensire collection of Biltmore has been brought together. The plan is to house this collection in a liiltmore Room. to be a part of the forestry library in a projected new forestry building. Until the building is available. a temporary Biltmore Room has been attractively furnished in the general library. Dr. Schenck was one of the true and great pioneers in the field of .\meri- can forestry — the first advocate of the “conservaticm through wise use" concept so widely followed today. .\ native of Darnstadt. Germany and a graduate of the University of (Licssen, l)r. Schemk was sent to .\merica in l895 through Sir Dietrich Brandt-s. to manage the 130.000 acre Biltmore Estate belonging to George W. Vanderbilt near Asheville, North (larolina. 27 After developing and supervising a working forestry operation on the estate. Dr. Schent‘k began to look to the edutational field. In 1898. Dr. St'hentk organized in the heart of the .\ppalathian Range of the Great Smoky Mountains. the Biltmort Forest Sthool — the lirst forestry school in the New \\’orld. 'l‘his twelve month (ourse was opened to men who wanted to fit themselves lor employment by lumbermen and owners of timberland. It was based upon the then radital (()ll(('l)l that "forestry pays" and that private enterprise should play the major role in the development of the profession. Shortly before the l’irst \\"orld \\'ar. the sthool was distontinued. but through the distinguished retords of its several hundred alumni. it has (‘ontinued to be a Vital foree in American forestry. Dr. St'hem‘k. who has been honored in forestry and forest edtu‘ation. was further honored in 19:32. on his last trip to the United States. by the tort ferrant'e upon him of the honorary degree of l)()( tor of Forest Stiente by North Carolina State (Iollege. “'l‘here are two roads to (lod: 'l‘heology is the one and the older one: fores- try is the other. The lorester finds more of God's wonders in his trees than the pastor finds in all his tratts and Bibles."—I)t; Stltentk. “Forestry is a divine profession: The prolessional stutess ol the forester depends. more so than that ol the professional (lergyman. on the (ooperation of and with (Lod .\lmighty."——l)r. Sthentk. \IXIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIINIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllVIIIllllllllllll'llllllllIlllIlIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllll

BARTLETT "WE" PRUNER 8: SAW Handiest Combination Made Two complete tools—heavy-duty Pruner (l- ‘A” capacity) with compound lever action blade PLUS fast-cutting curved blade Pole Saw. Each head section 30’l long. Both fit some l—Va” octagon Sitko spruce pole. ln- termediote and bottom pole sections fur- nished in 4’, 6’ or 8’ lengths. Bartlett Mfg. Co., Box 74, 3003 E. Grand Blvd, Detroit 2 Mich.

K\uumuluuuulunum.,lllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIltlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllll uInIaImIIIIIIIIIIIInInnumInminimmlulluomInIiinunnIuiImim-IIumnuiimui”inn-IIIIII-IIImuImmuIIInmunullnnlunmmnumm‘: 28 ‘ A GOOD INVESTMENT Tree Farm . .; FOR A COLLEGE EDUCATION

::"\1 . Became forests grow and replenim thcmschcs, a wcll‘nmnngcd woodland will provide a steady income.





STANFORD M. ADAMS VVntlAM P. ANDREWS PIERRE M. BOULOGNE, “Xian” “Wick” JR. Forest Management ‘I’AB "Pierre” Forestry (llul), Sect. (‘1): Pulp 84 Paper Forest Management I’INE'I’UM (‘1); B.S.U. 'I'Lclmology Forestry (Jlul): YMCA lixeeutive Council (2, Fourdriuier Soc, Char- Cabinet (1, 2); Vets 3. =1); SAF: Fr. Basket- ter Sect; TAI’I’I; Xi Club (‘2, 3). ball: lntramurals. Sigma Pi.

Vn‘o .\. (JttJlstzk't'l SENIORS “Vi/0" Pulp & Paper ’I‘et'hnology Forestry (llul): Xi Sig- ma Pi. Sun-Fiscal Agent RICHARD .\. (Iktmvuzk (3): l’lNli'I‘UM. Bus. "Dirk" Mgr. (3): Newman l’ulp ."\~ Paper (;okno.\‘ 1‘. BUlH-lk (Ilul). ’I‘reas. (2). V. 'l‘et'hnology “(.‘mrlon" Pres. (3), Pres. (,1): Forestry (Ilul): Vets Forest Management Fourtlrinier Sou. Char: (Ilul): I’ounlrinier Sou, Forestry (llul). Sgt. at ter l’rog. (lln'mn.. Pub- l’arliamelItarian: TAP- .\nm (:5): li(‘ations Board. PI. VICTOR G. Dmvmss CLARENCE A. JACK D. El)\\’ARDS "Cemlr DUCKWOR'I'II ”111(k); Forest Management “(TIurran Forest Management Xi Sigma Pi. Ranger Forest Management Forestry Club. (4): Forestry Clul), Sgt. Xi Sigma Pi: Gamma at Arms (1): Student Sigma Delta; SAF. Govt., Rules Comm. ('1): SAF: Cadet Major, AFROTC.

JOE B. Eme “.106" HORACE \V. GEORGE. JR. Forest Management Pulp 21‘ Paper Forestry Club: Arnold 'l’eehnology Air Society: Tennis Fourdrinier Son. (Ilmr- Aime]. R. .-\l.~HAI)l’I'HY Team (I): Cadet Lt... ler Member; 'l';\l’l’l: “:11" AFROTC. Vets (llul). \\'()()(l 'l'eehnology S.\\llllil. T. HUDSON, IR. Alsmu. R I. .\I.»_].\Ir1-z\k| JACK S. l\'1~‘|.l.I-:\' “Ml/u” “Jill/N" “‘Imll'” l’nn'st Mnnugmncnt Frm‘xt .\I;m;1gcm('nt Fun-st Munugcmum Forestry (2111!), Sect. (3); Forestry (Ilul). l’mg‘. Monogram (Ilul): Vel- (Iln‘nm. (3’)): Trans. (2): villc (Ioum'il; Vols l’lNlC'l‘l’M (3. -l). (llul): 'l'rutk (l. 2): Asst. lid. (l): Slabs SM". uml l‘klgings (l): (I. ll. Film (30mm, (3): S.\l’.

17.1)“an ~I. I..\\\'snx, jk. “jun“ lx'l-ixxlr‘lu \'. MA'I'I‘mtws, ~],\\|Iis .\. MORGAN \Vnod 'l‘(*(lmnlogy “Kr'nny' “jim” Xi Sigma Pi. Assnr. EX \\'mul l’rmlmls NIL-Rh. For. (1): \Vumls l’rml. Mvnll. Xi Sigma Pi: l’.l’.R.S.: Phi Kappa l-‘.l’.R.S.. 'l‘rcus. (4): l‘ln‘l'xtl‘y (Illll): 3.5.“. Phi: I’m'vstry (Ilul). Fun-shy (Ilul; (Zuumil: Ll. ROTC. 5S.-’2 Rom-1R .\. NELSON CHARLIE R. NOR'IUN RONALD (i. Nonoon "Roger” “Bo" “Ron" \\'ood Prod. Merrh. Forest Management Forest t\lunzlgement Forexlry Club. Pres. (I): Forestry (Ilul); Xi Sig- Xi Sigma Pi: SAF. ma l’i. l’rog. (Iln‘nlIL: S.\F.

JOEL RAY PARKER “jmly” EAE Forest iVIzinugement Forestry (llul): Alpha Zeta: Thirty & Three: RONALD _]. ROUGH i\‘YI(IHAI“,l. S. .*\I.-Si\m,\i\'1 Student Govt. (2). “Ron” “Michael” ’l‘reas. (-1); Orientation ‘bEIT l’ulp Ye Paper (Iomm. (3): Cheerlead- Pulp & Paper Technology er (3): (lollege Union ’I’et'lmology Newman (Ilul): Inter- Soeinl (lonnn. (3): Ag- Fourdrinier Sou. (Iliur- national (llul): Four- ronletk. Sports litlilor ter l’res.: TAPPI: hr (Irinier Soc. Charter (I): SAF: (Index Major. [er—Fraternity Sports. Member. .331 _\ :2», :Cr 2 2 :4. x: 2 x72 :1: ..€::t.. ..::},.. ./Z\ /:::/ 7.3.. :_.::.rr.7:__:_/V 7:2..— 23:31.5..3. :ECS: :75:— :_:__.v r_;./ 27.5.; :_:_J _/ 5:3,? 7.1.... :_.::..._J.._:_:_z H.:Ir/ Afg::v_ .___:.:_HV ”._._ 374.: :_:_:;::_:,V_ £7.22; :_:_; $.41. ”A: ..;/J. $31 31:; :3 .9531 4.7:.

123:; A. ”:7: ..L.~\:Z\.‘V.. .7:::_:1:c_ 7.1:; :__::;.r.v:::_/‘ _/ 5:17. twin—4r} :_.:r../ A: 51—; nsz _/‘;\_m.._./_._ .3 .3“ 5.: .__r.._/. x: 27.1?— 4_:_Hv ._r._::_ .:_::_Q 5:; .11; :1 21:. .Z _ ,_:.: i; :3; ;_:_.:_.$ 1:5: 14.2.:— 7:5: .3 n: 1:; ._A .227: 24H ”.3; £_:_:::A__:_ ..:::y 1—1:..z/ ‘_:._._ .__Z;_/ ..::q:: Tet—JV ..__ 7.2:; :_L:C...._:::: .HVFCZ 279::— ”:3; .r. .,._/ GEORGE S. Cums l’AlII. _[. l’mKEMu-tnl “’1”qu R. S'rl-zVENs “George" “I’ir'k” “ll'ilbur” l mp: Forest l\“lanagement Forest Management ‘ Forest Management Forestry Club. l’rog. Forestry (Ilul): Xi Sig- Forestry Club: SAF: (Jhrnin. (3), l’res. (3): ma l’i: S.\F. jud. Btl. Investigations Alpha Zeta. (Zhrouieler Comm. (3. 4): Intra- (.1); Xi Sigma Pi. For- murals. ester (.1); PlNl'l'l‘UM (l, 2, 3) Editor (-1): Sealiliartl K' Blatle: Stu- (lent Co\'l.. Rules Comm. (Iln‘mu. (3): Publiralions B o a r (I: SAF: Dorm Social Di- reetor (3): College Un- ion. Board of Diret'tors (-1), Film Comm. (3. jAuEs (I. S'I‘EVENsoN '1), G a in e s Comm., "Barley” Chrmn. (l) l’roj. Stair .‘JAE (El. 1): Blue Key: Cold» Forest Management en Chain: Cadet I.t. Forestry Clul): V. Press. (2oI.. ROTC. DMS. (1): Alpha Zeta: Xi Sigma Pi: l’lii Fla Sig- ma: Slabs & Etlgings (I): SAF: Cadet .\laior. Not l’it'turetl ROTC. WILLIAM B. MCKENZIE _]ou.\' ll. PERRY “Mac” “lo/m" K3 Forest R‘lanagement Forest l\'lanagement Forestry Clul): Vets (Ilul): (ilee (Iltil) (3.1). FRESHMEN SEEDLINGS





/ You LELLOWS a; 0;sz NOT TO START AMY geossou, NOW“. 40 OFFICERS Full Spring (Ihat‘les Norton ,V, , ,,,,,,I’H‘sitlenl , ,, lid Barden ‘Iim Stevenson 1 President ,, , , ’l‘ed Hilliourn Stan .\dams‘ ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,.\'e(‘rt'lrlr\' ,, .t t ,,,,,,,,, ,, (Ihris' labor ~Iohn Lively , ,, , V ,VW'I‘rrusiu'r'r , , ,, ,, ,, llol) Grady .\l Brown t, .7 ,, _, , I’i‘ogrmu (f/mirnmn ,,,,,, , Bol) Simmons Bob Simmons ,, . tlssl. I’mg. (Ilmirmuu (Lerald l)o\\'less \gl. ll/ .ll'HI.\' Ralph 'l‘ayloe ,, Roller; (Ilmirnmn “'ith a variety ol at'ti\'ities‘ composed of skits. moriem speakers. attd musit' on Tuesday nights, the Forestry (Ilul) has tried to bringI together the lorestry students anti furnish them with good lellowship and provide a good time for the ['orexters. ()ttr meetings this year haw been very suttessl'ul with a line attendante at all the meetings. Under the leadership ol' llo Norton. our president, We had many projet‘ts throughout the [irst semester. ‘l‘he Rolleo was a great suttt'ss with the initiation ol‘ the freshmen and some uppertlassmen into the tlul) alter suppetx 'l‘he (lul) helped on the lair exhibit. started name tagging the trees on tampus, finished the Fox Memorial‘ and helped on High Sthool Day. 'l‘his year. under editor Ditk Knox, Slit/n um! ICIIgtIlgA was reViVed, During the setond semester with lid Harden at the head. we imaded llill Forest for some square danting. eating. and good old mountain Illllsit. and produted the Logger's Brawl. 'l‘his year will long l)(‘ rememlx-red ln‘ all: one in whitli the loresters had a great time partitipating in the attirities ol the (lab. Mat Lulmld. '59 41 The T9§6 Rolleo I


s. x. n ROLLEO ()n ()(‘lan'l‘ 20. 19:36. a great competitive event occurred at Hill Forest. This was the Rolleo. an event in Wlllt’ll seniors. juniors. sophomores and freshmen foresters tompete for top honors as outdoorsmen. The freshmen arrivetl early Saturday morning for an interesting tour about tamp by Prof. Slotum. .\t least. the freshmen best think it was interesting. The events got underway about twelve thirty with the seniors taking first plate in volleyball. The seniors would have won without any trouble extept the referees tontltltted a fair game. .\fler this contest liakins antl Blalotk took first plate in horseshoes for the juniors. They matle it rough by throwing ringers around anything that looked like a peg. jat’k litlwartls looked like a modern—day \\’illi:nn 'I‘ell when he took first plate for the seniors in the art hery event. The rifle shooting event was ('l()51' with (lharlie \Vebb taking first plate for the seniors. l’rof. Slotum was an inviting target as he leaded over to remove the targets. There was not inuth tompetition in the bait tasting event far as the sophomores were (011(1't‘ll‘t’tl. Sturgill layed the plug in the t‘irt'le with the first (‘ilSL The log butking tontest was the most ('()tll])L’llll\’t‘ event with the seniors antl juniors taking first honors by sawing the log in 32 anti 32 1/5 set‘ontls respettively. l’rof. Slocum was not satisfied with the 1/5 difference so the two teams sawed again. This time. the seniors batl a time of 29 SCCtHKlS. set‘onds faster than their first time. The juniors' time for the second try was 3‘] set'onds. adding 2 setonds to their time. This left no doubt as to whom the first plate honors went. Norton antl .\tlatns made up the senior tluo. The spitting event treated a few laughs as usual. l’aul l’it'kenheim tlitl his best to spit on l’rof. Slot'um but he didn't quite make it. The juniors finally took first plate in both the distance and at't‘uraty spitting, Alexander and 'l‘orrante tloing the spitting. Do/ier took a running start to spit. but the largest part dribbled down his t‘hin. (Lortlon Butler. as usual. took first plate in rotk throwing for the seniors. The juniors pulletl a slitk one in the running tontest by bringing out a track man in full uniform. They took first plate with the sophomores run- ning a dose setond. The winning junior was Hayworth. The sophomores‘ grasshopper boy. Gregg. took first in the broad jump. Rope (‘lll)l)lllg‘ turned out to be ape man Ken Matthew's specialty. alias snowman). and he took first plate for the juniors. l’ierre Bolougne took first plate with ease for the seniors in the thinning event. He even stopped to slitk out his tongue at l’rof. Slocum on the sixth (’llll]. Gordon Butler again took first plate in the lntlian hand wrestling t’ontest for the seniors. The tug-of—war was a long antl hard one between the seniors and freshmen. but the seniors finally took first. After the tug~ol~war. there was a mad dash for the (how hall where a lt‘l‘l‘lf'lt battle for places in line. The seniors 43 of eourse won the Rolleo with the juniors seeond. freshmen third. and last but not least. the handful of sophomores brought up the rear—fourth place. The supper was good: bar-b-q. slaw. hush puppies. eoflee and apple-s were foreed down until everyone was full. The poor freslnnen ate heartily. not knowing what was in store for them after supper. The initiation ('rew went to work after supper getting all the details ready. The initiation was for all those lreshmen wanting to belong to the Forestry (llub. The freslnnen gathered in the main lodge where tobat‘ro was handed to them for their ('hewing pleasure. l-lowever. we forgot that some did not thew on a regular s(hedule. .\ few songs were sung by the freshmen with a large mouthful of spit (omposed mostly of tobaeeo juiee. For some reason they weren't allowed to spit. Before long. a few began turning beautiful shades of green. The upper ('lassmen betame eoneerned about their tondition and allowed them to spit: but alas. it was too late. .\ few suppers were lost. but what's a little Bar-b-q anyhow. .\ couple of more little stunts were pulled on the freshmen that have been ('ensored. The upper (lassmen were IlltL‘ to show their mneern by giving ea

Compliments of

Marshall Lumber Company


7mumIIIIlmumInInnummInnunImimmmmImIIIInmlIIII:InuIIIiIIInInIIIImmmmIumImmum:nunumuumu“ 45

Tales of Hill Forest—Summer Camp ’56 The sun was a great orange ball standing high and hot over the majestic (but stunted) Virginia l’ine staucl. The air was still, but soon a cloud of dust and the roar of a motor atmounced the arrival of the first intruders on this wonderful and tranquil spot. And then another car, and another, for this was the opening (lay of George's Ilealth Camp. 011 the porch of the rough old log cabin. quietly stood two bronled and bright-eyed men. As the last of the 36 vacationers rolled in. the taller man (the mustached one). squinting stormily out into the sunlight, murmured, “Well. that’s the way it 'tis." The smaller partner glanced downward, con- templated this remark for a moment. then quietly replied. “()h. I don't know.” But. as it (thinos, everything) turned out, that was the way it was, and we strongly suspect the smaller man really (lid know all the time. The first (lay of camp was a very enjoyable one. as we had nothing to do except clean up the whole camp area. all of the main cabin and the annexes. Of course. the second day was a little tougher. because we had to cut enough stove wood to last the 7 weeks. Now. please don't misinterpret and think there are only 7 weeks in summer camp. After the weeks at George's Rest (Iamp. we retreated to a little rottgher terrain where the air is clean. the water is cold. the ladies are cooperative. and the corn flows like water. Al- though this seems to be the most interesting topic. let us return momentarily t1) the Rest (lamp. .\s you’ye probably heard. the Flat River winds gracefully, directly through the camp area. The river is just perfect for swimming and fishing and all sorts of things: but it seems like there's always something a little more important. such as liberating. stem analysis or surveying. Of course all of these exhilarating sports were greatly enjoyed, even though we never had time for anything else. Once in a great while we were able to sneak down to the pond (George's private fish pond) and go swimming or do a little fishing. Of course we were never able to sneak out ally fish as George didn't approve. So. boys, if you're planning to do some fishing next summer, don't carry any fishng equipment. (Leorge will furnish thread and straight pms. Of course there will be a few things you will enjoy doinu. such as sur» veying and map maki g. This sport was instructed by Dr. Bryant and is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. This is especially true when you have to go out at night and rtm your whole survey over again because of some stupid mistake which happened to slip into your notes. During the off hours (which were but few) some unusual comradeship grew. Perhaps the most unusual of these were concerned with dogs. “(Zar- men," the only female in the camp was the constant companion of lay ’l‘ilgeman. Beside being constantly by his side. she (lid away with any need for alarm clocks since from the minute it started to become light in the liast until noon she never stopped barking. The other case concerning a (log involved Nevy (Ilark. George Sawyer and Ted Earle. They became 47 so attached to their (log that they took him to Georgia with them one weekend. Oh well. just a case of “a boy and his dog.” One other little thing I must mention is the food. The food was jtlst wonderful. Of course the grub is never any better than the men who buy and prepare it. Thus. it is needless to say that our food was great because we had men like l’rank 'l‘horne and jack l’ortin buying and dear old l’ercy cooking. \'\"e can honestly say that the good food was the only thing which kept us going during the whole ten weeks. As we mentioned before. the stewards did a great job. There were only a few instances when brother Thorne was down in the (lumps. but alter he told his “sad story" he felt much better. .\nother very pleasant and enjoyable part of camp was the many fine trips which we made to near and adjoining towns. These trips were pro- moted by Professor (write a report) Barefoot. liven though Prof. Bare- foot is well known for assigning reports we were lucky in that we never had to write the first one. He was so kind to us. .»\t the end of the first seven weeks. we all began to look forward to the restful trip up to Franklin, N. C. in the mountains. .\s we said before. the scenery was much easier on the eye and the water was a little stronger. especially the water obtained by the boys from near-by Georgia. Most of the boys found time to do more swimming while in the mountains. Even if one doesn't like to swim, the area where one spends most of his spare time is over by the lake. Some of the boys stayed over by the lake for various reasons. (lhzn‘lie Hill and Stan Adams were permanent landmarks at the lake during their spare time. Stan used the spot for writing letters and (lharlie used it for more direct methods. Even some of the married men (Wilbur Stevens) spent a lot of time at the lake just looking and making insignificant comments. The whole stay in the mountain was made most enjoyable with the aid of “B0” Norton and his many and various connections. For the bene- fit of the Sophs. going to camp this summer, he sure you have someone alng who lives in the mountains and you will enjoy yourself immensely. Baker Harding '58 Ted Hilbourne '58 .\n object of interest found in an old .\lmanat while at sunnner camp: ()l.l) I“()l{l€5'l‘lil{'s LIQUOR HERBS . Sl.()(l/box Dioscorea juniper Berries Bull Nettle Root Black (Iohosll Gentian Rocky Mountain (irape jamaica (linger This preparation increases the appetite and gently stimulates digestion and elimination. Place the entire package in a gallon of liquor of any kind and allow to stand for ten days. 49 sun-unm-m.nuunnmnunun-ununnuunmmunumum.num.umnumum.nunuunumuunuunnunuumumwe emgaatulatiand (a . .

