The Schools and Health Facility Fieldguide for Ilembe Municipality

Version 5: August 2010

The definitive guide to the location of schools and clinics

• Shows schools and health facilities in relation to towns and settlements, roads, rivers, police stations, railways and nature reserves as well as local council and district municipality boundaries

• Available free online from for printing, sharing and copying

• Every school, health facility and town has a grid reference to enable it to be easily located

• Extensively revised and updated: all school locations have been verified in collaboration with education district personnel

• Enhanced to show more towns, townships and settlements throughout the district. The roads data has also been greatly improved so that routes to schools and clinics are clearer and better defined

• New software has been used to create the maps, resulting in a better cartographic output with clearer labelling, symbology and layout

• Part of a larger fieldguide covering the whole province of KwaZulu-Natal. Visit to see the latest maps and to display interactive information on schools and health facilities in the province

Produced by: Supported by: Downloaded from KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education Contents

Key Plan to Map Pages

Map of Local Government Demarcation

Map of Circuits and Wards

Fieldguide Map Pages

Index to: Schools Health Facilities Towns


EduAction would like to sincerely thank those individuals who assisted by verifying school locations and providing GPS coordinates and information on schools, in particular: 5 Ilembe District EMIS, Xolo Mfeka: Provincial EMIS and Lucy Gumede: Management Advisory Services, KZNDoE

The following organisations also provided data used in the Fieldguide:

5 Department of Health, KwaZulu-Natal: Clinic and hospital data

5 Road Information Services, Department of Transport, KwaZulu-Natal: Roads data

5 Human Sciences Research Council: Police Station locations

Downloaded from Key Plan to map pages

(the pages intersected in yellow are included in this publication)

1 2 3 4

uMkhanyakude 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213 14 15

17 16    18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25   Zululand Amajuba

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

uMzinyathi 37 38 39  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 40

uThukela uThungulu       50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

iLembe 62 63 64 65 66 67   69 uMgungundlovu 68            75     70 71 72   74      77 73               Legend         eThekwini Main map page Sisonke     76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Inset pages  (providing more detail for urban areas) District Municipalities 85 86 87 88 89 90 Ugu    91 92 93 0 50 100 Kilometers

Downloaded from Local Government Demarcation                               (KZN291)      (KZN294)                        Legend   Local Government Wards 2009 (KZN293)     (Ward number shown as label)    Local Municipalities 2009     KwaDukuza (KZN292)   Mandeni (KZN291)    Maphumulo (KZN294)      Ndwedwe (KZN293)    KwaDukuza (KZN292)    Education Districts and Wards      Untunjambili  Ward 0 9 18  Mandeni Km  Ward Maphumulo  Imati Gingindlovu Circuit Ward  Ward Mandeni Balcomb's  Hill Ward  Lower Nonoti Umvoti  Ward Ward  Stanger Kwa- Circuit Insuze  Dukuza Ward Phambela Ward Ward  Stanger Ndwedwe Circuit  Insuze Ward 

Umhlali Ward  Ward Ndwedwe  Legend Ubhaqa  Towns Ward Ndwedwe  Ward Education Wards Umdloti  Education Circuits Ward  Maphumulo Ndwedwe  Stanger 

Downloaded from Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 57 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education O       44 29 30  31 32 Bhekeni Jp  Maqhubandaba P Macala Jp   Ngomankulu Jp 1 Uthungulu District   Ekhothongweni P  Municipality &#      Bhilibana Js Zwanani P King   Bhobhe P  1 Simanjalo P Cetshwayo Ss   $   % Z Hambayedwa P Z      Khonzindaba P     Halambu P  Matholamnyama S     Ethulwane P Etongwe P  Noyibewu P 1  O Nkandla 1  Local Qhoshangani P

Municipality Mbangayiya Js  ! Magqama H 56   58 Nsundukazi P       Enhlosweni P Vukaphansi P Makhedama H Khomo P   Muntukaboni S  Ntolwane P      !"  Emphalwini P Emthungweni H  Kwamanqondo P   O    Nqumizwe S Ezilozini P 1    Sibuyane P   - $*  Mamba P AA   AA     Ekuzwaneni P  Mnyakanya H  Sizwesonke Js  Endundumeni P   Kwazikwakhe P Magobhe P Ndukuyakhe P   '   Mathanda P   O O   1     Nophungwa P   Ophofini S    Mandlalathi P Kukhoba P Bhamu H Sithilo P     Ceremony P   1   Mathungela P Thethan- Hlangabeza H   Umvoti daba P    Local  Municipality Uyaya S   Chathazana Jp Evuleka P     Hluphizwe P  Ephusheni P

