12TH JUNE 2020 THE REALITY BEHIND EUROPE MONTHLY £3.50 A lesson in food security Edward Spalton i n g a p o r e ’s experience of the In the last few days I heard of a success. Land covered by factories COVID-19 crisis shows us phone call from a distressed lady in does not grow crops. One Sexactly why the UK government Singapore, complaining of food commentator remarked as long ago as needs to safeguard our food security as shortages and empty shelves in the 2012 that, in the Sixties, the state had a matter of post- policy. We supermarkets. I had one of those “I some 20,000 farms occupying 14,000 must not become overly-dependent on told you so” moments. So I thought I hectares of land (more like what we imports for our food supply, or a crisis had better dig a little deeper. would call market gardens than farms), like the current pandemic could leave The interruption in food supplies but most of them had been obliterated us suffering from crippling shortages. was due to the fact that Malaysia had by development. Sometimes it takes a long time to closed its borders to prevent a further The Singapore government is not discern coincidence — and sometimes spread of coronavirus. W h i l s t just responding to the emergency of it bounces back to hit you in the face. I Malaysia and Singapore separated in the moment. It has been facing up to wrote an article on Singapore’s food 1965, they have close economic ties the realities of its situation for many s e c u r i t y, which appeared on the and some 300,000 people a day years, developing its regulatory system Campaign For an Independent Britain normally cross the border between the to maximum advantage. Last year the (CIB) website on the 9th March. two. If Malaysian labour is no longer Ministry of the Environment and It acknowledged the tremendous available, some Singapore businesses Water Resources combined the Agri achievement of the Singapore will have to relocate to Malaysia. Food and Veterinary A u t h o r i t y, the economy, pointing out that it was the The government has assured result of vigorous, active government citizens that it has persuaded firms to National Environment Agency and the leadership and tight regulation — build up stocks of food for the last two Health Sciences Authority into one rather than of Thatcherite laissez faire months and that there are ample new body, the Singapore Food Agency free trade. In particular, I pointed out supplies, provided people do not start — which gives some idea of the that Singapore’s reliance on imports panic buying — although there may be p r i o r i t y. Singapore is a food for 90% of its food supply was not less choice. Sounds a bit familiar, manufacturing and processing something to which any would-be doesn’t it? economy as well as an e n t re p ô t independent state should actively As a densely populated city state, it (transshipment) port. aspire — although an influential is unlikely that Singapore would ever British government adviser appeared have been entirely self-sufficient in Edward Spalton is the chairman of the to think it was highly desirable for the food, but the present huge imbalance is CIB (www.campaignforanindependent UK post-Brexit . l a rgely a result of its industrial britain.org.uk) Loss of freedom of expression hile the UK is looking at China’s country punishable by up to 3 years in theme. Wlegislation attacking freedom jail, classing it as a hate crime. The move followed Social for people in Hong Kong it appears The vote in the Bundestag (German Democrat (SDP) complaints about that similar action, not quite as parliament) on Thursday 14th May protesters burning of the Israeli flag in extreme but still worrying is makes defiling foreign flags to the Berlin in 2017. happening in Germany. crime of defiling the German flag. It should be expected that the EU, Germany has made public burning The same applies for the EU under the German influence will soon of the EU flag or that of any other anthem, Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ follow.