The School of Forestry of North Carolina State College on its Outstanding Progress In Pulp and Paper Manufacture Forest Genetics—Forest Management Wood Technology

The Champion Paper and Fibre Company CAROLINA DIVISION 5,...... 50 (”NJ DME Bur uNAT n I!" PQaF/

sums yu: Human ”EA—LE Auo Bu..- The 1957 Logger’s Brawl 'l‘was‘ a (old winters eyeuing. but the guests weren't leaying — they were all headed for the Rest (lamp north ol' Durham for the l‘estiyities that were to take plate there that night. about ($200 l’..\l. or s() on Saturday eyening. .\Iart'h Hi, about 351) (*ouples thronged the gates ol Hill l-‘orest lor tlte Forestry (Zluh's annual Logger‘s Brawl. l‘irst in line. naturally. was the food. so people wouldn't laint during the hard dancing to t'ome. Barbetpte and slaw. ohtained by 'l‘ed llillmuru and seryed out by Prof and Mrs. Sloeum proyided the main part ol' tlte menu. liyeryone ate ttntil they were about to hust. then the group slowly tritkled to the main tal)in. Down ill the ntain tahin. a lire ltad been started to warm things up (it was really “tool" that eyeuing) and e\eryone gathered there lor a good old song lest. .\l‘ter a while a harmoni/ing and warming up, the group headed lor the harratks where someone said that a hand was heginuing to warm up. 01' (Zros Rit’e loosened his \‘ot'al (‘ords' and attompanied hy (Zharlie \\'ehh and a group ol string-pitkers. hegan to put out some ('alls Long about the middle of the eyeuing, when eyeryone was really warmed up and needed a breathing spell. l‘esti\ities were stopped and the latulty wi\es pit'ked tts a "Bull and Belle ol‘ the \\'oods." 'l‘ay ’l'ilgemau and his wile topped the honor and were presented pri/es hy lid Harden. l’residet.t ol' the Forestry (llnh. Alter a hit more danting. that had old man who runs the Rest (lamp (ante stampering in and thased eyeryone out. Regardless of that. it‘s a sale het that a good little was had by all. men him. 51 The William B. Fox Memorial Soon after the death ol‘ I)r. \\'illiatn B. Fox, a well liked Botany professor at State College. the Forestrv (llub began (onsidering the matter of eretting a living memorial in his honor. 'l‘his 111e111orial would be in the form ol‘ a tree. and there was to be a plaque plat'ed near its base, .\ eonnnittee was set up to undertake this task. and alter some deliberation and (onl'erring with Dean l’reston it was derided that a MetaSequoia be planted. Dr. Maki was then (onsulted. and he wrote :1 letter to someone in California in an ellort to atquire a seedling lor the 111e111orial. Soon he reteived an answer stating that one ol the \erv lew .\letaSequoias surviving would be made available. 'l‘he seedling “'le ordered and planted in earlv spring). but betause of a dry summer and a lew otlter lat'tors the plant's survival was not so good. In the fall the l’orestrv (llub took :l(ll(tll again. and this time a evpress from the sthool nurserv was planted. (Ionditions proved tnore lavorable Ior this home-grown speties' and the results were positive. but the (21111) derided to let it get better established before the plaqtte was eluted. 'l'his goal was linallv reathed in late September. Ills'fli when a stone, bearing a bronle plaque was ])lll((‘(l near the base ol the seedling. thus (otnpleting the Fox Memorial. Now with a tree growing as a living mentorial the State (Iollege ('onnnnnitv will be long reminded ol‘ this man that is so well desrribed by the plaque as having been a l‘Rll'iNl), 'l'li.\(llll‘.l{. \Nl) S(lll()l..\l{ . . . 15v STAN .\t);\\ls_ a Young (ouples applving for a marriage lieense in \'olkersheim. (let‘manv. must saw through a log in l‘t‘(()l‘(l time as prool that thev (an work together in harmony.

IlltgllN. 11.7.\n apparatus with \\‘lll(l1 we think that we think.

52 ARI SCHOOLQ F FORESTRY; \.\c: “313me.-, mu-,>’

The Fair Exhibit limll [\mr. lll(‘ Slulv ()l Nm‘lh (Imnlinn has :I gigunm luir \vlmll Inst» :1 “ml. .\ll Ilu' (llll('l'(‘lll \(lmulx ul N. (I. Slaw (Inllt'gl- usually ll:|\(' nnc ur Imm- lmulhs m (Ullll'llnllt' In the lnir. The Forestry School had as its contrilmtion. a miniature which wax loam-(l In the MllUUl |)_\ lll(‘ 1'. S. Furcu Svniu: 'l'his szm'mill mm :In (-xzul smlv mmlvl ul :In ll([ll£ll sawmill and mu unpublc ul sawing \lml‘l lugx ul ulmul (i imlu-n in (liunu'u-r. Skcuhvs showing Ilu' (lillk-n-m l)ll;l\(‘\ nl' lumlwr Innnul'mun‘v ll(‘ll)(‘(l [U (lwm'nu- llu- lmnlll. Must (>l llu- (lvmrnling “m (lUlH‘ 1)) n prolmxionul tlcun'nlm‘. Mm! ul llu- :ulnnl wmk was (lom- In lllt' lugging and milling (lllxx ul [lu' lull Im‘m, mum-l) ,\Hl1ur Howard and l‘itl llul'dvn. 'l'lu-y \wrv :usixlul by wwml I'L'llmu lmm lllt‘ l‘ln‘t'xln (Ilul) \vlm ll(‘l|)('(l supply Ilu' lugx lm‘ llll' wwing (ll-lllmlsu'ulinnx. 'I In- lumlll \\‘:1\ HIH‘ \\'lll(ll (In-w LI large (mml \\'ll(‘ll(‘\(‘l‘ lllr mil] \\':l\ in ulwrzlliull. and nix” llk'lpfll in :m imlirul luxlliun m wll (:Iml} ll'tnll :Ill :uliuu'nl Imnlll. ‘\ liIll<- Humble \\';l\ (sum-(l m :1 lullow in il m-urln lumlll who gzlu' \lll('\ lulLs m) Ml'u'n (lmn'x. Ilv \(‘('lll(‘(l lu l)(‘llL'\(' llllll Im um- lr)lll(l hvur llllll :llmw [lu‘ rrml' ul llu' \uwlnill. (Ila). Stu-ml nl llw lim-sll} (llul) mmnIu-h [00L tum» :u ”In-ruling tlu- mill. uml \l‘('ll]('(l lU huu- lun (luing il. 'l’hv lmurth lulnwl uul \wn- Ill:llL('(l will] :: l-‘m'ulrl Stlmnl wul nml giwn [n the sputum” us mun-11in. .\H in all. llu‘ l)()<)ll1 \\':ls n great xluu'xh: lllilllks again In \rlllur Huwurd, l".(l Bunlvn. and all llu‘ mln-Ix who Inn‘litilmH-(l. _].’I(k lit-llt‘y. '57 53 / IIIIIIIIIIIII|I", CONGRATULATIONS FORESTRY GRADUATES

—As the demand for more forest products increases each year throughout the South, foresters are faced with the challenge of providing continuous crops of quality trees for all industry. lllIIIIIIIIIlIlllIIIlIIIlIllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIHIIIII lllllIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIlIIIlllIIIIIllIIllIlllllIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIII, —This is both a challenge and an opportunity to the profes-g gsion—whether you enter into industry, government or private forestry work. —-We congratulate you and wish you much success!

INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO. Southern Kraft Division Long-Bell Division Mobile, Alabama Kansas City, Missouri Sheridan, Arkansas ”'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SOUTHERN KRAFT MILLS LONG-BELL DIVISION LOCATED AT: PLANTS LOCATED AT: Mobile, Alabama Fort Smith, Arkansas Camden, Arkansas De Ridder, Louisiana g Panama City, Florida Quitman, Mississippi g Bastrop, Louisiana Joplin, Missouri I SpringhiIl, Louisiana Navasota, Texas Moss Point, Mississippi Sheridan, Arkansas Natchez, Mississippi Georgetown, South Carolina 'l‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIlllllllIIIIllIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIV 54 The Josephus Daniels Arboretum This year. students in the Sthool ol‘ Forestry and members of ottr Forestry (Ilub initiated the (le\eloptneut ol‘ the Josephus Daniels ,\rboretnm. Gor- erttor Luther l'lodges appointed (Ihaneellor (Iarey l'l. Bostian to lead a ('ommittee for this project. ’l‘he serriees and support of tlte Forestry Club members was setnred to work on the projeet. Under the guidanee ol' Mr. 0. l". Me(lrary. an amateur dendrologist. (lub members prepared “l’ark 'l‘ree Markers" and posted them on litany of the (ampns trees; liatlt marker indieates both the s‘tielttilie and eommon names ()1 the tree upon \\'lll(lt it has been mounted. More than 100 trees have been ”tagged." and it is expeeted that tnueh ol‘ the shrubbery on the State (Iollege (ampns will mentnally be marked in a similar manner. This is‘ the initial step ol’ what is hoped will l)t'(()lll(' an arboretum eon- sisting not only of loeal speeies. but of exotits from throughout the (‘ountry and the world: all planted in ('omenienl plates for study purposes. The arboretum is named in honor of ‘Iosephus Daniels. a noted North (Iarolinian. During his (areer. he was a newspaper editor and a member of the President's Stall. ~losephus Daniels also served as the ambassador to Mexieo. Perhaps the greatest interest to State (Iollege students and gradu- ates is to know that _]osephus Daniels entonraged the establishment of an agricultural tollege in North (Tarolina. (lhris 'I‘abor. '59

(,'().\'(}lt’;l'I‘l’l.;l'l‘l()t\'—'l’he ('i\ilitt' ol envy. COHEN“), n.—()ne who in a perilous emergetnt' thinks with his legs.

55 Slabs and Edgings Revived In years past, before my time here at State. a periodical called the Slabs and Edgings was edited by some ol‘ the more ambitious foresters. This periodical has been inactive over these past years. but one of our fellow students is doing his cotton-pickin’ best to revive it. This fellow is Richard Knox. a freshman in forestry. Knox is acting as the editor for Slabs and Edgings and has already turned out two editions with the help of a few more forestry students. Knox had some trouble in collecting articles for the periodical: certainly, he cannot write all of the articles himself. This is not the editor’s job, and he needs the help of :1 gr 'at malty students. The editions which were turned out this year were very interesting, and Knox hopes to improve Slabs um] Edgings next year with the help of other forestry students, Now. all ol‘ you non-writing l'oresters. how about picking up a pen next school year and using" your heads to turn out some interesting articles. Make notes on the gossip around the Forestry School: any oil-color stories about PROFS will be accepted. Some of you poets, turn out a bit of work. New developments in the field of forestry are always interesting. Foresters, up until this time. have been known for their inability to write, so how about making a change. PLEASE, don’t just say, “\Vell, someone else will do it.” Someone has to and it may as well be YOU. Jack Kelley,'57 56 Hill Fores’r Plaques This year. the Forestry (Zlul) at last tompleted another ol its several proj- ects: that ol~ obtaining”l metal plaques lor the gate at Hill Forest and putting them in place. 'l'wo plaques have been made, one [or each (’avity on the gate posts. The right plaque reads “Forestry (lamp N. (1. State College". the left “Hill Forest listal). 1929." The Forester 'l'he Forester is an amateur with a (Iollege education. ’I‘here are two classes ol' Foresters. One (lass believes in keeping abreast of those broad dynamit' movements of the present day that (hallenge the best efforts of the Nation's 'l‘hinkers. The other class lights lire. builds truck trails, plants a few trees. and wears old (lOlltCS. Some Foresters have ol'l'ites. some live in \\’ashington. and some work in the \Voods Lots of Foresters spend prattitally their entire li\es in God's Great-out-ol'-l)oors. 'l‘hey low to hunt and fish. They \\'()ul(l. too. if they had time, It used to he said that a Forester's hest lriends were his Horse and .r\xe. Today a Forester has no need for a Horse. and he might ('ut himself with an . Years ago most exet'y Forester Wul‘t‘ a hiel Stetson hat and carried a gun on his hip and a llask in his pmket. Nowadays, hig Stetson hats are 57 only worn in tlte Movies, and you hardly ever see a Forester carrying a gun. .\n interesting thing about a Forester's lile is tltat lte meets all kinds of people from hobos to ntulti-ntillionaires. It is not untotntnon for a Forester to haye tlte priyelt'gt' ol~ personally doing [arm‘s tor a millionaire Tourist. HOWCYCI‘, tltere is no retord ol a millionaire 'l’ourist eyer doingr a layor for a Forester. But even if they don't make nnuh. it's nire, steady work and they have lots of fun. Another satislattory thing about ;: Forester's tareer is tltat lie is his own Master. absolutely independent and answerable to no one [or his professional (‘ondueL That is. exrept to his wile. ladies' garden tlubs. sportsnten' asso- ciations. nature loyers. newspaper editors. and the (lonneil of the S. .‘\. l5. Forestry is a yery pleasant prolession betause it is so easy to get ahead. Many l-‘oresters graduate from (Zollege with only a lie“ debts and innnediately get a job attd a wile. In about ten years tiute itt addition to the same job and the same wile. they hare more debts and |i\‘e kids. That's why l’orester's are so happy. Henry (Zlepper


Wherever You Are, We Serve And Satisfy


Forestry Suppliers, Inc. P. O. Box 8305 Battlefield Station Jackson 4, Mississippi


58 I O C Fourdrmler Socue’ry The Fourdrinier Sotiety is probably the newest organization in State (Iollege let alone in the Forestry Sthoo]. It was l’ormed by the seven seniors and one tduate student in ”1:37 with the idea of promoting edu- (ational and soetal aetiVities within the Pulp and Paper 'l‘et'hnology eur- rieulum. \\'e believe that although the organi/ation is new at the present time it will grow in time to be one ol the finest organizations of its kind on the (ampus. Membership to the sot'iety is open to all students (emept lreslmien) study- ing Pulp and Paper ’I‘eehnology at North (Iaroliua State (Iollege who have a Stholastie average of "(1" or better. It is the intentions of the soeiety to sponsor noted speakers from var- ious pulp and paper mills and have them give talks on spetilit subjects in the paper industry stuh as the \t'oodyard. bleaehiug, pulpiuv' ett‘. Social l'unetions are also planned where-by the students and professors along with guest speakers will have an informal meeting and part)". The sotiety tonsists‘ of active. inaetive and honorary members. Quali- litations l'or membership are: Good tharaeter. a high sense of honor. satislattory st'holastit standing. welfare ol’ sthool at heart. and any other qualities deemed netessar)‘ to anomplish the greatest good for the eur- rieulum and [or the s(‘l1()()l. The Founding Fathers and present olllters are: President , Ronald I Rough Program (Zhairmau Vito .\. (Iiliberti Vite-President Miehael .\l- Simaani Parliamentarian Riehard A\. (lrumpler Setretarr ,, \\'illiam P. _\ndrews lixetntire .\d\'isor, Horaee \\'. George ’J‘reasurer George H. Andrews Graduate Student .. ('lalvin j. Reis l"a(ulty .\d\'isor , ,,,,, (1. li. Libe Faculty ,, H. i). (Iool; l’aeulty R. C. Hitehings by Ronald _I. Rough '57 59 The Forest Products Research Society Kenneth V. Matthews ’lhe l()(tll (hapter ol the Forest l’rodutts Reseath Sotielt will. at the time ol' this publitation. have tompleted its sixth \'(’:tl‘ as a suttesslul organi/alion on tllis (ampus. Its members will \ai‘ils‘ the Iatt that it has been ol sotial as well as atademit Value to those partitipatiug in its aeti» \‘lll(‘\'. 'l'he l-‘.l’.R.S. ollers an organi/ed ‘gettogether" [or those students with (ommon interests in wood ntili/ation. l'hese are primarily l’orest l'tili/aA lion and Furniture .\lannlatturing majors. 'l he tlul) does. lto\\'('\:‘1‘. \\'el(ome Visitation from any and all s(lt()()l.s and (urritulums. This year the program attendante has a\eraged well o\‘el' twi

Pinefum Staff

l’unl ~I. l’itkenheim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, la'llilm' Charles 1). \\'ehh “mine.“ Alunug‘fl‘ jauk S Kelley zluixlmll Ifdi/ur 'l‘e(| llilhourn 7, ,, 7 7 , ,, , , , Stuff xlrlist G. Alex Helms, ]r ,, ,, , I’IIUIUngIp/Iels 'l‘mn llaywm‘th ,, :Irlw’wr: (L K. Slmtnn I'f/Ii/m’iul: .\l.'u Lupuld. (Ihris 'l'zlhor. 'l‘ed Hillmurn. Ditk \Veleh. D. \\"21yne \\’right. [1.. (Ihzn‘les Selden. Stun .\(I.nns. _]0e linmr)‘ 62 Xi Sig mo Pi Awar 5 One ol the purposes of Xi Sigma Pi, national honorary forestry l'rater- nity. is to promote stholarship. 'l‘o reward students who have made an extra ellort in their studies, the Mn (Ihapter. at North (larolina State (Iollege. gives two annual awards. The sophomore who makes the highest ayerage as a lreslnnan reeeiyes' a truising ax and (:ase. This year the award went to lidward l.ee Gibbon. The other award goes- to the senior with the highest oyerall ayerage. 'I'he winner's name is engraved on the double- hit Xi Sigma Pi ax, whith is in the Forestry Lounge. This year the award went to liar] Ray Sludel‘. _]im Steyenson 57 Homeli’re Scholarships Between menu at the Rolleo this year. Mr. 'I'hontpson ol the llomelite (Zorporation presented two 82:30 stholarships‘. one to an outstanding Junior. and one to an outstanding Senior. The junior award was presented to Ted Ililhonrne. of Oakland. (Ialil‘u presently of Raleigh. The Senior Award was presented to john De (loste oi Basking Ridge. N. I. Tabor Gets AZ Scholarship (Ihris labor. a Sophomore in Management from Baltimore. Md. was one ol' the reeipients ol’ an .\lpha Zeta 5101) seholarship presented this year in retognition oli outstanding work done during the Freshman year. (Zhris was seletted I'or the award on the basis ol stholastit :uhieyement. extra-turrit'ular partitipation. tharatter. leadership ability. attd interest in his field of study. Tabor has been highly attiye in the l’orestry (Ilul). and has seryet’l on the l’INl'Z'l'llM stall Ior two years. 63 Foresters In Student Government

[.efl Io Rig/II: ()harles ()'Quintt. Joel Parker. Reid Hins‘on, Ken Steppe. (lharles \\'eb|). Mat Lupold. The Student (iovernment at North (Larolina State (Iollege (onsists ol' tltree branthes 7— lixeuttive. Legislative. and judicial. Student Govern— ment. ol‘ten ('alled S. (;.." is the way in whitlt tlte student (an partiti- pate in governing the tatnpus and letting the Administration and l'atulty know how they feel about problems on campus. Through "S. (L.." students present their solutions to thse (ampus problems. The Forestrv Sthool has contributed their own men and ideas through Student Government. In the exeuttive bramh we have the ’l‘reasurer, Joel l’arker. ol (Iharlotte. 'l‘he Senators on the Legislature are ele('ted eaeh year from (‘ll(l] (lass in proportion to the enrollment in <';l(ll sehool and (lass. 0111‘ Senior Settator is Gerald Dowless. of .\(me: Junior Senator. (Iltarles O'Quinn. ol Lumberton: Sophomore Senator. Mae Lupold, ol' (Ioluntbia. S. (I. Betause ol the large I’reslnuan (lass this year We have two Freshman Senators. They are Ken Steppe ol’ I.vn(‘hburg. \'a.. and Reid Hinson ol' (lharlotte. ()n the juditial Board we have (lharles \Vebb ol (Ilearu'ater. I‘la. .\n unusual ituident last veat‘ during. the tampus elettions was the turn- out ol' the Sthool ol Forestry 7 We had MB"; of the S(l1()t)l voting. Books and grades are not the onlv things to be (onsidered in tollege. Students should take an atti\e part it) extra-tut‘ritular ;t(ll\'ili('S and tltus not onlv help the sthool. but themselves also. Student Government pro~ \ides one ol these extr‘tHurritular outlets. Mae Lupold '50 64 W. Va. Holiday BASED ON A SUMMER’S WORK WITH THE OAK WlLT SURVEY By JACK KELLEY I'm taking for granted that all you good fellows know just what the oak will disease is. Anyhow. this is not to he a teclmical article: but it will he one based on the experiences I had while working on the oak wilt Survey in “7. Va. (Dear old \‘V. Va.) The first few days were spent learning how to locate and identify oak wilt: after that we were more or less on our own. Our first day as a two-man crew went swell until I almost gutted my— self on a harh-wire fence. The durn fence was hidden in a brushy area. and l was running. That wasn't so had, but I split out another pair of pants the next day climbing another barb-wire fence. Mom said that I'd have to quit work in order to save money. \Ve soon learned that the lead-in wire of old TV aerials were our worst enemy. The durn stuff was all over the mountains and an octopussy couldn't have done a hetter job of tangling a fellow up. Yellow paint was used from spray cans to mark trails out from the oak wilt. trees so they could easily he found the following year. \‘Ve found many uses for the spray cans such as painting every box turtle and lizard we saw. Our experiments may have started a race of completely yellow varnnnts. ()n visiting one oak wilt diseased tree. we discovered that the area near the tree was occupied by a nest of yellow jackets. It was our duty to pro— cess the tree even midst a swarm of yellow jackets so we took turns at spraying the little son—of—a-guns with our very useful paint cans. while the other worked. .\ few of the braver ones got through and stung the 11- -< out of us. but we finally managed to finish. Big game is sort of scarce in \V. \"a.. hut we did manage a close look at one hear on a ridge covered with huckle berries. Oak wilt scouts have to ask a lot of questions to find out the names of land owners. etc.: but he especially stops to ask questions (no matter how insignificant) when a good lookin' girl is on a porch. This is hard work. hut it mm! be done. Quite a few people thought we were revetmoers: and one old fellow went so far as to say. “you fellers won't get outa them hills if ya mess aroun' too long". Of course. I assured him that we were not revenooers and even told him l'd like to buy a little moonshine: but he was too suspicious to risk that. One l'ellow that I worked with during the summer. old I‘llmer. thought that rattlesnakes were hiding in every hole and under each rock. lle carried a .22 pistol for protection, hut I don't believe he could have hit a hear with it. Boy. what a character. he had to put the word “devilish" in everything he said. , One fellow I worked with and myself were out one day trying to locate a tree. and we went up the wrong fork of the hollow. \Ve figured that 65 te Service DESIGN by our own engineering staff ' INSTALLATION by our own construction crews MAINTENANCE by our own service specialists

of Corrosion-Resistant

lININGS and TILE TANKS Designed antl installcd to meet tln; (‘X(l(l (ltctnital and physical rcquiwnn-nts ul' C;l(‘ll installa- tion, St(-|)l)ins linings and tile tanks are intlnstryrlanmns‘ for lllt‘ll' Cill('lL‘ll(‘)‘ and t‘('01]()lll)’. \\'licrt‘\‘cr l‘)“ are — whatever )‘(nn~ ('(n't‘minn i'cxistancc proh- lcm may l)(-— it will pay you to take advantage of Stebbins’ 1m- cqnallvd design cxlx-t‘icncc and installation l'acilitics. ll'rilw [or llu/lwlin x1-153

