THE SAXON NEWS Published by The Alliance of Transylvanian Home Office: 5393 Pearl Road Cleveland, 44129-1597 Tel: (440) 842-8442 Celebrating over 100 years of Saxon Fraternalism

ATS Founded in 1902 July 14, 2017 Issue 14

2017 Saxon Heimattag – Rainer Lehni, Vice Chairman of Verband der Siebenbürger Sachsen in Deutschland PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Lieber John Werner, dear Joan Miller-Malue, meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, By Joan Miller-Malue liebe Landsleute in Nordamerika, leiw Saxen, ATS Nat’l President Our Transylvanian Saxon community has been liv- ing for more than seven decades scattered all over the world. The Federation of founded in 1983 unites under one roof our associa- “O Canada” we thank you for a lovely Heimattag tions in Canada, the USA, Austria, and weekend! We extend our congratulations to the Lands- Germany. This organization is enormously important for mannschaft of Canada and the Kitchener Transylvania our community and it serves the purpose to preserve Club for a successful Heimattag and thank them for their and keep up our culture, our customs and traditions and warm and friendly hospitality. It was great to meet up also our community across borders and continents. with Saxon members from the USA and Canada for a Three weeks ago, the Saxons from Germany cel- celebration of our ethnic heritage. We were happy to ebrated their 67th Heimattag in Dinkelsbühl, the town welcome Rainer Lehni, Vice-Chairman of the Verband you, the Saxons from Kitchener, visited last summer der Siebenbürger Sachsen in Deutschland to North and where you remembered the Saxon victims of war, America, which was his second visit to one of our Hei- refuge and deportation. This site of pilgrimage for Tran- mattags and to renew our friendship with John Werner, sylvanian Saxons was inaugurated exactly 50 years Chairman of the Landsmannschaft of Canada and his ago and since than it has been the world-wide central In my opinion, the Transylvanian Saxons wife, Helgard. I was happy to see we had a group of ATS place of commemoration for our community. couldn’t have found better slogans this year. members from Chicago, Columbus, Cleveland-East and The motto of our Heimattag in Dinkelsbühl was They not only complement each other in a Cleveland-West as well as a few representing Detroit, „Verändern – Erneuern – Wiederfinden“, „Change fantastic way, but they all could be called Salem, Lorain and Youngstown. –Renew – Regain“. Your Heimattag here in Canada in the same breath. The Heimattag began on Friday evening with an has the motto „Entdecken – Tradition – Discover “. You, my dear fellow countrymen in informal gathering that included music, dance, good Canada and the USA live in the second, food (Brats and Beer), trivia game, raffle and plenty of third or even fourth generation far away Saxon Gemütlichkeit. On Saturday afternoon, many from Transylvania. It is remarkable to hear of us visited the Huge Farmers Market. Our Columbus young Transylvanian Saxons from North ladies definitely found out just how large the Farmers Congratulations to Donna Jankow America, who sometimes don’t speak Market was and the difficulty of meeting up with folks. on her Retirement after 37 years German or Transylvanian Saxon, say of (They certainly will remember the importance of having the necessary phone numbers and international calling at the ATS Home Office! themselves: “I am proud to be a Transyl- vanian Saxon.“ Young people are curious on their cell phones.) They certainly brightened my day We hope she enjoys every minute of her retire- and eager to learn. They will certainly be when I met up with them at the market! ment. She will be missed, but never forgotten. the generation that rediscovers its roots. On Saturday evening, the Kitchener Hofbräu Band Passing on traditions to this young genera- greeted attendees with score of music for one hour prior tion is of tremendous importance for the to the official opening of the Heimattag which started preservation of our community. with the colorful Procession of Flags followed by the You here in America are well on the way Saxon Dignitaries and guests from Germany, Canada to succeed in doing this. Even if your com- and the United States. Enzo Pellini gave the munity is much smaller than that in Germany Invocation before we all enjoyed a delicious schnitzel you serve as an example for us. You have and chicken dinner. Before cultural performances, shown that one can keep up German and short greetings were given by the special guests. The Transylvanian Saxon traditions for decades evening’s entertainment included music by the Hofbräu in a mainly English-speaking region. Every Band, the Cleveland Saxon Children’s Dance Group, new generation will rediscover these val- Kitchener Transylvania Klub Chor, Aylmer Saxonia ues and these traditions. This should be a Club’s Dance Group and Transylvania Club Dancers. lifelong task and I’ll call you all to carry on Of course, I do have to say, the Children’s Dance Group with it. Transylvanian Saxon values are stole the show; they did an awesome job. Children not only passed on within the association performing were Jamison Donnellan, Lexi Seiler, Katie but mainly at home, within our families. Hanek, Scarlett and Lukas Jones, Katelyn and Quinn This is possible and we all should work on Pechatsko. We were so proud of them! Many of us also preserving and rediscovering the Saxon continued to have fun late into the early mornings of community with its traditions. Saturday and Sunday back at the hotel enjoying Speck, One of the most important Transylva- Zwiebel, Hunklich and liquid refreshments. nian Saxon festivals is the „Kronenfest“ Sunday morning, we assembled at the Breithaupt (Crown Festival). Before the exodus of the Centre for a parade that led inside for the Church Ser- Saxons from Transylvania this festival was vice conducted by Pastor Enzo Pellini. The Kitchener celebrated in many Transylvanian Saxon Klub Chor sang several selections during the Church villages. In 1764 the priest Martin Felmer Service. After the service, speeches were given by from Heltau mentioned for the first time the John Werner, Chairman of Landsmannschaft of Canada, custom of „tree climbing“– as he called it – myself and Rainer Lehni, Vice Chairman of the Verband in the village Großscheuern. Consequently, in Deutschland. Following the speeches, the Cleveland today’s Kronenfest (Crown Festival) has a Saxon Adult Dance Group and the Kitchener Club Chor history of more than 250 years. performed beautifully. Chairman John Werner awarded The year 2017 is a special one for all the several Saxon Honor pins to Canadian members and evangelical Christians due to the Reforma- appreciation certificates were presented to all groups

