Citizen Control of the Citizen's Business


ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH 8r3-820 Bank of Hamilton Building, Toronto Telephone: Main 3620.

White Paper No. 24 January 28th, 1919

Toronto's Business is The Citizens' Business for 365 Days in the· Year


Keep This Handy for Reference CITY COUNCIL Ward Outline Map of the City of Toronto W.W. HILTZ 682 Broadview A venue . . . . Gerrard 137 Showing 1 RICHARD HONEYFORD 208 Kent Building...... Main 2720 685 Carlaw A venue. . . . Gerrard 1379 ( the 8 Wards and FRANK M. JOHNSTON 346 Broadview A venue. . . . Gerrard 5021 Their Boundaries. 49 Victor Avenue.. .Gerrard 1729

H. H.BALL "World" Office...... Main 6308 1817 .. . .. Belmont 88 2 JOHN R. BEAMISH 7 Richmond Street .Main 6232 Lake Shore Road...... Parkdale 70.lw JOHN WINNETT 121 Sherbourne Street. . . Main 769.i ( 323 Berkeley Street ..

FRANCIS W. JOHNSTON 16 Dundonald Street. .North 2487 6 5 C. W. MOGRIDGE "Mail and Empire". . .. Adelaide 4400 3 221 ...... Main 6827 8 J. G. RAMSDEN 27 Wellington Street East .. Main 5769 45 Yorkville A venue ...... North 1836

JOHN A. COWAN 100 Willcocks Street.. . .. College 193 J. C. McMULKIN Union Bank Building. . . . Main 1646 2684 4 115 Bernard Avenue... .Hillcrest NOTK-The centre street line is taken as the ward boundary in each case. For instance, A. R. NESBITT Crown Office Building...... Main 6707 the west side of Oovercourt Road is in Ward 6, while the east side is in Ward 5. 613 Huron Street. . . .Hillcrest 1851

CLIFFORD E. BLACKBURN 10-U ... H illcrest 678 2 Ma.rch.mont Road .. .Hillcrest 678 MAYOR 5 ROBERT H. GRAHAM 194 Lyndhurst Avenue .. . Hillcrest 45 71 THOMAS L. CHURCH W.R. PLEWMAN ''St::tr'' Office ...... Ade.laide 2200 Mayor's Office, City Hall ...... Ma.In 3324 Hilton A venue .. . Hillcrest 2923 64 Residence: 98 Binscarth Road ...... North 14 GEORGE BIRDSALL 22 Hewitt A venue ...... Junct1on 1869 DONALD C. MacGREGOR 3 Carlton Street...... Main 212 6 376 891 .... Junction BOARD OF CONTROL BROOK SYKES l 785 Dufferln Street. . . . . Junction 2381 ROBERT H. CAMERON WILLIAM MAHER 896 ...... Junction 609 1191 Ba.tburst Street ...... Hillcrest 1684 846 Keele Street ...... Junction 145 77 Hilton A venue ...... Hillcrest 2-!55 7 SAMUEL RYDING 53 Pinecrest Road ... . Junction 63 C. ALFRED MAGUIRE 3052 West. . . Junction 53 F. G. I. WHETTER .. . .Main 6000 20 Laws Street. . . . . Junction 2628 27 Well.ingt.on Street 74 Oriole Road .. .. Hillcrest 6178 3876 I'. M. BAKER 27V2 East. . . . . SAMUEL McBRIDE 44 Balsam A venut ...... Beach 122 Board or Control Office ...... Main _3324 Crescent ...... Beach 1590 8 WM. M. MISKELLY 60 Pine 351 Pa.lmerston Boulevard ... .. College 4279 WILLIAM WILLIAMSON 601 .. . .Beach 8 1885 East ..... Beach 7 W. D. ROBBINS La.bor Temple ... . .Main 4727 the tint is a business ad1lre~~. thl'.l Noto: Where two addresses are given, 503 Ca.rla.w A venue ...... Gerrard 2645 otbN, pl'ivate residence. ..

