Note: Numbers of shares held are as of March 31, 2019.

Reasons for appointment of directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members

Self-Introduction Career History Born in Nagano Prefecture, my grandfather founded his Mar. 1985 Joined Seino Transportation Co., Ltd. (currently Seino Holdings Co., Ltd.) Directors, business in the waterfilled city of Ogaki City, Gifu Jul. 1989 Director, Seino Transportation Co., Ltd. Prefecture, often referred to as an important center Jul. 1991 Managing Director, Seino Transportation Co., Ltd. Audit & Supervisory Board Members, of transportation on the Nobi Plain in the middle of Jun. 1996 Senior Managing Director, . I was thus raised in this city among its plentiful Seino Transportation Co., Ltd. Oct. 1998 Representative Director and Vice President, water. After graduating college in 1985, I was sent to a Seino Transportation Co., Ltd. and Executive Officers U.S. subsidiary of the Seino Group, where I served as Jun. 2003 President and Chief Operating Officer, Seino Transportation Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) As of June 20, 2019 Yoshitaka Taguchi president before returning to Japan to become a director Jun. 2018 External Director (Incumbent) of Seino Transportation Co., Ltd., in 1989 and later presi- External Director Participation in committees: dent in 2003. My motto is “wisdom and action,” inspiring Nominating and Compensation Committee Shares held: 400 me to attempt to link customers and other relevant par- Born: April 1961 ties through my management. GROUP’s concept of co-creation management thus resonates with me. As a manager from a different industry and a representative of the interests of shareholders, I hope to play my part in contributing to improved social value for MARUI GROUP.

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History Born into the family of MARUI GROUP’s founder, Jul. 1986 Joined the Company I have worked at Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., for Apr. 1978 Joined Nomura Computer System Co., Ltd. Apr. 1991 Director and General Manager, (currently Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.) I joined the Company in 1986. I was 30 when I became Sales Planning Headquarters 40 years. Joining this company as an IT engineer, I have Jun. 2000 Member of the Board, a director and 44 when I became the Company’s third Apr. 1995 Managing Director and Deputy General been responsible for large-scale development projects Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Manager, Sales Promotion Headquarters and Apr. 2009 Representative and Senior Executive Managing president, a position I have held for the past 14 years. General Manager, Sales Planning Division and the creation of new businesses with cutting-edge Director, Member of the Board, When we were faced with a management crisis, Jan. 2001 Managing Director and General Manager, digital technologies. I was 45 when I became a director, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Sales Promotion Headquarters Apr. 2013 Representative and Vice President, I remember the sense of commitment I felt to ensuring Jun. 2004 Executive Vice President and and have thus spent a long time at the head office, Member of the Board, that I did not let the Company go under whenever I vis- Representative Director where I have engaged in corporate governance reforms Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Apr. 2005 President and Representative Director Apr. 2015 Vice Chairman, Member of the Board, ited the grave of the founder. At that time, meetings on Oct. 2006 President and Representative Director, and in investor relations activities. Having visited Silicon Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Hiroshi Aoi Representative Executive Officer Masahiro Muroi Jun. 2016 External Director, Ryoden Corporation how to recover our performance ran late into the night Valley in the United States several times since my youth, (Incumbent) President and Representative Director, Apr. 2019 President and Representative Director, External Director on a daily basis. Eventually, I realized that these late- Representative Executive Officer, CEO there are several areas with regard to which I cannot Jun. 2017 External Director (Incumbent) Representative Executive Officer (Incumbent) Jun. 2018 Audit & Supervisory Board Member, running meetings were the source of our troubles. Shares held: 0 help but sense risks in terms of the differences in the The Norinchukin Bank (Incumbent) Shares held: 1,538,300 Sick of overtime and old men, I pledged to promote Participation in committees: Born: July 1955 cultures of fostering innovation between the United Born: January 1961 Management Committee (Chairman) work style reforms and diversity. Nominating and Compensation Committee States and Japan. This is one of the reasons why I serve Sustainability Committee (Chairman) as the head of a government digital transformation Compliance Promotion Board (Chairman) human resource research committee even today. My motto is “always earnest and dedicated.”