INSIDE: Eurozone crisis p 2 – Book Review “Escape From Brussels” p 3 - UK expats at risk p 3 – The Huawei problem resurfaces p 3 - EU economic bailout under question p 3 – Euro at any price p 3 - Governments draft fisheries negotiating position p 4 – Letters p 6 - Obituary to Tom Hay p 6 VOL 25 NO 10 Eurozone crisis Ben Habib he inherent flaw in the euro, (ECB). There was a total refusal by the problems of the countries in crisis at about which all protagonists in ECB and Germany to countenance the cost of the more fiscally prudent Tthe debate have always been debt forgiveness. Greece’s debts were countries of Northern Europe – for aware, is that a single currency cannot somewhat restructured but Greece was which read Germany and the represent a number of countries if forced to undertake extreme austerity Netherlands. Such a solution is either: from which it has yet to fully recover. abhorrent to both these countries which Those countries’ economies are not Since 2009 the economic situation would, in effect, be bailing out the in similar shape and do not move in of a number of other euro member eurozone. And with perfect timing, lockstep; or there is not political and states has also markedly deteriorated. G e r m a n y ’s Constitutional Court has fiscal union. I t a l y, which has an economy 10 just stepped into the fray. The 19 EU member states that times the size of Greece, had in March It announced the result of a case joined the euro were never in similar of this year a government debt to GDP which has bubbling along since 2015. shape and there is not (at least at the ratio of 135%; Spain had a similar It decided that both the ECB and the moment) political and fiscal union in ratio; and France which is bigger than Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), the zone. both Italy and Spain had a ratio of which had approved ECB actions, had For the French that mattered not 100%. acted ultra vires in the massive extent because they saw the euro as a political To put these into context, the of their QE activities. The timing of the tool to force member states into union. European Stability and Growth Pact ruling is no accident. Germany was For the Germans that mattered not requires that no EU member state compelled to act before its peoples because they knew the euro would should have a ratio exceeding 60%. were forced to bear the full brunt of the inevitably be weaker than the (Even Germany breached this limit in ‘profligacy’ of these other countries. Deutschmark and that would favour its March with a ratio of 63%.) For France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and export dominated economy. Indeed the ECB had undertaken Greece amongst others, the ruling is a The German view was, of course, some €5 trillion of money d i s a s t e r. In short, Germany has absolutely right. Since the creation of printing/bond purchases during the slammed the door on any prospect of a the euro in 1999 it has essentially been course of the credit crunch to try to eurozone bailout. a weak currency much to the benefit of stabilise these economies. T h i s No one could over-estimate the Germany. quantitative easing (QE), as it is importance of this ruling. It means that It is no accident that there is a direct known, is the biggest such programme some of the largest economies in the correlation between the growing trade undertaken by any central bank in the World will be in a funding crisis any surpluses of Germany and the growing World, including the Federal Reserve moment now. When this happens, the trade deficits of the weaker euro of the United States of America. shockwave felt across the Globe will economies, most notably Portugal, In short the eurozone entered the dwarf that caused by Lehman Brothers Spain, Italy and Greece – to name a Covid-19 crisis with many of its going bust. few. member states’ economies already in The ruling will also have major These trade deficits were financed ICU and the ECB’s firepower stretched implications for the EU and, by by growing government debt levels to its limit. The stimulus measures now extension, Brexit. It informs us that which in turn were financed by banks being instituted by these countries to Germany’s court which is, by treaty, in the eurozone, many of which were counteract the effects of lockdown will junior to the CJEU has repudiated the German. In a sense, trade within the increase these debts to unsustainable CJEU’s authority. It is the equivalent of eurozone became one big Ponzi levels. Some of the biggest economies a rebellion by a vassal state in an scheme. And like all Ponzi schemes in the World will be in danger of empire. Other countries in the EU are this worked well while trade flows collapse. The financial fallout would bound to follow Germany’s lead. were growing but the wheels first came be devastating for the World and would Poland and Hungary have for some o ff the wagon in the 2008 