 Machotshaneni P  AB Ngwemnyama P AB   

 Untunjambili P O ! ( )*%+#"     H  O Ngcolosi S Ekhatha P O Vusisiwe P   Ntando Jp 1  Ntabankulu P   Dulumbe P   Faku P Mehlomlungu Js Batshazwayo S   !W  Endandathweni P Nomakhaladi P 

Nokubusa P  

 Mbhekaphansi H  Mfushane P  uMlalazi Sondokhulu P  Local Mambulu P  Municipality Umzinyathi District iLembe District AC  AC Municipality Municipality Umzwangedwa H

 Emphise P  1   Sisisiwe P Mangongo Jp  Edakeni P   Ndlolothi S Esese P   Dingizwe P Esinyambothi P 

56 58

 O  1 Kwangqungqushe P

     Esihlushwaneni C Maphumulo   Local  O   Cedar Emthombeni P Municipality Training Col O    Enyokeni Jp  Domino Servite  AD  Qhubinyathi S AD    Lusizolwethu JP Embusweni P   Shebe P  Phezukomkhono H  Khomba P  Inhlokozi H   Sibanisethu P O Ndukende S  ," # " # O   Thulini P    Menyezwayo S   Lethuxolo S O      Balcomb's  O Hill P Mbitane P Jonase H

O Masiwela C

1  Ekunqobeni P Mbulwini P

   Ogagwini P Bonginkosi P  Thala P

29 30 31 32     67 .+/#  EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form O  Joel Jp Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 58 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education Dlozeyane P 45 33 34 35 36

Enhlababo P Mthonjaneni  Nqamana Js Umgabhi P   Local Mehlamasha P     Municipality  Sibhudeni P     Bhilibana Js   Goedertrou Dam Z O Z  Izinyosi P Enyawoshane P    Fangelakhe P   Phindizwe H Nsukazi P Dlozilesizwe P Iwangu P    Nkandla "# 1  Kwabiyela P Local  Municipality    Umhlathuze

Dam P   Gcininhliziyo P   57   59 Yamela S  Hhashi S Mvuzane P     O Enhlisa P    Muntuyedwa P Mandlosuthu S O O O   Gwebushe Js   Zibambele P Thembelani P    Kwampofu P Ebomvaneni P  1    AA $"" Mdansane P AA   # Donsintaba P  Entumeni P   Mehlokadeli P     Ntabantuzuma H O Mahanaim P Impaphala P  Impande H    Nomeva P  "!

Madidima P       Ndlongolwane H 1 # Bhekabelungu Jp Little

Nxusa P  Flower P   1    O Amatimofu P    O  Gratton P  

Ntumeni P 



 Eshowe H  Ngedlesi P  Mphundumane P &'  Uthungulu District Eshowe P  1  !W 1  Municipality 1   Thembalesizwe P  uMlalazi  Local    O Kwajazi P  Municipality Mathibelana P AB  AB     Mafunda S Mavumengwane H Mbongolwane P  Bagibile H   O Thembimfundo Vulingqondo P   ! Lsen Saron P  

&' !W O    Imfihlo P  Dumazinkani Jp  Emasundwini P   Manxele S    Ngilandela P   Gqokinsimbi Js Silambo P    Umphezeni S 1   Siphezi Jp Nyembe P

Ncekuya P    Ndluyesilo H Buthanani P O  Mombeni P          !   !""  Samungu P   AC  AC     Khangelani P Noqandela Js # Nokhalela H  Mhlakaza H  eNdondakusuka Nkomidli P Gobamahlamvu P Local    Municipality Sikhonyane P  St Cyprians P Gcotsheni P         Nhlolini P Ndlondlo P  O Mbuyiselo H  Nkwenkwezi S 57  Ndulinde P  59   %"%   Ngudwini P  Mandlasonke P  Magemfane H  # Mpiyakubo P  "%  Izule Jp  Mcatshangelwa P Mthengeni H #  Ekuvukeni P  iLembe District   1 Hlanganani P  Mgebisa P  Mthonga Js  Municipality  !W O Hlungwini P   AD Sithebe P   AD     Inkonjane S Kwavusumuzi H Lindayiphi Jp  Mgandeni H Phandaphansi P Hayinyama P Kwasola P     Mathonsi P  Gala H Enembe P 