613.139 SEBBINS Engineering and Manufacturing Company, Watertown, N. Y. SYEBBINS ENGINEERING CORP. — 1504 YOWER BLDG, SEATHE, WASH. CANADIAN SYEBBINS ENGR. 5 MFGV (30., lTD.—CASTlE 5106., MONTREAL CANADA 66 we had done just that so we headed back. As we were about halfway back. this woman came running up the road towards us and waved her hands for us to stop which we (lid. She came to my side of the car and said. ”l heered ya all was the State". 1 said. “\‘Vell. we work for the De- partment of .\gricuht1re for the State." She said. “\‘Vell. somebody slit ma horse's throat last night: and I figgered ya all could do somethin’ about. it." I told her that it wasn't our line of work, but she still insisted on telling us all about it plus the details on a fight someone had in the hollow. She said. ”The people in this here holler are turrible and some- thin' oughta be done". I told her we were sorry. but we couldn't help her and drove off. My buddy and I about split a gut laughing after we got out of hearing range. a I flew most of the summer as an aerial observer mapping Sllspct‘t trees on topographic maps so that they could be located by ground crews. Also, we marked the trees by dropping toilet paper rolls on or near them. I figured that I dropped enough toilet paper so that the people living in back hollows wouldn't have to use corncobs or Sears and Roebuck (lata- logs for a long time. The pilot who flew me was really great at handling the plane and man. (lid he like to work. He was paid by the hour so we stayed up three and four hours at a time. “’e usually flew 71/2 to 8 hours each day. lf you don’t think your rear end can get sore sitting in a cub for that long. try it. The pilot and l both chewed tobacco. but we had one heck of a time spitting. \‘Ve finally fixed up a spittoon in the cot’kpit. You fellows may not believe this. but for fun. that durn guy would find a high tree on a ridge top and clip the top twigs with the wheels. I finally got used to this: but for the first few titnes. I needed some of the paper we used for marking trees. Also. he liked to land in difllcult spots. We landed on every golf course in the area. no matter how small and got away with it. \\’e ran into a bad storm going back to the field one afternt’mn. I didn't have my seat belt fastened so when we hit the storm. my head just about went through the top of the cockpit. I mean. there is a real dividing line between a storm and clear area. Three of the field attendants had to come out and hold the wings down so the plane would stay on the ground. ’I'hat’s another time when I needed some paper. The flying was all done right above and below the ridge tops. This was the cause of our being reported down once. I guess the woman who reported it must have seen us drop over a ridge top and didn’t see the plane again. She called the (Iharleston Airport and the National Guard planes were out searching when we came in. We heard about it and figured it was us so we called the National Guard and explained. Now. as for stills. we spotted three but neither of us had the heart to turn them in. I just wonder if any “pot shots" were taken at us while flying so low. All in all, it was a great summer: and any of you fellows interested in flying should take a crack at it. l-‘AMOL'S. adj.—(Zonspictmusly miserable. 67 The Wild West Is Where Want To Be Along llu‘ [mil you'll find me lopin'. \Vlwn- llu' spnu's :Ii'c wide ()IH'H. ln llu‘ land ()I' ll)(‘ ()l(l .\. 1“,, (I. \VlK'H‘ llu- s‘r'rnm'y's illll‘2:(ll\'(‘ l\n(l Ilu' air is rudimu'liyv. ()ll lln- \\'il(l \\'(‘s1 is \x'lu-rc I want in l)(‘l l\li(l' llw .sugvhrusli :md llu- ('1l(llls l'll \\‘:l[(ll lllC lk‘llcrs Imuliw Umppin' bombs through the (lam (l(‘\‘('l'l ln‘cozc. I'll have on my smnln‘vm .\n(l ul' (uurst‘ I'll wear :I leii' 0' l4('\‘is m‘t‘r my lvutl l{.\’_l).'s I will l(‘2I\'(‘ llu' (’ily's rush. l.('il\‘(' 1hr l'zmry :md the plush, l.(‘:|\'(' Iln' snow and lcuu- llu‘ slusll, :mrl Ilu- (‘I‘()\\'(ls‘. I will swk llw (lvs’vrl's hush. \\'ll(-rv llH' su-m-ry is lush. lluw long In sH‘ llu- muslmmm (lmulx 'Mitl lliv Yuu'ns :uul llu- ll]l\ll('s, l'll \\'ul(li Ilu‘ guidml missilvs, \\'l)il(- llu- nld l‘.l$.l. \\':Il(ll(‘s mo. \l-s' l'll sum] mukv my :llipvurunrv, (Swim :is l mu gm my (lmrnnw) '(Izmsc lln‘ \\'il(l \\'<-sl is wllcn- l mun In In: 'litml [.Cln‘t'l‘

Siskiyou Aerial Project Smokeiumpers Tlu- Siskiyou .\('ri:il l’rnjm‘l is lmulul in Snmlnn-su-rn ()H‘gnn approxi- mnlvly 30 miles wvsl ()l‘ (mum's Puss. Ilzlscrl lu-rc during the summvr munllis :m- about 31) smnkviumpm‘s who LIH‘ usml mainly in “Rushingmn :iml Nm‘tli- ('rn (lulil‘nrniu. In 19:36 hclwccn lune 151]) and ()(mln-r 7th. :1 [01:11 of L’lfl jumps an 77 firms were made lmm this unit. l’lnm-s llS("(l :lt tlu‘ pmict'l 1I|'(' muslly 'l'win-llL-Hlu’rulls. but smut-limos :1 l.n(l('sl:lr is usul. ll was 1: (’lNIl rimming in early _Illll(‘ when lll(‘ :mllmr gm his first glimpse nl' smnkvimnln-rs in union. 'I‘wn l’my Smuls lizul lullml down :1 Hill on lllt‘ ligmks nl llH‘ lllinuis‘ RlH‘I‘ uml won- sullk-ring [Tum serious- injurics. 68 Two experieneed jumpers were dropped near them and administered deineml and the net'essai’i first aid until a lmat eould arrive tn take them l)a(k to (iVili/ation. 'l‘he main tise ul smokejumpers is, of murse, lire suppression. hut reseue Mill; and isolated trail maintename are also becoming more important. The work is varied. sometimes hard. hut almnst always interesting. \Vhen jumpers are not on fires, their work ineludes parachute rigging. telephone lilies maintenanee. (()l]\l1‘ll([it)ll work. trail maintenanee. and other equally varied jobs. The quarters and meals at the ”('.<)|)is" (nitknztme given the prnjeet by the jumpers) are Very good. l‘he harratks and mess hall are only a few years uld and are really modern [or a eamp ()I‘ this sum. 'l‘hese exeellent living ('(inditions along with (apahle nVerhead and interesting wurk make a summers \mrk nu the pmiett an experienee to he retnemhered. «lue Emory ’57

15("I‘I’It‘li. uf'l'hat periud oi time in \\'l\l(l) nur allairs prosper, 0111‘ friends are true. and our happiness is assured. IIl'lf/i’ll), ll.*.\ pnnled issue. ‘flhllllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllI|llIIIIlll|llIIIIIIIIIIIlll|IIIIIIIIIIII|IlIlllIIIIIIIIIlIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIDIIIIIII‘";_





IIIIIIII|IllIllllI|Ill|l|lllllllllllllll llIIII|lIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH“ 69 CARCO EQUIPMENT FITS . . . FORESTERS have found a Carco Wherever you may practice forestry, winch with Carco crawler or rubber- you'll find Carco winches and arches tired arch and tractor the most versa- used by leading loggers and sold and tile rig in the woods for harvesting serviced by prominent tractor dealers. and conserving timber. That’s true You’ll find, too, that Carco logging on tree farms or elsewhere, whether equipment is rugged and dependable you’re clear cutting or selective log- with unusual staying power. ging. Because of its great maneuvera- PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COM- bility, this smooth-working tractor PANY, Renton, Washington, and Frank- equipment operates with minimum lin Park, Illinois. damage to standing trees and mini- mum expense for access roads. It effi- ciently and economically bunches and yards large or small timber. It reaches out for isolated logs and winches them in from inaccessible spots.

"INCHES FOR Au. ‘9 Toll But Short Sure I seen that there light on teleyision," the old'limer told the dude. ”Quite a snap it was. too, spuially when the little lelle‘ ltit tlte big l'ellet‘ with the referee But .shueks. all tltat stttll was just pttppy play to the lights we used to have when l was loggin' in (lanada. “\Vhy, l l‘(‘(()ll('(l two lellet's that was (lose buddies. Pierre the lilogger and johnny ()ne (Zhop. johnny allus tlainted that it he (ould r'ar haek l'ur enough. he (ould eut down a lull-si/t- tree with one swing ol his ax. Lyin'. probably. (attse l neyer seen ltitn do it with less'n three. “\\'ell, one day tlte two ol’ thent had real bad hangovers and was in nasty tetnper. One said somethin‘ to the other, and the other said somethin' l):l( k. and the first thing you know they was at it with their lists. \\'ouldn't have atnounted to tnuth il'n Pierre hadn't tonked johnny with a tan ol tomatoes. That ntade johnny lurious. t'attse he hated tomatoes. "\\’ell sir that light started at S o‘tlmk attd lasted to noon. jolmtty started to get a little the better ol' it alter he hit Pierre in the thest with a pothelly stoye. But along about 10 o'elotk Pierre got johnny agtn a big tree attd heat hint met the head with a grindstone lot 20 minutes. johnny was a little groggy [or a while, httt then he grabbed Pierre around the waist and jumped oll‘ a (llll with him. He lattded on top. so he wasn’t hurt. “\\'ell. inst ahottt noon Pierre managed to get heltittd johnny attd he hit him in the hark ol the head with his dotthle-hitted ax." “lloly smoke!" said the dttde. “\\'hat happened then?" “\\'hy." said the old-timer. “that was a l'oul—that sneakin' around heltind. johnny was so mad at Pierre he wouldn't speak to him [or almost two weeks!"-—.-l. C. Ross. lrotn ()("IT)()()R I.II"IC uuu Illllllllllll III-u IIIIIIIIIIII": ‘ CHAPMAN CHEMICALS preserve the value of forest products AMBRITE 0 Protects logs from ambrosio beetles and other insects, prevents stain and mold damage. PERMATOX 10-5 0 Effectively controls sap stain and mold in green lumber . . . both softwoods and hard- woods. costly end-checking of green timbers, SEALTlTE END COATING ) Preventslogs and lumber during the curing procegs. PENTA PRESERVATIVEO Protects wood from decay and insects assures maximum service life under all ex- posure conditions. PENTA-WR 0 Improved water-repellent preservative con- taining a full 5% Pentachlorophenol. VVon’t sludge or stain. Write for literature and prices CHAPMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY MEMPHIS 'l, TENNESSEE Mineapolis, San Francisco, Portland, Ore., Charlotte, N. C. \ullllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\rIlllllIlllIllIllIIIIIIIIllllIllIIllIllIlllIIIDIIIII]IIHIIIIIHIIllllllIllIllIIllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIllIIIlIIIllIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllH‘: 71 towerIS/ats Roma’s, [171219; Ma ”Mil-Will”? (VI/P5 with a Carthage Slab Chipper

Clean, uniform chips are worth money—that’s why you will find a Carthage Mechanical—Feed Slab Chip- per such a good investment. Horizontal seed spout makes long slabs and rounds easy to handle; and the power driven feed roll, synchronized with the cutting speed, assures chip uniformity. All parts are of heavy-duty construction for long service life and are easily accessible for servicing, Electric units for plant installation—DieseI-powered units for trailer mountings. Write for catalog. Barkers, Chippers, Re-Chippers, Wood Splitters, ManufacturersWoodof Washers, Chip Screens, Grinders.

CART “AGE CARTHAGE, MACHINE COMPANY NEW YORK West Coast: Ray Smythe, 501 Park Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. 72 ALUMNI

DY GOLLY PETI: - you suuep. on) LEARN uou To ezow ‘LM AT STATE .’

73 .$.‘ Se’rser Honored By Army Alexander 1.. Setser, a State forestry graduate (class of '33). and an em- ployee ol the South .\llanti( Division of the U. S. (lnl'lh of Engineers, reeeived a (ash award lor sustained superior perl’ormanee during 19:36. Setser and Bruce McKinley were honored for management of a timber (utting project at Ft. Stewart, by streamlining operating prmedure so that the government netted about Sl,()(l().()()(l oil of the timber salex. The award was presented by Brig. Gen. Henry ] lloeller. Division engineer.

Key to .‘\lumni l’i('tul‘es: I. Mr. and Mrs. \V. 1.. Pierce 2. _]. S. Campbell, with David and Tim 3. Bo and Linda Lee Long »l Leigh Masten 5 Bol) Solow (3. ”Miss Gena” Raynes and “Snmkey” 7. ~Ioe Schaul) and .sons 8. R. 1.. Moore 9. ? P P 74

Sellool of Forestry N. (1. State (Iollege Raleigh. N. (1. Dear .\lumni and Friends: It is a rare opportunity that one of so low taliber as I has the m'easion to write a letter for so intellet'tual (and bashful) a friend as Professor George K. Slot‘um. This opportunity would not hare been present had it not been reealled that Professor Slotum personally wrote you a letter similar to this one some years ago. He would not write this letter for fear that his request would be too imposing. Remember. back in the late '30‘s you reteiyed a letter from your .\lumni Set’retary pleading. trying out for a few pennies with whit‘h to buy his daughter some shoes? Maybe he never told you. but yottr kind remittances were plated in the treasury and his daughter continued without shoes. lsn't he a wonderful .\lumni Seeretary. ‘ Batk then. times were hard but shoes did not (ost as much as they do today. So. we have a problem twice as big now. linelosed is a plume of the latest addition to Professor Slotum's family. Do you see the BIG shoe prob- lem? Right. he needs two—not one—pair of shoes. .\llow me to tell you a little about this little fellow. .\t the time you receive this letter. ’l‘ippy is about a year old. a big bundle of fttr and sharp teeth. and like all other youngsters. is about the house and into everything. \\'e are not sure who his parents are (does he look like anyone you know?) but we know that he is a “red-blood" possessing the best of pedigrees. Maybe you are wondering how he fits into the family life. \\’ell. he is allettionalely referred to as ”My Little l’al": howeyer. we are told that he seldom responds to stab allettion. \\'hen 'l'ippy was a “wee bit” he was 76 lqu-full} (.l”('([ “Ah Hull [)ngvl my lwlwl‘ull). Sure. hv is u Illll' \x'nmlx- mun. liu'x} [imp l’l’ulvwn Slmum (Inns hix (rmlumu Iu' (lnm 'I'ipp}. [lull i\ [U m} IIIul "My l‘illh' l’ul" :Ilh'tlimmlt'l} ill[5l(ll(‘.\ Ilium-H 11) u lmnh leg In lw (-illu-r l2l|\('ll lllflllp‘ or slmktn ()II. Ik-l'nu- (losing. 101 my l'('\l:ll(‘ IIH‘ problem: \hnm~l\\'n [)uirilm' ”31} Link l’nl". 'l‘imn‘ H 31:11 zm- mun-(I lln‘uugh (rnnpussiun [01' [Inc solution at w (law :1 l'rivnd'x (h-xpn'rulv [n‘nhlt-m. wml your (murihulinn m: Tipp} Show Fund (/1) (L K, Slmum l)l)ll|)l]('\\|}. our :ml :1! llli\ [imL- \hull he ”mum isxlt'd In (haw (|)ll(('lll('(|. Yum‘s H’ul)‘. 1’5.(1011M)uucmlm‘v lhvlmllt'l'nl (0111‘ till} lmH‘ lu‘l umuml llu- mum whik- 3"“ trial [(1 "”i",‘ u gum] I‘\' lnngmm}?



77 The Great Unknown WHAT IS IT? That is the question being asked more than any other in G. K.’s museum these days. VVhyPP \Vell, it has to do with the latest addition to the already overflowing shelves of the renowned “Slocum's Museum— Ancient and Otherwise." \Nhat is this latest addition? About all we can say is that it is close to three inches long, and slightly S—shaped from base to tip. At present it is mounted on a square mahogany block which gives it the appearance of a snake crawling out of a hole. We are told by the renowned educator, curator, and C(mglomerator of misconl'ormance himself. that it at one time formed an essential part in the life of an animal called Procymz Iotor, but that is all we can get out of him. Should anyone be interested in more details on this new addition, and should they be in the Raleigh area. we suggest that they drop in to see “Prof" and ask him about “The Great Unknown." EXPERT, n.—One who knows all the answers, but can't understand the questions. 78 Annual Message to the Alumni J. B. HUBBARD, President ()ne ol the major lorestry problems now lating the South is the lack ol an adequate number ol loresters. This is indeed a remarkable (hange lrom the situation of but a l'ew years ago. .\ll authorities agree that this need 01 l'oresters is no “llash in the pan” thing but that the need will increase it] the years to tome. \\'e. as altnnni ol the N. (2. State (lollege Sehool ol l’orestry all belieye that we haye the linest lorestry sthool in the South—and we see no reason that it should not be (onsidered the best in the Nation. \\’e are justly proud ol the st‘ltool~its l'aeulty and its students. lrloweyer. being proud is not enough. \\'e are going to lime to do something besides brag on our sehool. \\'e. the alumni. (an do two things. They are in getting a larger number of qualified boys into the Sthool of Forestry and then in making financial assislattte ayailable lor deserving students who must haye it ill order to stay in sthool. ()ur ellorts along these lilies must be stepped up il' we are to do as well lor the st‘hool as the s(hool did for us. .\t the January 19:36 Forestry .\lumni (llub meeting in Durham. a tom- mittee was appointed to ('onsider ways of raising l'unds l‘or stholarships for worthy students. This (ommittee tonsisted ol' R. \\'. (Lraeber. (lh'tirman: llddie latkson and nine“. So lar we ltzl\l not tome up with an answeL To be pttltttly honest “e ha\e not yet (\(ll pot togtthtt to talk it met. \Ve will. honeut. ha\e something to tepott by our next (Iub meeting whith will be early in 19:38. .-\ brief explanation is due you as to why I atn still President and Barry Ct‘illith is still Vite-President. It’s really quite simple. .\t the SA]: Set‘tiott meeting in Rithmond during january 19:37 I forgot to announee that there would be a N. (2. State liorestry .\lumni (21th meeting. .\s a result there was no meeting-no elu‘tiollitto new olht'ers. lloweyer. it may be a blessing in disguise because we have two years to produt‘e some results. To help us. please send in any ideas you may have on this stholarship problem to Chairman lt’. ll'. (iHH‘IH‘l’ 0/ l/ll’ Si/mlrirx/Ii/J (funmtillee. Try and tome to the next Appalathian Settion meeting and the Forestry (llub .\lumni meeting \\'l1l(lt will be held at the same time—this will be early 19:38. Report of Secrefo ry-Treasurer The 1957 annual meeting was not held at the Sotiety meeting in Rit'h— mond due to seheduling dillit'ulties and lack of time. .\s a result. it will be netessary lor the present ollit‘ers to serye for :I set’ond term. I. B. Hubbard. '38. will (untiltut' as President. B. T. (irilliths. '-l|, as Vice-President and "Perennial” Sloeum as Secretary-‘l‘reasurer. 79 Q1llllIllIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIII|Ihlll9llllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIllIIII|lIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|III'6 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE “All Over ”11’ Campus” MAIN STORE AND OFFICE Northwest Wing of YMCA Building WATAUGA BOOK STORE West Side Watauga Dormitory QUAD CANTEEN Upper Quadrangle SYME COFFEE SHOP Northwest Corner Syme Hall COUNTRY HOUSE Alexander & Turlington Court TUCKER SNACK BAR Southwest Corner Tucker Dormi SHUTTLE INN SNACK BAR Serving Breakfast & Lunch & ln-between Snacks Textile Building THE DUGOUT (a Robot Snack Bar) Shops Bldg, opp. College Laundry THE TECHNICAL PRESS Quick Service in Multilith Offset Printing Textbooks—Lab. Manuals—Special Forms These Student & Staff Centers Are Owned By The Scholarship Fund Foundation of North Carolina State College operating as

Students Supply Stores ‘unmmunuuuuummumm:mumuu-ummuuumununi-ununumun-ummum-nunmmmuummmumm-mimumnununummummunnun-uunnummunun-umnumumumnmu4‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlll|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImmuummn‘illllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIIllltIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlllllIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIllllIllllIllIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllll 80 Treasurer’s Report 1955—56 Income Expense 171 mcmht'rs S 2.00 : $318.00 Postage Alumni Lt‘ttcr : S 21.00 10 members 13.00 : 05.00 (llcrit‘ztl Help : 1.50 7 nlt'llllX'l‘S 1.00 : 7.00 "liyping' : 18.50 3 members 3.00 : 0.00 200 l’inctum @ $1.25 : 257.50 I mt‘mlwr 15.00 : 15.00 \Vyman gift : 1:30.00 1 member 10.00 : 10.00 Pint-tum Postage : 31.20 1 member @ 1.00: 11.00 -—— _.__ $182.70 §r188.00 Cash on hand : $5.21 “'llltll will lx- (‘zn‘rit-(l with this year’s account and deposited in the llol'mnnn Lozm l’und at ll‘.t' 0nd of business this your.

