
VOLUME 016 ISSUE 46 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER SERVING TOMBSTONE AND THE REST OF COCHISE COUNTY WITH HONEST AND ACCURATE REPORTING Friday, July 16, 2021 60 CENTS Mayor and Council Approve Final Budget By Samantha Nicholas SION AND/OR ACTION: erty beneficial the five (5) ing a budget; setting forth Tax Rate of .9357 for every June 30, 2022. Item passed The Tombstone News Approval of Accounts Payable year strategic development the receipts and expendi- $100 of assessed value. Item unanimously. in the amount of $319,688.27 for the Tombstone Municipal tures; the amounts proposed passed unanimously. Item F. was a DISCUS- The July Regular Council (June 1, 2021 through June Airport. Item passed unani- to be raised by direct prop- Item E. was a DISCUS- SION AND/OR ACTION: Meeting started off after a 30, 2021). Item passed unan- mously. erty taxation for the vari- SION AND/OR ACTION: Approval of request from public hearing on the final imously. Item C. was a DISCUS- ous purposes for the Fiscal Approval of Resolution No. Spotted Eagle Arts for a spe- budget. During Public Com- Item B. was a DISCUS- SION AND/OR ACTION: Year 2021-2022. Item passed 13-2021; a Resolution of the cial use permit for the use of ments, Jon Donahue was the SION AND/OR ACTION: Approval of Resolution No. unanimously. City of Tombstone, Cochise 4th Street from Toughnut only speaker of the evening Approval of Resolution No. 11-2021; a Resolution of the Item D. was a DISCUS- County, , levying the Street to Fremont Street for and spoke in favor of Item E, 10-2021; a Resolution of Mayor and Common Coun- SION AND/OR ACTION: amount to be raised by Sec- Native American street per- the request from Spotted Ea- Mayor and Council of the cil of the City of Tombstone, Approval of Resolution No. ondary Property Tax Levy formances from 11:00 a.m. gle Arts for special use per- City of Tombstone, Arizo- Cochise County, State of 12-2021; a Resolution by the and the rate upon each one to 5:00 p.m. with final stage mits for an event on October na Authorizing the City of Arizona, determining and Mayor and Common Coun- hundred dollars ($100.00) performances from 6:00 p.m. 9th and 10th. Tombstone Airport Com- adopting estimates for the cil of the City of Tombstone, of the assessed valuation of to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, The meeting moved on to mission to proceed with ex- amounts required for the Cochise County, Arizona, to property subject to taxation October 9 and Sunday, Oc- VI. NEW BUSINESS. ploring the option of possible public expense for the City of authorize for the City’s Fiscal within the City of Tombstone tober 10, 2021. Item passed Item A. was a DISCUS- annexation of the real prop- Tombstone, Arizona; adopt- Year 2021-2022 the Primary for the Fiscal Year ending unanimously. Sierra Vista Man Charged with Two Counts of Second-Degree Murder Sierra Vista Police to a report of the shooting and claimed that it was in dence of illegal drug activ- tion. Anyone with informa- Department shortly after 7 p.m. on Tues- self-defense. Based on in- ity was seized. tion relevant to this case is day and found two people formation obtained in the The circumstances that asked to contact SVPD De- The Sierra Vista Police De- with gunshot wounds when investigation, SVPD offi- lead to the shooting are still tective Paul Youman by call- partment arrested a man on they arrived on scene. Both cers subsequently arrested under investigation, however, ing (520) 452-7500. two counts of second-degree victims died from their Neff for two counts of sec- it has been determined that Editors Note: The names murder following a shooting wounds. ond-degree murder at 7:30 the shooter and at least one of of the deceased have not been that occurred outside of the A short time later, Sierra p.m. and booked him into the victims knew each other. released as of press time. The Filiberto’s restaurant located Vista resident Devon Neff, Cochise County Jail. A Further information will Tombstone News will update at 735 E. Fry Blvd. 21, called dispatch to re- search warrant was served be released once detectives our readers when more infor- SVPD officers responded port that he was the shooter at Neff’s residence and evi- finish their initial investiga- mation becomes available.

Memorial Services for Dewey King to be Held Arizona Rangers Museum Offically Open in Tombstone

July 24th By Jon Donahue Territory funding; ran out of pay for their own uniforms, The Tombstone News money after six months and training, and CCW permits, disbanded. plus mandatory background Following a parade through The next attempt came checks for all new applicants. the rain along Allen Street on in 1901, with the Arizona Rangers have powers of arrest July 3rd, the Arizona Rang- Rangers established at a state under ARS 13-3884. ers opened their new Arizona level. This group lasted un- After the July 3rd parade, Ranger State Museum at the til 1909, successfully bat- Ranger State Commander same site as the previous J.R. tling crime across a very Col. Michael Droll cut the Hilburn Ranger Museum, at large area, although our red ribbon as the crowd ap- 121 S. 4th St. Hilburn was southeastern Cochise Coun- plauded, and the new Ranger a Ranger here in 1904, and ty sure got more than its Museum opened to the pub- one of his descendants, local share of attention. By 1908, lic. Initially, it will be open Dan Kilpatrick, serves today most of the outlaws were on Fridays, Saturdays, and as Sgt-At-Arms helping tak- arrested, killed, or had fled Sundays from 11 to 3, ac- ing care of the new museum into Mexico. But in 1909 cording to Ranger State Memorial services for along with Maj. Steve Lant, political squabbles in Phoe- Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Dewey W. King will be held the State Curator, and Lt. nix cut off Ranger funding Rich Lockery and Capt. Lisa on July 24, 2021 at 11:00 am Dan Whiting, the Tombstone yet again. Penney, Tombstone Com- at the Tombstone Cemetery Ranger Company Curator. State Commander Col. Michael Droll preparing to cut the ribbon Years went by, and then in pany Commander. “Come with a pot luck lunch to fol- The Museum tells the Ari- 1957 three original Rangers by for a visit,” invites Penney. low at the Vigilante Hall. zona Ranger story, which in the lawless western part of Tombstone Rangers to re- from the 1901 group success- “There’s so much history in actually goes back to 1860. the territory... but the Civil store law and order after the fully petitioned the governor our museum... Ranger his- Then, the ter- War ended that effort just a Earps left town. Hired Capt. to re-establish the Arizona tory from Tombstone and ����� ritorial governor recruited few months later. Jackson, a former Union of- Rangers as a volunteer aux- across the state.… like J.R. several Rangers to start They tried again in 1882, ficer, but same as in 1860, iliary law enforcement or- Hilburn’s 1904 shotgun. See ����� a similar group to fight crime with citizens forming the couldn’t get local or Arizona ganization. Rangers have to you soon!” who have a conviction from ������������������ Arizona Citizens Can Now Apply for another county in Arizona Gov Ducey Announces 101.1 Million in must visit the Az Courts ���������������� Expungement of Marijuana Convictions website at https://www. Funding to Support Arizona Tourism azcourts.gov/prop207 for Cochise County Gov. Office of Gov. Ducey �������������������������� ing paraphernalia related to further information on how state and supporting Arizo- the cultivation, manufacture, to file a petition. nans employed by the travel ������������������� As of now, persons who processing, or consumption “The County Attorney’s Governor Doug Du- industry.” have been previously convict- of marijuana. Office will review all applica- cey Wednesday announced As it did globally, the ed of possession of marijuana The Arizona Proposition tions submitted in as timely a $101.1 million in feder- tourism industry in Arizona ����������������������� or cannabis can now peti- 207: Marijuana Legaliza- manner as possible to imple- al American Rescue Plan endured losses in visitation, tion the court to have their tion Initiative, also known ment the will of the voters in funding to launch the Visit visitor spending, tourism tax ���������������������� convictions removed from as the Smart and Safe Ari- the State of Arizona in both Arizona Initiative, a bold revenue and employment their records. Under the re- zona Act, is an initiative the letter and the spirit of the program designed to in- during the COVID-19 pan- ��������������������� cent passing of Proposition that was recently voted in as law.” Says County Attorney crease visitation and tourism demic. The use of federal 207, eligible persons may result of the 2020 Arizona Brian M. McIntyre. spending in Arizona, bolster American Rescue Plan mon- file a formal request ask- general election. The propo- To find additional infor- job creation and accelerate ey will assist communities ����������������������� ing the court to expunge or sition allows the legalization, mation and resources, in- economic recovery. across the state in recovery seal their marijuana-related taxation, and recreational use cluding approved forms and “Tourism is essential for through tourism marketing, ������������������������ criminal records. of cannabis for adults 21 and instructions about Arizona’s Arizona’s booming economy event and attraction support, ����������� Eligible petitioners are over. expungement process, visit and job growth,” said Gov- and outdoor recreation revi- ������������������� those who were arrested, In Cochise County, per- https://www.azcourts.gov/ ernor Ducey. “When visitors talization. ����������������� charged, convicted or ac- sons may submit a petition prop207. For Cochise County from across the globe travel Arizona’s 2020 overnight ����������������� quitted of any of the fol- to the county court by fil- specific information, you may to our great state, they stay visitation decreased by 31 �������������������������������� lowing offenses, occurring ing the Prop 207 Marijuana visit the Cochise County in our hotels, eat at