Business seal of the representative PURCHASE ORDER with buy back commitment of CITROËN EURO PASS Réf. of the Representative Réf. of Citroën Euro Pass TITLE / IDENTITY ☐Mr ☐Mrs ☐Miss Standard language : ☐French ☐English ☐Spanish ☐Portuguese Name: Maiden name: First Name: Date of birth: Country of birth: City of birth: Nationality: Profession: Telephone: Portable Domicile Email: Title: ☐Passport ☐CNI Date of issue: Number: Place of issue: RESIDENCE ADDRESS OUT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (or in the DOM/TOM) No. And street name: Additions to address: Postal code: City: Country: ADDRESS IN EUROPE

Request the registration of an automobile vehicle in the French series T as a (*) ☐Tourist, and in this regard, certify : ☐ 1 Student

- That my fixed residence is outside of and the European Union (**), ☐Interns (Engineers, Doctors, Artisans, etc.) 2 - That I do not undertake any lucrative activity during my stay in the European Union, ☐Representatives 3 - That my stays, or stays, do not exceed 185 days over a period of 12 consecutive months, 4 ☐Mission members / Journalist

1. Is part of a household located outside the European Union. Is part of a public or private educational institution in metropol itan France and regularly attends courses, irrespective of the level. Does not perform any activity in exchange for payment. 2. Resides outside the European Union. Does not receive any revenue from a lucrative activity performed in any of the member nations of the E.U. Has come to France to receive education or to improve himself/herself in the artistic or cultural professional domains. These internships may or may not be paid. 3. Resides outside the European Union. Is not remunerated by the host institution in metropolitan France. Performs an activity in metropolitan France of which the purpose and duration is determined. 4. The persons must hold a contract of a maximum duration of 24 months, specifying whether they have been sent to the institution by their government. (*) Tick the correct box (**) Article 2 of the decree dated 4 December 1984. “For the application of this decree, the term fixed residence refers to the place where the person resides on a permanent basis, i.e. for at least 185 days a calendar year for professional or personal reasons or in case of a person without any professional reasons, for personal reasons which are based on close relations between the said person and the place of residence. However, the fixed residence of a person, whose professional relations are located at a place other than that of his/her personal relations and who, owing to this, is forced to reside alternately at different locations in two or more foreign countries, is considered to be where the personal”. DO NOT COMPLETE THE FIELDS BELOW IN € CITROËN VEHICLE ORDERED THIS SECTION IS RESERVED TO SODEXA GROUP - CITROËN AUTOMOBILES Model and version: Price (Excl. of taxes) of the vehicle (*) Accessories: in € ………………………………. Amount of the down payment in € Observations: Accessories in € ………..…….….. Delivery costs in € …………..…… DATES AND DURATION Duration Delivery date and start date of insurance: Return costs in € ………………… Date of return and end date of insurance: Total amount of the down Days payment in € …..……….…... DELIVERY Remainder due in €…………. (*) Including insurance premium, registration and preparation costs Place of delivery: The client authorizes SODEXA to debit his/her account in Flight N°.: Time of flight: ☐Morning ☐Afternoon accordance with Articles 2.2 and 5.3 of the

general conditions of sales. THE PURCHASER, SIGNATURE RE TURN Place of return : SIGNATURE

This order is subject to the above-mentioned conditions as well as to the general conditions of sale of the following warranty, which you declare having read and understood. These documents are integral and constitute the contract between you and the Seller. The transfer of ownership of the vehicle sold within the context of this order is suspended till the complete payment of its price, while the transfer of risks takes place at the time of delivery of the vehicle.The information collected on the order form is necessary for SODEXA and AUTOMOBILES CITROËN, its commercial network, any company being able to return a service for itself and/or any company belonging to the same group as AUTOMOBILES CITROËN, for the processing of your order. The vehicle is equipped with computer and the electronic systems allowing the transmission of technical information on how it functions, such as the state of its organs, its levels of fluids, its mileage in order to achieve and to provide, in particular, diagnoses and mechanical or safety alerts. The transmission of these information is necessary for the companies mentioned above to set up certain services. To enforce the required quality and the improvement of these services, the computer and the electronic systems of the vehicle can be remotely updated. The information relating to you and those collected, if necessary, by the computer and the electronic systems of the vehicle can also be used by SODEXA and the companies mentioned above for various purposes - commercial prospection, inquiries and analyses- as well as, after removing the personal names to become anonymous, by any third party in commercial relation with SODEXA and Automobiles Citroën bound by a non-disclosure commitment. For the purposes mentioned above, SODEXA can provide these data to be used in or outside the European Union by guaranteeing an adequate level of data protection. In this case, all the necessary measures are taken to avoid any harm to you.You can exercise your right of access, rectification or withdrawal, limitation of the processing, the opposition and the transmission of the data, according to the conditions described in the law number 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, updated, relative to the data electronic processing, to the data files and to the liberties, and according to the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council n°2016 / 679 of April 27th, 2016, by mail to SODEXA – 71 Boulevard national- 92250 La Garenne-Colombes or through internet to :[email protected]. Moreover, in application of the article L121-34 of the Code of the consumption, you are informed that you can oppose at any time to be contacted on a door-to-door basis, by telephone, by registering yourself, free of charge, on the following website: I accept to receive information and sales offers: ☐from SODEXA the Citroën sales network by electronic way ☐from any company belonging to the same Group as SODEXA and as AUTOMOBILES Citroën, by electronic way ☐from partners of SODEXA and AUTOMOBILES Citroën, including by electronic way ☐I do not agree with the use of information concerning me and the information possibly collected from the computer and electronic systems of the vehicles for the purposes of commercial prospection


