The future of online marketplaces How the next generation of marketplaces are pushing boundaries and removing remaining barriers, to create seamless experiences for European consumers

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November12 December 20182018 Disclaimer

• This report (hereinafter referred to as the ”report") has been prepared by • The information in this report and all associated material, including but not limited to video, blog posts and any other form of content that may be created based on the information included herein, was created by The information herein reflects prevailing conditions and's views as of this date, all of which are accordingly subject to change.'s opinions and estimates contitute's judgment and should be regarded in such context. In preparing this Report, has relied upon and assumed, without independent verification, the acuracy and completeness of all information available from public sources or which was provided to us by our partners.'s analyses are not and do not purport to be appraisals of the assets, stock or business of the companies mentioned herein. Neither or any of its partners who have provided information or have otherwise been involved in the preparation of this report, makes no representation as to the opinions and estimates set forth herein. • The report has been developed based based on Dealroom’s own research, expectations, estimates and projections where relevant, and does not express the opinions of any other entities mentioned herein, either as partners, sponsors, contributors or otherwise.

2 Sponsored by Schibsted: a tangible track-record in building and scaling marketplaces and digital services globally

Our brands Our reach 22 countries 30M+ daily users €880M revenues

3 Sponsored by Source: Schibsted Group Schibsted’s venture arm supports entrepreneurs beyond money

How we contribute

Support with data and Knowledgeable partner and Scale Minimize CAC, Maximize LTV tools advisor

What we look for

Core verticals (real-estate, mobility, jobs) Sign of product market-fit and tangible traction Solid teams

4 Sponsored by Source: Schibsted Group Contents

1. Evolution of marketplaces

2. Consumer trends and innovators

3. Corporate strategic landscape

4. Segment deep-dives Emergence of global marketplaces, creating more value than ever before

2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020

$150B Vertical focus leads to better user experience (payments, engagement, logistics),

$100B which has led to more value being created




Each valued $5-8B $5B

Online % Classifieds, yellow pages Vertical marketplaces On-demand & location based New models: iBuying, AI, …

6 Sponsored by Source: The unbundling continues: smaller markets, greater value

Unbundling of the OLD: The NEW: Huge addressable market Vertical focus (superior UX) Inefficient matching More efficient matching Supply-driven Greater convenience (transactional)


7 Sponsored by Image by David Haber, Greater transaction ownership: reduced friction, greater convenience but also greater operational complexity

Customer Transaction incl. Logistics Demand acquisition Listing payment & admin tools Inventory Supply

✓ Asset light, profitable Homes, cars, Classifieds  Low revenue per user jobs, products

Transactional ✓ Still asset light, higher take-rate Travel, delivery, marketplaces  Possible long-term strategic disadvantage gigs

✓ Expand in ancillary markets “Full-stack” ✓ Economies of scale vs. merchant Food, on-demand  High operational risk, requires market density

✓ Ability to control own destiny Homes, cars, Inventory risk  High capital intensity jobs, products

8 Sponsored by Source: Inspired by this Point Nine article. Greater transaction ownership = higher % commission (but market power is also an important factor)

% commission

70% Example of very high commission are stock photo marketplaces. Explained by 60% zero marginal cost and opaque pricing.



30% Fragmented supply 20%



5% Concentrated supply <5% Online classifieds Transactional marketplaces Full-stack marketplace

Source: Inspired by Point Nine article. 9 Sponsored by 1. Typical eCommerce gross product margin. Order value x order frequency = customer life-time value: another key success factor

Real Cars Estate Jobs

✓ High order value ✓ High order frequency x Low order frequency Hotels ✓ High order value ($200+) Grocery ($100) Meal kits ($40) Food Delivery Doctor’s ($20) appointment

Average Order Value Order Average Challenging for supply & x Low order value for customer acquisition ✓ High order frequency Mobility ($8) Car pooling Wellness & man Beauty

Possible solution to low order frequency problem: bundle low- Order frequency frequency into one?

