A human-origin probiotic cocktail ameliorates aging-related leaky gut and inflammation via modulating microbiota-taurine- tight junction axis

Shokouh Ahmadi, … , Kylie Kavanagh, Hariom Yadav

JCI Insight. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.132055.

Research In-Press Preview Gastroenterology Microbiology

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Find the latest version: https://jci.me/132055/pdf 1 Research Article

2 A human-origin probiotic cocktail ameliorates aging-related leaky gut and inflammation

3 via modulating microbiota-taurine-tight junction axis

4 Shokouh Ahmadi1†, Shaohua Wang1†, Ravinder Nagpal1, Bo Wang3, Shalini Jain4,5, Atefeh

5 Razazan1, Sidharth P. Mishra1, Xuewei Zhu1,2, Zhan Wang1, Kylie Kavanagh6,7, Hariom

6 Yadav1,2*


8 1Department of Internal Medicine-Molecular Medicine, 2Department of Microbiology and

9 Immunology, 4Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 5Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping

10 Core, 6Department of Pathology-Comparative Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine,

11 Winston-Salem, NC, USA

12 3Department of Chemistry, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC, USA

13 7Biomedical Sciences, University of Tasmania, Hobart Australia

14 †Equal contributing authors

15 *Corresponding author:

16 Hariom Yadav, PhD, 575 Patterson Avenue, Suite: 2E-034, Biotech Place, Downtown,

17 Department of Internal Medicine-Molecular Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine,

18 Winston-Salem, NC 27101, NC, USA; email: [email protected]

19 Conflict of Interest Statement

20 The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists.



22 Inflammation is a major risk factor of morbidity and mortality in older adults. Although

23 its precise etiology is unknown, low-grade inflammation in older adults is commonly associated

24 with increased intestinal epithelial permeability (leaky gut) and abnormal (dysbiotic) gut

25 microbiota. The increasing older population and lack of treatments to reduce aging-related

26 microbiota dysbiosis, leaky gut and inflammation culminates on a rise in aging-related

27 comorbidities, constituting a significant public health concern. Here we demonstrate that a

28 human-origin probiotic cocktail containing 5-Lactobacillus and 5 Enterococcus strains isolated

29 from healthy infant’s gut prevents high-fat diet (HFD)-induced microbiota dysbiosis, leaky gut,

30 inflammation, metabolic dysfunctions and physical function decline in older mice. Probiotic-

31 modulated gut microbiota primarily reduced leaky gut by increasing tight junctions, which in

32 turn reduced inflammation. Mechanistically, probiotics modulated microbiota in a way to

33 increases bile salt hydrolase activity, which in turn increased taurine abundance in the gut that

34 stimulated tight junctions and suppressed gut leakiness. Further, in Caenorhabditis elegans,

35 taurine increased life span, reduced adiposity and leaky gut, and enhanced physical function.

36 The results suggest that such probiotic therapies could prevent or treat aging-related leaky

37 gut and inflammation in elderly.


39 Keywords: aging, permeability, leaky, gut, inflammation, microbiota, metabolite, obesity,

40 metabolism, taurine





44 The number of older adults are increasing, and aging increases the risk of

45 comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and others (1, 2).

46 Although, many preventative or therapeutic targets to ameliorate such individual aging-related

47 comorbidities have been known; however, common pathways that involve in all of these

48 comorbidities and their amenable interventions in older adults remain elusive. Increased low-

49 grade inflammation is a major risk factor for morbidity and mortality in older adults (3, 4), and

50 hallmark of aging-related comorbidities. Although the precise etiology of increased

51 inflammation in older adults is not known, emerging evidence suggests that abnormally higher

52 intestinal epithelial permeability (“leaky gut”) is associated with increased inflammation in older

53 adults (3, 5, 6). Higher gut permeability leads to influx of antigens, endotoxins, pathogens and

54 other pro-inflammatory substances from gut into the blood and lymphatic circulation, and

55 trigger systemic inflammation. However, increased inflammation also disrupts intestinal

56 epithelial barriers and induces leaky gut (7, 8). Hence the link between leaky gut and

57 inflammation is bidirectional, and remains correlative. Leaky gut and inflammation are

58 commonly associated with poor health of older adults specifically in individuals with obesity,

59 diabetes and reduced physical function.(5). Abnormal (dysbiotic) gut microbiota could account

60 for leaky gut and inflammation in older adults (3, 9), as dysbiotic microbiota can produce

61 metabolites that interact with host’s intestinal epithelial cells to reduce epithelial barrier

62 proteins like zonulin-1 (Zo1), occludin (Ocln) and claudins, resulting in disrupted cell-cell

63 connections, which compromises intestinal permeability (10, 11). Therefore, maintaining a

64 healthy gut microbiota, can benefit the health of older adults by reducing leaky gut and

65 inflammation.

66 Probiotics are live microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts

67 confer a health benefit on the host (12). Probiotics are one of the most accepted strategies to

68 modulate the gut microbiota and normalize dysbiosis (13-17); therefore, we posit that probiotic


69 therapy can maintain healthy gut microbiota and reduce leaky gut and inflammation. Several

70 preclinical studies have shown that some specific probiotic strains may improve intestinal

71 permeability homeostasis (18, 19) and inflammation (20, 21). Multiple studies also suggest

72 that probiotics are beneficial for several human diseases including obesity, diabetes and

73 others (13-17, 21-23), however, the origin of such probiotics remains largely unknown.

74 Probiotics isolated from human body source are recommended to be used in clinical practice.

75 However, well-defined human-origin probiotics exhibiting beneficial effects on aging-related

76 leaky gut and inflammation are not well known and, hence, warrants development of new

77 human-origin probiotics. In addition, it remains largely unknown, how probiotics reduce leaky

78 gut and inflammation, specifically in older adults, and the majority of evidence accumulated to

79 date remains correlative. For example, while some reports show that probiotics act primarily

80 on immune cells to suppress inflammation and improve intestinal barriers, others show that

81 probiotics primarily enhance intestinal barriers, which in turn helps suppress inflammation (24,

82 25). Determining whether probiotics-microbiota interactions primarily improves intestinal

83 permeability or immune cells will not only pave the ways to understand the mechanisms but

84 will also provide opportunities to further improve their therapeutic potential. Moreover, as

85 probiotics primarily modulate gut microbiota which produce an array of metabolites; however,

86 which specific metabolite mediates the effect of a specific probiotic is not well defined. Finding

87 new microbial metabolites can open new avenues to develop them as small molecule therapy

88 to ameliorate leaky gut and inflammation in older adults.

89 Similar to humans, older mice show higher leaky gut, inflammation, microbiome

90 dysbiosis, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and physical functions compared to young

91 counterparts (26-32). By using this model, here we studied a multi-strain probiotic cocktail

92 isolated from infant gut (33) and defined its functional role in aging-related metabolic

93 dysfunctions, leaky gut and inflammation, in the ~80 weeks old C57BL/6J mice (equivalent to

94 >65 years human age). We have systematically pin-pointed physiological, cellular and


95 molecular mechanisms by which such probiotics therapy modulates microbiota-metabolite-

96 leaky gut-inflammation axis.

