Population and Development in the Pacific Islands

Accelerating the ICPD Programme of Action at 15

edited by Wadan Narsey, Annette Sachs Robertson, Biman Chand Prasad, Kesaia Seniloli, Eduard Jongstra, and WordWorks (Seona Smiles, Barbara Hau‘ofa and Frances Pene)

Proceedings of the Regional Symposium held at The University of the South Pacific 23–25 November, 2009 USP Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data














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1 Wasim Zaman ICPD and the Millennium Development Goals 8


how to put family planning back on the agenda 20

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3 Geoffrey Hayes The aging population in PICs and public policy 57

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$ Nii-K Plange Issues and strategies for prevention of adolescent sexually *" 212


7 Janet L Fanslow Violence against women: development challenges for "+! ,,.

<IH ("!!"I 69

,!G ="I! !!! 46

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8 Gerald Haberkorn and Arthur Jorari Population and development data: disentangling facts

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# 4!! "6+9*9; 282

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10 John Campbell Climate change and population displacement 320

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11 Wadan Narsey PICTA, PACER Plus and PIC development: 9; =.

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7!(Q$ =>!>! 69

%N !! 69 Keynote Speakers

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Progress, challenges and priorities

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Progress and achievements

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Priority areas

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Wasim Zaman Keynote address

ICPD and the Millennium Development Goals 8 9

ICPD and the Millennium Development Goals

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Reproductive health

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Family planning

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Safe motherhood and maternal health – the neglected MDG

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Adolescent reproductive health

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!("!!I!!(I!!("!( !"!R!!!(", AN!!!?(>!I>!,

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Population and economic growth

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Poverty and inequality

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Population, environment and climate change

A!$!!>2!!5N!,AT I!!>">>!!`

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<!(!!>!>,AF2(H!>A (I/!7!!!?! !1>!!$$$$#,!" other countries would also be impacted by sea level rise should strong international action to combat greenhouse >?,

F!!!N!I(!T! !>!>!"O(I!>!,

A!>!"I!,38>? created an international , % ! " FA# !( ( I! !I !!!!!!!I,A>?!! !,%(I!RI!"!>IR!! (>/!!I!,2!6!!("! !>,3!I>?7=(I III!>?>!!!,%6/! ">Q!R"!I(!,A >!!!>I"!I!""" >!I,

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<""!!?>I(!! """(!"!(>"!"! !%,

I>!"7!?2>I?$>!/> $!!>>"!I!,I! "!"%!, 3@

Conflicts and emergencies

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% >! "% ! ! ! ! !! ! \I!!>!"!""! >!,A"">\!!,%!! "!!I(I!!>>(N>(N, !!N!!N"!( !"!(!!!"!!,

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Funding and partnership for population and development

AFQ!!*#O0!"!!! FQ:(I!I!!>"!,PA!! O!N""!!?1!!>! !(>!T!T",W(3( !N!1!!"!""!"! I >P * #, 0 "! " ( >!! !! !!T!,

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!!?,ATFQO!!"! I!!,P

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References %>>(9#V%"E!!,*$!,, 7(,,$(fG,6#QA!I!T "R,(F($"!, F(%!I/E=:#,QA!!R,!" !"%"!%"FQ(*I W!?(38/3*>!4*IW!?*#, **!!## *(*IW!?,%"!&&!,,!&&&Ekk<*k$, ", * # A % "! &&III,,!& &"&FQ^!^^<*Q,", 39 3


$!!( >!!?(>" and poverty

Wadan Narsey Keynote address and poverty: how to put family planning back on the agenda 20

2A $!!(>!!?(> !$" B4

Denton Rarawa A>!!">! !>49


Changing age structures, education financing and poverty: how to put family planning back on the agenda

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Figure 1 N*>!A#:x3

130 Solomon I s FF!!!!( 125 !!!!! 120 PNG and vulnerable to rising sea-level and natural 115 Kiribati Marshalls ! , A ! 110 Fiji ! !I !( 105 Tuvalu ! > 3,9^ ! ! N 100 Tonga Samoa !>3:^>I83:, 95 ) ! !!/!>

005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 !(!N! 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ( ! !! ( I!( I! ! > ,F!"38!3:"!F93"!,A ! > !I 3: "! *I R !"!%!, 0!! !I Micronesia will pose severe developmental problems in addition to the long-term cataclysmic dangers posed by !/I,

A!I!!!I!",8^!!(I"I"!>" $?(A?(*#,2!(N!> @^>I83:,)!!!(A!!I II!!!(!I1!!>,

!!?"!!!1""! !!,"!("/"!("/! !1IR,A!(!"!(!!!1 !N"!:3:N!!>!!!"! !!(I!!,A!I ?>I:>/?!"!!T! N"!!N!,6

3,%"01""!>I01/01(IT""!- !!!, ,A!!"*IR, 6,A!!1F>>$,A!!" 7!"!!Q!01A7!#(B G#*?Q#"!?>!E

Table 1$!!"F(F!

Estimated Population Estimated Population population % Change TFR 2007 growth rate Density 2015 F<=%*<% 8137100 #%%==)) 17 ,6) 3: 01 963@ 988 : ,8 ,@ 4@ *I$ 438 @3 33 3,6 , 36 *IQ @668: 8:36 3 ,3 4,@ 34 :6 @3@ ,: 4,9 39 B 83: 89 ,: 4,4 3 F$2*<% %%#)) $,#,%) 15 (6. 38 0!"F!, 33@ 33:3 4 ,: 4, 3:9 Q 386 33: 6 ,@ ,8 639 Kiribati :: 33: 3@ 3,9 6,: 339 F! :8 :9 3 3, 4,4 3 *! 339 3 , 4, 483 *!!F! 948 333: 3 , 3,@ 39 Palau 3 4 ,: 3, 43 2=W*<% $#$%) $.??)) $ )6? 93 %! @: 84 34 3,@ 4, 6: $? 36: 3: /8 /3, , 96 0! @34 9:4 3,3 , 84 * 3@ 36 /3 /,@ ,@ @ ! : ,, ,, ,, 3 Samoa 38: 3933 3 ,3 4,@ @3 A? 3 3 , 4,: 3 A 36 3@ 4 ,4 4, 3:8 A 8 3 6 ,4 6,8 686 )0 3:4 3@ : ,@ ,@ 39 A2A%=$ #==,$%) 10870250 ($ (6# 38 %! 3 68 8 ,9 3,9 6 *IR 43968 44:8 8 ,9 , 3:    

Table 2<Q!I

%%!Q 7%!, growth rate growth rates %/7 QI!"!"!I 3%8 %3: (!!! " > " $ I 01 , ,8 3,6 their demographic changes is given by their Kiribati ,: 3, ,@ long term growth rates in gross domestic Marshalls , 3,4 /,: !Q#!,EI!( *IQ 6, ,6 3,@ ">!?I! Samoa ,4 ,3 ,6 !I!"Q!!I 6, ,8 ,6 !"! \"I"!, A 3, ,4 3,: A :,6 ,4 :, A!"A>( B 6,9 ,8 3,3 I ! 4^ Q4!I!( "   

4,AR!!I!I"(>>I"!!!!"! "!,

!!I!>1>!$ ,)4^!I1"!!I!"!%/7A> #(!I>I"!!!!",("! (H!>(B01#I>!/!I!,

AF!!!!N!I/II!!!(("!I !""!!"!!!!!!!( !"!!I!"!/,A (>I!!/!>!"(!!!I!! !!!!"(N!!Q!!( ((I!I!!,W(!!(!I>!! !,A!" !,

Q!!I!!!!""!!" ,A>"!I>!>N>I!!!>!(I !I""!>I!!!!NI!!"!>!I ! " !I !T! 1! > ! I!( I!( !( !!,

A!I(!T!(!I "! $ N! >! ! > !,0!!(!I>!">!!(I"! !I>!>!,

AI(("1>!!"I! "I!!(!(!!O!,F!!( I"I!!!(! ,

I>I!"!?!!/ "!"!!>/>!!> >""(,!(>!!(! !,

Demographic dividends, support ratios and under-employment in PICs

<N"!!:!"I! 1>"!!?

"Wx(*xA=x*>!"!I!?!(Q!W&*# >I!         I!?!! !I!?! !!# !!I!?!#

A!!II!?!!=&*#I! I!I!?!W&*#,

7!!!!!! !!,*!("!">!34!"!>I# !!!!5!!,A3:I!#( !!(,,>!!(!>

:,!"!*!2I($IF?!(%!IFE/=, 6


!!?34!!@4!!!"!!5 3:@4!/!>!!,ANI !!"N!34@:!N!" 3:@4#">I,:!(!(I!!x'3:@4#&.> !,

A/!!!!!"!"" !",EI!(!>N!"!$(F !(>!/!!!!!! !"!N"I!?,E("! !!!(I!!/>"I!?! !I,

7!!>"!$,0!(!!!"3:@4!" !,(!I>!"I!?>!I >!,AI!!!"!01(B( *IQ,

01("!4I!!"3(,@EI!(!"! 4%:<!<#!I!39(I !!(!(I>!3::4NI!?!#I! 6:(,)"!>!:^(8!"!4%:< !>!"/!I!?!I!?"I!! &!4!,A""!"(I!/ I?(I!!@^,F"!/I! ,=((I!!>">!">" !!!("I!?>>3:@4!\> !>!,

B(!""!"A>6#,%!!@(> I!?!!I>I!?!"!!I?,9""!!I? !!!"""/!(""!" >!4^":(!",

Table 3!B(@

$!!I!? *,"! %!,!I!?!I? <""!",

)!?"!&! 643 6@ 3 0>& 69 4 2!I!?& 4@ 4 4@ Subsistence @46 44 =?"!I!? 8 < :39 @ 4 !BE<@

@,%<!(017!", 8,%>I@^3^!8$, 9,A!!"I!?!I?!!!""!"I!?- !I!?!!4!!I?(I!/!"!II!? 4!!I?, ,<>!"!@E<, 4

A!!!/A>4#,2"3:3(I!? "!!!!!"I!?!!!!!64!!I?#,A >!I!?!"3@!,>("!I! !"!(/B::@4!>!"I!?! !("!!"I!?,

Table 4 E!"I!?>!B(@ A!"!"" !I>"!!! %!!I!?!I?> ^<, ",N!?(

active active !"!( I > & ""! %!, * >, % ! *IQ,%I! :^ 4^ " I!? "! ! 3:3 64 3@ 3 4 ! I!? 4 6: : 4 @@ !I"!Q! $#, ! ! :64 6: 63 @ 9 '3:@4#&.I! 6:44 69 9 8 9 !!"! 4::4 6: : 3 @ 88 (! I>>II!,A!"!( ::@4 64 3 3 4 86 !! @484 9 3 3@ 38 @4 I>"", % 6@ @ : 83 >(!!!" !@E<(B !I$6^%4^#I>> ! I!?"! !?"!"!"!""((!( !"!,)!?I>>?! ""!,E(!I>!!(II! !I!!!>!(IA,

The economically active and gender

Table 5%!!"I!?!I?> 2"I?">! (B(@ " I!?,A!"!(!I!?> %,!"I!?!I? the economically active by and large indicates that men do more I!? I, AB@ E< ! %! Male 0 % "I!?!! $334 3@ 39 38 A>:#,7?I!?( 3:3 39 3 3 >?"II>>>", <4 : 6 4 A ! ! > ! 01# 0:64 8 : @ I!?>!( ! !I , ) Q6:44 : 8 "I!? E4::4 9 : (A>@(II!?? ::@4 4 6 I!?#"!"> !I!?!>63^#! G@484 3 3 39 , H|84 3: 38 3@ !">I"::@4 % @ 6 4 68^!I!?!(I !@4!"66!!I?,A     ! "# >!!!N! "I!?$!(I"! !!, :

&!$ %!!!I?"I!?I!?# >!(01(4%:

%!!"I!?!I? %! 0, Male % 0/F# ^0/F#&F 3:4 :9 46 49 34 66 :64 @4 : :4 34 9 6:44 @4 : :4 34 4::4 : 4@ : 36 9 ::@4 :@ 43 4: 3: 68 |@4 6 6 66 6 % @3 4@ :3 34 63

 $%& "'()*'    + '()*'  ,*

The young, the elderly and dependency ratios

!T!">!>34#! !3:@4#,:(!!"!I":6 ^"!01"8^"! ,%!(I!(!("!!,

73:(A II!"!4:^#(01I 49^I!I>>I@^8^A>8#,

A!(!(I!I>!!!3^! ,!(*IQF!I:^,2!( AI/6@^(I!>I:3:(I!IT! !0143^F!6@^#A>9#,

Table 7!34#!" Table 8 !!@4!"3: 3:@4# @4#(:(3:

:^ 3:^ ^$ :^ 3:^ ^$ 01 :6 49 / 01 8 43 B 8 @ /33 B @ @ 33 8 @8 /@ @ @ /3 *IQ @8 @ /9 *IQ 4 4 9 Samoa 88 @6 /3 Samoa @ A @8 @6 /@ A 3 @ /6@ Kiribati @ : /3@ Kiribati @ @ /3 A : 4: /4 A 3 3 Marshalls 8 @8 /8 Marshalls 4 : 6@

A?I!(!"!!(I!!: 3:(!,)!!!(!!"!>,* I">I:^>3:A>#,*!("?"!I! "!N!!!!!(!>!>"! !""!, @


:^ 3:^ ^$ 01 ,@ ,:8 /6 B ,8@ ,@ / ,88 ,86 /@ *IQ ,83 ,@@ /8 Samoa ,9@ ,8 /3@ A ,88 ,@ /3 Kiribati ,@9 ,:9 /3: A ,@ ,:: / Marshalls ,8@ ,86 /:

Population growth and pressures on education budgets

F!!>1"?/! !!/,!(01(!>1N/! "I>"!#!"!/!!N I>!!!,

0! $( ! ! >! , A( !:^"!N!(!:^8^"Q,A>?" "!!R!!9:^#,0!!I!!!!( "!"!!!!("!>(/! >!!,

*!I"!,A!"!!! !!!!!!3:(I!! 3"!!,!/I"$ !3^!!/,)!/ !(!!!"I/""(!/"! !!!",

"!F!N!!"/( !/, B/N!^:( ^!!@33#(6^!3338#93^!!39 #,3

Table 10!/:!/# Commitments to universal access to education places >!!(?!" ^ 3:^ ^$ >?/!,=!!>!" 01 393@8 38:: /3 /!!"!! B @34 833 34 >(T( !!>!!T!(I 3:93 3@@ 3 ! > # > > I *IQ 388@34 393: 8 >"!>"!!, Samoa 489 4369 /36 A>3!" A @@: :8 /6 "!!/(I!I Kiribati 3@ @9 6 N >I 3: "! ( A( A 01 > T !I "! H!>( A 4 33 /@ B( *I Q, Marshalls 34:3 3::8 8

3 <"!BE<@, 8

Table 11?!"!/! !^"!B(!>>!>!"! 01 4:9 /33 449 *IQ(>:^ B @ : 63 "!01#(N>!"! !/!IA>33, @3 833 *IQ 86@ 88: 893 A >! I ! ! ( ! " ! Samoa /4 /4 !(">I A /: /: !/!(I(>" Kiribati 6 6 !T!"!"(!!! !, A /3 /3 Marshalls 8 8 V!!!!I >!"!!!!"! Table 12!!!@36# 3:,A((H!>01 !(I 3: ^$ }3:^#( B }36^# *I Q 01 34:949 346436 / }3^# ! " I N! ! ! A>3#, B 4::9 :368: 36 3@864 36: 3: ) ! " ? >? "! B(*IQ! *IQ 3993 3469@69 3 ?(>!"!>! Samoa 696 6@3 / N!!>>(I! A 64 @6 >(!IA>36,0!*I Q(B(! Kiribati 39@3 398 / !>>!, A 3869 3:8 /36 A!!(((01( Marshalls 334:@ 338@ 6 H!>A>!!! "! N !( ! I Table 13!>>N!!!%3:# > ! ! 7? %3: A ! ! I! > ! I, 01 /8@ /8@ )!!>>!( F!"<!" B 3 3:9 688 ! T " ( 483 43 @ >!>"!"!! !"!, *IQ :8 4436 3696 Samoa /9 /9 A>!"!! !!"!"!!A> A 33 33 34#, A ( 01 A I ! Kiribati /3@ /3@ "! 3( > ! "! 3 3:, A /8 /8 ( *I Q H!> I ! ! !,AI Marshalls ! ! N !,

$!!!>"!!A>3:#, %!N"!F!#I>!>!" ?!!,0!!I!I!*IQ( (B01#(>?I>!> !(I!T3^"!*IQ(36^"! 9^"!B,(N^!"!!!,

! "! !! "! !!! N! ( !!"!I!!, 9

A>3@!!T!"!*IQ"! >!!!5"!B"!!!5"!01"!! ,I!>!T!"!!!, 0!*IQ( B(!!!/!(I!/!>(! >?"I>>,

Table 14 ! " ! Table 15!"!!!393# !3438#

^ ^ <! <! ^ %3 3%3: 3: change 01 4 / 01 @6389 @864 3 B 3 B @43 99 9 3 3 433 4@6: 36 *IQ @ : *IQ :@63 :988: 3 Samoa 4 / Samoa 3:3:: 3948 A A 8498 968 33 Kiribati : Kiribati 9@4 963 6 A 3 /4 A 84 898 @ Marshalls 3 6 Marshalls :366 :46 /



Primary Secondary

01 /9 @ B 39 3 : 4@ *IQ 48 63 Samoa /3 3 A 3 Kiribati /3 @ A /3 Marshalls 3 4

Population growth and labour market entrants

F$(F!(N!I>!"! >!!?,>"!/!(?> >!">!!?!A>38#,33N !!"38^,A>!(I!(!!N"!>,

0!F!(!"!I""!!!!! !!IQ,A"!!!!"!>!"!! "!!A>39#,$!!"!(?"!! (!!!"/(>!,

33 E!!>!!>!!?!"!3:,

Table 17 < ! >! ! >! !? F?:^" !"3:# >!>"!!!>!> "/ ! >#( < ! >! ! !">!> >!!? !">N 3: ^$ ! 8^ "! ( @:^ "! B @^ "! 01 A> 3#, 01 3@:@3 3886 8 $!("!!IF!( B :664 ::8 6 >*IQI(N a massive increase in problems associated with 3:@ 3434 38 ,"!! *IQ 3683@9 3:3@6: 33 I! > ( Samoa 489 486 3 !! " >!> " I "/ I!?! A 9: 398 : I#(!>"! Kiribati 36@ 4 3 B>! !>( " A 38 ,%IN! Marshalls 34: 36@8 3 !! " ! !/ I>!(! !!!(I( !A(>> !,

Table 18 2"!>!>"!! &! (# Cumulative unabsorbed !" $, 2"! Percentage >, 0!<, Schools >, - .& /010 .  01^# 49@ 3@964 3:48 8: 2. 3 6^# 3@99 38:3 @6 94   2 & B6,9^# 33@ :433 46: 93

Lessons from ethnic demographic differences in Fiji: the impact on poverty

>N!/!""!!""!" I!""!!(!!( "!IQ!!RN!!!!,>"(!"!(NI! !""!I!N01N>"""!> !F!,

)01R!!!!!>T!" *IQ(B("""!!! "/01(I(I!I!"!>!!(!T""!!"! F01,

%8$(01!:8^"/0168^, I!(!!I!!"/"(>!398! !"/01("!(!""!#! ( > !> " " "! 01,

0!I(/01I!"!!A0# 01(/01A0>""!"!01,73(I> 6

@:^A>#,%!!N"!!"!!(I/01!!1 ">I!!>I,3

Table 20 A"!!01 Table 21%!3@(8#

A001 A0/01 ^/0& 01 /0 ^""

39@ 6,@ ,8 66 3@B!,^#

3@ 6,: ,4 4@ 34 69 66 38 3::4 :6 @ /33 3 6,6 , @: |:4 8 38 !7??!8#(A>, % 3 3

8B!,^# E(>"8$(I!" 34!"!01"!69^ 34 66 6 43 66^ " 3:^#( "! /01 " "!( 3::4 :8 @4 /3 "!66^6^"^#A>3#, |:4 3 3 /3: A/01!!!" >II!?"3:4(I % 3 3 !!!"!>01/01>8^ !,$3@8 9^!,0!>!(!!! !(>!I!"!/01,2!( 34 /3: / I!"!01! 3::4 8 9 "!/01(""!!I"!63^ 3@69^8,AI">A |:4 @8 !/!,""!  .--   3   AI>!!" "(>"!!"! ,

AT""!!!!T!>!I1!! 01("!,E!(>!!!I!>>""! (!!!!,)Q!"01! ?!>"!!R!(!"! !>"!!!,

A> ( I 01 !I ! !!( ! !!#(/01!>8^>64^!!(@^! 3@^!!,2!(!!!I >3^I!!>@^,

$> I !!/!> !" " /0136 ! > " !! /01 (I!!"1"",A!> !I!"01/01(>">( >>"01!R!/01!>!"!!!,

)!(!!((!>!! !"!!!!!N!F!,34A/ 01!1N!"N!!!!

3 )!/01"!>I3@!!!""! !!7??!(8#(!I!("(I>!"!! !!, 36 =!N!"!"!, 34 A(I!((/01!"!("01!- , 63

Table 22 School population changes ", 01 " ! !! !#3@%8 01!!/01,A01 (!"!(II"! (^ !!>!!!"! % 01 /0 7 ! T " ! ! !! !,A>!!! %:/3 @ /64 /3 "!!>!"!(I %3638 36 /@ /@ !!"I!"!!!(! %393 /3@ 6 ! ! " " , A 3 /8 9 A(!" !01$ !A>6#(! T ( "! > 3:^ " !>I,61!3^!!0!#,A! !!I!!!!" ,%!">^I!">I^>I3^ I!"!@^,A!!(!(! !I(!!"!"!"!,

Table 23A!A#(3@(8 Figure 2 Savings ratio by dependency ratio

A01 A/01 ^"" Savings Ratio by Dependency Ratio 3@ 9 @9 63 01/6E<# 8 8@ :: 69 ^$ /34 /39 3:

3 |,3 /,6 ,6/,@ ,@/, ,/3, 3,/3,: 3,:/3,9 3,9/,3 Dependency Ratio


The impact of household size on poverty in Fiji

E!(01R!(T>I1!! >!/I,01I!!>!"!"! "!(I38("I!! >01,*!(!!"!/01 (>"! !I(>"\I>!!!!!,

A!!!01!!!N"!! 01!/01,0!!(!!OI>!01R ,A!R!"!T! ethnic group was the !"!!!I("I!(!!!,!I!! ">!"!!!!(I!RI! !RI!!!!>!!,

!!!>! !/!"!38#(!398(@,A! "398!!>/01!( 01 !, "! ( ! 01II!>>/01!,3:

3: A!"@!1!01!"!Q!, 6

A!!*!9#(I!(""! "!!!,2"!!I! ""!!!(I>>?!!!!! ""!!!!,

EIO"""R!"`A>4 !>"I1!(!?>!T *#,A%6E<!I1!!I!"! !>!(I!6^"!>>!3%6#( usually characterised as ,

Table 24<!>"01> % I! I!( ! ^#(%6 ! > !! A> :#, EI!( ( 01 I! PDec 01^ /01^ %^ !!/01N3^ 3 3 3 3 (>!!9^I, A>@1!"!! 3 33 3 OI!!!>!" 6 33 3 3 34, 4 3 3 Table 25 *>! " ! ( > : 33 3 (01 @ 3 33 3 *,! 8 3 3 3 PDec 01 /01 % ^/0& 9 3 3 3 @, :,4 @, 9 3 3 @, 4, :,: @ PD top 3 3 6 @, :, :,@ 39 % 3 3 3 4 :, 4,@ :,6 9 76 6,@ 6,4 6, : :, 4,@ :, 36 !*!9# @ :,@ 4,@ :,3 3 8 :, 4,6 4,9 6 9 :,3 4, 4,8 4, 6,9 4,4 &!,$%!>!"34#! >(01 PD top 6,8 6,6 6,: 3 % :,4 4,4 4, 3 %!>!"34#! PDec 01/01% ^/0&

3 ,@ 3,@ ,3 8 ,4 3,: 3, :@ ) 01 ! 6 , 3,@ , 6 ! " !! 3::4#(!!N 4 ,6 3,4 3, @ >! " ! 34 ! " : 3,9 3, 3,: :3 >!"!!,A>8I @ ,3 3, 3,@ 93 01!!! :9^!!34/ 8 3, 3,3 3,: 83 01 !!, ( 01 9 3,8 , 3,4 93 !! 34!!!(( 3,9 ,9 3,6 36 /01, PD top 3,3 ,8 , 86

% 3, 3, 3,@ @8 66

A! ! ""! >! " Table 27"34#3::4#> !!!!>(!( (01 01>! "34#3::4# 3@^ ! ! !( ! !!( I ! PDec 01 /01 % ^0/#& ^I#, 3 ,8 ,: ,@ :3

A>9("!!( ,8 ,: ,@ 4 ! ! T 6 ,8 ,: ,@ 66 ! !> T "! > ! 4 ,8 ,: ,@ 44 I > N( " deciles #(01!!! : ,@ ,4 ,: :3 !>!"34 @ ,8 ,4 ,: 8@ ! :4, 7 I N 8 ,@ ,4 ,: @6 !!!A># !01!!! 9 ,@ ,6 ,: 86 >!""N>>I9^36^ ,@ ,6 ,: 336 I!,A PD top ,: ,6 ,4 @4 I/01!!! , % ,8 ,4 ,: :9 76 ,8 ,: ,@ 4 !(01 "!!!/01! I!(01"I> Table 28 ! T > "! ! /01 " (01( ,$!(/01 ! "! !! !T 01( I > 4 055   /010 %/010 )) !!01, 6/% 78 A"!/,) 3 838 839 83 >!!/!" 33 333@ 33 3 ">>!"!!! ! I( I 6 346 34 346 !"!> 4 384 3869 386 1!,01 : 8@ 9 9 @ 4:9 4@4 4@

&!,#!3::4#! 8 :6 :: :4 9 6:: 6@4 6@9 /3 PDec 01 /0 % ^0/#& 484 4@ 486 3 3 333 34 3 9 PD top 9898 38 89 /3: 3848 3:89 3@@ 33 % :9 639 64 /: 6 36 3 3 4 @88 44@ :@ N("!(I/?I/01 households are generally able to own their homes much : 6@ 998 99 8 !!/01(!!!! @ 6@3 66@ 6483 ! 01, % 8 464 69: 4336 33 similar argument would apply to other capital items !(>(>!/!N"I 9 :93 4@@ 49 9 lead either to high income-earning potentials or a better @948 @68 @:4 36 T"", PD top 33884 3686 3648 /34 A ! N( !I "! I % 4684 466 449 6 ! " I ( 64

!!!!"!"! !!,

$!>!I"!>""F!(I !!"!!>I/0101,

%1!!!T!"!!01I/01I "!!I!`("I `2!I!!!"!!!( ?"!!"!"/01!("""!! >!"!34(:@`

2"!>\01"!(I! !>!!"!01!,

2"?/?!"!"O !",!!(I>">I !>!!,A"!01M6E< 0!6#,0!>01/01(I!!I!I !>8^"!01>:^"!/01#(I!I!I I!!,3@

Figure 3 !34}|@4#&3: > I ! O @4#>(01(%6 ! ! " 1 " ! ( "! 34}|@4#&3:@4# !,A>""> ,9 ! ! I > N E< N!!>!" 01 ,@ /!, ,4 /0 0! 4 N! ! :

, 3 6 4 : @ 8 9 top PD !/,A!!!! !I>!":!/ Population Deciles ,E"I!!I to spend more per child and thereby improve academic !%601E< ,AI>!( arithmetic outcome but it is seldom utilised by national /?!, Figure 4< "! ! F !,0!B(0!:! <!"@ !/(""!>@^ 4 I!>!!!^I 6 >!!,$!!(T " */B" ! > 3 !!""!I>!"! !,A(N!!@ 364:@893 !/"!!3:I *>!":!E >!"@!/(O!I >!!0!@#,! !%601E< N!!/! >0!8#,

3@ !""!>"!""!"!!, 6:

Figure 5 ! " @ ! $ <

80 1500 60

40 1000

20 500 0 12345678910 0 Number of 6 to 20 year olds in Household 364:@89 *>!"@! !B@E< !B@E<

Figure 7 < ! ! > > ! ! " : planning which could result in lower and reducing "!( ?! "!!! !,A!N 364:@89 I>, *>!"@!EE

 )'  ! "

Global priorities, lack of PIC human resources and family planning

2!"!(?!!!I "!!""!!!!!II! >!!"!FQFQ#! >39! ,A"(!?!,

>!8#38!("!:)!(I!I!"! >!!"!N!!(!I!"" !!"!!!,>!!IQ"!!O !"!!"!!N!"!! !"!R, !(>I! ""!!!>"!EB!(!"I!!!> >"!"!!,

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38 A!I>!8#, 39 !>(F>($, 6@

Q!"!!"N!""!!( >TI!!"!! !"!!,>("!!"$(!"! !II!!(I! !!I!$36#,

Q!!!!>""!!" "!!("I!!!("" ""!,2!!!!(!"!(!((!( EBFQ(1!I"",A !!!("I!?!!"!"!! !!""$,

!""!>!I(I! national policies , 01 ! ! I ""!"!!!>I!,A>! !>>I"!!!( !"!>!,"!("! I!,

%(!>!"!"$N!! (!(!!"!"!,! !!!"%!>"!!> !!(I!>!!">!!,A!"! !"(!!!!T!!! !!,

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AFQ!I!!!N",) >!>(I>>>!"!I!" !(FQI!?!!$"!"!! "!/!!,$!I>!!

3 %!?!I"!!"!I!?N! ,2""%I>N"!I!, 68

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PIC priorities for the future

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Changing age structures, labour markets, public finance and poverty in the Pacific: the case of Vanuatu

F!$#(B("1!,A! "!!!"!,A !!(I!!> !,0!!!(!!!!!>!! !(!"!N"!!!>! "!>!>!,

)!"!!B(!"!!!$"!!! !!!>!("O!,

The economic situation

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Figure1 <!I!

Age structure and labour markets

!!>IBE=$3 ,0!!"!(I>>3> !,A!!?(", 43

BF!(!O",A 3B!!"39@(@89E=$!!"46(64(" I34(868!339(:@8!",A"B"(!\ "3:/4!!:^"N!I 0!#,AI$(I!!!N^" ,

%!""B(!T(>! @9!!!3!,A! I!$,

Figure 2BR!

75+ 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 Age group Age 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5- 9 0- 4

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



A3!/B"!!"!:,6^4,:^("! !"!4::!3(>!!>!!"!68^66^! A>3#,

Table 1$!>!!("!!"!!

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!T!,/!"!!\"!"T !(!"I!,%( :,:^"!,A!"N< 0!N N ! !! !! ,A " I "B,

!!!4(:/!!3^!>!>"!>! !?,A1!"!/"!>!!!!>!>>> !(!!!,F!!!>!(I!I!! ?!(I!!!("N>!! !!,

A!!"!(I!("!!"!!!( the capacity !"!I,AIB=>!F!?!=F# I " @@^ " ! ! > ! > I!?! I !! ? T,A ! ! @8^ " "! !? > ("!(!(!!,0! !I!(!,A!!>!>@^" "!(!63^>>!,

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)!?>!>!B,A!*IR< <#"!?I!?!80!6#,A>!"?/B "!/?!*IR!(:!!3(@9,A"! !(>!,

Figure 38MG*IR!I!?!?

2007 - Recent 2009 Intakes 800 700 600

500 2007 400 2008 2009 Frequency 300 200 100 0 J an Feb Mar Apr May J un J ul Aug S ep Oct Nov Dec Months


\I!"!!0!4#( !!$I>?""!,( 46

%!Q!!>!"$(B(?!! ,(:/B?I!?!I!!I1!I!?! >%!,A"!%!(I !!!"!">!,

Figure 4<!\I

RSE Statistics 2,000 120 1,800 1,600 100 1,400 80 1,200 1,000 60 800

600 40 VTMillion 400 20 200 Number of E mployees - - JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND

2008 2009

Net number of employees R emittances


)I(>"!!> $,%!(!(%!!*IR >!"!I!?!,A!"!$ ?B(>!/>!I>!>/! !,

Public finance and poverty

A"B!(1!9^#"! !!!,A"!!1!(>!"N" !>,F"!"!"!I!( !!!!I!!!,$I!!!!" !,Q!!I!>(> !!R,

ABIN"!I"!,0!!( II!"3IBQ!"! !>,A!(Q!$!"!!!I!? !(!!(Q!I>!!! 0!:#,A!!>>I!!>!( Q!"!!,B"!>""I$ !!,

%$("!:^""1! !"!T!,0!B(!!( !!!(!! ><0!,A!I,A>I "!!!!!!T, 44

Figure 5 07M9

80% 80% Revenue as % of GDP 70 70 Expenditures as % of 60 GDP 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 -

-10 -10

-20 -20 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008


A"!!"Q!8^!"N! >6^A>6#,2!9^"N!! ^!!,

Table 2 School enrollments and unit costs

6 4 : @ 8 Primary 6@9 6@:94 439 63@ 436 BA# 44 @6: 66 49 466 Secondary 366 36: 33996 36 33 BA# 89: 9@49 9 94 8:4@3 -


Table 3<N!

2004 2005 ,))$ 2007 2008 <N! 3(8: 3(3@ (6 6(3:@ 6(8 EN! 48 6 3(83 3(6 3(::3 A!!!N! 8(663 8(:8@ 9(@: 3(8: 33(3@ Q*Q# 4@9 4464 4999 ::@ @8@ <^"!!!N! @, :,6 8,@ 9,9 8,3 E^"!!!N! 3, 36,3 3,4 3,8 36, <^"Q 4,8 4,6 4,9 :,@ :,3 E^"Q ,6 , ,3 ,: ,:

!F!"0<F(B 4:

!$(N!>:^,%>!!"> "(I!!1"!!"!!! A>4#,

Table 4<$

<^" E^"Q, ^Q< ^QE Q,

01 :,6 38,3 ,8 9,@ Kiribati ,: 6,4 3 3,8 3@,3 3 *Q ,6 38,: 4, ,@ : Samoa 4, ,@ 3 4 39,9 3& , 6,@ 3:,4 6,@ 33,9 38 A @ 34 6,: 33,: 3& B :,@ @,4 3 ,: 3,4 8


G?$("!!!"!1!!"B !(!>!!,>1!! "!1!",A?"! ,!N""!$,A%7! !("!?"!>!((I! ",A>$,%!!!B*2&%7&*!B (!"!!!?!>!(!!!" !BI!6,9^"!"!>,!!!( !!!:,3^(">"A>:#,

Table 5"!

!"E&IT!N! ">!

^E ^ 0 7 0 7 B! @, 3, 8,4 3:, Rural :,3 9,: @,@ 3,9 , , , 3, !B 4,8 8, :,4 6,9


A!!!!(!>!QNQ#!I! "!(!I!B!$0!@#,EI!( >N!!!">\I,

AQ"!!B3,4(I!BN":,@,!"T( BQ" I>,43,A"!I!>!"!B =,0FQ"!,6,9!, 4@


Poverty Gap Index

14 12 10 8 PGI 6 4 2 0 Fiji FSM PNG Samoa Tonga Vanuatu


ABT!!QN(!"!"!(I!! !!A>@#,

&!$T!!QN %>("!B !BI, T!! A(I!?!I!?"! QN I(I!BA:(!,ATII 01 :,3 /"!NI!! BA3("!!N!!,F!!( 0F @, !!"! 6,: !?!!?(?""!! B 6, (""!>,A"!!> !>!"!!>!, !B*2" "!!4,3^( !I!"Q! "!,


F$(B("!!:^",A 1!"!!,A!I!>!I !!!I(B,!>!" !!I",ABQ!!! ",)I!?>!(2<$!(!>! "! ( > ! ! !> "!B!!$,%!?(!I!I! !2<$!("!I!?!,A>"! $(>!/>!I!>! ,A!>I!!>( !!"!!!!!,

)!!>(BQ!>!!>! "!!>!("!!!,A>!" N"!>I!"!!!9^", "!!(!>I!, 48

Bibliography B * 2"( ( A 3 * E $( F !( B *2"(!B B*2"((B=>!F!?!!(!B B * 2"( 9( ! < " 7 ! =( $!!"!B(!B B*2"((B?>?(!B )!7?(@(2!!!(E, %7?(3(B<!"!$%(!(F, !7?"B(V!!<I(!, !!"$((!(*, 49

The burden and promise of youth: labour supply responses to the youth bulge in Solomon Islands

O)I>"!"!!(>I>!"!"!P0!? 399/34:#

%>!!I!I"! ,!(""!!"! ":!,A)!7?8!46^" M34!>!?,AI>6^!">"! NE6#,A!!!!!! !!"!!/(I">!N:9^,A! >>!>""!!(I>!N3:,:^,A !>>!!"!I">,:^9,

!I,!4^"I!R >I!!N9:^"!!F! 6#,%E6# >!(!!">" ><!%!39%3(!I>!" >%"!,

%N!(!!! !"34,0!N(B>69,9^(4^(A 6@,9^016,^,!!">!%"!(,,48,8^Q/74,9^ =,A(I!(%"!",) >!N!N("""! !!"!""!!!"!"! !",0!N(>!!9N 6!!>!=,

W>>I!"!"!>("( !!!,!">!( !I)fW"#,"!!I/! !(>I(!\(\ >I396,

A">!!?>!>!!,=>! !?>!>>,!! ""!I!?!>"!!I!?! !!R!!II!?!,


<!/!">!!?>!,2( >!>>!"I,7?!R3@4# human capital model holds that !!!"I!?!(I!!!,A >""!>I!! ",F! !!!"!!", %"!H!!34# ("!N(I!">I8^3^"!!! "(!QIRN!!>!! >#>">"/!>,%!H!! F!!!"!N8,:^!!>!!!>,

A ! ! >I ( I!( !, A( "! N(!!>I" %"!,A!(I!(!!!,AN>!! 4

>>!!Q!R(I /!>">,A /!!I,I! !">?!!?>"\>!!( I!!?>!,A/!!!">? I!!!,A(I"?I!(! /!?!?",A! !(!"!(?!1>,

A!/" >!!?>! !, A!"!"(!!>! >!,)!?I!(>"! !!">,%(!/(!I (%H (I!!"I!! !I(>1!!"!!,E!"! !!!""!!,FI !I!?"(I>!"R law !,7@#!<%I>>!1> I>>!"I!?"!,%! !!"?!!!" "!!!!"!!I,AN"! B,2(I!!!"!! !!!R!!I,

"(!(FR386# signaling model is the appropriate paradigm with which to N>!!?(!/""I>"!!,( !"!!!>" !!,/!>!"!!( """>!I"!!(II!" I!?!(!,

2!!(!!""" !>"!("?!!!,H ,@# !">!"!!G =39#(34#=I3@#!!!!! !!!!,7"!!!!!">!>! !!"I!?"!! !!"!,A>""! !,


0N>!!!T!"!>!!?>!, instance (\N>!",)!?!!\N>(>! (!!!1>!?(!?\N> !1>!!!,

2 > > " I!?! I >I ""! ! " , > I I!?! ! !"! !I ( ? !!!?"!\N>!I!?"!,<!! ?!>1,

E>I!!"!>?!?I,I!? "!!?(!!I!!!"!/ !"!>!"!Q!!R,!!(I!(! >,A!"!>?!>I!?!!! ""!!,A?!"!!!!/!>!!( >!"!I!!!!> :

!,Q! !"!!!!!"!"!!?! !"!>?,A>"I!R!!?>( !!!>(!,A!>>/ !""!""I!?!,

W>>I"!,2?!"! N>!"!>I!?>I"!#, A> !I!!N!"!I/">!!?,

"I!(!!>!"!> """!"!!>(I>!!!N@^!( ! ! >!!! ! > !, "! > 1>!!>,A!?"!"!!I!?! >1>?!"N"!!!!!I!?!( >!!?"!,<I"!>1>!!I !>!(!!!!>N>! !?!!>!II,<I! !!>!(!>"I(E!(!"!! !("!I!?"""!E!>>! ">!!!)!(Gf3#,Q!!!!>! >(I!(?!!!>"!!!,7 !"!>1>I!!!?(!>> ,

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A"!"!>>!"!,A !"!"!!!I!I!,8( "!N(I3^">!(A!N :^!N:4^,)!?!!!!I> !(!!"!(""!> ,8!!!66^"AQI!!!"! I4,@^,* !"!(I!(!! !?!(!\II!!>!" ,!!(!("!N(%!RI!?!( !"!"!!">!,


A ! ! ! ! ! " ! I!?"!"T!"\N>,A!! >!N!!!!,<">! !!I"!,7!("!N(I/ >!!(I!,9^(!!!,%O" 7!N!!"3:!"(9,:!, A63,8^!"!!Q"(I!(!!" !!(",

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(I!(!N!?>"( "!) #(!!I>!?,7@#! >"!!!,"!!!!? >!"!,(! (!!!!!">"!>!, =>!"!!!!!I!!>,

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References 7(f,$@#Q7(>R((>!@, $!(*384#=N7?( =N(F%, $!(f%,E"\!#QQ!!I!R()!7?!)!?!6::, Q(G3#Q!(!!R((*Q( )I!(7!($!, E(Q6#2!0(7!, G(f=,=39#(GE?!!(7!, H($,E,39#Q!I(!!(/!"H(33M 36R(69M33, =I(H3@#Q%!%!(R(%7?( F, F!(6#Q*!!"!N I!RR(B (7!%,>(G,A(E,B!=F,E($!!> !1()!I)!$!"!!, F!(E3@8#,QW"!!I!R(33#68, (G34#Q0!!"!!"/R(463#, (G388#(!!!(!, )(G fA,W"# Q!! !"! F< *! %"!R(,,!( %!!!($!, )!((%,(G(f<,3#Q0I!?FN/!R( 6@3#3:M394, :


# A!">!>! ",!!I"!!>,)?! "I(*IQ(B,A ""!!!,) I!!!?""""!?,"0134%:( !I!?!!!"!!!>!! I!I!I7I I!I!"(I! ?>"!(I?">"! "!!!,?!!>(!!(>? >!,

# %>!!"! !II?>I!(!!"!IE! A,AF!("!NI>(3@M4( !!IR1>,"!!!!>,F!- !I(II!(>,

# B("!(>!N(!N ,I(I!I!!3,!!!- >!`7I!"!!(I! !!,

# A"!>"!I!>>!!! ?",)!"!!"! ?"I!!,)I"!!? "!!,A!I II""!!!,) "(!!!"!",)! !!!!?!"I !,A>""I!!>!("! I""!?"!!,

# )?,0!(R>!*! I!I!!"!!,I!I!4!>I !I,%!!I>! /!>"!%6,$!!>!!!! ,A!N?!"IIR >!!>!,

# A Q! I ! ! !! I !\"!!N"! T"!!!N3!,EI"! 1>!"!`

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# (!!!>!(!> !!!,W!>,B""I! "!>I>!!!! "!I"!!!,A!> !"!?N"?"!, 0""!!(>?I "(I!I"!,""I! >!>!,

# $!!!!! ">,)I>,=!- !!>, :4 ::


A "! "!> policy

Geoffrey Hayes Keynote address

"!"+! addressing the challenge of an ageing population "%?