10 Sponsored by Source: Fabrice Grinda (adapted by Dealroom). To summarise, Bill Gurley’s 10 factors: a robust framework for evaluating marketplaces #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Enhanced user Economic Technology Fragmentation Size of market Expand market Order frequency Payment flow Network effects experience incentive unlocking value of supply

Creating a “wow” Buyer and supplier Being part of Strong economic Important but can be The marketplace moment with an fragmentation is a Opening up previously High frequency is good payment flow brings gains by joining e.g. better utilization misleading e.g. food becomes stronger as entirely new huge positive for an unavailable market for supplier more influence in platform delivery, it grows and matures consumer experience online marketplace value-chain ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ = major success ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ factor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ = neutral or ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ positive ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓  (booking) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   ✓ ✓ ✓

 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓ ✓ = major hurdle to growth  ✓ ✓  (regulated) ✓ ✓  ✓ ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  / ✓ (coming) ✓

✓ ✓ ✓  (airlines) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

From Bill Gurley’s All Markets Are Not Created Equal with adaptation by Dealroom. 11 Sponsored by Excludes #5: Friction of Supplier Sign-Up as it is an initial disadvantage but also barrier to entry. Contents

1. Evolution of marketplaces

2. Consumer trends and innovators

3. Corporate strategic landscape

4. Segment deep-dives $9 trillion in consumer household spending: two-thirds is spent on housing, food and transportation

Recreation, Healthcare & Housing Food Mobility Services Holidays Clothing Communication Education hobbies & culture insurance

$2.8tn $2.1tn $1.1tn $0.8tn $0.6tn $0.6t + $1.1tn $0.5tn $0.5tn $0.2tn $0.2tn + $0.7tn

1% 100% 5% 3% 5% 6% Plus $0.7n 7% government funding 9% Plus $1.1tn 11% government funding 23%


Housing Food Transport Services Recreation, Healthcare and Holidays Clothing Communication Education Total hobbies & culture insurance premiums

Rent & mortgage Groceries Car purchase Personal care Private healthcare Flights Total household 65% ($1.8tn) 53% ($1.1tn) 34% ($0.4tn) (n.a.) 40% ($0.2tn) 2% ($0.2tn) spend of $9.4tn

Home interior & Alcohol & tobacco Fuel & Insurance Packaged = roughly 56% of maintenance 30% ($0.6tn) maintenance (n.a.) premiums travel GDP of $17tn 16% ($0.5tn) 56% ($0.6tn) 60% ($0.4tn) 2% ($0.2tn) Restaurants Other s Energy 17% ($0.4tn) Bus, train other (n.a.) Government Hotel 18% ($0.5tn) 10% ($0.1tn) funded 2% ($0.2tn) ($1.1tn) 13 Sponsored by Source: Eurostat data and Dealroom analysis. Real estate is the largest consumer market, but the furthest away from being digitally unlocked


Ownership Marketplaces ✓ Home ownership becoming financially out of reach $1.8 trillion Investing and landlord ✓ iBuying (Opendoor)

✓ Crowd-investing Rent & mortgage

Interior Maintenance

$0.5 ✓ Smart & connected home trillion ✓ IKEA is a bit lost? Opportunity for startups

Interior & maintenance

Efficiency Solutions Marketplaces $0.5 ✓ Push for sustainability trillion ✓ Sustainable energy nears economic viability Energy

14 Sponsored by Source: Anticipated shift from ownership to mobility-as-a-service is still in early stage: still only a fraction of consumer spending


Short Medium Long

✓ IPOs for ($150B) and ($15B) $100 billion ✓ Uber and Lyft moving into micro-mobility & logistics

✓ Lyft and Uber launched subscription service Mobility

Subscription Marketplaces Hardware/ software ✓ iBuying (“Auto1” model) $0.4 trillion ✓ Car giants transforming into Mobility-as-a-service