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History I joined as a career-track Apr. 1989 Joined Mitsubishi Corporation I joined MARUI GROUP in 1983. During the 12 years Apr. 1983 Joined the Company Jan. 2001 Joined McKinsey & Company Apr. 2007 Executive Officer employee in 1989. In comparison to the 150 men hired Jul. 2005 Representative and CEO, in which I could have been considered a mid-rank Jun. 2008 Director and Executive Officer, on the career track, women in this program were rare, GLOBIS Management Bank employee, I was in store planning departments, where General Manager, Corporate Planning Division Jun. 2007 President & CEO, ProNova Inc. (Incumbent) and General Manager, Business Development with only two hired that year. After joining, I was placed Jun. 2014 External Director (Incumbent) I played a central role in developing the department Division in an M&A section, where I was inspired by the MBA Mar. 2016 Outside Director, Link and Motivation Inc. stores that we have since moved away from. I was later Apr. 2011 Managing Director and Managing Executive (Incumbent) Officer holders around me to attend Harvard University to Dec. 2018 Outside Director, euglena Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) placed in charge of the retailing business, a position President and Representative Director, acquire my own MBA. This experience changed me, that saw me promoting the transition to shopping cen- MARUI CO., LTD. Participation in committees: Apr. 2015 Director and Managing Executive Officer making me realize that I preferred innovative, transfor- Nominating and Compensation Committee ters and fixed-term rental contracts to transform the Responsible for Retailing and Store Operation Etsuko Okajima Masao Nakamura Business mative businesses as opposed to reliable, large-scale business models of the department stores I had a hand President and Representative Director, External Director ones. In the years that followed, I built a career in fields Director, Senior Managing Executive in developing. This was a massive change that felt simi- MARUI CO., LTD. Officer Apr. 2016 President and Representative Director, Shares held: 0 merging management, people, and organizations lar to transferring to a new company in a different AIM CREATE CO., LTD. Born: May 1966 Shares held: 22,000 Oct. 2017 Director and Managing Executive Officer through my positions at McKinsey & Company and industry. However, it was also exhilarating as I could feel Responsible for FinTech Business Born: June 1960 GLOBIS Management Bank, finally founding ProNova the propensity for innovation born when the entirety of Apr. 2019 Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer Responsible for FinTech Business Inc. in 2007. Today, I am an external director at numer- MARUI GROUP was united toward a single goal. This In charge of Corporate Planning, Real Estate ous companies, including five listed companies, where exhilaration remains with me today, this time stimulated Business, and Customer Success (Incumbent) I am working together with managers to foster future by MARUI GROUP’s efforts to co-create value. Participation in committees: presidents. Management Committee Sustainability Committee Compliance Promotion Board Public Relations IR Committee Internal Control Committee (Chairman)

132 133 Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History My passion was baseball until high school. At college, Mar. 1987 Joined the Company In 1980, I joined a bank with the dream of becoming Apr. 1980 Joined Mitsubishi Bank Ltd. Apr. 2015 Executive Officer and General Manager, (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.) this passion became fashion, and I joined MARUI GROUP Corporate Planning Division a branch manager. However, I spent the next several Jun. 2007 Executive Officer and General Manager, in 1987 with the goal of working in fashion. Ironically, Jun. 2016 Director and Senior Executive Officer years in market-related divisions and later found myself General Affairs Dept., General Manager, Corporate Planning Division The Bank of -Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. after joining I have had almost no experience working and IR Department in general affairs, public relations, and other positions Jun. 2010 President and Director, Chitose Kosan, Co., Ltd. directly in fashion, rather devoting one half of my career Oct. 2017 Director, Senior Executive Officer, and CDO removed from the market. For this reason, I was unfortu- Apr. 2012 Director, Senior Executive Managing Officer and (Chief Digital Officer), Group President of Corporate Center, to finance and accounting and the other half to corpo- General Manager, IR Department nate in that my time as a branch manager was limited to rate planning. I have been working in investor relations In charge of Corporate Planning one year at the Yoyogi-Uehara Branch of MUFG Bank, Ltd. Apr. 2015 Director, Olympus Corporation and ESG Promotion Jun. 2015 Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Full time) for the past couple of years, and I was also placed in an Feb. 2018 Director, tsumiki Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) I have experienced various industries and types of work (Incumbent) Hirotsugu Kato Apr. 2018 Senior Managing Director, Hideaki Fujizuka investor relations position when I was young. Since that M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. over my career at real estate companies, precision equip- Participation in committees: Director, Managing Executive Officer Audit & Supervisory Board Member time, I have been acutely aware of topics of interest to Apr. 2019 Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, ment manufacturers, and, of course, MARUI GROUP. In Management Committee and CFO (Full time) Compliance Promotion Board Shares held: 5,800 investors, cost of capital, for example. This awareness In charge of IR, Finance, Investment Research, these positions, I have aspired to identify the fundamen- Public Relations IR Committee Born: July 1963 shaped my work in finance and accounting and in cor- Sustainability, and ESG Promotion (Incumbent) Shares held: 1,200 tal aspects of the issues at hand to respond to the pres- porate planning thereafter. As for my personality, while Participation in committees: Born: September 1955 ent market conditions. We are currently faced with a Management Committee I don’t necessarily agree with it, I am often said to be Sustainability Committee highly volatile era. In my central role in corporate gover- “stubborn.” Environment and CSR Committee (Leader) nance as an Audit & Supervisory Board member, I hope Compliance Promotion Board to be proactive and optimistic and to enjoy contributing Public Relations IR Committee Insider Trading Prevention Committee (Chairman) to improved corporate value for MARUI GROUP.

