Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 16, 2018

Crucifixion with Madonna and Saints Casimo Rosselli, 1503



40000 North U.S. Highway 45, Old Mill Creek, Illinois 60046-7464 Fr. Michael McGovern, phone 847.395.3474 fax 847.395.3552 Dr. Gregory K. Webster, Deacon email [email protected] Ms. Annee Wynn, Coordinator of Religious Ed. Ms. Marirose Tan, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mr. Alex Fries, Music Director

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor’s Notes September 16, 2018 CONSTRUCTIVE STEPS As our bullen goes to press I want to note that on September 13 will meet with Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops and Cardinal Sean O'Malley. Their discussion should include several serious topics in the life of the Church today: the resignaon of Archbishop McCarrick, the response to allegaons of abuse of minors by clergy, and the need for greater transparency in such serious maers. It was also announced today that the Pope will meet in Rome this February with the bishops who are presidents of naonal conferences of bishops throughout the world; the meeng will focus on the topic of the protecon of minors. These two developments are important steps in addressing situaons that are impacng the lives of individuals as well as the larger community of the Church. Please let me or any member of our staff know your concerns about any of these situaons; we are here to support one another as brothers and sisters in our Lord.

THE GIFT OF MUSIC St. Raphael will welcome "Octava," a group of eight singers from Krakow in Poland for a concert here next Sunday September 23 at 12:15 pm. Music will be sung in English, Lan and Polish. I have heard Octava sing live and in person; they are excellent singers with a broad repertoire. Please join us on Sunday; I encourage you to bring friends and invite you to purchase one of the CDs that will be on sale aer the concert.

I WILL GIVE YOU SHEPHERDS St. Raphael is blessed to have two seminarians from Mundelein join us on a regular basis for the next eight months. Colin Patrick is a pre- Theologian at Mundelein; he is preparing to become a priest of the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the Archdiocese of the Military Services. Christopher Nowak of Gaylord in Michigan is a Theologian in his third year of theological studies. Both men will be here next weekend to introduce themselves and speak on behalf of the annual collecon in support of the Colin . Please join me in welcoming Colin and Chris. Chris

YOUNG AT HEART CLUB Last week I met with a dozen members of the parish who are interested in forming an organizaon for parishioners and their family members who are 50 years of age and older. At this point, I would like to have a meeng for all who are interested in becoming members of the group. Would Thursday October 4 be a good day to meet? Could we meet at 9:15 am that day? If the feedback on the date and me is posive, I will confirm the plan in the bullen next week. Stay tuned for more details.

In our Lord, Fr. Mike McGovern [email protected]

2 St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRO POPULO: For the People

Mass Intentions Week of September 16, 2018 Intenons for: Requested by:

8:30 am Lynee and Ryan Siron Evelyn Ong Saturday, September 15, 2018 4:00 pm † Walter Kavich Dolores Kavich

Parishioners of Sunday, September 16, 2018 7:00 am St. Raphael the Archangel

David and Theresa Goss 9:00 40th Wedding Anniversary

11:00 am Anoinng

Monday, September 17, 2018 8:30 am † Paul Vanseghi Pauline Hart

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 8:30 am † Father Ben Reese Annee Wynn

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 8:30 am Chrisna Wenn Lorraine Wenn Thursday, September 20, 2018 8:30 am Intenon of Donor

Friday, September 21, 2018 8:30 am Lynee and Ryan Siron Evelyn Ong

8:30 am † Father Anthony Bico Annee Wynn Saturday, September 22, 2018

4:00 pm † Brian Terryberry Walter Cichonski Parishioners of Sunday, September 23, 2018 7:00 am St. Raphael the Archangel

9:00 am † Angela Chiapelas St. Mary’s Prayer Group

11:00 am † Alfred J. Pedersen Florence Pedersen If you would like to have a Mass said for a beloved family member, friend, or special intenon, please call the parish office at 847.395.3474. (†Deceased)

Prayer Requests Join in Praying our Parish Rosary Every Sunday at 10:20 am in church, we pray the

Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary Please pray for those in our parish and for the intenons of our parish, in community who are sick: parcular for those wrien in the

James Massarelli Intenon Book located at the statue Karen De Silvia of St. Raphael the Archangel. Please add your intenons to the book so we Kathy Zak can li up your needs and be united in prayer. Dorothy Olsovsky We read the intenons that have been put in the

Residents of Rolling Hills book the previous Sunday or during the week. This can be anonymous if you want. Let us To request healing prayers, prayerfully accompany you on your journey, in please call the parish office: 847.395.3474 imitaon of Our Patron, St. Raphael the Archangel.

