Tour Runs March 1

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Tour Runs March 1 Welcome to the Tour of Wildflowers! Expert Tour continued Here’s how to play: Green/ Brown Flowers 1. Register online at to receive regular ________ Blue Cohosh updates and learn about wildflower Caulophylum thalictroides hotspots. ________ Early Meadow-rue Thalictrum dioicum 2. Find a flower, take a picture. ________ Jack-in-the-Pulpit 2019 OR Arisaema triphyllum Attend a naturalist-led wildflower program ________ Skunk Cabbage and verify the flowers you found. Symplocarpus foetidus ________ Wild Ginger Asarum canadense 3. Bring your photos to any Cleveland Metroparks nature center for verification. Yellow/ Orange Flowers OR ________ Common Cinquefoil Potentilla simplex Email your photos to ________ Golden Alexanders Zizia aurea [email protected]. ________ Hispid/Swamp Buttercup Ranunculus hispidus 4. Finished your tour? Turn it in for a packet ________ Kidney Leaved Buttercup of native wildflowers! Grow your own patch Ranunculus abortivus of blooms and celebrate your success. ________ Large-flowered Bellwort Seeds will be available at any nature center Uvularia grandiflora May 15—June 15. Don’t forget: You may complete the Novice Tour, or the Expert Tour. All of these native wildflowers can be found in Wildflowers of Ohio by Robert L. Henn. North Chagrin Nature Center PLEASE DO NOT PICK WILDFLOWERS. Tour runs (440) 473-3370 HAVE FUN! [email protected] March 1 - June 1 Novice Tour Novice Tour Expert Tour Find 8 of these 10 common wildflowers to Wildflower Photo Find 30 of the 35 flowers listed in the whole complete your tour. Don’t forget to have a Date/ Initials pamphlet to become a wildflower expert! naturalist initial to verify your pictures! Wild Blue Phlox Date/Initials Wildflower Wildflower Photo Phlox divaricata White Flowers Date/ Initials __________ ________ Dutchman’s Breeches Dicentra cucullaria Yellow Trout Lily Erythronium americanum ________ Field Pussytoes Large White Trillium Antennaria neglecta Trillium grandiflorum ________ Harbinger-of-spring __________ Erigenia bulbosa __________ ________ Miterwort/ Bishops Cap Cut-leaved Toothwort Mitella diphylla ________ Philadelphia Fleabane Cardamine concatenata __________ Erigeron philadelphicus Bear Corn/ Squawroot ________ Rue Anemone Conopholis americana Thalictrum thalictroides ________ Solomon’s Plume/ False Solomon’s Seal Maianthemum racemosum __________ Wild Strawberry ________ Squirrel Corn Dicentra canadensis Fragaria virginiana ________ Twinleaf Jeffersonia diphylla ________ Virginia Waterleaf __________ Mayapple Hydrophyllum virginianum Podophyllum peltatum ________ White Trout Lily Eryrthronim albidium Wild Geranium Geranium maculatum __________ Blue/ Purple Flowers ________ Blue Eyed Grass __________ Sisyrinchium angustifolium Free Space: find and identify any other ________ Common Blue Violet Viola sororia flower. Draw it here! ________ Northern Blue Flag Iris Iris versicolor Ramps/ Wild Leeks (Find leaves) ________ Virginia/ Eastern Bluebell Allium tricoccum Mertensia virginica __________ __________ Tour continues .
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