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History My love for cars drove me to joining MOVING CO., LTD. Apr. 1992 Joined MOVING CO., LTD. After joining MARUI GROUP in 1982, I was placed in a Mar. 1982 Joined the Company Apr. 2015 Store Manager, Marui Annex, Apr. 2007 Director, M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. in 1992, where I was a truck driver for five years. MARUI CO., LTD. credit card division and then a division selling comput- Apr. 2011 Executive Officer I was promoted to management in 2009 and then Oct. 2015 General Manager, ers, which were just then becoming commonplace. It Managing Executive Officer, Pre-Opening Development Office, M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. transferred to MARUI CO., LTD. At first, I didn’t know Anime Business Department may have been this position that led to my transfer to Apr. 2013 President and Representative Director, any other way into our stores aside from the truck load- Apr. 2016 General Manager, Anime Business Department an IT systems division, later becoming president of M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. Apr. 2017 Executive Officer Jun. 2013 Director and Executive Officer ing gate. As the years passed, I took part in many new Apr. 2018 General Manager, M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD., our IT arm. All in all, I have Apr. 2015 Senior Executive Officer undertakings, including the apparel recycling program New Business Development Department, spent around 30 years in MARUI GROUP’s IT divisions. In charge of Audit and Information Systems in charge of Anime Business Apr. 2016 Senior Executive Officer and CIO Masahisa Aoki and the anime business. Today, I remain optimistic and Apr. 2019 Senior Executive Officer Nariaki Fuse My education was in liberal arts, far removed from IT. (Chief Information Officer) forward-looking, enjoying my work as I tackle new chal- In charge of Anime Business (Incumbent) Regardless, I have been involved in the majority of the In charge of Audit Director, Senior Executive Officer President and Representative Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member Jun. 2018 Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Full time) lenges every day. However, I sometimes find myself MARUI CO., LTD. (Incumbent) Company’s businesses through the lens of IT utilization, (Incumbent) Jun. 2019 Director and Senior Executive Officer (Full time) Shares held: 4,300 longing for those short yet fun days as a deputy store (Incumbent) which has been a truly motivating experience. I fulfill Participation in committees: Born: July 1969 manager or store manager. Shares held: 10,000 my duties with a commitment to seeing matters Compliance Promotion Board Participation in committees: Born: June 1959 Internal Control Committee Management Committee through to the end. In the future, I look forward to con- Sustainability Committee tributing to MARUI GROUP’s development by helping Compliance Promotion Board Internal Control Committee strengthen corporate governance as an Audit & Supervisory Board member.

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History I studied architecture in college and joined MARUI GROUP Mar. 1986 Joined the Company I became a lawyer in 1969, and celebrated my 50th Apr. 1969 Registered as Attorney Oct. 2007 General Manager, Construction Department Apr. 1989 Practicing-Attorney, in 1986, being placed in an agriculture department at (Incumbent) anniversary in this position in 2019. I still step into the Professor for Civil Advocacy, this time. As I built my career thereafter, I spent years in Apr. 2012 Director and General Manager, courtroom even today, primarily working in the fields of Legal Training and Research Institute of the Creative Management Department Supreme Court of Japan positions pertaining to spaces, including sales floor and Deputy General Manager, trade and corporate law. My first position as an external Mar. 1994 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, interior renovation planning and sales to external cus- Space Production Business Division, Audit & Supervisory Board member came in 1994, Canon Inc. AIM CREATE CO., LTD. Jun. 2004 External Audit & Supervisory Board Member tomers in the space production business. These posi- Apr. 2014 Executive Officer (Incumbent) after which I have been involved in this capacity at (Incumbent) tions saw me primarily interacting with men during my Apr. 2016 Director and General Manager, MARUI GROUP and various other companies. Because Jun. 2011 Director, Jeco Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) Design Management Department Jun. 2015 Outside Director, Chemical Corporation work, whether inside or outside of the Company. Deputy General Manager, of my background, MARUI GROUP probably expects (Incumbent) Yuko Ito Space Production Business Division, Tadashi Ooe As I overcame the obstacles placed before me as a woman, AIM CREATE CO., LTD. me to offer advice on legal and compliance matters. Director, Executive Officer I grew while experiencing the sense of accomplishment Oct. 2016 Director and General Manager, External Audit & Supervisory Board Not limiting myself to these areas, I try to offer positive Creative Management Department Member Shares held: 7,700 that came with my achievements as a woman. In 2007, Deputy General Manager, advice for the benefit of MARUI GROUP. If I had to sum- Born: June 1962 Space Production Business Division, Shares held: 76,800 I became MARUI GROUP’s first female general man- AIM CREATE CO., LTD. marize my personality, I would say that I am careful and ager. My goals since then have been improving the Apr. 2018 General Manager, Group Design Center Born: May 1944 business-minded. Not a particularly interesting state- (Incumbent) diversity of management and spurring MARUI GROUP Apr. 2019 Director, MARUI CO., LTD. (Incumbent) ment, I know. toward new growth with my specialized expertise. Managing Director, AIM CREATE CO., LTD. (Incumbent) Jun. 2019 Director and Executive Officer (Incumbent)

