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Saint George Greek Orthodox Church

425 North 58th Avenue, Hollywood, FL 33021 • Tel.: (954) 966-1898 • Fax: (954) 966-1906 Website: www.Stgeorgehollywood.org • E-mail: [email protected] Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Ioannis Vernikos Tel.: (334) 652-2564

Dear Friends, Welcome to St. George’s Greek Festival 2017! We welcome you all to our annual celebration, enabling us to share our beautiful Greek culture and our ancient Orthodox Christian Faith. This is a touch of while remaining in Hollywood, Florida! Dr. Tim Tsiotsias and Ms. Anna Karan lead our great team of volunteers who are eager to make your visit with us fun and memorable! This taste of Greece can be enjoyed with our delicious food, happy music, and Greek Dancers. Please include a tour of our beautiful Church with the magnificent iconography which is so unique to the Orthodox Church. The icons enhance the splendor of our Church, teach us Scripture, provide an example for us to emulate in our own life, and serves a means for us to worship the Lord God. Throughout the ages, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church has maintained a continuity of faith and love with the apostolic community which was founded by Jesus Christ and sustained by the Holy Spirit. Orthodoxy believes that she has preserved and taught the historic Christian Faith from the time of the Apostles. The air of antiquity and timelessness which often characterizes Eastern Christianity is an expression of her desire to remain loyal to the authentic Christian Faith. God is the source of faith in the Orthodox Church. Orthodoxy believes that God has revealed Himself to us, most especially in the revelation of Jesus Christ, Whom we know as the Son of God. This Revelation of God, of His love, and of His purpose is constantly made manifest and contemporary in the life of the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit. We offer you an opportunity to learn more about our Church during your visit to our Festival. Participate in a scheduled tour which will be offered during the festival scheduled times or read more on our official website. We thank you all for coming to our annual festival every year! I am confident that you will enjoy the excellent food and prepared by our beloved and arduous servants of our parish.

May the blessings and peace of our Lord be with you and your loved ones!

Rev. Fr. Ioannis Vernikos

A Message from our President

elcome to the 2017 Hollywood Greek Festival at St. George Greek Orthodox Church! W

On behalf of our Parish Council and parishioners, we thank you for joining us to celebrate our faith, culture and ethnic traditions.

Preparations for an event of this magnitude requires many months of planning. We take pride in bringing our local south Florida community together for this fun, family-friendly weekend. This sense of pride is described best by the Greek word, philotimo, meaning 'friend of honor'.

Philotimo is a core value of every Greek. It encompasses faith, pride, honor, duty, integrity, courage and sacrifice. It is this philotimo that fuels us to ensure you experience the heart of the Greek culture in just a few short days.

Be sure to enjoy every aspect of this event by also watching our award winning dance groups perform, tasting our one of a kind food and pastries, listening and dancing to live Greek music, visiting our vendors and taking a church tour to experience the most cherished part of our St. George community, our faith.

Special thanks are extended to our Parish Priest and his family, our festival Chairman and Chairwoman and to all our donors, volunteers and parishioners for their dedication and support of this event. Without them, this festival would not be possible.

We hope that you enjoy your time with us and that the remainder of 2017 brings you much joy and health!

Thank you for coming and supporting our event. See you again next year!

www.stgeorgehollywood.org www.facebook.com/hollywoodgreekfest St. George Greek Orthodox Church Hollywood, Florida

Sunday Services: Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:30 a.m. www.StGeorgeHollywood.org

Rev. Fr. Ioannis Vernikos Parish Priest

Parish Council Officers President – Eleni Demirtzoglou

Vice President – Victor Lehoczky

Secretary – George C. Palaidis, Esq.

Treasurer – Theodore Karachalias, Jr.