B=I 01!!! 9:


The International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action on elderly people1


A!!!"/!"!(! !T"">I!?!I >!!5

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Key actions for the further implementation of the ICPD program of action

!!!!!(!(I! !!(",!3##

3 &&III,",!&I>&&>&!&&>&4&k," :8

Population ageing in the Pacific Islands: addressing the challenge of an ageing population in three Pacific countries



The challenge of ageing

$!"!>"!I,FR"!( !IIR?R>"(!>!!! !,*/!""!!(!!!,I "!RI/T>!!!R!!"! I!!II!I "I!!!!!"!>"!"/!, /"!(!!!!I"! "!!"!(!!I!,="N !I!>I!!I("!!! !NI!!>Q>R,

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Ageing and public policy

% ! ! ! ! " !!IN!5>III" !"!!N!I >>"!,A!!>!"!"! !?>?(!!>!(!/, ?(!>>"!"!!I>!! ,%!>"!"!I(! !(I!"!N(!T!!N! /!(>"!I,

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"!!!(!!"!I!?I!! F!!"%%F%%#()!%>% (I!!,A!"F%%OG! persons everywhere are able to age with security and dignity and to continue to participate in their societies OI"!P,A!"F%%" >!!I(!"!(! !!,2!!>"!!! >,>"">!!!!!!"! !(!,Q!!!! !("I!>"!I!"! !!>!NN>,

Focus of this paper

A!!!!"!!!!!1!>*0% T " , A ! " !! !"!!N"I!!! !>!,%!"?"!!" I!"!!",

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A"I!>!"!I"!1! !I!,*N!!"" !!"!!("I>!""!> !!,%"!>! !!!""!N!" !!,A!!,

Overview of population ageing in the Pacific

Ageing at sub-regional levels

N"!!!!!!"I!(I ""!!"!!! "3!>A>30!3#,F!! !1!"!!!I!!(IFI>> "!!!,7:(,:^""3,^" "F!I>QR(@!!,236,3^" "FI>>:(>>!!":!!!, @3

Table 1 !"@!!(>>/!(3:M!1:

Sub-Region (#%) (#?% 2000 2025 2050 :,8 4, 4,: 8, 36,6 Micronesia :,4 :,3 :,8 36,3 3, Polynesia 4,3 4, 8,3 36,3 ,:


Figure 1!"@!!(>>/!(3:M!1:



15.0 Melanesia Micronesia

Percent 10.0 Polynesia


0.0 1950 1975 2007 2025 2050 Year


AI!!!"!!>" />!!!,A"I !>I!!38A>0!#I>! "!!,F!(!!!"!I!4,8^!#I> >!!=$#,F(?!"!I! I!:M6!(IN!4,^!I,AI> ?!"!,

Table 2:A"!I!"@}3:M:

Region (#%)M%% (#?%M.) ,))%M() ,),%M=) ,)%M%) )! 3,9 3,9 ,@ ,8 3,8 MDCs 3,9 ,9 3,9 3,3 ,6 LDCs 3, ,@ 6, 6,4 ,

Melanesia /,9 ,: 6,6 4, 6, Micronesia ,8 , 4,8 6,@ 3, Polynesia ,: 6, ,: 6,8 ,

!*<%8# @

Figure 2A"!I!"@}3:M:





World 2 MDCs LDCs 1 Melanesia

G rowth rate Micronesia 0 Polynesia 1950-55 1975-80 2005-10 2025-30 2045-50 -1



-4 Years


Q!!"!I(!">N!>> @^N"!68@(!,>:,%"3,8!I> ">:,%>^"I>F(I!1!" R,F!(>!"!I!>> 3(>>/!A>6#,

Table 3 !1>!"@!>>/!(/:

2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Melanesia 64(448 46(4 @@(366 :3(4@ 3(69(486 3(8:(6 Micronesia 9(6:: 6(83: @4(93: :(6 33(::: 3(3@8 Polynesia 46(6@4 :@(@8 93(64 33(4 3(966 344(44 A 68@(3@@ :(@ 8:(: 3(3:@(466 3(@(9@3 (49(93 !*0%#

%!(!!"QR9!"!#>N !,(!!!>NA>4#, F(!I>!!":,4^>:(!"!II >4,9^!!I!,7F!I!!! !:,A!!I!!IA>:(II9 !I!"!>3(@@(4>:,

Table 4Q!I!"9!"!(3:/:

Region (#%)M%% (#?%M.) ,))%M() ,),%M=) ,)%M%) )! 6,3 ,8 6, 6,9 6, MDCs 6, 6,@ 6,6 6,3 3, LDCs , 3,4 4,@ 4,4 6, Melanesia ,: ,: ,9 :,4 4,9 Micronesia /,@ 4,8 6, 8,3 6,8 Polynesia /3, ,3 6,: 6, 4,6 !*<%8# @6

Table 5!19!!(>!(M:

2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Melanesia 34(89 4(9: 69(3:: @6(49 339(4: 6(6: Micronesia 3(3 6(49 4(@3 8(: 36(@4 (33: Polynesia (36 :(48 8(@93 33(364 38( (@@ A 39(998 66(6 :(:8 9(664 3:(9 @@(466


Figure 3!19!!(>!(M:




80 and ove 60-79



0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year


0(!"!A>@0!4I!!N:!( I!6!>:N>I!!I>" !!F$#,


Median age (years) Figure 4A!3:/: Region (#%) 2000 2025 2050

)!4866@ 45

MDCs 68 44 4@ 40

LDCs 3 4 6 6: 35

30 Melanesia @ 66 25 Melanesia Micronesia Micronesia 3 4 6@ an age di

e 20 Polynesia Polynesia 38 6 6 6 M 15

!*<%8#5*0%# 10


0 1950 2000 2025 2050 Year !A>@ @4

Ageing at country level

Table 7!"!!! AN"! /: !!"! !(!( " * ! X$) "", A ! ! years and over) ! "! )! )! I !/ Country 2000 2025 2050 scale public health programs were launched to 3# 8,9 6,6 4, I",7 3@!!I!" #* 34,: 3,3 3,6 that rapid population growth was evident and 6#*I$ 9,@ 39, 4,3 public health programs turned their attention "(01! 4#*F ,8 38,9 , !!,Q!!"!!" :#0! 8,6 3@, 6,6 >!>*Q2!! @#Q 9, 3:,4 , ! ! ! !( >!!,>!" 8#$? 3, 3:,: ,9 !("!!A0# 9#A 9,@ 34,@ 38,4 ?!!" #)0 8,8 34,4 6, >!!I38(I! !T!, 3#01 @, 3,@ 3@,@ 33# @,: 3,3 ,6 !1!!" @!:A>8# 3#0F :,6 3, 3@, !N3:!I> 36#%! :,4 33, 34, (*(*I$(*!!F! 34#A? , 33,3 3@, ( 0! ( Q $? ,A!(I) 3:#A 8, ,8 3,@ 0(I!^ 3@#H!> :,4 9, 39,4 "!!@>:, 38#*! ,@ 8, 36,4 39#B :, 8,@ 3,4 3#F! 6,4 @,4 33,@ #*IQ 4, @,3 33,6 3# :, :, 33, !*0%#

Ageing of the older population

A!"(!,!( !1!"!I"!!!!"!I! IA>9#N"!N!,A?( *!!F!(*!!!1!!"! !!,

Feminisation of the older population

Q""N!!(!! >>I(!"!"(I?,%A>( N!"!@!!!!1>!3!:1!" I>",EI!(""!% !, @:

Table 8 "!I">!>/!

Rate of growth of the oldest-old population (annual % increase)

Country ,)))M,))% ,)()M,)(% 2020-2025 ,)=)M,)=% ,))M,)%

Melanesia *I$ 3,: 4,6 :, 4,3 6,4 B /, 4,3 :,4 :,4 :,: , 39, 4,3 4,4 4,4 @,8 01 , 4, :,6 :, 6,4 *IQ @, 4,8 4,8 @,4 8, Micronesia Q :, :,4 6,3 4,: 6, *F 3,6 9,@ 8, 9,@ :, *! ,: 8,: 9,3 9,6 :,6 H!> , :,6 6,6 :,6 :,8 F! 3, 3,: 6,6 @,8 ,8  , /, 6, 8, 4,: 0F /3,9 ,6 3,4 8,@ 3,: Polynesia * , 8,6 /, :, ,9 0! 4,3 :,4 4,9 :,9 4,6 $? :,: :, ,3 3,9 6,8 A :,@ 3,3 , :, , )0 4,: :, @, ,@ 3,9 %! ,4 4,6 4,6 :,: 4,3 Samoa , ,9 ,: :,3 4, A 39,6 ,@ , , ,8 A? :,9 3,8 ,4 3,: 3,



Summary conclusion on ageing trends in the Pacific

%!!!>!!"!!!N" II"!!>,Q!! T"!!"!I"!!(!! !!!!!!!" !@!!!I!!9!!,

A!?"!!!!( !>!N"!!!!!>" >"\,)!(I!(!!? !I!!?I,A!!?(! I?!(*(A?($?(*I$( @@

(Q,%"!"!!>!! !"!(!!N!!!, "*I$Q(\I"!I!!#5"!!! \II!!#,


Y*!$) "*$) and over population that is female

Country 2000 2025 2050 2000 2025 2050 Melanesia B 33,@ 3,6 9,3 4:,3 :,6 :, *I$ 3,9 99,9 9,: :, :6, :,9 01 , 93,@ 98,6 :,4 ::,3 :6,4 *IQ 34,9 98,@ , 44,: :6,6 :,3 33,9 9,3 6,@ 4:,: :,: :3,@

Micronesia Kiribati 8,: 86,: 8,3 :9,@ :8,@ ::,9 *F 336, 346,4 9,4 4@, 43,3 :4,9 F! 6,9 94,8 99, :3,@ :4, :6, *! 33,6 89,8 99,3 48,3 :@, :6, Palau 9,8 33,@ 4,: ::,6 4:,: :3,4 Q 6, ,9 @,: :3,9 :,4 :, 0F 9@,4 9,4 ,9 :6,@ :,9 :,

Polynesia %! , 96, 9:,6 :3,9 :4,8 :4, $? 34, ,4 9:,9 49,9 :,: :6,9 )0 94, 96,8 9@, :4,6 :4,4 :6,: A? 93,6 @9,9 8:, ::, :,6 :8,3 0! ,3 6,@ 99,@ :, :3,8 :6, * 99,4 89,@ 93,6 :6,3 :@, ::, A 6,9 88, ,3 :3,@ :@, :,@ A 8@, 86,3 , :@,8 :8,9 :, Samoa , ,9 :,@ :,4 :3, :3,


I!"!"N!!!>I3(( I"*A?#>I(,A!!!/" !("I>>1I!!\I,

A!I!(!!"!>1( 0!"F!0F#(F!(*!(*IQ(( B,A ! ! " ! ! F! ! ! !(0F!!!F!,A!! @8

!!!!>>I,%!A0I> "!("NI!,!!"!! !,A!!!,"I !(I0F(F!*!!/!!"! !I!?!I,

The demographic impact of ageing in Fiji, Marshall Islands and Samoa

Current status and projected trends

A!"!I!>!!!!! "!!!(>!!! ,*!(!!!>!"!I"?"! !"!!!!N"!N,A"I !>N!"(!!!!! O"!!,

A!A>3I01!!(01R! !!R,%!!1(R @!I>!I6,9^!!:(I01R!"!II !6^,7:I!!!"@!01 I>!,7!!I!"N !1!>!!,01R("N>!!I I!>>!1,!!01 !,7!>N!I!!"@ !9!!,

A!1!@!01!0!:@(!, A!"!I""!!""!! I!,

Table 107!"01(F!

7! Country : : "!I"@! 01 6,@ 6, 3,6 F! 3, ,9 :,@ Samoa , 6,9 ,@ !!"@! 01 @, 3,@ 3@,@ F! 6,4 @,4 33,@ Samoa @,: 3,3 ,6 !"@!9! 01 6,8 , 3@,9 F! 4,: 8,@ ,: Samoa 4,4 9,8 3:,8 !*0%#

Median age I"!! 01 4 8 66 "!3!! !>I F! 39 6 8:}, Samoa 3 9 6 @9

Figgure 5 !1@!01/:(>N

20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 Male 10,000 Female 8,000 6,000 60+ population 60+ 4,000 2,000 0

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Year


20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 Male 10,000 Female 8,000 6,000 60+ population 60+ 4,000 2,000 0

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Year

AF!!!!""!!(!"!I@! !1>,9^>::,@^>:,A!!"@ !I!N>>I::I!6>!," !1!(F!I!/!!"! "!01, @

Feminisation of the elderly

"!0!:(@8!!!!!!I!, AI01>!1""!>I""N!! ! !,%A> 33 I( !1 N ! > : I > I 01 (>""!!,2!:^"!!!" "I?"!,0"!!! "!!!!,

Figure 7 !1@!F/:(>N





3,000 male 2,500 female 2,000 60+ population 60+ 1,500




2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 year


3!!?!!\"!!N( !!!!!,AN(I!!O" !3:@!>N!>(""! ,A!""!" (!N!,

Table 11!"""!

Country !"0

: : N!"@! 01 , 93,@ 98,6

F! 6,9 94,8 99,

Samoa , ,9 :,@ !!"@!" 01 :,4 ::,3 :6,4 F! :3,@ :4, :6, Samoa :,4 :3, :3, 8

"!IN!3!3:@! !!"TO#>:(>N!1!:A>3#,F! !>>"@!!!3:>:(I !!!,A!"I! 0!9,

Table 12!"

Dependency indicators

Country : : %N@!!3!M34# 01 39,6 4:, 84, F! 8,9 39,6 :3,3 Samoa 3:,8 69,8 :, Potential support ratio 01 38,3 9,9 8,4 F! @,9 3@,3 3,: Samoa 3,4 ,4 :,9 Parent support ratio 01 -- 9, 3@,6 F! 3,9 :, @,: Samoa -- , 39,3

Figure 8 $!!"M34@!





60+ 40,000 0-14 Population 30,000



0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Year 83

A!!>!"!3:@4(!>I!?(! !!@:!!#,%IA>3(!I, "01(!I!38!3:@4"!!!@:!>>: >!!1!>>@^!8!,!1! 1!@!,

!!(!!!>!"!9!!!!3! 4:/:,A!!"I!">!"!">! "!!#I!!,(!! !1!39^,


%!1!01I>!1!" I!?!NI,A?>!!! >"!!!,!!!01 !I!R,>!(!1!?I "!I"!!",?(I!(! I"!!!!,"!!!!!("! N("I>!!,%N:(O!! !>"!!,A! !"!>I!!!! >,

01!!?!!(> I!I,!!?!(/ 01>("(I>N!!!!,

%F!I!!01>!!! > N, E! ! 1! !( > "! " "! I !>,!>!>""!,

Public policy formulation on ageing and the elderly

The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (2002)

A F! ! "% % F%%#> !! "! !>!"!I!?"!II!(*Q2( ! ! ! " , * ! !! !>"!>!!,

0!!!I"!!,2 I!B0F#)!%>% !"%(!!!!!, A!!"!!!! "!I!"!,2"33 !!!!*8(! TI!!>O!!P( "!,6

%*Q!%>!3:*$? "!,A*<$"!% *<$%#!!F39#F! "%%F%#,*<$%>T!!!# I"!!"!">F%F%%,A

6 *!"<%""!9#, 8

Strategy4 # !! ! >! F%% F%( ! ! !? ( " I ! >I,

# <>!"!I!?"!!"!!? !!"!"!!I, # <!"!%%"!AI/!$!!>B 0!, # <!"*Q2(!!R!!"- "!!", # <>!!"!!!! !, # (!!"(! II!I""!,

)"!"!F%!> (""!!!<$%>!> (!>F!*<$%>#,A!$?( 01(H!>(F!((*IQ((A(BQ,F" >!!!(I!"I"!,

A!!>!>!"!! !!!!T!>!!!( !$2#(!!!(!!,

%/!FR*%! $$"<!(%!R2""!2!%!(GR2"% "!=?R*$%,:

National coordination in Samoa, Marshall Islands and Fiji

Samoa %!!>!!,A! !(I!(!>"?N,I> F!"E!>I!(!!>!,2" "F!"))"!I!!I" >>#>">>N!! "I,A*<$%I>OPI>!"!*<$% >#I!>!,*"! >>"!RI!?!>!!!,

F!*Q2"!!/"! >,I!(I!(!!>F!"E(!!! I!N!!>!"! I>!"!!>!/>,@

Marshall Islands %F!I!!><$%!>*<$% >#(!!!N,!!>(F!( !"A!A!!!"F!(!!0!Q!!!(

4 &&III,,!&&&&k!, : <$%# @ >?"I>"!I!?>,> >"!F!"EI>!/!(>! !!>"!!!!!!, 86

"!!!,%!"!!"!!!I<$%I> I!>F!"!"A!A!!!1!!, * " ! ! > F! ( F1!, ( !"!!""!!!>>"!"!!!"! !/!,

AII1!!!F! !!F!"E<!F!!%! F%#,A!!3/3:8"> !1!!@:/848:!#"!"! !!>,AF%>I!!!I !6,:^"!"(!"!I!!"!!! F!"E,

% ( " F! ! "! " ! > ! I > !>( !! > !>,% ! ! (/>!I!>F!(!!> !,""(>""!!*$I"!> adult survivorship would presumably increase and health sector costs would also rise due to the general impact ",<""!!!($2,% !>/""!!I!!!T" "!,A>"!>I""! "F%I!39!!F%%,

Fiji %*%!$%<!*%$%<#I>01399! "01$"!!0$2#,A=2@4@#!>"" >"I!

! !( 1 ! ! I !"!!!!,

A*%$%<I!"!!!")"!!>I >?!"0$2,I!$>I/ !!>!,A$!"!!" *Q2!!!!>!"/? >,


!!(!!"!!/?!! !"!I?,F! !!!("(/N,01(?!!N"!"*%$%<! I"0$2(>!>1!!"!(!!! !!!!,

Social security in the context of population ageing

Social security systems in the Pacific

A!!>"!!!>!!,%!" !!>=2!!! "!!!"!!,A!"! "!(/!(!((> !(I!!,A!"!!!

8 F!"E<!#, 84

"!!(/#"!,!!( T,A=2@33#OGI!T !I""I!RI!!P,

%!>=2!!(!!>I!! !I>!,A(!!" >!"!!(I!!!">, A!!"!"!"!!!1!! !!*fF#,

%"!!!>N"?(!!" !"!"!",%!!I"!! !"!!>>!I!?!"!I !O"!P"I!?NO1!"!"/ I!?!"!!P*fF #,01(/"!! !>"!">!"!,A=2*2"6@^ ">!"!I"!!=2(@::#( a proportion that may be little ""!,A!I!"1!>N"!,

F!>!"!"!!I!?!I!!I>>"!!! >"?T">>!"!\(I >?"!!!!">!,<QR!>>T""! >"!!"!I!I>!!!!,!(! I!!!!I!I"! !!"I,!>> >!"!!I>!"!I"!! !!">"!!"!(1>>!!!"! >!!?,

1!(/ !"!!,%!">!("I!N! >I,A"I"!!"!! !"!!"!!N!N,

Old age social security in Samoa, Fiji and Marshall Islands

Samoa "!!T!"!!!(!!!N (!#!!//!"(!"! ">!>!(!(I!,A!3# *!0*0#(I!!"!!I !5#!$O70#(I!("!/ "("j3: O!! I!@:!","!N"! >(I!!>IR,

A*0I>>38,!>!!"!(( !!>(>!!,<!!> :^"!!",<?!!> !>!N/"!,"/!(I!?!(!>1*0 ?!!>(>>!"!>!!>>,%I! "!!!"!II>!I!I!>!!,

%!"!>!"!"!(!!"I!?! !*0"!!!I!?"!38::I>!!! 8,0!8I!(I!!>!,EI!(*0 %!"!@*08#!!>!"!!! 8:

"G@I@3,A>!!!:,@^"::!!,( >!!"::!!*0I!I !,

*>!"*0!!>"!",@(68>!! "::I!I!I>"j@(6(@6N! I!I"j3:(@88,%!!j(8@(@#II!I>3(9:!!! !,%!!"(!!>!"!"! >! > > I!I ! ! > ", A ! I!I > !!@Ij(,2>I!II!>! "!>!I!I"!!"!!,

)!!"!!>!"!!!>*0`A*0%!"!@ !I!(:@>!9!,A>!!!4,6^" ">!"!3:M:4#!,>!"!!!! !3:M@4I!!!"I!?!!>*0>^,

!"!>!IQ!"!!$O7 3,2!I(!!!"!II> "!!!#"!!N,)>!( I!!!""!I?!""!, $!>!("!N(!"!( I!(I!,

A>"!!@:!(>I"!% !"!$O70(!"IT""!> !!,!G8(9(96!!Q!" 8#(I@:!/"!I9(6(> 3^>(!,

)?""!$O7` >!j3:!("!"!!!\# >>!1>!"!@:!"!>j3:! ,

#!1"!$O70 A!10!#I I(/: cost to the government budget would ! "! ! j34 50.0 8 j43 :, % 45.0 E s tima te d c os t "!!/ Including health and transport transport increases the costs by another 40.0 j,:,A!!""! 35.0 /!?

30.0 " ! " !O>j: 25.0 !!!(!, $million 20.0 A!!> health care is being provided or that 15.0 ! " E ! 10.0 >"!/ !, 5.0

0.0 A""!>""! 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 205 > > Year >! " "!( > !!

9 !IO>!P!,!"!>>!!>- !>!"", 8@

!>IO">!!,3(>>! !"4,8^!!(II!>!!"\,A! I"I"!""!!>>!"\(>!"! !!!!Q#,""F!( !!?!"!!>!(>!"!!!( !!!>I!,

A!!!/!,%(/!!! !I,%!!!"(!//!I!>!, A"/!!>!\T!> !!!"\,

Fiji A01*!00*0#!!!"!!>,=> "I3@@(!!(>%>!,F>! !!!"!I!?!!,2!(!I!?"! "I!3!I!!T!!>,A>! 0,A0*0!"!!>!"!"/I!?!( ^"!!>!!!>!=2(@@3#,=?!!"(01*0 !!">("!"(>(> !,

%I!"(0*0>!I! N !! " ! !,% !( ! 9^ " !R,B!!>"!I!I"",! I!I!!"!!!,%>":: !(!>!R>>!!"!",

"!I!!"!!>!"!!!0*0I !!,%=26@^">!"!"! (N>!"!!!>!I>>3@8(,EI!(0*0% ! "! 8 0*0 8# !! ! I! 646(4:6 0*0 Q>!R !,A >! I8^"">!"!(N>"!N?>!" !>!"!>!,I!>!>I 0*0(!!>II!">!,

%!017!"07#!(!I!33(@8I!!! 407(#,AI>T@^">!"!!::!"( I!!!>=2!!7?,>"! "!(!>I@6@^">!"!I>>"!0*0 >!!,!(>I@484^"!!>!"!I> >!>"!0*0!!(>I6(6:( 01I!!"!>!"!! !,

A!T!I!!>0*0>!T !>"!!N!""!!!> ,A">1!">!I!!!I!I! >"!",A!!">!!!0*0 ?9^3"!I,!>!!,,(=2@88# !T?N>"!!"!!!, EI!(?!>!>(I !>",2!>"!! (!!>!,

A!"!>!!!0*0(I!,%!T>"! 0*0!>!, 88

:(0*0I9(!>!Ij68 per month =2I!?,6#, !"!(>!>3^":: !!!3@^"@!,A("!!4!"0*0R !(94/^"!I!>"!N"!" ,

% I! I I! ! > I! ! T !( > "! I > ! , "! &6 E >@#R>!R"!"01>!> !!!#j66,3!I?!j346!,!!!0*0"j68 !!>:I!>>!,EI!(* F#(!>0*0!T(?! >>j68,( !(94/^"!>"!0*0!,"!( E<!!0*0(>!!> !"!!,

B!>I"!!!>N01( !"!"!$O70,A ?"!!!""!>(>!"!! !/""I>>I!"!!!,

0!3I"""!!>@:01!6^" !I4!4^>:,A!I>!N !I!>:I>1>!(" 1"!\!>,

Figure 10 $"!01@:!"!!I> Q!I



15.00 as % of GDP % of govt rev 3.3% real GDP growth Percent 10.00


0.00 2004 2009 2014 2019 2024 2029 2034 2039 2044 2049 Year

*A6^"!I!4^>:,)(Q!! !>4,8^!!,

! " ! I > "! ! !Q,%!"!!(I!"!4,^"! 44^:>"",A!RI !>0*0!,%!!N!(">:I >!N!>,%!!"Q(" I!"!3,4^4@,^>:, 89

> ! ! ? ""!> "! !( Q !!!!1,AI!0!3IQ I!I!!"6,6^"!"!!! !!"Q!3,4,^#,7!"!(!"Q !I01?,

>>!!"!> I!>j98(!>8:^"!N!,

%!>!!>!"!"!! I!?!I(>(!!>0*0,%=2!""!!: "8^"!I!I!>!"!!I! =2@3#,A"1!"I!?!"!!> j3!!,%!""!!I!?!"9^I!I!>! I!,%"!!I!?!I!!!!>I!! I!?!"!I!>!>(I!TI(I1! !"j@j!,

7"!"!I!?!!!!I!! "!(>/!!I!!!"!! I!?!,AI>!"I!?!I?"!" !!I"!"!>,A"!>! !>!"!!I!,

Marshall Islands AF!!!!Q>R !!,%I!?!!?NT!>N#"!I!( "!!>!@!#("! !!!>>!R,)!!F%# !!"N!!"(!? !!">>!!!!! !>,0F!!I(>!"! A!A!!!,%N"!0FI!!>"">,%">! 9(>!""!>j34,8 0F!%! 0F%#,2!(0F%j9,9>,A(>!! :,:I!!>,%!(0F%R>I I"!>!>>#(j@ (>"0F%R />j4,8(!3@^"!>,F! I!>"j8@j@3,,A"!" F%R>@I,:^,

A!>"">!1!0FR!( N"!!@:(!I@F!,

AI!!"!!!"I!II!(! >(>!>N!>, F>,8("!N(6^"!>I! >,A""!Ij9@(N!!!!!" !!!!,

A !> " " > ! >! I !! > I !>>(I>I>,A>"!!!> !>>>"!(,>!!>, /!!F%"!NI>!>N#,<! and employee contributions are also unpredictable because these depend on employment growth as well as ,Q3^"!!!N"F! ">I@^,Q!""!!T!! !T!NF%, 8

A ! I!! "! F% ! I ? ! I !>I!T!!!>,!>""> !*1>("!"!F%(>,A0F! !I!I>!>>!>" >!>,

A!>"">!F!!! !"(I>"",AI> "!=20*0,A(!!NI!!1! 1I>!T!(!>,%!(>I>!" >!R!>,>"!>!T!/!, %!!!>I!>43^" "!F!!Ff*(:#,

)!!">!"!!>!"F!`> "!>!"!"I!T,9(I!(>!" ?!>F%I8(8@F%(9 #,A@^" 9">!"!3:M:#(!1!"I!?!!!> !,!(@^"F1!!!!!! @$!Ff*#,

!"!!>!(F%!!6(6>!!> "j@((I!j!!>!,A!">!( II!">!(>,7 !!9"j88Ff*33#("jT69^" !I,>(I!(!!!!> !">!!,EI!(!!! F!!G!!"j6!!(!" j!>!>"!"!I!!N,

F! ! !T! I! !! ! "! !! ! I " !>",%!!"j6!I>!N 6^"!I9,

AT!"I!I>">N!!>!! >"!/"!,A?""!>,A! ">,"I?*IR!"@^"!I( F!I>!Nj4@!(!I,= 1!T!"!!/!(> "!1"!,0!33I !"I((!"!!j3!! j49!!:(!!!1,

!>>!>""!>"!I"! !,%!(!!>!Nj,!N"! I,I!@^"!II! !>"!":,:"!I!!>!,A"!N!I >!,

%!>!I!!>!,% !("!I!!>!j3!," :^">!"!!>!(8:^"I!"@I >!,A"!!"!j3!8:^"@! II!"0!33,

*!!!N!>"!!! (>!"!!43^""!>! "!,!>!!I!"!j4,9 9

j3,6 :, > ! ""!> "! N !!>@^"!II>!T>! !!!,

Figure 11<"!F@^"!I" j3&




35 60% of average wage Minimum pens ion 30




Govt expenditure ($millions) 10



45 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039 2042 20 2048 Years $""j3!"%N"!N!, !%!R!1


<"!!"N!!! !"!""!!N1!"I!? !,AN""!!!!$O 7(I!(!!!>,

I!! !(N"!1!!,A N!!>IN!!!!!"I 1!!!N,%>!"!!>,0!"! "!!T,!N!!>!"!"!!! >!"!"!/!!"!,%F=4# ( !"!!I!>, A"Q!"!IR>!!>I> ,

A!>(!I"!"!! Q!"! IR,% ! ", 01 I I I!?! > "!"!!>I!( "!!I!"!!!,Q!R!>I "(>I!!>!">""I(!> !!(N!>>I!"!IQ,

Conclusions and recommendations


!!I!,A" !I>I>/!!,%!!! 93

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7:(>!"!@!!1!"!68@( ,:>:,A9!!#!"!I! !I!"!!3(8(>:N"!/"!,

A1!"!I>I>""?! "!!,%(I!(!@^!?>I >:,

%!I"!!"!!(F! 01!!!!I?,*!>! ",F!"!!"!!,01 !!>"""/?>,? !!!,

!"!!!!!>T >,A!""!!?>>I "!?",

7(N"!I!!! I ! 1! ,% ! > I !N!I>Q!"!IR!!I,F!! !II>!T!!>"!!!,

7!(!!>!" >"!>,


<""!>!/>!!/!!>01( F!,!(!!*<$%(>*0%)!7?( I>!%%*R%(!>"! !!!T!,2!!!> !!I!!!,

*!""!!!(>/! !!!N?I>,A!% %AI/!$!!B>"? I!!!T!,F!"(!!""! >I!>!!!,

F!"!"!>!>!! !,0!N!!!" !!!>"""!(!! !!>I!,A!"!!!! "!!,

F!I!?!"!"!!! >>>I"",701 "I!!"(>">!!"I!?!I! >!>,0!!!!IN>!!I!!"! "!!>!,

A!""?I!?!/?!"!"!! ,A>""!!"E<>N!!!, 9

Bibliography %>>(0@#C *>$!,, %!=Q!%4#D E%=Q%?(%$A, %! Q!( ! $ :# Q< " %!R( A )!?!*,4,!$(F>!64, 71!!(F!(G:#!/!!!"5> !T!,!1<$&2<$I!?(7!,%"!&,!, &k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k!, ,,!%!(2""8#!0!> !,%"!III,,&&&!&k&8/6&8/6,, 96

Annex I

Definitions of key ageing indicators

Ageing index


Dependency ratio

A!>!"!!3:!@:!!3 !3:@4,"!!,


A/ !>!"!@:!!!3!3:@4 !,

Life expectancy

="N!>!"!!"N "!!!>!"!>I!"!!"!R", !!("N>!!>!"!I>!I"!!/ !!I!,

Median age

AI!"O(" !(!"!,

Parent support ratio

A!!!>!"!9:!!!!3!:@4, !!!!>!"!9!!!!3!4: :,#

Potential support ratio


Sex ratio

AN!>!"!!",AN!> "!!"!!,

Survival rate

A!!N!!"I>!!II>N !N"!!!!I!"!NN!,!!! !"!">(I!!!"N! !"!!(>!/!,

Total fertility rate

A"!!!>!"!II>!!!"!"" !!/"!!!!!>!!!>I "3:4#,A!!"!!!"""!, 94

Annex II

Population projections: A note on methodology

A !1 ! I! > "! I !, I! !NF(F!NI!?"!4!"" *!1!!>"*!"< %""! *<%#, A ! > !! )! % 8 *<%8#,%!"!1I!!>!I!"*0% >/!2"((01"!!!>*<%,A*<%!1 !!"!!!!!!"I!3(, A"!I!>/!"!F(F! (>>>!/!,0!!!(*<%!1 !"!">/!>!>I!!!?I 2(I>/!%!*IR,

A>!/(/I(IN !1!!>!!"$$#(!!!( "!6:,A>("!(!! $R:M6!1I!?!,3A!1I!>T!/! "!:*<%!1"!!!!>/!, A!!!I/"!?>A0! Q!,

1I!!T!!!1("I 3, !"!I!>I>"!$( >NI>!, , )!!!I>>$9"!1 "!"!!!!#I!!!, A>!>$!16I! !1,""!($!IIA0I !!",,II>!"6(,,44, (!"!1!A0! :,I!A0!">I!("!N 3,9#I!1!:I"!!,

%!!I"!!,)!"N! >6(!:I!N"N>!"9!, AN>!N"! ,

"!!(N"$R6!:I >!!,$?("!N(!"!! :I!!"!,I!"!!I !II!!!!"">!,

"!! 1 " I "! ? I! >I$RI!1!!>"!*0%!1,A!>! !>I!1!!"!!!>$I! ,A!>!!!I*<%R!1"!!"! I*<%!1>!!! !,0!N(*<%R!1"!01"!!"N !1"!!,

>"!!1("!$R!1(" >,

3 A!"$!"?I,A"!1!>$>T "!>"!($, 9:

Population ageing in Fiji: current trends and challenges

!>I!!>!!!!", N! > ! !( ! I > N! > !, !!(>!!!!! " N > I!, 0 ! ! / !"!!(!>!O"! ,

A"!"!!!(I!,AI! >I>"N!""!",

>!(N!!!R!!, !!!!("!!>!"!! >I!!"!,I!> !!"!>,

A!!!"01,">!\!" (!!!""!!,A"I>N""!!" N!!!("(!!""!, A1!!"!$"01,

Population ageing in Fiji

A"01!I"!38(49@3993(I!I(968(83(! 8,!(01"!:4^"(/0169^I !9^I!"!!,

Q!I!\,!I!!!!3? >!I,A!I!"6,6^I!!3@@5 I!!,398(01!!!I!I!,A! !I!!!"8I,8^,

O!!01I"">398(I! "/01"!>!(!!I!"!!,A( !II"!!/01(!O"/01 ,

Determinants of population ageing


0!!!I1!!"(""!!I N!,)"!""!!""I!>!(!""! !!"!"N,

%"!(>"!!I!!!>!!!" !3:!("!"(II I!^,

3@@("!!A0#(!>!"!"!!/>!I( I:,@"!01:,4"!/01A>3#,>!">!(!!" !I4@,8^",A"!!!"!3@@5>8 !6,"!013,8"!/01, 9@

Table 1 A"!!>(3@@8

<Q! A03@@ A038@ A039@ A03@ A08

A - - 6,3 , ,: 01 :,@ 4,6 6,@ 6,: 6, /01 :,4 6,: ,8 ,4 3,8


0!>/"!,!"" !!!3@(!!!!!!! "!>!!!"I,)R !!>!"!(!!!"!! "">!,


%!"N>!!!(!!!!! "!!,="N"!01>I8!N"!/01"I! 8,3!,"\("NN!>! I!"!",

Table 2="N!>N(39@8

A, 01 /01

39@ 3@ 8 39@ 3@ 8 39@ 3@ 8

7N @@, @@,@ @8,: @8, @@,: @@,4 @8,3 @@,: @9,: Male @4,9 @4,: @:,6 @4, @4,9 @:,6 @:, @4, @4,9 0 @, @9,8 @,@ @, @9,3 @8,: @9, @, 8,3


Growth rates

Q!I!"!! Figure 1Q!I!"!!N!! @!!> ! "! ! !I !, 0! 2007 3^ ! !I!3@@( N4^8, 1996 !I ! (

!! " Indians 1986 Fijians @(4 persons will double Total

>"! :, %! Years Census 8(/01 recorded the highest average 1976 !I ! " 4,:^( " " I 1966 "!!mortality rat, A !! -2-1012345 average annual growth rate G rowth R ate > 60years "!018I,8^, 98

Demographics of population ageing

Changes in the age structure

"! Figure 2 Population !"!01(38@8 > ! " N >! >!!, 0! ! !"!"! 01!/! !>"38@I 8 , A " ageing population are evident in the pyramid and can be summarised as !?> N ?, A > !"!!?> "!( ! > ! ! "! ( as selective migration or under- !"!(> there has not been any in-depth study ! !, A !I!!"! "!!!,

