A Decade of the National Institute for Materials Science as an Independent Administrative Institution

Teruo Kishi* and Masahiro Takemura**


In April 2001, many Japanese national institutes were reorganized as Independent Administrative Institutions (IAI) based on the General Act for Independent Administrative Institutions and the act for each institution. Under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) was established by the merger of the National Research Institute for Metals (NRIM) and the National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (NIRIM). One of the biggest changes was the expansion of autonomous administration. The nanotechnology and material R&D field was prioritized in the 2nd (2001-2005) and the 3rd (2006-2010) Science and Technology Basic Plans; subsequently, NIMS was assigned to take the initiative in nanotechnology as well as materials science. NIMS has proactively ex- panded research fields through the introduction of researchers from polymers, electronics, and biotechnology as well as member institutes of the World Materials Research Institute Forum (WMRIF). Globalization has been promoted through programs that include the International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS) and the International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA). The 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan (2011-2015) emphasizes outcomes-recovery and rebirth from the disaster, green innovation, and life innova- tion. The Midterm Plan for NIMS also follows it. R&D collaboration by multi-partners (that include industry, university, and GRI) should be strategically promoted where GRI are especially required to play a hub func- tion for innovative R&D and open innovation. NIMS highlights are Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA) and the Nanotechnology Platform Project. On January 20, 2012, a new organization was decided on by the Japanese Government where several IAI from different science and technology areas will be merged to realize more effective R&D as well as administrative cost reductions. NIMS is also supposed to be merged with 4 other R&D IAI under MEXT by the end of 2013.

Keywords Independent Administrative Institution, merger of research institutes, administrative autonomy, globalization, open innovation

+ This paper is developed from a presentation delivered at the "2012 STEPI International Symposium", held in Seoul, Korea on May 4, 2012. We are very grateful for the valuable comments and discussions we had at the Symposium. *  Advisor Emeritus, National Institute for Materials Science and Professor Emeritus, University of , Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki, Japan, [email protected] ** Office Chief, Research and Analysis Office, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki, Japan, takemura.masahiro@ nims.go.jp

152 1. Introduction

In 2001, many Japanese national institutes were reorganized as Independent Administrative Institu- tions (IAI) based on the General Act for Independent Administrative Institutions (Japanese Govern- ment, 1999a) and the act for each institution (Japanese Government, 1999b). The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) was one of them, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). This paper introduces the last 10 years of NIMS activities as an example of Research and Development IAI. The key issues that face government- sponsored research institutes (GRI) are discussed from the viewpoint of contributions to innova- tion.


In April 2001, many national institutes in Japan were transformed into Independent Administra- tive Institutions (IAI) through administrative reforms by the Japanese Government. In the case of national R&D institutes, the main objective of the transformation was to establish a system that enabled researchers to achieve more research accomplishments equivalent to those of universities. At that time, many national R&D institutes were testing institutes (rather than R&D institutes) and were requested to publish more research papers, apply for more patents, globalize, and lower bud- getary requirements. According to the Act of General Rules for Independent Administrative Institu- tions (enacted on Nov. 16, 1999):

…, an IAI is defined as a corporate body established pursuant to this Act and the respective Individual Institutional Act for the purpose of providing administrative and business functions that are deemed necessary by the public for people's livelihood and socio-economic stability, which neither require the government's direct involvement but may not be relied upon or be delegated fully to the private sector, nor require exclusive delegation to a single corporate body in order to carry out such operations efficiently and effectively (Article 2).

There are 102 IAI as of April 1, 2012 (see Table 1) in which 31 have been designated as Research and Development (R&D) IAI.

IAI are still identified as government-sponsored research institutes (GRI); however, there were many administrative and financial changes in terms of independency from the government. In the case of R&D IAI in general, the midterm goals (4-5 years) are designated by the competent minis- ter and the R&D IAI implements a Midterm Plan to achieve the goals. The administration is left to the IAI under the strengthened the authority of president. However, financial independence is also required and operational subsidies (or regular base funding) have decreased. These organizations need external funds (such as competitive funds and funds from the private sector) to supplement their projects. Employees are not considered civil servants and operate as private sector entities.

