"-- """CalifomlirStlite February 6.1990 UniversIty, Northridge Volume 34, Number 63

TUESDAY ~V!~M~nQD_~ki-=k~-Jid~=~~~~pusStadlum--

By LEE BARNATHAN After '89 at Hollywood 'Bowl, ceremony back on campus; However, Levy said the Contributing Writer .' eommeneemenl bUdget is Committee to deal with -issues ofovercrowding, parking severely limited" Jbe money CSUN's 1990 Commencement comes s~ly (rom students ceremonies will he held on mencement for the students," Bowl) we had to discuss where It guests seems to he hIgh on the paying lor groduatioo clJel:b. gmpus May__ 25_-at_~_arll>,· a l!Ihesaid. -- -, would be appropriate otlcamPuS lisT: she said, but not aU 01 the money spokesperson on the Com¥ There are four students on the to hold Commencement," Moss "We expect as least as many (rom the cbecb goes towaJ"ds mencement Recommending committee: Asaociated Students said. seatll and ~bly more than commencement committee said. Vice Presidenl Holly Holdridge, Moss said the students have a last year," Levy said. "And we In addiUOll. the committee has The ceremony, to be held at Jell Mnss, President 01 !he significant amount 01 input. "We hope not to bave limitations on rinalized two other aspects a bout North Campus Stadiul!!.L, maricB Disabled Students Organization, twve equal say as any member of guestll ..1a5t year." \..ornmencemenl the return of on-eampus com­ AS Senator lrom the School 01 !he cOll1/J1lttee." AJlllwgh ....ting plans are not FinlL Levy said llstll 01 mencement after a year's ab­ Business RURS Uplon aod former AS President Dave Stibor, who t definite, Holdridge said one plaj\ potential graduates will he posted sence. Humanities -senator Lorraine is not on lbe committee, said he being discussed Is to have the in the Student Inlannation CeD1er f1eidi Levy, spo!<"Pernon ror Mauldin. was pleased but not surprised. "I faculty in the shaded section of (r~tn~,Amnm"~)the the committee as well as Dr_ Edmund Peckham, Vice knew it was President (James the stadium and the graduates week 01 March H. Studentll are Program PJanner, said the president of SbJdent Affairs, is W.) Cleary's ~~t to bring it sitting in chairs on the field encooraged to checlt the lists lor commHtee will next deal with Chair of the committee back.. • Bleachers would have to be spelling and address for the logistical problems such as Upton called the decision a sign "I'm not sure how to handle the rented For Ule guests. Holdndge graduation handbook, "'hi!'!> ."ill jlM~jng and- expanding !he ()( being~on the riglJttnrol'. -rbe -Togistics,>'~-SlibOC salll:---rhl! -~id arrive to sw.dents bI. mail stadium to accompany an students won a pretty good commiltee will twve to work that Lev)' said another con­ Se<;ond. Levy said Admissions estiniated 20.000 people. victory," he said out in the next few months. But sideration the commiltee mWit and Records hsB agreed to ilr /l (Those logistical problems) Moss said the committee they wouldn't have brought it look into is making the stadium elude commencement in­ are stiUln the formative stages," reached the right decision. "It is back if Lhey couldn't ac- more attractive. "We're working fonnation Of] its hotline. Levy Levy said, the most logical and appropriate commodate everyone." to beautify Devonshire Downs estimated that beginning f'riday. Levy emphasized students will place to hold graduation. Levy listed several loglStical (the former name of North students can call B85-3'iOO and he kept. Imonned about com­ "We had no option. Because of problems the cO:hlmitte& must Campus Stadium) because hear the ree

"By LVDIA OFFORD ternational vislWrs to meet and FaIr, requesting funds to hold the Staff Writer share expertise with disabled event two days each semester as students and facl.1lty Murch 21-24 opposed to the c:urrent annual Associated Studellts Finance The commitl.ee voted to give spring rair and de<:atblan" The Committee membef'B listened to u,no for the visitors' travel committee was allocated S345, various campus clubs and expenses Other discussion focused on the organizations request rinandal Jackie Tablgne, Treasurer 0( AS general budget which LS support for upcoming events this the Filipmo Amerlcan Student l.'UrrenUy unOe1" reYlew rmd Will Spring at a meeting Monday in AssOCIation, receIved Sl.300 from be Hnaht:ed in mld-ApMJ The tiU! finance commIttee IS the santa Susana room of the committee In support of University Student Union Cultural Night, an event t.o bnng deliberating on 5pt"Cuic asptX'"ts of the budget and will submH It to A representative from the students and the communH:>: together to promote lOtercullural .0\5 President Dave Subor on W.omen's Center sought financial March 13. support for the funding of a one­ relalions with song. dance and drnmllucs March 31 FollOWIng present-allon 10 woman dramatic play, scheduJed Stibor, be WIll deliver the budget for March 13, in· honor of Blue Key National Honor recommendation t.o AS General Women's History Month. The Fraternity sought $200 to support Manager WiUiam Foster Vt'ho will finance committee allocated rush activities. The orgaruz.ahon pre-pare the budget a.nd submH it $1,500 for their-expenses. was given $150. to the fuU Senate for appro\'al The Disabled Students Nancy ShanJeld represented Several groups scheduled 10 Organization requested $2,750 to or-gantl;ers of the Wellness make requests dld not artend bring four dlStinguished Ln· Decathlon and Student Health "Monday's meetmg Women's Center in need of home

By ROD WADE would be done, but be dH.in'l knO\ll' po5IUH> sign Managing Editor' how,"~tdMann ·'Om>tlunghe Dr £Ii:zabeth Berry, ..\.ssoclate didn't say was -thai there would Vlce President fur AcademiC A new location for lhe Women's ~ no relocation ' Jackie Tablgne. Treasurer 01 the phllplro Amenca!~ Student Center and the need for child c.are Mann considered Uns to be a Please ~t't' RELOC"TIO~,pagt> 6 ASSOCiation. speaks dunhg Monday's meeting among campus sLaH members were am.ong the toplL'S dLScussed b)' the Commission on the Status "of Women ICOSW) at CSUN Monday In 8 meelm,g WIth Pre>ldrnt James W Cleary Dec B, executive members of the COSW expressed their desire t.o find a. ... temporary facility to hOWioe the Center prior to this May when the current location Will no longer be available due tLl ongOIng campus construction. Aecording to Dr Jeanette Mann, Director of A1hnnaUvc Action Programs a.nd executive s.ecreLary of the commissiOll, Cleary responded positlvely to the request. , "Cleary said that\.relocation Dally Sundial ))lack Addictsm to overCOl: By DAWN PURC~ Staff Writer

Overcoming d1Uj means learning hO"i Sr., a counselor at ( Programs !l'O Involve himse.lf in it helshE will renm originally abused." The key to CasUe' support group, wtM munity gaUler like said, which lJ"O''id< Its members to race "U you have a far to attack the proble ' do as a family meml By a tte.nding the I 300 (onner addicts "found a new me dean. he saId Tne mast import.; addicts to overcorn let them knO\\" he! --said. ~-'-'I"he1"'e is-a everybody _U they , they v';m hear us " The Problem' H. coming addkboo w; could never get the 5Upposed to be doillf He-became in\.--oi¥ an early .age ancL..' stltutions, none 0( 1 , " Weapi ----rneop( are Cl

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•..­ Dally Sundial NEWSlTuesday, February 6, 1990 3 ~lack History .Montbprogra-m looks at substance abuse .Addicts must Work ._c,~_·_.,_··=~·_",""'-'-==~--;-=--;------r to overcome problems By DAWN PURCELL Staff Writer

Overcoming drug or alcohol addiction means learning how to live, James Henry, *., a counselor at Castle Substance Abuse Programs told sbJdents Monday . 1na.jltt!sentati

I 'Who-rever that-sourceis, the addict must involve himseU in it complerely, othenvise be/she will reb.1rn to the substance originally abused." The key to CasUe's program is a "family support group, where people of the com­ munity gather ljke they used la," Henry said, which provides support and- teaches its members to racy reality "If you have a family problem, you need to attack the problem; do w~l you have to do as a family member," he said By attending the meetings, between 200~ 300 former addicts and murderers have "found a new message" and ar-e now clean, he said. The most important element in getting JOEL t\.....'DERSONIDaily S.."dlc:l Black Student UnIon PreSIdent James Henry, Jr answers Questions dunng Monday's prograIll sponsored b~ tne addicts La overcome their.J}ddiclion is to let them know help is available, Henry r=~ii~~~:~~:aed, Hetll):bas~~clean fi~~~~~ lik~~' "Said. "There is a sense of survival in . he said 'I . for don't havelo Farle) everybody. If they are desperate enough, always went back to the ghetto to dowhat I anct..ha~ been working with CasUe for U1.ree said _ they win hear us." did best." years. CasUe is part of People Coordinated The presentation ended with allin/ormsl The problem Henry had with over~ He later became a courLc;.elor to become .5eryices of Sou!hern Californ::ia,tnc queslion-answer session Tn which students coming addicLion was lack of direction "I Involved in a source other than thal related Yolanda Farley, a counselor (or CasUe expressed their vievr-s about hml.' to could never gel the knack of what I was to his substance abuse "I looked up one and a former addict. also spoke of her prevent drug or alcohol abu...'"'€ , supposed La he doing," he said day and sudd~nli'._lt_~',