our res- percent and visitor spend- ������������������������ before November 30, 2020: Conviction Expungement Court Services website or taurants, buy our products ing decreased by 41 percent Possessing, consuming, or Request Form, found on contact Court Administra- and enjoy our recreational compared to 2019 numbers, ������������������������� transporting 2.5 ounces or the Cochise County Court tion at 520-432-8500. activities. Their investments according to recent data. But ������������ less of marijuana, of which Services website. Citizens Proposition 207 was a benefit Arizonans, and the with this investment and the ��������������� no more than 12.5 grams must file with the court in voter initiative that ap- Visit Arizona Initiative will effectiveness of Arizona’s ������������������������� was in the form of mari- the county where they were peared on the November 3, help our tourism sector pros- visitor marketing, Arizona juana concentrate (cannabis). arrested, charged, convicted 2020 Arizona general elec- per — and continue to re- will stay top of mind for Possessing, transporting, and/or acquitted. If a person tion ballot. Passing with cover from the effects of the travelers. cultivating, or processing has more than one eligible about 60% of the vote, the pandemic. My thanks goes “Thousands of Arizonans no more than six marijuana offense under more than one proposition allowed the le- to Arizona Office of Tour- who work in the tourism in- plants at your primary resi- case number, they must file galization, taxation, and ism Director Debbie Johnson dustry were displaced due to dence for personal use. Pos- a separate petition form for recreational use of cannabis for her dedication to grow- the pandemic. sessing, using, or transport- each case number. Those for adults 21 and over. ing tourism throughout the See FUNDING Pg. 2 2 Other News Th e Tombstone News Friday, July 16, 2021 and boxes of rocks which can bags for the children with an Get Ready for a Gem & Mineral be seen this coming weekend, assortment of geodes, fossils, 1st Annual Rock-A-Rama July 17th and 18th, at the Si- and tumbled rocks. Th ere will Show in Sierra Vista! erra Vista Mall in a show be rocks, gems, minerals, gift Gem & Mineral Show called “Rock-a-Rama” show- items and much, much more! Located at the Mall at Sierra Vista Two retired Arizona trans- rockhounding and traveling casing 15 vendors and their Stay tuned, as Harold and plants, Harold Behrens and all over Southeastern Ari- unique collections. Terry are currently planning Terry Kloke, met in the local zona looking for interesting Come one, come all and on opening a Rock Shop in Saturday, July 17th 9:00am-5:00pm rockhound club and became rocks to collect. Th is year- especially bring the family Sierra Vista as soon as they friends sharing their love of long journey nets them boxes and kids. We will have grab locate the right space. Sunday, July 18th 9:00am-4:00pm Free admission! Willcox Wine Country fea- Willcox Wine Country Introduces Two New tures 10 tasting rooms, tours, locally grown and produced Events and Fall Festival Dates wines and the semi-annual Willcox Wine Country Fes- Arizona’s premier wine While at the vineyards, sic will include local talent tival (held in May and Oc- growing region, Willcox they will have a chance to and bands from Tucson and tober), which has been rated Wine Country continues to tour the vineyards and learn Phoenix. by Fodor’s Travel as one of promote the region with two more about the grape grow- For more information the top-ten wine festivals in new events and our upcom- ing process. The best hands and to purchase tickets visit North America. For more in- ing fall festival. The new win prizes! www.willcoxwinecountry.org formation visit www.willcox- events will be utilizing a Our second new event the About the Willcox Wine winecountry.org. digital application developed Harvest Wineopoly. It is our Country: The Cochise Gra- About the City of Willcox: by Atlanta, GA based Web- take on a classic game. Har- ham Wine Council, Inc. dba At the Center of the Willcox Decoder. vest starts in August and can Willcox Wine Country, is Wine Country region, the Our two new events are go through October. It is the a region and association of City of Willcox is the his- the Veraison Poker Run July one time a year when wines Arizona Farm Wineries and toric, cultural, and economic 24th and 25th and our Har- are produced. Guests will Vineyards located in Cochise hub of far southeastern Ari- vest Wineopoly September visit our vineyards, wineries and Graham counties in far zona. 25th and 26th. and tasting rooms to Wineo- southeastern Arizona. The Established as a Railroad In viticulture, veraison is poly pieces. At the vineyards, Willcox area leads Arizona terminal in 1880, Willcox the onset of the ripening of they can learn about the har- wine grape production by became a small rural com- the grapes. It is a special vest process and taste grapes growing 74% of the state’s munity supporting local time in the vineyards. The straight from the vines. The wine grapes and is the source Farms, Orchards, Vineyards offi cial defi nition of veraison winners will be determined of the most highly rated Ari- and Ranches in a vast region is “change of color of the by the value of the pieces zona wines by Wine Specta- of high-altitude basins and grape berries”. Veraison rep- they collect. tor, San Francisco Chronicle, mountain ranges. Willcox resents the transition from We are excited to an- tastings.com and the Arizona is the hospitality gateway to berry growth to berry rip- nounce our fall festival dates Republic. Willcox Wine Country, the ening, and many changes in October 16th and 17th. This Th e area includes the Will- Chiricahua National Monu- berry development occur at is the 14th year Willcox has cox AVA (American Viticul- ment, Ft Bowie National veraison. hosted a wine festival. We tural Area), making it feder- Historic Site, and the Coro- Guests will visit our vine- will have 14 wineries, food ally recognized as a unique nado National Forest. City of Tombstone Contact Phone Numbers yards, wineries and tast- trucks and over 25 craft and and distinctive wine growing For more information vis- ing rooms to collect cards. artisan vendors. Live mu- region in the . itwillcox.az.gov/ ������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������� er’s name to a declaration Th is case was investigat- Scottsdale Woman Accused of made under penalty of per- ed and prosecuted by the �������������������������������������������� jury on an early ballot enve- Arizona Attorney General’s ��������������������������������������������������� Voting in Name of Deceased lope on or between October Offi ce’s Election Integrity 7, 2020, and November 3, Unit (EIU). EIU was es- ����������������������������������������������������� Person is Indicted 2020. tablished with the support ���������������������������������� All charged defendants of the Arizona Legislature Attorney General Mark the 2020 General Election. are presumed innocent until to combat reports of voter ��������������������������� Brnovich announced today The indictment alleges proven guilty. and election-related fraud. ��������������������������� that a State Grand Jury has that McKee signed the Assistant Attorney Gen- Currently, the EIU has ������������������������������ indicted Tracey Kay McK- name of a deceased individ- eral Todd Lawson investi- 5 active election-related ee, of Scottsdale, with one ual to an early ballot enve- gated and is prosecuting the criminal cases in Superior ������������������������������� count of Illegal Voting and lope. McKee is the daughter case. Courts statewide, and con- ������������������������������ one count of Perjury, for al- of the deceased individual, McKee’s next court ap- tinues to work on criminal legedly casting a vote in the who died on October 5, pearance is set for August and civil complaints made ���������������������������� name of a deceased person 2020. McKee is accused of 11, 2021, in Maricopa in connection with the ���������������������������������� through an early ballot in signing her deceased moth- County Superior Court. 2020 election cycle. �������������������������������������� FUNDING from Pg. 1 to the economic vitality of Th e Initiative also provides help keep Arizona tourism ������������������������������������ communities and people all funding to the Arizona State competitive on the national Now that our economy is across Arizona,” said Debbie Parks & Trails for park re- stage.” strong, jobs are readily avail- Johnson, director of the Ari- vitalization and improve- AOT, along with statewide able and visitors are coming zona Offi ce of Tourism. ment, Legacy Golf Course tourism stakeholders, contin- The Tombstone News--525 E. Allen Street to our beautiful state, we are Th e new funding is being revitalization, the Arizona ues to promote visitation and making sure employment op- warmly received by offi cials State Fair for marketing, support industry recovery Suite 4--PO BOX 1760--Tombstone, AZ 85638 portunities continue to grow in communities all across the Arizona Lodging & across Arizona. Th ese eff orts for hard workers across Ari- Arizona where tourism is an Tourism Association for include visitor marketing Ph: (520) 457-3086--Fax: (520) 457-3126 zona,” the Governor said. important part of the econ- a workforce initiative and campaigns, supporting in- Th e Visit Arizona Initia- omy. Local First for rural desti- dustry partners and commu- tive includes marketing fund- “Arizona is a world-class nation development. nities with strategic recov- [email protected] ing for destination marketing destination and is ready to “COVID-19 had multiple ery planning and promoting organizations (DMOs) state- welcome visitors from around impacts on our state’s des- sustainable and responsible www.thetombstonenews.com wide, reinvigorating local the world to explore our tinations,” said Bill Nas- tourism. Th e new Visit Ari- community programs and great state. The tourism re- sikas, President & COO zona Initiative will ensure events, and marketing sup- covery fund is an investment of Westroc Hospitality. these programs continue and Open Tuesday-Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm port for domestic and inter- in a vital economic driver and “Th is funding comes at a grow to meet the needs of the national fl ights and outdoor will benefi t all areas of the crucial time of our re- industry. Friday 9:00am-12:00pm--Closed on all major holidays recreation. state,” said Cal Sheehy, May- covery, as we reinvigorate For more information on “We are grateful for the in- or of Lake Havasu City. “We Arizona’s tourism economy how to apply for funding vestment Governor Ducey is applaud Governor Ducey’s and welcome back visitors under the Visit Arizona Ini- making in our state’s tourism commitment to the tourism to our great state. Gover- tiative, please visit tourism. Weekly publication, distributed every Friday by 3:00pm. industry, which contributes economy statewide.” nor Ducey’s forethought will az.gov/grants. Deadline: Wednesdays at 12:00pm for Fridays publication Hot

