
[CCTP-2017-8,ICTP-IPP 2017/19] Antipodal correlation on the meron wormhole and a Bang-Crunch

Panagiotis Betzios∗ Crete Center for Theoretical , Institute for Theoretical and Computational Physics, Department of Physics, University of Crete 71003 Heraklion, Greece.

Nava Gaddam† Institute for and Center for Extreme and Emergent Phenomena, Utrecht University, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Olga Papadoulaki‡ Mathematical Sciences and STAG Research Centre, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom.

We present a covariant euclidean wormhole solution to Einstein Yang-Mills system and study scalar perturbations analytically. The fluctuation operator has a positive definite spectrum. We compute the Euclidean Green’s function, which displays maximal antipodal correlation on the smallest three sphere at the center of the throat. Upon analytic continuation, it corresponds to the Feynman propagator on a compact Bang-Crunch universe. We present the connection matrix that relates past and future modes. We thoroughly discuss the physical implications of the antipo- dal map in both the Euclidean and Lorentzian geometries and give arguments on how to assign a physical probability to such solutions.


Consider the Euclidean Einstein-Yang Mills system: Euclidean wormholes [1–3] are extrema of the Eu- clidean action whose interpretation is still partially Z   4 √ 1 1 a 2 shrouded in mystery. Originally they were proposed as S = d x g − R + Fµν 16πGN 4 a resolution to the cosmological constant problem [4], a and as objects that lead to a loss of quantum coherence in units ~ = c = 1, where R is the Ricci scalar and Fµν , causing an inherent uncertainty in the fundamental con- the field strength for the SU(2) (possibly embedded in a stants of nature [2, 5, 6]. An alternative interpretation SU(N)) gauge field Aµ. The field strength is defined as a a a abc b c was given in [7] within the context of the Wheeler-de Fµν := ∂µAν − ∂ν Aµ + gYM  AµAν . In addition to µ a Witt equation. Besides several problems specific to these the Yang-Mills equations of motion D Fµν = 0 and the proposals, a basic general question that remains unan- corresponding Bianchi identities, the Einstein equations swered is whether such solutions are stable (and thus of motion are given by minima of the Euclidean action), or if they should alter- 1 natively be thought of as bounces (or maxima) that might Rµν − gµν R = 8πGN Tµν nevertheless contribute to the path integral in some non- 2 perturbative fashion akin to [8]. λ a aρ 1 a 2 where Rµν = Rµλν and Tµν = FµρFν − 4 gµν Fµν . a −1 −2 On a parallel note, defining quantum gravitational The meron configuration Aµ = ηaµν xν gYM x yields the arXiv:1711.03469v2 [hep-th] 12 Jun 2018 observables in closed is an acute problem [9] field strength whose few proposed resolutions suffer from closed -   like curves and other intricacies [10]. a 1 f1 f2 Fµν = ηaµν 2 + (xµηaργ xγ − xρηaµγ xγ ) 2 , gYM x x Inspired by these questions, we study a Euclidean meron wormhole [11] in of the antipodal Z2 map- with f1 = f2 = −1. Here, ηaµν are the ’t Hooft Eta sym- ping proposed by ’t Hooft. We find a positive defi- bols [13]—whose conventions we follow—that mix the nite spectrum for scalar perturbations, whose Euclidean generators of -time SO(4) with those of the SU(2) Green’s function exhibits large antipodal correlation lo- gauge symmetry. The summation over all lower indices is calised near the smallest sphere at the center of the throat carried out by the flat metric δµν ; however, owing to the after performing the antipodal map. The analytic contin- conformal nature of the Yang-Mills equations, this is a uation of this solution results in a finite Bang-Crunch ge- solution in any conformally flat background. The meron ometry [12], with temporal and spatial boundaries, open- configuration was one of the first proposed mechanisms ing up a possible handle on the problem of observables. for confinement [14, 15]. This meron-pair solution has a 2 unit topological instanton charge split equally between Symmetries of the background Flat space has ten the two points at x = 0 and x = ∞; the pair may be killing vectors (KVs) and five conformal KVs (CKVs). brought closer together with a conformal transformation Since the wormhole is conformally flat, its symmetries [16]. Unlike the BPST instanton [13, 17, 18], this solution may be found by studying if the former remain KVs and is not