Dunga Jp       1

     Gcwalamoya P

Empungeni P O O  1 Tshana H

   33  34 35  36    68  Mandeni P (!) EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copyImbewenhle and share P this map in its original form O Ubuhlebesundumbili Jp  Ndondakusuka Ss 1 Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 59 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education Dlozeyane P   46   37 38  39  40 Phangifa   Dukaneni P Com Tech Nomyaca H  O   Kwasibonda P O    Ndongande P Khethimfundo P 1  O   Mathubu P Ngqamzana P Princess Langazana S     Z 1 Z Enqoleni P  Inyathi P   uMlalazi Mgitshwa H Local '(   1  Municipality      "$%!&     1 Maqhwakazi P    O Ntshidi P O      Nteneshane P   Matheku S  Bhekeshowe H  Mthunzini H Ncemaneni P  Kwanandi P  Mandawe P Habeni P Funwayo Sp 58  60

  Oyemeni P Maguqu P  Ezakheleni H  

 Elomoya P   1  Nomaqoni Js    Siphosethu H  Gawozi S Nkume P  Umlalazi P  Uthungulu District Ekuphakameni P Sigodo P  Municipality AA ! O AA  " Umhlatuzana P   Esiqwaqweni P  Manzamnyama P  Mzimela P Njingili S Zimeme H  Umbambiswano Endlovini P  H Khanyakufikile P   Sunnydale S      Kwazibonele Jp O Siyabonga S  Holy Child-  hood P Bonamuva P    Sibambisene P     O  Entenjane P  Gcwalulwazi H  Zinqobele S Zicabangele Jp  ! Mashanandane S      Eshowe   Zwelithini H  John Col of Ed Mpumaze P  Siphoso S    1 Wesley P Kwamondi P  Baqaqe P   " !#  )  Yetheni Jp Lindelihle P Zenzeleni  Nhlangen-  Bhekamazimela P Mashamase Ss  yuke P  Khanyangodumo P O 1       Nomdumo P Obanjeni P  AB   Hlakaniphani S AB  1   O  Umkhukhuze P Zithume H   Enjabulweni P   Wombane P Emvutshini P  Majiya S O  O 1      Magumbomane P O   Veleshowe P 1  !W  !   Phindulimi H 1    Nogobhoza P Hemfane P " # Ensingweni P         Mtunzini Pp   Uphindo S O Emuseni P Nzuza Ss Mtunzini P  Ivukayibambe P     O O Emoyeni P     Emoyeni H Enyezane P Nxenjane P   Nogabisela H  O 1 Velamuva H Ngwenya S ! '!*+!, %' AC Mehlwana P  AC  O    Ethafeni P 1   Sagewood P O  O  Isandlwana S     !W  Gingindlovu P 


1 1   58  60 Evutha P     O   1 O  Amatikulu P  Kholwani P   Thekelimfundo P  Eziqungeni P  1 Indian 1  $#  Mgovuzo P O Isinyabusi H  Mangqakaza P  Amatigulu H Ocean eNdondakusuka     !W Local Ingobamakhosi S  Dokodweni P Municipality Sonqoba P AD AD O iLembe District    Lokothwayo P Ingulule P Khayelihle-  Municipality Mathaba Ebendle P Tech   Nkunzemalunda P N2   1    Macambini P

 Somshoko S 1Mathubesizwe H  Wangu P

 Lambothi P

1  Emthaleni P   

37  38 39 40    69 )&* EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Ndondakusuka Ss 1  Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 66 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education 1 "   56  25 26 27  28     1 Zakhele P      Busana H Halalisani C 1 Bangumuzi P   O   '  1 Khulekani P !W  " Matimatolo P       Entembisweni P  Candabuthule S 1  AE AE   !"  Ntandoyethu P   Indosi P   Endubazi P O  Vikindlala P Umzinyathi District Emgaga P  Umvoti   Local    Umvoti H O Municipality  Municipality Mbopheni P

 Mowbray P %  O 65  67

  Mzoniwe Js   O Mbalane P   Nadi P Njengabantu P 1    1  Muzikawuthandwa H Emtulwa P  !   1  O AF " AF Mphelandaba S       1 O  Makhosonke S O Ekhamanzi P   Emakeni P &  1  Harden " Heights P O  Gaju S  uMgungundlovu Esikhotho P

District    1 Municipality Tholizwe S Efaye P uMshwathi Ekufundeni P  Local  Municipality Oebisfelde P Echameni P 

 AG 1 AG 1 1  Zwelinjani P  1    #  !W ! "

 Matatane S  O Fortmannspruit P Dalton P

  1 Cool  Air S     Kwelifuphi P   1 Appelsbosch Mjele S %&  Col of Ed   Amathuli P 1    '$$  (   1 ! Sikhulile S  $  Appelsbosch Jp 1 Inqolayolwazi P AH Forbesdale P  Mthuli S AH   

   1     Nondabula P  !W 1 Harburg Farm P      '   1  Our Lady 1  Georgenau C of the   !W Rosary S  1       Nhlangakazi P   65 ! 67

