KC STREETCAR KCRIVERFRONTCORE EXTENSION Connecting Our Riverfront for Everyone Kansas City, Missouri / BUILD Grant Application May 18, 2020 KC STREETCAR RIVERFRONT EXTENSION Project Name KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension Lead Applicant Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA also known as RideKC) Co-Applicants Port KC Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA) Project Supporters The City of Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO), as well as a broad list Figure 1: of supporters from throughout the metropolitan area located in The #AlwaysRoyal Supporters of the Project (page 28). branded streetcar stops at River Market West Contact Information Robbie Makinen, President/CEO KCATA 1200 E. 18th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 816-346-0212
[email protected] Jon Stephens, President/CEO Port KC 110 Berkley Plaza Kansas City, MO 64120 816-559-3750
[email protected] Tom Gerend, Executive Director KCSA 600 E. 3rd Street Kansas City, MO 64106 816-627-2525
[email protected] BUILD Grant ApplicationBUILD 2020Grant /Application KCATA + Port 2020 KC / + KCATA KCSA +/ PortKansas KC City, + KCSA MO KC Streetcar / 1 Riverfront Extension The Honorable Elaine Chao Secretary of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 May 18, 2020 Dear Secretary Chao, The KC Streetcar Riverfront Extension will physically reconnect Berkley Riverfront with a resident-, pedestrian-, and bicycle-friendly 0.55-mile extension of the City’s successful Downtown streetcar system – extending from its current terminus near 3rd Street and Grand Boulevard across the existing Grand Avenue Bridge and onto the Riverfront. This extension will be adjacent to the construction of a new multi-use trail that will enhance paths and choices to the Riverfront.