389 percentage 8

Changes in the broad age groups

)>"!!!(!!?!!" ,)!3:!!!>!"!( !!!!(!!"N >!,

01R"I!!4@^3:@"!! >38^,^,A!!!"!!N!!!"!,6^3:@ 8,^8,

0! 6 6> ! FIJ IAN B Y B R OAD AG E G R OUPS 1956 - 2007 !">! 120.0 !"!>01

100.0 /01,>"! >!" 80.0 !>I"

65+ continued to decrease while the 60.0 15-64 0-14 >! " ! N Percentage

40.0 !!!,

20.0 Figure 3a Changes in the broad ! "! 01 3:@M 0.0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2007 Census Years 8 99

Figure 3b$>!!"!/013:@/8




65+ 60.0 15-64 0-14 Percentage



0.0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2007 Census Year

Median ages

AIT,!!"! ,A"!01R!I"!3@,9!3:@@,3!8,A !I"!/01"(I!!>"!34,3!3:@ ,!8,A!!!"!01!39,!3:@4!8,

Figure 4F"!01/01(3:@/8

ME DIAN AGE S 1956 - 2007




20.0 Total Fijians Indians

Median Ages 15.0



0.0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2007 Census Years

The ageing index

AN!"!>!"!N!!"!!3!M34,% !N!\!I!!"!!,%N"3 >!"!!>!"M34!/, 9

AN"!01I!!5!"!,938@:,8, ANI!?!>!(!,0!N( !!9,3,8"!,=?I/01N"64,!" "01N"3,9,A!!N"@,4!!>N":,6(! !!!!!"!!!,

Figure 5 AN"!01(/01(3:@/8

AG E ING INDE X 1956 - 2007





Total 20.0 Fijian Indian Ageing Index Ageing 15.0



0.0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2007 Census Years

Potential support ratio

A!!N!!>II!!?> !I!,!"!! ">!""I!?3:/@4!!!@:!!,A !!"9,4"!018!!9,4!!!@:! !,

A ! "! 01 "! $!!(38@8

! 38@ 8 18.0 "!36,:38@ 9,4 8 0! @#,A! 16.0 ! ! " 14.0 ""! >/! , 12.0 Total M A /01 ! F 10.0 "!3,@9,@"! Rural M 8.0 F "!01"3,6 P otential S upport R atio 9,4, !(!! Urban M 6.0 the urban ratio also declined F

"! 33, 8,6 38, 4.0 ,8!, 2.0

0.0 1976 1986 1996 2007 Census Year

Dependency ratio

A#!N!"!!!M34! !"!@:}!!"I!?!"3:M@4,> !M34@:}!!!3:M@4,A I!?!!>!!!!!!I! ,

)!!(!!!!(!!" !1!!(!!01,A!!"!>> 1!!>"!(N!!!,A"!01 I8,33:@!:,98,A!!?>I"! /01334,33:@I69,8,A!!!"!01!96,93:@I :9,98,

Figure 7A!"!01(/01(3:@/8

DE PE NDE NC Y R AT IO 1956 - 2007




TOTAL 60.0 FIJIAN INDIANS Dependency Ratio



0.0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2007 Census Years

Ageing differentials

Ethnic differentials

01!/I!!!,AI1!! 501!!":@,9^#"(/01! !N!68,:^#!!?!!!,%/ !!>"""! (!>!"I1!!,

% " 8 $( @4(4 ! I! Table 3 N!! !! > @ ! !( I 01 >(8 "!!":,6^#"I /01!!"!69,:^ <Q! *>! Percentage ,^ !,) 01 ! 01 66(8 :,6 (!!I/01! !!01, /01 4(3 69,: Minority groups :(88 , A!>"N!! IA>6, A @4(4 3, 3

""!!""!!N!>I1!!!!!\ ""!","!!"N/01 !"!!!01,

A>4!"!"!I1!!,A "!/01!>33,4!(I!""!01,

!(N>!"!@!!!!!!! "3:#"!/01!"("!@,38@64,8,AN"! 01!"!3,43,9"!!,

Table 4 ! > ( A ! "! / 38@/8 01!>6:,@! ! " ,@ "! 01 ! *$%A2 <Q! 38@ 39@ 3@ 8 ! , A ! !\ " F% A 38,9 ,@ 3, @,3 !>!"! 01 39, , ,3 4, "!!!! /01 38,: , ,4 9, " !>( " ! 4^ " , =?I( A ,9 3,3 34,: :, !!! %N 01 3,4 36,9 34,8 3,9 "!3,@38@9,@8 /01 @, , 36,9 64, /01"!3,638@9,4 8, Dependency A 88,3 8,4 @,@ :,9 Ratio 01 9, 84,9 8,: :,@ %! !I ! "! 01 /01 N ! /01 84,: @@,8 :4,@ 69, !!,)!!I Potential Support A 36,: 3,6 33,@ 9,4 ! I! !! 4,3^ 8( Ratio 01 3,6 3, 3,3 9,4 !!!"!/01 01I!4,:^6,^!, /01 3,@ 3:,8 34, 9,@ !(>! %!% A ,8 6,6 3, 4,3 " /01 ! I Q!I 01 6,4 , ,3 6, >"!(II? 0139! "!@!} /01 ,: 4,4 3,@ 4,: 38!"!!>,

Regional differentials

QI"!!!!>!(I?!I >"!!>!!!!,EI!(N!"!01(I! process !!!!,A8!!!!"! !!!("!!""!(:4^(I4@^ !>!,A>!"!>"!!@!! !>""!!!I(IA>:,

A> : ! I ! ! >I !!!>!"!01,AN!!!(! !!"(!!!!!>!(>""! !!I!!,

A!!>I!!!>!>>!!!>!, A!"!(I!I!?!> !!">!!(>!!!,%!! !!!!!!!!!!,

Table 5 !"!!!!>!(38@/8

Selected ageing indicators 38@ 39@ 3@ 8 Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Population @9,6 6,8 @8,4 6,@ @,4 6,@ :4, 4@, %N 3, ,3 3, 3,8 3:,6 36,: @,4 :,6 Potential support ratio 33, 38, 3, 3:,6 ,9 34,6 8,6 ,8

The feminisation of ageing

0!!?I!(!!!!!!"! ",A801!!:^"49^@M84}! A>@#,=!!!!"!!(!\!"N"!""! ,!!"!8"N"@,@!"!"@8,:"!,

&!$!!>"!@!!>N,0 !!!("!!:^" N!@M@4I!01""!4,^,

&!$!!>"!N!!>N (8

%Q! A^ 01^ /01^ Males 0 Males 0 Males 0 @M@4 4,@ :,4 :,9 4, 48,: :,: @:M@ 49, :3,9 4,@ :,4 4:,8 :4,6 8M84 4@,@ :6,4 48, :,3 44, :@, 8:} 44, :@, 44,6 ::,8 4,8 :8,6 A 48,8 :,6 49,8 :3,6 4:,@ :4,4

Figure 8 N!"!01/01(@! !(3:@/8




Total 150.0 Fijians Indians Sex Ratio Sex



0.0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2007 Census Years 6

AN!!""#"!!N!!"!"! I!!?>"!!3:"!!3"3:@998,A N!I!!"!/013:@(I>!"!>>!" "@!!!,>!"!N!"!/01 >!"!"(!!!!,F!!"!! !!(>"!!!!,A!! """!!!=>!I(33@(I !\!!!"!"!!!,


<I!!!!01,%! !T?/0101,A!! ""!!"N,

0!I!!@!!!!!>!,A ">!"!>!(!!!"!(( !"!!!!!"!!!!,

0!!!!!!"!,A!!! ""!!,

Policy implications

!!"!!!!! ,AN!!""!(!! ((I!I!!!!!, EI!("(!!!!!>! !!,

# !"N!!"!>,*/> *$#?!"!"!"!>,*$!T!! !, # =!!">!I, # =!!>!!>"!?!"!!! !!>01/01,A!?!"!"" !"O,A!!>!"I1>!!?5 !!/I!!N?"!!!!!, A!>"!!!"!!, # !, # !>,

The way forward # <>/!>I?"!I"!"!, # $!!!/"!>>- !>!!, # !!&"!I!!!?"!I"!"!, # $!"!, # I!!>!I"!"!!!T !, 4


$(0#(!"($!"EH( EH, <%,II(*( *IW!?, E(G4# (%!(%!*!(! *>!@6, =O()9#(!"!%%( =N>!(%!, F!1($Ff#7!"!?01R!!,!! $"!($E(7??, (B#(!!( !"F, V!(#QA>R((8%!(, A(F:#E(!"01(, *0% %2"(7??, )?!(%$(!"(!"", :


Universal access to !! "!"

Annette Sachs Robertson Keynote address


Salesi Katoanga 0!! !!33

F?/7? )RN!!!?N"! 3:

Sela Paasi 0A!! !!36

G? 0?! 36: @

Family planning in the Pacific


% N !! " !, ! N !!(!!"(!"! >!>!!,*!!I>!N!! !!!(!O!>!!T!"!! !,

<??FQFQ#(T "!)!,@#,%!!""!T !""!(!% 85 EI , 8#,)! ! !! ! ! !( >I!>I!!,! !I!TN>!T!!Q? ,8#,0!("!>!!!>( !I!>!,0!!!(>"! !!>!>!?" !!">!",

%!$"!$#34(>!"!! "!">!?!""!!!/ >!!>"!"/!,!9"$!!" %!!"

?!!!!(>"T"I(! !!(!!!!(I"N ,!!!!!I!"!I"!"!, %>!"!!>>!"! !"!(,

!!T"!"!!!($ "!!

Q! "! " > ! " "! "! !, !(I>1"!!(> "!!"!"!!T"!!!",$!!8,3#

)38!($!($!!"%(>T $(>$!$#(!I"!"! "!"!"!"!EB5 !N5!"!>!>"!!! ">!8(Q@(Q6()#,A?""N!! "II!!("(I "!FQFQ#,I@I!O !!!PIQ:(I! "!""!!3,

"!!(!I!!!("!!( !!("!"!>! "!!!!O",

3 ""!"A!!"NI"!!3:M4#I I!>!(>I!!!!, 8

Rationale and purpose

A!"!N!!!$!!! (""(T!! $"!!!,IN!"!!! "!"!,

A ! I ! ! "! ! E ! E# > "! !! ! "! ! ! " , I !! "! ! ! ! " ,


Historical perspectives on fertility control and family planning in the Pacific

=!!T"!!I!!!! ><!5,,(!/!!>"!!345 $388#,A!(!!! "*IQ(>"!!! !>(>!!(!> !!!!>!!,

A!!!>"!>I"!!, =!"/!!>N!!!"!!(!( !!( > !!( ! "! " !( >! " >!>"!!!(!! "F(F!(!!A"!3:5 =f)!3935$38857!!,3:8#,0!!!("!! !!!"((I!OP!! !I!!#,A!">!!!!( I!"!I!!>I"!!,A>"! !""!R?(>?(!!> !>>!>!"!II!I,

I*IQ!IN"O !>!(!(!"?"!FI 399#,H!>(!"!I!I(!>>!""!! !I(!!3A"!3:#,

%!>!("IO(>"I !!!">"!!!$! ,>!""/!>!(>! !!(!!!O">!",$T("! !>!"$!!>"!I!Q""!QR,

A ! ( !? "!)!)! ( ! ! "! ! ! ! (FF!,H!>("!!I!@,6! 3:A"!3:#,$?(!"!!("! !A0#,,A>"!!I"!!! I!!I!!!!"I!,

0 !! I! 3: ! 3@ !!I!IR!R E3#,%!"!!I!!" 01A3:9I">3@!3:5!!#,* 01F!?!>"">0% "!!0!0##>,0!! 9

!I!"!0!!,A01!!I !"!!"I"01 (>I!!38=f!"!39@#,""!!""!>I I1!!01!!I,

A("0!!3@:I!>H"A( AB(IN!!>!O("A O",A!!IOIA"!> !>"!0!!("I>!"" !!!!!#,A!""!! I!!!!!!3@9!>"! >,A"!"A0%3@"!!! "! " , >T ! " ( " " ",38@(!!!4:,8! "I"!!I!!I"@6,6!!! H(A,A!!!I!(""! "I!!",

H!>( " I N " I " 3@9A"!3:#,)"!!!>I3@ 3"!!N8,4,:(II!"!386(II ""!!!""! !!734#,38(!""!I"!! I4,3!,EI!(!I"!!(!! >$!!!,A"!! !"!!3:,9!,73(!!!I!N 8!5I"!"!"6:!,A!!"! 1>@^#I39>I(>!"!T "1>6!,0!"! ! ! I ! "! ! ! $,A ! ""!I!!\"!",!(!"!! I!III!,IM:!II A0"!4,:3:6,::,

2!!"!!IHfI! 6#,A>"F!F#(0!"F!0F#(*IQ *Q#(BM!!"!"I M I "!( "! ( ? "! !>!!34#,*!"!"""I!"!!> I,*IQ!> !"!!!,

)"I!!"N!!!$ !!"%("!!I!I!!!!"I34( >I,A"! !!!?"!"! !"N!"!!!,

)""!!"!!>% !(>N""!!7,#( "!!>T",! "!/!!"!!("""!! !>"!I!"(>"!O1!" !$#>!8#,

Demographic considerations


,$!?$?!!I "!!!I!?H!>(*IQ !!"!!>!I"!! ,

Delayed fertility transition and rapid population growth A0!!!!>I6,:4,:0F(H!>(*!(F(AAM >4,:*Q(((A?BA>3#,2 "!!A0!>I,3#,01($?*A01>I6,

A ! OII " !P ! I ! "! ! >! " !I>!"!! ! I > ! ? ! ! !I ! ,A !\!!"!>!"!!" I!?,

)!<%!N!>?"!!>F38( 3(@(*4()#(!!!I$I! "!I>@:N01(*#!>9 F((BA>3#Gf>!%#,

Table 1/@#(A0!(Q!I!^#(!!"3:/4!( >, Country Population Total Natural Inter-censal Dependency Population X! /,))$ ! 9 (%/, date available) ,000s Rate (%) rate (%)

Melanesia 013@# 963,6 ,8 3,8 ,8 @,@ 3,4 *Q# @398,3 4,@ ,6 ,8 86,: 3,9 498, 4,@ ,8 ,9 93,@ 3,3 3# B3# 3,4 4,9 , ,9 9:,8 38,9 Micronesia H!>:# 6,: 6,: 3,9 3,9 @9,3 , 0F# 33, 4,3 ,6 , 89,@ 3,6 F# :,3 4,: ,@ ,8 9,: 3,4 *!# 3,3 4, ,6 ,6 @@, ,3 :# , 3, 3,6 ,9 4,: 36,8 Polynesia $?3# 3:, , 3,: 3,@ @8, 3:,@ *3# 3,@ 6, 3,3 /3, @6,8 3:, 3# 38, 4,@ ,8 ,6 9,8 39, A?@# 3,4 4, ,4 /3, 86,8 3, A3@# 33,3 6,9 ,3 ,6 8,: ,3 A# ,8 6,8 3,@ ,: 8, 3:,9

!G(>!%,!$!2!,<$%,A!)I" 2!$!0!!,!!!$ 3

A"!I"!"!B! >!T>"!("AI!A0!!!0!3#, F!II"IA0!401"!38M38:!"! 38#,%!!>!F3MI!"!>O"!!! 3#,H!>RA0I!N!I!6,:38M38:"I> !4,:3>T6,::I#,

Figure 1A0!$!(38M:


% !( !/ ""! "! N, ! /01 (01N>!!,EI!(3(/01"! >O"!!I>I!3,4#,%I "01"!"!6,:3@M6,63M4#I!"01R !"!,

0!!>!!!!!I!! E>!?!(4#,)N"0F"!!$T>#(! :^$,)!!>I$A0!!!( "!!I!!!!"!!A0|6#$I!!>I 6^:H!>((A(AB#A>#,EI!(0FF! NI!A0N4$N4!""!, A>!!"A0$!!(I!A0!I> $!!!I,

!(!!!!>""!,0! !!(I!!!(A0 ?>,F!!(!!"( " ! ! ! ! ! \I " ! I I !,A(!(>"!>!!"! !II"!> !,:#, 33

Table 2A0!(%0! 3:/3!#($!!"!$

0! ! "! $2*AW A03 %03:M3W#3( CPR 6 ! N ! !"!!( $? , :: 46,9 " ! 7! 85 0F 4,3 @3 :@4 ! 5 F* 33#, 01 ,8 :4 44 A ! ( ! 4 H!> 6,: 83 3 ( ! I F 4,:: 369: 46: !>O I I *! 6,4:@: :: !O!" !"!"!! * 6, 6: ",$"H 3, @6 38, !"!I!!( 4,@: 4: 4,@ ! ! " I! !! ( 4,@ @8: 8: I "" ! !"! "! A? 4, 4: !"!$3#, A 6,9 39 6,9 I !O A 6,8 6@ 63,@ " > the already privileged group and that B 4,9 9 women without alternative options ! I! ? "! "! 3=3@/@(*0%9 !, $}3!!!,*0%,:MF2E! 6FQ!,: A( /! N 4$(@ and political decisions governing : ( F( *! E ! 8M9 !! ! !I!N !"!!!I# !""!! \"!! $Gf>!#,AI!!"!( !I!!I>!!!!II"!,A" "?"!!"!(! !I!>!#>>,

Youth bulge, teenage fertility rates and demographic transition A>!\>!"!,%!N @^":!",$FF!(N( !^",(!!!!3:^"( N39^#A^#,A>"!!I!!"!!!, =!"!!,

A!"!!>!"!, !(!!!!I"! !!\!"!!"!!"3:M3!!#, )H!>(*!("!!!(FB "!!!I!,A!!T "I!N(I"?I(!" "N>!?"I!"I!,A!! !!!!"!!?>!"!!!!! !,

!"!(!!II !>!!"(I!>!"!!, %!("!!IT7!5G 3

38#,"!>!>I"!E !,

$("!!!"N!!!"!!T! !"!!!!"!"> !"!"!!!I!I!II> !O,

Contraceptive use: progress in selected countries

!!IRI!/?!!! !> I ! ! $!( H!>,A!(!!"!"!!!">! !II!!"!!!>!"!!> !I"!,EI!(!!"O>*QR 3@@E,(!>"!>I"!, 2!?"!!>I!!(> !$(?"!(?"!!(?"?I" !>(!>""$9#,

)!"!1!"!($!3($?(A A!:/@!I!0!#,!!I!!!! 3((BH!>(!!!"!!!I >I6^#,!(01(I!$N4^(!>! "!!!,

A!/!!"!>F!"EF2E#! I!A0!!I!$,) !"!!!(!!!/!!*Q2#! "!!F2E$,B"$(>(! $,

Figure 2$!!$!(3M:&8


Unmet need for Family Planning

"!!!!>!>! $!f(Q!""f3@()""f7?3:#,!"!! !!"!!""!!%(21?9(?! :()""3(,3(N/F!fQ!3#0!6#, 36

Figure 3$!!"II(("!!

Women of reproductive age (15-49 years)

Fecund Infecund

Married or (not married and Not married and not sexually sexually active) active

Does not want a(nother) child W ants a child within 2 years soon or at all

NO NEED Using modern or traditional Not using any contraception contraception



0I!I!"!,?!!I!( !E!E#!E!E#> ,2I!*Q#E!!@I !01$?#E5"!!!""!!, A(!"!!"!$(IN"*IQ( !!>A>6#,!E!>*!(A(F @M9,!!!!>!?H!>(A "!!!!!!!N!,"!!E! "!"$,0!!E! 013:M@!!"!5I!("! !"!>!"!#N!>!!! >1!!!01,E!!"!!"!O4^ B3Ef>!3#,

Table 3 "!""!!


$? 3

01 46/:8 !

: H!> 9 3!E!(6,F!"E($? *! 6,:: @ 0!!E!(01(3:(! *IQ 4:, depicts age and ethnic grouping

: F :, 6 0! ! E !( ( 3:( range depicts age grouping /:66 4E(H%B(3 33,3: : : *IQ(F((*!(A(H!> A 4, E*!8M!!!! I# B 44 @*QE*!!3@ 34

A0("!!$!N!("!!! !$A>#,A"!!!!N"!!, E"!!F(B(H!>(0FI A0!I$!>!,


AEI!!?@/8(F8*!8,A! >"!E>,

!I!?"$!(*"! 0#!>!!!#,% "!I!!>!#I$T! ,

=!F2f:^$!$##I!"\ "!!!,B!>I!(( IT(!!&!>(!(!!(!!!(! !>!(!(>"I!?!,

0!*"!0(1!!!! 0!4,

Figure 4 F1!!*"!0

Currently married women who are not using a method

Pregnant or amenorrhoeic *!!!!

Mistimed Unwanted 0 "

)! )! )

*"! *"! *"! *"!


!H(,F!!(9 I!"III!! !N"!,0!!(!>! 0!:, 3:

Figure 5 $"!I!?"!*%

*<<*<*AB%%7=< DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES # % # *>!"! # %!!!

# >!"! DEPENDENT PROXIMATE DETERMINANTS VARIABLE # HI>0 # )R!"0 "! # Perceived husbands contraception contraception SOCIO-ECONOMIC # $>0 VARIABLES # !&!>! # <"I # Religion # < # )!? # ) #



Descriptive analysis of contraceptive use in three selected PICs

A ! " ! $$!N"!*!(F( use among all women varied between the three ! , A ! " !! " contraceptive methods among currently married I ! !#I6:! ( 6@ ! *! 4: ! F, A ! " !! married women using a modern contraceptive I 8 ! ( : ! *! 4 ! F( !, " contraceptive use were I N !! I :!"! ( 4 ! *! 8 !F, 3@

A " ! ! Table 4!"!I !!"!! " !! > ! "!(!! "! 1>( ( , F ( " Selected Variables COUNTRIES !1>! Nauru RMI Solomon Is !"!I*! Age Group " !( !! 3:/3 6,: 3,3 6,8 #!"!,% /4 36,: :,8 3,9 ! " ! > ! :/ 8,8 4, 34, !""" 6/64 63,8 49,4 ,3 !!"!!>, 6:/6 4@,@ :9,8 @,: Modern contraceptive use varied by demographic 4/44 4,3 :8, 63,9 "!!>,%! 4:/4 43,4 :,3 9,4 >>I(I!I>! Women’s Educational Attainment I!(I *"! , , 3,: I N !! , 6,4 39,8 #( I I T N ! 69,4 68, 3, F# I! ! !!, A /! 4,: 6:, 3,: with the highest total children ever born or the Wealth Quintile highest living children had the highest prevalence ! 6,: 69, 3@,3 !,AII!!!:! !!!,) ! 6,@ 4, 3@, who were employed had a higher prevalence rate F 6:,4 6,3 3,9 I!N*!#, ! 4@,4 , 3,3 %N(I! 6@, 6:,9 34,9 !I!>0I!?! Total Children Ever Born higher contraceptive prevalence rate compared to / :,8 6,: I, 3! 34, 63,6 34,@ % > ! ! ! ! 6!4 6,6 ::,4 4, !, I :!! 44,9 @,8 39,3 F ,% !( $ Marital Status !!!I!!I( *!!! @,9 36,9 4,6 compared to other religious groups in both Solomon $!!!! 69, 44, , *!, 0!!!! 63, 43, 3,: Number of Living Children %>!F !>!I! , :,8 6,: modern contraceptive prevalence rates compared 3! 3:, 66,6 34, !!!,*!E 6!4 6:,3 :4,9 :,4 !!>, :!! 49,3 @3,@ 38,: Age at First Marriage %>!I € 6@,9 48,: 4, I!!*!I!!*! /: 43,8 43, 3,3 I!F, |: 66,8 66, 3:, Employment Status < 6@,3 4:, 3, * 68,3 66,: 34,6 Visit to Health Clinic W 4,4 44,4 3, * ,9 6,9 36, Visit by Family Planning Worker W 6@, 46,6 @,4 * 6@, 6:,4 3:,@ 38

Table 5!"!>! Multivariate analysis of contraceptive use *! in three selected PICs

"!!?! NAURU associations between contraceptive prevalence and Religion Modern contraceptive use (%) selected demographic and socioeconomic covariates are !A>9, *!$! 64,4 $ 9,3 %!1!I:^ ! ! *! @,6 ""!!$>I!! %>"Q :8, !,F( 2! 69, I ! "! I! "!!! *! , !!,%!!N"! SOLOMON ISLANDS ( I I € ! , "!I4:M4!( Religion Modern contraceptive use (%) II4M4:!!3,: , % 3@,3 $ ,4 %N(""!I!>! between marital status groups and between groups $! ,@ !! ! >! I ! I < 3,6 being among groups who were single and those who % ,3 !!!,

2! , ( I I! !! ! " &!$ Percentage modern contraceptive use by location ! I I! , !( within countries *! ( $ I I!"! Location Solomon Islands Republic of Marshall Islands I"!!(I""" !> 33, 6, !!I!!, ! 3@,8 4, F( ""! I! >!"!I!"! Table 7 Percentage modern contraceptive use by ethnicity !!I!!>I!(I within countries !"!!!, !"!!I!! SOLOMON ISLANDS I ! !> I! ! "!( >">!,0!! Ethnicity Modern !T! ! N ! " Contraceptive Use (%) """, F 3@,: 3,4 (! F! 3@,8 ! " ! ! I! >! "! those that were employed compared to those that were 2! :, , A ! I ! NAURU !>I!!"!,(3,4 !"!IIT Ethnicity Modern >"(I!@,:!" Contraceptive Use (%) !T> *! 68,3 "I#,A!! &*! 39,9 "!"!!""!! /H!> :4,6 !I,

2! 69,: 0! ! !( I I A 6@,: !!I!>0 39 )6$= )6=)6#( ,9 ,:@(3,4 3,3: ,9(3,@@ 3,3: ,96(3,: 3,9 ,89(3,43 3,38 ,93(3,8 3,4 ,8(3,:4 )6%$ )6=.)6. (6, (6()(6.= (6=$ (6)?(6?= )6. )6=?)6$ )6== )6,)6% (6%# (6)=,6 ,9@ ,::(3,6: ,96 ,:3(3,66 ,83 ,:3(3,3 3, ,88(3,:4 3,9 ,96(3,9 )6() )6)$)6(, )6,% )6(=)6. )6( )6)$)6($ )6,( )6())6% ,84 ,:3(3,9 ,86 ,4@(3,34 (6=# (6(=(6$# (6%# (6)=,6% (6%# (6==(6#) -- -- )6$%% )6?)6#, )6%$ )6=#)6.) )6%= )6=?)6.) )6. )6=,)6,= )6$( )6))6# )6%? )6=$)6#( )6, )6,#)6%# )6=$ )6,)6%= )6,,) )6(=)6=. )6(? )6())6,# )6=, )6,()6# )6=( )6(#)6=) )6=) )6,()6 )6=) )6(#)6$ (6#, (6,(=6)$ (6#= (6(?=6, Unadj OR #%`+ Adj OR #%`+ Unadj OR #%`+-- Adj OR #%`+ Unadj OR #%`+-- Adj OR,9@ ----- #%`+ ,9@,8 ,:@(3,6(6% ,@(3,6 ,98 ,@9(3,6 ,6 ------(6).,6(. , ,:9(3,6 (6? ,@6(3,69 3,34 ,@3(3,64 3,4 (,6($ 3,3: ,96(3,:8 ,3(3,86 ,: ,9(3,@@ ,8 3, ,64(3,: ,4(3,39 3,33 ,96(,6 3, ,9:(3,44 ,96(3,44 3, ,98 ,@9(3,49 ,:(3, )6%% )6)6?) =!!"!!>!!> 4:/4 4/44 3,68 ,8(3, 3,6 ,(,3 3,6 ,8@(3, 6:/6 3,6 ,9@(3,8@ 3, ,84(3,@ 3,63 ,96(,@ 3,4 ,94(, ,3 ,@4(3, ,8 ,:4(3,34 6/64 :/ Postsecondary /4 Secondary Age Groups 3:/3 ,46: ,34(3,68 ,68 ,33(3,3 Urban Primary 3,3 ,96(3,8@ 3,46 ,99(,64 ,: ,@:(3,69 ,94 ,:6(3,6 2! Location Rural Variable NauruHighest Maternal Education Level * Republic of the Marshall Islands Quintile Wealth 3 6 4 Solomon Islands : --Religion &$ -- ,48 ,:(4,@ ,@ ---- ,@4(8,4: 3, ,@@(3,:4 ,9 ,4(3,69 Table 8 Table 3 (6?( (6((,6$( ,6). (6,,=6% ,6$, (6%(6%% 3,4 ,4(,34 (6%# (6==(6.# (6,?(6.% (6)(6%$ (6%$,6(# (6$) (6(#,6( !!((IT( ,6). (6,=6# 3,34 ,98(3,49 3,6 ,9(3,84 ------3,36 ,8@(3,8 3, ,83(3,@8 ------(6(# (6,)=6)$ ,6.(6$. (6?=6$% (6=$,6). (6?(6=# (6(=,6%= ,6=) (6(((6?% (6%(=6%( (6$% (6),6%# )6($ )6)$)6= )6,( )6).)6%? )6,, )6()6=$(6?= (6=#,6(? (6.% (6%,6=% )6=( (6$= )6(?)6%? (6==,6)) (6 (6(((6.? (6# (6%,6% (6$ (6(#(6?# !(>0I!?! 0!! married * |: Married 3,4 ,(,34 /: 3,43Unemployed ,9@(,6* 3,48 ,(,46 B!>!!%!(!!&!>(!(!(! Marital Status *!!! Age at First Marriage €Employment Status 3,34< ,@ to Health Clinic Visit ,83(3,94 W ,88(3,3 Worker by Family Planning Visit W ,8 ,@4(3,4: 33

I!?!!!!!!, AI!I"""!!I!!,

$!!!!"!!""!! >! ! " ! ! " ! "! !,EI!("!(!I!!> "!II,%(T!>"!!,

=I!I>!!!(II!($( !>I!!!>>"I!?!,A! "IT!""!!!>"!!>! """,!(I!I!( !!(>!(!II!,

Unmet need for family planning: identifying inequities

""!"!"!!!!I>!! !!E8/9!A>,


Characteristic Percent with unmet need Characteristic Percent with unmet need

For Spacing For Limiting Total For Spacing For Limiting Total Age Total Children Born 3:/3 6@, ,: 4@,4 , , :,9 /4 68,3 33,4 49,: 3/ 64, 33,3 4:,6 :/ 6,: 39,3 49,@ 6/4 3,4 ,6 6,8 6/64 , 39, 69, :} 33, :,@ 6@,@ 6:/6 34,6 3,8 6@, Number of Living Children 4/44 :, ,8 :, ,4 6,6 :,8 4:/4 ,3 34,8 3@,9 3/ 64, 33,3 4:,3 Educational Attainment 6/4 3,6 ,4 6,8 * ,6 ,4 4,8 :} 3, @,6 6@,: !! 3, 38,4 69,@ Age at First Marriage ! 6,@ 38,3 4,8 €! 3,6 3,8 43, /! 3@,3 33,6 8,4 /:! , 3:, 68, Location of Residence |:! 3, 34, 6:, ! 3, 39,9 6,9 Ideal Number of Children !> ,9 34,9 68,@ / @,8 3:,9 4,: Religion 6/4 3,3 3@,: 68,@ $ ,@ 4,9 48,4 :} 39,4 ,9 6, 2! 3,4 3:,9 68, Visit to Health Clinic Employment W ,4 39, 69,4 < 38,3 3@, 64, * ,9 38, 6,9 4, 38,8 43, Visit by Family Planning Worker Household Wealth W 39,: 3,6 6,9 =IT ,6 4,9 4:,3 * ,3 39,3 4, T 4,: 39,4 4, Ethnicity FT 4,3 3:,@ 6,8 F 3,9 38,@ 6,4 0!T 3, 34,8 64,@ 39, 33,8 , 0"T , , 43,9 F! 3,4 3,4 69,9 A 3,@ 38,4 6, 333

0!!>(!"!"!" !!("!!I"!" ,

%!>I(>N! I !! !, 0!!!( N " ! !!!!I!>!">!(! I,"(!!!!I ,

0!A>0!8(I!"! ,FI!"!! !!$I!,)I!>! !"!!I!!!(I!!!! "!, Figure 7a"!>! !>!!I !(II ! !! I ! !! ! "! !, )II!I I T( women and those women with no education also had higher total unmet need compared to !I,

% > I T I " "! limiting among those in the I T > ! gradient is less evident with the " T , !( I Figure 7b "! > the results on education were !!>!!I (!!! evident suggesting those with no education had highest total unmet need and highest unmet "!,

A ! ! >! " population have high unmet "! " " ! " programmes are needed to ! , 0!! >! , 33

0!!!(!>"I!?!! "!"!!,=!!I!>!I I>>!"!(>!"!>!"!,

Figure 7c "! limiting by socioeconomic variables in !!I

Reasons for current non-use of contraception A!"!!!!!!!II!!I "!I!!!>!!"!""""!- !(>"(!!?"!!,A?! " E !! !!$!f #, !(! I!">R!"!!!!!I !,2?"?I>!!I "!>!!!!N(I!I"!" /""!"!"">",Q I!!I("!!!!(I !!!"!,

Reason Frequency Percent

0!! "!TN 3@ 3,9 F!! 3 3,4 >"!" 3: 38, Table 10 ! !> " )!! : ,9 !!!!I3:M 2 @6 8,3 4I!! E> : ,9 and who do not intend to use it in 2! : ,@ "! > ! "! !> 43 4,@ (( 8 =?"?I HI 68 4, HI! 8 6,3

F! E! @ @,9 0!""" 64 6@,8 !E8 =?" : ,@ $ 4 ,: , !"!I> : ,9 2! 9 6, R?I 66 6,8 A 994 3, 336

Termination of pregnancies

A!"!A2#""!!,I>!*! !"A266!#IF!!I! @8(!,Q"A2?*!(I!"!! !I",

Table 11!!"!"!

Termination of Pregnancy Solomon Islands RMI Nauru W @,6:89# 8,:3# 6,94:# * 6,969# ,:3:6# @8,:#

)A2(!"!!II(I! IIA2,A(>N("!!" !"!,>!I>>">!,

Table 12!"!!I!"!

Termination of Pregnancy Solomon Islands RMI Nauru W ,6 69,: 4:,6 * 3@,6 68,6 6, 3@,@ 68,4 6@,: x,3 *x,94@ €,3

!(""!"!!!N! "!"!!!""!!!! !!!,(!I!"! !(I(II!IT(F I($(!>!( >"I!?!,

)!""E"!!!>!I( !!!((!T!"!!"!" !!,0!!!T!>!!!I,%"E !!I>>,

Repositioning family planning: policy and programming implications

Paradigm shift in relevant policies

A! ! 0 " " !! ! > !!!"!!!,!!/> "!!(!"!!!( !>!!"!!!II"!(!! ,0>!"!I>>!> !!F*@(7(7!#,

9(F!"E!O0!I!?"!% !%!E!$P,A!!"!!( "(>/!> $(>"N"! !FQ!,*!$!$?(01(0F(*!( H!>(F(((A(AB#!! !! ! I ! !/> " ! ,"(!!, 334

!!O""!N!!!O !/!!!I!"T"! "!,)$!!!!( !!!"!N!! "!!"!!!," "!T>!">!!!"!!! >!F$>F!"E,!!/>!! !"!(!> ! ! ! " "! ! " !!, $(!NI"N!! "!!>!!!I!""!( "!((!!>!!!,"!/! !!>!!!!"!>!! !!!!!!!,

A!!>!!!"!!"! !>!(!!!"!, !(!I!! "!!"!E!#!!" ?>I!(",!I!! >(!!"!>?>!I /?!!!!"!""!!!, !"!!"!"!"!, ! ! ! ! ! "! > " !,0>!II,

<IRI!"!" O,%!?"IRI!!N!!,F! !I!I!O!!I>!"!> ?!"!!!>>!! !!!!"!,%!" ""!I!N,A(/!!( >!"!"""!!,

Programming innovations

("!!!>!!! " ! ! "! > ! !, F! !!!I(!!I( I(I!!/!>(!!!!(!>! I"!"!I!>!?>!!!>! >!!!"!,<""!"!>/!! !/!!"!/"!"/""!,)" (>!!!!"! !!!!,

!!?"!!!>I! !I!?>!?!"!! !!!>!(*Q2>!,!! (!!"!I(( !/!>(!!!!(!!O!("!"N !!"!("!,

$!!"!!>!>!0F((B A!!">/,AN! >!$,!"!!!>!!! !"!"""(!""!/?!! 33:

>""!!!!!!M" ! EB/" ?, 0I/ " "! !( ! /!!!"!,

<!!(!>"!"!!II! !!>"!!"!/N!$( "!!(*0%(%%(*R%(0,!>"!!! !>!"!!"(!? !,

!(!>!"!(1>! !(",A>!!?!!> !!!"!"I!("!!I,% "!>!"!"" "!!,0!!!!!"! !!!,

I!"!!(!!(*Q2(!" !!!!"!!"!>! "!!T!!>!"!!!!!> !!!,!!!!I*Q2 "!?I>!("! ?"!!!!>!>!!! !!",!!"!!!(!!"! !?(!!!!(!?! (I,

A"I!>!(!! "!!>"!,) $!?(I!?!!> N >! ! ! I! " >" !"! !"!(!!!!?,A! ! "! ! ,% I!? " > *Q2 "!>!(!"<$!!!"!! !(!!(!>!!, !?T>N!""!,

!!"N!!&"&EB&A!! "!!N>>!,0EB!!I !!EB(!?!!>! "!(A!!!!,!"!! "?"!N!!EB!!! >>!!B$?(0F,A!//!! "EB,

0!!!( ! > ? I ! " !!!T>!>!" ""!,>!!!> !!?,0!!II!? (!!!!!>!!"?I " !> > ! ! !! ( " ( > !,!!!"!"!!,A!! N!!!!(>>!!,

!("!"(!"!!!!!!I! !?!!!!"!!,!(!( >!!!!!N>! >!"!I?!!! 33@

,">!!(I!! !!!!>!!!!!!"!N( I,

%!!!(!"> !I!""!"O!>!I!!! ?,A>"">"!O"!!! "!IT>I!,

%"!T"!!"!" >!?!""!(E!/>! !,A!!!" !!!!""!!TT "!!!,!>II! !!!??>!?""! "!!!>!,

Conclusion A!!!!!"II- "!!!,)I"!!- I(!,,IIT(!!I(I(! !!(III!!!> !"I!?!,

AI"!!!!(!!!(! "!!!!N!!("( !!M>!I(!!"(I((!( !!(!T""! !,%!"!!!O>!!! !,!>>!!! !!!!!!"!"I/!,

"!!"!!!!" !,H!""I! NN!!,AOP"!"5!!! !!I!!!!!5I! !!!"!!!5"!!!! !!,

A!"""!"!>!!!I" N!!>IN">!!>,) ! " !T! ! ! !! "! !(!O""""!!( $!I!!>!OI!> !!?II/!N""! !!,A?""$3:!(>!""!( /> "! ! !! !&!! !( !"!!(!!!>! !/!(!!!!(!""" >"T!!"!>"!,

0!!!(!TTIIRI! I!N!!!I!>!!! >!?"!>!!!II "!,""!/!!!" >!!"!!!(! ! ! I > " I ! "( ! "! !O">!, 338

References %(F,,E,,=A!"$!!<"*"!0 I0!!"I!E!(/8&9,E0!! %!*,@8,$!(F!(%$0F!, 7!(,,!!%,%/G!( B,38(*,4(,63/49, 7O(Q,(,"!I(W,F?,9,*<"!!2F* "!$!<(:0!!":<!E!, $!(F!(%F!!, 7(,($((G,,A!%*I!<$T "$,F!!,F($"!,I3:>! 9#&&III,!,!&>&!k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

F(%,38,%<F!,%/*,46,E(EI( %</)$!, F(%,3,!I<%,$<< %$F(2!O,<,%,F(3/6,"!($%"!!!, F(%,@,!>AI,%/G!,B, 3(*,6(,8/3@,I3:>!9#&&III,,!&&&&1!& %!&@&B3*6B3," FI(*,,#,399,!F?B"$!!!*IQ,7!?( *IQ("%<!#, F*(Q,@,"<%!!,I(B,6( *,3(,3/@,%>!&&III,,!&"&I&3," F*( Q, 33, $ 0! ! 0! A! )!, ! " ()!?!!*,6,$>!!(%!%!*!, F!"E($?,6,!E!($?, F!"E(01,3:,0!!E!(01 F!"E(,3:,0!!E!(, *!,8,!E!@M8,0!,!!"$, *(H,4,%!!A!<Q!I<"!%, %!(B,6(*,6, 21?(,9,A!!"*"!0H,E)!?!9*, :@,$!(F!(%F!!, *IQ,3@,!E!,*!3@, (‚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f!*>!:,E( < ) $!( EI( , 3/4, I 3: >! 9# &&III,I!,!&& &f/:," )""($,0,3,*<"$!,E$!!*3,$!(F!2$ F!, )""( $, 0, %, 7?, 3:, A ! " *, ! 0 !(B,(,3@/, )(F,,%!R$!>0(!E!! *IQ,>!!,%!*!!!, )!(F,<,(,7?(<,(%,!!(<,?(%,F1,@,"!