97 RESULTS 98 Probiotics feeding prevents HFD-induced metabolic dysfunctions and physical

99 function decline in older mice. Older adults are more susceptible for obesity- and type 2

100 diabetes-related metabolic dysfunctions like glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, hepatic

101 steatosis and inflammation in adipose tissues upon high calorie/fat intake (34-37). Here, we

102 investigated whether our probiotic cocktail can protect such HFD-induced dysfunctions in older

103 mice. Interestingly, 10 weeks of probiotic cocktail feeding significantly increased blood glucose

104 clearance in oral glucose tolerance test (Figure 1a) and improved insulin sensitivity upon

105 exogenous insulin administration during insulin tolerance test (Figure 1b) in HFD-fed older

106 mice compared to their age and gender matched controls. These data suggest that probiotic

107 feeding prevented HFD-induced glucose metabolism dysfunctions in older mice. However, no

108 significant differences were observed on body weight and weight gain, food and water intake

109 and energy expenditure in probiotics-fed group compared to their controls (Supplementary

110 Figure S1a-g). This indicates that the probiotics cocktail was well-tolerated and enhanced

111 metabolic functions of older mice. Interestingly, fat accumulation in liver (hepatic steatosis)

112 was significantly attenuated, and crown-like structures in white adipose tissue (WAT), an

113 inflammation marker, were significantly lower in probiotics-fed older mice than in controls

114 (Figure 1c,d), indicating that probiotic feeding reduced fat accumulation and inflammation in

115 metabolic organs like liver and WAT.

116 Obese older adults face higher decline in physical function such as reduced walking

117 speed that is commonly associated with poor health outcomes and increased mortality in older

118 adults (38-40). Interestingly, probiotics-fed obese older mice had higher walking speed than

119 controls (Figure 1e), suggesting that probiotic therapy attenuated physical function decline in

120 older obese mice. Altogether, these results indicate that probiotic therapy prevented HFD-


121 induced metabolic derangements like glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis

122 and inflammation in WAT and improved physical function of older mice.

123 Probiotic therapy beneficially modulates gut microbiota in obese older mice. The

124 primary action of probiotics is posited through modulating gut microbiota, and we found that

125 feeding this human-origin probiotic cocktail significantly changed microbial composition in the

126 gut of older mice (Figure 2). Reduced microbial diversity measured by α-diversity (microbial

127 diversity within the sample) and β-diversity (microbial diversity among the samples) are known

128 indicators of dysbiosis (41), and interestingly, feeding this probiotic cocktail enhanced

129 microbial diversity as indicated by increased Shannon index (α-diversity) and by a significantly

130 distinct clustering of β-diversity observed in principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) (Figure 1a,b).

131 Other α-diversity indices like PD whole tree, Chao1 and number of OTUs remain significantly

132 unchanged in probiotics-fed and their control mice, but trends were towards higher α-diversity

133 in probiotics-fed mice compared to controls (Figure Supplementary S2a-c). The abundance of

134 phylum , and family Rumminoccocaceae and an unidentified family of order

135 Clostridiales was significantly increased while that of phylum Verrucomicrobia and families

136 Verrucomicobiaceae and was decreased in probiotics-fed mice compared

137 to controls (Figure 2c,d). Specifically, probiotic feeding promoted the abundance of

138 Clostridiales;f_;g_, Oscilliospira, Allbacullum, Rosiburia, Desulfovibrio and Dorea, while

139 suppressed the population of Akkermansia, S24-7, Peptococcacea;g_rc4-4,

140 Lachnospiraceae;g_, Lactococcus, Ruminococcus, SMB53, Coprobacillus and Lactobacillus

141 (Figure 2e). Similar bacterial phyla, families and genera appeared during our Lefse analysis

142 (Supplementary Figure S2d, e). Interestingly, among top ten significantly changed bacterial

143 due to probiotics feeding - the abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila, Peptococcus

144 niger, and Ruminicoccus gnavus significantly decreased, while that of Clostridium (C.)

145 histolyticum, C. thermosuccinogenes, Roseburia faecis, Enterococcus lactis, Bacteroides

146 salanitronis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus was significantly increased in probiotics-fed obese

147 older mice compared to their controls (Figure 2f-n). These results demonstrate that older HFD-


148 fed mice that received the probiotic cocktail developed a significantly distinct and unique gut

149 microbiota signature, enriched with beneficial commensals, and which was associated with

150 improvement in the metabolic health of older obese mice.

151 Probiotics feeding reduces inflammation and leaky gut markers in HFD-fed older mice.

152 Low-grade inflammation is a major risk factor of metabolic dysfunctions, poor health and high

153 mortality in older adults(4, 42). Herein, we found that the probiotics feeding significantly

154 decreased the expression of pro-inflammatory markers like interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis

155 factor-alpha (TNF- and IL-1beta (IL-1) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced primary

156 macrophages isolated from peritoneal cavity of older mice compared to their controls (Figure

157 3a-c), indicating that the probiotic feeding suppressed the inflammatory responses in the

158 mucosal lymphatic macrophages present in peritoneal cavity. Similarly, the expression of IL-

159 6, TNF- and IL-1 was decreased, while anti-inflammatory markers like IL-10 and

160 transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-) expression was increased in the colon tissues of

161 probiotics-fed mice (Figure 3d-h), suggesting that probiotic feeding also suppressed the

162 inflammation in the intestinal milieu. These results demonstrated that probiotics therapy

163 reduced inflammation in intestinal tissues and distant immune cells like peritoneal lymphatic

164 macrophages.

165 Increased inflammation in older adults is often associated with increased leaky gut

166 indicated by system markers such as LPS binding protein (LBP) and soluble CD14 in

167 circulation/ blood that are linked with poor health outcomes (3, 5). Interesting, we found that

168 the feeding of our human-origin probiotic cocktail significantly reduced LBP levels in the serum

169 of older mice compared with their controls (Figure 3i). The sCD14 levels were also decreased

170 in the serum of probiotics fed older mice, but did not achieve statistical significance (Figure

171 3j). These results indicated that the probiotics feeding reduces leaky gut markers that are

172 linked with reduced inflammation in intestine and peritoneal macrophages.


173 Probiotics feeding enhances expression of tight junction proteins in obese older mice.

174 Abnormalities in the gut epithelium, specifically the downregulation of tight junction proteins

175 are associated with compromised intestinal epithelial permeability (leaky gut) and increased

176 inflammation in obesity and aging (3, 41). We demonstrated that the probiotic therapy

177 significantly increased the mRNA expression of tight junction proteins such as Zo1 and Ocln

178 in the intestinal tissues of older obese mice (Figure 4a-b).The protein expression of Zo1

179 increased while marginal increase with no statistical significance in Ocln protein was shown

180 (Figure 4c,d). This suggest that probiotic therapy improved the intestinal epithelial integrity

181 that is linked to reduced inflammation in local intestinal tissues as well as systemically, as

182 corroborated by the decrease in peritoneal macrophages. Interestingly, global and unbiased

183 gene expression analysis by RNAseq revealed that the probiotics feeding significantly

184 changed the expression of a large number of genes and pathways. Specifically, probiotics

185 feeding significantly upregulated around 856 genes, while downregulated around 1053 genes

186 in the gut of older mice compared to their controls (Figure 4e), that were very distinctly

187 clustered among these groups (Figure 4f). Further, pathway analyses revealed that the cell

188 adhesion molecules (CAMs) and cytokine- pathways were the top-two largely impacted

189 pathways in the intestinal tissues of probiotics-fed obese older mice in comparison to their

190 controls (Figure 4g). These results demonstrate that the probiotic therapy enhanced cell

191 adhesion pathways, particularly increased tight junction proteins in the intestine of older obese

192 mice that was associated with decreased inflammation.