TIMELY - DO NOT DELAY TIMELY tion celebrations in Germany. For the Tran- that participated in the Heimattag program. After return- sylvanian Saxons all over the world it also ing to the Alpine Club for lunch, we were once again The Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons Alliance of Transylvanian The has a special significance because of the entertained by the Kitchener Transylvania Dancers. 5393 Pearl Road Cleveland, OH 44129-1597 MAILED WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2017 JULY MAILED WEDNESDAY, Sachsentreffen that is going to take place in We want to thank all the Cultural Groups for their Hermannstadt, the capital of our community,

Attention Postmaster: Send all Changes of Address to: Attention Postmaster: Send all Changes of Continued on Page 2 Continued on Page 3 Schloss Horneck needs OUR help! Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons Home Office: 5393 Pearl Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44129 Telephone: (440) 842-8442 Since 1960 Schloss Horneck E-mail: [email protected] Website: has housed the Siebenbürger President - National Board of Directors Museum, the Siebenbürger Joan Miller-Malue Br. 4 (216) 251-6036 Library and Archive, the Sieben- 17105 Hilliard Rd., Lakewood, OH 44107 Honorary Past President - bürger-Institut and is the base Thomas J. Manning Br. 2 (814) 864-6072 for many Saxon organizations. A 3909 Schaper Ave #203 Erie PA 16508 seniors home is also located on First Vice President - Robert B. Cunningham III Br. 1 (216) 398-7520 the property. Last September the 9005 Memphis Villas Blvd., Brooklyn, OH 44144-2426 Verband der Siebenbürger Sach- Second Vice President - Monica M. Weber Br. 4 (440) 356-5936 sen in Deutschland purchased the Third Vice President - property for one million Euro. John Boehm, Jr. Br. 30 (330) 821-5572 Donations were received from individuals and organizations to help fund the purchase of the 2416 Queensbury Rd. NE, Alliance, OH 44601 Secretary- property. The purchase of Schloss Horneck gives the Siebenbürger Saxons throughout the Monica F. Gilles, Br. 11 (440) 309-7894 world a central location where Saxon artifacts, books and other historical documents can be 3520 Beavercrest Dr, Apt 107, Lorain, OH 44053 Treasurer- collected and stored to preserve our ethnic history for many years. Denise Aeling Crawford Br. 8 (330) 821-5125 The Federation of Transylvanian Saxons is asking for donations from all Saxons and Saxon 15970 Cenfield St. Alliance, OH 44601 Trustees- organizations to help in funding of this historical facility. If you are interested in giving a Peter Karsti, II Br. 30 (330) 792-2281 donation to help fund this project please complete the form below and send to the ATS Home 4619 Canfield Rd., Canfield, OH 44406 Office, 5393 Pearl Road, Cleveland, OH 44129. Please make your check payable to the ATS. Jacob F. Spor Br. 25 (724) 657-3773 2940 Plank Rd., New Castle PA 16105 Barbara Spack Br 18 (330) 337-7487 DONATION FOR SCHLOSS HORNECK FUND 1389 Brookview Dr., Salem OH 44460 NAME______Hanz G. Hermann Br. 1 (440) 892-0436 29076 Fall River Dr., Westlake OH 44145 ADDRESS______Randall Floyd Br. 26 (219) 798-6908 CITY______1806 E 73rd Ave, Merrillville IN 46410 Chief Medical Examiner- STATE______ZIP CODE______Dr. Andreas W. Schuster, Br. 1 Cleveland National Committee Appointees- AMOUNT DONATED $______Helen E. Aeling Br. 8 Alliance (330) 862-2563 Ingrid Weihs-Ferguson Br. 37 Detroit (586) 264-6136 You can indicate if donation is in memory or honor of someone: Brianna Mueller Br. 10 Columbus (614) 834-1060 ______

