Small Pelagic : Picture Fulmarine petrels, prions, shearwaters, of storm petrels & diving petrels For idenficaon and species info refer to:

Introducon Ecology and life history This group of pelagic represent the Normal adult weight range: varies greatly between species, ranging true seabirds spending most of their lives on from 35g storm petrels to 5kg giant petrels (included in Large Pelagic the open ocean, only coming onto land to factsheet). See for species weight ranges. nest. The group is commonly known as Moult: Most of the birds in these families have a simple, gradual "tube-nosed" as their nares (nostrils) form a moult over 2-5 months, usually during the non-breeding season, pair of tubes on the top surface of the upper with some species connuing moult into the start of the breeding bill. The families in this group consist of season. There is some evidence that diving petrels may undergo a fulmarine petrels, prions, shearwaters, synchronous moult of wing and tail feathers storm petrels and diving petrels. New Breeding: Birds that breed in New Zealand waters usually do so Zealand waters have the highest biodiversity during the southern hemisphere’s spring and summer (Sep to Mar of this group of birds and 12 out of the 60 generally). species in New Zealand are endemic. Some Diet: Fish, crustaceans, squid, insects species migrate to the northern hemisphere Fulmarine and storm petrels: water surface scavengers while others, like the broad-billed prion, Prions: plankton filter feeders remain locally year-round in waters near Shearwaters: on the wing or shallow dives their breeding grounds. Diving petrels: diving

Personal protecve equipment (PPE): Appropriate PPE must be worn when capturing and handling oiled wildlife to prevent exposure to oil (disposable nitrile gloves, safety glasses/goggles, protecon for clothing e.g. Tyvec suit). Old towels or blue inconnence pads are useful to handle oiled birds as they can be discarded once soiled. Capture Handling Consider the safety of both humans and birds. Wear normal examinaon gloves if not oiled to prevent Oiled birds may sll have the ability to fly depending on feather damage. Small birds can be held in the palm of the amount and locaon of oil on the body. Long- one hand and head restrained with the thumb and first handled fishing nets are useful for capture. If the bird is finger. on land and unable to fly then towels are useful for Larger birds are best restrained in a capture by throwing it over the bird then gathering it up towel to prevent flapping and damaging ensuring the wings are restrained in the towel and the of wings. Cover the head with the towel head is covered. If the bird is on land then ensure that to reduce stress. someone is standing between the bird and the water to Bing can be prevented by holding the bill with the first prevent them from entering it. This group of birds will finger on top and the thumb underneath ensuring that oen regurgitate stomach oil as a defense mechanism. the nostrils are clear to allow breathing. Alternavely, Take care not to get oil on feathers. the head can be held from behind.

Transport to WARNING – NEVER place your eyes close to holes in transport boxes. facility Herons, gannets & cormorants will lunge at eyes causing serious injury or blindness.

Transport box: made of plasc, NOT wood or cardboard, as oil contaminaon can be cleaned and box reused. Best opon is a Corflute box (pictured). Available from A&E Karsten LTD (ph +64 9 266 2781, [email protected]) Size of the box should suit the size of the bird. Alternave opon is a plasc PetPak. Only ONE bird per box. Flooring: Correct flooring in the transport box is important. It should (i) be so and non-abrasive in order to prevent development of bumblefoot during transport, (ii) be non-slip so that the bird can steady itself and (iii) prevent build up of faecal maer that can cause urate burns. Blue-tube rubber mang covered with blue inconnence pads or a suspended neng floor are the best opons. Folded newspaper is inappropriate as it becomes too slippery when contaminated by faeces. Shredded paper, straw, hay and seagrass should be avoided as it increases the risk of Aspergillosis

Vehicle transport: van or ute, with canopy and a separate air space from people to prevent inhalaon of oil fumes. Ideally temperature controlled (heang on cold days, cooling on hot days).

Small pelagic seabirds HUSBANDRY REQUIREMENTS Housing Keep indoors and temperature controlled at 25-27°C because oiled cannot thermoregulate.

pre-cleaning Enclosure: Plasc vented bulk bins or box pallets are the best for easy cleaning. (oiled) (available from and other plasc packaging companies). Some species may be housed in groups while other species need to be on their own. It is highly recommended to seek informaon regarding behavioural characteriscs of each species at If using steel or plasc hospital cages: • cages must be high enough for the bird to stand and stretch its neck and wings. • Keep only one bird per cage.

Flooring: Best opon is fine (0.5cm) non-knoed coon neng using PVC pipe as a frame and suspended at least 15cm from the cage floor. Alternave is blue tubing (available at hardware stores). These flooring types prevent uric acid and faecal buildup which can cause feather damage and bumblefoot. If using steel or plasc hospital cages then mulple layers of towels can be used on top of blue mang, but soiled towels must be changed regularly.