✓ AI-assisted driving Car purchase

Fueling Maintenance ✓ Electric cars gaining traction $0.6 trillion ✓ Push for cleaner cities

✓ BP investing in subscription model Fuel & maintenance

15 Sponsored by Source: Consumers want more options; meanwhile cities are looking to reduce congestion and create cleaner cities

SHORT (0-5km) MEDIUM (5-20km) LONG (20km+)

Trains, busses & shuttle busses


AI-assisted driving: Scooters & eBikes


Renting & sharing


16 Sponsored by Source: Food delivery, groceries and dining are converging, driven by innovators setting new consumer expectations


✓ Big brands are doing direct-to-consumer via delivery platforms (Ben & Jerry’s) $1.1 ✓ Online penetration is around 6% (10%+ in , Beijing, Shanghai) (1) trillion ✓ Services like Amazon Prime and Glovo are re-setting consumer expectations Groceries

✓ Delivery is still just a fraction of total market $50 ✓ More and more restaurants accept online orders billion ✓ Groceries are another huge market for delivery Delivery

$0.6 ✓ Dark kitchens may redefine restaurant industry trillion ✓ Point-of-sale software and booking apps


✓ Still a huge market, as evidenced by Juul ($16B!) $0.4 ✓ Brewdog: innovated mass-market brand building trillion ✓ Consumer focusing on health ✓ $0.4tn still does not include cannabis! Alcohol & Tobacco

Source: Eurostat data and Dealroom analysis. 17 Sponsored by 1. KANTAR. Contents

1. Evolution of marketplaces

2. Consumer trends and innovators

3. Corporate strategic landscape

4. Segment deep-dives Leading investment themes by investor type: corporates and venture capital firms are both betting on fundamental shifts

Venture capital Corporate Private equity

Investment focus: Investment focus: frictionless marketplaces, unbundling, full-stack, fundamental changes in second-hand goods, real estate, cars consumer behavior (mobility, food) (less in jobs)

19 Sponsored by Source: Venture capital investment in marketplaces has been focused on mobility and food Global venture capital investment ($B)

$ 20.0B $ 17.5B $ 18.8B $ 16.0B $ 13.1B $ 13.3B $ 13.9B

$ 7.2B $ 7.3B $ 5.8B $ 3.7B $ 3.8B $ 2.9B $ 2.3B $ 1.8B $ 2.9B $ 0.6B $ 1.2B $ 0.4B $ 0.6B

2015 2016 2017 2018E 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2015 2016 2017 2018E Mobility Food Fintech Real estate Jobs

20 Sponsored by Source: Corporates are making big strategic bets in fintech, cars & mobility, food, and jobs & recruitment

Mobility Food Jobs & Education Homes Transaction $ 27B $ 30B $ 5B $ 2B value (’16-’18E)

€70M £175M $1.2B £125M Notable $335M €115M $400M corporate deals $18.5M $10M in recent years $250M $429M £20M

(2016-2018E) $866M $200M €335M

$159M $26B €1.0B

$300M $60M $14B


£ 5.5M





21 Sponsored by Source: The smart money: selected top-tier Venture Capital firms

Cars & Mobility Homes Jobs & Reschooling Fintech Health Food

Iziwork (aggregator) Movinga (moving booking) Evtiko (online agent) Humanoo (wellness tracking) Lemoncat (catering marketplace) Koru Kids (nanny hiring) theGuarantors CarSpring (iBuying) Proprioo (online agent) Vaniday (wellness booking) Petsdeli (pet food market) Helpling (on-demand hire) Spotcap Happycar (search & book rentals) Lamudi (online aggregator) EatFirst (delivery)

Cowboy (e-bike) Culture Amp (HR software) CoverWallet (Insurance) Bird (scooter) Beamery (HR software) Revolut (banking) JustPark Adzuna (search) Alan (Insurance) Petsdeli (pet food market) Property Partner(investing) KRY (video consultations) Movinga (moving booking) Justworks (HR software) (Stock marketplace) Good Eggs BlaBlaCar (ridesharing) Wayup (part-time hire) Wealthfront Drivy (p2p rental) Qapa (on-demand hire) Raisin(savings marketplace)