Family Planning in the Pacific: improving universal access to reproductive health


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A"II"N!!! !!E#,(!(!! "!!(!!!EI!,

Personal contact as a major promotional tool to promote family planning in PICs

2!>"!"!"$"!!,>>I I!"!!?I?"!!N,!"!(!( !I!(!>"""?I "!!"!,

2! !( ! ! " ! " ! ! " 0( !"!,ATQ)!!I`RA!" N!I?N!!!!!"!>!"!" !,>?I>1!! I!">,EI!("!"?I!"! >!"!!!,

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67!>%>!(A%!(EE$(*0%2, K 33

Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women

Q!T>!!"!"!!(>I"(! !>"/?!!E(0,("! !!">I!T!!!!"(!!> "!!!!"!",

%!9,@34$!!"%OA!"I!!"" >!O!P,AI!!T!!IR (>!!?"!"(?I!!!!"" ,AI!"IF!=!I!!O),,,!( (?(>!>!!PA>A?#(O<!II!I! I/>!(!5>!!(I !!"!P)!?,94#,

) I ! N!( ! ! ( I !>> ! !(I!!",A(I!"! >!!T!"T!!>II(II! "!!I?I!!,T!! !"!!E(0,

Primary health care concepts and approaches

A>>!!!!E$#(I!> !!(>!!!!"!E0, E$"!

# ""!>(>>!!>I!I!? # R!!I # !!!!I!#""! # !""/"!!""/!"/- termination # inter-sectoral collaboration # national coverage # !">!, %(E$!O,,,!! "!!P%/%!(%! B(389#,

!"!(!!%"E$>(>""!>#> !%

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E$!!"!E!!, 3

7""E$N!!%N!T0! "!T(!!!!!&( !0I>!,


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# !"/N!# # >"/!"!!?!!# # !!"I??!"!# # >!>!"!I?!!!" !!I# # ">!">&!>!"!! I&!!!&IT!?I?I>!! "I#,

Reporting in rates or ratios versus in absolute numbers

!!(>!!!>>! "(!(!!(I!!",%>>!!!" $>">!,0!N(!!6:>!! *!!"!!FF"98:&3(,!(9(01 !!FF"63,8&3(>!F2E(9#,A>>!!!I!39(44 >!N!!(!!"I"N!, !("!!I!!36,3&3>!5>>!49>> "39(44>!>"!!!!>!,A!>!!I3,:&3" ,I!>!"!!>!">>>!"! !3"9I49,

F! N ! " 01 9 ! ! ! ! ! " !!>!"I>!!!0#II!! 44,8^,)>!"!>!>!!"33(64:I >!3:M44!#(9:(:63I!!"!!>0`A"! 3:(934I>!!I!0I!! "!!"!!E(0,

("II?(01F!"E!!>!"I>!>>I I!"",A!!>!(!>! "!I!N!!!!>!, >!!!>>!!! !!!(!>!!!!`

$I!!$I!E!!!!>!? >#>>!#` K 36

Family planning in the last three decades


%>!"!!>>!"! !"!(5!>" N!"!?"!"!!(!!>I! ,$(384 #

AI!"!394!$"!FNI "I!OI!PO>?P!>I

F1!""!>I!N!!>! "!(!>and without coercion(>!"!!"!( ,N!!(>!"!"!!I the responsibility towards the community !z6X{6|

A!!"!!!I34$,A!I> >!(!0I!"!!! F$E#,


%"(I/>!>"!!( !!!!"!""#,

E ! > " " N " > !!"!"(II",!! "I>"!""(""(""!>> ""!!"!(!"!!!!I> I"!!>!!I>" ",$/%>8,#,

! > ! " "! !!I ! " F$E I! ! !!!!!!!#>"! IE!!I"!!>!N"! "!>I"!>!,

E!!!$Q"!>!RQ"!!I>#>#R !>"!!!I "Q>!!!I>#>R,

I!(!IE(1!!"0( !I394#(I!!!"E,

A"I"!1!!"0!>!I"!!!!"0 !!!!0 # health considerations # human rights considerations # socio-economic considerations # TT!

Recommendations 3, !//!1!!!" $!, , !"!TI!"I!"!! !!(", 6, A>!"E$>!!!!" !E0,A%">!>!"! 34

!!!!!%>(%>(%""!>(%>(%- >, 4, Q>!("!55- !"E!5!"!!!(E !!, :, %"!!I!E!!!!>!>>!!- ""$,AII//?!! >!N"!!!! 0,!!!!"!!, @, !!"""!"!!!!!- >E&0!!!I"!!!""! !E&0, 8, A"!1!!"">!I"!!!!" !!!!!!,

References >!(%,8,Q$!!"N!E!"!%!! "%"!$"!FQ R,%/G!6#, =!(F!,&&III,,!&&!&>?, =!(F!,&&1,,,&!&346, F2EF!"E(01#,9, F!"E(01, )E2)!E2!O#9#)E22""!)! (F, )E2)!E2!O#9>#)E22""!)! (F, 3:

Women’s sexual and reproductive risk index for the Pacific

A!!!"0!R!>( !"!!!I"!! !">,

(0!0#(>!I!!"$ $#%!%#(%F20#(IR N!!!?N"!%8#,

%F20I>%R8>II "!/?!N!!!E#I # !!!?N#!?3!!!!$A#(! I!!!"!!IRN!! !, # !!I"!- tion to SRHR # I>!, /?! I %F20 ! ! !$"!R!!"%$2%#( FQFQ#,

Measuring sexual and reproductive risk in 21 PICTs

%F20!"!!,0!!(I?! E!"N!!!?3""!$A,

%F20RI>!>%,A!(?I"/!( IIN!"!!I ,3A!N!!!!"!! "!!N(!(>!!,

Table 1! and

A Measure of Survival A Measure of the Future Safe & Healthy Voluntary Safe & Healthy Voluntary Chlamydia prevalence Median age at EB! marriage N Q!!!>"!39 %"! %"! 0!! "! Pregnancy %!4} 0 %!3} contraceptives Childbirth ?>! %>! ?>! %>! Maternal mortality ratio Maternal mortality ratio Survival "!! "!!

%F20"!A>3#>N,%"!I! "!!!>I3,A!"!"!$AI! !,A!!!(!N!!!?I !,A!!?"$A>!!N!!!?,A"!! !>"!!?T!0!3#,

3 %Q"/R!I7!G7!, 3@ ?"!N!!!?!$ Figure 1 Figure 9 :  * !0:; 0< ))=  !0:; 0< )   0< >*  = 0< ?@<) A >' ;)  0: # 9 :  * !0:; 0< ))=  !0:; 0< )   0< >*  = 0< ?@<) A >' ;)  0:     NS       !" \ 38

A!!>!!>!I"!FQ !!!!!I!"!$f*(#,0! N(N!II!"!!!( !!!!>!!!!!!?"!E,( H!>(*IQ(B(>"F!, !( ! ! I I ! I/ ! !!!!!!("!(! !?,($?(*(*I$()0(0! Q,AI"/>II!?!!"!,EI!( >!"I!!("!!!(!! >,

)!>(,A"!" ! \ > > " T ,) ! ! ( ! \!!(!!?(!!,0!"3$AI! !,!(("!I!>> "(!!T"!,0!N(!!! !>!"!!!!N!!> !!!"!,

A!">!,0!N(>I!"" I!"!3#,0(I!"$AR! I/>("!I$A,

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Figure 2 FF!N!!

100 y = 0.6749x + 16.761 2 80 R = 0.7505


40 Proxy score 20

0 0 20406080100 MMR score

A!!"!!"!>?!,A0(%7FI!> ">">!"!I!!!!, *$<0(QA")!R$!F!*I>!ER*$<0(*IW!?(%9M3:, 39

A Pacific specific overview of women’s SRHR challenges

A>"E$A!(""!, EI!(!"3$A!"!R!!! (!(!>/!,2!">"! !"E!!!,

%F20?!>(I!R?E !"!I,A!!"!%F20!?! (!!?>!,W!I!" !!!!>>$2%FQ I>!"!I,

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$>!!!"! I!E,A!!!?"EB!$A! A!!EB#5!I!,%(" AN!!EBN"!,!A !!"!",$!!" !>(!!/5!!!!I! !!?"A"!E!"!,

=? !R ! ! !R ! " "!, A !>!>!!!!, !>!>>1!,A! IRI?!!(!I(? !>!!("II!!,A!!"! I!!I!,

!!!I36^04#"!!>> " >!( ! ? " !! N! ! >I " >!!,A""!/!I" >!"!!,

%"!"I!?!!(!"! !>!"$A,%!!(!II"! !>>!!!N!>>!/! >,

%F20"""!>(E" I>!>!!!E" I!!T,

We can overcome these challenges

A!"E$A""!(!!>,0! N( ! =? I I ! ""! ( !! > I! ! E " I % 9#, 0!!( " !! "! ! I! !NI!!>,A!>>! ?IN>!!!"?I?!,     NS       !" \ 3

%F20!II!?I!!E I>!,)"!!I( !?>"!!!!,

!( /?!( E \ ! "I!?!IRE!>(! !5!"!!5!EEB5 N!E!5>!EN5! E!!5"5>I!?"!I!?"!I5! !!Q!R5> ""!!5!>!!>!?"(> 5>E5!"!!5 ""5I!/!" ,

"!($2%(FQE !(I>!"!I,


$ 7 # QQ ! > F Q ! R(:6#, 0!!0!##0(=( H, *B#Q$!FQ2R((:6#, %%!##R %()$(%, 36

Family planning in Tonga: improving universal access to reproductive health

AH"A("I!$"!$# $!34("!!E#"1!!! !!,

E"!$>!""!!!I!"!F$E# !!!!!!!!#>"! IE!!I"!!>!N"! "!>I("!>!,

A!!!(Q!"AN"I! !F$E!!(!!!!,

A!"!F$EEI,EI!(!(!!F!" E"!I!"E"!E!! ! ( !!( !! ! , $!!( E !!!"F2ER!!!!((!? "!,

A!!(Q!"A!F!"E(1 !!!E,)!" *0%(II!>>"!"9,

Historical background to reproductive health

AQ!"A""E!!I! E!!>(>(>""!>"!"A !!>"!!!,!F!"ER$!! 9M33(F!"!E(E,!BA(!EF OA!""T!I"/>!("(( !!!!!!!!!P,

A!!00#!!>!0I F$E"I!$"!07!384,(F$E!! >?I!F!$E0!!,A!" F$E0!!"!!>!!!0,

!! ! E$# "! !/ !/! >! ! >I !/!!&!""!R !!I,F$E&0I!/!>E$?!!I! I!?,A!!!!(I, (%%!!A!&$!" %>!IF!"!E(E,!A#,

A " " F! *!> 398 !"! !R I!"F$E&0!!!I!! >"!!>!I""!1!(>! !!"!>>,

A!!!F$E&0!!!!>!"N! !>T>!>!!5!! !"!!#!>?#5!>!"! I ! > ! >! " ! "0#!!>!!!, 363

A!"E! # "! # " # !!"AEB # !!!!""! # !"T">! # N!(("!, A!(I!"!!(>*0%()E2(*$<0$( E!!!"!,

7"!"EA(E,!!F!"!E! ""F$E&0!E4&3&6,

Table 1 A!!(9

INDICATORS 2008 AA>3!! current health status and the encouraging <Q# 36,6 !>,

%!I ,6 < I " !"4! 36, A ! ! ! " > !! ! !( !">I4/34! :, ! " !! !"!> 6@, ! I !> " ! , "!! 3,94 A>E! $!>!!!3(# :, 1! " !! care services continuously achieves "!! 3@,4 their targets through regular monitoring F!!!!3(# 8@,3 T!!!!# " "! !, A $^"I!!(9# 8, F! " E ?I ="N# 8 !> " >! " international donor community such as ="N"# 8 G$%(*0%(*$<0()E2$ "!! 3@,4 !"!" !, A"!! 6,8 A"! AN!(j# 3,9 "!!$ AN!^"Q @,3 N ! ! ! $#,%!A> !N!j# 3:, 3(8^"I">! !3(# :, "!"!!! 9,EI!(>$ !3(# 33,8 !!!(! *!!3(# 668, > "! ! ! been included in the government statistics !"!!IA! , and women who have had a bilateral !"!!IA 9, tubal ligation in the past have not been !! !, !"I 9, " >! " births and the low natural population !"!>!! 3, !I!A(! ! F!"E(!E !" "!!"! !/>!, 36

A"!!!E!>(! !"!T""!!!#!! "!!,!!(I!(!!I!?!E !>!?,AQ!!!"EB!A!! H4IEB!>A!#I !649!II!,%!I!!>I! !?""(!>!"A!?>!>!!( !!?(EB">>(!T?,A !1!"!!!!A!,

A"I>"!N!!%E# !!!(!"A/!!3:M:!,A! >I!!!!",

A!>!E!(!!?!"I !!"E!!,A!" !><!2>!$!!!! ,

A!(!F2E(!!"! "FQ(!"!! !(">A&EB,

Universal access to reproductive health services

<I!!>(!!!!"!! !!!A,

Political commitment

A H " A $! ! $! \ "! " Q!"A,A!!!!>!!">!&!!"/ !"!#I"IN"!N !!!,!! "!("!,%(!!"!! >(!!!IT"!!!, 0!N(>RI!!T!"!I"R!(I!> !T!I"R"I,

Family planning and RH commodities security

ANI!"I>I!!!!> !"!!5!!!""!Q> !>,A!!"!IN""!!/ !>>"!!"",EI!(!! !!!!?!R!,

!(1!"N!!!!T! " " !! ! "! ( !! # !(TT!,A!!"! !!"!!! !! ! ! ",

!""N!"!!> >!I>!",Q!!>!(I" !/,=?I(T!!"!" T"!"!"!!, 366

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health

A!"> I!!!"!!?"! N , Q>( I!( " >( N !("("!!!!! !N,

!(I!!!(II !!(!"!?,A>TN !?""N,

A>!>!>T""A",A! > I "! N " ! "( I !!( I!>,%(A "!I?>!(>!!!"(> !I>?,

Sexually transmitted infections, reproductive tract infections and HIV

AH"A!!>", evidence shows that there is a high !!"!/! !!!(!!!>!,$!!(!!M!>! !!!/"!(!! !N,

!(!!I>(>!!>!>!,AI> !"N"""N"! ""!!,

Geographical isolation

Table 2 A %A>I("H"A !> @4 , ! I!? Population density Number "(!!!>!!N! (population) of villages ("!"I/,

93/:@ @ !!IF!"E(1! 3/93 @ !!(!!"",A! "!!$!E#(T, 36/3 @ %("!!!!!> @/36 46 I!T!!"!>!" !?!"!!$!,A!! /@ 8 care personnel to the remote locations relies heavily on donor partners !"!"!!,"!> I!(!!""!N"!?,

The way forward

A! > N " ! ! !! > !,(!!!>I>( !!!!!,

!!!!(!!!" ! !! ! ( !( I!?( ( ! >!(I!!,A!!(I! !"!!II""A, 364

AF!"E1!"!"!>"! !!(I>!T!"!!!> N!!T!"!!,A!E(!! I!!!(!*E!9M 33,>!!!II!!!,% !!"!!,

Table 3 !1!

6 Strategies Affordable Long/short term 3, !!! *I Long term , A!!>!& ""> Short term and long term 6, <! ""> Short term and long term 4, !!"!! ""> Short term and long term

0!!"I(!>A>6>(I ""!"!!!,A!!>>!!, 0!(!!!!!T!>"!!!>> >!!!!,A(I!(>""!>!, 36:

Family planning key interventions in Solomon Islands


A0!!!!"//!"! !,A!!!I!I!! "!$!34,34("!!"F!$E>! !EE#(I!!E#" 0#,)""!!!!" !"!$!(!!I!!!3M3,I !!!!!"I!!, A!"!(@(!I!"!! !!,0?!!!>!,

Provincial family planning training workshops

0I!!E0:I!")E2F<>$!! !!0(E>!I*0%(!! >!I"0F(I!(! !"!I!!"I!N!,A 0F!"!"!0I!?!!!!( <!!FI"!A!!!(I!> I!?!",!"0(!I! 0!0I!0!I!?(!8:!I!?!( !!!(E0!!!(FE!!(I( !!"!(>!00I ",

The family health card

A " ! ! I ! I!?! ! ! ",A!"!!(!>!!! ",,I0!#!(!"!! !!O!(!!?,

Family planning and reproductive health commodities

)!!I!?!!/?("T ! ? > ! 0 E ( T( !( ( !(,#!T0!!!!T!0 E!,A!E0!!(!!( !!!!*0%)E2!!"!E 0T(I!!>!",

Men in reproductive health

AQF!ER !(!!( "I!!"!"!!!EA!!!!!! !! 39,3 A ! > ! "! 0 E( ! , A " R ! !! I !( / *B#, 0I"I/*B!@9"I!?!("*B !!!I>!(*B!!>?"E

3,A!EA!!!"01"F*0%/!!!"! !"I, Institutionalising family planning

Family planning key results and achievements


Figure 1

300 251

250 196


Rate 150 105 91 100

25 27 29 50 11

0 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year



Figure 2 7 6


Rate 4 7.1 6.1 4.8 4.6 3



0 1976 1986 1999 2007 Year

Total Fertility R ate 368

Family Planning Key Challenges 3, Astock-out issue"!(!!/!!(I! ,"/!!(I!?/(!/! !,A !!!>"!"!! !!"!!(!( !!!!, ,6 Resistance to modern contraceptive methods !! N !"! ! "! >!>,0!!!!T!?>> !, =6 Inconsistencies in family planning reporting>!!N(!!>I !!!!!,0!N(0&$!I!I!!> "!!I!!!F2E"!,EI!(! !0!I!?(!!, 6 Geographical constraints and high logistical and administrative costs ? ! "((!>"0"I(1! ,

Recent progress

3, !!!!I!?!E0 !O, , !!$>!F($($!# "!R!R"!", 6, A!!>"!E0!(I*B!, 4, $!F!(!>>E0, :, A!!!!I!?!(!!,

Strategic directions and the way forward for family planning

3, A*E!33M3:#>E0! 3M3(I!, , !!"!"!I!"!!"%"$ "FQ(!"!! >N!!!"!!!" ( "(!!"!((!(!>?- !!!!!E0!, 6, QF!ER!(*B/"!!!- !,AI>>!"!!T !, 4, !!!!"!/>!! !I"!, 369 36


F!(!>(> and nutrition

Richard Taylor Keynote address Mortality, morbidity, obesity and nutrition in "()

GAO A!"! !!01 384

0!EO A">!"F!39:

G* %R!$ 36

G!! (!( >39

Discussion 34

Mortality, morbidity, obesity and nutrition in the Pacific


A ! $"! $# !! "% $!<#>!34I!I!"!( (!(!!!("(!>!(( !*0%34#,AI"I>"H%"!"!!" $!!>*Q!%>*IW!?%#G3(I!! !(!T!!!I!!! N*0%3#,

$!,3@#"AH%O!"!! !!!,,,,P5( ! 68(69#( ! !( ! ! !>>"!>(N(!(!(,*0%3#,AH% "!*IW!?3#!!(I!!$! $!!34#!>1"!,A!*IW!? 3#!!>>!\"!I!!> Q!R!"<!<!("!!$!%(!! "!3(>>"!%!#5 ! "! ! ! " ! !> ( !!!>!Q>7!"Q7(Q73@5F!!f=O 38(>(#!>!"!" ,%"O,,,"!!,,,P$! F3,9#("! ,


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OA!"!NP3,>!!I! >(!!!("!">,="I?I 3^!,A>1!"!!""! >("(!>""(!!( ! ! !!( ?I N! ! !,) ?I I !!>!",G"N>!!9!#! !!"!>38#(">? >"!! (!"""!!!!!"!!!, %/!(I!"!(!!!("!""! !"/!!,

A!N!!!!(!(!( (!I!!"!<! 0!#5>N\>!,A!! !""!""!,EI!(!T!N!

3 %!>710!?(I>F!?AI 343

"!(!I""!"II<!( I?I"""%!,$!II> >!I!!,

Mortality and morbidity

A!! !">Q !R,0!! IN(!"I>!5!N" "I>!5I>!I!!! "!,

Demographic transition

A>!"!A!>O3:: #!

#<!(()!!! !!"!5

>#A>I!!!!!""!! !"!(!!!I!!!I!!!"!! "!!!"!5

#A(!!(!I!!"!("!! !II!,O3:: #,

7 I " !T( > O< ! P ! T 5 O )!P T !T! " !!,",G($#,

A ! ! I !> "! ! > " ! "!I!!Q!R!(Q!R!"! !"I>!""!(>>"!!!I!"! >"!"!!(I>!( "!"!!!!>I#(I!!Q!R!,A! I>)!<!*!%!N!!! *3:65$3865H!?3@#(!!!#>! >T,

0!3I!!<"!3:4(T"II! N!>!!,

A33I>!:%@I!!3!, B!"!!

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!!!!N"I!I!!!N >"N>I!!"!N !>"!N!,EI!(N!"!! (!"&N!!"!T "!>!N!,*!N!"! "!(!>"!"">!(>! !>!(!,

Epidemiological transition

3832!!>!2!383#\!N !"!!!N!"!"!!N>N" 1!"(!>,E(!(!O%P" ! O 0P " N %4 !#5 O P "N6%:!#5O!F/FP"N!:!#, 2!RI(!N(!I!>"!!"N ":!(!"O!F/FPI"!>! "!!!!"!(I!! "!382!383#,A!!><)(G $(!!!!(>"">>,A!!O!P (I!N>?"!>( >!!!>/!>"I!>,0!!( "O/P!!!>!/ !!"!T(>!(",

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A! " ""! >I 3# ! # " ! "! !! (!!(>!(!#1!!#I !!!"N(!!!!5#T" I!!!!!#"!!!"!!! !!(I!!1#"! (>I!"NO!P#,

A!!T"(!*$1! !!(""!!!(! ! / !! ! T ! " N, =" N!"!"!/ !!>>!!!!"!*$1!,A !>!>"!!!!!,

A!!"!("NT"I! !!!!!!(!"!N!( !I!!!!T"*$,A! !!>!"N(!!>(> !!"!!!!"!,

A " ! >I 6# ! 4# "

QA!Q!R>"N"E!!R!"!F3:th<# 7!I,3#($AN>?"Fnd<#Q(%4# NQ!GR(>!!!"!!Q2!!R, 346

!>/"/("!(! " ! !! " "! > N# >( I! / ! > ( ! ! " " W==# > ( I ""! >I ! ""! ,A!""!!/!" !#1!"!!>#(I!*$1! #!1!"!>!(I?! >"""!"N,$>! !5>!I"!*$! "!!#IT""!! /!#(>!!""!,

The double burden of disease

A!Q>>!"R!>"!3"I! Q>7!">3Q7(Q73@5F!!f=O38(>(#, AII!!!!!($#"N!"! >!/!"!!!(!/!> !Q!#("!/>Q!#(1! Q!#,A!Q>>!"R "I4)! E%>!Q(R""! F!4#,

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II>!>!!!"!"!! >!N>Q>>!"R0!6#,

Non-communicable disease as part of the epidemiological transition

*/>*$#!!!" # !/"!!(>!!!(!!"" ("!>!?"!!!!(!!? # >#> # !>!(!>!! # !"((>!!, A ! " !"!! Q " "\R ! QI! R ! Q! ! R ! Q " !>R ! Q " !R,% ! T I! "!,*$!T">!(I!"! ! !( ! I >, A ! > !!!>, A!"!"*$!!! I!!!!th!N!""!! !"N5I!!I!!>/ !# I! !( I ! ! I! >! F!!!GI!(>!#5!! !>"!)!)!I!!>!th!,> 344

II?I">>"!3@,*$!(! I!?"!!!!#,"! "!!!"!>(!!$! H395F(7?>!(H!fH,36(38(3#(!(!! 0!(F,)34#,

A!>"">!(I!!*$"! 3#I!!")!<!(*!%!%!Q!I!R#(I?" !!$B#!38%90!4#,%!(!I!N"N ! 34:%8# " 3@%8# " $B( "I > !"N/!!!>0!:#( !!""!$B!!>"!,A! """$B!!!!!(%,A !!"!)!)!!!!! Q/>R"36("I!?">!3, 0!!!(!N!Q>>!R""#( I"!*$>"!3:,

A!"!>"">*$"!I! !!>""!!(<!<!!QI!R#(I! *$!!"!34:,*$!?"!"<!<!3(> "!!>N!!$B!3st century to levels higher !!>!0!4#,%(!">>!"( "!34:(""*$!(>"!3(I! !!!>!EB&%(,

A!!""">*$!!!! "I>!Q!I!R(I!!"/ !!!!!>I !I!,A!"!!,EI!( ?"!">N!"!! 5>>>"!!!!,

A!!""!"!!!!>!!"!/! "(""!0!@#,AQ>R!!"!I!"! (!>!<!!Q!#G,EI!( N!"*$(II!!!!"N> "!!!!5I!("N!,A QI!R!"!!"!"!/!!#!! !"!*$1!#(I!I"N,A !!!%!%>!'B(7!?!f7 ,8(.#(?#Q!I!R(!" /!!!""!"!!I"N !,

AN!!"!!"N!,% !N!!?"!"!!*$>I!>>( "*$I>"!!">(!*$ !! I /!>, A >! " !! ! $E#0II!!!!"!!!!>G( B!fA,39#($E!!!%!!>!7!39#, =?(*$!>!!>!(! ! !! !( I " !, A ! Q> ! " "\R I , ! > !! "!!"">(I!""(!> ""QI!R!QR!Q!R(!!T!!!" 34:

"!!!!,!(!!"!>!"!*$ !T!"(N!!"!,A! !!"!>!"!"!/!T" !"""!!!!!(II!!> (/!>,"(!>?!">I!( I("!>("!!,=?I(!*$ >!>!?"!(I!"!! !>!!!,

$N"!""!$E!>I"!! $E!!I!!!!I(N "!!">!>!?"!$E"!!, EI!(!?!>!?"!%!3@9%#A!( >fF!O@#*IR39%4#A>(A!fW,9#("$E !89^%!59^*IR#N>>"! "!!!?"!0!89#,A!$B!%! *IR(!!!(!!I>!,

Transitions in Pacific Island populations


Emergence of non-communicable disease in Pacific Island populations 738(*$(!!>(I!"!> !,AI!"!!( I"!/!!,*! I *$ > !! !> ! !> !( ! !! ! ! !(I!!I!!I""(F! !,394I!!>$$#$394#! !>!"O!>)!P(I!$#>$I !!"$#IO"P(:!"!, A!">(>! N!!!"!I!!(!OI!P!O I!P,

01("!N(!!!"!38#>!" I$BI!?"!"!?(3845(3965A ,394#,A!"$B!!"!?"!39,3965A , 394# I I ! " !( >( > ? >, $!01!86^"!3:@394(I!I99^A ,394#,$!!!!"!^!3@4^(I"N "!39"!>!#,

!"*!("I1!"343:(>! !"!, $!! > ! "! !! " %6^("I38(!,"!38(?4^/39(3^ "!3,="N!I3!"!>!#,)!/! I!>"!)!)!A!fA396#(!! "!#I!!*!"!3:(I! 3@:A!fA396#, 34@

Mortality in relation to economic and social development in Pacific Island states %!"!!>(> A!f=O85A!(7f=O:#,A!Q>R" N"!!A>3,

A!!>I"N"!#Q!!Q#! !A!9#(IN(!I!39A!(=If33#0! #,A"!I?I!I!!(I !!"Q!#>!""N(!! ""!*$>!#,EI!(!>>I%j3/3(6Q! I!!T!!"N("!!"!Q! >?N""!,,#,0!!!(I!"Q! "N!>I39(!I!, A(!>!((!>( I!(,#(I!!>>!38:!38:#,

Plateaux in life expectancy in Pacific Island states !(N"N>>!I" !I(0!3#("" !,A">!"!!QR!(T" !!!!(!!!"!*$1!,

*!("!!1!"N ! ! 39( !! ! "! *$( ! !!!"!("*$!!0!3#,

Morbidity, obesity and nutrition

A?>I!(>!>I!!!#!>(N( > > " ! >,A! ! !/! ( !"!""\""?(! "!(N!(\>,0!!!(!?"!"!!!( !!!!?(>!("!"!"! ?#(!>!>#&!!(! >>,A!!>I,

A!>I!?(!!!! have >!!%!(I"!"!!!!? *?!(7!Of=,9#,!"!(!I" "!"!"!!?!F!?(=f=I,8#,

The human ecological proposition

>!"!"*$(! !I""(">,!! ">"!!!/!(!!(!! !"!"!!#!T!>!,Q)!R" "IT!>"!%(%"! A!If7!?3935$394#(!>!!/I !!Q*!A!R?4#,A!!" (T>5!! I!!5>!/""!>/!5 "">!""!I!/!, 348

A!>N!> !!/!!>!I!"!>!I ">(N!(>,<!! genetic (I!I!!!!"!(>? N>>>*3@#(!=/f !:#!I!!">I!!>N !!!",A!>!!"!!"! "!!"I("#>I!",) !!"!I!?"!!(!I5 ""!!(!>!! !,

$!!!!">5"N(!! "!("!T"!("""!(>! "(>N!(,!!!!,A!! !!!,NI!N>!!T!!"! >(!?!T!""!N!,0!I! >>"I>!("!?"II!( !!!I!",)!(!!T!"! N!!?!!T!(I!""!>"( ">I?("("!/"!?,A ""!!(!(>/ !,

$!(I!(T?!!(I>( ?/,)!!> !!N!(!!>>!! !!?,AN!!N!>! "!(>!!"!>!!N!"!!! "!(!!1!"!"N!R!RQ!!R( N!"!I,


A!!!!>I>!,%>"> !!>T>>!!(!! !>I(!>>N7F#I&#, EI!(>1>"!!>"!!"!O!!>( IQ!RI"!>>I"!O," >>I!>>#?"?>"("!T !!!#,A!!>"!O""!>I! >>"""!T!"!(!,*!( I"!""!"!!(>!/ !7F>!"!(>!!7F $!%,

2> T " > " ! ? I ! N!( ! > !>,!!!>> !(!O!"P!"*3@#,2>!> !!!(>>#,F! """">$B>I"",0!!(!?!> >"!/!#"I!>! !?(I!!?"!!!I!!!?,0!!!( >!!(IN!!"""!>( !$B, 349

A ! ! >I > !? " ! ! !? ! !> " !!!>#,AN!!?"!!I!>1: 7F#!"!"!%/I!38^"!"!!(3^ "!!!!?:^"!!?%/!>!8#(I "!!3^%3^"!"!"!!,F" >1I!%,

Morbidity, obesity and nutrition in Pacific Island countries

% ! ( N $ !I > $ 394( # ! ! >! " *$ !> ! ! !? "! ,(!>!)E2/!A<!"*$!?"! ( ! (%! ( 0! " F! H!> 0F A< 95 %!A<85H!>A<# ,A!/"! "!! !">?(!(>(>( !!!!?"!0!33#,EI!(A<! !!/!!I!(I!!" >"!"!>#,0!!!(I/""!!I "!!?"!(!"Q>!R!(>"!?"!!! "QI!?R"!!>,3^H!>(,4^%!(3^ 0!"F!:%@4!(>N#0FA<95%!A< 85H!>A<#

%!"!?!01(BH!>39!!>>1 I!!>(!!!">!(!?! !!!(!!!!!(I!!!?( "N!(I!""!(!!!?"!A!(7?f H,3#0!3#,II>!?"!"!> !01A!(fR,394#5I>T!I! !,

$!I!>!"!/!(!!"I!"!? "!!!",01($B!?"! I!!$B!/!(>>!>$( If$>I,3@#,(!!!!I!!! !!!!!!!?"!(>)(QO?f!!!,38#, 2>I!!I!"*!(!F!/01%( EfI,3@#,EI!("!0!!!>I !I>#$E("!>"!>(! "!!!?"!E>!(0>fF*!,396#,1:7F#I"!!"!%/"!"!! !?%/!>!8#,AI(> >!>!>!?!"!"!?"!"!$B!,

Response to non-communicable disease

The ‘Prevention Paradox’

$! ! " *$ Q! !NR ! ! > Q? ?R39:(3#,AQ!!NR!>" !"!!!?(!?(! !"I!!?!!?,AI!!?" !#!"!?"!(,,!?"!?"!>!!(!? "!!!"!>(!?"!!!"!!!(> !?"!"!%(!!?"!!"!! "!!/I!(!!?"!"!,A! Q!NR(>>!>! 34

!""!!?,A!!!!! !>"!?"!!N>#I!0!36#,

Prevention and control of NCD

A!*$!!>"!?"!I!(I !?!"!!?,AQ!!NR !"!!!?!!!?#!!! ",""(!!! N!(>>!!>>,A!! !!?!(!"""(!"!? "!/!,7I!!!"!*$!?"!> N(!!"!/!!!"!,

A !/! !? "! "! *$ > "! !! ! > !,$E(!?(>#(!>!(!(! !!#!>!!?"!,A!"( !(#(N!>?(!T!!!!!(!( "# ! ( I !! ! " !? "! (!#,A!!!!!> > !? ! "! ! I *$ ! !#("!!?I>"">*$!!!#,

!!"!!"*$>"""!!I!$E(!?(! >!!,A!T!!"!> !(!!"!!,A!I >!(!"!(/!!!!, EI!(!>!!"!>!!!,,*Q2 $(0!!!!?#,

A!"*$$B>#!>(>! !!!!!#>!(> !> "! /! !( ! !" (/!!!(!!!? !/!,

Q!!!!!!!"*$>!> !>!?>!""!?" #,Q!!I!>>!!(>( ! N!( QR( I ! !?I,0!!!(!!"!!!?!! " ! > " ! />! !N " ! > ( !! )! 7? )7#( !F!0F0#)!A!2!)A2#Ef=I!:#, (!!>1>>\>!I!!"! "!N"!!">(>"!!N!! !!"!!?!,*!(!> !>,

Challenges to NCD control in populations

A!!!>*$!, individualism:*$!I!#QRQOR(I "!!!! medicalisation:"!"!!!!!#!- !!!("!!">!?"!!?( I!!!?(!I""!T! 3:

# "!!\!!(I! I!!"!!! # !!">!!! )A2!!!R>!"!!Ef=I!:# # !!""!!!"!!! !(!!""!/!! # !"!!>!>!" "!!/!>(I!T">!I!" !!!!!I!N!!! !>"# # ?"N*$!"""! "" studies in whole populations # prevalent economic paradigms at national and international level that prevent price and import manipulation "!>"("("! # ?"!"!I!?O!(IN!!!- ,

Conclusions # A!"!!(I <A!I!!*$"!!!- !"N, # *$T"!!>""((!#(N! >?!I!>>!!!!> IQ!>R(QI!R(Q!R(Q>R(QR(Q"\R !!\, # 2>T"N!?!N!(!>! >,F"!""">!!!>"! !""">!, # !!!!!"!*$!!!!6%4! !(%!*IR("N>>"!- !?"!, # *$!!T!!"! !>!"!(>(>(>?!! ,(T!!!!!!>- >!>"!"N, # A!*$!!>"!?"!I!(I !?!"!!?,AQ!!NR !"!!!?!!!?#(!! !", # *$!!>!!("! !(N!(>,E!!!! >!T!, # ">!/(>!!N",


General recommendations 3, 0!!"!!"*$!!!, , 7!!!/!#!(> ?N!, 6, !>*Q2(!!"!!, 4, !I>"!("!- , :, F!!*$!?"!!#, 3:3

Specific recommendations

3,E!>! # intensive and continuing health promotion # >!!!!((!!"! # !!(!# # !!(I!?(! # I!!! # ! 1! !? "! "! *$ >( ( N!( ! N !,

,!! # !"!"!(>("!( !!!">"!!"! # !"">!(!!!/"( !!""!! # !"!!(>!!(!!?" !" # N"!!"!!!- !?"!!! # !"I!"!N!!"N&!I!"" "!!"! # !"",

6,F! # F!"!! # F!!?"!>>>!A<!> # F!">N"""*$!,

4, <> "! !! " ! ! !! "! *$( especially # *Q2$!$(E!0(/>>>( # !(>((!" # !"!((!!(!- etetic associations # $!(IR(,

:,0/!!"!I*$!!?(!("! !!T!(N!!!,


APPENDIX: WHO actions on prevention and control of chronic non-communicable disease

A)!E2!! 565 45 85 9,A!!)E2!!>?3: !!!(!?(>(!(>!!!,

World Health Organisation 2008%2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases9#

O)!?!!!!"!/>!!( >( ! ! !!! "! ! !? "! > ( (!"",P

Objectives of the WHO Global NCD Strategy and critique

2>1")E2Q>*$! Comments OA!!!!/> J I!? > ( !!!" !!!P

OA>!"! !!"/>P

OA ! ! ! ! > !? "! "! /> J >((!" M "P OA!!!"!!!"/ >P

OA!!!"!!!" />P OA ! /> ! !!!(! >P

O%!$?0!,0!"!/>N!! (!(!>!!>N!?>!>!? "!!",A"!!>(,%! !"!"!!?"!!!,! """!!>!?"!! 3:6

!!"!I!?",%!1!!?"!> !!>!"!!!"/>, $!"!"!?"!""! !,P

Lessons Learned

OF?I>!"/>,!!1!!?"!!!(( >!!,

$!!!""!!?,>> !"!N?IN!(I!!O>I,

!!N!>!?"!I!!?"!I! ""!!!!"(I!(" "!!,

% ! /! ! "! ! " /> !"! ! !"!"!?"!!, (!"!?"!(!,A? !(!!?!>!>!"/> !?,$T(!!!>!! !!?"!II!/!?,

I"I("!>!"!?"!( !"!>"!!!N!",EI!( !?"!I>>>,

! !T! !( !(!/!(!!(!!"!(>! I/!!O(!!!,! "1!>!\!?"!,F!!"! ! > \ > !( " ! !( !!(!>(N>,

A/!"I/>!!!I">! !O!!"!,F>!! N"!!"!P, 3:4

Figure 17!!<"!3:4





Figure 2!>2!!!

Omran’s propositions relating to epidemiologic Comments transition O A ! " ! ! " ! !! ! I P T!# "!!#,

O %!!"" !>( 4th 2?(%39@#I!! !,0!!( is a misleading and anachronistic PQ I!(!"! implies a R PQ ?"!"!"!/ R PQ !, P

O A ! " ! ! !I!>"! P "N!:!#(>!"! later reduction in adult mortality in high income countries "! ! ! "! !! ( !1!,

O ) ! ? ! with the demographic transition and socio-economic ( ! ! ! ( > P observe that while social and economic improvements were 1! !! " ! ! I !(!>!1! !!!!!,

F!!!I!!"!! J " ! !!#5 " !! ! / > QI! R#, A Q! P R!>!I!!G( QR!>!!! "! ! > ! !I!"! !I, 3:@


="N E!!$B $B E!!" >!(> !|^#I "!! !|^#I N!# "!€3^# mortality $B!€3^#

|8: %! *IR 0! United States United Kingdom

Q %! 0! *I$ A

@:/8 01 * 0!F! Samoa *!!F! B Palau $? A )0

@/@4 Kiribati F!