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\. / 4 NEWSfTuesday, February 6, 1990 Dally Sundial Researching El salvador~ Panel.of experts discusses probl(!~ of violence, .llS.wolvement in Central American countrY PA-RSONS By EMILY VIGUELMO many relug"';' do indeed face persecution Contributing Writer bythelrgovl!rllm1!IiC-.-.-·- ~-.­ SCHOOL OF DESIGN Prom Boyle, who lived inEl Salvador for one A panel of witn..... to the ongoing year, is a priest at one of _0 Catholic By SHARON KU~ military and political struggle in EI parishes in the area that offer Special Summer Programs Opinion Editor Salvador sppportun the complex problems that have developed He urged member.! of the audience to help Offered In collaboratIon 'Nrth the renowned Musee des Arts Decoratifs. ttvs pro ODe that it is view in EI Salvado,J"_ He traced the United support the people of El Salvador through gram focuses on the history oI.French an:hrtecture and European oecoratr-..e suggest that the fa' States' extensive involvement In the small various church and political groups. "We arts EXCUfSlons to ponts outslde 01 Pans are Included, las! summer. students Hence, president CentraJ American nation, ~nd said that tile need lots of heJp," he said. VISited Versailles. l/aux Ie VlCOmte and Fontainebleau turns publicly affi abuse of hwnan rights have reportedly Villchis aildressed the issue of Uniled that the best year increased UOder the present government States aid to EI~IYi.l:dl:).r.:~---.Acco~ _m Porfo June JO.JuIy 30 didales' failure to Combrnmg an:r.rteetl1T<3I Mrory WIth draWing thiS program focuses on (tie run by the ARENA. WJ.U'.-beaded by ViIlchis;thetUneiican government should de..eopment 01 Pans In tt:"te modern penod (1830 to the present) their party's nom 'AlfredoChristiani. not he. aiding the present Salvadoran gIeaned.!J'om--tJm­ Castaneda spOke expressively of her government because,hessid. there was _Artsndlml1HOlOgy ollha Dordogne July 29-.Aug between DaJl'1 dass sessrons near the tewn 01 Les Eyzl8S de Tayac. III ~ern geoerations In hi her husband was murdered "by tile humanitarian and military aid. France.. are de'.Qled to le::::tures and gUided VTSltS to the areas famous ard less nesda.y was secmJ anny." Castaneda was imprisoned by the Villchis said hwnarutarian aid "is a ....e'1-knO'oNn prenlSfonc caves liVing Sites and archaedogteeJ e:-cavatlon.s EI Salvadoran government because her form of pacification. It creates a depen­ HlStory ot Archlteetunt In Italy Juty 13-August 11 work. church con~ .':Vil9atbe Catholic was dency among tile people and doesn't The arctHlectural hef1tage 01 h.aJy IS studied In Rome. FIor€lICe ana \'ernce sidered 'tsubversive." She also spoke of trafiS!onn-anything," wnere on·srte presentations are made by Parsons facutty the influx of EI Salvadoran refugees to He concluded the discussion bY" uiging America in recent months, but added that people to participate in an orgaruted Civil Jil~ ot A.rchttectun!l and DecoBtlve Arts m Great 8rttaln many-wete not being allowed to stay disobedience action on Feb. 14 to protest July to-Auguet 10 T.bISjOi..lJ~-€trf\'ICtIIom covet E1lQ tJ Ie years. "ffiOO-19OO. ,s-c.ift€fea ,~ LDnoor "The INS (lmmigra,tio~ and aid to El Salvador, and----to- m.a.rch--wTt:tr- ­ ..",Tn se-~rw excurSIons to nearby 10000ns and country houses By HEIDI WILSOI ~furarliBlion -service) doesn'treeogntze various groups on March 25 to end UruLed News Editor (Salvadoran) cases as politica'i refugees," States support of the present El Gl'BphlC Oe'aJgn In Japan Juty 16-Auguet 14 said Castaneda, adding that even though Salvadoran gOrv_ernm__e_n_t , Deslgn students anO prolessoonaJs Will discover the exciterneH d JaoarteSe Have you ever d, aO-..er1 ISlng and graph,c OesJgn througn 'M)rkshops seminars ano preserr.a Library and 'Wished ALL·CAL !,ons by ,nternatlonally knO'oNn Oes1gners S1udlo museum aM 9ai~err ~srts supplemen! tt1e curriculum wruch emphaSlles the sou~es ,~~he trad'\O'\a; from floor to floor tc arts 01 much contemporary Japanese deSign .. Deed' MAZATLAN This wish \It'ill soo PatSOna In laruel July 23!Augual 19 wi1.b the arri\'al c Ofj·erea:lln COllabOralJon w:,t'. ~~l.J~m'5~.~a!~U~&Qem:.:-et.~.d~~ _ --.mtlllllAlI!llooolCfi SP.Rl!Sfl 1M@'prograrTrp10V1desan"7"ndeptn ;nlrodUC!lorl !o major Mes 01 r->'S:or.;:al .rr;C'Q' library '5 eAli t wing ~ lance 10 me fU{1lme'l:s d arcnaooOQ'ca' prac!'ce and !O IOChn,q,,€S d art,s:oc BREAK lepres.e'ltal,00 Leviathan II, so ( TRIP in the Bible thal Parsons In We-sl Africa July 2-AuguSI 1 and Augusl 4-August 25 employ six robots a~5.3,":$ rrum $3~9 'I.IorkShops ,n ceramiCS aM 1,befs wdl ,nlroduce Sluden,s 10 art;s;:s a.'1(J _...s!>.!llIIWld.-_oL-re nY--- . __ ~lCl~~~e n'S!Of'y Of Ak'can af'! ana arcil:,ocfure a!&o 's oHerea .::..oa.':O-"Z 0;:,---,0', ,~ Ma, Tidy be taKer as a separate opt>or, 0' as a iX"1!''-'c;a::-;:)f' ':)!. !!"',f' ; -.or, Cua~.. culation desk in less Includes: AIR D'OQ'arn The system, the HOTELS, PARTIES wocld, Yt'ill be an E I------~ Change Your Brown Eyel To IlIueI I ELCID DISCO, BA Y I FE N 1 I PRI IN • ... "LL a:,on5o or-.;:l :a,')Q ~a..'1::;;;!e:s excellent way to ~ Rl!ISE & MORE ~OerTK. creQll ,:sa.ta«at'lie!C' Q:Jar,~,e-::::' ~;"aents Fo' "',y". ~:C>f~,a;,Y [)'€aSf 'elu'''l!le cwpor OJ cal one millioo and gTO'tl :~"o[t Robert Hayes, a l Contact! llURR'I"" ~enses I (212) 741-8975 and library BUtoIIUl I Sr-.l.CC l~nlllcJ recent 1.01 AngeleJi I ----~------­ DAIL Y W~AR 5119· I ''yOUR ON CAMPUS natioo's major un: DAILY WEAR COLORED S144' doobling their coll' I TRAVEL EXpwrs' Parsons School ot DesJgn EXTENDED WEAR ~O~ 1 $169· years. At this ratJ I Ornce 01 Speclel Programs EXTENDED W(·AR COl()Rl D 51QQ' would have to expal I UNIVERSITY & 66 Filth A""nue, N.Y, NY '0011 the year 2(l10 How "Abo..-e lnrlude~ ~~om len,.., (h... ,,,.,oJ (0'''' 1'\" folio.... I~ STUDENT TRAVE up Spl1e't>' O"I~ Ne,n (0'0'0<1 No' good ... ,,11 0111., I Pfease send rnformallOn about 'Mill re:tain 12 times d,,,ov"" I books per cubic- fOOl ~~=:u::;. _ Persons 1C1 Pa= . PaJ'lQiJthi<:An ~stacks CQ.Y,POHMUSJ J Archrteeture In ttaty IE PRUENTED NOITHkIOCf I .= Photograph" In Pans store those \-'olumes A1 rIME Of SERVICE J.n.MU I - FashtOn In Pans "-= ArchrtBct'ure 1f1 Great Bntam Lasl Uu-ee years I ArchItecture &~Decorallve ~ G raphlC Desogf1 In Japan loday's floor-lo-nOOf Parsons rn Israel Arts In Pans LeV13than LS c-u ~------~ Parsons In West Afnca Modern Pans users will nol have I 'EARN 2 UNITS OR VOLUNTEER To gellhem. rese-al"' CSUN TUTORIAL PRO.IECT Edllo-r~fl-ChlQ! Tutor teenagers at publiC SCI10ols. ~.l.ans9i!19 Ed:tor prpballon camps, Dr placement homes /\lew:> Edllor ~mon£d.l-1Of No Experience Necessary ~EdJ1or * Flexible Hours * Day or Eve Photo Edilor Carpool Available A5$1stant Photo Edl!'': * ~\'Jf6 Editor VISit Tutorial PIOJect Table Foou$ Edhnr West 01 Student union entrance BECOME A VOLUNTEER FGfttule3 E-ctitor Exposur"6 Editor rust 2 weeks or sctlool 11 a m to 1 p In or coli Pubt.sher 885·2484 885-2580 The Best Things In Life Are Free \, J Dally Sandia. Tu~sd\IY, Feb;;:;ery 6, ·1990 5 D,Uy Sundial ·()PINION ~s IGN Promise for a better future ~'as rides its youth By SHARON KURMAN year's Dl sabotage Meanwhile, close Lo one-fourth of the swte-,rclilfcfre'fi "now·-residt--rn ilOusehofdS­ l8;-\Rsrt-lI'tB-----­ ~-:~of~~==~:-~e;~ Ca~-::-,:=ll:~:;'O~~~I~~~ :~:~~:oo':.oua~ :c:::m~~ ~: ... that are below the official poverty line lln!lng. draWing because a declining ratil) Qf_ hourly wage­ le lasl lWO upheld the constitutionality of California's expressions of laith In luture well-being is threatened the quality of their lives and .Propositlon 13, overwhelmingly approved omillOU8·lor·the expectations it bringB.; crowded their public schools by en· earners receive enough in compensation to by state voters in 1978. The measure rroze Young adults who pay at least 10 times couraging overpopulation pay inflated CQSlS of liVing. F..specially in property taxes at 1975 levels for existing what their parents paid for housing and By calling for an end to housing con­ urban centers, the demand for menial y ltlal has ,n homeownelt-; creating wide diBparities in assume B.5 much as 20 times the Lax struction in their communities, California labor is out of sync with the availabilHy of liS/IS to Parisian tax rates based on the dates in which U:abi~_ty cCMlllt o~ __ simil~r re~, from ~e p~~ ~e~_,in~rie~~-'!