Bird Job Today Deserve (banking) Cogoport (freight search) Checkr (HR software) Wonga (online lending) KRY (video consultations) Carwow (car Search) Grovo (online learning) CoverFox (online insurance) Doctolib (doctor booking) BlaBlaCar (ridesharing) Knewton (online learning) Power2SME (online lending) The Zebra (Insurance comparison)

Wonga (online lending) (iBuying) Exporo (crowdinvesting) Lendico (p2p loan) Ottonova (insurance) Carmudi (iBuying) STUDITEMPS (temporary hiring) Lamudi (online aggregator) BUX (trading) (care services) EatFirst (delivery) Wind Mobility (e-scooter) Lecturio (teaching platform) Spotcap (online lending) Moodpath

Wunder (ride sharing) Caroobi (maintenance) Medwing (on-demand hire) Drover (car rental) Homelike (iBuying) Enmacc (trading) Joblift (aggregator) Auto1 Group FreightHub (logistics marketplace)

Tier Mobility (e-scooter) Preply (teaching platform) Lemoncat (catering marketplace) Cargo One (freight search and Revolut (banking) docplanner (doctor booking) Helpling (on-demand hire) Green Blender booking) Finiata (online lending) Zentist (insurance) (teaching platform) OnTruck (trucking)

Wefox (insurance comparison) Tier Mobility (e-scooter) Kodit Sunlight (online learning) wikifolio

ParkJockey Solaris Bank (ride sharing) Opendoor PolicyBazaar (insurance DoorDash (delivery) Ola (ride sharing) TalkSpace (online therapy) Compass comparison) (delivery) Auto1 Group Kabbage (online lending) GetAround (ride sharing)

Source: Selected top-tier VCs with track record in marketplaces. 22 Sponsored by Excludes buyouts, secondary transactions, debt, ICOs, lending capital, grants. The smart money: selected top-tier Venture Capital firms (2)

Cars & Mobility Homes Jobs & Reschooling Fintech Health Food

Lime (escooter) Jobandtalent (on-demand hiring) LendInvest OnTruck (trucking) MasterClass (online learning) FarmDrop (online marketplace) Habito (mortgage ) ZocDoc (doctor booking) Ofo (bike sharing) Knewton (online learning) Wolt (delivery) Uniplaces (search) GoEuro (bus booking) Quipper (online learning)

OnTruck (trucking) Verifly (on demand insurance) Adzuna (search) JustPark (parking booking) Beautystack (wellness Trussle (motgages) Beamery (HR software) Citymapper booking) Taster (delivery) Bricklane (investing) Jobbatical (on-demand hire) Robinhood (trading) (iBuying) (on demand Drivy (p2p car rental) insurance)

StepStone (search) Tier Mobility (escooters) Crosslend (investing) Matsmart (delivery) Aevy (job search) FreightHub (logistics marketplace) Zopa (p2p loan) Lemoncat (catering marketplace) Personio (HR software)

SpotHero (parking booking) Udemy (online Learning) BlaBlaCar (ridesharing) SmartRecruiters (HR software) Freshly (delivery) Harver (HR software)

Wefox (insurance comparison) Missbeez (on-demand GoEuro (bus booking) Clark (insurance) wellness) McMakler (online agent) HeavenHR (HR software) Auto1 Group Prosper (p2p loan) docplanner (doctor booking) Lemoncat (catering marketplace) MediQuo (online help)

Finiata (online lending) Caroobi (maintenance) PurpleBricks (online broker) Joblift (aggregator) Vint (gym instructors VouchedFor (comparison) Auto1 Group McMakler (online agent) HeavenHR (HR software) marketplace) Raisin (savings marketplace)