credit certainly break the euro. time been locked in legal battles with crunch. There is one solution, for which the EU and it is hard to see those proud The first sovereign debt crisis in France and some other countries have substantial countries kowtowing to the Europe was that of Greece in 2009, a been pushing. Indeed it is what France CJEU if Germany will not. country which when it joined the euro has always wished – political and fiscal did not even meet the criteria for union across the zone. With such a S o u r c e : E u rozone Epicentre of the membership. Greek debts carried by union the ECB could print as much Biggest Financial crisis article by Ben German Banks were then larg e l y money as needed to buy unlimited Habib14th May 2020 shifted to the European Central Bank amounts of debt. It would resolve the www.Brexit-watch.org

PAGE 2 eurofacts 12TH JUNE 2020 Leaving the Derek Sterling he author wrote this book after From then on he met and worked he experienced first hand the Escape From Brussels with many of the important members Tbattle to leave the EU and all Memoirs of a Freedom Fighter and of UKIP including . He those unknown people who helped. the Friends He Made on the Way goes on to describe his experience of Having realised that many helpers has by Hugh Williams this time and the various people who received no recognition for the work St Edwards Press he worked with. they carried out he was inspired to Pbk 92 pp 2020 Listing a number of key works and write this illustrated book, supporters that he describes as the After relating his own personal Available from unknown, as these people never story that orginated with him following The June Press received the full, if any, recognition for his families tradition of being an active Price £10.00 + 10% p&p the work they did. supporter of the Conservative Party to (see back cover) At the end of this publication he lists his desire to help the UK escape the “101 Reasons Why We Should Leave clutches of the EU. This resulted in ISBN 978-1-909650-14-5 The EU”. him moving his support to the United Let us hope this story can be Kingdom Independence Party and the she was treated. This resulted in him completed on the 31st December 2020 effect this had upon him, especially publishing her story in a book called when the UK is formerly due to meeting Marta Andreason and hearing “Brussels Laid Bare”. complete its discussion with the EU. her story about the fraud being His potential was quickly Hopefully resulting in a satisfactory committed in the EU’s accounting recognised by UKIP and he soon arrangement to both sides of the long- system and the way as a whistle blower became their deputy national treasure. running saga. UK expats at risk he UK has said the EU is in danger content risked not being given enough imbalance” between the EU and the Tof breaching the terms of the time to register to stay, as procedures UK’s approaches. Brexit agreement by failing to uphold were complex and there was little Again we see the EU’s on-sided the rights of British expats. guidance. Cabint minister Michael approach, citizens’ rights were a key Ministers said Britons on the Gove said there was a “major aspect of the UK’s January exit. The Huawei problem resurfaces he UK government is conducting a (NCSC) involvement comes after the pressure to ban Huawei from Tnew review into the imput of US brought fresh sanctions against contributing to 5G. allowing Huawei telecoms equipment Chinese company’s, citing security A spokesman for NCSC said; “The to be used in British 5G networks. fears. security and resilience of our networks The National Cyber Security Centre In January, the UK resisted US is of paramount importance”. EU economic bailout under question s the European Commission C o m m i s s i o n ’s €750bn (£700bn) may have to pay for it. We need to Aprides itself on the rescue package recovery plan “absurd”, saying it is think carefully about whether we as a for the 27 members of the EU, not all based on jointly-guaranteed credit and country want this or not,” he said. members are in agreement. would help rich member states more. So yet again we see the EU The Hungary’s prime minister “They want us to take out this loan for Commission at odds with its members Viktor Orban has called the EU 30 years, so even our grandchildren needs. Euro at any price et again we hear about the real ; “The members of the conditions that were set at the very Yproblems behind the EU’s drive monetary union have never faced up to beginning and only a new European for its eurozone dream. the fact that the need for a fiscal union treaty can really deal with this. I think The former Governor of the Bank of to try to keep the monetary union going it’s immensely fortunate that Britain is England, Lord Mervyn King, has told is quite inconsistent with the not in the monetary union”. eurofacts 12TH JUNE 2020 PAGE 3 Governments draft fisheries negotiating