Date : EUROCAR TT SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Place : Citroën Europass North America

SODEXA - 71, boulevard National 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France - Siret 552 144 503 00349 - APE 4511Z AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT - Société anonyme au capital de 172 711 770 € - Siège Social : 7 rue Henri Sainte-Claire Deville 92500 Rueil-Malmaison-552 144 503 R.C.S. - APE 7010Z- N° d’identification FR 23552144503. Business seal of the representative PURCHASE ORDER with buy back commitment of CITROËN EURO PASS Réf. of the Representative Réf. of Citroën Euro Pass TITLE / IDENTITY ☐Mr ☐Mrs ☐Miss Standard language : ☐French ☐English ☐Spanish ☐Portuguese Name: Maiden name: First Name: Date of birth: Country of birth: City of birth: Nationality: Profession: Telephone: ☐Portable ☐Domicile Email: Title: ☐Passport ☐CNI Date of issue: Number: Place of issue: RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (or in the DOM/TOM) No. And street name: Additions to address: Postal code: City: Country: ADDRESS IN EUROPE

Request the registration of an automobile vehicle in the French series T as a (*) ☐Tourist, and in this regard, certify : ☐ 1 Student

- That my fixed residence is outside of FRANCE and the European Union (**), ☐Interns (Engineers, Doctors, Artisans, etc.) 2 - That I do not undertake any lucrative activity during my stay in the European Union, ☐Representatives 3 - That my stays, or stays, do not exceed 185 days over a period of 12 consecutive months, 4 ☐Mission members / Journalist

1. Is part of a household located outside the European Union. Is part of a public or private educational institution in metropol itan France and regularly attends courses, irrespective of the level. Does not perform any activity in exchange for payment. 2. Resides outside the European Union. Does not receive any revenue from a lucrative activity performed in any of the member nations of the E.U. Has come to France to receive education or to improve himself/herself in the artistic or cultural professional domains. These internships may or may not be paid. 3. Resides outside the European Union. Is not remunerated by the host institution in metropolitan France. Performs an activity in metropolitan France of which the purpose and duration is determined. 4. The persons must hold a contract of a maximum duration of 24 months, specifying whether they have been sent to the institution by their government. (*) Tick the correct box (**) Article 2 of the decree dated 4 December 1984. “For the application of this decree, the term fixed residence refers to the place where the person resides on a permanent basis, i.e. for at least 185 days a calendar year for professional or personal reasons or in case of a person without any professional reasons, for personal reasons which are based on close relations between the said person and the place of residence. However, the fixed residence of a person, whose professional relations are located at a place other than that of his/her personal relations and who, owing to this, is forced to reside alternately at different locations in two or more foreign countries, is considered to be where the personal”.

DO NOT WRITE HERE, RESERVED FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE The absence of a manual signature by the applicant will result in the order being rejected



2 Business seal of the representative PURCHASE ORDER with buy back commitment of CITROËN EURO PASS Réf. of the Representative Réf. of Citroën Euro Pass TITLE / IDENTITY ☐Mr ☐Mrs ☐Miss Standard language : ☐French ☐English ☐Spanish ☐Portuguese Name: Maiden name: First Name: Date of birth: Country of birth: City of birth: Nationality: Profession: Telephone: ☐Portable ☐Domicile Email: Title: ☐Passport ☐CNI Date of issue: Number: Place of issue: RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (or in the DOM/TOM) No. And street name: Additions to address: Postal code: City: Country: ADDRESS IN EUROPE

Request the registration of an automobile vehicle in the French series T as a (*) ☐Tourist, and in this regard, certify : ☐ 1 Student

- That my fixed residenceDUPLICATE is outside of FRANCE and the European - Union NO (**), SIGNATURE☐Interns REQUIRED (Engineers, Doctors, Artisans, etc.) 2 - That I do not undertake any lucrative activity during my stay in the European Union, ☐Representatives 3 - That my stays, or stays, do not exceed 185 days over a period of 12 consecutive months, 4 ☐Mission members / Journalist