193 Probiotics primarily act on intestinal tight junctions instead of immune cells. We

194 demonstrated that the probiotics therapy improved metabolic functions and gut microbiota that

195 are associated with reduced inflammation and increased expression of tight junction proteins;

196 however, it is not known whether (i) probiotics-modulated gut microbiota primarily act on

197 intestinal epithelium by improving tight junctions to reduce inflammation or vice-versa and/or

198 (ii) these changes in tight junctions and inflammation are parallel events. We used a co-culture

199 system of human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco2; in upper chamber) and human


200 macrophages (THP-1-differentiated macrophages; in lower chamber) to test the effect of

201 probiotics cecal conditioned media (CCM), which was prepared from probiotics-fed mice cecal

202 contents compared to control CCM. When Caco2 cells were exposed to CCM of probiotics fed

203 mice, we observed significantly reduced intestinal epithelial permeability measures like trans-

204 epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and FITC-dextran diffusion in Caco2 monolayer

205 compared to the CCM of control mice (Figure 5a,b). However, no significant changes in TEER

206 and FITC diffusion of Caco2 monolayer were observed when co-cultured macrophages were

207 exposed to both CCM (Figure 5e, f). Similarly, the expression of tight junction proteins (Zo1

208 and Ocln) mRNA was significantly increased in Caco2 monolayer treated with CCM of

209 probiotics-fed mice compared to their controls (Figure 5c,d), while no significant changes were

210 observed in these measures in Caco2 cells co-cultured with CCM-treated macrophages

211 (Figure 5g,h). These results demonstrate that the probiotic-modulated gut microbiota primarily

212 act on intestinal epithelial cells to increase the expression of tight junction proteins resulting

213 decreased epithelial permeability which in turn reduced inflammation in local tissues and

214 peripheral immune cells.

215 Probiotics feeding significantly modulates metabolites and increases taurine

216 abundance in the gut of HFD-fed older mice. To determine the missing link by which

217 probiotics-modulated gut microbiota improves intestinal tight junctions and inflammation in

218 obese older mice, we tested the hypothesis that gut microbiota-derived metabolites may be

219 involved in these improvements. Therefore, we performed untargeted-unbiased global

220 metabolomics in the feces of these mice (43). Interestingly, the metabolites from probiotics-

221 fed mice were clustered significantly distinct from their controls (Figure 6a,b). In addition, the

222 volcano plot suggest that major metabolites like taurine, glucose, total bile acids (Figure 6e-g)

223 (44), glycine, acetate, isoleucine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine were significantly abundant in

224 the gut of probiotics-fed compared to control older obese mice (Figure 6c). Furthermore, a

225 heatmap in Figure 6d also shows that various metabolites in terms of fold change are


226 significantly distinct in probiotics-fed versus controls. Altogether, these results indicate that

227 probiotics feeding significantly changed metabolites in the gut of older mice.

228 A pathway analysis plotted using pathway enrichment analysis and pathway impact

229 values further indicated that the major Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)

230 pathways significantly affected after probiotics feeding were taurine and hypotaurine

231 metabolism (Supplementary Figure S3). The abundance of taurine, total bile acids, glucose,

232 butyrate and propionate were significantly increased the gut of probiotic-fed older mice

233 compared to their controls (Figure 6e-i). The highest increase (3.9-fold change) in taurine

234 levels in the feces of probiotics-fed older mice (Figure 6e) suggested that taurine is linked with

235 improvements in intestinal tight junctions, inflammation, metabolic, physical and cognitive

236 functions in older mice fed with HFD. However, the mechanism of how taurine levels increased

237 in the feces of probiotics-fed mice were not known. Taurine is a modified amino-acid produced

238 in the liver, and released by conjugation to bile acids (bile salts) such as taurocholate in the

239 gut through bile juice (45, 46). These taurine-carrying bile salts are deconjugated by a bacterial

240 enzyme - bile salt hydrolase (BSH) (47). Therefore, we tested a hypothesis that probiotics

241 feeding may have increased BSH activity in the gut microbiota, resulting in increased

242 deconjugation of taurine from bile acids like taurocholate. Interestingly, the BSH activity was

243 significantly increased in the feces of probiotics-fed older mice compared to their controls

244 (Figure 6h); suggesting that probiotics changed the gut microbiota in a way to increase BSH

245 activity, which resulted higher deconjugation of tauro-bile salts to release more taurine in the

246 gut. Most of the strains in our probiotics cocktail show BSH activity (Supplementary Figure

247 S4a,b), suggesting that feeding of probiotic cocktail increased BSH activity in the gut of older

248 mice, which may lead to increased deconjugation of free taurine from bile-salts.

249 Taurine restores intestinal integrity and improves health indicators in C. elegans. To

250 further determine whether increased taurine levels in the gut contributes in increasing tight

251 junctions thus reducing intestinal epithelial permeability, we supplemented taurine (200 M)


252 in the cecal conditioned media (CCM) and incubated with Caco2 cell’s monolayer.

253 Interestingly, taurine supplementation significantly reduced decline in TEER, and increased

254 the expression of Zo1 and Ocln mRNA (Figure 7a-c, Supplementary Figure S5), indicating

255 that taurine increases intestinal epithelial barrier integrity to reduce gut permeability by

256 increasing the expression of tight junction proteins. Furthermore, while to determining the

257 impact of taurine feeding on life-span in C. elegans, we showed that taurine feeding extended

258 the life-span of C. elegans for >2 days, which is equivalent of >10-12 years of human age

259 (Figure 7d); suggesting that taurine exhibits anti-aging effects. In addition, taurine feeding also

260 reduced fat accumulation and intestinal permeability (measured by using Smurf assay (48);

261 Supplementary Figure S6) in older C. elegans (Figure 7e-g), further revealing that increased

262 taurine in the gut is beneficial to ameliorate aging-related dysfunctions like adiposity and leaky

263 gut, which in turn improves healthy life-span.


265 DISCUSSION 266 In this study we demonstrate that a probiotic cocktail, which we isolated from the infant

267 gut (33), has beneficial effects to prevent HFD-induced gut dysbiosis, leaky gut and

268 inflammation along with metabolic abnormalities and decline in physical function of older mice.

269 It also distangles that the probiotics modulated gut microbiota primarily act on intestinal

270 epithelia to reduce leaky following with inflammation, instead of action on immune cells. This

271 study also comprehensively demonstrated how a well-tolerated human origin probiotics

272 therapy modulates gut microbiota in a way to enhance the abundance of beneficial metabolites

273 like taurine which reduces leaky gut and improves healthy life span. As a large portion of the

274 world population gets older, the demand for interventions to address aging-related

275 comorbidities like obesity, diabetes, hepatic steatosis and movement decline increase. As

276 these comorbidities are commonly associated with dysbiotic gut microbiome, leaky gut and

277 inflammation (3), interventions that modulate the gut and resolve dysbiosis are good candidate

278 approaches.