\'ith the self_~ affordable J>ousing -1"eSUlling tIl labor .properttes-were acq~------bext generation. If- -~y- gere tlieni, - ~rieCting mecha·nism o'f ­ the market shortages and all but sealing the fate of a The two events are mentioned together however, housing will become a luxury in economy. Increasing prices in housing are permanent underclass. It is in the interests of California ~Ign through here for the different ways they bear on a the state or Calilornia early in the 21st supposed to benefit the entire society by Jrers and V1Slts common .element of an American secular Century. inducing supplien; to increase the stock of property owners to protect the value of re dally classes raith. So ingrained in the American psyche Without even being fully aware of it. housing. their investments. It is overly optimistic to is the idea that every generation enjoys California property owners -have -harmed The --1rb1tity aT California property ignore the sense in which such value is improve(fopportunJties over the preceding the state as a whole through the alternate owners to thwart the free market when it based on scarcity· The smaller the ,3o-.July 30 one that it is viewed as poor etiquette to use and suspension or a free market in fails to function to their own advantage is number of people claiming access to a oraliis. thiS pro· valued item, the higher its-POtential value In decora11ve -suggest that the facts speak: othervrise housing in accordance with their own the source or,an anomolous pe,w statistic ID~eed. mer students Hence, presidential hopefuls of 1988 took interests. when California voter'S on the impact or rent control. Based on on a free market. Among the freedoms turns publicly affirming their conviction approVed Proposition 13, they protectett market principles, rent control should AmericaJlS hav.e interpreted from that the best yean lay ahead. The can- the state's pro~rty owner: J'rO~JL!b_~ ...r.e~ppearance-ofhoUSthgunits by historical readings or the U S Constitution didates' failure to do so would cost them negative impact oT a wildly nsing market cutting mto the profits or housing sup- is the freedom to a-ct In accordance with 58S on the their party's nomination. Lessons Lo be in real estate by limiting the amount of plien;. Instead, data made available to the one's own sell-interests. Why. after ty Workman said that the state Supreme that began to ride Its youth at some point In Court made its decision In 1978 when It ld venice Harness high tech in the the 19705 and has not slopped doing so found. that Proposition l3 does not since. Originally jntended to protect discriminate against new property residential prO~!)J_.iQLpeople..such..as.-the J).'o.lme~ViiUront:tnTIe1Opay .selJ?ice4higher education elderly who were on fixed incomes. the many times the taxes (or property they measure that passed\applied as well to also had the bad luck of paying many By HEIDI WILSON use the existing computen; commercial real estate contrib-uting to times the price for News Editor Head Bibliographic Libranan David L thf' sense that It was another bargam Perkins said at a recent CSUN facw!v handed to people who had alre.ady enJoyt"<1 But private enterprl~t' ,s hp3lttuest when I Japanese requl~ Have you ever done research in Oviatt forum, "Library computerization a bargaLn lfi their property acqulsltlons wealth comes from suppl)"lIlg a nN,'(l. flot 1(1 preser'lla Library and wished you didn't have to run a sophisticated searcher to access program~. SUN' th.at rt'malll ~lIery IIISIls In terms or fundHlg for slate (rom makmg nt"'t"ds from floor Lo floor find the materials you materials General edUCation nl'e'ds a ~t~lILh ~Jl e 1radltlonal to PropositIOn 13 becamt> the Gann unmet In Callform",.... IS need? computt>r library science reqwrement for LlmlUnJon on State Spending By trying to cre.asLngly basro on pn\·a[iOn Tll1S IS wh~ This wish will soon come true in foil 1991 studt>nts to learn 10 access Informatlon tu place a fl.xed llmlt on theCQSLo{ ~l.A:.laL_.~ the ii~te'"WtU<"OfltmIJl"'..·ttrtt"iiS-{!l"'ifif''fnlddre with the arrival of a $2 miJlion robot· attain academJc success_" ServIces suc.h as educatlOll and hedlth, tht' class to oUler states ,is tts C"ltlt'5 becofTlf' ~&'l9r-l lffitottUned' bOOlf'"-r'e1i'levars'ysLpm--inthe However, if patrOrL'i use the computers Gann LJnlltatlon amoun!("(j 10 it rf'fu.-'.,;aJ b~ places where only th,t' nch ~lDd poor rub storlcallmCQr library's east wing expansion eHicienUy they wIll S8Vl'ttmt> by nol going CalifornIa voters to ,H'commod'lle ('lbows 1n relatiOn.<;: nf 1n3ster ,1nd sen·ant J8S of artlS!IC Leviaihan 11, so dubbed after the whalt> 10 diHerent parts of the library to find popuJaUon grov.·th Cahforma property o1ll'ners do not n{'o.f"Cl in the Bible that retrieved Jonah, wilJ books. Instead, robots will travel on thin But because the stale's populatJOn anythIng as unfalr as Pro~ltlon 13 to tx, usl25 employ six robots Lo find booKs al the railings to access books from storage bins codHnued to nse b\ dose to 1Q mmiOll guar.a.rl1eed 1he,-oppor:~lH'n-t,. -to -passon d , and af1'sans. _c.9mmand. .oL, researchers -----USin8'-- -the Tbe-user--wilJ abo know wh~t11er ·Of' riol a since 1970. CalLfom~a has declined from much worse s,oc·lel ...· than thE' one thE'\ ~n-iFI~r-- ,.­ existing computer carti catalog These book is checked out because the robot can 19th to 49th m the nation In per capHll tnhented . 01 doc:umen forklift~type machines will locate bar· ascertain its location from thE' ;11 (I'v12!ISlly coded books and bring them to the cir corresponding bar code. al study,~ culation desk in Jess than 10 minutes U 'Leviathan works, more books rna)' be e l.,.Qry Coasl The system, the fU"5t of its kind in thp incorporated into the system In the future . . t-__-I_---jwlflokr,;.ld;;"..will"'·..,...be_a;;n~e;,xri_c_iiti;;·n~gme;,x~peg:r~im-.nen~:>tRcrN:;;'COO\-.- iUi"nslers excellent way Lo accommodate CSUN's uses less light a:d Slfi=-U;:\~:~~~ ~="ffi.IG allon please one million and growing book collection requires neither in ortier= to functton ThLS Robert Hayes, a UCLA math professor will save taxpayers mLIlJons of dollan; in and libra~ automation expert, said in a annuaJ operation and construcUon costs recent LoB Angele8 Time8 article UUH the ~ faculty has critiCl1ed LeVIathan for nation's major university libraries are Its restriction of sheU access to U5ers doubling their collections every 15 10 20 inhibiting the browsing lhal lS an 1m years. At Uus rate the OVlatt Library portant part o·f research retrieval would have Lo expand into Sterra Quad by However, only half of the tibrar)"s the year 2010 However. the new system collection will be retained lfi the system will retain 12 times the present number of The other hall WtU remal1l on tradilJOnal books per cubic foot in IL.. tOO-fOOl-long by shelves 4O-foot-high sta'cks Librartans may no\\' Although the system wITI not be III use .y store those volumes not checked out In the WltiJ 1991, the OVIan Library wtil be the Bal Brrlaln last lhree years in lesser space Uw.n most innovative of all American university Japan today's Ooor·w.-Ooor aisles of books Ilbra.nes As Leviathan grows, srudents Leviathan I.S (:onstruCled so ubrar) and faculty will have a \'aluable resource Inca users will not have dln:"cl al'cess to b.B.Slt>r and aId -the To gel them, researchers WllJ be (arced [0 user's purswt of academ..lc e.xceUe-nl't'