153 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2

Table 1. Number of Independent Administrative Institutions (April 1, 2012)

Gorvernment Number Cabinet Office(CAO) 2 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) 1(1) Consumer Affairs Agency(CAA) 4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA) 2 Ministry of Finance(MOF) 4(1) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT) 23(10) Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) 19(3) Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MAFF) 13(6) Ministry of Economy, Trade and INDUSTRY(METI) 11(3) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(MLIT) 20(6) Ministry of the Environment(MOE) 2(1) Ministry of Defense(MOD) 1 Total 102(31)

( ): number of R&D IAI

Figure 1. National Budget for Science and Technology and Comparison with US

(a) Organizational Ratio (b) Sponsoring Ministries Ratio (c) Case of US (2013 proposed, total: 140 billion USD, ~11.2 trillion JPY) Source: Japanese Government (2012) and OSTP (2012)

In April 2001, the former Ministry of Education and the Science and Technology Agency (STA) under the Prime Minister’s Office were merged to become MEXT; in addition, some GRI and spe- cial corporations were merged (see Figure 2 (a)). The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) was transformed to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology and all of its national institutes were merged into the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (see Figure 2 (b)).

A total of 28.0% of the national science and technology budget is provided to the IAI as an opera- tional subsidy (see Figure 1 (a)). The major sponsoring ministries are MEXT and METI (see Figure

154 1 (b)); subsequently, 82.2% of the budget was controlled by the two ministries in 2012. This situ- ation might seem unique to Japan when compared with the case of the US (see Figure 1 (c)) R&D IAI under the two ministries should play major roles in science and technology R&D.

The performance of each IAI has been evaluated by each government assigned evaluation commit- tee. Furthermore, the government initiated the IAI Consolidation and Rationalization Plan in 2007 and the Budget Screening of the succeeding government lead by the Democratic Party of Japan (the new ruling party since 2009) has promoted the rationalization and cost efficiency of IAI and na- tional programs (such as the integration, privatization, and abolishment of IAI projects).

It would be very difficult to evaluate the performance of R&D IAI as a whole due to the factors existing in R&D potential and administration as well as in the trends of responsible R&D fields. To some of them, it was recommended to integrate through government evaluations. However, it can be said in general that the transformation from national R&D institutes to R&D IAI was better than a continuation of the former system because we recognize that administrative autonomy encour- ages researchers to achieve more R&D accomplishments and accept more overseas researchers and students. The performance NIMS has been highly evaluated and is introduced in the following ses- sions.

Figure 2. Reorganization of IAI under MEXT and METI

(a) IAI under MEXT

155 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2

(b) IAI under METI


The Japanese Government promulgated the Science and Technology Basic Law in 1995 (Japanese Government, 1995) and the Science and Technology Basic Plan in 1996 (Japanese Government, 1996) with subsequent renewals every five years. In January 2001, the Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) was established under the authority and responsibility of the Cabinet Office (see Figure 3).

The R&D field of nanotechnology and materials was prioritized field along with life science, in- formation and communication technology, and environment sciences in the 2nd Science and Tech- nology Basic Plan (Japanese Government, 2001) and the 3rd Science and Technology Basic Plan (Japanese Government, 2006). Every R&D IAI Midterm Plan must contribute to the achievement of the Science and Technology Basic Plan in the specified R&D field. The NIMS was assigned the responsibility to take the initiative in Nanotechnology Science and materials Science.

The 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan (Japanese Government, 2011) was modified to empha- size disaster recovery, green innovation, and life innovation; however, the field of nanotechnology and materials was recognized as a key technology (or enabling technology). The NIMS was also re- quested to focus on the environmental issues, renewable energy, and sustainable resources through the use of nanotechnology and materials science.

156 Figure 3. Science and Technology Basic Plan

FY 1995 FY 1996-2000 FY2001-2005 FY2006-2010 FY2011-2015

1st S&T 2nd S&T 3rd S&T 4th S&T Basic Plan Basic Plan Basic Plan Basic Plan

Formulation of a Features Japan, Strategic Promotion New Research System of the Policy the Innovator for Innovation Science and Technology CSTP* started Basic Law 17.6 Trillion Yen 21.1 Trillion Yen 25 Trillion Yen 25 Trillion Yen (Results) (Results) (Results) (Results)

• Recovery and rebirth 4 Prioritized Promotion Fields from the disaster

• Life Science • Green innovation • Information & Communication • Life innovation • Environment •  Nanotech & Materials • Nanotechnology & Materials as key technologies

* Council for Science and Technology Policy


The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) was founded in April 2001 through the merger of the National Research Institute of Metals (NRIM) and the National Institute for Research in Inor- ganic Materials (NIRIM) (see Figure 4). The NIMS mission is as follows:

- basic scientific and research - utilization of research results for society - shared use of advanced facilities and equipment - training of scientists and engineers

There are approximately 550 permanent employees that include 400 researchers, 50 engineers, and 100 administrators; in addition, around 900 fix-termed employees work as postdoctoral researchers, administrators, and assistants. Figure 5 shows the ratio of the specialty of the permanent research- ers. The scope of NIMS research has also expanded from metals and ceramics since its foundation.