Montebello P Bruynshill P  $    # 1 Mayelesweni P    $  Pella P Khanyisa S Gqugquma P  1   Senzosabasha S 1 1 Sigedleni  O P Mehlwenkosi P   Kwamkhumbuzi P O  Vumuthando P O AI  AI 1    Engobhiyeni P  Egweni P Bhekamafa P Engoleleni P Hlwemini P Zuleka       Paruk S   Gobizembe H     Inkululeko P  Magudwini Js Ekupholeni H    Baxoleleni P Asamukele P   O O iLembe District  Mantingwane P      O O Municipality Manzini S  

% " Ukwenzakwethu P Nobantu P

Inyaninga P 

  O Mathabatha P Ntendeni P   

25 26  27   28        75 Vuka P)    EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 67 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education     57  29 30 31 32    Tshutshutshu S Theo     %&&  Joel Jp Hlalanathi S O    O Umphumulo P  '  Hhomoyi Jp  Amaphuph-    O " #  ! esizwe S Vukile H  Vuma P    Hlomakancane P $  Zamazisa P Ezithabeni S   #   Otimati P     Ocheni P Maphumulo RC  Kwandaba P   Thandayiphi Js Sikhonjwa Ss    !W '  Mqungebe S  Nyamazane P AE    AE Mpangele P  Zephania Js  O   Nothweni P  Sabuyaze H  Mpunganeni Jp    1  Sayizi Ntuli Jp   Manyonyo P Dangazela P  Siphamandla P Woza P  Vukuzenzele Jp Nsongansonga P Mankayiyana Jp     Umvoti H O Mazisi    Ntuli P O Macaphuna S Ntuli P   Ukukhanyakwezwe Js       Hlimbithwa P    Maphumulo C Phakade P     1   O Mgwempisi C Ngqokwane H  Isibanisezwe S

  Siphinhlanhla H  Magojolo Jp  Dludla P  66   68 Domremy P Esiqhoqhweni Js Khulambedu Jp O  Esindi P O Umvozane P Umzinyathi District      1 Ndleleni P  Municipality Mahlokomane P O Sakhumuzi P O Mashingizela H  Maphumulo 1 Bhekizwe P   Moyamuhle P Local +#   1 Velangezwi H  Municipality Imushane P  ' Hlonono S 1 Inkolovuzane P Nculwane P AF    Mangcengeza Js AF Bubu P    Isithundu P Mpumlwane P O Ubuhlebephupho P     Mnawe Jp Ikhusana C  Umbiko P  Kwazibusele P  Ubuhlebembiza S '#-  # Nsonono P Chief ' '  Ngonyama S  Ebukhosini P  Embonqeni P  Phambela P  O  Chibini P  Emthandeni P  Sizamiseni Js  Parukabad P   1    Qalakahle H  Sakhisizwe H Mlamulankunzi P Itshelencwadi P  1 Ndwedwe  Iqabavu P     Deda P 1 Local  O    Municipality Meseni P Sogidi P     Phakathwayo Js  Sithelosethu P  Glendale AG Ngayiphi P Gogovuma P  AG   Farm P  O Isithembelo P    Qwabe S Petezi P !W    Siyaphumula S Ngcongangconga H    Hlalakahle P Njubanjuba S Fundani Jp Sinenhlanhla Js O   Sion P   Noodsberg P   Sicelimfundo P   O 1    Ukuzamakwethu P O  O Bhidakhona P Emkhambeni P    Qhubakahle P  O  Simunye S  ML Sultan P  Inyanganye P     Mary Gray P   Zakhele P Waterfall P Nondenisa S Amabutho P    , -   Ntabinamafutha S  1 Dalibo P '   !W   Esidumbini P Indukwentsha S Unyazi P   Lukhasa S Ndabenhle P   Sibongile P  Qinisani H   Khethimfundo S   Insuze-     Gcwensa P   Bulawayo P O O Emsengeni P    O iLembe District  AH O Ntabakhathaza P 1 AH  Mahlube S Municipality   Siphiwe S Wewe P Mapholoba P  O  Mshwathi Memorial P  1    Manzamhlophe P    Mcathu P  1 Manaba S  )!*!  Gijimani S  O '  Sotobe S   66 Ozwathini P  Dubeyane Jp 68 Ntabaskop P    Kruisfontein P O  Osizweni P   Enkumbeni Hp Mzingezwi S O  Phuzulwazi S  Dumane S      Comm H  Magongolo Jp O Ntathakusa P  KwaDukuza   Mayika P 1 Maqokomela P O  Local   Isinembe S Maguyana P  Municipality O    Dikwayo P Vallombrosa P  Qoqulwazi S 1  1  AI Isifisosethu Ss Masimdumise Jp AI    !(#   Manqondo Jp 1  ' Kwasimamane Jp  Zubane P Mqedi Sp  O  O O  Mthukutheli P O  Emlandeleni P  Mashiyamahle S  !!    !!'# Sibonginhlanhla S  Inhlanganiso Jp     Dumezweni Jp