Participation in committees: Management Committee Environment and CSR Committee

134 135 Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History I have 40 years of experience in tax bureaus and in the Jul. 2001 Chief, Kanazawa Regional Taxation Bureau I had actually intended to enter a different industry, but Mar. 1982 Joined the Company Jul. 2002 President, National Tax College Mar. 2009 Executive Officer and General Manager, National Tax Agencies. When I was young, I was placed Jul. 2003 Retired from National Tax Administration I found myself joining MARUI GROUP in 1982 instead. Group Profit Improvement Division in an audit department. In this position, I exposed Agency At the time, we were still collecting payments for monthly Apr. 2011 Managing Director, Epos Card Co., Ltd. Aug. 2003 Registered as Certified Public Tax Accountant Apr. 2012 President and Representative Director, many major and malicious tax evaders, driven by my May 2006 External Audit & Supervisory Board Member, installment transactions, and my first position was visit- Epos Card Co., Ltd. commitment to ensure that our society is one that is TOH-TEN-KOH Corporation ing customer homes by motorcycle to make such collec- Jun. 2012 Director and Executive Officer Jun. 2008 External Audit & Supervisory Board Member Apr. 2015 Managing Executive Officer (Incumbent) fair to people who responsibly pay their taxes. During (Incumbent) tions. This experience proved incredibly beneficial when Apr. 2016 Managing Executive Officer the latter half of my career, I found myself working to Jun. 2010 External Audit & Supervisory Board Member, it came time to reconstruct our credit card services Responsible for FinTech Business KAWADA TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. (Incumbent) Oct. 2017 Managing Executive Officer Takehiko Takagi facilitate the smooth introduction of the then-new com- Toshikazu Takimoto business. Over the years, I have been placed in various Responsible for Retailing Business (Incumbent) puter systems in all tax bureaus, cultivating human positions, including those related to stores, sales floors, Apr. 2018 Managing Executive Officer and CIO External Audit & Supervisory Board Managing Executive Officer (Chief Information Officer) (Incumbent) resources, and developing organizations in which per- new businesses, planning, and IT systems. Notably, President and Representative Director, Member M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. (Incumbent) sonnel can be placed in the ideal position. Today, I am Shares held: 1,900 I was responsible for reconstructing our credit card ser- Shares held: 6,800 contributing to the sound development of companies Born: November 1959 vices businesses, introducing the EPOS card to the Participation in committees: Born: January 1945 Management Committee as a corporate auditor. world, and developing this business thereafter, an Sustainability Committee accomplishment of which I am most proud. My chance Compliance Promotion Board Public Relations IR Committee entry into MARUI GROUP enabled me to experience Internal Control Committee something so amazing. I hope to repay the Company for Information Security Committee this incredible opportunity by working to make it better and to deliver greater joy to customers.

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History Having joined the Company in 1977, I am the oldest Mar. 1977 Joined the Company I started my career at MARUI GROUP in 1986 as a Mar. 1986 Joined the Company Jun. 2005 Director and General Manager, Jul. 2008 Executive Officer active employee at MARUI GROUP. I was positioned Group Corporate Planning Division member of the sales staff at Machida Marui. I experi- General Manager, Financial Department in the IT system division of MARUI CO., LTD., in 1980, Jun. 2008 Managing Director and Managing Executive enced various positions in the years that followed, Apr. 2011 Director and General Manager, Direct Marketing Officer Department, MARUI CO., LTD. where I took part in systems development in this divi- Apr. 2012 Senior Managing Director and Senior Managing including procurement, accounting, and corporate plan- Apr. 2013 Director and General Manager, Collaboration sion for 13 years, gaining experience as a programmer Executive Officer ning, culminating in my becoming store manager at Card Business Department, Epos Card Co., Ltd. Apr. 2015 Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer, Oct. 2013 Director and General Manager, Sales Promotion and system engineer. M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD., was and CFO Machida Marui in 2007, marking my triumphant return Department, Epos Card Co., Ltd. established in 1984, and this company’s code of con- In charge of Corporate Planning and Finance to where my career began. I was general manager of the Apr. 2015 Managing Director, Epos Card Co., Ltd. Responsible for Credit Card Services Business Director, M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. duct states that “the customer’s perspective is the foun- and Information Systems Financial Department at the outbreak of the 2008 Apr. 2016 Senior Executive Officer Motohiko Sato Jun. 2016 Senior Managing Executive Officer and CFO Yoshinori Saito President and Representative Director, dation for system services.” I went about my work while In charge of Corporate Planning, IR and Finance financial crisis, watching as we recorded the first loss Executive Vice President Managing Executive Officer Epos Card Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) keeping this statement close at heart, and this experi- Apr. 2017 Senior Managing Executive Officer and CFO since the time of our founding. My time overseeing the Apr. 2019 Managing Executive Officer (Incumbent) In charge of IR and Finance Shares held: 48,900 ence continues to benefit me today. I became a director Apr. 2019 Executive Vice President and CSO Shares held: 3,100 Financial Department was thus the most challenging leg Participation in committees: Born: December 1953 at MARU GROUP CO., LTD., in 2005 at the same time (Chief Security Officer) (Incumbent) Born: July 1962 of my career. Fortunately, this crisis was surmounted Management Committee Sustainability Committee that Hiroshi Aoi assumed his position as president. Participation in committees: thanks to the support of my colleagues, including those Compliance Promotion Board I was later assigned to the positions of CIO, CFO, and Management Committee more experienced than I, and our business partners. Internal Control Committee Compliance Promotion Board Information Security Committee now CSO. I see myself as an optimist, believing that Public Relations IR Committee I am currently managing Epos Card Co., Ltd., with a a desirable result can always be achieved no matter Internal Control Committee focus on the cultivation of the human resources that will Information Security Committee (Chairman) what adversity is faced. Safety Control Committee drive its ongoing growth. Insider Trading Prevention Committee