Hofmann Loan Fund The total deposits in the Holmnnn Loan Fund will remain the same as last year. namely. $1581.18. Loans outstanding at the prcwnt time amount to 91.07500. C. K. SltN'llll]. Sent-turfl‘rt‘nsurcr

Forestry School Graduates Number Year Graduates Deceased Federal State Private Self Military Other Unknown 1030 18 3 7 2 2 l l 2 I031 11 5 3 3 1 1 1 i032 10 '1 3 1 1 1 1083 0 3 1 2 3 10351 12 -1 1 3 1 103:") 21 1 11 5 2 3 2 1036 211 ,1 2 2 '1 I 8 3 1037 31 1 r") 5 5 :3 ”i 5 10318 30 3 3 1') S 3 l :3 :3 I030 312 3 1 5 8 '1 El 5 fl 1010 3’10 2 3 3 G 5 3’) 7 1 I011 21 l 3 1') 7 l l 2 l 1012 10 ’3 3 2 '1 2 1013 1:”) l 0 1 2 ‘3 1011 2 l l 1015 G 5 1 10-17 13 2 2 '1 2 2 1 (Continued on page 83) 81 nunuu uIIu . ~

on the iob COAST TO COAST llllllllllllllllllllll‘ IIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll'I, murls,Trnclnrsclearingl'nrynrllinglandings.andskiddingcutting firul(i;:<.lanes.building Mnlnr gratlvrs fur building and mninluining ingtruckcan":lmulsin-s.roads. maintaining fin: lanm. level-

Allis-Chalmers equipment helps the lumber industry produce more...faster...at lower cost

1%“l‘nwr-r unils , i... < andMillerupcruliunsfurnpr‘rmlngrr-quiringsnwuml>l1lllu|l1lryplaningpuu'cr.mills 'l‘mctnrinputs [orshrm-lunrlingwill)andlil‘l handlingfork orlilllugslungandnltzu-lr{in- wuudslshml lumlwr.or at thohandlingmill. nminlcnancc johs in the tractorAllis-Chalmersshovels fromoffers45atocomplete204 hp, motorline ofgraderscrawlerfromtractors50 toand120 fromhp, diesel28.4 topower50 hpunits—— plusfrommatched12 to 197logginghp, gasolineequipment.pownr units AlllSCNAlMEPS, CONSIRUCHON MACHINERY DIVISION‘ MllWAUKEE I, WISCONSIN IIIllllllllIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIlIIIIIIllIIlllllllllllllllllllIllIllllllllllllllullllllllI!IllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIII AlllS-CHALMERS Q llIlllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIlIIIlI|IIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIlllllllllllIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllulIIIIIIIIIIIII

541HllllllllllllIIIHIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 82 Member (Continued from page 81) Year Graduates Deceased Federal State Private Self Military Other Unknown 1918 15 1 ‘1 2 2 1 5 19-19 52 7 1:") 22 3 5 1950 92 5 19 >16 1 ti :3 111 1951 10 1 3 22 ‘2 1 1 19:”! 39 13 19 1 -1 1953 31 2 6 Id 2 1951 -11 4 7 16 2 ll) 1 I 195;) 36 3 12 1 16 l 1956 3:3 9 7 l5 ,1 Total (5911 19 89 HO 239 ‘12 19 (i2 51 Alumni News 1930 BARNES.& Game. William 15., Federal Aid Coordinator, Ind. Dept. of Conservation. Div. Fish GRAEBEH.in GuilfordR.andW.. WakeConsultingCounties.Forester.C.Owner & Operator of Guilwake Forests. located HOWARD,”Still on H.the E..sameAdministrativejob. thought OfficerI‘d get(Personnel)over to StateU.S.F.S..this monthAtlanta.but couldn't work onit out.the OcachitaBoth ourNationalsons wereForest.marriedHe'slastscheduledwinter. toTheserveoldest.his atourforester.in thehasArmybeenbeginningworking (laughterin January.willThegraduateyoungestfromis highstudyingschoolmeteoriticsthis year.atThethe timeUniversitysure getsof Newaway."Mexico. Our MORRISS,"The continuedD. .1.. ForestimprovementsSupervisor,in theN. C.schoolNationalas reflectedForests. in your account of the past yearsand socialprogresscompetenceis a sourceof theof students.much satisfaction.We had theIt isgoodreflectedfortrnein ofthehavingincreasingmanytechnicalof the districtsnext graduatingare mightyclassencouraging.with us for a short time this summer. Reports on them from the think“Theofretirementit. it won'tof bea tooyounglongfellowbeforelikeweLenbeginWymanrackingcomesup retiredas a shockalumni.but.Maybecomenowto Pleasehe willextendhave timeour bestto getwishesaroundto tohimseeforus amorelong.often.healthy,We andwouldfruitfulcertainlyretirement."welcome him. PIERCE.(What? RobertNo comments,L.. AssistantTubby?)District Forester. AR’I‘MAN. James 0.. Stafl‘ Forester, TVA. 1931 there”Sorryyouyouwouldcouldn'thave makermembered.the MemphisSaw ‘Spud'SAR Hilemeeting.for firstTheretimeweresincea lotweof leftold school.timers GRIFFIN.Nothing muchDannew13.. Selfhere. EmployedGive 'l‘helmavExportmy love."Wholesale Hardwoods. LOUGHEAD, Harvey J., Consulting Forester.1932 COOPER."My sonWilliampointed FL.out Executiveto me. asDirector.if I didn'tVirginiaknow, Forests.that myInc.25th graduation anniversary thefromClassN. C.ofState'32 towouldmakecomean extradue inspecial'57. Seemseffort toto meattendthatAlumnimight beDay.a goodAt any”CUISiOHrate. forI'll planMAXWELL.to attendAlbertand IH..hopeServicethe othersForester.willN.too."C. Forest Service. Day.‘”1 hadTheyeightlikeboysthe interested'flip chart'inwhich‘ForestryI borrowedas a Career'fromatDeanMorgantonPreston.HighTellSchoolLen Wyman‘Career I'm"Icomingcould showdown youto looksomeat goodhis TVmountainsometime.forestry. especially white pine management. DropSCHAEFFER.around sometimeGeorge K..(DistrictAss‘t. ForestOffice Supervisor,in Post Office Bldg.. Lenoir. N. C4" 'I‘ILLMAN. P. W.. Ass't. State Forester. 1933 CLARK.BLAKENEY,W. J..J. C..Ass't.Pres.Forester.DisplayFireFixturesControl.Co. N. C. Dept of Conserv. & Down. Forestry "Bud.Div. with two daughters in high school. who's got two bucks? Maybe I can borrow HAFER.a three-centAlvinstamp1%..fromConsultingone of them!"Forester. slept.”Jackson.played Bishcards.andslept.I founddug arubies.forester'sslept.paradiseYou canthisseesummer,we werePannedbusy. Troutgold. costslept.$656,001)fished. PETTIGREW.per ton to catchGeorgeso youW,.betterConsultingbuy themForester.or raise wages for us." a "Juniorcall to thewas ministrv.coming toHeStateenteredForestrythe SchoolSchool thisof Religionyear. However.at Wakelast Forestspring College.he answeredBill my next son. is thinking about forestry." 83 RILEY, “fat? MatMadisonat ourM.. AdvisoryForester Committee& LoggingmeetingSupt.. Plantersin Sept.Mfg.and enjoyedCo. a visit and meal SEITZ,\vxt im."R. J.. Soil Conservationist. U. S. Soil Cons. Service. because"BetterI late than never. George! Enclosed are my two bucks. I hope they are 140ml on a recentmadetrip tothemPenna.myself!in thatTheI facthavethattwo nephewstime is marchingwho finishedon Pennwas emphasizedState in Forestry.to me N.Also(7.learnedState thatand twoRaymondotherSeitz.forestryone schools.of the boys.to spendwas selected.1h summeralongworkingwith a onstudenta privatefrom timberI holding in New England. doing special management work and experimental studies. representedcan't recallStatethe ('ollge.name ofHetheshowedownermeata thenumbermoment.of coloredRay spokeslides highlyon theofworkthe thatboy whowas being"Regardsdone. to you and the other boys." SE'I‘SER.“As DivisionAlexanderForesterI... IDivisionam responsibleForester.for direction of all timber sales work on military Tennessee,and civil workNorthpropertiesCarolina.inSouththe South('arolina.AtlanticGeorgia,Division.Florida.whichAlabama.includesandtheMississippi.states of workIn additionon civilto worksthe abovepropertiesfunction.in Itheamdivision.tecinicallyEnclosedresponsibleis a newspaperfor all forestclippingmanagementand a Youphotographmight wishwhichto(HHSuse8itstoryin theaboutI'INE’I‘UM."a very nice thing which happened to me this fall. BARKER. W. J.. Extension Forester. ISIII-I and“'I‘hreethere bucksisn't muchenclosed.left.Wouldin thesendcheckingyou aaccount."check, but it's been 211 hours since pay day CORI’ENING.CROW. A. Bigler.B. H..Assoc.DistrictI’rof.Forester,of Forestry.N.C.F.S.Iia. State Univ. LEDISETTER.HUIIE. FrederickDistrictH.. Ass’t.Forester.ChiefN. lv‘orester,C. Dept. Masoniteof Conserv.(Torp.& Development. I’liAS'l‘ER.“Nothing Donnew C...to reportWork fromUnit hereConservationist.Just the sameS.C.S.old grind.n SMITH."I understandWalter R..thatChief.othersFUS.haveSJ).equalledFor. Exp.my Sta..recordAsheville.of five N.childreniiamC. willing to gradsrelinquishstudyingmy titleforestryas soonat N.as someone. State? comesThe Classup withof 192MNo. isSix.beginningHave wetoanymakesonsl'lfllih‘of for their 25th reunion in 195! I935 JACKSON.GARDINI'IR.GorhamThomasI‘Iddie.IL. (Thief.ConsultingClassificationForester.& Organization Rranch SCS-USDA. 2‘2.“ThelttfitiG.andH. enjoyed.Iacksons.someEddie.veryInez.goodNancy‘swcetamlpotntumMargaretpie.‘wereIt wasin Chapelmy pleasureHill onto Sept.join mountainswith Al. Hafcr.this pastH. F.summer.’(lrandpn'The Bishop.other threeand didWaltsomeSmithmountainfor a troutweek'sfishingvacationbutinwhenthe aI returnedlittle while.homeOurI besthad aregardsvery beautifulto the forestrymountainfacultygirl andwithallme.theInezalumni."let me keep her for PAGE."WorkingRufusforH..WaltForester.SmithForestsince December.Utilization '55Service.508', wood research and fill"; consulting T’II’I’IN.with wood-usingJames A..industries.DistrictprincipallyForester. in Georgia. My best to the boys when you see them." WRIGHT."Not muchHarrychangeR.. downDistrictthisForestway inRanger.the Sand[I.S.F.S.Hills. My regards to everyone." that“Gladhe seesto hearyouthatoften.youRayare Beale.still wellwhoandcamehealthy.to myDondistrictMorrisinwasJune.hereis todaydoingandfine.statesAm surprisedfind checkthoughfor $2 thatto coverthe schoolcost ofdoesI'INIC'I‘UM."not teach how to use scale sticks. Enclosed please AIKEN_ 1936 “Have W.the (‘.,22 Woodlandnorlhern counties(‘onservationist.of Ala. S.C.S.and stay on the road most of the time as Woodland\Voodland workConservationisthas taken anin increaseNorth Ala.in Ala.Prevettdue tohasbetterthe markets(‘entral andand declineSouthernin otherpart. wefarmget.incomes.ofi' probationHope withto getN.C.A.A.back up to State before everyone I know units and before and"I pleasant.wish to sayI amto gladMr. toWyman:know thatAll myhe timecan retirespent butunderregrethis directionthat Statewasis profitablelosing a togoodAla.man.andIvisitwishwithhimme.the best of everything and hope that he will find time to come into“I goodhave olegonedependableinto treeslachfarmingand altogetherloblolly pine."and am planting all my open pasture land HUDSON.DIXON. DonS. (7..K.. 'l‘imberDixon SalesManager.& Service.ContainerLancaster.Corp. ofS. America.C. fall“DidwhileI sendlookingyou fora checkpromisingfor theyoungl’INE'I‘UM'!"men for histYeah.Iorganization.(SeamanSurepaidenjoyedus a visitthe visitlast PARKER.and hope heDaltoncomesM..in Self-employed.again soon.) County“Still girlroperatetwosawmill.childrennow~hoysinotaken more.on a thankfarm andyou I"bulldozer business. Married Chowan UTI.EY.“Your attentionWilliam H..imitedConsultingto LineForester.2 above you mean there are such things as positions in"Nothingthe "forestrymuchracketto reportI that is now. My best to all." 84 1937 BRIDGER."After visitingJR.. W.theJ.. ForestryMgr.. WoodlandSchool Div..recently.UnionI‘mBag.really proud of the progress and DAVIS.growth. RegardsPaul L.. toMgr..my Thefriendl.”L. N. Davis Co.. Waynesville. N. C. GASH.FOX. CharlesDan. DistrictA.. ServiceSupervisor.Forester. HOWER'I‘ON."Look at the.IR..back'I‘.andM..youSelf-employed.will see what shape I am in." here“Therein Greenville.are quite aandfew BobStateWenigegraduateswasinbyFlorida.the officeWadeyesterdayJones livesfromjustColumbia.14 miles fromBest wishesMATHEWSON.for Prof.ClarkeWyman."“Click", Mgr.. Wood Procurement. St. Marys Kraft Corp.. St. "PlanMarys. toGa.visit you folks next Saturday on the lookout for good men." MAYFIEI.D."Had a niceFrankvisit D..withStaffaboutAss't.20 toN. Supervisor.C. State men at the National S.A.l’. meeting in WHEELER.Memphis—wishedW. IL.moreConsultingState menForester.could have been present." 1938 CAMPBELL."I‘m still inJamesthe bvshS.. Owner-Managerbusinesserhave hadCampbell'smy greenhousesNursery. operating for two years now andin Emporia.have a Va.nice thislot offallyoungand managestock comingto keepalong.busy. Opened in small branch sales ground too"Itsoon.reallyWesoundshave alikefreshmanthe schoolup thereis goingin Forestryplaces. seemsfrom asHunterdaleI was born(Franklinabout 20Suburb)years that”EnclosedI live in.youBenniewill findScott.picture of yours truly with No. l son. David. age 5‘. N0- 2. ’I‘im.more.ageRegards2] months.to Prof.andWymanblack andsetter.allPal.the ageboys18ofmonths.Class '38."I'm not counting my age fln)’ I‘lAKER.“Drop meRoyaC..cardCo.givingSupervisor.Jim Huff'sUSDAaddress.Farmersplease.HomeCameAdm.by last summer to see yml. startYou wereall overout again."but l looked over that new plantvlooks like it would be interesting to HUBBARD.HENRY. R. JamesM.. Forester.B.. Administrative\Forester.Bradley Lumber Co. of Ark. his“Thingsretirementseemandto wasgo alongalso honoredin abouttothebe sameat hisoldretirementway. I havedinner.seenI \viShMr. Wymanhim onlysincethe PAGE.very bestColeof I...everythingConsultingfor Forester.a long and ham» frture." WHITMAN.“I'm mightyJ. gladAtwood.the AlumniCansultingClubForester.contributed to Professor Wyman‘s retirement present. ofHistheretirementForestryisSchool‘scertainly deserved. although I hate the idea that he is no longer a part faculty." I939 BEASLEY.“PresentlyWilliamhave constructionI... Owner-Operator.underway Beasleyto doubleLumberorr capacity.Produce WillCo.. shipScotlandapproximatelyNeck. up220sawmillM bd. ft.outputithenweekly. Nexta logmajordebarkerimprovementand chipperwill betoa convertsash gangall behindwaste toheadchipssaw forto pulpto allmills.and anAmopenenclosinginvitationextrato one$5.00andto allapplyto droptowardby anyProf.timeWyman'sfor a visit."gift. liest regards FRYE."BestJosephwishesT..to Jr..Prof.President.WymanianAthensoutstandingBed Co. teacher and a friend to his students.“ JOLLAY.JOHNSON.’l‘edRalphM.. S..DistrictForester.Forester.McNairW.InvestmentVa. Pulp Co..& PaperLaurinhurg.Co. N. ‘ work."'I‘hisMybusinessterritoryofincludesbeing athedistrictSand Hills.foresterPiedmontis very andinterestingthe foothillsas wellof theas challengingmountains. someMost oforderthe outland ofis ofchaosfairlyas recentfar asacquision:managementso thatis itconcerned.is a matterThisof istryingbeingtodoneproduceby alone.improvementOur majorcutting.projectclearatcuttingthe presentand planting.is the attemptpine release.to plantetc..3'..-ormillionjust bytreesleavingbeforeit warm"Chesterweather.Wright is moving some pulpwood for us. Lang Foster and Willard Sexton areSLOCUM.in the Robertmain officeW. DistrictcrackingForester.the whipsVa. toDivisionkeep meof Forestry.from going(a totalkativesleep oncussthewithjob."a SMI'I‘H.pen—-ehEdwardwhat?) W.. III. Deputv State Forester. State of Idaho. little"I stillfearhaveof gettingmy samebored.job andThisstillpastlikeyearit verysawmuch.evenMymoreworkdifl'erentis quiteassignmentsvaried. so I comehave Soilmy way.I‘lanksuchIwillas:notan heincreasedvery impt.farm inforestryIdaho).program.an acceleratedheading interestup the Firein ACPTraining.Forestrythe nowpractices.traveletc.3.000Havemilesfounda monththatinsteadall ofofthis4.000takesmiles.a Welittleweremoreluckytimeagainin thisthe yearofiiceandandhadI an"Lasteasierwinterthan normalI spent fire3-4 daysseason.a week on snow shoes on timber sales administration. but the"Islumpam stillin theouitelumberinterestedmarketin sportshalted practicallyand try to allfindloggingtime toinrefereeSouth bothIdaho.football and basketball.nights. I oftenI ofliciatehave tofootballdrive K0430on Fridaymiles afternoonsbetween theandFridayagainafternoonon FridayandandFridaySaturdaynight 85 Saturdaygames. andnights.this is tough. Basketball isn‘t bad. Nearly all games are played on Friday and boys"Allgrowof up,the whileSmithsMotherare fine.and TheDad growcensusout.‘remains the same. As the saying goes, ‘The get”Hadto seea niceall wetripwouldback likeEastto.last spring but so much time is spent in travel we never ment“I wasof thequiteForestrypleased School.to see theHadgrowtha niceofvisitN. C.withStateProf.College.Wyman.and especiallyAm sorrytheDr.develop-Miller WRIGHT.& Prof. SlocumChesterwereN.. awayDealer—Timberat that time.andBestPulpwood.regards to all the gang." to”Chetsee themwasallin afterto seesouslongthisa fall.time."Brought his wife and two daughters. Sure was nice 1940 DUNN."It wasW.a13..pleasurePartner.to Dunnget downBrothersto StateLumberagain.Co. It's hard to realize how much it‘s GIBBONS.changed in Williamthe last 1‘}.15 "Bill".years. TheDistrictForestrySupervisor.facilitiesI. P.areGo.a far cry from Ricks Hall." Thought“This isI mightprobablyhavetootolatemoveforagainthe PINETUMand mess upbutyourI delayedmailingbecauselist; however.of reorganization.such was procuremenlnot the case.district.ForgotilNewdid jobmoveincludeslast yearprocurementfrom Evergreenand management.to Butler andI guesstook overyou‘vea Iheardcoveraboutthat Berrypart ofandAla.Clintthatmovingjoins theirdownMiss.to Miss.Area.They‘llWe'll bebe myseeingnext-doorquite aneighborsbit of eachas other."Oh yes. reserve a whole page for me next year~a new addition due in April or May. Does“Somenumberday we'llfive putgetmeto seeon top?you. Keep well and regards to all." KING.HARLEY.R. M.Ben"Doc."R.. Forester.Major. U. S. Army. to“HaveFloridajustto sitfinishedand fish.anotherRegardstourtoinall."Germany. Have five to go now for 20 yearsithen LEE."NoRalphchange."K.. Forest Appraiser. NIGRO."There'sJohnnotF..muchSoil newsConservationist.I can give you about myself. Recently I heard from R. S. ofSwansoncourseandto yourself."was happy to hear from him. My best wishes to Prof. Wyman. Miller and NOVITT.(Note theAI.changeGreenhousein nameOwnerplease—it's& Operator.legal now or so Al told me when he and his wife examplevisited usofinhisOctober.product.Alheisisgrowingdoing aflowersfine job.andSureif theenjoyedonesthehe visitidobrought Thelmait againarebeforean weSWANSON.are too oldS. K..to recognizeCounty each other!) Forester. 1941 CHAMBLEE. Graham V.. Forest Supervisor. superior"We areto soweproudolder ofheads.our Whyold schoolin h*anddon'tI canyouvouchsend thata returnyour envelopepresent graduatesbig enough?are HARRIS.I'm too lazy'I‘. 6..to refoldWood thisManager.sheet."Halifax Paper Co. “Glad"How toaboutsee Statethe growthbeatingtheCarolina?school isI making.never thoughtAt theIpresentwould liverate.toyouseewilltheneedday. more spaceHUFI“.beforeR. FL.long."Equitable Life Assurance Society. McIVEIt.“Got transferredJohn E.. toDistrictVidalia.Supervisor.Va. A fewI. P.moreCo. acres and a lot more riding. Not nearly PICKET.as good huntingWilliamasC.there“Bill."wasDir.at Eulonia.FCX FarmHopeChemicalthat youDept...and Statesville.the rest areN.all right." cides.“WhenaboutI firstten beganyears workingago. therewithseemedfarm chemicals.to be onlymanufacturinga very distantinsecticidesassociationandexistingfungi- ourbetweenforeststhe pesticidesand greatlybusinessexpandedand forestry.reforestationNow withprograms.the increasedthe problemsinterestinin controllingpreserving bigcertainjob aheadforest andinsectsI'mandgladdiseaseto be workingpests havewithbecomeyou again."increasingly important. We have a SPIKER.“My veryT. bestF.. Lt.for aCol.happyUSMC.retirement.Inspector-Instructor.Professor Wyman." WIGGINS."I enjoyedJR..theJohnfew I"...minutesForesterwe talkedfor N. inC. yourSoil officeConservationlast fall.Service.Hope to have a longer insessionRaleighwithisyouratherone limitedof theseasdaysI amaftertravelinggettinga‘squaredlot. away‘ in this new job. My time Forest"I sawFireDr.ConferenceHofmann inforNovember.a few minutesIt isnotgratifyinglong agotoandseeDr.theMillerinterestat the Governor'sState Ad- Smithministration'38. andis takingI had ainfewforestry.bull sessionsC. '1‘. Promat the'34.SoutheasternW. C. ‘Bill'RegionalAikenMeeting'36. Georgeof SCSE. anforestersair—conditionedin Lake Charles.GreyhoundLa..bus!in September.Ask one ofFirstthemtimeaboutI everit tooksometime.a forestryI’rout tourand inI were"I hadtogetherthe opportunitylater also at.totheattendSCStheNationalState WoodlandAlumni DinnerConservationat the SAI“MeetingNationalin Arkansas.meeting inForestryMemphisis making.where Dr.It isPrestongood togavebe hereus aandreportsee theon developmentthe fine progresswhichwhichis takingthe place.School Noof 86 N.doubtC. State.about it.All noneof youin arethetonationbe congratulated.surpasses it. BestIt makesregardsonetoproudyou andto beall anotheralumnusmembersof WILSON.of the facultyS. Leigh.and statConsulting." Forester. 1942 DOUGLASS. Ross 8.. Forestry Extension Specialist. HOFMANN."Margaret Julianand I. G..as wellForester.as the three kids. send our best regards. All our foresters LEYSA'I‘H.except one areElwinStatel"..grads.CountyWeForester.can haveRutland.an alumniVt. meeting every time we get together." grow"Enclosedon trees.is twoSamehard-earnedold joli—‘nothingbucks. Mynewmoneyto report.is stillSeehardBudcomeWoodby.everyeven onceif it indoesa PRUI‘T'I‘.while and Austinllill WardA.. aboutArea Forester.once a week. N. C. State is pretty well represented up here." down“Thingshere arenow.reallystill lookingin the bvsinessup for ourof acquisitionforestry school.but withisn'tmoreit‘! We'recompetitiondoing prettyfrom otherwell somepaperfreecompanies.advertizing.the namesMay theof whichred bugsI amfeednotfreelygoingonto theirmentionfieldformen.fear of giving them we'll"Webehaveableanotherto makeStatea Georgiagrad hereforesterwith outus now.of himBy yet.the providedname of weEd canLane.keepBelievehim from“i knowknockingthathimselfProf, Wymanout lookingis goingup hickoryto be treesmissedforaroundsquirrels.the Forestry School. Won't seemmy best.likealwaysthe samewillplacerememberwithoutthethathelpstubbyhe gavecigarme oncomingmy thesis.through the door. Give him Will:‘Hownot isa souirrel'sGramp gettingeye outalong?at 75Tellyards.himLooksI've gotlikeaanewgood'22-leveryear foractionhunting,withIscopebelievethatif llaterI workonitinright.the afternoon.l could huntandducksbass fishin theat morning,sunset. I'msquirrelsgoing toaftertrytheit oneduckofflight.these birdsfirst «ays.”Guess that daughter of yours is wearing high heels now." 1948 ETHERIDCE."Enclosed is Jim.$2.00.Pulpwoodl always Dealer.look forward to hearing from you. “Have"No importantanother girlnews.inThisour hasfamilybeennowa wetwithsummera totalinofthefour7logonlywoodsonebutboy.we are hoping for”Willa drycontactfall. 'Gramp' next week and try to organize a final fall fishing tripihave Haven‘tbeen fishingcaughtouta ofsail-fishHarkersyet Islandbut amthisstillsummerhopeful.and we have had a wonderful season. you“Willheretryfortosomecomehuntingup to seeany youtimeandat yourtake inconvenience."a football game. We would love to have MARTIN.“FondestJ.regards1).. Forester.to you. Flack-Jonesl’rof.. and theLumberfine forestryCo.. Inc.staff." SHOUB."Tell Prof.JosephWymanI... Internationalhello for mePaperand Co.also that I'll look him up the first time I'm in Raleigh." 19AM HOLCOMBE."Glad to seeRobertStateA..hadSeniora successful'l‘cchnologist.footballTimberseasonEngr.IbeatingCo. Carolina. that is). Wait 'tilRegardsnext year!to all the gang. Hope to get down in the not too distant future. To Len Wyman# Many happy years of well-deserved retirement."1947 BARTON. W. J.. Forester. Land Dept. Union Bag, (any)"ChangedState menjobs downlast June.this way.The Bestwoodsregardsget rougherto you. Dueand Miller.rougherandeverythe rest."year. Not many HOUSE.“We're Douglasgetting along’l‘.. Pulpwoodvery wellDealer.and are happy to announce the birth of Walter Linwood JaneHouse.sendsDec. rgards3. 1956.toouryouthirdandchildThelma.and secondas I do."son. We are really prord of these young'uns. MAHONE."Helen andRichardI hopel)..toAss't.moveDirectorinto ourofnewLandscaping.home this winter. We had a baby boy last theMay.‘FearlessI enioyedFive'workinggoing towithbe yourin ’57?"brother. lob. last spring. Where is the reunion of SCHREYER."I‘ve been JR..workingCharleshardFL.at Partner.being a Charlesplumber.E.butSchreyerI still &keepSoninPlumbingtouch with& Heating.Forestry for(takingthem.mySure5-year-oldwould liketwintodaughterssee the oldforgang.walksMaybein theI‘llwoodsmake andoneI ofidentifyingthese lx‘olleosthe treesyet. him"ThemyForestrybest regards.School really lost a fine man with Prof. Wyman's retiring. Please give the“I‘mcatl.enclosingalso a checka picturefor of$5mysincetwinI'vedaughters.been laxSimonwith myand dues."Sally tSnlly's holding Streaky. WHARTON. JIL. W. L.. Forester in Charge1948of Technical Control & Research. llOYETTE.BLACKSTOCK.RichardClarence0. Gen.E.. Mgr..Ass’t.WayneDistrictVeneerForester.Corp. memory"I sometimesis correct.wonderI haveif 1beenanyinlongerthe woodsshouldaboutbe listedfour intimesa forestryin the lastpublication.two years,If myOf 87 course I am getting a thorough education in defects of poplar logs that we try to cut into“Thereveneer,is butno changethat. is ina longfamilywaystatusfrom and.buyingbelievelogs itin orthenot.woods.no change in waistline seenmeasurement.any of theTheoldveneergradsbusinessfor quitedoesn'ta while.permitWillsuchdropa luxuryin on asyoua sometimefull stomach.in theHaven'tlate HERLEVICH.spring or summer."V, Wm.. Consulting Forester. SELTZEK.“Saw FredEd.WestIountyin NewForester.York in August. He was back from Greece a month then and havehad justbeenacceptedunknownemploymentat Slocum'sas C.P.EnglishI()rinstructoris it ().I‘.'.’~~'I‘hcat Penn'0'State.is forBelieveobservation.)his whereabouts "Oh"As feryes.merinuttinmy best wishespertickerlyto anow.fine friend. Prof. Wyman. and trust he is enjoying his SOLOW.retirement."Robert I,. Gen. Mgr.. Allegheny Lumber Co. W."SinceVa. tothemanagelast l‘lNE'I'UMthe Alleghcthey SolowsLumberhave(‘o.. movedmfgr offromplywood,Manchester.EnclosedN. photoH.. towithElkins.my backtwo sons.in N. 'C. 75. and Gary ‘2. atop a sycamore log. One more more and we may he 1949 AL'I‘MAN.“On Sept.Jamesll. '56A..myI-‘orestcr.wife presentedStarmountme (‘0.with my second baby girl. All are doing fine.‘ ALVIS."SpentIt,theIJ..lastSoilyearScientist.on a survey of the Southern Ryukyus and will be leaving soon ifforthatJapan.can heTheconsideredonly forestryforestry."I've practiced over here is collecting botanical specimens. HARPER.DEA'I‘ON, J.W. P..C. DistrictForester.Supervisor.Carolina Powerl. ‘. Co.8: Light Co. an.Vthing?"Jokes enclosed.anxiously"Youinquiredsay youthehadhusband.a burglar"I'llin saythe hehousedid."whilerepliedI wasthegone?wife. Did“I thoughthe get heDoctor:was you.""'l'hat pain in your leg caused by old age." Grandpa: “Nonsense. The other HARRIS.leg is the A.sameR..ageAssistantand doesn'tArea hurtManager.a bit."ltiegel Paper Corp. Norman"In chargeLumberof Co.landalongmanagementwith theoflandnewlyacquisitionpurchasedduties25.000whichacresare.formerlyof course.UWIW‘l'neverll)’ madeending.theweteam."hope. My wife and I are the proud parents of an H-month-old baby girl. Finally JOHNSTON.HORNE. RaymondJIL. J,I...Fred.LumberForester.Inspector.Ass't. to President. Elizabethtown."I am still buyingN. (7.land.Havetimbermovedandintopulpwoodour newforhomeCape withFear oneWoodwifeCorp.[samein andonel.aroundone daughterKELLEY.andWm.one(2..son."Branch Mgr.. Diamond Hill Plywood Co. LONG."I enjoyedSam H..lastForestryyear's PINE'I‘UMAssistant. liowatersvery much.PaperAboutCorp.the only way to keep up wath' provementsformer classmates.and additionsI see Paulat State.WestYouaboutpeopleoncearea year.doing Glada wonderfulto hear jobof theof buildingmany im-a fine" reputation.heartily approve of the gift to Prof. Wyman and am sending along three extra dollars“I'm enclosingfor the cause.a picture of my two young'unsilioiage 8. and Linda Lee. age 2." PARHAM.“Just returnedWalterfromIL. tripVice-Pres.to Mexico.& Gen.TheMgr..l34-lh.MooressailfishWholesalen‘nkes thellldrs.bass Supply.in Slocum's Pond and“ThetheextrabullfrogsthreeinbucksDr. Hoffmann'sis for vou a l’ondnew pipe.take laambacktiredseatof smellingat least thetemporarily.present one every timeI'EKAR.I driveMichaelthru A,.Raleigh."Forester. WEST."No news."I‘aul M.. Sr. Right of Way Engr. you"Weandareyourproudfamilyof you.are Thefine."school is doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. I‘Iolfl‘ WHI'I‘FIELD.tAbout one MondayFred 15..inForestryeach monthExtensionwe seeSpecialist.this fellow for a short hit. The Extensmn_ gang WILSON.comes in toA.getD..extended.|Forester. Va. Forest Service. WYNNE.“I took O.yourT.. adviceConservationabout startingForester.over last January and resigned as district forester with“WethenowN. haveC. Dept.two ofboysCons.in the& familyDevel. toandacceptenjoymylivingpresenthere jobat Clemsonwith Champion.very much. I have Theybeen doinghave ana lotactiveof workprogramon thegoing30.000hereacresin forestry.belonging to Clemson College since coming here. not"Decidedfeel quiteI hadso free-heartedbetter send ifthisStatein beforeloses andtheIState-Clemsonhave to listengameto thethislocalweek-end.partisansI untilmay basketball“My bestseason,wishes to Prof. Wynmn and the rest of you there." YANCEY.“Still at1‘.thePL.sameDistrictplace,FirebutChief.changedVa. Div.fromof DistrictForestry.Management Chief to District Fire Wakefield.Chief as ofwhichJan. is1956.onlyWalt8 milesSearcyfromis here."now with Union Bag Camp COI'IL and in located Ill 88 HARDER. John (7., Graduate Student. Univ.1950of Minnesota. in“Well.Fo‘ stthisGenetics.fall I Ifdepartedall goesthewell,warmI'llsouthlondbe back inforGeorgiathis climateby nextto work()ctoher.on myGuess"trdit'lldegree‘take about"I see2% yrs.Ed toSullivanfinish daily.the job.He seems to be the only State man around. Give my regards to Prof.all. OhWyman."yesithe money—well I'm in tighter shape than usual. but take the extra buck for BIDDIX.(Fred stoppedJR.. Fred.in onSec.-Treas..Dec. 9. HadSprucea shortPinevisitLumber‘eauseCo.I had to go to class. More time next time.IIOWLING,I hope.Dale IL. District Forester. CAVANAUGH."CongratulationsMartynto Mr..I..WymanDistrictonForester.his retirement." CURLE."WorkedLawrenceon someD..site-indexGS-Sl SoilstudiesScientist.recently with John Wiggins {19:le and had a chance manyto reminescefine friends.for a bothwhile.classmatesIt's alwaysandaothers.real pleasure to think back on the school and the a fellow"It‘s worthhas toconsiderablytake advantagemoreofthane“ervtwobargain.dollarssoto here'sget themyPINETUM.two bucks."but with three kids, DELLINGER.CURRENCI‘}. WesleyH. C.. F..Unitl"orester.Forester.HiwasseeI. l’. (30.Land ("0. well"Prof..as securingI am proudoutstandingto knowinstructors.our schoolI amis makingere thegreateffortsprogressof the schoolin plantwilldevelopment.be felt in theas saygrowinghelloandto allevpandingmy classmatesactivitieswhereverof the wood-rsz'ngthey may be.industries of the South. Would like to under"A specialyour guidance.word to TheProf.inspirationWyman. I’rof.:you instilledIt was indeedin us isa pleasurefelt eachtodaytakein forestryour work.coursesMay youEDWARDS.enjoy manyAciehappy(‘., AreaandForester.pleasant years during your retirement." Dept."I finallyof ourmadeCharlestonthe changemill.fromMy publicboss istoP.industryH. Niederof.work. anI‘m oldwithfriendthe Woodof Dr.ProcurementPreston's. Hen“Bringv Turneryouris seniorsalso an downarc-a foresternext springdown here.and We will give them a first-hand view of andmechanixednrogresspulpwoodin the pulpwoodyards. asindustry."well as an introd"ction to the trials. tribulations. problems. ENGEL."Well IElvinhaveJ..beenDistrictpromotedForester.and 7thtransferredDistrict. to Monticello. Ga. I expect to he a father HeadaroundofNewthe WoodYears Dept.Day. Zekeof ourFarding.company.of 12-30-567the (‘lnssJustof 15134becameor 1935.the fatherlives inofRome.a 6 lb.Ga.12';-He07..is GLUN’I‘.habv girl.Thomasname EveF... Marie."Deputy Forester. Shasta Forest (‘0. HILL.I‘ADGE'I'T.John JamesIL. Forester.It. "Hob". U. S. Forest Service Assistant Ranger. Ph.D."Whendegreei‘Piledis Slocum goingHighertoandretire?Deeper'.For histhatcoin"ris." away present I suggest a framed honorary PHELPS.PASCHALWilliamWilliamRobert.J.. Partner.ResearchPaschalAss't..LumberPlantCo.Pathology Dept.. U. of Wisconsin. PINETUM.“Find enclosedalso anmyaddedcheckcontriln‘t‘onfor SSJIII tofortakeyourcareretirementof handlingfund.and mailing charges of the instead“I amofstilleasier.sweatingbut I supposeit out herethatatis thethe U.penaltyof Wisconsinor rewardandforthingshigherareeducation.getting Iroughershould underbe gettingthe strain.out in oneHadmorea shortyearchatafterw'ththis Johnone ifParbcrmy researchthis springand scholasticon his visitabilitiesto Madison.hold up Seems“Restheofisluckgoingto Prof.in forWymanhigheroneducationhis retirement.at MinnesotaGuess thishe willfall.be settling down in Raleigh and“Besttakingwisheslife toeasyyou.forDr.a change.Preston. and the rest of the Forestry School. Hope to get South againPHILLIPS.some day.”JR“ James H.. Mortgage Loan Appraiser. The Prudential Ins.. of Amer. PIERCE.“Glad toWilliamhear thatIn. theDistrictenrollmentFire Chief.is incre'sing and the salarics getting higher. Hope they grayboth continuehairs andthatwrinklesway. Thenowenclosedas the pirt'W'“ohoto iswasmytakenwife beforeILucy andwe gotmyself.married."I have a few more PRICE.P()PI.IN.DockJohnH..M..Forester.Forest S"pervisor.(‘anal WoodUnionCorp. Bag-('amp Paper (‘oi-p. RHYNI‘I.RANKIN.-IR..JamesThomasH.. Area8.. DistrictForester.Forester. N. C. Forest Service. SHAW.WARD. JIL.MelvinM.l“..N..ForestServiceTechnician.Fore ter. N.I. P.f‘. Co.Dept. Cons. Devcl. WILKINSON.“Have the RolleoJamesinM..MississippiDistrict I-‘orestcr.Sometime.MasoniteProf. Anyway.Corp, if any of my class comes thru here. I would like for them to stop by." 1951 C(‘IISINS."About allCharles.I can sayForester.is thatSewardthe moreLuggageI see ofMfg.trees(‘0_and wood. the less I know, A special greetingFIS'I'EP. Eldonand bestM..wishesForester.to Prof.ltoiseWyman."National Forest. than“Theeverthingsof theI sawN. C.duringState mySchoolbriefofvisitForestry.back to the school in September made me prouder 89 the"Itlastis PINIC’I‘UM:with a great(1)dealI ofwaspleasuremarriedthatin AprilI report1956twoto significanta Seattle girl:changes(2) inIn myOctoberlife since1956 I began"We cutforestry55 millionworkaagainyear onwiththistherangerU.S.I".S.district.aftermostly5 yearssecond-growthwith U.S.N.R."D. tir. Can any of youfox-estersEasternstartdudesat $4200beat this?plus now.Lots Weof goodcouldjobsuse withsometheN. ForestC. StateServicemen inopenRegionnow. ti.JuniorYou JACKSON.can't beat OregonJR... Clydeand Wash.Alfred.forMebanework inLumberthe tallCo.timber. Best wishes to Prof. Wyman." JOHANSEN."Something Ragnarabout thisW. Florida"Bill". Geneticsclimate certainlyProicctiForester.agrees with my wife. Lou . . . or me! MAS'I‘EN.We are expectingJames C..ourMgr..third Acmechild Woodin April."Corp. Oct."As‘22.youThishaveis aprobablymuch biggeralreadyoperationheard. Ithanreplacedthe oneJimmyI hadHobbsat PeeatDee,AcmebutWoodI am(,‘orp.likingastheof picturenew situationof ourverylittlemuch.girl. evenLeigh.all thethe ‘chief'water inoftheseour household.briary swamps!Best wishesI am enclosingto you anda recentthe RI‘III).many othersJIL. Jamesthere R..at school."Prospector. Superior Stone (30.. Raleigh. N. C. ROANI‘I.“Still roamingJR.. Arthur.the woodsNewspaperas rockReporter.prospector for Superior Stone Co. Regards to all." journalism.“I've gotten away from forestry and wood products. but I‘m very well satisfied with softwoodsLumber gois intostill pulp.moresomealiveintoin Northernlumber. MapleNew surgaringEngland thanis quiteI hadstrong.expected.especiallyMostinofnear-the breadby Vermont.boards andWhenothertheyknieknackscut up theformaplesthe touristand fewdollar.other hardwoods. the big products are and"EachRecreationsummerarethere'sgaininga biggroundwar onon whitethe ribespineatblisterlast."rust. ’I'he USPS and N.H. Forestry Greenville.ROWE. JR..N.AltonC. I’loyd. Ass't. Cashier. \Vest End Branch. Guaranty Bank & Trust Co.. SCHOLTES."Since lastWilliamhearing 15..fromAreayouRepresentative.I have changedHalifaxjobs. I Paperam now(70..workingInc. for Halifax I‘aper Co,.the otherInc. andprofessors.am workingHope outto seeof youDurham.at theN.RolleoC. Givethismyyear.regards to Prof. Wyman and all bylikethe tirellwas the only alumnus I saw at the Rolleo this year! Bad days keep the old men SKAARUP.SHILLING. AllenR. F...I"..UnitStudentForester. I. I’. (30.. Elizabethtown. N. C. S'I‘ECHER."No changeDonaldfrom A..thisPlantquarter.Supt...BestRandolphof luck toFurnitureall. especiallyCo.. Randolph,Prof. Wyman."Vt. and"Thanksa half.forSoundsyour asmostif N.welcomeC. StatenewsForestryletter. SchoolYou certainlyis reallycanonpackthe move.lot of infoI'll beintohappya pageto speak“Ourtofamilythe seniorsis growing.at the Sandylocal consolidatedis eight. Terryschool(ourhere.North Carolinianl if four. Mary is two."Perhapsand Mikeyou'dis 6likemonths.to hear a bit about my job. The plant I'm with has been making tionfurnitureaboutsince30 months1866 butbeforerecentlyI camewaslasttakenDec.overI'vebyhadthetopresentbring owner.in new Itforemenhad beenandinhireopera-an moreassistantnightsto atrunthetheplantfactory.than WeI dostillat home.are havingbut I expecta roughto timestop thatof itsoon.and II'veseeman excellentto spend bedroomman workingfurniture."with me and we hope to get things rolling soon. We make high quality maple for"WeHarvarddo quiteUniversity.a bit of It'scontractfun makingwork forhighlocalqualityinstitutionsfurnitureandbutrecentlysometimescompletedit getsana orderlittle SYKES.rough in Patspots.Dorsey.GwenEngineer.and I wouldDrexclbe happyFurnitureto have(To. a visit from anyone in the vicinity." RAIIS'I‘ON."Best wishesJames,to Prof.UnitWyman.Forester.WeI. P.willCo.all miss you." July"Job19.has'56.changedOne boy!slightlyEveryonebut fine!"still in the same place. Addition was made to family as of WES’I‘HURY."Moved fromHughOrangeburgM.. Districtto KingstreeForester.last December. Still with the State Forestrv Service. withFamilyyoucontinuesat the Rolleoto growbutwithcan'tthegetadditionaway." of a little girl this month. Sure wish I could be 1952 BENNETT.