The Dally S!!ill!.iM

Ediior -lr'l-ChIOl Ron Eps1e-ln Copy Edlloro Sl'lafon Kaplan Mnnaglng Edll01 Rod Wade­ Julio Marah

f'«:lw:> Editor Heidi WlI80n TIm lkrtlnoz ~:2"~II"';l'.&i-~e...... ---Nro::!.~-31~ ' ..... ~.~It"'Sor,"ob't"Il-."'e.~ Edllor Shllron Kurl1\l.n ClpJruon Clroltnll MlranGi. <~~t.'~·"""~~-J\M U~~'ClI-'eo;li_N ~vq~_r:l"""':Ji.LidoAi Sports Edl10r Jorge Maron Production M..wlagor Jerry B!-eOonne:n Pholo [dltor Jool Andor&on Production Sudl Mr, Rox AsSjstanl Photo Editor Nlkl Nomo10 Bllko RamMy _ .••,,,.....1 1.ln__ "-..1 ~ ~_ ~:l"" ~t:l." :f""'" __ ""_ ~"")uo;Io Wire Editor June Bedlgilln "'l)'~ uoo,tt....&."X,""' t., i~' "'.."'~ ,,_ ~"il H·"",~ "...... t. b __ ~··· !No lIoIl Focu5 Edllor U... M_ Hortz:e Suunno P.rter ... _I""­.. tloo .....,~ l,..l~~ .....__ r:lo.~rw-~ Foaluros Editor DIn_ Bonnet1 BuSlne3::i Coordlnalor Ellnb.th Wh1r\od~ TEER Exposuro Edl\or John SuUawuy Bu$ln~ Offioo ASSlstanl KrI.t1 Andef-.on Publl5h~r Jo••p h L Clark Gd.nC'l"w Ma.n:lgOr Goorgo R.tnoor ~ Free / 6 NEWSfTuesday, February 6, i 990 DaIIJ Sundial Dally Sundial ~ , j • ' t r- .'-- -I11III -.I11IIII11III­ -- -- :1 RELOCA'JION I-Paisano~lEREEOEUVfRYII _. ~~ . ._~ ~ .__. ~ -.f. ·.·-,-~HTOO· I - ConllDaed from page 1 said.. _ I 9lXXl RESEDA SlVO.N9flTHRDGE. CAlF. I TIle cammlaaloo decided that a letterabould be drafted I Phone: 775·1900 (nwt-lO TMlty Dtug1! I ProgramsaDdcammlaaloomember,toldthecommiB5ion tod·eclsC!earyiODOO' ~oca---tlooClU.UlnIng the ~ediate need far a I DRAFT BEER 75¢ I -'::::=~':I==~"':-~~iC~o!f_turneQlitlcal SCience depart- II . with EverytlJingonit! I - meetillgs. TIle draft reports weren't paying'mllCbat: ­ iiieiitliililCommiisroil member, expressed strOllll feelings ~ .off-- Expires I n;n:FI~d~_lssueandWe'Ye ba.~~keep ~riDging it up," _':~I~~c:..~~:~.~:·cbild·""'.1lD~1,,;,,;,~;;';;;~@...... ~=!~~!90 .;. __.o.1'!!!!_9'DleI', however,," ",!1!!!!!!IL~L,!!:J;iJ!lectorllld.'L._.~.o8Iaff,Hbif)k-!be~on'CBlrkeep'1!Jlf1 Buy-One (1) Dinn'" sullablei'lICilityinwbicb inrelocate. CurrenIIy1lDnsed in pressure Oil' (Ole adl'iiliiiBliitloiiJ to acComplish thiS." . ,;;" I - ­ a bwigalow on Etiwanda AYenue near the entrance to coin Bayes said, I ReceIVe the next ' I By PAULA HESS lot.. J, the. can.ter aDd 0.. ther facUlties at that location According to Mann, Cleary believes child care is a I 1 /. off Expires I Staff Write< ...)!iI!!)~.!:!!I1j~!i!1.lhat"CllIlSttur.:Uononlhe.newBusiness ­ neg~bIe--lssIte"thatcould '~-:-aal!l'e5lled tbrCllillh '12 . 3/25/90 AdministraUoo.complex can begin. collective bargaining. The commtSSlOD agreed to explore L-. _ _ _ '_ iiiiiiiI IIIiiiiii ______J 'rindofbeiDi aura .Accordlng to JuUe Pearl of the Women's Center, the further-.lllelhoda.-'UCb.-8lHIIlion action;-to ""tend chilll­ ------­ "-"--'-~'----~----'--- . -iireaTc!ibllLfanna _.lIeadline1oUnoving-ba&beenselfOl"MlrY'-'­ - -'--­ --- ­ care to all CSUN employees. cnnimercIaJ radlD .' "We need to seWe this (relocation) before May, since a "Available cbild care could be an effective recruiting the latest in undergro new director will be hired for the Women's Center and tool for CSUN as well," Berry said. "This isn't Just a Your Dedsioll. Your Choice. 10Sll inyour Ufe since there is a lot of material that has to be moved," Pearl women'sissue,it'safamilyissue." jac format aDd KF • Free Pregnancy Testing classical music fOl'll • Low Cost Earll' Pregnancy Test commercial muslc1 alentine '!ben turn your F!I' Gift • lmmediate Test Results left aDd slowly move I Do The Right Thing From • Pregnancy Tennination 88 FM aDd 91.9 FM. I , ~ EXOTIC TAN find the often weak si ~ • General or Lxal Anesthesiil stations sandwiched Alpha Xi Delta BUY 1 GET 1FREE that are Ufelines an< (Buy a one month membership for $1B, Sorority Rush get second month free)" avant-garde, undergr .pIus malntenancE:)- rae and risky program "Febniary2-15~--­ wtttriscx1-ri~~_~-14-90 commercial radln sla College radio stati IOalsun (WoIlI) HI -... Units one of two calegori. For info call - 885-5216 -Inquire aoouf our new ftIness program. operated station or 9663 RESEDA 7QJ.·UPll "OPEN J DAYS station~ Corporation for Publi 'J'be~ti a format DRINKING AND thecnmmWlily . According to Ken 10' DRlVJNG CAN manager, stations re usaaIly baYe an am !ban a baH million d KILL A FRIENDSHIR student-<>penlta:! stat budgets of less !ban lunding and full-time is aimed IDm-e towa commWlily, rather th Since NoUuidg.'s 11163 JlS an educaIiona lecturesby~ into a more student.. mini·KR~ ..,. mini Mills, before finalll station - lIlt 'only KCSN receives takes ~tfrol) ~ONCAMPUS operating JOseeonds'fo 'I'wvolved from. a e :ove driVing thiS car And Irs a good thing 10 the presenl-dal Because when I go out With my friends rock lhere's never any question of whose car K..XLU's Canna oonlrOVenial bs V'vell take, might not reeei\ Everybody just hops tn my Cabnolet Slream com.men

