Labour Market Insight May 2021 Unemployment – April 2021

Unemployment Data: • The Unemployment Rate in MK was 6.5% in April 2021 • The number of Claimants in increased by 70 to 10,910 individuals between March 2021 and April 2021. • The Unemployment Rate in Milton Keynes is higher than the national (UK) rate of 6.3% and the South East Midlands (SEMLEP) rate of 6.1%

Male Female Total Date Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate April 2020 3,760 4.5 2,915 3.4 6,675 4.0 Data for the previous month is also subject to revision so figures may differ to those shown March 2021 6,215 7.4 4,625 5.5 10,840 6.4 in earlier briefing reports April 2021 6,255 7.4 4,650 5.5 10,910 6.5

Source: ONS, Claimant count by sex and age [from Nomis on 18/05/2021] Unemployment – April 2021

Male Female Total Area Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Bedford 4,230 8.1 3,120 5.8 7,355 6.9 Milton Keynes has a lower Central Bedfordshire 4,195 4.7 3,215 3.6 7,410 4.1 unemployment rate than Bedford and Luton Luton 7,400 10.7 5,080 7.8 12,480 9.3 Milton Keynes 6,255 7.4 4,650 5.5 10,910 6.5 But higher than Central Beds, North North Northamptonshire 6,790 6.5 4,950 4.6 11,740 5.5 Northamptonshire and West West Northamptonshire 8,090 6.5 5,910 4.7 13,995 5.6 Northamptonshire South East Midlands 36,960 7.0 26,925 5.1 63,885 6.1 South East 171,965 6.1 123,430 4.4 295,390 5.3 1,567,750 7.5 1,079,805 5.2 2,647,555 6.3

Source: ONS, Claimant count by sex and age [from Nomis on 18/05/2021] Unemployment – April 2021

Source: ONS, Claimant Total claimants Total claimants count by sex and age Area Area [from Nomis on Number Rate Number Rate 18/05/2021] Milton Keynes 10,910 6.5 Monkston 400 4.4 East 940 10.2 North & 245 3.6 Bletchley Park 705 8.1 Newport Pagnell South 320 4.7 Bletchley West 525 6.2 Olney 230 3.6 Bradwell 615 7.9 455 4.9 Broughton 500 4.4 755 7.7 & Old 510 6.1 475 7.0 1,060 9.0 Tattenhoe 335 4.1 Danesborough & Walton 355 4.4 790 7.9 Loughton & Shenley 395 3.8 Woughton & Fishermead 1,300 11.2

In April 2021, there were eight wards within Milton Keynes with unemployment rates above the borough average of 6.5%. • Levels of unemployment were highest in the wards of Woughton and Fishermead (11.2%), Bletchley East (10.2%) and Central Milton Keynes (9.0%). Unemployment – April 2021

United Milton Keynes SEMLEP Age Kingdom Number Rate Rate Rate Aged 16-17 20 - - - Aged 18 to 21 1,095 11.8% 9.9% 8.7% Aged 18 to 24 1,915 10.8% 9.6% 8.8% Aged 25 to 49 6,485 6.7% 6.5% 6.9% Aged 50 to 64 2,350 4.9% 4.5% 4.7% Aged 65+ 135 - - -

Unemployment rate by age calculated using the latest population estimates (2019)

Unemployment rate by age calculated using the latest population estimates (2019)

Source: ONS, Claimant count by sex and age / ONS, Population estimates - local authority based by single year of age [from Nomis on 18/05/2021] Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) Extension – May 2021

Cumulative Total number of Total employments Total take County and employments employments Total take on furlough up-rate district / unitary on furlough at on furlough up-rate at 31 March at 31 March authority 14 Apr at 28 Feb at 28 Feb (provisional) (provisional) 9,480,800 3,803,700 16% 3,406,300 14% South East 1,537,300 640,100 16% 566,800 14% Milton Keynes UA 51,500 18,900 14% 16,600 12%

The cumulative number of employments furloughed (since the start of the scheme in March 2020 up to April 2021) is up to 51,500.

The provisional data suggests that the number of employments furloughed in March 2021 is down to 16,600 (from 18,900 in February 2021)

Source: ONS, Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) Statistics: May 2021 [from ONS on 18/05/2021] CJRS extension: employments on furlough by LA and Industry, at 28 Feb 2021

Number of Employee Estimated % of Employments Count by Employments Furloughed Industry (2019) Furloughed Accommodation & Food Services and Accommodation and food services 3,940 10,500 37.5% Arts, entertainment & recreation saw Arts, entertainment and recreation 1,560 4,250 36.7% the largest percentage of employments Other service activities 900 5,000 18.0% on furlough at 28th February 2021. Construction 680 4,750 14.3% Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles 4,300 31,000 13.9% Wholesale & Retail and Administrative and support services 1,800 18,000 10.0% Accommodation & Food Services saw Manufacturing 1,020 11,500 8.9% the largest number of employments Professional and scientific and technical 1,150 15,000 7.7% made furlough on 28th February 2021. Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Mining and quarrying, Energy production and supply & Water supply, sewerage and waste 70 960 7.3% Information and communication, Financial and insurance & Real estate 1,210 23,750 5.1% Health and social work 720 16,500 4.4% Public administration and defence; social security, Households & Other 220 5,500 4.0% Transportation and storage 680 17,500 3.9% Education 640 18,500 3.5%

Source: ONS, Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) Statistics: May 2021 / ONS, Business Register and Employment Survey [from ONS on 18/05/2021]