Voi Technology (escooter) Zopa (p2p loan) Frontier Car Group Peakon (HR software) Wonga(online lending) (on demand Simple Feast (meal kit delivery) Carwow Nested Jobbio (job search) Revolut (banking) insurance) Vivino (online wine marketplace) Cars45 Workable (HR software) Prodigy Finance Virtuo

Source: Selected top-tier VCs with track record in marketplaces. 23 Sponsored by Excludes buyouts, secondary transactions, debt, ICOs, lending capital, grants. Contents

1. Evolution of marketplaces

2. Consumer trends and innovators

3. Corporate strategic landscape

4. Segment deep-dives Cars and mobility marketplaces – Investment in

Invested capital Rounds $2M+ SELECTED COMPANIES 2018 ROUND

$ 1,800M$ 1.8B 50 Auto1 Group € 460M Provides consumers with access to thousands of used and Jan GROWTH $1.6B new cars EQUITY 45 $ 1,600M$ 1.6B $ 175M Taxify May Leading ride-hailing app in Europe and Africa LATE VC 40 $ 1,400M$ 1.4B $ 160M Cabify Jan Car booking web and mobile app SERIES E 35 $ 1,200M$ 1.2B BlaBlaCar € 101M Connecting drivers with empty seats to people looking for Nov GROWTH a ride EQUITY 30 $ 1,000M$ 1.0B Frontier Car Group $ 89.0M May Builds and runs marketplaces focused on emerging SERIES C 25 markets $800M $ 800M $761M $ 50.0M Voi Technology Nov 20 Sharing service for electric vehicles SERIES A $618M $ 600M € 40.0M Cityscoot Feb 15 Electric scooters rental EARLY VC $422M $ 400M $ 40.0M 10 Blacklane Jan Driver booking platform SERIES D

$ 200M € 25.0M 5 OnTruck May Connects businesses with freight carriers SERIES B

0 € 25.0M Tier Mobility Oct 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E Electric scooters that can be rented on demand SERIES A

Click here to explore similar funding rounds on

Source: 25 Sponsored by Note: Data from Europe. 2018 is based on Jan – Nov annualized Cars and mobility marketplaces to watch (1/2)


Marketplace /, ReezoCar, CarPrice, Kyump, GoodBuyAuto, Valuecar, Autovisual, BrumBrum, GarajSepeti, Carizy, Carsnip, Carnovo, Motorway, CarSpring Search Autoscout24, CarGurus (US), Vroom (US)

New car, Autospot, Valuecar

Frontier Car Group, Tootle, Etachki Auto1 Model Fallen angel: Dealer Direct

Car Drover, Bipi, Cluno, Amber subscription Tusker

Wunder, SnappCar, TravelCar, Koolicar, Drivy, Nabobil, SocialCar, Green Wheels, ecov, Share your Bicar, Carlili, Car sharing BelkaCar, Bzzt

Ride sharing BeeRides, Get My Car, iGoOn, CityGo, Zify, Karos GoMore

Parking JustPark, llollo, ParkBee, Parkpnp, ParkCloud, ZenPark, ApParkingSpot, Parkimeter, Letmespace, Parclick marketplaces Spot Hero

Fuel / Zebra Fuel, EO Charging, Caroobi, Fixico, Who Can Fix My Car, ClickMechanic, TALLERATOR, Daparto, Tyres on the maintenance Drive, POMP

26 Sponsored by Source: Cars and mobility marketplaces to watch (2/2)


Short distance / VanMoof, Superpedestrian, Donkey Republic, Cowboy, Swapfiets, Cityscoot, Voi Technology, unu, ElectricMolo, Scooter / eBike Silence, Etergo, Felyx, Yugo, Urbee, Sigo, Emmy, TIER Mobility, Wind Mobility, YEGO

Blacklane, Whim (MaaS Global), Talixo, Citymobil, inDriver, Citymapper, heetch, JoinUp, voltlines, Liftago, Eurecab, Medium distance Mivai, My Sam, Cab Guru Cabify, Taxify, Lyft