pretzels! Editors in Chief: Cheri Escapule & Dustin Escapule Corn 525 E. Allen Street------(520) 457-3057 dogs! Publisher: The Tombstone News, LLC Fudge! Managing Editor: Dustin Escapule

Nachos! Office Manager: Samantha Nicholas Hot dogs! and More! Reporters: Samantha Nicholas, Jon Donahue Freelance Photographer: John Harriman ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������������� Distribution: Millie Eberle �������������������� �������������������� ������������������������ ����������������������������������� Printing: Copper Queen Publishing ������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������ Contents Copyright 2020, The Tombstone News, LLC 3 History Th e Tombstone News Friday, July 16, 2021 Quong Gee Kee: divers recovered the bodies of 1765-English Prime Min- Today in History: July 16th Kennedy and the Bessette ister Lord Grenville resigns July 16, 1999-A private plane piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr. sisters. Divers found the and is replaced by Lord Tombstone’s Last Celestial Bessette sisters near the Rockingham. crashes over the waters off Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. fuselage, while Kennedy 1774-Russia and the Otto- By Ben T. Traywick which was in accord with himself was still strapped man Empire sign the Treaty World Renowned Author a request made by Quong. On the evening of July 16, an instrument rating and in his seat. Coast Guard of Kuchuk-Kainardji, ending He was quoted as saying he 1999, John F. Kennedy Jr., therefore was only certifi ed Admiral Richard M. Lar- their six-year war. Continued from last week would sleep more peacefully the son and namesake of U.S. to fl y under visual fl ight rules. rabee said that all three 1779-American troops un- During his last years, if his old friend, China Mary, President John F. Kennedy, At the time of the crash, the bodies were “near and der General Anthony Wayne Quong Kee was a picturesque was close by. died when the light aircraft weather and light conditions under” the fuselage, still capture Stony Point, N.Y. fi gure on the streets of Tomb- One old-timer was present he was fl ying crashed into the were such that all basic land- strapped in. The bodies 1875-Th e new French con- stone. who had been a mule skinner Atlantic Ocean off Martha’s marks were obscured, mak- were taken to the county stitution is fi nalized. A little dog usually followed during Tombstone’s heyday. Vineyard, . ing visual fl ight challenging, medical examiner’s offi ce 1882-Mary Todd Lincoln, the aged Chinese about. Th e He remarked, Kennedy’s wife, Carolyn although legally still permis- by motorcade. Autop- the widow of Abraham Lin- twilight years of his life were “I guess old Quong had Bessette, and sister-in-law, sible. sies on the evening of coln, dies of a stroke. spent on county charity and just about the biggest funeral Lauren Bessette, were also On July 19, the NOAA July 21 performed by the 1918-Czar Nicholas and the aid from friends. ever held on Boothill. I’ve on board and died. Th e Piper vessel Rude fi nally located county medical examiner his family are murdered by A few years before his seen about fi fty folks buried Saratoga had departed from fragments of Kennedy’s plane found that all three had Bolsheviks at Ekaterinburg, death, the old Chinese gave up here, and not one of them ’s Essex County using side-scan sonar. Rude died upon impact. At the Russia. up hope of ever returning to ever had any fi ve hundred Airport, and its intended captured high-resolution im- same time, the Kennedy 1940-Adolf Hitler orders China. Papers found in his people turn out to see them route was along the coastline ages which were used to cre- and Bessette families an- preparations for the invasion possessions, revealed a Fed- get planted. It was far su- of and across ate a three-dimensional map nounced their plans for of England. eral Certifi cate of Residence, perior to any planting I ever Sound to Mar- of the ocean fl oor. At 11:30 memorial services. After the 1944-Soviet troops occupy which was signed in Willcox watched there, even better tha’s Vineyard Airport. p.m. on July 20, the salvage autopsies were completed, the Vilnius, Lithuania, in their in March 1894, giving his age than any Democrats.” Th e offi cial investigation ship USNS Grasp identifi ed three bodies were taken from drive towards Germany. as forty-two. Th is would have Mike Coff ee reminded the by the National Transporta- the plane’s fuselage. Navy Hyannis to Duxbury, Mas- 1945-Th e United States made him eighty-six at the oldsters that they had forgot- tion Safety Board (NTSB) divers found parts of the sachusetts, where they were detonates the fi rst atomic time of his death. ten the roast goose. In years concluded that Kennedy fell plane strewn over a broad cremated in the Mayfl ower bomb in a test at Alamogor- Quong Kee believed, and gone by, the Chinese would victim to spatial disorienta- area of seabed 120 feet below Cemetery crematorium. do, N. M. always maintained, he was provide a fi ne meal for a fu- tion while he was descending the surface, approximately Conspiracy theorists said 1969-Apollo 11 blasts off ten years older than that, thus neral. It was placed on the over water at night and con- 7.5 miles west of Martha’s that the deaths were due to from Cape Kennedy, , making him ninety-six! grave so that their departed sequently lost control of his Vineyard. the “Kennedy Family Curse.” heading for a landing on the Marshal Hal Smith missed brother could dine well on his plane. Kennedy did not hold On the afternoon of July 21, ALSO ON JULY 16TH: moon. seeing Quong on the streets journey to join his ancestors. one day and entered the old Roast goose seemed to be the man’s living quarters, behind favorite dish. Famous Cases & Criminals: Nellie Cashman’s Hotel, to By early morning of the investigate. He found him next day the meal at Boothill unconscious on the fl oor. An had always completely disap- Barker/Karpis Gang ambulance rushed him to the peared. Th e recently departed FBI On September 6, 1933, hospital in Douglas, but the didn’t feast on it, however. using a then state-of-the- old fellow died at 2:00am. Local Mexican kids caught Alvin “Creepy” Karpis and art technology now called Th en, strange events be- on pretty quickly. Th ey would his Barker brother sidekicks latent fingerprint identi- gan to take place. For some thoroughly enjoy the Chinese robbed banks and trains and fi cation, the FBI Labora- obscure reason, Quong’s feast. engineered two major kid- tory raised incriminating body was rushed to Bisbee Yee Wee, a Chinaman nappings of rich business ex- fi ngerprints from surfaces and buried in the Evergreen from Gleeson, said, “Quong, ecutives in the 1930s. that couldn’t be dusted for Cemetery. Before his Tomb- he treated Tombstone alla Th e Hamm Kidnapping: prints. Alvin Karpis, “Doc” stone friends knew that he light. Now Tombstone treat On a warm summer evening Barker, Charles Fitzgerald, was dead, he was already bur- Quong alla light. He fi ne fel- in 1933, William A. Hamm, and the other members of ied. low, Quong Kee.” Jr., President of the Th eodore the gang had gotten away, Scarcely had the burial been One last remark was, “Old Hamm Brewing Company, but they’d left their finger- completed when Marshal Quong belongs right where was working at his offi ce in prints behind—all over the Smith called Douglas to in- he is. Th ese around him were St. Paul, . He had ransom notes. quire about Quong. When he his friends when he was alive. just exited the building when Th e Silver Nitrate Meth- spread the word about Tomb- He’ll get along with them he was grabbed by four shad- od and its application in stone, everyone was quite in- now all right, wherever they owed fi gures and pushed into the Hamm Kidnapping dignant because Quong was may be.” the back of a car. What he was the first time it was considered so friendless that Surely, had Quong been didn’t know was that he had used successfully to extract he was buried in a pauper’s able to see the funeral Tomb- been kidnapped by members latent prints from forensic grave in a city strange to him. stone gave him, he would have of the Barker/Karpis gang, for evidence. Scientists had just Within hours a sizable fund smiled his toothless smile and a ransom of over $100,000. thought to take advantage of to “bring Quong home” was said, “Ple-t-t-y damn nice!” Hamm was taken to the fact that unseen finger- collected. Th e life of Quong Kee was , where he was prints contain perspiration, Quong was laid to rest with also the story of the West, the forced to sign four ransom chock full of sodium chlo- Bremer kidnapping and be- soon located the cottage the men of the Old West; saga of the boom towns, the notes. Then he was moved ride (common table salt). gan crisscrossing the coun- hideout. men he had known. On that tough and roaring rail camps, to a hideout in Bensenville, By painting the evidence, try—with some even fleeing Shortly after 5 a.m. on rocky hillside, he lies among the clinking of chips, the roar , were he was held in this case the ransom to Cuba. Three went as far January 16, 1935, a group friends. He knew them much of guns in the mining and prisoner until the kidnap- notes, with a silver nitrate as to undergo back-room of agents led by Earl Con- better than he knew his fam- cow towns, and now, the men pers had been paid. Once solution, the salty perspira- plastic surgeries to con- nelly surrounded the house ily and is more at home with of the boom towns sleep the the money was handed over, tion reacted chemically to ceal their fingerprints and and demanded the Bark- them than with his ances- sleep of ages on Boothill. Hamm was released near form silver chloride—which identities. Others passed ers’ surrender. No response. tors. It is no doubt proper, , Minnesota. The is white and visible to the the ransom loot back and Th ey waited 15 minutes and His grave is beside that of that Quong Kee lies among plan was perfect and went naked eye. There they were: forth and looked for ways called again. Again, no an- China Mary, wife of Ah Lum, them...