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Cont’d from Page 1 The Saxon News Volksblatt (ISSN 0894­-1165), the official publication of the Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons, 5393 exquisite performances. They are to be commended for the time they put forth to continue to Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44129-1597, is published Bi-weekly. provide us with their music, song and folk dancing. Our cultural groups preserve our Saxon tradition and culture, which creates a sense of belonging as well as a sense of security. Let’s Annual Subscription rate for non-ATS members make sure we support all these groups by attending their various events. USA - $15; Canada and Europe -$50 2017 Heimattag has provided us with lovely memories and we hope that everyone will join us at next year’s Heimattag that will be held at the Cleveland Sachsenheim the weekend of Managing Editors HB Laser Communications, June 22 – 24, 2018. PO Box 45198, Westlake, Ohio 44145. On Thursday June 30th, the ATS Home Office staff had a special luncheon for co-worker “Periodicals Postage Paid” at Cleveland, Ohio. Donna Jankow who was retiring after 37 years working at the Home Office. Donna was a Postmaster: Send address changes to the Saxon News dedicated worker that was a valuable asset to our company. She had sincere concern for Volksblatt, 5393 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44129-1597 our membership and her meticulous work had greatly benefited our fraternal benefit society. It was a blessing working with Donna over these years. To say that she will be missed seems

like such an understatement. Donna was one of those rare people who instantly became a friend instead of “just” a co-worker. We wish her the best in retirement and many joyous SECRETARIES TAKE NOTICE: hours spent with her grandchildren. Transylvanian Saxon Trivia: Although the Hungarian control over Transylvania was de- THE DEADLINE DATE FOR ARTICLES feated by Austrian and Imperial Russian forces in 1849, the compromise between Austria and in 1867 did not bode well for the political rights of the Saxons. During the years IS WEDNESDAY - 12 NOON. of Austria-Hungary the engaged in a policy of Magyarization to combat the ris- You may either ing nationalism of other ethnicities within the Hungarian kingdom. , a MAIL: PO BOX 45198, Transylvanian Saxon historian and Lutheran Bishop, utilized the new laws which recognized Westlake, OH 44145 the churches as legal bodies to organize all resources of the Transylvanian Saxons national- FAX: (440) 399-9339 ity within the framework of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Transylvania. The schools, extensive land-holdings became Church property which protected the Saxon culture. He E-MAIL: [email protected] was a great historian, documenting the history of the Transylvanian Saxons by writing four books. Articles e-mailed will receive an e-mailed confirmation Ich wünsche allen einen schönen Tag. by Noon Thursday. If you did not receive a confirma- tion, please give us a call. HOPE DEADLINE DATES FOR ARTICLES: Hope is the lifeblood of the human spirit. Their hope is for you to keep alive your cul- DEADLINE ISSUE When your Transylvanian Saxon forefa- ture and your traditions. Listen to the ghosts thers and the senior members of the various of Siebenbuergen for hope, which is the oxy- WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2017 FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2017 clubs, some of whom are with us this week- gen of the human spirit, is eternal. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2017*** FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2017 end, made the pain-staking, heart-rending ...... Heimattag is important. We celebrate ****PLEASE NOTE THAT DEADLINE FOR THIS ISSUE IS ONE decision to uproot themselves from the be- Heimattag each year because of its signifi- WEEK EARLIER THAN USUAL loved homeland, they did so with hope. cance. We celebrate it because we can. It They did not waiver in their commitment was willed to us. To counter Mr. Trump’s Please have your articles in by 12 Noon. to you and their hope for a bright and safe preference, THERE WILL BE NO WALLS Did you miss the deadline? future for all of you. BETWEEN OUR COUNTRIES AND OUR Hope is the lifeblood of the human spirit. CLUBS. Bob Foster, Have you emailed your article past 12 noon? Listen to the ghosts of Siebenbuergen. TCK Heimattag MC Please call Hanz or Barb Hermann at (440) 892-0436.

Saxon News VOLKSBLATT July 14, 2017 - 2 ATS JUNIORS’ CORNER Have an accomplishment CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS of your Junior member that you FOUR ATS FAMILY DAY TICKETS would like to share with your fraternal family? Email photos and/or info to: Dennis Ulrich, Branch 19 – Salem [email protected] June Hoelzel, Branch 22 - Youngstown

Thank you for all of your entries. There is still time to buy tickets! Deadline to purchase tickets is JULY 20th.

The ATS Youth Activities Committee


* ATS has reserved a Picnic Pavilion • Discounted Tickets for Combo Pass Coaster #1 Amusement Park Rides & Water World * Free Parking • ATS Member $12.00 * Free Admission to Picnic Facility and Non-Member $24.50 Amusement Park (Children under age 1 free unless they * Bring your Own Picnic Basket want to enter Water World) As the Heimattag decorations came down, the * Free Shows • Hours for Water World 11 am-7 pm clean-up crew was elated with Katie Hanek * Drawing at Pavilion at 5:00 pm Waldameer Rides Noon -10 pm as they covered her by balloons while she was saying, “It’s the end of the Heimattag.”