self-dual. The meron’s magnetic field lines provide if any of the latter get promoted to KVs. It may be the required locally-negative density to support a checked that while rotations remain killing vectors of the wormhole throat and source the right hand side of the wormhole background, translations become CKVs. Ad- Einstein equations which are solved by the metric ditionally, none of the five CKVs (dilatation and special conformal transformations) of flat space are promoted to  2 2 2 r1 µ ν 2 −2 KVs. Finally, the wormhole background possesses a dis- ds = 1 + δµν dx dx r1 = πGN gYM , µ 2 µ −2 x crete inversion symmetry under x → r1x x . In the ds2 = dr2 + r2 + 4r2 dΩ2 (1) r coordinates, it reads r → −r. This is an antipodal 1 3 mapping when appended with appropriate maps on the √ µ 2 −1 three-sphere, similar to the one considered in [22, 23] in with x = xµx ≥ 0 and r = x − r1x . This transfor- the context of ’t Hooft’s black hole S-Matrix. mation maps the regions x ≶ r1 to the two sides of the wormhole r ≶ 0 and the smallest sphere to x = r1. The geometry is that of a two-sided Euclidean space (with the two asymptotic regions at r = ±∞) connected by a SCALAR PERTURBATIONS wormhole throat of smallest size 2r1; it has the curious property that the regime of its semi-classical validity co- The action governing the fluctuations of a charged incides with the perturbative regime of the YM theory. (2) scalar field in this background, is given by Sφ = The metric admits a natural analytic continuation r = it √ (2) √ R d4x g L ≡ R d4x gφ?M φ with into a Big Bang - Big Crunch universe, with singularities φ φ at r = ±2r [12]. It is an open problem to find gen- 1 (2) h 2 2  2i 2 L = |D φ| + m + ζR |φ| , eral multi-meron solutions specified by functions f1 x φ µ 2 and f2 x , constrained by both Einstein and Yang-Mills equations. where Dµφ =: (∇µ + igYMAµ,a) φ. In order to explicitly Let us mention here that the Euclidean action is loga- evaluate the spectrum of the operator Mφ, it is first use- rithmically divergent. This is easy to see since the Ricci ful to define the following space-time operators, which scalar vanishes (R = 0) and, from the Yang-Mills La- represent rotations in the two invariant SU(2) subgroups grangian, one finds the usual log-divergence of the meron of the rotation group SO(4): configuration ∼ log(L/a) where L is the system size (IR- a 1 a 1 cutoff) and a is a UV-cutoff [19]. This problem has been L1 := − iηaµν xµ∂ν and L2 := − iη¯aµν xµ∂ν discussed in the past, for example in [11] and later in [20]. 2 2  a b abc c 2 2 2 The UV problem is evaded by the finite size of the throat. with Lp,Lq = iδpq Lp and L1 = L2 = L = The IR divergence can be evaded by considering similar 2 − (1/8) (xµ∂ν − xν ∂µ) . Owing to the SU(2) projection solutions in the presence of a small cosmological constant of these operators, the eigenvalues of L2 are given in that provides a natural regulator for such IR divergences. terms of half-integers l via L2 = l (l + 1). Furthermore, This is one possible and known way of making sense of for scalars, isospin rotations are generated by the opera- similar configurations; however, a satisfactory solution tors T a with eigenvalues T 2 = t (t + 1), with an arbitrary for asymptotically flat space- is not known. Inspired total isospin t. The operator Mφ (whose vacuum coun- by the of Kosterlitz and Thouless [21] (whose rel- terpart we call M0) can now be written as evance to merons is sketched in [19]), we propose that the seemingly infinite classical action must be compared 2  2 a  2 x T + 4 (T · L1) 2 with the of such configurations. A known issue Mφ = −∇ + + m , (x2 + r2)2 with the pure meron background [19] is that one needs to 1 2 regulate the meron core with an ad-hoc procedure which where ∇ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator of the worm- results in a violation of the equations of motion for the hole background. In order to calculate the spectrum (of regulated configurations. This UV problem is evaded by the vacuum and the wormhole background), it turns out the meron wormhole owing to its finite-sized throat, a to be convenient to solve the rescaled operator equa- −2 fact that will become even more transparent in our novel tion Vφ,0φ = λr1 φ, with Vφ,0 := AMφ,0A , A = 2 22 2 2 interpretation—using an antipodal identification—of the x + r1 / 4r1x [13]. This corresponds to solving wormholes as holes of nothing. the Schr¨odingerequation 3

