Tutto finisce a tarallucci e vino... The perfect way to end a meal is with a dessert…or two. Made from the richest ingredients, our desserts are always topped off with love.

At Alici, good food and good moments are always in season. Digestivi DIGESTIVES

Amari Grappa Fernet Branca 40 Gaja & Rey Chardonnay 110 Amaro Averna 40 Berta Tres 145 Ramazotti 40 Berta Aqua Vitae 75 Amaro Montenegro 40 Bricco dell Uccellone 95 Amaretto Disaronno 50 Lugana 60 Sambuca Romana White 40 Nonino Moscato 50 Limoncello Del Sole 40

Coffees Herbal Teas 18 Black 25 Espresso Macchiato 18 Green 25 Black Coffee 16 Darjeeling 25 Double Espresso 18 Earl Grey 25 20 Jasmin 25 Cafe 20 Peppermint 25 (Choice of milk: , soy, lac- Chamomile 25 tose-free)

Prices are subject to 7% municipality fees and 5% VAT Dolci DESSERTS

Torta al formaggio (D) (N) 50 Lemon cheese , wild berries, vanilla soil

Tiramisu (D) 45 Lady finger , mascarpone, espresso coffee

Fondente al cioccolato (D)(N) 50 Dark nutella fondant, liquorice

Delizia al limone (D)(N)(A)* 50 Almond , lemon cream, limoncello

Torta caprese (D)(N) 50 Chocolate flourless cake, white chocolate cream, maldon sea salt

Piccola pasticeria (D)(N)(A)* 45 Selection of , baba, cantucci,

Soufflé al mandarino (D) 55 Mandarin soufflé, Ivorie white chocolate

Cannoli (D)(N) 45 Pistachio, chocolate, and orange cannoli

Gelato al formaggio (D) 45 Cream cheese gelato, honeycomb

Selezione di frutta 145 Selection of tropical fruits with fruit sorbets (3-4 pers.)

Gelati (D)(N) 45 Daily selection of gelato, dehydrated mousse

Selezione di sorbetti 45 Daily selection of sorbet, mint moss, citrus

(D) Dairy - (N) Contains nuts - (A) Alcohol - Gluten free upon request. Prices are subject to 7% municipality fees and 5% VAT