The annual budget of NIMS is around 20 billion JPY (250 million USD) and has remained constant for the last decade (see Figure 6). The operational subsidies from the government have decreased by several hundred million JPY every year; however, this has been successfully compensated for through external funds. Figure 7 shows the number of SCI research papers and the rising average

157 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2 impact factors. The number of SCI papers has almost saturated (at a level of 1,300); however, qual- ity of SCI papers is more highly evaluated than quantity.

Figure 4. Foundation of National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in 2001

Science and Technology Agency

National Research National Research Institute for Metals Institute for Metals (since 1956) (since 1956)

Independent Administrative Institution National Institute for Materials Science Estavlished in April 2001 - World Core Institute in Materials Research-

Figure 5. Ratio of specialty of NIMS permanent researchers

Figure 6. Science and Technology Basic Plan Figure 7. Science and Technology Basic Plan

1600 3.5

100 M JPY 1400 3

250 1200 2.5 200 1000 2 800

150 Factor I mpact 1.5 600 100 1 Number of Papers of Number 400 Average 50 fix cost 200 0.5 (salary, 0 utility, …) 0 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10

Government Subsidy External Funding Compiled from the ESI database, Thomson Reuter, as of January, 2012

158 Figure 8. Science and Technology Basic Plan




Number of Patent of Number applications researchers) 100 (per 0 NIMS 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 59 53 57 61

50 40 64 Universities & Public Institutions 30

I ncome 20 10

License researchers) 100 / (m¥ 0 NIMS 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 59 53 57 61

NIMS is ranked top among Japanese research institutes in patent application number per research capita and license income per research capita (see Figure 8). NIMS has received more opportuni- ties to apply for public competitive funds such as the Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as well as universities and collaboration with industry compared to the situation previous to its foundation in regards to the gain from external funds. These research accomplishments have contributed to increased external funds; subsequently, the decrease in operational subsidies has been compensated by the increase of external funds such as government competitive funds, research funds by industry and license income (see Figure 9).

Figure 9. External funds to NIMS

(a) Government competitive funds Special Coordination Funds (b) Income from industry Research Grant Promoting S&T Sponsored Research Atomic Power Testing Res. License Grand-in-Aids for Sci.Res. Collaborative Research Others (WTI,JST,NEDI etc.) Creep Testing Amount / 100M Yen 100M / Amount Amount / 100M Yen 100M / Amount

Fiscal Year Fiscal Year

159 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2


In order to achieve new research accomplishments, NIMS has had to overcome some challenges such as those related to human resources. One solution was to increase the number of young re- searchers such as graduate students. The average age of researchers is around 45 (higher than uni- versities) and a disadvantage to innovative research. Another important change was to increase the number of foreign researchers. The global mobility of research personnel has increased; therefore, acquiring domestic research personnel would be difficult unless NIMS became a research institute attractive to foreign researchers. In order to solve these issues, NIMS established some centers and programs as follows.

5.1. International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS) ICYS was established as the first international research center at NIMS in 2004 to foster autono- mous and global-minded postdoctoral researchers in a melting-pot of a multi-disciplinal/national/ cultural environment, to promote ‘In4’ International, Independent, Innovative, and Interdisciplinary (see Figure 10).

- International: ensuring and fostering talented young scientists from all over the world with the explicit use of English as the official language (used in administration as well as research). - Interdisciplinary: promoting integrated research through exchange of researchers in various research areas. - Independent: guaranteeing independent original research under a system without supervisory control. - Innovative: developing innovative research topics created by young researchers.

Among ICYS fellows from 2003-2008, 15 have been employed as NIMS researchers, and 26 have obtained positions at major research institutes, universities, and industries.

