My Money Beliefs Assessment

Our beliefs drive us subconsciously.

Many of us don’t ever take the time to truly examine our money beliefs, but instead are fueled in our money decisions and emotions with what we have experienced, or learnt from parents, school, friends and community..

When you think of your money mindset as being a muscle that needs to be developed, you realise that you may never have truly explored your attitude, beliefs, and/or money behaviour.

The process of changing the way you think about money is holistic. It’s not even just about your beliefs, but also about emotional associations, history, environment, friends, partners, skills, your spiritual beliefs, and loads of subconscious memories and triggers.

What do you believe about money? Is it easy to get?

Do you always have enough? Or not enough?

What are you expecting will happen for you?

There comes a time when we need to recognize what our beliefs and thoughts are in relation to money. If you know that you have negative thoughts, then it’s never too late to change them!


Write down what you believe about money. No filter! Just get it down on paper.

The following questionnaire is designed to help you just to begin to understand some of your beliefs about money.

Note on a scale of 1-3 what you believe

Copyright © Louise Taylor. Updated annually. All Rights Reserved. 1

(1: No, I do not believe this, 3: Yes, I believe this).

Do not worry if you have some 1’s as this just creates awareness of your beliefs and you can choose the ones you want to change. This is a very first step to start to think about how you feel and behave in relation to money.

___ I deserve to have all the money I want. ___ Getting money is hard. ___ When I receive money, I feel great. ___ When I am in the flow, I get money easily. ___ My product/service is worth paying for. ___ I am worthy of having a lot of money. ___ I feel positive about money every day. ___ I have a team that helps me make money. ___ I am confident in selling. ___ The people around me support me in building my dream. ___ I control my business. ___ I am a generous giver. ___ I am a great receiver of money. ___ I am in control of my income. ___ I always have everything I need financially. ___ I always get what I want financially. ___ I am truly grateful every day for what I have. ___ I feel confident when I think about money. ___ I have had positive money experiences. ___ I am well educated about investing. ___ I always pay my bills on time. ___ I have great skills that allow me to earn money. ___ I am confident to ask for money. ___ I always feel like I have enough money. ___ Rich people are good people. ___ I know a lot of rich people.

Copyright © Louise Taylor. Updated annually. All Rights Reserved. 2 ___ I am a good money manager. ___ People always respect my money. ___ I have made good decisions about money in my life. ___ You can be rich and kind at the same time. ___ I need money to fuel my mission. ___ I have overcome money barriers before. ___ I have a plan for passive income streams. ___ I have passive income streams. ___ I have multiple sources of income. ___ I am good at selling. ___ I love to spend money.

Action: Note your 1’s. and note your 3’s. Pick one area and start to identify how you can work on this one aspect. Do one thing that you’ve never done before in the particular area. For example, if you put a 1 against spending money. Notice how you are feeling when you buy something next time. Or when you pay a bill. Get excited when you pay a bill rather than engaging with worry or stress. Then you begin to be thankful that you have money to pay that one bill. Think of it as investing in your life – rather than a painful experience. The more comfortable you are with spending, the more comfortable you will be with receiving. Having said this – its important to be a good steward of the money you have – so spend what you need to spend and don’t go crazy if you aren’t paying off debts – but if you do choose to spend – be happy about it.

Just do these 3 steps in the next 3 days.

1. Journal every day by noting down what words you associate when you think about money. 2. Check back to this questionnaire in 3 days.

3. Identify which beliefs are driving your money decisions.

(Examples: Thinking about paying a bill = pain, saving up for a holiday = I can’t afford it.) Join our Facebook Group for more live and free tools, and offers for group and corporate coaching programs.

Copyright © Louise Taylor. Updated annually. All Rights Reserved. 3

Copyright © Louise Taylor. Updated annually. All Rights Reserved. 4