279 Older adults have an even higher susceptibility for such comorbidities when exposed

280 to high caloric intake than youngsters (49, 50). However, the underlying biology of this

281 susceptibility in the context of a HFD and preventive strategies are poorly known. Here, we

282 demonstrated that a human-origin probiotics therapy prevented HFD-induced metabolic

283 dysfunctions, namely glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis and fat

284 tissue inflammation in older mice. Reduced physical function and increased inflammation are

285 major risk factors of increased morbidity and mortality of obese older adults (38-40), and

286 probiotic therapy reduced both of these risk factors. Together, our findings indicate that such

287 probiotic therapies could be beneficial for preventing aging-related metabolic dysfunctions,

288 physical decline and inflammation, and may promote healthy aging.

289 Emerging evidence suggest that the gut of older adult’s harbor dysbiotic microbiota,

290 which is associated with poor health outcomes (3, 51-53). We observed that probiotic therapy

291 of human-origin multi-strain probiotic cocktail beneficially modulated gut microbiota in older

292 obese mice. Although, several other probiotics and commensal strains are also known to

293 modulate gut microbiota and shown beneficial effects on host health (3, 54, 55); however, their

294 mechanism of actions are not clear. Some probiotic strains are known to modulate immune

295 cells to suppress inflammation, whereas others have shown to enhance the intestinal barrier

296 to reduce inflammation by reducing non-specific leakiness of inflammatory substances from

297 gut to immune sites (18, 19). Nevertheless, these remain correlative, as leaky gut induces

298 inflammation, while increased inflammation also promotes derangements in intestinal barrier

299 functions to increase leakiness (20, 21). It is largely unknown that whether probiotic modulated

300 gut microbiota primarily act on immune cells to suppress inflammation or act on intestinal

301 barriers. Our results demonstrating that the probiotic modulated gut microbiota primarily act

302 on intestinal epithelial permeability resulting to reduce inflammation, instead of other way,

303 distangled this cause versus consequential action on intestinal epithelial versus inflammation

304 mechanism of action. However, such effects might be probiotics formulation and strain

305 dependent, therefore further comprehensive studies are warranted. Altogether, these results


306 demonstrated that such probiotic therapies can improve aging-related microbiota dysbiosis,

307 leaky gut and inflammation, and decoupled mechanism of action can strengthen the ways to

308 devise better microbiota manipulators in reducing leaky thereby inflammation in older adults.

309 Although earlier studies used certain probiotics by either exposing bacterial cells to

310 intestinal epithelial and immune cells or their cell-free supernatants to determine their impact

311 on intestinal epithelial permeability (56-58), but how probiotics-mediated changes in gut

312 microbiota and its metabolites impact host system were not declared. Here we used the CCM

313 as a tool to define this. The use of CCM is innovative because CCM mimics in-vivo conditions,

314 where microbial cells and larger ingredients of microbiota are filtered out, while microbiota

315 ingredients like metabolites are preserved and can interact with host cells. Using this system,

316 our studies established the cause versus consequential relationship of leaky gut and

317 inflammation which is impacted by probiotic-microbiota action, as well as demonstrated how

318 host-microbe interactions contribute to ameliorate leaky gut and inflammation in older and

319 obese gut.

320 To further understand how probiotics-induced changes in gut microbiota improved

321 intestinal integrity, we tested the hypothesis that probiotics induced the production of microbial

322 metabolites to impact intestinal permeability. Metabolites produced by gut microbiota are the

323 major functional moieties that interact with host cells, and can stimulate epithelial cells to

324 preserve intestinal barrier homeostasis (11). Herein we observed that taurine abundance was

325 significantly increased in the gut of probiotics-fed older obese mice, using a global

326 metabolomics approach (59). Taurine is one of the most abundant modified amino acids

327 present in the human body (60). In liver, taurine conjugates with bile acids to produce bile salts

328 like taurocholate (61). Taurine bile salts are released in bile into the upper gastrointestinal

329 tract. Although 95% of bile salts are reabsorbed into the small intestine (61), a microbial

330 enzyme called BSH can deconjugate bile salts by breaking covalent bonds between taurine

331 and bile acids, resulting increased taurine and bile acids in the lower gut or feces. We


332 demonstrated that probiotic therapy significantly enhanced the BSH activity in the feces and

333 increased taurine and bile acids in feces of probiotic-fed older obese mice. Our findings

334 support the notion that probiotic therapy increases BSH activity, which in turn increase bile

335 salt deconjugation to release taurine. As the probiotic strains included in this cocktail have

336 demonstrated BSH activity, this further suggests that probiotic bacterial cells supplied the BSH

337 activity in the gut of probiotics-fed older mice, and resulted in increased taurine through bile-

338 deconjugation. However, it is also possible that probiotics-feeding modulated the intrinsic

339 microbiota in a way to either increase BSH expressing bacterial numbers or increased BSH

340 activity, or both. Further studies are needed to pinpoint the proportional source of BSH activity.

341 Taurine is known to have beneficial effects to modulate several cellular and

342 physiological functions, such as hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, anti-obese and many more

343 health-promoting properties (60, 62, 63). We demonstrated that taurine exhibits anti-aging

344 effect to extend life-span of C. elegans, which agrees with other reports that taurine deficiency

345 accelerate death in mice and have beneficial effects against aging-related disorders (60, 64).

346 However, the mechanisms remain largely unknown. Our results demonstrating that taurine

347 decreased intestinal permeability and increased the expression of tight junction proteins in

348 intestinal epithelia (Caco2 cells monolayers) suggest that increased taurine abundance in the

349 gut increases intestinal epithelial integrity by enhancing tight junctions to reduce leaky gut and

350 inflammation. In addition, taurine feeding also reduced the fat accumulation and improved

351 physical function in older C. elegans, may suggest that taurine mediated reduction in the

352 inflammation may help reducing fat accumulation as well as enhancing skeletal muscle

353 functions to maintain higher physical function. Taurine increases functions and mass of

354 skeletal muscles (65, 66) and skeletal muscle specific depletion of taurine enhances

355 senescence in the muscle cells and increased mortality in mice (64), further support our

356 findings that increased taurine can be beneficial for improving metabolic and physical functions

357 in older adults. Other independent studies also show that taurine supplementation in drinking

358 water reduces dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis (67), as well as improves tight junctions


359 in the lung epithelia (68). This altogether suggest that taurine may be responsible for action of

360 this probiotic therapy in improving aging-related metabolic dysfunctions, leaky gut and

361 inflammation in older mice; however, the precise mechanism of action by which taurine

362 reduces these dysfunctions and the signaling pathways involved in such effects of taurine

363 remain largely unknown. Although here we studied the taurine because it was largely

364 increased metabolite in probiotic treated older mice, we also observed significant increase in

365 the abundance of total bile acids, propionate and butyrate, and these molecules are also

366 known to benefit intestinal barrier functions (69-72). These molecules along with taurine may

367 have played beneficial role in improving whole phenotype of older mice, and further studies to

368 determine their individual and/or synergistic effects in combinations on leaky gut and

369 inflammation are needed. However, current study provides a significant advancement in our

370 understanding how a multi-strain probiotic cocktail can be effective to induce changes in the

371 microbiota and its metabolites in the gut of elderly, and can be proposed as an alternative

372 biotherapy for aging-related leaky gut and inflammation. In addition, discovery of new microbial

373 metabolites like taurine can provide new ways to ameliorate aging-related leaky gut and

374 inflammation either as a single small molecules or combinations.