    Kwajessop P

Nombika S Bhovungane Sp 

Ubuhlebemfundo P  !W Ndwedwe EC  Isigudu Jp Emakheni P 

29  30  31 32    76  ) .   EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy andDudley share thisPringle map in its original form Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 68 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education   58    33  34 35 Udumo H  Khayalemfundo Jp 36 Mvumase P  Manqindi Jp  Siyavikelwa Sp   Dendethu P Mandeni P $  Imbewenhle P Ubuhlebesundumbili Jp   Ndondakusuka Ss O Thukela S !W Sundumbili P  O Iwetane P    Khululekani P Siyacothoza P Ethel Mthiyane Lsen      Cranburn P   Timoni P Maphumulo  !! "%  !! "    

 Impoqabulungu S Local  % Municipality !W  1   North Coast   Mandini Pp '! " Nsungwini C Christian Acad Mandini AE   AE % O Acad   Nyakana P  eNdondakusuka  1  Maqumbi P Banguni S  1 #!$   Local  Mzobanzi Js Tugela S  %  O Municipality  Lower Tugela P Qondukwazi P  Tshelabantu P Ramlakan P   &!     Shekembula H Mgqwaba- %   gqwaba P

  1 !W 67  69  Newark P      1 "  Hulett P  St Christopher P     1  Imbuyiselo S    N2 1 1  1    1  1 Nonoti P  1 AF Ndwedwe AF Local Municipality iLembe District

Municipality Hulsug P Darnall S   1  Ashville P Lee P %  Darnall P Prospect #   "   Farm P O  1 

()*  Bongimfundo P   1  %        1 1  Kearsney P    Harry Bodasing P Lethithemba S    Ensikeni P See  Inset  AG O   AG    New Lubisana P  O 1  Pg 104  Guelderland    Int Farm  !   L Bodasing P     O      N2 Ilembe        District  !W    Mgigimbe P   Office   1 Lloyd P  Gledhow P     Enkukwini P   1 Melville P      Inkosi Albert  Luthuli Sivananda S    Zilungisele P +!, KwaDukuza  Aldinville Thembeni P % Sp  Local Dr BW Vilakazi Jp  Mbekamusi Ps  Municipality   H AH O   AH  1 Nonhlevu S  Etete SA  Indian Farm P Tinley Manor P   Radha Roopsingh P 1  Ocean

1     Guzana S  

1   67 Sa P  69 O Dinuphozo P  Shakaskraal S         Shakaskraal P 1       )    %   !W  N2   Umhlali P   Umhlali Col  AI  AI  O    So High Pp Sizani P RA Padayachee P

 1 1   



33 34 35 36   77 ( )  EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 69 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education

      59 37  38 39 40     1    !        Mangethe P 1  Emhlubulweni P  Ifalethu P AE AE    Madlanga Js eNdondakusuka Mangete P Local     Municipality  New Life    Acad N2  Sikhuthele H  Sakhesethu P  Whebede P

68  1     Indian Ocean iLembe District AF Municipality AF





37 38 39 40       "   #$ EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 75 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education     O 66    25 26  27 28 Swayimana H Maduna P Kwama- )  Vuka P   phumulo P Sibongumusa H   (*+(  Dumela P   Odlameni P Sontshenge P  O   O    & 1  Mayizekanye H  O     Gcinimfundo S  O  Ntintisa P Oqaqeni P Mashiza P    Qalimfundo P  Mkhabela P  '( See Inset  Kwangoza S  & See Inset AJ Mkhambathini  AJ Local Emakhasini P uMshwathi  Municipality  Pg 112 Local  Moyamuhle P        Municipality  Mbava P   Khulanjalo P     Masijabule H 1     Nonzila P Mbeka P O '(      Ingqayizivele Js Mofu Jp   Umthunzi P  Nagle   O   Ngabayena P O  Mcoseleli S Dam Lethokuhle P   74 Gcina P  Kwanongqanga P  76      .#%&  O  Maphinda S Umqeku Sp  Phangindawo P Ingomezulu P     uMgungundlovu  Inhlanhlayabebhuze H   