€@ *! *IQ

" "N"! Q>>!"R *$ A!!I " ""N !/!" "!*$ N 3:8

Figure 4 A"!!!!I!!"!3:

!F!O(A!I(A!,, 3:9

Figure 5 A"!!%!!

!A!(If=IF,39,39> 3:


%!%>!( %!( A!! High premature mortality high premature "!/> !"! 1! under-nutrition and !%/N " !(!!<!5 $!!<!<! "!!5 ` G( Southern <!

Low mortality !!!!" "! !"! "!!/ # >1! ` mortality in adults

$!! )!<!(*! %!(%!( G 3@

Figure 7 !?"!!!!!*IR

Declines in tobacco ?! *R

Declines in mean total blood !*R

Declines in mean !A>(A!f systolic blood W,9 !!*R 9^"$E! N> reduction in the three !? "! 3@3

Figure 8 !?"!!!!!%!

Decline in mean serum Decline in mean diastolic Decline in tobacco !%! >!!%! ?! %!


89^"$E!N>!6!?"! 3@

Table 1 (continued) F!"!!

Country Best recent available estimate (and range of estimates)+

(Popn ‘000 - year) Year Life expectancy at Infant Source and method of best birth (yrs) Year mortality recent estimate Male Female (/1000) Melanesia 0193/38# 3@ @:@3/8# @@:/8@# 3@ 8/@# !" 3@ *I$ 3 8@8/86# 8@86/88# 3 @@/9# %!!! 38/3@# *IQ :::3/:9# :4:4/@# 3: 86@3/86# ="N 6(@9/3# census analysis and surveys 3 @3@3/8# @@/84# 3 @@/@@# !" 44/3# 3 B36/3# 3 @@@4/8# @@:/84# 3 38/6# !" 3

Micronesia 0! 34 @4@6/@:# @8@:/@8# 34 4@/4@# =">"! "F! !"! 339/38# indirect methods Q34@/38# 3: 868/86# 8884/88# 3: # %!!!

H!>93/3# 3: ::9/:# @:@/@:# 3: @:6/@8# !" 3: F! 34 @@/@@# @6@6/@# 34 @634/@6# =">"! :3/3# childhood mortality *!3/3# 33M36 :4:4/::# @3@3/@4# 33M36 3633/:# Hospital death registration data *!!F! 34M3@ @8@8# 8686# 3/3@ 38/3# B!! :/3:# Probably accurate

3/39# 3: @4@4/@@# 8@/84# 3: 3/9# B!!:(@ Probably accurate

}A!"!"N"!!N"!!" country and international and regional agency sources

!A!f=O8, 3@6

Table 1 (continued) F!"!!

Country Best recent available estimate (and range of estimates) + (Popn ‘000 - year) Year Life expectancy at Year Infant Source and method of best recent birth (yrs) mortality estimate Male Female (/1000)


%! 3: @9@8/@9# 8@83/8@# 33/3: 363/3@# Sources and methods unclear @6/3# $? 3:/: @:/83# 86@:/8:# 33/3@ 4/64# B!! 38/3# 0! 3:/: 838/83# 8@8:/88# 3@ @:/8# %!!! /3@# */38# 33/38 8@6/84# 33/3@ 3939/# Probably accurate vital registration data 38:/3# 39 @:@:/8# 8@8/8# 39 :33/:# B! A?3,:/3@# 3@ @9@9# 88# 33/3: 66/69# B!!!>> accurate A8/3# 8@4/83# 8@8/84# 3@ 3@9/4# Demographic analysis "3@ %!F!"E A33/3# 33 @4@4# 88# 3/3 83@/:@# ="N"! !"33 census )0 3/3: @8@8/8# 8383/84# 3/3: 3:@/39# Probably accurate vital registration 34/3@#

}A!"!"N"!!N"!!" country and international and regional agency sources

!A!f=O8, 3@4



VanTuvSam FJ Pal Ton Niue CI Nau 10 FrPol Guam

NC Infant mortality rate per 1000 per rate mortality Infant

Both sexes Q!! 1 100 1000 10000 100000 GDP per capita $Aus

80 80 Males Females Guam NC FrPol Guam SamTon CI 70 Ton Niue NC 70 Tuv Niue Pal FrPol Van FJ CI FSM Van SamFJ Kir Tuv FSM Pal MI SI SI Nau 60 MI 60 Kir

Nau PNG 50 PNG

Life expectancy at birth (yrs) birth expectancyLife at 50 Life expectancy at birth (yrs) birth expectancyLife at

40 40 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 GDP per capita $Aus GDP per capita $Aus


80 80 Males Females

70 70

60 60 Life expectancy at birth (yrs) birth at expectancy Life Life expectancy at birth (yrs) birth at expectancy Life 50 50

Outlier excluded 40 40 100 1000 10000 100000 ! 100 1000 10000 100000 GDP per capita ($Aus 2000 value) GDP per capita ($Aus 2000 value) A!( 2000 1980 9, 2000 1980 3@:

Figure 10 "N!>>



0!>>!! death registration data 3@@

Figure 10 (continued) "N!>>



Cook Islands


Figure 10 (continued) "N!>>

Papua New Guinea

Kiribati 3@9

Figure 11!!N!?"!"!!!

Diabetes risk factors and consequences Macro- vascular: CHD Societal Pre- Diet factors determining (calories) factors E levated Geography blood Socio- C ulture Obesity sugar economic E conomy status Literacy Impaired glucose Health E thnicity Physical promotion activity tolerance Food Diabetes production Urbanization Age, Sex, Genetic Micro- vascular: eye, renal 3@

Figure 12 A!"N!!?"!!!>(B(01(H!>(!39

3500 Vanuatu Rural

Fiji Rural 3000

2500 Vanuatu Urban

Fiji Urban K iribati R ural Energy intake (kcal) intake Energy 2000 K iribati Urban

1500 6 8 10 12 14

! A! ( , ! ?( N!( > / communicable disease in rural and !>"! !,G!"%!$ "*!,336#96/6,3 38

Figure 13 A!!N

!Q, A!"! F(2N"!! !3, 383

References %F,E(Q!H,I(B!,$(R,R,3@,F!F!*! F01*%I2>,%!G!"<,346:#44/ 4::, %$!$>!,8,*!"2>>!"!I> %M!,2>I9(33M3@ 7!(E,T!"!!*I)(%!(3@/34, f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`3@,!7" )!E2!O,889#@4/865 * 3:6, * 0, < !> " $, ! " < ! $"!"%!!<,=,2N"!!!,3:6 2?(%%,A"!"!"!,F>? F!0V!!@46#6::/63,39@, 38

2!%,383#,A!(!"",F>?F! 0V!!,‚=‚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`A!>"! >!?"!!!!!!!*IR,%! *IRG!">E,6#338,9, A!IE(7!?<#,)!!!!,E!!!!$>!F, 393 *0%,H% "! "!! " $ !! "% " ! $"! $#(%>I/!"*#Q!%>( *IW!?%#(6GMG3,*0"!%*0%#,* 0(4, *0%, !! "%% ! $"! $#( $! <#(:/36>!34,*0"!%*0%#,* 04, !F%,$F,FG,*2%,7)%,!%,F%H,)!Q<,2> !/!!!!?"!!!!>Q>,%!G!" >E,33#3@43/4(3, BA,7!?!7,7,=,=O%,7!"1!%>!A!!!! ,!G!"<,69#48/8(, B(A,(,(A>!"1!%>!A!!!!6,8(" E(!"V7!> BA(7!?!7(=(f=O%,8,A>!"1!%>!A!! !!6,7!>"E(A!"V, ),QO?$,!!!7,E,$B,IQ,R,GQ,!%F,?"! "!!!!I!">>/!" ")!,G!"$!!?,46#386/9(38 386

)E2,9/36%"!Q>!"!!$!"*/>, )!2!,Q9, )E2,!$!%B,)!2!,Q:, )),<>!?"!!!!!0!,%GE!34588 #8/3, 384

The role of nutrition in population and development: the micronutrient deficiency issue in Fiji

< ! " ! N!> ? ! fA 39#,7!T""T"(\ !"!,$!(N("!"""! "F(Q!(F,3:#,

) ! !> ! T " "N ( " N("!(>!N!I(!! "!!!NI!I!I/>,F !!I!!(I>!!>I!7 95<>!3:#,

OA!I>"!"P!\ >!"!"((!!!0%2f)E23 #,

Improving nutrition—a development priority within the social and economic context

!!!?!"!"Q>(F!(H!,4# N"!!N7fE>(@#,!!! !I!!!!"",">!"! !!!?!"I>(>!"(>!! !%35E?396#,0!"!(!!" !?!I!T!!!(!>!! !7fE>@#,0!!!(!!/!!I?Q!!R ""!!!!!(!A>" Q"!f7!?!#,A!!1!" !01F2E9#,

%!I"!"!>"( I"!"I"!N!N!!!N >1,(Wf6 #

A)!E2!O!"FQFQ#( ?!"TNII!? )E2:#,AFQ!!"T" !"!!")E2:#,A!! !""!>""!",

!!"I"!!I I!79#,%!0%!!2!0%2#(>9 ,,N#I!!!!!!I">( !!(!(?"?I!!!!,01(I >!/!/!,%>!"!!01!!( F!"EA< !(4**!!*0*$8#( :&@2$ >"!9!!!"! @:!#*0*$9#(I!"I" !(!/>*$#,A!>>!> 1!"!"!>H(*f 45$#,)>!I! !"01(>!>,!!!!? (>*!9#7!!6#(!!!!01, 38:

Malnutrition (micronutrient deficiency)—an indicator of food insecurity and poverty

F!!!!>!/!#(N!/!#!> "!/!/!>>Q>(<f=1T:5A 3#,F!(!!!(?IQ!R0%2f<9#(> > " ! ! /" ! ? " ( !( I! " ! #(!!!(!>,0!(>"" R(/I"!1!>((O( >7N3#,

Box 1""!"!!!

Physical AVAILABILITY of food—supply (production, stock level and net trade; national level)

Economic and physical ACCESS to food

Food UTILISATION—How the body makes the most of food nutrients: quantity and quality STABILITY of the above three dimensions over time (safe and nutritious food that meets dietary needs)


!"!"QR 5>>!T!" ,A!(01>""!!I!(!>!!("! !O38#,A(I!("\>!"!!?"!( !R!I!(I!H,4#," >">!?(!!?""!,7?("" >>!>"(!"!,

A!!!""!(!I "IF!9#,A!0107*0*$8#I 01"/!,A!!I!II!0%2/)E2! :6^N#((!!!!01,!I!"! !!T"!!,"!! "*0*!$!*0*$#!!!"!! >!"(!I01"/!,

Maternal and infant health—an indicator of a nation’s health

A""1>"!!7fE>@#,% !"R(!("!!F#!3( >!,A""!!!/!!(I>! I(>!"!7fE>@ #,

*$<0:#I!F(!!,0!N( !(F"!!?(*!I(GII6,(IF"!%I8,( %!!!!,A!!I*IRR FI:,(I%!RI@,,A!!!"!! N>I!(>I!/!,0!N(F"!>?" I36,9(I"!I,

AF"!01!"!,8@:36,39F2E9#,A01! (!F"!>?%,%01!I!"! F(!!"!!,

)!!?"!> >>!3(%*$E 6#(""!"I>!I=7)#>I>?I(!/! !!,01(4!!I3,^"!I!>! 38@

II>!I(1!"II!/01!,%!!"!!! !II>!,

%><*38#A?)39#(I/!> """!"!","!! "(!!!!I"!>"!!,E ""!69!"N(!!>9^I!!> ^,

%>!""!!I!"%!% #,2" (T!!!!,

Why should we be concerned about micronutrient deficiency?

)!!!!>!!"! /!(!,W"I !!I>,

A"""!!/!T I(2f085%!(7!fE45 ,65Q>,5*3: 57!386#,A""T # !"!I(#,,T!I # poor resistance to diseases # !"!>!!? # >"!>!!I!R economic development # low productivity in adults # !!""""!!/!/! ">, F"!>">I!!)E2#,

The situation among women and children in Fiji

A!>!!!"!(!(%O I"/>!$7%#"!"4**!!*0*$8# 9!!"!@€@ !"#*0*$9#,

Micronutrient status among women of child-bearing age (CBA) 15-45yrs


%("!(!!">! >7If@5Q>,:# ,">!!> 01>"!!,

A4**!!0!3#I!!"># I6^(!":^>I364,A!"!!,!(I!""I!!@%€:!:^#,,!I!I! ,

!$7%#3:%4:!0!#I:3^/ 01II!(!66^"01I,A!I""!!"!> !!!!>!, 388

Figure 1 !"I>!(01(4

50 50 45 40 32 33 35 31 29 30 26 25 20 Percentages 15 10 5 0 All 6months - 5 - 11yrs 12 - 14yrs 15 - 44yrs 45+yrs 5yrs

Figure 2!"I"/>!>!(01(4

60 52 51 50 50


40 35 33 32

30 Percentages 20


0 All Fijians Indians Fijian Urban Fijian Rural Indian Indian Rural Urban


*!!!I>!T!>>!>!"!, A!>!>"!01,!"!? "!"!>I!IR!fE!!8#,

0!6I!!"!I"/>!6^,F!/01 I46^#I!!I!01I3^#,!/01I !!!I!!49^#!I!>!68^#,A!!!I >!01I(I!I!>I!39^#I!!!!! I!^#,

Figure 3!"!I"/>!>!(01(4

48 50 43 45

40 37


30 23 25

18 20 Percentages

15 12 9 10


0 All Fijians Indians Fijian Urban Fijian Rural Indian Indian Rural Urban 389


B%!"(?!!I!!7fE> @5FfA!I5Q>(B!!fH?#,<!"%!I "!("(!!II!!"!! ,$(>(I!!!!N Q>,:#,

Figure 4!"%I"/>! 0!4I!! >!(01(4 "I" />! I 36^, F! /01II!% 25 3^#!01 21 21 20 9^#, A! I! ! ! 20 /01!> 16 !! ! ^ 3^#, 15 13 !!"%

Percentages 10 8 01I!> ! 3^# ! 5 5 !!!3@^#,%! " % 0 All Fijians Indians Fijian Urban Fijian Rural Indian Indian Rural "(" Urban !,


%"O"!>"!!N!( !!!""%Q>(B!!fH?#,R!> fQ!!9#,

A!O!"!I"/>!I6^01II!" !!"O4@^#!/01!!63^#,%!""! I01I!!!!!4:^#/01I63^#!! !,

Micronutrient status of children 6 months – <5 years a#%

%!!!I0!:#,2!!!! I,A!I!""!!>!,EI!(!!! !I!":^#I!(!!>I!!4^#,7 (*!!I4^#!I!=>,3

Figure 5 !"!€:!I>(!(!(01(4

59 60

49 50

37 39 39 40 36 36 37

30 27 24

Percentages 20


0 All Nadi Male Suva yrs Indo- yrs Fijians Fijians Female 2yrs - <5 - 2yrs 6mth - <2 - 6mth Savusavu

Ethnic Group Gender Age group Divis ion

3 *(=>!!">I01, 38


!!!I!I0!@#,/01!! !I!!3:^#,


16 15 15

14 12 12 10 10 10 9 8 8 6 6 6 6 Percentages



0 All Nadi Male Suva Indo- yrs yrs Fijians Fijians Female 2yrs <5 - 6mth - <2 - 6mth Savusavu

Ethnic Group Gender Age group Division


0!8I3:^"!!I!I!%,2!I "!!!!(!I!!?">%,

Figure 7 !"!I%>(!(!(01(4

16 15 15


12 11 9 10 9 8 8 6 6 5

Percentages 4 4

2 1

0 All Nadi Male Suva yrs Indo- yrs Fijians Fijians Female 2yrs - <5 - 2yrs 6mth - <2 - 6mth S avusavu

E thnic Gender Age group Division Group


% O ! ! ! ! " ! 3^ !( ""!!I(>(""%,

I>0!9O!I>I3^,F!01!8^#( !8^#(!!I!^#!*9^#I!O, 39

Figure 8 !"!IO>(!(!(01(4

9 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 Percentages 3


1 0 0 All Nadi Male Suva Indo- yrs yrs Fijians Fijians Female 2yrs <5 - 6mth - <2 - 6mth Savusavu

E thnic Gender Age group Division Group

Summary A!!!01 # !1!>!>""01, # !/01I>"!,A!!- !!!"!!"!I, # !!!!",*!I!"! !I!"!I!">, # B%>!>"(/01I !>II!", # 01I!!"O!I/01I(?O !>01I, # !!"(,,9^"!!I!8,9^"! *(!!!!?"I!"O, # F!!N(!/013:^#01I ,4^#(I!!!"!>IN!">4^#I! I!!, # F!!!>!!I!!!!I"/ >!(/01I(!>I!", I/"!I!(!!!I!!!!! !!!?"!!I(I"!",8#,

Possible contributing factors to the current micronutrient situation in Fiji

%I/!"!"!>!"!!!!!"" 0%2(9 #(N"II!!,

$!>"!!!"!!!>!>!!1! !)>f7?45R!fE!!8#,

0!!"01"!!I # " # I!""!! 393

# ! " !!/! ", A !! /01 I, Dietary iron bio-availability is low in populations consuming plant-based diets # I?"!!/!"!>(,,!I!! !!!)E2(4# !!!">!>>" # !!!! # II>!(!"!"!!!"! # !!!"N>!" # !T"!" # !("!I!", A!!"I"\>!(!( !"!# 1! ! \ !! , 6#, Q>"" !>!!(I"! !?"#(I!"!O4#,

Micronutrient deficiency: a poverty perspective

F! > > " ! ! /" !( ,, ? " ! ( !( !!!>(I!",

A!>I!"!>O!0!#, N!>0!3#I!!, %>!"!!T!!>I>N ? , ! ! F Q > ! !I"!!0%2f<9 #,



Figure 10A""!!

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%!!!"I!!!""!"!" !!,/01I!!!!"!"!! !,

A!!II!"""!I! !( > > )E2 *$<0 ! ( ! ( %(O!!!5!" !>!!>,

0!!(!!!""!?!,(!! !"!"!!(!(%,

$!>"!01>!>I"! 5!!5">!"!!(I? ""!>,

!(!>"!!!!!>! !(I>!I(!!"N>!"(!T!",

A!!!!!>(>"!!,A !(1>!(!!!,,>?!!#!> (!""I!(>"!""!>,


Priority strategic response suggested for Fiji

O!!!(!!(! P)E2(9#,

% >! " ! ! !! !! ! 01 > >!,A!>>!>& ,

At the national level # !>*0*$"/!01"%"!*!*- *!!3/34#>!(>(!(*Q2I!"! !!,AI!!>! # Multi-micronutrient supplementation with dietary interventions # "$"F!?">!?>!>!- """ # %"!!"" # !!""!"!!> # %!!"!"! # !!"!!! # "%""!"!"!!, 396

At the household level # "!!/!"(!"! !#, # !">?!"!"!!("!! !!, # !"01"/>>!"- T(!,

Key challenges

!!!01>""!?>! >!5"!(!>(/!! ,AI # !I(!!!! # !?""!!!!"!5">- !""!!5 # !!"!!?!!("!(!>- (/!!#!!,A*0*$ !!" # !!!I!?I!!!! # !""!I>1! !I"!,,

References %! E( G 7! f G E 4# !0!,*W,III,"!,!&"!"! %=E3#Q!R(7%7IfF(K(! ="546M4:, %!%,#*!""!!(!, 7!!H6#Q)$G)01R(33#01"%, 7A9#Q!*!!!R,!!3:@!0! 0#(), 7!%386#A7!?(),$, 7I7%(F@#=!()$, 7F%fEE>@#A)I!(%!, $A#$,*, F)(FFWf=6#Q!!!!"/>? R,G,!,!, <fA*38#Q<"""!!!1!>"!"! !B!I!R63:33/33:, <>!%3:#(!!!( *IG!, 0%20%!!2!O#f<<!#9# 0%2(, 0%2f)E23#!$"!*!*!M>, Q>FG(EEB!!f0GH?##7?I(H, Q>FG(7FF!(GFH!f=%!>#4#7?I(H, Q>FG(F(<2=1TfGI#:#7?I(H, Q"!HFfG7!?!#Q0*!R,833644/ 36:, E?<396#QF!>!I>T!R(G :3@/3, HQ(Q*f4#QQ>O""!"! R(0 %!!2!O(, FG%A!I#2N"!!!(H, 394

FG(FQ!(GF(HA($E!fEA>>3:#Q*!!!1R( 7!I!, F!G,9, ,<$&0%2,, F2EF!"E))"!!%#EF2E(, *!),9#B>(01, *$!"!E6# >E!(E, *0*$*0*!$!#8#(*0*$(, *0*$*0*!$!#8#D*0*$(, *0*$*0*!$!#8#**4,*0*$(, *0*$*0*!$!#9#EHSI *0*$(, *Q3:#(0!)<)I(*IW!?, <()2f08#FQ!IE(7, 0f*F?3#0!!"!!""!!,0 *!A%(% , OGA4#QQ>O(!>O!!!01R( in 0%!! 2!O(, O(GA38#USP Suva =%fF7Q!!9#)f(%, !GfA39#QE(*!(<R(‚‚‚B 8@@/938, A7,#3#A!<(7?I,2N"!, A?%f0)39#Q(%$$&$*"%!!*,:#, *$<0:#R(2N"!!!,2N"!, )>> ( f 7? 4# Q*! "! 0! $ *!R( :(45%7&*02FQ>9, )E2)!E2!#4#)!E2!O( IO!, )E2)!E2!#:# )E2$!"E,)E2(Q(IO!, )E2)!E2!O#9#)E2(Q(IO!, )E2 )! E 2!# # R R )! E 2!O(Q, R!F7f0E!!8#Q*!!R,68:33/:, 39:

The shifting burden of illness in Micronesia

A!F!"!"!I!1!"T!>( !(!!"!!$!!II> "0!"F!#(F!,%!" I%>?")!)!,A\" I!(I!(N"!!N/!( (I%!I>?!!!"!!!"!I%! !!>!!$!,

The era of the epidemic

GQF!!I!"!!"!"! !" 38 ! 39 !( " !! " F! " !!!!,%I!!!!"!T! ! >I F! I!! > ! ( > !!(I!"!>!,A!!!N", )%!I!""39:4(!I"!I>! I!N!>!!,!!I "!(!!"(>"!,A! I!>!?"(I!!"!!(""!" %!!!,<>4(( !>4^"R,3

F!R!"!!I!"!! ""39!,%>!!("!(!"!QR(!>!( Q""R,A!!!>!?"!!!"I !5\OI!39:@(39@6(39@@(3983(3984398(I>!?!! 39@3394E3994#,%!(R"!I >>:(("I>394>"!"!N,6

%1>(!!>\O>!?>!"H!( ?6,A(!(I1>"H!R!>( "I!!/39IT,7"!(H!R !"!6(!6(""!^"14 !!393#,A!H!!! F!I!!!(I>!"$!!"!4(4(T !!,4!"!!!!>!?"I> Q"R("\O!!>>>!? "!!!",

FI(F!(!!I!>!,39:(!I!! "!!!I!F!(>!?"\O?F! ?III>,F!"I!> "N>"!>!!"">I,%!? I!!(1\OI!!!(39@6!?""!>!?,) "!!(!?!I"F!EO396@#,

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Figure 1F!(39/3

!!(!F!>>I6^4^ !0!3#,I!!!I!!(?Q!!!%"!A(I!! !"!,QAI?(!!I>>! "O,7"!F!I!R(!A3:9 4#,

The arrival of western medicine

AN">"!I!399:%399@!"!,! >"!TII!!!!!!I!!( !""!>!,)Q!\!"39(! !!!"!!I>,AQ!!>! I!(!(!$?,

0!(Q!!!!"?!!!" " !! > "! !I !, A T! !( !W!!I,AQ!!!!

: I%!(8G39::(%7$0F=!!, @ !%!(3G39:4(%7$0F=!!, 398

(!N,73@(!!IN! I!$!>N!> Q!0!2"#,

%"!!!>I"!"!>I!"\ ,>!H(!!!IF!!!( !I?I"!>#I"!> >!>FH348#,Q!!!I!!!( !"!I>!(>!>!!, AI!!!!!I(!I!(!"! I!>"!!I!FH3488:(9#,

%!"""!(Q!!I>!!!I!> W(I!"/"""!!:!,

G(I?!Q!334("!!!!> N(!""1!!(""!! !!!!,A!>!I !I>!""ER,A!!!( ?!"!3(I!!>>!!!,A IN>!?"I!?W3:!?8 $?!>"!N>I!!!!GQ!3@3@4#,A! "!!"!I!(!!!!! ?,A1!"!!I!T!! "(!!!II!!!!G Q!(3636#,G!(!!I I!!!6!"G!,

)!)!(I!"G!(!!!"I "!!(!!,!("""I!! !"F!I!"!!I!"""" "I,)*!""!I!(" !(I(>!?I!I!,AI!!I" I!!!,$"II!!I( QI!!R!I!(I!>>!, )"I!""I!(I(!>(I!!, 2!(!!Q!!!"NR!3:894:/9::#

A!>"!!>N>!! >?"!(!"I>!>I/!!, A!"">,%>!!!34 I!(II!"!!,% !348!,:^"I!! !>!!"!I333&8@F!!3448/:#,

%!(!"!/!!I"!!"!! >!,%!>349(>!!"!!!!!66!(I! !38,E(!"3,@^!>!!!( !I!!!!"N!,="NI:%:: !"!>"!348@#,

A!N!"I!I/!A!A!!!( I!!,!3@(I!!!$?(" I!>!"!/!!/(!(!!! ",A$?(?!(>A7I!! I!(!\I"1!!>,A!I!( "T!(?>!?F!3@"3!!( $? ! ! ? ! , ( " I !>>!!!!"!"I>!, 399

The new scourge of affluence

A!/"!H%!!3@ (II!,A>(j@3@(I> !> ! !! " , 0! j@ 38( ! !N!!,)!>N>!"! N"!6(3@39("!!,FI(!!I!!(I !F!!"!j@j4!!0!#,

A\N"!"("!,"!>!!! I!"!T(!>"!5I(I!(!!"( >!"!"N"I!>N>II""!> F!"!!,A!!?!?>!( >"!I">N!I>! !"",

Figure 2F!!(3:%38813:!#

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Figure 3F!(39/

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Table 1A!AA!"!>!!!(3:@%38@

W! Diabetes Heart and circulatory problems 3:@ 9 3

3@@ 9 3(9

38@ : 3(44


%(I!!>!","!>! !!(!!I!I!">/",!!!/!"! I!"!I!"!"!I!?! >!H/%"!?,2!I!!""!I I!!1?",B%I">!( $?,!!I!I!!!>!II"",

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A$!!!"0!"F!34!I! !"!I""!"!>&!!A>#, %!!(!!F!"!!4:%:: !!>4:^(I>^!!"!%,

Table 2 $!!(0F34

% Overweight (% of population) Diabetes (% of population) Hypertension (% of population) Kosr $? Pohn % Kosr $? Pohn USA Kosr Chk Pohn USA 6:M44 89 9 94 6@ 8 34 -- 4 64 4 3@

4:M:4 94 8 94 6 3 3 9 4 49 4:

::M@4 8 @9 83 44 66 39 3 36 :3 :8 :: 48

@:M84 : :6 @8 43 3 3 : @: 83 :9


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!>>I!H!4^#F!39^#,E! "!/"!"!!!!!,0!I! "!6^#$?@^#,!?I!>"!>I8^33^" !!,

Table 3 F1!"!"(33%3@

Yap Kosrae Chuuk Pohnpei Marshalls All Islands

Diabetes 6 24 9 7 18 13 Heart 12 20 26 30 14 24 Stroke 10 12 7 11 7 9 Cancer 23 16 15 13 16 17 Total 51 72 57 61 55 63



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A health system’s perspective on achieving ICPD goals in the Pacific

A!!"%!"!!$"! $#$!34!N!I!"( ! T( !I( !! ( !( ( ! !> *0%(34#,)!!!($!!"!!/ >!(>N!",A/!! ?IN">,

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Health policies and achieving ICPD goals

2!!""I(!>!"!"!!"! !!E$!*$<0RQ27!I(!!!(>!"(# !!!"!FQ*(>!f=(3#, $>!"!I!,% (!?!"!!!`% !!!$!"!01N"!!(!!!" !!N!!!(>(!> !!0!3#,

Figure 1!!!01(38:/9

Many explanatory factors for changes in health indicators Health policies, political economy, funding…

160 * " ! ! ! 3 >!5

Infant Mortality Rate ! ! ! ! 3( >!5 140 " ! ! ! " Era of Maternal Mortality Ratio 120 Primary Family Planning Protection Rate I,"!!I!> Health Care I!>!!!, 100 1987 Coup Era of Health After- 80 HealthH R eform / ! 01 F! " E % ! math Promotiontion ICPD DiseaseDi Focus 3453@(39(3((@(9,% 60 / MDG s "!*G(>!Q(=,(3, 40



0 1 3 5 9 4 6 78 79 8 8 82 8 84 86 87 8 1975 1976 1977 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 198 19 19 1988 19 1990 1991 1992 1993 199 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200 2007 2008 34

Health systems

"!!!(>TI` %>!">N>!"!>! ",


%"!O(I!!!(!!! ,%!!">I"!!! )E2(8#,

E!I!/",%!!>"" !T!>!"

A!>!!/!!>! """",!!(T>("">! !!!!!"!!",0(>!( !!!(!!"I!,$! !!!!!,,(9#

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Figure 2)E2E0!I!?


<">>?!I! !(!(!?!(!",

!"!"!$II? !>!"!"I!?!(!! !>!",%>!">>?I> I!!>"$,

Human resources for health

%!!"I?"!!"!!,A! !(!!!"!!(!!!!*)(#, R 3:

01(>"!!!" >!""",0I"(6!!!"!!(#,0! 68(3@"!:4:!N>(!!! !!(>!f=(9#,79(6@!"!I!( 3"!:!"I!?"!#I!!!A>3#,

Table 101FE!63&3&9 Table 2 Q

%! Post Q! 0 B Cadre 6 4 : @ 8 A %,,, <> Medical 4 68 63 6 3@ 6 Consultant Specialist F3 6: 36 2"! $"F2"! F : 39 8 *! : @4 3@ 3@ 89 :4: 3 !F2"! F6 44 6 3 Paramedical 3: 3: 3 3 36 93 3@ !F2"! F4 8 4@ 66 Dental 4 4 36 3 : 6@ 8 F2"! F: 3@9 38 } Pharmacy 4 6 39 9 9 43 9 F! F@ 6: 4 }34 A 88 3@ 4 94 38 9@6 386 F% F8 3 3 * !((>!f=(9 A 6@ 648 4


2"!!"!"I!?!!>I!!" I!?!%!*IR>,%9!!>!"/>! I!?!I!I!?%!*IR((!!!/>! I!?!I!!!I!?"!A>64#*(9#,

Table 3 and 4 />! ! ! %! *I R > ! ! I!?"!

Doctors %f*R ^%f*R Nurses & Midwives%f*R ^%f*R relative to domestic relative to domestic * 8 4 38:,^ * 48 36,@^

01 6@3 69 :,^ 4@ 63 3:3,6^

A @ 6 9@,8^ A 43 6: 3,6^

4 : 94,^ 01 399 3@@ 33,3^

$? 3 @,^ $? 88 9 @,6^

*IQ 3@ 8: :9,^ *! 3 @6 3,^

*! 4 3 4,^ *IQ 443 943 3:,:^

H!> @ 6,^ A 8 : 34,^

A 6 3 6,^ B 6 6@ 9,6^

3 @ ,^ H!> 39 @ @,^

B 4 6 36,6^ 68 @:6 :,8^

<A! 9 8 3,3^ <A! 49 38: ,8^

F! @ ,^ F! : ,^

6 ,^ F! 3: ,^

F! 4 ,^ 33 ,^ 3@

E !! "! ! N ! /" $ ( !!!!,!>$! ?!(!>,

Health financing

%!"!!", %01(!!!(!!"Q F!"E>"!>""!4^,@^! 3:!!6#,AI!>!,

Figure 301F!"E>!"Q


%01("">I"!!!!! I! >/ !> ( > ! " " ! ! !*(>!f=3#,

Health information systems

%"$I?""! !,A!?"!>!>!(/> !""!!,

Leadership and governance

2""!>!"!"(! !!"""!!!I!", !!I(>!"?!O"PI!" !!"!!I!>"!>!>!!!*(>!f =3#,A?"!,

A!>!!I!"!!!!!/!O"P ,AI!!%!%"!%I> !"!I!, R 38

The way forward

Q!!"!!I!> ,2!"I!(>!"!! !,A>E!*I!?E"!*I!? !>I!?!"!,AE!"!E% !!I!I!?"!,%%7?()!7? !!!>!*E%! >"!,

E ! , A I I > ! "!/"$(!!(I!! !R>!!!"!!,

References EF<"!EF!<## EF<(()%, *G9#Q%!*IRR!>I!?!>!!R( 6:8/:33, *G(>!Q(=3#(* "!Q>E)!?!,0!, F(A?H(>!FG(E)$9#QQ>!"!A?Q9 R(6839@:/@, !(*#Q!!!"01R(3#@3/@, (,(Q>!f=9#Q%"01!R(%%( 01"F(, A!(7(E%(,4#Q2!/!F QR(6@4M@, *0%34#%&$2*0,383&36!"$4&3&39#,$!(<,%"! &&III,,!&&&"!&""&,, *)#F!!"!!"!3:!,!E !"!E%"!E!EHIE>(*)((%!, )E2 )!E 2!O# @# H )!E 2!O, )E2)!E2!O#8#R R)!E2!O, 39

Physical activity, nutrition, population health and social sustainability in the Pacific

A 1! " ! " "! >( " "/! $!>(=f)?#,!!!!$A#(""! ((\ON!(>(!!?,!$A( !!"!>I!,E!$AN I!!(!!!!!"!1!"$A$ #,=?"!!!!1!!?"!I"(/ >!,2>(>>!!!?"!,

A!>>>>,!(I !I!!>(!!>( "!!!!II!I!,$!!N !!",A!!!!!" !!>",A!>$A !/>,

Sustainability’s bottom line is population health

> ! I "! !( I! ! !!",!(I!(>!(? !!">!"E@#,A!!I"!! I"> which advocates empowering indigenous peoples !"!!II!,A!! !!">!!#,

A ! /> *$# ! $A! ! ">! " ,A!>!>! !>!"(" !"!,>!>!" !!R"!,

E!?!">,A!!!"> !!">!( !"/!,A!"!> IR!>!II!!,A!(!(" !"FF#,>>N !"(>/!>FF @#,*I!"!!/!("! >""!"!E!/%!4#,

The introduction of infectious diseases to Pacific populations

2"!!I!0!F(I(3:3( Q,FN!!(!!(!"I,0!!(!!> !I!I!!!( !I!>!,A!<!!> T"!!,$G$?(I!>I38@9 389(A(A($?(B*I$(!>!$ 6%4#

Tahiti )!!!(!!(!>RI("II !N"!"GGG, AI, 3

Tonga GG>"!"!*I!(!I?!!( !!(!"""I,

New Caledonia GG>G!!(!>((I,

Cook Islands F"I!!"GG!!?>"?,

ATI!!>>N"!"!", A!(,EI!(" >>I!,0!N(II> >"!!!"<!,%(!I?>!!!<!( !!!T!"!%(!*IQ, 3@!(>!?N!!%!F", A>!>!?"!!/<!F38#,

HI">!>"!<!"!!(>I "!I,!!!,3969( )(!!(I!"!N" \O((N(>!(!INI!!>F 38#,G!398:(EF>!01>!!G( T!!"!,AI!"I!!!$"" fE39:#,

%\O?396(!>!(F!", 3949(I"">I(39:(396,%%! !I"!*I)0!!0! 39:4(!3A"!396(!>*IR $""fE39:#,\O!?!*IQ(I >!I1!!>!)38#,

7>"!("I!! " >?>! !! " ! !?! ? I!? (!!!"V01#$#,A I>639@(>>398833!!>?>!(N>! F38#,!V01I!"!!? >>?>!!,7398@(36(!!>?"!B56("!>3335 (/H!>>39@$(#5>I39@39@6(!>?>!!?! ?I3*F(38#,

Traditional Pacific food and diet

(!!>"!,7?(7*IQ( "!N(9(!!"!I>",%A!?(0! "F!(!"(!((>!"!((>(("!,, (#">,A(>"!I!\(! "((>!"!(!(>?!"!#,B(! I!!(!("!)E26#,

I!(I!(>!!!",A !"!""(!!(>!("!O(,A >!!"?(!",!"!"( !!!I!!!"I!\!,0!>!Q> "\RNI!"!!N!I" "!Q!R,

0"!,AI"!! ""!!,2"(!"!"! >",%Q>R>O>"(I/>(( !>$5)E2#("!I!,A"!( I!(!?""!"!>!?(" !!!""I!!"*$>$A,

The shift to non-communicable diseases

The Pacific Islands

> !! ! " ! !! ( ! > , EI!( " !! "! > /> ,7I3@3@6(!!(E!(*3@#!"I$? ,A"!">!(" (I!I!/N!!??,2"!"! I""??I!?(!I!( I!"!""!(!!(!( ,A!!/!>""!"3@,%!01V4#I !!I!!?""!"!!?(>>>"! N!,

2>I!"!?"!"!>(!>N!?, A!"!>I(!((#!>!! !(!!!>!"(I>!,*!>!!"64,4^( "I!$5!1395)E26>#,A!!I *!R!!"!363@@(I!!">368,> *!!>5F!I!!(!!! F!139#,)!?!I!( !!>Q?!R"!(1!" !I!!!,0!!!(!>!"!!I>F! 8#,

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The global scenario

Q>(1!*$!!(!(>!!!!#> @^"46^">>!,A!!N! 86^@^!>(*$!?,(>(> !1!!?"!("( 3,!\!"!>!!(! >*6#, 3

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A!!!N!!>!>,A I!!!!5!(!(!(!,% I!">>(*$>>I$#, )E28#!1>6*$I"!8^"(I! !?"!"!">,

Social and economic costs, losses

!!!%"!/<%?68^"I!R>!!! "">>!(>^">!!,2! (!&!I!6!2!"!<$/! 2<$#!^"I!R>^"I!R!! )E28#,AI!>I!!!,

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AT"!(T""!> """%>f@#,$A!I!(!! I/>(!!,!@^"! >!!"!!"!("I*$(!!>$5)E2 6>#,A!!!">!" ,

What is the Pacific Islands region doing about NCDs?

3:( E F! " ! W ( 01( "! QE R("!,E>I! # children are nurtured in body and mind # environments invite learning and leisure # I!?I # >!"! # I!,Q(IfA5)E2:#, AF!"!E38!($?("I/E !,%(EI!5 *$!!5!("""!5"T"" )E2 38#,A E F! 3 I! !! " E I!I(I"IF(*IQ(3,)! >!!(*$>!!#I! )E28>#,

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It cannot be done alone

%!"!!!"!!%>f @#,F$A>"I!!"" ! )E2 :#, A I ! ! !!!)E26#,

A!!!I*$I>!"!",%/ !!!((!!!!!, !!( ( ( I ( !( !!( !! !("")E25)E26>5)E26#, 6

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Food strategies

%!!!!I!!>!> ",$"!T!!"""!?( !I"!>!(!>!!!)E26#,A! "$A"!!(">("!T!"! "!!!!I!!,%"!" EIQI!!!"I!>)E2 6#, ( >!!! > ! > ! ! !I!">""!5!(!""!, %!)E2@#("!"!,

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Education for sustainability

< "! > " ! , <! I(!!!I%!Of !@#,>"!!(?>"$A, A!!I!(!!?"! !("!!!?(!T!>!" !!"!,

A "I ! ! "! ! !R ! ! ! # A!"!!"!R>!> !,!!!/!I!R! G/f45="45F(7!(%f$I38#, # !!>!( /!">,>!I IN!<!!f<!!395G/f45B- ?(*?f$!4#, # ""!(!((> !!!"!R"G/f4#, # Q""!">"!,!- !!/>!/>!(!- ,*I!?"/!!1"!!(?!!- ((>(!!(!!!("!>>G/ f45!OIf>O65(7($!I"!,:5)(A(G, #, # %!""!N- !! ! I "( ! " !,% ""!"!(!!- !((!!(!("(!!!- !:#,%N!(:#>I

A healthy school environment is important for growth, development and learning.