1. Is part of a household located outside the European Union. Is part of a public or private educational institution in metropol itan France and regularly attends courses, irrespective of the level. Does not perform any activity in exchange forPLEASE payment. IGNORE THIS PAGE 2. Resides outside the European Union. Does not receive any revenue from a lucrative activity performed in any of the member nations of the E.U. Has come to France to receive education or to improve himself/herself in the artistic or cultural professional domains. These internships may or may not be paid. 3. Resides outside the European Union. Is not remunerated by the host institution in metropolitan France. Performs an activity in metropolitan France of which the purpose and duration is determined. 4. The persons must hold a contract of a maximum duration of 24 months, specifying whether they have been sent to the institution by their government. (*) Tick the correct box (**) Article 2 of the decree dated 4 December 1984. “For the application of this decree, the term fixed residence refers to the place where the person resides on a permanent basis, i.e. for at least 185 days a calendar year for professional or personal reasons or in case of a person without any professional reasons, for personal reasons which are based on close relations between the said person and the place of residence. However, the fixed residence of a person, whose professional relations are located at a place other than that of his/her personal relations and who, owing to this, is forced to reside alternately at different locations in two or more foreign countries, is considered to be where the personal”. CITROËN VEHICLE ORDERED Model and version: Price (Excl. of taxes) of the vehicle (*) Accessories: in € ………………………………. Amount of the down payment in € Observations: Accessories in € ………..…….….. Delivery costs in € …………..…… DATES AND DURATION Duration Delivery date and start date of insurance: Return costs in € ………………… Date of return and end date of insurance: Total amount of the down Days payment in € …..……….…... DELIVERY Remainder due in €…………. (*) Including insurance premium, registration and preparation costs Place of delivery: The client authorizes SODEXA to debit his/her account in Flight N°.: Time of flight: ☐Morning ☐Afternoon accordance with Articles 2.2 and 5.3 of the general conditions of sales. THE PURCHASER, SIGNATURE RETURN Place of return : SIGNATURE

This order is subject to the above-mentioned conditions as well as to the general conditions of sale of the following warranty, which you declare having read and understood. These documents are integral and constitute the contract between you and the Seller. The transfer of ownership of the vehicle sold within the context of this order is suspended till the complete payment of its price, while the transfer of risks takes place at the time of delivery of the vehicle.The information collected on the order form is necessary for SODEXA and AUTOMOBILES CITROËN, its commercial network, any company being able to return a service for itself and/or any company belonging to the same group as AUTOMOBILES CITROËN, for the processing of your order. The vehicle is equipped with computer and the electronic systems allowing the transmission of technical information on how it functions, such as the state of its organs, its levels of fluids, its mileage in order to achieve and to provide, in particular, diagnoses and mechanical or safety alerts. The transmission of these information is necessary for the companies mentioned above to set up certain services. To enforce the required quality and the improvement of these services, the computer and the electronic systems of the vehicle can be remotely updated. The information relating to you and those collected, if necessary, by the computer and the electronic systems of the vehicle can also be used by SODEXA and the companies mentioned above for various purposes - commercial prospection, inquiries and analyses- as well as, after removing the personal names to become anonymous, by any third party in commercial relation with SODEXA and Automobiles Citroën bound by a non-disclosure commitment. For the purposes mentioned above, SODEXA can provide these data to be used in or outside the European Union by guaranteeing an adequate level of data protection. In this case, all the necessary measures are taken to avoid any harm to you. You can exercise your right of access, rectification or withdrawal, limitation of the processing, the opposition and the transmission of the data, according to the conditions described in the law number 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, updated, relative to the data electronic processing, to the data files and to the liberties, and according to the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council n°2016 / 679 of April 27th, 2016, by mail to SODEXA – 71 Boulevard national- 92250 La Garenne-Colombes or through internet to :[email protected]. Moreover, in application of the article L121-34 of the Code of the consumption, you are informed that you can oppose at any time to be contacted on a door-to-door basis, by telephone, by registering yourself, free of charge, on the following website: I accept to receive information and sales offers: ☐from SODEXA the Citroën sales network by electronic way ☐from any company belonging to the same Group as SODEXA and as AUTOMOBILES Citroën, by electronic way ☐from partners of SODEXA and AUTOMOBILES Citroën, including by electronic way ☐I do not agree with the use of information concerning me and the information possibly collected from the computer and electronic systems of the vehicles for the purposes of commercial prospection



SODEXA - 71, boulevard National 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France - Siret 552 144 503 00349 - APE 4511Z AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT - Société anonyme au capital de 172 711 770 € - Siège Social : 7 rue Henri Sainte-Claire Deville 92500 Rueil-Malmaison-552 144 503 R.C.S. Nanterre- APE 7010Z- N° d’identification FR 23552144503.