TICKET ORDER FORM ____Number of ATS Members© $12...... $______BRANCH 10, COLUMBUS Name and Certificate Number of Members: By Susi Mueller ______Cert No,______Cert No,______We had a great time at the #408), Columbus, OH 43219. Heimattag. Kitchener Transyl- We are so sorry and wish her ______Cert No.______vania Club is to be commended a speedy recovery. ______Cert No.______on their excellent organiza- On a happy note: Olga tional skills. The speeches Hesch visited Mary Allert in Number of Non-Members @ $24.50...... $______were succinct and absolutely the Pickerington Nursing and Total Remitted $______perfect. We appreciate their Rehab Center (former name) _____Number attending that will not purchase Combo Pass timely presentations. They on Hill Road (Route #256) in were very much on schedule. Pickerington, Ohio. We are Mail Tickets to______We couldn’t believe it when very happy to report that Mary Address______church started 10 minutes was fully alert and well able to early - after plenty of time to carry on a conversation. We City______State______Zipcode______enjoy their lovely and deeply are also pleased to add that Telephone.______Email______moving flag and gorgeous Mary recognized Olga Hesch Trachten procession. It was immediately and by name. If Mail Ticket Order Form to ATS Home Office, 5393 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Oh 44129. great to see relatives and old you would like to send her a friends, and then especially to card, we are sorry we do not Deadline for Tickets Orders July 20, 2017 make new friends. have the nursing home address Five of us lucky Columbusites at the present time. If you would attended: Regina Kellner. Olga like to have it, call Marlene Mu- Hesch, Anita Johnson, Marlene eller at (614) 834-1060. 2017 Saxon Heimattag – Cont’d from Page 1 and Susi Mueller. We were for- If you’re interested in the tunate to rent a 5-passsenger update on Anna Hall, she from 4th to 6th August 2017. sylvanian Saxon Heimatorts- this meeting. Putting the mottos Lincoln for a comfortable ride. had to have another surgery The Föderationsjugendlager gemeinschaften (Home-town of the Heimattag in Dinkelsbühl Olga Hesch did the driving, where they drained fluid out (Federation Youth Camp) will be Communities) and supported and Kitchener ahead this slogan made the rental arrangements, of her tumor on her lower right held at the same time in Transyl- by the Evangelical Church in will show us that we are and and hotel accommodations. stomach. They put a drainage vania. It is an establishment that and by the Associa- will be a world-wide community She even made the time to go tube in, which she needs to has its origin here in Canada, tions of Transylvanian Saxons whose center is and always will to AAA for trip-ticks to coincide drain every day. This may last president John Werner was in Austria and Germany calls be Transylvania. with the elaborate, built-in GPS several months. If you’d like to one of ist co-founders. Young us all to remember our roots. At the end, I would like to give system. Doris and Hans Gell- send her a card, her address Transylvanian Saxons from the It is an appeal especially to the you the kindest regards from ner were planning to go until the is: 11348 Meadowcroft Street, five countries of the Federation young generation, to those who the Transylvanian Saxons in last minute. Doris had been Pickerington, OH 43147. We will again get to know each other weren’t born in Transylvania, to Europe and especially from the suffering from an excruciating all know you join us in our and will also rediscover our old travel around and rediscover President of the Federation, Dr. neck pain; she even had to prayers for her. ”Well, HAPPY homeland, the native country of their parents’ and grandparents’ Bernd Fabritius and from the spend a night in the hospital. NEWS to report: Anna is start- our ancestors. The Sachsentref- homeland. Chairwoman of the Association We wish her well. ing back to work Wednesday, fen in Hermannstadt organized „In der Welt zuhause – in in Germany, Herta Daniel. Unfortunately, Hilda Kautz fell July 12th!! She now is relieved Siebenbürgen daheim“ ( At by the Democratic Forum of I am very glad to be here in and broke has shoulder. She of having to drain herself, got home in the world – home in the in Transylvania your midst today. fell the 18th of June and spent 14 staples to seal the wound, Transylvania) is the motto of and the Association of Tran- May the Heimattag in Kitchen- the night in the hospital, suffer- and is doing much better.” er have an excellent course. ing from her broken shoulder. That’s it for all the updates. Doctor says she is to wear a Hope to see you at our next Alles Gute und „bleiwt ge- sling to prevent people from meeting on Monday, July 17th, ! sand“ hugging her. If you would like at noon. As usual, we will meet Thank you very much. to send her a get-well wish, her at the Hickory House in Gah- Rainer Lehni address is: Kensington Place, anna. After lunch, the meeting Kitchener, 25.06.2017 1001 Parkview Boulevard (Unit convenes - usually 1:00.

Saxon News VOLKSBLATT July 14, 2017 - 3 FRATERNAL CALENDAR ! ATS ANNUAL GOLF OUTING NATIONAL EVENTS Salem Hills Golf Course July 29, 2017 12688 Salem Warren Road ATS Family Day Waldameer Park, Erie PA Host: Salem Branches 18 & 19 August 3 - 16, 2017 Federation Saxon Jugendlager Transylvania/Romania August 12 - 13, 2017 Saturday and Sunday, August 12 – 13, 2017 ATS Golf Outing, Salem OH Saturday Registration at 10:30 am – Tee Time Noon – 12:00 pm Hosts: Salem Branches 18 and 19 Sunday Registration at 9:00 am – Tee Time 10:00 am October 28 - 29, 2017 ATS Open Bowling Tournament Hosts: Youngstown Saxon Bowlers 2- Day Cost $60.00 Golf with Cart, refreshments, dinner, prizes 1-Day Cost $35.00 Golf with Cart, refreshments, dinner, prizes LOCAL EVENTS Deadline for Entries is August 1, 2017 July 14, 2017 Salem Joint Social Dinner 6:00 p.m. Salem Scholarships awarded Please list your Two Person Team July 15, 2017 Name ATS Certificate No. New Castle Singer’s picnic at The Picnic Grounds (1 p.m. to 11 p.m.) 1.______July 15, 2017 2.______Salem BREAKFAST BUFFETT 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. July 20, 2017 2- day golf – 36 holes………………….. ______