Asst. Treasurer – Vicki Retsinas

Parish Council Members Anna Apostolidis

Jordan Elrod

Panagiotis Loupousakis

George Nomikos

Ioannis Palanis

Kostas Piliouras

Alex Sofianos

Dr. Tim Tsiotsias Saint George Greek Orthodox Church 425 North 58th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 Phone: (954) 966-1898 Fax: (954) 966-1906

Dear Guests,

The Community of St. George welcomes you all to our annual festival…Kalosorisate! To our non-Greek guests, be Greek for a day and experience the passion and pride of our Greek Spirit. Enjoy our delicious foods, , wines, beer and of course…… don’t forget the !

It seems like only yesterday we were preparing for last year’s festival and here we are today with a new year and even bigger and better festival. Once again I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank my Co-Chair, Dr. Tim Tsiotsias, for all his hard work and assistance, as well as my deepest gratitude to all the volunteers who have continued to give up their time willingly with an open heart to make this festival a success. I would also like to thank Fr. Ioannis for his spiritual guidance and support.

A special thank you is also extended to all the members of our dance groups that have put their heart and soul in each of their performances. We love you kids, you have made us proud!!!!!!!!!

Of course, a very special thank you to our numerous sponsors for their donations. Your generosity is overwhelming!

It has been my honor to Chair the festival once again this year.

Enjoy yourselves and thank you for coming and supporting us!


Anna Karan St. George Festival Chairperson Saint George Greek Orthodox Church 425 North 58th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 Phone: (954) 966-1898 Fax: (954) 966-1906

Welcome to St. George’s 20172012 Greek Festival. We take pride in bringing our rich culture to the Hollywood Community and hope that you will enjoy our delicious foods and pastries. Be sure to watch our award winning Greek dancers perform folk dances from the many regions of Greece in authentic costumes. I have heard it said that “You don’t have to be born in Greece to be Greek. All you need is a Greek spirit to be Greek.” We invite you to join us on the dance floor and let your inner Greek spirit emerge! OPA!


January 2017

Rev. Fr. Ioannis Vernikos Ms. Eleni Demirtzoglou, President & Esteemed Parish Council Members And the Faithful of St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Hollywood, FL

My Beloved Ones,

“In everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” Proverbs 3:6

I greet you with a joyful heart in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with prayers and paternal blessings for a Happy New Year to Father Ioannis; the President and Members of the Parish Council; the Ladies Philoptochos Society, and all the Faithful of St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Hollywood, Florida as you celebrate your annual Greek Festival.

It is both an honor and privilege to join you in welcoming all your friends and neighbors in the Hollywood community to this wonderful festival celebrating the traditions of our faith, culture, and cuisine. Indeed I give thanks to our Lord for blessing us with this wonderful opportunity to share our faith and culture, and it is my hope that all our good friends will leave with an understanding and appreciation of our dedication and lov,e not only for our cultural heritage, but more importantly for our Holy Orthodox Church.

I congratulate you on your enthusiasm and dedication to our Church, and for the spirit of Christian love and cooperation that characterizes your parish community. May God grant you many more years to celebrate your community’s spirit, legacy, and faith. Praying for a blessed and successful event, I remain,

With paternal blessings and much love in our Lord,

+ALEXIOS Metropolitan of Atlanta

2480 Clairmont Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Telephone: 404-634-9345 Fax: 404-634-2471 Web: www.atlmetropolis.org E-mail: [email protected] SAINT GEORGE