` off without a hitch...almost. hard evidence that the Kar- to launder the bills. swer. Following another call pis gang was behind the In late September 1934, for surrender and more si- kidnapping. Fred Barker and Campbell lence, agents shot some tear Th e Bremer Kidnapping: registered under fake names gas grenades at the windows Th e second kidnapping of at the El Commodore Ho- of the house. Someone in the the Barker/Karpis gang tel in Miami. Joining them house shouted, “All right, go BE JOLLY IN JULY targeted a wealthy bank- was Fred’s mother—Kate ahead,” then machine-gun er named Edward George “Ma” Barker, who was fi re blasted from the upstairs Bremer, Jr., who was known to help her criminal window. snatched in St. Paul, Min- sons. When Fred asked for Th e agents responded with nesota on January 17, 1934. a quiet place to live, the volleys of their own; more It’s Christmas! Bremer was released three hotel manager told him of gunfi re erupted from the weeks later after his fam- a friend’s cottage for rent house. Over the next hour, ily paid $200,000 in ran- on the nearby Lake Weir. intermittent shots came from som. Although he couldn’t Th e Barkers moved there in the home, and agents re- identify the culprits, Bremer November. turned fi re. By 10:30 a.m., all provided many clues. A key In December, Doc Bark- fi ring had stopped. Both Ma break came when the fin- er was tracked by Bureau and Fred, it was soon learned, Switch to Valley Internet gerprint of Arthur “Doc” investigators to a home in were dead. or “Dock” Barker, a known Chicago. On January 8, Doc Alvin Karpis, the brains for a chance to win a criminal, turned up on an was arrested without inci- of the gang, was captured FREE year of service. empty gas can found by a dent. Later that night, several on May 1, 1936 in New Or- local police offi cer along the associates of Russell Gib- leans, with Director Hoover kidnapping route. Soon, a son were also apprehended. personally taking part in the number of Barker’s confed- Heavily armed and wearing arrest. Within hours, Hoover erates—including his brother a bullet-proof vest, Gibson was escorting Karpis back to Fred, Karpis, Harry Camp- tried to fi ght it out but was St. Paul, where he eventually bell, Fred Goetz, Russell mortally wounded. Searching pled guilty to the Hamm kid- Gibson, Volney Davis, and the apartment, agents found napping and was sentenced to others—were linked to the powerful fi rearms and loads life in prison. After stays in crime. of ammunition. And, tell- Alcatraz and other prisons, Th e End of the Gang: ingly, a map of Florida—with Karpis was paroled in the late Th e gang split up after the Lake Weir circled. Agents 1960s. ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������������� Switch Now �������������������� �������������������� 800.421.5711 | vtc.net | � � Limited Time Offer. Restrictions may apply. ������������������������ ����������������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������ 4 Classifi eds/Opinions/News Th e Tombstone News Friday, July 16, 2021 Gov Ducey Cuts Taxes for ��������������� Travel Around the World ����������������������� With Steve Troncale Arizona Small Businesses Guest Writer �������������� Thinking of selling Friday, Governor Doug than 99 percent of Arizona’s �������������������� your home? I Have Island of Maui You may see T-shirts that Ducey signed legislation that businesses and employing ������������������� read, “I Survived the Road to further reduces and stream- more than one million peo- ���������� Buyers! Hana.” Along with its spec- lines taxes while protecting ple. Because of the structure ������������������� tacular scenery, the road has small businesses from the of the 3.5 percent surcharge ����������������������������������� When visiting Maui, my 46 bridges that are one lane threat of a 77 percent tax in- on individual income tax un- ���������������������������������� wife and I always stay in the wide and 620 curves. It’s an crease. der Proposition 208, small old whaling village of La- adventure that you must do “Th is tax cut will keep Ari- businesses will not be subject hina. Lahina Town, as it’s once, but you probably won’t zona competitive for small to this crippling tax hike.  known locally, is one of the want to do it again. businesses already operat- “It’s a no-brainer to have most popular spots on the Drive up to the 10,023- ing here and new businesses a separate tax structure for  island. It has a long and fas- foot-high dormant volcano, fl ocking here every day,” small businesses,” Repre- cinating history from its early Haleakala. It has an excel- Governor Ducey said. “After sentative Ben Toma said. “It Hawaiian population to its lent visitor center. Th e cal- a year as tough as the last, we should be our goal as public  use as a signifi cant whaling dera of the volcano is huge. should not be raising taxes on servants to make fi ling taxes port. Th ere are many histori- Walking along its trails is the our small businesses — we easier for Arizonans. Th is  cal sites and places of interest closest thing to walking on should be cutting their taxes. session has been a massive    to enjoy. the planet Mars. Its iron rich Th at’s exactly what Senate win for Arizona taxpayers.   Th e town is located on a soil gives it that “Red Planet” Bill 1783 does. Arizona has Th ank you to the governor  large bay that is a premier look. Viewing it from sea level now passed the largest tax and the many who supported whale watching area. It’s the is an awesome sight. cut in state history and will this bill.” ���������������������� major breeding and calving Visit Makawao Town in have the lowest fl at tax in the Th e bill allows taxpayers to area for humpback whales. “Upcountry Maui.” Th e town country. My thanks go out exclude small business income ����������������������� Th e bay is surrounded by four is old west, Hawaiian style. to Senator J.D. Mesnard and from their total individual in- �������������� Islands: Maui, Lanai, Molo- Many of the locals are dressed Representative Ben Toma for come. Instead, small business kai, and the uninhabited in working western gear be- their leadership on this is- income will be subject to an ���������������� Kaho’olawe, a former navy cause it is horse and cattle sue.” alternate small business in- ������������������� bombing range. In the past all country. Th e area defi nitely Senate Bill 1783 estab- come tax. A fl at tax on small �������������� four formed one island called has the old west atmosphere. lishes a new and lower alter- business income will phase Maui Nui. Iao Valley is another must- native small business income in over time: 3.5 percent in www.tombstonerealestate.com ��������������� One afternoon we were do site. Located on the is- tax structure. Under the plan, 2021, 3.0 percent in 2022, 2.8 Office phone: (520) 457-3322 ������� having dinner at the Bubba land’s windward side, it’s as “small business income” is percent in 2023 and 2024, 2.5 Stop by and say howdy! ��������������� Gump Shrimp Company. lush as any place on earth. defi ned as interest, dividends, percent in and after 2025. Our table overlooked the bay, It looks like something out profi ts and certain capital Governor Ducey signed 204 E. Fremont Street ������������ and the whales were putting of the Jurassic Period. It’s so gains. this year’s budget on June 30, ������� on a breeching show that was prehistoric-looking you can “Small businesses are the which fulfi lls his commitment PO BOX 965 �������������� incredible. just imagine seeing a Tyran- backbone of our economy to ensuring working families, We have taken three bay nosaurus Rex munching on a and integral to the future small businesses, veterans Tombstone, AZ 85638 excursions: a snorkeling trip tourist. success of our state,” Senator and all Arizona taxpayers get ������������������������������������ ������������� ������� to the Molokini crater, a We took a helicopter ride J.D. Mesnard said. “Small to keep more of their hard- �������������������� whale watching trip, and a that fi rst fl ew us over the Ha- businesses should be able to earned money. �������������� ride in a submarine. Th e sub- leakala volcano and around grow and reinvest in them- Th e budget implements the ������������������������������� marine, Atlantis, has view- the windward side of Maui. selves without being forced largest tax cut in state history. ing ports and descends to 150 From there we fl ew around to pay astronomical taxes. Arizona taxpayers will see a ����������������������������� feet. Th ere was an enormous the island of Molokai. Th e Rather, government should 2.5 percent fl at tax phased in amount of sea life to view, and Molokai economy is primar- get out of the way so that they over three years and subject a sunken sailing ship called ily farming and ranching can thrive. Th at’s why I’m so to certain revenue thresh- the Carthaginian. with little tourism. Th e island grateful for the support of olds being met beginning on A must-do is the road to boasts the highest sea cliff s in Governor Ducey and my col- January 1, 2022. Th e tax plan Hana. It’s a 52-mile scenic the world. Spectacular! Next leagues in the Legislature.” saves money for every Ari- drive to the town of Hana. Its was Lanai. It’s