I cant !iliaglne drrvlIlg anvthmg else chance tn gain I Ttlt' Volkswagen Cabno:et It"s the Public Enemy. N distinctive E.iJro~)(?an CCr1ve r t:bre \Vitri Jane's Addiction the Volkswagen l)'" rce too risky for coo played by the 5t KJil.U. who a... tltird of their silo' one-iliird 10 roq~, But~ what abo J esulUi and the \l< alX~.ording to 1Ii general lDlUl4ge

~'l,)o,., i.1:\~ \~O"~~v.'~l rt1lt~,! ~~tN:i major at LMU . II Ii ¥t)U be \L) playa _ the ~j.~31 ~I) I\n ad b~ tt"'O one ~I'~ ~'\(1 yOur ~1ory and .t'l ~"ilotn to Vi.:.~'~, ~'B<9b. 187 S-'w\bodwW'd >houId be open S'Lllttl 2'00· But'ntr1\}hllm M148i009

/ Dally Suncllal Deily Suncl..1 Tuesday, February 6. 1990 7 .~~-'.,.---~ "'BEE DEUVERY II ~IHIJNCH TOO· I _·FOetJS-· N9RTHRlOGE. CALF. I (~'oTMftyDrugl) I ,EER 75¢ I ;~D;iu~;';"" ------1 rthing on itl I C~ge ~pl""s radio stations "tL :ug j90 I S _I_~t ~ ~~-- --1­ ·-mr~·QmjSI\:rr·e"Ce. ········1 .. OJ Dinner I eel-Ie the next I By PAULA HESS CSUN sbJdents. Yet, "college radio" in Expires I Staff Writer some instances is a misnome~ attributed - 3/25/90 to stations that merely· use campus If __ ...... __ J . Tired of beinllauraUy pwnmelledbythe facUities and .obave no contact with the preilfcl.iib~."formats 01 malnslream students. commerc1a.l radio stations'? l..06kI.rig for KUSC, a student-run station until 197Z at the tsleat lo underground music? Feeling a the Univeraity of Southern california, is Your Choice. loss loyour life sloce ICKGO abandoned its now professionally run without ·student Ja.. f01'llll!! and KFAC was sold and its involvement, I;)yl benefits from tree rent, neyTesting classical music format was replaced by indirect Iundlng, legal services and sup­ Pregnancy Test commercial music'? port services from the university. Then turn your FM dial to the extreme TIle CPB station's requirement of ap­ rest Results left aod slowly move it to the right between pealing to the community frequently erminahon 08 FM and 91.9 FM. It is here that oM will conllicts with the students' tasles. A recent lind the often weak sigosls of college radlo opinion article in the "Daily Trojan," al Anesthesia stati008 sandwi5"ed lollether, the signals USC's college newspaper, lambasted the irth Control that are lifelines aod repositories lor the absence of a true college radio station and avant-garde, underground, eclectic, ethnic asked the college administration to con~ )iscount and risky programming' neglected by sider designsting aome 01 KUSC's airtime commercial radio stations. to a sbJdent station. .College radlo stations usually lall into Santa Monica College's KCRW, San one of two categories: either a student­ Diego State University's KPBS and operated station or a professionally-run University of Redlands' KUOR are station tJiiiri'l!Ceiv.....funding Irom the completely operated by prolessioosls Corporation for . Pasadeos City College's KPCC, a. :rhe Corporation for Public Broad· National Public Radio affiliate, has casting, established in 1967, dlatributes sbJdent announcers during the day and lederal lundlng to stations that employ at pr;nlessionsl stafl· in the evening. "Tri­ least five rull~time employees---find ctassifyus is a college radio station is a broadcasts Q fpnnat that is of interest to disemce," according to Jeff Ryder: the the eommunity. I "promotions guy" at KPCC, According to Ken Mills, KCSN 's general The station, which can be heard from manager, stations receiving CPB funding San Diego County to Ventura Count)', Inside the main studTO of KCSN. disc jocl

ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED A FREE GIFT JUST' FOR BUY MY Math boolaJJ For. BEST ON Ce!npus Jobl Pari ~ELP I>/EEDEO-Will Train-Pert HELP WOOED. Part end Full ALE CLERK. S7jHour. 8:30 10 HELP WANTED CAlUNG. PLUS RAISE UP TO math 103: College Mathe­ time, flexible schedule.. Great "TIme Physics:l Therapy Atde Time, Aexlbte Hours. Tem­ 4,45 'preterred bu1 Il11o_ li:t..EMAFiKETE $1,700 IN ONLY 10 DAYS. matics by Barnett & Zieeller. resume experience. Bulld to work Tues. earn-l pm & porary and Permanent posl­ hou~ okay, Mcndll)'J ,'Ned. guarantee. htgh oomn Student .groups, frats and AJso, Sol-utionB- -Manual. your - career--nowl Call Thul!l. -8aJn.6:3Q.fle)cible, Call tiona aVallab1&. Call nesday and'''Friday. Filing and pleasant working con market~ 5OrorUi8&-needed lor $SO.OO for both. (805)584­ (818)717-8029. (2-19) Lynde 990-4395. (2-14_ 9am-5pm. $9.oo/start. (818) answerlng t~ephones. Must CaU Usa (818) 772-95lj Ins project on campus. For 2279 after 7pm. (2-6) - ~ 561-4147. ~ .. h...... good apeaklng vok:e. details plus your FREE GIFT, -UNUSUAL PART TIme Op· "EARN $3O().$SOO per week. 8520 Balboe Blvd., Suite 250, TElE'HONE 5ECREl Group Officers call 1-800-765­ '987 SUSUKI SAMURI Jx. portunlty. Oponlngs now Now hiring enthusiastic CSUN COLLEGE STUDENTS. Ideal Northridge. CaU for Intefview'. Aexlble part time he Convertible 'wltti'- 2 only 8472 exl. SO, (2-6) topa, available for- motivated stu­ students for part and full time part-time job in West Valley. Kathy (8'8) 894-7678 e><1.203. days/O\'O!\;ngs per 4,CXXl miles, like new. P.P. positions. ~'No -experlence NOWEKENDS, NO NIGHT dents desiring $200-$300 (2-13" Mus! type. Celt J66.9S INSUAANCE WAR! We'll beat $5.3SO. Tel' (818)71Q.9798. (2­ plus, per week, working in a needed. All training provIded. WORK. Aexible daytime 2) anyone's prices or don't went 7) fun, casual etmoliphere, We Come work with your fellow hOurll around class your buslneus. Sports cars, . are not an agency and there classmates. -l1exlble hours schedules.. Makecrafl",-kita for DAY TRtf' PLANNER ACCOUNTING. ACCOUNT­ mul!iple _ tll?ke!~, good-dr~e( BIUY JOEL TIclr Spring, Olristme 111 February 19 on the North KORG 707 Performing Syn­ largest and most successful et (818) 763-9083. (2-8) needed lor Childearw oth.. departmental tasks. n-ext Summer breaks_ side of the bookstore. (2-9) thesizer; one month old, one organlzaUon In the swimmJng Chatsworth home. Schedule Must be attentive to detail. positions. Call 1...ao5-6e year warranty, manual with pool supply industry, Is seek­ flexitHe. Part-time. -$4.00,thr. have good Q(Q-l¥ti~tional ext. 5-t046. (2-6) INTERESTED IN' the MGslc HELP NEEDED. Will train. exira operations handbook, 2 ing quaJified candIdates for CaJI if interested (818)407· skills and possess numerical Part time Physical Therapy Business? Internships now additional ROM cards (300 Immediate positions in So 8948. j2-9J eptitude. Applicants must OFFlCE ASStSIANT. 1 Aide to work Mon.-Wed.-Fri. Thurtl•• Feal 'Estate Co available with Avalon Attrac· patches). $425.00. Also, have CA locations wrth nationwide have has at least one year of 1pm Call Lynda 990­ in Brentwood. Le-asi", tions (So. California's Largest branl:f new IBM Midi card and relocation opportunities. Suc­ earn .- accounting e!a$S8S (incfucfing sequen~ing 4395. (2-14) TY?ing essentiai. $7 Con.oert Promoter) and af­ PRISM software cessful candidates will have COUNTER SAlES· Pari time cost accounting) Of equiva}enl st (M.lfi1r Shet)i (2 I3) ll2Q.5! filiated companies for $195.00. (818)713-8446. leadership ability, good com­ Need sharp person to learn cost accounting work ex­ lng, Advertising, (2-28) munication skll1s and eager· BANKlNG. MEMBER. SER· bakery products. Good poI­ pem.netJ:..SolaJymrts '$740 28) ~_n!lge~~i'tl_ ~_IL~_!IJ, 7~_ sonality. Nice pay. Call to $10.50 per hour. Ask fo( ness-to grow with -a'TClpldly VICES' REPRESENTATIVE. NATIONAL w.RKEnN< 8855 Dana JaegEfr. (2-9) ORGAN, LO"NERY Midi Gras: expanding company. Will Full time position available for Maureen-Mrs. Tidbits Bakery. S1ephanie (8f6)993-632t3 (2­ very rarely used, In perfect (2,9) seeks mature studE heJp maJntain and operate last growing credit union in 368-2826 9) WIN A HAWAJIAN VACATION condition, all original receipt, manage on-eampus I retail stores. Must be avail­ Northril:fge. Must be en­ OR BIG SCREEN TV PLUS manuals and headphones tions tor top co'mpanj able to work weekends. We thusiastic:, sel1-motivated, ma_ RAISE uP TO.$',4oo IN JUST Sell lor $600.00 OBO. school ye:tU. Aexibl-e offer Formal Training ture and dependable. Good WANTED: PEOPLE interested AJRUNES NOW HIRING. with--~,---~, 10 OAYSIII Objective: (818)713-8446. (2-28) Fundralser. Commitment:' PrGQrarn . -competitive communication skills -a must! in be'o:tmlng aetOt9 for -T;V. Traver Agents'-' -FrFght "Men­ $2.5()J pet' semester. ". ~~. ~. Minimal Money: RaIse COMPUTER MONITOR, Pack­ . 'Salary - Attractive Benefit 5eJary start> $ l(l69.00 po< commeTtials; movie extras danb, 8Wy 0flj&Ilized. hanl worI<1. A-l065. (2-6). OCMC, 1-800 932.0528 I ,. 8446 (2-28) LNE IN WANTEl). Plu '800 950-8472, ext.1D (2-6) babysitter for toddler 1 PANSONIC PRINTER KX: oktdisabled child. Mas START YOUR Career al the ings 1Tee. ~-Boan: ~~~~~-~:~~n~~~-f-"'-"- .-,1 Simi. ros S26-' 453. (2·1 -lt~PinTgtT~&~'-~i'~