The Orthodox Faith

The Orthodox Church is the one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in which resides the fullness of Christian truth. It is holy because its head, the Lord Jesus Christ, is Holy and Has made it the unique vehicle of sanctification; it is Catholic because it knows no limitation of time or place and encompasses within itself the entirety of Christ's Church; and it is apostolic because it alone has maintained, with unbroken continuity and without any alteration, the faith of the apostles through the ages. The Orthodox Church is the repository of the Truths as professed by 2000 years of Tradition; while listening to the needs of the New Millennium. We recognize that the Orthodox Church is the vibrant, living vehicle of the Holy Spirit in the world. As the Living Church, it (she) is under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and is not static…or unchanging. As the young Church evolved and grew throughout its first century, so it continues to evolve and grow today, as the Holy Spirit directs and leads it. Through the centuries there have appeared many heretical teachings which distorted the revealed truth, and which the holy Fathers confronted “with the slingstone of the Spirit,” that is to say, by the power of the Holy Spirit. And this is so because the holy Fathers were the bearers of the pure Tradition of the Church. Among these heresies are those of Arianism, the pneumatomachians who fought against the spirit, the Nestorians, the monophysites, the monothelites, the iconoclasts, etc. All these heresies refer chiefly to the Person of Christ, but also to that of the Holy Spirit, and of course they disturb the foundations of man's salvation. For if Christ is not consubstantial with the Father, but is God's first creature, and if the Holy Spirit is not true God, man's salvation is put in doubt, the possibility of deification is cut off. Christ said to Apostle Peter, who confessed His divinity: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16,18). The rock (petra) on which the Church is supported is the confession that Christ is the Son of God. Testaments of Orthodoxy: Orthodoxy confesses the Apostolic and Ecclesiastical Canons, established by the Seven Holy Ecumenical and Provincial Councils, and the traditions of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church, its rules and ordinances. We have seven sacraments of the New Testament, namely: Baptism, Chrismation, the Eucharist, Confession, the Priesthood, Marriage and Anointing with Oil, instituted by the Lord Christ and His Church, and we believe in their operation and reception, and that by the Grace of the Holy Spirit we may receive blessings from on high. The Holy Eucharist is the oldest experience of Christian Worship as well as the most distinctive. Eucharist comes from the Greek word which means “thanksgiving.” In a particular sense, the word describes the most important form of the Church’s attitude toward all of life. The origin of the Eucharist is traced to the Last Supper at which Christ instructed His disciples to offer bread and wine in His memory saying these words “This is my body”, “This is my blood”, and “Do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22: 19,20). The Eucharist is the most distinctive event of Orthodox worship because in it the Church gather to remember and celebrate the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ and, thereby, to participate in the mystery of Salvation.

Conclusion: The Church is not a human organization, but a Divine-Human Organism. It is not a human corporation, but the Divine-human Body of Christ. The source of the Church is this God Himself. It is not men's invention, it is not a fruit and result of men's social need, but it is the sole place of man's salvation The greatest gift of grace, which we have, is that we belong to the Church. The greatest gift is that we are in this great Family. We should value this gift, we should feel very deeply moved and struggle to remain in the Church, experiencing its sanctifying grace and showing by our lives that we are in its place of redemption and sanctification. Thus we shall also have the great gift of the “blessed ending,” when we are granted to lie asleep “in the midst of the Church.”

Glory Be to God. Amen!

CHURCH Our church will be open to all. Please feel free to visit, light a candle, and enjoy the beauty of the Greek Orthodox Church. Fr. Ioannis will be conducting tours of the church both days at the following times: 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.

MARKETPLACE Visit our vendors located in our church hall and take a little bit of Greece back home with you. From delicious homemade pastries, groceries, beautiful products from Greece, icons, religious books and jewelry. Hollywood Greek Festival Greek Folk Dance Schedule

Performed by our Award Winning Klironomia and Rizes dance groups and instructed by Lia and Jordan Elrod!


3:00 p.m. – Klironomia – dances from the region of Macedonia, Greece

4:00 p.m. – Rizes – dances from the region of Thrace, Greece

5:00 p.m. – Klironomia – dances from the island of Chios

6:00 p.m. – Rizes – dances from the village of Oreini, Serres

7:00 p.m. – Klironomia – dances from the island of Crete

8:00 p.m. – Rizes – dances from the region of Thrace, Greece

9:00 p.m. – Klironomia – dances from the island of Kos


3:00 p.m. – Klironomia - dances from the island of Chios

4:00 p.m. – Rizes - dances from the village of Oreini, Serres

5:00 p.m. – Klironomia - dances from the region of Macedonia, Greece

6:00 p.m. – Rizes - dances from the region of Thrace, Greece

7:00 p.m. – Klironomia – dances from the island of Crete

8:00 p.m. – Klironomia – dances from the island of Kos

Our Rizes dancers won Bronze in Dance at the 2017 Hellenic Dance Festival Our Klironomia dancers won Gold in Dance at the 2017 Hellenic Dance Festival Jordan was awarded the Folk Expression Award at the 2017 Hellenic Dance Festival ST. GEORGE GREEK FESTIVAL ~ Philoptochos Baked Goods and Desserts ~