"  2  2 2 2 2# 2 3 2r1 J1 16r1 λ − r1m ∂x + − ∂x − + φ = 0 , (2) 2x x (x2 + r2) x2 2 2 2 1 (x + r1)

where J1 := T + 2L1. In order to solve this equa- Therefore, for the spectrum, we find tion, we expand the field in three-sphere harmonics that 2 2 2 2 1 2 satisfy −∇ 3 Y ˜ (Ω) = k (k + 2) Y ˜ (Ω) with (k + 1) -  S klm˜ klm˜ λn,j1 − r1m = n + n , n ≥ j1 + 1 . fold degeneracy sincem ˜ = −˜l, . . . , ˜l and ˜l = 0, 1, . . . , k. 4 2 Similarly, J1 Yk˜lm˜ (Ω) = j1 (j1 + 2) Yk˜lm˜ (Ω) with j1 = Of immediate note is the fact that the spectrum is k − t, . . . , k + t provided j1 ≥ 0. The Schr¨odinger positive definite and the wormhole stable under (Gaus- equation (2) then reduces to a one-dimensional prob- sian) scalar perturbations. Furthermore, since the meron lem whose solutions are associated Legendre polynomials. wormhole breaks all the non-compact symmetries of flat To bring them into canonical form, we redefine the field space, there are no zero modes either. The vacuum spec- 21/2 φ as φ = 1 − y ψ/ (2r1) and change variables as trum is calculated most easily in the original r coordi- 2 2 2 2 nates and the vacuum regulated one-loop determinant of y = r1 − x / r1 + x . In these coordinates, the two boundaries x = 0, ∞ are at y = ±1 while the smallest scalar fluctuations det Mφ/ det M0 can be calculated fol- sphere x = r1 lies at y = 0. As it does on the r coor- lowing the prescription in [13]. Instead, in what follows dinate, the discrete Z2 map acts as a reflection y → −y we turn to a calculation of the Green’s function for the on this coordinate. The Schr¨odingerequation (2) then scalar perturbations. reduces to the canonical associated Legendre form

CORRELATION FUNCTION   µ2  1 − y2 ∂2 − 2y∂ + ν (ν + 1) − ψ = 0 (3) z z 1 − y2 The Euclidean Green’s function can be written in

µ terms of the homogeneous solutions (λ = 0) to whose two linearly independent solutions are Pν (y) and µ µ p  (3) and the Wronskian determinant W (Pν ,Qν ) = Qµ (y) with ν = 1 1 + 16λ − 16r2m2 − 1 and µ = µ 0µ 0µ µ ν 2 1 Pν (x) Qν (x) − Pν (x) Qν (x), with a prime indicating j1 + 1. Since the order µ is an integer, the normalisable a derivative with respect to the argument x. This two- solutions (in the domain y ∈ [−1, 1]) to this equation are point function with homogeneous boundary conditions given by demanding that the degree ν also be an integer. for the field ψ is given by