economy is Th is tax relief will ensure zona taxpayer no matter their best to buy a book on the sites much the same as Molokai. small businesses continue income, eliminates income along the route as there is Maui should defi nitely be to choose Arizona to start, taxes on veterans’ military much to see. But be warned. high on your list. expand or relocate opera- pensions, and increases the tions. Small businesses are a optional charitable contribu- ���������������������������������� core component of our state’s tion deduction over time to ������������������������������ economy, making up more 100 percent. ���������������������������������������� DONT MISS THIS FULLY NARRATED ���������������������������������������������� HISTORICAL TOUR ABOUT TOMBSTONE ����������������������������������������� AND THE SURROUNDING AREAS! ���������������������������� FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! ���������������������������������������� ����������������������������������CLASSIFIEDS ������������������ �������������������������������������������������YOUR AD COULD HELP WANTED ����������������������������������HELP WANTED: BE ����������������������������������HERE! Bird Cage Theatre looking for pre- �������������������������������������������senter, must be available nights, week- Owned and Operated by a Horse-Drawn CALL THE ends and holidays, must wear 1880’s fourth generation Tombstone Historic Narrated attire. Please apply in person 535 E. Tours, Daily TOMBSTONE NEWS Native Family. Their Great Allen Street. Grandfather arrived in the 9:00am-5:00pm TODAY AT Tombstone area in 1877, before Located in the Retail Sales - experienced, must the town was founded in 1879! center of (520) 457-3086 work weekends. Apply in person at 530 Tombstone's E. Allen St. Tombstone. FOR WEDDINGS AND GROUP Historic District RATES CALL (520) 457-3018 OR on Historic Allen TO PLACE AN AD! EMAIL [email protected] or [email protected] Street across Maid needed for small 4 room hotel. from the world EDUCATION famous Crystal Part time. Apply in person at 530 E. Al- ��������������������� TRAIN ONLINE TO DO len St. Tombstone. �������������������������� Palace Saloon! 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To place a classifi ed ad please call us at (520) 457-3086! 5 Town Folk Th e Tombstone News Friday, July 16, 2021

$2.3 billion, or 9.1%, in state Alliance of Arizona Nonprofi ts Praises Approval of State and local tax revenue. Animals for Adoption About the Alliance of Budget Boosting Arizona’s Charitable Tax Deduction Arizona Nonprofi ts: Th e Razzberry is an 8 month Alliance of Arizona Non- old female Blue Nose Pit Th e Alliance of Arizona whether the taxpayer took being added to the fi nal bud- profi ts is a statewide trusted with white markings. She is Nonprofi ts is praising Gov. the standard deduction.” get Ducey signed last week. resource and advocate for wiggly & goofy & super af- Doug Ducey and legislators Under that legislation, tax- “Arizona philanthropy ap- the nonprofi t community. fectionate. for including legislation that payers could deduct up to 25 plauds lawmakers and Gov. Th e Alliance’s mission is to Precious is a 1 year old fe- encourages charitable giving percent of charitable dona- Ducey for recognizing the unite, strengthen and ad- male Husky. She is high en- in the recently enacted bud- tions at the state level. vital role of Arizona nonprof- vance Arizona’s nonprofi t ergy & loves romping in her get. “Th is year’s budget contin- its in helping communities sector and is comprised of play yard. “Even before the impact ues to incentivize giving that recover from the pandemic,” more than 1,000 members Mercury is a 1 year old of the coronavirus pandemic helps our charitable sector by said Laurie Liles, president – both nonprofi ts and those male Husky/Shepherd mix. created staggering fi nancial increasing the amount of the and chief executive offi cer of in the community who sup- He has beautiful black mark- Razzberry challenges for nonprofi t or- charitable deduction by the Arizona Grantmakers Fo- port them – across the state. ings. Mercury is very gentle ganizations across the state, annual rate of infl ation. Th at rum. “Incentivizing all Ari- Since 2004, the organiza- & good with other dogs. and loves attention. Miles & the nonprofi t sector was fac- benefi ts both taxpayers, who zonans to give to the charities tion has been dedicated to Mars is a 1 year old male Maisie are a bonded pair & ing an estimated $323 mil- can claim a higher deduction of their choice is a smart pol- furthering the common in- Husky/Shepherd mix. He such beautiful cats. Adoption lion annual loss due to tax for increased donations, and icy move and a win-win for terests of Arizona’s nonprofi t loves to give kisses & enjoys fee is $90 for the pair. law changes at the federal nonprofi ts receiving the do- taxpayers and the nonprofi ts community and envisions an the company of all the other Jarred is a 4 month old male and state levels,” said Alli- nations,” Merrifi eld added. they support.” Arizona where all nonprofi ts dogs when they are in their brown tabby kitten. He is ance of Arizona Nonprofi ts “We are extremely grateful Arizona’s nonprofi ts com- are valued, empowered and play yards. very playful & mischievous. Chief Executive Offi cer Kris- on behalf of Arizona’s non- prise the state’s fi fth-largest thriving, with support from Maisie is a 1 year old fe- Due to Covid we con- ten Merrifi eld. “In 2019, the profi t sector for that action.” non-government employ- grassroots eff orts like Ari- male Tuxedo cat. Maisie tinue to make appointments Arizona legislature and Gov. Th e charitable tax deduc- ers and generate more direct zona Gives Day. For more gives head butts, loves belly 7 days a week to show Ducey helped mitigate this tion increase was initially jobs, wages and salaries than information, visit www.ari- rubs & enjoys being brushed. animals. There are no impact by allowing an ‘above- introduced as HB2113, the construction industry. In zonanonprofi ts.org, or email Miles & Maisie are a bonded current plans to do off the-line’ charitable deduction sponsored by Rep. Shawnna 2016, nonprofi ts directly and azgives@arizonanonprofits. pair & such beautiful cats. site adoptions. Please call regardless of income level or Bolick (R-Phoenix), before indirectly generated nearly org. Adoption fee is $90 for the 520-457-2545. Our monthly pair. meetings are the 2nd Thurs- Weekly Movie Review: insecurities in recent years she’s sent a mysterious item to be a killing machine, the Miles is a 1 year old male day of the month at the when it comes to its female by her former “sister” Yelena character and the movie as a Tuxedo cat. Miles enjoys American Legion in Tomb- “Black Widow” characters. Rival comic book Belova (Florence Pugh). Th e whole are noticeable robotic. sitting up on his high shelf stone at 2pm. franchise the DCEU got two aren’t really sisters, but “Black Widow” wants to Grade: C “Wonder Woman” to the- they posed as sisters while give its main character notes aters in 2017, and the MCU they were stationed as Rus- other than “heroic assassin Tombstone Marshals Offi ce Report By Bob Garver has been desperately trying sian sleeper agents in the haunted by her dark past,” to play catch-up ever since. 90’s. They and “parents” but it never manages to make 07/07/21-07/13/21 After more than two years, First there was the way they Alexei (David Harbour) her more interesting than the Marvel Cinematic Uni- bragged about giving Th e and Melina (Rachel Weisz) that. Th e characters here are 12:46:15 07/07/21 T21-1305 Domestic 114 1439 N SUNRISE CT verse is back on the big screen! Wasp top billing (alongside formed something close to a more grounded than in the 13:44:59 07/07/21 T21-1306 Harassment 119 23 N 5TH ST Due to the pandemic, the male Ant-Man) real family before the girls rest of the MCU, so the ac- MCU’s poor fans have had in a 2018 fi lm. Th en there were taken away by Gen. tion sequences, while fi ne, 16:24:46 07/07/21 T21-1307 Domestic 114 23 N 5TH ST to spend the last six months was the female-led “Captain Dreykov (Ray Winstone) for aren’t unique or memorable. 18:14:52 07/07/21 T21-1308 Follow Up 781 N HIGHWAY 80 sustaining themselves merely Marvel” in 2019, which was long stints in assassin train- And I’m sorry, but the back- 19:24:36 07/07/21 T21-1309 Theft 130 1211 N YELLOWJACKET WAY on the three streaming series probably the boldest step in ing. Now the time has come tracking in chronology is a 12:27:45 07/08/21 T21-1310 Information 720 E FREMONT ST that have brought the entire the process, but still didn’t to shut down Dreykov’s op- constant reminder that Mar- 13:22:51 07/08/21 T21-1311 Found Property FREMONT STREET medium to new heights. But impress audiences the way eration once and for all, but vel didn’t see a need to give 14:33:15 07/08/21 T21-1312 Crim Damage 111 426 E ALLEN ST now it’s time to start blow- they hoped. Th at pan across it will require getting the us a well-considered Black ing up the box offi ce again. the franchise’s female heroes “family” back together even Widow movie at the appro- 16:14:00 07/08/21 T21-1313 Theft 130 317 S 3RD ST A mere two weeks after 2021 in “: Endgame” was though they all hate each priate time (and the one-year 18:06:39 07/08/21 T21-1314 Information 109 N 3RD ST delivered its biggest hit yet a pathetic cry for approval. other and were never a real delay didn’t help). Th is movie 21:39:44 07/08/21 T21-1315 Public Ast 125 23 N 5TH ST with “F9: Th e Fast Saga,” And now we’re getting an family anyway. isn’t going to turn anybody 00:37:32 07/09/21 T21-1316 Ped Contact S 5TH ST & E ALLEN ST the bar is being raised once unwarranted Black Widow Th e good news is that away from the MCU, but the 02:10:03 07/09/21 T21-1317 Public Ast 125 13 N 6TH ST again by arguably the biggest movie even though the char- Pugh, Harbour, and Weisz franchise has, and hopefully 16:51:35 07/09/21 T21-1318 Injury Acc/Hwy S SUMNER ST franchise in cinematic his- acter has already been writ- are all great in this movie. It’s will continue to have, many tory. Th e fi lm’s $87 million ten out of the franchise. a lock that Black Widow her- better entries. 