position he Fishing for Leave shares where the UK gets a British communities o rganisation released this disproportionately megre 25% of TACs This will finally see the terms of Tposition paper in May about the yet 60% of catches/stocks are in our Mrs Thatchers 1988 Merchant governments draft terms on fishing. waters? Shipping Act and its Economic Link “We now see a return to Brexit I t must be legislated in this provisions, which were humiliatingly predominating as negotiations reach agreement and the fisheries bill that crushed by the ECJ in the infamous their climax. On a positive note the any deal and reciprocal annual access Factortame case, restored. broad context outlined here (1) looks is predicated on the EU recognising If this does not happen then there good – congratulations to the B r i t a i n ’s rightful 60% Zonal will be little to stop EU vessels government and their Brexit team. Attachment share of TACs. excluded from British waters re- It sets the basis of being fully How much access, for whom and registering as Flagships here, allowing independent fisheries nations like where…? them to continue accessing British Norway or Iceland whilst co-operating It must be legislated in this deal waters whilst steaming off back home as two independent nations as obliged and in the fisheries bill that any swap to the EU or sending catches overland by UNCLOS. of access to one another’s waters will by truck. It states that the UK will maintain its only granted when the UK receives a We welcome foreign investment to regulatory sovereignty, avoiding fealty reciprocal value of fishing help rebuild, but its got to work and to the CFP, so as to maintain freedom opportunities. No 2:1 ratio of swaps or deliver benefit to Britain as its host over domestic management. fish for deals on cars. country or it’s pointless and/or It states that foreign vessels must The last big unknown is regards detrimental. obey UK law if/when allowed in UK Freedom of Establishment which So overall, top marks for broad waters – this must be enforced and it allows big EU companies to establish position, but the proof is in the detail of must be legislated in the fisheries bill fishing companies in Britain and run the pudding and whether there is no that any foreign vessels granted access EU owned but UK registered collapse and a follow through on this land in British ports. This is vital to Flagships. good broad outline. ensure compliance with catch limits These big Flagship companies now Britain holds the whip hand, EU and also to see British ports and hold approx half of UK fishing consumers need/are dependent on fish processors benefit from fish from entitlement yet their vessels are EU caught in British waters. We must not British waters. crewed and land or consign their back down from being achingly close It states annual agreements which catches direct to EU markets and to righting the wrong inflicted upon swerves an industry fear of being processors with no benefit to Britain. fishing by Ted Heath and regaining our locked into a poor deal for years to The terms of the Political greatest natural resource to exorcise an appease the EU – I t must be Declaration and the UK’s negotiating injustice and rejuvenate British coastal l e g i s l a t e d in the fisheries bill that position published in February both communities with a £6-8bn industry. there is no back slide from this where sought to maintain the ability of We wish you God speed David the UK starts tough and in future years business to establish in one another’s Frost, please don’t let us down! there is increasing give aways. t e r r i t o r y. This is fine for most The commitment to fair shares of industries such as a sedentary car plant, At the end of the third negotiating Total Allowable Catches (TACs) under but not for fishing where mobile round between the UK and the EU on the international principle of Zonal Flagship fishing vessel can just steam the future relationship, it was very Attachment is also hugely welcome. home to EU ports with their EU crew. much a case of ‘as you were’. As UK But - It is the detail of who, when, It must be legislated in this chief negotiator David Frost frankly where and how much that will be key. agreement and in the fisheries bill that put it, ‘we made very little progress Will we get Zonal Attachment to Freedom of establishment will not t o w a rds agreement on the most repatriate what should rightfully be include fishing and that a strong significant outstanding issues between British resources. Under this Economic Link is enforced to ensure us.’ international principle whereby a any UK fishing vessel must be 60% ....The EU is continuing with its nation has TACs based on the British owned, 60% British crewed and approach of making demands so predominance of species in its waters. land, sell AND process 60% of its unreasonable that no sovereign nation Will the government stand fast on catches within the UK. could be expected to agree to them. this commitment or cave to a roll over This is to ensure UK vessels deliver R e a s s u r i n g l y, the UK government’s of current EU ‘Relative Stability’ genuine benefit to, and help rebuild, consistent guiding principle seems to

