Athame an Athame (Pronounced: Ath-Uh-May) Is Cauldron a (Usually) Black Handled, Double Sided the Cauldron Is a Symbol of Rebirth, the Blade, Ritual Knife

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Athame an Athame (Pronounced: Ath-Uh-May) Is Cauldron a (Usually) Black Handled, Double Sided the Cauldron Is a Symbol of Rebirth, the Blade, Ritual Knife Personal Tradition Tools Athame An athame (pronounced: ath-uh-may) is Cauldron a (usually) black handled, double sided The cauldron is a symbol of rebirth, the blade, ritual knife. Its purpose is strictly hearth, of abundance and of well being. symbolic. The blade is usually strait and Ancient Celtic tales dull. It represents the male aspect of di- tell of cauldrons that vinity and can be used to cast and cut a that no one ever went circle during ritual as well as to direct away from hungry and energy in much the same way as cauldrons that, when a wand. the dead were thrown into them, would bring Besom the dead back to life. A besom is a ceremonial broom. It These days, cauldrons is used to clear an area of nega- represent the female aspect of divinity, tivity, to establish sacred space the womb, and are used thusly in con- and for blessing and protecting junction with rods, wands, swords and the home. It is also used in mar- athames (depending on their size and the riage and other ceremonies to symbolize tradition) in symbolic representation of the end of one thing and the beginning The Great Rite. of another. Censer Boline A censer is a vessel that is used to hold A boline is a functional ceremonial blade. smoldering charcoal (from a fi re or self- It is usually kept sharp only on one side igniting disks) upon which one burns the of the blade, which is often curved. You they herbs, resins, barks etc will sometimes see a hand scythe or small sickle called a boline. The boline is used Incense for cutting herbs, carving and inscribing Incense is a resinous base, often mixed words into candles and other things. with additional herbs or essential oils Tools and burned to release fragrance. sachet designed to protect against harm while travelling may be hung from a rear Poppet view mirror. A sachet to protect against More commonly known as the Voodoo theft may be tucked into a purse. Or a Doll, poppets can be used for various sachet to bring good luck may be carried sympathetic magic in someone’s pocket when they visit the spells. Poppets can casino. be made out of wax, cloth, plant material, Scourge clay or paper mache. The scourge is a It’s always best to ceremonial whip. make them out of It may be used something burnable during ritual to so they can be destroyed when you are demonstrate hu- done with them. Poppets can be used for mility before the curses and spells to control the will of Gods, but more another, but most often they are used in often it is used healing and love spells. as a tool to aid in achieving altered Sachet states of consciousness. A sachet is a small cloth bag that is ei- ther stitched or tied closed at the top Scrying mirror and contains herbs, crystals or other A scrying mirror is usually (but not al- small items carefully selected by a magi- ways) a black refl ective surface, rather cal practitioner to bring about a desired than a silvery one. As its name would change in the area the sachet is kept or suggest, a scrying mirror is used for scry- for the person who carries it. For exam- ing. It is used as a focal point for medita- ple, a sachet stuffed with items to draw tive scrying and sometimes just for medi- money may be kept in a cash register. A tation. Sometimes the practitioner will Tools see images in the mirror itself, but most Wand often the mirror aids the practitioner A wand, or a rod, is a stick that has been into settling into a meditative state and carefully gathered and prepared to be answers and images come to the practi- used for ritual work. They are associated tioner’s mind aided by the relaxed state. with masculine energy and the element of air Staff or fi re The staff represents the mas- depend- culine aspect and is associated ing on with air or fi re depending on the the tra- tradition. It is used to direct en- dition. ergy, to establish sacred space, to tap out Wands are used for pointing and focus- hypnotic rhythms and for leaning on. ing energy, and for stirring. a full moon night Literature Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Literature Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Literature Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Title: Title: Author: Author: Notes: Notes: Ritual Groundwork Sacred Space Altar Arrangements Elements of Circle Casting Basics of Circle Casting 1. Purify the place where you will cast your circle. Purify physically (clean up) as well 4. Represent the elements in the as spiritually (take your hands, or four quarters of your circle. Place broom, athame or wand and direct something that represent Earth in positive energy into the area, to push the north, Air in the east, Fire south away negative energy). You could and Water west. Bless (or ask for try using witch hazel to cleanse the consecration of) these things. Be area - a couple of drops in each cor- sure to have some food and drink to ner of the room and round the perim- share with the spirits, to thank them eter of the circle should be suffi cient. and to replenish your energy. Call up the circle. 2. You may physically determine 5. Take your the bounds of your circle. Do this by magick weapon, whether it be hands, drawing a circle on the fl oor, sprin- a broom, athame or wand, and walk kling salt water in a circle, or by lay- round the spot where your circle will ing a cord in a circle (make sure you be thrice, clockwise: “Cast the circle tie it). Some traditions say the circle thrice about, to keep the evil spirits is usually as wide as you are tall. out.” State the purpose of the circle. Many people have different ways of calling up the circle, mine is in the 3. Place all the objects you will “Casting” section. be using in your ritual inside the circle. If you have a list, check them off as you go. Basics of Circle Casting 6. Invoke the elements. spirits 8. Do whatever it is you want to and deities you wish to work with. do in your circle. Remember: “An it Call them to the objects that repre- harm none, do what ye will.” If you sent them. Take each of the objects must leave the circle before you are that represent the elements around done, cut a doorway (quite literally, your circle, fi lling it with the power envision a doorway being cut from of each of them. the edge of the circle, up, to the side, then down again). Reclose the circle once you’re back in. 7. Meditate for a while now. Meditation or astral projection might be the main act, or it serves 9. Close the circle when you’re just to shift your consciousness. done: pay respect to whatever dei- ties you invited, thank the elements before you remove their representa- tive objects, and fi nally undo the casting by casting in reverse. Casting Casting Before you begin: consider every- one’s bathroom needs. Sounds silly, urify but it is very distracting. P Physically tidy the area before you begin any work. This creates a healthy work environment because just as you can change your feelings by changing your behavior, you can change your inner state by changing your outer state. Next, you will spiritually clean the space. Many traditions call for a besom sweeping around the area of the circle three times clockwise (deosil). As you walk around the perimeter, imagine all negative infl uence being swept from the area. etermine D You may wish to mark the outline of your circle, especially if you are new to casting circles. Over time you will be able to tell where your circle’s boundaries are, but until then it is a good practice. It is also a good idea for others to see - and therefore not stumble into - your circle. Casting lace P All items you need for your spellwork or ritual within the circle. Though this seems a bit mundane, it is a very crucial step. This helps eliminate the need to leave the circle once it has been raised. Leaving the circle weakens its structure. Use a checklist if that will help you remember. Some say that cats can enter and exit a circle without damaging the structure at all. This would be a big reason why a lot of witches tend to keep cats as pets. ilence S Your phones, watches, clocks, anything that would disturb you during your ritual. If you have people over, or dependants, you should take timing into major consideration before working your spell. Always give yourself more time than you think you need, because time is fl uid in the circle. It is as they say, “Time fl ies when you’re having fun.” Casting epresent R the elements in the four quarters of your circle. Place something that represents Earth in the north, Air in the east, Fire south and Water west. Bless (or ask for consecration of) these things. Be sure to have some food and drink to share with the spirits, to thank them and to replenish your energy.
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