04:06:19 07/10/21 T21-1319 Check Welfare 62 N OAK DR domestic haul this past week- Th e fi lm takes place in self will go on to the Infi nity “Black Widow” is playing 08:27:26 07/10/21 T21-1320 Check Welfare 24 N SUMNER ST end is certainly a boon to the 2016, between “Captain War, but the fates of the oth- in theaters and available for 15:29:00 07/10/21 T21-1321 Reckless Driver MP 16 W DAVIS RD box offi ce. But I anticipate America: ,” but be- er three aren’t so certain, so streaming on Disney+. Th e 15:42:11 07/10/21 T21-1322 Traffi c Stop MP 1 E DAVIS RD those numbers dropping off fore “Avengers: Infi nity War.” we can get caught up in their fi lm is rated PG-13 for intense 19:51:37 07/10/21 T21-1323 Utilities Call 208 N SUMNER ST pretty quickly because this is Natasha Romanoff aka Black stakes. On top of that, the ac- sequences of violence/action, 01:17:18 07/11/21 T21-1324 Susp Circum 23 N 5TH ST not one of the MCU’s better Widow (Scarlett Johansson) is tors have good chemistry and some language and thematic installments. on the run from government their jokes hit at a good ratio. material. Its running time is 02:02:07 07/11/21 T21-1325 Juvenile Prob E SAFFORD ST & N 6TH ST Th e MCU, for all its suc- forces led by Gen. Th addeus Th e bad news is that since 133 minutes. Contact Bob 04:11:29 07/11/21 T21-1326 Motorist Assist MP 319 S HIGHWAY 80 cess, has had some noticeable Ross (William Hurt) when Black Widow has been raised Garver at [email protected]. 06:10:57 07/11/21 T21-1327 Juvenile Prob 135 W FREMONT ST 08:41:33 07/11/21 T21-1328 Utilities Call 208 N SUMNER ST 11:04:30 07/11/21 T21-1329 Veh Burg 130 113 N 4TH ST 11:44:38 07/11/21 T21-1330 Veh Burg 130 113 N 4TH ST 16:51:33 07/11/21 T21-1331 Public Ast 125 1328 N CORTEZ PL 18:23:41 07/11/21 T21-1332 Reckless Driver W BRUCE ST & N HASKELL ST �������������������� 21:39:10 07/11/21 T21-1333 Theft 130 5 N SAN DIEGO ST 23:47:43 07/11/21 T21-1334 Domestic 114 128 S 12TH ST 02:30:09 07/12/21 T21-1335 Ped Contact N 3RD ST & E SAFFORD ST 02:41:19 07/12/21 T21-1336 Susp Veh 129 S 4TH ST & E TOUGHNUT ST 07:51:17 07/12/21 T21-1337 Animal Problem 210 N 6TH ST �������������� 11:15:30 07/12/21 T21-1338 Domestic 114 128 S 12TH ST 20:01:49 07/12/21 T21-1339 Information TOMBSTONE ��������������������������������������������������� 08:40:09 07/13/21 T21-1340 Alarm 104 113 E SAFFORD ST 09:07:37 07/13/21 T21-1341 Crim Damage 111 408 N HIGHWAY 80 11:18:46 07/13/21 T21-1342 Assist Dps N 4TH ST & E SAFFORD ST ������������������������������������ 15:23:39 07/13/21 T21-1343 Susp Circum N CAMINO SAN RAFAEL 16:46:22 07/13/21 T21-1344 Susp Veh 129 15 N SAN DIEGO ST 17:15:23 07/13/21 T21-1345 Atl N HASKELL ST & W SAFFORD ������������ 17:27:22 07/13/21 T21-1346 Information 1443 N SUNRISE CT 19:45:50 07/13/21 T21-1347 Found Property 116 E ALLEN ST 20:24:52 07/13/21 T21-1348 Non Injury/Hwy MP 316 N HIGHWAY 80 ������������������������������ 22:41:50 07/13/21 T21-1349 Domestic 114 12 N 5TH ST ����������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������

�������� MONDAY THROUGH ����������� SATURDAY OPEN FROM 2PM TO 8PM ����������� SUNDAYS OPEN ������������������� FROM 2PM TO 6PM! COME ON DOWN QUENCH YOUR THIRST!!!! 6 Puzzles/Trivia Th e Tombstone News Friday, July 16, 2021 Crossword Puzzle Sudoku Puzzle

See solution on Page 8. Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com

Across 43- Strategic withdrawal; 45- 11- Th in as ___; 12- Stickum; Block; 46- Close friend; 47- 13- Follows orders; 21- Inclined How to play: A sudoku puzzle consists of a 9×9–square grid 1- Lady of Spain; 7- Where Once, once; 48- Killer whales; head; 22- Ancient musician; subdivided into nine 3 × 3 boxes. Some of the squares contain numbers. the truck driver rides; 10- Mob 51- Brit. lexicon; 52- Rocky 23- Father; 24- Refrain in a The object is to fi ll in the remaining squares so that every row, boss; 14- Tooth covering; 15- debris; 53- Cornucopia; 56- Jai children’s song; 25- Stigma; every column, and every 3 × 3 box contains each of the Pie-mode link; 16- Burnoose ___; 57- Snaky swimmer; 58- 29- Late bedtime; 30- Alpine numbers from 1 to 9 exactly once. See solution on Page 8. wearer; 17- Observation; 18- Pastille to sweeten the breath; song; 32- Sun Bowl site; 33- Choice: Abbr.; 19- Emit co- 62- Whistle blowers; 63- Exist; Procession; 34- ___ is human; herent light; 20- State of be- 64- Edmonton team; 65- Bk. 35- Clear the boards; 36- Dull ing tranquil; 23- Sums owing; before Job; 66- Tit for ___; 67- surface; 44- Adapt for new use; 26- Not in; 27- Some locks; Scoff s; 45- Pertaining to Denmark; 46- 28- Suffi x with concession; 29- Air rifl e projectile; 48- Chicago WEEKLY Keats work; 30- Decade divs.; Down hub; 49- Actor’s parts; 50- Skill; 31- Blind alley; 33- Hawaiian 51- Wagner work; 52- Stigma; food; 34- Pro ___; 37- Racket; 1- Get the picture; 2- Nav. 54- Noteworthy achievement; 38- Bruce ___ was a famous offi cer; 3- Doze; 4- Left out; 5- 55- Sgts., e.g.; 59- ___ Haw; kung-fu movie star; 39- Com- Brings up; 6- ___ breve; 7- Ar- 60- Bobby of hockey; 61- Bat- CHALLENGE mercials; 40- Man-mouse con- mored headpiece; 8- Aboriginal tleship letters; nector; 41- 10th letter of the Alaskan; 9- Indonesian holiday Hebrew alphabet; 42- Cushion; resort; 10- Operatic soprano; 1. Christopher Cockerel invented the what? wordsearch Puzzle 2. What was “the best thing”, patented in 1954? APARTMENT MOIST 3. Who is credited with inventing the television? ARRIVE NORMAL BEQUEST OPPONENT 4. What sporting equipment did Fred Waller patent? BLISS PAGE CARE PEAR 5. In 1778, what did Oliver Pollock invent? CRASS PIPE DEALS PLATE 6. In which city in 1847, was Alexander Graham Bell born? DESIRABLE POSSIBLE EAGER PRAYER 7. What medical life-saver did Fredrick Sanger discover? EFFECT QUITE

ENEMY REPENT 8. What did James Outram invent? EXTRA RESULT

HATCH TASTE 9. Richard Arkwright, the man who invented the Spinning Jenny, had what job? HOUSE TRANSLATE


LEDGE 10. AG Bell opened a school in Boston in 1872 for Teachers of what kind of children?

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS Richard Allen Montgomery, date of the first publication of this Internal Revenue Code, or the cor- statute) which organization or orga- defined in the corporation’s bylaws. Case No. PB202100205 Plaintiff(s), notice or the claims will be forever responding section of any future nizations have a charitable purpose ARTICLE VII - IN AND FOR THE V. barred. Claims must be presented Federal Tax Code. Better Bucks which, at least generally, includes a AMENDMENTS SUPERIOR COURT OF Irma Sewalk, et al. all by delivering or mailing a written of Sierra Vista’s purpose is to pro- purpose similar to the terminating 7.01 Amendments THE COUNTY OF COCHISE Heirs/Devisees of Irma Sewalk, statement of the claim to the Per- vide an alternative to cash giving or dissolving corporation. Any amendments to the Articles In the Matter of the Estate of Defendant(s). sonal Representative at the office of to panhandlers and other people The organization to receive the of Incorporation may be adopted by IRA L. WHITEHEAD, De- FROM THE STATE OF AR- Battaglia & Roberts, P.C. PO BOX in need in the greater Sierra Vista, assets of Better Bucks of Sierra Vis- approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the ceased. IZONA TO: Irma Sewalk, et al. 2315, Benson, Arizona 85602. Arizona area. ta hereunder shall be selected by the Board of Directors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- all Heirs/Devisees of Irma Sewalk DATED this 11th day of June, We have enjoined partnerships discretion of a majority of the man- ARTICLE VIII - EN that PRISCILLA FREE- WARNING: THIS AN OF- 2021. with various merchants and service aging body of Better Bucks of Sierra ADDRESSES OF THE MAN has been appointed Personal FICIAL DOCUMENT FROM s/ MARILYN BROWN, Per- providers in Sierra Vista to develop Vista, and, if its members cannot so CORPORATION Representative of this Estate. All THE COURT THAT AFFECTS sonal Representative, Estate of Ste- and provide a vehicle for giving to agree, then the recipient organiza- 8.01 Corporate Address persons having claims against the YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS phen Paul Brown, Deceased. c/o people in need through the use of tion shall be selected pursuant to a (a) The physical address of the Estate are required to present their SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF Battaglia & Roberts, P.C. PO BOX Better Bucks voucher booklets, verified petition in equity filed in a corporation is: Better Bucks of Si- claims within four months after the YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND 2315, Benson, Arizona 85602. which is an alternative to giving court of proper jurisdiction against erra Vista, Inc., 3088 Raven Dr., date of the first publication of this IT, CONTACT AN ATTOR- PUBLISHED: July 2, 2021, cash. Participating merchants will Better Bucks of Sierra Vista by one Sierra Vista, AZ 85650-7504 notice or the claims will be forever NEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. July 9, 2021, July 16, 2021. accept Better Bucks vouchers (in (1) or more of its managing body (b) The mailing address of the barred. Claims must be presented 1. A lawsuit has been filed $1.00 denominations, up to $20.00 which verified petition shall con- corporation is: Better Bucks of Si- by delivering or mailing a written against you. A copy of the lawsuit NOTICE in one transaction) in redemption tain such statements as reasonably erra Vista, Inc., P.O. Box 804, Si- statement of the claim to the Per- and other court papers were served ARTICLES OF for food and other living essentials. indicate the availability of this sec- erra Vista. AZ 85636-0804 sonal Representative at: on you with this Summons. ORGANIZATION HAVE Each booklet will also have a one- tion. The court, upon finding that ARTICLE IX - Priscilla Freeman 2. If you do not want a judgment BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE day pass for use in the Vista Transit this section is applicable shall select APPOINTMENT OF c/o Williams Melo, PLC taken against you without your OF THE ARIZONA Bus System in