Salem Bar Open 7 – 9 p.m. 18 Holes – Saturday Only…………….. ______July 27, 2017 Salem Bar Open 7 – 9 p.m. 18 Holes – Sunday Only……………… ______

August 2, 2017 Non golfer dinner @ $12……………… ______Salem Saxon Retirees 11:30 a.m. August 3, 2017 Total Amount Enclosed: $______Salem Bar Open 7 – 9 p.m. (Make checks payable to: FTSS Branch 19) August 6, 2017 New Castle Member’s family day at Entry Form Submitted by: The Picnic Grounds Name______August 7, 2017 Salem Br. 19 Meeting 7:30 p.m. Address______August 10, 2017 ______New Castle Branch 25 Monthly Meeting 8:00 P.M. Salem Bar Open 7 – 9 p.m. Telephone No.______Email:______August 11, 2017 Send Entries and Checks to: New Castle Night at the Races at The Grounds Glenn Spack 943 Stewart Road Salem, OH 44460 Salem Joint Social 6:00 p.m. August 14, 2017 Tele: (330) 332-8174 Email: [email protected] Salem Br. 18 Meeting 7:30 p.m. Cancellations must be called in by August 5, 2017 August 17, 2017 Salem Bar Open 7 – 9 p.m. August 19, 2017 Salem BREAKFAST 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. ! August 20, 2017 Lorain Br. 5 Picnic French Creek Pine Tree Picnic area August 24, 2017 ATS 2017 Golf Outing Salem Bar Open 7 – 9 p.m. A New Format This Year August 26, 2017 Cleveland West Branch 1 Oktoberfest Salem Branches 18 and 19 will host this two-day New Castle Br. 25 Schützenfest event at the Salem Hills Golf Course on Saturday August 27, 2017 – Sunday, August 12 and 13, 2017. The course is Cleveland East Picnic at Penitentiary Glen located approximately one mile north of Salem on August 31, 2017 State Route 45. Salem Bar Open 7 – 9 p.m. Glenn Spack has made the arrangements and has set it up that September 14, 2017 the Outing will be in a Ryder Cup Format composed of two person New Castle Branch 25 Monthly Meeting 8:00 P.M teams, as well as the Traditional 18 Hole Format within the two-day September 16, 2017 outing which will allow for those who can’t or do not want to play New Castle Br. 25 Wine Walk through the Picnic Grove 36 holes. September 24, 2017 New Castle Last day “The Picnic Grounds” is open Tee times have been reserved for 40 golfers. (Unable to do shotgun start because we needed at least 72 golfers) Those who sign up for the 36 Holes will get the early tee times.

Salem Saxon Club Breakfast Buffet The Ryder Cup Format will be: 1st Nine Holes – Saturday, August 12 – Alternate Shot. The Salem Saxon Club, will 2nd Nine Holes – Saturday – Scramble be serving its next monthly 3rd Nine Holes – Sunday – Best Ball 4th Nine Holes – Sunday Bother Players scores will count. Breakfast Buffet on Saturday, July 15th serving from 7.00 A modified Callaway Handicap System will be used a.m - 10 a.m. in both events, same as used in the past. A Handout will be given to all players as they sign in to Adults/children $7.00/under 5 yrs. Free. Menu includes explain the particulars of the Golf Outing. bacon, sausage gravy and biscuits, fried potatoes, sausage, There will also be Hole Prizes and a Skins scrambled eggs, Belgian waffles, pancakes, tropical fruit, Game for those who want to enter. various baked goods, juice, coffee and tea.

