Making The Savior Known Through Whatever Ways And Means That The Love Of Christ Inspires

world. U.S. U.S. and around the and and means both in the the Word through all ways ways all through Word the the the Salvatorian Family, Lay Salvatorians spread Together with the rest of Together

and women. and couples couples and single men are are open to married the world. Lay Salvatorians Salvatorians Lay world. the talents to serve throughout throughout serve to talents Jordan and Blessed Mary of of Mary Blessed and Jordan the Apostles to use their inspired by the vision of Fr. Fr. of vision the by inspired guidance of the Holy Spirit of Spirit the Holy guidance Church and are open to the the to open are and Church role role in the of mission the decided decided to take an active Catholics Catholics who have Lay Lay Salvatorians are Lay Salvatorians pledge to live out Committed to spreading Any man or woman seeking the values by using our gifts the Word by whatever to take a more intensive role in to spread the love of through ways and means we ministry and leadership within their all ways and means. We serve in our have that the love of everyday lives can become a Lay daily lives at work and at home and Christ inspires. Salvatorian. Lay Salvatorians are open minister to all whom we encounter. to married or single men and women. The diversity of the Lay Salvatorians enables us to connect with people where a Religious person might not be able to reach. We are connected to the International Community of the Divine Savior (ICDS) who serve The Laity is one of three Visit our Facebook page ( all over the world. equal branches of the LaySalvatoriansUSA) and website Salvatorian Family along ( or with priests & brothers connect with our National Director, (Society) and sisters Jackie White, at 520.260.4612 or (Congregation). [email protected]

Drawn to a Community Becoming a Lay Salvatorian provides that meets regularly to the opportunity to get to know strengthen and foster like-minded Catholics and enhance personal spiritual spiritual growth while spreading the growth, pray, and Gospel through service and example. socialize.