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History I worked in credit card divisions for six years after join- Apr. 1983 Joined the Company After joining the Company in 1986, I started my career Mar. 1986 Joined the Company Apr. 2007 Executive Officer and General Manager, Oct. 2007 Director and General Manager, ing the Company in 1983 before being transferred to Group Compliance Division on the sales floor. I learned the warmth of a team when Card Planning Division, Epos Card Co., Ltd. general affairs in 1990, where I would stay for 29 years. Jun. 2009 Director and Executive Officer, General managing a shop, and I then gained a sense of motiva- Apr. 2012 Director and General Manager, Manager, General Affairs Division Private Brand Department, MARUI CO., LTD. It was six years ago when I was placed in charge of Apr. 2013 Director and Executive Officer, General tion and perseverance when faced with the harsh work- Apr. 2013 Executive Officer personnel. My career history makes many think I have Manager, Personnel Division ing conditions of the planning product division. A major Apr. 2014 Managing Director and General Manager, Apr. 2015 Director and Managing Executive Officer, Specialty Store Department, MARUI CO., LTD. committed to defending our current state, but I see and Chief Operating Officer change in my career occurred in 2006, when I trans- Jun. 2014 Director things differently. After becoming a general manager, Healthcare Promotion and General Manager, ferred to Epos Card Co., Ltd. There, I was involved in the Apr. 2015 Director and Senior Executive Officer Personnel Division Responsible for Retailing and Store Operation I was given the opportunity to gain experience in the In charge of General Affairs and Healthcare launch of the EPOS card, and I suppose you could say Business Tomoo Ishii Promotion Hajime Sasaki Senior Managing Director, MARUI CO., LTD. leadership of organizations of various sizes, including Apr. 2017 President and Representative Director, that I grew by overcoming adversity with the help of Senior Managing Executive Officer Senior Executive Officer Director, Epos Card Co., Ltd. being president of two Group companies and three MOVING CO., LTD. those around me. I experienced the importance of co- Apr. 2016 Senior Executive Officer Jun. 2018 Senior Managing Executive Officer, CSO President and Representative Director, Shares held: 19,000 management companies as well as director of the (Chief Security Officer), and CHO Shares held: 6,700 creation at MARUI CO., LTD., after that, later becoming MARUI CO., LTD. Born: July 1960 health insurance union. Throughout this experience, (Chief Health Officer) Born: November 1963 president of this company in 2016. However, the dip in Apr. 2019 Senior Executive Officer In charge of Audit, General Affairs, Personnel, In charge of Architecture (Incumbent) I have remained keenly aware of the fact that change is and Health Promotion earnings in my first year as president showed me that President and Representative Director, Apr. 2019 Senior Managing Executive Officer and CHO AIM CREATE CO., LTD. (Incumbent) essential. If we do not change, productivity and safety In charge of Audit, General Affairs, Personnel, things do not always go as planned. In 2019, I became will decline. Symbolic of this belief, I changed myself, and Health Promotion (Incumbent) president of AIM CREATE CO., LTD. I consider myself Participation in committees: Management Committee losing 20 kg over a period of three years some eight Participation in committees: an optimistic dreamer, and I am now filled with anticipa- Compliance Promotion Board years ago. Management Committee tion regarding the future potential of our alliance with Internal Control Committee Sustainability Committee Environment and CSR Committee Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. Compliance Promotion Board Public Relations IR Committee (Chairman)

136 137 Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History I joined MARUI GROUP in 1984 and then went on to Mar. 1984 Joined the Company I have changed positions more than 10 times in the Mar. 1995 Joined the Company Mar. 2008 General Manager, Women’s Clothing and Apr. 2014 Store Manager, Nakano Marui, MARUI CO., LTD. experience sales on the sales floors of 10 different Accessories Department, MARUI CO., LTD. roughly 20 years since I joined MARUI GROUP in 1995, Apr. 2015 Executive Officer (Incumbent) stores. I was later involved in product creation as a Apr. 2010 General Manager, Women’s Fashion working in sales and customer service, sales promotion, Director and Store Manager, Marui Family Shiki, Department, MARUI CO., LTD. MARUI CO., LTD. private brand buyer. For the past 15 years, my role has Apr. 2011 Director and General Manager, Business purchasing, private brand, demand marketing, and new Apr. 2017 Executive Officer and General Manager been store development. The number of business nego- Promotion Department, MARUI CO., LTD. business divisions as well as a store manager. I felt New Business Development Department Apr. 2013 Executive Officer Apr. 2018 Director and Store Manager, tiations I have taken part in with external business part- Apr. 2014 Director and General Manager, Store Business highly motivated in all of these positions, focusing my Marui Family Mizonokuchi, MARUI CO., LTD. ners is No. 1 in MARUI GROUP. Some negotiations are Promotion Department, MARUI CO., LTD. efforts on co-creation activities with our customers and Apr. 2019 Director and General Manager, Apr. 2015 Managing Director, MARUI CO., LTD. Cardholder Service Department, difficult, and some do not end well. However, through Director, AIM CREATE CO., LTD. (Incumbent) various other stakeholders. By responding to changes in Epos Card Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) Masahiro Aono Apr. 2019 Senior Executive Officer (Incumbent) Junko Tsuda these negotiations I have been able to experience, sev- the needs of the times with empathy, I aim to increase Participation in committees: Senior Executive Officer Senior Managing Director, MARUI CO., LTD. Executive Officer eral times, that amazing moment when we pool our (Incumbent) the range of situations in which I can contribute. I would Management Committee Public Relations IR Committee Shares held: 2,100 knowledge to overcome obstacles and reach an agree- Participation in committees: Shares held: 3,600 say that I am a positive individual. I thus intend to go Born: March 1962 ment. My growth, as well as MARUI GROUP’s growth, Management Committee Born: May 1972 about my work proactively and with optimism going for- Safety Control Committee (Chairman) has been spurred by its customers as well as by its ward while turning my attention to future possibilities. numerous business partners. I therefore hope to develop a business that enables us to repay this debt to our customers and to our business partners.