“After a lapseJosephof W..two Assistantyears. I haveDistrictreturnedForester.to the fold. No excuses. just didn't get around halfto writing.with theSinceN. C.seeingForestyouService.last, I andhavehaveleft beencontinentalwith HiwasseeCan (30.:LandhaveCo.spenttliowatersna year andsincea ourNov.old'55.'buddy'.It's likeDanold Crook.home weekWes.withllob.thisandoutfit.I get WestogetherCurrence,every BobonceDorward.in a while.GeneI seeHill.Johnand whomLeroy oncewe havein aboughtwhile. someHe's withtimber.the Corps of Engineers on the Hartwell Dam proiect. from I'd“IhatewastoinbeItaleighone of youra fewcreditors.times while with the N.C.I".S. but could never catch you in. have"Remembertwo young'uns.that 'slicetlJoanhrcad'2. andIteyersJoeil.and I mentioned a couple of years ago'.’ Well. we now off"Regardsand go totoworkeveryone.for alisechange."what’s left over for the fund. Tell Bob Phelps to quit screwing 90 CRANK. JR.. l’orcius F.. Consulting Forester. Photography."“Will you please notify me as to when you will have the next ‘short course' in Aerial CROOK“Im .stillJR..wmkingJames 1)..forEquipmentBowateIs Developmentand enjoyingSpecialist.my workHiwasseeimmensely.LandTheCo_utilimtion of sawmill“Bob Dorwardand foIestandresidueJoe Bennettis certainlyare nowa wideworkingopen andfor Bowaters.challengingsoareaN. C.in Statewhichistogettingwork. to “Stillbe prettysinglewellwithrepresentedno prospectsoverofherealteringin Tennessee.that statusI'mingladthetonearsay.future." HAR‘DIN.DORWARD.ThomasRobertN..E..AreaForester.Manager.HiwasseeContainerLandCorp.Co. of America. salaries“Forestersand victoryand footballover Carolinaplayers mustin 1956.be getting bigger and better as evidenced by rising HINSHAW."ContainerJoecontinues5.. Districtto getForester.it‘s quotaN. ofC. ‘State'Div. ofmenForestry.and keep them. I'm proud to say. trying“Anyoneto purchaseknow wherea homea fellowto fit thecan threerob aofbankus andwithoutare havingtoo muchthe oldrisk?familiarThe Hinshawstrouble .are. . JACKSON.Money! AfterJR..youDistrictread aboutFire Chief.the nextVa.bigDiv.‘hold-up'of Forestry.drop byCharlottesville.and pay us a Va.visit." JENKINS.“How's everythingRobert G. in"Jinks".the Southland.Technologist—SpecialProf? I've gotProducts2 childrenDiv.. now.Eugene.a boyOre.and a girl. rough.I‘m reallyhowever.sold onandthebusinessNorthwest.not Theretoo goodis absolutelyat the present.no placeso telllike anyoneit! Competitionplanning istoprettycome $2.00to thistogreatsend tolandyou,tobutbe preparedhere it is."for some lean times. It took me two years to scrape up MOORE.“Hope toRaymondtake a tripAnderson.home nextResearchspringAssistant.so hope toN.Y.see youStateallCollegethen." of Forestry. MORISON."Where isDavid'Tank'W..Huxster?ConservationThe ‘pitcher'Forester.isChampionme. incidentally."Paper & Fibre Co. PERONI.”MarriedGeorgeOctoberP..21.Paul1956!"Smith's College. “Still“SorryteachingI was lateandwithenjoyingthe cash.an instructor'sHope I'll stilllife.receiveA newa additionPINETUM."to our family as of Dec. year22, too."Patricia Ann. This makes two children for us now. Maybe this will be a good seed PETERSON.“Have beenDonaldassignedI‘...aslst/It.a pilotU.onS. Governor'sArmy. Island a shoIt distance oil' the soltheIII tip ofREYNS.ManhattanRobertIsland.G.. Ass't.If anyonePostgetsFor‘esteiup toFt.NewJacksoYork. lookS. C.us up. I‘rof..“Finallyand startedfound aoverhomeagain.with leftthe theArmyi‘asState Forestrya civ Commissionn', I took theandadviceacceptedin yourjob atletter.Ft. marking.Jackson Nov.timber1. sales.We havefire aprotection.well-roundedcontrolledforestryburning.programreforestation.on the reservation.hdwd. control.includingetc. buck“Amandenclosingone I swipedpicturefromof theMisskids'Genapiggy(bornbank."July 3i and ‘Smokey'. Here's my wife‘s last 1953 CORBETT. JR.. Kenneth M.. Ass'i. Area Manager. Riegel Paper Corp, CRUTCHFIEIID.(We see Doug everyDouglasonceM..in Ass't.a whileResearchwhen heForester.climbs outW.ofVa.thel’ulpswamp& Paperto sunCo.himself.| KEILING.“EnjoyedRobertthe newsE.. Forester.letter veryJ.much.P. HamerAm Lbr.lookingCo.forward to receiving the PINETUM for haven'tthat additionaljoined thenews.ranksEverythingof the married.is goingGuessjust fine.I willnothaveworkingto waittooforhard.thebutnextsteady.Dog DaysStill ofandthecatchactiveoneandwhilewouldthey likeare stillto extendblind. toSorryhim tomyhearbestthatwishesMr. duringWymanhishasretirement.left the ranltsWe willLANE.missJR..him."Edward IL. Forester. Champion Paper & Fibre Co. I've“Gladinstructedto hearmyfromlandladyyou again.to throwthoughawayit waseverythinga miracleresemblingthat it everbillsreachedbeforeme.sheYoubringssee. my“I‘mmailworkingto the roomwith theeachChampionday. Paper Co. here in Washington; my boss is Austin Pruitt seen(classbefore.of way-back-yonderi.With all this fineHe Georgialike myself.huntingis aandhunterfishing.andI'mfishermanin “hog likeheaven'.you'veAfternevera fine“Sodovefarseason.my workwe'reis ‘learning':just beginningtwo yearsnow toin bouncethe Armya fewmaderiflea ballswreckofi'ofsquirrelme physicallyheads. and WELCH,mentally?JR..I’ve Ernestbeen cruising.“Ernie".surveying.ConsultantandForesteram looking& RealforwardEstatetoBroker.a busy planting season." Would"Everythinglike to hearis swell.fromIthestaygang."real busy and have a nice wife and a little one (In the way. Comm..WESSELL.PrisonJohn.Dept.Coordinator of Forestry Affairs for N. C. State Hwy. 8: Public Works old"Startingage fund.a (lotforestrysomeclubboys inalmostthe Prisonas goodDept.as YostGoingamltoLawmanlet all theto runboysmycontributerackets."to my 1954 ANDERSON. .lim. Forestry Extension Specialist. N. C. Agr, Extension Service. Wilson. N. (3. page.""Use extra contribution for anonymous Ipartiall sponsorship of 'Greetings to Wyman‘ BLANTON. JIL. William M.. Sales Div.. Sales Representative. Globe Parlor Furn. Co. 91 I)I‘ItR0.“0K. Joe,1\sst.Mgr..G. K.. so I sent Cityin myI‘ln'.two(70.bucksof llridgepol't.last year aBostonlittle DiV.late and as a result didn't ourgetla.v. I'INICTIIM That won't happen this year iyou can be sure. So here it isi good and and'Notstillmuchtryingchangedesperatelyfrom tothisbangpartonoftothemycountryrindependence.still workingBest wishesfor theto liensameWymanoutfit. RAPER.on his retirfementCharles l‘.. l/Lt. Army Aviator. country”Still throughout hereSAFin themeetingsfog beltandtryinga fewtopersonalfly a little,trips. HaveThese seenfolksaarelittledoingmoreveryof littlethis groupwith theirwassecondshowngrowthras a exceptspecialtotreatkeep ait greenreal liveand commercialwatch it grow.thinningOn onein meeting90—year—oldthe andDouglashad realfir. disparagingMost of theremarksforestersaboutpresentthe absenceacted asof catsif they'dand cableneversystems.seen suchThe thinnersa thing wereit 40 usingmiles.horses.paying8'theirlogs. labormechanical*25 perloading.day ANDoperatingSTILLunde‘MAKINGa $15/cordMONEY.margin.Very.haulingvery productive"I‘ll finallylabor.be out in Feb. '58, so I hope this encouraging trend in starting salaries continues."Family now numbers one each~spolzsc. girl. boy, dog, and several cats. Pat sends her greetings.“Best wishes to Mr. Wyman and tell him to behave himself. Greetings to the Manage- SEWELI..ment staff Carland IS..trvstForester.State Capewill haveFearaI’Voodgood Corp.basketball season." month."HaveI justam justbeenbeginningdischargedto fromget mythefeetArmyon andthe groundhave onlyfrombeenArmyon lifethe tojobtheforroughone experiencehard life ofwilla goforester.a longI way,seemTheto companyhave forgottendeals ina alllot. typesbut Iofreckonforest plentyproductsof alonghard with"(ongratulationsmanagement ofto thethe companyschool onland.all thePlentyprogressof di\ersificdbeing made.e\perienceand especiallyin all thefields.football TAYLOR.team foI \\I'I'edhippingW.. CarolinaRough Machinea successfulI'oI'eman.seasonI‘ulaski Veneer & I’nrn. Co. TUNS'I‘ALL.THRASH. ThomasJosephI...I‘..291.1...SupervisorU. S. 'I‘rainee.Army. Korea.Broyhill Furn. Factories. Inc. everything“It is alwaysis progressinga pleasurerapidlyto hearandfromI sincerelythe schoolhopeandit continuesher activities.to doI'mso. glad to know for"Asexpenditures.you see. I Myhavetwo-yearenclosedtoura checkof dutyfor with$4.0077twothe Armydollarscausedfor duessome andloss twoof contactdollars VVI‘ILLS.with the school;Joe .I.. however.Ass't. Districtin theForester.future IChampionhope to seePaperyou 8:peopleFibremore(To. often." had”Mypoundedwife justholesinterruptedin our livingthe writingroom furnitureof this withepistlehisto fork.showWeme hadwhereit upholsteredour 2-year-oldin plasticepistle ofbecauselast year.of itsI‘vedurability.retired fromThereinthe liesdog thebusinessstoryexceptof ourforlifeonesincesmallthereddatedachshundof this WENTWORTH.and one very largeDave,SiberianTechnicalhusky.SalesI expectRepresentative.to be in RaleighMonsantoto seeChemicalyou sometime."(30.. Memphis. WRIGHT.Tenn. JR.. Ernest IL. Timber Sale Ollieer. II. S. Forest Service. YOST."StillLarry.in theMachinefurnitureRoombusine35#andForeman. Thomasyillethe baby business.Chair Co.Finally got that boy I been traininghuntin' forforfourthreeyears.years.WillSeemstakeI didn'ton a foreman‘slearn a damnjob thethingfirstinofschoolthe I”year that I've been ARCHER. John M.. I.t.. U. S. Army. 1955 BROWN."The huntingJosephandIL. fishingForester,areHalifaxgreat herePaperinCo.Alaska." CHAPMAN."If vou ha\cJohna foIesterI".. Biologist.with aII.leaningS, PublictowardHealthwildService.life mgt. in connection with forest COBB.mgt.. thereJR..isI'ieldsan openingW. ResearchfoI a forcsteIForester.on Lakethe St,CityMark‘sResearchWildlifeCenter.Refuge. St. Marks. Fla." that"’I'hingsneed cxncrtare lookingattention:up; I'mNo aboutnight tocallsbecomeaccepted.a treehowever.doctor. IAnyonewill behaveat (IqupoI't.any sick Miss.trees inbeginningto see anotherJan. I. ofI‘JST.yourso unfortunateif any of youkind.other ‘Sloeum' students get over that way. stop timeI’.S.Slocum”Sinceputtheaschoolstampseemson theseto beenvelopesprogr In: so well. don't you all think it's about CRAMI‘ZR.“At present(‘liii'ordI amI“...stillWarehouseworking Mgr"for theNortheastGeorgia-PacificLumber(Torp.Sales.I came to Milwaukee this Savannah.past AugustGa.toforworkeightin months.their warehouse.learning allI workedabout theirin theiroperationshardwoodand plywoodthe manufacturemill in ofbe wantingtheir V-groovedto go backpI'e-finisheddown South.paneling. It is getting cold up here now so maybe I will Z-Xn‘i:"Give my"Helloregardsagain.to everyone."I will end my position with [he Georgia-Pacific Corp. the [5th Hartfordof this month.Conn. ILarrywill startCantlifleas warehouseis the VicemanagerPres." of the Northeast Lumber Sales Co. in HARDY.“I'm tryingPercytoI...plantAss't.treesPostinAgronomist.this barrenU,rock.S. Army.but don't know if it will work. At HUXSTER.least I'm stillJR..closely\VilliamconnectedT.. Platoonwith Leader.forestry U.so S.I Army.have something to be thankful for." 92 "Well here I am in the best darn combat engineer hn. the Army has even seen. I'm prettyI'll be wellin Germany.tied downStillwithsingleUncleandSamhaveforfinallya coupleshedoftheyears.old pickup.Ily the Amtimenowyou pushingread thisa sorry' ' Ford.I missedMightthatevenfeedownat theit someHil "day. Will look forward to the PINETUM and sure LARKICY.KING. IlonaldBobbyIL..l..Z/Ilt..Forester.U. S. U.S.F.S.Army. l’URIn’."llorn JulyJIL. 2X.C. J..1956Forester.One boy.GairnamedWoodlands'I‘imothyCorp.Allen Larkeyf 'I‘EKEL,ROBINSON.JosephJohnl-I..I“..Servicel/I.t..Forester.U. S. Army.Va. Div. of Forestry. am"Itnowwasworkinggood toinhearTidefromWater.theVirginia.school againand likeandittofine,learnTheofdemandthe latestfor developments.forestry is everI increasing"John Archer.and wewhohaveis presentlylittle troubleengageddrummingwith Uncleup trade.Sam. paid me a visit before shoving hisoff address:to Alaska. In case any of his old classmates would like to drop John a line. below is 2ndBox Lt.59. JohnFort GreelyM. Archer. 04043058 Seattle.AI‘O 733Wash." I956 CALDWELL.llURNS. J. C..HarryU. S,'l‘..Army.Timber Cruiser. make"ThissomeFloridamightylife niceis great.curves,Don'tSpeakingknow whatof timber.the standardthey'redcviatiorsnot kiddingarc whenbut thetheyDBH'ssay wishingthere's athelotseniorsof fastgoodgrowingluck.", off down here. Won‘t. be able to make the rolleu but here's DICKSON.CARSON. JR..GeorgePaulI...IL.Forester.Forester.Va.S. C.Div.Stateof Forestry.Comm. of Forestry. is "Betterworkingcashherethisnownow!and (7.JustM boughtPrice anda newl havecaranandoccasionalam feelingbeer."Dl'OSIX‘I'Uut-i. Don Calderon DOZII‘UL“Sure seemsBilly.strangeArea Forester.not to beWeststartingVa. toPulpschoolPaperthis fall.Co. of course I feel I need to be there"Aminsteadnow marriedof here tosometimes.the former lielva Jean Hodges of Spray. N. C. (Sept. Hi. 15156». realWouldn'tchallenge.give anything(‘ompetitionforformypulpwood.ioh. liveryis reallyday haskeensomethingnow anddifferentmakes youand staynew.awake."but is HORTON."Here's someW'ilsun.‘bloodAss't.money'AreafromMgr..Dyanne.Riegel ‘littlePaperone(‘orp.on the way.‘ and the ‘pocosin kid.’ JONES.namely. me."Dan (1.. Oxford. N. C. his(Danmoneystoppedto getbymai'ried.|one evening for a short vi itisays he is working hard and saving KILIAN."This artilleryLeonardschoolA.. 2ndis worseLt.. USAR.than mensurationl I enjoyed working in the Jacksonville. LEINHACH.N. C. area lastGray.summerForester.for I.U.S.F.S.P. Co." but"I Iplanam reallyto go enjoyingin the Navythe forestry10.C SJ workin January.here onRaleigh.the IiienvilleMississippiNationalis a Forest.dead townWe MILLER.have a bigJR..varietyRobertof work.l.. Forester.to do here."West Va. I‘ulp & I‘aper Co. ItIGOUARD."To keep vouJR..up-to-dateEdward F..as to2ndmyLt.whereabouts.U. S. Army.l will jot down the following: worked“Exactlyfor onethe weekN. C.afterForestgraduation.Service untilI marriedlate inoneSept.of asyourServiceNorth ForesterCarolinaingirls.WakeI County.Fort Sill.At()kla.that.learningdate I leftall aboutfor mythetwo-yearField Artillery,hitch withAt thisUnclewritingSam. II haveam presentlyabout threeat weeksI will leftbe going.and thenWell.I willthat'sgetabouta permanentit. Say helloassignment.to everyoneAs of foryet.me.I haveHopenotoideagetwhereback SMITH.and comeJI{..by tollretney.see you all."Hardwood Plywood Inst.. Ass't. Lab Technician. had”Reallytaken gladthe morcI've technicalgot the tirstsecondwoodcourse."technology courses to back me up. and I wish I WEBB.SW'IF'I‘. .lR..JohnJames(L. ServiceF... Jr.Forester.Forester.Va.(,‘roatanDiv. ofNJ“.Forestry. Charlottesville. Va. and"I'mI werewith marriedthe U. inS. July.ForestSinceServiceI'monnotthetoo(‘roataiLfar awa'AlongI hopewithtothehe innewRaleighjob. Jeannea lot. beforeforestersnextin Junethe NewwhenlicrnUncleareaSamhavecallsa PI)C(isinfor otherClubscrvtceand besides1 rice Tysonin theHarrelll’ocosin.at Thethe oldmeetings.gang andSo fareveryonehe is attheschool."only one of the gang 1 see very often. llcst wishes to the Alumni Directory . B. Barnes CLASS OF 19306149 Primrose AV'.e Indianapolis 220. Ind. K.A. Brownliiltinger...... Idaho. . Springs.. . . DeceasedColmado C.R. Evans.ChanceM...... S. '31 ...... , . . 2'76 Cumberland Ave. AsheVille.. DeceasedN. C. W.R. HardingGraeher Rome Kraft Cm. Woodlands. . 303 HilleIest& WoodRd..MgrRaleigh... Rome.N.Ga.(T. G.E. HileHoward ...... 2‘21 DcrIydown War. Decanter.UnknownGa. N.Y. IlenhartLeader . V W. Va. Pulp &Paper...... Co. 230 Park AVe.. New YoIk Unknown17. N. Y. L.J MorrisPierce. M. . S 31‘ I I I I ...... X7851'lacomaScott Street.Cir.clc StI'oIIdshVIrg,Ashcville. N.Pn.C. G.A. Posey.SnyderM. S. ’50 Alabama Polvtechnic Inst. AubuIDeceasedII. Ala. W.F. WeightWalters . . . V...... 40 JacksonPointAve..Pleasant.Middletown.PennsylvaniaN. F:P:FFPCFFVZFHSP¢€ B. Zizelman CIASS OF5001931E. Blond St. Tamaoua. Pennsylvania E.B. AltmanAlter Chattahoochee‘.2h MississippiNat‘lAV'0.l‘oIest.SilV'eIGainesville.Springs Md.Ga. 0.W.ArtmanBarner ...... M. . TVA. llox.....,..104 Easton.Norris. TennesseeMaryland A.T. BrBuhrmanunn .....500122504KenwoodChallin AVe..AV'..e NewBaltimoreYork. 6.N Md.Y. S.A. Calthiflhtl'oreman USFS. Box. 2274.MarshallsNewbelry.Creek.S.l‘a.C. . J.Ii. LougheadGrillln 3119 ...... Vanderbilt Rd.. liiltmore. BoxStation.605 FrontAsherille.Royal.N.Va.C. H.F. PhelpsShafer ...... 1233204 LakenoodLehigh St..I)I'.. Allentown.Richmond. Va.Pa. zaocmpsrsreeaz K.l5. Slocum.Ward M. S.. '32.. . . . N...... C. StateUSPS.College.Rutland.Raleigh.VermontN. C. W'. E. Cooper CLASS OF 1932301 E. Franklin St.. Richmond Ill. Va. J.A. J.A. KerstCrumbine #17 MossBox Hill77. Vicksburg.Apt.. Gainesvillo.MississippiGa. I".A. J.H. MillerMaxwell .123-1305 BrooksTate St..AV'e..Morganton.Raleigh. N. C. G.C, K.G. Schaefl‘erRoyer ...... 1062716PennHynsonAve"St..Watsontown.Alexandria. La.l‘a. W.P. W.H. TillmanWarrincr U.2632S. St.ForestMary'sService.St.. Raleigh.Jackson. N.Miss.C. Luther Williams CLASS .01" 1933 Box 229. R.l“.D. #1. Monroe. N. C. W.J. C.J. BlakeneyClark 175522811SterlingBarmettler.Rd.. Charlotte.Raleigh. N. C. T.A. C.It. CrokerHafer ...... Consulting.. lio.\For'esteI.{'11. Brewton.Laurinhuriz.AlabamaN. C. 0.M. W.M. RileyPettim'ow .. BoxRoute556.#5Portsmouth.Raleigh. N.Va.C. A.ll. J.I.. Sait'l.Setser . 53X?) 'allyBox DIiVe.301). Gastonia.Chamlilee.N.Ga.. R. A. Wood . CLASS OF 193418 Buckingham CoIIIt AsheVille. N. ‘ E.W. E..J. ClintfieldBarker ...... 11:2 RouteStrode#7.CiIcle.Laurel.Clemson.MississippiS. C. A.1!, H.II. CrowIorpening Forestry,. l)ept... . Uni\,138 Shelburneof LouisianaRd.BatonAshcville.Rouge.N.La.C. 1..1". A.ll. DoerrieHairr ...... Box. Box4136.1112.liaytown.MaIion. N.TexasC. l".1". H. LeIIhettcrHuhe , ...... 1151. .W. :205h.. St.1I0\ Laurel.59-1. L',(-IIoiIMississippiN. C.. C.I). 'I‘.C. PrnutPlaster 45.,()Iiolel11 I'o\DI.St..SplihflMorganton.Hill. AlabamaN. C W.A. G.R. ShuizartSmith 722 HilIriten DIiVe.YndkinVille.Asthille, N. C..C H. F. Bishop ...... Ilnx G38. Marion. S. C. C.‘W. W.E. Comfortlioykin Box 267.McClellanVille.Lillink‘ton. N.S. C. L.l". J.S. CzaliatorDem-horn State Univ, oi‘ New York.. College. ofUSFSI'0rcstrVKingston.SyracuseNewIII.MexicoN. Y. J,OwenD. FindlayR. Douglas P. O. 5148Box 701.15th FernandinaSt.. N.. Arlington.Beach. Fla.Va. 94 T. 11. Gardiner 4303 12th Road S.. Arlington. Va. 1".J. A.ll. HodnettGraves ...... 403 CourtBoxSt..535.Talladega.Dublin. Ala.Va. ‘.'. E.W.JacksonHood ...... 604 West Main St.. Washington.UnknownN. C. J.11. W.K. KalerMiller V Asst. Prof. ofSoilForestry.ConsenationUniv. ofService.Fla.. Cainesville.Norwich, N.Fla.Y. H.1". N.W. NewnhamOliver VVVVV . . . Oakland.. Drive.. Prineeton.Gaincsville.N.Ga.C. J.R. A.H. PippinPage. J1”... BoxP. O.664.BoxRockingham.1183. Macon.N.Ga.C. E.M. G.W.RobertsShugart ., State,. S.C.S..College.Halifax.MississippiN. C. J. R.M. SprattStingley ..... 1111 RagshoreBOVW.263.J11cksonv,illeLa Belle. I'loridaN. C. H.W. R.1”). WrightStitt ..,...... , ... .., , 130x916 Blairstille.DeceasedGa. CLASS OF 1936 WA. .. AdmanAiken ...... 22 l’.AbbotO. BoxDrive.2113.DaytonPrattville.10. OhioAla. 0.I1. AndrewsBallentine ...... 1W) N. Division St... Aberdeen.DeceasedWash. R.A. BlackBennett . .200. . 1111111 A”..\e...... Scottsdale.DeceasedPa. D.H. . DiVonCrandall 15213. EighthDixonAv.e_'I‘ireWestSales.Iiilmingham.Lancastter. ‘.Ala.C. S.W. . HudsonHill 20 RouteN. 15th#2.St..Thomasville.Fernandina. I’la.. C. 0.C. . LaytonJames ...... Route #1. Greensboro.Wallace. N. (I.C. A.L. - NeaseMassey. ,,,,,,21101] (laremoutBox 13:19, Rd..St. Augustine.Raleigh. N.Fla.C. PD .. Parker011st ...... Sunbury.DeceasedN. C. t.( . RileyPettit ...... Pleasantliox £12111.Garden.Sylva. N. C. J.M.,Fnflzzp2?2”gflg;;as5n1”.. SearightSewell ...... UnknownDeceased J.W.E.H.ThorntonUtley Comm. 111‘ Game &., inlandlioVl”1sl1e11e~11/15.Nc\1.Richmond.Bern. N.Va,C. J.L. S.H.VassWelsh ...... TIEI (‘ount1y2W1ClubInmanRd.. Wilmington.D1”.. Deeauter.N.Ga.C. W. J. Bridges. Jr. CLASS OF .1937 . ... .,. .. Blufl'ton. S. C. J.LockeW. DavisCraig 703 Beaverbruok. 1'.1l.. (-111Director.11'. S. PortConsulateof Baltimore()flieer. “elem.12. MarylandBrazil W.1‘. L.G. DavisDavis ...... 1‘. O. Box -1041.W'a_v11e1-u”ille.. Sylva. N. C. J.HenryM. DeytonDelnhin ...... building: Rl‘ .USN.. (‘CC. Na\al Shii)y:111l.NewGreen Mountain.York. N. Y.(T. C.N. A.1’. 111VEdge 232 S. l’ranklin. RoVSt..173.RmkyNewMount.liern. N. (I.C. W.A. J.1)Gerloek(1113113602 Str”atfold RouteRlv1.l Wilmington.#1. l”‘ai1”l1urn.N.Ga.C. J.A. H.F. HeinGriil‘in . e‘o.D1”. H. Hein James Monioe High School. 11r11nV.Ne\v Ymk.DeceasedN. Y. '1'.J. 13.B. HendersonHeltzel . ,. RouteVa.1”11rest111 BoxService.11:'1A.Charlottesville.Williamsburg. Va. J. W. Hendrix Assoe.. Plant Patholog‘37At. StateN. Fairway.College Pullman.of Washington.Wash. I”).'1‘. L.M, HurstHowerton. Jr. U. S. Forest. Service. Stearns.Madison.KentuckyFlorida Clarke(. M. MatthewsMathewson. M. S... ‘. . Univ. .of New. HampshireBox 405. St.ForestryMarve.Dept.Ga. .I. A. Matthews Box 251Durham.SouthernNewPines”.HampshireN. C. JR.use]:H.11MayiieldMatys ...... , ...,...... ,.., . Murphy.UnknownN. C. R.1’. D.L. MayfieldNicholson ...... 410 Congress St.. Hot. SwingsUnknuwArk.11 C.H. F.O. RussellRoach . 51'1UnitedNelsonRavenDri\e.Mill.Jacksornille.Langlev. N.S. C.C 1.. W.P. TroxlerSnitalnik . . ”2211. Corriber. . Ave”.. Salisbury.UnknownN. C. \VJ. WalshH. Wheeler. J1”. Beach Center110xSts..610.BeachWndesboro.Haven. N.N. C.J. J. A. Beltun CLASS OF 19383022 Glenn Ave.. Winston-Salem. N. C. J.H. S.C.CampbellBragaw RFD 2. Sedlev Road. Franklin.DeceasedVa. 95 W. A. Campbell Iiox 207 Bronson. l“.la W.C. J.L. CheslockColwell. Jr...... Soil Scientist. Calif.i'oi'est & Range.,Unknow11Eu). Sta. P. C. Conner Firestone Plantations Co.P. Harbel.0. BO\ Liberia.245. Berkeley.West Ah(alil'.11.1 M.DonaldM. DillinehamC. Dixon ...... 1.23. Saddle, 41 ParkRiver Lane.Rd.. RochelleW. AshevillePar.k N.N C.J. J,R. W,C. EakerFarrior i ...... 1004 Bragg St..Mon1-.oe. DeceasedN C. G.J. H.H. FindlayFloyd ... , . ‘10:.) Edgemont110 PittmanCi1cle.St. l‘air.montGastonia. N. C. W.B. GriffinLam: Foster...... 13.11 603. Gemgetowm S. C.Red112Oak.JamesN. St.C R.P. M.Hen1'1'A.G11fliths ...... 299 S_ 405BradleyFulcheeRd.St..Warren.Raleigh.ArkansasN. C. MajmL. H. HobbsA. J. Honeycutt J1'.For. Ext... . School or Fore-shy...... N. C. State College.MCS.Raleigh.Quantico.NVa.C. JamesJ. B. Hubba1dHull . ,, ...... 21101. Churchill Rd..Maysville.Raleigh. N. C. G.V. W.V. HunterKareiva 230:1‘ N.By1dEastSt.St.. Raleigh.Raleigh. N. C. H. W. Lull . Div. of Watershed1Pi'esent-temporary—HarnettsMgt. N. E For Exp.LodgeSta.. EagleUpperBay.Darby.N. Pa.Y. 1 T.W.J.J.McManisMarehburn ., . 200 Surginor..,..,.PleasantGardenRd.. Rockingham. N. C. JE . MoorefieldRyder ...... , .. . .. , 11 S. Prince...... St..Shippensl1ulg.. UnknownI’n. CR. . ShimerNelson ...... , ,,.., .., . ., 223.., Federall509 WebbBl(lg..81..Asheville.Raleigh. N. C. I.G . SmithSmith ...... Box 611 Georgetown.. UnknownS. (. P. WattsWarlick “08 Vanderbilt...... Rd.. . liiltnioic.. .. F.1'11est11oute Kl.Asheville.Cary. N. CC. .532>PF€FFZ€?.W.WhitmanWooden ...... Glendon.DeceasedN. C. W. Arnott ...... Deceased B.M. HaileyHailey ...... Bo\ 651. Sp1imzhill.La.Unknown S.L.Barker.BeasleyJr.. . Beasley, Lumber200 ArlingtonProducts.Dri1e.ScotlandWilmington.Neck. N. C. K.E. DaleButler...... ,...... 2411303718thFarriorSt.. R1l..N. Arlington.Raleigh. N.Va.C. 'I‘.G.Frye.EvansJr...... BO\. .,3‘23.365RouteForest#3.Ave.WilmingtonAthens. “.lennN. C. FOFEP?€F€FP D.J. HarrisHartley ...... , 308P O.BathBoxSt.3(16.CliftonIexington.Fo1ge.N.Va.C. R.I). S.P. JohnsonHughes ..... ,...i I I I McNaiI Imeetment...... Co.. Laurinburg.Colerain. N. C. TedJ VJollayLyon...... Box 541.Winnsbo1o.. . UnknownS C. C.H L.C. PageMaitm...... , l10\.. 1022.WhiteRadfoxd.Pond. S.Va.C. H.C. w.H. PetersonPlummer. Jr,v .. . Johns‘..22 Jefi‘emonManvilleApt.Cor..pAsheville.Jar'.1attN.Va.C. .I.ChesterF. ReevesReed do J. W.1331Johansen.Leavenworth402 HornSt.. Manhattan.St.. Raleigh.KansasN. C. R.H. W.R. RuppShelley ...... Route #l. Meehanicsburm,.De1'ease1lPa. E.R. W. SlocumSmith. 111 ...... I203 Maple.100 A1e..DaisvRichmondSt.. Boise.211.IdahoVa. J.H. J.l‘.SteeleStoll‘reuen. , ...... l{ox 512. Lenoir.DeceasedN C E.l. L.M.TaylorWalker . . ('I‘o. Mrs.. EliseMims.....W'1lke12101. NewRouteBern1:]A\e..Ralei12hHarrisburg. N. (‘C R.C. N.L. WriizhtEsterfield. ,, . 2245029MeGhecWeller A\e.. Greenwood.Jacksonville.S.Fla.(I. I". B. Yeager . U. S. MilitaryAPO 20:1.Mission.c111 P.M..W-l NewImperialYork.Iranian.N. Y. CLASSGeno Aimarie.OF 1940 .I. D. Atkins . no John D. Atkins. 31:": Fourth St.. High Point. N. C. J.MajorL. BellR. W. Brake ,2 ...... c/o Mrs. E. R Bates.. WestBox St..352.Petersham.Davidson. N.Mass.C. T. L. Cain . , , .. ,, 1222 Center St.. Little Rock. I).Ark. R.GeorgeE. DavisChaconas...... 45-!6006l‘ail'wav8th St..Hill N.Drive.W. S.WashingtonE. Atlanta. Ga W. B. Dunn ...... 8 Central A1e..War1en.Pa.Florence. Ala. T.W. E.E.GerberGibbons ...... 444 North WoodBoxAva,171. Butler. Ala. 96 B. R. Hurley ...... 110V 567. Elizabethtown, N. C. Ii.. W.S. HaysHilton . . , ...... UnknownDeceased 0.M.Ingram.KarlmnnJr. . . , . . 24411'? DaleAlbroAve..I’on111tonBlvd.. TucsonPlains15. ArizonaN. J. I).M. KuhnsKim: ,. . .,. , . . 100 White. BoxOak1003.St.. C'oncoulKut'ltuwn.N.1’21.C. . J.K. LozierLee . . . . ., 407 Washington1721 DoitmouthAve” Clifi‘sideSt. Alexandria.Park. N.11a.J. 3‘313103‘2317“ 1“.A. NeedhamMatsun.J1'...... 8750. ()Id. OceanRFDViewit“. Rd..Chillicothe.N111folkOhioV11. JohnA. A.Nig1oNovitt , . . ::‘ . .. IloxLong364.Island.Millbrook.NewN.YorkY. W.Leo E.PerksOdom.. I'...... , ...... :11 Innisn S..t Biooklyn 18.. NewUnknownYork C.1.. H.1.. PerryPeterson ...... , . . ., Johns Manville.J1111'ett.DeceasedV11. W.ErnestO. RyburnRoberts . . Itybln. . . 11. . Farm. . Equipment. . . . . Co.. Salisbury.UnknownN. C. R.A. S.W.SwansonSimmons . , 1706 Independence. . ., BoV1111..1112.Greensboro.Newton. N.N C.C I". D. Ahrnms CLASS 01“ 1941S.tonohod1ze North Grunby. Connecticut R.A. W.E. CareyBrown . . ,.. 11012 Back11:11!LickanelIx‘ond.S‘11ringfield.St..J11ckson. Miss.Va. P.G. M.V. ChambleeCromartie . ,. ., . , ”laden. . WestLakesLumberState811'Box()IebtC0..Elizabethtown.Fayetteville. N. C. C.E. E.H. GillEric-son.. . ,Jr.. ,... . ,. .,...... ‘Jll. OldGrace-lynnNeck R1l..Drive.Manchester.Blackslmrz.Mass.V11 B.MichaelT. GriffithCoral . ., ...... ,....,...... 2959 I’m-k Ave.. Wilmington... UnknownN. C. T.1". G.J. HarrisHartman...... 12701Valleywood., 421i Jefferson St..Drive.RoanokeSilverRapids.Springs.N.Md.C. R. E.H.HuffLandon ...... Box 52.M11rs. Hill.DeceasedN. C. JesseA. L. LevineJolly ...... , . ., Route...103 E."1.UnionBox 4113.St. Sandston,Arcnta. Calif.Va. W.J. E.C.Mclrer.Picket .11'...... , . ., .. 433 RidgewuyP. O. BoxA\'e..372.Statesville.Vidalin. GeorgiaN. C. T. 1". Spiker ...... 1N MarineMCI{&C.CorpsFoot'I‘ruiningof FerryCenter.St.. St.St.LouisLouis.7. Mo.|Mo. J.D. E.F. Wiggins.Traylor Jr...... , . ..,, ..... , ..,. ,, 1045. BoxNichols1077. SouthernDrive. Raleigh.Pines. N. C. S. 11. Wilson ...... CLASS, OI".,1942. , 60.") Camellia Circle. Florence. S. C. W.llill A.L. lilandCook ,...... 41414 W. Mtn. View. [WVI)r..S:1n257. Goldsboro.Diego 4.C.11lil'.N. C. R.W. S.A.DouglasCrombie ., .., ...... Iiox 111 Clinton.. UnknownN. C .1.PaulE. Hobbsankowski...... ,, A1me Wood Cor11.. Acme.UnknownN. C. G.J. ..HofmannHowe . . . ., . , ... 11:.. (hm'lotte. 42 N01m.1ndySt.. RoanokePlace. Roselle.ltnpids. N. C.J. H.A. ... JohnsonKutz . . ,.. . . ,, . . ,.. 11. ,Wisner. Place. Middletown.Cementon. N. Y. H.E. '.. Muller.LeysothJr. ,...... ,. ., .. ..,.. '22!. ..Limoln. .Ave..Box ltntlnnd.122. KinsaleVermontV11. I".A. .. Santapolol'ruitt. Jr. . . . Dept. of Sociology... . I'ordhnm University.Box 283.Washin1zton.GnNew York 58. N. Y. J. . Thnrner . , . . , . ... , .., ...... ,. 1226 SalemCoosnDr.. Charlotte.Pines. AlabamaN. C. F. . Williams .. , . CLASS OF 1943 J.H. N.. EtherideeEpstein ...... 36 W.501M1hen/ie1'1. 3rd St...Stmkton.Plymouth.CaliforniaN. C. MorrisB. 1.11t7.Green ,...... '1'511 PelhamDrumhillParkway1111..811..Wilton.Bronx.ConnecticutNew York 1).l". Martin ...... Ilack-Jones.. 1111InmberC1’1..Ridge-land Wm.1111-..Snmme1wille.N. E. Atlanta.S.C111.C. '1‘.H.MnynurdOgden ...... , ., 5H2 HillockRF1) 2. A1cnl'ount111nBOV Elli (1eo1'.1:elownCity. Tenn.S. C. H.D. SnyrePackard ...... ,89 Maple. BoxSt.. 2113.Muplewood.'l'ryon. N. C.J. L.1.. ShoubTerry . . .F111; Dnrden Court.RFDRocky2. Mount.Saluda. N.S. C. 1“.H. WilliamsWard .. , . , . ... 15 .Anne St.. Ozark.Windsor.AlabamaN. C. Feweeaesecee W. Wood CLASS 01" 1944207 Todt Hill 1111.. Staten Island. N. Y. PF: A.M.HolcombeHinshnw ...... 4312 Minnesota Ave.. N. 1'... Washington.. Unknown19.1). C. 97 CLASS OF 1946 J.C. F.M. HardeeHartsock ...... N. C. State Hwy.. Box(‘omm..6046. Durham.Raleigh. N.N. C. R.HenryJ. RobertsonKaczynski 2505,. W,11‘117PhiladelphiaChestnut Ave..A1'e.. Trenton.Salisbury.N.Md,J. E.S, G.'1‘. SpruiellSullivan ...... 401 Lavrie1201111..LindburyEast.. St.l§(l..PaulHueytun.17, Minn.Ala. W. J. 11211ton . CLASS OF ...... 1947 . 5129 Kirby St“ Palatka. 1'1.1 RobeitW S. CampbellDorsen . .,. College... I‘mk. Staunton.. UnknownVa. .layW. J.H.Ellis.HardoeJr. . ‘Hln Car1ick AvueBDVHigh17. Point.Ja11'.ettN.Va.C. l).NormanT. HouseHodul 110-4.....Woodland .‘\1'..cBox Elizabeth11. Louisburg.City. N. C. C.B. JonesJohnson. . 130VRID47.1.#4.Smithfield.Raleigh. N. C(. .H.M.MahuneKeller 81hoo] of For...... estiy. N. C. .StateBox College.751. Williamsbulg.Raleigh. N.V11C. EOFSFF E.1.. Schreyer.Wharton.‘Jr..11'. 21151111111111 ..... 4‘1 Fayette Rd.. Searsdale. N. Y. CLASS 0]“ Place.1948 Springhill Station. Mobile. Alabama Blacksiock. Jr. BoV 110. Bel Air. Md. CravenBoyette . , 600108South(ireleMagnolia.Cour.t l'ayetteville.Waynesboro.N.V11.C. PFZcH DayvaultFranklin .., Box2154103.Me(-illCollegeSt..Concor.1lStation. TexnsN. .. .. Wm.W. HookHerlevich 4"‘197BuckinghamStxatl‘ord Blvd..D1. Wilmington.(‘harlotte 3. N. C. . N.l“. lcardMcKeerer, . 18111 MainSpringS1..(.reek.Sarasota.W'est Fla.Va. nxw%2<:sz0.. W.N. SeltzerSmith N. 11.51111.- C1.)llege1'15'KilgoreBeechHall.St.. Concord.Raleigh N.N C.C H . 1.J. SolowSmith.,.Jr...... 1104 HairisonBox C.Ave.Cr"awfoi111illeElkins. W Fla.Va. F3?1111.WestZ111ke1man. . . . 414 W. 120thCranberrySt.. Apt.Station.301. NewE. Wareham.York 27. N.Mass,Y. . Adams CLASS. . OF.. 1949. . . . Unknown . AltmanAllen P. 0.. BoxBox854.111195.RockyGreensboro.Mount. N. C. . AlvisBarnes "112 1'15th415St..ElmNewportSt.. Raleigh.News.N.Va.C. ... Bernard.BaskerrilleJr...... Rt.lioV’ . Hickory.i. Sylva. N. (‘C. . BishopBoswell 815 W, l‘lvansBo\ 6:111.St..Battle-b11111.Florence. N.S. C. Boy/1'9.BroadwayM. S. '51. Ph. D. ' . 104-1) AbbieRouteAnts.11‘2.Wadesl1o1'o.N.Spartanbuig. S. C.(‘ CornCraft . Dist. l'orestel.3 CloverhurstN.C.l‘.S.. R111Court.k1 MointAthensN.(}'1.C. .DavisDeaton ...... BoVc/n311.J. SouthernS. Davis. PineS.Troy. N. CC. l‘ldlorDurham 1‘22]P. Barkley0. Box 629.Rd.. NewarkCharlotte.1. N.N. C.J. . FullerCandy ...... 311Halbel.N. BridgeLiberia.St.. WestFlkin. Afrie'iN. C. . B.H.CeddesGeddes. .111.1 W. GreenwichTappahannork.St" FallsVa..Church.BoV Va.211‘. .. I’.D. HarnerGuthrie . 5'?! W.Sl1a1lo\vl:1\1n D1..RFD.Chattanooga.Townsend.Tenn.Ga. . It.. HarrisHassell...... Riegel l’apex. Col-11.. Woodlands0, Box ‘15Di1'..NewBolton.Bern. N. C. L.. JohnsonHorne ...... GUS)711JoynerRoysterSt.. St“Greensboro.Shelby N.N. 1‘.C. ..JonesJohnson.M.Jr.I'. w. T. V'5“ . .. P. 0.I’.Box0. 23:1.110V Elizabethtown.448. Greenville.N.Fla.C V’Sé-“FF’. .LongKelley )1‘.’ East1’(hestnutO. Box 41116.St.. EastRichmondGadsden.2-1. Ala.Va. ‘v Moreland. M. S. ‘50. l'h. ‘D. ' V . N. C.AgronomyState Collette.Dept. Raleigh.Gardner N.Hall.C. MongerMustian. .Ir; ...... 1000. .. MarvinBox 72.A1'e..SouthLeesville.Boston. Va.La. MuthNielsen ...... l'ill Glenwood Rd. Brooklyn. Stanfield.30. N.N. Y.C. NonemanParham ...... 21041 5’12WhiteHeplerOak Rd"Rd.. Richmond.Raleigh. N.Va,C. SHE‘S”??? PekarPatton ...... l'.Box0. 572.Box Jacksonville.184, Palmyra,N.V11.C. ‘0m H. R. Powers. Jr.. Ph. D. '53 .. ,, ., ...... Dir of Cereal (rnps 8: Diseases. F. P. Propst ...... Plant...... Industry4602 EastoveIStation. Av.e.Beltsville.Richmond.MarylandVa. If.Franklin1". SmithSalzman,. . l‘ers. Di\1.. U.S.F.S.... Dept.. of Agr1icultu1e...... ReservohWashingtonDenlIigh.25. l).Va.C. l'.W. M.Mc.WestStanton 1 . ,,I . ..‘ .., .i ...... i...... O. R1I\ 562,2,. North...... WilkefilImoRowland. NN. C.C A.1". E.D. WhitfieldWilson ...... 106 Murdock50‘.) PineAve.St...AshevilleFarmville.N.Va.C. 11‘.1). W.K. WilsonWoods ...... ,,. . Regional. Cooldinator...... Minn., So.Div.l1‘oI'.of Exp.l1‘orestry.Sta.HillMarianna.City. Minn.Fla. 0. T. Wynne ...... ,,. , , ...... BoxRt. 97,2. Central.Waverly.S.Va.C. ’1‘. l1). Yancey . . CLASS 011‘ 1950 'I‘.H. C.W.AlexanderAlexander...... ,...... , ., ...... 1114 TuckerlioxSt..235Burlington.Murphy. N. C. .1.P. C.E. 11a111be1.ApplehyM.. S.. '51 ...... ,. ., ...... 1986£1115 LandeIKnightshridgel'11.. ClevelandR1l.. Macon.24. OhioGa. R.A. 1..C. Barefoot.Real .. M. 11‘. ..'51...... School of. l1‘oI1eStI1V.. . InternationalN. C. StatePaperCollege.(21).. Brandon.Raleigh. N.Mis .. C.11‘. W.A. BlevinsBidd' 1. , . ,, ...... Route5. Box.. 1181).SpruceRaleigh.Pine. N. C. R.D. E.R. lioyetteBowling ...... 11'1o1e2itI1_V Dept.,1714-AMasoniteMaple St.Corp..Goldsboro.Laurel. N.Miss.C. G.A. P.W. Rrankltragg . ., . ...,. ... .,, ...... ,. . . . .21:26110x371.Sprunt.Alhemaile.Durham. N. C. J.W.R.R.Buncyl‘lroadwell. . . . .,...... ,. ,...... HolIlIsville.’l‘arlIoro. N. C. 1’.D. 0.'l‘. Campbellliurkett . . ., ...... , 5402 2219PhillipsSmithHwy.,St.. Georgetown.Jacksonville.S.11‘.laC. 1.. R.J. CavanaughCantlifl'e. Jr...... ,. ,, ...... 21131.13 GlennHall Ava.St... NewlIerry.Meriden. Conn.S. C. 11‘.D. ClaytonCurle ...... ,.. ., ...... ,, . . ,, ., . BoxBox129.12. WestN. Wilkesboro.Jefferson. N. C. (1.1)alla5.11‘. CurrenceJr...... ,...... Country ClulI Homes.. '1‘uItletownRaleigh N.l.enn J.(VDeeDellinger. M...... 111. ’l‘ilIlIettsBox 333.Rd.MtYonkers.Holly. N. A.R. DulIow.Edens ,.M. 1‘. .. ,...... 1434hbl1‘aiIlIanl-(sl'eaIl SL.St.Darlington.Hillside. S.N. . C.'1‘. EdwardsEllison. Jr.. M.,. '56,. ,. . ,...... Smith IumlIeI1Co... Box Smithfield.271. York. NS. ecceeac 5‘3E?€T¢FF‘F€F‘FS'1‘.J. EvansEngel ...... , ...... ,, ...... P.. 0. 11()\Box309.667.Monticello.Sylva. N.Ga.C. W.B. I“.C. Finisonl1‘uI1I1 ,, ...... ,...... , ,...... ,...... e/o111;R.S. R.Powder.Finison.Concord.Troy. N. C. ’1‘.J. H.E. GilliamGlunt ...... , ., ...... 22113. 'I‘hamesRt. :2. I)l'.,ElonRedding.College. N.Calif.C. R.J. A.1.. GravelyGray ...... ,...... , ...... ,. . S. Caldwell... TompkinsvSt.. liI119va11l.ille. KentuckyN. C. 'l‘.H. S.J. GrillinGreen .., ...... , N.(.‘V. Dept. of C l.)MengelDiv ofCo..11‘111I1est1y.ltaleigh.Eli/aheth City N.N. C. R.W. W.V. GritlinCross ...... ,...... 116 l1‘letclIeI1. RouteAve.. #3.ValleyNewStream.Bern. N.N. Y.C. N.R. I.M.HareHicks...... ,...... ,. 8371116S.I1‘I1ayse1HolhurnCircle.Place. Memphis.Raleigh. Tenn.N. C. J,J. C.1).HollandHill . , .. ,...... ,, ...... 205 Lake1'.I1oIestPaI1kvVaV1.0. Box IOTh.R1IckiIIgham.Wilmington. N.N. C,C. Wm.H. KillianR. Kiaer...... ,,,,,. , ., ...... , ‘22 Audley Lane.11 WesleyGlen 1.enno\.Av..e PortChapelChester.Hill. N. Y.C. J.R. C.C. LampeKornegay ,.. ,...... 71111 MoIningtonS. .IthRd..St” BaltimoreSmithfield.22.N.M11.C. V.H. D.A. McDonaldLockemer ...... ,...... , ., ...... , ... J-Williams-3 CountryRorwnellClub Homes.Co.. liiltmore.Raleigh. N.N. C.C, F.R. W.P. McMillan.Miller . Jr...... ,, ...... ,, ., . lio\112421.12thRollingSt.. Jeanette.Fork. Miss.Pa. E.A. C.W.MoonMillers.. ,... . .,...... ,. ....,...... 161»!....Ridge-wood101 S. LaurelHIV-11.. Av]e..Hendersonville.Charlotte. N. C. M. S.A.MooreMulkey ...... , ...... Route :3. BoxBox.115l9.114.NewMarion.Bern. N.S. C. R.C. C.A. OveIlIyMusHeI' .., ., ...... ,, 2405. GreenwayRoute #3. Ave..RockyRaleigh.Mount. N. C. l.\V.RJ. PadgettPaschal . .. .., ...... P.1'.O.0. BoxBox495.109.Lillington.Paris. ArkansasN. C. W. R.W. Phelpsl'ayloI...... , ...... :21!) (‘lIfl‘ordBoxCourt.152.Madison.Longhurst.WisconsinN. C. W..1. H.L. Phillips,Pierce . .111...... 405203 EdgewoodYork Drive.1111..Portsmouth,Shelby. N.Va.C. J.D. M.H. PoplinPrice ...... , ..., ...,...... ,.. .11:26... Sycamore10.3 AcademySt.. Rocky31.. Chester.Mount. N.S. C. 99 Smith 1504-“