375 In conclusion, this study provides new evidence that a novel human-origin probiotic

376 cocktail prevents HFD-induced gut microbiota dysbiosis, intestinal permeability and

377 inflammation and improved metabolic and physical functions in older mice. It also for the first

378 time dismantles that the probiotics-modulated microbiota primarily enhances intestinal

379 epithelial integrity thereby suppressing the inflammation and not the other way around,

380 explains cause versus consequence relationship of leaky gut versus inflammation. In addition,

381 the study further elucidates the mechanisms by which probiotic therapy enhances BSH activity

382 of the gut microbes in older obese mice, resulting in enhanced bile-salt deconjugation and

383 increased levels of taurine in the gut. Higher taurine results in decreased intestinal

384 permeability by enhancing the expression of tight junctions. Further, taurine feeding also

385 demonstrates anti-aging effects in C. elegans by ameliorating aging-related decline in physical


386 function, adiposity, and leaky gut. Altogether, these findings suggest that such kind of human-

387 origin probiotic strains and cocktails could ameliorate age-related leaky gut and inflammation,

388 and hence open-up novel opportunities and avenues to explore and exploit the clinical utilities

389 of such therapeutic regimens.



392 Probiotics cultures and formulation. We used 5 Lactobacillus and 5 Enterococcus strains

393 which were isolated from infant’s gut and characterized for their genetic identity by DNA

394 sequencing, their safety profile such as absentia of pathogenic islands in their genome and

395 antibiotics resistance, as well as their probiotic attributes such as acid-bile tolerance, epithelial

396 cell adhesion, and their antibacterial activities, as described earlier by us (33). To prepare

397 probiotic cocktail used in this study, freshly cultured bacterial cells were counted and equal

398 numbers were pooled to prepare stocks 20% glycerol media that were stored in -80C to

399 further use. Stock cultures were freshly thawed each day and dissolved in in drinking water to

400 feed mice of experimental group, while equal amount of glycerol was supplemented in drinking

401 water of control mice, as described below.

402 Animals. Older C57BL/6J (>78 weeks) male mice were purchased from the Jackson

403 Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA) and acclimatized in a temperature-controlled room (22°C)

404 on a 12h light-dark cycle for two weeks before any treatment. At age of 80 weeks, mice were

405 randomized in two groups; 1) control and 2) probiotics (n=5-8 in each group), as also described

406 elsewhere (73). Group 2 (probiotics) was fed with cocktail of 10 live probiotic strains

407 suspended in the drinking water (109 CFU/mL), while equal amount of glycerol was suspended

408 to the water of another group 1 (control). Both groups were fed with high fat diet (HFD; 60%

409 energy by fat; Cat#: D12492; Research Diets, New Brunswick, NJ, USA). Food and water

410 were given ad-libitum, and water was freshly changed every day. Food and water intake was


411 measured daily. Body weight of mice were measured weekly. After 10 weeks of treatments,

412 mice were euthanized and tissues were collected for further analyses.

413 GTT and ITT. For orally glucose tolerance tests (OGTT), 12h over-night fasted mice were

414 orally given (2.5 g/kg body weight) glucose solution and for insulin tolerance test (ITT), 4h

415 fasted mice were given intraperitoneally at the rate of 0.75U/ kg body weight of insulin solution

416 (Humulin®, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN, USA). The blood glucose was measured before (0 min)

417 and after 15, 30, 60, and 120 min of glucose/insulin administration, using Truetrack®

418 glucometer (Nipro Diagnostics, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA), as also described in our earlier

419 studies (15, 41, 74).

420 Histology. Liver and white adipose tissue (WAT; gonadal) were fixed in 10% formalin,

421 embedded in paraffin blocks and cut in 0.5 µm thick sections that were stained with

422 Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and imaged with AmScope microscope (Irvine, CA, USA) on

423 20X magnification using 9-mega pixel digital camera. Crown like structures in WAT were

424 counted using ImageJ software (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA).

425 Indirect calorimetry. To measure whole body energy expenditure in live animals, older

426 mice were individually housed in metabolic chambers of TSE PhenoMaster caging systems

427 (Chesterfield, MO, USA) with free access to food and water. The energy expenditure and

428 resting metabolic rates were calculated from the volume of oxygen consumption (VO2) and

429 carbon dioxide production (VCO2), that also allow to determine the ratio between fat and

430 glucose utilization for energy expenditure in terms of resting exchange ratio (RER). All the

431 parameters were measured continuously and simultaneously for 48h, as also described in

432 our earlier studies (74, 75).

433 Measurements of physical function in mice. Physical function measures such as exercise

434 endurance and walking speed were performed in blinded groups, as described before (73).


435 Gut microbiota analysis. The gut microbiome was examined, as per our previously described

436 methods (33, 73, 76-79). In brief, bacterial genomic DNA was isolated from 200 mg frozen

437 freshly collected feces using Qiagen DNA Stool Mini Kit (Qiagen, CA, USA). The V4

438 hypervariable region of the of 16S rRNA gene was PCR amplified using the universal primers

439 515 (barcoded) and 806R and was sequenced using MiSeq Illumina platform (Illumina Miseq

440 Reagent Kit v3; Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). The obtained sequences were de-

441 multiplexed, quality-filtered, clustered, and taxonomically assigned against Greengenes

442 database with RDP-classifier using QIIME (Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology;

443 version 1.9.1) software package (80, 81) according to our previously described workflow and

444 parameters (41, 73, 76, 78). The -diversity was computed using QIIME and the -diversity

445 was analyzed using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of the unweighted and weighted

446 Unifrac distance (using EMPeror Version 0.9.3-dev). Bacterial assignment was

447 calculated within QIIME using default settings to compare the bacterial diversity and

448 abundance between the different groups. Linear Discriminatory Analysis (LDA) Effect Size

449 (LEfSe) was applied on phylum, family and genus level data on Galaxy platform (82), to

450 identify discriminative features (unique bacterial taxa) that drive differences in different

451 experimental versus control groups.

452 Measurements of systemic leaky gut markers: To determine the impact of probiotics

453 feeding on systemic leaky gut markers such as LPS binding protein (LBP; Cat # HK205-01,

454 Hycult Biotech, Wayne, PA, USA) and soluble CD14 (sCD14; Cat # MC140, R&D Systems,

455 Minneapolis, MN, USA) were measured in serum using ELISA kits and following manufacturer

456 instructions.

457 Peritoneal macrophage culture and stimulation. Peritoneal macrophages were harvested

458 from mice by flushing the peritoneal cavity with cold PBS. The peritoneal cells were cultured

459 in RPMI-1640 media (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) containing 100 U/ml penicillin and

460 100 g/ml streptomycin. After 2h incubation, floating cells were removed by washing with PBS


461 and adherent macrophages were treated with or without 100ng/ml LPS for 6h. Total RNA was

462 extracted and gene expression was measured using Real-Time PCR, as described below.