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History I entered MARUI GROUP in 1983, being positioned at Apr. 1983 Joined the Company I was born in Kagoshima Prefecture, and I came to Mar. 1986 Joined the Company Mar. 2006 General Manager, Group Financial Department Apr. 2007 Store Manager, Kobe Marui, MARUI CO., LTD. New Nishi-Guchi Marui. My decision to join the Apr. 2007 Executive Officer (Incumbent) Tokyo for work. I joined MARUI GROUP out of my love Oct. 2008 General Manager, Brand Development Company was motivated by a desire to work in fashion and Jul. 2008 General Manager, Personnel Division for designer and character brands. In my first year, Department, MARUI CO., LTD. Oct. 2009 General Manager, Voi Business Department, Apr. 2012 General Manager, CSR Promotion Department apparel, but I realized that I suffered from a lack of fashion MARUI CO., LTD. I worked in the women’s clothing department of Shibuya Apr. 2015 Director and General Manager, sense working in men’s designer and character brands at Apr. 2011 General Manager, Corporate Planning Division Marui. My coworkers called me “Dynamite Kawara” Collaboration Card Business Department, Apr. 2013 President and Representative Director, Sales Promotion Department, the head office. I later held positions in public relations, MARUI FACILITIES Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) because of my head-on approach toward everything. Epos Card Co., Ltd. sales promotions, and events. I relied on my stamina to Apr. 2015 Director, MARUI HOME SERVICE Co., Ltd. For about a decade beginning in my 30s, I was engaged Apr. 2016 Executive Officer (Incumbent) (Incumbent) Director and General Manager, Yoshiaki Kogure overcome the harsh conditions, which entailed early morn- Miyuki Kawara in product planning, analyzing social trends to propose Sales Promotion Department, ing and late-night overtime, and sometimes all-nighters. Participation in committees: the product themes we should focus on. This was a job Epos Card Co., Ltd. Executive Officer Management Committee Executive Officer Apr. 2018 Director and Store Manager, Ueno Marui, When I returned to stores from the head office after 15 Compliance Promotion Board I could lose myself in as I enjoyed the feeling of launching MARUI CO., LTD. Internal Control Committee Apr. 2019 Director and Store Manager, Marui Family Shares held: 2,600 years, my inexperience as a deputy store manager showed Shares held: 1,300 new movements. Later, I experienced the importance of Mizonokuchi, MARUI CO., LTD. (Incumbent) Safety Control Committee Born: September 1960 as I didn’t understand anything, not card issuance, register Born: August 1963 individuals and of teams as a store manager before bear- Participation in committees: inspection, mark-downs, or stocking. For some reason, ing witness to the various possibilities accessible Management Committee I felt joy everyday as the female employees treated me like through connections with external stakeholders in the Internal Control Committee a newcomer as they taught me. After that, I was primarily CSR Promotion Department and at Epos Card Co., Ltd. placed in head office management divisions. My longest I hope to use the lessons I have learned in my current position has been at MARUI FACILITIES Co., Ltd., where position and in developing new stores that will shape I am currently in my seventh year. the future. My source of energy is sweets and shopping.

Self-Introduction Career History Self-Introduction Career History My career at MARUI GROUP started at the men’s acces- Mar. 1987 Joined the Company My first position after entering the Company in 1991 Apr. 1991 Joined the Company Apr. 2009 General Manager, New Business Department Apr. 2014 General Manager, Sales Planning Division, sory sales floor at Kichijoji Marui in 1987. I then went Oct. 2009 Deputy General Manager, was in credit card services. I later gained experience in the MARUI CO., LTD. on to work in sales promotion, advertising, and direct Voi Business Department, MARUI CO., LTD. Sales Planning Division of MARUI CO., LTD., before taking Apr. 2016 Director and General Manager, Apr. 2012 General Manager, Sales Planning Division, MARUI CO., LTD. marketing at the head office. I tend to like to do every- Direct Marketing Department, up my first chief manager position in the Demand Apr. 2019 Executive Officer (Incumbent) thing myself, and I spent a lot of my 20s and 30s on MARUI CO., LTD. Marketing Section. After that, I managed the Corporate Director and General Manager, Apr. 2014 Director and General Manager, Sales Planning Division, MARUI CO., LTD. overtime. Two experiences inspired me to change how Direct Marketing Department, Planning Section and Sales Planning Division before (Incumbent) I worked and to grow. The first was an illness that struck MARUI CO., LTD. assuming my current position as general manager of the Apr. 2015 Executive Officer (Incumbent) Participation in committees: Mayuki Igayama me when I was 42. The second was when I became Director, MOVING CO., LTD. Tatsuo Niitsu Business Planning Division. I emphasize the importance of Management Committee a product development project leader in the field of Apr. 2016 Director and General Manager, Omni-Channel creating new businesses by giving form to unmet customer Information Security Committee Executive Officer Retailing Division, MARUI CO., LTD. Executive Officer shoes, where I had no experience, at 44. If I had to sum Apr. 2019 President and Representative Director, needs, and I like to hypothesize about how to accomplish MOVING CO., LTD. (Incumbent) Shares held: 5,500 up my personality, the word I would use is “serious.” Shares held: 20,100 this goal whenever something inspires me, whether at or Born: June 1964 Going forward, I hope to contribute to the improvement Participation in committees: Born: November 1967 away from work. As I am addicted to addressing customer Management Committee of corporate value at MARUI GROUP through the type Compliance Promotion Board needs, I greatly enjoy people watching. I also enjoy social of serious action for which I was named. Internal Control Committee occasions as they are a source of good ideas. I find joy in doing things different from other people, and I hope to utilize this peculiarity in my work.