˜ ∞ k+t+1 µ−1 l  µ µ  E 0 X X X X Θ(y − x) Pν (x) Qν (y) + x ↔ y 0 G (x, Ω; y, Ω ) = 2 µ µ Y(µ−1)˜lm˜ (Ω) Y(µ−1)˜lm˜ (Ω ) . (1 − y ) W (Pν ,Qν )(y) k=0 µ=k−t+1 ˜l=0 m˜ =−˜l

The corresponding correlator for φ is achieved by the As it must, the function displays maximal correlation rescaling that relates the fields. First we perform the when (x, Ω) coincides with (y, Ω0). Rather beautifully, sum over the indices ˜l andm ˜ and then the sum over µ however, we find maximal correlation in equal measure using addition theorems [24]. The result for t = 0 is when (y, Ω0) = −x, Ω¯ is the reflected-antipodal point of (x, Ω), allowing for a natural Z2 identification between p 2 2  E 0 (1 − x ) (1 − y ) 1 the two sides of the wormhole (y, Ω) ≡ −y, Ω¯ . This is G (x, Ω; y, Ω ) = − Qν (ξ) 4π2p1 − ξ2 further corroborated by the fact that modes on either side are related by a Unitary mapping through Legendre func- p where ξ = xy + (1 − x2) (1 − y2) cos (δΩ) and cos (δΩ) tion connection formulae [24]. After the identification, is the angular difference, on the three-sphere, between Ω the correlation between antipodal points, on the same and Ω0. A non-vanishing isospin requires an extra finite side of the wormhole, is a local effect near the smallest summation that can be performed but is not presented sphere. This may be seen from the following observation: here. Taking the massless limit m2 → 0, we find With x, y ≥ 0, and Ω0 = Ω,¯ the antipodal point of Ω, the

p 2 2 correlation is maximal when x = y = 0. That is when E 0 (1 − x ) (1 − y ) G 2 (x, Ω; y, Ω ) = . (4) they lie on the smallest sphere. As we move away from m =0 4π2 (1 + ξ) (1 − ξ) 4

t = 2r 1 T = 0 would be analogous to the unbinding transition of vor- tices in the Kosterlitz-Thouless example [21]. Further- (t 1 , Ω 1 ) 2 2 more, since r1 ∼ GN /gYM , the result also depends on (0, Ω 2 ) the running of the gravitational coupling constant. Of t = 0 course this argument is incomplete, and one needs to per- (0, Ω 2 ) form a complete one loop computation of fluctuations on

(-t 1 , Ω 1 ) such a background because it directly affects the entropic pre-factor. Since this would be an extremely interesting t = - 2r 1 T = -∞ phase of , we intend to address such a possibility Ω in full detail in future work [26].