PAGE 4 eurofacts 12TH JUNE 2020 Governments draft fisheries negotiating position b e : Is this a reasonable request to the Political Declaration. As soon as reassuring to see an accomplished make of a sovereign nation? Has the the EU recognises that we will not player like Barnier reduced to such a EU made similar demands of other conclude an agreement on that basis, disingenuous accusation, for it means third countries? we will be able to make progress.’ they are struggling to justify what is in This principled approach has Michael Gove recently floated the effect their own cherry picking – allayed fears that, for example, UK suggestion that the UK could drop its expecting the UK, a third country, to fisheries would be sold out to the EU in ask for a zero tariff and zero quota shoulder obligations normally only exchange for favourable terms for the trade deal, accepting tariffs and quotas required of EU member states. City of – although of course in some areas if that is what it would Frost, who up to now has refused to we must continue to remain vigilant. take for the EU to drop its more be goaded by Barnier’s ill-tempered Fisheries - The EU continues to arduous level playing field demands. attacks on the British side, did allow demand that the UK remain in the Barnier went out of his way to rule out himself one little swipe in his short Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in all this idea in his statement, stating that it written statement: but name, with automatic access rights ‘would entail a detailed – and highly ‘It is hard to understand why the EU to UK waters and the same quota sensitive – negotiation of each tariff insists on an ideological appro a c h shares as now. But the UK is insisting line’ which would ‘take years’, before which makes it more difficult to reach a on being treated like any other third confirming that the EU would not drop mutually beneficial agreement. country, with EU access to UK waters its insistence on level playing field ‘We very much need a change in EU negotiated on an annual basis. A recent provisions in any case. I suspect Gove approach for the next Round.’ statement by David Frost provided knew all along that this idea was never Understanding the EU’s approach continued reassurance on this matter: going to fly in Brussels, but merely - In fact, the EU’s approach is not so ‘Although we have had useful suggested it to demonstrate the UK’s hard to understand. It is no secret that discussions on fisheries on the basis of willingness to compromise – and the the EU sees Brexit as an existential our draft legal text, the EU continues EU’s respective unreasonableness. But threat. The key driver of the EU’s to insist on fisheries arrangements and in any case, we now know for sure that negotiating position is that Brexit must access to UK fishing waters in a way this approach is out. not be a success, due to the risk of that is incompatible with our future O t h e r points of note - B a r n i e r other member states following the UK status as an independent coastal state. revived his old May-era complaint out of the door. If that means the EU27 We are fully committed to agreeing about UK cherry picking: take an economic hit, so be it, so long fishing provisions in line with the ‘They seek to have the same benefits as the UK takes a proportionally bigger Political Declaration, but we cannot of a member state of our single market hit. agree arrangements that are manifestly without the same rights and The EU’s preferred outcome is unbalanced and against the interests of obligations.’ therefore to tie the UK in to its the UK fishing industry.’ While this was a legitimate regulatory regime.This week’s ECJ Sovereignty and the ‘level playing complaint to level during the May ruling against the UK on VAT o n f i e l d ’ - The ‘level playing field’ administration, it is bizarre that Barnier derivatives – a supposed infraction that remains, according to Frost, ‘the major is resurrecting it as a charge against the the Commission did not bother to raise obstacle’ to progress on a free trade current UK negotiating team, which for over 40 years, but suddenly saw fit agreement. While the notion of a ‘level ironically is asking to be treated as a to do so during the playing field’ sounds so reasonable, third country like any other. Even under PM May – is a timely warning invoking British values of fair play, the former trade negotiator Dmitry on the EU’s willingness to use reality is anything but. Here is how Grozoubinski, who is far from a apparently benign technical regulations Frost describes it: B r e x i t e e r, considered it ‘an absurd