138 139 Self-Introduction Career History Joining the Company in 1991, I was placed in the Apr. 1991 Joined the Company Apr. 2012 General Manager, Customer System women’s apparel department of Ikebukuro Marui before Development Department, being transferred to an IT systems division in my second M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. Apr. 2014 General Manager, Systems Department, year. At age 35, I took part in the development of the Corporate Planning Headquarters, systems that would be used to launch the EPOS card. Epos Card Co., Ltd. Apr. 2018 Director and General Manager, This undertaking entailed revising our prior frameworks Customer System Development Department, M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. while developing new frameworks to accommodate the Apr. 2019 Executive Officer and CDO needs of Visa and of card shopping revolving payment (Chief Digital Officer) (Incumbent) Takeshi Ebihara Director and General Manager, Digital transactions. It was a challenging project, but we over- Transformation Promotion Department, Executive Officer M & C SYSTEMS CO., LTD. (Incumbent) came these challenges as a team, and the sense of Director, Epos Card Co., Ltd. (Incumbent) Shares held: 1,000 accomplishment was great. Many people say that Born: March 1969 Participation in committees: I am very meticulous, despite the image of people with Management Committee B-type blood in Japan. I take this as a compliment. Information Security Committee Looking forward, I aim to accelerate our digitization efforts and deliver frameworks that contribute to cus- tomer satisfaction.

Self-Introduction Career History After graduating from a medical program, I became Mar. 2000 Acquisition of physician’s license May 2002 Regular Outpatient Physician, an internal medicine physician at a general hospital. Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Contrary to my reason for becoming a doctor, which Yokohama Rosai Hospital Company Physician, Co., Ltd. was to support working individuals, most of my patients Mar. 2010 Acquisition of Doctor of Medicine were senior citizens. I therefore chose to become a Apr. 2011 Company Physician (Incumbent) Apr. 2014 General Manager, Health Management Division company physician at a major manufacturer in 2002. (Incumbent) For six years, I worked in this position while simultane- Apr. 2019 Executive Officer (Incumbent) Reiko Kojima ously performing outpatient examinations in the psy- Participation in committees: chosomatic medicine department of a hospital on Management Committee Executive Officer Sustainability Committee a weekly basis. In my examinations, I witnessed people Environment and CSR Committee Shares held: 0 that were energized despite being busy as well as those Born: September 1975 that became ill under similar circumstances. This made me want to research how people can be happy in their work, prompting me to enter a graduate program. I joined MARUI GROUP after acquiring my Doctor of Medicine. I look forward to continuing to help invigorate the Company’s employees and organizations with my foundation in medicine in the future.

Hearing that President Hiroshi Aoi would wear a t-shirt to the photoshoot, CFO Hirotsugu Kato showed up in a t-shirt, white pants, and sneakers. This surprising outfit drew laughter from the other officers, relaxing the atmo- sphere and making the overall photoshoot calmer and more enjoyable than in previous years.