  Lozi Jp  District   O eThekwini   Municipality Metro , ,   Mphaya P   O   Ntweka Jp   & See Inset Zizamele Js Mkhizwane P        AK Table        AK  O  1 Mountain P        Amaqadi P Chief Dlivane P  Pg 113 Sansikane P  Mvini P       Asizenzele P Mbhanana Ngidi P  Banqobile H   O Nogunjwa H Zenex P Myeka S          Ngangezwe H Luphaphe H  &     O Emkhathini P Noqomfela P O  1  Nomfihlela P  Nonqanda P  %%*1  Umphumela P   St Julius S    Esiqhingini P Mdepha H & Mkhwantshi P   Ntukuso P O 

  Inanda O   Mabhila P   1   Dam Umngeni P O $    Insimangwe P  # Ndlokolo P Khanyisani P Othweba P  %     !  Isihlangusabasha P Kwabazothini H       1     -")  Ingcindezi P   Emngcwini Jp  1  See Inset See Inset Hlahlindlela H &    AL   (  AL  Rietvallei C   Laboure P       P g 114 P g 115  P g 114 P g 115   1 !W  0    Khanyakhwezi Jp ,(    $   1  N3       Waterfall Pp '0   Kwadinabakubo C  George       Cross- &  Cato P 1 - . / 1 roads Pp #      "     Bazamile P    Waterfall Col   

 1 1   Harvestry Hillcrest 1 O  Park Col /(  Christian Acad 1     1 Kearsney Col        O Hillcrest Pp Hillcrest H     *   Cliffdale P Roseway  &  ' % Highbury P    Waldorf C !W Hillcrest Col        Umthombomuhle Jp Hillcrest P   '  See Inset   See Inset AM See Inset  See Inset     !W     AM   1  1  Hammarsdale EC   Winston     # Fulton Pg 116  Park P Pg 117     /  1 for Deaf       N3 Lsen     '         1 !W !    !W  " +     Sikhethuxolo H       !W   (%  +             Kwamyeza P   Racing and 1 /&       1 O    Equestrian    *"&  1  Acad    1  O  Albini H     1  74   76

 Ntshongweni P O               O           Charles Memorial P       ! Lalelani P O   !W     Ntshongweni   Pinetown Wozamoya H    ( )  " Dam     District Office Mbutho P       &          !W   O See Inset See Inset     AN   AN Zwelinjani S        1 P g 118 Pg 119  Olwambeni P               !"#$%              1  &      O   




    25 26 27 28      83    ! -     EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original  form        Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 76 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education   Dumezweni Jp       !W  67    29 30  31 32 Umzokhulayo Jp Lihlithemba S O Umsunduze P   Mgezengwane Jp   Dudley Pringle  O      O O O Enkwambase P Dam      O Sanele Jp Sisebenzile S  1 Hloniphani S Ezindlovini P Ikhohlwa P         1       1     Intaphuka P  Emona    Nqakathela S  State Aided P See Inset  O See Inset   Kwanompanda P AJ  +  AJ      O 1 Pg 120 Pg 121 Pg 120    Pg 121    Trubel P  O  Makhawula Jp Masakhane Belfrost P !W! Belverton S   $  N2  Girls' S       Ndodembi P  Col of Ed    Hazelmere      Cottonlands P Flambel P 1  Dam     ! Golden  1          Steps  Ogunjini P 1 Buffelsdale S  Lsen  75  77  -      1 ! 1     1 1  Seatides C      1 1  O See Inset See Inset See Inset .   See Inset See Inset See Inset    AK  AK           La Mercy P ,#%    Pg 122 Pg 123 Pg!W 124                 1     M4      )   " #   1     1                             (   N2                          1       + #!          !W         !W1                                  See Inset   See Inset See Inset See Inset See Inset See Inset         !  AL   AL    !               Pg 125  Pg  126    Pg 127 Pg 125   Pg 126 Pg 127          !     Indian  1           "        !W        1 Ocean                 !W        1      1              ,, #                                !              M4 &    &       #   !W      N2   !W   !W    . !              !W         AM See Inset See Inset See Inset        AM             Pg 128  Pg 129  Pg 130   eThekwini   !  Metro  /         1  !W       1   M4            !                   !W      !W  !   %       !      75       77    !       !W  N3    ) *    !W       '  !   !   !W   !!       . !       1     !     !     /      !      !W-     ! !          !W     See Inset See Inset See Inset   !W !   !W  AN   AN   !W           Pg 131 Pg 132! Pg 133          !W  "!      #   M4     N2               




    !  !W      

         !  29    30 31 32               !W 84   !            EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form   !W    Map covers Legend Produced by: KwaZulu- this area  Schools National roads   Natal Schools ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads Supported by:  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 77 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust  KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education

