St. Peter’s Parish 6 Father Cody Plaza, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 _ Parish Administration Offices: Salt Point Turnpike, St. Peter’s Cemetery (845) 452-8580 Parish Secretary Ext. 111 * Parish Bookkeepers Ext. 110 * Religious Education Ext. 121 Grave Openings & Sales Ext. 115 * St. Peter’s Parish Website: Mass Schedule Served by Sunday Weekday Masses Father Patrick Curley Our Lad y o f th e Ro sary Ch ap e l Our Lad y o f th e Ro sary Ch ap e l 7:00am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 5:00pm Monday 7:00pm Pastor Tuesday 8:30am Saturday Wednesday 12:00pm Parish Aud ito rium Thursday 12:00pm 4:00pm Confession: School , Sat. 3-3:45pm

March 1, 2020 The First Sunday of Lent SATURDAY, February 29th - The Vigil Mass of the First Sunday of Lent Violet Vestments

School Gym 4:00 pm ^ John & Josephine Kacocha by Dennis, Rene, & Nick Shannon

SUNDAY, March 1st - The First Sunday of Lent Violet Vestments

Our Lady’s Chapel 7:00 am ^ Denis Francis Quinn by his daughter Margaret 9:00 am ^ Judy Miller by Doris Van Benschoten & Family 10:30 am ^ Annie Luty by Cathy Avallone 12:00 noon ^ Phillip Siggelkow by the Olson Family 5:00 pm ^ Albert DeMarco by Ken & Debbie Keltos MONDAY, March 2nd - Weekday in Lent Violet Vestments

Memorial Mass 7:00 pm ^ The Puzewski, Kelly, and Schraff Families by the Family ^ Raquel Gutierrez-Builes by Our Lady’s Chapel Teresa Builes ^ Steven Amarillo by Teresa Builes ^ Johnny Amarillo by Jose Amarillo ^ Maria Orjuela by Jose Amarillo ^ Sean Sinon by Mom ^ Victim Souls of 9/11 ^ Brian Lanigan by Mom & Dad ^ Tracey Miller by the Lanigan Family

TUESDAY, March 3rd - St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin Violet Vestments

Our Lady’s Chapel 8:30 am ^ All Souls in Purgatory by St. Peter’s

WEDNESDAY, March 4th - St. Casimir Violet Vestments Benefactor’s Mass 12:00 noon ^ Marguerite Campbell ^ Martin Naughton ^ Margaret Mary Russell ^ Margaret Mary Walsh ^ John Francis ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Our Lady’s Chapel Fitzpatrick Grace Rider D’Engenis Catherine Bialosuknia Alice Mary Rohan Rita Simmons Helen Luty ^ Mary Helen Davis ^ Steve Woznica ^ Shirley Yager ^ Mary Agnes Morris ^ Peter Cahill ^ Joseph Dosio ^ Helen Mary Stelmach ^ Marguerite Marconette ^ Mary Lynch Marconette ^ George Marconette ^ Margaret Marconette O’Donnel ^ Joseph Marconette ^ Anna Joseph ^ Margaret Heady ^ John Hadigan ^ Margaret Bunten ^ Mildred VanVlack ^ Carol Wood ^ Kathleen & Robert Wermuth ^ Mary Miller ^ Theodore Luty Jr. ^ Steven Eric Kowalski THURSDAY, March 5th - Weekday in Lent Violet Vestments

Our Lady’s Chapel 12:00 noon ^ All Unborn Babies by St. Peter’s Church FIRST FRIDAY, March 6th - Weekday in Lent Violet Vestments Our Lady’s Chapel 12:00 noon Special Intentions by Florence Zotyak FIRST SATURDAY, March 7th - St. Perpetua & St. Felicity, Martyrs Violet Vestments The month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph Mass Intentions and Mass Cards are available at the Administration Building at St. Peter’s Cemetery from 9am-12:00pm, M-F. Mass cards are also available for all Holy Days of Obligation. March 1, 2020 The First Sunday in Lent There are no flowers on the or music during Lent. (The people’s responses in bold represent wording that Benedict had changed in the Mass throughout the world.)