FIIIIIituIe , _,—I IIIIsk IIIII ' "I'I'



U '51; ‘ s '1‘.H. N.H. HardinGresham.. L. '53 ...... ,,. Timber Dept. C.302C.OakA.. I'PlllflndinaAve. Lexington.Beach.N.Fln. J.H. S.C.HinshawHarris. . '...... liox 47. Louisburu.Lexington. N. C. C.S. M.A. Jackson.Hughes JI'.. M. '53 . SnIIdlIillsWildlife Ai'ea.1iox, Route1"G.1.Hofmsnn.Mebane. N. C. J. V.N. Jackson.Jordon Jr...... 400 Monroe Lane. ClmI-slotte’lyner.ville.N.VII.C. G.R. luallamlI ...... , 62?1130WatsonPaulinaAve..St..NewOakIiermPark.N.Ill.C. J.C. l.1.. LedbetterLone. Jr. . ,...... 130V 312 ML Gilead.Butnei. N.N C.C S..1. III.1.. LewisLeroy ...... Asst. County. 204 Agent.WoodluwnBoVSt..1'1'1.WaltermlIOIoGoldsboro. N.S. C. W.1%. C.K.MeekerLusk ...... 2| 6th Ave.. Williamson.. . UnknownW. Va...... CollegeReichholdof PMOIestIy.ChemicalN. Y.Co..Univ..LosSyIacuse.Angeles. N.Calif.Y. .. NeilsonMorison . 1917 HnIpeIRoute #1.SL. Newberry.Asheville. N.S. C. . PetersonPeroni Flight my" Post TIIInsIIOItation.Iiox 266.Pt. Jay.PaulNewSmiths.YmkNew4. N.Y-mkY. . ReidPhelps ' ’...... Ant. 405 Rt.Belmont3. BoxAv.e.Win(150I.38. Hamburg.N.Ark.C. . RossReyns 8.226BrentwoodEdge-woodAnts...Rd.. Asheville.ColumlIiaI. N.S. C. .. 'l‘ato.Tate.JII'.Ir. 608 West Box5th St.516. Winston-Salem.Elizabeth City. N. C. . WhimIieWiggins. MM. F.I‘...... 5th BryantBox 395.Court.BlackOranuehurg.Mountain. N.S. (C . Adams (LASS OF 1953IIHIHI Rank ApIII-aiseI. Windsor. N. C. . RoanAtkins . o '1‘.V.A.MiddlebngClinton ’l‘.ennN. C. .. Brennemnn.Bennett M. l". '53 H . H .V i. Holmc StateRt. ”7.ForestSunsetNursery.Blvd. GIIiIIesville.Penrose. Ga 3P9???Wfifimfi 3.073931859<>=a. Carr.Corbett..II’. .II‘_ 2023130PerryCentreAva.St... Wilmington.Orangeburn‘. . . Crank.CrutehfielnlJr. . P. O. IIOVPoint431. Manteo.Hmhm . DurwardEggleston 4116 LIIIchmoIIt. DIive.IIOV 9’1.C:IItlIuge.Wilmington. HnlherCuI'nIIIII .. 504. Main St.. lteisterstown.. Unknown .“HHIIISHmes :1 Pine. 404TreeWayneRoml.DI'..Aaheville.Raleigh. N. C. Holshoustfv‘I . DurlIIInI.Linville. N.N. H.C. .mer:zraa;ww -§F=.§_z‘p=az...HockerJenkins . I". '52! VVVVVVIKoute->'I 4.CollegeBox 366.Rd.. Eugene. Oreqon 1". S. Keiliniz Box 224.Madison.Gary. WestWest Va.VII. H.R. 1‘1.I“. KeilinzLIIymnn...... "5645 Hillsideliox1)Iive.ChaI|otte1105 5. N. C. R.MiltonH. 'l‘aitNoble . . 1422 Mayhelil Ridge RIL.l’oItsmouth.ClevelandKentuck)24. Ohio 0. C. 'l‘issue. M. I”. ". . .. Miss. l‘oI (omm ”(IV (1451. Jackson.AfricaMiss. M.C. F.E.WelIl)Welt-h . Firestone Plantations.811K CornellHaI'lIel.1.ilIeIia.WeslSt.. Frederickslmrg. VII. .I. C. Wessell lioylnn Ava.Hallslmro.Raleigh. N. C. .RI.. H.'1‘. Whelesr-IWhite 602 S. 737 Henry SL. Mnrion. Va. I). .I. Wolf . Forest1311ProductsN. Charlesl.IIlI..Street.Madison.Red WisconsinLion. I‘a. I). ('1. Ynndle. M, S. '54 . CLASS. OF 1954 'l‘,H W..I. AndersonArnold . . 1121 N. liynum1(1.‘St.. Wilson. N. C. J. M. Barker ,...... MemoIinl DI.110VS. 024.16.. Atlanta.Norton. V:I.G'I. W..I. I’.M.BarrettlilI-Inton 212'; 1‘}. 7th St.. Chnrlotte 4. N. C. R. 0. Bidet-tux ..... BoxItox19!}.344.Cantonment.Aberdeen. N.Fla.C. M.I. (I.II. liiggertliryan. M...... (1 ltovennzI Dr.. Asheville. N. C. .I_ M. Clement 1005 West Lenoir St. Raleigh. N.Muss.C. (I_. J..I. Derro.Dutkn.II'. 433 535WashingtonSo. ltlth St..81.. Winchester.Newark 3. N. .l ‘_.:_.. R. (loldner 662 Kinsman1"eI'IIIIIIIliIIIISL. Warren.Beach. OhioFla. C.I“. A.R. Hurt.GrovesM. s. '54. lIlIOIiBox HillslIoro153. St. Raleigh. N. C. M. 1.. Holmes 720 .W.010 OuterPaIlmeIDrive.SL. Fnlls()nk Ridge.River. Tenn.Mass. R.S. .InnczurnIt. Jordan . Mt. Gilead. N. C. 101 M. S. Katana. M. S. '55 ...... IV'irkuk. Iraq ll. C. King ...... (Temp.iMinist1y.. .18 W. Phil-of Ag1111cultu1e.Ellena St.. Philadelphia.Baghdad. Irau.lPa. E.B. LaliehB. Lane. . .. ,,.. ..,, ...... Fiiestone...... il’lantations.204 Rocky Ha11.belPoul St..LiherMoiganton.in. West AfricaN. C. A.W S.R.MessengerLangley. Jr...... 11‘1ede1al Land Bank Appraise”. Washington.. . Powhatan.D.Va.C. J. W.E. NicholsonNorris ...... 304 Mintu1n. AVe.Franklinton.Hamlet. N. C. A.B. B.E. PaynePaetzell ...... ,. , ...... Lane Co... Rt.Inc.3. Canton.Altavista.N.Va.C. C.L. F. Rand.Raper M.W.’I‘. . . .‘...... St1s.'«15(IX-B.Fo1t60‘1 Emmett St. LewisI’alatka.Wash.Fla. W.C. J.W.ReisSaur. M.F..,‘54...... 536. Run Championde Novemb1o.I.aV1.1asPaper 8; FibreMinas.00.. Canton.Brazil. J.N. A.C. W.C. S.F.SewellTaylor. M. W...... 'l‘. ‘54 ...... 403. Colchester128 FloydAve..St.. Fairmont.Burlington.N.Vt.C. J.T. P.L.TunstallThrash ...... I'. 0. Box 276. Hot. Spl'lnksE(l\var.d N-N. C.C- F.J. J.D. WellsWentworth.. . M. W.,.T. ,'54...... ,. .,,....,..3005911MapleAdrianSt.Dr...Ruther1.1'o1dtonMemphis 17. Tenn.N. C. W.B. B.B. WhiteWood111m.Jr...... M S...'54 ...... N C. State College School of Forestry. Raleigh.UnknownN. C. E.L. H.Ii YostWlikht.,...... Ir. .. Union C1eek..[\Hllflel10 FifthStation.Ave. Thomasville.Prospect. OregonN. C. 0. G. Alfaro . . .. , .. ,. D.'l.ICLASSC.A. CasillaOF I95513 120. Santiago. Chile. South America J. B.M. BrownArcher .... H ...... :i-A.. 188VeteransFlint St..Drive.Ashcville.Oteen. N. C. .I.F. F.W.ChapmanCobb Jr. . . .. Southeastern l‘o1est F'p.Stt1..:1 Rosewoodl’. AVe..0. BoxWinston-Salem.9‘2. Lake City.N.Flu.C. E.C. E.ID. CramerDallery ,,. , . .,. . ., .,, . , 85T NewAmpereheld Parkway.AVe.. WestEastHartford0r.anze7. Conn.N. J. 'I‘.E. R.l1lowe11sFrazie1 ...... Apt. #10.. RtCambow1. Box Apts..58-A CouncilAbinfltnn.N.VaC. A.L. E.W.GallupGilliamM...... F...... T1111 Heel 300WoodSecondTreatingAve"(30..Farmville.Cary. N.Va.C. R.P. H.L. Hardy.Gosiee .Jr...... 600 5th Ave.. Portsmouth.. Mineral. V11.Va. N.E. LE. HillHiatt...... B1unswick-1102Balke-CollendaxN. West Av.e.C11ossville.(‘70.. MIII‘IOII-Tenn.V“- P.F2nd Li.Hoekstrn.W. T. Hu\ster.M. S. ‘55Jr...... (M()43(J‘