Covering: Mesh or shade cloth on top of bulk bins/box pallets and secured with clips or weights. Cover the front of hospital cages with a towel to reduce stress. Housing Enclosure: post-cleaning Outdoor aviary with shade cloth covering the roof and walls. (no oil) Flooring Blue tube mang on floor to prevent uric acid and faecal buildup and bumblefoot. NOTE: grey tube flooring is harder than the blue version which increases risk of bumblefoot. Burrows Hides made of plasc - upturned plasc box with semi-circle cut out. Protect the sharp edge of doorway with a hose-pipe split lengthways and taped in place. PVC tubing can be used as shelters for the smaller species. Provide one hide per bird. Social or Solitary • Some species are highly social and can be housed in groups e.g. all prion species, some petrel and shearwater species. Do not overcrowd and allow at least 1.5m2 per bird. If there is only one bird from a social species then place mirrors in enclosure. • Other species are generally solitary and only come together during the breeding season e.g. most storm petrel species, some petrel and shearwater species. It is highly recommended to seek informaon regarding behavioural characteriscs of each species at Pool • Seabirds in the rehabilitaon phase need access to water in their enclosure to aid waterproofing. • Suitable pool types: built-in, large plasc containers or children’s swimming pool or shell. • Non-slip ramps to allow easy access and exit of water. • Minimum water depth for small pelagic birds is 30cm. • Preferably use , but freshwater can be used. If using freshwater then provide birds with a salt supplement in order to maintain salt glands (see “Supplements” secon). • Heat water during winter months if ambient air temperature is below ~10-15°C. • Connuous flow of water is required to prevent buildup of fish oil and faeces on the surface of the water which inhibits the waterproofing process. This is most easily achieved by placing a hose above the pool allowing the running water to break the surface of the pool water and leng it overflow. Good drainage around the pool is required. • Surface skimmer is useful for removing oil, food and faeces floang on the surface. Transport As per handling instrucons. Cover head to reduce visual smuli and stress. within facility If oiled, then wear appropriate PPE and encase in disposable material such blue inconnence pads. If clean, then encased in towel. Wear gloves to prevent feather damage. Idenficaon Leg band (temporary idenficaon to be removed before release) Small pelagic seabirds NUTRITION, SUPPLEMENTS and FLUIDS At admission Triage assessment: physical examinaon by trained personnel (preferably a veterinarian) Record cloacal temperature. Give fluids at inial stabilisaon rates below. Dosing If large numbers of birds require dosing then calculate dose based on the weight of the heaviest bird. Group animals into age and/or size class for dosing calculaons. Fluid rate Inial stabilisaon: 80ml/kg body weight/day divided into two doses PO Once hydrated: 60ml/kg body weight/day divided into two doses PO Fluid types For long term maintenance use either isotonic saline (0.9%) or Vytrate®/Lectade® Amount Feed 10% of body weight (BW) TWICE a day (i.e. 20% of body weight total each day) Food type If weak, emaciated and dehydrated: Give oral electrolyte fluids at ‘inial stabilisaon’ rate listed above for 24 hours to rehydrate gut. Use either: Equal parts (50:50) Hartmann’s soluon and 2.5% dextrose in 0.45% saline 5% dextrose in 0.9% saline or Vytrate®/Lectade®

Once gut is hydrated, then start with small amounts of fish slurry. If able to take solids: human grade small whole salmon or large salmon cut into pieces. Food Fish slurry with insecvore mix: Place human grade salmon in heavy duty blender and blend. Add just preparaon enough isotonic (0.9% NaCl) fluid to blender to achieve a smooth consistency. Sieve slurry using a metal sieve to remove any chunks that may clog the feeding tube. Add a few scoops of insecvore mix. Note that the amount of insecvore mix to add may need to be adjusted based on the bird’s weight gain or loss. Discard aer 24 in the refrigerator. Whole fish: Ideally defrost covered in refrigerator to retain nutrional quality. However, if large amounts of food are required then fish can be defrosted under cold running water immediately before feeding so long as vitamin supplements are given. To cut large whole salmon into pieces, cut on an angle (pic). Supplements ① Mazuri vitamins: 1 tablet per 225g fish. (Available at Carlyle Vet Clinic, Napier 06 835 1096). ② Itraconazole (Sporonox): 5mg/kg BW PO once daily via so crop tube to prevent Aspergillosis. ③ Salt (sodium chloride) to recondion salt gland: Only required if birds have been housed long-term with freshwater pools. Start at least 2 week before release. Give orally either as 3% saline soluon at maintenance fluid rates or 100mg/kg BW PO once daily. Gradually increase dose over four days: Day 1 give ¼ dose, Day 2 give ½ dose, Day give ¾ dose, Day 4 give full dose, then connue at full dose.

Delivery & Warm fluids and slurry to 38-40°C. Deliver fluid and fish slurry with so crop tube, preferably silicone. device Force feed (FF) whole or pieces of fish head first. Some birds will learn to take fish by hand, others will need the head restrained and bill opened to place fish into the back of the mouth. Once the fish is far enough to the back of the throat the bird should swallow it down – release the head at this stage to allow the to swallow. Avoid geng fish juices on the and feathers at the corner of the mouth as this disrupts waterproofing and causes dermas. If fish juice/oil gets onto skin or feathers DO NOT ATTEMPT TO WIPE OFF. Rinse area with a large syringe of water and allow bird to preen. HEALTH SCREENING Venepuncture sites: The medial metatarsal vein is the easiest to access.

