SudburyMANAGEMENT STUDY Hill Area Number 10

onservation Area Appraisals provide an analysis of the character and appearance of the conservation area to identify those elements that should be protected as well as opportunities for change, improvement or enhancement. This management strategy uses Cthis analysis to look forward and set out how the area's character will be preserved or enhanced. It sets out policies and controls to protect and preserve the area and actions to enhance it. Each section is linked to the relevant policy guidance, which provides the framework for the future management and enhancement of the conservation area. The following proposal statement provides a list of actions, related to those features/issues identified as 'negative' and 'neutral'. 18 Property in Level and poor state speed of traffic of repair, flows can be a Sudbury Hill problem along Sudbury Hill

1. Purpose of the Strategy Conservation Area Appraisals 2. Management Proposals and Management Strategies will 1.2 Unless otherwise stated, the be reviewed every 5 years. 2.1 Negative features, pressures following should be regarded as and issues are outlined in the a statement of intent. There are linked conservation area no set time limits. However, it is appraisal. These are addressed important to note that in the following table.

Negative Features, Location Solution / Enhancement Proposal Pressures or Issues The level and speed of Along Road and The Council should make further efforts to reduce speeds and traffic flows Sudbury Hill encourage local support for a reduction in speed limits. Textured traditional materials can be used to help keep traffic speeds down, although a consideration should be given to the noise and aesthetic impact. Hardsurfacing of front Intermittent throughout the An Article 4(2) Direction could be considered following a careful gardens and the creation conservation area (for survey and proper justification. of driveways. example, Mountside and Oakside, Sudbury Hill) Flat conversions Intermittent throughout the Applications for the conversion of single-family dwelling houses to flats conservation area (for will be resisted through the introduction of a relevant policy with this example, Uplands and management strategy Parkside, London Road) Bumpy, broken pavement Intermittent throughout the Inform the Council's Highways Department and consider a streetscape and roads and conservation area audit. Where possible Highways should replace pavements with slabs patchwork effect due to rather than tarmac, since this would be more sympathetic to the works character of the area. Monitor contractors to ensure that they replace like for like Empty plot on the site of Sunningdale, 40 London Monitor works on site and consider appropriate action if necessary 40 (Sunningdale) London Road Road that was demolished in the early 21st century. Properties in a state of Intermittent throughout the Consult with owners and consider the use of Section 215 Notices disrepair conservation area (for under the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act to improve the example Longridge, appearance of these properties. London Road) Removal of important East side of Sudbury Hill, * Research into the present location of the seat. historical feature just north of the entrance to Chasewood Park Occasional Intermittent throughout the * New development and alterations/extensions should respect the inappropriate conservation area for existing architectural style and character of the area as outlined within development including example picture shows the conservation area character appraisal. new buildings and Parkside, London Road * More specifically it should respect the following design principles: extensions/alterations 1) Apparent bulk is often reduced using dormers and basements. 2) Design is often traditional and harmonizing although varied. 3) High quality materials are used, for example timber windows. 4) Development follows the slope of the land. 5) Development respects existing densities of development. 2 A survey of architectural features in the area could lead to further protection for important architectural features

Areas of on street London Road and Sudbury Consideration of any mitigation measures must take account of the parking Hill and Mount Park Road Hill as a whole for a comprehensive solution. Each street should be considered in detail and the evidence base should take into account the impact of school traffic. Lack of protection for Throughout the An Article 4(2) Direction could be considered following a careful many original features conservation area survey and proper justification.

Pressure for Throughout conservation The Council will refuse any proposal that detrimentally affect the telecommunications area, but mainly London character and appearance of the conservation area developments Road & Sudbury Hill

2.2 Neutral Areas conservation area. Like negative linked Sudbury Hill Conservation Neutral areas/issues neither features though they offer the Area appraisal. They are enhance nor detract from the potential for enhancement. They addressed in the following table: character or appearance of the are outlined in table within the

Neutral Area Location Enhancement Proposal Street furniture such as Intermittent throughout Ensure that the Council's Highways department consults conservation signs, bins, salt bins conservation area officers over proposed new items of street furniture. and guard rails, street Carry out a streetscape audit as recommended by English Heritage to lights record all plaques and items that form part of the character of the area, and to record unusual and special elements of the public realm. This document will ensure that as elements of the street are renewed, the Council will be aware of what is special and needs to be retained, where to improve and what sorts of materials are likely to be appropriate. Replace plain streetlights with more sympathetic designs found elsewhere.

Neutral/negative Highlighted on map in * Encourage sympathetic and high quality (re)development by referring buildings character appraisal developers to the conservation area appraisal and the following design principles: 1) Apparent bulk is often reduced using dormers and basements. 2) Design is often traditional and harmonizing although varied. 3) High quality materials are used for example timber windows. 4) Development follows the slope of the land. 5) Development respects existing densities of development.