Greeting Gloria

Priest: The Lord be with you. Glory to God in the highest, People: And with your spirit. and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, The Confiteor we bless you, we adore you, I confess to almighty God we glorify you, and to you, my brothers and sisters, we give you thanks for your great glory, that I have greatly sinned Lord God, heavenly King. in my thoughts and in my words, O God, almighty Father. in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, Lord Jesus Christ, (And then striking your breast three times) Only Begotten Son, through my fault, Lord God, Lamb of God, through my fault, Son of the Father, through my most grievous fault; you take away the sins of the world, therefore, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, have mercy on us; all the Angels and Saints, you take away the sins of the world, and you, my brothers and sisters, receive our prayer; to pray for me to the Lord our God. you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. Priest: Lord have mercy. People: Lord have mercy. Priest: Christ have mercy. People: Christ have mercy. For you alone are the Holy One, Priest: Lord have mercy. People: Lord have mercy.*

*(Or any other option the priest chooses. “The Lord have mercy” can be sung as “Kyrie elÁison” or the Penitential Jesus is Tempted in the Desert hymn “Asperges” may be sung.)

A Reading from the Book of Genesis (GN 2:7-9; 3:1-7)

The LORD God formed man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living being. Then the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and placed there the man whom he had formed. Out of the ground the LORD God made various trees grow that were delightful to look at and good for food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the animals that the LORD God had made. The serpent asked the woman, “Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?” The woman answered the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden; it is only about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden that God said, ‘You shall not eat it or even touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is evil.” The woman saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves.

Lector: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. The Responsorial: Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. (PS 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 17)

A Reading from the First Letter of St. Paul to the Romans (ROM 5:12-19)

Brothers and sisters: Through one man sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came to all men, inasmuch as all sinned—for up to the time of the law, sin was in the world, though sin is not accounted when there is no law. But death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who did not sin after the pattern of the trespass of Adam, who is the type of the one who was to come. But the gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one, the many died, how much more did the grace of God and the gracious gift of the one man Jesus Christ overflow for the many. And the gift is not like the result of the one who sinned. For after one sin there was the judgment that brought condemnation; but the gift, after many transgressions, brought acquittal. For if, by the transgression of the one, death came to reign through that one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of justification come to reign in life through the one Jesus Christ. In conclusion, just as through one transgression condemnation came upon all, so, through one righteous act, acquittal and life came to all. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so, through the obedience of the one, the many will be made righteous.

Lector: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Lector: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless Glory! People Only: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless Glory! (Stand) Lector Only: One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. (MT 4:4B) People Only: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless Glory!

Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit.

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew (MT 4:1-11) People: Glory to you, O Lord.

At that time, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards He was hungry. The tempter approached and said to Him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” He said in reply, “It is written: One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Then the devil took him to the holy city, and made Him stand on the parapet of the temple, and said to Him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written: He will command His angels concerning you and with their hands they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Jesus answered him, “Again it is written, You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.” Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, "All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” At this, Jesus said to him, “Get away, Satan! It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and Him a lone shall you serve.” Then the devil left Him and, behold, angels came and ministered to Him.

Priest: The Gospel of the Lord. People: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Creed Prayer Said by the People After The Pray I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Brethren Prayer of the Priest

Maker of heaven and earth, May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands of all things visible and invisible. for the praise and glory of His Name, for our good and the good of all His holy I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, church. the Only Begotten Son of God, Priest: The Lord be with you. born of the Father before all ages. People: And with your spirit. God from God, Light from Light, Priest: Lift up your hearts. true God from true God, People: We lift them up to the Lord. begotten, not made, Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right and just. consubstantial with the Father; through Him all things were made. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts. For us men and for our salvation He came down Heaven and earth are full of your glory. from heaven, Hosanna in the highest. At the words that follow, up to and including and became Man, all bow Blessed is he who comes and by the Holy Spirit was Incarnate of the in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Virgin Mary and became Man. Priest: The mystery of Faith. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, People: We proclaim your Death, O Lord, He suffered death and was buried, and profess your Resurrection until You and rose again on the third day come again. in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you and is seated at the right hand of the Father. always. He will come again in glory to judge the living People: And with your spirit. and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of are those called to the supper of the Lamb.

Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, People: Lord, I am not worthy that You should Who with the Father and the Son is adored and enter under my roof, but only say the word and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. my soul shall be healed.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Concluding Rites I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins Priest: The Lord be with you. and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead People: And with your spirit. and the life of the world to come. Priest: Go forth the Mass is ended. Amen. People: Thanks be to God.