AD DEI SERVITIUM: Service to God Sunday, September 16, 2018 Youth Group News!!! The youth group kick-off meeng went well last week. We had hot dogs and chips for lunch. Thank you to the Carani Family who helped to prepare the food! Those who were able to make it had fun geng to know one another and learn a couple of new games. Our next youth group meeng is...this coming Friday, September 21 from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have snacks provided and a new acvity in store. (It involves quite a bit of moving around.) If the weather is nice, we might be doing it outdoors. Let’s enjoy the weather before it gets colder! The topic for the night is “Who is Jesus?” As I menoned at the kick-off meeng, you don’t have to be registered as part of the youth group to come to this meeng. Feel free to bring a friend or two.

The deadline to reserve a ReBOOT (Chris Stefanick) cket for your teen is also this coming Friday, September 21! Please let me know if your teen is coming. There are more registraon forms in the narthex. Please turn your registraon forms at the Youth Group meengs, the collecon basket, or at the parish office by September 30th at the very latest. If you have any queson, comments, or suggesons, feel free to contact me at (224) 256-6432 or [email protected].

God Bless,

Marirose Tan Coordinator of Family and Youth Ministry

Worship & Spiritual Life Schedule, Sunday Masses, September 22-23, 2018 4:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Mass Times Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday

Clergy Fr. McGovern Fr. McGovern Fr. McGovern Fr. Welter

Lector Marie Huml Steve Laky Robert Schuler Brian Bulicek Extraordinary Francisco Cardenas Tina Grubert Beth Baeckelandt Ministers of Victoria Cardenas Open Gidget Leable Belen Kling Holy Donna Pavelski Brian Morrissey Patricia Peterson Communion E. Bentley A. Klein Altar Servers 3 Open 3 Open K. Ilagan M. Muzones S. Schuler 1 Open Brian Klimas Dana Mentgen Dean Parkman Vicky Cardenas Fritz Meyers Rafael Muzones Ushers Paul Pavelski Tom Hagerty Mark Mrowiec Carl Peterson 1 Open 1 Open 1 Open

Fellowship Bonnie Parkman Wanda Hagerty Susan Masella Natalie Halberg

4 St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church

SERVIRE ALIIS : Service to Others Sunday, September 16, 2018

Mass Schedule and Times Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 am Information Weekday: 8:30 am (Monday-Saturday)

† Parish Ofice Hours † Confession Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday, 3:00 - 3:30 pm or by appointment; First Friday of every month, 9:00 am Booklets to help you prepare for confession Bapsm Registered parishioners should contact the are on tables in the narthex of the church. parish office at 847-395-3474.

Eat Healthy at Wendy’s Marriage Preparaon Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Registered and supporng members should call Fieen percent of ALL sales between 5:00 pm the office. A date should not be set unl and 8:00 pm on the third Wednesday is donated consulng the pastor. to our parish. So invite your friends and family to dine there with you!

RCIA At St. Raphael the Archangel Interested in becoming Catholic? Are you bapzed and in need of compleng full iniaon into the Church? Catholic and desiring to update your catechism? The Church's process for this is called RCIA, or the "Rite of Catholic Iniaon of Adults. At St. Raphael, we begin each year in late September. Times and locaon vary with parcipaon needs. If interested, contact Fr. Mike ([email protected]; 847.395.3474) or Deacon Greg ([email protected]; 517.258.1463).

The Octava Ensemble Coming to St. Raphael the Archangel The Octava Ensemble from Poland are in the Chicago area as part of their world tour. They will present A Capella sacred choral music here at St. Raphael on Sunday, September 23 at 12:15 pm. OCTAVA ensemble, a vocal octet, is considered by music crics to be one of the most interesng vocal groups of the young generaon. They quickly established their leading posion among other Polish chamber groups. OCTAVA ensemble is many mes a winner of various fesvals and contests. For more informaon, visit:


Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH NEWS & EVENTS Simbang Gabi Thank you to all those who were able to make last Sunday’s meeng. Please watch the Fil-Am Parishoners of St. Raphael Facebook page for more updates on Simbang Gabi planning. In the future, St. Raphael’s is planning on hosng events for each of ethnic background represented in our parish community. Keep checking the bullen for more events.