2.3. Article 4(2) Directions historic character. The soft and that following a thorough survey The conservation area contains informal character of the and justification relevant Article a large number of original conservation area is also part of 4 (2) Directions could be features in terms of windows, its special character. Driveways implemented. This would have decorative ironwork and are generally of soft materials the effect of requiring planning plasterwork in pediments or and therefore add to this. permission for what would brackets to windows that However, at present there is little otherwise constitute permitted contribute to its special interest preventing the removal of these development under the Town in terms of its architectural and features. It is therefore suggested and Country Planning (General

3 St Dominic’s Gothic Villas Chapel, (7-17 London designed by Road) by Arthur Young Decimus of Young and Burton Reid

Permitted Development) Order sits neatly in its surroundings. There were some alterations to 1995 which would not require Gothic Villas by J. B. Papworth permission. The property can be traced to in 1839. It is an almost the development of the nearby symmetrical, 3 storey brown 2.4. Proposed Listed and Locally Grade II listed The Mount House brick building with a slate roof. It Listed Buildings on Sudbury Hill on London has a two bay centre block The Secretary of State has a Road. The Mount House was under twin gables which statutory duty to compile a list of built by Samuel Hoare between emphasises its grandeur. It has 3 buildings of special architectural 1807 and 1817 as the mansion light mullioned windows to first or historic interest. English at the heart of his estate, the storey, with drip moulds and 2 Heritage is responsible for Mount Park Estate. Samuel light windows to second storey. selecting and grading such Hoare owned large areas of 2-storey right hand wing with buildings according to definite land west of Sudbury Hill chamfered pavilion and a left listing criteria. The Council can stretching southwards to where hand wing also 2 storeys with a play a role by appraising and South Hill Avenue now lies. In gabled pavilion. There is a dentil nominating suitable buildings for 1858 his widow put 133 acres cornice, a square hipped bay. listing. Buildings which are of of land up for sale. The The windows are inset casement special interest locally but do not Dominican sisters bought part of style of varying designs whilst the as yet warrant statutory listing the estate and moved there in doors are also inset with pointed can be listed locally by the 1878 after being expressly arches. This property was also Council. Surveying the area for invited by Cardinal Manning suggested for consideration for the conservation area appraisal who in the 1820s had been a listed status when the has highlighted the following boy at and conservation area was appraised buildings with potential for either opened a girl's boarding school. for the previous policy statement local or statutory listed status: In 1921 Cardinal Boume in 1994. However, this property dedicated the chapel for this was not put forward at that 1) St. Dominic's Chapel, Mount school on Mount Park Avenue. stage. Park Avenue was built in 1924 and designed by Arthur Young of 2) Numbers 7 to 17 (Gothic 3) The Little House and The Young and Reid who was also Villas), London Road dates to Hermitage, London Road form a the architect of the now grade II 1830 to 1840. It was originally symmetrical pair dating to 1870. listed Our Lady and St. Thomas known as 'Gothic House'. It was They are rather unique at this of Canterbury Churches in designed by Decimus Burton for point given their relatively small Roxborough Park. This is an Alexander MacGregor, the then size (two bays wide and two attractive stone chapel designed owner of Harrow Park. Decimus storeys high) and cottage style. in a conservative Perpendicular Burton was a noted architect of The building was originally style. Indeed, there is this period. He built villas and constructed of yellow stock brick battlemented parapet detail and terraces in Regents Park under but has now been painted a a turret between the nave and John Nash's supervision. He also pale yellow colour. Each house trancept with pointed spire built the now grade II listed has two front bay windows with above. It also features a stained Harrow School Headmaster's hipped slate roofs and one glass window by Wilfred Hill and House on High Street, Harrow gable end dormer each above a reredos flanked by carved on the Hill. these. There is a continuous panels. Its steeply pitched roof cogged course along the front with tile banding detail ensures it of the properties. Both have 4 Symmetrical Belle Vue - pair - the well Little House proportione and the d classically Hermitage, inspired villa London Road entrance doors with dripmoulds 3. Monitoring and Support 3.3 The above enhancement over. There is a dominant tall and improvement proposals and central chimney topped by four 3.1 In addition to the above other possible future schemes chimneystacks above. Each of proposals, the conservation area require funding. Some can be the gable ends has attractive will require regular monitoring managed within existing 2.5 Belle Vue has been and would include the following conservation budgets. However, identified for locally listed status. actions: the council will continue to This is an attractive well- pursue funding for high quality proportioned classical style villa 1) Carry out a dated photo conservation grade materials to dating to 1864. It is a three- survey every five years. improve and enhance road storey property with additional safety materials. The Council will 2) Refer unauthorised basement. It has a rendered continue to apply for grants developments noted to front of pale yellow on the wherever possible, for example, Enforcement and ensure that second and third floors and the Heritage Lottery Fund action is taken where white rusticated stucco on the through its Townscape Heritage appropriate. ground and lower ground floor. Initiative. They will endeavour to These floors have a bay window 3) Consult local amenity groups assist the Harrow Hill Trust and topped by decorative ironwork for thoughts on the the Forum to apply for grants. railings. Adding to its refinement Conservation Area every five They will work with Harrow there is a stone staircase with years. Heritage Trust to provide grant iron balustrades leading to the 4) Before new work is agreed in aid assistance for repair works front door that is surrounded by the area, ensure to locally listed and listed a classically inspired porch. Conservation carry out an on- buildings. There are decorative bracketed site inspection. eaves and wooden sash 3.4 It is essential when planning windows. Unfortunately the 5) Create and maintain links works within conservation areas ground floor bay window has with relevant stakeholders, that a considered approach which been replaced. property owners and interest preserves or enhances the areas groups for feedback on issues character or appearance is To seek statutory listing we will in the Conservation Area adopted. Where a conflict with general planning and highways contact English Heritage who is 3.2 Relevant parties can policies occur special care must responsible for the maintaining be taken to find a solution which and updating the statutory list of contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the meets both the needs of the local listed buildings. We will provide community and the historic conservation area. These as much information as possible environment. in support of our include: local residents, property recommendations including that owners, shopkeepers and local outlined within this document. societies such as the Harrow on The Council makes decisions on the Hill Forum, Harrow Hill Trust, local listing and a report would and national societies such as be put forward to the Local the Victorian Society. They Development Framework Panel. should be involved in all stages of devising ideas for management and enhancement.