“THOU ART PETER, THE ROCK, AND UPON YOU I SHALL BUILD MY CHURCH” MattheW 16:18 Baptism The Sacraments Weddings

PRAY FOR THE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH SERIOUSLY ILL * Lorraine Nielsen by the Family * Jim Daley by the Family * * Felicia Ritters by the Family * Bill Timmons by Loretta Timmons * Joann Morris by Elizabeth O’Brien * Audrey Marie Michaels by Felicia Ritters * Thomas Hart by a Friend * * Susan Charter by Jo Kupiec & Family * Luca Schneider by Maureen Babiarz * J.R. Prince by Mary Prince * Jessica White by Mary Ann Lysko PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OTHER PARISHES Sandy Cannistra by her Friends * Michael Einfeldt by the Family * Antonina Mirto by Edith Luca * Sean Tierney by the Brodie Family * * Shania Kanz by Stephen Garrison * Deacon James Hayes by Felicia Ritters *

* To have names added to the prayer lists, please call (845) 452-8580 ext. 120. and leave a message, please spell all names.

PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED SOULS OF THE PARISH PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED OF OTHER PARISHES ^ William J. Moran Jr. (75) entered eternal rest 9/6 Memorial Mass - Fr. LaMorte 9/30 ^ Kathleen Turner (84) August 21, 2019 remembered by Mary Ann Lysko ^ Erna Emilie Titone (94) entered eternal rest 11/17 * Funeral Mass - 11/23 ^ Rebecca Consolini (27) Sept. 20, 2019 remembered by Mary Ann Lysko ^ Kathleen S. Arata (76) entered eternal rest 11/22 * Funeral Mass - 11/26 ^ Albert DeMarco (91) Oct. 10, 2019 remembered by Francine Barrett ^ Charles J. Gunsch (67) entered eternal rest 12/21 * Funeral Mass - 12/27 ^ David R. Feheley (71) Dec. 29, 2019 remembered by Mary Ann Lysko ^ Robert P. Vaughan (95) entered eternal rest 11/2 * Sweet’s Memorial - 11/16 ^ Ella Hoffer (76) Jan. 21, 2020 remembered by Mary Ann Lysko ^ Barbara Trainor (82) entered eternal rest 2/13 Funeral Mass - Fr. Curley 2/17 ^ Erminio Bisceglia (89) Jan. 11, 2020 remembered by Edith Luca ^ Sue Tucker (89) entered eternal rest 2/17 * Remembered by Edith Luca ^ Mary Glass (61) January 30, 2020 remembered by Mary Ann Lysko

The Mass Intentions for next weekend If you would like one of the priests to visit the sick, please call Sunday, March 8th (845) 452-8580 ext. 111, if an emergency call ext. 101

School Gym 4 pm Elizabeth Lasko

Our Lady’s 7am Msgr. Charles Brennen Chapel 9am Maria Imperati 10:30am Judy Miller 12noon Theresa Turletes 5pm Arthur Supperly

St. Peter’s Church Memorials. Never Forgotten.

In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of To request a memorial, Meg Ellen Misove Case Horton Tucker please call 9/27/76 - 1/11/12 th March 30, 1929 to February 23, 2016 (845) 452-8580 ext. 111 on her 8 Anniversary in Heaven Forever In Our Hearts, Love, Your Loving Family Sue & Family

10th Anniversary In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Memory of Never Forgotten Mae A. Dahowski my beloved wife Catherine Jurutka John F. Belch st Jean on her 1 anniversary 10/12/1912 - 2/1/1965 9/29/47 - 1/05/10 in Heaven, on our anniversary Forever Loved & Missed We love and miss you, Love and miss you, from Mike Rock Your Daughter, Karen Gerard, Linda & Family JoAnne and all your Family Weekly Schedule - 1st Sunday of the Month

Our Lady of the Chapel Parish Auditorium School Building & Mausoleum Chapel Chapel

Saturday, February 29th 1-3pm - Setup School Gym for 3:00-3:45pm - Confessions Saturday Mass - Fr. Patrick Curley

4pm - Vigil Mass - Fr. Patrick Curley

Sunday, March 1st Masses 7am - Fr. Zeverin 10:00am - 12:00pm 9am - Fr. Patrick Curley First Sunday in Lent 10:30am - Fr. Patrick Curley First Sunday Coffee Social 12noon - Fr. Patrick Curley 2:30pm - Meeting with Couple for Wedding 5pm - Fr. Patrick Curley