Anaemia funcon Birds exposed to oil can quickly become anaemic Uric acid (UA) levels in birds are a measure of kidney (decreased red cells) due to the toxic affects of oil funcon. Elevated UA levels >600 IU/dl indicate that the and starvaon. As a minimum, packed cell volume (PCV) kidneys are failing or the animal is severely dehydrated, and serum total protein (TP) should be measured at both of which commonly occur in oiled birds. (1) intake (2) pre-wash (3) post-wash (4) pre-release. Treatment: IV or PO isotonic fluids at twice maintenance Severely anaemic (PCV<15-20%) birds require blood rates (100ml/kg/24 hours) transfusion. Birds should not be released unl their UA levels return Birds should not be: to within the normal range (<600 IU/dl). If UA levels • washed unl PCV ≥30% and TP ≥25g/L remain elevated despite treatment then the bird likely • released unl their PCV and TP levels return to within has irreversible kidney failure and should be euthanised the normal range = PCV 30-55%, TP 40-60g/L. on humane grounds. Small pelagic seabirds

Common Medicaons Problems associated with capvity ALL secondary complicaons require veterinary aenon Preventave treatment of Aspergillosis Isolate any sick birds from the group. An-fungals: (a severe respiratory fungal infecon) is highly 1. Aspergillosis recommended as these birds are extremely suscepble A serious, life-threatening respiratory fungal infecon. to this life-threatening disease when in capvity. Clinical signs include noisy or difficulty breathing. Itraconazole available only by veterinary prescripon. See dose rate on page 1. 2. Pressure sores: Keel lesions, Hock lesions or Pododermas (bumblefoot) Anbiocs: are only required if the animal has an Pelagic seabirds are parcularly vulnerable to pressure open or infected wound or known bacterial infecon sores because they normally rest on water rather than and should only be given if prescribed by a veterinarian on their feet on land. Birds that are unable to stand are aer examinaon of the animal. highly likely to develop keel and hock lesions so it Dose rates: Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 125mg/kg PO BID essenal to place appropriate padding, such as a rolled Enrofloxacin 5-10mg/kg PO BID up towel in a U- shape to help prop their body up. The condion is best prevented with good husbandry Pain relief: is only required if the animal has a painful and appropriate floor coverings. Depending on severity condion (e.g. open wound) and should only be given if the bird may require surgery. Treatment involves prescribed by a veterinarian aer examinaon of the specific wound care and bandaging. animal. Dose rates: Meloxicam (for mild to moderate so ssue pain) 3. Traumac injuries 0.5-1 mg/kg BID Traumac injuries such as bone fractures can occur in Butorphanol (for moderate to severe bone pain) capvity due to excessive force used during handling or 5mg/kg IM ideally every 2-3hours but can be issues in the enclosure (eg. gaps where legs or wings can get stuck). given twice a day 4. Feather damage Acvated charcoal: not recommended Usually occurs from inappropriate handling or enclosure. Birds cannot be released if feather damage Washing effects waterproofing. If it is the wrong me of year for Birds must be stable and strong enough to withstand a natural moult, please seek advice from Wildbase on the stress of washing. This may mean that a bird will how to induce moult. remain oiled for several days unl it has been stabilised. Release criteria Requirements for washing are very specific, such as Birds should only be released if they fulfill ALL the water temperature, water soness and brand of following criteria: detergent. Refer to the “Washing” factsheet for detailed 1. Waterproof (based on objecve scoring system) informaon. 2. Weight within normal range for that species (see Waterproofing AND Body Condion Score at lease 3/5 To regain waterproofing, birds must be given access to a pool with haulouts so that they can preen and dry off between swims. Degree of waterproofing should be assessed using the Waterproofing Assessment sheets (hyperlink).

Authors: S. Finlayson, B. White, L. Chilvers, G. Frankfurter, G. Finlayson. Thanks to veterinary technicians and veterinary residents in the Wildbase

Hospital and to others for their input, feedback and photos. Disclaimer: This fact sheet is managed by Wildbase Oil Response (WOR) for informaon purposes only. Informaon contained in it is drawn from a 3. PCV 30-55%, TP 40-60g/L variety of sources external to WOR. Although reasonable care was taken in 4. UA <600 IU/dl its preparaon, WOR does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or currency of the informaon or its usefulness in achieving 5. Secondary complicaons resolved and checked by any purpose. To the fullest extent permied by law, WOR will not be liable veterinarian for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred in or arising by reason of any Other things to consider: person relying on informaon in this fact sheet. Persons should accordingly make and rely on their own assessments and enquiries to verify the accuracy • Is their release habitat free from oil? of the informaon provided. • Use boat to release on to water >10km from coast. Pictures: Unless otherwise credited, all pictures are copyright of Wildbase.