)>!>"!!!> # ! T "! 6 "! ! school # !!I!I!"/ !>1, # !!"!IN!I ">! # ensuring that all children have the opportunity to participate in the school intramural program # !I!!(I # "!!!I!!!!- portunities in the community # !!!I!>!"!!>! !!" # ! ! ! I " ! ! > ! recess # !!>"!&"!!!!!""! activity in a welcoming environment # "!OP!!! !, :

# !!>!( "!,A01*0*!$!("!N(! "!01,A">"!01>"! 4,:^36>36^401A(@#,A!?( I!!I>!N!"!!!!- !,

Personal action: Have you taken your 30-minute walk today?

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A(EB%( "

Nii-K Plange Keynote address Issues and strategies for prevention of adolescent Y!!*",(,

Discussion 4


Issues and strategies for prevention of adolescent sexually transmitted infections in the Pacific K

! N N N ! " A# EB( I ! ! N !! !>N! > " !!("!I!!!,%""!> !!"(>>,%!"!I !!>""N3:M4!!,AEB( !!!(!""!!"AEB! N!!!>(!>$34a, A!($!$!"!T(!! "(!"!>!(I!I!( ? !( !( !( ( ! !( ! ! , ! " ! " A ""!!(!", A"!!"!!"">! (>!!N!!,

EB!""!!I?>I!!"!> !"!!?!!!?G* !!%(9@:#,%!""!>!>" !">,"EBI!"!"N! "(!((!"!,

Adolescence and sexual behaviour risks

%I>>!!">!, >!!II!"!(>"("/ ,A!!>!N!!(!(!?/ ?N!,!(!!>!!>I! !?!"""!(!"N >(NN!!! !!R!!>!,A?I "!>!NT!!!!"!N N(!>N!>"!,2"!>!"!! !"!>N(bI!(>!,A !>!T,AN""!!!!" (!!!!(!!!,Q!3:M 3!("!N(!!?>!I!I!! 3:!!?"!!!I*0%9#, A!"!!>!("EB !!!>"!Q,,,!!"!,,,R>,#,

The global situation %!I!(1>3:"3:M3>!!("!! 3^">>>!I!I*0%4#,!! I!N>!I3:M3>,#,2>38^"I >!,2>(:(>I3: 4!"IA,AI!!>!"!EB""!!"! !""EB"I!?"!:!! "AEB>!")E24#,A(>( !!!!(>!">!! "!!:,A3M4!!! 3,6>!I5>:(>!N!>4Q% !!R3@5*0%4#, K 36

AN!"!!!I,!!6^ "!!!(!!!!(>"!39>!!!!"I, W!(!3@(!?"!!?!! !/!!>>!!"!"">!, E!"!>!!""!""(> I>!I!!?*0%4#,0!""!!!( "!>I!!T("!N !!"!I!?(I?!"!"!I"? ,EBI!>>"!!"!(!>>( "",

The Pacific situation: population issues A ! !!?> ! ! ! " !( ( A"!"!!,F!"!"EB!, *IQEB!">3,@^,2!(" $!$#>!I!,^!,Q!I F!!(!,8^!!(I!(!3,6^! !,A(:^">I:!,*IQ("!N(43^ "!3:!"!!^>I3:4!,A/" $>!IA>3#I((!"! !,

A!!I"(!(>"!>!"! !!!I,A>"(>! >!"!"!((>!?( IN!!EB%,=?"!I! ""@> I?"I>!,

Table 1!1"/(!(3M3

School-age Country ^ population 3 3 3M3 01 36(6 3(4@ },

Kiribati 6(8 9(: },@

33(38 386(:4 }83,:

A 6(99 6(3 /,:8

B 44(6 3(96 }34,4

)!# @(9 @8(6 }8,38


Adolescent reproductive health and HIV in the Pacific: issues and challenges )!!!!>$(!!" !,A"!!$!"!6^^!!"!!>I3("! A3:3^F!,B(!!3^^! "I3@M3,A!!!">!"N I!((?I0!3#, 34

Figure 1 !†4#

A " ! ! " ! ! !( I >!!(I!!"!,!(!!> !!!((!!!!!N"! !!#(I!(!,!"N >"!!NI!?!",2!!( 01*IQ(!"!(!"N>I I!,A!"!"!"!!N !">!?,2"1!!"! N"!""!"$!,

A$}3!!!!*0%4#I""!>$?N!! ! ( ( ! " > ! ! " ?!,""!>"*$ "WF!( !"*$>$?(!"!!( !!%E#$?(" !01(*IQ(A((" "!(<$#,*0%!!" $$#!!%E!1!!"!/ /"/!!,Q?!!(!(!(! >""!!,

A>(I!(!>,A$}3!!!! Q!N!!"!(N! "(!?>!!!"!EB"R*0%43#,A! !>!>>(I0!M@,Q!!( >!!"!A""!!"EB!I ,(!N!"!>! "EB",A(EB"!"$!I>I! !0!4#!*IQ(>?!"!A (!!"!?!,AI!!(I?I !?"EB!N!!N!!(I(! NININ!!$)E2@#,

%!"!!,,>34!#!"68^" >38^"!!!N!N!!I!!!,! !!(4:^"!>I334B K 3:

!! N I ! !! ! ! )E2 @338#, $!! !I!A,8^(3,(33,8^(H!>6@,9^01@8,:^>,5 *$<0f$:#,

Figure 2A!(:M@

Figure 3 $!($>(:M@

A"?I>I$,N !"?I!!"EB$N(!/> (!!>NNEB !!,

HIV and AIDS and Pacific youth A>"!EB,0!!!!!"EB% 64@4:!"/3:#$!!!N!I!>! ""0!4:#,*IQ!I! !!">3,@^*Q9#,A>3@^"!!EB$! !3:M4,%*$<0!!(Q,,,!!I36!!( I,,,R*$<0f$:#,A"!!!"" Figure 4

Figure 5







0 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 19 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year 89

Papua New Guinea All PICTs (exc PNG) Source: SPC, 2008

Percent 100%

45 150 80% 1,066 4,165


40% 128 295 1,309 4,356 20%

0% 1983-89 1990-94 1995-99 2000-04 Period Male Female

Source: Sladden, 2005

What are the challenges?

Economic change: unemployment and poverty 39

!!"!",<"!$c I!>!" "I>>!>I!?"!W( 453M64#,%!!01("!N("3(! ?(3(:>5H!>(>I941>I >!!!>!>!,A!!!>!!! "(!?"?(I!,!>!/!> !(%(A!I(E!!F!>,)! >(/!!!!(!1>"! ", A ! !/ ! !/!>!"($>!" !"!!!!""!!" ,0!!>!"("(! >!!!>(!"!!*$<0f$:5W 4 #,d

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The family: crisis of change and adolescent sexuality 0$>!"I !\!>I!!*$<0f$ :#, FI"">!$,AN" I!!""(>M!I!?"( "(!!"",<"!I!>" \"I("!"! ",

%N"!(!(">!! "!,7>!""!! !""!,7!!!"\ "!,0!(!I!>>(!! !("!"!!!"!(!( R!(,%!( on >>!!"N(N!!!I !&"35=5*0%4#,!!!!! (N!>1",Q)!T(I ?(R,Q"IN!!I!!> ?T>I?I>"R*$<0f$:6#,F!! >!!?>N!>!"!>! !N>,AT"! !!"!N?I5>!!>"I!"!! !,E!!""!"!"!I !Q)NII!!I?""" ,,,N?>,,,!"!RI,,,!>!!, 2!!01R!"NR3::#,

WI ! at home is simultaneously a "/( ! ,F"!((!"!I!5"!(AB( !B#(O!,%!I!(!!!>"!>I K 3

!"!N!I!"!"N#! N("I"T"!!("!(EB,

$!(!I!!!"!>NN! !!I!!""!!II! N>((N>!(I"!"!"!! !,7II>!,W!! !$%% 7(Q,,,"!!!((>"!,EI ?>`R !!!I" "!!N!I"!",A(I $(!"!NI!(! !NI!E!39457N!9#,A>"" "( I ! ! ! I ( ! !> !!I!!"!("!!!,!F!>(! B(E!($?01!!"!"!35*$<0f$ :#,A!"!"!!I?I!>(!N "!(N>"!I(I"!?"!(> !"!!!!!!N#,7!!! """!!">"/(NI!?!( >"5"("!I!?!(!!(/>(>!( !((!>M!!!/!!,

Sexual and reproductive health education: problems within the school 2"("!((!N!"! !!EB!,>"!( !"!!,! "!!"!N(>"!"38(!N!> !!=?95!N*I!?934#,) "!!(!!>!!!!!!!! IN!!EB%,!(!"!/! !!!!/"/>$,A$}3!! !!!,AI(!!!>"! ">!("!"!5!! >!>5!(!!>"! "NN!!EB!!!!,A ((N(NEB!!/I!! # I " !! ! " "" ! N "! AEB",

*IQ!!!!"!I!AEB !!!,!!!!>"!>"N !!!5!!!!!I !!!5e !!"> I,E!!""!!I, (!T>IN!!(Q% >>"N,!O>>>IR R3::#,A!""!1!! !!"!>!I,

W"!!!"!( I(>!?*0%#,B!I\" !!>!>!!N>!, %(I""N>!!"!>"! >!!!"!,

0!EB!!("!!I?"Q!II!EB !,,,'.!!(""!N"!!REB!?!>

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%"!!!!(""!(!" """!!",!!!>N!!!(I! !"!"!!(!!!T(!!? >?"!("!NN>>"!,

A!II"!!!>!"!> !,"!!!" !"NN(!!EB!,2!!! ""!!!!II!!,EQ) !(I!T!!?N!I,)N!I "!?>?R33#,

The media: an alternative source of sex education A((>"/!I$ 1!,$!AB!!""!I$>! !"!(\("!N >!!!EB!,)/! ""!(!!(!"! !"?!"",A!"!"!!! !"/!!!!I!" "!!!"!(!I!"!""! AEB!,A(I!/N>"AB !(I"""!!>(! "!!NN!!( !,

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Alcohol and drug use and adolescent sex 2"!"!!(AEB !(!>,A!>I! NN!>,$!(!!!1( !>>!"!TI>""!>I ",!!%*$<03#( W$:# "!*IQ(A!!F!( !>>!>,A!!? !\">I!!"!!"! K 3

,A?">!!>"!! N("N>>!>Q"!R!!? N"!,)"!!!(A>!!> Q!\!RI?""!,A>EB( I"!>?,

A!"">%E!1? I!!(NEB!"( "(!,A!> !"!!"!!"!!,A !1!!!"(! !%E,A"!>)7B(!"/"! ("!!!%E! "!!""!,


A!!> N !! ( A EB !, *!( ! !!I!?(!!>A(!!!?!"! EB"!,*IQ(!(!N>I!$ ?T"(I"!! "!!!>(!>!(?"! I>(!!!"!!(N>! !!!!(!!,A!!!!( !!!"N>!N"> >!,%(!"?!!"!, "!"!!! "!!T!!!>"!>I!! N!!IN!,%(((!\ !"I!(I("!! !?!("!,)> $(TI?(""!"!(I!I"!$}3: I!"!`

Facing up to the challenges: some recommendations for action

0!T!!!!!!I,A! >"!"$!$,I!>!?I,!!(" !I"!1!I( !(!!I,0!!($}: !!"%E!!!!> /"!!,AFQI! ",

A!"!A!I>!EB!N *IQ!!NI!>("! $I!(?"!!"!>!!! !,(IAEB!>""! ! " N ! ! "! N >! ,A!( I I > !" !! " A EB !, ">!("I!!!(> !!>!>""!""AEB !$,


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8,A(%EEB!"!$, # !?"!!!!"!! !, 9,!N!"!, # < ! ! ! I!? N! !I!?N!, # (!!(!>!>!>!", # "N!"!!?" !?, ,?!"!"!?""!!""! I!, # $!/!!I!!!!?" "I>AEB,

References Q%!!R3@# , 7N!9#$N!*Q(> !, !N*I!?9#A!NN!, E!!(G,9#Q!IN!!>I !?"EB">/!%"!R46M434, E!(QE394#ONF(394, $!$"!#($!(34(*0%34#, G*!!%(9, =(#W"N!!,,$(*, =?($!9#A0"Q>N, (*/H#$!N"!>01,*$<0(, (*/H3#,01 "%(, *Q *I Q#( F! " E 9# EB A ! !( G( 9, *Q F2E( ! F!>, :# $:#AW,$(:, *0%34#!$"!($!, *0%#%!!(*0%, *0%Q!! *0%4#$}3!!!!($A(*0%((01, *0%#$$!(3:W!=!N>!"$!$ !"!,*0%, *$<03#%W(*$<0, *$<0f$:#A", )E24#!,)!E2!O(2"")!(, )E2 @# Q! ! ! " EB ! A !? >! @ !(4M:,)E2(Q>0(*)f!!"$(*, W!!"(!!(4 ,

Notes !$"!($!(34(*0%, >A(!!(!!(EB, 0!!I!>>!I*IQ, !I(*!!"!!5H!>, $!I!N!>!!% 7Q!, A!>I*Q2!FE()!E!( *IQ(G,*IQ$$!!NQ! =R5"N!INEB!"! !!, 4


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BI a development challenge "!$

Janet L Fanslow Keynote address Violence against women: development challenges *"+!,,.

<IH ("!!" I 69

,!G ="I !!!!46

F!A? BIH!>::

Discussion :


Violence against women: development challenges for Pacific Island countries

Violence against women: definitions

* !!! I > I ! !, E! ! ! I!?I,

A )! E 2! O " P, A "/\ "/!#(!!>!!(!" >!(!!T#\"!(! !#,BI"!>\(N(( !!!H!(>!fF!,#,

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2 N " !/> !! B#, %! )!E 2!(B ""!!I!(!!( !!,,((>!!(#!!!?"! 1!((!((!!,A( N(!> H!,#,

The scale of the problem

!!>(I(I>!>!> >"!>I!I,0!(I!?"!" !!I!I!!>""! "I,

%!!"?I)E2/!IR I)E2:#,A!"I>!!>! !"B(>>!!>I,A! I!!!4(I3:%4!,(>!" !!!/!,

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I!"!!I"/!!!,B !"!?I0E"#( 4@^"!/!!I!!N!!N!"( ,4^N!3!!!,

B!!9#(H!>!/!,0 "!H!>@9^"!/!!I!!N!!N >!!!"(3/!"6@,3^$#,,) "!!!@6,:^"!"!NB(3/! "43,9^$>#,

E>!!!!"!>!"!,% "(!!>I!I>! "!,"I!!!"!(IIN!>! "B!">!(>,(I!> !!>I!(II\>"!! !(>,

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=!(!>!!!>IOI!P"! !!,=("!I("! !>!"(!!I!"!I!,(I!> !("!!((!!",)> "!!I(!!!(!! !!!!(>!!I,

The impact of VAW and intersection with population development goals

BI"I!(>!,EI!(? !>""!>>I!"!( >">!O!P(O!P(!O!T!"P %@#,$>">!T!!! "("B%)IB%)!"!I!!> !,(!I!!"!!!!IB%)"" >!",

Obesity and nutrition

AN!""!>!,A!>! >"!!5N!!>N!>?I !>(I!!0(%f*!>!,39#, !!!"!"N>(I!>>!> !>"!"!"!!,!!!"! " !! ( I !> N! " ! " "/ ! >"I">,

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Mortality and morbidity

"!!>!"!(!!!- !I!I!,BI !">!!>,B%)!>!!>!" I,F!(B%)!"(!!"I,B%)!> !!!,%!!>)E2F/! !!!!"IIN!!! Q!/F!(,(:#,

BI!>!>,A!!>IIR N!"BI!"!>(11!(> !>I?(("!"!Q!/F!((:#,A)! !BE>IIN! "!!!("I!7N3,

Box 1E""II

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N!Q!!("!(\!(! &!!( N "( N ! ( EB&%( ">!(I!

7!% ! >( ! N( !!(""(>!!((!"/( /!!!!(!!(?(>!"/!


Intersection of violence against women, reproductive health, STIs and HIV/AIDS

!!""II>!> 7N3(I!?"!*IRN!>IB!! >?"!!! ,A # $!IIIN!B(II!!?!( !!I!"(!I!I"!! 0I()f,9#, # )IN!B!!?!!!"! >!#IIN!B0I(f),9#, # )RN!"!!\>!!!#?I>! ,,?#!,,!#!>/!!?"!! 0I(f>,9#, %!(!!IIIEB&%!N I>$>(7fQ!,9#,!>!I! # I!!"EBB # B!?"!"!EB"I # >!!!EB!?>! # &"!">!T"EB # B!?"!"!!N!"A#(I!!"EB"- tion # >!!""N>!I>!! 63

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What do we mean by development?

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Mental health development

A(FE!(>!""! !>"#,$!!"!OP >(#""(I T""#(>#""/(!!I(! "(!!((!I!##" ((!>(!!#H 8#,

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Gender, equality, empowerment of women,…. and “culture”

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Figure 1 Coordinated community action model

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Where do we go from here?

9(%"F!I!?!!B!I// !,%!!>?O="!I!?"!!!! "/! I/ / !P R!(>!fF!93@9#,A "!I!??!"!7N#, 6:

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,! # $!!/!(>!!!(( "!(! # "!!(!( # !/!(!(!( regional and national levels # $OI!(!?"!((!/! ""!"

6,$> # "!((!!"/> prevention strategies and victim services # !!!?!"/ based strategies # A!"!(/>!(!!- "! # %!!!""( violence prevention interventions and treatment services

4,! # !"(>(f!!!>I!!!&!?! # >" # Reduce access to lethal means # !!T # Change cultural norms that support violence # Reduce recidivism among perpetrators # !!1I"! # >I\! # T!"!

:,B! # ! M!!"!"! M!!!>!"!!> M?!(!! M!!!!!"!" M!!!1!"! 6@

A!I!I!(I>>"!I!! "!,

Draft Recommendations/Action Points linked to the Logical Framework 3, Leadership # "!?!"&, ># !!"!!!- I, # !!!?, ,! # "N"!,F?"#" I!I!"!""!&!,,( !!!//I!#," ((!!!>!O>P "!>,$!!I!?>O!P(I- !"I!!, ># !""!I!!,A? >I"?!!"!I!(>!I I!!I?, 6,$>

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References %( @# B ! ( *( "! %")%)#>!I*$<0(&"&Ikkk,", $>(G$(F=7(Q!(G?(=0!fG)9#QA!" IEB&%R( !!!H,%,(*%"()(,$34%3@@, 0I(G=:#( 0$(), 0I(G=#a commentary on the Canadian "!E"!R!,%&&!,,&I>&!&$!!k "Ik36!k,", 0IG=(%)(Ff<>9#Q$!I!! />"*IRIR( 4996M9, 0IG=f4#QBI*IR!TR( 3383@#33869%4, 0I(G=(($!f=!,!!#GN>"!!!" 68

!!(!!!!>*IRI, 0IG=(F(%)f<>9#Q!!!*I RR((4963M68, 0I G=( F ( < > f% ) 9# QB ! ! I ! (!/!!(>!!"*IR IR(4969M44, 0(BG(0%(*!>!(0)(%FO(B<I!(FHfGF!?39#Q ">"""! N!%$<#R(34#4:%:9, Q!/F!($(E%0FG(F<>!(=Ef$):#R R()! E2!(Q, H($!=8#Q!!\!!!"!! R((@#:M39, HO/F=(Gf$!Q!,# , % 34 %( "! &&III,,,O&//&/!&/& !!&!!/!/!!/&"/&"//!1/ˆ!!, H!!(GF!(%RIf=O##,)!E 2!O( Q,%> &&III,I,&k1!k!&&I!k!!&&"k ," =(E(76#5Q!/!I!?"IR!R( (446#36@%666, >!(Q!8#QF(*IQ(B(01H!>R( 34#6:%43, (B!)(7!!=9#Q$!R( !!!H%(*%" ()(,$383%3, $!!"$##K !!"$(*, $!!"$#># (!!"$(*, *0%*0##&&III, ",!&!!&& :0>#, )( $ 8#A F%Q< , ! )!? B ! =I/ F/ $!0Q>%(7!Q>E("F(G@/8()( ,$,!!!H%(*%"()(,$383%3, !?F(E!!(G(H(G$(F!(=%((Q()($(7O(Gf!!(GE@#Q%"! F%Q<EBR( B6@9(386%396( )E2)!E2!#9#$!"E, J)!E 2!(Q, )E2)!E2!##J )!E2!(Q, )E2)!E2!#:#R R )! E 2!(Q, )((FfF)9#Q!T"">!!> >I"!!!R(446#%9, R!((F=>!(G%F!9#Q%=0!I!?"!!!!"/! =I/F/!R( !!!H%(*%"()(,$383%3,


Incidence, forms and prevalence of violence against women in the Pacific K

BI!!!!!/ !,"!01)R$!!0)$$#(! I!? >! %%R 2" " <"" 2<# !! ! !/!!"!>!""!"!,a Domestic violence within "!"">>(">1(I5 I!!>1#5!""5(!> >5!"!>!!!I"!"!( !I!?5N(!I!!(">15! >(I!"!>!!!"IR !!, A!!>!"!!I>1IR!,0!N("! !!!"!!("!! !!!!>I"!,A">!!"1"! >"!!!OPI!"F,A! !!!"?!""!!>*IQB( !!*IQ01,BNI!?!(IIEB&% II>>!!0)$$"!!!>I!?>!, N!>II!?!!, Research in the Pacific

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A"68^"I!N!!! "@4^"I!N!&!N!! ,

%%R2<!!!"!T!!( ! "! " ,dA ! )E2 H!>(I!(>,A0)$$? I!?!01,

Violence against women is a human rights and development issue—causes, contrib- uting factors and consequences

A0)$$R""""IB%)#!>"! >!(NN!!4!( !",A!>!!!>! *0

BI>T>II(TI!!, A>!I!!/(!>? "($!(!!((I(( ,F!!>!"I( I!!(!!!!(>"!!"!" I!"I(!!!!"N(RI!? !IR,"(!!>">! !!!"!"!"!>I !,

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Poverty, gender inequality and violence against women

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B!1!>(I!IR>I!? !I!1>"!T>!1>!"!,)I "!!!"!,A !">!"!!!R(I!"!"!!>, !!!"!I(!!I""!! >",

Conflict, emergencies, gender inequality and violence against women

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Legal aspects of violence against women in Pacific Island countries and territories

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Figure 1

Harmful practices against women

E!"!I!"II"!N! ! ! I > / !( " G #,A!"!!"!!"!I(!"! !"I,"!"!"!(>!!!! "!!#(!I$A,A!F 44

<A!#(!"!!(>!""I"!!! F#!!!!!"!!!,A!"or punishment rape F#("!!!R!("!!!!"F#( F#(!"!!*IQ#!"IIF A#,!N!!H!>#(!>!!!!">!" !"!"!"!!N!!!!IRN !(!!""IG#,

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The overall legislative framework on VAW under domestic and international law

0!!(I!!""!1"!I,$!! !"I!(!>I"!"!!G9#, ) N " B( / ( *I Q F! !NN(!"!>N! ( ! I ! !( >/ !, A """!!!!"!(!! IB%),

6:!(*IQF!!N!( ! ! I N "" I !,c 01( 0=I%6I>"@!! !!"!I,*>!9(B0!%9(?!! in the region to have targeted stand-alone domestic violence legislation covering both criminal and civil aspects "B%),!!I>!T!I!!"""I,

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!( ( " ! > N I( !( ! !I,

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Figure 2 $<%)=$

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fiji Vanuatu Samoa PNG Cook Isl FSM Kiribati Solomon Is Tuvalu

*!only!"!#! I!!I(!!!"I!,#

"!(!!! and >!"%!"#,( $"$>!!>" ?,

Sexual assault and rape FNI$!>>IRN,A! &!I!>1!I!>1 Q R>1 ! #5 I ! "! ! !5 "!I"""!!!"5!!!!!>! I!5IRNN!> !!>,

F!(g *IQ(0F(!(Bh#>!"N !>!>1(i>!!I!!!,A NI>!!>1!>,

$$A(NF(!!"!T!"Q!" "!RI!T!!"!(!!> >I!!,GI!!!!!!T! (!"!IIN!1!,

Many countries still allow the highly discriminatory corroboration common law practice in relation to the "(I!I!"!1!! !!>!",A!!>!I!(>>" I>!>(I!"!,A!!B(0F #!$A,>!>F!(*IQ(H!>( $?*0IA? 017N3#l,$!!I?!>1 !!, 4@

Box 1A!?NI!!!!!>!!/7 ($!%*,%%6204(4

In 2002, the accused (B) held prisoner and raped the complainant (C), three times at a popular nature reserve. B was found guilty but corroboration of the evidence was a point of discussion. The case went all the way to Fiji’s highest court on appeal, the Supreme Court. B argued it was dangerous to convict him on C’s evidence alone as per the corroboration warning and his conviction should be overturned. In a groundbreaking precedent, the court removed the corroboration practice (‘the rule’) after examining the legal basis of it, the rationale behind the rule, the laws of Fiji and other jurisdictions on the rule. The court found that the rule discriminated against women who were the main victims of sexual violence, and that it was a violation of the non-discrimination provision, Article 38(1), of the Constitution. Under Article 43(2) also, the court was required to interpret the provisions of the Bill of Rights ‘to promote the values that underlie a democratic society based on freedom and equality and must, if relevant, have regard to public international law applicable to the rights set out in the Bill of Rights’. CEDAW was then cited as prohibiting any form of discrimination against women. The removal of the rule placed C’s evidence in sexual offences on the same basis as the evidence of victims in other cases of criminality. However, the court advised that legislation might be necessary to put any residual question to rest.

Comment. The training of lawyers and judges is critical in bringing about changes in the law. In this case, the attitudinal changes of the prosecutors and judges were apparent. Women’s NGOs in Fiji have been vigilant in reminding the judiciary that it has to comply with equality principles in the Constitution of Fiji and CEDAW.

A"!!!RN!I!""!!>N >(!!T,"(! N!!!",*Q$?!> !(I"!!RN!!(I0F !!(!"!,l A01 !!!!!?!I!,A>3! "!$A,

Table 1 !I!NMN"/! in common law practicesm

Permits gender discriminatory corroboration warning ! T " R N N5!! !I!"!! >, 5!!>,

W!!, W!!,

01 !M!!! W *Q * * F * Partial B W W * * A Wn W *! W W $? * * Kiribati Partial Partial Samoa W W A W W 0F W !N# *fA? * * !,G(,>(Q!T1"$!fA!!!"!E (A7?!!"!%/E!Q!Q%!TI! BR(F!,A>>F!, 48

F$AI!!"!!!(I!! I !! ! "! ! ! !,% "I ! I "! ! !,$?(*(A!!" !!!(!!I!Q>I!I!!"IR,o Papua *IQ!!!!>"! >!"!!,pA"$?H!0F!!">( !*0

6(I!"$!$N2""$!$!#% *IQN!,%>!"I""I!!(N !!>!!>1,A""I!!!! " !( ! I I I ! N , E!! I! !(!!!>"!>!"!! " ! I !( I ! " !T! !!>! I > *0!T!"!!""!>,I "N"!!!!,T

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Domestic violence

A"!I!!> ,A!7?"01I01 0G6!(8^"Q*!>#, A!!!!"!IR I!!I!?,A?!"!!( !! !R M ! !( " *<$% 8#, Q! !! I !"! IR !!,

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Box 2 A0!%9(BN>!G#

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GI!"!!(>"!!!(! !I!"!I,A"""!!!( "!"!5!""!, Box 3 $!!(>!!F

Among the most frequent explanations women put forward for the violence and discrimination they suffer at the hands of their husbands in Solomon Islands is the tradition of a ‘bride price’ given to the parents of a bride at her wedding by the parents of the groom. While customs on bride price vary according to provinces and language groups, the practice encourages an attitude in husbands to treat wives like property: ‘As a wife, she is expected to be subordinate to and obey her husband … She is at the mercy of her husband, who paid under pressure from the male community and his relatives to show his ability to ‘control’ his often teenage wife, including through violence (Amnesty International 2006).

Many customary practices are still in place and reinforce certain interpretations of religious (mainly Christian) beliefs about women’s roles. In Melanesian countries, apart from Fiji, bride price is still used to justify binding women in violent marriages. Where polygamy is practised and accepted, violence against women is particularly prevalent. In Papua New Guinea, there is a high level of violence against women by their husbands and also between co-wives. During a visit to a state prison in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre staff found that, of 24 women imprisoned, 16 were imprisoned for murder of their co-wives or their husbands. Some local women’s NGOs report that approximately 85% of the cases they attend to are polygamy related (Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre 2008). 4

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Table 2 !>!"!!!"! married women

01 W(0=I%6(, W(%%36&3"%"(!F%(383, B W(0!%9(!", $? W($?%%34(:6QMH,

%!>($A(!!!I!!#!\ !"!("!!!(>!, !(!!"!Q>!I!R(I"!!!,$! ""!"!!!!!!,$!!"! >!I!!I>!",!(1 !!!,">!I! >!(!I!>!I! >!,AI!""""!I!!,%! "(!!!4/!1I>!I!!!! !I?,

A!>O!!""!""!(> 1,AQ>!I!R!!7N4#, :

Box 4 Domestic violence is not a private matter but not serious enough for a long prison sentence—Toakarawa v The Republic of Kiribatis

T was a 22-year-old married man whose wife was four months pregnant. Whilst intoxicated, T beat her, attempts by neighbours to intervene. The injuries were permanent and included the upper and lower lips being bitten off, exposing the teeth. T maintained that he was so intoxicated that he did not know what he was doing; that he had apologised for his actions and had later reconciled with his wife. The Chief Justice emphasised that domestic violence was not a private matter, that it was shameful, that it was to be severely punished and that it was a serious crime no matter who the victim, but that it was T’s wife made it worse. The CJ noted, however, the apology, reconciliation, the state of drunkenness, the absence of previous convictions and the early plea of guilt. T was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. T challenged the sentence, arguing amongst other things that he needed to earn money for the family. An issue for consideration was whether the apology, the reconciliation and the fact that T was the main breadwinner, were relevant to sentencing in a domestic violence case. Was domestic violence a private or public matter? The Court of Appeal refused to lessen the sentence, saying that assaults on wives were to be treated as serious matters of public concern ! sentence appropriate.

Comment. Although this judgment demonstrates the positive changes in judicial thinking—for example, that reconciliation, apologies and the famous ‘breadwinner’ argument are not relevant issues to reduce O #] This is particularly so in a region where wife-beating is regarded as a customary ‘right’ of a husband. &'*&+/,

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Family Law and VAW

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A"I$A!>,A( I!!!!I, "IR!I"!>"!II>,!( (>>I!"!"">!!!"! !!%6!#(IR!"I?! I!!(!!!,"F(">! price>>R"I"R"1"(!! "!,A!!T!!!"!!!(!> !>!"!>(1!" I!!!I!R?"!,

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Box 5 Q!I

In May 2008, an Expert Group Meeting on Good Practices in Legislation to Address Violence against Women, was convened in Vienna by the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (UNDAW).u It reviewed and analysed experiences, approaches and good practices in legislation on violence against women from around the globe, based on some 20 years of research and assessment of old, and relatively new VAW laws, and developed a model framework for legislation on violence against women. The Good Practices framework is based on laws from a variety of jurisdictions, not just from the British-based common law 3P9<Q> 3 PQ be context adaptable, whilst adhering to some fundamental and universal human rights standards.

The expert group emphasises the importance of adopting a comprehensive and integrated legislative approach, encompassing not only the criminalisation of all forms of violence against women, and the effective prosecution and punishment of perpetrators, but also the prevention of violence, and the empowerment, support and protection of complainants or survivors. It recommendsv that legislation explicitly recognise violence against women as a form of gender-based discrimination and a violation of women’s human rights. This human rights based approach to VAW legislation is multi-disciplinary, covering the legal, health, education, social, economic and family law aspects of VAW, and it emphasises collaboration between police, social services and health care providers. It also suggests ways to address the root causes of VAW by shaping the education curricula. The legislation may take the form of a single piece of legislation, dealing with multiple forms of violence, or several pieces of legislation dealing with different forms of VAW, provided each is comprehensive and integrated. The new legislation should allow the same judge or magistrate dealing with the prosecution of a domestic violence case to make a number of relevant family law orders, so that women do not have to go to several different courts to obtain legal remedies.

A!A RRRT has received funding under The UNIFEM Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women. The project under way is titled “Changing Laws, Protecting Women; lobbying for legislative change in violence against women / family law in order > ! /3HKQ K > > > legislation to protect women. The approach is to implement quality campaigns for VAW and family law reform. The project aims to build a cadre of skilled national level legislative supporters and advocates, specialising in VAW and Family Law legislation. Assistance will be provided through the provision of timely and individualised technical assistance in advocacy, lobbying and law reform. The project would work with established networks from community paralegals, members of parliament, lawyers, magistrates and civil QXYZZ[\

=!"!!!1!,,A? G>#!I7N@, :

€Y$Key legislative and legal policy changes recommendedw

Criminal Law/ Comprehensive and integrated stand-alone legislation or separate all-encompassing Violence Against ! ! "! " I Women ! > * %)(N rather than piecemeal and band-aid amendments to N,I!>!I > I ! B%), I ! "! " !!I(!!>!I! T"RN!,A!! !>"!!!I!! II!!!(!!! !,

>I"!!I B%),?>"I!" , Family Law $! " I ! ! ! !">I,*II!"! !!("!!39"!>"(! "!!I!""!!!(/" !!(T!!!!!" "$<%)$$! ",

0I!!T! "$<%)$$"IQ%!N!1!GG !!G,#$"$39#$ <"%0!"!)38#R,y Constitutional $ > ( I! ! \ >I Change IR!T("!!!,0!N( !"!!!"$I! >,

2! ! " ?! I ! !, $! >!I!!T!,A?!!I(( !(>!"!(I!(1(!(!"( 1>"!!#5!!!I( !!II!!"I,! !!,)!?I!>!"!#! ",

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A!OBIB%)#PONQ!>Q7B#P!!- >!, > &&III,I,&!&&Ik!k&& $!$N2""$!$!#%*Q#5F!: $!$3@@($3, A?4!!!I !!"!!N,A> O!!"!"",A!?, e Q!?"!A!6th$Q%F"$(*?R"(A(@M2>!#5 %:/A!W!5"E$ A!$A, " 7G(,JU A>?!!"!"!%/E! QJR(*5*0!(>>, 38($!$N2""$!%$!#%*Q#5H!$(A 36($,6(38(,36,6335$?$(A3(!3($,4(3(,:35$(A @3($,:,(@(,:,3434#5W$(A33($,((,3"#5 1 $!$($,3(3@@(,3:665 ? (646&3, *0 !!>B, G39"!!NF0F,!""!"!I!(*001)RF(>!"!!> H!(>, $!%4"@(@G@($!"%,!ARA#!G"01, 0!""!!!*%)RI>/E>?"! I#*%)E>?"!I#/<I - &&III,I,!&,`!6@9 I 7!G(, N E>?"!I#*%)E>?"! I#/<w - &&III,I,!&,`!6@9 @#0=I%601# ::

Violence against women in Kiribati A*!<"B)36#!Q IR

%"!/>!(!?!((N!!! ""!I(!"(!!!>!!!">!(I!!! >!!",

Violence – cultural context BI"!"H!>""!,B%)"I >I!N,)IR>! !>I!!"( !!!I"I!>!,A"H!>0E !>!>I"!"I, ""!T>II,!! "!H!>,

Figure 10"H!>0E!


The effects of violence against women

A"">! # !!!I!? # =I!I!? # 0((!(!(I!I!?! # ="!!"!!IN#

A"" # B!>AEB&% # B!> # Low productivity in domestic duties # F!>&=I"/ # I&!FF# # Severe depression and Suicidal thoughts # %N # Death :@

A""" # $!& # !"!F(:F# # $!"I!? # 0>!"! # =I"/ # =I!"">! # *!!I!! # $!!"!!

Types of violence

A!"H!>0E!!)E2 /!#!I>IH!>0E!(!"#,

Physical violence by an intimate partner- # )!!I!!! # )!!!! # )I!! # )?!>!! # Perpetrator threatened to use or actually used a weapon against her N>!!/ # )"!N!!II # EN!!II>I"!"I!! # )"!N"!! <>>!!/ # )!">>!" # )>!"!"! # !!!!!!!,,>!# # Perpetrator had threatened to hurt her or someone she cared about Physical violence in pregnancy- # )(!>I! # )!??>I! 3:!>!/!!#/ # 3:!!!(!(I!I else that could hurt her N3:!>!/!!#/ # 3:!!!!!"!!"!!N!!"!N act when she did not want to $N>>"!3:#/ # 7"!3:!!N!!N not want to Controlling behaviour- # A!?!"!!"! # A!!!I!"">! # ?II! # Q!"?I! # """ # "!?!"!!" K :8

Health Choices N>!"!!!!!N#I!?4@^!"I H!>!!"!!!,A!!!( """!,2!!?N!N!EB&% !!,F!IA!!>!!!,

%!H!>FQ!8#(!FF>!I> >FQQ:!!(>3:,Q!"I ?"!!F!"E(F!"!%""!( !!"I!?!T!"!I!!,

A(>!"T!>,%!I!?"! I!?!2>!(!>*0%H!>("!!>I"! ",")E2R"!!(I!? " ! !(!( ! ?" !( !"!! >!"!I(!"!>,AI!?I/!!"" !,

2!H!>!!""(1>!!( H!>!$I>"!"!!>$ !""!!,$H!>?" "!>(I!!"7F!*!)"0 ,

Productivity in the workforce )!69^""!I!?"!(!:A>#,!"II I!R@^#>"!!",2">!"!I!?"! :69#I!!?!"!!>!>,%!!!"I !!!,%>(!!!I!?!!! B%)""!>>!!! !!!",

Table 1)!?"I3:%:}!("# A 36366 F 9: @^ 0 :69 69^


$"!"!(!(I"!!!!! !!!"!,$""B%)H!>>!?> >!!*IRI!"!!j33(,H!>( >!!!!!"\ !>!,

Women in the rural and informal sectors F! @^ " I I!? "!! "! !! !, A ( >!/!!"5!!"/!!(!(!!(! IR*Q2"!!(!!!!"/!(I ?!",!"!!,!! /!I!?!?,2"!>!$<"% 0!"!%)$<%)#!>!!%!4?!! IR!!!!I!?"!!, :9

AH!>Q!!!!!>!! (>I!?"!!II"!!"!! >!I!!(I!">`AI!H!>(I? >!I"!!833(>!"I"!B%) !>?"!>""/>,

A !! " !! H!> I ! I I ! >!!>I,<""R"/,$!"! !!II"!", )I!>(I!>I!""!"!! "!(N,F!!! !!>,!?!!>"! !T!!!,

Conclusion A"I!!>"H!>0E!