Monday, March 2nd Mass 7pm - Bingo 6:30pm - Rosary for all unborn babies 7:00pm - Memorial Mass - Fr. Zeverin 7:30pm - & Our Lady of Victory Novenas - Fr. Zeverin

Tuesday, March 3rd Mass 8:30pm - Fr. Zeverin 9:00am - Novena to St. Anthony

Wednesday, March 4th Mass Religious Education (CCD) 12:00pm - Fr. Zeverin 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Thursday, March 5th Mass 6:00pm - Parish Prayer Group at 12:00pm - Fr. Patrick Curley School Chapel

First Friday, March 6th Mass 7pm - Bingo 12:00pm - Fr. Patrick Curley

7:00pm - Traditional Stations of the Cross 7:30pm - Benediction

First Saturday, March 7th 1-3pm - Setup School Gym for 3:00-3:45pm - Confessions 12:30pm - First 1:00pm - Baptism Saturday Mass - Fr. Patrick Curley Saturday Mass 4pm - Vigil Mass - Fr. Patrick Curley

Sunday, March 8th Masses 7am - Fr. Zeverin 9am - Fr. Paul Guido 10:30am - Fr. Paul Guido 12noon - Fr. Patrick Curley 5pm - Fr. Patrick Curley

Lector and Sacristan Assignments st Mar. 1 - Lectors: JoAnne Belch (9am), Nellia Olivencia (10:30am) / Sacristan: Mason Sala (12pm & 5pm) Mar. 8th - Lectors: Tom McNamara (9am), Robert Tortorella (10:30am) / Sacristan: Mark Venuto (12pm)

Hyde Park Knights of Columbus 26th Annual Lenten “FRESH” Fish Fry We will be serving Freshly breaded Fish each Friday during Lent, EXCEPT Good Friday. Our Fish Fries will begin on February 28th and end on April 3rd. Your choice of meal entrée includes: Fried Haddock, Baked Haddock (w/baked potato for $1 extra), Fried Clam Strips, Battered Shrimp, OR Breaded Scallops. Sides: Cole Slaw, French Fries, roll, butter, dessert, drinks. All for $14.00!! Kids Portion: (Fish or Shrimp) for $10.00. Combo Platter: includes Fish Fillet, Scallops, Shrimp, Clam Strips $17.00 Side Dishes Available: Clam chowder $2.00; Side of Fries $3.00; Baked Mac n’ Cheese $8.00 Served in house from 5PM to 7PM. For take out orders please call (845) 229-6111 after 4:30PM each Friday. The Hyde Park K of C is located 1 mile north of the East Park Light on Route 9G. You may also visit us at Our Parish Lenten Retreat

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday March 9th - March 11th Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel 7:00pm

Monday - God's love, the Eucharist and the Image of Divine Mercy, and the origins of the Chaplet Tuesday - Living the Message of Mercy - role of forgiveness, trust, and mercy Wednesday - Praying for the sick and dying, the gift of life, and the role of the Blessed Mother

Our Lenten Retreat will be presented by Dr. Bryan Thatcher, MD. Dr. Thatcher is the founder and director of Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy. This ministry, active in 16 countries is dedicated to serving the poor, spreading the message of Divine Mercy, and educating people on the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Lenten Reminders Stations of the Cross are held every Friday during Lent at 7pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel.

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of abstinence from meat and fasting to one full meal. All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. During Lent you should also sacrifice by abstaining from a particular kind of food and drink. Children should offer up candy during Lent which is the reason candy is given on Easter. There should be less entertaining, eating, music, television, movies, and more praying the Rosary, attending Stations of the Cross on Fridays and other prayers. You are also asked especially at this time to donate to the Cardinal’s Appeal for Catholic Charities which you will receive as a separate mailing from the Archdiocese as part of your Lenten sacrifice. If you are not a registered parishioner and you want to make this a part of your Lenten sacrifice for the needy of the Archdiocese there are envelopes located at the entrances to the Chapel. There is no music allowed during Lent with the exception of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday during Holy Week.

First Saturday Club Honoring the Blessed Mother For and By People with Disabilities The First Saturday Club will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at Holy Trinity Church, 775 Main St., Poughkeepsie, NY. The Rosary will be said at 10:30am followed by Mass at 11am. A luncheon, prepared by the host parish, will follow after Mass. For further information contact JoAnn at (845) 462-3186 or Elizabeth at (845) 454-2340. A number of people asked me for this prayer after Mass on Sunday. I referred to this prayer in my homily.