HOUSING AVAJLABLE Nowl TEACHER'S ASSISTANTS Furnished dorms & suites ASjCSUN Campus Chidren's wilh kitchens. Pri .... ate & Center - 7am to lOpm shared Private Baths Free Child De .... elopment and Parking Air Conditioned.. Educatl0n majors en servi~ Maltl included, Meal COuf8geCl Inquire 183-43 plan a.... ailable Free uttlities PlumtntH or 885·2012 (2-6) -i\sk about liummlW housing Be SI $275 up Northridge Campus STUDENTS WANTED FliP! Residence 95(X) Zel:rah A.... e Small compa.ny S&e~s sell (8'8)886·'717 (5-'6) moti.... ated indi.... iduals willing BEA \0 work evenIngs and AUTOMOBILE ­ we-e\.:ends lor high pay All POll 1984 JEEPjCJ7-5 spd 4x4, tra.ining pro.... lde-d Benefits NC. P.S- 65,2(X) miles. P.&a and managCtfl'l'ent trainIng $32,00< w(bl\.: Soft lOp Remo ....eable available Call (818)772-0929 hard doors &6499 00 OBO (2·9) 213/386, (818j701-{)636 (2·7) SECRET ARY SHERMAN Mln IS IT TRUE YOU CAN BUY OAKS CPA oH\I::e needs j-{$J~>K:.'!1-'" JEEPS lor $44 through the Secretary. tlex hours; word Q.S c.;o....ernment? Gel ttle proceS:5.lng experl-e-nce fe· la.cl! today! '.708-742-11,42 qUired. Call {8' 8)981·4313 (2· T~d"" exl8 193 (2-6) 29) W$J:li3~3~ SEIZED CARS. Truc\.:s. l~rway BEST .pN Campus Job I Part 4\.vheelers, TV·s., Stereos. Fur·_ Sa.toJlCi!1 time. fleXIble schedule G!eat niture, Compulers by DEA FBI, IRS and U.S CUSloms Ul'ume Ctkp&tlence BuilO Sped YOUI career now' Carl Availa.ble in YOUl area now SdhJtday; (S1.tijl17--5029 (2-to) Call 1..a05-68.2~755S exle COHf04f'll( '208. (2-6) STtJt1en! rREE ROMM & BOARO OJ..­ 900AM ·CHILDCARE changed 10f OCC".af~onl1l DRIVER/BABYSITTER Mon· childClll.fe Lovely Tllflfl.n& Fri l·5p,m. Dulie-s: driving, family S8i'!ks che-ertuJ i.mali 10 lO AM babyslnlng, light house-keep. slude-nt·prr.... alt'l QuarttH5. pool ing Non-amoker. $550 ptH Referena;,s enlical (818)342 hr 7Q5.5360 (2-9) 7370 (2-6) \, Deily $undle. Deli). Bundlel