Delicious Greek Baked Pastries and Desserts Price LOCATED IN CHURCH HALL: Boxed (per box): $12.00 Koulourakia Kourabiethes Melomakarona $3.00 $4.00 EkMek $4.00 Galaktombouriko $4.00 Kataifi $3.00 Mandolato $3.00 Revani $3.00 Rice Pudding $3.00

ST. GEORGE GREEK FESTIVAL ~ MENU ~ FANTASTIC FOOD Price LOCATED IN CHURCH HALL: – Small / Large $3.00 / $7.00 – a la carte/Dinner (with potatoes/salad/bread) $7.00 / $10.00 – a la carte/Dinner (with potatoes/salad/bread) $7.00 / $10.00 Dinner (with rice/salad/bread) $10.00 Lamb Shanks (with rice/salad/bread) $14.00 Oven Roasted Lemon Chicken (with potatoes/salad/bread) $ 10 .00 (Spinach Pie) / (Cheese Pie) $6.00 each or Tarama or Dolmades – a la carte $4.00

FROM OUR GRILL (LOCATED OUTSIDE): on a $7.00 Pork Souvlaki on a pita $7.00

FROM OUR BOOTH (LOCATED OUTSIDE) Combo & $14.00 Loukaniko (Greek Sausage) $8.00 Saganaki with Pita (Flambe Greek Cheese) $8.00 Kalamari $8.00 Marithes (fried smelt) $7.00 Seafood Platter (kalamari, marithes & fries) $12.00 Greek Fries $3.00

TANTALIZING DESSERTS! Price Assorted Homemade Pastries/Rice Pudding (in Church Hall) As Priced Baklava Sundae (located outside) $5.00 Loukoumades (located outside) – Small / To Go $5.00 / $10.00

THIRST QUENCHING BEVERAGES Price Soda or Water $2.00 Beer $5.00 Bucket of Beer (5 bottles) $20.00 Wine (Red & White) – Glass / Bottle $5.00 / $15.00 (Bottle) – Glass / Bottle $4.00 / $15.00 Ouzo – Glass / Bottle $5.00 / $35.00 Brandy - Glass $5.00 Ouzo Daiquiri $5.00

“KAFENEIO” GREEK COFFEE SHOP Price Café Frappe (refreshing ice cold coffee) $4.00 Greek Coffee $2.00 Regular Coffee $1.00



ENJOY A DAY OF FUN, FOOD AND DANCE!!! building THEbuilding DIAKONIA RETREAT CENTER THEbuilding DIAKONIA RETREAT CENTER THE DIAKONIA RETREAT CENTER PANAGIA CHAPELPANAGIA CHAPEL CH_RCH WHATCH_RCH IS MISSING? WHATCH_RCHYOU IS MISSING?ARE. WHATYOU IS MISSING?ARE. The Panagia Chapel at the Diakonia RetreatYOU Center ARE. depicts different designs that derive from the TheByzantine Panagia era. ChapelIt will allowat the visitorsDiakonia to connectRetreat withCenter a civilizationdepicts different that dates designs back that over derive a thousand from the years. By connecting with our roots and tradition through the design of the chapel we are engaging TheByzantine Panagia era. ChapelIt will allowat the visitorsDiakonia to connectRetreat withCenter a civilizationdepicts different that dates designs back that over derive a thousand from the our “Ellinochristianikos Politismos,” or our “Helleno-Christian Civilization.” Byzantineyears. By connecting era. It will withallow our visitors roots to and connect tradition with through a civilization the design that datesof the back chapel over we a arethousand engaging years.Donateour “Ellinochristianikos By today connecting to be awith critical Politismos,” our rootspart ofand or making our tradition “Helleno-Christian this through vision athe reality. design Civilization.” of the chapel we are engaging Donateour “Ellinochristianikos today to be a critical ForPolitismos,” more part information of or making our “Helleno-Christian on this how vision to donate a reality. please Civilization.” contact The Metropolis of Atlanta’s Development Office: Donate today to be a critical part of making this vision a reality. [email protected] or call 404-634-9345