 68 33 34 35 36      Dolphin Coast Pp Sarasvati P Seaforth  Hillbilly Pp N2 Col    1 AJ KwaDukuza AJ Local     Municipality

iLembe District Municipality  76     Indian Ocean AK AK





33 34 35 36           EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Map covers this area Legend Produced by: KwaZulu-  Schools National roads   Natal Schools 5 7 5 8 5 9 ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Supported by: 6 7 6 9 Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads 6 8  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 104 7 6 7 7 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education



166 167 168 169 170

   FE Khuthalani P  FE  1 1


 1 iLembe District FF Municipality FF


      Stanger Manor P     KwaDukuza         Local  Iziphozethu P FG       FG  Municipality Stanger Manor S     Tshelenkosi S Mbozamo P   Mavivane P

   1       Stanger Heights P    Stanger P    Stanger   Ilembe     1   Training   !  Stanger ML District Centre      Kwa-Dukuza P Sultan S Office  Circle Pp   Stanger S   Glenhills P    FH   Ashram P FH        1  Glenhills S Zakarriya H $% Stanger EC            Dawnview P 1    Stanger Pp     !"!#  Stanger South S


 Stanger H    North Coast P   !W    

 1 FI  FI 1 N2  

166 167 168 169 170

 Lloyd P

 Gledhow P  1 Inkosi Albert   Enkukwini P Luthuli   &  Sivananda S ' EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Map covers this area Legend Produced by: KwaZulu-  Schools National roads   Natal Schools 6 5 6 6 6 7 ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Supported by: 7 4 7 5 7 6 Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 112 8 2 8 3 8 4 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education

 Manzini S 

 O Nobantu P

Ntendeni P  136 137 138 139 140

 O O

   FT FT

O  Mi Paruk Jp     Hawa Sp 

 120 Thafamasi P  O

AM Moola S  O Wosiyane S  FU FU

Novimba Jp 

iLembe District Municipality Ndwedwe FV Local FV Municipality

 Dulini P 

 Ezimpondweni P

Embuyeni P    1  FW   FW Uyikhulu S O

Mshiyane H  Igugulamanyoni Jp 



Emanyonini Sp  FX FX    Tholumusa P


136 137 138 139 140 113 113

Meme P 

O FY   FY  Isaviyo P    Gcinokuhle Js   EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Map covers this area Legend Produced by: KwaZulu-  Schools National roads   Natal Schools 6 5 6 6 6 7 ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Supported by: 7 4 7 5 7 6 Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 113 8 2 8 3 8 4 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education

Emanyonini Sp  FX FX    Tholumusa P

 112 112 136 137 138 139 140

Meme P  iLembe District Municipality Ndwedwe O Local FY    FY Municipality  Isaviyo P Gcinokuhle Js 



Maphephetha Sp   Uphiso P

Meyiwa P  FZ FZ


Amatata Jp   Madikane Sp

Imbeka S  Ndabenhle P  GA GA

eThekwini Metro

Kwavutha S Mthubi P 

Khulani Jp 

 GB 1 GB

Khamangwa S      Bongumusa P 122 1 1  1 Inanda Mcetshwa Jp Dam  Inanda Dam GC GC

 Ingcukwini P

136 137 138 139 140

 1  GD GD

      O Umngeni P   EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form Map covers this area Legend Produced by: KwaZulu-  Schools National roads   Natal Schools 6 6 6 7 6 8 ! Hospitals District Municipalities Major rivers Main roads Field Guide v5  Clinics Local Municipalities Minor rivers District roads !W Supported by: 7 5 7 6 7 7 Police stations Urban areas Dams / Lakes Local roads  Towns Nature reserves Railways Minor roads Page 120 8 3 8 4 Sponsored by: The KwaZulu-Natal Education Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal Dept of Education

Inhlanganiso Jp    Nombika S        1 O  !W Ubuhlebemfundo P  Ndwedwe EC     O 1  141 142 143 144 145

O  O   1 1 1  O FT Vulela Jp FT      Gasela P

Kwanokusho P 

O  112 Qili P O 

FU Ngungwini H  iLembe District FU Municipality  Sondoda Ss Mabayana S   Siqondokuhle Jp Emakhuluseni Sp  O   O Kwashangase Jp O O  1

FV FV O   Ndwedwe Jp

Gem P  O 

Madlokovu Sp


Ubuhlebesizwe Js 

FW FW  1  Ndwedwe Local   Municipality

Mepho Jp  112 Dlabazana Sp 

 1   FX  FX     


Thubalethu S

141 142 143 144 145 O 122 122   Engonweni P 

     FY  FY   Thumbela P     EduAction 2010 - you are free to print, copy and share this map in its original form 1 Index to Schools                    