FIG. 1. Left: The Bang-Crunch universe in real time with Ωi being antipodal to Ω¯ i. Right: Antipodal identification results in half of the Einstein static universe in conformal time, with BIG-BANG BIG-CRUNCH UNIVERSE half a three sphere (whose coordinates are collectively repre- sented by Ω) at the future boundary T = 0. The solid line inside is null. The euclidean meron-wormhole metric (1) yields a closed Big-Bang Big-Crunch universe upon analytically continuing r → it = 2ir tanh T : the center of the throat into the single exterior, the corre- 1 lation on antipodal points of the three sphere diminishes 2 2 2 2 2 , rendering the maximal entanglement a local effect near ds = − dt + 4r1 − t dΩ3 , t ∈ [−2r1, 2r1] the center of the throat. This is a concrete realisation 4r2 = 1 −dT 2 + dΩ2 ,T ∈ (−∞, ∞) . of the antipodal identification suggested in [22, 23]. As cosh2 T 3 in that case, the spectrum is naturally halved owing to the following relation between three-sphere harmonics on The end points of this closed universe represent Bang antipodal points: Y Ω¯ = (−1)j1 Y (Ω). and Crunch singularities. This geometry is depicted in j1˜lm˜ j1˜lm˜ The x, y dependence of the massless correlator FIG. 1. The early universe begins to expand at t = −2r1 (4) can be entirely written in terms of a cross- and after reaching maximum size at t = 0, collapses into 1/2 ratio [(y3 − y1)(y4 − y2) / (y3 − y2)(y4 − y1)] with a Crunch at t = 2r1. In conformal time, the geometry y1,2,3,4 = (y, x, 1/x, 1/y). This cross-ratio is invariant captures the complete Einstein static universe. 1 1 under the entire projective linear group of M¨obiustrans- Definingµ ˜ = ν + 2 andν ˜ = µ− 2 , a good basis of solu- formations. Moreover, the mapping renders the man- ±µ˜ Z2 tions is Pν˜ (tanh T ). Whenµ ˜ is real, the solutions blow ifold non-orientable. It is curious to note that this is up at T → ±∞ and result in an instability. For purely reminiscent of string theory which admits such vacua, in imaginaryµ ˜ (that is, for m2 > 1/16), the solutions oscil- the presence of orientifolds, that contribute to the path late in conformal time as exp (±i|µ˜|T ) or exp (∓i|µ˜|T ) integral. as T → ±∞. Moreover, the modes are related by Having discussed the antipodal mapping, we now re- +˜µ −µ˜ ∗ complex conjugation Pν˜ (tanh T ) = [Pν˜ (tanh T )] . turn to the issue of the divergence of the Euclidean ac- Therefore, the scalar field can consistently be quantised 1 P µ˜ tion. As we saw above, after the said antipodal map, one via ψ(T, Ω) = ˜ a ˜ P (tanh T )Y ˜ (Ω) + j1,l,m˜ j1lm˜ j1+1/2 j1lm˜ is left with flat space from which a ball of radius r1 is ex- † −µ˜ a ˜ Pj +1/2(tanh T )Yj ˜lm˜ (Ω), with the creation and an- cised. Let us now consider an arbitrary Euclidean space- j1lm˜ 1 1 time region of volume L4. This hole with a rough “core nihilation operators obeying canonical commutation re- 4 lations. The vacuum is then defined by a ˜ |0i = 0. volume” of r could be centered at any spacetime point j1lm˜ 1 ±µ˜ in this volume. The probability of such a configuration The expanding modes Pν˜ (− tanh T ) may be obtained 4 −c log L/r1 2 ∓µ˜ appearing is thus (L/r1) e , (with c ∼ 1/gYM ) from the contracting ones Pν˜ (tanh T ) via the connec- containing an “entropic” pre-factor and of course, the tion matrix action [25]. Therefore, when computing the free energy,   this entropic term competes against the on-shell action.   Γ(˜ν+˜µ+1) sin π(˜µ+˜ν) sin(πν˜) α β Γ(˜ν−µ˜+1) sin(πµ˜) − sin(πµ˜) For appropriate g , the entropic term may dominate = ∗ ∗ YM β∗ α∗  h sin(πν˜) i h Γ(˜ν+˜µ+1) sin π(˜µ+˜ν) i  the classical action signalling a phase where the previous − sin(πµ˜) Γ(˜ν−µ˜+1) sin(πµ˜) wormholes (now holes of nothing) proliferate. A transi- This is a canonical matrix with unit determinant, thereby tion between such a phase and the usual phase of gravity gaining an interpretation of a Bogolyubov matrix in T co- ordinates. Relative probability of creation in a given mode per unit volume can now be calculated to be 2 −2 1 A similar argument might also work for the usual interpretation |β| |α| = sech (πµ˜). This is similar to the correspond- of meron wormholes but would be more involved. ing result in de-Sitter space [27]. 5