BOARD OF EDUCATlON Ward P. M. DOUGLAS S46 Broadview Avenue.. . . Gerrard 1864 65 Withrow Avenue. . . Gerrard 2758 1 GILMOUR J, STEELE, D.D.$. Bank of Ottawa Bldg., Ger· rard St. and Broadview Ave ... , ...... Gerrard 2931 5 F&irview Boulevard . . .. Gerrard 1287 F. 1'. H'AMBLY 78 Richmond Street East. Main 584 338 Berkeley Street . . ... Main 2048 2 JOHN NOB:i:aE, M.D. 219 Carlton Street ...... M&in 2692 C. A. B. BROWN 17 Melinda. Street .. , M&ln 67 3 47 Wellesley Street. . .North 618 M. RAWLINSON 610 Yonge Street ...... North 390 22 Maple Avenue. . , . .. North 1061 MISS CONSTANCE R. BOULTON 154 Blyth wood Road. . . Belmont 1202 JOHN McCLELLAND 266 West. .Adelaide 636 4 81 Hilton Avenue...... Hillcrest 1673 JOSEPH BELL 136 Simcoe Street. . . .Adelaide 2864 186. Roxton Road...... College 6658 5 CAROLINE S. BROWN, M.D. H&rbord St. and Ossington Ave...... College 1866 JOHN HUNTER, M.D. 268 Roncesvalles A7enue. . Pa.rkdale 682 6 J. S. LAXTON 236 Sorauren Avenue. . . Pa.rkdale 4256 MRS, W. E. GROVES 36 Albany Avenue. . College 2062 7 R. R. HOPKINS, ?4.D. Pacifl.c Ave. and Annette St .. J'unctton lOS MRS. A. C. COURTICE 109 Beech Avenue ...... Beach 4S W. J. C. McCREA Registry Offices, Albert St ... Adelaide 2160 8 30 Norwood Road ...... Beach 246. Separate School Board Representatives: W . 1. BOLAND 2 Toronto Street...... Main 1076 1391 West. .Junction 1387 WM. DINEEN Yonge and Temperance Sts .. M&in 6832 5 Leuty Avenue. . .. 827 SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD

REV. M. CLINE 9 Moscow Avenue .. ... Gerr&rd 3467 1 JOS. P. BERNEY 1000 East. ... Gerrard 2100 131 Greenwood Avenue .. . . Gerrard 5002 VERY REV. J. L. HAND 88 Power Street...... Main 21 2 REV'. P . LAMARCHE 438 King Street East. .M&ln 2827 REV. J. M. TRAYLING 200 Church Street...... Main 1969 3 FRANK P. O'CONNOR 64 Princess Street ...... Main 201 66 Ro:z:borough Street West . . North 62 T~:os. COSTELLO Customs House, Front a.nd 4 Yonge Streets . Adelaide 3435 478 Palmerston Ave~ue: . College 14 JAS. P. MOHAN 494A Spadina. Avenue.

D.A. CAREY Evening Telegram ... Adelaide 2600 5 170 Montrose Avenue .. .. College 6789 JAMES O'HAGAN 85 Bellevue Place. . . College 4952

REV. ;J. J. McGRAND 126 Bartlett Avenue ...... Junction 1017 6 J. W. DANAHER 76 Geoffrey Street .. .. Pa.rkdale 861 A. McGOVERN 68 Oakmount Road. ... Junction 492 7 W . J. QUINN 85 Bellevue Place. D. I'IT~GERALD 35 Benla.mond Avenue .. .Beach 1642 8 W. A. DUNN 1000 Gerrard Street East. ... Cklrrard 2100 28 Hambly Avenue .. GENERAL INFORMATION

BOARD OF CONTROL Regular meetings every Wednesda,y at 10 a,m, and Thursday at 11 a.m. Opec to the public,

CITY COUNCIL The regular meetings of the Council are Mid in the Council Chamber, City Hall, every alternate Monday at 2.30 p,m, (except during summer vacation), Committees: Works: Meets every alternate Friday at 3 p,m.-Ald. Hiltz, Chairman, Property: Meets every alternate Monday at 3.30 p.m.-Ald, Bal~ Chair­ man, Parks and Exhibitions: Meets every alternate Tuesday at 4 p.m.-Ald. Beamish, Chairma.n. Legislation: Meets at call of the Cha.!rman, Aid, Nesbitt. Local Board of Health: Meets second Thursday in each month at 3 p.m.­ Ald. Cowan, Chairman. All of the above meetings are open to the public.