Long / Busfor, Obilet, ComparaBUS, Aggregators GoEuro

Trucking Everoad,, OnTruck, Quicargo, PackBud, Shipvio,, Truckin,

Shipping iContainers, FreightHub, Flexport,, Zencargo, Cargo One, Chronotruck ShipServ

Last mile On the dot, Dostavista, Seven Senders, Packlink, Homerr, Eliport, Brenger, Koiki, logistics

Moving services Trusk, Movinga, Furgo

27 Sponsored by Source: Real Estate marketplaces – Investment in Europe

Invested capital Rounds $2M+ SELECTED COMPANIES 2018 ROUND

$ 500M 30 Spotahome $ 40.0M Jun Medium-to-long term rentals for expats such as students SERIES B and professionals $444M $ 450M £ 20.0M Yopa Aug The affordable, quick & simple way to sell your home SERIES D 25 $ 400M Nested £ 20.0M Nov Platform for homeowners to sell their homes within 90 SERIES C days $ 350M 20 € 20.0M Homeday Oct Finds the best real estate agent to sell your property SERIES B $ 300M $276M £ 13.6M $253M $255M Trussle May SERIES B $ 250M 15 Online mortgage broker

$205M £ 12.5M LendInvest Jan $ 200M Online peer-to-peer lending platform for mortgages LATE VC

10 $ 14.0M Homelike Aug $ 150M Marketplace for long-term furnished apartments SERIES B

£ 8.0M $ 100M Adzuna May 5 The UK's search engine for Jobs, Property & Cars SERIES C

$ 50M Housing Anywhere € 6.0M May Allows students to sublet their rooms to exchange SERIES B students

0 € 2.3M Homepal Sep 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E Helps you to find a home EARLY VC

Click here to explore similar funding rounds on

Source: 28 Sponsored by Note: Data from Europe. 2018 is based on Jan – Nov annualized Real Estate marketplaces to watch


iBuyers Nested, Homeloop, Dili, Evtiko, Kodit, ProntoPiso, We Buy Any Home

Homelike,, Uniplaces, Appear here,, Italianway, Flatlooker, Lyvly, Housy, Habiteo, Home search, Home HT, Wunderflats, Movebubble, Howsy (No Agent) Adzuna, Spotahome, Zoopla, Zillow

easyProperty, emoov, McMakler, Blueground, Homeday, Proprioo, Hemverket, Mon Chasseur Immo, Housfy, Online Hosman, Ouistock, Home Made Yopa

Ownership Lamudi, Ikimo9, Homepal, Vesta Property, Unmortgage, Realbest, Blok, thirdfort, Flatfox,

LendInvest, Property Partner, Housers,, CapitalRise, iFunded, BrickVest, Exporo, geoblink, Tessin, Brickshare, Investing Bricklane

Financing / Trussle, Habito, MortgageGym, StoEr, Jungo Mortgages

29 Sponsored by Source: Jobs & reschooling – Investment in Europe

Invested capital Rounds $2M+ SELECTED COMPANIES 2018 ROUND

$ 350M 30 $ 60.0M OpenClassRooms May Online education platform in Europe SERIES B $ 314M $ 30.0M Area9 Jan $ 300M Personalized, adaptive online learning modules LATE VC 25

$ 28.0M $ 255M Unicaf Nov Online education platform SERIES B $ 250M 20 $ 21.0M Coople Oct $ 206M On-demand marketplace for temporary staffing LATE VC $ 200M € 17.0M Gojob Jan Digital temporary work operations in Europe EARLY VC $ 162M 15 € 15.0M $ 150M ZenJob Nov Automated, data-driven, full-service staffing platform SERIES B

$ 110M 10 $ 16.0M Job Today Sep $ 100M Online mobile centric recruitment marketplace SERIES B

€ 11.0M comet May Marketplace for freelancer SERIES A 5 $ 50M $ 10.8M Goodwall Jul Professional social network for students and graduates SERIES A