140 141 Personality Types of MARUI GROUP Officers

MARUI GROUP had all directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members, both internal and external, take part in ® the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality test*1 based on international standards. These tests were meant Diversity of MARUI GROUP Officers Extrapolated from MBTI Types to help them better understand themselves and to contribute to their ongoing growth. We thereby ascertained that the naturally ingrained personalities of these officers were incredibly diverse. It was thus decided to disclose the MBTI® According to the MBTI® framework, everyone has a natural preference toward how they want to act, and that preference personality types of these officers in order to communicate the fundamental aspects of their characteristics and can be divided into the four categories on the axes of the matrix below. There are no good or bad preferences. Rather, diversity that cannot be portrayed simply by looking at business skills. they indicate each individual’s behavioral preference, how they feel most natural expressing themselves, much like one feels most natural using their dominate hand. By understanding which “hand” is dominant, we are able to better under- stand our purpose and how to interact with others. This understanding can help MARUI GROUP develop more effective frameworks for co-creation. It is important to recognize that everyone is born with all of the preferences to a certain Diversity of MARUI GROUP Officers Seen in Their Personalities degree, and that this is what enables us to grow. Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I): Where your interests lie and what energizes you Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): What type of logic you prefer to follow Sensing (S) or Intuition (N): How you prefer to gain information Judging (J) or Perceiving (P): How you prefer to interact with the world around you MARUI GROUP believes that diversity is crucial to the By disclosing the results of the MBTI® personality eval- effectiveness of the Board of Directors and the Audit & uations, we hope to communicate the diversity of MARUI Supervisory Board. When people think of diversity, they GROUP officers on a more fundamental level. These Sensing (S) Intuition (N) often associate it with diversity of gender, race, or busi- results complement the glimpse into officer personalities ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Quiet, serious, earn success by thorough- Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscien- Conscientious and committed to their firm Have original minds and great drive for ness skills. Going beyond these surface-level traits, we provided by the unique self-introductions featured in the ness and dependability. Take pleasure in tious. Loyal, strive to create an orderly and values. Develop a clear vision about how implementing their ideas and achieving their making everything orderly and organized— harmonious environment at work and at best to serve the common good. Organized goals. Skeptical and independent, have high emphasize the importance of diversity in the ingrained “Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and their work, their home, their life. Value tradi- home. and decisive in implementing their vision. standards of competence and performance— tions and loyalty. for themselves and others. personalities of individuals. Executive Officers” section on pages 132–140. Ito Takagi Fujizuka Kato All 25 of internal and external MARUI GROUP direc- *1 The MBTI® personality test was developed in accordance with international tors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, and executive standards and based on the personality type theory proposed by Swiss psy- chiatrist Carl G. Jung. This test has been translated in the languages of more Fuse Saito officers took part in a workshop during which they under- than 45 countries and is administered to around 2 million people every year went MBTI® personality tests and then discussed the in the United States. The personality types assigned through the MBTI® method refer to the naturally ingrained personality with which one is born, as results in groups. The purpose of this workshop was to ISTP ISFP INFP INTP opposed to the socially constructed personality that is a result of one’s life Tolerant and flexible, quiet observers until a Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Loyal and Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people Have unusual ability to focus in depth to solve experience, profession, or position. The MBTI® test is not meant to categorize promote self-understanding and facilitate future growth. Introversion (I) problem appears, then act quickly to find committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Curious, quick problems in their area of interest. Skeptical, people or be used for diagnosis purposes, but is rather a tool for promoting workable solutions. Analyze what makes who are important to them. Dislike disagree- to see possibilities, can be catalysts for sometimes critical, always analytical. Through this workshop, officers were able to gain a better things work and readily get through large ments and conflicts, do not force their opin- implementing ideas. understanding of the diversity of naturally ingrained personality types. It is amounts of data to isolate the core of practi- ions or values on others. understanding of others and of themselves and to find therefore widely used for facilitating self-understanding and career develop- cal problems. ment, mutual understanding in interpersonal relationships, and team building. 2 Ooe Aoi Niitsu Sasaki their Best Fit type.* The workshop also cast light on the *2 Best Fit type constitutes personal information and has been disclosed with high level of diversity among MARUI GROUP officers. the consent of all relevant individuals. One’s Best Fit type (how individuals recognize themselves) can change as a result of deeper self-understanding. Kojima

ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Theories and conceptual explanations bore Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Enjoy Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. Want Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and out- them—they want to act energetically to working with others to make things happen. a lot of affirmation from others, and readily spoken. Resourceful in solving new and Comments from Officers after MBTI® Workshop solve the problem. Focus on the here-and- Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to give appreciation and support. Spontaneous challenging problems. Bored by routine. now, learn best through doing. new people and environments. and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and on their verbal fluency. I could not find common ground with I am currently helping a lot of companies T team, and no progress was made in dis- achieve rapid growth, and this workshop Ebihara Okajima Takimoto cussions. Later, they told me that the con- reminded me of the importance of empa- versation took off the moment I left.—Aoi thy and intuition.—Okajima Aoki Tsuda

I was once again made aware of the fact I now understand why my naturally that there are a lot of different types of ingrained personality was what it was. ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ people and ways of reacting to the same My outward personality is a product of Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact. Have a Warmhearted, conscientious, and coopera- Warm, empathetic, responsive, and respon- Frank, decisive, assume leadership readily. occurrence.—Takimoto my years in this society.—Sasaki clear set of logical standards, systematically tive. Like to work with others to complete sible. Find potential in everyone, want to Usually well-informed, well-read, enjoy follow them and want others to also. tasks accurately and on time. Want to be help others fulfill their potential. Loyal, expanding their knowledge and passing it

Extroversion (E) appreciated for who they are and for what responsive to praise and criticism. on to others. Forceful in presenting their I was astounded to learn of the naturally All officers were distributed pretty evenly they contribute. ideas. ingrained personality types of everyone at among the 16 personality types, indicat- the workshop. I was misreading their work ing a good balance among MARUI Muroi Ishii Taguchi Aono faces even after all these years.—Sato GROUP’s officers.—Nakamura

Kogure Kawara Nakamura Igayama The test categorized me as ENTJ, but I feel like INTJ.—Igayama Sato

Source: The Myers & Briggs Foundation

MBTI® and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Foundation in the United States and other countries. 142 143