Best Wishes For a Successful Festival from the Monioudis & Tsiotsias Families

Being Greek is to eat and drink all day, but most important is to dance the night away!!

Cretan American Association of Miami wishes St. George a fantastic and successful festival and to all in attendance a wonderful time!

Annual Cretan Dinner Dance May 6th For more information please call 954-629-5269 In memory of our beloved Husband, Father, & Pappou Theodoros Karachalias

The love and dedication he had for Saint George will forever be remembered by his passion for its success. His energy and ever lasting smile will remain forever in our hearts.

May his memory be eternal

Theodoros, Georgia, Sophia, Efthalia & Theodora Karachalias would like to wish the community of St.George a successful festival. May God bless 2017 with health, love and happiness to all.

Ευχόμαστε σε όλους ευλογημένος ο καινούργιος χρόνος με υγεία, χαρά και αγάπη απο την οικογένεια μας Θεοδώρου και Γεωργία Καραχάλιας.

Best of Wishes to the Saint George Community for a Successful Festival…this year and always!

~ Robert & Ann Cuozzo CONGRATULATIONS to the community of ST. GEORGE

THE LAW OFFICE OF PERRY D. MONIOUDIS, P.A. Bankruptcy, Litigation and Corporate Legal Services - since 1990

Wishing St. George a successful festival!

Perry D. Monioudis Esq. 100 South Pine Island Road, Suite 202 Plantation, Florida 33324 754-206-6100 www.monioudislawfirm.com

3661 South Miami Avenue Ste 903 , Miami, FL, 33133 T: +1 305 - 853 - 8333 www.gvplasticsurgery.com

Follow us on Instagram @gv_plasticsurgery Board Certified Plastic & Craniofacial Surgeon, with 20 years of experience enhancing your natural beauty. Contact us for any questions you might have. With the mention of this ad you are eligible for a courtesy consultation with Dr. George Varkarakis, M.D.

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Best Wishes to the Community of St. George for a Successful Festival! OPA!

Dr. Irene Hotalen & George C. Palaidis, Esq.

ANGELIKI PILIOURAS PRODUCTIONS and ALEXANDRA Wish you a successful festival!

• Mention this ad and receive a 5% discount • All church events, excluding festivals and New Year’s Eve, $500.00 Michael J. Reppas II, Esq. Admitted To Practice in Florida, Washington, D.C., and New York

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Congratulations Klironomia and Rizes on your award winning performances at this year’s Hellenic Dance Festival!

~Aleko, Maria, Cyndi, Sofia and Milti Sofianos

ALWAYS DANCE! Why Haven't People Who've Had A Car Wreck Been Told These Facts?

If you've recently been involved in a car wreck and suffer from any of the following...