      -#%   *   $##       !"" #3    /  !"" #$%      !"" /7"13   ! /%   $# $&'"   (   $## /&%    8   !"" ##    )   /+.#   3  !"" &$%       /+-#$3&    9   !"" &$%       /+"1%    )   *+,&%   )   $## /%   5   !"" *# &    (   /7      !"" *$-.%     !"" /$"%       *$-$%   /  !"" / %   /  !"" *$#     !"" /$&%       *.#%   /   /$&       *-&%    )   $## /#%    /  !"" 0$%      !"" /#       0$.!1      !"" /#'       0+%       1*&%   /   0#%   (   "   8   !"" )%     !"" $13   (   $## )'%   (   $## -$%   /  !"" )%       '    *   $## )        %    )   )""%        $"%    (   $## )%    /  !"" -+%   (   $## )$#%    (    $   3  !"" )-"1%       !""        $## )'"%     0   $## # $'"%   *   $## )# $'%       #&%       )'     2   !"" #&#%        )#%   (   $## .$#%    (   )-"%   )   ##13    4   !"" ) $0&%   3   -$$"%    3  !"" )*45-'3       -$#&0       $## )#13       !"" "$%   (   )#%    5   !"" #1&        )# 0     !""  6###   (   )#'"3     !"" #&$%       $## )#3    )   #-"&$     !"" (%    )   -$&    )   (#-$&%        $## ##%    )   ("%    !"" $&3     !"" (-$$%    *   $## $-'   )   $## (-#6%   )   $## -#'%       !"" (-##-%   )   -7   )   $## (-$&%    3  !"" -&:#$#       (-$%      !""  (-$##&        !"" &#';/+"&%     !"" (1    2   !""  $#-%   3  !"" (6%         $## 11%      (#&"%   )   $## 6#%    /  !"" (#1%   4   !"" &1%   9   !"" ($##"%   (   &&'"   (   $## (-$%   /  !"" &.&&$# &     !"" (%     !"" &##3      !"" ( $&%    0   $## &       ( #%   )   $## &1#&   )   (&%      !"" &$%    /  !"" ($%    )   &$##%       $## ($%       $## &$+"%     /  !"" ($"%    0   $## "%    (   (%    )   ' $'$#%    /    (-#-"%      33   (   $## (-#     !"" 3&   )   $## (-"&%    3  !"" <&1%   /   (&-%    /  !"" <$1&     !"" (1-3    )   $## <$1.#3   (   (&&%    0   $## <$1$;$8+$    )  (&#%       !"" <$$.#     !"" (&$#&$"0    )   $## <$"%    )   (&%        $## <$%    )   $## (&6$6$"3&         $## <$##3        $## (  %       <$##-%    (   ($$1 +    (   <$#$%    (    (#-%   *   $## <&-    *   $## (#$%   )   <#&.%      (' "%   4   !"" <";)#-#'%       ('%   3  !"" <"7&& %     !"" ('6#%    )   <"-$##'%     !"" ('$   (   $## <"%    (   $##

No GPS = No Latitude/Longitude coordinates available or existing coordinates are incorrect Index to Schools: Page 1 Index to Schools                    

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No GPS = No Latitude/Longitude coordinates available or existing coordinates are incorrect Index to Schools: Page 2 Index to Schools                    

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No GPS = No Latitude/Longitude coordinates available or existing coordinates are incorrect Index to Schools: Page 3 Index to Health Facilities                            

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Index to Health Facilities: Page 1 Index to Towns and Settlements                        

                 !"    #    $%     #  &&% $'&()     *   $"        "        " )   +,  ,  " #%   +,  $ *+    &   +,  -    !%     -  &)( $.&    - ! &)( $!&    -   -%     -* /  !(    !     (    !   !    .   &     .  &&% $0&      1  &&% $'&      /   " "      && $2&       &%) $0&((     *3  &)( $.& .      -&     +       + 4 4   .%     +,  &   +,  +  " "    +   (    +/   )     +   " %     + /  !(    +   -&     +     !%     +  " %   +,   " #       .%     *  $"    4   && $5&      4   $      4  -%         )   +,    !%       "       !%     6    " #%   +,  6  %   +,  7* -*   -"    8 7* &)( $!& .   9 :, ;8   .    9 *  .    9 / &)( $-&    9  4 &&% $<&     9    !)     9   $)   +,  9  "     9 4 * &)( $!&    9 4 *+ * &)( $-&    9       =  " )   +,  =  + *  .(    =4       =4 +   $    >   .    0 *3  -&   +,  0       2    -   

Index to Towns & Settlements: Page 1