# %0<*!"!!I!!>!!! # # !>"!!B&B%) # !R!!"B&B%)!! # Q!!B%)>! # A!!I!?!!B%) # $!!!? # $I!IB%),AI("! , # !")R!!T"" # <>I!R2"?!"!!! !!!!!!R!?,

References %!"F)"H!>%!!!!>*0Q!!"!7?" 01(F!*!> 0>?"!$B"0"B%)%!!!!> F%?!" H!>8/33(8 H!>0E!%B%)$!(Q!"> "H!>!"# H!>FQ!(*((8 %$0%)(H!>")!(01( !":$(F!"0< 0E"%B)$!!!!> !!"$"!F!")(W$!R%""!!"# A 0 E " ( !! " $( * 0( Q!"(8 :


%>!"TI!"!\! # What is your view of physical violence of women towards other women, does that occur in the region? # 3>^_ # `>>_ # There is evidence that there is also violence against men. Is this a challenge?

I8!"I!!!!(!! "!,7"",A!>!"I*Q !"!!I(?(>I I,A!>II,%!! !I(">I"RII"I,

A>!!(II!T,B>I! "!!"!(I!I!"!!!>,

I!>I(>!"!>( !>!>!,

!4/901)R$!$!9I>3(!(I !!!>!>I!"I!! !!,F!I!!!!!"?"!I!>!!( !?"!!>?,%>"!?"!( I"I"!(> ???">!R>!! !!,

A"I!"?*Q!,I >>"I*Q2?!!!!!!, 7"I>"!!I>IR?II!I!I>, A!!>"!"!!/>!I!" I!\I>,AI!I!?!(I !IN!!!,

# )N!!?!`)N"!`

Talking to students, some of them police academy recruits, the men suggested that if women cooked food properly it wouldn’t happen, or if they dressed nicely to welcome their husbands home it wouldn’t happen. But one said if that he lived in a violent home and that his father looked for any opportunity because he had &'^^ drinking, disobedience and then refusal or lack of repsonse to sex; in Solomon Islands it is when women talk /^>>>

I think some studies show there are higher rates amongst under employed people, although that doesn’t mean that unemployment is the problem. The only thing we are sure about is that there is not one single cause of violence and the best way of explaining it is with the environmental model -- to look at the person within the family, within the society, the multifactoral issues. It feeds back strongly into gender, the biggest factor we know about, and power relationship between men and women. Yes, people get angry about things at work or not having work, but they tend not to hit their friends or their boss, but wait until they get home and hit their wife. @ @3


!( and institutional initiatives

Gerald Haberkorn Keynote address and Arthur Jorari

Population and development data: disentangling **!/,$,

$!E?! A<2" >"F!84

Discussion 9


Population and development data: disentangling facts from fiction and almost matches

The short life and quiet death of the Cairo Program of Action

!!!!(?"!"T" 34$!!$"!$#!!"%%# "!!"QR!!!",7 "(!!/>! 34(>"I/"I/!,)! !I!?>TN!!N!I?"!! N!">!NI!"!,

!"!"!I36"$R%("!!">1 ,A!!">!!"!I!"!I!?(! !!! N * ! !N>! ! " *Q2 ">!/>(C>,%!!!% !""?!("!!/*Q2!! /!"!"("!!!!! !(!!(!!?$/>/ IN"!5I!! I!!!(I,

A"!3,*0%(I/ !!(I>!!/?(!!/?(!\" "!"$!(&6"!>>!!N( I!!!!"!*0%!!!> !">I!,(I!("!3^!" >(!!!I! , !!( ?( I!R !/ ! I!""!""!"!( !("!!!!!!,)!!!,

A"!"I!3@M:#I1!NI9!> (38%"!NI>>,A"!> >/!I!I!!!!>!?5>I!I 3^(T""!>(!"!"(!!! !I>!,!I!(!!"I N(!!"T(IT>!!E>!?!fG!!8#,

A ! " FQ F Q# "!I!? !/ ! "!I!?!"!!!"?"($!($( 71*!>!!"%!!%N1! !"/>,%I/>(!! !!>!,)">?!!(?! !!?!!"!"!!!" !!(>!!(>>! ,?>!(!"!!!!!! "!!,0!($!%($!3(! ((I">"I/>T!, "!!39!"!(*0%/> !I>!!IA%,#AFQ"!I!?(!( !!"!!"!(! !>"!3:(!>!! !"!!("!I!?T#!>>!?# !!!!!I!!, U @6

Table 1$!!"%FQ"!I!?

A!?"!!?I!!! >!!"!>! !!!(!!,%!I"?!"! !"!3M:!!$%I "!!!*,3#!,(*IQ( (*!!!"!!!N ?I"!E>!?!8#,

Current sources of collection: periodicity of capture, availability and accessibility

*I>!!>(!"""!!!!?"">!( I!>!!!""!#T!!?>I ?!!!!,

Population and housing censuses %!!(!I>/!I!3^ !!"(I!!N!> ?!I!I""!"M$ !(I!(!!%"!(,

A 3 ! " ?? "" ! : I H!> ("I>"!!N@(8IA>#,A! !?!(I"!!,01I! !!?N"Q> @4

I!*>!B,7! N"!!!!!!!(I !!"IN!!!!,% !!!!!?!""!! "!!!I!?!((N! >!!(!!!!(!!( ""!?!((QI>/>,

Table 2!(4M

PACIFIC ISLAND COUNTRIES 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020




?"!!"(*0%!/(I!I "!3!((I!?!!"!/$! "!!!(I!1!?" >!I*0%(!>"3(III !(I"!!"!"N>"!!" ,

Household surveys F ! T ! !!( ! !I "! !!!!N!>! "!,4( # 3$AE!#("!!36!!"! years # !!?!E!E#@M8(I!"! *IQ(I!!TN!I!!? !,%NE!!!IH!>("!!"!!!! "!!N("!(I"!?!! /!/!!!!, )!!!I""!(!"!>! !I>"!!>!!>! !!("!"N(I!"! "!>!!!(I!!!>/ ?(!!!!"N"!!!! !""!!>!>,E!!!/!" (""#!!!!(>!!, A>>!/""!/I("> U @:

!>A>6!("!("""!!! !!""!,!?!??" >FQ!"!*$!!!! ?FQQ4#("!N(IIN"!!>A?( "!""!!!!!!( !!T,!I!(I!!3^(""" T>,%?!!!> !("!!>!"!// ,

Table 3 A"!!$!FQQ4

4.1 Under five 4.2 Infant mortality 4.3 Proportion of 1 year MDG-4 mortality rate (per rate (per 1000 live old children immunised Data Sources Child Health 1000 live births) births) against measles (%)

Latest Latest Latest Next

Cook Is 26.1 (2001) 11.9 (2001-05) 98 (2001) Health-Admin Fiji 22.4 (2002) 17.8 (2002) 76.4 (2002) Health-Admin FSM 47 (2001) 40 (2001) 84 (2001) Health-Admin

Kiribati 69 (2005) 52 (2005) 76 (2001) Health-Admin Marshall Is 46 (DHS 2007) 33 (DHS 2007) 54.1 (DHS 2007) 2012 (14)

Nauru 38 (DHS 2007) 38 (DHS 2007) 80 (DHS 2007) 2012 (14)

Niue 19 (2006) 7.8 (2006) 99 (2002) Census/Health-Ad

Palau 38.9 (2005) 20 (2003-05) 99 (2002) Health-Admin PNG 88 (2000) 64 (2001) 53 (>1995) Health-Admin

Samoa 24.7 (2006) 20.4 (2006) 99 (2002) Census/Health-Ad

Solomon Is 37 (DHS 2007) 24 (DHS 2007) 80.6 (DHS 2007) 2012 (14) Tokelau n/a 33 (1997-2000) Health-Admin Tonga 21.9 (2006) 19 (2006) 95.8 (2002) Census/Health-Ad Tuvalu 36 (DHS 2007) 31 (2007) 74 (DHS 2007) 2012 (14) Vanuatu 30 (MICS 2007) 25 (MICS 2007) 37 (MICS 2007) 2012 (14)

Administrative population databases: civil registration and health information systems !>">!I"!!!( "!,"?!>!!?! (?>!(!!(?!! "//(!!!!!"!!#!! !!!T!!(I!,

A!!(I!(I""!,)0! !!!I"(!!(*(A?(*!(A( $?F!(!>!!!(A( 01(!!!!!!">!(!!!I!"! *IQ((B(0FH!>,)>>(!T "!/!!(I"N!!"?!"!(>!!!> !(!>!!>>!!"">!,) 1!">!!>I(!!! >!(I!"I!I!?!I>!!!(> ">!!,!!(>>!!"(! "!!(I!!!>>!"I "!!,

)!!(!!!! I">!("!?>""!( I !! " ! ! ?I E>!?! 39#, ! I!( ! T>>>!!!!, @@

$""!!! !!(!!!!!!("!! !!!N!?("I!?!N"!! !!!!!",)?"!!!! !!>T!!>"(?"">?I"! ""!I/,)>I/"!"!! !!!T!(!>!"!!(T >!!,

Disentangling fact from fiction: nine challenges and myths

F>I!!>>"! ,F!!" Q>R!(!I!I?!"!> ?""!?, # A!!"!!!!""(I! >(?"!I!(!! "",%!(*2"# >I!!>1,,"!I" !>#I*2!>"!!N! , # A ! ! " " N !( ! !!(I!(!R >!!!(>?(?*#! !?$, A 1! " ( I!( !! N " ! ! /"! !( !\?"(?"I(!O(>!? "!"!,=?!"!>>I "!!,

There’s nothing there: the need to differentiate between varying degrees of nothingness AI"Q!R!!!!>?II!?"!!I! ?(I?"!(?III( !"I!!I!( ?I> ?I!I>?I,

! I!( !\ > ? ! ?# ! ! " >" # (!"!># # (!""!>(>?I!>>! !# # !(>NI!"!#, Availability versus accessibility E > ? " !\ ! ! N " (>"!??"("(I >,2!N!!I!II!I!?( !Q!R!Q!!// !IR,A!">!5 !!!!N!""!!>!?!!(! N!"I">! ,

A!!!(!!!!!Q!R(>!(! >",ANII"II!1!1I0 *IR!("!,%0*I R""I$R!!!#"!NI? U @8

"I!?(>!I>!@!/I?4"" !(!"!T!"!!> # !"!!!!"3$A # I$A!T!"!4:!"3 !, !I!(I!TI"!!"!"!T!"! !!N!,

?III(I>1(!I!?!" >I/I!!I!!!!N!, A>!I!>>?!I!I,

Almost-match in the conceptual relevance of what is available to what is needed A!"!"!T" !NIQ!(>!(!!R!>,%( N!!!!I"!?>!#!! (T"Q>$!!( I!?I!!!!II !!,EI!(I!(>!!Q> IR(Q!!II!?>R,*Q!(!! !!I!!/(!!!"!!!!,) >!!!""!!\ "1>"N!#II!>!I !?I((>/!!#(I !"!,$!!/!!"!(!! !!(!!/ ,


The absence of real-time development data and indicators !!"9(I!?FQ!??"!*$!(" II"!!("!@^"!!!I ?>"!!!!(!>5346^#! Q!!RN!"!I!E>!?!#,A>6! (?(">!!FQ(I!!!> N"!!I"3:!#(I"""!Q!!R!! I!("??#,!3(:(!"?!- !!"(!"!?!!I!R FQ>3:(!I>!!,

!#""!>(E"! (!>>I,

The irregularity of major statistical collections AQ!!R1!"!!!!!>$R!!!I >!!!"!%7(%%*R%@(!?! !E!!!8M9("!(I!?> !I!!!#( I!""!!!"!!I>, )"(II"!, AI(II!?>""(!!( !!!!"/"""!!!!!,A(I!( is not in line with providing development statistics and indicators to monitor national development !!IT">,

!!#"!>, @9

Lengthy lead-time to produce key development statistics and indicators %!"!>>!!/"!(!"! !!"!!!>/! !T"!5I!!"!!(? I!"!#"!?,(I "!I#!>,


Absence of alternative indicators %!1!!((!!!N!> "(?!!!""!O! !!!!!",)(/?!! !!(!T"!N!"T!!!!(I >QR>>!R(QR!>!R!!!Q?"!>R #,2"!"I""!!!!"( !N!I!!!?!,

!!!!!"!Q!Q!,?I("> !!>(!I!"!!?"!( !!"I!1!"!>Q! "">Q,7>"!!!" *IQ(>!F!!! "R"!I"!!>,

!"!,,,!5!!(!!! I!!N"!I/ >T""5>!5!5! I"!,

2!>#I" # !!!"*2>>!! I/>(T!>"!!!I"!"ON" I>"!!, # )!!I!?!(II?I II(>?III>!,

A myriad of statistics and indicators Q"!(Q!!R!"!!( !!!!"!!(I"!I""!"!!!!> ""!!!!!,T!!!! "!!!,,!!#"!(I !!(!""!!(> ""!!,%>!!N!E>!?!385 E>!?!fG!!8#(I!>!!!!" !(III!!"!!,


Lack of interest and sustained, tangible commitment A"!!!!!>I!!!!( !!!!>I(II1!"!!(!! N " ! ! ! ! " "!/?,*!!(! U @

"!I!??!IN!"!!(!!(! />/?NI!!1!II! >">!("!!( !("!,

%>!"!I"1!!N!>*2(!?! "!!<$%$(( !?"!!E>!?!>#,A !!!!>!?!! !!!(I!>"">!(I"" !R*2"I!O"!!?!" >,N!>*2""!!?I"! N " ( ! !( "! !( !(!!!!!!!!>?""!! !!!!,

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Moving from availability to greater accessibility and utilisation

EQ!"TR"$$!!!"%(> >"!"( II>!"I>?! >>(!!!!"(1" "!,(IN!"!!"!! # QR # #

‘There are no data out there ’

%!(!!>"!!I! !!,A!!"/N!(!>!? !?!"!I,2!N!! !II!!"!( !"!!R!!T!(I !!!!,)!!!>( >"!I!?!!(!!"!? !>"!N!(I!"!!(I! (I>>(I"!"!T,0!!!( "!??I?!!!(! (!!!,

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Data are available but not always what is needed or in an accessible form

A!!!>"!>>( !!(>!!!!M!!!!"! !!"!"!(!"!I">!! !T!"!,)!(!!"!! "!(!!?!!!I!! !!?!!, ) ( !? I > ! I > I!",

2 I " ? "! ( I !(>!!T"(?! !!!((!(!>"! "!T!,,"!(!/!! !!!!#,A!(!> !F2(""!(!> >?(>!!!,)(?!>!>( !>!>"I!(>(> >!!"!!,

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A!>(IT!!>"!"!(" !!"!!!" !#,%(!!! !!#?!"(!!I!!!5"!!( >>!/!!/"!!(!!>!Q R, U 83

There is no demand and or recognition from national government institutions and agencies

0!!!(!/!/!"!!>! !,!I!!!( II!!!!,)!?!""! >!""!(!!!(! N!I!I"(I!?! 1!"("I!,A!!! !,)!!!"(!(!( >"N!!>N",%>?!( >!QR(QR!Q JR>!!>,

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Communication of results

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>!,! !!">!I> ("!"!>!!!""!(! ""!!RQ>RN1!? !",%!"II!!(! !,A!!%>"!%# !38(*0%M$!!!! !(!>N!"", *!(/!T!(1!!!(I !!I#>(!(!!""! ?!"!!!,

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National statistical development policy

0("!"/!!! "!!,("! "??!!!"!I!?("! II"1!!( "!!>(!>>!?"!,A "!I!?I"!!!/(F2(!> "!!!(I!"!!"!! !,

A!!!!"!"?!!R (I?!!#!!M! >>(!!>"! !,0!>"(!>>!( !"!>>!!!!"!!!>"!( "!!!,A>!!"> "!,

((I"!!( !I!N"( ?!"!!!!>I "!>!(!"T!!!I N"*2,>"!!(!( !!!!!!" !"!I!?,

Concluding observations

%>"!(I>>("!I!?!!I" I!>,A!!RI/ !"!I!?(BF!(I !""!>"!*!(Q(H!>($?*,!\ !I>!!>!*2(I !?!!!!"(>"!!I( B$?(!!>*!R0F! >>"*2,

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E>!?!(Q38#Q%"!"!!">I! R(696#3M6@, E>!?!( Q 39# QB !! !! ! ! !R((,W! (!!"$(*( 3M34, E>!?!(Q8#*!!!!(0!F "E"E"(!!"(*()!?!*,:, E>!?!(Q#F!FQ!!!>(T(<$%& %7&*FQ)!?A??(<!)0!I!(3@MF!(*(01 , E>!?!( Q ># ( <$% $ ( 4M@ 0>!! ( 7??, E>!?!(Qf%G!!8#Q%>(>"!" T!!(6#8:M:, 84

The Economic Policy Planning and Statistics Office and the Republic of the Marshall Islands

G!6<(2"<2#I>>%! 2"""!>"F!F#,%"! "!IN"!"$"0!%I ,A!""I"INN!N1 I(>!"!! !,A<2I>!(I!"">!I!!,%! ""(I",EI!(I!N!( >""!:M8!!!!$ 7!"!% G,AI!!!!>I! !F!"0(!!!<2"!!!,

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Some implications for improving statistics and evidence-based decision-making: the point of view from a small statistical office

Health statistics

AF0(%7(0A%$()72!I!!,A?F!"0 F20#<2!>!T(>F! "",

!%!!?""!"!"!!"( I!!"!!I !>"(T(!>!>,! N"(<2FQ*B!I!?IEF! ,AI!?!!!!I! "" I,I!?>!!"((! !("!(A7!(!(!(>!!!( >"I!,A!!"!!>!!!( !,

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!!>>!"(>!(!! "!!""!""/I>!, FII!>! ,!"(>!"!!,AN !"""!>N"" >!!>!>!>,

ANTII?!" !`

ABS/SPC DHS Project Management Training

A!!1!>%7$I?!"!> "!E!1("!!!"(>(!!(!("/ (!"!(!1,(!/ "!!!""(I!!! ,A!!"!!1!>I !("!>!"!!1!!!, "(>I(!!"! >,

AI""!!!!E! !,"!!!!"!! >(!>!,(" I!,A"! !(!!>>!,


Mentoring of younger people A!"!>$"F!$F#!" #F1!((>"!,W!I!> !!!I>!"!,)I>I!>( !!!!!I!?I!I!!"( !&>,<!!1(!)!!( !>!"!,!!"!! I!"!!!>I(>!,!>I!" !N!>,

Internships focusing on statistics and performance budgeting 2!!(>"!!"!>>I %7,E!"!!IT"!!I#/ #,!/!I"(I?N!! "!!""!"""!!,!""! !"!>,A(!!"! !!I(I?>>>, % ! ! I ! ! T >"! > !>,=!!(Q!(! I!?!!!(!>"""!!!!! "!,!(I!I!"!!(I>! ?!>!I?!,

2009 – Energy and water surveys – EPPSO continues to build A!1!"<!!!!!2%$!!"! %Q$#,%!"!1<2 89

"!8^"F(Q,AI!N$"!I!( I!1,A!!"!"I!? !/"/I!>,!!1<2 >"!!!!1!I?!!"!! !!,2!(!!"E!"<2"",A>"! )!!1>(>N?!!" >!(I?>>>(?(((!!,III>>! !!>!!!!!,<2 !!!%7R!!!I!?(I!!I! !I"I!I//,A!I !>""!!"""!!!! "!!I>!"F,

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F/!/!!!!(I!>>!!/ ! !,A !"! " ! ! !! ! " ! !" ? !T! "! , 7 ! > I ?"!!"!"!I!5>!,>"! "5,<!(!5!( I?I!!,

Marshallisation of work A ! > ?! ! > ! ! " "" !>QF!R"(!!I!?F(I >>I"!$(0A%$(%7,A!"N%7 !!(F(I!>"!!!"I!!,A "II!>>"!""/!!,AN !I!!,)"!N%7!! !6(I!"!F> !!I!"!!N!!!!\N! I!? F,A!!!,A:!!(G1(I ?F(!I!,A">" !>!I!F!""!,A!III! "!!I!(I>"!,?>( 1!!,A!""(>!!"! !,"?!I(!((3!(!>!(>! "!,2!!!!I!"*Q2!! "!!"!,%<2*Q2!!!T"!I !!!!!1"!,$"!I >!"F!!!"!!"! !!,

Official statistics and performance budgeting F!!!?!"!>! 2"!!!!!!3@!3I!!> "!!!#,F!>I!!">"! !!!">,A1!I!2" !!!>>!/,)<2" 8

! I !"! >( " ! !! ",% 1!!>F!"0!"!> !/I!!1IE(<!!<,7((>> !!?1!!"!"I!""!",%!(I("! !(!I>",A!!"!"! !!(!!I(>""" !!!!>,$!!!"!>I!"! >I?!!!"!!?,

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People do care F " ! ! ! ! "! ! !(!I(!!"!!,7I !!!!/!"I,<(! !T!(!""!(!!I ?!"!!!>,! N"I!!N!"!((!!( >,A!>>III>>(>I !II!III?""!"!, 9


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!>"!( (( (!

John Connell Keynote address "6 +9*9; ,.,

H7!! !>"!((( (!63

Discussion 638


Pacific urbanisation and its discontents. Is there a way forward?

!"I!!!!!!!/ !>O,%!"!>\I"!!!! I!("!!(T>!>I!( !I>"",$( 38(,#

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Urban growth

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%>I!(>!> !I>?!"!I(!!, 94

Table 1 !>!

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Demographic transformation? A population context?

%!!!!!"Q!R( !!F"N!I!# I",*(!I!!,)! !I!!,^(B!,8^> !>>",!(01(A(!I!!(I!(3^( !>""!,E!I!!!!!""!I !(>F"!\!"!>,

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Internal migration

A"I>I!(!( !>!N!!,!>>!!,) "!!!("!!( !"!>>(!"!"! !!!>!!>>,)!! >!!!!("!!!"!N(#( !!/!(!!(>!!"!,

A!!!!!(!! !,0!(!!N>!5(! >!5!(!I( 5"!(!>!!I,T!!"! !>N!>!! !! > !! , ! !( I N( ( I! !!!#!! >I#,*>!!!!! !!!>(AA((A!IH!>(0" A<"B,AN!>!>"!!!!(I !"!"!!I"!!,

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International migration

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Into the towns and cities

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Inequality, poverty and urban livelihoods

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Economies and employment

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Informal sector

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Incomes and poverty

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Settlements and urban poverty

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The social city

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The urban environment

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>!("!I!!>!!I ?I">I!#!!"!!!,% "!!!I!?!!!!, !!!!"H!>> "II!"A!I!!II!>,% /""R!!!>>I!I!!> >",!!!!!> ,

Urban management

) ! ! > > I! ! !>, F ! ! 1!!!!"N!!>!"!! !!!\I(>*IQ(>B( "!!!!,!!"!!! !>(!!!(I!," !!!!"$398#!N! !!"!(>"!!"I,)!"" >!>!!!"?,

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QB!!!!"!! "!!>!I(!>!!!"!?R,) "!!>1>I!"!!!!,

) ! ! ! >! I !> ! ! "! >! T ! I ! ( !>"!,$/>, (!!!"Q!R!"!,$ !!>>H!>Gf=8#,<""! include disparate ethnic populations and the poor and marginalised are critical in building relationships and !>O?,%>>! >!!!!!"TT I>(I!I!>!>!>!> )??#,)!!TI (!!!!"!!!,AI!! !N,F!!(?I!!!!> >T""!("!,%NF!* $"$"#B!!"?!!!!! "I!,I!!>"" !!/!>(!!!!>!!( !N">!,

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An urban future

>!!",A"! !I!!"!!II!N5I !\(!!I5!!!!"5 !!!,0!!"!! ( ! !( "I " I "! I !, 0! 3 ! "!,!""(N! !(!"!!?B( I!I!>#!"!,

A"!!>"!,!!!!"!T !I!I!O"!>,*?Q"E! *#!>!!T!>T"", Security concerns among the elite are prevalent in Port Moresby and accentuate topographical divisions in the (I>!/""!!,II>!! ?!"(I!!""! !!Q!R$f=#,I> !!!F!>"!I!!>(>!!( !!!>I!=(*?Q", !!!!!5!>(I !!(!(!I>""!!5!> "Q!:#,<!I(!>!!"! !,A>II!!N""!( >!!!!!>,"!"" I!>"!>"!"!!I(>!!!>!( ?!!!>!,

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> !> > > !> I!, ! emphasising integrated rural development and stressing both economic advancement and social services will be !,EI!(!!!>!I!!(/!!> !,AI!>,EI!("!II> M 6

!!!"!,%!>!! !"!>"!T!!"(!!!> !I!,A((!"!"!!N I"!>>,

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Urbanisation: fertility, housing, education, health, environment


A?>I!!I>!>!"!# !$#!!!!"!(! !!,

F! ! > I N *I Q( (B01(I?!8:^""!,)I! !!!!!!>!>^"BR !>01(!:^"!>!,A(* >!I!!!N*IR( $(%!!,

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E!!!>!"!(!:#?" !!!"I!>!! # population growth and migration to the urban areas with limited out-migration opportunities # T"""!> # !"""!> # !!""/"!!T! # T(!(!"!! # !!"!"!!! # increasing crime and violence # I!!, F"I"!!!N("!" !!"!>!(!>!,

ADB studies of Pacific nations

7I4%7?%7#!!"! !>!"*N*IQ(F!((B( 01(0F(AA, K 636



# >!!!!(>I! # !!""" # T!!#>"!!>- N"((&!!,

01*IQ!I!!I! !I?I(I!,E!"!!`#I !"!!I!!!"!!I"!!>!,E!I !"!(?""!"!(!I! (!!!,


A!!O!!!I>!"I!>" >N>!O!I?,A!I! !!?>>I!>!!!I!>!!,,, F!(F,,,A"!!!!"!( "!!>!">!("!?! >>,


The Pacific region and the Millennium Development Goals

A*FQ!"!I!IN!( ( ! !( !( EB %( ! T I! " I(!>,!!*F !1:3#

A""!?"!!!">?!,,,<I!!!!( IQ,,,2>/!%"!""!?!!2,

Some case studies from Fiji


$!!!!!"!"! I!!!!"!,2I! "!!!!!!,"$!!! I"!!(!!"I, 01("!N(/!!!!!99@86 !!3@6!#I!!34!!3!#,

)01!!!!!"!>>!( T"!!!!>(!!!!, AF!"<!4M@#I49,8^"!!!? !,)!`

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?"!"!(>!!"! !!!I!!!",$T""! 634

>""!,%!!>$!01(@@^"I!" >"!,

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F$",%!:^">I@!",%!> !/!",<I?!! !"!(01("3:(!!"! 4(,)!`

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)"!N"01("I")!7?(E%! >7!I!!""!>"!!!!" (II!!N!II,A"!!I""!T! ,


'2.!!II!"!"! "!!""!>>II!(!( !!I!!((!!!I! I!!I!,,,!I"!! "I!!"\I!"!,


A)!I"A!)!(I!?! !>I!I!?I"!,,,,A !>!A!)!N"I!, QR>I!"!I("!!!!I!"! !!,

0(I?T"!FO!$"$!#,A! !>""""!0

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AI?I"IN!!!N!! T"!"!"I"!>I!! !I,A>>N!!",%!)R ?!!"(N!" !II1T,A>"!IQ!?IR!! "I!!!!!>,I!!/!!/!,F" N"!>"!,A"%7" Q!% ! ! ! R,W"! ! ! ! development by instigating policies that will boost business and overseas investment than is placed on poverty ,)!!I!!I!!,

>I!TI!"!)!7?(F0 %7(??I!!/!(!/!!!( 1I!I!?/I"">!, 63@

References %>>(f!4#N,%7(F, 7!!(H8#T!01"!,$OR$0!(, 7!!(H#E%""!>(!!((G, $(B3@#(3!(*$!"! ($>!!, (F?@#,R7?(=, Q!(38@#(E!I!, EQ"(<398#QAI!R( (%E!,$!"(!"%?f"( !"((3M3, FO!( % $!# # United States Q!()$, *(B1fH7!!9#=FQ,<$<%(, !(6#QA!/!>"!NR((466#:M 8, !(:#!>!!!, Q!F!1!:&8(%*($>!!, !(@#!>,(Q!F!1(%*($>!!, * F !1 :# <!(=, 638


# EI!!"!"!! I!!N"I!!` )R>I?I!>("!"!EB&%, # $!"!>!(!!!!- !>!!>!,)!"!!!?>! !,*>I!>>!!!( !!!"!>", T!!?!(!!> "!>(!N,

$!*IQ(!>!!" !!,A!!!"I!!>(I !!I!>!!,A!!"!I!? !"!!>!!I>N!N,)!"I I!>I,) !!"!>I!,

)>!!>!!,I!>>! !, # )!!"("!\!"01` %"!!!>!!!!!!(>!!,=! !!>I!(!!,EII!"! !>?II!!,*IQ!! !">!,)N "(I!,"!I("!">(! >!(I!>!, # !!!(>I!!!!>!(1!>!,) R?II>!!(!II !I!?(!!>!, A!R!?!>!,EII!!(! `)(II?!(!!!I!,

639 63


Climate change and population displacement

John Campbell Keynote address Climate change and population displacement 320


66@ 6

Climate change and population displacement

A!>!>!/!>"$!A!!! $A#"""!>,!!(I/( !!"(!>?>I!R! !,)!"!$A!"H!>(F!(A? A#!II>!!>> ("!!I!!"!$A, A!N!I!>"""! ?"!I!,?!!!!"?>! "!(!!1!N!,

Climate change

$!"!"""!!!"!("!"!! !,A(!>N(!N(N!I! !!!""!!"!!R!",) !!I>!>!,EI!(!!(!! /I!(!">!!"! ""!!(!!!(!!"!! "!,(!""!!> "",

)!?Q!3"!!$$$$#(!>" ("!>!I"M"//!3( !!!%4#I!">IT(I! ?!!>>#>>!!!f! 86#,F!!($$!N!"!( I!I"!!f!844#,!"!" "!!$$!1>!!>3I>>I3,9 4,$!>!!>I393,!>!!I ""!!N"I!!!"!", A!"!/!!>I,39,:>"!!f! 84:#,

!!I""!"!"!T "!!"N!I(!"\#!,A$$ !!?!@@!!>>#>! !I!!#>!>"!T! f!8:6#,

Climate change and Oceania

)!""!!!!!"!`0! "!!!"""(*0!I!? $$$H!> !!!!!>,)$A>> !>I!(!!?>!!!!>1I"" "I>II,7!"!!!" !!$$!,!" ""!?2,

F>!I>>/!,%4$$ I>Q!>!#R\"! !f!849#,/!?!(""" (?(!!!"!N!!!!I# 63

"I/!(!TT""!!I!(,N! !I/!>!,7 I/!!>I!"!!("!( !!!!""!>>"!,

!"!(!!!>!"(!>!! ">I!!!!,!>> !>!!,)!"!!?!!# !!!!I"!!I!?IQ>/E!O>! #I!!!>"!!!>NII!, I>M!"I!>!(I !?I!!!?>!"","!I!>!( "!I!!!!>!,% !?>N!!"!!!,!\?>"!! E,65)!7?#,

Responding to climate change

A! ! I ! " ! , A ! !"!! !! ,A ! " ( ( !"! I I!!!!!"!!,! !>!I"!!!("! I!"!!>!?N!(I!!>!#, %!"!!"""( !,% > ! " !"!! !# ! !( ! > !"!""!!,!! ?>!!""">I!! >>!!"!?"!,

F > ! ! ,A !>"!(>!!N!("!! !?,7!!?>!I!(!I(!> !!I!T!">N,( "!"!?>!,A>N!,0!N( >>"I!!!"I!(I!!( """/!!!!\,(O!? ""!!!!?!!!f=38#,EI!("! I!""!!(!!(!!!I"!T "!!!(!>,0!(!"!(! !!(!(>,

Migration and relocation: adaptation options or adaptation failure?

%>>!"I>>?>! "",F!#!3!I>:! I!QI>I!?R(!>!/!, !!>$$>""!>!# 7!I9#!1!!">I:3!N!! "!>!>!I!I!!! >F!R>IN,A$$!1 !>!>>!>!I"!3,> 3#>I3,9:,>>9(>!* ,866#,

Terminology 7"!!("!""!!"!T! ,<!"!!!"!""!!I!> 6

!>,"I!!((!T, A!!/!"!!(I"I >!!#"!!#!"!"! "!>,A!(!!(>/!"!"! !"!! >"!,!!!!"(!"!I( !"!"N!"!,F!!(>>!" !T"!!"!!(>I! !"!"(>!\!,

%!>!!"!(I >Q!>I>!",,,"!! ""!R"!=>!388646#,A?!! >,A""!"!!(I! !!!!!("!>!" !!",

!!I,N!(!! (>I>!(I?I >>!!,("!(?I!?( !"M!!!I"! !T?,*!!>!"! ,A"?!>!!N"! !>,A!"739:#G3#(!> >!?1!!,A!II!!!,7I"IN( "("II!!I!!,

%!!(!!>!"!!! N!!"I!N,2""I!( !>"!>!!(!I!"!!> !!\I!,!(I!!!I!"!I !""!!!(>!! !!7!f)>>!#!?>"!! !!!("!?*IQ( (B(H!>A(I!!"!! %!*IR,EI!(I!>!"!"!!( (>!"! !!?>"!>>!,

Where from and how many? 0!>!"!!!, 0!(!"!!(!,A!((! I!!>!N!"""/!,A!!(!! ("!"!!(>! ?>N!!!?"\(!!>!"! "!I!!!!(!!>!#!! ,0(!!!(!!!!" !!,F!"!!!!!("< *!2,

Atoll populations %>(!N!!I>>>!" ,A>3I>!!!!!,A"!$A!! >"3@:(634!,7(>I(!$A ,A(!!!!N(I!!,0! "F!($?0!!! 66

Table 1 % "!@,839!", countries and territories !"!!I>*I Q((%!# Country Atoll populations "!!!!" !"!3,,3!#,A Atoll Only Countries 9(@@8 >"!::(,A1!" Kiribati I!!F!"!!N >!>!"FN!( F! :4(@: !FF!, A? 3(3@8 $ # !1 " A 33(6 "! ! > 4( > :, EI!( ! !I ! "! ! I Atolls in High Island Countries F# ! " "3,6!,2""!(! %! 4 !I!1"!H!>(I!1 $? 3(4 !I > ! 4: ! "! 9(9 ! 0!"F! (6@ 3@6(,"!I! !I ! ! " " ! 0! 39(99 !(!>#> Palau 69 "!>/!($ *Q (3: #!1(N6(, :(334 )!!"!,6! A 3(883 "!(!! ! , A !$#(*$(! !0!3,%(! reports !!I!!>!!,F!!( !!"!>I !!!"1"IA!IH!>#(F1! <>F!#!N0"A#,!!! "!!?>N!)!7?#,A"N!( I"!!!!I!!>"!?"> , F!!( " atolls do indeed " ( the denominator "! ! crude population density will change and the densities will become even !,

Figure 1!1 Crude Population " $! A!!!(:, 64

Coastal communities !"!(!!!I" *IQ"!N#1!"!!!,0! !!"!>!!!I"( !!(,"(I!(!(!/"!!(1 I!!"!&!"!!?N !!"!/!((!"""!!,*!( !?>!>!I>N!!? !">I!,F?(!B0!#1!"I !""!("I!TI/(N" !!I!,F!!(""!"!F? !,

Figure 2 F"F?(B(I!>",A!"F? !I(>"""(!,


">!"I>>""" , *I Q( !! ! E !, *!!!!!!>"">! !Q?R#(F!?=?!>=9#,Q *IQR!!!"!R(!"> !?!!!>!>!!,0!!" >(!!>,A(! "(I*IQ!!!,)I!>!!( !!!>(>( !!">!!?>"",%A>I(> !!(!"I!3((>>: >!!I389(@39,A!!IIN"" !?"!, 6:

Table 2 7!!"">

Scenario Potential Displaced Population : 3^" 4(:89 389(@39 :^"(>3^"*Q 9(9@: 6:8(89: 3^"(>3^"*Q 6:3(8: :93(844


Riverine communities 0!I!!""!I! !!!!(I!!!!, *!!!"!I!(\!!"!\! ""!"!,!!>I!!" T!!,A!!!!! ?>!!?"!,!"!" !"!T!"!!!!> !"">\,!!\"1!"! "!>>!I!!,F!( "!N(I$Q>>!!!!"*IQ8(" I34(!>!>I3(9(((:I! !"I!T!>:9(0$93M#,01! "!!!@I"!!II7!363$> 39:#!"$*39@I!!!\7 f"!3657!398#,F!!(!!!!"!!,!> !"!I!"!!>\\(II!!!!! !,A"7B=N(>!> \"!(!>""!>!!(>"! II>"!7N3#,

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!!!!>!?>"">M \ ! ? > T ( !! , EI!( """I>(!("T" ?!,(!(>>!>T, 0!!!(\O!!!!!!,FI!N \"T!!I/!N>!!\, AI!!("!!!\"F !("!""!(I N"9(4(>!?"!N!\,% !/!!1I>">!?>N, 6@

Box 1!N!I!"7

A7!"!>!!!"! 36:!0!6#,2!7A!("! !"!!,%!398:A( I!(!("IQR"!I! !"!!,AI> !>"A!I!!I!!>>!I"!\, 0I\3993IAI!"!! !?I7*,3#,A!> #!!!!!,A!"! N!I!>1\34,%!" !I?I7(II38! 7>("!01R!,AI!> >I!!!""?O! ,,E(H!(>,E IIN!>!"!!"!7>O!\" !!\?(!>I!"!,A\!" >%6!>\,)$2!!\ 396(I!!!"!,

?!!!"!"AH!, !"!I!"I"!\!! !,2?I!!!! ,2>N"!I! \I!>,$!B$(I> >!I!"!I(!T(> >!!"$!,A(I! !I,?(I"!"! ("!",

Figure 3FI"!!36!7!,* !I"!A!("I>>!!",

!$>9 68

Drought prone communities F!!!(I$$I!I!"!T !,A(!!?<*!2! I,%N!E"*IQ0!4#,! <*!N!1!!!"(>I"! !!(I%395%,39#,A! ?E"3,@"!69! ",A"*IQ!>!6! >!!?!O!!?>!>!!,"E I!I!!:(IN,

Figure 4*IQ(>!(,AE! !"!!!<*,


!"!"!&!I38M39!<*#I! !NI>E3,I!!>""!Q!( ("!"!R%f7!?38#,A!!!"! E>>!""!!"!," I!>!!!!(>!"! !>, !>!>I"#! !!""!,,"!>!# \!!"!>!!##,!>IRI?I"!, ""(!I(III! RI? I )38:#,%! )3966@#( ! " !" IQI!"!"!(!>> I!!!"!,A!I>!!" 69

"!,RI>!I!I! !!&"!O!E,

) " " > *I Q( ! 1! O! ! !, " ! > > ! "!,)!!>I!!!>!!, !"!T!"!!?!!!!(""> >,">!!("""!">I !!!?>!!""(!"I>I! >!>I!T!T,!""I !"!!,)"!?>! "!!"!!""!(>>!>! ,

%>"!!(>!"?"!! ,EI!(!!!!!!" """!!,A>6!!" "!(!!!,!!N"!(" "I!!!!!>"" I!"!,%>!>>I@@:( 3(8:(?I!">"I/! !"(!!!!"",)>!!!!N( !"!!>!"$A,

Table 3 !"!"

:!1 low high low high % 4( 4( 6( 6( Coasts :( 6:( 39( :9( Rivers 9( 4( 3@:( 9:( A 43:( ( @@:( 3(8:(

Where to?

)!I>"`A"!I"! >"""I>,"IN!!I !"!?!>?,8!*E$!I!33,6!"6 "!!I!#,0!!!""!!> >!I!!18:(6!,@@!*E$9#,! !I"!"!(I!!I!,

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"I(!"N(!(!!! "Q,RA!I!?!>"!!( I!!>!!OO""!!,

F I !"!! " !( ! ! I I! >1 "! ,*!(!?!>"!I !>II"!!!,

2N"!"!!F"!%>!(I I!!!F<"B!3:,A?3888:#N! >!I!!!>>!!I!,2" !!"!!>!!"!!"!