104 Acknowledgments In (losing the WT)? l’lNlL'l'UM, the editor would like to extend thanks to those who made it possible. First. to the faeulty and sllltltflllsvtltallks for the ideas, inspirations, and ('ontributions of both time and material. without whith there (ould be no l’lNIi'l‘llM. Then to our advertisers, alumni. the Sthool. and the friends of forestry. without whom the l’lNl‘Z'I‘UM eould not be—many thanks for your finant‘ial assistante. To Ambrose Bieree. author of “The Devil's Dietionary"—thanks for the definitions that adorn some of these pages. To John Cuthrie for the verse from his book. “Forest fires and ()ther Verse." and for the fables from his Fables for Foresters." thanks. To 'l'om [.ehrer for the verse from "The Tom Lehrer Song Book." thanks. To all who made this edition a possibility. to our readers. and finally. to the graduating Seniors and the undergraduates who provided the reasons for publishing the l’lNli'l'llM—lhanks and Good Luck in all you may undertake!!! Seltool of Forestry N. C. State (Iollege Raleigh. North Carolina

((Iontinued from page (i0) attomplished this year. 'l‘hrough the efforts of (I. R. Hardy, tlub president. and many others the (lub has listened to numerous lettures in varied fields of wood utili/ation. Some of the speakers and their topies have been: Doug/rm Homer. manager of the Southern Resin Glue (Iompany. .\Ir. l-lorner spoke on wood partital board research and developement. He also gave a brief auount of modern glues. their uses. and potentials. If. _I. I)(‘flllflt’f'.\f. president of the Delmherst Instrument (Zompany gave a well organi/ed future on wood moisture eontrol and the operating prin- (iples of his moisture meter. Tm! S. .\I((;ulu'v, of the Lilly (Iompany. furniture msuiulatturers in lligh l’oinl. N. (2.. talked on wood finishing and presented a \ery tonyent'ing proeedure used by his tompany in finishing its prodmts. lle expanded on the relatixely new “armor ply" (aluminum batked plywood) and photo- graph finishing. lie is evidently a well informed man. [’Iiilli/J Fruit/(foil. in (harge of lumber sales for l'nion Bag (lamp l’aper (lompany. gave the group something to think about in his talk on sales and distribution. liath of these speakers was \veltomed and is highly retommended [or future programs. The I‘.l’.R.S. meets monthly and has been blessed with eMellent at- tendame.. ()ffiters serving this year were (I. R. llartly. president: Harry Ir. .\lt’(loy. vite~president2 Charles '1‘. lsom. setretary: and Kenneth \1. Mat- 105 tliews, treasurer. 'l‘he olht’ers and members extend their utmost appreciation to Roy M. (Iarter. group advisor, lor his laithlul service and assistance. ,\s more and more research is done and as more and varied uses are found for wood and its hy-prodtuts the Forest l’rodutis Researeh Soeiety will grow. .\s it grows its l()(;ll chapters will expand in strength and mem- bership. Being gifted with the best men from whieh to choose. there is no reason why N. (I. State's loeal l’.l’.l{.S. should not become an outstanding ('hapter whith the parent organi/atiou will look upon with distinctix'e pride. \\’e have had a fruitful year and the future looks bright and filled with good fortune.


106 Autographs

107 Autographs