Nevada Silver & Blue • Winter 2014
The magazine of the University of Nevada, Reno • Winter 2014 E. L. Wiegand Fitness Center COMPLETES VISION OF NURTURING STUDENTS’ MINDS, BODIES & SPIRITS From the President A transformational statement about the health of a campus In mid-September we gath- ered in the Great Room of the Joe Crowley Student Union for The magazine of the University of Nevada, Reno an important announcement. On hand were representa- tives of the E. L. Wiegand Copyright ©2013, by the University of Nevada, Reno. All rights Foundation, friends from the reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written community, faculty, staff, stu- permissionCopyright ©2014,is prohibited. by the Nevada University Silver of & Nevada,Blue (USPS# Reno. 024- All 722),rights Spring reserved. 2013, Reproduction Volume 30, Number in whole 3, is orpublished in part quarterlywithout dents and Gov. Brian Sandoval (fall,written winter, permission spring, is summer)prohibited. by Nevada the University Silver & Blue of Nevada, (USPS# ’86 (foreign affairs). Reno,024-722), Development Winter 2014, and AlumniVolume Relations, 31, Number Morrill 2, isHall published Alumni We were there to announce quarterly (fall, winter, spring, summer) by the University of Theresa by Photo Danna-Douglas Center, Reno, NV 89557-0007. Periodicals postage paid at Reno, one of the more transformative NVNevada, and atReno, additional Development mailing andoffices. AlumniPOSTMASTER: Relations, Morrill Send University President Marc Johnson, E. L. Wiegand Foundation statements ever made on our addressHall, 1664 changes N. Virginia to Nevada St., Reno, Silver NV& Blue 89503-2007., University Periodicalsof Nevada, President Kristen Avansino, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval postage paid at Reno, NV and at additional mailing offices.
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