463 Real-time PCR. Total RNA was extracted from tissues and cells using RNeasy kit (Qiagen,

464 Germantown, MD, USA) and was reverse transcribed to cDNA using High-Capacity cDNA

465 Reverse Transcription Kit (ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, USA). Expression of Zo-1, Ocln, IL-

466 6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-10 and TGF-β (primer details in Supplementary Table S1) mRNAs were

467 quantified using real-time PCR reaction in Applied Biosystems. The expression of 18S was

468 used as an internal control. All the qPCRs run in triplicate, and results were expressed as fold

469 changes calculated using ΔΔCt method, as we published earlier (15, 41, 74, 76).

470 Western blotting. Total proteins were extracted from intestinal tissues and cell lines using a

471 cell lysis buffer (10 mM Tris pH 7.6, 1 mM EDTA and 1% Triton X-100) supplemented with

472 protease inhibitors (Roche, Branchburg, NJ, USA). Equal amount of total protein for each

473 sample were separated on SDS-PAGE gel (10-20%) and transferred to PVDF membranes.

474 Membranes were incubated with primary antibodies (Supplementary Table S2), and

475 secondary antibodies following with chemiluminescent detection and imaging using PXi

476 machine and GeneSys software (SynGene Frederick, MD, USA). Tubulin was used as loading

477 control in each gel.

478 RNASeq analysis. Global and unbiased gene expression analysis was done in intestinal

479 (ileum) tissues was performed using Beijing Genomic Institute protocols and pipelines of

480 RNAseq. The RNAseq library was prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols.

481 After quality control, clean reads were analyzed for the quantification of read numbers mapped

482 to each gene using HTSeq v0.6.1. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were defined using

483 q < 5%. Gene ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment

484 analyses were implemented for the DEGs by the GOseq R package and KOBAS software.


485 Metabolomics analysis. Fecal samples were extracted using a method described by Gratton

486 et al (83) with slight changes. The extracted water samples were mixed with phosphate buffer

487 (pH = 7.4) containing 10% D2O and 0.1 mM Trimethylsilyl propionate (TSP). NMR experiments

488 were carried out on a Bruker Ascend 400 MHz high-resolution NMR (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen,

489 Germany) using a 1D first increment of a NOESY (noesygppr1d) with water suppression and

490 a 4-s recycle delay. All NMR spectra were phased and referenced to TSP in TopSpin 4.06

491 (Bruker BioSpin, Ettlingen, Germany). The NMR spectra were analyzed in Amix 3.9 (Bruker

492 Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany) and a manual pattern was created using the metabolites peaks

493 range determined by Chenomx 8.4 (Chenomx Inc, Edmonton, Alberta Canada) to extract the

494 metabolites peak intensities. Total intensity normalization was applied before further data

495 analysis.

496 Preparation of CCM. The snap frozen cecum from control and probiotic fed mice that were

497 collected at the time of euthanasia and stored in -80oC, were crushed in liquid nitrogen using

498 a mortar and pestle. The obtained fine powder, was suspended in the cold DMEM media (25

499 mg cecal content in 10 mL media) and were kept shaking at 40C for 1 h on a shaker in cold

500 room with 200 rpm speed. The resulted suspension was centrifuged for 10 minutes in 3000 g

501 and filtered 2 times through 0.45 µm and two times through 0.22 µm filter in sterile condition

502 under a fume hood. The 1:10 dilution of obtained cecal conditional media (CCM) was used

503 to treat cells.

504 Co-culture transwell system and measuring TEER. Caco-2 cells (HTB-37, ATCC); were

505 seeded on tissue culture polycarbonate membrane filters (pore size 3.0 μm) in Corning 12-

506 well Transwell® plates (Cat# CLS3402) at a seeding density of 2×104 cells/cm2 (70-80%

507 confluence). The culture medium on both the donor and the acceptor compartment was

508 changed every second day. The cells were left to differentiate for 21 days after seeding with

509 monitoring of TEER (Transepithelial Electrical Resistance) values using an EVOM2

510 Epithelial Voltometer (WPI, Sarasota, FL, USA). The THP-1 cells (TIB-202, ATCC) were


511 cultured in RPMI-based CCM substituted with 10% FBS. For co-culture experiments, 2

512 million THP-1 cells were seeded in each well of a fresh 12 well plate and differentiated with

513 PMA (100 nM) following 24 h rest period. The macrophage-differentiated THP-1 cells were

514 co-cultured in Transwell plates (12 well Corning Transwell cell culture inserts) with Caco2

515 monolayer cells. The TEER of these were measured and the treatments were applied in the

516 upper or either the lower compartments which contain Caco-2 (upper) and THP-1 (lower)

517 cells, respectively. The treatments were applied on Caco-2 cells directly on the upper

518 compartment, while to treat the THP-1 cells CCM treatments were given for 2h following with

519 washing and substitution with fresh media and co-culturing with Caco-2 cells.

520 FITC-dextran permeability assay in Caco-2 cell monolayers. After 8 h treatment with

521 CCMs of 21 days old monolayers of Caco2 cells, FITC-dextran 4 (FITC-4; 4 kDa) solution (1

522 mg/ml) was added on the apical (upper) side of the monolayers, and the levels of FITC-4 in

523 basolateral (lower) side were determined using a fluorescence 96-well plate reader. The

524 excitation and emission wavelengths were 400 nm and 535 nm, respectively.

525 BSH activity in the feces. Frozen, fecal samples (250 mg) were crushed in liquid nitrogen

526 and suspended in 5 mL PBS, and settled on ice for 10 minutes. Bacterial cells were pelleted

527 from the supernatant by centrifuging at 7000 g for 15 minutes at 4°C. The washed bacterial

528 cells were sonicated for 60 seconds, followed by centrifugation at 9700g for 15 min. 4 mL of

529 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.0 containing 10 mM DTT, 500 L of a 200 mM

530 Taurodeoxycholic Acid (sodium salt) (Cayman 15935, Ann Arbor, MI, USA), and 500 L of

531 cell-free extract were mixed and incubated at 37ºC for 30 min. Then a sample (100 L) was

532 taken and 200 L of 15% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid was added to terminate the reaction. The

533 sample was centrifuged (9700g for 15 min) and 200 L of the supernatant was added to 1.8

534 mL of ninhydrin reagent (5 mg ninhydrin, 1.2 mL glycerol, and 0.7 mL 0.5 M pH 5.5 sodium

535 citrate buffer). The mixture was vortexed and boiled for 14 min. After subsequent cooling, the

536 absorbance at 570 nm was determined using taurine as standard. One unit of BSH activity


537 (U/ml) was defined as the amount of enzyme that liberated 1 mol of taurine from the substrate

538 per min. Protein concentration was determined by the BCA kit method (Thermo scientific,

539 Waltham, MA, USA), with bovine serum albumin as standard. All experiments were repeated

540 twice.