Sudbury HillPOLICIES: To ensure consistent decision-making or intrude into areas of open space. seek to ensure that redundant and the following policies have been unsightly street furniture will be c) Respect the existing layout and identified as being of key relevance to removed where opportunities occur. historical form of the townscape this area with reference to the This shall not occur at the expense of and street scene. conservation area appraisal: road safety. d) Respect and complement the 1. The Council will require that all new 9. The retention of visually important existing buildings in terms of design, development respects the historic walls which are characteristic of the detailing, scale and materials in any character and layout of the area. area will be required. proposals for extensions or Applications for development will be alterations. 10. Trees and groups of trees will be assessed using the specific policies further protected by the creation of contained in this document as well as 4. Alterations to buildings that result in additional tree preservation orders the wider policies and objectives a detrimental impact on the where appropriate and development contained in the Harrow Unitary appearance of elevations that face a adversely affecting significant trees will Development Plan, forthcoming Local highway, including alterations to be refused. Development Framework and the chimneys and rooflines, will be resisted. Supplementary 11. Proposals for telecommunications 5. Preference will be given for the Planning Document. equipment and other tall structures retention of large single detached which detrimentally affect the character 2. There will be a presumption against houses. There will be a presumption and appearance of the Conservation the demolition of buildings that make a against change of use to flats and Area will be refused positive contribution to the character of other institutional uses. the conservation area. 12. The Council recognises the 6. The Council will encourage the archaeological importance of the area, 3. To ensure that the character of the retention and improvement of both and where necessary will ensure that conservation area is both preserved public and private green spaces. appropriate action or works such as an and enhanced, proposals for 7. The Council will retain or, where excavation can be carried out before development should: necessary replace, street trees. developments commence. a) Respect existing properties and 8. The Council will encourage the 13. The retention of original floorscape areas of open space in terms of utility companies to install the minimum materials such as cobbles or stone bulk, scale and siting. amount of new street furniture and to paves will be encouraged. Wherever b) Not impede significant views (as locate any furniture sensitively. The use practicable, replacement floorscapes defined on the map entitled 'Key of traditionally designed street furniture should be of appropriate materials. Views Into, Within and Out of will be encouraged. Where within Sudbury Hill' within the Council control, the retention or Conservation Area Appraisal), reinstatement of traditionally designed diminish the gap between buildings street furniture and materials, such as street lamps, will be required. We will

Other Publications Produced by: Harrow Council The Council produce the following Supplementary Guidance leaflets that are relevant to the Sudbury Hill Conservation Area Community & Environment Services Conservation Areas: Residential Planning Guidelines Conservation Team Listed Buildings: Planning Guidelines Civic Centre Listed Buildings Station road London Borough of Harrow Conservation Areas Harrow Listed Building Consent design & Access Statements HA1 2YYUY

Further information regarding the Statutory Background and Contact the team on: general Council policies relating to conservation areas can be 020 8736 6100, or 6101 found in the Harrow Unitary Development Plan and on our website. or 6 Adopted May 2008