Saxon News VOLKSBLATT July 14, 2017 - 4 ARE YOU GOING TO THE SACHSENTREFFEN CHURCHES IN HERMANNSTADT? BRING YOUR TRACHT AND PARTICIPATE IN THE TRACHTENUMZUG AND AUFMARSCH Contact Hanz Hermann for details [email protected] We remember our Sisters and Brothers who have departed this life in recent days. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the members BRANCH 33, CLEVELAND EAST Should you stop of the bereaved families. By Arline Krestel-Suts St. Peter’s folding? German and Saxon Lutheran Church Sit back, relax, take a vaca- program. And in spite of physi- Folding laundry soaks up William M. Schassburger 11423 Chicago Rd. tion, it’s Summer! And Branch cal challenges, he faced the time. Should you stop doing Age 66 Warren, Michigan 48093 33 is taking a break as well; world with hope, enthusiasm, it? Died: January 8, 2017 (586) 979-3850 no business meetings until and humor. Blogger Dawn Madsen says Branch 9, Chicago IL stpeters [email protected] September. Rest in Peace, dear Brothers, www.stpeterswarren.or yes. Our May meeting started with after life’s long labors…. Instead of folding everything Evelyn K. Hagan a party tray supper, thanks to the ATS FAMILY DAY is com- Age 90 10:00 Bilingual Service from underwear to shirts, Mad- Trustees who do an awesome ing up Saturday, July 29 at Died: May 8, 2017 Nursery job serving and cleaning up. Waldameer Park and Water sen, a mother of three, sorts. Branch 22, Youngstown OH We have two new members: World in Erie, Pa. Any Branch Kids clothing, she says, just Coffee following service Don Brusk and Paul Schneider, 33 members that attend, we will doesn’t need to be folded. She John E. Myers Senior Circle respectively the husband and reimburse your admission ticket designated boxes in the kids’ Age 69 Sunday School son of member Kathy Brusk. fees; ticket order forms are in bedroom for pajamas, under- Died: May 29, 2017 We welcome you to our Branch, the Volksblatt. Church Choir wear, tops and bottoms. The Branch 30, Youngstown OH and hope to see you at future Thanks to Diane Hum and the Bell Choir meetings. Krestels for attending the ATS kids can pull out the box they want, look for their favorite June E. Dunn Unfortunately, three members Bowling Convention. A brief Age 82 passed away this past month. recap: Open Bowling Tourna- shirt, and return the box to Died: June 12, 2017 Long-time member George ment will be October 28-29 in the closet. The kids don’t look St. John’s Lutheran Church Branch 22, Youngstown OH 1000 Ford Road Remner passed away on May Youngstown; and Cleveland rumpled, she says, since the Highland Hts., Ohio 9. His family wrote a lovely East is hosting the Regular fabrics are no iron. Lois M. Barthelmes (440) 449-1334 obituary, noting that he enjoyed bowling session on November She also completely eliminat- Age 76 bowling (aha, an ATS Saxon 12. Rev. Roberta Davis-Newhouse ed sock matching by disposing Died: June 19, 2017 Pastor bowler!), loved to go for walks, Our next major outing is the Branch 2, Erie PA and could fi x anything. Brother Annual Branch 33 Picnic, Au- of all unmatched socks. She 9:00 Worship Service th bought identical socks for the Marvin Schwenzer died on May gust 27 at Penitentiary Glen. Martin Roth 10. Many will remember him Ema Litschel is taking reserva- kids. Now she just tosses the Age 89 as a member of St. John’s on tions: (440) 358-1184. Food is socks into a designated basket Died: June 21, 2017 Ford Rd. as well and quite dedi- being catered by Dickey’s BBQ and, since every sock matches Branch 19, Salem OH cated to his lovely wife Anna. Pit (trying something different is the others, kids simply reach in What I remember about Mr. a good thing!). Members whose the basket and get two. Frieda S. Henning Schwenzer was his distinctive last names start with A thru L, Her husband’s clothing does Age 96 New York accent, and his love please bring a dessert to share. SALEM SAXON CLUB need to be folded, she says. Died: June 24, 2017 and admiration for his family, Cost $5 for members, $10 for Branch 17, Canton OH BAR IS OPEN especially grandson Andrew. guests, kids under 12 Free. And But some things don’t, such EVERY THURSDAY. Also, we were saddened by the there is a new large Nature Play as underwear and undershirts. Martin A. Untch PLEASE CHECK death of Myron Davidson, a past area for children, so bring ALL These are tossed unfolded into Age 91 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Branch 33 offi cer. Known as the kids! (check out the Web- a basket. Read more at ithink- Died: June 30, 2017 “Chick”, that man was anything site, cool pix). FOR TIMES. Branch 14, Canton OH but “chicken”… How does one And don’t forget, Br. 33 Junior capture the essence of life? For members, Saxon Camp is in Mr. Davidson, it was through July, and we will re-imburse ½ Art (his God-given talent) and your admission fee. YOUNGSTOWN SAXON CLUB Youngstown Education. As a life-long educa- Hope everyone had fun at Saxon Club tor, he had a great deal to do Heimattag. And to everyone, Branches 22 and 30 with Branch 33’s Scholarship have a happy and safe July! Saxon Family Day

In our Main Ballroom Sunday Evenings

DOORS OPEN @ 5PM BINGO STARTS July 23, 2017 @ 6:45PM from 1:00-6:00 p.m. $10, $15 & $20 Special Packages Fun for the whole family. Tear Offs Good food from the kitchen Birthday Specials Entertainment from the Pig Number Culture Group Brass Band We’re wheelchair and fun and games for the children. accessible! Come one, come all Food Available! to the Youngstown Saxon Club Security Inside & Outside! Pavillion for a relaxing afternoon.