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It's amazing how different life can be after a Patients who have neck trauma from Starting your body on the way to a pain-free, split second collision. a car wreck usually suffer for years. Plus the normal living. Feeling tight joints rest, relax, traditional methods of treatment like neck free up. Feeling muscles tied in knots become One minute everything is fine, the next you are collars, 'wait-and-see', and pain pills are not more supple. hurting for days and uncertain if life will ever working. get back to normal. Tasks you used to perform As you begin to see motion returning to your with ease, like reading, concentrating or even Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment joints, you’re preventing and reducing chances sleeping, now take more energy and cause Be The Answer To Your Pain? of disability and a crippling future. You’re annoying pain. playing golf again, doing yard work or playing My name is Dr. Tim G. Tsiotsias at Tsiotsias with the kids…without pain. If you feel like this, or have any of the Chiropractic Center. I've been helping people symptoms listed above, you could be suffering heal and be pain free after car wrecks for 30 Here's What To Do About Your Pain from whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the years. Chiropractic treatment has proven to be a spine caused by a jerking motion, either very effective method of healing whiplash Call 965-505-7743 between the hours of 9:00 backward, forward or from the side. injuries. am and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday Here's How To Get Rid Of Your Pain and tell the receptionist you’d like to come in Whiplash can severely damage your ligaments, for the Special Car Wreck Evaluation. even if you feel just a little sore after the With my Evaluation we’ll be able find the Our office is called Tsiotsias Chiropractic accident. If not healed properly, painful scar problem and then correct it. Think of how and you can find us at 2030 Washington St. tissue will develop, causing misery in your neck you’ll feel in just a few short weeks. You'll be in Hollywood, FL. (Washington and Dixie joints for decades. feeling your life change for the better. Hwy.)

Sincerely, TimTsiotsias, D.C.

In Loving Memory Nicholas Monioudis You will be in our hearts Monioudis & Nichiporuk families 2017 ANDREW C. DEMOS, P.A.

Andrew C. Demos, Esq. In Loving Attorney at Law Memory FL Supreme Ct. Certified Circuit Court Mediator 4835 Hollywood Blvd., Suite #4 Tel: 954.589.0119 Hollywood, FL 33021 Fax: 954.589.0945 www.demoslaw.com [email protected] Vasilios Lentzos Appointments also available at 3350 SW 148th Ave., Suite 220, Miramar, FL 33027 You are Forever in Our Hearts Demetra, Georgia, Victor, Kayla, Victoria and Niko

“THE ORIGINAL” ORLANDO OTHER LOCATIONS HOLLYWOOD 9101 International Dr. DELRAY BEACH 410 North Ocean Dr. 407.351.8660 954.929.4010 BRICKELL VILLAGE

Thank you to our Festival Book Sponsors!

AHEPA Chapter 523 of Hollywood, Florida The Macedonian Association of South Florida Alexandra “Aleka” Nakis Marina Foods, Inc. Andrew C. Demos, P.A. Minuteman Press of Hollywood Angeliki Piliouras Productions and Alexandra The Monioudis & Tsiotsias Families

Arista Pest Solutions The Nomikos Family & Mechanical Air Systems Cretan American Association of Miami O2 Medical Spa and Parthenia St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Koukoularis

Dimitrios “DJ Phenomeno” Dimitriou Oakwood Mobil and the Vasilakis Family

European Motorwerks & the Halivelakis Olympus Marine Group and Ted Family Vougiouklakis

Florida Closing & Escrow and John Peter Pan Diner Ioannou, Jr., Esq. Precious Smiles and Dr. Isidoros A. St. George’s Bingo Club Mereos, D.D.S.

Dr. George Georgakakis, M.D. REPPASLAW and Michael J. Reppas II, Esq.

Dr. George M. Varkarakis, M.D. Robert & Ann Cuozzo

Gelch & Associates, P.A., and Omar A. Dr. Rosie Angelakis, D.M.D. Cardenas, Esq., and George C. Palaidis, Esq. Sentinel Casualty Insurance and Stavros Moforis Greek Pastries Deli & More, and the Zachariades Family The Sofianos Family

Dr. Irene Hotalen, M.D. & George C. South Park Auto Palaidis, Esq. Sterling Travel The Karachalias Family Toula Amanna, Regulus Alliance, Kolympari Oil and the Loupasakis Flashback Diner, and Deerfield Beach Café Family Opa Ladies Philoptochos Society of St. George Tsiotsias Chiropractic and Dr. Tim The Law Office of Perry Monioudis, P.A. Tsiotsias, D.C.

The Lehoczy Family Walgreens 8151 Peters Rd., Suite 1700, Plantation, FL 33324 Phone: 877.408.9499 | Fax: 877.408.9498 www.sentinelcasualty.com