10. Adel to ! A660 Woodhouse Lane between Hyde Park CornerA660 and Clarendon Road

Hyde Park Corner Transforming our bus network Victoria Road Towards This map highlights three key Headingley New southbound bus and cycle facilities (between Hyde Park Corner and Clarendon Road) opportunities to help deliver quicker bus journeys and more reliable Issue Opportunity Benefit Impact services along Woodhouse Lane

Cliff Road Cinder Moor Leeds-bound buses are Convert the left lane into Quicker bus journeys and General traffic would only over Woodhouse Moor. A660 delayed in traffic at busy either a wide bus and cycle more reliable services. have use of one lane rather times. lane or a narrow bus lane Improved facilities for than two (Leeds-bound). alongside a separate cycle cyclists. Minor widening into the All vehicles are allowed lane or track. grass verge may be needed. to enter the advisory cycle A65 lane which can discourage It may be necessary to

Hyde Park Road less confident cyclists and relocate the street lighting increase the risk of columns from the central ! accidents. reservation into the grass verge.

New northbound cycle facilities (between Clarendon Road and Hyde Park Corner)

Issue Opportunity

Cyclists share a narrow bus Convert the existing lane with buses, which can roadside footway into a Rampart Road lead to delays for bus segregated cycle track. The plan above indicates the extent of the area services and can intimidate Re-use the York stone Changes to the Clarendon Road Junction covered by the main map cyclists and deter cycling. paving to upgrade the Some cyclists use the parallel footpath through roadside footway or the Woodhouse Moor for Issue Introduce landscaping Rd parallel footpath running exclusive use by improvements and better KEY through Woodhouse Moor, pedestrians. Provide new Buses are delayed in traffic bus stop facilities in the area creating conflicts with lighting along the upgraded at peak times. between Raglan Road and pedestrians. footpath. Woodhouse Lane. Issue Benefit Road safety issues exist for cyclists when turning right A problem we have Positive outcomes Benefit Monument Moor into Clarendon Road. Benefit identified as a result as a result of making of surveying the area changes Quicker bus journeys and The area around the Quicker bus journeys and more reliable services. Woodhouse St Marks Road Bramley Moor junction is inhospitable to more reliable bus services. pedestrians and bus stop Opportunity Impact Improved facilities for waiting facilities are poor. Improved road safety for cyclists and pedestrians. Reglan Road cyclists. Something we think The challenges or can be done to help trade-offs associated A660 Opportunity Improved bus passenger resolve an issue with making changes experience and better Extend the current pedestrian environment southbound bus lane at the around the junction. top of Raglan Road back A647 beyond the traffic lights to enable Leeds-bound buses Impact to bypass the main junction. Extend the current The stone walled planters at northbound bus lane the top of Raglan Road and alongside the School the two to three trees of Chemical & Process closest to the junction Engineering closer to would need to removed. the junction to give Headingley-bound buses New trees would be planted more priority. and landscaping introduced to compensate for their Introduce dedicated cycle loss. Library lane for right turning Public House cyclists.

University of Leeds School of Chemical & Process Engineering Clarendon Road

Towards city centre

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