541 BSH activity in probiotics cultures. We have performed BSH activity in individual probiotic

542 strains using two methods: (i) Soft plate (84): MRS soft plate was prepared using MRS broth

543 (55 g/l), bile salts (0.3%, w/v), CaCl2 (0.375 g/l) and agar (0.75%, w/v). The overnight

544 cultures of ten probiotic strains (5 µL for each) were dropped on the soft agar and cultivated

545 anaerobically at 37°C for 72 hours. The positive BSH activity was indicated with visible halos

546 around the colony (Supplementary Figure S4a). (ii) Solid plate (85): BSH activity was also

547 screened on MRS solid plate with MRS broth (55 g/l), sodium salt of taurodeoxycholic acid

548 (0.5% w/v), CaCl2 (0.375 g/l) and agar (0.75%, w/v). After overnight cultivation, ten strains

549 were scarpered onto the plates and further cultivated for 72h anaerobically. The precipitation

550 surrounding the colonies indicated the BSH activity (Supplementary Figure S4b).

551 C. elegans lifespan assay. Wild type N2 strain of C. elegans, was cultured by standard

552 procedures on nematode growth media (NGM) complete agar media and E. coli OP50. The

553 life span screening assay was carried out using liquid medium in 96-well plates according to

554 protocol described by Solis and Petrascheck, (86). In brief, 10-17 age-synchronized C.

555 elegans (L1 larva) were cultured in S-complete media containing Ampicillin, Carbenicillin and

556 Amphotericin B (for inhibiting microbial contamination) and 100 g/mL fluorodeoxyuridine

557 (FUDR; for blocking fertilization) in 96-well plates. C. elegans were fed (3×107 cfu/mL) E. coli

558 OP50 with or without Taurine (200 M). The numbers of live worms were counted daily on the

559 basis of body movement and the fraction of animals alive was calculated.

560 Red Oil O staining in C. elegans. Treated worms were collected, settled with gravity and

561 washed with PBS before fixing with 1.5 mL cold (-20 ºC) methanol for 5 min. After adding 1mL

562 PBS with 0.1% Tween-20, worms were centrifuged (3000 rpm, 2min), and then washed (2X)


563 with PBS containing 0.1% Tween-20. Worms were stained for 30 min in Oil Red Oil O solution

564 prepared according the protocol (87). The worms were washed once with PBS after the

565 sucking off the dye and then they were mounted directly on a glass slide with 2% agarose

566 pad, and imaged using an AmScope microscope at 4X and 10X.

567 Measurement of leaky gut in C. elegans using Smurf Assay. This assay was performed

568 as protocol described by Gelino et al (48). In brief, animals were raised as described above

569 for lifespan assays with 200M Taurine in comparison with non-treated worms as control.

570 Animals were suspended for 3 h in liquid cultures of standard OP50 (grown overnight)

571 mixed with blue food dye (Spectrum FD&C Blue #1 PD110, 5.0% w/v in water) (Spectrum

572 Chemical, New Brunswick, NJ, USA). Animals were then placed onto an unseeded NG P6

573 plate. After the NG plates are relatively dry enough to pick worms off, then transfer worms on

574 the glass slides and fixed with 2% Agarose gel to image the presence or absence of blue food

575 dye in the body cavity using a Nikon Eclipse TE300 microscope under 4X and 10X

576 magnification. For each time point, three or more independent experiments were carried out,

577 each with 10-15 animals per treatment.

578 Physical activity assay in C. elegans. Animals were picked into M9 buffer on a microscope

579 slide. The number of left and rightward body bends in 10 sec were counted. One leftward and

580 one rightward bend considered as one stroke, and counting was repeated 5 times in 50-100

581 animals in each group. The numbers were multiplied by six to give the movement rate per min,

582 as also described elsewhere (88).

583 Statistics. Statistical analyses were performed using T-test and ANOVA. For repeated

584 measures data (GTT, ITT and TEER changes), significance was determined by two-way

585 analysis of variance for repeated measures with Bonferroni correction. Alpha-diversity indices

586 and bacterial abundance between the two groups were compared using unpaired two-tailed

587 Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA. Differences in beta-diversity were tested by

588 permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA), a permutation-based


589 multivariate analysis of variance to a matrix of pairwise distance to partition the inter-group

590 and intra-group distance. Hierarchical clustering and heat-maps based on average linkage on

591 Euclidean distance depicting the patterns of abundance and log values were constructed

592 within R using the ‘heatmap.2’ and “ggplots” packages. LEfSE (Linear discriminatory analysis

593 [LDA] Effect Size) was used to identify unique bacterial taxa that drive differences in probiotic

594 vs. control group mice (82). RNAseq data analyses used built-in statistical pipelines in BGI’s

595 statistical analyses considering two groups, multiple measures (gene) analyses to determine

596 statistical significance (<0.05). Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied using all

597 features of the NMR spectra with PLS-tool box (Eigenvector Research, Inc.) in Matlab

598 (MathWorks). Welch t-test was applied for statistical significance analysis for metabolites in

599 Amix 3.9 (Bruker Biospin) and a false discovery rate (FDR) were applied to control the family

600 wised error. The heatmaps, Volcano Plot, Pathway analysis for pathways, and dendrogram

601 were carried out in MetaboAnalyst 3.0. For C. elegans life span data, Kaplan-Meier curves

602 were generated using survival duration in days for each worm, using the log-rank test. Unless

603 otherwise stated, all the values presented herein are means ± SEM. P<0.05 was considered

604 statistically significant unless specified.

605 Study approval. All the procedures performed in animals were approved by the Institutional

606 Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the Animal Resource Program of the Wake

607 Forest School of Medicine.


609 SA and SW: performed experiments in the study; RN: performed gut microbiome analyses;

610 SJ: performed energy expenditure studies; BW: performed metabolomics studies; XZ and ZW:

611 performed peritoneal macrophage experiments; AR: performed western blots; SPM: helped in

612 analyses of RNAseq data; KK: helped in physical function studies; HY: conceived the idea,

613 organized and supervised the whole study, and compiled the manuscript. All the authors

614 contributed in manuscript draft revisions and agree with the contents and interpretations.



616 Authors are thankful for the support provided by the National Institutes of Health grant

617 R01HL142930 (KK), R01HL132035 (XZ), and the Pepper Older Americans for Independence

618 Center (P30AG21332), and the Department of Defense funding W81XWH-18-1-0118,

619 W81XWH-19-1-0236, R01AG018915 (HY), as well funds and services provided from the

620 Center for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, and the

621 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), the National Institutes of