Figure 10. ICYS concept: In4 Melting Pot

160 Figure 11. Research concept of Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA)


Nano-Bio Nano-Green • Biiochips • Fuel/ Solar cells • DDS • Photocatalyst/ Biomass

New Material Development CONVERGENCE

Nano-System Nano-Material • Atomic Switches • Nanotube / Nanosheet • Quantum information / Nanobrain • Super molecules / Nano particle

Nanoarchitectonics CONVERGENCE

Field- / Controlled Chemical Theoretical induced Molecule Self-Organi- Nanoma- Modeling & Materials Novel Ma- zation nipulation Designing Control nipulation

(Five key technologies)

5.2. International Centers for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) MANA was selected as one of 6 World Premier International (WPI) Research Institutes supported by MEXT as well as the University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Kyoto University, Osaka Univer- sity, and Kyushu University. The goals are

- to promote interdisciplinary research by materials nanoarchitectonics - to serve as a melting-pot where top-level researchers gather from around the world - to secure and cultivate outstanding-innovative young scientists - to construct a global network of nanotechnology centers

Figure 11 describes the concept of the research activities. In this center, more than 50% of work- force is non-Japanese (NIMS total: 20%); in addition, 4 overseas satellites were established to pro- mote global research collaboration.

5.3. Graduate School Program Figure 12 (a) shows the partner universities and two types of graduate schools where NIMS re- searchers supervise graduate students at Joint Graduate Schools (as professors) and Cooperative Gratitude Schools (as adjunct professors). In both types, graduate students stay at NIMS to study under the guidance of NIMS supervisors; in addition, the traveling and living expenses of overseas graduate students are covered by NIMS. NIMS signed comprehensive collaborative agreements (or sister institute agreements) with 37 institutes in 15 countries (see Figure 12 (b)) that also include 6

161 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2

Korean GRIs. There are around 200 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for specific research collaboration. One of the factors for the rise in the number of papers, average impact factors, and citation numbers, would be the increase of global research collaboration from the pre-NIMS (see Figure 13).

Figure 12. Global Partners of NIMS

162 Figure 13. Co-authors of NIMS Research Papers Figure 14. Structure of NIMS Organization in the 3rd Midterm Plan (2011-2015)

Solution for global issues:

With overseas Environment, Energy & Resources researchers outside NIMS Inside research unit Environment and Energy Materials Div.

35.9% Advanced Key Nano-Scale Technologies Div. Materials Div. (MANA) 25.4% Promoting Advanced Cross-Cutting Research and Development

30.3% 8.4% Research Network External & Facility Collaboration Div. Services Div. With Japanese Inter-research unit, > GREEN, LC-Net, researchers outside NIMS inside NIMS Nanotechnology Platform, etc.

6. The Science and Technology Basic Plan and NIMS 3rd Midterm Plan (2011-2015) The 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan was modified to emphasize outcomes such as recovery and rebirth from the disaster, green innovation, and life innovation. Following the plan, NIMS or- ganization decided in the 3rd Midterm Plan (2011-2015) (see Figure 14).

Figure 15 shows the examples of specific research topics of NIMS that indicate disaster recovery, green innovation, life innovation, and solutions for critical natural resource issues, respectively.

Figure 15. example of NIMS Research for 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan

(a) Recovery and rebirth from the disaster (b) Recovery and rebirth from the disaster

163 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2

(c) Life innovation (d) Critical natural resource issue

Table 2. Global Competitiveness of Japan in Science and Technology

Gorvernment Technology development Industrial competitiveness High in general, High in general, Lack of strategic approach Information & but relatively declining but relatively declining in global market Communication Technology

Next to US and Big gap with US Inefficiency in Life Science same as Europe industrialization

Small domestic market, Sustainable Energy Top in general High in general and disadvantage in global (solar cell, wind power, price competition geothermal energy, biomass)

University GRI Industry


Since the Science and Technology Basic Law was enacted in 1995, basic research has been pri- oritized in government funding for science and technology. The ratio of competitive funds has in- creased to encourage basic research; in addition, R&D IAI researchers can apply since 2001.

Table 2 shows the global comparison in science and technology of Japan which is based on the re- port of the Center for Research and Development Strategy (CRDS) of the Japan Science and Tech- nology Agency (JST) (CRDS, 2011). The authors add stars in this table after hearing the opinions of some relevant specialists. Technology development and industrial competitiveness might be decreasing compared to basic research.

There must be a difference of the mission between universities and GRIs where GRIs should be more responsible for technology development than universities. R&D collaboration by multi-part- ners (industry, university, and GRI) should be strategically promoted to achieve innovative R&D

164 accomplishments and open innovation; in addition, GRIs are especially required to play a hub func- tion. NIMS has been proactive in such open innovation as follows.

