Invasive Discouraged-From-Use List

The introduction of non-native, invasive plant species on City lands has had increasing environmental and financial impacts. Every year the City of Eugene has continued to prioritize the restoration and renovation of sensitive habitat areas such as the West Eugene Wetlands, Hendricks Park Forest, Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park, Ridgeline Trail, and Spencer and Skinner buttes. Still invasive are frequently found out-competing our native species, threatening food, habitat and genetic diversity of plants and wildlife.

In an effort to halt the intentional introduction of invasive species and to promote the re- introduction of native species, the City has a policy that prohibits the use of the most problematic and documented invasive species, discourages the planting of other species that are suspected to be problematic, and encourages the use of native plants on all City-owned lands and projects.

The following non-native plants have either been determined invasive or suspected of being invasive and should be avoided if possible.

Scientific Common Notes Reference Name Name

Aesculus horsechestnut Populations have been found in south 1 hippocastanum end of Hendricks Park and this species is known to be problematic in other cities.

Cotoneaster Occurring in native prairies and 1 franchettii woodland edges. (Cotoneaster franchetti, C. horizontalis, C. parneyi, etc. Best to avoid all .)

Cotoneaster cotoneaster Occurring in native prairies and 1 horizontalis woodland edges. (Cotoneaster franchetti, C. horizontalis, C. parneyi, etc. Best to avoid all cotoneasters.)

Juniperus eastern Birds eat berries and spread seeds. 1 virginiana redcedar

Lamiastrum Yellow This European native mint thrives in 1 galeobdolon archangel forest understory habitat and seems to spread mostly via yard debris dumping

Ligustrum common privet Birds eat and spread plants into 1 vulgare woods and prairies. Found on slopes of Skinner Butte

City of Eugene – Invasive Species Discouraged List Page 1 of 2 Lunaria annua honesty; Invasive in forest understories. 1 money plant

Melissa lemon balm Widespread weed in native prairies 1 officinalis and openings in woods.

Myosotis common Can dominate forest understories, 1 scorpioides forget-me-not especially openings and on edges.

Pentaglottis evergreen Large escaped population in Masonic 1, 3 sempervirens bugloss cemetery and along Lorane Hwy. Frequently misidentified as anchusa.

Prunus Not as invasive as P. avium. 1 domestica

Pyracantha spp. fire thorn Birds eat fruits and spread plants into 1 prairies. P. angustifolia, P. coccinea, et al.

Pyrus communis pear This species appears occasionally in 4 prairie areas and /scrub communities throughout town.

Rorippa watercress Chokes out small waterways on the 1, 3 nasturtium- valley floor. aquaticum

Rubus laciniatus evergreen Not as invasive as R. armeniacus, but 1, 3 blackberry still forms dense clumps.

Sorbus European Appearing in west Eugene wetlands 1, 3 aucuparia mountain-ash and uplands. Birds spread seed.

Vinca major periwinkle; Mostly near old homesites -- they 1 vinca appear to spread vegetatively only. Completely dominates understories.

Vinca minor periwinkle; Mostly near old homesites -- they 1, 3 vinca appear to spread vegetatively only. Completely dominates understories.


1. Invasive Gardening and Landscaping Plants of the Southern Willamette Valley, Native Plant Society of Oregon, Emerald Chapter, 2008 (see 2. Oregon Department of Agriculture, Oregon’s Noxious Weed Policy, fication.pdf 3. Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council, Preliminary List of Invasive Plants of Greatest Ecological Concern in Oregon and Washington (from 1997) http://www.pnw- 4. City of Eugene staff recommendation based on resources utilized to remove from parks, open spaces and waterways. For more information see

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