~LPWANTED ~ ECLER!t $7/HOur, 8:30 to HELP WANTED HOUSEFORSALE 5 '",oI0fT0d but aho".r TEUEMARKETER hourly $ERIOUS CASH working..patt­ BEPOSSESSED VA & HUD WANTED INDMDUALS for ROOM FOR Rent in THESIS, TERM papers irS okay, _~nd8Y, Wed­ guaranl8l>. hIgb oommlsslon. time MouRd -your -s.cJwo1 -Homesavailabte- from govern. suggestibility study utilizing professor's lovely home in ing panic and an~ Slop dey and-Friday. RUng and pleasant working conditions, sChedule! Earn ~ ment form $1 without credit hj'P.nosis to focus on improv­ Northridge. Pool & all hunting. WordPe-rtect. hand rNer1ng tl!tll!tphons9. Must Cell Usa (818) 772-9501. (2-9) weekty guat81'lteedf Positions check. v:ou "apair. PJso tax ing memory, recall, con­ amenities. $400 Incl. maid & holding, foreign student &.ssis· re good spea.kln,g voice. " open locally in sales, market­ delinliluent-forecto$ures. Call centration, etc.. Call Susan, util.. 993-7062 (2-8} t81'lC8, OSBE 305. Maureen !O 8alboa Blvd.. Suite 250, TELtPHONE SECRETARIES. ing and management with ex­ 1-805-£82·7555 ext. H-145.2 Cenified Hypnotheraplst 7Q9.{)46(). (" 16) Aexlble 'p8rt tlma hours. 4 panding COmp81'lY. Beneflts ROOM FOR renl 1M rthridge. Call for Interview. lor repo list your area. (.2-6) (B18)363--a974. (2-8) lASER_ PAlNTER-Spell­ ~k(818) days/evenings per week. Included, a great atmosphere, 2bed/2bath house, 3 blocks 894-7878 eXI_203. ing/punctuation corrected· Muet type. Cell 366-9997. (:J. exceptional caSh bonuses, EARN TO $100 CASH. Ate trom CSUN, $.375 rent plus LEARNING sao 9yeaf's typing for CSUN 2) profit sharing plans and paId you a healthy male age .21­ $300 deposil 10 move in, LEARN TO FLY, Aircraft tor students_ Fast turn-eround, ski lfaca.tione\ Hours are 40? Participant!ll are being available now. Call Kris at DAY TRlp·PlANNER SOme rent, C--152, 5 c-17.2. Twin reasonable rates, near cam­ flexible ID.25 W'gekly and full recruited in- the healthy life-­ 886-2961. (2-8) :;OUNTING. ACCOUNT­ Van Nuys Airpon (B18)344­ pus. Sherd (81B1893-4587 (5­ nature oriented, 20 hrs week, paid training Is provided, styie project at Sepulveda VA , I Representative for 30 mil- hr. Beverly Hilts Rec. 0196. ("'6) 16) $7.50 (818)342-731 I. (2-91 Medical Center. Call 0.., SERVICES I dollar credit union. This Is Dept. Kathleen (213) 550­ LSAT TUTOR wanted tor Donna Benton at (818)B95­ WORD ~ROCESSING EUTE QUALITY 'NORD Processing· JII or part time entry level 4761. (2-9) ATIENOANT NEEDED tor dis­ February exam. If you are 9311 or 891·7711 exl 7665 WORD SYSTEMS. Let me Thesis, term papers, reports. litlan performing variCijJs abled CSUN student musl scoring high on the Analytica (2-91 critique your papers I Call fesumes. manuscripts. Oose lits, posting general ledger CRUISESHIP NOW HIRING have own car involves cook­ for Spring, Christmas and Reasoning Section please call Marie (BOS)582-Q6.44. Simi to campus Spelling/punctua· ries, and assietlng with Ing, light housekeeping, er­ WANTED FEMALE l-ieadache next Summer breaks. Many collect (805).274-807.2. (.2-6) Valley (2-9) tion corrected. Seltt!n ar departmental tasks rands, 8hrs/wk. Hrs flexible SuNerers for UCLA st ~ attentive to detail, positions. Gall 1-805-682-7555 days/week Karen (818)718­ I'f Interested Of more into, call l-ieadachefTMJ Study being GET RIO of pimples and '8 good org~nlz8tlonal ext. $01046. (2-6) 7953 ("'6) Rebecca at 818 993-.2380 conducted near CSUN. Upon blackheads naturallyl VVithout Is and possess numencal now. (.2-16) completiem, participants will ell:pensive creams and oint­ WORD PROCESSING, 6th ltude, Applicants must OFFlCE ASSISTANT, Tues. & Thurs., ReaJ Estate Company LOST AND FOUND be paid $100.00. For more in­ ments. Satisfaction guaran­ year. Essays, hnm. research '8 has at least one yeat of formation call Of. Robert L teed! Complete papers: theses and graduate :ountlng c1as.ses Oncludlng In Brentwood. leasing, Dept DELTA PERSONNEL SER­ LOST RING durlng CAR T~ing essential. $7 Ask Mt!ui11818344-Q189 (5-16) instructions-$3.00 to: Wayne projects. Spelling corrected ;t accounting) or aqutvalent start. VICE HAS SEVERAL OPEN­ repair-silver plated band with for Sheryl (213) 820-5891. (2­ ~-p!ated-¥ Collections, box 45375-05, High quality. .Near GSUN rt accounting work ex­ INGS: 1leooptiooist Per>fim& <>n--Ir_,-.j!. -WAN'fffi·----FEM:At£S---with Of 28) LOsJlngeTes, CA !lC045. (2-9) Deloris (8181894-7924 ("16) lence~'$7."O M-F 12pm to 4:30pm. $6­ found please call Michelle: without headaches for UCLA (213)659-'506. (2-8) $10.50 per hour. Jsk for NATIONAl MARKETING FlRM $7/hr. Warehouse: packing l-ieadachefTMJ Study being "I'M YOUR TYPE" Typing ser· 81'ld order pulling. 1st and TRAVEL phon'e (818)993-SWl. (2­ seeks mature student to FT conducted near CSUN. Upon vice. Reports, lefm Papers, DISCOUNT TRAVEL-Europe manage on-campus promo­ 2nd shift. $5.25/hr. Rle Clerk completion, participant will be etc...Reasonable rates Hours­ phones 81'ld filing. Bam to $498, NYork $258, Hawaii tions tor top cOmpanies this FT paid $ 100.00. For more jnfor­ ga..m. to Sp.m. Call 998-0211 spm. S6/hr. Assembly: stuN mation call Roben L Mer· $249, Chicago $198. Cruise school yeat. Aexible hours PERSONALS Dr. 1"'81 boards 81'ld solder, Ft. 7:30am rill B18 344-0189. (5-16) discounts, ski trips, Oub fired UNES NOW HIRING. with earninge potential to LEA!! Looking for the girl who Right to 4:30pm. M-F. $5..25/hr. For US Travel Stud!nt UNion LAST MINUTE papers are my ver Agents, Men­ $2,5OJ per semester. Must be was Skiing in Park Ci1y at the further details, please feel tree 885-4740. (2-9) specialtyl Fast a:ecura1e word Its, MechanIcs, etc. Entry organIzed, hard working and Olympic Hotel over ROOMMATES and up_ salaries to to can uS at (81B)998-3263 (.2. processing/laser printing !! money motil/ated. Call Bode Thanksgiving (But not with FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted 15K. Call 1-805 682·7555 9) Minutes from campus Perie-<:­ or Becky (800)592-2121. (2-6) . the.Ski CJ.ub_) P1&a&e call ~ 4 bedroom nome. tion guaranteed! Marla 705­ A-I065 (2-6). at (.213)39&-4597 Very impor. Washer/Dryer. pnv room, nJTORING UVE IN WANTED- Part time 1176 .(5-16) tanl (.2-9) parking, whole hO"!5e access. TUTORING: Help in wr-iM-g­ babysitter tor toddler & 4 yr. MOTHER'S HELPER, ener­ $375 + 1/4 uti!. 3: mm. from grammaI.term papers. FAST,ACCLTTATE typing·term old disabled child. Most even­ getic and responsibfEl. three CSUN Please call Laurie 993­ Retired English Teacher papers,r8sumes edrted by ings frn. Room-Board. East early evenings per week, 622ll [2-91 (818)998-@74 ("'6) profeSSIonal joumallst/grad SimI. 805 526-1453. (2-91 fleldble, neaJ Cf!,mpus $450 student o.·er~iliht s.ervlce. per hour 34.2-9044. Dr DaVid· MISCELlANEOUS campus deJ~ ~ost CUSTOMER SERVICE AI1en­ son. (2-9) VISA OR Mastercard! Even 11 cases) Dav>d (8128l909-QJ.S.l dent needed tor USU Informa· bankrupl or bad credIt! We VOCAl INSTRUCTION 38 (81819J9--0401 (TOO) (5·16J tlon Counter on Tuesdays & Guarantee you s card 01 -.BOOMMATE WANTED to years leaching all levels and Thurstjays 7-11am and/or HOUSE FOR RENT double your money back Call 5'hare house in Canoga Par\o; styles, N Y City Opera, lOp Saturdays & Sundeys 1.2­ 1-805 68.2·7555 Ext M-1061 $.450 mo/utlJltleS 340--4798 clubs and musicals Michael WAN'll::D Spm. General knowledge of VERY CLEAN Private 3 (2-8) Carol (.2-6) . Bandon 213-.277·701.2 (5-16) WANTED '00 PEOPLE to lose bedroon, .2 bath, house In En­ up to 29 pounds 6 mooUl ~or _·;;~tj~~~-~'o~~ cIno ---10 minutes from CSUN mo,re In/orm21\1on CA:I 213 conditions. Apply Immediate· Call \2131394-4339 469-9286 i2·9) Iy in USU A-1t7. (2-9) (B18)345-1716 $1.250 (.2-9) RESEARCH TWO FEMALES nMd two BEAR S RESEARCH. ediling RESEARCH ASSISTANCE all more lor two bodroom, two and lu10nng s.ervlce All NEED CASH Top dolla.r paid levels­ arl sUbJ&cts Fo/eign ba1h npartment. T'NO blodc s p~per~", t~~~,~ndp~_rWllfiL tQr._~'1S._ C3rd s..bese b a'l._.,_._ , ~rm eampu-S:--SZl2!m~ril1' r------­z studants ~e. {-213, ..n­ statements Foreign students footb-aJl. bas.ketball, an-d hoc\< 8266, Mon lhru ~rI (loam· low depoSIt Call ASAP 77,· welcome Sharon Bear. PHD ey, Any years, any S11e Col .-$I.000FF £. Spml (",61 4927 Karla (.2-7) (.2\3)470-6662. (5-15) ledions (818}76&{;63.5 (2·9) I any Sandwich 5 I or free small cup of FROZEN YOGURT u • • ..w. f*I'C'" of -yo ,.,. ~" Sundial IFALAFEL • Ads • CSt,,". Are $29.95 . Certiflcete • . ______9255 ..... II. 993·0734 PlWRlF: d• Super 100m 10pm oa_~ I AD AND CSUN ID REQlIIRfD EXPIRES 2/28/90 • 1.;: 8802 AMIGO - • JUST 2 BLOCKS FROM CSUN • RIghI Otl __ IltV}..1 \,OOdfto~ ~~~tlQ'~_ ) = (,10jM -KXLU-.-----:.-.---­ lLWI{)I----- {;OIIl1nuod from pagel Cootlnued frvm page 1 Naomi Fellows, general manager of KXLU can be beard on 88.9 F;M from KSPC, who begau her radio career as a­ from dilferent points of view," Kelly Hawthorne to Santa Monica, from Culver accoJ"d,ing to KSBR's general manager news broadcaster, said "I think it's (a added. City to Huntington Pari< and, depending on Matt Sclliffelbein. college DJ J>OSitionl one of th~_ besl ex· To comply' with FCC, gui~eJID"" weather conditions, in Northridge and "W~L99j1.·t ten tbem±the---student~--"~:you-can~-e.-:sm:nwue--:. ".-.w~- govemiDglll!radioatatioIl8,'soaga that BurbQiiI<:- '!'he lllati_-also 1>roa