Events for the Week of September 16, 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10:20 am 7:00 pm 9:10 am 3:00 pm 8 am - 1 pm Parish Rosary Bible Study Bible Study Confession Blood Drive Church Fellowship Fellowship Hall Church Hall Diaper/ Basement 6:30 pm Donaon Religious Collecon 10:20 am Educaon Classes Parish Milburn School Seminary Rosary Collecon Church 7:00 pm Choir Diaper/ Church Lo Donaon Collecon Please submit any arcles, events or acvies that you would like included in the bullen, no later than 12 noon on Wednesday, eleven days prior to publicaon. All arcles are subject to approval. Please include your contact informaon in case we have any quesons.

Stewardship Report

Pledge Redempon Donaons Donaon Budgeted Over (Under) sReceived Amount Budget Building Fund

September 1/2 $323 $2,210 September 1/2 $7,126 $7,203 ($77) September 8/9 $4,636 $7,203 ($2.567) September 8/9 $162 $1,679

6 St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church

SERVIRE ALIIS : Service to Others Sunday, September 16, 2018 OPEN ARMS MISSION FOOD PANTRY 1548 Main Street, Anoch, Illinois; 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm St. Raphael the Archangel parishioners volunteer the second Wednesday and fih Tuesday of each month. The next date for help needed is Wednesday, October 10. To volunteer call Pat Clark at 847-395-5683.

Diaper Depot Resources for Physical & Spiritual Needs A church-wide diaper drive will be held on

September 22 and 23, and on September 29 and A Safe Place Catholic Charies Maternity 30 aer every Mass. Catholic Charies can Lake County Crisis Center & Adopon Service purchase diapers for 13 cents each, so this drive 847.249.0417 800.CARE.002 will stress monetary donaons of cash, change or Catholic Charies checks made out to Catholic Charies. Full or Informed Choices Help Line paral packages of diapers will also be accepted. 847.231.4651 312.655.7700 Thank you for your help. www.informed Open Arms Mission - Altar and Rosary Sodality Women’s Group Food Pantry Alcohol 24-Hour 847.395.0309 Access Help & Treatment Rape Hotline 800.410.2560 Lake County 847.872.7799

For more helpful resources visit

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Your blood donaon can make a difference in the lives of children.


Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, September 16, 2018

Lakes Region A Prayer For Renew My Church Sunday Mass Schedule Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you spoke

Prince of Peace to holy men and women who have gone before 135 S Milwaukee Avenue, Lake Villa, Illinois us. In every age and in our own me, You call to (847) 356-7915 us and say: Renew My Church.

5:00 pm Vigil; Pour out the gi of your Holy Spirit upon us, and 7:30 am so enable us to hear you clearly, to listen to each 9:30 am Children’s Liturgy, 9:30 am Family Mass other aenvely, to imagine our future boldly, to 11:30 am 5:00 pm Teen Mass third Sunday of the month discern your direcon wisely, to persevere in

your holy will courageously, to stay together in St. Peter The Apostle charity to surrender our own plans readily, to 557 Lake Street, Anoch, Illinois embrace the greater good, to hand on your gis (847) 395-0274 to future generaons.

4:00 pm Vigil 6:30 am May we remain in the holy company of the 9:30 am Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles, and all the 12:30 pm saints. May their example and presence inspire

us with paent confidence in the work of your St. Bede grace. We ask this of you who live and reign with Catholic Church the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one 36455 N. Wilson Road, Ingleside, Illinois God, forever and ever. (847) 587-2251

5:30 pm Vigil Amen 8:00 am 11:00 am 2:00 pm

St. Raphael The Archangel 40000 North US HWY 45, Old Mill Creek, Illinois 847.395.3474

4 pm Vigil 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am

Deacons Round Table Finding Hope Healing Hearts Join WSFI 88.5 FM Catholic Radio on the Fourth 10 Week Grief Support Group:

Saturday of each month, from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm This weekly group will meet at St. Mary of the for the Deacons Round Table. Annunciaon September 20, through November 8, 2018 from 7:00-8:30 pm A $40.00 registraon fee covers the cost of the two books and materials. To register, contact Diane Mulroe in the St. Mary parish office. [email protected] or call 847-223-0010

8 St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church