Saxon News VOLKSBLATT July 14, 2017 - 5 This award will benefit me greatly, and will help me to complete my goals for the future with ease. … Once again, thank you for this op- The following excerpts are taken from letters written to the ATS from this portunity. year’s recipients of ATS Scholarships: Ashleigh Best … Thank you so much for awarding Award. It was such an honor to find me the Past ATS Officers’ Memorial out that I had received not only a schol- … Thank you so much for selecting Scholarship. I was very honored and arship, but the highest scholarship that me for the Academic Continuing Edu- appreciative to learn that I was select- is rewarded to only one top scholar. I cation Scholarship! It truly means a lot Austin Householder ed as the recipient of this award. This will happily apply this scholarship to to me and my family. Our apologies to Austin whose photo scholarship will be extremely helpful as my cost of my tuition! … I want to thank all of you for your was not printed last issue. Ed. I head to The Ohio State University this continued support and interest in my fall. Thank you again, education. I am very proud of my heri- … Thank you again for this wonder- Courtney Crawford tage, and appreciate all of the experi- … Thank you very much for choosing ful award and for all the opportunities ences and support this organization has me to be a recipient of the $1,000 Dr. the ATS has provided to me over the ... Thank you for selecting me as a re- given me since I have been born. It is David E. Schuller Appreciation Schol- years. cipient of the Academic Continuing Ed- truly an honor to be a part of the Alli- arship in honor of his parents Elsie and ucation Scholarship Grant in memory ance of Transylvanian Saxons. Daniel S. Schuller. Sincerely, of Marie Stirner. I greatly appreciate … I am beyond excited to be continu- Abigail Richardson receiving this scholarship and will put Kate Simonis ing my education studying fashion de- it to good use as I finish my tenure at sign at Kent State University. By get- … I want to offer my sincerest thanks Columbus State Community College. … I would like to thank the Board of ting this scholarship, it is going to help for choosing me as a recipient of your Directors and the Scholarship Commit- me to pay off my college fees. scholarship. You have helped me im- Eric Hall tee for awarding me this scholarship. ... Thank you again. mensely by allowing me to further my I am grateful for the assistance going education and I am extremely grateful. … I want to thank the ATS for select- into my final year of college. It is high- Sincerely … Because of your generous gift that ing me as the award winner. It means ly appreciated and helps me to cover Melanie Kaufman will be used towards my tuition, I will so much to me that an institution that the cost of my rising tuition. be able to use my savings to purchase holds such heritage for me has award- … Again, thank you. … I would like to extend my gratitude many other needed materials... ed this to me. for your generous decision to offer me … Thank you again for your abundant … Thank you to the ATS Scholarship Casey Crawford. a $500 scholarship to attend The Oho support for students such as myself. Awards Committee. State University. … Thank you very much for this won- … It is with your generosity that these Sincerely, Austin Householder derful gift. I so deeply appreciate it and opportunities become possibilities, and Meredith Pallo it is so helpful now that college costs I sin-cerely thank you. … I would like to thank the Alliance are so high. … Thank you so much for award- of Transylvanian Saxons for providing … Once again, thanks! Warm regards, ing me the Julia and Martin Konnerth me with this generous award. Kevin Kraus Memorial Scholarship Award! I am so Krista Adler excited to attend the University of Ak- Warm regards, … Thank you so much for selecting ron and this award will help make my Nathaniel Kuhn … Thank you for this award. me to be a recipient of the Donzella dream come true! Herman Scholarship! Max Morrow Sincerely, … I just wanted to thank the schol- Thanks again! Jessica Rinke arship committee for granting me the … Thank you so much for choosing Cameron Schmid honor of accepting this aid. It not only me as the recipient of the Dale & Rose … Thank you so much for honoring helps me in my endeavors, but also my Segedi-Kaufman Memorial Scholar- …I wish to thank the ATS for provid- me with the Julia and Martin Konnerth family. ship. ing me with this generous scholarship, Memorial Scholarship. I look forward and allowing me to pursue my dreams! to pursing a degree at the University of Annalise Iavarone Thank you, Arkansas in the fall, and appreciate this Kasey Jamison Ricky Gal generous award. … Thank you so much for the very … I‘m honored to be a recipient of gracious and much appreciated schol- … I would like to personally thank Dear Alliance of Transylvanian Sax- the award! arship! you for awarding me the Dale & Rose ons, Segedi-Kaufman Memorial Scholarship Thank you for awarding me with the Sincerely, Thanks again, Award. With this award I plan to buy Lorain Saxon Ladies Branch 11 Schol- Grace Leach Kathryn Hall most, if not all of the books I will need arship. It will make the financial part for college. I was extremely ecstatic of college much easier. My family and … Thank you so much for your con- when I first opened the letter stating I I thank you from the bottom of our … I am very honored to have been se- sideration. was receiving this scholarship. hearts. lected to receive this scholarship. My gratitude and appreciation goes to all Thank you again, Sincerely yours, Sincerely, of the committee members. This money Stephanie Schmidt Andrew Sizer Cari Cutler will help me to ease the burden of my college tuition and associated costs. … Thank you so much for this oppor- … Thank you very much for this I would like to sincerely thank the … Again, thank you very much. tunity! scholar-ship opportunity. Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons for Sincerely, … I thank the Alliance of Transylva- awarding me the Henry Schindler Christian Brooks Katie Bailey nian Saxons immensely for providing Scholarship! It was very kind of you to this scholarship opportunity. It cer- award me such a sum, and the money … I would really like to thank the ATS … I would like to express my grati- tainly helps students with the financial will definite-ly go to good use! for choosing me to receive the $1,000 tude for receiving the Davidson-Schull- burden of school and allows for more Four-Year Renewable Grant from the er Appreciation Scholarship Award on focus on academic success. Thank you so much, Victor Deptner Memorial Scholarship behalf of ATS and Branches 33 and 34. Ryan Untch James Verlotte

Saxon News VOLKSBLATT July 14, 2017 - 6 TRANSYLVANIAN BOOKS AND VIDEOS SAXON BOWLING LEAGUE The Saxon Cook Book - Third Edition Over 400 Saxon/American Recipes $12.00 per copy (postpaid)