QUANTUM OBSERVABLES AND in [1, 12, 20, 28], it would be interesting to see if the HOLOGRAPHY antipodal identification projects them out. Returning to the logarithmic divergence of the classical Euclidean ac- Big-Bang Big-Crunch universes such as this pose a se- tion, we note that the solution we use is naturally UV rious problem of defining consistent quantum observables regulated by the size of the hole of nothing (after an- in the theory. While AdS has a conformal boundary at tipodal identification). We can nevertheless make sense spatial infinity where correlators may be defined, the fu- of such solutions by comparing the euclidean action to ture and past null infinity of flat space allow for an S- their entropy in a given volume of space. For a com- matrix to be defined. While dS possesses a future bound- plete semiclassical treatment though, one needs to study ary in conformal time, the case at hand is more difficult all the field fluctuations on the background up to one- for there is neither a boundary in space, nor in time. loop. Technically one computes a complete one loop de- Nevertheless, there is a possible resolution to this issue terminant with the modes split in terms of their spin and arising from the antipodal correlation between modes at where ghost degrees of freedom are properly introduced either side of zero time. to account for gauge invariance. This calculation has not Since the antipodal mapping acts on the coordinates been performed for a reason, in the literature. The Yang- x, y just as it acts on the coordinate r—as a reflec- Mills fluctuations are coupled to the gravitational ones on tion—the Green’s function (4) may easily be analytically such a background. This mixing results in an intricate continued by x → ix and y → iy. It may be checked calculation. In on-going work [26], we find that this task that the maximal antipodal correlation on either side of is technically involved but possible to achieve. For in- T = 0 survives this continuation, rendering the Z2 map- stance, we find that spin-2 fluctuations have no negative ping legitimate. Upon this identification, one obtains a modes and are stable. We hope to report on the complete Big-Bang universe naturally possessing a future bound- 1-loop computation in the near future [26]. ary in time, at t = T = 0; this is a spatial section of the On another note, in AdS, finding large correlation be- geometry that is an antipodally identified three-sphere. tween the two exteriors (as we found in this work) could Should a holographic dual exist, we would expect it to address several CFT puzzles raised in [12]. It would also have a finite Hilbert space of states, owing to the com- be interesting to revisit instabilities of other euclidean pactness of the geometry. This boundary could then pro- wormholes in this light. The antipodal map’s role in vide for a natural habitat for definition of observables in confinement is worth exploring in the light of centre sym- the quantum theory in a similar fashion to the dS pro- metry in SU(N) YM theory. It is also of importance to posed dualities. further investigate the ‘wrong-sign’ problem of the con- Finally, it is worth mentioning that at t = 0, half of a formal mode of the metric upon the background coupling euclidean meron wormhole may be glued to extend space- to the longitudinal mode of the gauge field, perhaps also time. This may be done in two distinct ways. One is by in conjunction with the antipodal identification; this may gluing the smallest three-sphere of the euclidean worm- provide interesting constraints on the swampland in view hole to the largest one of the expanding universe. An- of the weak gravity . other is by gluing together antipodally identified three- spheres of the euclidean and time-dependent geometries at r = 0 and t = 0 respectively. Of course, additional possibilities arise when AdS and dS versions of the eu- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS clidean meron wormholes of [11, 12] are considered. We take pleasure in thanking Bernard de Wit, Umut G¨ursoy, Miguel Montero, Kostas Skenderis, Phil Szepi- CONCLUSIONS etowski and especially Elias Kiritsis and Gerard ’t Hooft for valuable discussions and suggestions. We also wish to In this article we have reinterpreted euclidean worm- thank the anonymous referee for comments and sugges- holes as “holes of nothing”; after the antipodal map, the tions. PB is supported by the Advanced ERC grant SM- single exterior is that of flat space from which a sphere grav, No 669288. OP is supported by the STFC Ernest of size 2r1 has been excised. We analytically computed Rutherford grants ST/K005391/1 and ST/M004147/1. the spectrum and the two-point function of scalar fluc- tuations on a Euclidean meron wormhole. The solution is found to be stable under probe scalar perturbations. We showed that the Green’s function exhibits large an- ∗ [email protected] tipodal correlation near the center of the throat. This † [email protected] gives good reason to thoroughly study the stability [26] ‡ [email protected] of this solution under generic metric and gauge field per- [1] S. B. Giddings and A. Strominger, Nucl. Phys. B306, turbations. Should there be negative modes as predicted 890 (1988). 6

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