CIVIC DEPARTMENTS -Offic"II in the City Hall, unless otherwise stated. MAYOR'S OFFICE .. ,, ...... Thomas L. Church, Mayor ...... Main 3324 ·CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ...... W. A. Littlejohn, City Clerk ...... 3324 CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE .. Thos, Bradshaw, Finance Comm'r.Main 3324 ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT, Jas. C. Forman, Commissioner .. , . Main 3324 CITY ARCHITECT'S OFFICE .. W. W. Pearse, City Architect. , .. Main 3324 CITY AUDITOR'S OFFICE .. , . S. C. Scott, Deputy City Auditor .. Main 3324 HEALTH DEPARTMENT ...... Dr, C, J , Hastings, M.O.H. .Main 1200 Main 3324 , i. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER E, L. Cousins . . .. Main 3324 and Adelaide 644 JUVENILE COURT . .. ,.,,,,,. E, W, Boyd, Judge .. Main 4566 and Main 4567 LAW DEPARTMENT ...... , ... Wm. Johnston, City Solicitor .... , .Main 3324 PARKS DE.PARTMENT ...... , Chas, E, Chambers, Commissioner .. Main 3324 POLICE DEPARTMENT. . . . Col. H. J, Grasett, Chief Constable .. Main 222 PROPERTY DEPARTMENT, .. · Daniel Chisholm, Commissioner .... 3324 RELIE_F OFFICE, .. , , , Alfred Coyell, Relief Officer. . . Main 3324 STREET CLEANJ:NG DEPT , . , , George B. Wilson, Commissioner. .Main 3324 WORKS DEPARTMENT, , . , .. . R. C. Harris, Commissioner. , , , .... Main 3324 Headquarters; Adelaide Street Fire Hall FIRE DEPARTMENT. , W, J, Smith, Fire Chiof ...... Main 2086 { Fire Alarm . , .. . , ... ,,,. , ,.,,.,,, .Main 215 CITY JAIL ...... , , Gerrard Street Ea$t .. , ..... , . , , Gerrard 1200 REGISTRY OFFICE, , Cor. Albert and Chestnut Sts . . Adelaide 2160 Langstaff P.-0. ( MUNICIPAL FARMS., Maj or Morrison, Superintendent. ) Men's Branch ... , .. , ..... , .. . . Belmont 52 Women's Branch ... , .. , ...... Belmont 1374 BOARD OF EDUCATION

Offices: Administration Building, 155 . Telephone: College 8200. W. C. Wilkinson...... Secretary-Treasurer Robert H. Cowley, M.A...... Chief Inspector The regular meetjngs of the Board of Education are held in the Adminis­ tration Building, on the first al)d third Thursdays in each month, at 8 p.m., and are opon to the public.

SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Offices: 67 . Telephone: Main 2065. Rev. J. J. McGrand ...... Secretary-Treasurer Rev. Brother Rogation ...... Inspector The regular meetings of the Separate School Board are held at 67 Bond Street, on the first and third Tuesdays in each month at 8 p.m., and are open to the public.

PUBLIC LIBRARIES Administrative Offices: Reference Library, corner College and St. George Sts. Chief Librarian ...... George H. Locke, M.A ...... College 71 Secretary-Treasurer and Business Office, E. S. Caswell . ... College 5620 Public Reference Inquiry...... College 182 H Branch Libraries. Municipal Reference Library, City Hall ...... 3324 The Board of Management holds its regular meetings on the second :Friday of each month, at 5 p.m., and these are open to the public.

CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION General Offices : 36 King Street East. Telephones: Maln 935 and 936. John G. Kent ...... General Manager

BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS Administration Building: Foot of . Telephone: Adela.ide 644. Lionel H. Clarke...... Chalrman E. L. Cousins...... Chief Engineer and Manager

TORONTO HYDRO-ELECTRIC SYSTEM Offices: 226 Yonge Street. Telephone: Adelaide 2120. P. W. Ellis,...... Chairman. H. H. Couzens...... General Manager

SOCIAL SERVICE COMMISSION Offices: Room 63, 18 Toronto Street. Telephone: Main 4749. Edwin Dickie...... Secretary