A3:3!'"%>!"!!.""!"!!!! I,0!(!/"!!I!I!> !(>%>!(II!!! ,(!I>!(%>!,A!( "!!"I!>"!"!!(!"! "%>!,A%>!I!!!("! !!/!"<,A"%>!I!!I!!!? <NI?"!!(?"!/!"!",

)1!"!!!>!(! !! ! ! I!? A?R >!,=!?I>?I!" N!,*N!(I>!"( !>!",

A"!!"!N!!! >!,F"!"/Q!!"R""! 1"!!>"!!!,F"!""! !I!I!(!"N>, *"!!>"!!( 66

!((!!!,(I!"IN!I"!" !!,A!!!"!>II>! !,A!"F!"!7>I!"H!>#(II >5I>!!01,A!!!! 3:>!34:!388>#,0!?63#!!Q7>!"01R !,%"!!!"!01 "!"398>!7>R, F!!(!>">II!!>"01!?! !!8#,7>!"I!"!!?QR "!!3835AI:#I!!!! "01!">,)Q!?!R!! 7>(!!>>"!M!("!I 7>>>!(>!!>,

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$!?(!! " ! QR ! ( !> (>!?!!>I!!!> !!>"!!,%I!(>>I"!, "!>I,

Loss of community locus $ ! ? ( !!("!QR!(!> (>!?!!>I!(! !>!!>"!!,%I!(>>I" !,"!>I,

Loss of community locus $!!"!!!"!!, A ! "! ? > !( " ? ! !N!""!,%Q""R! 0!:#,AI!((!"!!>!" ""!#(%?)*IR( $"!,A!?I!I, A\I"!>?"!I!>??I, !\IN!"!!"!"I,7I! >!,A">>?!"(I !,)!N!"!!(>! 663

!?>!?N!I !>,EI!(!!>INI! >>!!"!!!"I!?I!,

Figure 5 %?!!\I"((( !,A!!?!>!!"!,"! >>>(!"!I!?>,

Costs of relocation "!!"!>!?>, EI!("!I!>>!">!!!, A!0!@(IIN!"!, "I!>>!I( !(N!!,)!(!I!"! ,

$ A " !, A ( cultural and economic "!! I , A increase when certain ! ! N such as crossing land ! >!( boundaries or national >!, 66

The importance of land $!"!!!"!!!!!# ""I!!!,Q N!Q"!R?I>"!!! !""",A!"!!!!>N >I!N!!>,A! 01(399#!!B=

A"*?!I!!!I!I!?!!"!>! !"!B((R>? ,,,AB!">"R>, 399@#

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>!!!> >!?",A!!IT!"!!!! ,,)?39:#,*!("!(?!!,

International relocation in the post-colonial era =>!388#!2,!!? !!>!"!,!388#!I!>!"!I ,$!?>I"I! constraints than is currently possible where land is enshrined in laws that were established to protect customary 666

!I,(!! I!I!>!(!!!I!>!I!, AI"!!N"Q!!R,A?!7! $I!)!E$!IQ>!<$ I(!(IT!!(01,

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The need for information A"Q$F!!1!!!T! !1!"$A"!!,!II?! I!?>N"",<!! >!,*!(I!!!?>!( >""N!!,%>> >/!!?!1!! "!,"I!"!"!?>!, A!!/(!!>!>"("!?!T! !"!(>I>!I!(>I!I! I!!!>I!(!!I!,


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Population and climate change

N " ! ( > ""! ? ,FI!(I 1 ! N "", F ""! > T !,!I!! I!T!",

)>!>N!"! > ( !> ! $# " !! (!!,EI!("!!$$ $$"!>I!I!>"""! ",A!!!"!"!! ("!!I,

A*$"!$$(IN!! H!(I>$"!83>!,A"!I" /!I""!,%!"N" II!*0$$$)>#,AN?! !"!,!>("!(("! !II!(8")!M "!>Q!I(I!,


Figure 1F?>I"!

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A ! "!! ! " ( 1 I I(""!!>"(!,!>I !!""QEQ!#">?!>,A! !>"!?(>!( !!"!!(?"!)?f #, 668

Population growth and size

A!>"!I!O!! !!">,"""!IQEQ! !!I!!!>, 0!,

Figure 2$!!>IQEQ!I


A "! " ! > "! !1 " "! ("!!$$!!,( O!!>!,

!$$>!<!,A!!I!/>!? ?!!!>!,) !!!!""!($$R>T!! !\!,A"IN!"!, # 2Q!!"""!(>"!!"- !I!,R<(6,,4,3#, # 2!>Q!>O((!!I!1, <("!!>!!!I!!!1 ,R<(6,,4,#, A!"I"!IQEQ(>N( (!>!""!!>>!Q *!!!R,!>!"I

3, Climate !(,,>!, , "!I!"I!(!I>, 6, %!!II!!, 4, 0!!I!>>QEQ, %I!!!"!?!"!34!$"! $#!"I

:, %!Q"!" RI>!!, 2!"(!>,7!>""! !"QEQ(!!"(I,

*!!(Q*!!!R!>#,A!/! "!""!!(>!>>!Q!!R("!?">! !,%!"Q!!R!"I!

3, F1! !!!!I!(I!!I I, , A!I!!"!!II!QEQ, 6, %">>!"!>"! >#!, 669

4, 7!!!!!, :, A!I!!!"QEQ!!"!N! !!!!!I!I!!>!, A!!>!>"!!>Q*!! !R(""!?!>> !I!"#,E!"!Q!!R! , 0!I!I!"!!>- >!,

Focus on so-called ‘unmet need for family planning’ !!?>!!I!!!!" !!QEQ,%!2A!2A# M>"""QEQ,!( >"!Q"!"R!!"III !!!I"!!>!(>!#"#,7 "Q>!R!!!">"!!" !!,A"!>"!$"! 34(I!>!I!!E!,#

2ARM>!!>I!( !!!"!I!>Q!!R,F>!"I, F 3, !>!>8^,A>"!*0%>! , "!!/"!$2,AN!! !!!QEQ!>!! 6, "!!/",%!>!">!"! !I!>""!Q>E$ 4, *!1,A!1!!"*!- 1!!I!I!>"!"!! :, !"!0"j,8!!!,A!!- !>*0%,A">"!! !I!!R!, A2A!!3M:!(!""$2/T ("!*!1(II!"!"I ",A!"I>(! !>!,A"2AM>!! "I 3, AI!I>!>,:>>:, , A!"I>j>!3M:, 6, I!>"64Q/$2!!, 4, A">"j@,4@!>$2, :, AN!I/!>>, 0!6I!"2A!!">!,

0!4I!""""2A!I"! ,A"!!!?"!FHQ>Q!Q%> !,!!!1$,A!!6(I !"!I!>,)"IN!\( !"2A!!"!>,

2"64Q"$2TQ$2#I>>>2A !(:Q$2"!!>!%,A" >!!!!A0!>!" N!,$I>( 66

4Q$2(0!I!(I6Q$2(I?"!(I Q$2>!!3M:,

Figure 3)!!1I2A!


Figure 4 $/"""2A0!


A>!I(! """2A!!>I,

Considerations that would strengthen the proposal # !!!!!!QEQ"! $#, # *0%!1*I!I>4^!N3:!"N Q>RN>N, # "! " "! > "! !!!, 64

$!II?! # A/!!QEQ,""!!"!! !, # !>!""", # ""I>/!(!>!,,!- """"!#(>!T!>!,

Population composition and distribution

The household %1!"O",?! NQ!"I!IRN!! (""!!"QEQ,A!N( "("!I,

%!!!"! O"!1/!"!!(I!>!" "!8@^"!FH!,3:#,$I!"> 1!!"!!!(!!!!!"! ((!!!,E(I!II ?I!!(>!"!(I!! !(!,

Figure 5 A!!O(M3(1!I!!


!( ! !! ! "! ! ! !>(!""!?N,0I"I!!!?!! !(I!>!>!I!#!! !!!!,

Ageing Q>(>!"!!@!#!1!"!!@8 :!>>!:*(9#,A!I> !,A!!!"!!!? I#!!,"("!!6:!I!"! !N!"!!, 0!@!!!>!>!"!, 643


Numbers and Proportions of population 60+ 2.5 35 Wor ld More developed regions Less developed regions 30 2 Wor ld More developed regions Less developed regions 25 1.5

20 Billion 1 Percent 15

0.5 10

0 5 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Year !*(9

A">1!!,FH!,3:#!I !"!!(>!>!"!! ,%!!!!!!!(""" I>!QEQ,

%>,:#!""!,7 (Q!!,,#I! !!>>I!!!>3R,A!!!! "!4^,!!">I( >3:^,0!8,

Figure 7!QEQ!""!!


A!!>!!>!!"!,% "I!I!?!(I!>!!>>!!!,!! !I!I!!"I!?!I>""! ,A!"!>II!>! !>3(>>"(""!!"!:, 64

)!!!I!!"(>!!!! >"!$(!,8#,>!"(I"I!> !>!$!!""!>!( I!>!QEQ!6(>I!!"!( !!"">!"!,

A!"!"!O(! >!"!!">!"!!!!"!,) "!!?!(!!"?""! !"!!"!!,

Urbanisation <!(!>>!!!!!, A*8)!!>O!I!R!>" 6,>(!4^"I!R,7:!1!@,4> 8^(!,A!>!!!!"!! !!I(!!1!,0!9,

Figure 8 )!!>!

7 100 Wor ld More developed regions 90 6 Less developed regions Wor ld 80 More developed regions 5 Less developed regions 70

60 4

ion 50 ll i b 3 percent 40

2 30

20 1 10

0 0 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Year !*(8

!?I"!8:M9^"QEQI!I, "">"!I!">(!"!*E>% !$0,!!!(I!,!"! $$!!""!!>I634^!I 9#, " ! ? ! !! " !( I > !!QEQ(!>,

A>!!,%!>"!!( " " QEQ I! ! ! , F! !( !(>I!>!,F!>!T"> (I!>"!,

)"I!">!!!>! QEQ # >!"!"!! # "QEQ!!>! # wealthiest consumers living outside city environs # "!# 646

# !N!"" # !!"!!1!QEQ!!, 2!(!!! # QEQ"!!>!!>!> QEQ # "!71I!QEQ!^"!- ,A!>N"!!!"I! !# # O>! # !""!!>!!>!, 0!!"!>,



Wealth and consumption

) ! "! "! ! " 1! ! " QEQ (!"N!!!>!QEQ, )!!>"((N!!QEQ1 I!"!,

A!"?I!"!!>!" !"!,!!NN!" !I! # $2!!!!Q!>!*E> 9#, # "II>?""!!">"" , # 0!>2AI1!QEQ%( !I"!N>!!!, 2>(!"!(!>I!QEQ !!/T!",93#,

<!!I!Q>Ij3((>!I!j3:( ,(0!Q!(!!/"! ,Q!/!!I(I!,(!I !"!""!",*!%!!%! !"<!G(>I!!/,A !!>"""!!,<!G>!!! 644

"!N5""<!!I", AI""!"!"1!,

Figure 10 !QEQQ


A>"!!!!>I!Q QEQ!,A!!!(I!N>" !!!"I("I!N!"(!> ?I!!!"!*!!!!,9#,

Figure 11$!!>I!QQEQ"!!

Per capita GDP and GHG, Pacific countries (correlation = 0.55)





C ook I s lands Nauru GDP Samoa Fiji 4,000 Tonga Niue Vanuatu

2,000 Papua New Guinea S olomon Islands

0 02468101214 GHG

!)!!N$%A 64:

Messages for Copenhagen A!"!>!!"!>!! !!(,A!!I!!> !,

A"!?!I!!"!$ "!!"!>I, # Q!I"!!"!>!"!(!! ,!I!!N!>"", # F""!>T!,! I!!I!T!", # %"!(!>!>!!> , # %!!!>!(I( !!!I(!(!(>, # Support to address climate-induced displacement and mobility should be recognised as an important method ", A>!\"$"!("I!" !>/(=&&>,",&>!!&Ik",`!x&&",&!!& &&I@&&"3,"

A"I!!>$ $$!I>#, # ",#X| !!"!>!(I(!and !6 # "=.Y6,6X|X| !!>

>#/!(!!"(!! !>( ? " > > "! ( including analysis of population trends and population distribution;

#!!(!( !!(( including pro-active urban planning !!( !I!!5

"#<!"!?I>>(demographic and #(!!!(,,, # Page 45, Alternative 3 '%!!!&!" !""".

#,3!?I"/"!!" /!"!!>,

X|6( " !/ ! ! method of adaptation;

X|6(ƒ!!*!!!9!!/ urban planning for anticipated growth of vulnerable urban populations; # Page 53, Alternative to para 31: ' !! >! !/! ! ! , , , !! ! !!"*%%,,,!">"!and population( !/>"!/!,. 64@

Concluding remark

A"$!!!?>"">T "I!>!!>!!! ,%T!!!!" "!!!!"!",

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Wadan Narsey Keynote address PICTA, PACER Plus and PIC development: 9;=.

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PICTA, PACER Plus and PIC development: what are our options?

Introduction !$#I!!"!!!!

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The reality of PICTA: costs and benefits of removal of protection under integration

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What should PICs look for in PACER Plus

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Multilateral or Bilateral PACER Plus?

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PIC-PIC assistance?

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Rethinking trade policy for development

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Development and trade in the Pacific

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A reciprocal Free Trade Agreement with Australia and New Zealand

Implications of a reciprocal FTA for goods %!!0!A!%!0A%#>I0$%!*IR!!/ /I!I!!!""%*R!!? %!*IRI"!!"!"">!(> #,AN !!""#"!%!*IR"!!>!"!!! >" 0$,

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Implications of a reciprocal FTA including other ‘trade-related rules’ %!*IR!?>?"!%$</!"!!! !"!!!!!,AI!investment, competition, government procurement and !!!6!!1 "!"!!)A2, 6@

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A development oriented trade agreement

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Seasonal labour mobility in the Pacific

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New Zealand’s RSE scheme

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Remittances and social costs

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Self-regulation or enforcement?

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Transparency over deductions and wage rates

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Welfare and pastoral care

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Pre-departure orientation and information

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Transitional arrangements for the scheme

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Australia’s Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme

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Labour mobility and PACER-Plus

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"!>!>!!,7!! N>I""!!%!,%!R<F!G Q!!Q>!>!!!! %!>!!?,R"!!"!?I!?!"!!Q!R(!! I>!I!!!"%!I!?!?!,A! IN!>T!?>! "I!?!>!!(>!>!!"!!, %$</>)A2>(!!0A% "!!!!!(%!!!0!A!%!I $(I71?!!>!!?!"#,

"! ! I!?! ! ! ! ! " ! "! "! N( 01 ! ! "! ! ! ! ! ! N!( ! !( ! ! " AR Q#, ! ! >! ! !( ! " ! I !I, ! ""! I!?!R I I "! ! ! !"" ! ! ! %$</ ! ! ! 1> > ! ! !! > ! !, /!!*Q2#!I!?!!!%!> "!(!!! !"!!"!!!,

%0!!>?!*Q2N$"!"$!$$#( %"*/Q!2!%*Q2#(2 $"A!2$A#*I!?Q>%*Q#N I!?Q>>!!!!"!!>! !, =>! > ( *I RR <!<#!!%!#(>!"!%$</ $209#,R

Notes 3 !!"!!>!!" $$#!&!!&&III,,&&,=>!"!! >"!$F!1&&III,,&!&&>k"!,,

V(@2>!:(9, 6 ""(!!"<I!?!"!(A( F ! % ! !!R ! !,A ! " !1"!N""!!"! I!!, 4 0"<!!"!>"&&III,!,,O& !&!&I!?&!&!&,

: 7%!9("!!"!(4(8I!?!"!%< !,0!!F9M%!(!:(!<I!?!I! (4"!B(3("!A(3(3"!!!"! (H!>A#, @ !"=>!(<!<#?!(9%9, A*IR!!ITN"!<I!?!%!(II !!"I, 8 A ! > !! "! !1 "! ! # I>!!"AF>!(%!,2!!@I"> %!!$I!?!(I!!!2N"%! I!!N!F<7!F!# <"IE!$$,$"!1I!?! >"I>&&III,!,&&!1&,, 68

9 Q*QII!?!R((%!(%9, &&III,>,,&!&!!&!&99&643:3@,, !II1I!(!($"A!2$A#((G :,!II%$A!"!%A(F>!(>!, 3 =2 $,F PQ( 34 =2 D PQ(38:, 33 0!N"!(I!/""!>4:8( %F)(A!!?!NI"!"!!%F)((@#, 3 VQI!?!!?>?R(F(%!7! $!!(34%9, 36 %F(!I!=!(!"I!$!!&$! 25F!>!&*5EI?7Q>!5A!&)?5)!&*!, 34 8I!?!I!!?"!AI!?!7!"!? >!!RI!?!,Q7!NI!N$AR( (*,96(@G8, 3: Q$"!RR((36F, 3@ Q!!I!?!>!?"R( (3%!85QI!!*IR!R !?R((3%8, 38 F!"!!(!G$(!()(3G&& III,>,,O&&!"!}O,

39 Q2"!N"I!?!R(*R$A!(4G, 3 Q$! ! < */BI!?!( " =>! !!R( !>! $!"%!*IR(!(6G9,

A$RF!!!!>"!!"!!, I>I!"!!I!"!/!!!!!> "!!!"!!!I!?!, 3 $"!>"&&III,!O,,O&&"&k=>!k !,",

F!"!!!G$(!()(3G&& III,>,,O&&!"!}O, 6 Q$"!I!?!%>!R((3%95Sarah Smiles, Q%>! O I"!PQ( ( 6% 95 ! H! ! Q%>!I!?!OR>"PR((E,

4 $!4"@)!7?=!,@#">>I "(>!"!I!?!!( ?(!"!,#, : Q<!>!>!"R((@G,

@ 0!I(F9#,!" !"AI!?!"!B($E#, 8 !"!""!F!GQ!(9>!, 9 >, 69

References 7!?(FfA!E!I##(%*!!, 7!I(!,@#$!(N (F=!,()!7?(F, $!(G?7?!fG)#QA"!"!!"!!%! *IR?`R(46#, $(G@#QF!(TI>!>`R (,I!0!(%*!!, $( G f ! 7!I :# N (% 7?( F( F!, $(GfG!E#Q!/BI!?!*IRR( (43 #, (G"!6#"!!"""! ("!!A!!!(F!!!(!!"$( $(, !"<(<)!? #E(<<)($>!!, < ! # PQ N PFEQ(!F!(<F<!#(*IR !"=>!(%!, 0(G,#:#(%! !*,9(G, Q>(G(FHOfE!9#QEI!/!"!I!?! "!A!*IRRO<!<#!!`R(66# 398M4, E(Q!#Q7!!!>!!"!!"!% R((?X%|,=M?6 $ 34# 3,6( ( ! $"! ($!(>!34, $ 34># 3,:( ( ! $"! ($!(>!34, $3#K (*Q!%>(*IW!?(6GNG3, $4#Q!!R($!3(!$"! ($!(:M36>!34(*0%, $ 4># 4( K (*Q!%>(*IW!?(6GMG3(*0%, 2F ! 2! "! F!# # N (2F, !A!$"!A$##!!!>!!*IRN !!"!)A2Q!$!I"!"*IR(Q(3M3G, H(G9#M(! @, =!(F,@#N( )!7?(F,!N!/I!!!!(>"!! Q=>!%!E!!R, F(<9#QB"!!>!R((39%, F(*9#Q)!?!"!`R()!?!("!!#(I>!!( F>!(G, F(*#Q=!R((*>!&>!, F!(!#QA!"!!!R((38G, F!(!f*F8#Q=>!>!I!?!!%!R( (,I!0!(%!*!($>!!, *!()4#$!!!!(!! 0$I!?(F!A=!"!, 7!>3M33G4, *!( ) 4># Q$A%( %$< <% I? !R ! R( (36 #, *00*0!!0!#9#(*00, $20$2!0!#9#0T ($20(%?(%!M*IR( %9, 693

(#A!!"!F(=I "!( % ( &&III,I,!,&>&/!////!/"/ !//, (#QA!"!)>`RBH!BH#&& III,!,!&&$<7!>,, (H9#Q<$!<R(%!*IR$<2> %?$>!"$!(%?(3%9, (%!I#Q!, )(A!!(%!%f$!!!:#A">!>!> !(%7?N$I!!1!!0!!!( %7!(B6()!?!*,38(9, W(#Q7?"!<I!?!R((8F, 69

Labour mobility and Pacific Islands economic integration

0! $! 0$# " >! " !! > !!N"!!>!,0!0$! "!!N!!!!>!!(I" I!?!"!!! !!?/!I!!!T! "!N!,

A>1"">"!I !!"!0$,A!!"!> !I!?!!!,

=>!!?0$!!!>">"0$ !"!I>!"I!>! "!!,1!"0$(""!!!>> !!!0$!!>""!!!, %!!!!",0$!! !"!"!,01(*IQ( B!>","01>36(3:( !!!>!!?>"!!(" >1!?""!!,A>I! !"@>!,

E!(!(!NI>">! >!!!>!!!,A!"! "!I!?"!"!!">">!>!!! N""!">!"I! "">!>!!!,

A ! "I "! )! 7? =! , @# I ! ! "!!0$(!>">!!!>" !"!R("!A>I,#!, "!\I">!(!!?!?!!(I>>> "I"!!,V):#(7?!! "?>!!?I!I"!"!0$I%!*I R,EI!(I!!T!"!!>!!! !!I>>!,

%(>!"I!!!>">! ,%!(F!!!>">!> >I 0! >!( I ! ! " ! > !I(!T"!"!!N">"!! ">!!!!!!,

A!!>!">!!>!!"I /">!"!!"!!"/5/" >!"!!!"!!"/,

0!!"!(!! O"I!?!,(!I!?!R! !!(I!!&!!,2N" !!!,A!!!!! ?!!!>?!,A( I!(N!!!"!!,A"I)A2Q%AF4" !!">!!!, 696

<" > ! M> $7%#( I "! !!,($7%"!!!>!!I> !"!!!"!I!!,0!"I($7% I>IN>"!!>!>I0$!( !0$,EI!((!!">! "!!(<%<!!%!#!>, )"!>?($7%I!, ("I!!($7%I>!T!"!"340$!! !,*(I!($7%(" >!">"!!,! >"!!!,

A!"I>!$7%"!!>!" ?/?>!,2>">!>!(? !1>!!?(">" !!>!!!!""!!!>,

Labour market status in the Pacific region

%0!!?0$"!!!!>(I > ! > 0$ !R ! " !! !,A > !!">!!?("I!>@0!"!?"!!?"! !,A!!M!>!>I!1> >>N!>!!>!>, ># A!!"!"I!!>? !",A>>I"!I- 0$, # A!N/"?(I!/!> "!!#T!I!?!, # A!?"!>"!?"I!- "I, # %!N!"!>!"I""!II! !T!"!"!, "# 2"I!?!"!0$!(""(>(>"! >>!!!, # =>!!?!"!!>I!"!!!(?" "">">!!?(I !!"!!!",

Labour market indicators A=2R?>!!?!"!0$!!>I,A!! ">!!?!>!! ">!!?0$, # =>!"!!!""!0$"!I3^A!46^ F>"F!#A!@^(01*I Q, ># Q!(//!!I0$(!!*IQ , # !N"(>"!"0$!- "!!,!!!0$>!! "!!"!N(!01!$? #, # %!!!"N!!9^*IQ(( H!>(A(BN!"!,01(!@^, 694

# !>NI!!>!4^*IQ( BN1!0$,(A(01F(!> !!6^, "# %!>!"!!>!!?!(01*IQ- (!!, # )(>!>!"I!!>(!- !!"0$,0!!!!>F (>!""!"!!"!, @#!1!"!01(!! I">"!!", # A!">!"!!?I!"!"0$,EI- !(!!II!>!I,>! 1>!I>!"0$!"1>>?((!- !!!I,A!!>!> !>>!1>I!>!, # A!!!>!!(!(I!- II"!"/1>,

Supply of labour F"0$"?>>"?/?>!, ""!""">!0$! # =?"!"!!!"/?- ?>!0$R!>!,A!>%(!%!8(! 1!"!!,F!(!!*I R(%!($%!!"?I!?!!,EI- !(0$("!N(H!>A(!"!I!?!( "!/, ># !IFF!,%(!"I!?!, !(!II!(!>" !!"O, # $!!!"!FH!>!!>?, A"!!>!>!"!, # II!(?"!!!>!I!"!"" >!, # (%*IQ(!>!"!!! 0$("!">!, "# )!"!!(""!!- !,EI!(!!!!>"!(? "!"!!!(!!!">!( N!I"!!"(!>> N">!,

Demand for labour "I!I!"0$(/!>!I,0!!( !!("! "!!"!>!,"!!""!>!0$! # "0$(1!!>!(I"!!@9^"- H!>(@@^A(4^01(49^*IQ(4^,A> !(I!(N(!"!!I>!!"! !>0$, ># A!(I!(!"!/?I!?!%!*IR( !!!!!,?I!?!!!>>!> !>?I!?!"!013839#!! !>I""!, 69:

# ""!!!I!""!"!>!,$?("!N(!!!- !I!?!"!01(I$?I!?!I!?*IR,$!- I!?!"!01I!?A(IAI!?!!"I!?"!,01R !I!?F<(I"!!"!%! I!?,01!(A!!"!!=?( IN!A!!!!,EI!(! !!I!!!, # A"!?!!I>!>!!?!"!! !"!,

Trends and projections of labour demand and supply

A>!"!0$!!?N!4:^"" 3:M4!!,%1!"!!>>!, A>!"!!I!>!N>!!!"!I,> "!)!7?R)!!4#0$!!I !">!"!,,""!>I>!!#>! M6!!3,

A!>N!I!">!"!,(I!(> !!I!!I>!">!"!, A>"!>!!"!"I>!>! "!,0!!!(!(!!!"!I >!"!,=?I(!!!N>!"!I!?!?!!,A? >7,@#"!4>(I!I1 ?">!"!8^!,2>(I!1">!"!43:, A!1I!!"!!(I!N!I>! "!A>3#,

)!!I!""!!"!3:>"!N "!>!,%?"!I>!!! \!(I!1!T!!I!">!"!!!I !!I!""!!"!,6(,6:,4#,""!I!? ">A>I,,# >!A>3,

) ! !T! !I ! " >! > ! " ! " !,AN!I>!!I!1"!>!> ,A!!NN">!!,0!$? F(>"?""!!N!I >!"!,A!!">!!?0$,

"!?>!(I!(!!,EI!(I!I! "?>!>"">!!$ !>,$!>"!01($?(A"! %7I>"!/3(!(!>! 3!3,A?!1"!"!"?>!( "!">!0$>!/!!!01( A(!!("!"?>!"!!,0!! "!"!*IQ(!I>!" >!"!!I!4^!,A?!I!""! 4^!6:!,"B!I>!R!!",:^(!I >!>!BA>#, 69@

Table 1 ">!!?0$

Working Growth of Growth of Required growth of labour force Labour 6Y age pop output capital with alternative capital share (%) Status Countries growth in labour force

(000’s) (000’s) (%) (%) (%) )6=) )6=% )6) 6 Cook Islands 88@ * na 4, , ,34 /,9: /, /,6: Na Fiji Islands 4984: 646 3, ,@6 4,4 ,84 ,@ /,6 ,: Surplus FSM @389@ 6@ 3, ,9: @,4 /3,9 /,@ /6,4 /,4 Surplus '!!+6 @34 * na 3,@4 4,4 /,: /,86 /3, /,4 Na PNG 6638 36: 6, ,83 @,8 /,3@ /, /3,8@ /,:6 Surplus Samoa 3363 434 6,9 4,8 4,: ,34 3,@: 3,8 3,9 Surplus !+6 66@ 3@4 6, 3,8 4,8 /, /,93 /3,43 /,:: Surplus Tonga :394 @ 6, ,4 ,8 3,66 3,4 ,@ 3,39 Surplus Vanuatu 338@ 444 6,4 /3,:9 @,8 /4,4: /:,3 /@,: /4,9 Surplus Kiribati 4: 36: 6,6 ,: 6, /,98 /3, /3,@6 /3,: Surplus


Table 2 !!?0$

Working 6 Growth of Growth Working Required growth of labor force Labour age pop expected output of age pop with alternative capital share (%) Status growth in capital labour force Countries

(000’s) (000’s) (%) (%) (%) )6=) )6=% )6) 6 $? 836 na na 4, , 3,9@ 3,63 ,@8 3,:9 Na 01 48883 8 ,@ ,@6 4,4 3,98 3,@9 3,4: 3,88 Shortage 0F @:: 4 ,: ,9: @,4 /3,:6 /,34 /,9: /3,96 Surplus F!, na na 3,@4 4,4 ,4@ ,3: /, ,63 Na *Q 6:6936 : ,: ,83 @,8 3, ,:@ ,: ,89 Surplus Samoa 969 63 6, 4,8 4,: 6,9 6,94 6,89 6,9@ Shortage , 64:8: 69: 6,4 3,8 4,8 ,44 ,3 /,8 ,9 Surplus A :899 3:6 ,@ ,4 ,8 ,4 ,69 ,6: ,6 OK B 398:@ 68 6, /3,:9 @,8 /:,36 /@,4 /8,3 /:,:9 Surplus Kiribati 49:6 346 6,6 ,: 6, /,@@ /,: /3,6 /,93 Surplus


*(!!">!I"""I!?!0$, 0!(!!N!"(!!"? I!?!>0$,2>!!!!>!>1> ?!>>!/!>!!"!!>!!>, EI!("!!I!?>!!""!! "!!,0!(!!!!!!>>, 698

A "! \I " I!?! I I ! I !T! >! !? !!!(I0$>!?(!!>"!(( !!!,!"($?(01(H!>( *I Q( ( A( B( <%#!!!",EI!(0F(* !!!!I!!I,AF A!!"<%,

!!!!I!N"! !,2E%!!01(*IQ((B( ><%!I!2EH!>A,!I !I0F((F($?(*!A,%!"!A(>! !0$!>!!>!%($!! !<%,,!I!?!R0F01,F( !!!I!I!?!R,A!!IA,2!0$ I!?RI,$?((*IQ N!&"!I!?!,0!>!!!N0F(01( B(>N!I*!(*(AF,A! I"!I!?!,

Provisions of labour movement under the current trade agreements

0$!!!!I!!$!A! %!$A%#F!Q!FQ#A!%!%N 3#,(!!I!!!">!(,, <!!%!<%#%!$!<%$<#, "(!"!!!(I">!(!,*!%$< !$A%!"!>!,A!"!!!I !!,!!!N$A%>!!"!, EI!(!>!"!I!",A>1" !>"!I!?"!!Q!!R"0$ I"!">"!,A>Q !!?RNI!>!!?,

A > " ! >! !? >!!! "! / !!\I">!A>I,#,A!I !?(I!(!>,$A%(%!3:I"!!!(>!! !!!"!,EI!(>>"> !I>!">!,(! !"!">!0$,0$>!(I!(> !"!!>!"!!!>!!I,

A!!!!$A%>""!>!,!> !!!,4:^"QI/ !(::^"Q/!8^"Q/!,A !!!>I/!"I!!(/!">/"" >!,"!!,%"!!!"! I"!,*!!!""I! !"!!I/!!N!,A I>"!N"!!!,(N! !"!!>>!,

!( FQ !! !, EI!( ! !( ! ! >! > ,A ! ! Q !R (Q!!>3> %!>I!R,A!I!!! 699

>!I>"!,A>> ">!,EI!(I!!I ?,A!!"!>!I>>,!( <%!!("!I!?II!I "!!!>!,

< )A2R Q!%! A! ! Q%A# ! F 4( I ! "!I!?II!!!">!I>(!> !>!>!"!!"!,Q%A! !4"!,2"(4!"!"!" >!!!"!!!!!"!>!!!>,A !!F4(I!(!!"!!"!! ,,( " ! !( ! "/ ! " "! ! !#, 0!!!(!!//!>!,7! "!!!5!!!!>( !?!>!!?!,

F4!! # >!!!"!!"!!>(> who receive no remuneration in the host country ># !/!!!"!N!"!!I"!! # !!!"#!!!I!"!- pany obtains a contract to supply services to a host country client and sends its employees to provide the services # !!!!!!#II- !!!, !F4(0$R>>!!<(!!!! I?"0$(>"!,A"!!I!?OAI! A!%!A!!F"!F4#P >"!!">!!""!"! >!!?,

% >( !! ! ! "! 0$ ! " I !!!!I#>!>!,(I!?!I "!!?>">N>!"! !(!!0$!%!*IR,0!!(! !!!!!">!I !, *( !( "! NB 01( ! !! >!,(*IR!"!>!! !!!"!"0$,

!0!A!F!F(I( !!"!!!"N("!(!!! 0$,

Labour movement in the Pacific

(>!!>"!0$!?%!(*I R(($H,FI0$>,!! !"!>I/!!($?( "!I!?!(!">!"!!0$(>01($? ,)!?!"!!(?AH!>(" !!I!"!,F!!(I!?!(!(N !(I0$,

2!>(I!(!!!>"I!?!I 0$,F0$&!&!>"!! 69

"I!?!>">!I0$I( !!,EI!(N"01"!0$(" 010$(I!(!!!!!!:^"!! !!"!01,("!I0$(I!?!!>, I""!!!"!:"!!!! !883!8,3^"!#"!! %!#,

Q"">!I!( ""0$",AI!(!! T!"!!"!!!"!!!"!!(!!R !!!!"!I>""!"!!!!,

An analytical framework

A!!!!"?!>!>!! >!,%!!(!N!(!!?!" !I!!>!"!,A!("!N( >!I!!!!>(!!!!!I >,!I!!!(I!I!!, ?!(!!""!!"!!!" >"!!>!!,

0!I(I!(> 3, 2\I"=>! # \I">!!>` ># "(IN!`F!!(I!T> "\I">!"!>` , \I"=>! # \I">!!>` ># "(IN!`F!!(I!T> "\I">!"!>` AT>I!>I,A0$?!(I!(N N01*IQ(I$Q<N//I !!!!!!>,>"I(!> "!!>(""""I!!!!! A>6,

ANI>>T(I!(!,)!! !>"!!>!!>"!! !(!!!(! >I>!M>(",

EI!(I?>"!!>!! !!"!01*IRA>4#,A!>! !""!,A!!!!!"!?&!?#( !!!(>!,)>>"! !>">!N>!! !("I>!,

(I"!!"!01! !I>"!">01,

2"!">!>01,!! !I>>*Rj:!!!I,A!"!(!!?>> I!!I!?!"!01*IR, 6

Table 3 >>"!!>!

Factor € Costs Remittances # I"! " ! ! ! - # $!!, , # !!, # !"!N!"!!, # =\!!! # Complements domestic savings which becomes a potential I, !"", Health # !"!- # " >! "! > ! !, !T!! , Consumer # F! !! I >! ! " T # ""!!(, Standards !!/!"", "/1?"!0$, # N"!!!- !, Social Integration # 2/! ! !! 1> !- # !!(!!! ?, !"\I, # EI?\"!I # $""!!- !/!, \, # \I"I""!!- \N/ !/!!/, Economic # E!""O">!"!(- # I " ? I!?! !( I >( ! !!"I!?!- !, "!I/\!!- # /!!>!!, !, # Q!\I/>>!- # 0I!!!!> , !!I!?- # $!"!TO"I!>!- !, !, # %1"!, # $?!"!"!!- # 0!>!!!- !(I>!>\I" "!"!II!?!, !?N!"!!I!?!, # I>!"!!!! # 2/!!/! ! " !! ( (>>!!!" there may well be idle labour resources in areas , !, Fiscal Effects # !!(!!!- # 0!I!?!!!! !!>"!I!?!, "!!!( !( > # AN ! ! ! "" " !, , Skills and # 2/!!- # A > " ! Technology >"!, >!!!R, Transfer # ?!!I- !"!!I!?,2!( !, Political # "( ! ! ! " # " ! >! /! !(>>! !"(I> !(!I>!, (I>"I!?!! !,

Environmental # 0!!(\I"I!?!I!- # 0! ! !( /! I !!!(- !!!M?!- ! ! "! > ! "! I ( /I! !! !!, , 63

Table 4 %!!!"!!">!>I""!

Sector { ! € Estimated Relative Costs of Temporary Employment in € of Temporary Employment in New Zealand for a period of six months (in $NZ, unless New Zealand for a period of six stated) months (in $NZ, unless stated)

%!!0! < I? ! =*Rxj643 W ?? !!xj:4 A!!#xj88 $xj3@ 0!xj63: Gross Earnings for six months †(,#$) 0$xj3@ 01#xj Total Costs = $11484

Gross Savings = $1475

"! ˆ $ 1 (including family support and contingencies) = NZ$5051 Services and )? <! / =*Rxj643 W A!! !!!j9@ A!!#xj88 $xj3@ 0!xj63: Gross Earnings for six month = †(#., 0$xj3@ Income loss (in Fiji) =$2413 &! †((.?$ †?#.

"!ˆ$X!*! support and contingencies) = NZ$11523

7 <!"!! =*Rxj643 W Construction j8 % A!!#xj88

$xj3@ Gross Earnings for six month = $17280 0!xj63:



&! †(,=(# ‰ †.%=$

"!ˆ$X!*! support and contingencies) = $12111

!%!R>"!=2I>(017!"@# 6

Notes for Table 4 3, Q!I!?!"!0$!I!"!?"!? "!,2!(>!!!(I!?!!!*Rj6*Rj4 !>IF!,%REI?7,A!!!"%? II!T!!"!!,A?1>!! !"*Rj33,,0!"!?(!!"!!!6/4>! I">*Rj,M*Rj3,!!I!?""!, <>I!!!:H", , ?"I/!!!"!!!N"!! !!>!*IR,>"!=2I>&&- >!,,!& 6, )N"""N!!>,EI- !("!N!(!I>""!>"I >I!>N>,EI!(!!!I!?! "!N, 4, <"I?!>>&&III,!O,!&/"/ //I/O,EAF="!""4>/!>!*IR,- I!?!!!*IR>I01,0!!(I ^N!">!!!!>I!?!I>! !,A"!III,,,O!! !"*Rj6!,EI!?I"!"! I!?!!>!!!""">"!I!?, *!I!"!I!?!!"!!/! !"!N>,AN!"0Gj3, !j3*R, :, %!*IR!!"!0j6:I!!#?I3^N! !,j3/IN!I"!"!,AN!0Gj3, !j3*R, @, 0!>>"!T!N!01j6:!&I?#(*! 8#,A>4>!#"I"I!?*I RI!?!, 8, *R&0GN!",989I!!,%:^\ "!"N!,

!>"!!0$,"!*$A%&$I!! (I!N?/?I!?!"!*IQI >"IA>4,3#,A!!"!N/!! A>4,


7 %!! A!!&! 7f$!


>!>? j3(493 j@(3 j4(68 A j4(686 j( j8(3 >!>? j3(69 j:(46 j4(368 A j4(3 j9(96@ j8(6

2 >( I!?! ! ! I > ! !, A! >!>?!!!,!I> !*Rj4:Mj:!I!?!!!(!!!!>!,A !I>>!">,!(I!?!"!! 0$>>>"!I!?>!(!!"!!!"!0$! !!, 66

Other findings – macro level

A)!7?!!>!>>>>Q,< ?!!!>!>(!>> I"!>>!!!!>,0!N()! N>"""">!!>!>(!?>(!" >I>>I>>I!(!"""?? >!,E"Q!!>I!I! ??>!>R)!34#,

!!()!"!!>!!?N" I !! ! N >! "! > 6^( ! ! " !I>"j@(9@!!,A> !!"?>!>"!!!>!>, )!I>!"!j:((!,

)(%!:#?!"!!?!>> %!*IR!!!>!!?"!?I!?!"! (T"13^"!%!R*IRR#>!"!,A ?>%!I>!"j!!(0$I >>!j,

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Facilitation of temporary movement of labour

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Appendix 1: Brief Notes on Trade Agreements

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