Sierra Vista. the qualifying organization or or- REGISTERED AGENT 2107B Paseo San Luis, Suite C input, you must file an Answer in CORPORATION The Better Bucks booklet en- ganizations to receive the assets to 9.01 Registered Agent Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 writing with the Court, and you COMMISSION FOR sures that those redeeming the be distributed, giving preference if The Registered Agent of the cor- DATED this 25th day of must pay the required filing fee. I. Name: Lorena Media LLC vouchers will be purchasing living practical to organizations located poration shall be: June, 2021. To file your Answer, take or send II. The address of the known essentials, and not redirect funds to within the State of Arizona. Joseph Gabriel McDermott, Jr. s/ Andrew Carlson the papers to Clerk of the Superior place of business is: 3337 Zion Ct the purchases of items which may In the event that the court shall 3088 Raven Dr. PUBLISHED: July 2, 2021, Court, PO Drawer CK, Bisbee, Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 be harmful to their health and/or find that this section is applicable, Sierra Vista, AZ 85650-7504 July 9, 2021, July 16, 2021. Arizona 85603 or electronically file III. The name and street address life. People will feel more secure in but that there is no qualifying or- ARTICLE X - your Answer through one of Arizo- of the Statutory Agent is: Regis- giving Better Bucks booklets than ganization known to it which has a INCORPORATOR SUMMONS na’s approved electronic filing sys- tered Agents Inc 1846 E Innova- cash, as they too will have the as- charitable purpose, which, at least 10.01 The incorporator of the Case No. S0200CV202000282 tems at http://www.azcourts.gov/ tion Park Dr STE 100 Oro Valley, surance of knowing where their generally, includes a purpose simi- corporation is as follows: Person/Attorney Filing: efilinginformation. Mail a copy of AZ 85755 money is going. lar to this corporation, then the Joseph Gabriel McDermott, Jr., Nathan J. Williams the Answer to the other party, the Management Structure: In order to maximize our impact court shall direct the distribution 3088 Raven Dr, Sierra Vista, AZ State Bar Number:024024 Plaintiff, at the address listed on Member-Managed on current efforts, we may seek to of its assets lawfully available for 85650 /s/ Joseph Gabriel McDer- Issuing State: AZ the top of this Summons. Lorena Perez collaborate with other 501(c)(3) distribution to the Treasurer of the mott, Jr. IN THE SUPERIOR Note: If you do not file electroni- 3337 Zion Ct corporations which operate exclu- State of Arizona to be added to the Acknowledgement of Consent to COURT OF THE STATE OF cally, you will not have electronic Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 sively for educational and charitable General Fund. Appointment as Registered Agent ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE access to the documents in this (x) Member purposes. 4.04 Prohibited Distributions I, Joseph, Gabriel McDermott, COUNTY OF COCHISE case. PUBLISHED: July 2, 2021, At times, per the discretion of No part of the net earnings or Jr., agree to be the Registered Agent Denise R. Vaishville, 3. If this Summons and the July 9, 2021, July 16, 2021. the Board of Directors, we may properties of this corporation, on for Better Bucks of Sierra Vista as Plaintiff(s), other court papers were served on provide internships or volunteer op- dissolution or otherwise, shall inure appointed herein. V. you within the State of Arizona, NOTICE portunities which will provide op- to the benefit of, or be distributed Registered Agent: Beverly M Hart, Defendant(s). your Answer must be filed within ARTICLES OF portunities for involvement in said to, its members, directors, officers /s/ Joseph Gabriel FROM THE STATE OF ARI- TWENTY (20) CALENDAR ORGANIZATION HAVE activities and programs in order to or other private person or indi- McDermott, Jr. ZONA TO: Beverly M Hart DAYS from the date of service, BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE have a greater impact for change. vidual, except that the corporation Date: June 23, 2021 WARNING: THIS AN OF- not counting the day of service. If OF THE ARIZONA ARTICLE IV - shall be authorized and empowered PUBLISHED: July 2, 2021, FICIAL DOCUMENT FROM this Summons and the other court CORPORATION NON-PROFIT NATURE to pay reasonable compensation for July 9, 2021, July 16, 2021. THE COURT THAT AFFECTS papers were served on you outside COMMISSION FOR 4.01 Non-profit Nature services rendered and to make pay- YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS the State of Arizona, your Answer I. Name: JHL CONSTRUC- Better Bucks of Sierra Vista is ments and distributions in further- NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF must be filed within THIRTY (30) TION LLC organized exclusively for charitable ance of the purposes set forth in Case No. PB202100208 YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND CALENDAR DAYS from the II. The address of the known and educational purposes includ- Article III, Section 3.01. IN AND FOR THE IT, CONTACT AN ATTOR- date of service, not counting the place of business is: 2095 West ing, for such purposes, the making 4.05 Restricted Activities SUPERIOR COURT OF NEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. day of service. Cave Cotton Loop Benson, AZ of distributions to organizations No substantial part of the corpo- THE COUNTY OF COCHISE 1. A lawsuit has been filed Requests for reasonable accom- 85602 which qualify as exempt organiza- ration’s activities shall be the carry- In the Matter of the Estate of against you. A copy of the lawsuit modation for persons with disabili- III. The name and street address tions under Section 501(c)(3) of the ing on of propaganda, or otherwise JOSEPH F. HARRINGTON, and other court papers were served ties must be made to the court by of the Statutory Agent is: James H Internal Revenue Code, or corre- attempting to influence legislation, Deceased. on you with this Summons. parties at least 3 working days in Langford 2095 West Cave Cotton sponding section of any future Tax and the corporation shall not par- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- 2. If you do not want a judgment advance of a scheduled court pro- Loop Benson, AZ Code. No part of the net earnings ticipate in, or intervene (including EN that FRANCINE A. HAR- taken against you without your ceeding. Management Structure: of Better Bucks of Sierra Vista shall the publishing or distribution of RINGTON has been appointed input, you must file an Answer in GIVEN under my hand and Member-Managed inure to the benefit of, or be dis- statements) in any political cam- Personal Representative of this writing with the Court, and you the Seal of the Superior Court of James H Langford tributable to its members, trustees, paign on behalf of or in opposition Estate. All persons having claims must pay the required filing fee. the State of Arizona in and for the 2095 West Cave Cotton Loop officers, or other private persons, to any candidate for public office. against the Estate are required To file your Answer, take or send County of COCHISE Benson, AZ except that the corporation shall 4.06 Prohibited Activities to present their claims within the papers to Clerk of the Superior SIGNED AND SEALED this (x) Member be authorized and empowered to Notwithstanding any other pro- four months after the date of the Court, PO Drawer CK, Bisbee, date: June 15, 2021 PUBLISHED: July 2, 2021, pay reasonable compensation for vision of these Articles, the corpo- first publication of this notice or Arizona 85603 or electronically file Clerk of Superior Court July 9, 2021, July 16, 2021. services rendered and to make pay- ration shall not carry on any activi- the claims will be forever barred. your Answer through one of Arizo- By: s/ Deputy Clerk ments and distributions in further- ties not permitted to be carried on Claims must be presented by de- na’s approved electronic filing sys- PUBLISHED: July 9, 2021, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ance of the purposes set forth in the (1) by a corporation exempt from livering or mailing a written state- tems at http://www.azcourts.gov/ July 16, 2021, July 23, 2021, July Case No. PB202100153 purpose clause hereof. Federal Income Tax as an organiza- ment of the claim to the Personal efilinginformation. Mail a copy of 30, 2021. IN AND FOR THE Notwithstanding any other pro- tion described by Section 501(c)(3) Representative at: the Answer to the other party, the SUPERIOR COURT OF vision of this document, the corpo- of the Internal Revenue Code, or FRANCINE A. Plaintiff, at the address listed on NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE COUNTY OF COCHISE ration shall not carry on any other the corresponding section of any HARRINGTON the top of this Summons. Case No. 202100212 In the Matter of the Estate of activities not permitted to be car- future Federal Tax Code, or (II) c/o Williams Melo, PLC Note: If you do not file electroni- IN AND FOR THE NATHAN J. STOVER, De- ried out on (a) by any organization by a corporation, contributions to 2107B Paseo San Luis, Suite C cally, you will not have electronic SUPERIOR COURT OF ceased. exempt from Federal Income Tax which are deductible under Section Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 access to the documents in this THE COUNTY OF COCHISE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- under Section 501(c)(3) of the In- 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue DATED this 1st day of case. In the Matter of the Estate of EN that JAMES E. STOVER has ternal Revenue Code, correspond- Code, or the corresponding section July, 2021. 