for political ends.....” ‘The major obstacle to [agreement thing to say’: on an FTA] is the EU’s insistence on ‘Barnier would be the first to laugh The next round of talks started on including a set of novel and in scorn at the idea that the benefits of the 1st June. unbalanced proposals on the so-called Single Market membership are so “level playing field” which would bind limited you can replicate them by ( 1 ) . h t t p s : / / a s s e t s . p u b l i s h i n g . s e r v i c e . g o this country to EU law or standards, or signing a tariff eliminating trade v. u k / g o v e r n m e n t / u p l o a d s / s y s t e m / u p l o determine our domestic legal regimes, agreement with some minor regulatory a d s / a t t a c h m e n t _ d a t a / f i l e / 8 8 6 0 0 9 / D R A in a way that is unprecedented in Free recognition sprinkled on top.’ F T _ F i s h e r i e s _ F r a m e w o r k _ A g r e e m e n t . Trade Agreements and not envisaged in From a UK point of view, it is pdf eurofacts 12TH JUNE 2020 PAGE 5 LETTERS Tel: 08456 120 175 email: [email protected]

Takeovers its 27 members. from overseas should be more strictly The UK would find itself paying controlled with a time limit imposed. Dear Sir, even more money into the failing EU The time has also come for During these extreme conditions for project. Furthermore, delay would unemployment benefit to be only given UK industry to survive further cause more uncertainty for UK to those who agree to accept work that protection is required. businesses, better to make a clean pays the minimum wage when it is The government should bring in a break and get on with trading under available. - The only exceptions should law preventing UK takeovers by WTO rules. be for those with a disability or a health foreign companies or foreign In the past few days I have heard issue that prevents them from working government institutions during these that Michel Barnier has suggested to s a f e l y. - This could mean doing unusual times. Failure to do so, could the UK’s opposition parties that the EU comunity work as directed by local well result in the loss of many would be happy to consider a delay of councils, or farm work where practical, profitable companies and further job up to two years. even if that is only temporary. losses increasing the unemployment DEREK CANTER Farmers who have for years rate of UK citizens London depended on cheap foreign labour If during our EU membership that is should be prevented from so doing not allowed then the government Training when unemployed UK workers are should use the next 9 months to available. CAROL EVANS investigate such takeovers until we Dear Sir, have left being controlled by the EU The UK’s dependence on foreign Cardiff dictatorship. workers has been going on for to long CLAIRE RICHARDS especially in the skilled sector. Bailout and tax havens Manchester Far fewer British workers have technical and vocational qualifications Dear Sir, Cost of delay than in our major competitors and it If you avoid paying tax, then do not increased greatly after the UK opened expect a bailout. Denmark, France and Dear Sir its borders to the EU, because Poland are refusing to provide bailouts Should we fail to leave the EU by 31st unlimited immigration has made it far to companies that are registered in tax December 2020, it will be at a high easier for corporations to recruit from havens like Panama. However, price. abroad than to train young Britons. campaigners point out that the EU’s Next year the EU will be making The time has come for the UK to Luxembourg and Netherlands are also decisions about future EU membership encourage a rise in the level of home to firms avoiding paying billions costs. While at the same time trying to education in this country to prevent the into national coffers. recover the cost of the coronavirus need to constantly import workers. If MICHAEL EVANS lockdown and financial aid provided to necessary the ability to import workers Bristol Obituary t is with great sadness that we have Britain’s Fish and his input to the fight conferences and other meetings Ireceived news of the death of Tom to get the UK out of the CFP was throughout the country were truly Hay, who died on the 8th March. without doubt truly amazing. Without inspirational to all those who had the Tom who was a strong and very Tom the flotilla of fishing boats that chance to hear them. active eurosceptic will be sadly missed went up the Thames to put the CFP Tom will be greatly missed, but at by all those who knew him especially fully into the public eye as well as least he lived long enough to see the the fishing community in Peterborough force parliament to take notice may UK leave the EU, let’s hope the fishing where he worked and loved. well never have happened. industry is not sold down the river in He was a leading light in Save His forceful speeches at political the current trade deals. Apology Eurofacts wishes to apologise for not being able to produce a hard-copy of eurofacts during the lock down period, this has been beyond our control