JAZZ. CASAR j,u;Jr.:a,~_~Fllid> I'~l~.~"i"'d r::J!~!:otrf,1lr\a:>I\\~'i£D _ol'lg,lIIllftrI~~ ..-.dv. SUNDAY, MARCH 11

AREA CSUNWIND E~ ""P=l"!C'I_~b.),u.,,_rH4_ G"""~iO<"I C'I ~ V\-ll'Io_t. _~ .. SUPER BARGAIN ••• FRIDAY, MAY 4

20 WORDS FOR ONLY 2S~ PER SEASON TJ GeneraJ Admissloo WORD. MINIMUM CHARGE $5.00 St'!nior Oti:-e--n PLACE YOUR AD FOR 4 CONSECUTWE DA YS AND THE 4TH AD IS FREE!! Dlllly Sundial SPORTSlTuesday, February 6, 1990 11


CSLA'. next lrip·down the court, but the Golden Eagles' JWS, general manager of forward misSed the first free throw. the Lady Matadoni ~n her radio career as a. went down and Jody Bittner hit a J4-foot jumper with 1: 12­ think ler, said "J it's (a left in the game. i~ion) tb~ one of best ex­ "That was 8'"CI'Ucial shot that Jody hit," Milke said. "It '1IlLgive-som~,·_­ gol11stied and riladeus feel like we were going 10 win. ,. ) be perfect. It aHows the That happened when the Golden Eagles turned the hall -mlSllilies:" qver 'and the Lady -Matadors called time- out- ulitb 31 ­ :k band Police first came seconds re~ining to-set u~y. ~m air time..We provide a CSUN came out of the huddle with CSLA eJl:pecting the 1311 ba ods ), " Fellows ex· shot to come from Julie Arlotta. who already bad scored 17 points and"was the most experienced Lady Matador on generaJ manager of KICU. the-Ooor. ' completely by students BroJine got the ball and drilled it from 12 feet out with 23 advisors, is guarded in his seconds remaining to make up the final tally _Although )IJege radjo. Milke admitted that the play was not one she designed. the Ie future of college radio, c08chdid not argue with the result. R -cHing B lack of -solid "1TbestlOtl really was sU-PPosed to be a layup." Milke e California University said. "We set it up that way. but Dawn got a good shot off don't think (college radio I and luckily it went in. U." KCR is seeking ad· "This year Dawn is really starling to come mID her ow-n nd sponsors in order to Her £irsl year she had to red-shirt because of an ankle er audience. "If you're a Injury and last year she was just getting used to the way 'OU can do what you want we play. She does a lot of tilings for us that don"l show up lesaid. In the scorebook. " added, "This is such a CSLA had two more chances. but Mllhe JunlO missed !Jdcasl area. In some ways her only free throw attempt and K.ri.sten McDonald is better outside of L.A. ,. missed.-un a tip with just one second remaining is r think it's Josing It's _.DeJ:maMulverhillfi.nlshed ....itil12 points, Brohne scored ;>:dge. The independenl 11 and Weinerth finished with 10 points and thre-e assIsts more established than to In Friday's game, Arlotto led all scorers with 23 points almost-become I4l .com· a.nd Mulverhill was the othEr Lady Matador in double­ .said. figures ..... ith 15 points Each of tJ1os"e players. along Wltil Kelly believeS there wlll Wein«!!rth, fimshed witil seven rebounds aple<'t' arket for college radio. With th~J~,weepQf--€Sf:u\. the-Lady -M-atadors--ar-.e-OOIol.:. 4__ artists are sayIng ~·-soiid second place behind conference-leadlng Pomona (7..(1). And they are really begmning to playas well as Milke expected tilem to play "This is exactly the way we designed lhe season to go . Milke said. "We knew if we kept the kids' heads in \\ during the pre season lhat by 'the cornerence season we'd be pla~ing very well '

Dawn Broline dribbles downcourt In Friday night's Lady ~atador Angeles, Broline h1t a 12~foot jumper to Win Saturday night's game

Cono.nued (rom page 12

However, CSUN had ~,,'er131 opportumtu~s to ge'( GUEST ARTIST SERIES back In the game trathng onl)' b)' SLI polnls, 52-4b, WIth just under ~ minutes to pIa)' But in the final two minutes, Varas and fON';;lrd ESTONIAN PHILHARMONIC CHAMBER CHOIR Bruce Turner put away tht' 574.8, CSLA \'Ictory The Eltool..., Phllha.rmonoc C't'oa.'Tlb$< 0'lCII h.oa ~ fund"""',"", U .. pn;m'a.oo<;. "ll..hink Los Angeles was a yery p.atH~nl ballclub who 19111. Thd choil 9~ ~ ~ coroc.-..b pel ye4' ."" h.oa IOu'''''' F,,,l&f>(l...... $1 G...... "y ·'f"olartd:~'lIiIidC2iiiC1~-~-vr~~~·~­ pt.~ unselfishly,··{:"...... id~;;aid Ji'loida~rught. ­ The repo.r\cl,e 01 (he Cha:nbe- O'ooerL;O"l....~~,.. l"""",.1'b ~1al.E.dors 1B3OI ~ oJtt> WBY hlS team couJd be.at the \l'ould be to The hiorIl'lI\d9" Sl~ llI'e pn:oud 10 supp::r= G>f' 1,",,­ ,~, "We are a 'o'er")' strong team Inside wlth La\'ar Ball, Dyer said "That IS where I thought we could be.at them " CSL!N takes the court again tlu.s Friday mght at Cal J=...::.::=---II>-----+~----ll-~--~~~~~------.--­ . CABARET WITH CLARE FISCHER when It hosts Chapman College Jon' ~ mast&< OllTe FIKI'W>I 11 the headl'hr:l _ng,"'6l ,18.:1 F,IGt',e,,'IIf"e<;tJQnK: ~."".!I La!in qUlnllfl ...rl _<'I">'e !IOU"'" lI\~ ~. c.

STORM READING &.,.", '''''''"'''''ii I, .. d''''''IC..:.....a~...~>on oJ 111'. tn;,...,. ~IC:I'\.., at 11-.) t>'j " ...:tl-.:-­ ' t.I..'""" Thd &<.d...." .....11 bIO ~ ~ &nd 10l.0'd'>0d b<,. "'- M&I'''bl ",-..--, ..~ n ..."....."11) ~ ~ .. -.-.. """",,""" e"..a<1.•"ppor:.lOod ~~ bo'oI'- """'ae< l.l6.~.;.r1"" 1O;altl.'Y" ,<.~ r~[, pee--.'..:&'IJOn 11 ~lllld ~_Iotliell...... d.~ nc~1!'h ...... be obl&,r.+cr trOl"'l h bo.o ol'Not and /.qUNli ~.;>I .poc;al ~, kc:eu 1L'>d "&i""; '~o;[!leHe6nngOlIll""""~fm~lIhouIdbe~~~ ~ ill::l.2..EElLllh MONDAY.TUESDAY, APRIL 23 & 24· UTILE THEATRE 8 PM SCHNEEBEZEN

SPIFF CSUN WIND ENSEMBLE AND GUEST ARTIST ..... p.6.r\ 01 tho U .. ~ U"'_ F"',.{i...... ' ~"e l"t.,"'...'·>O/\·...i A__,Cl \I"i",,,,"g Cs:..;... W,"" [,.,""""~ u'~ t...... (1","",_1.01\ C!I 0...0." Wtl~_,tl, ""'::1 peo,1 v rrn >Ii'ltt1&!l'~ "'",,,: FRIDAY, MAY 4 - USU NORTHRIDGE CENTER 8 PM

S)' draft beer SEASON TICKET PRICES STUDENTS: LOOK FOR 1/2 PRICE HOT TtXS AVAlL 1/2 HOUR PRIOR TO and shots' Genera.l AdmiSSion S30 00 Sta!1 $1800 SHOW TlME AT mE BOx OFFlCE Stlnlor CItizen $23 00 Student $13.00 ,. $2''' sex on the beach NEAREST THE E'/ENT

FOR TICKET INFORMAnON, CALL 885-3093 FOR PROGRAM INFORMAnON, CAU 885-2247 SPFCIAI 2~ bet'r q 10 pm. Funding PtovJd<.l'd by ASSOClATED STUDENTS, SCHOOL Of THE ARTS, "0 ,huts q . 10 p.l11. CalilOfnL8 lottery Fvnd. CSUN OffIce 01 Continulf't(I Ed~on , J •.".w.:

12 Tuesday, February6,1990 D.II)'~