TIMES. MIAMI,FLORIDA Tenants Move In Y-Teen Conference Commission Blocks PAGE SIXTEEN SATURDAY, MARCH ISSO Homes At Perrine March 31 Slum Plan Ik I (continued from page 1) Bungalows Murrell Branch YWGA Is an- Rev. Theodore Gibson. Others who nouncing coming of the 1860 the tendered PLAYGROUND CHAMPIONS A total of sixteen families of ton* State Y-Teen conference and Ad- strong appeals for thel*~ Atty. ants from various sections of Dads visor’s Institute to Miami ,to be sue were Dr. E. A. Ward, Abe Aronovitz, D. A. Dougins, J. T. County, moved in thlir now, wait held March 81 through April 2nd. Knight, H. E. W. appointed home* at Perrine Bunga- It will be held at the Richmond Air S. Reeves, W. lows yesterday (Fridays March 17) Base, University of Miami. More Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth Yirrlck and and began what many o them des- than 100 Y-Teens and their teacher S. W. T. Smith. cribed as a new life. advisors from all over the state are Three high powered attorneys, Tic- PerMne Bungalows, a veterans expected to attend. tor Griley, Charles Morehead and v ,¦ <. ¦BpjjjjSHHpp* housing project, located at Perrine, W. C. Price were retained by land- * Florida, just west of the main high- Theme of the conference as select- lords and property owners In the ' BE J „ ed. by the members of the Planning colored to argue their Jfc. 2jL; J way, is being built by the same section fr; Bun- committee, will be Youth Initiative: oase. t.;, - mt J# company that built Whlteaker galow's. housing project for Adult Guidance. Members of the Miami Beach Councilman Bur- committee, Negro veterans established In Dade Planning which is com- nett Roth called a meeting for Sat- both Y-Teens and County. It is located adjacent to posed of advisors, urday morning at 19 a.m. to explain ¦¦ggtafcgM the first project, but represents a are: Chairman, Mrs. A. E. McNeal, the working of the recall or refer* Chairman, marked improvement in the general Student Ann Johnson; endum program. -- Registrar,. Frances Osborne, ?• 1: F ? | features of the homes, over the Miss Under the initiative petition char- Student Registrar, Mattie Thomas; ter provision, if 10 per cent of k«k : ~ • first group. the JBl% 1 *1 Secretary, Miss Juanita Parker; city’s registered voters signed a- pe- Among those tenants who occu- Program Committee chairman, mi«s tition asking the public bossing be pied their homes this week were: Marie Roberts, student Program approved, the commission would Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hill, Mr. and Committee chairman, Tommye have the choice of giving the appro- Mrs. Tommy L. Jackson, Mr. and Amos; Promotion Committee chair- val or submitting it to a referen- Mrs. Tommie Banes, Rev. William man, Allene Johnson; Hospitality dum vote-. t Florrle J. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Ds Committee chairman, Mrs. Roth, said the issue could (• to b Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Newman G. Osgood, student chairman, Delores vote within 80 days after it was Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Grady An- Rowe. launched. The Dwwy Park senior basket- round, CVconut Grove and Liberty derson, Mr. and Mrs. Luther E. El- The meeting will be held at the ball team sjxmsorvU by Rlohardson City, both lost in the quarter finals. dridge, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ben- Personals downtown Miami YWCA. Funeral Home won the Florida In- Dorsey Park’s senior team, who nett, Mr. and Mrs. Green Grice, Sr., Meanwhile J. T. Knight, housing dependent Basketball Tournament has not lost a game in two years, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Rogers, Mrs. Juanta Campbell Johnßon,. authority director, conferred hy tele- held in Daytona Beach. March 9th, defeated St. Augustine 47-17 and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wright, Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James phone with his regional office in Ah* 19th and 11th hy defeating the Day- Daytona 68-25 to reach the finals. and Mrs. Phillip N. Bullard, Mr. Campbell of 2973 NW 51st terrace is lanta and was assured that the fl9k- tona Monarehs in the finals 57-47. Nathaniel Carr of Dorsey Park was and Mrs. Raymond L. Lewis, Mr. in the city visiting with friends and -000,000 for the housing development This tournament was sponosered by voted the outstanding player of the and Mrs. Levie McCoy and Mr. Sin- relatives. could be held “for at least 8t days.” the Cypress Street Recreation De- tournament and received a trophy. clair Williams. partment. High scorer for Dorsey was Thomas The homes at Perrine Bungalows Marshall with Reuben “Spider” are all well built, modern struc- Cities that were represented at Rolle second and Nathaniel Carr tures, with tile roofs, tile baths, this tournament were St. Peters- third. Other players were: Nathaniel large rooms, tile floors, and all oth- Expert Repairs burg, Tampa, St. Augustine, Green Strachan, Jackson, Miller, Camp- er modern conveniences. They are For Auto Electrical Cove Springs, Jacksonville and Mi- bell, Johnson, McCullough, Senders, built on extra large lots and each See ami. Miami was well represented at and Clark. The team was coached home is equipped with a Westing- the tournament with four teams, by Leroy Cromartie and Roderick house Electric Stove and Refrigera- General Appliance Repairs Dixie Park, who lost in the first Silva. tor and an Easy-Way Washer with 19 N,E. 14th Street Phone 9-IS9* pumps. They have been classed among the finest homes being built Generators Starters Radios—Appliance* anywhere for veterans. Circling Beauticians To Meet |] League, The Globe The Beauticians Miami By Herman Walton unit No. 7, will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, March 21, at 11:30 a.m. at the Youth Center, 340 at the stadium—the New York NW 13th st. Business of vital im- The two big Yankees versus the Brooklyn Dodg- portance; all members are asked to league