7.1. Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA) AIST, NIMS, the University of Tsukuba, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), and the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) agreed to integrate research capabilities to formulate a global center for nanotechnology innovation based on collaboration among industry, university, inter-university research institutes corporation and R&D IAI, called the Tsukuba Inno- vation Arena (TIA), at Tsukuba Science City, where state-of-the-art research facilities and human resources for nanotechnology have historically been established (see Figure 16). METI and MEXT have jointly and strongly promoted the initiative to reinforce research infrastructure since 2008. The center aims to function as an open innovation research base and to accelerate nanotechnology innovations to the market in conjunction with education for the next generation through a network of relevant industries and graduate schools.

In TIA, 6 core research domains are designates as follows.

- Nanoelectronics: nano CMOS, silicon-photonics, carbon-electronics, spintronics backend devices, new materials, and advanced lithography (EUVL) - Power electronics: integrated R&D frame from SiC wafer and device to power systems - N-MEMS: high-value-added niche MEMS and mass production integrated N-MEMS - Nano-Green: materials science breakthroughs for the implementation of environmental and energy technologies - Carbon nanotubes: R&D framework of CNT mass production and CNT - Nano-material safety: an integrative data center and research frame for nano-material safety

Figure 16. Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA). (a) TIA at Tsukuba Science City

165 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2

(a) TIA at Tsukuba Science City

University Inter-University IAI (31) affiliatedI nstitutes (62) Research Institutes Corporation (19) mext(10) meti(3) 7 ministries(18)

nims aist

jsps,jst nedo

Univ. Tsukuba KEK NIMS AIST

TIA with Industries (KEIDANREN)

7.2. Nanotechnology Platform Projects One of the highlights of the government-sponsored nanotechnology project of the 2nd Science and Technology Basic Plan was the Nanotechnology Support Project (2002-2006) sponsored by MEXT. The project promotes nanotechnology research and a network in Japan through a common use uni- versity and national research institute facility network to provide Japanese researchers the opportu- nity to use large-scale and advanced facilities for nano-fabrication and nano-characterization. The Nanotechnology Support Project was succeeded by the Nanotechnology Network Project (2007- 2011) and the Nanotechnology Platform Project (2012-2021) (see Figure 17). Figure 18 shows the number of facility users over the past 4 years (from 2007-2011) for the Nanotechnology Network Project. More than half of the users were from universities and one of the challenges in the Nano- technology Platform Project remains to increase the number of users from industry.

Figure 17. Common Use Facility Network of Nanotechnology Platform Project Supported by MEXT (2012-2021)

166 37 T Magnet 930 MHz NMR SR Beam Line in SPring8

Huge Magnets X-ray Crystallography High Resolution Ultra HVTEM and X-ray Photoemission

Figure 18. Number of users in Nanotechnology Network Project.

1600 Universities National Institutes 1400 Private companies Total 1200

1000 U sers



400 Number of Facility of Number


0 2007 2008 2009 2010 Fiscal Year

NIMS has coordinated all these facility networks since its inauguration in 2002. NIMS also dissem- inates information on nanotechnology R&D and policies that promote international collaboration through the organization of North American and European bilateral symposia and young researcher exchange programs. Collaborative programs in Asia are planned through the Nanotechnology Plat- form Project.


On January 20, 2012, a new organization plan for national institutes (that include the IAI) was de- cided on by the Japanese Government. Figure 19 shows the main part for science and technology as well as the merger of several IAI from different science and technology areas. The reorganization should result in more effective science & technology research and development as well as admin- istrative cost reductions. NIMS is also supposed to be merged with RIKEN, the National Institute of Earth Science and Disaster Protection (NIED), the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), and JST by the end of 2013.

167 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2

Figure 19. New GRI Organization Plan of Japan

Min. of Internal Affairs & Communications (MIC) Min. of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Nat’l Inst. of Information & Communications Tech 1.5 Nat’l Inst. of Advanced Industrial Sci. & Tech. (AIST) Information-technology Promotion Agency Min. of Education, Culture, Sports, Sci. & Tech. (MEXT) Research Inst. of Economy, Trade & Industry RIKEN 14.4 Nat’l Inst. for Materials Sci. (NIMS) New Energy & Industrial Tech. Development Org. Nat’l Research Inst. of Earth Sci. & Disaster Pro. (NIED) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Sci. & Tech. (JAMSTEC) Min. of Land, Infra., Transport & Tourism (MLIT) Japan Sci. & Tech. Agency (JST) Public Works Research Inst. Building Research Inst. Nat’l Inst. of Information & Communications Tech 67.8 Nat’l Maritime Research Inst. Port & Airport Research Inst. Min. of Health, Labor & Welfare (MHLW) Electronic Navigation Research Inst. 1.4 Nat’l Inst. of Health & Nutrition Nat’l Inst. of Biomedical Innovation 4.4 Min. of the Environment (MOE)