622 Health-funded Wake Forest Clinical and Translational Science Institute (WF CTSI) through

623 Grant Award Number UL1TR001420.


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884 FIGURE LEGENDS 885 Figure 1. Probiotics feeding prevents HFD-induced metabolic dysfunctions in older 886 mice. A-B) Oral glucose tolerance test (A) and insulin tolerance test (B) improved after 10 887 weeks of probiotics in older obese mice (n=6 in control and n=8 in probiotics groups; *p 888 <0.05, two-way ANOVA). C-D) Representative images of H&E staining of liver (upper 889 panels) showing reduced fat accumulation (C) and reduced adipocyte size along with 890 reduced inflammation (indicated by crown like structures; red arrows) in white adipose tissue 891 (WAT) (lower panels (D)) in probiotics fed mice (n=8) compared to their controls (n=6). In 892 addition, probiotics fed older obese mice (n=8) exhibited higher physical function presented 893 as walking speed compared to their matched age, gender and HFD-fed controls (n=6) (E). 894 Values are presented mean of n= 6-8 mice in each group and error bars are standard error 895 of mean (SEM). P values *<0.05, and ***<0.001. Two-way ANOVA with with Bonferroni 896 correction (A,B) and student t-test (D,E) were used. 897 898 Figure 2. Probiotics therapy beneficially modulated gut microbiome in older obese 899 mice. A-E) Gut microbiome signature in terms of b-diversity (A), a-diversity/ Shannon index 900 (B), and abundance of major phyla (C), families (D) and genera (E) were significantly 901 changed in probiotics treated HFD-fed older mice (n=5) compared to their controls (n=5). F- 902 N) Specifically, probiotics therapy decreased Akkermansia muciniphila (F), Peptococcus 903 niger (G), Ruminicoccus gnavus (H), and increased Clostridium (C.) histolyticum (I), C. 904 thermosuccenogenes (J), Roseburia faecis (K), Enterococcus lactis (L), Bacteroides 905 salanitronis (M), and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (N). Values are presented mean of n= 5 in 906 each group and error bars are standard error of mean (SEM). P values *<0.05; **<0.01 and 907 ***<0.001. PERMANOVA (A), and unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA 908 (B-N) were used. 909 910 Figure 3. Probiotics treatment reduced inflammation in peritoneal macrophages and 911 intestine of older obese mice. A-C) LPS-induced inflammatory response in terms of 912 mRNA expression of IL-6 (A), TNF-a (B) and IL-1b (C) was reduced in primary macrophages 913 isolated from peritoneal cavity of older HFD-fed mice treated with probiotics (n=8) and their 914 controls (n=6). D-H) In addition, the expression proinflammatory markers such as IL-6 (D), 915 TNF-a (E) and IL-1b (F) were decreased, while anti-inflammatory genes like IL-10 (G) and 916 TGF-b (H) mRNA expressions were increased in the colon of probiotics fed older obese 917 mice (n=8) compared to their controls (n=6). I-J) In addition, systemic leaky gut markers 918 such as LPS binding protein (LBP) (I) and soluble CD14 (J) were reduced in the serum of 919 probiotics fed older obese mice (n=7) compared to their controls (n=6). Values are presented 920 mean of n= 6-8 in each group and error bars are standard error of mean (SEM). P values 921 *<0.05; **<0.01, ***<0.001 and ns: not significant. Student t-test (A-J) was used. 922 923 Figure 4. Probiotics treatment increased expression of tight junctions in the intestine 924 of older obese mice. A-B) The mRNA expression of tight junction proteins like Zonulin-1 925 (Zo1) (A) and Occludin (Ocln) (B) were significantly increased in colon of probiotics fed older 926 mice (n=8) compared to their controls (n=6). C,D) Western blot analysis show that Zo1 927 protein (C,D) expression was significantly increased, while Ocln showed marginal increase 928 with no statistical significance (C,D) in the colon tissues of probiotics treated older mice 929 (n=7) than their controls (n=6). E-F) Global gene expression using RNAseq analysis 930 revealed that probiotic feeding significantly increased around 856 genes while decreased


931 1053 genes (E,F) that were distinctly clustered in probiotics treated (n=7) group versus 932 controls (n=6). G) Pathway analysis of deferentially expressed genes (DEGs) shown that cell 933 adhesion and cytokine (immune) pathways were majority impacted by probiotics treatment 934 compared to their controls. Values are presented mean of n= 6-7 each group and error bars 935 are standard error of mean (SEM). P values *<0.05; **<0.01 and ***<0.001. Student t-test 936 (A,B,D) and random forest analysis (E), hierarchical clustering between samples using 937 hclust, and draw the diagrams with ggplot2 (F) and differential expression of genes (DEGs) 938 (G), using R programs. 939 940 Figure 5. Probiotics primarily act on intestinal tight junctions versus immune cells. A- 941 C) Upon treatment of Caco2 cell monolayers (cultured with THP1 cells) with cecal 942 conditioned media (CCM) from probiotics fed mice show significantly less changes in 943 transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) (A) with reduced FITC-dextran (4 kDa) (B) and 944 increased Zo1 (C) and Ocln (D) mRNA and protein expressions compared to control CCM 945 treated cells. E-H) While no significant changes were observed in these measures when co- 946 cultured THP-1 cells were treated with CCM prepared from probiotics and control mice cecal 947 contents. Values are mean of 2-3 repeated experiments done in triplicate at each time, and 948 CCM prepared from cecal contents of n=6 controls and n=7 probiotic treated mice. Error 949 bars are standard error of mean (SEM). P values *<0.05; **<0.01, ***<0.001 and ns: not 950 significant. ANOVA with Bonferroni corrections and student t-test were used. 951 952 Figure 6. Probiotics therapy modulate gut metabolome and increased taurine 953 production by enhancing bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity in the gut of older HFD-fed 954 mice. A-C) Untargeted-unbiased metabolomics analyses show that the production of distinct 955 metabolites shown by principal component analysis (PCA) (A), group clustering (B) and fold 956 change abundance enrichment (C) were significantly changed in probiotics fed old mice 957 (n=5) compared to their controls (n=5). D) Similarly, metabolite heatmap shows differential 958 clusters that are significantly changed in probiotics fed older mice feces compared to 959 controls. E-G) Abundance of taurine (E), glucose (F) and, total bile acids and cholesterol (G) 960 was significantly increased in the feces of probiotics fed older mice (n=5) compared to their 961 controls (n=5). H) Probiotics feeding significantly enhanced bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity 962 in the gut of older mice. Values are presented mean of n= 5 control and n= 5 probiotics 963 group and error bars are standard error of mean (SEM). P values *<0.05; **<0.01 and 964 ***<0.001. PLS-tool box in MatLab (A,B) and Welch t-test (E-JS) were used. 965 966 Figure 7. Taurine significantly decreased epithelial permeability, increased tight 967 junction proteins, reduced fat accumulation and reduced gut leakiness in C. elegans. 968 A-C) Taurine supplementation in cecal conditioned media (CCM) in control significantly 969 reduced changes in TEER of Caco2 cells monolayer (A) and significantly increased 970 expression of tight junction protein- Zo1 (B) and Ocln (C) expression. Values are mean of 2- 971 3 repeated experiments done in triplicate at each time. D) Taurine treatment increased life 972 span of C. elegans (D). Kaplan-Meier curves were generated using survival data in days for 973 each worm (n=150-195 worms in each group), and statistical significance was calculated 974 using the log-rank test. E-G) Taurine treatment also reduced the fat accumulation (E,F) and 975 intestinal permeability (leaky gut) using Smurf assay (F,G) in n=120-150 worms in each 976 group. Values are presented mean of 2-3 trials of cell culture experiments done in triplicates 977 (A-C) and n=120-195 worms (D-G). Error bars are standard error of mean (SEM). P values


978 *<0.05; **<0.01 and ***<0.001. Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni corrections (A) and student 979 t-test (B,C,F,G) and log rank (D) were used. E) Composite image of multiple worms. 980


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