0 Comatch € 8.0M Apr 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E Matching companies looking for consultants with SERIES B freelancers

Click here to explore similar funding rounds on

Source: 30 Sponsored by Note: Data from Europe. 2018 is based on Jan – Nov annualized Jobs & reschooling companies to watch


Job search Hosco, Adzuna, Graduateland, Joblift, Welcome to jungle,, Debut, Techloop, Isivi, Truffls, BeWanted Monster, PeoplePerHour, StepStone, Jobandtalent

Reschooling Ornikar, SpeachMe, A Cloud Guru, Invivox, Imusic School, Nimbles, Obby, Area9, Lambda School Udacity, OpenClassRooms, Coursera, Udemy

ZenJob, Brigad, Job Today, StaffMe, Side, Hopwork, Comatch, Gojob, Comet, Syft App, Helpling, YouDo, Coople, The Gig-Economy Dots, Jobbatical, Medwing, Travauxlib Fiverr, Shiftgig

31 Sponsored by Source: Finance marketplaces and platforms investment in Europe

Invested capital Rounds $2M+ SELECTED COMPANIES 2018 ROUND

$ 1,400M$ 1.4B 60 $ 250M Revolut Apr Platform to use and manage money around the world SERIES C $1.3B Number26 $ 160M Mar $ 1,200M$ 1.2B Bank account that can be managed entirely from a SERIES C 50 smartphone

£ 85.0M Monzo Oct London-based digital-only bank platform SERIES E $ 1,000M$ 1.0B $ 918M 40 € 100M Oct GROWTH An insurance intermediary selling car insurance online EQUITY $ 800M £ 80.0M $ 709M Starling Bank May 30 Mobile-app based bank EARLY VC

eToro $ 100M $ 600M $ 544M Mar Trading network with easy access to the currency, SERIES E commodity, and equity markets

20 $ 65.0M Smava Jan $ 400M 's largest online credit market LATE VC $ 320M € 32.0M October (Lendix) Jun SERIES C 10 P2P lending platform for SMEs $ 200M $ 30.0M Coya Jun Simple, transparent, and personalized insurance cover SERIES A

0 $ 29.0M Clark Apr 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E Insurance robo-advisor SERIES B

Click here to explore similar funding rounds on

Source: 32 Sponsored by Note: Data from Europe. 2018 is based on Jan – Nov annualized Finance marketplaces and platforms to watch


Challenger Solaris Bank, Monese, Tandem, Qonto, Meniga, bunq, goHenry, Fiinu, Shine, Margo Bank banks Monzo, N26, Atom, Starling Bank

Lending Hypoteket, Spotcap, Future Finance, SalaryFinance, Bynk, Aprila Bank, WeShareBonds

Insurance Alan, Coya, Clark, Hellas Direct,, Ottonova,, Honcho, Wrisk, Simplis, Cuvva, Zego

Product Lendo, Moneyexpert, TotallyMoney, Bankimia, Wefox, Funding Options,, Fincompare, Samlino, Finanzchef24, Helpmycash, BNEXT comparison smava

Trading BUX, Bitstamp (acquired), Coinify, Raisin, Coinfloor, Pelican Trading, Lykke eToro,

October (Lendix), Lendinvest, CurrencyFair, Lendico (acquired), Auxmoney, RateSetter, Lendify, Bondora, Peer-to-peer LendingCrowd, Savelend, Lending Works Zopa

33 Sponsored by Source: Healthcare marketplaces – Investment in Europe

Invested capital Rounds $2M+ SELECTED COMPANIES 2018 ROUND

$ 300M 20 $ 66.0M Kry Jun Connecting patients with doctors for video consultations SERIES B

18 € 33.5M Min Doktor $ 249M $ 247M Sep GROWTH $ 250M Make appointments and consult with doctors online EQUITY 16 $ 17.0M $ 217M Cera Care May Professional home care for elderly people SERIES A 14 $ 200M $ 14.7M May Digital healthcare EARLY VC 12 $ 161M Care Sourcer £ 8.5M Jul Platform that connects those seeking care with those SERIES A $ 150M 10 providing it