Lord Jesus, in scripture your servant Saint Paul teaches us “that for those who love you, all things work out for the good in the end.” I ask you Lord to take this traumatic event, which has brought me so much pain and make something beautiful come from it. Please heal me. I beg you, Lord. Please help me to forgive the person who did this to me. I ask you to bless him or her too. I ask this in your Mother’s name, ....

First Sunday Hyde Park Knights of Coffee Social Columbus - Pancake st Breakfast (1278 Route 9G) Sunday, March 1 Sunday – March 8, 2020 The next First Sunday Breakfast will be served from Coffee Social will be held 8AM -11:30 AM st on Sunday, March 1 , in the ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKES St. Peter’s School cafeteria Stations of the and FRENCH TOAST following the 9am mass Menu: Pancakes (Regular or Blueberry) or until 12:00pm. This is a Cross will be French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon or monthly event on the first Sausage, Home Fries, Orange Juice, Coffee and Tea. Sunday of every month. held every Please stop by before or Adults $9.00 Seniors (62+) $8.00 after mass for refreshments Kids Meal (Children under 12) $5.00 and mingle with fellow Friday night parishioners. All are welcome! during Lent at Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel This Pancake Breakfast is for the benefit of at 7:00pm. Hyde Park Boy Scout Troop #37

Prayer to St. Michael Salve, Regina (Latin) Salve, Regina (English) St. Michael the Archangel, Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy: defend us in battle. Be our Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae; defense against the Vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve. our life, sweetness, and hope, hail. wickedness and snares of Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. the Devil. May God Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes To thee do we sigh, mourning and weeping rebuke him, we humbly in hac lacrimarum valle in this valley of tears. pray, and do thou, O Prince Eia ergo, advocata nostra, Turn then, our advocate, of the heavenly hosts, by those merciful eyes toward us. the power of God, thrust illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. into Hell Satan, and all the (brief bow) (brief bow) evil spirits, who prowl Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, And Jesus, the blessed fruit of thy womb, about the world seeking nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. after our exile, show us. the ruin of souls. Amen. O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Last Weekend’s FINANCIAL REPORT – February 23, 2020 TOTAL WEEKLY COLLECTION (1st, 2nd, & Emergency Collections) - $9,724.17 WEEKLY FIRST COLLECTION - $8,063.17 (includes $1,371.00 in loose cash) Second Collections for School Debts and Archdiocesan Fees - $1,661.00 (includes $583.00 in loose cash) The total amount of donations this week received from all collections, appeals, shrines, and poor boxes was $11,299.17 Prepared by the Trustees of St. Peter’s Church (Trustees are those entrusted by the Pastor with the counting & recording of the Sunday collections) The total number of those families attending on February 23rd was 476 families or 952 adult worshipers

nd Masses Attendance Poor Box: Our Lady’s Chapel $ 108.00 Saturday, Feb. 22 Poor Box: Sc hool Chapel $ 11.00 School Gym 4pm 262 Shrine Statues: Our Lady’s Chapel $ 102.00

rd Shrine Statues: School Chapel $ 12.00 Sunday, Feb. 23 7am 44 Our Lady’s Chapel 9am 160 March 50/50 10:30am 154 Monthly 50/50 envelope must be paid by check or cash 12noon 170 by March 29th. Drawing will be March 30th. 5pm 162 The February winners are Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Philipbar who won $160!

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Peter, Poughkeepsie, NY 03-1297 ANTONIO G. COPPOLA, CIMA, CSNA Wealth Management Advisor HOOKER AVE. Hyde Park Florist & Gifts Ed Usewicz TRAVEL 4204 Albany Post Rd • Hyde Park General Contracting Inc Phone: 454-1600 (845) 229-9522 914.489.4028 FREE ESTIMATES | FULLY INSURED 845-483-7956 Carpentry, Snowplowing, Landscape, Remodels, [email protected] 271 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie Flowers and Gifts as special as the occasion Painting, Electrical, Plumbing & Hauling


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Red Cap Cleaners 722 Main St., Pok 471-1360 North Rd., Pok 485-6443 Contact Renee Puchalski to place an ad today! Red Oaks Mill, Pok 462-6669 [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6453 Rt. 9. Hyde Park 229-5833 24 HOUR SERVICE 845-454-1090 Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Peter, Poughkeepsie, NY 03-1297