3. If this Summons and the LESLIE U. BURGESS, JR., De- been appointed Personal Represen- ing section of any future Federal of any future Federal Tax Code. s/ Paul W. Melo, Esq. other court papers were served on ceased. tative of this Estate. All persons Tax Code, or (b) by an organiza- ARTICLE V - PUBLISHED: July 9, 2021, you within the State of Arizona, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- having claims against the Estate tion, contributions to which are BOARD OF DIRECTORS July 16, 2021, July 23, 2021. your Answer must be filed within EN that Ruth F. Keene aka Ruth are required to present their claims deductible under Section 170(c)(2) 5.01 1Better Bucks of TWENTY (20) CALENDAR F. Keene Burgess has been ap- within four months after the date of the Internal Revenue Code, or Sierra Vista shall be governed NOTICE TO CREDITORS DAYS from the date of service, pointed Personal Representative of the first publication of this notice corresponding section of any future by its Board of Directors. Case No. PB202100204 not counting the day of service. If of this Estate. All persons hav- or the claims will be forever barred. Federal Tax Code. 5.02 Initial Directors IN AND FOR THE this Summons and the other court ing claims against the Estate are Claims must be presented by de- Better Bucks of Sierra Vista is The initial directors of the cor- SUPERIOR COURT OF papers were served on you outside required to present their claims livering or mailing a written state- not organized and shall not be op- poration shall be: THE COUNTY OF COCHISE the State of Arizona, your Answer within four months after the date ment of the claim to the Personal erated for the private gain of any President – Scott F. Borgstadt, In the Matter of the Estate must be filed within THIRTY (30) of the first publication of this notice Representative at: person. The property of the corpo- 1500 Wildflower Pl, Sierra Vista, of GLENN R. BALCOM, De- CALENDAR DAYS from the or the claims will be forever barred. James E. Stover ration is irrevocably dedicated to its AZ 85635 ceased. date of service, not counting the Claims must be presented by de- c/o Williams Melo, PLC educational and charitable purpos- Vice President – Eva Marie NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- day of service. livering or mailing a written state- 2107B Paseo San Luis, Suite C es. No part of the assets, receipts, Dickerson, 4535 S. Sauk Ave, Si- EN that MYRA C. BUCKL- Requests for reasonable accom- ment of the claim to the Personal Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 or net earnings of the corporation erra Vista, AZ 85650 AEW has been appointed Personal modation for persons with disabili- Representative at: DATED this 30th day of June, shall inure to the benefit of, or be Secretary – Christopher Hale, Representative of this Estate. All ties must be made to the court by Paul W. Melo 2021. distributed to any individual. The 2770 Ridge Crest St, Sierra Vista, persons having claims against the parties at least 3 working days in Williams Melo, PLC s/ Andrew Carlson, Esq. corporation may, however, pay rea- AZ 85650 Estate are required to present their advance of a scheduled court pro- 2107B Paseo San Luis, Suite C PUBLISHED: July 2, 2021, sonable compensation for services Treasurer – Joseph Gabriel Mc- claims within four months after the ceeding. Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 July 9, 2021, July 16, 2021. rendered, and make other payments Dermott, Jr., 3088 Raven Dr, Si- date of the first publication of this GIVEN under my hand and DATED this 2nd day of and distributions consistent with erra Vista, AZ 85650 notice or the claims will be forever the Seal of the Superior Court of July, 2021. ARTICLES OF these Articles. Director - D. Christopher Rus- barred. Claims must be presented the State of Arizona in and for the s/ Paul W. Melo INCORPORATION 4.02 Personal Liability sell, 202 E. Wilcox Dr, Sierra Vis- by delivering or mailing a written County of COCHISE PUBLISHED: July 9, 2021, ARTICLE I - NAME No officer or director of this ta, AZ 85635 statement of the claim to the Per- SIGNED AND SEALED this July 16, 2021, July 23, 2021 1.01 Name corporation shall be personally li- Director – Fred T. Shirley, 333 sonal Representative at: date: June 16, 2021 The name of this corporation able for the debts or obligations of W. Wilcox Dr, Ste 100, Sierra Vis- MYRA C. BUCKLAEW Clerk of Superior Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS shall be Better Bucks of Sierra Vis- Better Bucks of Sierra Vista of any ta, AZ 85635 c/o Williams Melo, PLC By: s/ Deputy Clerk NO. PB20210184 ta. The business of the corporation nature whatsoever, nor shall any of Director – Ty Baze, 180 E. Wil- 2107B Paseo San Luis, Suite C PUBLISHED: July 2, 2021, IN THE SUPERIOR may be conducted as Better Bucks the property or assets of the officers cox Dr, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 July 9, 2021, July 16, 2021, July 23, COURT OF THE STATE OF of Sierra Vista, Better Bucks Sierra or directors be subject to the pay- Director – Eric Petermann, 4269 DATED this 1st day of July, 2021. ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE Vista or Sierra Vista Better Bucks) ment of the debts or obligations of Desert Springs Trl, Sierra Vista, 2021. COUNTY OF COCHISE ARTICLE II - DURATION this corporation. AZ 85635 s/ Andrew Carlson SUMMONS In the Matter of the Estate of 2.01 Duration 4.03 Dissolution Director – James Howe, 11 PUBLISHED: July 9, 2021, Case No. S0200CV202100328 STEPHEN PAUL BROWN, De- The period of duration of the Upon termination or dissolution School Dr, Sierra Vista, AZ July 16, 2021, July 23, 2021. Person/Attorney Filing: ceased. corporation is perpetual. of Better Bucks of Sierra Vista, any 85635 Andrew Carlson NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- ARTICLE III - PURPOSE assets lawfully available for distri- ARTICLE VI - State Bar Number: 035385 EN that MARILYN BROWN has 3.01 Purpose bution shall be distributed to one MEMBERSHIP SEE MORE Issuing State: AZ been appointed Personal Represen- Better Bucks of Sierra Vista is (1) or more qualifying organiza- 6.01 Membership IN THE SUPERIOR tative of this Estate. All persons a non-profit corporation and shall tions described in Section 501(c)(3) Better Bucks of Sierra Vista shall LEGAL NOTICES COURT OF THE STATE OF having claims against the Estate operate exclusively for educational of the Internal Revenue Code of have no members. The manage- ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE are required to present their claims and charitable purposes within the 1986 (or described in any corre- ment of the corporation shall be ON PAGE 8 COUNTY OF COCHISE within four (4) months after the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the sponding provision of any successor vested in a Board of Directors, as 8 Legal Notices The Tombstone News Friday, July 16, 2021 LEGAL NOTICES TRIVIA ANSWERS: ������������������ 1. Hovercraft. 2. Sliced bread. 3. John Logie Baird. NOTICE NOTICE 4. Water skies. 5. The dollar sign. 6. Edinburgh. ARTICLES OF ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION HAVE ORGANIZATION HAVE ����������������������� 7. Insulin. 8. Tramways. 9. Barber. 10. Deaf. BEEN FILED IN THE BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OFFICE OF THE OF THE ARIZONA ������������ ARIZONA CORPORATION CORPORATION COMMISSION FOR COMMISSION FOR ��������������������� I. Name: MONEY FEITZ, I. Name: Chief Aviation, LLC ����������������� ����������� LLC II. The address of the known II. The address of the known place of business is: 4451 N. Loma ���������������� ���������������� place of business is: 837 Montrose Vista Road Willcox, AZ 85643 ������������������ Ave Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 III. The name and street address ������������������ ������������������ III. The name and street address of the Statutory Agent is: James of the Statutory Agent is: Brittany Cassidy 4451 N. Loma Vista Road Feitz 837 Montrose Ave Sierra Vis- Willcox, AZ 85643 ta, AZ 85635 Management Structure: �������������������� ������������������ ��������������� Management Structure: Manager-Managed Manager-Managed James Cassidy ���������������� ���������������� Brittany Feitz 4451 N. Loma Vista Road ���������������� 837 Montrose Ave Willcox, AZ 85643 Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 (x) Manager ������������������ ������������������ ������������������ (x) Manager PUBLISHED: July 16, 2021, PUBLISHED: July 9, 2021, July 23, 2021, July 30, 2021. July 16, 2021, July 23, 2021. ����������������������������������� NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Case No. PB202100216 ARTICLES OF IN AND FOR THE ����������������������������������� ORGANIZATION HAVE SUPERIOR COURT OF BEEN FILED IN THE THE COUNTY OF COCHISE OFFICE OF THE In the Matter of the Estate of ���������������������������� ARIZONA CORPORATION MARIA DEJESUS EICHEN- COMMISSION FOR BERGER-SEAGE, Deceased. I. Name: SIERRA VISTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- �������������������������� RUNNING COMPANY, LLC EN that ALBERTO MARTI- II. The address of the known NEZ has been appointed Personal place of business is: 837 Montrose Representative of this Estate. All ����������������������������������������������������� Ave Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 persons having claims against the III. The name and street address Estate are required to present their ���������������������������������������������������� of the Statutory Agent is: Brittany claims within four months after the Feitz 837 Montrose Ave Sierra Vis- date of the first publication of this ta, AZ 85635 notice or the claims will be forever ������������������������������������������������������ Management Structure: barred. Claims must be presented Member-Managed by delivering or mailing a written ����������������������������������������������� Brittany Feitz statement of the claim to the Per- 837 Montrose Ave sonal Representative at: Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 ALBERTO MARTINEZ ����������������������������������������� (x) Member c/o Williams Melo, PLC Alex Feitz 2107B Paseo San Luis, Suite C ����������������� 837 Montrose Ave Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 DATED this 7th day of (x) Member July, 2021. ���������������� PUBLISHED: July 9, 2021, s/ Andrew J. Carlson July 16, 2021, July 23, 2021. PUBLISHED: July 16, 2021, ����������������������������������������������������� July 23, 2021, July 30, 2021. Not a bank account. Because we're not a bank.

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