PRESIDENT Fleeing to the Friendly Enemy by Barbara Ohler Weber Glenn Spack A true story of the author’s experiences during World War II 943 Stewart Rd. and her immigration to America in the 1950’s. Salem, OH 44460 $14.00 per copy (postpaid) (330) 332-8174 Flucht aus Siebenbürgen by Monika Görig/Maria Schneider [email protected] Memoirs of Maria Schneider written in German describing her VICE PRESIDENT family’s hardships when they had to flee from their home in Tom Simon 1944 and start a new life in Austria. 3916 Avalon Ct. $20 per copy (postpaid) Austintown, OH 44515 (330) 720-7988 Saxons Through Seventeen Centuries, author Rev. John Foisel [email protected] A paperback which provides a romantic account of the customs SECRETARY-TREASURER and phases of intellectual development of the Transylvanian Jenny Miller King people. Not intended to be a , rather a 25321 Conover Dr. story of our people based upon seventeen centuries of history. Bay Village, OH 44140 $15 per copy (postpaid) (216) 551-1728 [email protected] DVD - “Leaving Transylvania” producer/director Dieter Auner A documentary on an elderly Saxon couple from Arbegen that Choruses STATISTICAL SEC’Y. had chosen to stay in Transylvania during the massive exodus of (Men & Women) Saxons in the 1990’s and now after a decade of loneliness and Carl J. Schmitz disorientation is faced with abandoning their home and emigrat- Cleveland, Section 1 26652 Redwood Dr. ing to Germany to be with family. Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 $20 per copy (postpaid) Eintracht Saxonia (440) 235-3343 Sachsenchor [email protected] Why Can’t Somebody Just Die Around Here?, author Gerhard Rehearsal: TRUSTEES AUDITORS Maroscher. Tells the story of how his family was impacted by Tuesdays 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Rich Baker World War II. His mother fled Transylvania with two young 232 Reiber Road sons and his father reluctantly served in three Axis armies Hermitage PA 16148 PRESIDENT and was a prisoner of war by the Russians. Family immi- (724) 854-0149 grated to the USA to live the American dream. Horst Hebrank Debbie Tomusko $24.95 per copy (postpaid) 26148 Kennedy Ridge Rd 1511 Pennsylvania Ave No Olmsted OH 44070 Lorain, OH 44052 All books unless noted have English Text. (440) 734-2584 (440) 288-8668 Proceeds from book sales go to the Saxon Orphan Fund Program. [email protected] SECRETARY Order From: Christa Herbert Monica Gilles The Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons 3520 Beavercrest Dr Apt 107 4703 West Ridgewood Dr. 5393 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44129 Lorain, OH 44053 Parma, OH 44134 Make Checks/Money Orders payable to (440) 309-7894 ATS ORPHAN FUND 440-888-6094 [email protected] ATS Member, please indicate Branch number. New Castle, Section 6 Eintracht Männerchor Cultural Rehearsal: Are your SAXON SENIORS Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Groups children, YOUNGSTOWN SALEM SAXON RETIREES PRESIDENT grandchildren, SAXON RETIREES Meets 1st Wednesday Jonathan Baisch CLEVELAND SAXON Meets 2nd Thursday of each month nieces and nephews PRESIDENT 3336 Plank Rd DANCE GROUP Katherine Ring PRESIDENT New Castle PA 16105 Rehearsal: Fridays members of the ATS? 1043 Villa Pl Lois Whitacre 15425 Lisbon St. (724) 519-0519 6:30 p.m Children Girard, OH 44420 Let them benefit from (234) 421-5116 Minerva, OH 44657 [email protected] 7:30 pm Adults [email protected] (330) 862-2607 Westside Sachsenheim our fraternal program SECRETARY SECRETARY PRESIDENT and be a part of our SECRETARY Ralph Minton Amanda Donnellan Mary Terese Laret Dianne Kuttler 3304 Quentin Dr. 23 E Oakwood Way 18920 Laurell Circle history! 4282 McCann Rd Youngstown, OH 44511 Salem OH 44460 New Castle PA 16015 Strongsville OH 44136 (330) 799-2789 (216) 235-5240 [email protected] SECRETARY USE ONLY THIS FORM FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND CANCELLATIONS Monica Gilles CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM ERIE 3520 Beavercrest Dr Apt 107 Branch No.______Certificate No.______SS# ______SIEBENBUERGER SINGERS Lorain OH 44053 Date of Birth ______Meet Monday at YOUNGSTOWN All information in the form Siebenbuerger Club SAXON CULTURE GROUP to the right and below must Name______Meets: 2nd Sunday of Month be correctly typed, or PRESIDENT legibly written. Tim Clint Youngstown Saxon Club Old Street Address was______5805 West Road PRESIDENT CHANGE McKean, PA 16426 Robert Bachinger City/State/Zip______(814)572-6639 5268 N Beacon Dr CANCELLATION New Street______Email: [email protected] Youngstown OH 44515 (330) 792-5177 NEW to receive paper City/State/[email protected] THIS CHANGE IS FOR: HOME OFFICE RECORDS & VOLKSBLATT SECRETARY Michael Bachinger VOLKSBLATT ONLY 3134 Neosho Rd Date: ______Signature of Person Making Change______Youngstown OH 44511 (330) 788-7535 [email protected]

Saxon News VOLKSBLATT July 14, 2017 - 7