PAGE 6 eurofacts 12TH JUNE 2020 MEETINGS

Please note that due to the Campaign for an USEFUL WEB SITES coronavirus all of Independent Britain (CIB) 0116 2874 622 the following meetings are Brexit Party www.thebrexitparty.org subject to change at Saturday 11th July Brexit Watch short notice www.bexit-watch.org AGM 11.30 am British Future Gresham College (Members Only) www.britishfuture.org 020 7831 0575 British Weights & Measures Assoc. Public Meeting 1.45 - 4.45 pm www.bwmaonline.com Wednesday 10th June, 6.00 pm Bruges Group List of speakers to be announced when www.brugesgroup.com “ William And Mary: The Court available Campaign Against Euro-Federalism Divided” www.caef.org.uk PUBLIC MEETING Campaign for an Independent Britain Simon Thurley, Visiting Professor of www.campaignforanindependentbritain.org.uk the Built Environment The Upper Hall, The Emmanuel Centre, 9-23 Marsham Street, London Concordance www.concordanceout.eu PUBLIC MEETING SW1P 3DW Museum of London, London Wa l l , Admission (details to be announced) www.democracymovement.org.uk London EC2 Admission Free EU Observer DIARY OF EVENTS www.euobserver.com EU Truth Gresham College 2020 020 7831 0575 www.eutruth.org.uk Proposed final date 30th June European Commission (London) for possible EU extension Tuesday 16th June, 6.00 pm www.cec.org.uk European Foundation “Is Populism a Threat to Germany takes over 1st July www.europeanfoundation.org Democracy?” Council Presidency Fishing For Leave www.ffl.org.uk Professor Sir Richard Evans, Provost Current legal deadline for 1st July Freedom Association EU agreement on fisheries www.tfa.net PUBLIC MEETING Futurus Museum of London, London Wa l l , UK Liberal Democrats July www.futurus-thinktank.com London EC2 new leader to be announced Admission Free (Was to be postponed until next year) www.getbritainout.org Global Britain Gresham College Proposed date for 21st July www.globalbritain.co.uk 020 7831 0575 start of UK Government Global Vision Summer recess www.global-vision.net Thursday 18th June, 6.00 pm GrassRootsOut www.grassrootsout.co.uk Proposed date for 8th September “Terrorism, National Security and the June Press (Publications) end of UK Government Law - The Gray’s Inn Reading” www.junepress.com Summer recess Labour Euro-Safeguards Campaign The Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE, www.eurosafeguards.com FRSA, Barrister, who from 2001-2011 Current date for 31st December acted as the UK’s Independent completion of EU/UK www.leavemeansleave.eu Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation Transition Deal Leave.eu PUBLIC MEETING www.Leave.eu Barnard’s Inn Hall, Holborn, London 2021 New Alliance EC1N 2HH www.newalliance.org.uk Portugal takes over 1st January Admission Free Open Europe EU Council Presidency www.openeurope.org.uk FREE - Advertising Space Statewatch Slovenia takes over 1st July www.statewatch.org The Foundation for Independence Should you be planning a meeting EU Council Presidency www.foundationforindependence.com and/or conference dealing with the The Taxpayers’ Alliance subject of the UK-EU relationship. 2022 www.taxpayersalliance.com eurofacts Phone: 08456 120 175 France takes over 1st January Independence Party or Email: [email protected] EU Council Presidency www.ukip.org eurofacts 12TH JUNE 2020 PAGE 7 j THE JUNE PRESS - BOOKS Special Offers Seizing the moment The Euro’s Battle for Survival by John Ashworth. £4.00 Entering the Red Zone The UK and Euroland The opportunities for UK fisheries after by Bob Lyddon. £5.00 - Ships passing in the night Brexit with the restoration of the Why the eurozone and its policies are by Graeme Leach. 200nm/midline resources zone. facing a further financial crisis. £5.00 - Pamphlet 2000 - 36 pp An Institute of Directors (IoD) The Democratic Imperative Corbyn’s Britain Economic Policy Paper, explains why by Robert Corfe. £12.99 Land of the Superwoke: the United Kingdom and the Euroland Why democracy is only A Travel Guide to Corbyn’s Britain will never and could never reach real possible in a nation state. by Lee Rotherham. £13.99 long-standing economic convergence. With a foreword by Jacob Rees-Mogg ( NOW ONLY £3) A Doomed Marriage MP, a climpse into the past and possible Why Britain Should Leave the EU future of a Hard Left Government. Handicap, Not Trump Card by Daniel Hannan. £8.99 The Franco-German Without EU membership, the UK can Escape From Brussels Model Isn’t Working become the most successful nation. Memoirs of a Freedom Fighter and by Keith Marsden. the Friends He made on the Way £5.00 - Pamphlet 1999 - 28 pp The Betrayal of by Hugh Williams. £10.00 The French and German Finance British Industry How and why he fought, names and Minister said in 1999 said “We are by J. 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