Nat’l Inst. for Environmental Studies 2.0 Min. of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (MAFF)

Nat’l Agriculture & Food Research Org. Nat’l Institute of Agrobiological Sci. Nat’l Inst. for Agro-Environmental Sci. Japan Internat’l Research Center for Agricultural Sci. 2.9 Percentage of National budget for Sci. & Tech. in FY2012 Forestry & Forest Products Research Inst. (Total: 3,669.3 Billion JPY)

NIMS is also in charge of the administration of the introduction adaptation of new international benchmarks for materials research institutes through the utilization of a framework for international cooperation such as the World Materials Research Institute Forum (WMRIF) to facilitate more suit- able international level achievements. The World Materials Research Institute Forum is a network of public research institutes that specialize in materials science and engineering; however, universi- ties were excluded. It was inaugurated as a global meeting of directors for material research insti- tutes hosted by NIMS at Tsukuba, Japan, in 2005 that discussed common issues on the mission and administration of public materials research institutes that shared global benchmarking information and promoted multi-lateral collaboration on global issues such as global warming. It was decided on at the meeting to continue the meeting of directors and expend activities such as the establish- ment of working groups and workshops for young scientists. There now exists 47 international member institutes that include the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and the Korea Institute of Materials Sci- ence (KIMS) (see Figure 20).

168 Figure 20. World Materials Research Institute Forum (WMRIF): Member Institutes


Figure 21. Types of GRI of Materials Science and Engineering. A B C

GRI of ICT GRI of Metallic Mat. GRI of Mat. Mat. Div. Every material for every application GRI of Ceramic Mat. GRI of Energy NIMS, EMPA, … Mat. Div. GRI of Polymer Mat. D GRI of Health GRI of Composite Mat. Mat. Div. GRI of S & T GRI of Semicon. Mat. Mat. Div.


The materials research institutes would be categorized into 4 types (see Figure 21):

- A: materials R&D divisions in GRI for each research field (such as ICT) and energy - B: research institute for each material (such as metals, ceramics, and polymers) - C: comprehensive research institute for every material for every application - D: materials R&D divisions in comprehensive research institutes

The foundation of NIMS (or the merger between NRIM and NIRIM) was a transformation from type B to type C. NIMS has proactively expanded research fields to the introduction of researchers from polymers, electronics, and biotechnology. Several other member institutes of WMRIF also have expanded their R&D fields from previous metallic structural materials. This expansion was more successful in most cases because interdisciplinary R&D should be recommended through ma- terials such as metals, ceramics, polymers, semiconductors, and biomaterials.

169 STI Policy Review_Vol. 3, No 2

In the case of Korea, KIMS has expanded the research fields from metallic materials; however, the Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET) and the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) remain specialized in ceramics and polymers, respectively. It is suggested that the connection of the three Korean institutes should be tighter with two options to merge or operate under a holding organization to strengthen materials science and engineering. The Korea Research Council for Industrial Science and Technology (ISTK) might be a suitable holding organization with a subsequent strengthening of its coordination function. Regarding the size of material research institutes (type C), the maximum number of staff (that include students) would be 2,000 for WMRIF member institutes.


This paper reviewed the activities of the National Institute for Materials Science as an Independent Administrative Institution in Japan in the last decade. Some policy lessons can be drawn from this review. First, independency and autonomy should be guaranteed for promoting creativity of GRIs. Second, for sustaining active research, it is salient to attract young talents continuously from ei- ther domestic or foreign universities and create globalized research atmosphere. Third, it is highly encouraged for researchers to be involved in both basic and applied R&D activities in order to promote more innovative research outputs. Fourth, interdisciplinary convergence R&D, especially among life science, ICT, and manufacturing, should be highly encouraged. Fifth, it should be a con- tinuing effort to seek the optimal level of size and autonomy of GRIs. Finally, there is a great need to establish a sound evaluation system and develop good indicators that can evaluate GRIs’ contri- bution to innovation.

170 References

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