$ 9.0M Doc Plus Aug $ 114M 8 On-demand doctor services SERIES B

$ 100M € 8.0M Doctena Sep 6 Medical booking platform for doctors EARLY VC

€ 7.0M 4 TeleClinic Nov Digital health advice for individuals and employees SERIES A $ 50M

€ 6.0M 2 Careship Apr Platform to find caregivers for seniors SERIES B

0 £ 750K Qured Aug 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E A doctor or physio to your door in under two hours SEED

Click here to explore similar funding rounds on

Source: 34 Sponsored by Note: Data from Europe. 2018 is based on Jan – Nov annualized Healthcare marketplaces to watch


Doctors Doc Plus, Doctolib, docplanner, Top Doctors, Doctena,, FINDoC, Qunomedical, Now Healthcare Group, Doctoranytime, Doctify, Dottori appointments Practo

AI help Your.MD, Ada Health, Boost Thyroid, Emteq

Kry, PushDoctor, Min Doktor, BlueCall,, MedicSpot, Competencer, Doctoconsult, Veyo Care, VideoDoc, Online help MediQuo, Moodpath, Selfapy Ping An Good Doctor

Care services Careship, Medigo, Cera Care, Noon Care, Qured,, Care Sourcer, Holm, SuperCarers CareSource

Online Echo, Farmaconfianza, Pharmasimple pharmacy Jianke, NetMeds, Pharmacy2U (Chemist Direct)

Wellness Vaniday , Booksy, Blow, Planity, Ruuby, Beautystack, Vint, Urban Massage booking

Sports Entrenarme, Eversports, Urban Sports Club, Gymlib, Fitnessant, PayasUgym, Fitprime

35 Sponsored by Source: Other consumer marketplaces to watch


Horizontal & Sellpy, Trouva, LoveCrafts, Barnebys, Fyndiq, Used By,, Yroo collectibles Jumia Market, ShopClues, 1stdibs, Catawiki

GOAT, Videdressing, Watchmaster, Lesara, 21 Buttons, Lyst, Chronext, United Wardrobe, KupiVIP, SecretSales, Fashion Vestiaire Collective, Vinted, Depop,, Salery, Atterley,, Rebelle, Seezona, The Next Closet, Zappos, Poshmark Zadaa, Thrift+, Armadio Verde, Miller & Marc, Otrium, Findur, Trendday, StyleLounge, Gardrops

Furniture Home24,, Swoon Editions, Selency, Beleco, Deesup, Hallfy, Home24,

Pets ePetworld, Barkibu, Tailwise, Mascoteros, PetMe, HouseMyDog, Snau, Dogley Barkbox

36 Sponsored by Source: Identify promising companies before everyone else does Intelligence, trusted by world-leading clients The most comprehensive European data source

■ Dealroom is a global company information database & research firm Number of European VC rounds tracked in 2017 (1) ■ Its software, database and bespoke research enable its clients to stay at the forefront of innovation, discover promising companies and identify strategic opportunities ■ Among its clients are world-leading strategy consulting firms, investment banks, multinationals, technology firms, venture capital & buyout firms and governments

Not disclosed in official report Selected publishers of Dealroom data

Europe’s most comprehensive database of promising companies and investment Growth metrics like product usage, funding and valuation momentum (web, iOS, Android)

Selected Dealroom clients Track team size, background, composition and growth Discover potential unicorns, long before others do

Industry taxonomy and database structure designed for innovative technology startups & scaleups

Stay at forefront of innovation and investment trends

Source: 37 Sponsored by 1. Verified rounds excluding secondary, ICOs, debt and other non-equity rounds. Identify promising companies before everyone else does.

Yoram Wijngaarde Ivan Draganov Founder & CEO Research Analyst [email protected] [email protected]